#i do think he identifys with a bunch of xenogenders
Leo: "Guys I don't feel like a girl I might be trans"
Donnie: "Nobody feels like a girl dipshit."
Raph: "I do?"
Mikey "Don, Raph, I think there's something you should take away from this."
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littlest-bugz · 10 months
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introduction post
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Welcome to my blog!!!
My name is BUGZ! I am a bodily 21 y/o C-DID system. I will only specify that I have Autism and ADHD, but I do have other comorbid disorders! I just talk most about my C-DID, Autism, and ADHD! I post about a bunch of random stuff, such as my hyperfixations or special interests. I also will post about DID and CDD adjacent posts!!! Collectively, we use they/he/she pronouns!!
Get to know us more below the cut!
[byf and dni also below cut]
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About Us !
Our frequent fronters can be found here, if you're curious!!!
As of Recently, we've been in a state of Resolution/Functional Multiplicity, though we fall in and out of relapse. We do have a collective identity, which is the body's identity itself, and also what we identify as when we are in a 'mostly fused' day!
We collectively identify as transmasc, bigender, panalterous, omni oriented aroaceflux, and ambiamorous ! This is an agreed upon identity the entirety of The Crew and Co. and is essentially for the body itself. Names, pronouns, genders and sexualities all vary from alter to alter individually.
On our page, you will find. . .
Lots of reblogs on random topics and hyperfixations
System Content [Mostly Text Posts and half-baked, lazy memes]
Web Weavings
Cat posts
Occasionally original art and writing
Internet deco [such as userboxes, blinkies and stamps]
. . . and more!
Flag and Userbox Reqs are open!!
Before you interact. . .
Our account may not be fully SFW, but we never reblog or post pornographic material. I have a bad swearing problem, and due to my trauma, I have a hard time telling what is socially acceptable in regards for entirely being SFW. It's something I'm working on, sp please be weary! We don't mind agere and petre engagement, just please know my blog is more skewed for mature audiences.
We almost never tag who is posting! We try, but it causes a lot of anxiety for a good amount of us. Please don't ask us to sign off our posts, as we feel it invades our boundaries. We're willing to give pronouns, but we generally try to keep our names more private.
We are endo apathetic. We honestly do not care if endos exist or not, we are just vibing in our own space. We only care about the misinfo on CDDs that is being spread. PLUS anyone is welcome on our blog as long as they don't drag us into any discourse/syscourse, aren't promoting misinformation, and/or being a generally bad or gross person.
We block liberally and without telling the blocked party. It's a force of habit that proves handy on the world wide web. We also ask you don't bother us to be unblocked.
BPD/NPD/HPD/ASPD havers are all welcome on our blog! If u believe in narc/histronic/borderline abuse, leave!!
Do not interact. . .
Basic DNI Criteria [this is a link.] [note: some of the items on this list are repeated for ease of identification]
If you intend to ask about stances on any discourse. [note: I'm always willing to be open to new lines of thinking and new ideas, as well as be corrected for any misinfo I may accidentally spread, but if you're going to talk down to me because I don't know or don't believe what you believe, I will block you. Speak to me as an equal or don't speak to me at all.]
pro/comshippers and pro/comship supporters.
transid/transx/radqueer or supporters [transRAMCOA/transProgrammer blocked on sight]
“cringe culture” supporters
ageplay/ddlg [again sfw agere/petre fine, but please know this account has mature themes.]
MAPs/Pedos and Zoos
Transphobes, TERFs, Radfems, Transmeds and the likes
pro-forced birth (“pro-life”)/ anti-abortion
More will be added as time goes. . .
#important - important posts to us!
#littlest_bugz og - my original posts,,, may not be very original tho LOL
#reblogs ?! on my feed ?! /lh /j OR #reblog tag broke - My reblog tags!! Everything that gets reblogged should be under these tags, but I don't always remember. There are two of them bc I use a plugin on my comp that auto adds it, but my phone doesnt always have it pop up
#you asked we answered - My ask tag! Feel free to send in asks at anytime
#so real for this - I don't know how to describe this properly, but these posts are so real.
