#i do cuddle my teddies and my dog falls asleep with me even tho he leaves and sleeps in the hallway eventually
clits-and-clips · 6 months
If im not cuddled to sleep soon im going to fling myself into the ocean
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Brothel HCs by @scratchietella 💖
toxic note bc I know someone will ask lol: after vampire!Joel dragged his coffin to slasher's camper, he couldn't fit it inside, so he has it under the camper's pop-out sunshade thing. some of the guys feel bad for him. raider and night walks (perhaps the buffest joels) help him move it onto the screened-in porch 🥹. vampire loves the porch, loved the camper too.
1.2k, my fave parts in pink 💕
scratchietella said:
the joel!big brother house thingy u do for fun. imagine just plopping a reader in the middle of that. like she just randomly wakes up in the living room one day and she’s a nondescript reader (like she’s not from any of their specific universes or maybe she’s the same reader that’s in all of them, she’s just Reader™️)
debating between what their reactions would be, especially if reader does lean towards more of a reserved/polite/shy/quieter side naturally. stepdad probably makes her a very elaborate, filling breakfast, wants her to sit at the breakfast bar with him and make himself her favourite and endear her to him with his mad cooking skills (especially cus he’s in the dog house).  raider joel .. hmm.. reader can be a possessive little thing in all universes, so he knows if he gives her special attention she’ll likely begin to want it more and more and enjoy it. he doesn’t really know how to go about it in a non-apocalypse situation - he just knows that he doesn’t want any other joel even looking at her, ironically.
maybe night walks Joel is that one annoying little shit that puts the flirt on full whack. he’s popping up everywhere, liking that he flusters her, even when another Joel (maybe speakeasy/exhibitionist Joel) tells him to back off/tone it down, just to then pipe up himself with a little smile and a comment
vampire Joel <33 sits there with his big baby cow eyes, probably doesn’t say too much. maybe because he seems so regular, reader gravitates towards him more. Lincoln!joel was so sure she’d gravitate toward him, maybe even let herself lounge and snuggle on his lap cus she enjoys that type of thing, like a baby kitten, when one of em proposes a household film night with blankets and snacks, needless to say they all have diff degrees of colourful reactions when reader sits next to the arm of the sofa and vamp joel and even falls asleep cuddled into his side, face between his skin and soft shirt.
time for bed is the worst. so many of em say she can share their bed, either with them in it or with them at the other end of the room on the decently sized ottoman (honestly for some it’s probably the fact that she’d choose them over the others and they’d get to see her all cuddled in his bed like a sleepy little cat, shy thing, probably have to wear their shirt too).
can see this type of reader being a bit more overwhelmed at this scenario tho, like not wanting to offend anyone but wanting to be polite all the same. probably due to being safe when she napped cuddled into vamp Joel, she wants to say that she can go sleep in his bed with him tonight if that’s okay!! however.
if raider joel managed to wrangle her into his bed, he’d do his usual ‘im gonna spoon you so tight I’ll feel like a big safe weighted blanket (totally not for any other reasons at all)’ thing.
if speakeasy joel got her, he’d probably give her the illusion of choice about him getting in with her, but he’d manage to do it. probably simply just say like “kiss” before they sleep, as a Goodnight kiss, trying his luck. his exhibitionist tendencies have been dampened down for the time being, but if another Joel pops his head in to say Goodnight, he’d definitely make a big thing out of being close to reader, maybe throwing her leg over himself
if vamp Joel DID get her, maybe he’d be all “you wanted me? 🥹🥹” like he’d be a bit touched. he’d be the type to scout around to find a particularly soft blanket for you, a TEDDY <33 too, he’d try force himself to sleep elsewhere, but he’d want to protect you from any other Joel interference, so he’d stay at the other end of the room. If reader sat next to him and slept during movie time, maybe reader could momentarily overcome her shyness/embarrassment enough to really quietly ask him to please get in bed please
throughout any situation and more, Lincoln joel would be plotting. get her to like him more than any others. maybe he does a few sneak attacks; he doesn’t get her in his room to sleep?? alright then. he’s poking his head around the doorframe making sure to have a ‘conflicted but soft’ look on his face, bringing reader a nice hot chocolate to drink before she goes to sleep, sits on the edge of the bed facing her while she drinks it, kisses her hair before he leaves. maybe does that thing (bad description) where he has a hand stroking her hair, head tilted down looking into her eyes all soft and he says something slightly manipulative before leaving. stepdad Joel would maybe do a similar thing, but he’d try and subtly get you to switch rooms at last minute, or maybe he’d ‘accidentally’ wake you in the middle of the night with some lame excuse, trying to get you to switch over rooms to his instead (god forbid it’s a Joel who has his arms around you, even worse if it’s a character like raider joel, who would be off the scales pissed, it’d probably cause a big divide in the household)
also, i can see a couple of Joel’s (in their own specific ways) also offer help with bathtime prior to bedtime?? like raider joel would bring it up like it’s expected and non negotiable in a way (could see a lot of his tendencies transferring over into a Harder!But!Still!Soft!Just!Strict! Dom), and readers all blushy n panicked cus what does he mean he wants to run me a bath and wash my body with this scent and brush my wet hair and dress me in pajamas after??????. lincoln joel/stepdad could bring it up as an option to ‘help relax and soothe’ before bedtime, cus they all know she’s a bit nervy and quiet and uncomfy in a way, and they’d wanna light a cute candle and lather her in a sweet shower gel etcetc, except Lincoln joel would try and edge it a bit more into getting in as well.
stepdad Joel is trying to make a very very good impression tonight, offering to put readers post-bath-wet hair into two braids when she sits cross cross apple sauce infront of the sofa so it doesn’t go wild when she’s asleep
god forbid reader does any actions they could see as extremely endearing, like rubbing her eyes, or clutching a teddy one of em gave her to try get in her good graces.
