#i do think the show is as shallow as they come and maybe the whole catradora backstory is too much for it
tungtung-thanawat · 2 days
I do find it quite insane that people think Bridgerton season 3 was too rushed. I really think Colin's every plot line has been to bring him closer to Penelope. I think there's plenty of gifsets already that show the little affectionate or longing looks between Colin and Penelope starting from season 1. But I don't even mean those when I say that Colin is written in a way that perfectly matches Penelope's fat girl romance story. People skirt around calling Penelope a fat girl and therefore her romance one that's strife with struggles around being fat because somehow that is what they think will betray their fatphobia. But it's not fatphobic to recognize the way that a fatphobic society has fucked with both Colin and Penelope's heads. Colin's incredibly strong, incredibly illogical crush on Marina Thompson, Penelope's cousin, suddenly makes so much sense when you contextualize it as his feelings for Penelope being misguided onto the closest eligible target. (It honestly even felt that way when I watched season 1 as it was coming out.) Because here's the thing about Penelope, right? That society has deemed her ineligible. A fact that we know Colin is painfully aware of by the end of season 2 when he declares to his 'friends' that he would never court her. The same friends he calls shallow to their faces in season 3. So was it surprising that Colin's whole arc in season 3 was about shaking off the shackles society has on his decisions and more importantly, his desires. Because Colin isn't just trying to get by with society's expectations like Anthony was, no. He was trying to change himself to like it. He was trying to buy into it. Because society made him miserable before and maybe embracing it would make him happier. There's a reason he's so passionately anti-Whistledown. She represents those very shackles of society that ironically keeps him from acknowledging his feelings for Penelope. Colin has been in love with Penelope for just as long as she has been in love with him, if not more. But Penelope wasn't the only one who thought that was impossible simply because she was fat. In fact, this is a very common fat girl dating experience, you meet men who would absolutely fuck you, heck they can even love you in their own way but they're not ready to face the shame of other's judgement in acknowledging you. Colin's every appearance on this show starting from season 1 has been setting him up to release those shackles. He wanted to for Marina, but his feelings for her were not genuine. He chased her out of obsession, not love and I think that distinction was infinitely clear to Marina. She could never inspire this soft, sensitive man to harden his backbone in a way that Penelope can. His love for Marina brought him anguish, his love for Penelope brings him joy. The Duke and Daphne barely had a conversation that entire season, Kate and Anthony met and created all of this havoc for what? Colin and Penelope are the only two, whose emotional connection has been established over the course of three whole seasons. Lots of criticisms can be made of their romance I'm sure, but rushed? Listen, I know why people think it's rushed and while season 1 and season 2 Colin would really really care that you think Penelope is unfuckable but season 3 Colin doesn't have a single fuck left to give.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 8 months
#k so i started watching the shera show just to see if catradora is as bad as people say it is#(because seeing that people hate a ship makes me 200% more invested fyi)#and like. i do Not see it girlies#i do think the show is as shallow as they come and maybe the whole catradora backstory is too much for it#currently on ep 4? 5? of s2 and i'm pretty comfy with the fact that catradora will be endgame#because their dynamic is easily the most interesting one in the show#although crab lady (what was her name....) and catra scratch an itch of mine too#mainly bc i am really into one sided pining#and i like that (oh it's scorpia i remembered) scorpia is the easy option for catra#someone who idealizes her and is already invested in the idea of getting together with her#and catra having this realization of the nature of scorpia's feelings in that episode (4? 5?) like UGH that's some good shit right there#but what stood up to me about the show was how uhhhh like there's so much ship bait everywhere#not in a malicious way. just in the way that there's ship teases for a lot of pairings in the show#like glimmer and adora and bow with uhh everyone (disaster bisexual characters my beloved)#like it just feels very queer positive and casual. i really like that#but yeah. so far i'm not head over heels with catradora but i definitely think it has a lot of potentiak#and the fact that they are the endgame couple is pleasing to me#like IMAGINE identifying the couple with the most potential and making it canon. some other shows could've learned that lesson#oh well! (lumity why are you so fucking boring it pains me)
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inklessletter · 6 months
Thinking about Eddie using an old trick his father taught him when he was eleven years old to sneak in any big place by just carrying a ladder and looking like a worker, to get Steve in a concert that had been sold out for weeks.
Thinking about Steve complaining all the way there, calling Eddie irresponsible, reminding him that he followed the rules, that he's a good guy, telling him that they were going to be caught, that it was stupid and wasn't going to work.
Thinking about how hard Steve rolls his eyes when it actually works and Eddie is just one breath away from his "I told you so," but it never comes.
They actually get to see for free that show of Tears for Fears and Steve expects Eddie to complain about shitty music, or how lame Steve taste was, or even Steve's lack of faith in his poor soul.
And again, it never comes.
Everything in Eddie's behavior is so nice that something must be awfully wrong, and Steve spends the whole concert trying to get a reaction out of him, spiraling, thinking that maybe he'd been ungrateful by spending all that time complaining and that he very much earned that silent treatment (not really a silent treatment, more like a not 'in your fucking face, Harrington' treatment), so immersed in his own thoughts he barely enjoys the concert.
Thinking about a comfortable silence in Eddie's end, when they're driving back to Hawkins, and Steve breaking it by finally muttering a soft "I'm sorry."
Thinking about Eddie puzzled about whre that apology came from and asking why he's sorry, and pulling over when he just glances at Steve's troubled face when he can't actually answer.
Thinking about the heaviness of Eddie's voice when he asks a second time, looking Steve in the eye, why is he apologizing, and Steve breathing that he doesn't exactly know, for whatever he did that Eddie's mad, he guesses.
Thinking about Eddie pulling every bit of knowledge about Steve Harrington together, and finally, finally realizing where Steve's coming from.
Thinking about Steve's face when Eddie tells him softly "I just wanted to do something nice for you. Just wanted to make you happy."
Thinking about the ten seconds of full silence, ten seconds both of them staring at each other, the air feeling heavy, Steve's shallow and fast breathing, and his whispered "but why?"
"Because you deserve to be happy. You really, really do, Steve."
Thinking about every fiber in Steve's body yelling "that's a lie", and Steve having no energy to actually discuss Eddie's estatement. Steve looking down, then away, then swallowing around nothing. Steve just saying "uh, okay," in a shaky, whispered voice.
Thinking of Eddie finally hitting the road again, with his eyes ahead, his heart in the passenger seat, and his head replaying the chorus of Head over heels in repeat (and he's shocked to his core that he's actually liking it.)
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tossawary · 3 months
I finished Volume 3 of SVSSS, which encompasses the main story, and currently have my bookmark sitting at the first chapter of the Airplane Extras in Volume 4. I took a bunch of quote pics but have yet to review them and add thoughts.
Every time I read SVSSS, I forget how... incredible... the inside of Shen Yuan's head is. He's fascinating.
Like, he's misogynistic (even while criticizing Airplane's own misogynistic writing), he's homophobic, AND he's transphobic. Not in a way where I think he thinks anyone deserves fewer rights than anyone else (I think he's generally a nice person, although, holy shit, I would not trust this man to craft policy of any kind) or would prevent anyone from living however they chose to live, a lot of his problematic bullshit stays inside his own head as he tries to understand the world around him using the stallion novel formulas he was given, but he's carrying around SO MUCH unexamined bias that supports his refusal to examine himself and his own desires.
Some of it reads (presumably intentionally) a LOT like the kind of conflicting, problematic bullshit a lot of queer people carry around inside their heads as they struggle to untangle themselves and their beliefs.
And while I do wish that Shen Yuan had been forced to confront and address his misogyny and transmisogyny even further than it does come up (in part because it is DEFINITELY affecting the way he thinks about gay men as well, including and especially Binghe), I do kind of... appreciate on some level that he thinks this way? From a character standpoint? Because I think it's probably realistic for a privileged young man spending a lot of time on the internet reading shit like PIDW to look at the world this way. And it's clear even through his own narration that his blindness in certain areas is causing him a lot of trouble. While I do have criticisms and personal wishes, I do appreciate the depiction of personal character development that is just... a cringeworthy mess of internalized bullshit the whole fucking time.
Also, it's SO funny to me that he reads as SO aro-ace-spectrum to me (probably gay, but generally detached from sexuality and possibly also partially from gender) AND he actually knows... the word asexual, I don't think he has a very broad understanding of asexuality... but he knows the word and yet doesn't personally identify that way. He mentally accuses both Luo Binghe (main story, before finding out Binghe is into him) and Liu Qingge (Succubus Extra) of being asexual for showing no interest in women, only to fail to reflect on how he ALSO demonstrably has no lasting personal interest in the women around them, which doesn't read as very genuine to me.
(EDIT: Again, I am not against a bisexual Shen Yuan interpretation either! I am willing to be persuaded by any author who wishes to tell a particular story. But Shen Yuan's attraction towards women often reads personally to me as very shallow and possibly insincere.)
"I willingly read PIDW, that proves I'm straight!" he sincerely thinks to himself, even though his favorite wife is the one without explicit sex scenes and he also admits to skipping over a lot of them.
"I'm able to tell when women are beautiful, that makes me straight!" thinks the guy who mentally censors nudity whenever demon women lose their clothes, and keeps telling us how "the average reader" of PIDW would react to these beautiful women instead of conveying his own attracted reactions. His actual reactions are generally centered on a woman's narrative significance. The only people he personally seems to find attractive are Luo Binghe and maybe Liu Qingge.
Though my interpretation was that he does probably experience sexual arousal and have a sex drive (see his username), which probably helps with his conviction of straightness, I'm not sure that there's any mention of Shen Yuan even masturbating at all in the entire main story of SVSSS? He never tried to hook up with anyone. Sex is apparently not a priority for him.
(EDIT: He does seem to enjoy sex with Binghe in the "Bing-mei vs. Bing-ge" Extra. He loves Binghe and likes the closeness and the physical pleasure. I appreciate the indication that they're working on moving on from the AWFUL intercourse pushed by Xin Mo's possession and possibly also the System's Scenario Pusher.)
And Shen Yuan seems to view women as being and behaving Fundamentally Differently from men and gay men as behaving Fundamentally Differently from straight men (as soon as he learns Binghe is into him, he thinks about how Binghe isn't behaving like the characters in his sister's gay, non-con, BDSM erotica novels), seeing everything through the lens of novel tropes, such that he seems to view sex and sexuality and gender as being deeply mixed with a person's personality. So he can't be a gay man, because he's too "Normal", in his mind at first, because he doesn't behave like his own mental image of "How Gay Men Behave" (or "How Women Behave / A PIDW Wife Behaves"), while also demonstrably not being anything like "the average reader" of PIDW and also apparently not caring too much about his own masculinity? Like, I do think he likes being the gentleman scholar of Qing Jing Peak, he does like appearing dignified and strong and cool, he doesn't like losing, he doesn't really like playing "damsel in distress" roles, and I do think he likes being gallant towards women, but he's not too concerned about seriously competing with figures like Luo Binghe or Liu Qingge? He's happy enough to back down and let someone else take the lead if necessary. He puts up with being put into the roles of female leads even if it embarrasses him and he rolls with the punches to his pride easily enough. He seems to have decided his Sexuality By Default, so it does make me have a lot of thoughts about whether or not he's potentially going with Gender By Default / Convenience as well.
Someone get this man some amateur and academic literature on gender and sexuality (and a lot of other stuff), stat, so he can ignore it, probably.
