#i do think personally the best puppies in terms of puppy look
darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
guys when i said i hoped the lab puppy would be terrible it isn't because i think labs have the capacity to be even remotely on the same level of unbridled chaos and unsoft mouth as malamute puppies (because they don't). it's for my own sanity.
9 week old labrador puppies are like. classic puppy. smells like puppy acts like puppy. Puppy fever is a SICKNESS i do not need right now. Yet i am running full speed into puppy sitting anyways. pray for me.
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bby-deerling · 4 months
girlfriend (zoro x reader nsfw)
part of my 1600 follower event!
prompt is: show him what you do to me/late at night when the wind is free/we're gonna have to tell him/you'll only be a girlfriend/of mine
18+, mdni, nsfw, wc: 2.6k masterlist
cw: afab!reader, jealousy, established relationship, law is lowkey a freak, unrequited law x reader, voyeurism, jerking off, eavesdropping, unknowing exhibitionism, dirty talk, law considering using his devil fruit for (actually) nefarious purposes
tagging: @eelnoise @ragethebunny @sanjisprincesswifey @willowhaze26 @kaizokuniichan
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Lazy clouds roll overhead, making for an easy and uneventful day at sea.  The soft rock of the ship is soothing, and the ocean mist turns you ticklish as it sprinkles across your face and into your hair.  It was sublimely serene and peaceful—until your crewmates decide to make you the target of their mischief for the afternoon.
“Sanji wants to know what your boyfriend wants for lunch.” Nami asks as she approaches you next to the railing, a wicked grin on her face as Usopp tries his best to suppress a fit of giggles.
Brows knit together as you look at her, perplexed.  “Why?  He knows Zoro will eat just about anything besides chocolate.” you reply, still unsure as to why Sanji was bothering to ask considering he usually made his menus without even thinking to consider Zoro’s opinion, stating that the mosshead is too crude to have a fully developed sense of taste.
“No, not Zoro, your other boyfriend!” she teases, causing you to let out a frustrated sigh and roll your eyes as Usopp cackles.  Trafalgar Law had made himself quite comfortable around you during his temporary stay on the Sunny; it had started with an interest in a coin he was absentmindedly flicking into the air—you used to grade and collect them, after all—and it had devolved into him sticking close to your side, grumbling under his breath that you were the only person on the crew he could tolerate.
“Why am I the Law expert?” you hiss, frustrated and trying to keep your voice down.  Truthfully, at a different, more naïve time in your life, Law’s strange charm and roundabout way of indirectly flirting with you through mumbled half-compliments would have had your wrapped around his finger, but not now; not when you had a support system of people to give you whole, unrestricted, free-flowing love.  Not when you were in an idyllic partnership built on respect and growth.  There was no room in your heart for Law and his cryptic platitudes beyond friendship—not when you were in love with Zoro.
“Because he sits and talks to you with that dopey look in his eyes as if he’s never seen a pretty girl before in his life!  He’s so obvious it’s painful!”  Usopp exclaims, causing you to sigh.  Law considered himself smooth and sneaky, but the way he showed you preferential treatment was beyond glaringly obvious, and considering that nearly everyone else had picked up on it, it was only a matter of time before it spilled over into something that you weren’t quite prepared to deal with yet.
“Which is why I’ve been trying to ignore it.” you say through gritted teeth.  Worry rushes through your veins as you consider the last week or so, replaying each interaction with him in his head to try to decipher if you had been encouraging his budding affections in any way.  Unsatisfied with the vagueness of your conclusion, you reach for external validation. “I’m not doing anything to give him the wrong idea, am I?” you ask them, nervously digging your nails into your forearms.
“You’re just being friendly.” Nami says, reassuring you with a squeeze to your shoulder. “It’s just hilarious to watch him follow you around like a lost puppy.”  You’d liken him more to a miserable wet cat than a puppy, sulking in corners and stealing you away to demand attention when it suited him, craving affection from you, but only on his own terms.  It was a bid for control that was foreign to you and left a bitter distaste in your mouth, especially when you were accustomed to the mutual trust that you and Zoro shared.
“And a bit pathetic.” Usopp adds with a crooked grin.
“You’re one to talk about being pathetic.” Nami chimes in, unable to resist getting in a playful dig at her friend’s expense.
“Hey!” he exclaims, launching the two into a fit of unserious bickering as the sound of heavy boots against the deck approach them.
“Is that moron done with lunch yet?” Zoro asks with a huff, sweaty, fatigued, and irritated after a rough workout.
“Almost!  Or at least he better be—I’m starving too.” you tell him with a smile; the look on your face visibly softens his frustration slightly, turning his anger into a gentle rumble.
“Idiot can’t even stick to a regular schedule.” he growls, leaning against the railing next to you.  As Nami and Usopp remain engrossed in their sidebar conversation, you take the opportunity to softly ask him how his training went, and eagerly drink up each detail.  In return, he wants you to relay him the details of your morning, and you do, with a dreamy smile of your face—a lovestruck look that’s not lost on your fellow crewmates.
“Look at that look in her eyes, it’s probably crushing his poor heart!” Nami whispers to Usopp, gesturing towards Law across the deck, who was slowly strolling towards the kitchen.
“The pain of unrequited love!” Usopp whispers back, tears nearly streaming down his face from both uncontrollable laughter and empathy for the Surgeon of Death’s plight.
“What the hell are you two talking about?” Zoro barks out as he snaps his head towards them.  They both point towards the doorway to the kitchen, where Law’s hat disappears into the room. “Don’t you two have anything better to do?” he asks with a sigh.
“Nope!” Nami chirps, informing him that their course was securely set, and that the schadenfreude she and Usopp derived from watching Law fight a battle he was doomed to lose from the start was the most fun they’ve had in weeks.  Zoro scoffs, appearing indifferent as he rolls his eyes and makes his way towards the kitchen, but the tight grip he keeps around your waist betrays his annoyance and uneasiness as Nami’s words rattle around his head; both of you had considered the way the surgeon clung to you a bit odd, but hearing that other people had noticed it too had made the situation tangible, and suddenly makes Law’s presence next to you at the table unbearable—there was something unsettling about the fact that he would rather see the cook on his knees in front of you, pathetically begging for just one chance, than to have Law at the same table as  you, let alone sitting beside you.
“Something bugging you, mosshead?” Sanji quips with a knowing smirk upon seeing Zoro’s arm wrapped around you.  Frustrated, the swordsman doesn’t dignify him with a response; not in the talking mood, he removes his arm from around your torso in order to shovel food into his mouth and prevent any attempts at small talk.  You’re engrossed in your own food, slurping up the wedding soup that Sanji had prepared for your lunch, ignoring the burns the hot broth leaves on the roof of your mouth.  It was still far too hot for a reasonable person to eat, but as was often the case with Sanji’s cooking it was too good not to.
“Mmm…” you hum contently; the rest of the crew is used to your penchant to moan in delight when stuffing your face with a particularly good meal, but Law is unable to hide the way he stiffens like a board beside you as the sound that escapes your lips rings in his ears.  “Sanji, this is delicious!” you say innocently, with glimmering enthusiasm, causing the cook’s lips to curl up into an appreciative smile and teasingly telling you it would taste even better if you had the patience to wait a while before digging in. 
A few moments pass uneventfully as you scarf down the bread that accompanied your soup, until a sudden sensation running across your outer thigh causes you to nearly leap out of your own skin; peering under the table, the culprit is Law’s leg, pressed against your own.  He’s a tall man, so the need for leg room would be a reasonable excuse, and scrutinizing his face reveals no outward trace of unscrupulous intentions; yet, at the same time he’s so transparent, unable to help himself from bouncing his knee alongside yours, as if desperate for the slightest bit of friction.  The smallest of sighs escapes his lips as you lean away from the touch, confirming your suspicions; the realization makes you echo the sound, frustrated and disappointed that he was unable to be content with the friendship you were willing to offer and was instead so insistent on meddling in a place where he didn’t belong.
His behavior was starting to eat away at your last nerve, and evidently, Zoro shared your sentiment, becoming more possessive than usual when he makes love to you that night.
“Bet he jerks his pathetic cock to the thought of switching places with me…hah…but he doesn’t have the balls to do it.” Zoro whispers, panting into your ear as he snakes an arm underneath you to pull your waist closer; craving to feel your hot skin melt into his, he needs you trapped and caged between his arms, mewling and whimpering out a soft, pretty song as he pounds you into the floor.  “He knows you need something bigger, don’t ya’, pretty girl?” he growls in your ear; it’s gravelly, possessive, and makes you flutter softly around him as you whine out an “Mhm… you feel s’good…” in response.
Lost and drowning in a haze of ecstasy, neither of you notice the soft blue light enveloping the room, nor the muffled, strangled gasps coming from outside the door as Law drags his hand down his cock, imagining burying himself inside you instead.  For a brief moment, he does consider switching places with him, picturing the way your eyes would be blown wide with shock—shock that he’d fuck out of you until you’re drooling out the corner of your mouth and whimpering his name like a prayer.  But as much as he desires it, burning up for you so much that he barely knows what to do with himself, he knows he can’t—it’s too twisted and dark; however, he can’t bring himself to dispel the room that he’s cast.  He bargains with himself to come up with a justification to flick his wrist and take you that wouldn’t make him a monster—that wouldn’t turn you away from him entirely; it’s beyond tempting to give into his urges when one simple movement is all that separates him from the warmth of your core swallowing his cock whole.  Choking back a groan as he fists himself, he wonders if, even for the briefest of moments, the mention of him made your mind go dark, fantasizing about having his cock deep inside of you.  He wonders if he could get away with just a taste, switching places for just a fraction of a second—neither of you would notice a thing, and he would finally get his fix, and the opportunity to tremble at the tight, wet grip of your walls around him.
But he knows a moment wouldn’t be enough for him—not even close.  He knows his length would be able to reach depths of you that Zoro never could, and he wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to break you in, scramble your mind, and leave you unable to be dripping and wanting for anyone else but him.  His wrist is twitching, wavering in tandem with his resolve; he’s moments away from tipping over the edge, the word shambles at the tip of his tongue, until a soft whining of Zoro’s name vibrates through the door, the word dripping with neediness and devotion.  The sound leaves the bitter taste of bile at the back of Law’s tongue and his room falls apart, a crushing reminder that he’s alone, in a dark hallway that leads to the aquarium bar, jerking himself off in the middle of the night while Zoro gets to indulge in the comfort of your flesh.
Zoro’s name is hot on your tongue as he delivers you to burning red ecstasy, his calloused fingers rubbing circles into your aching bud as he ruts into you.  “Need you, only need you, Zoro…” you murmur as blood rushes to your face, pooling in your cheeks as you pulse around him, mind shattered and vulnerable, only for him.  The flutter of your walls makes him pull you even closer, sinking his teeth into your neck as you bury your face into the throw pillow on the ground in front of you and whimper.
“So good for me—you take it so good for me.” he mumbles; the sight of you falling apart underneath him lights a fire in soul that makes him give it to you harder—Law can hear the smack of his hips against yours through the door as he smears buds of precum across the tip of his cock with his palm.  Limp and pliant as tingles of electricity continue to dance through your skin, you’re his, to have and to hold as he sees fit.
He knows your body like the rough, weathered palms of his hand, and in turn you know his; the intoxicating way he ruts into you, filling you until you can’t think straight, along with the tremble in his thighs lets you know he’s close.  He holds you tight, the flesh of your back melting into his broad chest as he cums deep inside you, as if you’ll vaporize into thin air if he lets you go.  The simple sensation of him wrapped around you is enough to get drunk on, and you silently wish you could stretch this moment out for an eternity.
“I love you.” you murmur to him as he crashes from his high, slowly regaining control of his breathing.
It’s soft and hushed, a raw rasp in your voice as your words blanket the room in an intimate sweetness, the kind that pulls on heartstrings so harshly that the rest of the world slips away.  As Zoro echoes your sentiment, whispering a love you too in your ear and burying his head into the crook of your neck to savor the moment, Law selfishly twists your words in his mind, filling in the gaps and imagining them whispered to him instead.
“I love you, Law.”
Though it’s a mangled, manufactured creation of his own mind, he doesn’t care; just the concept of the words rolling off your tongue as you cry out for him is enough to make him spill his seed all over his jeans as he violently fucks his hand.
“I love you, Law...”
The words tumble in his head, bouncing off the walls of his skull as he comes down from his high, tormenting him.  He needs them to be real, to hear them spoken to him in hushed tones in quiet places hidden away from the world; he needs you to want him, to yearn for him, to crave him, to love him.
But you don’t.
You love Zoro.
At breakfast the next morning, Law stretches his legs underneath the table, lightly grazing his thigh against yours in the process; it’s intentional as it always is, the guilt and shame of his voyeurism doing nothing to dampen his futile attempts to sway you.
You jerk away from his touch, tilting your legs to your left, towards Zoro.  So close, but so far, it’s infuriating enough to make him clench his jaw so hard he nearly breaks a tooth.
When you’re still hungry after finishing your plate, he quietly offers you the remnants left on his plate—he can barely stomach food at the moment anyways, not when he’s plagued with visions of you splayed out and spread open underneath another man.
Though he knows he can’t have you, Law can’t help but continue to give you his scraps.
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countlessimagines · 1 year
New Guy Around [ Adam Warlock x Reader ]
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Summary: While helping rebuild Nowhere, you get to know the man who tried to kill your friends.
A/N: I’ve loved Will Poulter since I was 13 so of course I would fall in love with Adam Warlock <3 also my apologies for this kind of being small, my future imagines of him will definitely be longer! Enjoy for now though loves!!
It was a normal day for you when you began to talk to Adam; wake up to little raccoons climbing all over you, eating breakfast with Rocket and Groot, and helping Drax with the kids.
It usually consisted of Drax translating what they’re saying while you tried to get them settled into new homes with people willing to take them in.
And as usual, Adam would stroll around like a lost puppy trying to figure out what to do for the day. While he made himself useful by going person to person, today he looked more confused than ever.
You still weren’t on the best terms with him, despite the rest of the guardians giving him a second chance. It didn’t help that they told you what he was trying to do before they rescued him.
With a deep sigh, you let Drax deal with the children for the day and walked over to Adam.
“Do you need something to do?” You asked him and he seemed a bit startled that you were actually talking to him.
“Uh, yes?” Adam said and immediately began to follow behind you as you made your way to your small apartment. It had been destroyed pretty badly in the fight, and you could use all the help you could get into repairing it back to normal.
While your place was livable, it still needed something to make it more of a home.
You let Adam in and instructed him on fixing one of the walls with many holes in it. He got right to work and was pretty silent the whole time. Meanwhile, you straightened up your work desk littered with plants, pots, soil, and little figurines you built for the children.
“Can I ask you a question?” Adam said, taking you out from your little flow of organizing.
You hummed a yes and waited for whatever question he was going to say. You honestly weren’t in the mood for a conversation, though.
“For all those plants on your desk, you sure don’t decorate this place enough.”
You turned sharply to him, wondering why it was relevant to ask such a thing. “Maybe if the people you had been working for hadn’t ruined my place, I would be able to put things up by now. But no, I have to fix it first.”
“All I’m saying is a flower on your table would suffice.” Adam shrugged and began to work again.
You rolled your eyes and continued to replant some of the white flowers you knew Groot loved. “If you must know I gift these flowers to people I care about.”
Adam stood up from the ground and walked over to your desk. “Will I get one of them?” He was teasing you with a smile and a question you knew was a joke.
“Maybe one day if you don’t mess it up for yourself,” you said and glanced up at him. He was significantly taller than you, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed how close he was. “And maybe, just maybe if I forgive you for trying to kill my friends.”
Adam nodded and promptly began to work again. “I will win you over.”
Then it became normal for Adam to arrive every morning at your door to help repair the rest of your apartment.
While he worked, you would either tend to your plants or build figurines for the children. It kept both of you busy and eventually a comfortable silence would fall between the two of you. Well, besides Rocket blasting music over the speakers.
Adam would often go to your desk, do a little nod of approval at what you were creating, then go back to working. You would tend to sneak looks at him, thinking he didn’t notice but he always did.
You hated to admit that you found the golden man attractive, and fought against the thoughts that plagued your mind about him. You didn’t want to get close to him… yet.
Adam was very helpful and extremely nice to you, and you could tell he was trying to make up for his past transgressions. You felt bad for being an ass to him, and one day you tried to make up for it. You made him a figurine of his pet that always seemed to find its way to him.
You had left it at his apartment one night and thought nothing of it, expecting nothing in return.
It was the weekend now, and Adam tended to only help on weekdays, so you didn’t expect to wake up to him at your door. He was holding something behind his back, but you didn’t ask any questions.
“Oh, um, good morning?” You said sleepily, still in pajamas.
“I wanted to stop by to say thank you for my gift.” Adam smiled and you noticed he had placed it in the pocket of his shirt.
“Of course, it was my way of saying thank you for all the help.” You did a small smile in return.
Adam shifted on his feet and pulled out a small daisy from behind his back. “I, uh, picked this for you. I know it’s not much but you always gift flowers to people so I thought you deserved one yourself.”
You grinned happily and accepted the flower with a thank you. The tiny flower meant the world to you and Adam seemed ecstatic to give it to you.
