#king you got on all fours for me to sit down when there wasn’t chairs. you been begging
lilgynt · 1 month
i’ll say it baby sitting too drunk dudes is not fun hold ur liquor better
#personal#party was fun!! but everyone started doing 2 am drama by midnight it’s like#i bought an uber here. shake ass and drink.#no my buddy’s been through a lot it’s been a rough year for him#so i’m not too pressed and i get to rest my feet#but its like yup group is cutting off ur liquor bc ur hitting the wall while walking and he was cuddling into me like you feel nice#bitch duh.#we had a date once a few years again and this just killed anything left over#i don’t want to be mean but it was like 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️#i kept sitting him down and with him he would NOT drink water and after the 5fth running away i was like nah i just gotta go play beer pong#the whole party which was smaller was like alright let’s coordinate to care for this dude#it was my funny my friends boyfriend sat with me and was like sooooo who’s that 😏😏😏 and i was like oh no he’s just really drunk and we’re#worried and he was like lame. also remembered the story of the date and was like double lame#but i looked cute as fuck got a girls insta#was dunking on this dude all night#oh also i love just telling dudes to do shit#bc i know i them it’s fine to just be like hey another drink. hey set up beer pong kill urself publicly rn#i love telling random men i don’t know to kill themselves#also i had a miniskirt and corset and i was like i am in fact not bending down. get the ping pong ball#skirt had TWO slits#also a teeth night lots of teeth and bone jewelry#also this guy who wants to fuck me BAD was there and near the end my friend and i were BULLYING him#cause he was like i’m not gonna beg you to fuck me. which i told him no you do already#but he’s like i’m not gonna beg. unless we’re making content where i’m begging 🤓#king you got on all fours for me to sit down when there wasn’t chairs. you been begging#he tried to be like not that i care but what are you into?#i was like how much cash you got#my friends boyfriend was like he’s into getting that fucking green. yeah. duh.#anyway fun party night but i’ve said it before i’ll say it again i gotta stop partying with home depot people#WAIT!!! the non depot girls were sooo fun i had them pissing laughing
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
No Need To Ask - CS55
Chapter Six - Family Dinner
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
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After their chess game, Y/N felt more comfortable roaming the house. Of course, she limited herself to four rooms. The room that had been given to her, the bathroom, the kitchen and the library. Y/N was still too nervous to take her own food in the kitchen in the unfamiliar house.
Y/N began spending a lot of time in the library. She sat on the plush chairs, reading the few books she could find in English. But her gaze would always be pulled towards the glass doors, distracted as she watched Carlos on his morning swim.
On this afternoon, Y/N had Oscar sitting opposite her as they played chess. “This set is far nicer than the one I have at home,” Y/N said. But a pang went through her chest. This was now the set at home. She didn’t let it show on her face as she stole Oscar’s rook.
Already Oscar had lost four games before Y/N started giving him pointers. Still, she was winning. “Why can I picture you hiding out in here on your wedding day?” He asked, unable to hide that smile of his.
“Osc, don’t,” Y/N muttered as he moved his piece. But she quickly changed where he placed it, stealing one of her own pieces and placing it in front of him. “I don’t want to think about that right now.”
Oscar let out a sigh as Y/N stole his knight. “C’mon. Talk to me about it.”
Y/N’s gaze moved to the doors that led out to the patio. Carlos was out there, sat around the fire pit that wasn’t lit, with his men around him. Y/N could see the gun sticking out of the waistband of his trousers, a shudder running through her. But then his eyes met hers and Y/N quickly looked away.
“I was so scared of Sainz when I was a child. Like, I saw him in my nightmares, pointing a gun at me. And then Lando came to me saying that before my mother died, she had arranged for me to marry Carlos. I accepted it. Like, it’s for the good of the family. How could I say no? And then we had that dinner at the house. Sainz was still so scary to me, and Carlos came across as such a sweet person.”
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat. “I thought I could do this. I was okay with marrying him. But then we got here. Carlos showed his power as soon as we got to the house and that scared me. But still, I could push through. For the good of the family. And then he attacked you.”
