#i do have like... thoughts and hcs abt their college years but this is mostly my canon compliant post-timeskip iwaoisuga 'au' lol
north-noire · 6 months
north!! i hope ur doing well!! im really interested and curious abt jennifer emily shes seems very giving in tough love but i hope i request some hcs or sketches im already in love with her i love her i love her id do anything for her
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I've been doing well the best I could, but thanks for asking! It's been an exhausting time for me, but I'm getting by :] Here's a colored sketch of her, as you requested! Still working on her reference so she'll take a bit (same to the others as well), but I hope this suffices!
Thank you for being interested in my grumpy gal, and for the lovely ask! I'll try my best to explain my headcanons and that kind of thing for her! And honestly same, I would just do whatever she wanted so that I don't get on her bad side lmao.
Plus I really like the idea of Henry having an older sister - originally she wasn't really in the story, but I really liked the idea of an outsider from the Freddy's drama finding out what kind of thing Henry got himself into, and I thought Jennifer suited that role nicely.
Jennifer Emily in my AU - she's a very tough love and blunt kind of woman (Henry unintentionally got his bluntness from her partially), preferring to just be straightforward rather than sugarcoating everything. She just prefers having things done first before she deals with the ungodly things called emotions - she can be a bit brash and can get easily irritable, but she means well, she just says what's on her mind sometimes, so she can sound pretty harsh and brutal. And sadly, she's not really the best at consoling someone or helping them get through their emotions, but she tries her best to console in a different way.
She's a car mechanic, but genuinely has an interest in racing cars (even got racer's jackets and photos of race tracks/racing tournaments she had watched - she's a racing fan, damn she would've loved the Cars movie lmao) and custom car stuff (I imagine her car is like modified a bit to look like a race car for the aesthetic - probably would've collected sports car toys and the like) and that kind of thing - she really wanted to be a racer someday, but alas, that's simply just a child's dream, but she's happy enough to be someone who fixes something she loves as a living, but she was definitely frustrated with the whole misogynistic remarks she gets for just being a car mechanic. Also she doesn't Henry to repair his own car and would rather find him and his run-down car in the middle of nowhere than get him to try and repair it on his own. Another thing, it's never explicitly said in the story/treated as a big deal at all, but my Jennifer is a lesbian woman, and Henry doesn't really care and loves her all the same regardless (and honestly he's not even surprised mostly because he sort of knew she dated women before). She never really found luck finding love though, but she tries her best to go by her life regardless.
Back when Henry and William were just new friends back in college years, she highly disliked William - Henry always argued back/stood up for William, but she just never really liked him. Her personality would always clash with William's, and she really doesn't like how wishy-washy William can be and how much he puts on a show for people, and how much he can be a "people-pleaser" in her perspective. The British accent also made her feel like he was being pretentious and posh individual. Of course, years down the line, Jennifer just sort of got used and just kept her dislike for William all to herself/to Henry, but Henry sometimes alludes to it sometimes in a light-hearted manner.
She also lives alone, with her dog (A Doberman, they're very sweet) :] She never really saw herself as someone who can take care of kids, let alone know how to deal with them, so she's honestly living the best life she could! It's honestly why she doesn't mind Henry coming over every once in a while, she doesn't like to admit it but she gets a little lonely there by herself sometimes.
Sorry for another long post, but I really hope I've explained her stuff well! Thanks for the ask as well it was really fun answering this question!
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mountainashes · 22 days
Hii!! Just saw one of your posts so, how do you think that the ud characters would be postgame?? Like, how do you think that the Blackwood events affected them?? (I hope you understand what I'm saying)
Omg hi! So, really I haven't got any solid postgame hcs, but I have a couple-
Jess and Em get past their arguement and become friends again. I think this a pretty common one but I can't imagine continuing to hate ur friend after going through all that.
Jess never turns her back to windows anymore, and generally keeps her distance from them. She slowly gets past this but it takes years.
Emily doesn't like the dark anymore and refuses to go into rooms without the lights on.
Emily mostly tries to keep on but definitely struggles, she goes to therapy.
Sam straight up disappears for a while after Blackwood, just goes away for a few months. She does come back, but most of her friends don't know where she was for that time. (Got this one off a friend I was talking with).
Sam is mostly deaf in her right ear after Hannah screamed right into it.
Jess was really injured, and she spent a while in hospital. She sometimes uses crutches. (Again, a kind of common hc but I like it alot).
Sam had some burns from the lodge exploding.
Em (if bitten) has to go to hospital as well and is on antibiotics and all sorts because her bite gets infected. (I dread to think how much bacteria and filth was in Hannah's mouth considering her diet). Em's bite becomes a scar eventually. (I have a few thoughts abt Em's bite, I might talk abt that some time).
Ashley struggles to sleep, and barely leaves her house for the first few months after. She spends most of her time in her room writing in notebooks, trying to process what happened and venting. She also draws a lot, again to try process what she saw.
Mike tries to keep on as normal- goes to college, gets himself a job and tries to stay in contact with everyone. He never lets himself be alone.
Mike does get a dog eventually.
Matt becomes much quieter, but kind of like Mike he just tries to keep going. He does stay off college for a while though, and goes to counselling. He mostly hangs out with Mike and Em and Jess. He also checks in on Ashley alot when shes still at her worst.
Matt becomes very afraid of heights.
Matt spends a lot of time with Jess while she's still in hospital, usually with Em there too because she's always there.
Chris' sprained ankle takes a while to heal, and acts up easily even when it is healed.
Chris spends most of his time sleeping so that he doesn't have to think.
Ashley is the first person to visit Chris and he only really hangs out with her for months before he speaks to anyone else from the group.