“That’s the first ever gift I’ve given someone.” Adam looked so innocent and sad when he said that, almost as if his history did haunt him.
“It’s lovely.” You gave him a hug which took him by surprise but he gladly wrapped his arms around you.
“I was wondering if you’d like to…” Adam’s words trailed off in confusion, not finding the word he needed.
“Go on a date?” You helped him out, knowing exactly what he meant.
“Yes, that,” he said with his dorky smile and awaited your answer.
“I would love that.” You smiled brightly at him, delighted that Adam ended up being a sweet person beneath all the gold.
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tuhtofu · 1 year
homewrecker diaries ft. kaveh
cw: sub kaveh, amab reader, dom reader, drunk sex, dubcon, cheating, mentions of unrequited love (reader’s end), unhealthy dynamics, coercion, frottage, premature ejaculation, overstimulation, feminization, obsessive behavior, manhandling
wc: 1.4k
Summary: What is the best way to comfort a wife whose needs have been neglected? It’s simple, you make sure their needs are fulfilled.
Kaveh is a most charismatic man, and you’ve always been into him. How could you not be? He’s captivating, inside out, with beautiful, soft features and a kind, caring personality. Because of this, it’s no surprise that another man has already claimed him, capturing the heart you continue to long for yourself.
Although you’ve always been on good terms with Kaveh and Alhaitham, a part of you can’t help but feel envious, and while you acknowledge Alhaitham’s intentions are good, you know that you could treat your darling better.
So when you’re met with a drunk Kaveh on your couch, who rushed to your house after being locked out of his own once again, whining about his husband, you aren’t surprised. But the conversation soon took another turn, and Kaveh’s cute little rambles turned into rants about how sexually frustrated he is because his husband is never at home. Kaveh came to you for this, so it’s only natural that you want to take advantage of this moment to finally have the person you always wanted for yourself, isn’t it?
Kaveh goes on and on about how badly he needs to be taken care of, how he misses the feeling of being fucked dumb all while a blush adorns his cheeks, sweet puppy eyes looking up into yours as he leans closer to you and takes another sip of the wine in his hand.
He has to be doing this on purpose, you think. Or he’s simply drunk out of his mind and he doesn’t understand how seductive he is. Nevertheless, you’re incredibly hard, and once you take notice of his glossy lips, now stained with wine, you forget about every last bit of hesitation you felt and kiss him, grabbing his jaw with your hand so he wouldn’t be able to pull away.
To your surprise, he kisses you back with even more fervor, small whines escaping him, and you could taste the alcohol in his mouth as your tongue explored it, positively getting drunk on him in every sense. He felt even better than you ever imagined, after having spent so many nights fantasizing about the filthy things you wanted to do to him despite the guilt you felt when you remembered that he has a partner.
Right now though, the thought only turns you on more, when you feel how Kaveh grabs onto your forearms to steady himself, body quivering and as you sloppily make out, because it’s all for you. You’re the one he needs, the person he’s always needed, and you won’t back out now that you’ve gotten this far.
When the both of you pull away, Kaveh’s lips are covered in saliva, inner brows raised as he cups his erection with both hands, looking away.
“I can’t do this… Please,” he whines, completely unaware of how adorable he looks. “My husband–”
“Please, angel, I know what you need, and I can give it to you, so just forget about everyone else. You don’t need to think about anyone other than me,” you try to argue.
Kaveh does try to think straight, but he can’t put his thoughts together in this state, knowing that he’s thought about you before as well. Though he’d passed it off as an unintentional fleeting thought, being here with you, your bulge so prominent and your eyes looking at him like he’s your prey, all he can do is screw his eyes shut and rub his thighs together, lips completely sealed.
He feels his stomach turn inside out in hesitation, but your hands prying his legs open bring him back to reality as he opens his eyes to look at you with desperation, like he’s begging for you to make a decision for him. You decide to lean into his neck to kiss, suck and nip at it while simultaneously unzipping his pants.
“Don’t leave any marks…” he mutters, but the way he leans his head to the side to expose more of his neck to you contradicts his words, and you have to physically hold yourself back from sucking hickeys into his skin out of spite. Instead, you push Kaveh so he falls on his back, earning a dramatic gasp from him that makes you giggle.
Sliding one hand into the opening of his shirt to toy with his nipples, you flick your nail over one of them, and Kaveh’s breath hitches. He shyly reaches for his shirt to open it up more, giving you access to his other perky nipple, and you comply with his silent request and latch your lips onto it, licking and biting it softly. It’s not long before you feel Kaveh trying to grind his hips into yours, and you are starting to get impatient as well, but before you can help him out of his clothes, he stops you.
“Wait a minute, stop please, I’m not sure about this anymore,” he says, voice already sounding broken and high pitched, but you don’t pay him any mind. You know what he really wants, and his whole body is practically begging for you, so you couldn’t possibly abandon him in this state.
“I promise you’ll feel good. You told me you’ve been frustrated, didn’t you?” you respond nonchalantly, grabbing onto the waistband of his pants and tugging them down roughly, eyes trained on his face as you watch his eyes widen in shock at the manner in which you’re handling him, but the way he squirms in place only encourages you to keep going. “I want you, Kaveh. I’ve wanted you for so long, and I won’t let you go so easily.”
Then you finally notice it. The pretty, angry red tip of his cock peeking out from his… Panties. A pair of baby pink lace panties. You stare in awe, watching as his dick jumps at the sudden attention. You didn’t think anything could turn you on more in this moment. Kaveh notices your gaze lingering for a moment too long and he attempts to close his legs in embarrassment, moving to sit up on his elbows, but your strong grip on his thighs makes his struggles futile and you spread them even further in retaliation.
You waste no time getting rid of your own clothes, moving to rest your heavy cock on top of his, causing both of your breaths to hitch. You wrap your hand around the both of you, slowly working it from the base to the glans, and Kaveh lets out a loud cry when you let your tips kiss, precum drooling on one another.
“You’re so wet, princess, feels so good,” you mumble as you pick up the pace, both of your hips rocking into the tight grip of your hand, and your words cause Kaveh’s entire body to shake as he reaches his orgasm prematurely, ropes of cum painting his stomach and dirtying the both of you. Tears begin to form in his eyes when you don’t stop, intent on adding your own mess into his, and he starts to feel the pain of overstimulation kick in, writhing underneath you but making no efforts to actually get away.
“It’s too much, please! Please, please, please!” he sobs, and you lean down to shut his mouth using your own, incoherently mumbling into it about how good he’s being, how cute his sensitive little cock is, how slutty he looks, spewing out every thought that crosses your mind. All of the stimulation causes Kaveh to break, dick twitching as he cums again and you relish in the way his face contorts in pleasure and how his legs shake uncontrollably as you reach your own orgasm, adding to the pool of cum on Kaveh’s torso.
The both of you pant as you attempt to catch your breaths, eyes lidded as you watch Kaveh whine at the sight in front of him before throwing his head back and covering his eyes with one arm. He’s still hard. Despite that, he attempts to get back up once more, embarrassed by the fact, but you’re not having any of it.
Pushing him back down, you lean into his mouth and kiss it roughly as you grab his legs, bringing them up to your shoulders and folding him in half, pushing his panties aside to line yourself up to his entrance. Oh Archons, finally. Finally, you can take Kaveh, in the way you have always craved.
“I’ll take care of you here too, okay, pretty girl?”
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coquettetoji · 6 months
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armin as your boyfriend hcs 😁 (fem reader)
— sigh you already know he’s the purest boy on earth so him as a boyfriend?? that’s your husband even in the first 2 weeks
— gets you “just because” flowers at least 2 times a week
— he gives you the dictionary thesaurus encyclopedia definition of PRINCESS TREATMENT.
— he will hold your hand everywhere, kneel down to take your shoes off/put them on for you, knows the side walk rule, sends you $$ without you even asking for any and oh my god he’s just so perfect.
— likes to do your hair for you regardless if your hair is pin straight or super curly, he will learn your exact routine in order to take care of it for you
— you’ll never stop hearing “why do you need to do that when i’m here?” nonstop. even for the stupidest things like getting the remote across the sofa. 😭
— his love language is words of affirmation and acts of service, he’s just always there to help you
— will trail behind you like a lost puppy at all times, literally follows you almost everywhere just in case you ever need him to do something for you
— his whole instagram feed is just you, you and you ** EXHIBIT A
— his follower ratio is also insane i’m saying like maybe 10 following (you and friends + fam) and then a good 60k followers
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— most definitely has an “i ❤️ my girlfriend shirt” and wears it proudly with a pretty smile
— in public terms, he’s definitely touchy but not as touchy as when you guys are alone
— holds your hand, guides you with a hand on your lower back, has a hand around your waist, and wants you as close as possible to him in public but keeps it to a minimum
— when you guys are alone however, lord you can never get rid of him >>>
— will whine out a “where are you going? 🙁 i’ll come with you” at 3am when you need to pee.
— his favorite spots to kiss you are on your forehead, and yours cheeks, just because he likes to see your eyes go all dazed and happy when he does
— he does that hot thing where while he kisses you, you can feel the smile start to form on his lips
— his favorite pet names to call you are the typical domestic sweet and cute ones that just make your heart melt: baby, princess, love, pretty girl, calls you a good girl when praising you 😸
— your personal photographer everywhere, he knows to get all the angles and most of the pictures on your ig are taken by armin
— loves hugs, hugs are loved by him and just likes hugs, did i mention he loves hugs?
— does that thing where he hugs you from behind, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest esp when you guys are with friends or at parties
— he loves when you run your hands through his hair, he has the fluffiest softest hair ever definitely whimpers when it just feels way too good
— the most soft spoken boyfriend ever, he will never raise his voice at you even when he’s mad or upset (which is rare)
—takes you out on dates often and they’re always the best planned out dates ever (candle lit dinners, picnics
— will hold your heels in one hand after a date where your feet hurt while clutching your hand in the other
— whenever you start talking he sometimes just blanks out staring at you and how pretty you are which then just ends up with him blabbering “mhm’s” and “yeah yeah i get what you’re saying” while being completely zoned out staring at your face
— he always blushes when you show affection towards him first out of nowhere like when he’s talking to you about something and you just reach up and kiss his cheek, he’ll completely lose his train of thought.
— i’ve mentioned this before and i’ll mention it again, he’s a golden retriever boyfriend
— i mean he literally follows you around like a puppy already, he just acts like one in general whenever he’s around you
— he’s definitely a naturally quiet person around people he doesn’t know and kinda reserved but he just falls apart around you with a soft look of fondness in his blue eyes
— i just think of the childhood bestfriend trope when it comes to him or academic rivals
— he takes pride and hangs on to every single compliment you say to him. like throw one “you’re so handsome” at him and he’ll keep it like an id in his pocket
— like if eren said to him, “you’re ugly as fuck” armin will just shrug and smile saying “ _______ doesn’t think so 😁😁” just so smiley god he’s adorable
— in the domestic aspect of armin as your bf, he’s definitely super sweet and just soft with you
— breakfast in bed, cooking for you on the daily, + cleaning the dishes after too, taking care of you when sick
— helps you get dressed when you’re tired, does your hair for you, brushes your teeth for you while softly tilting your chin up between his thumb and pointer finger JUST UGH I NEED HIM SO BAD
— he will get on his knees for you any day of the week 😁 (for anything not just that guys)
— final conclusion and something i think he does that’s really cute
star moments of armin as your bf
★ keeps your hair tie on his left wrist in case you would ever need one
★ gets on his knees to take off your heels or shoes for you
★ never lets you open the car door by yourself and when helping you out or in he always kisses your forehead
★ took it upon himself to memorize every order of food or drink you have and your whole makeup collection to replace it if you ever ran out
★ cried happy tears when you told him you love him for the first time back (he defo told you before you did LMAO)
— overall just the sweetest boy and boyfriend ever 💞💞💞💕💕💓💓💗💗
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freyito · 2 months
Could I request the Lin Kuei trio and Syzoth with a male reader that just has the prettiest puppy-dog eyes ever?
Like, he doesn't even have to try to beg for anything because he simply has to look up at someone with slightly pleading expression and then before anyone knows anything they're just giving into him because his eyes are so hghnwejh
✭ pairing(s): bi-han [sub zero], kuai liang [scorpion], tomas vrbada [smoke], syzoth [reptile], kenshi takahashi (seperate) x m!reader
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✧ a/n: if i could get anything i wanted just by staring at someone i think i would be rich (would have more miku figures)
🗒 cw: male reader (but i barely use gendered terms), just fluff :), bonus character, proofread
✎ wc: 1.7k
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ʜᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴀʏ ɴᴏ…
⎯ Bi-Han
Bi-Han is prone to spoiling you, it’s no secret. Even amongst the Lin Kuei, they know that you, specifically, are his weak spot. He might be the strictest man in the world to their eyes, but he’s putty in your hands. Usually.
You and Bi-Han haven’t had a date in a while, he was busy with the Lin Kuei, and you could tell he was starting to get more and more stressed out. So you’ve essentially dragged him on a date, a nice little bakery in town that serves decadent desserts.
He insists on some place else, just a walk will do. But you beg and beg, and plead, it has some of the best chocolate cake, you know he’s a big sweets person deep down. And he pushes back. Not because he doesn’t want to go with you, but because he’s just too stubborn.
So, you have no choice but to use your trump card. He can see the gears turning in your head and he does his best to fight against it, but it’s too late. You give him a look with big ol’ eyes, almost quivering your lip. You watch his resolve crack, and shatter. Victory in hand, you drag Bi-Han to the bakery. And as much as he tries to be dismissive about it, you can tell he actually appreciates it.
He may act all tough, seem unphased, but you have him wrapped around your finger. He always tries to play it off, the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei cannot show any weakness. And god forbid he enjoys ‘cute’ things… but you are the exception. You don’t even need to plead, or beg, because he’s at your beck and call. The puppy eyes are just the cherry on top, he can never, and will never say no to them.
⎯ Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang likes to think he’s impenetrable. He believes he won’t fall for your puppy eyes time and time again, which is always a lie. Case in point: you were trying to get him to spend more time with you. Why? You were just feeling clingy.
And of course he tries to push back. It’s not that he doesn’t want to spend time with you, it’s the fact that building the Shirai Ryu takes a lot of time and effort. Although, he does seem to agree that he has been neglecting time with you. So, he’s convinced eventually.
It’s not the date that forces you to use your secret weapon, rather, where you are at. After much planning and scrambling to find a time that fits his schedule, you two are off to see a film. It isn’t necessarily his favorite choice, and it feels a bit cheesy to him, but he can look past it. What matters to him is the time with you.
After the movie, you find a photobooth. It may be silly and a bit childish, but when was the last time you had a physical picture with Kuai Liang? Never! So of course you bug him to get in it with you. He pushes back, he believes there’s no reason for it. It’s not like he has a scrapbook. But you don’t need a scrapbook for a little photo strip of you and him! After a bit of back and forth, you’re starting to feel like you’re losing.
No warning, no escape. You tug on his arm to pull him on, giving him a pleading look he just can’t say no to. Begrudgingly, he joins you in the booth. The photos come out cute… in a way. Kuai Liang doesn’t exactly look too thrilled in any of the pictures, but he clearly plays along with whatever pose you chose. If you try to make a heart with your hand, he’ll complete it, if you kiss him, he’ll lean into it. He tries not to come off as too annoyed, because secretly, he kind of likes this childish kind of stuff. It isn’t something he got to do a lot when he was younger, as the Grandmaster’s son, he didn’t get much free time. Training and the like.
⎯ Tomas Vrbada
Now, Tomas could never say no to you. He’s not weak-willed, but when it comes to you, you always get through to him. Anything you want? It’s yours. Ignore the fly that flies out of his wallet. You wanna spend time with him? Of course! Let him just clear his schedule real quick.
However, you two don’t get to enjoy a lot of city dates that much. Normally, you two just settle at Madame Bo’s, which is always a nice time. But both of you are starting to get restless. You plan a night out on the town, a nice little dinner, and ending at an arcade.
The date goes wonderfully, it’s a peaceful night, and both of you are able to unwind. Given the stress of building the Shirai Ryu and training new recruits, it’s clear that Tomas needed a night out. Or a week out. A month, even. But that was an issue for another day. What mattered the most now was the arcade!
You spend hours there, jumping from machine to machine, scrounging for tickets. You have your sights set on a massive bear plush. Why? You can’t help but think it looks like Tomas… and you’ll be damned if you’d pass up on that. You’re determined, beyond so, but you’re about…. 4,000 tickets short. And it’s late. You start to give up on your goal.
So, you turn to your boyfriend with a defeated look, and he doesn’t even give you two seconds before he’s working overtime. Truthfully, he doesn’t see the resemblance, but if you’re so hellbent on it… he is too! And he can’t stand to see his pretty boy so dejected. You will walk out of this arcade with that bear in his arms, he makes sure of it. In record time, he manages to scrounge up the 4,000 tickets, and an extra 500 for some probably stale candy, as well. Needless to say, you walk outside of the arcade and end the night with the bear in your hands, your boyfriend following behind happily.
⎯ Syzoth
With Syzoth, it is a war of the gods. You have to use your power sparingly, and you have to be prepared to get it back tenfold. But you're resilient, so you can take it. You’re sure of it. And he has a massive soft spot for you, of course he does. So no matter how long you two stare into each other's eyes, no matter how big and sparkly you try to make your eyes look, he always gives in.