Oscar couldn’t stop himself from staring at her. If he could save her from this life, he would, but there was nothing he could do. He’d thought about it; ever since he first found out about the arrangement.
He looked down at the chess board. “I’m stumped here,” he said, and Y/N moved his piece for him, bringing him just a step closer to winning.
But that wasn’t enough. Y/N used her Queen to get to his king, winning the same. Again, her eyes met Carlos. He was still watching her, like he never stopped. He was leaning forward, elbows on his knees and his arms clasped together. His gaze was so intense, Y/N had to look away.
As  always, Oscar was the one to pull open the door, coming face to face with the person on the other side. He expected to see Carlos, he was the only one who had come to do the door so far.
But not. Instead of Carlos was an incredibly large man. He had dark there and a lot of stubble, with not quite enough facial here to be a proper beard. He was tall, Oscar craning his neck to look up at him. “Can I help you?” Asked Oscar, keeping the door partially closed.
The man grunted. “She is to come down for dinner,” the man said with a thick Spanish accent.
“No, she isn’t.”
Suddenly Y/N was on her feet. She stood beside Oscar, just out of view of the man. Her eyes were wide as she watched him, trying to tell him to stop.
“The master of the house would like her to come down for dinner,” the man tried again.
Oscar let out a huff. “Well, you can tell the master of the house that she’s staying where she is and he can f-”
“Please tell Carlos that I’ll be down in just a moment,” Y/N said quickly as she pushed Oscar out of the way. Y/N gave the man what she hoped was a polite smile and shut the door. “Oscar,” she began, her voice full of warning.
“I know,” Oscar immediately replied, throwing himself into the chair by the vanity. “I know, but I don’t want him bossing you about and controlling you. I don’t like it,” he said as he stared at her.
Y/N’s eyes softened as she walked over to him. “Oh, Osc,” she said softly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Stay here, okay? I’ll make sure they bring you something good for dinner.”
Somewhat reluctantly, Oscar nodded his head. “If anything happens, scream and I’ll come running,” he said.
Nodding her head, Y/N made her way out of her room. She gave Oscar one last look as she shut the door, meeting the big, gruff man outside of her door.
He grunted and began walking, leading her down the hall and down the stairs. “I’m sorry about him,” she said. The man didn’t reply. He was silent as he led her down the stairs and out through the back doors.
The Sainz family, the entire Sainz family, were sat around the table on the patio. Carlos sat beside his mother, with his father at the head of the table and his sisters opposite him. There was one seat left, presumably for Y/N.
The Spanish chatter stopped as the Sainz family looked at Y/N. She swallowed the lump in her throat and walked over on shaky legs.
Before Y/N could get to the table, Carlos stood up and pulled out the chair for her. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come down,” he said quietly and softly.
Again, Y/N saw that man from their dinner in England. The one who stuck up for her against his own father. She gave Carlos something of a smile as he sat in his own chair and offered her something to eat. Even though he was being sweet, there was still that edge to him.
“How are you enjoying our country?” Asked Sainz as he looked across the table at Y/N. When Y/N looked at him, she couldn’t help but be scared. He looked the same as he did all of those years ago, when he had a gun pointed at her.
Y/N picked up her throat. “It’s very beautiful,” she answered as she looked past him, at the golfing green. “And very warm.”
Sainz let out something of a laugh. “A stark contrast to your own country,” he said and Y/N let out a small and disingenuous laugh.
“Carlos tells me you enjoy chess,” he continued.
The women at the table hadn’t yet said anything. They looked towards the head of the table, at the imposing head of the family.
Even when Y/N answered him, their gaze stayed on Sainz. It was only Carlos who looked at her. “Yes,” she said, poking the chicken with her fork. Y/N had yet to eat anything, not when Sain was asking her so many questions. “I used to play with my mother, before we lost her.”
“Ah,” Sainz replied and nodded his head. Y/N took a moment to eat something. “Your mother and I were good friends before everything went to shit.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped towards him. she hadn’t expected that. She was too young to remember much before the feud started, but she hadn’t thought her mother was actually friends with Sainz. “We were very sorry to hear when she passed on,” Sainz finished.