I'll shut up now, I hope these r ok! Thank you for the ask, it was super fun! :D
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sunny-reis · 1 year
hcs - enha as college students
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notes: this isn't even an x reader (it may be in the future 👀) lmao, this is all lighthearted and i by no means intend to insult or deface any of the enhas or see them fr fr this way
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heeseung: comp sci major w/a music minor
deep down would definitely want his degrees to be the other way around
but he would probs realize cs just leads to more of a stable job (not with ai on the rise tho 😍 we love going into a doomed field of study)
(as a cs kid i’m ABSOLUTELY projecting onto my little headcanons about him)
i think..he’d be a NORMAL person that enjoys programming more than learning abt computer hardware or theory
seeing as he’s normal he’d HATEEEEE object-oriented programming (the complex part of programming OUGHGG)
he’d probably know exactly what to minor in for his dream job: music production
he’d DEFINITELYYY be in the school orchestra as a piano
he’s not mysterious enough for a bass, annoying enough for a violin or trumpet, or quirky enough for a cello
he’s an attention whore he wouldn’t even LOOK at the violas 💀
but yeah overall i think he’d know his plans for the future down to a T
probs has an internship at microsoft (derogatory)
now for the most important question
would he be a tech bro?
absolutely NOT
for those that aren’t as familiar with tech bros
just imagine a redditor alpha male with horribly gelled hair that brings the LOUDEST gaming pc to class with a horribly oiled, light-up keyboard, and makes sleazy comments about the one or two girls in every comp sci class
in other words: a woman in cs’ worst nightmare (send help i’m one of TWO girls in a class full of tech bros.)
but yeah he wouldn’t be like that at all
he’d definitely suck at rizzing up women (bro plays LoL in 2023, the year of our lord, need i elaborate?)
i can easily imagine him coming into class with gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt and flannel over, and a double-shot coffee from starbucks every day
he’d probably be the most decent-looking dude in every cs-related class i can’t even lie
for the dudes reading this: if you ever need an ego boost, do basic self-care and dress well (maybe even put on basic makeup), and join a cs class
the amount of mid ass incels with no concept of self-care will immediately make you the most attractive man in the class i kid you not
neways enough of me projecting 💀
as a music student
i could absolutely see him eat up every composition assignment (where you compose your own piece of music)
although i feel like he’d have a teacher that prefers classical music that’d be PISSED every time he submits something non-conventional
omg imagine him composing a whole dubstep instrumental for class
if the music production thing doesn’t work out he’d start a band with a bunch of losers in his dad’s garage and make horrible music that’d still get a decent amount of listens and attention bc he’s hot
it’s giving fallout boy but not emo
maybe shitty indie at best
more utc !
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jay: english major w/a philosophy minor
first of all
his ass would NOT know philosophy is mostly math before signing up
i don’t think he’d be bad at math at all but he’d fs be regretting it all
but then he’d debate dropping out until whoop there’s only a semester left until it’s over. too late.
he’d dress up for every class for SUREEE
one word: beige.
he IS light academia pinterest
studyblr WISHES it was him fr
macbook user. i don’t need to explain.
he’d probably have his life together on the outside
bullet journal and aesthetic notion and all
i feel like he’d prefer discussions and deep thought (hence the philosophy) and debates over analysis
he’d LOVE discussing his thoughts abt different texts in class
he would NOT like writing out analyses abt random ass stories tho (hs english was a NIGHTMARE)
argumentative essays are his BITCH fr
i think he’d lose points for focusing more on broader concepts and going just a tad too off-topic in analytical essays, instead of focusing on details and cause-effect relationships and all that
now for the important part: his life outside of college
ik for a FACT he’d be the most likely to have a thriving social life outside of school out of all of enha
don’t @ me it’s not my fault the rest of them are MAIDENLESS – heeseung plays LEAGUE for crying out loud !!
probably goes out to the mall or new attractions like museums every weekend
even tho he minors in arguably one of the hardest fields of study ??
bro would finish up calc III homework in less than an hour 🤯
i bet he’d be there on a scholarship too 😒lucky ass
jake: international relations (global politics) major, no minor
note: ik the average writer would probs make him a physics major but that’s BOOOORING and overdone, plus i just don’t see it 🤷
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE !!! IR ≠ political science !!! IR focuses on politics around the world, pol sci is more of how internal governments work
(i’m also heavily projecting here bc i’m a politics student send your prayers please and thank you)
i pity IR majors
this boy is TIRED 25/8
tbh the thing with IR isn’t that the content’s hard
a (paraphrased) quote from my IR teacher: “political scientists are lazy, all they do is come up with generic concepts and slap an ‘-ism’ at the end”
it’s moreso the reading and writing.
god the reading.
politics textbooks are so big and expensive it hurts my wallet just to look at the library-issued textbook i have
he’d be running on caffeine and a prayer, no sleep we die like men
not that he’d be a bad student !!
i could definitely see him being that one student that asks the teacher the silent questions no one asks bc they think it’ll make them look stupid (ie. asking them to repeat what they just said or explain a not-so-complex theory)
would definitely word vomit about politics, current and past, to the rest of the enhas (but just to make sure he remembers it all, you gotta respect the grind man)
none of them would understand a thing
jake: “yeah so it’s stupid how there are a whole bunch of states fighting over the south china sea when it’s technically international waters [please don’t quote me on this it’s like 2 am and i’m pulling stuff out of my ass] and therefore has no legal ‘owner’ haha isn’t that stupid?”
the rest of enha, maybe except for jay: 👁️👄👁️
jay: “ermmm akshully 🤓👆it’s in the name, china has legal rights over the south CHINA sea bc it borders it”
i can picture it vividly
imma be honest this man would be a MESS
he’d probably make (futile) attempts to get his shit together like a notion pro subscription, trying to sleep on time, a gym membership, you name it
sadly that’s just the life of a politics student
it’s so hectic it’d be hard to keep up with, but it’s jake, he’d somehow stay afloat
he’d probably come to his minimum wage job after class half-dead but his manager and coworkers would take pity on him and let him sleep in the janitor’s closet
would probably be clinging to the whole “just get through tomorrow and it’ll get better” mentality
it does not. sigh
sunghoon: undeclared until sophomnore (second) year, kinesiology (bio?) major
man honestly
this mf would be irrelevant
probs has a generic major and says absolutely nothing in class
if you blink he’d probs disappear
i feel like he’d initially wanna go for med but then he’d hear about the whole you’re-gonna-sacrifice-the-best-years-of-your-life-for-this-field-of-study thing and said NOPE lmao
which is reasonable
with the amount of ppl doing med in the world he wouldn’t think it’d make a difference if he decided to switch
i feel like he’d just be there for the ride 💀smth abt wanting to “experience all life has to offer” (not in a rich, just here for the business degree way, but more of an “i don’t need a degree to get a job but it might make it easier” way)
so yeah he decides to major in kinesiology, the study of movement according to google
disclaimer i’m not a bio person at ALL so any misinformation is completely unintentional and i will NOT be held at gunpoint to do research about a college major for HEADCANONS at ass o’clock in the morning
he has a decently light workload and therefore a healthy amount of free time
on the occasional he does get a painful assignment he’d procrastinate until he’d staying up and cussing out his past self for not doing it earlier
tbh i don’t think he’d be a horrible OR amazing student
he’s truly MID mid
maybe an average of like … 75% which really isn’t bad tbh the american education system has conditioned us into thinking it is but let’s be fr other than philly cheese steaks what exactly have we ever gotten right.