Right now, you are certain you can get through to him without weaponizing your eyes. You’ve just found a stray kitten, it’s all scraggly and wet and probably abandoned and most definitely infested with fleas. And you can’t help but want to keep it. You can and will take care of it, you swear!
Even the kitten is pleading its case, mewing and staring at Syzoth with big, brown eyes that just scream ‘take me home’. And he tries to turn away and close his eyes. He’s stubborn, for sure. And if this cute little kitten can’t get through to him… maybe you can?
And so, you huff, waiting for him to turn back towards you. You can look at him like this all day if you need to, this kitten is in clear need of a home and you weren’t just going to leave it behind. You pout slightly, your eyes water a bit, and finally, he turns around.
Of course, Syzoth doesn’t allow you an easy win. He gives you the same energy back, sighs and says it will cost a lot of money. You don’t give up, and clearly this kitten hasn’t either. The air is tense, you and your boyfriend stare into eachothers eyes for what feels like an eternity, the kitten mewls and does its best to join in. Ultimately, you win. It’s two against one, and Syzoth just can’t say no.
⎯ [Bonus!] Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi has been a busy man these days, caught up with the OIA, still dealing with the remnants of his past, it’s hard for him to keep up. He works long hours at the office, sometimes coming home well into the night when you are asleep. Of course he feels guilty for this, and he does his best to get time off, but not everything works in his favor.
Considering his lack of eyesight, he says he’s immune to you. Which is only partially true. He picks up on that little breath you take when you pout, the way you shuffle to look up at him, so he knows your routine. But you know his, too. You’ve picked up on the fact that he’s incredibly susceptible to you with Sento around, given the fact that he can actually see you.
You wait all night for him to come home, you’re beyond tired. It’s hard to keep your head up, or your eyes open, but you sit in the living room, anxious and waiting. Kenshi’s first move when he gets home is to always put Sento away, which involves him grabbing it, which means he can see you. For even a split second. So when the door opens, you’re on him.
He asks why you’re up so late, hand slowly reaching back into the case that is slung over his shoulder to grab Sento. The moment his fingers back contact with the sheathe, you look up at him and pout and plead, hands clasped together, begging him to spend more time with you. The instant he sees your face, he lets go of Sento, shaking his head slightly.
He tells you that he does his best, and he swears he will spend more time with you, but he cannot give you a day or time set in stone. He can’t take another second of your face, because it makes his heart hurt and it makes him feel guilty… which he was already feeling beforehand. However, Kenshi surprises you the next week with two days off, a nice day out with a fancy dinner, and a day in where you’re cuddled up against him while he plays with your hair.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN, REPOST ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM, OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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meaningofaeons · 10 months
Your writing is so pretty !! I really love your characterization ngl. I feel like you're great at keeping them in character! I was wondering if you could do some hcs of Blade, Dan Heng and Gepard having a crush on a more experienced/older member? For an example, Dan Heng having a crush on an experienced Nameless who was on the Express before him and sort of was the one who was more hands on with helping him learn the ropes. The same implies with the other two for their respective occupations. Idk, I see a lot of character x new member person but never the reverse. I think it's a little cute lol.
Thank you for reading and thanks double if you write it!!
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ seniority
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau, blade, dan heng ⊹ word count - 1.9k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, fluff, reader is a silvermane guard lieutenant (gepard)/a senior member of the stellaron hunters (blade)/a senior member of the Nameless (dan heng), reader pretty much implied to be older in these, at least in terms of like physical appearance/age
hi anon!!! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ I was a big fan of this req ever since you first sent it in! I agree, there's so many "omg reader is an inexperienced baby and the character helps them and falls for them<3" but where's my characters getting swept off their feet by READER who's the senior member fr?!?!? no hate to anyone who writes the former, but I really like strong and capable readers !!!!! enjoy the req <3
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⊹ Gepard Landau
Gepard pretty much knew you from the second he joined up with the Silvermane Guards.
As a Landau, it was always his duty, so he'd striven to do his best. However, just because it was his duty to stand at the top of the Supreme Guardian's defenses, doesn't mean he never looked up to anyone.
Despite being similar in age, you'd been a member of the guards far longer than he, enough to stand at the rank of Lieutenant before he had even joined.
At first, it really was just admiration. That, and a sense of seeking mentorship.
He'd follow you around like a lost puppy, the then-humble private Gepard trying to get any pointers he could from you
Would ask you to train with him now and then, or would ask how he can best show his dedication to the guards
Being so busy, however, you rarely had time to entertain these wishes.
Even as a Lieutenant and not a Captain, there were certain duties you had to uphold yourself. If you bowed to the whims of every Silvermane Guard, you'd be nothing more than an errand runner, or perhaps just a simple trainer.
You did notice him, though—how could you not?
He was the eldest son of the Landaus, of all families.
Not to mention, his achievements already far outweighed his ranking.
You only provided minimal guidance when he sought it, and yet here he was, smashing every expectation.
Gepard didn't of you as anything other than a superior, someone to strive after and look up to. Even as he took the ranking of Captain and rose above your station, he still deferred to you on many things.
He would seek your advice in handling situations, and the two of you began working closer every day.
Outside of normal duty, the two of you began talking as well—however, it was mostly about work.
Even with all of that, he still saw you as nothing more than someone to be respected. He still saw you as just a superior, surely. That's all it was.
Those fluttering feelings in his chest when you bested him in a spar? Pure awe at your superior strength and wit in battle.
The heating of his cheeks when you'd toss him your water flask, telling him to drink up and get back on his feet? Just a minor cold, he was sure of it.
Well, for a while, at least, he could justify it as such...
One day, he arrived to his greenhouse after work—a place for his lackluster hobby of keeping flowers—only to find you, the Lieutenant he admired, watering each bud and taking careful care of each petal.
"W-What are you doing here, Lieutenant Y/N?!"
"Ah, forgive me for intruding. Ms. Sergeyevna was unavailable, so Serval asked me to check on your flowers."
You then chuckled a bit.
"Also, you're above me in ranking now, Captain Gepard. No need for the formalities."
And when you smiled, it sent a bolt of lightning straight through Gepard's chest—something he couldn't brush off or ignore any more.
You looked radiant.
He had to get out of there quickly.
"W-Well, thank you for your help! I best be off..."
Before he left, though, he couldn't help but pause, fidgeting at the door.
"Something the matter?"
"Erm..." Gepard was stammering, ready to smack himself over the head for his blunder. "I-If there's no need for formalities, then there's no need for you to refer to me as 'Captain' outside of work, Lieute—" He cut himself off. "Y/N... So..."
You only smiled.
"Okay, Gepard."
When Gepard ran (or rather, stiffly marched) back home after that little exchange, he was beating himself up mentally for such a foolish request.
And yet, the red of his cheeks and the pounding of his heart never did quite dissipate.
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⊹ Blade
In Blade's mind, there wasn't much to say about you.
You were a fellow Stellaron Hunter—so?
He was mostly only assigned to Kafka thanks to her Spirit Whisper calming his mara.
Not to mention, the day he arrived to the Stellaron Hunters, you weren't even present. On a mission, as Elio had said.
However, the two of you would eventually cross paths when Kafka was assigned to a separate mission (after ensuring Blade would be stable during her absence, of course).
"This is Y/N. They have assisted the course of destiny for many years now. Be courteous to them."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Blade."
The first thing Blade noticed was how you were... warmer than he expected.
Kafka didn't have much to say on you other than non-answers (her usual go-to for any questions) and Silver Wolf had only mentioned you being scary.
Had she perhaps meant... in battle?
Surely the person before him wasn't scary in any capacity.
You were skilled, yes—once he went on jobs with you, he could easily tell why you were still a successful member of the Stellaron Hunters.
In any other situation, perhaps he would've said he admired your prowess.
However, you were still but an enigma, and for a long time, Blade didn't like that.
He chose to keep his distance where he could. While he would obey you in missions to assist Elio to his full capacity, he never actively hung around you if he didn't have to.
Despite this, you seemed to hang around him as much as you pleased, and against his obvious displeasure.
"Blade, would you like a snack? I brought plenty for this particular job, since it could get long."
"That coat can't be comfortable all the time. Why don't we go and get you a new one? It's not bad to have options."
"Is your hair getting in the way? I can braid it or tie it back."
He'd never answer you at first. Your kindness was uncomfortable.
However, one day, he did. And he still doesn't quite know why.
"Blade, your bandages are unraveling again. Should I rewrap them?"
"...If you must."
You had stopped at that. Blade actually answered you?
"Haha, I was beginning to wonder if you had a voice at all! C'mere, I'll do those right up for you."
The gentle feeling of your hands redoing the bandages across his battered body did not make Blade flush, nor did his heart rate accelerate.
But a fuzzy feeling had wormed its way into his chest, and he didn't want to think about what it could mean.
But even if he didn't think about its meaning, surely it wouldn't hurt to pursue it from time to time?
It certainly felt better than the agony of mara rife through his walking corpse of a body.
Blade began spending time with you, even outside of missions.
You were reading somewhere? He'd suddenly appear beside you, claiming to be at a loss for things to do, thus he decided to sit for a while.
You were in your room? He'd ask if he could sit in the corner and polish his sword—the lighting in your room was best for such care.
You were about to head out on a solo mission? He'd either ask Elio to accompany you and appear just as you were to head out, or if he was denied, he'd ask you to tie his hair back before he went in case he was called out—Kafka and Silver Wolf, he claimed, could never do it quite right.
It's honestly very endearing.
This big, scary beast of a man becomes a stubborn kitten in your presence, never willing to admit he desires your presence but seeking it out anyways.
And to Blade, that's fine.
He doesn't need words to tell you how he feels.
Hell, he'd probably be loathe to speak his feelings into existence himself. He's still in denial.
He'll continue to show you in just the way he always has—being as close by your side as he can.
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⊹ Dan Heng
Unlike with Blade, Dan Heng has some level of interest in you from the start.
You're there when Himeko brings him aboard, introducing him to her fellow Nameless as the newest member.
To be fair, though, he does have some sort of interest in every member of the Nameless, but something about you is a tad different.
You appear younger than Himeko or Welt, likely closer to his own physical age.
That alone makes you somewhat more approachable.
Not that Dan Heng is really approaching anyone on the express right away, though...
It definitely takes you stepping up and approaching him first for him to open up.
It probably starts with you helping him out.
He's always diligent about obeying your advice and help.
As independent as Dan Heng can be, he's respectful to your authority as a more experienced Nameless.
(Not that there's much of a hierarchy or seniority in the Nameless, but he respects you anyhow.)
He's having trouble compiling all the information for a certain entry? You're pointing out things he missed, sort of like a beta reader.
When the two of you are exploring the latest planet you've stopped by, you keep him safe against dangerous monsters (not that he's incapable of fighting, but he appreciates the assistance)
If he's looking for the next volume of a book he's been reading, you're the first to find and get it for him.
And if it's not on the Express, you fetch it for him elsewhere.
You're very open, which he's not used to—Himeko and Mr. Yang tend to leave him to his own devices, after all—but it's not a bad feeling, per se.
He begins to take notice of the ways you stand by him, help him, watch his back.
Not to mention, the manner in which you try to ensure he's welcome at every turn, considering your senior status as one of the Nameless and his relative recent arrival.
As you spend time with him, it's only a matter of time before you can nonverbally understand the quiet Xianzhou native.
"Hmm, I see. I'll go get you the latest volume, Dan Heng. I'm sure they sell it on this planet, too—I've been to their bookstores before."
Himeko and Welt don't really know quite what goes on when this happens.
Over time, you're always the first to communicate for Dan Heng if he isn't present, which he truly does appreciate.
"Dan Heng would like whatever, as usual. Can you prepare the breakfast I had last time, Pom-Pom? He seemed to enjoy it when he tried mine."
"Oh, Dan Heng won't be joining us. Said he needs to organize the archives."
To anyone else, it might just look like a senior Nameless taking the new guy under their wing, but Mr. Yang and Himeko both grew to know better.
They both saw the way that Dan Heng looked at you when he thought no one else was looking at him.
Or perhaps he just didn't care as long as you didn't see the way his eyes shone, an almost imperceptible affection shining behind them.
They both noticed how Dan Heng would go out of his way on planets you weren't exploring to buy you a souvenir, or get you a snack reminiscent of your favorites.
Even March—when you, along with the other Nameless, finally discovered her and rescued her from her ice-prison—as a relatively new member could catch on to how he felt in just a few short weeks.
"Hey, Y/N! Are you and Dan Heng dati—"
The pink-haired girl eventually had her curiosity sated every time she got to take a photo of Dan Heng's ever-slight smile at the sight of you returning to the Express.
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moumouton4 · 8 months
Jealousy, Possession || Izuku Midoriya x reader
A/n : Prompt 27 of the Smutember 2023 ( Okay so this is not as smutty as I would have wanted, but I'm still very sick and I have a LOT of things to do as the mid-terms are coming my way. I hope you'll like it nevertheless. And if you want something with a similar plot, like a jealousy or a possessive character I'll do my best to write it, and make up for this one. As I said it took me a while to write I don't even remeber the beginning 😭 )
The list of prompts is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : no mention of gender for reader, mention erection nothing graphic, sex implied, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1515
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No one ever thought he, the kind and caring Izuku could be like that. I mean it was far from the personality everyone attributed to him to have. And since you were the type to be touchy-feely, people guessed it was fine to act the way they wanted with you ( within the boundaries of respect and consent of course )
But with time some people, the one who were closer to you noticed slight changes in his behavior. It started as nothing, like quick glances your way when your friends of the Baku Squad would talk to you, to slowly inching closer to where you guys were standing just to know what you’re talking about and also to be sure no one would get to close
It would have seemed impossible to anyone to think that Izuku was this jealous and possessive of you but it was so easy to be when you spent almost all your day with Bakugo, the one who never fails, the one who can do everything better than him. And let’s not forget Denki, he is just so funny, more than Izuku knew he could ever be. And Eijiro and Sero.
But then again something switched in him when he was seeing Eijiro’s arm around your shoulders, or Denki giving you a piggy-back ride. Even he knew that Katsuki was standing or sitting always closer to you than from anyone else and seriously it made the green haired boy’s blood boil in his veins. Seriously, at some point he just wanted to whisk you away from them and keep you to himself, for fear of you to realize how lame he was compared to them.
One day Sero patted you back in a comforting manner after you got a bad grade and Izuku literally growled lowly as he saw you both getting physically closer. he knew that it was utterly friendly but he couldn’t help it, his hand that had flown to his mouth stayed there as he tried to look away. But after a moment he just couldn’t help it and walked to you. At first he yawned, giving you puppy dog eyes, telling you he was tired - it was 3 pm - and that he wanted you to go take a nap “Excuse me… erm can we like erm step aside ? I feel really tired and I could use a nap” saying this he really hoped you would follow him and at the same time get farther away from Sero, who was quite the charmer when he intended to.
Though you didn’t get this and told him “Oh well go ahead and get some rest. I’ll come check on you later”
He didn’t want you to come later. He wanted you to come now. So he tried again “Y/n don’t you want to come with me now. It’ll be easier for me to rest if I have you close-”
“I promise I won’t be long” you cut him.
“Ughh…” he huffed as he started to get annoyed, his jealousy getting the best of him “You know what” he said sitting down next to you on the couch “I’ll start resting here”
These kinds of feelings were so new for him and he didn’t know how he could handle them without getting no one hurt in the process. His cheeks were lightly rosy due to his feelings and the shyness he had to suppress to speak out loud in front of your friend. He tried so hard to close his eyes and actually do as if he was really tired and trying to rest but he just couldn’t. Not when he was so close to you, not when you were laughing so hard at his jokes and not when Bakugo was making his way down the corridor towards you.
The blond haired boy didn’t do anything different in comparison to what he would have done any other day. He walked in his typical way, exhaled dramatically the way he always does and gave you and Sero a quick nod to greet you. But it seemed to be enough for Izuku to suddenly stand up and get a hold of your arm.
He really tried to stay calm, breathing slowly, reminding himself that you choose him and him only. But somehow he couldn’t help but think that if you wanted to leave him for a better man you would. Looking into his eyes you could see through his green orbs the fire that burned behind. He gently tugged at your arm / shirt, he needed to go now. He knew it wasn’t right of him to ask you this because you too deserved to spend time with your friends. But currently he couldn’t think of anything else than having you just for himself.
You quickly understood ( I mean it was about time 😂 ) that now was the moment for him to leave this place before his jealousy gets overboard but it was without counting on Katsuki’s temper “Why are you leaving so soon dumbass ? It’s Friday afternoon”
“YEAH !” screamed Denki who was just arriving with Eijiro and Mina “We’re going to celebrate the week-end with some drinks and good music”
As you were about to gently make your way out of this discussion, Izuku who was at your side still holding onto you pulled you against him as he said “Thank you but no” and with that he walked off, dragging you with him in the process. Needless to say that everyone - even you - were flabbergasted to have attended such a situation. And maybe even more stunned by the fact that it was Izuku they had just seen acting on a jealous impulse.