“I miss her a lot,” Y/N muttered. Her eyes were watering, but she wasn’t going to cry, not in front of the Sainz family.
They noticed. They definitely did. Carlos’ sisters began muttering something Y/N couldn’t understand, something in Spanish.
Back in Y/N’s room, Oscar did exactly as he was told. He moved the chair away from the vanity and dragged it over to the window. There he sat, watching as Y/N ate dinner with the Sainz. He couldn’t see Carlos or his father, but could see his sisters as they chatted between themselves.
As Oscar watched, he lifted his phone to his ear. Y/N was hardly eating, he noted as the phone rang. When she was in her room she had no trouble eating, he thought somewhat bitterly.
The person he was calling picked up. “How is she?” Asked Lando.
He’d been home for five days, barely able to do any work with how much he was worrying about his sister. He’d wanted to call her, wanted so desperately to speak to her, but he couldn’t, not unless he wanted to upset Carlos and his father.
Oscar released a breath. “She’s… Okay,” he said, somewhat slowly. “Three days after you left Carlos took her downstairs to play chess. She’s taken me down there a few times.”
“You’ve got chess there?” Asked Lando. “She’ll be happy with that.”
Suddenly Oscar sucked in a deep breath. There were things he wanted to say, but it was going to take a lot of courage. But, if he didn’t say it, he’d never be able to forgive himself. “Lando, I want to save her from this.”
“Yeah, we all do, Oscar,” Lando replied, his voice short.
“No, I mean, I want to get her away from this. As soon as possible,” Oscar continued. “I could contact Mark and find out if he could help in any way.”
“And then what?”
Oscar hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I don’t know,” he said. “I was thinking we could get could her away from here, take her to Australia and then figure things out,” he said.
“No, Oscar. If we do that then we’re asking for all-out war,” Lando immediately said. It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought about it before. He had, every minute of every day since he left Spain. Lando had even been to speak to his father about it. But if he acted on it, he’d he putting so many people in danger.
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e1e4n0r5 · 5 months
Twisted Love: Chapter 3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Summary: You always expected to marry your twin brother, Daeron. However, when this does not come to be, you find comfort with your siblings. As only Targaryens could. 
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A/N: Okay, this chapter is a little angsty! Aemond is having some big feelings and he doesn’t know how to express those feelings with words because of his emotionally stunted upbringing. But you can bet his wife is gonna knock that out of him pretty quickly.
Warnings: canon-typical incest, figging (insertion of ginger root into the anus), coercion/dub-con if you squint, mention of past fire-play, jealous husband, relationship insecurity, ANGST
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You bounced on the balls of your feet, wringing your hands in front of you as you watched the skies for any sign of Daeron and his dragon. It was time; your twin was finally returning home. After ten long years apart, you would finally be together. The two of you; all five siblings.
Aemond watched you out of the corner of his eye as he stood up straight next to you; his place as your husband and as Daeron’s brother, loathe as he was to admit the latter. He couldn’t deny that he wasn’t exactly happy with this development, of the youngest Targaryen-Hightower sibling returning to Kings Landing, most likely for good. He detested change, and he had grown accustomed to the routines and structure the four of you had established for yourselves. Not to mention the dynamic; Aegon might have been the eldest, but he was hardly the one in charge. Aemond enjoyed being the head of the group, the feelings of security, power, and dominance it gave him on a daily basis. He wasn’t looking forward to bringing in an unknown fifth element into the arrangement you all had together. Even if that fifth person was his own sibling.
He enjoyed being your husband, and having you as his wife. He felt he had won that day, the day you asked him to marry you. The day you promised yourself to him, and he to you. The day you consummated your love for each other, officially. He was dreading the fact that the man you had spent your entire childhood fantasising about marrying would now be present in your lives every single day. Daeron hadn’t set foot in Kings Landing in ten years, and you had never been allowed to travel to Oldtown. Aemond had had you all to himself (not including your other siblings and children) for a decade, and now he just knew Daeron was about to steal you away. He’d lost an eye to Lucerys, and he would soon lose his wife to his own brother.
