#i don’t want to be mean but it was like 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
lilgynt · 1 month
i’ll say it baby sitting too drunk dudes is not fun hold ur liquor better
#personal#party was fun!! but everyone started doing 2 am drama by midnight it’s like#i bought an uber here. shake ass and drink.#no my buddy’s been through a lot it’s been a rough year for him#so i’m not too pressed and i get to rest my feet#but its like yup group is cutting off ur liquor bc ur hitting the wall while walking and he was cuddling into me like you feel nice#bitch duh.#we had a date once a few years again and this just killed anything left over#i don’t want to be mean but it was like 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️#i kept sitting him down and with him he would NOT drink water and after the 5fth running away i was like nah i just gotta go play beer pong#the whole party which was smaller was like alright let’s coordinate to care for this dude#it was my funny my friends boyfriend sat with me and was like sooooo who’s that 😏😏😏 and i was like oh no he’s just really drunk and we’re#worried and he was like lame. also remembered the story of the date and was like double lame#but i looked cute as fuck got a girls insta#was dunking on this dude all night#oh also i love just telling dudes to do shit#bc i know i them it’s fine to just be like hey another drink. hey set up beer pong kill urself publicly rn#i love telling random men i don’t know to kill themselves#also i had a miniskirt and corset and i was like i am in fact not bending down. get the ping pong ball#skirt had TWO slits#also a teeth night lots of teeth and bone jewelry#also this guy who wants to fuck me BAD was there and near the end my friend and i were BULLYING him#cause he was like i’m not gonna beg you to fuck me. which i told him no you do already#but he’s like i’m not gonna beg. unless we’re making content where i’m begging 🤓#king you got on all fours for me to sit down when there wasn’t chairs. you been begging#he tried to be like not that i care but what are you into?#i was like how much cash you got#my friends boyfriend was like he’s into getting that fucking green. yeah. duh.#anyway fun party night but i’ve said it before i’ll say it again i gotta stop partying with home depot people#WAIT!!! the non depot girls were sooo fun i had them pissing laughing
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sessalover · 1 month
something with a jealous insecure Dominic…pls
now THIS i like😏🙂‍↔️ also i chose michael provost cause i think hes SO SEXY
pairing: dominic sessa x fem reader
genre: smut
“so how long have you and dom been seeing each other?” michael asked, his mouth next to your ear to be able to hear each other over the music.
the wrap party for the holdovers was in full swing, a bar in new york being taken over by all cast and crew. you and michael had gone to sit on a couch at the side of the room, deciding you needed a breather.
“just a few months,” you smiled; at this point, you were one of the only ones who knew that dom was even filming, let alone a potentially award-winning film, “but i’ve known him for ages. just never saw each other in that way until end of last year.”
you smiled, remembering how dom stumbled over his words to tell you he loved you, then retracting his statement to ‘like’ - but not ‘like, like-like, you know?’. you’d just kissed him to shut him up and the rest was history.
“do you have a girlfriend?” you asked, leaning over so you were near michael’s ear as well. at this point, your thighs were pressed together from how close you were on the sofa, and your cheeks basically touching as you spoke into each others ears.
“no,” michael laughed, embarrassed, “just waiting around.”
“you’ll find someone!” you exclaimed, “you’re an attractive guy.”
he pulled back, smirking at you, “you think so?”
you blushed, shoving his shoulder, “i mean, you’re older too, right? must have some experience.”
“absolutely,” he chuckled, shaking his head.
“what?” you laughed.
“i mean, as someone who has fucked, i think its funny looking at dom.”
“what do you mean?” you asked, michael’s mouth coming to your ear once again, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
michael smirked, “can he even fuck? cause he looks like he hasn’t got a clue, sweetheart.” he leaned back, shrugging, “not like i have.”
you blushed, “um– uh—”
you froze, unsure how to respond to such a batshit comment, both of you staring into each others’ eyes until a cough sounded behind you. you turned around to see dom standing there.
“can we go?” he said, pulling anxiously at his trouser leg.
“yeah, of course, let me just say—”
“no. no time.”
michael smirked at you, shrugging as you were pulled away by dom.
“what the fuck was that?!” he yelled, dragging you through the party.
“dom, stop!” you exclaimed. but dom didn’t let go until the two of you were standing in the bathroom, “what the fuck?”