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anticapitalistclown · 15 days
clownie can i request some lookism men fav positions
add Gun if you don't mind ty~
asked a friend who doesn't watch lookism to choose 4 men so we have this (she chose Beolgu at first lmao) (James girlies you're only lucky she has chosen him bc she's a GD stan)
Gun, James, Jake, Vasco and Vin Jin favorite positions, smut headcanons
Jong Gun: doggy style
He is a vicious man that would never reject any way of sex, he says he has no favorites, yet you always find yourself on all fours, his grip forcing you to exaggerate the arch; sometimes with your face against the pillow and his hand grabbing the back of your neck if you're tired.
There's something about watching the curve of your back, how your ass slaps against his pelvis, how his dick gets shallowed inside you that gets him all riled up. With this position he always finds that spot.
If you turn your face to see him with your cute eyes and that expression covered in pleasure, man has to pray in order to not cum right at the spot.
James Lee: missionary
The old missionary is his favorite, it allows him to take control of you and his pace, and gives him the chance to show adoration of your body.
He loves kissing you while having you in a mating press, your legs spread being held by him, his pace being monstrously and toe-curling satisfying, your brain already melted while he praises you between kisses.
You know he loves being on top of you, how tiny you feel under him, and you always see that exited look he gives every time he is inside you, how his eyes secretly travel down to see how you're taking him, how he makes that bulge on your stomach, that sight makes him harder if it could even be possible.
Jake Kim: cowgirl
He is not someone who thinks much of sex, so at first he just did the classic postures, old missionary and not much more than that... Yet, the day you just got on top of him and rode it like a champ, you changed his whole perspective.
He loves when you take control, how you use him for your pleasure, the way your body moves on top of him, if it were for him, you could use him all day. His grip on your hips is strong, Jake always helps you to continue for a bit more, encouraging you with words of praise.
Although you're on control, keeping a man like him still would need some chains, he can't help but kiss you, having his hands teasing you or holding at your hips, helping you set with a harder pace.
Vasco (Euntae Lee): spooning
Like Jake, he just isn't someone who thinks much of sex, Euntae just follows the basic and instinctive, the position is the last he thinks of while making love to you. Yet he would be lying if he said nothing comes up to his mind when a favorite position is asked, there's something about spooning that makes him hornier.
Maybe it's because of the intimacy and the romance it holds, how his hands cup every erogenous part of your body, how his lips kiss your neck and feel your moans, how you tangle your legs with his and when he places his hand on your lower stomach feeling himself inside you, he just loves the access he has on your body.
While making love to you, he also likes when you command him to touch you, both praising each other, showing how much appreciation you have for one another. After you both reach your high, he stays in the position, cuddling you with care.
Vin Jin: full nelson
He might show a rude appearance, yet, on the intimacy he was a bit scared of hurting you, that lasted until you both got more confident with sex. You knew he is strong and has knowledge and experience with wrestling so you just got the idea of trying a position
A position he LOVES, he loves showing you his strength, he loves having you crushed in his arms, he loves pleasuring you and most important, the fucked up face you make when you become too overstimulated.
It's not really a position you both usually do, he rather prefers to keep it for special occasions, especially when you don't have anything to do for the next days so you can recover.
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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Laser tag — Oscar piastri x reader
Tagged — @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @norrisleclercf1 @norizznorris @vivwritesfics @vellicora @venusisnothere @natailiatulls07 @astraeaworld @ashy-kit @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @hollie911 @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @faithm120701 @purplephantomwolf @lightdragonrayne @amatswimming
Any one order up a cocky arrogant smug Oscar Piastri who just so happened to be your brothers best friend 🤭🤭🤭
Your brother was the one who suggested going to play laser tag. You didn’t even want to go but he begged and wore you down till you agreed. Apparently one of the guys bailed out at the last minute and he needed you to stand in. It was dark and you couldn’t see anything except the LED lights through the fog. You thought you were doing fine until someone grabbed you and cornered you.
“Got ya” he said, that voice giving you butterflies.
“Oscar what are you doing?” You asked
“The better question is what are you doing here?” He asked, his voice cocky and arrogant. His smug smile and those deep brown eyes make you melt and your heart race. You couldn’t think straight, you wanted nothing more than to pull him in and kiss him right there.
“I wasn’t going to let anyone else come near you” He said as he held you close, his breath hot on your neck. His hands sliding down your body, his touch sending shivers across your body.
“Not after that kiss you gave me the other day” He said, his voice smug and his eyes gleaming with desire. The way he said it sent shivers down your spine and you felt your whole world tilt as you wanted nothing more than to be in his arms right then and there.
“Kiss me” You said softly, your voice trembling with need. You wanted to lose yourself in him, to forget everything but the soft press of his body against yours and the heat of his breath on your neck.
He leaned forward and kissed you, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands ran up and down your body. The heat of his lips and breath sent shivers through you, and you felt like you were melting into him. You wanted nothing more than to be lost in him and in that moment, and you let yourself be swept away by his touch.
“I’ve been thinking about you all week” He said softly. His breath hot against your cheek, his hands sliding down to your hips as he pulled you closer. You could feel the tension building between you, your body humming with desire and your breath short and shallow.
“Oh really” you said Keeping him distracted as you slowly pulled out the laser tag gun there was no way that you were going to loose.
“In what way where you thinking about me?” You asked
"In.. a lot of ways" He said with an eyeroll "I don't think I can explain them all without getting too explicit for this PG-13 venue" He smirked with his eyes glimmering.
"Maybe I should show you instead" He said taking a step closer to you, his breath hot against your skin. You felt your heart racing as he drew you into his embrace, his hands sliding up your back and making the goose bumps rise on your skin..
Just before Oscar could kiss you again you raised the fake toy gun and shot at the target on his chest declaring him out of the game.
Oscar gasped and he looked up at you. “You cheater” he said. He reached out to grab the gun from you but you dodged out of the way and shot him again on his arm, still grinning cheekily.
“I win” you said with a smirk
“Ugh fine, you win”. He mumbled, his tone teasing and playful but the disappointment clear in his voice. “ I guess this means I have to do whatever you want” He added, his tone almost pleading.
This was a golden opportunity and there was no way you could let it slip away. He had challenged you to a bet and now it was your chance to demand anything you wanted. You thought for a moment about all the favors he owed you and smirked “anything ?”
“Anything” he said confidently, his eyes glinting with mischief. He was confident that there was nothing he couldn’t handle and that you wouldn’t ask him to do anything that he wouldn’t want to do as well.
“I’ll keep that in mind but for right now I have a game to win I’ll see you around Oscar”
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willowworkswithwords · 4 months
Steve receives love the way he gives it and doesn’t know what to do with himself.
so i was going through my drafts folder because i'm thinking it's time to dip my foot back into the fic writing pool, and I found this collection of snippets and ideas that all stemmed from this post from @rogueddie. I thought about maybe elaborating on some of these, but I also wanted to share because I really enjoyed this idea. I also think I may have posted about this a long while back, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the whole thing.
-Future -> uses a pen like a sorta-stylus to hit each of his computer keys sometimes. Eddie figures out it’s because the keys don’t have enough physical separation between them (they’re so shallow) and it sometimes messes with his eyes [is this a feasible vision issue he might have??] so Eddie buys him an “old fashioned” keyboard with the big keys, one of the big colorful trendy ones.
-Eddie and Wayne keep the foods he like, foods he’ll always eat no matter what. Eddie notices that he’ll never ask for any special foods when Wayne makes the grocery list (when he moves in with them) so he starts being sneaky and goes on a recon mission a.k.a. asking Robin, Nancy, and the kids what he likes. Since Steve also loves to cook, Eddie looks through his cookbooks and recipe box and finds the ones with notes on them and him and Wayne practice how to make them
“Hey Wayne?”
“Yeah?” Wayne calls from the couch, beer in hand and the game on.
Steve steps out from the kitchen, box of tea in hand.
“Where’d this come from?”
Wayne doesn’t turn around.
“What is it?”
“Uh, the tea?”
“Picked that up for you the other day, since you were saying you like it better than coffee sometimes.”
“Yeah but… you and Eddie don’t like tea?”
He doesn’t know why he says it like a question.
Wayne tilts his head against the back of the couch, craning it to look at Steve in a way that’s so reminiscent of Eddie it makes Steve smile a little.
“You do, though.”
-Right before Steve moves in, when he’s an anxious mess because his parents are coming back but he doesn’t realize he’s anxious for that reason, he starts hiding little bits of his stuff in the trailer, mostly in Eddie’s room and around the kitchen. This puzzles Eddie but Wayne thinks it’s like Steve’s trying to expel his energy in a not-so-productive way, though there are worse ways. So, Wayne starts asking Steve to help more around the house, but especially with repairs bc they found out that Steve knew a lot about repair.
Steve’s been around a lot. Wayne sees his pile of folded bedding tucked behind the couch, and sometimes he sees the Beemer leaving the trailer park as he comes up the road from the plant. During daylight hours, when Steve comes by to help Eddie or brings the kids over or stays for dinner, he shows almost no signs of anything being wrong.
But Wayne is a combat veteran. It’s been a long time for him, but he hasn’t forgotten, and he never will. He knows his nephew went through war, and that Steve was right alongside him. From what Wayne has gathered, Steve had been in that war for a few years, and had been dealing with the ups-and-downs for two years before Eddie ever knew about it.
It hurts Wayne deeply, to see the children (because that’s what they are—as he and all his comrades had been) endure the aftermath. So he sees when Steve flinches, when he clenches his fists, when he holds his breath and makes himself breathe evenly.
Tonight is the least in-control he’s ever seen Steve.
He’s over for dinner again. All three of them are in the living room, a baseball game on, much to Eddie’s long-suffering sighs.
-Steve will make his opinion known about arbitrary stuff like movies and music, but if it’s been a Bad Day or a Bad Time, and he does, and Eddie reacts to it in a way Steve sees as criticism, he will then defer everything to Eddie to a frustrating degree. Eddie finds out that when it comes to their relationship, not any other relationship Steve has, Steve is extremely afraid of screwing it up so he thinks that means he should let Eddie call all the shots.
-Eddie memorizes Steve’s orders at restaurants
-Eddie sews Steve’s clothes without Steve ever realizing
The sun is just peaking through the windows of the trailer on a Thursday morning when Eddie gets to work. Steve, when exhausted, will sleep through just about anything, and the week had been a long one. Eddie had the opposite problem, finding little respite even curled around Steve. So, the early morning found him gathering up Steve’s clothes and taking them out to the front porch of the trailer.
Already out there on the side table was his sewing kit, spools of thread and thimbles neat and ready. Already out there on the couch was Wayne, sipping his morning post-work coffee and looking out over the misty park.
Without a word, Eddie settled onto his end of the couch, knees pulled up, and grabbed one of Steve’s jeans. There was a rip along the inseam, and Eddie took to it with steady persistence. After the jeans were shirts and three sweatshirts. Stitch after stitch after stitch, and soon Steve wasn’t left with a single hole in all his wardrobe.
“He still hasn’t figured it out yet?” Wayne asks, grinning into his coffee.
“Nope. I’ve almost convinced him of the existence of brownies.”
Wayne barks a laugh and Eddie smiles down at the last rip he’s fixing, laughing with his uncle. Steve has been with them for a month and is just now finally easing up, finally letting them both in—for the big and small. Noticing Steve get frustrated with all the holes in his clothes was the least Eddie could do for him, and if it warms him from the inside out when Steve excitedly rustles through his pile of clothes and realizes they’re all perfectly wearable, well. That was just a plus.
-Eddie compliments Steve on his personality and who he is more than what he does, because especially in the first couple years after Vecna, while both of their bodies are still healing, Steve feels a lot of guilt about not being able to do all the things he used to be able to do to the same degree. Even once he’s healed and starts being able to be physical like he used to, Eddie knows Steve equates his value with his service, and tries to help him realize that he is so much more.