(This sounds kinda like I’m trying to make a little!reader or something like that, to clarify, im not! It’s just little things that I personally find comforting for myself, and in the current state, i feel like many Joel’s would be over compensating and trying very hard, overboard almost, especially for a reader with a more reserved personality. Also, if I missed any types of Joel out I didn’t mean to lol, this was all off the top of my head <33)
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
The Extremely Large Tag Game
ATagged By: @dreamystuffers​ thank you sweet pea and HOLY SHIT THIS REALLY IS THE ULTIMATE TAG GAME BUT I AM READY.
SECTION ONE: First and last tag: post the first line of a wip as well as the last line you’ve written so far!
So I have several Wips at the moment and whelp, I’m gonna do them all lol.
The Size of a Heart: Wonho and Reader (Drabble)
First Line Written: The sky was burning as the sun set for the night, cloaking the city in its familiar darkness.
Last Line Written: “I tell myself that it’s better if it hurts, but I…I can’t anymore…I can’t.”
Tentatively Falling: Vampire Jongdae and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: Strobe lights flashed around the dark bar, drawing your attention every now and then when they went wild as the bass dropped.
Last Line Written: It was more than you ever thought, but it was exactly what you dreamt about hearing him say.
Heavenly Father: Boyfriend Yoongi, Priest Jimin, Alter boy Jungkook, and Reader (Smut Crack Drabble - Title May Change)
First Line Written: The stain glass windows in the Church were a sight to see during the day, the sunlight streaming through and bringing life to the images during the service, and brought a sense of comforting to those during times of trouble.
Last Line Written: Jimin groaned and your eyes watered when your nose was pressed against the base, his dick down your throat.
Knitting You a Home: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: The wind howled while rain pelted your house as the storm refused to let up.
Last Line Written: For the moment, his thoughts were cleared, allowing him to fall asleep with you safely in his arms.
SECTION TWO. Enter 15 of your biases and put them in this order to discover the story of your life
Parent: Hongjoong
well I mean he is pretty daddy at times
Sibling: Jongdae
Grandparent: Sammy
Haunts you: Vernon
Significant other: Jooheon
Ex: Yuta
damn that’s...that’s a change
Best friend: Chanyeol
Proposed to you: Yoongi
Was this before Jooheon or after Jooheon? Who’s my ass with?
Your boss: Taeyong
Random person you meet a the bar: Seonghwa
Rival: Bang Chan
First kiss: Namjoon
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Wonho
Played seven minutes in heaven with: Felix
Gave you your favorite dessert: Jackson
I...I can see this one. He’s sweet to do that
SECTION THREE. Describe your bias by their vibes as if they were someone in your life. (I’m doing my Ults, 1 from each group.)
Jongdae (EXO): The guy that everyone knows because he’s the one with that distinguishable laugh. The class clown that knows the limits and only crosses them on rare occasions. You think you know him but then he’ll say something that you never knew about him. Craves his independence but is the quiet one when in a large group, smiling as he watches the more energetic ones run about. An old soul trapped in a young body.
Yoongi (BTS): The one who devotes himself to his work and rarely sees the light of day. His room is littered with empty to go cups of coffee mixed with his own assortment of coffee mugs Coffee ring stains on furniture. You think he’s not listening or paying attention but when you least expect it, he’ll quietly do something or hand you a gift that he knows you treasure. He’ll never ask for cuddles, but he’ll always give them to you and refuse to let you go when you try to get up. Wise beyond his years because he’s suffered and doesn’t wish it on anyone else.
Yuta (NCT): The popular guy that at first everyone warns you about, but once you get to know him yourself, you don’t know why they warned you in the first place because he’s a total sweetheart. The guy who flirts with everyone and anyone, but remains loyal to his girl. He’s never without his iced coffee, and he’s dyeing his hair in the bathtub with a friend to help make sure it doesn’t go too wrong. Will entertain your drunk texts. He’s the one to text at 2 am when you’re feeling alone and down and he’ll do what he can to lift you back up with nothing but the truth.
Hongjoong (Ateez): He’s the guy who doesn’t give a shit about trends or styles, he creates his own. The guy who does the piercings at the local tattoo shop knows him by name because he’s gotten so many of his piercings done there. He is the Fashion DIY King. Will roast his friends the hardest  because he loves them the most and takes it when they dish it back. Somehow manages to rock hairstyles - long live the mullet - that no one thought should have ever existed. Don’t let him cook though. If he cooks you’ll end up with food poisoning. He’s the one who will let you try makeup tricks and new products on him. Secretly amazing at painting nails.
Wonho (Monsta X): He’s the guy friend that you never expected to be friends with. Him? You? Total opposites on a physical scale. On completely different levels. Once you get to know him, he’s a total teddy bear. Doesn’t question it when you suddenly appear and hug him without saying a word, he’ll simply hug you back while maintaining the conversation he had going. Or he’ll simply surprise you with a hug because he likes them.
Bang Chan (Stray Kids): He’s the one that always has his earbuds in even during class. Like he’s the guy that has the earbud going through the sleeve of his hoodie and is pressing his palm against his ear to listen to the music. Listens to everyone, even if he doesn’t know them that well and gives really good advice if they ask for it.
Jackson (Got7): The guy that you can hear a mile away. Hyper. Can’t sit still to save his life. He was the guy that you’d see doing laps in the hallway with his friends when he should have been in class, but he was the nice one. Passionate and when you ask him about what he’s working on, he’ll talk about it for hours. Will also apologize multiple times for going on but then continue to go on.
SECTION FOUR. Search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make yourself a moodboard
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SECTION FIVE. Make a normal and fantasy version of yourself using this !
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SECTION SIX. Writing tag game!
What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
A quiet office where I can play music softly in the background and be at a desk with a comfortable chair.
 What Genre do you prefer to write?
Slice of Life, Young Adult, College Age.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
Make a note of it in either my notebook or in the notes section on my phone.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Jimin and Hoseok
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I like to do both. Honestly, it’s kinda like a mix of both. With some of my fics, the only thing that makes them fanfics are that I’m using the real person’s name, and I’ll pin point on certain aspects of their physical features. In Brotið Hjarta, the only thing that connects to it being Namjoon is his name, and maybe his hair style/color and ear piercings, everything else was what I imagined it to be.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
Yes. Strawberry Cream and BBQ
How often do you get ideas?