“Am I the only one who saw that or- OUCH ! Don’t hit me like this”
“Shut up Dunce Face ! I already don’t like this-”
“Come on Bakugo you can’t be even impermeable to the power of love-”
“Don’t cut me off when I’m speaking Shitty Hair !” the blond roared, he had known you for years and he didn't like how Izuku whisked you out of the room, even if it was easy to see that you weren’t really struggling against it. It was also very strange and unhabitual for him to see Midoriya act so… dominant with someone else. He knew he had to address the matter with you in a way or another but he had to find a clever way to do it. The redhead at his right did his best to help him understand that it was in human nature to feel self-conscious sometimes and that it could create jealousy. Something Izuku, like everyone, could be a subject too.
Meanwhile, Izuku was fuming from the inside as he walked you both to his dorm. He was so angry at himself for having let his feelings get the best of him though he just couldn’t help but feeling extremely possessive of you at the moment. As you sat down on his bed he sat next to you and cuddled up against your side as you both lied down. He nuzzled against the side of your neck, taking a deep breath in of your parfum. It helped him calm down, but he still felt very clingy “Mine” he muttered “Only mine”
His cheeks were still growing very red as his brain registered the words that just escaped his mouth. But it wasn’t the only thing that made the heat run through his body. He felt very warm inside, he felt like he needed to assert what he had just said. He wanted to make you his, fully, in every possible way. And you could actually feel his needs throbbing against you and you knew you too were going to need him soon.
When you looked up at him, you found that he was already looking at you with intensity, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. Unable to muster the words you just leaned in, selling your shared passion and promise for what was to come with a long kiss - that was pretty much awaited on your boyfriend’s side.
Let’s say that from there, even if he wasn’t one to talk a lot, he was one to act and so he did, all night, as he filled you with everything you needed to make your eyes roll in the back of your head, but also with every ounce of his love for you. Making you his over and over again until his brain couldn't trick him into thinking otherwise anymore.
Your body arched and writhed relentlessly under his assaults. He didn’t relent at any point wanting to prove himself to you over and over again. He was the one making you feel like this, not Denki, not Sero and not Bakugo.
Denki almost came back in the evening to ask you guys to come and enjoy the little party they decided to throw that night. Fortunately Eijiro prevented him from walking on your entangled and sweaty limbs as Izuku mated you. Denki would have been choked for life and Izuku would have never left his dorm anymore.
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pretty-toru · 1 year
Can you talk about a situation where gojo and y/n are best friends since childhood and they start to develop something but it’s still not clear so they’re kinda in between that
i just had to include pining!gojo so i hope that's alright with you!! 🤍
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Satoru knew he liked you first, the type to say "It's always been you" when it comes down to it. You were beautiful to him since the first encounter and he treasures the friendship he built with you over the years. So when you began to see him more than just an annoying kid who turned into a handsome young man, you were unsure how to feel about this because you don't know how it'll affect the dynamics.
You and Satoru spent late nights together before but for some reason it feels different this time around. He's always looked at you the same but you're now only noticing how you can get so lost in his eyes. You both held hands running away from the servants as troublemaking kids, but it feels intimate when your fingers accidentally touch his and neither of you move for a moment. It's a small thing to get worked up over so you don't dwell on it.
The next day feels mostly normal but when Satoru walks into the classroom you suddenly have weird thoughts like did he always look that attractive? He notices your gaze on him and he simpers, "Stare any harder and I'll think you've fallen for me~" He's being full of himself again so you say something smart, but you never entirely rejected the statement. Shoko and Geto share a telepathic signal regarding their bets on you two.
When you're helping a cute grandma with her groceries and Satoru tags along because he follows you everywhere. She thanks you both for your utmost kindness, and before she lets you go about your afternoon she asks, "By the way, are you seeing anyone? I have a fine grandson-" Satoru chimes in hugging you tightly and explaining to the sweet old lady that you're with him so sadly you're off the market. You’re already used to him pretending for the couples promotion so you leave it at that.
You have wondered why Satoru hasn't been dating anyone when he attracts the attention of many girls, coming up to him and leaving their numbers with him but they could be meeting in secret. When it's his day off or the weekend, you're always included in his plans along with Geto, Shoko, and the other students. You'd stay peeled for any special girl that Satoru wants to introduce to his close friends yet she never appeared.
This goes on for several months before you come to terms that you DO have romantic feelings for Satoru, and as you muse over everything he has done you think maybe he does too. But with these things it's always a 50/50 chance. You either start dating and have a great relationship, or the friendship withers and you stop being best friends and that scared you. So you confide in Shoko and much to your surprise, you are the last person to know that he has liked you since the beginning.
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― a little bonus:
You find Satoru later that night, bringing up how you two promised to stay best friends forever no matter what when you were kids. He pulls himself upright from his bed after sensing the hint of seriousness in your voice and goes, "Yeah?" His heart nearly stops when you're silent for a moment from gathering your courage, and he most definitely wasn't prepared for the heartfelt confession that follows after.
Satoru's grinning like a complete idiot before trapping you in his arms for a tight embrace, "You had me worried there for a second, you know that? And here I thought you were never going to like me back!" When he retracts back slightly, his hands holding you firmly by the shoulders and azure eyes sparkling like sunlight over ocean waves. "Hey, can you say it again for me?"
Your cheeks flush slightly and you glance away from him. "I already told you I was going to say it only once. You should've listened the first time." He moves into your line of sight with puppy eyes, and you swear you weren't going to cave but Satoru's just too cute when he says please. After you tell him that you like him over and over again, he reciprocates tenfold before leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips 一 the most innocent kiss that made your mind go blank and feeling a little giddy and a lot of happiness.
He gently rests his forehead against yours and his hand moves to settle on your waist, the other taking your much smaller hand in his and rubbing small circles over your palm to keep him grounded. "You realize that if we start going out, it'd probably end with us getting married, right?"
"Yeah." Your smile widens, you knew Satoru was always part of your future but it's sweeter knowing that he'll be your companion for life if everything works out between you two like you hoped. You also knew your feelings didn't develop overnight and it was there all along but realizing and accepting them was startling.
"Is that okay with you?"
You nod slowly. "Yeah. And you?"
Satoru squeezes your hand and presses a kiss to your forehead, your nose, the corners of your mouth, then your pretty lips as you hold back your giggles. "You wanna know something? I can't think of anyone more perfect to spend the rest of my life with than you."
631 notes · View notes
wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Fight Night
ALRIGHT! Life is wilder and crazier than normal and I have finally had a singular moment to breathe so it is time to do my first scene breakdown of Only Friends. Jojo and co have been feeding me so well, a literal feast of good sex choreo, hand placements, and puppy dog eyes that it has been impossible for me to figure out where I want to start.  But the end of episode five was just so expertly executed I couldn’t not talk about it, the build up, the explosion, the cool down?! Zero people in this production came to play, they showed up on set day one, gave some of their best performances, and just went about their goddamn day. [insert thirty more minutes of showered praise here]. 
So let’s get in to it: 
The Calm Before the Storm
We’re going to start with Sand and Ray before shit goes downhill, at a moment of genuine connection. This is not the first time we have seen them connect. The first of their peaceful, friendlier interactions are paid for by Ray but Sand quickly moves towards free hang outs with Ray after he gets to know Ray a bit better. I think we can all agree that 95% of the time that Sand and Ray are spending with each other, Ray is asking to be serviced (either seeking out sex, or being fed, clothed, or protected by Sand) [and I do think it is pretty telling that Ray’s idea of friendship is being taken care of in every way, and that Sand fully calls that out as being the role of a father]. But the 5% they do have of these moments of getting to know each other, primarily center around their own family dynamics, but in Episode 5, Ray does start dipping his toes in to getting to know more about Sand’s own hopes and dreams.
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Where before Ray wasn’t really interested in Sand’s backstory as much as Sand was interested in Ray’s, now on the balcony of Sand’s dingy apartment, Ray finally starts to ask Sand about himself. And Ray is locked in, just absolutely attentive to Sand as he is talking, rarely looking away, asking follow up questions, and making statements based off of what Sand is saying. Things seem to be flowing smoothly, Ray seems slightly sad that Sand doesn’t know his father, he has an actual smile on his face with he tells Sand that he thinks his mother is really cool, and that he respects her. And of course he would respect the relationship that Sand and his mother have, the obvious love they have for one another, because he never got that from his own family. 
Sand has asked about Ray’s family before now (they talked about Ray’s mother in Ep. 2) but when they were first starting to get to know eachother, Ray brushed off any further conversation around his mother’s death. But that willingness to be honest with Sand is beginning to shift. Ray sits there listening to a birth story that runs parallel to his own, a mother with an unexpected pregnancy after a hookup, a father that wasn’t really intending on having a child, and Ray is faced with what his life could have possibly looked like if his mother was a different person. 
And they’ve been hanging out all day, Ray has seen much more of Sand’s personal life, his family life, it’s Sand’s birthday, they are cross faded, and Sand asks Ray once again what happened to his mother, and Ray takes the opportunity to be honest. He watches Sand refill his glass, and he says “she drank herself to death”. 
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Now, personally, this is a very important moment to me in terms of both understanding Ray better as a character, and getting Sand and Ray to connect to each other more. A really important thing to remember about substance use disorders is that they are aware of the health consequences of long term substance use. Ray knows his mother drank herself to death, Ray knows that alcohol in the quantities that he is consuming are dangerous, and he cannot stop drinking. Ray does not have any good coping mechanisms for when his life gets hard, (and we will see a much stronger example of that near the end of this scene), but in the build up to the blow out, we are taking some time to re-establish that Ray has a drinking problem. And we are gaining a bit of further insight in to the genetic history of Ray’s own mental health problems. 
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I’d have to go back and rewatch all the episodes to be completely certain, but I think so far the only person we haven’t see call Ray a burden is Mew, Mew who knows that Ray tried to kill himself two years ago, Mew who remembers that Ray said if he was gone he wouldn’t be a burden anymore on his goodbye phone call. I mention his mostly because, if that is true, then that is an indication to me that Ray’s other friends don’t really know that much about him. They don’t know how deeply the idea that he is a burden to everyone around him is rooted in to his psyche. They probably don’t know anything about Ray’s relationship to his mother, after all, she died when he was still in high school. 
We know from the end of Episode 4, that Ray has shifted his interests from Mew to Sand. That is not to say that he is not still in love with Mew, or that he wouldn’t drop Sand as soon as possible if presented the opportunity to date Mew, at least from my perception. But what it does indicate to me, is that Ray is beginning to at least consider Sand someone that care about him, that will listen to him, that will be an emergency contact, and as such Ray is more willing to be upfront and honest about who he is as a person. How his mind works, what his place in his own family is, what his own connection to family is. 
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Ray senses he is bringing the mood down, and makes a comment to change the subject, shutting down any potential deeper conversation or exposure to pity that he could have with Sand. We know Sand has been down bad for Ray since like…Dick Down 1, but he is really just embarrassingly obvious with his interest in Ray. The way his face goes slack jawed when he looks at Ray’s face for a second too long? Your cool guy persona is in the fucking gutter. ANYWAY, the point of this is that Sand and Ray are vibing, having a good time, connecting, Ray is opening up more, and Sand is falling deeper in to this infatuation at the first sign of Sad Boi Hours when we cut to Nick and Boston. 
Boston, who has had a genuinely peaceful day thus far. He got some work done for school, he and Nick clarified their relationship to one another, he made out in the pool, and he’s looking to reward Nick for changing by asking if he can stay over. We know that Boston has been blackmailed by someone, we know that as a result of that Boston has decided to “settle down” a bit as it were, spend more time with people who he can talk with afterwards. (If you ask me, this isn’t really what Boston wants, it’s just how he is trying to justify laying low with Nick, someone he thinks he has control over and someone I don’t think Boston suspects is capable of blackmail). 
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It is Boston who suggests staying over (I am not going to dig too much further in to his choice to ask Nick, but I will just look respectfully towards the thought that he doesn’t want to be found). 
Anyway, Boston asks if he can stay over, and Nick smiles like he’s won something, and leads Boston inside, where they both promptly interrupt Sand and Ray. Boston’s face lights up when he sees Ray there, but not in any way that indicates that Boston is actually excited to see his friend. More so, that he has gotten +1 Information in his notes on Ray’s comings and goings. 
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Boston sees Sand and Ray, and he is scheming already. The very first fact we learn about Boston in Only Friends is that he is The Hunter, and while we have primarily seen this in the way that he hunts-for-that-d, Boston is a hunter through and through, he doesn’t just aim and fire, he plays with his prey. He toys with Top and Nick’s emotions to try to manipulate them in to what he wants, and he sees Ray and Sand together here, and the douchebag gears begin to turn. 
But, Boston needs to know what these two are to each other first, so he can figure out his best approach to fucking with the two of them, so he asks:
“What’s with you and Sand?” 
“What? We’re just friends,” Ray says with a smile and a small laugh, like he is trying to brush off any attempt for Boston to think of Sand and him as anything more. Sand is of course, devastated (and it is at this point I would like to make a tangential remark about the brilliance of the cinematography in this entire scene because it frequently moves between blurry and clear, like the camera is having as difficult of a time focusing on any of the characters as the characters themselves are, since they are under the influence). 
Nick, having already interrupted the SandRay foreplay once today, tries to pull Boston along quickly, to give everyone in the apartment some motherfucking privacy, but no no, when it comes to every other person in the world besides himself, Boston does not do privacy. So he cockblocks himself and SandRay and suggests they all party instead. 
The Build Up
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There is this moment of awkward tension, that Nick tries to break by saying that Boston is bothering Sand and Ray, but Sand, having just been reminded that Ray does not think of him as anything more than friends, agrees to all hang out together, thus shifting the mood between himself and Ray from sexual to casual. 
And Boston? 
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Oh Boston has already won. 
Now, before I get further in to breaking down this episode, I just need to take a minute and just give a huge MASSIVE shout out to Neo motherfucking Trai. He has absolutely been destroying this role, he is clearly having such a good fucking time. But I don’t care about that part (I do but it’s not the relevant aspect here), I care about how much of Boston’s character, Boston’s internal monologue Neo reveals through Boston’s eyes. 
Boston has been watching how Ray and Sand interact with one another, he saw them make out, he saw Ray grab a cookie from Sand’s mouth with his own, and now, he is sitting here, with Nick pressed up against his chest watching Ray flirt with and cling to Sand. That boy has mischief in his eyes, that boy is a hunter and he smells fresh meat. Boston is The Drama, and while he’s in the middle of his own blackmail saga, he’s found new toys to pass the time until the dust settles. 
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This is the face of a man who will cause problems on purpose. This is the face of a man who does not give two shits about upsetting the people in front of him. Boston is a miserable, manipulative piece of shit, and he will drag everyone down to his level. 
I am showering praise in Neo’s general direction, anyway, Boston is studying Ray and Sand’s interactions, the way they talk with one another, all the little things that point towards there being some genuine feelings. 
“The cookie’s getting to me”
“I told you to hold back”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not driving” 
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“Can I stay over?”
“More often than this I’m going to start making you pay rent”
“Go ahead”
They aren’t talking like this is a one time thing, they aren’t talking like they are just fuck buddies. The way that Ray and Sand are slightly bickering/scolding each other, the way that Ray just so absentmindedly reaches to put his arm around Sand, it reads a very particular way. Especially when you add on the fact that Nick interrupted them in the kitchen that morning. 
Now, something happens here that could have been good. If Boston was a good person, if Boston actually cared about his friends, if Boston wasn’t such a fucking Masshole. Because Sand has been very obviously dopey and doe eyed for Ray for ages and the lines between lust and love have been blurring heavily for him. But when they started fucking, Ray and Sand both discussed and established the nature of their relationship. Only friends. No love, only sex. Friendship can come from sex. Sand wouldn’t take someone like Ray as his boyfriend (liar). But things have changed since their first hook up, at least for Sand. Sand is catching feelings and Sand has not talked with Ray about how his feelings are shifting. 
And Nick actually opens up the potential for Sand and Ray to have that conversation when he asks “Are you and Ray going out?” 
See, Nick is definitely nasty4nasty when it comes to his desire to be with Boston, and Nick is by no means whatsoever a pure person, the man bugged Boston’s car and kept the recording for fuck’s sake, but he is also not an asshole the way that Boston is an asshole. Nick isn’t asking Sand if he and Ray are going out because he wants to fuck with them, he’s asking because he is genuinely curious, because this ain’t the first time that he’s walked in on them.
But don’t pay attention to Mark Pakin’s body language here, because Nick is obviously drunk, relaxed, content, and curious. Look at Neo. Look at Boston. Look at the way Boston is looking at Nick when Nick asks if they are going out:
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And look at the way Boston turns his gaze upon Sand and Ray the second Nick finishes asking the question. Boston is picking apart every action, every expression, every movement between Sand and Ray. Boston is calculating. This is not a dude that is just turning to look at the next speaker in a conversation. He’s staring deep into their souls to figure out how they actually feel about each other so he can decide if one or both of them cares enough about each other to be hurt by him.
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So naturally, the next shot we get is Ray drunkenly cozying up to Sand, resting his head on Sand’s shoulder, in a way that feels very couple-y, in a way that feels different to the casual arm Boston throws over Nick like he’s got his prize on a leash. 
“You two talk all lovey-dovey like you are a thing, you know?”