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smrsxx · 10 months
Legends Are Made | Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
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Summary : 9 months after Ayrton Senna's fatal crash , Y/N Senna Da Silva was born in Rome , Italy and was defined by destiny carrying the same talent as her father's . At the very young age of 2 Y/N developed an interest upon her father's job and then entered the fascinating world of F1 . Growing up and moving from F3 to F2 her dream to bring back her father's legacy seemed to finally come true , when she joined the Mercedes AMG Petronas team , becoming the first woman on the F1 grid . What she did not expect was that she would fall in love with an 5 times world time F1 champion , Lewis Hamilton .
TW : Mentions and descriptions of Ayrton Senna's fatal crash from the autopsy , Max is super mean upon the reader ( Red Bull is an absolute shit in this ) , anxiety and panick attacks , a lot of angst(y feeling's ) , tears ( both of sadness and happiness ) , Ayrton visit's the reader ( I was crying when I wrote this ) , but extreme fluff towards the end .
This idea came up to me back in May 1 of this year , and while I was listening to the song above Legends Are Made by Sam Tinnesz , I could not help myself and think of all the things that could have happened if Ayrton had a daughter with the same talent . After 3 months working on this I finally finished it .
Just remember that English is not my first language , so if you spot any mistakes just bare with me . ( It is a tw on it's own ) .
PS : I do not usually pour my entire heart and soul on every imagine that I write , but I actually did in this one - and I am proud of it - I hope you like it . I was literally crying the whole time .
Edit : Still crying .
19k words - i got reallyy away with this one
May , 1 1994 Imola , Italy - San Marino Grand Prix
Lap 7 . . . the  car left the racing line at Tamburello and ran in a straight line off the track and struck an unprotected concrete barrier .
He tried to brake down .
He really did .
The car hit the wall at a shallow angle, tearing off the right front wheel and nose cone with 211 km/h .
" Ayrton Senna crashed after the Tamburello corner and smashed with the barrier . Red Flag . The safety car is on it's way . We may need an ambulance for this . " The presenter said with an anxious tone in his voice .
Ayrton tried moving his head but the pain was insufferable .
After that he lost his vision and everything turned black .
" Ayrton Senna Da Silva , a truly staggering talent is dead at the age of 34 years old , after crashing his W16 on the concrete barrier . We lost without any doubt one of the best or maybe the best F1 racing driver." The same presenter said after a couple of hours after the incident .
Ayrton Senna Da Silva - your father - was dead .
January 8th 1995 , Rome , Italy
It was a sunny but cold day when your mother gave birth to you .
Y/N Senna Da Silva . . . the one and only daughter of the F1 champion Ayrton Senna .
You did not know it yet but you would grow up without your dad .
Although you carried something very special within your heart .
His talent was passed over to you , something that your mother tried desperately to avoid .
At the young age of 2 , after watching for the first time a F1 race , one of your dad's , you could not help but wonder about all these fast cars that were racing in big circles .
You were amazed by the colors and the sounds of the engine's .
Your mother did everything in her power to keep you away from F1 and she thought she had succeeded , until one day when she picked you up from the Kindergarten you were crying and sniffling your nose.
When she asked you what happened the only answer you could give was more tears and the phrase " The other kids say that I don't have a dad , because he left me . "
That phrase still keeps you and your mother awake at night .
After that incident she decided to show you one of your father's races.
You loved it .
Little did she know that you had the same talent as your father and she could not keep you away from it .
After a couple of months , you entered the F1 worlds by going into karting .
By the time you were 15 years old , you were able to perfectly drive a F3 car . Your coach said that it would be too easy for you to move from karting to F3 and then F2 .
" You are just like your father . " Your mother said to you on your first big crash .
You had a few big scratches but nothing that could stop you from raicing .
" What do you mean ? " You asked her back trying to convince your mother on telling you more .
After a few hours of you talking you found out more information about your father's tragic death .
" I saw it live on the TV . He was motionless . He had so many injuries ih his head . There was so much blood . You could see it from afar . Thereafter he did not move again . He called me before the race saying that he had a feeling , that something bad will happen to him."
" How ironic " She thought .
' The resemblance is almost scary . ' You thought while you were looking at your debut photo , that the Mercedes AMG Petronas team had published .
It was 100 % sure that you were your father's daughter .
You had the exact same curls at the end of your hair , big honey color doe eyes , that cute little nose and those same full dark pink lips .
You even had the same stance .
Same fashion style . Heck even some clothes of his where now on your closet .
You were practically the same .
But you were not on the same F1 team .
While your father had the best time in McLaren , you joined the Mercedes AMG Petronas team in 2015 .
Being 25 years old you became the youngest amongst everyone , but what made it even worse is that you were the first woman on the F1 grid .
The night before your first public appearance you couldn't sleep .
You were worried and anxious .
Thinking about people's opinions made it even worse that it already was .
Getting up you decided to go to the kitchen at take those sleeping pills your doctor prescribed for you .
And before you knew it you entered the dream space - or so you thought .
" You know that you can not go on like this for long right ? " A man's voice spoke from your left side of the bed .
A voice you have heard before but can not pinpoint exactly where .
" This is not a dream Y/N you can answer me . "
Y/N .
He knows my name .
' I know his voice . ' You thought .
And then it hit you right in the face .
" Dad ? " You asked tears on your face while you where slowly turning to his direction .
He smiled .
He smiled to you .
Your dad smiled to you .
Suddenly you felt someone embracing you - a soft kiss on your forehead .
You hugged him back .
Your dad was here - hugging you and telling you he loves you .
" I am always with you , you are safe . " He told you .
By now you were crying uncontrollably .
" I love you so much Y/N . "
" Do not leave me alone dad . Please . " You begged him through sobs.
" Never Y/N . I love you ." He said to you one last time before you fell asleep .
And he was right .
He never left your side .
You woke up after 8 hours of sleeping , with his cross on your nightstand beside the photo you had of him .
You were safe .
One year had passed since you first saw your father for the first time .
Everything was going great with the team - almost .
You and Lewis Hamilton were practically best friends by now .
' The best duo on the whole grid ' . Everyone said .
Fans going crazy on Twitter shiping both of you .
You had become great friends with Daniel Riccardo and Carlos Sainz.
You had a good relationship with Fernando Alonso and Perez although you did not talk much , but you respected each other .
You and Valtteri Bottas became buddy's through Tiffany and you had the best time pranking Lewis .
Sebastian Vettel was something else entirely .
He respected you and helped you in any way possible . Being the oldest one in the grid helping others with his own ways , made him the father of the grid .
The only one who did not speak to you was Verstappen .
Max Verstappen .
He looked at you with such hate .
Did not talk at you .
Even when you had to sit net to him in interviews he always switched seats with somebody else .
Atleast you were thankful that nothing ever happened .
Two years had passed by .
The best two years of your life .
Your relationship with Lewis was stronger than before .
At least that's what you thought from your part .
You liked him .
Actually you liked him even more than a friend .
God you even loved him at this point .
But you desided to keep it to yourself , not wanting to mess up your frienship or even worse jeopardize your partnership .
Valtteri joined Mercedes and for once you though that they would ask you to transfer , but Toto Wolff would never do it . Especially after watching you getting close to Susie an having the best time babysitting their kids .
In the Brazilian GP of 2017 you finished first place earning the respect of Kimi Raikkonen and becoming close buddy's .
You were always sending food posts and memes in each other and you even died from laughter when you first watched Jackass while babysitting his kids .
Everything was going great until the Abu Dhabi GP .
Valtteri finished first , Lewis second , Sebastian third , Kimi fourth , you fifth and in the sixth place Max .
You had overtake him in last possible minute earning your place in your father's hometown - something that Max did not like at all and decided to make it show in the press conference later .
" My name is Joseph from the F1 Magazine and my question is for Miss Y/N Senna . Y/N you were so good today and I am a 100 % that next year you will win the Championship . I can not help but wonder though and it is something that a lot of people are asking - today you came in the grid with some of your father's clothes . Is there a particular reason ? " He asked you .
" I actually do it all the time since some of his clothes fit me and I believe that he had the best style back then and since now Lewis has stolen that place I need to bring it back . " You answered smiling and making a little joke about Lewis that alot of people loved .
Especially him .
" That is great . My next question is for everyone and it is about what cars do you drive . Can we start with Mr . Vettel . " The interviewer asked with a smile .
" Well I have a Golf . " Carlos said and everybody laughed .
" And you Max ? " The guy asked him .
" I drive a Ferrari , not like someone else that drives a Golf or an almost 30 year old car . " Max said hating on Carlos and you .
You drove your father's famous red Honda NSX and actually own a really big percentage of the Honda NSX cars and you were extremely proud about it .
" Okay . See you on Twitter . " Carlos said know full well that Max is going to get so many new haters .
Sebastian was not proud , Kimi was laughing at Max's stupidity , Daniel was embarrassed and Lewis was furious .
" Y/N what do you have to say about this ? " The guy named Joseph asked you .
" First of all I agree with Carlos and second I am proud of driving such a car . Actually you can ask Mr. Mibe the CEO of Honda and he can assure you that my 30 year old Honda's are far more better that just a plain Ferrari . Thank you . " You answered making everyone in the room speechless .
" Well I totally agree . " Sebastian said laughing .
" She owns the division of the Honda Acura , she can buy all the Ferrari's he owns and plenty more . " Kimi said making everyone speechless again .
Carlos was right , because Twitter was going wild after the press conference was published .
To say that you were mentally drained was a statement .
You were currently crying your eyes out .
Lewis and his dog Roscoe were on your side .
" I just wished the season didn't end like this . " You said while Lewis was hugging you .
" It's okay silly , everyone is on your side . Look even Kimi talked after a really long time . " Lewis said and you both laughed .
Suddenly you were both looking at each other in the eyes and before you noticed it Lewis had capped your face in his palms and pressed his lips at you .
You were so shocked that you did not realize that you had not kissed him back .
Your unresponsiveness made him believe that he was getting wrong .
'' I am so sorry Y/N I kno that you did- " Lewis said but you interupted him .
" Why did you stop ? " You asked him making him froze in his tracks .
It is safe to say that he kissed you back again something that went on about hours and hours on end until Roscoe got jealous of it and started to bark in your faces .
You stayed in Lewis hands for a while , until a scared Toto stormed inside the room .
" Next GP ? Imola , San Marino circuit . " He announced for both of you to hear , but was looking directly at you .
Imola , San Marino - where your father had lost his life .
May , 1 2018 Imola , Italy - San Marino Grand Prix
"Today's atmosphere is heavy . We are in San Marino , Imola circuit where Ayrton Senna lost his life . Now we are waiting for the race to start as we have Y/N Senna Da Silva driving for the Mercedes AMG Petronas team . Toto Wolff specifically asked for the press to not be outside of the Mercedes pit . Y/N is already anxious and worried enough . We hope and pray for the best . In my opinion she is the best driver of this generation . " The same presenter that witnessed your father's death , spoke about you .
' 5 minutes till the race start's ' . You said to yourself .
You were inside your car , wearing your father's famous yellow helmet, his cross on your neck inside of your clothes .
Lewis had begged you not to do it .
Daniel and Carlos were totally afraid .
Kimi had retired .
Sebastian knew that it was dangerous but you wouldn't badge .
Your boyfriend - Lewis - was looking at you , pleading you with his eyes from his car to not do it .
Valtteri did not intervene .
You started from P4 , Sebastian in P3 , Valtteri in P2 and Lewis in P1 .
And the race started .
You don't know how many laps you had done , you weren't counting them .