From everyday life, sometimes I’ll be daydreaming and it kinda morphs into a story or a fanfic and so I’ll make notes so that I don’t forget it.
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
Yessss, all the time.
What is your least favorite plot?
I don’t know about least favorite plots, but I do hate it when fics dive straight into a story without any background or anything. Wait, so maybe that’s pwp fics????? I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but even with my fics that primarily focus on smut, I still add in those background details and give them a teeny tiny plot.
SECTION SEVEN. Put your music on shuffle and reveal the first ten songs that come on.
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall out Boy
In the Dark - Bring Me the Horizon
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
All In - Monsta X
To the Beat - Ateez
Shot - Lil’ Jon
Daechwita - Agust D
Treasure - Ateez
Adore You - Harry Styles
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
SECTION EIGHT. Questions tag:
Relationships: 2
Break-ups: 2
Kids: Right now? 0
Brothers and Sisters: 1 older brother.
Pets: 0
Surgeries: 0
Tattoos: 0
Countries you’ve been to: 0
Been in an airplane: yes
Been in an ambulance: yes
I sing karaoke: hell no.
Ice skating: I like it but I suck at it and have only been able to go during school events in the past.
Been on a cruise: hell no
Driven a motorcycle: nope
Ridden a horse: yes
Stayed in a hospital: nope
Favorite fruit or berry: Raspberries
Favorite color: Magenta
Last text: “Perfect! I’ll let you know when I am able to send yours out!” - I do pen palling and was letting someone know when I could send them a post card in exchange for the one I’m getting.
Cat or dog: Cat
Favorite pizza: White sauce pizza with chicken and feta cheese
Met a star: nope
Flown a helicopter: nada
Been on TV: nope
Broken my leg: nope
Seen a ghost: don’t believe in them.
Been sick in a taxi: nope
Seen someone die: no
SECTION NINE: Fifteen questions tag:
One ; it’s your birthday! what did you ask for?
Gift cards, um...(this is bad because my birthday is actually coming up) maybe some things from my Amazon list?
Two ; what was the last song / album you listened to?
WAP by Cardi B
Three ; what is your go to snack when you’re hungry?
Chocolate, cookies or cookies dipped in peanut butter
Four ; what is your morning routine?
Wake up, check messages on my phone while still in bed, get up, make coffee, maybe eat breakfast, drink coffee in bed, listen to music/watch videos or read on phone while drinking coffee, get dressed, brush teeth and skincare routine, make bed.
Five ; what mythical creature would you be?
An Elf? Or a Forest Witch. Something that has to do with the Earth and nature.
Six ; how do you interact with someone you don’t like?
I give short and straight to the point answers, if I’m working on something and they come up to me I’ll pointedly focus on that task instead of them.
Seven ; how do you define a toxic person?
Someone who lies, who makes you feel bad about the things that you do, that puts you done while lifting themselves, who is constantly bragging about their own things, who puts down others, who acts like they’re better, who acts like they’re way of life should be the only way of life.
Eight ; have you ever been to a concert or a fan-meet? if not, would you want to?
I have not, but I would like to one day because they seem fun and it would be nice to see a performance in person.
Nine ; do you believe in astrology? why or why not?
I do, mostly because it’s fun and interesting and I tend to find that I do a lot of the things and act like my zodiac sign without realizing it (aka I’m a Virgo).
Ten ; if you could have only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you keep?
Eleven ; who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
At the moment, BM from Kard.
Twelve ; if you could talk to your favorite celebrity for a limited time, what would you tell them?
How do you keep going when it gets hard?
Thirteen ; I’m taking you out on a date. where are we going?
Maybe an art museum, or somewhere with flowers?
Fourteen ; do you prefer sweet or savory?
Fifteen ; do you have any Merch from any of your favorite artists?
I have several BTS albums and an EXO album.
I AM Tagging: @mygsii @myforeverforlife  @peonybane  @hobicomeholla29  @loser-dot-com @jeonsdear @namsjoon  @kpopcinnamonswirlroll @eashmo201 @1997jk @soulofatiny @cherryeoo​ @minniepetals​ @minniesmarshmallow​ @yoongi-sugaglider​  @crystaljins​ @taestfully​  @hyyunjins​ @i-am-delaney​ @worldwidebt7​ @flurrys-creativity​  @apurpledheart​ @holyfluffly​ @yunception​ @boymeetsweevil​ @chans-chair​ @brokecollegenerd​ @jinyoungsir​ @writersrealmbts​ @kpophoneybunny​ @actuallythatwaspromise​  @ladyartemesia​ @haylo4ever​ @ggukcangetit​ @kpopfanfictrash​ @wwilloww​ @jingabitch​ @kigurumu​ @jamaiskook​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ot7always-main​  @hauntedlilies​ @koophoriia​ @lorealchanelll​ @sweetheart--sannie​  @sweetae-tae​ @iniquitouspoppy​  
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the-rawr-ster · 4 years
Relationship Headcanons (HC) (I’m not finish and my dumbass posted it before I could so come back later.)
Okay, anyways
If you don’t believe aliens exist don’t even try to have a conversation with him
He to stay up all night and talk about conspiracy theories, so be prepared for him waking you at 3am to talk about how the CIA framed Lee Harvey Oswald for the Assassination of JFK.
He needs constant validation and reassurance
Slap his ass until it breaks
Buy him milk bread
He’ll either do everything in his power to keep you or he’ll just let you go without giving it a second thought.
When he’s overworking himself be there for him, listen to him, and reassure him that he’s a good VB player
If he’s being TOO cocky don’t be afraid to say something
Crackhead energy 24/7
Wear his team jacket, he likes it when you do it.