“what the fuck?! really?! i should be asking you the same thing!”
“dom, i have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“first of all, you’re sat nuzzling michael, and then i come over to intervene and he’s talking about how bad i must be in bed!” dom scoffed, “and you say nothing?!”
“dom, i—”
“shut up,” he said, pulling your hair away from your face gently, “kneel.”
“what the fuck did i say?!” he asked, “kneel down. and shut up.”
he’d never been like this with you. whenever you and dom had sex, he was usually a switch, teetering on the edge of submission whenever the stimulation was too great. and even if he was on a dom day, he was only ever a soft dom, never anything like this. it excited you; suddenly aware of the heat growing in the area between your thighs.
you did as he said, eager to tease and push the buttons of this new side to dominic, but not wanting to piss him off further.
he continued to hold your hair back in a ponytail, “what the fuck do you think i want you to do down there?! get a move on.”
you clenched your thighs together, kitten licking over his jeans as you began to unbutton them. you could see his hardening bulge through the hard material. he must’ve been planning this.
“don’t tease me,” he said, as you took your time pulling his bottoms down, “you’ve already fucked me over enough tonight.”
you felt yourself teetering on the edge, needing to push his buttons.
you looked up at him through long eyelashes, batting your eyes before you took a breath, “but michael said—”
dominic growled, leaning down so he was inches away from your face, his grip on your hair getting harsher by the second, “do you think i give a fuck what michael thinks?! if you care so fucking bad, go and fuck him, then, huh?!”
you swallowed thickly, squeezing your thighs together again as dom stood back up.
“you lost your fucking chance,” he spat, “keep your hands to yourself. if you touch me or yourself you’re not gonna cum tonight.”
he took his dick out his pants, letting it spring out centimetres away from your face.
“open your mouth,” he said, commandingly; you did as he said, watching him lean his head down and spit directly into your mouth. before you could process that, he was then slamming his dick into your mouth, face fucking you roughly.
you moaned, unsure what to do with your hands, resorting to putting them behind your back, as he used your mouth for his own pleasure, at his own beck and call. the pressure inside you was getting worse and worse, if you didn’t get release soon you’d go insane.
dominic soon came in your mouth, his hips stuttering, beautiful groans falling from his lips.
“stand up,” he commanded, panting as he did so. when you were up, he gripped you harshly by the waist, pushing you into the countertop where the sink was. a wall length mirror covered the wall above the counter, so you had a clear view of dominic as he planted kisses all over your neck.
“do you want to cum?” he murmured.
“yes. please, dom. i’m sorry. please let me cum!”
dominic chuckled, looking at you in the mirror, “tell me what he said.”
“you were gonna tell me what michael said before. tell me now.”
you shook your head, “i- i can’t remember.”
“good,” dominic smiled, kissing between your shoulder blades before lifting your dress up until it was scrunched around your waist, and ripping your panties off your body, “hopefully you won’t remember him at all by the time i’m done with you.”
dominic spat in his hand, beginning to finger you before groaning, “you’re so wet, y/n. does flirting with other men turn you on, huh? sweetheart?”
that name rang through your ears. dom never calls you that; your brain was getting fuzzy. his fingers were dancing around your entrance, never going where you really needed them.
“answer me.”
“no! dom, wet for you. all– all for you.”
“good,” he smirked, before pushing between your shoulder blades so you were bent over the sink. he kicked one of his legs in between yours so your stance was wider, before he slammed his dick into you, bottoming out all at once.
you moaned loudly, your eyes rolling back. dominic watched through the mirror.
“shh, princess, shh. we don’t want the whole party to hear, hmm?”
you let out short, quieter moans as dominic continued a brutal pace he’d set from the beginning. he used your hair to pick your upper body back up, his chest flush against your back as he started kissing your neck, leaving marks you could see staring back at you in the mirror. one hand remained in your hair as the other trailed down to begin circling your clit.
you moaned loudly again, throwing your head back on dom’s shoulder.
“dom please,” you panted, edging ever close.
“say his name.”
“what? who?”
“you know who.”
dominic growled, pushing you back over the counter top, his hand remaining on your shoulder blades to keep you there as he fastened his pace.
you were whining by this point, your body being abused by his cock, by his fingers, by him.