Everytime you approached the Tamburello racing line until you pass it , your heart was dropping on your stomach , you had trouble breathing .
You were thinking of him .
You thinking about your father .
Your mind was your enemy at this point telling you to 'look at the corner' .
You heart your companion was telling you 'do not look at the corner' .
'What if I lose control of the car and smash into the barier ? '
' What if I die ? '
' Mom is going to be devastated . '
'Lewis . . . oh my Lewis . . . '
' What if ? '
But despite your heart telling you to not look at the corner near the racin line in Tamburello , you did it and what you saw made everything stop .
It is like you were watching the scene unfold it's self from afar .
You were back in 1994 .
Your car was on the other side of the road parked - you standing at the side of it .
Suddenly your father's car ran off the track and was struck an unprotected concrete barrier at 211km/h .
You could hear everything .
You could see everything .
You could smell everything .
Blood -
Your father's blood -
Tears streamed on your face like falls , your hands trembling while you were running to your father to save him .
But Death was far more powerful .
Before you could go and grab him , a hand engulfed your right wrist .
Your dad was standing besides you - his unconscious body still inside the car .
You started panicking , blindness covering your eyes - head dizzy .
" Y/N breath for me come on honey listen to me . " Your dad instructed you .
Trying to concentrate on your father's voice , you did not see his body getting lift out ofthe car , bones broken , blood everywhere .
After a while your father took you back to the side of your car , watching himself being lifted into a helicopter .
" What was the last thing you felt ? " You asked him .
" The taste of blood in my mouth and pain . " He answered calmly .
" I love you dad . " You said to him and hugged him again searching for his embrace .
You cried again .
" I love you too . Stop unsettling your mind with uneasy thoughts and go finish that race . Okay champion ? " Your father said to you before placing a soft kiss on your forehead .
Suddenly you were inside you car racing at 211km/h passing the Tamburello racing line - with your father's voice saying that he loves you watching him with tears in your eyes waiving at you from the corner .
" AND Y/N SENNA DA SILVA IS THE WINNER OF THE IMOLA GRAND PRIX AND THE F1 WORLD CHAMPION OF 2018 " . The presenter scream in his microphone when your car overtook Sebastian's and finished in 1st place .
Your team was screaming , but all you could see and hear was your father saying ' I love you ' and ' I am so proud of you ' .
Only when Lewis hand landed on your shoulder you looked up - at him with tears in your red eyed from crying .
He helped you to get out of your car , took of your helmet and your balaclava , staring at you .
He grabbed your face - " What happened love ? " He asked you .
" I saw everything Lewis . I saw my dad . "
You were currently standing with the Brazilisn flag on your shoulders , trophy on your hands , closed eys and head looking up , while everyone - even the fans - were all silent .
After you rised for your national anthem you asked for a minute of silence for your father .
The wind was blowing - and when something made you shiver but feel safe at the same time - you knew that your father was sitting besides you .
After one minute tears of happiness fell from your eyes .
You are now 28 years old , married with Lewis from 2019 with one beautiful baby boy .
You were still racing .
But today was a special day .
It was your son's birtand he was turning 3 years old .
You've desided with Lewis to go and wake him up , since you've prepared his favourite breakfast and after you would let him open his gifts .
" Goodmorning Ayrton Happy Birthday honey " You both said to your son to wake him up .
Mom's and Dad's and Thank you's could be heard all over the apartment as your son was driving his toy car around the house while holding a cookie .
Chocolate was plastered all over his face .
You were both happy smiling at him .
And then suddenly you heard your son screaming in the leaving room-
" I woak up in a new Ferrari . "
" I swear I am going to kill Carlos and Charles the moment I see them." Lewis said to you while you were uncontrollably laughing .
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thefiresofpompeii · 3 months
i know this is like. minus fourth world problems + autism, and maybe other fandoms have similar issues — i’ve never gone too deep into fandom spaces before and regret doing so — but. why are doctor who fans such incurable haters. i started watching in november after the specials aired and although i’ve been severely critical of certain unfortunate writing choices (as is my right. episodes that suck are… bad) i couldn’t fathom hating an entire series, an entire doctor’s/companion’s run let alone an entire showrunner’s tenure. you mean you can’t stand any of it??
it almost feels like… whenever i come across a person that loves to talk about nine and ten and donna and how much they loved wild blue yonder or w/e, they end up being a shallow moffat hater harping on about misogyny and one-dimensional women as if later series didn’t exist. whenever i find a fellow twelveclara understander who posts about missy and defends hell bent etc. suddenly i come across a post about how they hate rose? what could possibly compel you to dislike the character of rose tyler? i say this as somebody that isn’t a huge fan of tentoo. for more batshit examples saw a post along the lines of “don’t say you think tenmartha is interesting and then post about timepetals” like these are Characters bro. they’re not going to get sad. they are vehicles for the story they’re not people. tenrose was the carrier of the narrative in s2 and tenmartha in s3 and saying i enjoy the complexity of both of these relationships as they progress isn’t contradictory because that’s… the direction that the story takes????????
i don’t even hate chibnall era. even s11 has some redeemable bangers. what i mean is i fell in love with the show as a WHOLE . which means EVERY part of it is important to me and i don’t discount it. every next development builds on the previous. the timeless child ruined a lot of things but opened up many new avenues for exploration! i like the flux i like thasmin i like dhawan master i like the fugitive doctor i love dan and karvanista
you are all allergic to fun. sorry for getting mad about people getting mad it will (not) happen again. im going to go touch grass now
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ciaonicole85 · 1 month
Part 6: What Then?
It's over kids! The longest and final chapter is done. Chris Storer & Co. are probably going to put our beloveds through it in S3, but until then let's enjoy our low-key angst and romance. Post Season 2, Canon-Compliant, swoony, girly, fluffy. A happy-ending obviously.
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After 10 years of grinding himself into dust Carm’s body began to surrender. About a month after The Bear’s opening, he came down with a cold that turned into a low-grade fever, a bitter cough with lime green mucus, night sweats, and mind-numbing exhaustion. After two days Sydney and Fak showed up to his apartment and dragged him to the emergency room. It was pneumonia and dehydration. The young male doctor muttered that his lungs sounded just like his father’s, a 40-year smoker. Yes, pneumonia was the primary reason, but a man Carmy’s age should be in better shape. He was out of commission for a whole week. The regret of letting down The Bear crew so soon after the Friends and Family fiasco motivated him to make a couple changes. First, he allowed himself only one emergency cigarette a day, which he needed less and less. Second, he went outside on Mondays, when the restaurant was closed. If the temperature was over 30℉, he took the train or walked to a park. His favorites were Humboldt and the Garfield Park Conservatory. Today he had come to the latter with his sketchbook and pencils in his backpack. Since the renovation he had continued drawing.
As he went towards to his favorite bench, he noticed a slender woman walking ahead of him. Her height, long swishing braids and jacket were identical to Syd’s. He compulsively began jogging towards her. Before he could call out her name, the woman pounced on a tall lanky man in front of her, wrapping her arms around his waist. Carmen had the sensation of being pushed off a diving board unexpectedly, his stomach pitching forward, unable to breathe much less scream before slamming into the water like a brick. The man turned and picked up Sydney up, planting a kiss on her mouth. He spun her around and…she wasn’t Syd. Thank God.
Carm made his way to the bench and hunched over, his head in his hands. She wasn’t Syd he recanted over and over until the feeling of relief gave way to self-reproach. This time it wasn’t her, but one day it would be. Would he be able to live with that? Uncle Jimmy’s warning not to be an overthinking manichino flashed in his mind. It was time to do something. He took out his sketchpad and began thumbing through it, an idea beginning to take shape. Hopefully, it wouldn’t scare Syd away.
The following Monday Sydney was in her cousin’s salon getting her entire life. Her microbraids were taken out, her hair was washed, deep conditioned, her scalp massaged, and now she was getting box braids put in. They were accented with delicate gold hair cuffs. She drowsed in the chair, with an almost empty to-go container of jollof rice in her lap, as her cousin and another hair stylist quietly discussed the latest season of Love is Blind.
“Sydney babe, would you ever go on Love is Blind?” her cousin, Ashley, asked in a louder tone.
Syd startled and rubbed her eyes.
“Never. That’s insane.”
“I got a message on IG that it’s coming to Chicago. You live and breathe your job so when are you going to meet somebody? Maybe your soulmate is in one of those pods!”
“Why don’t you apply then? You could find “love” and get more exposure for the salon.”
“Same for you and your restaurant ma’am, but I have a man.”
“Since when?”
“Since three months ago. His name is David, he’s a chemical engineer and the son of you know, Ms. Jumoke, she goes to the African church on Mackinaw…St. Paul.”
“Yeah, I remember her. Her sister used to watch me when my dad worked nights.”
“Anyways, back to you. Are you dating anyone, or should I send you the show application?”
“I don’t think love is blind. Have you seen the people they cast? Nobody too unfortunate-looking gets on. It’s so shallow.”
 “Ha! You’re one to talk. You have a very distinct type…white boys with tats and muscles.”
“Ashley, there’s been two of them. Like, that’s not a pattern.”
“No, three! This boss, no “partner”, of yours, had Sydney written over him. The family never sees you anymore.”
“I came to lunch at uncle and auntie’s last month! Besides, opening a new business is like having a kid. You know this.”
“Sure, but when I had dinner at your restaurant and you introduced us, he complimented you for five minutes and then followed you to the kitchen like a whipped puppy.”
Sydney grinned biting her lower lip and covered her eyes. Her cousin stopped braiding and hugged her.
“Aww…my baby cousin is finally going to get some!”
“ASHLEY!” Sydney groaned pushing off her cousin’s arms.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop, but I am happy for you. He is sexy. That neck is thicker than a tree stump.”
Sydney who had just taken a sip of her sweet tea, spat it out all over the mirror.
“That’s on you, Ashley!” she choked out between laughing and coughing.
When she was able to contain herself, she tried to reel her cousin back in. Talking about romantic potential with Carmy gave her too much pleasure. If he was content with the status quo she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“Nothing really is going on. We’re business partners and we’re pretty good friends and it’s probably best we keep it that way.”
“Yes, and he gave you an equal share in the restaurant out of the friendly kindness of his heart.”
“You know, I think he would do that, because I’ve put in so much work, but it did feel like it was something more, at least his Uncle Cicero or Jimmy seemed to think so.”
“Girl, watch out. His sister and an uncle like you!? Would you take his last name, hyphenate, or keep Adamu?”
“Ugh, I’m not going there with you! Shouldn’t you be done with my hair by now?”
“If you want it done right it’ll be 2 more hours. If you don’t…30 minutes?”
“Fine, take your time but please let me sleep.”
Sydney closed her eyes, admiring her self-control. She hadn’t told Ashley that Carmy asked her to come by The Bear this evening. He was reworking a few old dishes. The invite was made at the end of the night a few days ago while they were turning off the lights. She said yes as they pulled down the last switch and she couldn’t see his expression, but she heard him exhale loudly as if he feared she’d decline. Sometimes they meet up on Mondays to network with vendors or collaborate on menu ideas, so this wasn’t out of the ordinary. However, she intuited he was hiding something again like when he and Nat surprised her with a share in the restaurant. This time she didn’t pester him for details, knowing that it was probably worth waiting for.
When Syd arrived home at 3:00 pm she could’ve folded laundry and watched an episode of Psych, but she decided to pretend this was a date; well, like she was preparing for a date. It was a long time since her last. She had entered the Convent of Failed Dreams after Sheridan. Then The Beef/The Bear became her world. The light blue cuffed jeans and stripped white and mint green button-down shirt she was wearing was more than appropriate for a food brainstorming session. However, Carmy’s mysterious attitude might be concealing more great news. She might as well look good when and if he had some.