Y’all will either get a pet cat or a hamster
He loves movie nights, but nothing scary
Tell him I love you first, if he hasn’t said it already he’s probably just scared you’ll reject him
DO NOT PUSH HIS BUTTONS, Oikawa is petty asf, just don’t okay?
If you wanna loose him, compare him to Kageyama. He resents him because he feels inferior.
Don’t expect him to ever be home on time, he spends a lot time practicing alone. He’ll probably forget to eat, so show up with dinner in a to go box for him .
Be patient, he’s not always gonna have time for you, he is a volleyball player after all.
He can be really childish sometimes, so you’ll probably have to go all Iwa-Chan on him.
Laugh at his jokes
Be petty when a girl flirts with him. He likes that shit.
Randomly make a funny face at him in the hallway
He has a big ego, so if you ignore him when you first meet, he’ll either fall in love with you or ignore you back.
Like i said, he needs constant reassurance and for you to be patient with him. His ex left him because he was so indulged in volleyball. Oikawa is really insecure about his abilities as a setter, especially when he’s compared to Kageyama.
Kageyama is to Oikawa as Voldemort is to Hogwarts, just don’t say his name, avoid it at all costs.
He’d be someone difficult to be in a relationship with, so it’s best to start out as friends.
Movie dates for sure, y’all will definitely watch a lot of sci-fi movies
Get him dino plushies, he may not say it out loud but it’s basically canon that he like dinosaurs.
Museum dates? Yes please.
Will teach you about all the dinosaurs
A bit of a tsundere
He likes when you guys throw playful insults at eachother
Do not force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do but do encourage him
Late night face times. Like y’all will fall asleep on the phone together
Study dates, he loves study dates. Especially when he doesn’t have to be super patient with you like Hinata, but he does love to help, don’t get me wrong.
He loves it when you’re clingy. Like he acts like he doesn’t but when you hold onto his arm and stuff, he’s internally blushing.
Literally does not care about looks. He is not superficial. He thinks looks are stupid and irrelevant when it comes to love.
Will definitely give you a pet name like idiot
Hug him, hug him, hug him. He likes it. He really likes it.
He’s emotionally constipated though, so if he doesn’t say I love you back, don’t take it to heart.
Definitely wants you to focus on your own goals. Will aggressively make sure you to focus on it and stuff.
If you’re not eating, he will force feed you.
You’ll probably have to scold him though for being mean to Hinata and Kageyama.
You guys hurled insults at each other when you met.
If you’re short he will definitely tease you and hold things high up in the air
Do not push him to tell you how he’s feeling. He will immediately close off and push you away
Tsukki is a jealous bean. Like if you’re unintentionally flirting with someone he’ll act like he doesn’t care but then he’ll act out whew
Tsukki puts his education first just for the record
Omg so wholesome
You guys go on cute dates, like fairs and stuff. He even wins you teddy bears and other prizes.
He definitely said I love you first
He does point out how short you are but not because he’s teasing you.
He needs lots of attention
Like a lot
Cause he’s like a puppy
He will bother you just because he’s bored
He just wants to lay in bed all day with you and cuddle
Horror movies don’t scare him because he’s seen the worst from Yaku
Probably wants you to beat up Yaku for him
He’s not really good with serious stuff. Scratch that, he doesn’t take ANYTHING seriously.
He’s really blunt so he might end up offending you at some point
He’s super tall so he grabs anything that you can’t reach and then makes fun of you for it.
You’re the Sugawaura to his chaos
You definitely keep him grounded
Bear hugs, he loves them.
No French kissing tho
Lots of head pats
NSFW stuff is the last thing on his mind so just wait until he’s ready
You guys might get into arguments often because of your clashing personalities but at the end of the day you both love each other
Mad Dog
He’s literally bakugou quirkless and playing volleyball
Very very possessive. He will not let any male near you (which in reality is v toxic)
Movie night? Slasher films all day. You guys watch them religiously.
Skips class just for you
You probably tease him a lot and he goes all angry chihuahua on you and you can’t help but laugh because you think it’s adorbs
He’s 100% the big spoon, there is no arguing about it.
He loves you but he won’t tell you that because he’s emotionally constipated
He’s v touch starved
Reassure him of your love and feelings for him because he definitely thinks you’ll leave him because of his “violent nature”.
Y’all definitely go to a skating rink for a date. Idky but he just has that vibe about him.
Your outfit colors ALWAYS match
Do not push his buttons
Those are just Nonos, he will become FERAL
Human interaction? Gross.
Y’all are like that quiet couple at a party
People are very concerned about your relationship despite it being perfectly fine
He shows his love for you by watching your everyday habits
y’all bake eachother cookies and brownies all the time
You get those couple necklaces and bracelets
Probs packs your lunch the night before
You’re that couple in the hallway that’s always saying I love you
When you have to hang up you both keep saying goodbye
His teammates gag at y’all’s PDA
He helps you with everything
No seggs until marriage for him
You guys are super goody together and have singing competitions and stuff
He’s super perceptive of all your habits so he can tell when you’re in a mood or something
He knows everything you like
You definitely said I love you first
Despite being perceptive he was definitely oblivious to his feelings
Omg imagine him being a father, adorable
Will clean and organize your room because you keep procrastinating
He can be super clingy but Sometimes he just needs space
He likes it when you call him babe or baby wholesome
He might nag sometimes and it gets annoying and you might argue
School before everything else
Kageyama ( almost a mirror of Oikawa)
NO PDA because he thinks he’s a tough guy
However, expect to be bragged about in front of Oikawa.
He’s like the others, so give him lots of reassurance
Your relationship is just so chill bruh. Like fast food takeout as a date? Yes
He really appreciates it when you go to his games, but don’t cheer for him because he will get distracted
Expect Hinata to be over at All times because despite him brushing him off all the time he high key loves him
Fall asleep with him on the couch and hold his hand. He loves it.
Buy him milk. Do not drink his milk.