He leant forward and whispered in your ear. “Settle down, my love,” he enjoyed watching you shiver at his soft Valyrian. “People might think you have a ginger root up your ass.”
You blushed bright red, your back passage tingling with the memories of that day.
Aemond had been awake before you, as he always rose with the sun, whereas you liked to sleep until mid-morning. It wasn’t your fault; your husband was insatiable. There was a freezing Winter snow falling across the city, forcing Aemond to cancel his training with Cole that morning. So instead, he’d had a devilish idea.
You had spied him sitting in his chair by the fire, his hands working something with a small knife.
“Good morning, husband,” you greeted him as you slid your feet into your fur-lined slippers and pulled on your thick dressing gown, crossing the room.
“Good morning, wife,” he replied back, not taking his eye off the thing in his hands. Was he whittling?
When you got closer, you saw that it wasn’t wood. It was softer than that. A fruit?
“What are you doing?”
He smirked up at you. “I think I might just have found an ingenious way to keep you warm today, my love.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Have you commissioned me some clothing I don’t know about?”
He laughed, a rare but beautiful sound. “No. No, wife, not clothes.” He held up the thing in his hands. A ginger root.
“Ginger?” you asked with a small smile. “Are you going to put it in my tea? You know I can’t stand the taste.”
“No, my love; your ass.”
He said it so casually that you didn’t pick up on it at first. It took you a few seconds, then you gawked at him.
“What?” you demanded.
He carved the root a little more, examining it from different angles. He seemed satisfied. “Aegon told me of a little trick he’d heard about. Assured me it’s well worth a try.”
Before you could respond, the passage between your room and your siblings’ opened up, your brother and sister stepping through.
“Morning to you both,” Aegon greeted cheerfully. Helaena had clearly already satisfied him. “What have you both got planned for the day? Helaena was thinking of taking the children down to the Dragonpit.”
“Aemond wants to put ginger up my ass!” you declared hysterically.
The two of them didn’t even blink.
“Oh, figging,” Helaena explained, walking over to Aemond and examining the root he had carved. “Yes, it’s a very interesting experience. Aegon and I have both done it a few times now.”
“Always a fun time,” he winked at you, helping himself to a few grapes from your breakfast platter.
“Very well carved, Aemond. Good thinking with the flared base.”
“And a good size too,” Aegon added. “Our little sister will definitely be titillated today.”
You stared at your siblings, abashed. Out of all the things the four of you had done together, for some reason this was the thing that baffled you the most. Why, in the name of the Seven, would anyone want to insert ginger into ones back passage?
The three of them chuckled at how you were staring back at them all. Aemond stood up.
“Y/N, dear wife, be a good girl and bend over the bed. Now.”
You instinctually covered your rear with your hands, shaking your head nervously. “It’ll hurt, won’t it?”
“Not hurt,” Aegon shrugged.
“But it’s definitely a memorable experience,” Helaena smiled dreamily. “Aemond, do you have another piece you could carve for me? I think I’d like to partake.”
Aemond nodded. “I do, dear sister.”
“As big and thick as you can, please,” she hummed happily, picking up her skirts as she walked over to your bed. She bent herself over, exposing her ass completely.
“I only have a smaller piece. Helaena, why don’t you take this one I’ve already done, and I’ll carve a smaller one for Y/N? She seems hesitant about this whole experience.”
“That sounds lovely, thank you, brother.”
Aemond looked to you. “Abrazȳrys (wife),” he commanded, “come here. Now. Watch how Helaena takes this, and you’ll see it’s not as bad as you are imagining.”
You headed over to the bed, Aegon holding you against his body as both of you watched Aemond dip the root in some oil and then slowly press it into Helaena’s ass. Her hole accepted the small intrusion with no effort, but she began mewling regardless. Aemond pressed his thumb to the flared base of the root, keeping it in place in her ass as her hips lifted up and down, grinding against the bed sheets.
“Does it hurt, sister?” Aemond asked. “Be honest; our little Y/N doesn’t want any lies.”
She shook her head. “No, it doesn’t hurt. But it burns a little. It’s wonderful.”