….neways again
he’d be something like a jack of all trades, master of none
overall a chill guy 9/10 would be fun to hang out with
now for the best part
frat boy sunghoon
idk anything abt frat or sorority life – i’m asian the only thing close to a sorority i’d be in would be like … the school orchestra or book club 💀my parents would kill me – so don’t take everything i say for gospel
you bet your ass he’d be at every party
100% for the booze and vibes he wouldn’t even be there to flirt or rizz ppl up (he’s a self-aware man he knows he has negative rizz but that’s what makes him so ALLURING)
wouldn’t get high or anything tho he’s not all abt that life (that life being running away from the popo)
i’d trust him to walk me home tbh
he wouldn’t hurt a fly the most he’d do is like … attempt to verbally abuse jay
sunoo: art major, english lit. minor
you saw it coming don’t lie
he’d be amazing at art honestly
making a portfolio would be his Thing yk
yk those big artists that are all about “working on the impulse” and not doing anything until they do ridiculous shit to get over art block
that’s him
but he slays every time he gets over it
god i feel like he’d be the perfect college friend after jay
he definitely has his shit together
i’m talking he does his assignments on time, probably has a half-paid merit scholarship, works a decent job at a taco bell just off of campus, and somehow has a will to live and time to go to the mall every weekend
the thing is, he’s not the most perfect college friend bc he’s slightly more fun-focused and free-spirited than jay, who’s a perfect mix of both
neways no more talking abt other enhas it’s sunoo’s time to shine 😠
i bet his dorm would be the most organized and decorated too oughhgh
he’d be the lucky mf that gets the biggest dorm on the first floor (with like two other roommates but they respect his privacy and all that)
he’d probably be able to get away with dorm policy violations (ie. cooking with an iron or something Not meant for cooking in his dorm instead of the nasty ass moldy ass communal kitchen) by batting his eyelashes and sweet-talking to the woman that oversees the dorms or smth (i’m blanking and i completely forgot what it’s called)
overall the luckiest bitch ever
we should all aspire to be sunoo tbh
if you’re a man and you’re not sunoo … thin fucking ice. do better. /hj
jungwon: biochem major, going for med (specifically oncology, the study of cancer?)
sorry in advance to any ppl in medical 🫶i’m gonna get every part of this wrong lmao
he’s one of Those Guys that’s known exactly what they’re doing since like … middle school
important question: would it be bc he gave into the classic asian parent pressure into becoming a doctor?
they might've played a tiny role in it but i think he'd genuinely wanna go into medical bc he's insane
definitely gets the best scores out of everyone in his class (idk if they use bell curves in med but if not he’d get solid 90s on everything)
i could see him with his life together tbh
homework always done a week before, healthy lunches he makes himself, clear skin, all that jazz
definitely has a merit-based scholarship
probably got a 1560 on the SAT too 😒 lucky ass bitch
i hate to say it
i really do
but he'd be the mf that reminds the teacher abt homework
“ermmmm mr. kim you said we had a pop quiz at the end of class” followed by him being beaten to a pulp
(w reaction/lh)
really cares about getting into a good med school
would DEFINITELY have like two internships every summer
so to recap: basically every asian med student ever (i’m friends with far too many rip med kids)
at least they won't be replaced with ai …
heeseung crying in the distance
for a med student i feel like he’d be busy 24/7 but he wouldn’t Look like it?
like if you’ve seen a med student, even in hs, they look like they lost a fight to a rabid raccoon
but for some reason jungwon has his shit together like the neurotypical know-it-all he is 😒/lh please don’t kill me
seeing as he’s known what he wants to do since like … middle school in this au, i think he’d fs be on top of all the content he’s learned, if not ahead of everyone else
i’d trust him to be my doctor 🫡
actually no i wouldn’t
riki: theater major w/a visual art minor (get it bc he’s a minor) (i’m hilarious LAUGH)
he’s a quiet little guy, definitely sits in the back of the lecture hall
would milk the SHIT out of being a minority for scholarships and applications
i'm talking his common app essay abt being socially isolated and politically aware, i'm talking abt using any and all minority scholarships possible – in the eyes of the law (and the college board), riki is now half hispanic
i’d say his grades would be pretty decent, not much in the A+ zone (96-100) but at the very least, B+’s
really not that bad tbh
he’d SO be a theater kid in hs
tell me he wouldn't be those mfs that have the whole hamilton soundtrack memorized and break out into random song and dance at inappropriate times
i bet he’d ship hamilton and laurens 💀
i feel like he'd like art as a class but suck at meeting deadlines and portfolio assignments n stuff
which is valid tbh i don’t think any kind of teacher of the arts (not just visual) should be too strict abt that
classes with him and sunoo would make him INSUFFERABLE omg
if you put them next to e/o they won't shut up
which is cute don't get me wrong
but makes trying to work IMPOSSIBLE
but when they're separated he’d be dead silent
you wouldn't even notice he's there tbh
overall a dedicated student with the occasional tendency to be silly and goofy
i feel like his resume would be pretty to make up for the lack of content actually on it
i'm talking canva pro graphics, fancy fonts, graphic design is his passion (not literally)
logically the best career path for him based on his degrees would be a set designer …
but obv he’s either an actor or the manager
probably an actor being a stage manager SUCKS
(don’t get me wrong it’s fun i’ve done it before but oh my GOD. if you ever wanna lose hair really fast become a backstage manager it’ll work 100%)
bonus: best-dressed in class
sunoo - you’ll never catch him slipping tbh 🤷 he’d have the most free time out of the others and would probably spend his time going out and putting together silly little outfits and being cute and adorable bc it’s kim sunoo That’s Just How He Is
jay - light academia light academia light academia light academia light academia
sunghoon (unintentionally) - his sense of style in college would be mid, truly meh, nothing special to look at but his looks make up for the boring attire (hubba hubba 😍) – the type to wear a white t-shirt, timbs, and jeans to class every day (get it 2017 jungkook 😍), maybe even a jacket. his sense of style would be as spicy as salt so not spicy at all, it’s giving unseasoned, boiled chicken
riki - he just Doesn’t Care but thankfully all the items in his closet would be usable (thanks to sunoo, that man would NOT let riki leave the house without running his outfits by him. his logic is that no best friend of his should look like a dumpsterfire !!)