Don’t expect him to propose to you. If he does he’s probably really really nervous
He likes to have time by himself so give him space sometimes
Be clingy sometimes but not all the time
He’s like a dark and broody version of Oikawa so when he’s practicing late by himself or with Hinata, bring him food.
You’ve gotta be super duper goofy. Like goof off with him during dinner.
Loves taking walks with you at night. Hand in hand, with you leaning in to him.
You have to have thick skin because sometimes he might criticize you without realizing it
Tease him when he pouts like a lil baby
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 6 years
Monsta X as FWB
Summary: Monsta X as FWB Anon Request
A/N: Finally writing about these grown ass smokeshows...I am so fucking thirsty. I really struggled writing Changkyun (my bias) because I’m so in love it hurts I’m so sick of him
Warnings: Smut and s o f t b o i s
Word Count: 2657
Hyunwoo (Shownu)
He would be SO BAD at not catching feelings
You smile at him one time and he’s in love he couldn’t handle a fwb arrangement
The only way he’d even do it is if he really liked you but was afraid you didn’t want to commit
He’s really that bitch who’s like “if i dick her down real good maybe she’ll love me”
He might be right tho
If you ever take a shower at his place you won’t exactly be getting clean
In fact any time you show any amount of skin he’ll be all blushy and handsy
Def shy and hesitant until he gets comfortable with you
After he does it’s on, though, he’ll never wear a shirt if he doesn’t have to and you’ll be constantly thirsty
He’s the best at eating you out don’t @me
He doesn’t know how smoking hot he is so he’d be so proud when he made you flustered or made you come real hard
Not very vocal in bed but he’s got a low pitched whine when he’s close that sends you over the edge
Won’t dirty talk and will blush if you do but he’ll love it
If he’s horny he’ll send you a text like “hey” that’s it
Bad at sexting he’ll just send you pics and you know what a picture is worth 1000 words
Does that low-key possessive thing in public where he’ll lead you with his hand at the small of your back
Otherwise not very affectionate in public though, he’s worried you’ll reject him if he tries to hold your hand and he’s f r a g i l e
Smiling and lots of affection from this big teddy bear
Likes to take care of you, he’ll tear your ass up and then clean your apartment while you sleep and wake you up with takeout and a movie
He is never not buying you food it’s his way to say he loves you ok epitome of “how many food until date”
He will bruise you a lot by accident and feel so bad about it, kiss every one with an apologetic smile
Is it that he doesn’t know how strong he is or that he wants every guy around to know you’re his? Little from column a, little from column b
Please don’t let it slip if you’re seeing anyone else he will break your heart he’ll be so sad
Not even salty just will be a whole kicked puppy dog
Will dick you down hard after you tell him and then apologize and be the softest cuddly baby, won’t want to let you leave afterwards
Depending on how comfortable he is, he’ll either avoid you or be totally honest
Not in person though you’ll get a lot of emo texts he’s too shy to tell you
Your phone will be dinging as you walk out his door, tbh
“I don’t like this” “come back let’s talk”
But then when you do talk again he barely says anything just holding your hand and caressing your palm with his thumb
He’s likely to end the arrangement if he thinks you won’t choose him
He’ll be so sweet and apologetic tho he’ll say “I’m sorry but I’m just not built for this. I want you all to myself.”
You WILL choose him I mean it’s a no brainer, really
So you’ve chosen Lee Minhyuk as your fwb, huh? Good luck not falling in love, sis
He’s so. Much. Fun
He’ll wanna take you to amusement parks and carnivals and finger you on the Ferris Wheel
He’ll try and make you fall apart while at the dinner table with his hand under your skirt with the most innocent smile on his face
He’s down for anything in bed and he is a switch for sure
Loud AF when you tease him such whiny moans
If you spend a couple days with him y'all won’t get anything done because you’ll be trying to get dressed and he’s taking your clothes right back off
Doesn’t give a fuck if you leave marks and will be offended if you complain about him leaving them
He won’t get very salty if you have other partners but he’ll be competitive and try to occupy all your attention and be real extra in bed
You’ll probably catch feelings before he does he’s so talkative and fun you’ll get to know him fast and start to love all his little quirks
If you tell him he’ll be sweet about it and just be like “shit ok let’s try it’
If he catches feelings on the other hand and you’re not very perceptive, you’ll never know
He’ll get real weird, v quiet and sulky like he’d hate catching feelings and not know if you did or not
Would try to find out what you thought v obviously like "hey so if we did date how do you think it’s go?”
Will wait for you to ask him out even if he liked you first
Would be hesitant about an fwb arrangement bc he’s highkey salty when he doesn’t get his way
Would probably wanna cuff any meaningful sexual partner bc he’s territorial so you might worry it’s because of that and not because he actually likes you
Very respectful about things like consent would never fuck you while you were at all inebriated (like even two glasses of wine) even if you begged
Quiet with you in public he wouldn’t want to go out a lot because too much social interaction drains him
He’d be the type to be seeing other people but not wanting you to smh
But he’d feel bad about it and know it was dumb
He’d be really honest with you even to the point of hurting your feelings but if he wasn’t sure how he felt about you he’d just keep quiet
So much salt and shade thrown if you’re seeing someone else will get pressed if you so much as mention the other guy’s name while you’re with him
“Hey, this is my time, right? Focus on me.”