“Burns?” you gasped.
“Nothing too bad,” Aegon reassured you, kissing the side of your head. “It’s just a bit uncomfortable.”
You frowned at Aemond as he began peeling and carving the other root. The one he intended to put inside you. “Husband, I’m not sure about this…?”
“You don’t need to be sure, wife,” he said simply. He looked at you, his eye softening a little. “Do you trust me? Do you trust that I would never harm you, or wish ill upon you?”
Your frown softened in return. “Yes. Of course, I do.”
“Then trust me now. This will be an interesting experience for you. It won’t harm you at all. I want you to try it. For me. And if you truly do hate it, you don’t have to do it again.”
“Except as punishments,” Aegon added cheekily, playfully squeezing you a little.
You smiled at him and Aemond, your will bent to theirs. “Alright.”
“Good, now bend over the bed, next to Helaena.” He paused. “Who seems to have climaxed all over our sheets.”
Helaena had indeed orgasmed, seemingly just from grinding herself against the edge of the bed, with the root in her ass. “It just feels so good,” she explained lightly, no shame at all in her voice.
Aemond smirked back at you, his argument won. “See? How awful can it be when Helaena climaxes in just one minute?”
You choose not to say that some of Helaena’s desires can be a little sadomasochistic, often deriving pleasure from giving and receiving various forms of pain. She had once orgasmed when Aemond and Aegon held lit candles to her inner thighs. Not close enough to burn her skin, yet close enough to hurt. It was peculiar, even for Targaryens.
Aegon nudged you forward, bending you over and pulling up your nightgown and robe. Helaena gripped your hand, still grinding and moaning on the bed. Aemond stepped up behind you, squeezing your buttocks and giving you a few spanks.
“Are you ready, wife?” he asked you, spreading your cheeks with the fingers of one hand.
You nodded. “Yes, husband.”
You snapped back to the present even as your mind ran through the sensations of having that ginger inserted into your back passage. How it had stretched you and begun to burn. As Helaena had described, it hadn’t been horrific, but it had kept you on your toes all day, until Aemond had removed the root after fucking you senseless in the evening.
Daeron’s dragon Tessarion’s cry filled the air. Not too far away, you could see her outline in the clouds above. He was here. Your brother was finally here.
Tessarion landed a hundred yards or so away, just enough for you to turn your head slightly to avoid the dust her wings kicked up. You almost didn’t recognise the man in the saddle. It was a man, not your twelve-year-old twin brother. You couldn’t make out his features, but you could see the Targaryen white hair. The man dismounted, rubbing Tessarion’s neck affectionately before sending her to fly to the Dragon Pit.
He started walking towards you all.
Your heart raced.
You moved to step forward, but Aemond and Aegon discreetly held you back. The Queen had to greet him, as was protocol. They could feel your need, but you only had to wait a little longer.
“Prince Daeron. My darling boy,” your mother greeted.
It was him. It was Daeron. He was older, a man grown. But he was your brother. His cheeks have slimmed, his nose a little longer, his jawline stronger. But he was here.
“Your Grace. Mother.”
They embraced, only for a second, before pulling apart. It was warm, by your mother’s standards.
She turned. “Your father, the King, is abed at the moment. The years have taken their toll, but I shall take you to see him later. You remember your siblings. Prince Aegon, Princess Helaena, Prince Aemond, and Princess Y/N. You know Aegon and Helaena married, we’ll have tea with their children soon. And Aemond and Y/N-”
Daeron rushed forward and pulled you into his arms, uncaring at your mother’s indignation and scolding. You clung to each other, and the world stopped. He smelled the same, whereas he lamented that you had changed your perfume, or perhaps you now add oil to your hair?
“Sister,” Daeron breathed in your ear, holding you tightly, his eyes closing in bliss as your perfume filled his senses. Oh, how he had missed you. It had been agony for him, every day he thought of you, longed for you. He’d never wanted to leave in the first place, it was his mother’s and grandsire’s idea. His heart had been crushed when he had read mother’s letter four years earlier informing him of your marriage. He had been filled with anger; how dare Aemond steal his wife from him, just because he was away studying. It was an outrage; he had been tempted to fly back to Kings Landing on Tessarion and dispute the whole matter, to take you away and live as husband and wife together. But he had known that he would never have stood a chance against Aemond, nor Tessarion against Vhagar.