#original userboxes/layouts/flags/ect - All of our original content divided into specifics! [ note: they are not all lumped together like that, just putting them all together for the sake of space, you can find most of them tagged in this post ]
#system posting - Our experiences on system hood as well as reblogs and other stuff! Was formerly 'system stuff', and I am notorious for not using this tag
#kinito posting - I am obsessed with an axolotl virus [mostly kinitopet fanart]
#stardew posting - I'm a stardew valley fan!!! I reblog fanart and post abt it sometimes
#lps posting - I am/was an avid lps collector!! I reblog fanart and post original content [sometimes,,, but usually text posts]
#cat posting - I reblog a lot of cat pictures and art!! cats r a huge comfort for me
#bunny posting - Same reasoning as cats tbh!!
#writer posting - where I post all my writing content, such as memes,,, mainly memes, but also resources and ect
#artist posting - where I put all my art text posts, especially memes, but also just general art we make
#poem posting - poems we make or poems we reblog
#vent posting - vent posts
#the hoard - I hoard and collect deco. If the links don't work for some reason, just click this tag
#sorry for yearning on main - sorry for yearning on main
more tba . . .
Deco Collection - A hoard of all our deco, which includes stamps, blinkies and userboxes WARNING; FLASHING IMAGES, BRIGHT COLORS, AND MORE! PROCEED WITH CAUTION
pronouns.cc - has [some of] the frequent fronter's pronouns, names, and sign-offs. Only the peeps that are safe to say
art comms website - two of our hosts are artists and take comms- this is their site! comms are currently closed, except for the demented chibi heads [link]
my ko-fi - commission payments go here! The chibi head listing is on here! you can also donate if you feel inclined to, but it's 110% not expected
[note: you will probably see a linktree on some of these because I get freaked out by so many links on a page, but this is different bc tumblr is like my hub, if that makes sense?]
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163 notes · View notes
I don't really understand gender, I have like a couple idk views of my own gender or mby just literal genders, and I like switch between them, sometimes with very long time between.
I just don't understand how gender applies to myself. or have no idea about the concept of gender. it's like a social construct and it has many different meanings for nany different people.
so when I identify like this I either:
1) have given up on figuring out gender, what it is, what it means, what mine is. And no other things fit better.
or 2) don't feel any gender. I just feel like I don't want to be referred to as any gender. and/or don't relate to anything about gender.
I usually would use like neopronouns or like xenipronouns, because it feels very separate to how I identify as non-binary. And so it's uncomfortable for me to use they/them and stuff.
it's not too dissimilar to the first one, but it's generally more specified.
I usually would be something like paramasc, demiboy, bxy, demibigender.
And I could like use those as identities, but I usually don't want to, so yeah. nonbinary just works better for me.
other than that I usually like masculine and neutral terms and they/them.
Yeah so a xenogender. A colorgender
so I've said I don't really understand gender. but I so just go with my feeling when there is something.
I don't really use any xenos or neos for this. usually they/them or he/him works.
it can show up as like a mix between genders. And so for me it's like sometimes blueboy or whatever.
And yeah so this for me can (idk if this is weird or like a sign of something wack or incredibly normal and I'm really self-conscious about it) but like feel like I've a light blue paint can like moving inside me. like it's a thing I kinda visualize, even though I know it's not like a thing, and obv there's no void there for it to be but yeah. Also I like might put on a sort of blue mental filter on the world that's like not quite visual. and yeah. so that stuff can be quite euphoric. dunno what to say.
another xenogender. not sure if it's like part of a group. mby citrusgender?
I don't know how to explain it really. but I just like vibe a lot with lemons and stuff. mby it's just cause I'm not really cis and so my longest lasting name that isn't like my deadname, my name with like a binary gender baked in, is like my xbox username that has Lemon in.
I usually would go with like some lemon based xenos. l have tried making some myself, but ended up switching gender before I figured it out.
but yeah I have these pronouns now:
name(s): Lemon
Grey/gray gender
I'm not natively an English speaker so idk which spelling to use but yeah.
idk if it's both but I mean this as a weak but not nonexistent relationship with gender rather than a xenogender connected to the color/colors.
so it's not very different from agender, but it's something.
so either:
1) unable to tell. like murky waters. it's a mess but is gender.
or 2) partially one gender. f.ex boy. graymasc if you will.
so it's similar to what I've defined for myself as non-binary, and it is a non-binary identity, but I think of it as separate.
so yeah I use a bunch of different pronouns for this one. And usually not too many gendered terms.
so I'm very self conscious about this one
you see me not just calling it 'boy' or whatever.
but yeah it's like fairly binary. And just like, he/him. masculine terms, as many as I can.
usually on this one I'm very likely to like fantasize about transitioning and stuff. like having a beard and others seeing me as the guy I feel like.
name(s): Liam, Leander
This has been gender
I've been Lemon, or Alphur.
might go back an add some names with the genders but yeah.
because I do kinda attach names to gender.