She took a luxuriously long shower, shaved, and rubbed in her mandarin-scented body oil. Then she entered slowly sifted through her closet considering a red jumpsuit, or just nicer jeans and a blouse when her eyes fell on her marigold-colored shirt dress. It was knee length, comfortable, but chic and the color made her complexion pop. She paired it with a brown and gold oval buckle belt and brown flats because she might be standing in the kitchen for hours. After a short struggle she decided to keep the top two buttons of her shirt dress open. It was only a collar bone, not cleavage. Then she considered makeup. She hated wearing a lot of it; her skin felt suffocated with foundation. She did her brows, applied mascara, a little mineral powder, a smidge of highlighter on her cheekbones, and finished with the Fenty “Hot Choclit” gloss bomb her cousin had given her as part of a set for Christmas. Her new braids with the gold cuffs made the look even better and Sydney couldn’t help admiring herself more than usual in her floor-length mirror. She felt so delicious that she ordered an Uber rather than sit on the train. She would take it later or maybe Carm would give her a ride home.
Just before she could lock the door Emmanuel came up the stairwell, his face lighting up.
“My baby girl, you are stunning! Where are you headed?”
“Thanks, daddy. I’m just going to the restaurant. Felt like dressing up for once.”
“So, is it a staff meeting?”
“No, just working on some recipes. I gotta go. My Uber’s waiting.”
Emmanuel leaned against the door and nodded with a sly smile.
“Oh okay, I see. Tell Carmen I said hello. Have fun!”
Sydney’s eyes widened and she ran down the stairs waving goodbye. Her voice couldn’t be trusted.
When the car arrived at the restaurant, the sky was overcast, the evening darker than usual for the time of year. She let herself in and observed the layout. The lights were low, and the back center booth was set for dinner, with a single table candlelit. She could see Carmy in the kitchen already sautéing something. She was headed towards him when he looked up, seeing her through the window and rushed to meet her in the front.
“Syd don’t-” he began before he was immobilized by the vision before him.
Sydney was similarly taken with him and marveled at how often they were of the same mind. Carm was wearing a crisp button-down blue shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, the shirt tucked into dark navy pants, and he had gotten a haircut. Somehow it made his eyes stand out more. The sides were moderately tapered, his hair on top remained almost as long as before, and one of his rogue curls was damp against his forehead. He was perspiring, apparently having been cooking for a while.
“Nice haircut”, “You look amazing” they began at the same time and laughed nervously.
Carmy started again, beating his trusty spoon against his palm.
“So, the food is almost done. Just have a seat over there and I’ll be right out.”
Sydney nodded, a little confused and excited for this change of plans. She sat in the booth and noticed the speakers were playing The Teskey Brothers’ “Take My Heart.” She leaned back and closed her eyes letting the lyrics wash over her, her emotions stirring with that sweet ache.
“Take the time to notice what you really need, 
You’ll find it’s a little more simple, than what you thought before,
But I can say for certain that I’ve got more than I ever had before,
By remembering the little things that make my heart warm.
So take my heart and cut it into two,
After all the only thing missing from me was you,
You’re all I want, you’re all I need, you’re the air I breathe,
Cause after all the only thing missing from me was you.”
“Hey, are you good?” Carmy asked  approaching the booth with their plates.
Sydney sat up and cleared her throat.
“Yes, I’m good. I really like that song. Reminds me of-“
 “Otis Redding?”
Carm carefully placed the plates on the table.
“Well, speaking of throwbacks, I made-”
“Pork confit with onions and rhubarb!”
 “Yes, and after we’ll have Milk and Honey.
Sydney bit the inside of her mouth trying to absorb what seemed to be happening.  Carm muttered something about getting their drinks and went to the bar for their club sodas. Sydney remained mute, not knowing if she should ask him what this meant now or let it play out. “Don’t get ahead of yourself”, she admonished her heart.
He returned to the booth with their drinks and encouraged her to start, rubbing his chin as she put the first bite in her mouth.
“That’s it Carmy. Maybe even better than the first time,” Syd purred the pork melting on her tongue and some of her anxiety with it.
He blushed and began eating too.
“It is pretty good. Eleven Madison Park taught me a lot.”
The meal was mostly silent except for the occasional ejaculation over some element of the dish. Carmy couldn’t help gazing at Syd, taking in each detail, and rejoicing in the whole. The dip above her collar bone that rose and fell whenever she swallowed, made his head swim. Her lovely face was absolutely regal framed by her new box braids. Syd’s brown skin glowed in the candlelight and a heavenly citrus scent emanated from her. Whenever her eyes caught his obvious staring, he was too filled with gratitude to look away. Sydney’s eyes were soft and filled with kindness for this dear, lovestruck man. He looked helpless. In moments like this she remembered her capacity to build or obliterate him at will.  “Go with the flow” she reminded herself.
After they finished the main, Carmy took their plates and returned, with dessert, Milk and Honey. Syd lit up at the sight and when she tried it a wave of surprise flitted across her face.
"Is that mango? I didn't taste it at first, but then it like...bloomed at the back. Wow!"
"I thought it could use a Sydney twist. You always grab the mango lollipops off Sug's desk."
She resumed eating her dessert. Carm noticed everything about her. She'd played the Teskey Brothers, once or twice while they cleaned after a service, comparing them to Otis.
The Milk and Honey was devoured too soon and just as she wondered what else was on the agenda, Carmy took their bowls and returned with a package tied with twine. He set it in front of her, hands trembling, and sat a little further away than before. Syd perceiving his anxiety didn't raise any questions. She untied the string, removed the wrapping paper, revealing a red leather hand-bound notebook. The cover was engraved with her initials. On the first page was one of Carmy's drawings. It was a curbside view of The Bear. Several lined pages followed, then a drawing of the grapes in bone marrow broth. This alternating of lined pages and his pictures continued throughout the thick notebook. There were more pictures of their recipes, the various designs of her head scarves, and some were of her in different attitudes. In one she was leading expo with the confidence of Napoleon, and another was a portrait, her chin leaning on her hand, with a faraway expression in her large brown eyes. There were several others, so perceptive that Sydney felt naked. Adored. The final picture was surreal. It was a profile of Carmy's head the entirety of which was filled with Sydney wearing a hopeful smile and the scarf and shirt she'd worn her first day at The Beef.
She couldn't stop looking at it, her index finger tracing the lines.
"Sy-d" Carmen croaked his voice thick.
She looked up to find red-brimmed blue eyes searching hers.
"Come here" she breathed and no sooner than she blinked he was at her side.
"Syd" he tried again. Hyperventilating.
"Say more", she gently commanded smoothing his hair back before taking his hand in her lap.
This disarmed him, and he grinned in surprise. That was his line.
"I want you Syd. I want to be with you.”
“I want to do everything with you or not at all."
Then for the first time he wanted to say the words that had been a weapon for most of his life. They either were forced on him or yanked from him. His mother thought those words meant meekly submitting to her abuse. For Mikey it was cutting him off, so he wasn't exposed to his self-destruction. He never got to say it all. Claire believed it was part of a script. If he would only play his role and ignore who they were underneath, those words would become true enough.
Now, he had a new idea about those words, and they were wrapped up in this beautiful, talented, funny, tender, generous, stubborn, loyal, woman. His friend.
Suddenly they didn't hurt. He continued leaning to rest his forehead on hers.
"I love you."
Sydney blinked slowly as if in a trance, tears dropping to their joined hands.
Carm didn't move, but his face was filled with concern.
'Syd, are you-" he started to ask. Then he was spinning.
Sydney kissed him.
His neurons habitually used to process grief, anxiety, and small doses of happiness, trembled with the unusual amount of joy coursing through him.
Sydney was delirious. Her only thought was, he loves me.
Carmy couldn't close his eyes. The curve of her soft cheek so near his made him want to cry.
Then he did, for Sydney said,
"I love you, too."
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bugs1nmybrain · 10 months
YESSSS PLSSSS l x reader smut 🙏 maybe they work together or smth and it gets a little frisky??
Admittedly, I don't know the logistics of being a detective outside of Death Note and crime documentaries, and I can't picture my self in that occupation. However, I like thinking of the idea of L and the reader sitting alongside in each other's company while he works on his cases via his computer, and the reader working on something else such as college homework. So I'll work with that ;).
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Minors Do Not Interact
Warnings: Heteronormative sex and relationship, L uses pet names like "my love" and "darling," desk sex, established relationship, reader is neurodivergent-coded, reader is a college student, reader is heavier than L, nipple/breast play, L uses clinical terms during sex, oral (fem-receiving), unprotected sex
L could not for the life of him keep his eyes off of you.
He was slightly confused, considering that today wasn't different from any other day. You sat next to him on your computer, doing work for your classes, and he worked on his cases, at least anything that wouldn't expose too much information around you.
Maybe it was that ridiculous wet dream he had of you last night. L doesn't sleep nearly as much as others. Not only did he see it as a wedge in his schedule, but his dreams sometimes distracted him because of his analytical perspective on everything. Sometimes he dreamt of his parents, sometimes about the cruelty of his job, and other times...you.
You weren't helping the situation. Of course you had to choose to wear a very form fitting outfit today. L almost had an issue with how revealing your outfit was, but he knew he shouldn't dictate things like that. But if anyone else looked at you the way he was right now, he wouldn't be happy.
Your shirt practically hugged your torso, giving L a perfect view of the shape of your breasts. Your shorts were also, indeed, short, showing off your gorgeous thighs and their beautiful complexion.
It wasn't only your body, though. L wasn't that shallow. It was also the cutest expression you made while you focused on your homework. How you'd scrunch your face when you didn't quite understand something. Your hair fell in your face and you'd tuck it behind to see your notes better, but then it would just fall back in your face. Even the way you sipped on your drink was turning him on. He felt animalistic.
L wasn't the type to get lost in temptation like this. Sure he indulged in any sweets he wished without the consideration of the toll it would take on his body. And yes, he'd take some almost impulsive, bold decisions when he was determined to take a step further in an investigation. Perhaps he was someone who was swayed by temptation, now that he thought about it.
Oh god. Now your voice.
"What is it, love?"
The most insignificant terms of endearment always made you blush or giggle. And it was adorable to him.
"I..um..I'm having a bit of trouble with this part of my homework. Would it..? I don't mean to pry for answers, but-"
"No need to apologize. What is it you're confused about?"
L took this opportunity to move his rolling chair directly next to yours. He leaned over your shoulder, peaking at the laptop in front of you. Lucky for him, he now had a wonderful view of your breasts.
You perked up at his close proximity, and L could've sworn he saw you squirm a bit.
"I'm having trouble with using Excel for the Goodness-of-fit test (you were taking a Statistics class). I checked my data and it's all correct so I'm really confused why my answers aren't coming out right."
L took a look at your screen and in a matter of two seconds knew what was wrong, "You have to round up your expected values to the closest whole integer. It should come out right if you do that."
You smiled beamingly and returned with a, "thank you."
"Of course, darling." L leaned in to kiss your cheek, eliciting a bright smile and blush. You were avoiding eye contact with him, but he knew that was your signal of enjoying his affection. L noticed early on that you were easily charmed by displays of affection, whether that be words of endearment or physical affection. L was not one for touching anyone before you. He had begun to learn how touch-starved he also was when you two had begun your relationship.
The look on your face and your body language was enough to make him hard. Your reactions are what got him the most.
L brought his hand to stroke your hair around your neck gently, making you tingle under his touch.
"Do you have anything else planned for the day?"
"Not really. This is the last bit of homework I have for the day. I don't know what I want to do after that."