jungwon - similar to jake, no time !! matching sweatshirts and sweatpants ftw
jake - politics majors have no sanity or connection to the real world bc it drives you INSANE after a month, cut him some slack :(
heeseung - the venn diagram of ppl with no sense of fashion and cs majors is a circle.
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valfeathers · 2 years
you know what. go wild. tell us more L headcanons !!! i'm listening with great attention !!!! i will read 3k of it if that's what you send. v wammyposting enabler agenda !!! 💙
gladly!! olorea enabling me in the inbox oh no
ookay so first i'm gonna info dump about how i choose to draw him bcs i just love talking abt my process & i put way too much thought into my own art lol
i remember some people talking about how i made him look healthier and i've had ppl say that i draw him pretty (which,, thanks sm i try !!)
so i like to mishmash several aspects from different L iterations over the years into my own art! such as the mole on his nose as a nod to the actor ken'ichi matsuyama who played him in L:CTW (& the 2006 dn live actions), and i tend to branch out & draw him with little bits of jewelry because of the 2015 jdrama
and the green jacket that he wears in the musical! (bcs i love that characterization and i think he should be allowed to be more unhinged)
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i've noticed that his bitten nails reappear in different media as well, so i try to include those wherever i can
and as for the bitten lips & perpetually scratched knuckles,,, that's mostly projection haha
but anyways here are some more little hcs that i didn't have the opportunity to draw :)
the laces of those beat-up trainers he wears are literally never tied. can he tie them? yes. will he? nope!
he cuts his own hair,, that man has never set foot in a barber's in his life
maybe this is projection but i just cannot imagine him with a posh accent, an autistic non-accent at most
i feel like if he had gone to a proper college he'd have done a course on criminal psychology, and he would have absolutely excelled at the challenge of puzzling out the motives of criminals alongside the just. the crimes themselves.
man's hands are just perpetually cold, i mean it, terrible circulation all round
i think the jdrama might have inspired this one but germaphobe L is so so real to me. he really is just like me fr.
this one is just straight-up canon but i HAVE to mention this. his ability to like,, copy different dialects?? the fact that he's multi-lingual?? cool as fuck
OH AND,, i'm an ace-spectrum L truther. he's asexual on this page babey
this was a little short but!! this'll do for now so i don't wind up losing my mind and rambling for like 10 years straight,,
i relate so so deeply to this weird man and i won't apologise for it!!
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Honestly, I love all of your Kagepro nextgen hcs! They are sooo sweet💖
Also, you said that Ayano and Shintaro would adopt 3 kids before having Ayame. I’m really excited to learn more about them. What are their names and personalities, their relationship with their parents, each other and the whole dan, their reaction when Ayame is born, ect. Sorry if its too much, but your fankids are great and I really enjoy reading your Kagepro ramblings
THANK UUU FOR LIKING MY CRINGY FANKIDS LOLLLL this is really sweet but i am afraid i have not. gone that far ahead. i dont rly have answers for any of this. mostly cuz.... i designed ayame and konoha bc as bio kids i get to like grab things from the canon characters to design them yknow and that was the fun of it to me (even if ayame truly looks just like ayano but thats the thing hehe i wanted to give her a sweet face but somehow she's frowning most of the time which makes ppl be like omg youd be cuter if you smiled more!!) erm erm erm i mean i did think some stuff like age differences and dynamics and stuff... but id be lying if i said i have any proper ocs thought out lol. mostly i have thoughts abt the first kid because in my insane sick brain i have a whole shinaya arc written. while ayano is adopting this kid I DONT EVEN HAVE A NAME FOR is when she gets back together with shintaro and shintaro goes through this process of oh my god i got ayano back after all these years and OH MY FUCKING GOD I HAVE TO BE A DAD NOW because its like. this was ayanos choice BEFORE shintaro and she probably does an ultimatum like lol i wanna be with u too but...this is gonna be my reality like im planning to be a mom and if u dont want to be along for this i totally understand. but shintaro steps up💪💪💪 at first its probably like i dont plan to parent ayano's kid we're just... taking things easy but its difficult not to immediately fall in a family dynamic as soon as it starts. i think shintaro doesnt realise he's a dad til the kid asks him if he can call him dad and then he flatscreens. also i think its a very quiet kid so sometimes he has this sorta kinship with him that he doesnt with ayano bc shes just so ALL IN UR FACE yknow. thats all just shinaya thoughts tho ok he is adopted at around 6 or 7 years old, and ayame is born like *quick math in my head trying to remember my little insane timeline i wrote in my post* 3 years later. so they have a big age difference. in my doodles i picture ayame around 11 or 12, so by that age this big brother of hers would be in college or something. she completely idolizes him and thinks of him as this unapproachable coolest guy ever especially cuz he's so much older. but for the other 2 id be lying if i told u i even imagined genders or something LOL like designing this would be leaving fankid territory and enter Proper Oc area sort of you know what i mean. i think theyre a little closer to ayame though and theyre little rascals and have a very tiny mekatrio pranking mode sort of thing. but... the other 2 would have a big age difference too. they were all adopted as like... from 6 to 10 years old ig and ayame yknow. shes baby. with this i wanted it to be like... ayame's thing is supposed to be that she is The Little Sister. like how ayano was the big sister. GET IT.. DO U GET IT... so thats sorta my thought process. i think her big siblings think the world of her and they celebrate her so much when she's born!!! her dynamic with konoha is silly bc she has so many siblings and he's an only kid and they clash a lot bc of it lol. sorry. i cant answer ur questions properly but thank u for giving me an excuse to go a lil insane
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monstrsball · 2 years
i would like to hear more about the extended iwaoisuga universe 🙏 what is your favourite part of it?