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Consider the fact that the second that Nick starts saying “you two talk all lovey-dovey, you know?” Ray peels himself off Sand’s shoulder and stares at Nick. And he’s smiling casually, like he finds the question funny, though he doesn’t fully break physical contact with Sand, still resting his arm across Sand’s shoulders. 
Sand is taken aback for a second, like he’s been caught, but he knows that he is not supposed to be falling for Ray. He knows he isn’t supposed to be wanting a relationship with Ray. He knows that this is not the time or space for a “what are we?” conversation, so he puts on a smile and squeezes Ray’s cheeks and says: 
“Look at his face. Look how squishy he looks. He looks just like a dog my mother has.” (Which we can interpret as Sand saying look at him, we cuddle cause he’s cute, I think of him like a pet). Associating Ray with his mother’s dog for me, feels like a way for Sand to try to get Boston off his back, to put his feelings in alignment with how Boston typically views his hook ups, as pets, as toys, as prey. But Sand’s face betrays him more than Boston’s ever could the very second that Ray says “I’m not a dog and I’m not his boyfriend” 
Sand has a moment of quiet devastation hearing that, even though he SHOULD KNOW BETTER. He should not be so upset about an objectively true statement. Sand may think of Ray as special, and may want to date Ray, and may want Ray to be his boyfriend, but they have never revisited their initial conversation about the nature of their relationship. As far as Ray knows, Sand would never take someone like him to be his boyfriend. Sand is just getting caught up in his feelings and this brief reprieve from the hard and labrous and exhausting life he leads is clouding his judgment.   
And Boston goes in for the kill 
“Ray, I bet Sand likes you. I can tell.”
And here is the question of the hour, a question I personally do not believe we have the full answer to, why the fuck is Boston targeting Sand? (beyond the fact he finds it fun). Boston and Sand clearly know each other, Boston knows Sand well enough to know that the weed he is smoking is not his typical supply. Boston came in to Sand’s home, smoked Sand’s weed, and then went straight for Sand’s throat. 
And Sand is a little mad and more than a little anxious. The way First plays the emotions in this moment is brilliant, you can see all these little moments of Sand feeling put on the spot, the way his mouth moves like he is trying (and failing) to maintain his composure. Like he is looking for an escape route, but can’t find one. Especially because Boston will not let him escape, explicitly calling Sand in to the conversation:
The Blow Up
“So what is it, Sand? Do you like him? My buddy here has both the looks and the dough. His type is hard to come by, you know?”
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Sand tries to dodge, by putting on his logical person hat for the first time in what is most likely weeks. “Now that you said that” he starts with Ray literally moving his hand to brush it gently against Sand’s shoulders. “My answer has to be yes now, doesn’t it? But if you really want to know the answer, ask me again when I am sober” 
Sand is willing to let Boston win this, to concede here, to admit to liking Ray as if forced to agree expressly because Boston is poking at him about it. But he will not engage in an important conversation like the one Boston is setting up for him and Ray about what they are to each other when they are under the influence and when they are in public. 
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Nick is like “alright”, but that is not enough for Boston. (SERIOUSLY LOOK AT NEO, LOOK AT HOW MUCH FUCKING DISATISFACTION IS BEHIND THOSE GODDAMN EYES! Jojo and Ninew fucking thank you for giving me Neo in this role, he’s been craving complex roles since his time on The Eclipse and I’m glad he’s getting to have some). 
Boston is watching, waiting, wanting to see how Ray reacts to Boston speaking for Sand. Unfortunately for everyone, but Boston especially, Ray does not have the reaction I think Boston is expecting. Instead of Ray getting uncomfortable, instead of Ray pushing himself away from Sand, instead of Ray doubling down on him and Sand not being boyfriends, instead of Ray reacting negatively to the idea that this “not his type” poor boy might actually like him he leans in close, he smiles wide, he teases Sand a little in a way that does not feel cruel. 
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So Boston has to escalate. Boston has been stalking his prey in the grass for as long as he has been in this apartment, and now it is time to strike. 
“Even if you really do like Ray, I doubt it will work out between the two of you. Ray’s whole ass is owned by Mew” 
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BOOM. Instant kill. Boston just made this entire encounter go from 0 to 100. Especially because (as far as we know), he has no goddamn idea about the dent in Ray’s relationship to Mew, and his realization about how Ray and Mew’s feelings are never going to align. 
Ray did not spend all that time sitting in the bathtub staring at a keychain and a Poor Boy shirt for nothing. Personally, I am uncertain where Ray stands with Sand, I think Ray is probably chasing the endorphins of a good and easy lay. I think he is drawn to Sand’s inherent need to act as a caretaker. But as I’ve said before, Ray uses Sand far more as a service provider than he does a person he wants to make genuine connections with, only recently has he started to open up more and seem more interested in Sand as a person.
But Boston is poking at an extremely sore spot. A spot I don’t think Boston considers as a nuclear option, because I don’t know that Boston is aware that Ray tried to kill himself. I don’t think Boston knows that Mew came and saved his life. I don’t think Boston is truly aware of just how deeply important to Ray Mew is because he seems to be one of the first people to make Ray feel less alone. 
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Immediate anger. Boston has struck a nerve, gotten a bullseye. If he actually cared at all for his “friends” and their feelings he could have stopped there. Boston is a voyeur, a photographer, all he does all the time is watch, record, manipulate bodies. He can read people well, but he is cocky and overconfident about his own understanding of the situations that have occurred between people in his social circle. If Boston cared, he would see that Ray just turned on a dime, that the loose, casual, fuzzy, flirty person that was just wrapped around Sand has turned in to a tense, focused ball of rage. ““What the hell are you saying, Ton?” 
“What? Sand doesn’t know you’ve been in love with your best friend for years? But Mew is with Top now. Someone beat you to it, man.” 
So…my Dad has this habit of saying shitty things, and over the years we have made safewords with him to tell him when he is approaching saying something out of pocket and he should change the subject (“pothole”), and for when he has said something out of pocket and should probably stop talking immediately (“sinkhole”). My father consistently blows right through “sinkhole” and continues to dig his hole deeper. Boston reminds me of my father. 
Pothole: “Ray’s whole ass is owned by Mew” 
Pothole: “Mew is with Top now. Someone beat you to it, man”  
I honestly don’t feel like I need to use too much space here on Sand’s reaction, because I read a really good post by @bird-inacage about how this revelation hits Sand hard because he may feel stripped of his dignity and see himself as a fool. 
“What a shame for my pal” 
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Shout out to Jojo and co for this shot of Nick. Nick who looks horrified. Nick, who I don’t think has seen this behavior of Boston’s up close. I mean, he knows that Boston has something on Ray and Mew, he didn’t really seem to care at that point. But Nick doesn’t really know Mew, Nick only cares about Top insofar as he is competition for Boston’s attention, he’s not really friends with Ray. But he is friends with Sand. And the implications from the beginning of the episode that Ray has stayed over and hung out with Sand all day multiple times, feels like Nick is at least starting to develop some modicum of care/friendship with Ray. And Nick is sitting there, watching Boston be cruel. Cruel to people that Nick actually cares about. Cruel to people that Nick doesn’t think deserve it, and the wheels are turning, so there isn’t much more he can do about it. 
“Oh wait. My bad. I remember you and Mew making out. Did you take his virginity?” (Sinkhole. Boston should probably shut his goddamn little whore mouth at this point)
“Ton, what the shit are you going on about?” Ray asks, shooting up from the ground and in to a standing position [and lord almighty is Khaotung just a powerhouse actor between the way he is able to physically embody Ray’s anger, and just look and act drunk all the time). This has turned in to a fight, Boston has riled Ray up, Boston has already punished both Ray and Sand at this point. But he has to make everyone around him as miserable as humanly possible in as little time as he can, so: 
“Oh? I saw everything. I took some photos, actually.” (SINKHOLE. No seriously dude you need to shut the fuck up right now). 
“What the hell did you do that for, bastard?” Ray is shifting his weight, Khaotung’s breathing has changed. You can fucking tell Ray’s heart is racing, that a blind rage is seeping in to his bones. Ray is livid.
“What? I just want to keep track of my best friends’ romantic moments. Was I wrong?”
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(Spoiler alert to those reading this post for the body language breakdown: Boston does not actually give a single flying fuck if he is wrong)
“Keep track?” 
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And finally someone punches Boston straight in the mouth! And even still! EVEN STILL Boston cannot shut the fuck up. Boston is righteous in the worst possible way. Boston is hurting everyone around him for the sake of “honesty”, “clarity”, “visibility” in a way that Boston himself in his own life actively avoids. With Nick he keeps their relationship status unclear, with Nick he refuses to get photographed, with Nick he hides the fact that he hooked up with Top. But Boston will air everyone else’s dirty laundry, Boston will record and photograph everyone else’s private moments, Boston will give facts as best as he knows them when literally anyone else is involved:
“Sand has every right to know. Ray is in love with Mew. They even screwed! But good thing you came along, Sand. He needs to get over Mew”  
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“What does it have to do with you?” Ray is still fucking pissed, and this is a really important and relevant question to ask. Boston has no place in Ray and Mew’s private business. Boston has no right to record them without their permission. Boston has no right to have this conversation about Ray’s feelings with Sand. And Boston does not answer this question. He will not answer this question, because for Boston everyone else’s business is his, and his business is no one’s. 
Now, do I think Boston is lying about Ray and Mew having sex? No. I think there are actually a number of layers to that statement. I think we are either a) setting up to have a killer conversation about people’s perceptions of sex/people’s perceptions of what counts as sex or b) that Boston fully thinks he saw Ray and Mew do something sexual when they actually didn’t [think Ray throwing up while doubling over Mew so it looks like he’s giving head]. And it is worth noting that Ray doesn’t deny the statement, although this doesn’t necessarily mean anything because there are lots of words and fists and vitriol being thrown around at this point, confirming or denying any sexual relationship with Mew is not really going to do anything to calm this situation. 
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“If you’re not in love with him anymore, then why did you get so mad?” Boston asks, and I love that this is phrased as a gotcha! moment. Boston thinks asking why someone got mad enough to punch him in the face after he said he was keeping track of his friends' romantic lives by holding on to pictures he had taken of them in secret is definitive proof that he is correct. Ray got real mad about Boston’s doucheness, and that must mean that Ray is love with Mew. 
And he isn’t totally wrong. We know that Ray is in love with Mew, we know part of why Ray is in love with Mew. We know that Sand is now filling a similar role in Ray’s life as the only person who is willing to take care of him. But this question for me highlights a huge aspect of Boston’s character that I do not think we appreciate enough. 
Boston does not know everything, and he acts like he does. 
Ray is getting so mad at Boston because what Boston is saying is true AND Ray is getting so mad at Boston because Ray almost compromised his relationship with Mew by kissing him when he was sleeping. Ray is in a weird place right now in relation to how he sees Mew and how Mew sees him. At the moment, Mew is patient, kind, and forgiving, and willing to maintain their friendship and accept Ray’s apology as long as Ray can get it through his head that Mew is never going to see him as a potential romantic partner. If Ray cannot do that, Ray loses a very important person in his life. (And we see Mew punch Ray in the promo for next week, my hunch is that Nick tells Ray about Boston and Top and Ray tries to warn Mew about Top and Mew takes that as Ray lying to break them up, but that’s beside the point). 
Boston may be correct that Ray is in love with Mew, but Boston has no idea what the fuck he is talking about when it comes to Ray’s current relationship to Mew. Boston does not know that Mew and Ray are in a rocky relationship right now because of Ray’s feelings. Boston thinks that he is right that Ray is in love with Mew because Ray gets so mad so quick, because he does not understand that a huge part of what is riling Ray up is that Boston is poking at a deep injury he thinks is just a flesh wound. 
And still after Boston has gotten a fist to his face, and swung back; even after he has shoved Nick out of the way so hard Nick fell on to the couch; even after they had blown off some steam and were de-escalating to the point of screaming at each other rather than beating eachother up. Boston 
“Oh, are you going to be two-timing?”
Boston is literally just…going in to a house that is not his and lobbing grenades all over the place cause he’s fucking bored. Cause he sets Ray off again, leaving Sand, screaming at Boston and Ray to stop fighting (IN HIS OWN FUCKING HOUSE, AFTER SHARING HIS OWN FUCKING WEED). 
Boston listens to Sand, Boston walks away, Boston goes to Nick’s room. But the look in his eye? 
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He is not done with this. Boston is not surprised that Ray got mad, Boston was reveling in Ray’s reaction, but I think Ray’s rage went beyond what Boston had anticipated, and this feels to me like an act of war. 
The Cool Down
Boston and Nick remove themselves from the scene and Ray and all his infinitely perfected coping skills rushes to chug as much alcohol as he can. 
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Again, thank you to Jojo and co for spending this amount of time highlighting Ray’s addiction, reminding us that Ray is not just a party boy, but is an alcoholic. Ray’s using alcohol to calm his nerves, possibly to forget what happened, and definitely because he has no idea what else to do but run to the most comforting item he can. 
We cut to the silence of Sand’s bedroom. Sand and Ray laying awkwardly side by side. Ray, to his credit, does try to comfort Sand 
“Hey, don’t listen to what Boston said. If there’s something you want to know, ask me” 
The problem is, while Boston does not have the full context for the depth at which he has just hurt Ray, he is still right. Ray loves Mew, and if Ray didn’t, he would not have gotten mad the way he did. Ray can say whatever he wants here, Ray can ask to be trusted by Sand to tell him what he wants to know. But Sand has seen enough of Ray’s behavior, been jerked around enough by Boston, heard too many times in too short a period that Ray does not consider them anything more than friends, and so Sand is back to boundaries and barriers. 
Sand lost sight of himself, and he fell too quickly for a deeply broken boy that he cannot fix, and who is not emotionally available enough to be a good fit for him right now. 
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And God, for as much as Sand exists to be jerked around by the narrative and shit on and used by the wealthier characters, I see why First was picked to play this role (besides the fact that there is no one else but Khao that I think could have done Ray, and it’s hard to kick the GMMTV pair-ups.) We have not even gotten to the height of First Crying Over Problems That Are Partially His Character’s Fault in this show yet, but First is a master at microexpressions, and despite the fact that his face is pretty neutral, that Sand has put on this mask, there is just such a palpable disappointment radiating off of Sand. The shine in his eyes is dulled, I saw someone on tumblr say this really looks like the first time that Sand has seen Ray, looked at him without the rose-colored glasses. 
Sand’s mother loves him, I think he is special to her, but it is hard to feel special to someone you have to take care of. In the montage at the beginning of the episode, Sand is shown working, working, working, working and we don’t really see him interacting with other people who he isn’t providing a service to. He sings at the bar, he seems to enjoy that, he seems to have a good time with Yo and Atom, but he is only that close to them because they pay him to play there. He is providing them a service. The only classmates he is shown interacting with are clients he is selling plum wine to. It’s really possible that Sand’s only friend is Nick, and we don’t see them hanging out that much. 
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And, I know there is always some contention about how any and all of these characters feel, how much or how little they are telling the truth, etc. But for me personally, I think about when Ray said that he does care about Sand’s feelings, and I at the time he said it, I don’t think he did, but I think by Episode 5 he is starting to genuinely care. 
Ray is getting better at reading Sand, Ray is trying to have a serious conversation, or at least to open the floor to one, and Sand is sad and so he isn’t saying anything, and Ray is able to tell that something is wrong. Ray wants Sand to talk to him, Ray says Sand’s name multiple times, trying to get him to answer verbally. 
And Sand can’t do it, not if he is looking at Ray, not if he has to actually face the reality of how much of a fool he has been, to fall this deep, to fall this fast, to get it in his head that he and Ray were becoming something more than friends. To actually believe for even a second that someone could think he was special. 
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So he closes his eyes, and he takes a deep breath, and he says: 
“Forget it. I’m tired. One more thing…This has nothing to do with me.” 
Who is he talking to here, Ray or himself? 
Sand’s inhale in this moment is deep, it’s weary, unsteady, and sad. Sand is gathering the strength to let go of what he thought he had. He is rebuilding his walls, and placing Ray on the other side of them. He cuts Ray out completely the second he turns his back. And you can just see the guilt all over Ray’s face, you can see all these little bursts of realization moment after moment where Ray realizes that he’s losing Sand now too. Even though Sand is likely more of a consolation prize to him, an easy victim of his puppy dog eyes. 
Alone o’clock is not just for Sand, it’s for Ray too. Boston has won yet again because Boston is a miserable sack of shit lashing out because Mew and Top finally fucked and he has to make it everyone’s problem
Tagging the ephemerality squad: @lurkingshan, @waitmyturtles, @chickenstrangers, @ranchthoughts, @twig-tea, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, @distant-screaming
and my blessed mess crew: @so-much-yet-to-learn, @ginnymoonbeam, @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @neuroticbookworm, @emotionallychargedtowel because I want attention :)
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2smolbeans · 4 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5
About Marco In Love Me, Love Me Not! (Character info)
Yandere Bestfriend x Obstacle Reader
Disclaimer: I made changes to this since I changed a lot in the story while on my break, so things are a bit different.
So this is kind of a quick detour or filler chapter to discuss our main yandere (Marco!).
Something I want to make clear about Love Me, Love Me Not is that the story is an AU of an already existing yandere story for Marco's side!