"Mm.." L leaned closer, and wrapped his arms around your waist (as much as he could manage with you being in a chair).
You laughed playfully yet again but leaned into his touch. L took it upon himself to make a move, having an inclination that you wanted him to be more affectionate with you. He gently kisses the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine, and a delightful hum from you.
"You're so beautiful, did you know that?" L teases.
You laugh and blush at his compliment, "You must be lying."
"Not at all. The truth is, you're gorgeous. I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes off of you today because of your beauty and charm."
"I noticed."
Of course you did. You were an observant person, which is something L admired about you. Though maybe it wasn't too hard to tell, for he hadn't necessarily been sneaky with his glances at you.
"Does it make you nervous when I look at you like this?" L probes.
"No. Well, I feel a little embarrassed, but I'm not uncomfortable by you."
"There's no need to be embarrassed, I'm merely admiring how adorable you are. I don't want you to feel self conscious."
But deep down, L found your shyness cute and he often took advantage of it. L begins trailing soft kisses along your neck as he held you.
Your voice was going to drive him crazy. If you two weren't in separate chairs right now, you would be able to feel L's prominent erection through his pants. L moves his hands from your waist to the sides of your arms, touching them in a feather-like motion in an attempt to make you feel just as aroused as he is. You sigh desperately at his loving affection.
"You're distracting me from my homework..," you say playfully.
"Good. You've been distracting me all day," L retorts.
An instinctive breathy laugh comes out from you but quickly turns into a pleasured yearn. L takes this as an invitation to turn your chair around.
"Sit in my lap."
"I don't want to hear the excuse that you're too heavy. I insist."
L's look of lust and need makes it apparent that he's aching for this. You oblige his request and rest yourself on his lap, trying not to put your whole weight down. L places his hands on your hips, though, and pulls you down. You underestimated his strength sometimes, because of how light he is.
L initiates a deep, romantic, and passionate kiss. His lips embrace yours tenderly, yet full of yearning. You grind your hips along his crotch, feeling his very obvious boner, which causes a spike of arousal in your pussy.
The kisses between the two of you quickly become much more heated. L slips his tongue to search for an entrance, and you allow him to explore yours as he gropes your breasts, though not too rough. L was a very meticulous lover and not very aggressive. No one would've been able to tell that he's a very tender, sweet, and loving boy. He only let you see that side of him.
He tweaks your left nipple through your shirt, causing a surprisingly powerful response from you. Sounds of pleasure exit your mouth and you hold onto your boyfriend close for comfort. He continues to run his thumb along your sensitive bud, and makes sure to begin to give the other just as much attention.
"Hmm..does this feel good, my love?"
"Y-yes.." you whine.
L continues his treatment as he kisses you. He then removes his hands, which makes you somewhat disappointed, but he proceeds to pull your shirt over your head. He looks at you unapologetically and is unable to help raising his pointer finger to his lip as he gandered at you. You were so beautiful, so perfect for him. Just for him.
His face was dusted a light pink, evident that he was aroused. Though, the continuously growing and grinding of his boner made that much more obvious. L continues to care for your tits, leaning in to suck on your right nipple as he played with your left with his finger. The reactions you gave him was enough to make him go absolutely mad.
You gasp and moan, a bit embarrassed by his fixation on your chest, though it wasn't exactly a bother. It felt very good, as you were quite sensitive there.
You tug at the back of L's shirt, attempting to pull it over his head. He removes his latch on your breasts and allows you to take it off. He shuddered a bit at the cold air against his bare skin, but when you press your own nude torso against his, he feels a sense of warmth and comfort.
The kisses continue, and you begin rocking your pussy on L's groin, causing a grunt to exhale from his mouth. Your crotch moves directly up his shaft from what you can tell through the fabric, and L's hold on you tightens. You lower your head to kiss the nape of his neck, teasing up to the most sensitive spot that you're aware of.
"Mmm," you hum against the kiss on his neck as you simultaneously tease his bulge.
"Y/N..it hurts.."
You look up, scared that you did something wrong.
"What does?"
"My..my penis. It aches, I want it out." L sounds entirely desperate at this point, as his words are becoming jumbled. It made you so horny that you were allowed the privilege of observing him in this manner.
You raise yourself from his lap, which draws out a whine from L, that indicates his need for you. You lower yourself down on your knees in front of him. You realize that the chair he is in is too tall for you to do anything, so you crank the setting so that the chair lowers. When it does you unbutton L's pants and drag them off of him. All that remained was his underwear, that had a wet spot forming along the tip of his cock. It looked so tight around his boxers that you were sure it was somehow painful.
Wrapping your fingers around the hem of his underwear, you pull them down and watch as his cock springs out. It was a little funny, but you held back the laugh in case it made him insecure. You take his pretty cock in your hands and begin stroking it.
"Does it feel good?"
"Yes..but, please, I...I need you."
"I know what you want to do to me but...I need you. To be inside of you. If you do that, I'll cum too fast and won't be able to penetrate you later."
"I thought I'd help you out with my mouth."
"I know, darling, but I can't wait."
You smile, flattered by his desire for you. You supposed a blowjob would have to wait for another time. Standing up, you leaned closer to kiss him again, and he practically pulled you into his embrace. While he cups your face with one hand, he finds his way to the button of your shorts with only his one hand. He was skilled like that. L pulls your shorts down your legs and is taken aback by how wet you were. He couldn't bare to not touch you.
His diligent fingers grazed your pussy, teasing it in a back-and-forth manner, causing you to whimper. He circled two fingers around your clit lightly, drawing the most pretty sounds from you. His cock was leaking from how seductive you were. Arching your back for him, pushing your pussy into his touch to encourage him to be rougher. He then stands up to place you on top of his desk, and he knelt before you.
L passionately places kisses along your inner thighs and proceeds to the outer labia of your pussy, neglecting your starving clitoris.
"What's that, love?"
"Your what?"
URG. He was such a tease, and he most certainly did it on purpose.
"Please, my clit," you whine desperately.
"Of course, love. Who am I to deny you of that?"
Then, just as you had wanted, L wraps his tongue and lips around your clitoris and sucks it with eagerness. He was so perfect at what he did. L knew all of your sensitive spots, and how to touch you in such a way that makes you absolutely crazy. Your clit continues to be pulled by L's skilled lips, and he proceeds to flick his tongue up and down it.
"That's it baby, make all the sounds you need to."
L attacks your clit with his mouth some more, and his gentle demeanor dissolves as he doesn't hesitate to bring you to complete ecstasy. He was determined to make you cum all over his face. His sucks and licks become aggressive, almost overwhelmingly pleasurable. You weren't going to last much longer.
"I know, love. You can do it for me, I know you can."
"MMfmH! Aaa~" and in a matter of 3 seconds, you clit spasms and slick fluid gushes out of your pussy, drenching L's face in your cum. Both of your breaths are heavy, and L briefly observes your pussy twitching. He reaches over to his pants and wipes your arousal off of his face.
L hovers above you, looking you in the eyes, to which you avert your gaze. It isn't that you didn't love looking at him, you were just bad with eye contact. He gently tilts your face to look at him, not so much as to force you to look at him, but because he wanted to see your facial expressions.
"I want you, Y/N..I want to fuck you so bad."
"You can. I want you to.."
He kisses the side of your neck and grabs your thighs to lift your legs, giving him full access to your pussy. He lines himself up to your entrance and sinks himself inside. The both of you are immediately struck with pleasure at the contact.
L thrusts at a moderate pace, making sure he figures out the perfect angle to hit your g-spot. It doesn't take him long at all, as you are moaning in complete pleasure, causing him to become entirely engrossed in arousal. L can't help but to quicken his pace, fucking you passionately as he kisses you. He watches your face intently, discerning what makes you quiver the most, but also just for his own personal amusement.
Seeing you like this. Completely cocksick for him and needy. Your warm, wet, soft, and tight walls drive him beyond enjoyment. Your face as he thrusts in you perfectly, the way you furrow your eyebrows and part your lips is so alluring and beautiful. It makes him addicted to you.
"I love you.." L mumbles.
You grip your arms around his shoulders and allow him to thrust deeper. "I love you too."
L holds you tight, fucking you carnally. Right now, he needs to cum inside of you, to claim you as his own lover. No one else but him can feel how gooey you are and see how vulnerable you become from his attention.
Your tight walls clench and he knows that he's not going to last much longer. He can feel the initiation of an orgasm coming, and he buries his face into your neck.
"Y/N...I'm going to cum.."
"Cum in me.."
You didn't have to tell him twice. With a few more fast thrusts, L finishes by bucking inside of you and cumming deep in you. Surely his seed was entering your womb. It's a good thing you're on birth control.
"Awh..darling, you're.."L's breath is heavy, "you're perfect. I love you so much."
"I love you..I love you more than I could ever tell you."
"Is that so?" L teases.
"Yes," you giggle.
"Hm..well, perhaps we should clean up. I'm sure Watari isn't going to want to take care of all of this."
"Yea, haha. You're right."
L kisses your forehead tenderly, and you both get dressed and clean up the mess you two made.
Lucky for L, he got just what he wanted.
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yuwuta · 30 days
can you assign other jjk charcters a/b/o? Like yuuta, nanami or megumi? I wanna know your heacannons
absolutely, i have thought about this extensively lmfaooo
omega satoru, but also alpha satoru works, too (tho, i am biased and learn more towards omega for him). he uses the power/influence he has to draw attention and whine about how you should be his mate. omega satoru is so unbelievably insufferable and pathetic in trying to get your attention, and then incredibly cocky and a show-off to everyone once you’re mates. alpha satoru is the wet paper equivalent of a man once he has you, he will literally bend to your every command, there is nothing he wouldn’t do to keep you happy, and yet, still, also incredibly cocky. either way, he’s the scariest. as an omega, he uses it as an excuse—bats his eyelashes and feigns innocence for attacking someone he considered a threat; as an alpha, he doesn’t feel sorry and nobody tries to get him to apologize, unless they’d also like to be on the receiving end of that treatment. also terribly horny no matter what, he is always ready to go
megumi fits all the roles in my head, so honestly, it depends on you. as an alpha he’s very nonchalant, and begrudgingly accepts his role. tho, he is possessive; he tries not to let it show/let that take over him, but it’s sort of always there and peeps through even if he doesn’t intend to. he doesn’t feel the need to glare at other alphas or be the strongest of them all, but he does like to nip at you, to make sure you smell like him at least a little bit, and he does keep an eye on you even if you’re perfectly safe. as a beta, he’s kind of apathetic to the whole mating situation and being part of a group. he’s drawn in by others—if you, or yuuji, or nobara convince them, then he’ll go along with it, and usually ends up liking it, but he wouldn’t try to seek out new people or experiences. you’d have to be the one to approach him first. as an omega, he’s not all that different as an alpha—he’s still possessive, but maybe a bit more forthcoming and shameless about it. he doesn’t pout or go crazy if you’re affectionate with your mutual friends, but he’s not nearly as nonchalant about you being close to strangers. it’s not paranoia, or distrust in you, it’s quite literally, pure, shallow possessiveness driving him—he’s your omega, and he wants your attention. and he wants to have it when he wants it. and he’s not above biting you to get it 
alpha kento…. just fell to my knees. he was born for this. he’s a very level-headed alpha; very rarely swayed by his own emotions, or preconceived alpha notions, and is aware of how his presence can affect others. he never uses his status to intimidate—honestly, he’s intimidating enough without being an alpha—he keeps a respectable distance from unmated omegas, he uses scent blockers, he doesn’t engage in petty arguments, nor does he boast just because he has the power to. extremely dependable, all of his friends feel safe with him, and are physically drawn to him even if it’s not sexually. you’ve found satoru and haibara cuddled up, asleep on either of nanami’s shoulders on more than one occasion—and nanami, immune to it all, just carries on reading his book. the only thing that really ticks him off, gets the stereotypical alpha drive going is the mention of children—especially, when other alphas try to come on to you by saying how lucky they’d be to have someone like you carry their kids. then, kento’s not above knocking someone’s teeth out. even when your friends make off-handed comments asking about if/when you’ll have kids, kento can be found snarling. it’s truly his weak spot, and it sort of embarrasses him because he seems to have no control over it, he just knows he doesn’t want anybody else but him thinking about you that way. also maybe that repressed breeding kink of his who said that 
yuuta’s an alpha to me <3 the kind that nobody suspects at first, but give him a moment to shine and it’ll all come through. he doesn’t care to come across as intimidating, but he’s undeniably at his strongest when he has his loved ones to protect, and there are so few things he wouldn’t do to keep them safe. he’s intensely loyal and protective, and takes it personally when anybody infringes upon the safety or comfort of his loved ones. you’ve seen him throw people against walls for picking on toge, seen him break another alpha’s arm because they were trying to intimidate nobara, seen yuuji and maki have to pull him off a guy solely because of the way he’d spoken to you. but if that’s not the case, and there’s nothing/nobody to rouse the aggressive alpha behavior out of him, yuuta’s the one who’s easily intimidated. when you or his friends aren’t in the picture, he doesn’t care to interact with other alphas, he finds himself feeling small and anxious; he’s gullible and always the subject of pranks within your friend group despite his alpha status; he’s shy and sometimes still stutters around you, no matter how long you’ve been together. he’s pretty malleable and not at all what you’d think of as an “alpha,” until there’s a threat nearby and he’s ready to kill someone with his bare hands. 