“say it again!”
you didn’t respond, your open mouth only letting moans pass.
“y/n. say it.”
dominic smirked, he’d finally done it, “say his name, princess, come on.”
he’d fucked you dumb, “say it.”
you panted, “i-i’m go-gonna cum, dom.”
“that’s okay, baby,” he spoke softly, increasing his pressure on your clit as you whined, all parts of your body tensing as you finally released.
your body let go, remaining limp on the cool countertop, dom giving himself a few more pumps before unloading inside you.
“you okay, princess?” he asked, leaning over and kissing your head.
he went and got himself dressed back into his pants and his jeans, as you sat on the toilet, watching him. he looked in the mirror, setting a couple hairs back into place.
you sighed looking at yourself; hickeys all over your neck, your hair a tangled mess, and make-up beginning to smudge around your eyes.
dominic smiled, “you look beautiful.”
“i’m sorry,” you said as he pulled you up into a hug.
“it’s okay, little darling,” he spoke, kissing your forehead, “now i get my revenge.”
he took your hand, about to lead you out the bathroom.
“wait, my pants!”
“i’ve got them safe here,” dominic smirked, patting his back pocket.
your eyes widened, suddenly aware of his cum and your juices coating the insides of your thighs.
“come on, let’s go,” he smiled, kissing your hand as he dragged you through the party.
“dom!” michael called, catching up with the two of you.
“sorry, we really are leaving now,” dom smiled, looking back at you.
michael followed his gaze, his eyebrows raising in surprise at your obviously post-sex fucked up appearance.
“bye mick,” you waved, catching up to dom as you held on to his arm, a cocky smirk on his face. michael may have experience, but he couldn’t get you.
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bashslash · 6 days
Do you think bashslash have a little routine they do every day like they have to do it or else theyll explode
IDk WHAT ELSE TO ASK but... Do you have anynmore bash slash hcs....
Like what do these silly little guys do all day..
— hmm I think they do, like Dean always gets up first (role call 😣) but then he has to be back in the room for when Fulton wakes up (and for himself too). both of them prefer to get ready together (if it’s a no missions day (which basically means that they have no planned missions, they could just have some sprung on them but they pray they don’t) , then they will wear matching outfits (well not completely, but inspired by the others if you get what I mean).
some more hcs
— Dean is always hot (and always wants to be shirtless), but before Fulton he didn’t understand why he had to have all these sweatshirts and jackets when he’s never going to wear them. Fulton on the other hand is extremely cold, being that he’s an alien and his body cannot contain heat. Dean’s sweatshirts now have a good use :3.
— Fulton tries to copy dean’s verbal stims , some of them are kinda hard for him to do, but he tries to make them sound as close as he can get.
— fulton likes cat toys, he really likes cat scratching posts (he’s got like claws, and they bother him so he likes to scratch them down bc they grow back fast ).
— they go everywhere together (Fulton is always in deans arms)
— the only school Dean is willing to do is teaching fulton about humans / languages :]. He nearly died when fulton learned how to say ‘hi dean’ , it wasn’t perfect, it never really gets to perfect, but it’s still so good.
— fulton (similarly to adam) collects glowing gems from his home planet, and gives them to dean.
— Fulton does have a pet bed in Dean’s room, he just prefers dean (and his body heat)
okay that’s all for now !! 💗🙂‍↔️
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evansbby · 14 days
When Sharon said she thought reader was the Ari was cheating on her with, cause she had a feeling deep in her gut… should’ve listened to it. Always, and I mean always go with your guy ladies.
Curtis is a damn sleazeball, Wanda is dumb and blind asf. Also a bitch! Hinting at having a threesome with Carla 🤣and Reader. Then when reader says he needs to respect his gf and he says she’s one to talk OHHHH BURRRRN!!!!!!
Also yes Ari how do you know where Steve’s parents live 🌚
He sighs, “If you want, I could come clean to her and tell her it was you who I was sleeping with. You shouldn’t have to deal with that, it’s my problem, anyways.” Does he not realize that that’s not gonna make the situation any better 🤦🏾‍♀️ MEN.
When reader finally had the outburst in the supply closet 😭 poor baby.