Rough in bed and a smirky little shit, knows he’s good
A whole dom he’d like you submissive but bratty
Loves to bark orders and dirty talk in foreplay but will be quiet during the act, low grunts
He’ll buy you lingerie almost be a low-key sugar daddy, really, you’ll mention a purse you like and find it shipped to your house
If he caught feelings he’d tell you immediately and force you to make a choice he won’t wait around for you to decide
If you caught feelings and he wasn’t ready he’d avoid you for a while but expect you to be ready to talk about it when he calls you a week later outta nowhere
Hoseok (Wonho)
This boy is all talk
He’d flirt like mad, tease you in public, hands all over you
When he got you alone he’d be a little shy and s o f t tho
Would be eager to try an fwb arrangement because he wants to think he’s a fuck boy
Spoiler alert: he is N O T
He’s almost worse than Shownu about catching feelings
Big showoff in bed after the second or third time
Likes to manhandle you
Highkey has a praise kink so it drives him crazy when you tell him how good he’s fucking you
Loud whiny moans, lots of dirty talk but he’s shy right after he comes and uber affectionate
Will sext you constantly
Wants to meet up every damn day
He’s rough in bed at first, pulling your hair, smacking your ass
When he catches feelings tho every once in a while he’ll go all sweet and slow
If he starts going down on you a lot you’re in trouble sis he’s in his feelings
He’s only a dom until he loves you then he’ll switch whenever you want
He will never not cuddle you after sex either way this man would stroke a one night stand’s hair for three hours after sex
Will mark and bruise you everywhere and be proud of it
He’d be pouty if you wore something to cover his bite marks and hickeys
Speaking of pouty just please like don’t let him find out you got another man
Your life is now constant d r a m a
Would follow you around at bars, salty af if he saw you dancing with someone else
Will make a whole scene
Tug you away into the hallway and if he’s drunk he might be crying
You’ll have to take him home and comfort him smh
Wears his heart on his sleeve so he’ll tell you he loves you like 2 weeks after y'all start fucking
His mom knows about you by week 3, ok, he’s a whole mess
Will cry about you to his friends, Shownu won’t like you bc Hoseok is listening to sad music and coming in his room at 3am being a emo baby
If you end the arrangement you’ll have to block his number he’ll be such a mess
Will lie and promise never to get salty about you seeing someone else if you just come back
He’s real cute if you like him back though, eager puppy and will make you know you’ve made the right choice by not letting you out of his bed for a full two days
Would probably be among the best at not catching feelings
He can’t be bothered to fall in love tbh
He might if you really understood him, though, like if you’d nap with him midday and talk to him about nothing for hours
You’d only be meeting up twice a week for sex he’s not that pressed
He knows he’s pretty and you are too and it works for him but it’s not that serious at first
Will not give a fuck if you’re seeing someone else but he won’t be bc he’s too lazy to maintain more than one arrangement
He would get a little salty if you cancelled a meeting with him for someone else though how dare you
He isn’t a sub but he likes you to do all the work in bed if you’re down, likes to see you riding him
Not rough at all
Quiet in bed, just short breaths
He may just call you over for a blowjob tbh
You’ll know he likes you if he goes down on you
Like he always will get you off but if he’s taking extra time he’s got it bad
Not rough in bed, almost romantic sometimes so that might get you in your feelings even though it’s just how he is
If you catch feelings first and try a dramatic confession and he doesn’t feel the same way he’ll ghost you
If he does like you he’ll call you sometimes just to talk when he can’t fall asleep
Won’t exactly tell you if he catches feelings you’ll just go out somewhere like to get breakfast and he’ll run into a friend and he’ll introduce you as his girlfriend
So anyway you’re dating now
Another “try not to fall in love” challenge
He’d suggest an arrangement just to make you blush and he shocked when you said yes
A real giver in bed, loves to eat you out and won’t even ask you to reciprocate but will be very grateful if you do
He’s so loud, wake the neighbors loud but his dirty talk is low key sweet
Also has a praise kink of sorts but likes to give rather than receive
Will fuck your brains out while singing your praises, “Look at you, baby, you’re so beautiful like this.”
He’d love to take you out, fancy dinners sometimes, would just kind of act like you’re his girlfriend even if it were casual
Will actually be your friend you can call him in the middle of the night crying and he’ll drop everything to help
Y'all will go to karaoke and shit he’s really like your bff who also dicks you down
If he wants to see someone else he’ll talk to you about it first and if you’re even a little uncomfortable, he won’t
He won’t be too salty if you see someone else but will be pouty and needy the next time you see him
Lots of cuddles and his dimpled smile
If you catch feelings it’ll make him catch feelings he’ll look at you in a whole new light
If he catches feelings he’ll just tell you
The second he realizes it he’ll deadass stick his head in the shower when you’re in there
“So hey I like you, let’s date, yeah?- why are you screaming it’s just me”
Changkyun (I.M)
He’s the most likely to be a whole fuck boy
He’s also probably the best in bed and he knows it
He’s a cocky little shit, knows how to make you tremble with a look and a slow wink
Will be your friend first and your sex partner second, if you’re upset or in a bad mood he’ll talk you down and make you feel better before even thinking of touching you sexually
Most blunt
“wya I’m horny come through”
Will talk to you about everything and nothing your pillow talk might be the best thing about your arrangement
Otherwise he won’t take you out much though he’s somewhat shy in public
Low groans and deep growls in bed
Absolute master of words in Korean or English lord help you if he dirty talks in bed p h e w
He won’t sext you much bc his deep ass voice is what makes your legs shake and he knows it
All about the foreplay wants to make you beg him to fuck you but he doesn’t last long because it gets him just as worked up
Rough in bed, sweet aftercare
Likes to wash your hair in the shower and shit
Makes you laugh a lot will send you memes when you’re having a bad day
Won’t initiate cuddling but loves it when you do and pulls you to against him
He will definitely be salty if you’re seeing someone else even if he is too but it’ll be quiet salty
If it’s in public he’ll just seduce you away from the other guy
“You like me better anyway, right honey?” Deep voice right against your ear as he ushers you into the cab and he’s all smirks when you let him up your skirt on the ride home
You WILL catch feelings even if you’re the most jaded bitch alive if you spend enough time with him
If you’re the type to run from feelings he will chase you
You’ll be talking to him after sex and he’ll give you that sweet smile when he shows his low-key dimples and your chest starts hurting and you’re like “I gtg”
He will follow you out the door fr
Blow your phone up
Even if he isn’t sure how you feel about him or he feels about he’ll want to make sure you’re ok
Would never ghost you even if you ended things
Would be the type to have a long conversation with you about your feelings
If he fell for you though you’d have to pin him down and talk about it he’d stop calling you as much and try to avoid talking about it
If you tease him about it he’d groan and almost get mad
“You loooove me”
“Shut up you’re dumb ion even like you”
Compliments you when you look nice but it’s lowkey
“Your hair looks good like that” or “your legs are nice you should wear skirts more often”
Suggests you to get serious very casually
“So you’re my girlfriend now, okay? Where do you wanna eat and if you say you don’t care I swear to God”
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tangyss · 6 years
have any headcanons for lance?