Dunno if anyone else will see this ever but yeah.
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wateryourgender · 2 years
🥗 (If you need a specific fandom then BaPC!!!), 🍛, & 🥟?
🥗 - do you have any mogai headcanons for characters?
hmm, if we're going for bapc specifically (anyones welcome to ask if i have headcanons for other fandoms)
cas - uses coding related neos and genders, secretly hopes someone calls her "coding wiz" so code uses code/codes and coding/wiz pronouns? maybe? (i might make a gender that i would give to cas)
bee - bee related pronouns, maybe a space/robot kind of gender? a gender or pronouns related to being dumb and kind and liking food. a very simple person tbh
dekard - would use chef/chefs if he had more confidence in himself.
crispin - literally hoards all the clown, art and mechanic related neos and genders
merlin - doctor related stuff?
toast - anything boxing or strength related. also whatever she thinks would piss off cas or uses something to spite cas.
howell - anything beauty and cat related.
i got nuthin for tim, maybe something related to coffee and quietness?
wesley - anything related to fish, fishing or caring for fish.
puppycat - hand/some, captain/captains, space/outlaw or out/law. idk about xenogenders tho
nothing for the rest of the cast yet. (i might go to pronounsrus and post a bunch of neoprn headcanons later if someone reminds me)
🍛 - if you identify with multiple terms, do you have a favourite?
really hard to pick a favourite
🥟 - is there any activity that makes you feel your gender more strongly?
....maybe fashion or character design oddly enough? get back to me on that after i've started the fashion design unit at school ^^;
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fangsnclaws · 3 years
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Hello! I have a few names I go by, but for the sake of this blog please call me Were! Alternatively, you are welcome to call me anything related to a kintype. I am 25+, xenogender and demipan, and I use they/them pronouns. I have been awakened since 2011, and my blog will focus on my alterhumanity. - I also draw and write, and some of that content may be posted here. I do utilize sideblogs a lot, and I try to keep this blog mostly themed. All of my blogs may have some overlap and I am likely to reblog my own posts to my different blogs if the theme fits. I may very rarely post or reblog 18+ posts; all of those posts will be tagged with #After dark for filtering. Minors can follow, but please filter the #After Dark and #MDNI tags, thank you.
I do not have a DNI, but I block radqueers, transID, misanthropes, "physical shifters," "starseeds," and supporters thereof on sight.
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About my Alterhumanity
✦ Angel: The first kintype I discovered. I am a Jewish Abrahamic angel of the Dominion choir. This kintype is spiritual and I believe that my soul is Divine. I used to be active in the #ActuallyDivine community before it self-destructed. If you were active back then, you may know me from my old Angel blog or the ActuallyDivine discord. ✦ Werefox: I tend to use werefox and werewolf interchangeably. I am more kemonomimi-shaped, rather then being a classic lycan. My werewolf kintype is fluid in how it manifests and how I interact with it. I am also miscecanis/an omegaverse lifestyler, and identify as a Beta (maybe omega?). I am a domestic were and a pet (think Nekopara). ✦ OC fictionkind: One of my OCs is also a kintype. I will avoid talking about the specifics of this kintype because it is deeply personal to me. However, if we are friendly you are more then welcome to ask for my OC fictionkin blog where I talk about my OCkintype a little more openly. ✦ Other AltH Identities: I am a daemian with a beloved daemon. We have a few forms that he takes but we are settled as a gray fox. [My daemonism blog is @dailydaemons]. I am a Rogue archetrope. I have a hearthome that is related to my OCkintype.
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Helpful Links
How to use the word "kin" | What counts as Alterhuman | Fact-checking Plurality | "Human" vs "Person" | Why "Physical Shifters" are dangerous | A bunch of helpful links | Plurality Research |
Links that are fun and kin-affirming
How to make a super motion tail | How to make feather wings | Click here for head scritches [ASMR] | Soothing rain sounds |
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