Definitely gotta make sure to keep out the part about letting Steve finger her in the Uber🤣 didn’t want Ari even more pissed that he already is.
Uh oh… Ari freaking out about Kira 👀
“Because I do care! I think I’d know what I’m feeling better than you would!” Calm down Stevey Boy 🫢
“I was always going to ask you out, Ari or no Ari. It’s only when I saw how jealous he got when he saw you with me, that I realised how much he liked you. That he liked you more than he liked his own girlfriend. That’s when I realised I could be with you and get back at him at the same time.” Umm… that’s not- yeah that’s still not cool Steve. Men are so so damn stupid I bet this has actually happened in real life before.
“Fuck you! Try an’ scratch me again and see what happens!” Steve arguing with the branch 🤣🤣 then when he claims that that’s it’s tryna pick a fight with him LMFAO!!! This man is drunk!
Poor Steve getting kicked off the team. Also, get this man in some anger issues classes.
Out of everyone, I feel bad for Kira the most. Especially after what Steve said she’s going through and how their parents are never home, and don’t know how bad she’s really gotten.
God, you would never understand men! YOU AND ME BOTH GIRLIE
Also should I feel bad for Carla? Yes, maybe. Possibly? Do I feel bad for her though? 🙂‍↔️ nope
He grabs her by the upper arm roughly, “Carla, shut the fuck up right now if you know what’s good for you,” He hisses. LMFAO!!! YEAH CARLA SHUT UP!!!
“Stop acting so holier-than-thou, Sharon. You’re not worth shit anymore, not since you got dumped,” yeah umm… Carla deserved what Curtis did to her at this point.
She says brokenly, “I..I liked you. I liked you so much. You have no idea how much I…” oh I know how much, that almost confession you made I remember that 👀
“Why does it always take some sort of traumatic event for you to say these things?” You know that’s a really good question. WHY ARI?!
“Tell me, is that what you told my sister too?” JAW FUCKING DROP! ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!! Again! 🫢🫣
Steve telling Ari about what Kira has been going through makes me feel even sadder than when he was telling reader about it
“She’s my sister and you were my friend and you fucking broke her, Ari.” I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! I KNEW THEY HAD BEEN FRIENDS BEFORE!!!! It always hurts more when it’s a friend that does the betraying, cause like you trusted that person. Never thought once out of the whole friendship that they would ever do something to hurt/betray you.
STEVEN GRANT ROGERS!!!! WHYY JUST WHYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
“Don’t worry about me. I’m comfortably numb, remember? I think I finally made it last…” I-… 😓😢😭😣😔 damn Steve is really going through it. Poor baby
To answer your questions:
1. They were both sweet, but Steve was bittersweet so I think I kinda liked his more. It did hint/foreshadow at what would happen later on in this part.
3. Because she pretended to be her friend, let her vent about Ari and cry on her shoulder. She knew the whole time why Ari broke up with her, had so many times to open up about the truth. I think if reader would’ve told the truth from the get go, and explain everything then she would’ve been a little bit more forgiving towards reader.
4. I’m not sure. Ari says Steve doesn’t know what he’s talking about, so maybe Curtis did it. I wouldn’t put it past him tbh. He seems like that kind of guy. But that begs the question… how did Curtis get ahold of Kira’s nudes if that’s what actually happened?🤔
5. Team STEVE!! I feel like they’re gonna have to pump his stomach. Attempted OD, maybe his parents will even have to fly back at this point.
Okay firstly YES I AGREE, as a woman, always trust your gut and intuition! But also, Sharon was kinda blind bc Ari literally carried y/n bridal style away after she got hit with a basketball like HE LITERALLY COULD NOT HAVE MADE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS that they were together. But tbh I think Sharon was being blind bc she wanted to believe the best in y/n bc SHE liked y/n 🥺🥺
And yep lmfao Curtis was so damn sleazy in this chapter! Which is crazy bc he and Wanda were genuinely inseparable in the previous chapter! But now this guy is blatantly cheating on her with that brunette cheerleader AND he propositioned reader to have a threesome??? BRO FUCK THIS GUY FR.