OH MAN DO I HAVE LANCE HEADCANONS!!! here are some soft, kind of random ones just for u
lance would be that one human that literally all animals love. he’s like a capybara. no matter how dangerous the animal, they all feel really safe and chill around him and just.. stroll up to him and sit on his lap or smth lol, and at this point lance is just like “cool” and scratches the back of their head or runs his fingers through their fur
lance had gotten into the habit of buying treats for animals he finds on the street. he has a whole selection and has looked into what animals are allowed to eat what
he gets a little homesick seeing the empty packet of cat treats in his pocket, and he hopes tiffany the stray cat and her kittens are doing okay without his daily visits
he loves animals too.. after working on the farm, he’s found animals so calming to be around and watching all the different ways animals behave
this also goes with spiders as well… like he was fucking Terrified of them as a kid but that fear left when he needed revenege on his sister for doing the whole “water bucket on the door” prank and surprisingly, chasing after her while she screamed and sprinted in the opposite direction while a spider chilled in his palm made him feel a lot better about them
in space it still happens!!! he’s a little surprised at first when twenty bat like creature start hanging from different parts of his armour, but he goes along with it like “alright so this is still a thing” and enjoys the little coos and hums they make when he walks along
one day the team is trying to make their way through a cave system, but they get stopped by a tiny dragon (tiny like. bigger than a house but smaller than a voltron lion) and this dragon is MAD and STRONG and tbh they’re considering just bolting so that they dont get any more serious injuries than the bad burns and cuts they’ve gotten.
lance is lagging behind due to sniping a few galra sentries that were following them, yet as soon as he arrives, the dragon kind of stops and looks at lance
and everyone is like “oh shit this cant be good”
but the dragon sort of tucks its wings away and shuffles over to lance and plonks its head down right in front of him and stares at him with expectant amber eyes
its really silent for a moment before lance carefully reaches a hand out to touch the dragon’s snout and just runs his fingers along the scales, his skin tingling as he feels the hot breath from the dragon’s nose through his armour
the dragon just. falls alseep.
lance looks up at the team with a smile and says “alright lets go” and continues on with the rumbling snores of the dragon echoing down the cave’s passages way, and the team staring after him like he was a god lol
lance didn’t think it was a big deal. it’s what his cousin’s snake liked, so he thought a dragon would appreciate the same
(hunk is laughing his head off at their reactions bc he’s seen this happen a hundred times before)
(allura and coran are even more fascinated with humans)
on the topics of animals…. if you asked him if he was a cat or dog person he’d probably just break down into tears because “you cant make me PICK between a CAT or a DOG, HUNK!!! I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!!!! THEY DESERVE ALL THE LOVE I CAN GIVE THEM!!” 
just because he pilots a big robot cat doesn’t mean his day isnt made whenever he see a dog run up to him with its tongue hanging out and its tail wagging so fast its just a blur
like,, obviously i have to talk about cuddly lance because this is the inspiration behind my url… my branding…..because IN MY HEART HE IS THE CUDDLIEST PERSON EVER. he loves giving hugs to people!!! it honestly makes his day getting to pull someone he loves in close and squeezing them with all the strenght he’s got
his heart SOARS when the person he’s hugging is laughing because he can feel it rumble in their chest and bubble out through their mouth by their ear and he’s like!!!! i made someone do that :D!!!!
u can’t convince me that lance wouldn’t be the type of person who after talking to someone one time, he’s throwing his arms out wide and then tugging them into his arms the next time he meets them, like they’re an old friend
it surprises a lot of people, but after a while (and if they’re comfortable with it) people are throwing their arms just as wide and being as excited as lance is when they hug him back
he definitely always makes the little squeaky toy noise every time he gets hugged. that’s canon and it shouldn’t be ignored.
ALSO u might look at lance’s shoulders and be like “hmm they look strong and broad” and like duh ofc but IT’S A BARGAIN BECAUSE HIS SHOULDERS ARE SUPER COMFY TO REST UR HEAD ON!!! they’re like pillows!!!!!! watching movies with lance is honestly the best thing ever because u just rest ur head down and suddenly it’s like ur resting ur head against a cloud,, no matter what angle, it’s perfect, it’s like he’s a big teddy bear with no bones and lance has had his nephews and nieces fall asleep on his shoulders so many times he’s unphased by drool now lol
lance’s broad shoulders being soft like pillows is the best okay
keith thought that he’d hate movie dates with lance, mainly bc he’s got a lot of energy and isn’t too big on sitting in the same spot for a few hours just staring at a screen, but after one stress filled day that needed a relaxing popcorn, chick flick and cuddles evening, keith discovered the absolute bliss that is lance’s shoulders and tries to find as many movies as possible as an excuse the cuddle up to lance and take naps on his shoulder isuhgsidug
this one kind of goes without saying and it’s basically canon at this point but lance is 100% photogenic in every picture ever and he can put on any piece of clothing. literally ANYTHING. and he’d look absolutely fantastic,, vogue is shaking!!!!!
idk why but i can see lance being amazing at trampoline flips and shit?? like his mum would just look out the window to check on him and nearly faint at the sight of her 8 son lance doing some fuckin olympic level backflips in mid air and basically shooting off into the sky like a gd rocket hdiusghs
he calms down when he’s older tho because he doesn’t want to break through the trampoline, but he’s really elegant in the way he jumps and spins
he only started jumping when he first decided he wanted to go to the garrison/go to space, and he wanted to see what it was like being off the ground
lance’s mom when he was 8: be careful lance! if you keep jumping so high, you’ll end up in space!
lance, now floating in the middle of space as a paladin of voltron: mom warned me about this
sorry for the long post i just love lance lol
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SOLEIL alternatively u can do simone and bowie like they r real children, or u know what all three
🌱- When is their birthday? Where were they born? What was the time of day?