hmm. i have decided that most of the national team like... loves suga which i love. that's not specifically related to their relationship but it is a part of the ~lore~ that i like. i just think suga is a person who is hard not to like. maybe i'm biased though bc he's my favorite character lol.
a hc i really like that i actually haven't shared before: when they're all together, oikawa and iwaizumi will go on a run and suga will make them breakfast before they get back, it started as him being like 'i will make you breakfast if you don't force me to go with you please'
oikawa is not a morning person but he allows iwaizumi to wake him up and drag him along anyways because he wants to stay in the habit of waking up early even when he's on break. it's also a good way to spend time together and make up for the time they've been apart. (he has an a thing he does with suga too but i haven't quite decided on what it is yet)
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simmonsized · 2 years
Is it cool if I keep asking for your hcs? They’re pretty fun tbh. I got excited seeing the notification for the last one and they did not disappoint. Maybe I’ll ask for Alpha Dave this time because he’s pretty fun in your fic. I love his characterization a lot! Mom Lalonde would be nice too but hmm, maybe next ask? Or do both if you’d like to. It’s really up to you.
I just really like your guardians hehe.
Of course!!!! Honestly it is a lot of fun for me and it gives me an excuse to talk because, you know! Tbh it's the first time anyone has asked me in depth about any of the silly stuff I spend all my time thinking about, so I kind of love it! (also please always ask abt the guardians, i really like them, too!!)
SO: Alpha Dave (in context of rng)
A!Dave (and Bro) broke his nose when he was 13, for plot reasons, so his nose is slightly crooked (lists to the left)
He is Tall and hunches constantly because he hates being the tallest person in the room but no he doesn't but yes he does
Also it makes it easier to talk to people shorter than him
He can in fact fit into alpha Rose's clothes
He's a nail biter
This man has anxiety
He didn't get his glasses until he met Ben Stiller obviously so before that he would just wear very funny plastic sunglasses
Speaking of plastic this man own nothing but plastic cups EXCEPT
He owns one Whataburger mug that he has had since he was 10
He slept on John Crocker's floor for like, 4 years when he said he was going to college (he did not go to college)
This man did not even bother finishing high school
The Con Air Museum was a birthday present for John (he never got to see it in person)
Absolutely refuses to eat the crusts on his pizza and leaves them lying around the house for weeks until someone else picks them up
Only owns 7 pairs of socks god help him
Yes some of them have no heel
Also Left-handed for obvious reasons
collected Zoobooks until the fall of the humanity meant the publishing company went under
He keeps them in the back of his closet where no one but him will ever know
The secret to guardians is that they are duty-bound to their "kid", even if it means dying for them (example Mr bro bad man strider) but their separation over time and a whole life lived has caused Dave (and Rose) to lose most of that. Interpret any changes after meeting Dirk as you will
He is really bad with kids, mostly because
Dave Strider does not like kids
He does not like talking to kids, does not know how to talk to kids, because by the time he died at 65, there were no kids left for him to talk to, and he is just. Kind of a weird dude
My man has not had an apple juice in literally 16 years
Also to reference my last post, the alpha guardian formula [(2024+4n)-1995+t] means he and Rose were 65 when they died, according to RNG canon
He also broke his arm when he was 12 :)
He has never been to Disneyworld but used to take himself to Disneyland once a year for Christmas, sometimes Rose if she would fly out for him
He used to work in a record shop in Houston
This man can cook even less than Mom Lalonde
all his chapter titles have a theme
He does not like puppets but his proximity to Dirks (and Bro) are giving him pretty much unwanted exposure therapy lmfao
His favorite soda is Cherry Cola :)!
This man has never wanted anyone to like him as much as he desperately wants every iteration of Dirk Strider to like him
He is more interested in getting his own way than placating people, and this causes him to routinely mow over other people's thoughts and feelings
If he realizes he cannot get his way this way, he switches to Being Nice
He cannot (will not) stop following after Bro Strider like a lost dog after a bone no this will not change
It's fucked up but he is genuinely jealous that, at times, Dirk appears to get along better with Bro than he does with Dave
He uses strawberry scented shampoo
But still buys cvs brand detergent yes even now
He has scars across his knuckles in the exact same pattern as Bro Strider
He's also got the same scar across his palm as Bro :)
Only ties his shoes into bunny ears
There was a time when the alpha guardians did not know that their lil packages would never arrive
Can sleep literally everywhere on everything
Undisclosed back injury that causes bouts of sciatica from time to time
Is 120% more likely to accidentally kill a person than Bro Strider, but both of them have that kind of control you only get from a lifetime of not being particularly kind to yourself
Not afraid of blood
Has always wanted to go to a candy store
Actually likes driving BUT
Possibly the second most reckless driver out of all the guardians, after Mom Lalonde
Has some fucked up way of viewing both the Daves through the lens of his younger self, but unfortunately for all Daves, dead (or recently back to life) daves are the enemy
Did not learn how to swim until he was in his teens
Alpha Rose Lalonde was his only friend for like 20 years and my god, it shows
It is actually so fucking funny to me that bro spent so long trying to get Dave to stab him, on purpose, and yes this is also about Bro but mostly about Dave, and yes, he was in fact hoping Dave would stab him, and he was also a little disappointed that Dave had enough control to stop himself
Probably also impressed
Dave thought he was fucking insane (he is) and thus felt guilty every single fucking time because it's just a Dirk (bad)
But also at the same time has the same compulsion as Bro to like. Poke him until one of them gets stabbed by a sword, on purpose.