His eyes opened and he caught Aemond’s. The taller brother stared down the younger, his one-eye unblinking. Daeron swallowed thickly, keeping hold of you for support. “Brother Aemond,” he greeted in a somewhat shaky voice.
“Valonqar (little brother),” Aemond greeted with a smirk, enjoying his brother’s obvious discomfort at his presence. He didn’t like the way Daeron was holding you so tightly, it irked him, but he could disquiet his brother in other ways. “I hope you’ve kept up with your Valyrian; the four of us speak it often, and the children are learning too.”
Daeron flinched. “Forgive me, brother, there was no-one to help me maintain our ancestral language in Oldtown. I only speak Common Tongue now.”
Aemond nodded his head and smirked; another piece of leverage to use against this intruder.
You didn’t notice your brothers’ tension, pulling out of Daeron’s arms. You cupped his face in both your hands, staring closely at his face. He had grown so much. He wasn’t as tall as Aemond, nor as strong, but he was here. He was home. You longed to kiss his lips, but settled for both his cheeks, your lips lingering on his skin. “Finally,” you whispered, like a prayer, “Finally, you’re home.”
He smiled down at you. “I’m home. And I’m not leaving.” He looked up at Aemond at the end.
Aemond just smirked. ‘We’ll see about that, brother’, he thought.
The eldest sibling stepped forward to break the tension, even as he had to hold in his laughter. “Daeron, it’s been so long,” Aegon greeted, pulling Daeron in for a hug.
The two brothers embraced for a few seconds before separating. “Hello, Aegon. I missed you. Helaena,” he smiled at his other sister, kissing her cheek before embracing her.
“Y/N missed you greatly,” Helaena said in her soft voice. “She’s happy now you’re home.” Daeron tried not to interpret that as you being the only sibling who had missed him and glad to have him back.  
Aemond spoke up. “Why don’t we take him to meet our children?” he asked, smiling down at you with his hand on the small of your back.
You completely missed how Aemond stressed ‘our’. Daeron did not, frowning at the taller, older brother.
Your face lit up. “Oh yes! They’d love to meet you!” you grasped his hand, pulling him towards the castle. “Come on, Daeron, come meet them.”
Aemond added, his smile widening wickedly as he clasped his hand on Daeron’s shoulder, “Yes, your niece and nephew would love to meet their uncle. Our son Maenor and our daughter Aena, though little Aena is not yet one so she won't have much to say.”
Daeron had to keep his mind on you and your happiness, as not to punch Aemond on the jaw. Aemond was playing with him, it was clear and painful. They both knew Daeron had been hoping and expecting to sire children with you himself, so to hear the words ‘uncle’, ‘niece’ and ‘nephew’… It was all just a game to Aemond.
One he had won.
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The five of you, your mother, your grandsire Otto, and the five children filled Aegon and Helaena’s sitting room with a tea service. The twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, sat politely with the grown-ups and had a piece of cake before playing on the floor. Maelor and Maenor ate some cake on the floor, closely monitored by Aemond and a nanny. And you sat little Aena on Daeron’s lap, chuckling softly when you had to show your twin how to support her properly as she liked to bounce on her feet now she was close to walking.
Alicent and Otto were called out to a Small Council meeting after an hour or so, leaving you all together.
“You know Maelor and Maenor were born within the same week,” you smiled, watching with a proud smile as your son showed your twin his newest bracelet made for him by Helaena. Daeron still held little Aena somewhat awkwardly on his lap, but your little girl didn’t seem fussed, only cooing happily as she gummed on a wooden spoon. It made your heart swell, and almost brought tears to your eyes. In another life, they could have been his children. But then they wouldn’t be Aemond’s, which would mean they would be different. And you wouldn’t change your life or children for anything. You’d give Daeron a child someday, you knew it.