In Marco's original timeline, he's the COO of a successful makeup branch . In Love Me Love Me Not!: Marco never met the CEO (his half brother) of Beauty Point - instead continued to pursue his career in the police force.
(Basically, he never became that rich delusional man who was impulsive, irrational, and delusional - instead a corrupt cop who was more calculative, nonchalant, and saw people as little sheeps who doted on him. Think of it to a 'I NEED THEM' to 'THEY NEED ME' personality switch.)
In this timeline, Marco met you in college after bumping into one of your friends during student orientation day. He couldn't care about what you had to say, but regardless, he feigned interest as he listened to you ramble about something he forgot about.
Leaning close to you, nodding, letting out cheerful. "Uh-huh- ohhhh, I see. Thanks! Man, same here! Y'know, that reminds me of the time-" basic NPC type of small talks.
But once he got a good look at your group, one from all had caught his interest.
Matheias, Angela, You, and Mila.
She hadn't spoke, she didn't even have to try- but she grabbed his attention. With her arms folded and a curious look on her face as she tagged along, not saying a word- it was love at first sight.
Soon enough, he found purpose with staying in that little group.
Though when she started to dwindle away from your friend group, Marco had felt obligated to stick with the rest. I mean, sure, he didn't care too much, but that didn't mean he didn't love you guys. So he made memories with you and found himself genuinely being invested with each and one of everyone's personalities.
For some reason, he noticed that you often sticked around him like a lost puppy. (Which is hilarious to me because Marco, in his og universe, was more of a golden retriever eagerly following around anyone who gave him attention, but oh how the tables turn)
He found it cute, so of course he paid more attention to you from the rest of the litter of nobodies. You could say that you were his favorite from the rest - but of course you could never take her place.
The two of you became close, the sleeping overnight - type of close.
There were some moments where you would catch him off guard, making him blush, flinch, or chuckle whenever you were yourself around him. He would never love you the way he loved her, but by god, would he go through hell to give you what you wanted. After all, he knew you would do the same.
Huh, I guess that's what best friends were for..
Though as things were going smoothly, Marco would notice how Angela became a bit annoying to him with each day. He never had a problem with her before, but the way she would swoon over Mila made him go cold.
He wasn't the type to overreact. He knew he wasn't the type to get upset so easily. It was once, he swears!
But one thing led to the next, and Angela had died to an unfortunate allergic reaction. Of course, Marco had slipped some peanuts into a snack he gave her, and no one suspected a thing. I mean, something like that must've been an unfortunate accident on her end. She ate something that had peanuts, she was alone at the park, and she didn't have her Epi-pen! It was a tragic accident.
Matheias had his suspicions that Marco had done something.. There was no evidence or reason to think this, but he had a gut feeling.
Fast forward, and you and Marco were the only remaining people in that friendgroup. After graduation, Marco and you were still on talking terms, Matheias had completely cut you off after Angela's funeral, and Mila was still talking with Marco - but not with you anymore.
More time passes, and on that very night, Marco calls you crying on the phone, begging you to meet him somewhere. Of course, worried, you rush over there only to see him smiling with a body bag over his shoulder.
Forced to comply as you knew you would be the next body bag for him to drag if you said no.
Why, though? Why specifically did he call you on that night if he knew he didn't want any witnesses?
That's something that would probably be revealed with time..Or not if he decides to end your life the very next day.
It was only once you thought. But soon enough, you found yourself complying with more of Marco's requests.
And of course, once you showed hesitance and stood your ground, Marco took that as a threat and made you into one of his own victims.
Come the present day, there were you trapped in his apartment, not knowing if he wanted you dead, or if he had other plans...
The thing that hurt the most for you was the fact that even when you knew he had feelings for someone else, you still liked him. Even now, you still have a bit of a crush on him...Talk about a painful rejection..
But that's the basis of this AU!
If you have any more questions about Marco in his 'Love Me, Love Me Not' Au, feel free to ask!
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coyote-cowboy-2628 · 2 months
auuaghhh I'm genderfluid so idk if I count, apologies if no 😭❤️
i was thinking like romantically suppressed/closeted long term battle buddies/bffs reader x keegs? maybe something happened one evening or someone got a gf and it's psychic damage sorrysorry have a good day!!
YOU 100% COUNT DARLIN’🫶 don’t be sorry for anything, these requests make my day😭❤️
So..I’m thinking, Male/Reader with a scared Keegan that doesn’t think he is gay. Reader is just his battle buddy, his best friend. Even if Keegan is gay, if he confessed, would reader feel the same?? Keegan has known the reader for YEARS. But has never..asked about sexual preferences. He’s confused, but then he tries to deny it by one evening getting a girlfriend and Reader finds out. It sends Keegan into a really low point, he is miserable, while reader is panicking thinking he doesn’t have a shot. Until they finally confess 😸
Warnings:LOTS OF FLUFF, fake love, un-enjoyable sex, unprotected p in v—Keegan is a closeted queer✌️ implied male reader and reader is taller than Keegan. Slight smut. It’s gay people. If you don’t like it then leave. 🫶 (don’t know if I missed anything)
(Minors + fem aligned please don’t interact!)
Story below the cut!
Keegan had always been a straight guy and never really indulged in anything related to sexuality. That was, until he met you. He was mesmerized at first sight, though he shook it off, for years. He bottled up his feelings and thought it was wrong. That he should have a girlfriend, not a boyfriend. That he should be into the girls with long blonde hair and blue eyes, skinny waists and the ones that play sports, (no offense to anyone)the girls that have their voice to damn high it’s like talking to a dog’s squeaky toy. He wasn’t supposed to be attracted to you with your H/C hair and your E/C eyes, with your deeper voice and slightly muscular build.
It had been 10 years since you and Keegan met, you guys had formed a close bond and great friendship. You two were homies, to say the least. Until recently, you two hadn’t thought anything of it. You and Keegan were just friends, right?
It wasn’t uncommon for Keegan to not talk to people, he was quiet, much like you, but he would absolutely talk your damn head off. Hours and hours of him rambling on about military tactics and sniper rifles, hell, even DOGS. How much he loved Riley and how he one time tried to steal the little German Shepherd from Hesh. It was nice for the grueling soldier to relax once in a while, especially when you were around. He wound trail behind you like a lost puppy and just stare at you, he stared at everyone, but you were different.
He looked at you with these star struck eyes as he listened to you. But that loving gaze started to fade away when he started to feel weird around you. He realized he was getting attached. He got all hot, and Keegan was a very cold person, personality wise and temperature wise. He found himself not being able to sit still, always having to move or fidget with something, when you reached something off a higher shelf for him once, he got all bubbly.
You and him had been friends for years, why was it just changing now?
After a particularly tough and stressful mission, Keegan decides to go to a pub to get some drinks and get away from everyone. Until one girl came up to him, beautiful long blonde hair, curves, blue eyes, long eyelashes and a cute little smile on her face. Keegan didn’t know what to do at first when she started drinking with him, exchanging numbers, and getting a little handsy. It felt gross, but Keegan had forced himself to like it. The images of you still flickering in his head as she laid in his bed, pinned under him, her shirt unbuttoned. His mind trying to think it was you under him, you loving on him, you getting your guts pounded by him.
Maybe it was just..his feelings, or the bourbon flowing through his body, but he felt so aroused that he couldn’t help himself. Unbuttoning his pants and mindlessly slipping his dick inside her without thinking twice, it felt so gross to him, but it was too late. He fucked her into the mattress, grunting and huffing as he tried to get off but he just couldn’t.
Until he felt woozy, she had came and that was enough for him, he collapsed into the bed next to her and fell asleep. The next morning, he apparently had a damn girlfriend?..Keegan told Hesh about it, he had a girlfriend. And knowing Hesh, he couldn’t keep his damn mouth shut so word got round that Keegan has someone. Then that word got out to you, it absolutely broke your heart, shattered it to fragments. You felt so angry and frustrated that when you saw Keegan, you went the other way to your barracks, curled up in a ball and let out a few silent tears. Girlfriend huh? Out of the blue like that?..
Keegan was absolutely miserable, he didn’t want to be in this horrible relationship with a girl he just met. That he doesn’t know. He is forced to tell her he loves her and it burns his throat, so he goes to the only place he feels safe. You, he hurriedly walks to your barracks and frantically knocks on the door.
“Kid, god damnit—let me in! Please!..” he begged, his voice breaking slightly.
“What?..” your reply weakly as you open the door, Keegan pushes himself past you into your room. “Keegan?..” You say softly, your eyes red and puffy from crying. He was on the verge of tears as well.
“Listen..we’ve known each other for a long time….and apparently in my 38 years of life, I hadn’t found out who I was. Until now..I love you, I’ve loved you since the day I met you, I thought it wasn’t love—but it’s even deeper than that now.” Keegan said, eyes watery.
“I just need you to know that I don’t want to be with her—I want to be with you..because you’re the one I love.” Keegan says, he takes a step closer to you and takes your hand in his, his hands are cold and trembling, “Please tell me you feel the same..” Keegan whispered.
You seem shocked, some tears rolling down your face, “fuck it.”, You say and gently grab his face, kissing his lips with tears running down both your faces. Your bodies relax and your finally met with the relief you needed all along, that was right infront of you. Each other.
(AHHHH I love how this came out, please leave more suggestions for stories🫶🫶🫶)
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mrsevans90 · 4 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 12
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: mentions of sex, anxious Sy, Nana (because her sassiness is a warning), language
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 11
Emma and I spent Sunday together in pure domesticity. We grocery shopped and then went back to her house so that she could start meal prepping. She cooked loads of food and then divided them in little containers for the both of us. I spent as much time sampling little bits of the food when she wasn’t looking as I did with my hands wrapped around her waist. She was so cute humming to the radio in her tiny short shorts that I couldn’t help myself but to touch her. I guess I wanted to just feel her since our routine was going to be off. The next week, Emma is busy preparing her house for her parent’s upcoming arrival. I knew I wouldn’t get to spend the weekend with her, so I was already dreading it. I’ve become so used to having her in my bed all weekend and spending time with her that I felt like I was going to have withdrawals from her. The plan was to have brunch with her and her parents on Saturday where she would introduce me as her official boyfriend. God, I’m a grown ass man about to meet my girlfriend’s parents and I’m nervous. I know her dad’s approval means the most and I’m not certain he’ll feel comfortable with his little girl being with the big, gruff army captain. Plus, the term “girlfriend and boyfriend” feel so juvenile at this point. About midday on Wednesday, while I’m installing flooring at a jobsite, my phone chimes with a text.
Mills’ Mama: How do you feel about weeknight sleepovers?
Sy: Sounds like the best damn idea you’ve ever had. Yours or mine?
Mills’ Mama: Maybe we can swap back and forth? Mine tonight and yours tomorrow? I’ll cook you dinner!
Sy: I’ll be there after work, Sugar, with the dogs and my bag. Can’t wait to see you.
Mills’ Mama: Can’t wait to kiss you.
Sy: Is that so?
Mills’ Mama: Mmhmm. Maybe even more. 😉
Sy: Darlin’. We still got 4 more hours of work, you better quit teasin’ me.
The afternoon rolls around and after a quick shower and packing some clothes and toiletries in my military duffle, I load the dogs up and head to Emma’s house. I’m nervous about sleeping somewhere else since I’ve been retired, but I need to get over it eventually. Emma met us at the door and after loving on the dogs she pulled my cheeks down into a deep kiss. Dinner was on the table when I made it inside and it smelled delicious. I went and set my bag down along with the dog bed I brought for Aika to help her arthritis in her bedroom and smiled as it was immaculately clean with the bed made. I felt Emma’s arms wrap around my waist and squeeze.
“Mmm.. I’m so glad you’re here.” She murmured.
“Me too, Sugar. Ya had a good day?” 
“Busy.” She mumbles into my back and I chuckle. 
“Ya gonna let me go so I can see that beautiful face?” I chuckle and feel her shake her head with a mumbled “no” into my back. I reach back and tickle her sides which has her instantly let go and jump back.
“There’s my girl.” I say as I lean in to kiss her. I try to deepen the kiss but she pulls back. 
“Supper’s on the table.” She reminds me before grabbing my hand and leading me to the table that the dogs were already corralled under, begging for scraps. 
We enjoyed our meal sharing relatively bland aspects of our day before quickly retreating to the bedroom. I was a little nervous about sleeping over for fear that I might have a nightmare, and reluctantly told Emma so when she asked me what was bothering me. She promised that if I was too uncomfortable she would understand, but I didn’t want to wimp out. Emma promised to distract me and before I knew it, she was quick to undress herself and show me a sexy little dark green lingerie number she told me she was wearing just for me. My worries momentarily forgotten, I spent the next hour of our night thoroughly fucking Emma and bringing her to a total of four orgasms. Sweaty and exhausted, we showered together and then climbed in bed. I wrapped Emma’s body tightly against my own and exhaled a sigh of relief.
“You feel okay about sleeping here?” Emma murmured sleepily.
“Yeah, I think I’ll be okay as long as you’re in my arms, Sugar.” 
“My favorite place to be.” She sighs.
Just like that, we fell asleep wrapped in each other and I got one of the best nights of rest I’ve had in a while surrounded by Emma and the scent of her perfume.
The rest of the week went well and before I knew it, I was getting ready to meet Emma and her parents at the diner for brunch Saturday morning. I of course, arrive about 10 minutes early because the military man in me can’t seem to break that habit after years of having it engrained into my personality. I go ahead and get us a table before shooting a text to Emma letting her know where I’m at. A few of the local people I know stop by the table to say hello, or catch up which helps my anxiety about impressing her parents and before I know it, they’re here. I catch sight of Emma in a pretty pink sundress with a smile so bright that has my heart aching and my pants feeling a bit tighter. I politely stand up when Emma makes her way over to me and presses a light kiss to my lips which surprises me. I extend my hand immediately as she introduces us.
“Mom and Dad, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Austin Syverson.”
“It’s nice to meet you both. I’ve heard a lot about you as Emma has been looking forward to your visit.” I say as I shake hands with her mother and father who introduce themselves as Diana and James.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Austin. Emma has told me bits and pieces about you but she keeps a lot of things to herself so we were itching to meet you.”
“My descriptions wouldn’t do him justice.” She replies.
We all sit down in the booth and take a look at the menus before ordering and handing our menus back to the waitress.
“So, Austin, tell us about yourself.” James says and I take a deep breath before responding.
“Well, I’m a retired military captain who decided to open my own contracting company when I got back to Texas. I didn’t initially plan on it but I bought a house that needed a ton of work and found a lot of appreciation for fixing up myself. I ended up liking it so much that I decided to start my own company which is doing pretty well. I’m really close with my grandparents who own a farm about ten miles from here, and I have two dogs that I care about a lot. That’s how I met Emma, was taking my dog to the vet.”
“Interesting, Emma said you were in the military but didn’t say you were a captain. What division?” James inquires.
“Army, Special Forces.” 
“Damn. I’ve bet you’ve seen some things.” You don’t know the half of it.
“Yes sir, but I try not to focus on it. Easy to do with work, my dogs, and spending time with this pretty girl.” I say as I smile down at Emma.
“She did tell me that you were very helpful in getting all of the security installed at her home, so I appreciate that. Especially after that idiot stalked her all the way out here.” James says.
“I was happy to help out, and it gave me piece of mind that she would be safe at all times. Most importantly that she continued to feel safe at her home. That was my number one concern.”
“I agree. We tried to convince her that she should move back, at least closer to home, but she’s not budging. I guess we now know why, seeing as she has you here.” Diana replies with a smirk.
“She is sitting right here, you know.” Emma says and I chuckle. Sassy girl doesn’t like being talked about.
“I’ve told you, I’m happy here and I’m not going to run away from my problems. I’ve started a new life for myself and it makes me happy.”
I beam at her proud of her for not backing down when it’s her life and her decision.
“All I ask is that you take care of her. I know she’s grown, but I look at her and still see my little girl dancing in a princess dress to her favorite Disney movie.” 
“I promise, sir. Emma’s safety and happiness are my priority.” I look him dead in his eyes and he nods. Emma intertwines our fingers together under the table and squeezes my hand tightly.
“So, tell us more about your family. Parents?” Diana asks and Emma immediately interrupts.
“Mom, no.”
“No, darlin’ it’s alright. My father left when I was a toddler and remarried and I don’t have any contact with him. My mother passed away from breast cancer several years ago. I have an older brother, Mark, who is happily married and they have a little girl. They live in Tennessee so I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like. My grandparents and I are extremely close though and I see them every Sunday for lunch.”
“That’s lovely. I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. Cancer is such an awful thing.”
“It sure is.”
The conversation quickly moves on to how hard Emma worked to get the guest bedroom ready for their visit, where she praised me for doing the heavy lifting, before shifting to Emma’s veterinary practice. Emma explained in more detail how we actually met when I found an abused Mills behind a property I was working on.
“We are huge animal lovers; I guess that’s why Emma became a veterinarian. You’ll have to introduce us to your dogs at some point.”
“I’d be happy too. Mills doesn’t have the best manners yet, but he’s still a pup so he’ll get there.”
“We’ll have to introduce you to his Nana and PawPaw at some point too. His nana is an absolute trip! She is your typical southern sassy woman and I adore her.” Emma boasts and I smile. I know of a way to make Nana really happy if Emma wants to introduce them.