ALSO YES. I really wanted to illustrate how stupid and clueless men are. Like when Ari says “you want me to tell her?” LIKE BRO??? That would just make it worse 😭😭 Also when Ari says “she’s a strong girl, she’ll bounce back” that is literally crazy 😭😭 men are fr so stupid and I don’t get them either and I’m happy you picked up on them being stupid in this chapter!!! Emotionally stunted fr! Steve too!! He also had some stupid dialogues and moments like him wanting so badly to explain, then his explanation being like “yeah idk why I did that, I just did” 😭😭😭
Thank you so much for this wonderful review bestie! I always appreciate it so much when people quote lines from my fic and then analyse or react to them!!! And your commentary is fr so funny!
Last thing I’ll say is… yeah maybe Steve will need to get his stomach pumped… IF he survived that is 😔😔😔😱😱😱 but would his parents care enough to even fly back to see him? 😔😔😟
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screampied · 12 days
Girl… girlllllll omg what was that ficcccc writing smut like that should be illegal bc what do you mean I can’t get in and fuck him myself 😩😩😩 I don’t like older man but Satoru can be an exception (and maybe Toji) the way he talked in this fic is killing me 😭 and him saying I gotta go now unless you want to listen how I sound like post orgasm????? The cockinesssssss I’m leaving my job to live with him on his mansion or something 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️ I don’t take no as a answer🤭
yessss i tried to make him as nasty as possible mmm. im so glad u enjoyed it i was so close to scrapping it soodgkhkk. YESSS cocky bastard like 💔💔💔 that’s our satoru </3
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buzzcutmase · 2 months
So, I have a few thingssss so say 🙂‍↔️ I have way more but I can’t think straight
Down Bad is so catchy 💆🏼‍♀️
I understand everybody’s obsession with so long, London -hello, the lyrics??- but I would’ve loved it with a different music..? If that makes sense? 🥲 doesn’t slap like it could imho
Also thanK you aIMee - hahah 😂 “I don’t think you’ve changed much” ~ spot on! I think Cassandra also references KimK..?
And why is nobody talking about the alchemy? CUTE & CATCHY 😍
Black dog is about MH? The bridge is chefs kiss tho!
Fortnight has a kinda 80s vibe in terms of the music? 😌 Reminds me of a great 80s version of Adore You by Harry I found years ago on YT, btw!
I hate it here - “I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists. And getting married off for the highest bid. Nostalgia is a mind's trick. If I'd been there, I'd hate it.”
Love how shes romanticising “the good old days” whilst also heavily criticising doing so by pointing out the racism, sexism - ugh. Yes.
OK OK first of all i really love how you came to me with all this, i'm obsessed with it actually soooooo i'll use this as an excuse to give you all my thoughts on the whole album! (bare in mind i've not listened to the second part of the album yet because i've been busy today so i only had the chance to listen to the first part twice to understand the lyrics more!) 😌
fortnight: i completely agree with you on that one! it's such an 80s vibe and i love it, also the lyrics are soooo ugh! "i love you it's ruining my life" give her the grammy NOW!.. i do wish post malone featured more on it though bc i really like him and his music so!
the tortured poets department: LOVE! the chorus is soooo good! when the track titles got released i was actually most excited about this one bc i just couldn't think of how she would include a line like that into a song but obviously she made it work bc she's a mastermind :')
my boy only breaks his favourite toys: so catchy! so matty coded tbh so she ATE with that one!
down bad: SOOOOOOOOO CATCHY! it's such a banger tbh and so relatable like "fuck it if i can't have him i might just die it would make no difference" (makes me think of mase hehehe!)
SO LONG, LONDON: the perfect song to be the special track 5: heartbreaking and earth shattering like the lyrics make me cry ESPECIALLY the 3rd verse!!!! "you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? i died at the altar waiting for the proof, you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days and i'm just getting color back to my face. i'm just mad as hell cause i loved this place for so long, london. had a good run, a moment of warm sun but i'm not the one" UGHHHH! and knowing how much this means to her is soooo insane and i can see how you might've liked it with a different music but i actually think it's super fitting because it's the sped up beat like there is going to be a climax in the song somewhere but there isn't and the slow singing of the words kind of counteract it which was what taylor and joe's relationship felt like... like there would be a climax in the relationship with a wedding and babies but it never came and she spent all this time waiting just for it to be over in the end you know? :(
but daddy i love him: I LOVE how she adressed the fact that every single time she dates someone people on the outside who don't know shit about her personal life want to include themselves in it and give their opinion and i love how she wrote the song in a sarcastic fuck you way BUT since it's about matty i feel like most of the opinions on their relationship are justified bc of who he is and the things he said so i feel like most of us were just looking out for her in the way we were against it you know? like there were reasons why people hated them together so much. ALSO SHE NAME DROPPED ME??? EXCUSE ME TAYLOR???