alpha yuuji agenda and no i’m not biased <333 he’s the kind that feels the need to provide for the people in his life. he cooks, he cleans, he lifts all the heavy boxes, he picks you up and walks you home, he’s the perfect alpha, but yuuji strives for it. he’s conscious about bettering himself and how he can use his strength and skills to serve you. he wants to be the perfect mate, but for you and you alone. lots of things come naturally to yuuji, but he’s intentional in how he treats you, and how how to be a good alpha for you. like satoru, he’s honestly more of a puppy when he’s with you, one that preens for attention and smothers you when he’s happy. and he’s very moody when he doesn’t get that attention, or when somebody else is trying to take it from him. he’s nice and all, but he’s still an alpha with a temper at the end of the day. he’s the definition of “you should see the other guy,” whenever he comes out of a fight. 
it doesn’t matter whether toge’s an alpha, a beta, or an omega, his true sub-gender is a professional brat and part-time troll. attention-seeking 24/7, gaudy with his tactics for getting your attention and then pouty whenever you’re not paying attention to him, even if it’s for a few minutes. bites. all the time, always. doesn’t even leave hickies, he leaves teeth marks. literal indentations along your arm or on your wrist or your shoulder just because he’s that much of a brat, and needs some outlet for his possessive nature. also, doesn’t have a humble bone in his body, he’ll let everyone know you’re his partner and that he’s hitting it raw because god forbid he have any tact. terrible. 
choso is like yuuji in that he strives to provide and tailor himself to being a good mate for you, but the omega version of it. choso knows what he’s good at, but he also knows he’s got his whole life to learn, and he doesn’t think there’s a better way to spend it than learning how to be good for you. he takes care of all the things you have to put off because of a busy schedule, he runs all the little errands you forget about, he learns to sew so he can easily hem your clothes, he learns to cook your favorite meals, he learns to paint so he can take care of that accent wall you dream about, hell, he’ll even learn to how to do your hair if it saves you a trip to the salon. choso will do, or learn to do anything for you; no skill is too small, no task is too detailed. he strives to be everything you need in a partner, because he doesn’t ever want to give you reason to resent or regret making him your mate :(( also… horny. all the time. always. yeah, he does these things for you, to make you happy, but he’s not above being rewarded for it, either 😇
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thatstonedwriter · 6 months
⋆。˚ 「 Bad Trip 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; comforting you after indulging too much during your first ever session
◉ CW; weed, anxiety attacks
◉ A/n- I know I said I was gonna work on event requests, but this one just came in, and I was immediately inspired. I get to draw from my personal experience, too lol- and write for Vortex. It's a good day. Enjoy!
◉ Feat; Blitz, Moxxie, Beelzebub, Vortex
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It was your first time experimenting with weed. It started out pretty well! But then, the room starts to spin, and you notice it's getting harder to breathe. Your eyes and mouth are dry, and you think.. maybe you've had a bit too much.
Blitz is observant about those he cares about, so when your eyes are red and your breathing becomes more shallow, he knows exactly what's happening. To help you sober up faster, Blitz encourages you to eat and drink whatever you can. Using his spare blankets, he wraps you up and guides you to the bed, where you can get more comfortable. The room is spinning, and your thoughts are racing, so Blitz turns on the TV as a distraction from any negative thoughts you're having. While this is something he's also experienced before, Blitz still has the audacity to make jokes about your lower tolerance, but it doesn't go on for too long. If you start to have a panic attack, Blitz won't be super helpful at first. He'll be overwhelmed and unsure how to comfort you, so he might snap a bit. Although he's not the best with verbal comfort, you can be sure he won't leave you alone.
Moxxie doesn't really smoke, so if you're participating, he's your designated sober person. While, of course, he's kinda awkward, he's much more well-versed in comforting his loved ones. As someone who has had his fair share of panic attacks, he realizes pretty quickly when you've had too much. Because of Moxxie's own anxiety, he overthinks and isn't great with verbal comfort, but he's all for acts of service and physical affection. He'll put a hand on your back to keep you grounded, have stim toys for distractions, and constantly offer to get you anything you need. The constant fussing might be overwhelming, though. One way Moxxie comforts himself is by listening to music, so he might pop on one of his playlists as background noise. Until he's sure you're safe and in a good headspace, Moxxie won't leave your side, and he'll do anything to make sure you're okay.
Beelzebub is probably the reason you over-indulged, to be completely honest. Love her, but her tolerance is way above everyone else's, and she doesn't factor that in when she's encouraging you to smoke. Since she can taste people's energy, she's the quickest to know when something is off. Bee has had her fair share of people going overboard at parties and knows how to help people come down from a bad high- food, water, and laughter. She's big on the whole 'laughter is the best medicine" thing, so she uses humor to try and help you feel better. She'd probably put on a rom-com or comedy show and sling an arm around your shoulders. Her focus on comedy doesn't make her attempts any less sincere. Sessions like this should be fun, and she wants you to have good memories, even if the experience wasn't perfect.
Vortex is a sweetheart but kind of oblivious. He's focused on having a good time- not that he's neglecting you. He just always assumes you're having a good time, too. He'll pick up if things are going wrong, but you'll have to verbalize exactly what's happening so he knows how to help. He's the kind to pull you somewhere quiet and help you focus on breathing. His voice is soft as he explains that experiences like this are totally normal and that you'll be okay. While Tex doesn't want to minimize what you're going through, he doesn't want you to get stuck focusing on the negative. Dude also for sure gives the best hugs. The perfect combination of gentle but grounding. Vortex loves parties, sessions, hang outs, etc- and is all about having a safe, good time with everyone. He assures you that despite all that's happening after you feel better, everything will be okay again.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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abattre · 3 months
It's actually so disappointing that Naruto's narrative took the route that it did. Kishimoto created an incredibly interesting world and premise, and ruined it by having everything amount to a shallow message of forgiveness that undermines almost every meaningful element in the story. And it's like,, I want to appreciate the world outside of the plot, but the moral framing of the story makes it virtually impossible because of how disingenuous it is. It completely undermines the audience's understanding of the tragedy and horror of the world so that Naruto becoming Hokage and being the most powerful person in the world by the end doesn't come across as distasteful as it actually is.
Like it's made abundantly clear throughout the story that the village system, and Shinobi society as a whole, is incredibly flawed. Kishimoto goes out of his way to show us that Konoha's council is made up of objectively horrible people. We see first hand how the council's short-sighted ideas of what 'protecting the village' means results in devastating tragedy for people both in Konoha and outside of it. It's clear in how Danzo and the rest of the council act that their atrocious behaviour is them just blatantly abusing their power to maintain their authority. The council has no remorse in anything they do; human experimentation, genocide, slavery, and blatant exploitation is all fair game to them if it preserves their status quo. And instead of maybe, like, addressing Konoha's skewed morality in a sensible way and setting the village up for reform, the narrative just tries forcing the audience to perceive Konoha's genuinely heinous actions as necessities. Which, you know, will work when you're like 8, but once you've grown up and developed some reading comprehension and critical thinking,,, it just feels annoyingly manipulative.
At its core, Naruto is a story that attempts to deconstruct morality. Like this is abundantly clear in how Kishimoto is constantly paralleling the dichotomy of good and evil literally every chance he gets. In the end though, this dichotomy just doesn't work in the context of the Naruto story because the narrative framing of the village being the good guys is just hysterically ridiculous. Konoha is an awful place, that does awful things, and is run by awful people that refuse to change anything because it benefits them for the village to remain awful forever. To anyone with a developed sense of media literacy the village cannot in any way be framed as morally good, so when the story resolves itself with Naruto becoming next in line to govern Konoha under the same unchanging authoritarian regime, with the same council supporting him because of his sheer physical prowess and complete dedication to their twisted ideology,,, it's honestly just an incredibly underwhelming conclusion to a story that made itself out to be more profound than it actually is.
If I had to guess, I imagine Kishimoto just didn't think through how negatively the world he created would reflect on the plot. Ultimately though, you can't write a moral story that's so deeply entrenched in real world social inequity and decide halfway through that because you don't know how to fix these things your story's going to have to be about how they're actually okay to be doing and perpetuating,,, like that is awful and also a terrible lesson to impart on an audience of children. With how serious the issues are in Shinobi society, trying to resolve things with the power of friendship was always going to fall flat. These broad scale injustices can't be brushed aside in that way without undermining their severity and diminishing the understandable impact they had on the characters that experienced such extreme oppression. That's essentially the trap that Naruto's conclusion falls into though, and so the story just ends up feeling incomplete and unfulfilling because none of the issues brought up are actually addressed or discussed with the gravity they deserve.
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psychwxrdd · 4 months
Hiii! Can you please do one where you are at a party and Rafe is your boyfriend, and you accidentally kiss/ fall asleep on another guy, and when you and Rafe get home he hurts the reader so bad that her face is full of blood or something like that? You can make it as dark as possible!!!!!
i loved your request baby! so i decided to mix all of these at once, lmk if you liked it or want a part two!!
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gone girl
summary: you're so much happier now that you're dead.
everyone can start again, not through love, but through revenge.
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warnings: domestic violence, dark rafe, she is just like amy dunne!!!! i love writing about unhinged girls soooo much yall have no idea
Sarah got the journal in hands, staring at John B in fear of what they might find. It was Y/n journal. Their missing friend's journal.
I was hiding inside the closet, desperatedly trying to stop crying. My whole body was shaking, i knew that Rafe was above mad at me. The guy of my dreams, the love of my life. I knew he was about to hurt me real bad.
"Y/n!" he shouted, making me close my eyes and pray to a god i didn't even believed in. I covered my mouth, trying to stay quiet, but it was impossible.
He punched the door of the room several times, and all i could think of doing was whisper to myself that it was all going to be fine, that maybe heaven did exist and i would finally see all my loved ones again. Thats when he shouted again.