“Y’all are welcome to join us for lunch tomorrow. I know Nana would be tickled pink.”
“Oh my gosh, really? That’s not too short notice? I wouldn’t want to impose.” Emma responds excitedly.
“You know that woman will be absolutely thrilled if you and your parents join us. She always overcooks anyway. I’ll call her to make sure just for your peace of mind but I promise she’d love it. They don’t get many visitors these days so it will give her something to look forward too.” I smile, glad that the two most important women in my life seem to want to spend time together.
We finish eating and I pay for our entire meal as I had discreetly requested from the waitress when I arrived before everyone. James seemed absolutely shocked that I had done that but gave me a strong handshake and thanked me for the meal. I feel like I made a good impression but it’s likely too soon to tell. Diana hugged me quickly before Emma wrapped her arms around my neck and pecked a chaste kiss to my lips before they left to go explore the town with the promise to call me in a bit. I got in my truck feeling good about the experience before calling Nana.
“Well hello my darlin’ grandson!” She answered as lively as ever.
“Hey Nana. How y’all doing today?”
“Just as well as ever. We’re still kicking so at our age that’s all we can ask for.” She jests.
“What about you? I missed our Sunday lunch last week. Please tell me Emma’s coming tomorrow?”
“Emma’s parents are in town visiting, but I figured if y’all were up for it they could all come?” 
“Well I’ll be damned!” She crows and I have to hold my phone back from my ear slightly.
“Now, what do you mean by that?” 
“My sweet grandson is finally getting serious about a woman! Enough to let us meet not only her, but her family as well? Hot damn!”
“D’you curse like that in church, Nana?” I joke, making fun of her southern Baptist persona.
“Only if the sermon’s good enough.” She retorts.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
“Of course! Oohh now I gotta be thinking about what all I’m going to cook.”
“Don’t go to any trouble, Nana. This isn’t some big thing. Whatever you had already planned will be perfect.”
“Nonsense. We need to make a good impression so her daddy will agree to let Emma marry you.”
“Slow down, woman! It’s not that serious yet. We haven’t even said I love you. Emma was telling them about you and PawPaw and it just came up. Promise me you won’t scare them off.”
“Boy, don’t make me smack you. I will be my typical charming self and they will love me. That’s not what I’m worried about. I need to make a good impression for you.”
“I met them and I think they like me.”
“Well, I’m going to make sure they love you.”
“I’m regretting this already, Nana.” I sigh. 
“Is PawPaw around?”
“Yes, let me get him…JOE! Austin’s on the phone!” She yells away from the receiver and I can’t help but shake my head and smirk endearingly.
“PawPaw, how are ya?”
“I’m just fine, son. What have you done that’s got your Nana all in a tizzy? She’s running around crazier than a betsy bug.”
“Well, I’m bringing Emma and her parents to lunch tomorrow.”
I hear a low chuckle into the receiver.
“All I can say is, you’ve done it now. Hope you and Emma are prepared for an overzealous ole’ woman chatting her parent’s ears off tomorrow.”
“What was I thinking, PawPaw? Do me a favor, try to get her to be on her best behavior. She doesn’t listen to anyone but you.”
“Son, that woman doesn’t listen to anyone, myself included. Just take a deep breath and hope she doesn’t pull out the baby books.”
“Jesus. Hide them for me, please PawPaw.”
“Will do. Try not to worry. See ya tomorrow.”
“Alright, love ya Pops.”
“Love you too, Son.”
I take a deep breath and place my head on the steering wheel as I think about what I’ve subjected myself too. I ought to warn Emma’s parents before we get there tomorrow.
I meet up with Alex since I haven’t seen him on the weekends since I’ve started dating Emma and caught up with him. We played a few video games at his place before I grabbed some dinner on the way back to my house. I hated how empty my house felt without Emma there. Already she was this presence that I craved and even found myself wishing she left some of her things here so that I could more easily imagine her in my home. We had texted a few times throughout the afternoon but I wanted her to enjoy her time with her parents since they would be leaving Sunday afternoon. Emma had even invited me to go out to dinner with them but I just didn’t want to monopolize their time together. After my shower, I was trimming up my beard when I saw Emma facetiming me.
“Hey, Sugar. How was your afternoon?”
“It was good! I took my parents to the clinic and showed them everything before we went to the little town museum. After that, we did a little shopping for my house and I bought patio furniture for the backyard which will be great. Then we went to dinner and came back here to relax a bit. I’m exhausted.” She says dramatically while flailing back on her bed.
“I bet, you had quite a busy day.”
“What did you get up too?”
“Not much, just hung out with Alex. Played some video games with him before grabbing take out and coming home to the pups.”
“Wish I was there.” “Me too. I really found myself craving your presence here, Sugar. You’ve gotten me spoiled by staying here every weekend.”
“Aw, I miss it there too. I really liked our weeknight sleepovers by the way. I suggest we just start staying together every night.” I smile at her.
“You sure about that?” 
“Mhmm. I sleep so good cuddled up to my big teddy bear.” 
“I sleep the best with you too. Even though you put your ice-cold feet on me.” I say and she giggles.
“You’re always so warm! I’ll freeze tonight without you here to warm them.” She giggles while stifling a yawn. 
“Sugar, you’ve had a long day. Why don’t you go ahead and get some sleep. I’ll see you at mine tomorrow before going to Nana’s?” I ask and she nods.
“Okay, goodnight baby.”
“Night, Darlin’. Sleep well.”
The next day, I woke up at my usual time and after some breakfast I went ahead and gave both of the dogs a bath. Mills has turned into such a water loving dog, and I could hardly keep him from chasing the water hose while I cleaned him. After that, I decide to get a decent work out in my garage/makeshift gym. Since I’m already sweaty, I then cut the grass with the lawn tractor since I have such a large yard before heading inside and cleaning up a bit. Emma’s parents are going to be coming with her to mine so we can all ride together so I want to make sure everything looks good. Fortunately, the military is strict on tidiness, so other than wiping down the counters and taking out the trash there wasn’t that much to be done. Lastly, I cleaned myself up with a shower and put on some fresh clothes. Emma texted that they were on their way and so I played with the dogs a little bit before their arrival. When I heard Emma’s jeep pulling down the gravel driveway, I met them out on the front porch. My house was something that I was really proud of, taking a broken down, weathered Victorian style home and making it new and beautiful again was special. I just didn’t look like the type of person who owned a beautiful historic home with a wraparound porch. I know that Emma loves my home and I hope her parents do too. 
“Austin, your home is absolutely gorgeous!” Diana praises as she steps from the car. Emma walks up and hugs me tightly.
“Thank ya, ma’am. I’m pretty proud of it.”
“It must be worth a fortune.” She says and Emma rolls her eyes.
“It certainly wasn’t when I bought it. Roof leaked, porch was entirely rotten, plumbing and electrical were both in need of repair and a tree had fallen on the southwest corner from a storm. It sat abandoned for years. I grew up here and always thought it was such a shame because it had great bones, just needed a lot of work. When I moved back and saw it was still here, I jumped on it without giving it too much thought. I was needing something to keep me busy and it certainly did.” I say.
“Well, I’m sure it must’ve taken so long to do but you did well.” James adds.
“Thank you, I worked on it for about 10 months before I could get it to where I could live in it while repairing it, before I moved in and spent another year and half making all of the repairs and updates that it needed. Come on in, I’ll show you around and let you meet the pups.” 
Emma and her parents come inside where Mills races towards them. All of them, including Emma’s dad squat down to allow Mills to assault them all with puppy kisses. Aika’s a bit slower and not as forthcoming, but she of course comes straight to Emma who gives her all the attention and ear scratches.
I give them a short tour of the house before it’s time to head to Nana’s house. We all ride in Emma’s jeep but I drive and Emma enthusiastically tells them about my grandparents. I feel like it might be a good time to warn them about Nana. 
“Just so ya know, I love her very much but my Nana is one of a kind, in a very exuberant way. She thinks because she’s old she can just say whatever comes to her mind, but she’s been like that my whole life. Hopefully she won’t offend anyone. PawPaw is a very quiet, taciturn man but I figure he has to be to have been with Nana for as long as they have.”
“I’m sure they are just lovely, Austin.” Diana chirps from the backseat.
Emma reaches over and grabs my hand before winking at me. We quickly arrive and I help Emma out of her car before we head inside.
“Nana?” I yell as I open the door.
“Ohhh, Joe! They’re here!” I hear Nana chirp before she comes fluttering towards the front door that we’ve all entered.
“Hi! I’m Daisy! This is my husband Joe, and we are Austin’s grandparents. I’m so glad y’all could join us for lunch today.”
“Nana, this is Diana and James, Emma’s parents.” They shake hands and Nana wraps Emma into a tight hug.
“It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for having us out here on such short notice.” James says.
“So nice to meet the parents of the most wonderful woman. Emma here is an absolute gem!” Nana dotes and I can’t help but smile. PawPaw gently slaps my shoulder and winks at me without anyone seeing.
“Aw thank you, Emma just adores you and tells us that you are a wonderful cook!” Diana adds.
“Oh that’s just the sweetest, but really I cook everything in butter or lard so it has to taste good!” Nana says and they all laugh. 
“Y’all come on in and make yourselves at home. Lunch is on the table. I’ve got southern fried chicken, steamed broccoli and carrots, mashed potatoes, and cornbread. I also have plenty of salad and fruit in case any of you are allergic or not a fan of meat.” Nana explains and I feel my stomach rumble. It all sounds so good to me.
“That sounds absolutely mouth-watering.” James says and I quickly agree with him.
We all sit down after stacking our plates sky high as Nana goes about filling drinks for everyone. Nana asks PawPaw to bless the meal like she usually does and the room is silent as he does so. My PawPaw has always been a man of few words, but he commands a room when he does speak and I almost feel like he saves those moments for times he considers most meaningful, like this.
We all get tucked into our meal and Nana is absolutely loving the constant praises of her cooking. She knows she’s an amazing cook, but she’ll never hesitate to take a compliment for it. We make light conversation throughout the meal talking about Emma’s parents in Alabama and where they work, etc. 
“Tell us about Austin growing up. I bet he helped a lot here on the farm.” Diana asks.
“Oh, he’s always been the hardest worker. We knew Mark never wanted much to do with the farm, but Austin took pride in even the worst jobs like mucking horse stalls even as a kid. Joe and him spent plenty of time out there building fences, sheds, feeding and watering the animals. He’s been such a help to us over the years.” Nana said as she pats my hand on the table.
“I was going to pull some photo albums out to show you all but I can’t seem to remember where I’ve put them.” Nana admits and I subtly glance at PawPaw whose expression of steel doesn’t change but I know that I owe him for that. 
“I’ll keep looking and show them to Emma next time she comes around. He was such a cute boy with wild curly brown hair like his mama. I feel like every time she bought him new pants, he’d hit another growth spurt. We couldn’t keep up!” Nana chuckles and I blush slightly.
“Tell us about Emma as a kid. I bet she was the cutest.” I interrupt and Diana quickly jumps in to brag about her beautiful daughter, not that I could blame her.
“Oh, Emma was just the prettiest little thing, but always very independent. She was stubborn but only about things she really cared about. She once rescued a baby squirrel, Pip, who she found covered in ants on the driveway and almost dead. She was about 11 and was adamant she was going to nurse it back to health. She fed it formula from a syringe every few hours and I swear, that thing would come back to her when she called it like a dog. We knew then, she was serious about becoming a veterinarian. She’s always been very compassionate and had a love for animals.”
“How sweet! What else did she do growing up?” Nana urges.
“Well, she was in high school and competitive cheer. She also did a few pageants and won some of them before she begged to stop.”
“I didn’t know you were in pageants?” I ask her and she blushes.
“I don’t usually tell anyone that. It was in an effort to get scholarship money towards college but I just couldn’t deal with the catty dramatic girls.” She says timidly.
“I can’t blame you for that! Teenage girls can be just awful, especially in that setting. Little poisonous bitches!” Nana says and Emma busts out laughing which causes us all to start cackling. Oh nana.
After we eat lunch, Nana has us all come out to the back porch to digest a little bit before slicing into the strawberry cake she made. I felt like I was going to puke if I ate another bite, but I’ve never turned down Nana’s strawberry cake. It’s delicious. We all continue chatting about different things with the occasional goat bleating or cow mooing in the background. I couldn’t be more relieved at how down to earth Emma’s parents are. Her dad accepting me was one of my biggest concerns, but we found ourselves in easy conversation about all sorts of things. I was also relieved that they seemed to flock to Nana just like she predicted. By the time we needed to leave, Nana had packed everyone a plate of food to take home and was hugging Emma’s parents like they were old friends. 
“Y’all better come visit us for lunch the next time you visit!” Nana hollered at James and Diana who readily agreed.
“After a meal like that, we may just come back to visit you and Joe instead of Emma and Austin!” James joked and they all just cackled. Emma leaned against my arm as she had a hand on my bicep and smiled up at me. I kissed her forehead before opening her door and thought Nana was just going to float away in her excitement. 
Everyone thanked them again for having us and I promised that I’d call Nana in the morning with a peck to her cheek.
I drove us straight back to Emma’s so that I could see her parents off with her. After lots of goodbye hugs and kisses from Emma and a surprise hug from them both to me, they drove away seeming relaxed and supportive of the life she has built herself here. 
Emma pulled me back inside and kissed me deeply.
“They love you. Thank you for being so wonderful.” She said.
“They’re great people. It’s easy to see why I like you so much, because they raised you. So thank you for being the best girlfriend I’ve ever had.” I tell her. Mushy but true.
Emma turns and walks to her room and I’m a little surprised because she walked away so abruptly. Did I say something wrong?
“Sugar, did I say something wrong?”
“Nope, never. I’m just packing a bag so I can go home with you.” She smiles as she throws a clean pair of vet scrubs into the bag.
“I sure like the sound of that…home with me.” 
“Me too.” She smiles and kisses me softly.
Ten minutes later, we are back in her jeep headed to my house to be together with the dogs and it feels so right.
Part 13
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar
Authors Note: SO sorry this took so long. My kid brought home a stomach virus from school and it slowly went through each family member. I didn't think it was ever going to end but we are FINALLY feeling better and no longer cleaning up vomit. Hope y'all have a great week!
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thelakesuite · 1 month
The Rusty Lake Story in Bitchass Baby Terms
this is ALL off the top of my head (and i haven't experienced like 10% of it maybe?) so i might be wrong but i don't care right now
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the lake itself isn't, like, that well established 'cause it's a mystery game or something so we don't need full exposition. it's some deity-like thing as old as the mammoths (not canon) that eats time. or rather memories that are stored in lil cubes. and it gives its zookeepers immortality so they can keep feeding it. they call themselves the Rulers of the Lake but we all know the truth. 'immortality', or rather enlightenment, is represented by you becoming your fursona and living maybe an extra century. mr. owl's looking for a new heir pretty quick in the process but we'll get to that.
corrupted souls are kinda a byproduct of all this. truly the lake's farts. when a person dies horribly, when their memories get extracted wrong, or when the plot demands it, they become corrupted. corrupted souls still talk, and some of them are even sensible (like your mom oooooh), but generally they're jumpscare beasts or wet little puppies. sometimes both. yes you can get corrupted when you're enlightened, and right now it's the more likely outcome actually. there's a whole 'elixir of immortality' that gets harped on, where one drinker gets corrupted and the other gets enlightened, but that is literally only a thing for roots and a little bit of cave so don't worry about it too much. unless you're making dramatic fanart in which case leverage that shit.
cubes come up a lot in cube escape, believe it or not! black ones are bad memories, white ones are good memories, blue ones are connected to the past in a way that's somehow not a memory, gold ones are connected to the future, red ones only exist in my fangame that ellesian recently unearthed, and green ones are jello yum. also suck it anyone who told me pre-tpw the gold cube thing was unestablished. anyway. it was a big thing mr.'s owl and crow were working on, creating a golden cube (presumably to extend their own lives) as seen in cave, but then one just kinda appears in the past within when albert does electric jujitsu. jury is still out on that.
onto the actual narrative i think.
in paradise, you're mr. owl pre-owling (1790-something). the lake's current suckass servants are your family who tried to sacrifice you to it way back, but your mom took your place for mom reasons. now mom's corrupted and guiding you to... well, to get sacrificed for real this time. but with your powers combined (yes mr. owl was two people, no it is never addressed) you get enlightened and tell your family to fuck off 'cause you're building a hotel on that island now. you also get a tease in the secret ending that dale and laura will do a similar fusion dance to be the lake's next suckass. we've been waiting 6 years for that to happen.
in roots, two alchemist brothers get that elixir shit going (1860-1935). one of them becomes mr. crow, while the other becomes a playable character for a game. and corrupted. you rope your whole bloodline into this, harvesting their body parts (usually after they die from other means, but you totally caused most of their deaths) for a reincarnation ritual involving a magic seed (that also only exists for this game). this is where the best characters come from because rusty lake actually wanted to tell a story with this game. you reincarnate into a woman! don't think about the implications.
in samsara room, the inside scoop of reincarnation is fuckin' weird, dude (1935). the original was made before rusty lake began, so it's not truly part of the narrative, but it got folded in for the fifth anniversary.