fresh out the slammer: BANGER! the classic "came out of a heartbreak from a long term relationship and need a rebound for some time" LOVE!
florida: not too sold on it yet but i feel like i need to listen to it a few more times before i can really have an opinion on it 😌
guilty as sin?: i love this song so much. the vibe? the lyrics? i'm in love, it's so relatable aswell LIKE
who's afraid of little old me?: FAVOURITE SONG ON THE ALBUM! BY FAR! the way she wrote about the fame ruining her and her mental health and turning her into someone she never wanted to be is so fucking beautiful honestly like it's devastating but so beautifully written. and the first "who's afraid of little old me?" the way she's screaming it. YES YES YES. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
i can fix him (no really i can) : it's so sexy??? like the way she sings it and the lyrics? like she's so sexy like yes queen if anyone could change a man IT'S YOU!
loml: sooooooo heartbreaking and such a masterpiece... how it goes from love of my life to loss of my life... i'm going to CRY. i'm conflicted whether it's about joe or matty though... maybe both? i'm not sure but it's beautiful either way. 💔
i can do it with a broken heart: it feels like bejweled... but in a suicidal "i wanna die" but on crack way! it's so fun though??? like so sad how she had to put on a smile ever single night on tour even if she felt like shit but i'm so proud of her always for making it through and being happy now and i hope we as fans had a good impact on that too!
the smallest man who ever lived: again... conflicted who it's about but it's such a great song and whoever it's about will have to fucking deal with me soon bc HOW DARE YOU HURT HER LIKE THIS.
the alchemy: as you said SO CUTE SO CATCHY! so happy she found happiness with travis and it's all good now and she's healing from all the heartbreak and the hard times she faced the past year :( no one deserves happiness more than her! ❤️‍🩹
clara bow: LOVE LOVE LOVE! it feels like it's the second part of "the lucky one" if you know what i mean... and her singing about herself but not in the way she sang about clara bow and stevie nicks with them being heart capturing icons everyone loves but in a self depricating way... heartbreaking bc she sadly still think of herself as an imposter in all this but so beautifully written again. also taylor swift name dropping taylor swift on a taylor swift album???? INSANE. 🥺
SOOOO basically, i feel like this album was made from the deepest depths of taylor's mind written specifically for the people who get her and have been loving and supporting her for a long time... like there is no proper poppy single or song for the general public on there which is why i think so many people on social media have slammed the album and said she really missed the mark with this one but if you get it and if you understand the situations she sings about bc you've been thorugh them with her it's such a meaningful abum about her heartbreaks, mental struggles, struggles with fame and not feeling like real person but also about her healing journey and seeing the funny side of people having an opinion on your every move you know? i love her. i truly do. mastermind. ❤️‍🩹
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mangoposts · 9 days
her name is Mathilde :))))
no you don’t understand Mina it’s NOT sweet it’s awful bc i always stand on my idea of not wanting kids no matter how much shame i get for that and the baby fever never hits me that hard and now im confused and it’s an internal battle to stand on NOT wanting and be like “but what if” and feeling like an alien bc most women want kids so why not me ???