Wears a watch for the funnies
I really like the concept that Dave and Rose both maintained some kind of connection to their aspects but for Dave who never had a connection to the horrorterrors or Light (fortune), he mostly came across as what I am currently calling "a Failed Knight" (thus my joke about the old knight adage, "service without complaint")
Has a tendency to put things into his pockets instead of his sylladex without thinking about it
Started smoking younger than Bro
Pall malls, always, shitty on purpose, yes
Learned to sit still during [redacted] but has since pretty much lost that ability and is now completely fucking unlikely to stand still for longer than necessary unless it's like
I think he is more likely to yell than Dave, because that cold anger is a Learned Trait, and I think he has a lot to be angry about
He absolutely is going to need bifocals one day never before has a man squinted so much as a computer screen for so long
Coffee is half his diet
His favorite color is blue
stardust is an intentional parallel of neptunium
Remember that time Dave beheaded a juggalo president and no one talks about it what the fuck is up with that
He also has a fucked up death scar but I think I already said that
Thank you for asking I'm realizing I could go forever so I'm stopping here
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ahjustroza · 3 years
I saw a hc post abt how Last Legacy love interests react to MC actually going back to Earth,so can I ask some hcs abt this one? I'm curious of what you come up with!!
I actually made the same request to @lucigucci !!
For this ask, I had to play the entire game once again because I couldn't come up with anything. Hope you'll like it!
MC Going Back to Earth Headcanon
Warning: Sad feelings and pain...
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Before giving in to her emotions she will make sure to not miss anything important for your return to Earth
She'll check with important magical necessaries for the portal
Check if you have everything you would possibly need
If you ate well
Will check twice everything she prepared for you to take with you to remember her
She will also give you the Orlando postcard
It is important to her but also you two shared many memories together talking about Earth looking at the postcard
She knows when you visit Orlando you will remember her
After she is done with everything
The realization of you actually leaving her will hit her HARD
She knew you for only months but fell for you in a way with no return
You became her breath
The meaning, the cause she wanted to live further
The center of her life
Her priority
Her peace
Her shelter, and safe place
If only she could stay in your arms for a little longer...
If only she could find a way to see you again
The smell your scent while she buried her nose to your neck
To your hair...
She misses you always
Even for a couple of minutes without you within her eyesight makes her feel troubled
She misses you to death before even you leave her...
She will use all her strength to not cry in front of you
But the moment you hugged her and kissed her the last time she broke
She never struggled like this
Never felt hurt like this
The devs mentioned that each character will have multiple endings, so I headcanon two different happy endings in this situation
One is being Anisa letting you go while she stays in Astraea
She knows that she might not be able to fit in
You are people of two different worlds
Quite literally
And it shows
Anisa however will never love again after you
She will refuse every potential partner both in her romantic life or in her bed
She will confess her feelings for you and give you her hair ribbon as well as the most painfully mesmerizing kiss...
The other ending being Anisa leaving Astraea with you.
She is half-human and can tell people that her marks on her face are tattoos on Earth
She will see this as an opportunity to start a new life
Without the guilt of who her parents are and what they have done
Without the danger of magical monsters or assassins tracking her all around
She is smart, a quick learner, and curious about Earth
With your support, she can get used to life on Earth and get a job
I am thirsty for Anisa as a workout or martial art trainer
But I can also see her going to college and finish it quicker than expected to work in a school
Counselor Anisa
You two will travel the world together
No matter the lifestyle you live Anisa is happy
She doesn't need a lot of money
All she needs is you
Also another surprise, she doesn't miss Astraea one bit
You are what she calls home now.
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I am a Sage hoe myself but I can't see him leave Astraea with you
He can't fit in to Earth
He has to be free and living on Earth means he has to follow so many rules that he struggles to understand
Also Sage will absolutely refuse to leave Tulsi behind
There are only two people he actually cares about in this world
You and Tulsi
You two are his family and home
He is a family guy
And oh my god does he want to make his family larger secretly
Sage is a character that struggles with emotional confessions
He is also a good liar
So even tho he wants a future with you
If you want children, raise your children together (adopted/surrogacy/biological/a found family...)
Finally settling down and actually live in a home
Sage will experience the feeling of home with you the first time
He never felt safer and not worried about being vulnerable to someone
Having family dinners, family meetings with auntie Tulsi...
Celebrating anniversaries
Getting yourselves in trouble and moving to a different town
Even though he would fight the gods themselves to have this future with you, he will not tell you to stay
He will not say anything at all
He'll watch you and make sure to prepare everything for your return
And to make sure of your security during the process
You will look into his eyes each passing hour, hoping him to say something
But he will not
He'll only give you his signature soft half-smile with tired eyes
He will drink the entire day before your depart
Spend the whole night with you
Watch you sleep
Memorize your face
Your body
Will listen to your breathing
He will take everything he can get to never forget you
Also, cry too
Without you noticing
Tears will fall down to the pillow one by one
He wants to scream and tell you to stay but he can't force you to do anything you don't want
Any word out of his mouth might make you change your mind and do the opposite of what you want to do
You have a family too and you have to see them
A life you have to return to...
So if you don't say that you want to stay he will stay silent forever
If you choose to leave, do give him something to remind him of you
A necklace? Your laser pointer? Your foam sword?
He will carry whatever you give him with him
Until the day he dies
Let's say you gave him a necklace, anyone who knew you will feel the pain in Sage when they see him still wearing the necklace after all those years...
He will never love again. It was a one-time thing.
He will not open up to anyone
He will not let anyone see the real Sage the way you did
He might have bed partners but it is not emotional
He is in pain and will either drink or throw himself somewhere to spend the night without thinking anything
But that can only happen if he is too drunk to remember what happened the night before
If you choose to stay, he will feel relieved
Guilty too but mostly relieved
He will build the future he desires with you
But will also look for ways to make you visit Earth and come back
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I don't think Felix can fit in the Earth either
He grew up as the Arcmage's son and spent all his life studying magic
He can't live in a world where magic doesn't exist
He can't live a lifestyle where he will have to learn everything anew
I just think he is too sensitive for our world.