in hotel, you do not get the backstory of the third bird man (1890ish). instead, you get to kill mr. owl's family again, but one-on-one as animal people. how did they become animal people? fuck you that's how! mr. owl probably did it on purpose to spite them with shit sandwiches and bullets to the brain. oh, also, there might be an evil twin of mr. rabbit that shows up later.
in arles, you're vincent van gogh. that's it. he's not relevant. but it is funny seing the death date of paul gauguin in the timeline docs.
we're talking about the past within later but the 'past' segment takes place around here. 1926 iirc?
in birthday, your parents get shot (1939). you're going to be an important detective, dale, but like right now you're getting traumatized. or rather you're experiencing that memory, then doing blue cube magic to fix it and have your grandpa shoot evil mr. rabbit instead. is your grandpa actually mr. crow? no. shut up about it now.
in underground blossom, your mom gets abducted (1935-1972 maybe). okay, well, not you. this is the laura backstory metaphor game but you're actually playing as the third bird man who is both her stepdad and her pet. and her grandpa albert takes her mom rose for his own nefarious reincarnation schemes maybe probably. rose is surprisingly okay with it but characters rarely put up a fight with the plot anyway. laura's a lonely kid, starts dating robert, picks up art to soothe her nightmares, gets murked, then reaches some kind of epiphany that we just train ride away from before finding out what actually happens. she's your daughter, damnit, you should support her transcendence. not enlightenment importantly. also, no, laura's life didn't literally happen at train stops, it's just a vehicle. not even a pun don't fucking laugh i see you snickering.
in seasons, you set up a really interesting plotline that gets utterly countered by everything that came after (1960's-80's). it's just laura time in there, and she uncorrupts herself, thank you very much. the series has been struggling with how laura gets her corrupted self to 1980-whatever, and so far only one other game's even taken place after 1972. and that game's the past within which also counters every other plotline. sigh. maybe we're not smart enough for these puzzle games. at least harvey's cute and bird-shaped. key point that's impossible to fuck up is that laura dies in 1972, and it's unclear whether it was a murder or suicide. that's why we get a detective.
in harvey's box and the lake, uh i don't know really (1969). these are early games that are basically spinoffs of seasons. they help with the overarching stuff but aren't much for the narrative at this point. also they suck
in case 23, dale starts investigating laura's death and gets wrapped up in the lake stuff (1972). it was supposed to be just another murder case, but he got too into it and it got too into him, so he gets teleported to the lake chapel and ferried off to. somewhere idk. he goes into an elevator that takes him down memory lane to the lake floor.
in the mill, mr. crow is really trying to clean house before dale gets here (1972). this is where laura gets her ass corrupted by mr. crow, and we find out how the lake eats memories or whatever. it's supposed to overlap with case 23 and it almost succeeds. whatever skrunk is still there is forgiveable, this was the flash era after all.
in theatre, dale learns about ripoff hinduism, goads a man into suicide, and abandons his darling toilet fetus son (1971). it's like birthday again, where this is a memory we're seeing, but that is a light distinction. robert kills himself at the bar, and we take his memories for legal reasons. there's some sixfold wheel we learn about that doesn't matter much.
in the cave, mr. crow still cleans house before dale gets to the Magic Memory Machine (1972). mr. owl's kinda sorta dying, and dale's been elected his son or something. gotta get his mindmeats. you read a textbook about cubes, pilot a submarine to the lakefloor, put dale and laura in a surrogate fusion dance machine, then give dale the golden cube it makes before sending him up the elevator again. hotel did imply something serious was gonna happen when he gets to the top, but that was eight years ago. the devs probably forgot and fell too in love with albert vanderboom in the meantime.
in the white door, robert unkills himself and gets wrong psychiatry (1972). as it turns out, mr. owl has a front business running a for-profit psych ward to extract totally good and healthy memories from people. this one is an actual factual spinoff but is kinda relevant for the greater rusty lake metropolitan area.
in paradox, fuuuuuuuck who knows maaaan, isn't it all just a metaphor? (1972). there's a consensus that none of the stuff that happens in paradox actually happens, and that it's all in dale's head while he's in the Magic Memory Machine from cave. even though there's five different endings, he kinda walks away at the end, which might be the worst ending of the lot. the information's solid though; mr. owl spells out the whole heir thing, there's bits of backstory for dale and laura everywhere. also the movie's sick.
in the past within, albert becomes a mechanical engineer for the sole purpose of making plot armor (1926/1984). yeah, remember that guy from roots? the voodoo murderer who got third-hand alchemy information to make up for his lack of pussy? yeah, he invented a time machine decades ago. and he enlisted his daughter to talk to her past/future self to grow him back to life in 1984. with a gold cube that he somehow got. and somehow his scar is genetically coded in him. and we don't see his wiggly lineart dick. what does he do in 1984? trap his daughter in a time loop then who the fuck knows. he's stuck in his jumpscare beast ways from being corrupted for so long. how did he get corrupted when he was literally buried in the ground and salvaged bones from? next game!
there's an ARG that i never saw a thing of because i hated it, best kept memory. from what i gathered, it was another front scheme for memory harvesting, except in the 2000's. does that mean it's enlightened dale/laura doing this one, since mr. owl presumably passed on the title then turned into a fish? i'd like to know too!
also, a chapter of underground blossom i haven't completed, and a paper-based game coming out within the next two years or whatever. i don't know how much they'll clear up.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Big girls don't cry (5)
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Summary: You are no stranger to heartbreak.
Pairing: CEO!Steve Rogers x Plussized!Reader
Warnings:  angst, strong reader, mentions of former heartbreak, regret, fear of commitment, abandonment issues, fluff, mistaken identity, hopeful ending, a little fun, talk about therapy
Big girls don’t cry masterlist
Part 4
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“I wish you love. A love that will give you everything you’ll ever need…”
You fist his shirt, desperate to tell Steve how you feel. Yes, he hurt you deeply but maybe there is a chance that you can work things out. 
There is love between the two of you. A love you don’t want to give up easily. 
You didn’t know he struggled in the past too, believing he always was the self-confident man he is. You understand now that he is insecure sometimes - just like you.
“Steve, I don’t want someone else to love me. I only wanted you to love me,” you hide your face in his chest, wetting his shirt with your tears.
“I ruined our love. I destroyed what we had because of my insecurities,” Steve cries now too. He hiccups and buries his face in your neck. “You will never love me again. I threw the best thing ever happening to me away. What else can I do but let you go to find someone better?”
“Steve, love doesn’t die easily. It’s stronger than you give it credit for. Love isn’t always strong from the beginning. It grows if you give it the chance to do so. Every touch, kiss, or gentle gesture let it grow,” you choke out a sob. “Even after a storm, it can grow if you find a way to forgive each other.”
“I love you so much it hurts not having you around. That day, I wanted to ask you to move in with me,” he sniffs, “I wasn’t sure how to propose, but I got the ring, and then…”
“You messed shit up, Stevie,” you whisper against him. “Why did you have to say these things? Why?”
“Sam and Bucky said I’m whipped, and I got scared that you will make me fall in love even more only to break my heart. Everyone just left me, and I kind of sabotaged our relationship to not get hurt. Instead, I hurt the only person who meant the world to me. I hate myself for it.”
“You’ve got abandonment issues. I don’t think you’ll be able to have a healthy relationship if you don’t seek help. Maybe you need a therapist to help you come to terms with your past. I’d gladly help you, but I don’t think I’m the right person.”
“A therapist,” Steve whispers. “Will you help me find one? I-I trust you and…”
“I won’t give up on us yet, Steve. I’m still angry at you. But mostly, I’m hurt. You didn’t trust me enough to talk about your past with me.”
“You didn’t talk about your past with me either, doll,” he lifts his head to look at you. “I guess we both should try to come to terms with our past. Maybe we can do it together?” Steve looks at you like a kicked puppy. “Please…”
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“So…” You sit on Steve’s sofa, looking at the notebook in your hands. “What do you think about the therapist and the homework he gave us?”
“I’m not sure,” Steve places a cup of tea and some cookies on the coffee table in front of you. “It felt good to talk about the things bugging me. But I didn’t like the way he stared at your chest.”
You giggle. Steve is not wrong. Dr. Hansen poorly hid his attraction toward your boobs and ass. Maybe he wasn’t the best choice, but he had the best reviews. 
Steve sighs and opens his notebook to reread the instructions Dr. Hansen gave him during their private session. “He told me to tell you how much I love your body. With my tongue and body.”
“He told you to have sex with me?” You wrinkle your nose. “You’re lying.” Steve yelps when you snatch the notebook out of his hands to get a look at the instructions. “Did he draw me?”
“Uh-that was me. Dr. Hansen was talking about you, and that you’re a beautiful woman. He wanted me to cherish you. I couldn’t help myself and draw you.”
“You’re very talented Steve,” you grin. “Just draw me with clothes on next time…”
“He didn’t see a thing. I swear,” he starts to sweat. “It’s just that the was talking about you, and your appearance all the time and my mind wandered.”
Sighing again you close the notebook. “I don’t think Dr. Hansen will help us. He’s a pervert.”
“Hmmm…” Steve nods in agreement. “I don’t understand all the good reviews. Maybe they are fake.”
“Let me check again,” you grab your phone to search for Dr. Hansen. “Hmm…” You frown deeply. “Crap.”
“What?” Steve looks at you, brows furrowed. “Doll? What’s wrong?” He worriedly places his hand on your thigh.
“I think…uh…I messed up this time,” you giggle as your cheeks heat up. “I noted the wrong address. I wanted to go to Dr. Hanson, not Dr. Hansen. We kinda ended up with a sex therapist.”
Steve snorts. “Well, we never had a problem in that department. Our sex was extraordinary, kinky, sweet, hot, and satisfying.”
“You are telling me,” you groan loudly. “Great. Now I know why he was talking about my sad vagina all the time. I believed he was a creep when he wanted me to tell him about my masturbation routine.”
“He asked you how you touch yourself?” Steve’s head snaps toward you. “I swear, I’m going to kill him. Right now. I’ll go to his practice and murder him.”
“He only did his job,” you point out. 
Steve pouts. “I still don’t like that guy. He accused me of not taking care of your muffin. I don’t know what he meant, but I didn’t like it one bit.” 
You snort, as you watch Steve. “Oh my god. Stevie! You can’t be serious.”
“I’m damn serious.” He slams his fist into the couch. “I always ate your muffins and cupcakes. How dare that man to say I don’t like the food you make.”
“Steve,” you giggle as you place your hand on his shoulder. “He was talking about my vagina, not pastries.”
“What?” All color drains from Steve’s face. His features harden and he’s about to kick the table. “How can he say such a thing?”
“Uh-I kinda told him that you disappointed me. I guess he believed I was talking about your qualities in the bedroom.” You start laughing at Steve’s pissed expression. He grunts as you hold your stomach. “This can only happen to us. We seek help and end up with a sex therapist.”
“Stop laughing,” Steve struggles to not laugh. “Doll, stop laughing. We should talk about our relationship, not laugh about our therapist.”
“I wanna laugh,” you giggle and kick your feet. “That feels,” you snort while laughing, “so good. Stevie…”
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After the incident with Dr. Hansen, and your flash of laughter you decided to talk things out with Steve in private. If you need professional help, you can still look for a therapist.
It’s been two weeks, and you are slowly making progress. You talked about your childhood friends and slowly got closer to the core of your problems. Distrust and the fear of getting hurt again.
“You can take your time,” Steve softly says. “I told you about Peggy and the others hurting me. Uh-and my first girlfriend. You know that I’ll not judge you or laugh about you.”
You inhale sharply. It’s been years since you thought about your first love. “It was because of one of his friends’ comments. We were good, and I believed he liked me. One false word from his friend and he decided that I was not the girl he wanted to take to prom. Since then, I never trusted someone with my heart. Until you.”
“And I broke your trust in me,” Steve sighs deeply. “I know I said it before but I’m so fucking sorry. What happened in my past shouldn’t have influenced my life and my feelings for you. If I could turn back time and take the words back, I’d do it.”
“Now that we talked about our past, we should address the elephant in the room. Where do we go from here?”
“I don’t know,” he honestly says. “All I know is that my feelings for you never changed, and that I love you. I just don’t know if that’s enough for you.”
“What about your job? You quit and gave up your career,” you move a little closer to Steve to take his hand in yours. “What do you want to do now?”
“Bucky, Sam, and I are thinking about starting our own business. That was my dream for years. I hated working for that asshole.”
You interlock your fingers with Steve and lean your head against his shoulder. “You’ll stay in New York, right? I don’t want you to move miles away.”
“Of course, I’ll stay close to you, doll. It’s only a vague idea so far. We still need to talk about the details,” Steve leans his head against yours, sighing. “Do you want me to stick around?”
“Hmm…I could get any guy, you know. Including Dr. Hansen,” you grin hearing Steve inhale sharply. “Every guy wants a taste of me.”
“Y-ou wouldn’t go out with Dr. Hansen. Right? He’s still a creep,” Steve stammers. “Please don’t go out with him.”
“I could have any guy, but I only want you, Steve.”
Steve nods. He knows that you’ve got a long way ahead. Both of you need to heal, but if you are willing to give him the chance, he’ll show you what love is…
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violet-moonstone · 10 months
THW Rewrite
More headcannons because I have not been able to stop thinking about this franchise for the past 13 years, and I have over a decade's worth of opinions.
I've already posted some of these ideas but ehh it's fine.
While I enjoyed watching it for the first time, THW was disappointing to me for a variety of reasons. (The music was probably the best out the franchise though, I'll say that) Grimmel didn't reach his full villain potential since the writers used Ruffnut's lack of judgment as his key to success instead of him being a capable strategist. (Also they did my girl so dirty. She may be a dumbass, but she's not an idiot!) I don't like that the dragons left after just 6 years. I don't like that all the riders except for Hiccup and Astrid are just played for laughs instead of shining like they do in RTTE. I don't like whatever the hell Snotlout's obsession with Valka was, and I didn't like Toothless' "romance" with the Light Fury. I hate that even dragons can't escape half-developed romance and a nuclear family as the ultimate character accomplishment.
So here are my edits (looking back, there's quite a bit going on, so it may need to be split into 2 movies or a short TV series)
The time jump happens between movies 2 and 3. (I want a full movie with bearded Hiccup and "Homecoming" does NOT count) 10-15 years have passed, so the riders are about 30-35. Zephyr and Nuffink are either little kids or preteens and are getting to an age where they're starting to train dragons.
Astrid is more rough around the edges like she was in HTTYD 1 and Rob/Dob/RTTE, not just Hiccup's supportive gf/wife. Instead of making her softer, motherhood has made her fiercer because she has more people to protect. Hiccup on the other hand is a doting father and can't say no to the kids if they give him puppy dog eyes: heart melted every time.
Toothless finds his original flock(?)/herd?/murder?/unkindness?/parliament? of Night Furies instead of just one "soulmate". Each can have their own personalities and roles in the group while Toothless is the baby. I think it would be interesting if, like Hiccup, Toothless was quite small compared to his peers - potentially explaining why he was on his own and got separated from the group before meeting Hiccup.
Dagur and Heather are brought into a council meeting as Berserker allies. Hiccup greets them in a way that clarifies things for audience members who haven't watched the show. I suppose Mala would also be in it too. I don't dislike Mala but I hate her and Dagur's relationship. More development needed there.
Gustav should be there too, still very much trying to prove himself as a dragon rider and occasionally messing things up.
In terms of the main plot and villains, I'm not too picky, although I've said before that I'm tired of dragon mind-control being the main villain tool. I'm fine with it if Drago comes back as the villain, but if not, the villain should just be dragon hunters or rival dragon riders who use their dragons for conquering/raiding other settlements.
It can hit pretty much hit the same story beats as before but with better character dynamics.
Make Ruff and Tuff more instrumental to mischief and redirection in a way that helps the plot.
Give Fishlegs more credit for his discoveries and record-keeping about dragons.
Snotlout and Eret are together (or implied to be together if that's the best we can get). Snotlout is also no longer Hiccup's rival - he should be his second in command. They can disagree from time to time, but ultimately, his loyalty is not in question.
Fishlegs and Ruffnut have kids who cause chaos with Zephyr and Nuffink.
It would be cool to include a couple characters from other parts of the world with dragon mythology. I understand that Vikings are white but if we have goddamn flying dragons, there's no reason there can't be visitors from other cultures (who aren't villains).
Ending option 1: The movie can end with the dragons going away, but now they've been with the Berkians for over a decade and it just feels more impactful.
The "there were dragons when I was a boy" line can either be Hiccup talking to his grandson after an even longer time jump, or Nuffink talking to his own kids about Hiccup's adventures.
Ending 2: the Berkians go to The Hidden World with the dragons. Hiccup writes a memoir to leave behind. We hear him reading from it at the beginning and assume that means dragons are going to leave, but it's actually a diversion to make people think dragons are gone so no one tries to look for them.
Ending 3: We accept that HTYYD takes place in a different world so we don't have to explain why dragons don't live among us anymore. The movie ends with Hiccup vowing to make the archipelago safe for all dragons and Nuffink and Zephyr take up the mantle of discovering new dragons. The dragons stay and they all live happily ever after, the end :)
I'm tempted to actually write this as a fanfiction but I already got a lot of writing projects atm. We shall see.
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