I softly placed my hands on my face, covered in blood. The blood was coming from my forehead, making a mess, my clothes were full of it. All started when i drank a bit too much and started acting like a normal person. Talking, smiling to people, making new friends. Rafe hated it.
Rafe wanted me all to himself. He didn't wanted me to interact with the outside world, it was already hard enough to convince him to let me go with him to this party... He hated seeing me happy if it wasn't for him. Maybe not happy at all, anywhere.
He would freak out for the smallest reasons. I even considered his actions reasonable at the first ones, but now, he really just wanted any excuse to hurt me. He saw me as his personal punch bag. His pretty doll to brag, have sex with and take his anger out. Nothing more. It wasn't like i even existed to him.
I knew i had to do something, but i couldn't. I swear it takes the strench of a god to set boundaries and respect yourself when you're someone like me and you're in love with someone like Rafe. So i just let him. And look at what this has lead me to.
Sarah had her eyes full of tears, John B hugged her. She knew it from the beggining, her brother murdered her friend. They all knew it.
It all started when i showed up at Midsummer's party. Being the new shy and sweet girl makes people create their own versions of you, the versions they want to. You're nothing but a blank paper for them to draw. You're whatever they want you to be, especially when they're rich fuckers.
It's so easy to trick people into believing your new lies of a life. You just need some stupid girl to be your friend; I got Sarah. She liked me so much for "who i was." People will love you when you don't stand for yourself, they love it when you're quiet and just let them vent and talk about themselvs for hours. It wasn't hard for Sarah to trust me and allow me in her life.
Then you have to act like you're a dumb whore, for guys like Rafe to fall in love with you. They just love a bitch with no brain, someone they can feel like they have the full control of. Pretend you're so sweet they can't help but crave you as their trophy.
Rafe had his eyes on me since i walked into that stupid party. Full of shallow, sad people hiding behind those ugly dresses and suits. All women like me, pretending for their husbands, who were also putting on a masculine performance. For who?
"You know i'll take care of you for the rest of my life, right?" He asked me, between groans, still inside me "You're mine, nothing will change that"
And i smiled, as the sweet and submissive girl i was to him. Nodding my head. I wasn't bothered by anything he did because i had his money. I was getting something out of this. I was being paid to act, he just didn't knew it.
Then he started acting phisically abusive. Well, that wasn't part of my deal. And he was no longer giving me money, as he started a theory about how i wanted to keep this money to runaway and start a family with some pogue, JJ of course. He was some creative piece of shit, but i had my good laughing.
He started being obsessive about this JJ topic after i pushed him away in a fight, after Maybank was mentioned. He couldn't believe his sweet girl would disrespect him like this. She always behaved, always let him hit her to teach her some manners, why was JJ suddenly a trigger?
I knew exactly how insecure Rafe was. How he used violence to hide how small and stupid he felt inside. And i knew how much jealousy could drive him insane.
He stared at me with wide eyes.
"Yo- you just... You fucking mad cause i'm talking about JJ? Is this what it is?"
"No Rafe, it is not. You're acting crazy"
"Don't fucking tell me i'm crazy!" He pointed his finger at my face.
"I didn't said you are crazy, i said you're acting crazy"
He slapped me. Hard.
"Fix that tone to talk to me"
I stared at him for seconds before i let tears fall from my eyes. Slowly coming closer and doing the best puppy eyes i could ever. "I'm so sorry daddy, you know i love and respect you more than anything. I just want you to trust me. It hurts me that you would ever think i want anyone else when everything about me belongs to you"
His eyes softned at that, and he sighed. He felt weak. His hands went through his face and hair, anxiously.
"My princess...I'm so sorry." he hugged you. "You make me crazy, fuck. I just love you so much it turns into this. It's sick."
And i faked it so real, i was beyond fake.
"It's okay" i reassured, caressing his back. "I love this part of you, too"
His eyes were tearing up, he smiled.
"Say it again."
"I love this part of you too"
And there he was. The scared boy who just needed love. The pathetic little boy who never had attention or love from neither of his parents. The fuck boy who saw girls as mere objects to warm his dick for a while. The tough guy who punched everyone that slightly bothered him. The elitist son of a bitch. I got him.
"I wanted to make a surprise for you tonight" I smiled, cupping his face with my hands. Staring at him like i loved him unconditionally. "Can you come home after 9?"
He kissed me.
"Course, baby"
I'm so much happier now that i'm dead. Now that Rafe killed me.
I got everything i needed, his money. Not all of his money, just what i really needed. Half of it. I dye my hair a different color, a new haircut. Some different clothes i usually didn't wear, and here am i. In my way to the other side of the country. Leaving my journal and blood at his house. Making sure not only everyone would have sure that he murdered me, but my ghost would haunt him forever. He would never be able to know what happened, and how he killed me in the literal way. I didn't cared if he would rot in jail or not, he would die of insanity at some point. I can say that i killed for him. Who else can say that?
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A/N: I kind of love this one. Added a tag list for people who commented about a part 2, and I’m thinking maybe one more part? Maybe 2 :)
Part One Here! / <This is Part 2!> / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here!
You’re not sure how you ended up here.
“So all of a sudden you’re into some literature nerd—” you flinch at the sound of Bianca’s voice on the other side of the bookcase. “—that you’re noticing now after two whole years.”
Just that you’d rather be anywhere else in the world then one row away from Xavier and Bianca in the library.
You stiffen as you watch them between the cracks in the books.
You've been 'dating' Xavier for a few months now, and everyone feels fairly convinced that what you have is genuine.
Everyone except Bianca.
You can’t deny that she has a point. It’s not like you and Xavier were friends or something—and truthfully between the two of you, Bianca probably knows him better.
You catch sight of Xavier tugging on the end of his hair and his fingers, the way he always does when he’s nervous, and instead of backing away Bianca draws closer. You know it’s the wrong thing to do before her hand settles on his shoulder, before Xavier draws back and out of reach.
“It just happened, okay? I can’t help who I fall in love with—" Again the ticklish feeling of hope swells in your chest, and again you swallow it away like a bad aftertaste. “—why are we even having this conversation?”
“You know why.” Bianca’s words feel like a dagger through the heart. He does know why. And so do you. But when he makes no move to say anything more, she huffs. “Find me when you figure out who your real friends are.”
When she’s gone Xavier tangles a hand in his hair, a heavy sigh whistling past his lips.
“That could have gone better.” You say to him, on his right side.
“Yeah, I know.” The words pass his lips before he can flinch in realization, a hand clutching his chest. “Jesus, when did you show up?”
“I’ve been here the whole time.” He raises an eyebrow. “I was behind the other shelf.” You point to the gap between the books and he sighs again.
“You should add eavesdropping to your list of skills.” The words have no bite, you find yourself reaching for his hand, and this time he doesn’t flinch away.
“If you still like her, you could date her.” You regret the words as soon as they come out of your mouth, a shallow, lonely ache in your chest.
You're ashamed at the relief that floods through you when Xavier shakes his head.
"I liked Bianca a lot," he admits. You remember the way they used to look at each other, the arms laced around waists, the secretive smiles shared. "but I could never really trust if these were my feelings or hers." He admits.
He looks at you now, a fiercely passionate gaze.
"The one thing I learned from watching my parents is that if you don't have unconditional trust, you don't have anything."
Your back presses against the bookshelf, a sliver of space sandwiched between the both of you in between the library aisle.
"That's very mature of you."
He gives you his signature smile, a lopsided quirk on his lips, before cracking into a full grin--like he can't play coy any longer.
You're not sure when you started being able to tell when Xavier was really smiling, like now, and when he just pretended to smile--to charm a teacher or exchange a pleasantry with his classmate.
You're not sure when you got this close to him either when him tugging your joint hands to his chest felt normal. When he led you out of the stacks and to the cozy alcove you usually sat at on the third floor---when that spot went from being just 'yours' to 'ours'.
Xavier meets your eyes after flicking a book open to the homework assignment.
"Don't tell me this is the moment you've fallen in love with me?"
No, but it is the moment you realize your feelings for him might run deeper than camaraderie.
"I just wanted to know if you had the answer to question five."
You'd rather cut off your own hand then admit it out loud though.
You’re not sure how to process the progression of your fake relationship.
Even now, when you’re sitting in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist, and his chin on your shoulder, your not sure when this casual intimacy was built between you two.
Just that you enjoy it more than you like to admit.
They’re playing some game, never have I ever, but your attention is solely on the boy who’s literally wrapped around you.
“Never have I ever skipped class.” Enid giggles as half the circle takes a deep sip of their respective drinks.
“Never have I ever stone-d myself.” Xavier’s mouth quirks up on one side, you know it like you know the ocean is vast, even without looking.
Ajax grumbles as the rest of the group laughs. “I told you that in confidence!”
His laugh brushes against you, breathe ghosting over your neck.
You bite your cheek to keep from shivering.
“Never have I ever kissed (Y/N).”
Whatever warmth you had leaves your body, even Xavier’s arm tightening around you doesn’t provide any comfort this time.
If Xavier were a different kind of boy, he would have noticed the barb, noticed everyone’s eyes on him, laughter dying down when he didn’t bring the cup to his lips.
If Xavier was a different kind of boy he’d know better, he would know to lie.
Instead all he noticed was that you had gone stiff.
“You guys haven’t kissed?” Bianca asks with a raised eyebrow, the insinuation is obvious—they’d done more in less time.
“We’ve been taking it slow.” Xavier shrugs.
You want to hide.
“Yeah, but you guys have been dating for two months—” Ajax stops when he catches Xavier’s eyes.
You feel like the grounds pulled out from under you, like you missed a step on the stairs and now you’re tumbling down.
Think. How do you get out of this. Not even Xavier’s banter is enough right now.
Think. Think. Think. Think. Thi—
You have an idea. You saw it in a movie and it’ll work, but it’s a little bold. Bolder than you’re used to.
It’ll get them to shut up though.
“These things don’t have a time —” Xavier cuts himself off when you tug away the solo cup from his hand, you keep a finger of the dark liquor in your mouth, tipping Xavier’s head back.
He closes his eyes instinctively, parting his lips as soon as your mouth meets his. Both of your hands cradle his face, and you feel him gulp the alcohol down in one smooth motion.
He’s grinning when you pull away.
“Two birds, one stone.” The entire room riots around you. But your eyes stay fixed on his smile—
You’ve never seen someone look so happy.
Every emotion you’ve hidden, that you’ve beaten down, rushes straight to your face.
The wobbly smile, the heated cheeks, the watery eyes.
You’re sure you look embarrassed.
And you can’t deny the truth any longer—you like Xavier Thorpe
When did this happen?
Was it when he instinctively held your hand in his he get you tense around strangers, a protective arm holding you close.
Was it when he anticipated your needs, handing you a book you needed before you even knew you wanted it?
Or were you doomed from the start, that day when he sat beside you at the lake—sunlight glinting around him like glitter, blue eyes have never seemed clearer.
Xavier watches you like every thought you’re having is completely transparent to him.
He doesn’t let you feel embarrassed for too long, tugging your face to his chest.
“Alright, you all got your free show—keep it moving.” There’s another round of laughter, and you’re sure he can feel the heat from you face through his thin cotton shirt.
“You know,” you feel his breath tickle your ear when the game is underway again. “You didn’t ask for consent.”
You pull away, looking at him with threaded eyebrows.
You did that to save the both of you! It was a matter of your social reputations!
He gives a soft chuckle at your shocked face, his index finger curling under your chin.
“It was cute so I’m not mad.” His eyes twinkle with mischief as his gaze falls to your lips. “Expect a penalty soon though.”
Tag list: @dyhlanobrien @magical-dreamland @lilsunshine1092 @4rt3m1ss
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