But unlike Sage and Anisa, Felix will ask you to stay
He'll ask you to stay and live a crazy but full of love life with him
He'll promise to take care of you since he is filthy rich
Then admit his fears of losing another lover
If you decide to leave he will feel betrayed and abandoned at first
He'll cry, then disappear for a while, then appear and tell you that you gave him a lot of hope
And disappear once again
He'll get drunk and then cry loudly too...
After Rime, you taught him how to love again
You made him feel safe and supported
Accepted for who he is...
You taught him how to properly love someone
No toxicity
No lies
No rivalry
He only wants to sleep in a bed in your arms around him not wake up for years
The idea of you leaving him hurts like someone stabs a dagger into his heart
He'll start to believe that this is his cruel destiny
To be the one stays while the other leave
He wants to follow you but he knows he can't live with you on Earth
He couldn't even fit in his own house yet...
Once he cooled down he'll admit how important your life back at home to you
And how it is his fault to steal that life away from you by bringing you to Astraea
He will open the portal for you himself
He is not trusting anyone else for this work
Before you leave he will tell you that he loves you and promise to never forget you
Here comes the pain
But he might fall in love again after you
You will always have a different place in his heart and in his memories though!
Felix did try to bring someone he fell for back from death then fall in love with someone else
I just think he will be more flexible with what life brings in front of him
And get even more depressed with time...
If you accept his offer and choose to stay his eyes will see nothing but you from that day and forward
You are officially his spouse now, no ceremony necessary
You will go on the vacation you both need and deserve then get a house to live together
You two will be the scary power couple
People will talk about you two as "the small necromancer and his spouse- yes the spouse. They are the one that fought the Lord of Shadows and the undead Rime. I also heard they got a relic the moment they stepped on Astraea- I KNOW it is crazy..."
Felix will share everything he owns with you, even his thoughts
He is so open to you that he knows you understand him the best
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boimgfrog · 3 years
pls pls talk abt your hcs for the twins’ gender explorations bc i’m v v interested now
You donot know what you have unleashed this is gonna be INCOMPREHENSIBLE and LONG I am so medicated rn okay
Hikaru realised smthn was up pretty early on and ~✨repressed it✨~ (mostly unintentionally, moreso "oh weird. I'll deal with that later"). It wasn't super prominent at first, just a sort of...detachment? He's his Father's Son and he's Kaoru's Brother and he's an Heir and he's all of these and he always has been but it starts to feel more and more empty until the concept of Son and Brother and Heir are a performance at best and a caricature at worst (he sort of retreats into the safety of being Kaoru's Twin because of this, it shifts the focus from Son (singular) to Twin (plural), and there's a sort of comfort that comes with being part of a set).
And then he joins the host club, and he and Kaoru do their whole charade, and he starts to lean heavily into the performative masculinity that comes with it because this is his comfort zone, he's acting, he's wearing a costume, he's a Twin playing the role of a Brother and it's relieving almost, to finally have that acknowledged.
He assumed it was just a daddy issues high expectations thing until he meets Haruhi and sees the way she experiences gender and then something *finally* clicks.
KAORU on the other hand, oh buddy. Where Hikaru found comfort in the Twin role, Kaoru was trapped by it. It's routine, it's expectations, it's Performative but is it really?? Is he not reliant on Hikaru?? Do they not share a bed?? A fashion sense?? A hairdresser?? Kaoru isn't a Man he's a Twin, he's a half of a whole, he's one part of a set and he absolutely cannot lose that.
So when he experiences anything that contradicts that, he represses it (he did this with his sexuality too. Hikaru is bi so Kaoru must be bi too [he's not. He's aroace. He's ignoring that.] Hikaru is poly? Awesome, so is Kaoru. Definitely. Dont ask questions to him ever again).
(It's born mostly out of their codependency. Kaoru never had the chance to really discover himself, so he bases himself on his relation to Hikaru. It's similar to what Hikaru is doing, although less as a trauma response and more as a comfort item.)
And then high school ends, and Hikaru decides not to go to college, and Kaoru's world falls apart. Kaoru has to go to college. Hikaru wants to travel, he wants to experience life outside of being an Heir (i think their parents cut Hikaru off too) and Kaoru is happy for him, really, but Kaoru is also alone for the first time in their shared life and it's terrifying.
And then Kaoru skips a hair appointment. And the one after that. He starts letting it grow out more, stops styling it the same way Hikaru and him always have. He gets coffee with Haruhi and makes Kyoya tutor him, he finds out what movies he likes and talks to Renge about them. And one night, alone in his dorm room, his roommate passed out in the kitchen, his hair draped over one shoulder and mirror in hand, he realizes that he is not just a Twin, or one half of a whole, or a part of a set. He looks in the mirror and for the first time, he sees himself, not a parody of his sibling. And the last puzzle piece falls into place with a click.
And then he calls Hikaru and they wake up his roomate from how loud they're yelling because "WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE NONBINARY" "WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GROWING YOUR HAIR OUT BITCH" and it's messy and perfect and exactly what both of them needed <3 (haruhi won soooo many betting pools once they both came out)
Hikaru: gender is a performance and I just won actor of the year <3
Kaoru: gender is a performance and I am being pelted with tomatoes that I am throwing at myself.
*end scene* I am obsessed with them and this is the tip of the fucking iceberg of my thoughts on them but <3 thank you for the excuse to rant abt the twins i love you /p
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mc-dude · 6 years
gabe hc
im making a list of gabe hc that i have thought of in the past few days for future reference if i ever start to write some gabe fics or somethin
gabe’s go-to order at starbucks (which im assuming will survive into the year 2050 bc.. y’know.. coffee is eternal) is pumpkin spice latte during the fall, green tea latte the rest of the year. he likes his fukin sugary drinks and when someone tells him they thought he would like black coffee like all those soldier types he sips on his latte and raises an eyebrow and deadpans ‘that’s racist’
ive embraced the fandom hc that gabe is always cold. im from cali and am also always cold. my anecdotal evidence is pilin up. beneath his wrinkled faded motorhead hoodie is another, equally faded and wrinkled band hoodie. when jack wants him to get naked it takes him like 10 minutes to get all the layers off
wears his beanie partially bc his ears are cold but mostly because he just doesn’t have the gotdamn time to fix his hair in the morning so he just shoves a beanie on his head and calls it a day. on the rare occasion where he has the time to style his hair people are Stunned
gabe is a super sarcastic asshole but will only joke around with you if he trusts you, which leads to a lot of scenarios where someone tries to shittalk with gabe and he just turns to them very slowly and menacingly ‘.. what did you say’ ‘i- i didn’t-’ ‘... im just fucking with u lol’
doesn’t like being called gabe unless its from people that he knows really well. ‘that’s sir to u’
the longest HC i have which i was gonna write as a fic but probably never will is that gabe wasn’t actually bitter abt jack getting command of overwatch over him, in fact he was kind of relieved because he hates being in the spotlight. he’s proud of his boo and lets him know it all the time when jack’s feeling insecure. i hc (and theorize) that the most likely scenario to turn gabe against jack was talon infiltration overwatch from the beginning.