anyway im NOT having kids i wanna be the fun auntie
It’s okay to question it though, i mean you’re still young and you’re going to live a very long life. It’s very likely you’ll meet a person who you want to have a family with. And if not that’s fine too. But don’t deny the feelings if they come up because it’s okay 🙂‍↔️ Things do change
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kelpre10 · 13 days
I woke up today all refreshed feeling thoughtful calm and actually started to be productive in the today instead of thinking to much about things I can’t control thus far. Cause at any given moment that could change. It’s odd how in this universe I can go through these dry spur moments feeling like my worlds crumbling or crashing around me right. Then in the next couple days after those backward hours in time I’m feeling like a norm🤷🏽 yet bringing me closer to a realization of my own selfishness and still building for long term growth stability without a feeling of settling. Now how bad things could be have I not been striving up until this point to get here possibly I don’t care and don’t want to know cause I’m ain’t take that route. Yet if just for a sec I had to help shorty grasp what it takes to balance these round ah bout situations into there livelihooded steps like my creative process. Just know Being wholeheartedly honest with yo self cause real spit. mannn ain’t shiii easy yet this shiiiii for me and spiritually religiously dealing wit how my demons see they can’t break my armor so they try and aggravate people around me demons make me want to stay in my bubble for their safety yet my higher ain’t trying to hear that I’m more worried about others that ain’t a life partner or immediate inner to a certain point more than myself. Yet I’m starting to get a high instead of a depressed feeling from seeing possibilities to help others. why is it becoming a real high I don’t know that for real doe being the problems always out weigh the process. Which is funny cause of the dis ease of seeing how people break down from not living on life terms when it comes round without the hope and prayer for themselves. Is insane wicked knowing they’ll overcome there situations at there own time yet the first steps of knowing half measures avail nothing especially how my thinking most time be centered in it’s defectiveness. Is 🤯🤯Yet that’s me vs the ageless numbers I’m trying to add productive years to while being of service to a purpose that’s meant for Kelvin. Today I don’t know what tomorrow brings yet I know how dreams I asked for still wearing yesterday’s dirty jeans helps control my spiritual head of steams. I like to believe that even with all of the loses It’s not possible for me to turn around and dundundadunt it. Dropping it almost being close to a breakthrough just for say “mannnn A F… you and whoever else want smoke big backwood packs bro” and meaning it with full intentions on following through. yet it ain’t in me unless I have to protect or provide for myself or someone closely with me and only the closest one to me know that. Funny thing is none of this shiiiii funny cause it’s all a games yet living life or surviving around death situations when you think about it! what’s always on the line if where promised nothing in life but - That is everything other than a game yet can be with the good side of things. Basically I’m in my lane and when I say respectfully stay in yours I mean that as disrespectfully as I can when not staying in yours can cause a accident in mine.🙂‍↔️
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purple-babygirl · 30 days
Okay if that jerk means me asking for you to write orc!Bucky and pregnant reader fuck off first I was just sharing my thot it is not an ask second I am deeply sorry purple, I never meant to make you uncomfortable in anyway sometimes I just wanna share my thoughts but idk where I can share them and you’re just so nice about it if you ever feel uncomfortable with my thots just tell me and I’ll stop anytime 🫶🏻third I do agree with that nonie we will be making punching bag out of those jerks so we can practice our muaythai/thai boxing fourth I hope and pray you will find a job soon that is paying well and also won’t stress you out sm bcs I’m addicted to your writings and I need you to keep writing (jk you can rest if you want but I’m serious abt being addicted)
Also I imagine being Sebastian’ date to the met gala, I just have a crazy outfits idea basically it would be based on persephone garden coz Sebastian wearing that black suit just gives off Hades vibes and ehem ehem it gives me feelings that I don’t think it’s appropriate to share 🙂‍↔️ but just imagine wearing a floral pastel dress and I saw this pomegranate bag which is so cute and Sebastian will wear like a crown or smthng and I can imagine we’ll be doing that Zendaya stunt for her cinderella but this time Sebastian will shove pomegranate down my throat (in smexy way ofc) MWEHEHEH SORRY IF IT DIDN’T MAKE SENSE I JUST WANNA SUCK HIS DICK ON THE MET’ BATHROOM
Side note I wanna throw all Sebastian’ hair gel away cause mf be using it way too much it’s a problem
Sweet nonnie, you don't need to worry about that at all. You can always share your thoughts with me, always. I love it with my whole heart. Though I'd love to choose violence, but what we're gonna do instead is ignore their existence and keep our peace at all times. I'm not gonna subject you to any negativity anymore because I won't be replying to hate. A block would have to do. No one will even know their hateful ask existed and we'll continue living in peace.
Also I LOVE your mind😂💜💜💜 are you by any chance a Gemini, nonnie? Persephone and Hades are my favorite:""" Oh I love everything about this stop making me daydream😭😭 sammmmeee
AND YES I AGREE his hair stylist needs to let the curls show themselves for ONCE:"
Dude i love you
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