Bowie: May 5 -- idk he’s a dog, Simone: June 23 -- idk she’s a dog, Adopted August 15 (unsure of actual birthday.) -- signed papers at exactly 4:32PM in the afternoon on December 13. (They already had Christmas presents picked out).
🔠- Who named them? What does their name mean?
It was a joint effort. Simba wanted something Swahili at first, but also wanted French. So, eventually they settled on Jaramogi (courageous)Soleil (which means sun) Bonfamille-Lyons
Prince David Bowie -- named after Prince and David Bowie
Queen Nina Simone -- named after Queen and Nina Simone
💤- Was it difficult to get them to fall asleep at night?
They adopted Soleil when she was 2(ish). So, yeah, at first she did have trouble sleeping because she was in a new place and she didn’t really understand what was happening. But they would switch off sleeping in her room with her for the first like idk month and then she was alright.
Bowie was pretty good tbh. He whines a bit at the door and then settles down, or sleeps with Kiara. Simone is like 10x more annoying about it.
🌀- Were they a social, giggly baby? Or were they a shy baby who did not like forced socialization?
Soleil had a really hard time adjusting after being adopted. She loved her dads, but introducing her to new people was hard and took a lot of time, but once she warmed up to people, she was very friendly towards them.
🍳- What is their favorite childhood dish?
Anything her daddy makes but she claims papa’s grilled cheese is better, which offends Simba even like 20 years on.
Bowie eats anything.
Simone is picky tbh but she will steal chocolate and will at some point def make herself sick bc of it.
🐻- Did they have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal?
When he first came to meet her Ber was really nervous so Simba took him shopping first and Ber picked out this beautiful little gecko that was all orange and had these pretty shiny scales and that thing went through literally Wars. It Saw Some Shit. And Soleil kept it forever and ever.
Bowie has an elephant named Tembo. He’s in rough shape at this point and Simba has def like sewn him back together a million times and Ber is like “omfg just get him another one he won’t know the difference” and Simba is like “YES HE WILL THIS IS HIS TEMBO”
Simone tries to steal Tembo even tho she has a million toys and it’s the only time Bowie will straight up snap at her.
🏡- What kind of environment did they grow up in? Was it in a rural or farmlike home? Or did they grow up in the cities? Or were they a small town/suburban child?
LA! But, on the outskirts, so she kind of got the best of both worlds. Quiet, secluded ranch life and the city nearby where she went to school and such. Spoiled but well-behaved. Lots of dogs running around, Simone and Bowie included.
👦🏻- What was preschool/kindergarten like?
Struggled a lot. Didn’t participate in classes, even when Simba was her teacher. Had issues with authority. Occasionally threw temper tantrums. Started speaking late, though she was an avid reader.
👧🏻- What was elementary/high school like?
Enjoys music immensely and in middle school this really flourished. Joined band and played a plethora of instruments. Also has a lovely singing voice but is really quite shy about singing and being on stage. Still has outbursts that make it difficult for her to concentrate/make friends.
👱🏻‍♀️- What was high school/college like?
Goes to college three different times. Struggles to get her required classes squared away because she does not care about things she is uninterested in. Once she clears that hurdle though, she goes all the way on to get her PhD in political sciences and is an activist, eventually becomes a state representative of some kind. ALTERNATE ROUTE: becomes an architect, bc she also loves math and art. 
🌋- How often did they get caught doing something bad?
Never. At least, nothing intentionally. There are things that she just socially doesn’t understand sometimes that can get her in “trouble” but her dads are very patient and understanding and will literally murder anyone who is not.
🌡- Did they get sick a lot as a child? Did they ever have to go to the hospital for any reason?
Got sick a LOT. She had a heart condition because she was born prematurely. Has several surgeries as a child and by the time she’s ten, she’s perfectly healthy besides the occasional cold!
Bowie is a healthy pup!
Simone is also a healthy pup but she eats shit she shouldn’t and is sneaky about it so you don’t know until you’re like um where is that string of Christmas lights I laid out this morning oh? wrapped in Simone’s intestines? Great.
🎀- What kinds of games/activities did they like to play?
Loves puzzle books. Loves books in general. Also loves Leggos. Train sets. Anything that you can build. Singing. Playing instruments. Composing. 
Bowie likes to fetch and swim. And cuddle. And hang out. Listen to Ber’s demos. Eat food. 
Simone likes to sleep. That is her favorite activity. And bark at random shit.
🎏- Did they have a lot of friends? Can you describe a few? 
Not really. She made a few friends but none who stuck around long; wasn’t very interested in friends but was FIERCELY loyal to the ones she did make. Not until she was out in the working world. Then she had a good group of coworkers that understood her. 
💢- Did they ever have a rebellious phase?
Nah. Why would she rebel? She loves her dads. (And they let her get away with murder, tbh.)
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
Definitely, definitely. She was a curious af child. 
Bowie asked what is love one time.
Simone can’t talk.
🗯- How well did they get along with their siblings?
If she had siblings, she would appreciate them as human beings but not really care to be super duper close with them. Also, tbh, she’s a brat she wants to hog her parents’ affection. She would be insulted like excuse me that are MY dads. Not yours.
Bowie loves his sisters. He was so snuggly with Soleil and he tries so hard to be nice to Simone.
Simone gives Bowie shit all the time but she LOVED Soleil to the point where it was kind of problematic because she wouldn’t let anyone but Simba or Ber get close to her for the first couple of months.
🔷- Free question! 
Fun fact! I hc that Soleil is on the Autism spectrum and Simba figured this out pretty early because he works with children and she/her parents never really let it affect her life, they just go about things as normal. She’ll also probably wind up with her own support dog at some point mostly bc it is family tradition at this point more than like she actually needs it.
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