it starts off with just little things- scheduling changes so gabe is cut off from his team he had during the omnic crisis. talon basically chooses him as the greatest potential asset and tries to prey on his insecurities as much as possible to turn him against jack (who is his life partner & love so it’s gonna take a while)
moira was a plant by talon from the get-go whose mission was to try and corrupt gabe and isolate him as much as possible. mccree and genji sort of stave off the isolation for a while but being separated from jack, ana, reinhardt & co really starts to weigh on him. his insecurities start to spring back up– they’re all too busy for him, they got better shit to be doing than to come see how their old commander is doing, etc. :( it’s exactly what talon wants; him to feel isolated, to start feeling a little bit bitter. they can foster that bitterness into what they need.
there’s a mission where mccree loses his arm (he was only 19) and gabe takes it really hard– he blames himself, wishes he could have been faster, stronger etc. moira uses this opportunity to introduce the possibility of genetic experimentation, tells him with her unorthodox methods he could be faster, could better protect his team and the people he cares about.
gabe thinks about it for a long time, and he really wants to ask jack what he thinks but he hasn’t talked to jack for a long time–he’s been stationed out in god knows where for months. he doesn’t have anyone to confide in, doesn’t want to burden anyone when he’s such a failure, so he accepts. this gives talon direct access to mold gabe however they want.
he degenerates slowly over time, becoming more and more of a ‘monster’ in his eyes but it’s all worth it for him because no one else has gotten hurt on his watch, just him. he’s pleased with the results in terms of efficiency and allows moira to keep on doing her experiments. he reasons that if SEP and the omnic crisis didn’t kill him, a few little experiments won’t either. he hides his new abilities from jack and the rest of his friends because he doesn’t want them to see him like this.
after a year or two of genetic altering the widowmaker incident occurs. talon has gained the ability to completely brainwash someone and remold them to how they like. widowmaker was a test, one that succeeded, and gabe is the final target.
all the meanwhile moira is saying tiny things, just little mentions like ‘looking a bit monstrous today, aren’t we?’ to get it in gabe’s head, to make him think he’s a monster. it starts to work. during her sessions she introduces phase 2 of his genetic altering, which includes, unbeknownst to gabe, the start of a long brainwashing regime prescribed by talon. they don’t want to do it all at once, they want to keep overwatch functioning in their best interests for as long as possible
he begins to lose things-- he’ll find himself standing somewhere he doesn’t remember going, doing something he doesn’t remember starting, and it freaks him out. he thinks it’s a side effect of his genetic altering and confronts moira, who feigns concern and promises to figure it out. little does gabe know but moira is being funded on the side by talon during all of this on the condition that gabe be delivered when he’s ready to work under talon.
gabe becomes more paranoid the longer the momentary lapses in his memory goes on. he feel like he needs help but none of his friends call him, no one checks on him. he’s been purposefully isolated from everyone and the walls start to close in around him. he hates what he’s become, finds himself ghosting as a bunch of particles more often, finds it harder to keep his form.
one defining moment is when he goes to speak to jack after not remembering the last few hours and waking up in a panic. he has to tell him that something’s wrong. but jack has a meeting, he promises they’ll talk afterwards, says he misses him, etc. and walks away, right when gabe needed him the most. gabe realises that he’s alone.
he knows talon is planning something. they’ve been increasing their presence lately and he knows they have an informer somewhere in overwatch. he doesn’t suspect his team because he trusts them; they’ve been here for so long, it couldn’t possibly be them. he gets a nagging sensation that something big is about to happen, something is going to go Down- has some half-remembered dream of someone planning something (which is a memory from a talon meeting he attended when he was in a brainwashing episode) and so he sends genji and mccree away on some bullshit mission; it’s the only thing he can do. he tries to see jack one more time but he’s not due back until tomorrow.
talon brainwashes him into planting the bomb in the swiss hq. they recover him from the carnage, brainwash him into thinking that it was mercy who did this to him and not moira (which explains all of his voice lines in game); that overwatch left him to die alone and forgotten. that jack was against him. he’s lost everything and everyone, and he works with talon willingly, memories of his past life almost forgotten but still there, like some half-remembered dream.
ITS ALL VERY TRAGIC OKAY BASICALLY gabe really needed help but talon made is so that he was completely isolated from all of his support while simultaneously turning him into a vapeman
gabe family HC:
gabe has 3 sisters. idk why this is widely accepted as canon in fandom but i like it so i accept it in my heart. he would die for all of them and would sew them shit all the time back at home. his dad died when he was young and his mom and grandmother raised him while he helped to raise his sisters.
this also makes me have feelings for that christmas comic where gabe is stalking that family in the rain because in my mind he’s vaguely remembering some sort of family but can’t remember the specifics and it makes his heart ache
gabe was part of the theatre club in high school and always hung out at the skatepark doing tricks on his shitty 2nd-hand bmx bike
gabe joined the military so that they would pay for his college. he majored in design, but decided to stay in the military after because he realises that he’s good at what he does and he can make a difference. he gets promoted quickly bc of his tactical genius and is quickly nominated for SEP. he accepts because of the war he can see brewing and the shitstorm he knows is about to come. he hates being separated from his family and not being able to contact them
gonna add more later when i think abt them
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