“It’s why we named them so similar,” Helaena agreed. “I actually delayed naming Maelor when he was born until Y/N had Maenor and had named him. They were conceived on the same night, after all.”
You choked on your tea and Daeron almost dropped Aena. Aemond quickly scooped your daughter out of her uncle’s arms, having been hovering at the side. He was very protective of both your children, but especially Aena. She had him wrapped around her tiny fingers, even though Aemond would never admit that. He bounced her up and down and cooed at her to distract her from crying. She was smitten with her father so it was always an effective tactic.
“Helaena…” you whispered. Daeron didn’t know any of that yet!
She seemed to realise her error. “Oh. I’m sorry, Daeron. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I only meant that Y/N and I had fertile days around the same time.”
That didn’t help.
“Do you think either of you will have more children?” he asked quietly, looking awkwardly down at the floor. He prayed you’d say no.
Alas, Helaena continued. “I’m actually trying to conceive at the moment, so it’s fortunate you-”
You interrupted. “I’m sure I’ll have more children in the future. Aena isn’t quite one yet, so in a few months, mayhaps. Does that sound alright, Aemond?”
Your husband looked at you from kissing your daughter’s chubby cheeks. “I’m always happy to have children with you, my love. We practice often enough,” he winked at you, basking in how much Daeron physically cringed.
You blushed and dipped your head. What was happening with everyone today?
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That night was the first complete family dinner in over ten years, the King included. It was a lovely meal, it had filled your heart to finally be seated next to Daeron after so long apart, but there had been an undeniable tension in the room, coming off both Aemond and Daeron. Aemond had kept his hand firmly on your thigh the whole evening, not even moving it when food was served. He used his left hand to make your plate up, then his own, eating slowly with just his one hand. He barely said a word beside you as you caught up with your beloved twin.
After everyone was finished and conversation had lasted well into the evening, you all dispersed back to your rooms. Aegon and Helaena came in to yours and Aemond’s rooms via their usual passage, and you poured the three of them some wine. You had drunk enough for the day, feeling tired and a little emotional after the long day. Aegon and Helaena sat on a sofa by the main fireplace, reclining back comfortably. Aemond stood by the fire, contemplative as he stared into the flames and took the occasional sip of his drink. You felt restless from the energy he was exuding, sitting delicately on the arm of an armchair.
“It’s nice to have Daeron home,” you offered to the room.
Helaena nodded. “It will be, when we all know each other again.”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
Aegon pitched in. “You have to admit, sister; Daeron’s been gone so long, he’s basically a stranger to us now.”
“No, he’s not!” you protested. “Don't say that, he’s our brother! He’s always been our brother. It wasn’t his fault he was sent away.”
He jokingly held his hands up in surrender. “I’m not saying it is. But we haven’t seen each other in a decade, and there’s only so much letter-writing can do. If I hadn’t known who he was when he arrived, I wouldn’t have recognised him.”
“Aegon is right,” Helaena concurred. “He’s a stranger now, but he won’t be soon. The dragon lost will be found again.”
Before you could get upset about your brother's and sister’s attitude towards your twin, Aegon spoke up again.
“Well, how funny is it that you want your little brother’s babies?” Aegon laughed good-naturedly to his wife. “I thought he was going to have a heart attack.”
Helaena just shrugged. “Well, you have three children already. Surely you wouldn’t begrudge Daeron a child with his sister?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t,” he smirked, looking at Aemond.
The three of you looked at Aemond, observing him as he just stood by the fire, wine cup in hand. “Fuck off, Aegon,” he grumbled.
Helaena paid no attention to his mood. “I think it would be nice if Y/N and I were both pregnant at the same time again, and especially if both babes were Daeron’s.” You looked at her beseechingly, silently begging her to stop talking. You could feel Aemond’s ire rising. He has never and would never hurt any of you, but his temper was infamous within the Keep. “Aegon has three children and, Aemond, you have two. Daeron doesn’t have any-”
“Because he’s been pissing away his years in Oldtown,” he snapped. He moved from the fire and practically threw himself into the armchair where you sat on the arm. He fisted the loose material at the back of your robe. He needed to be close to you and to squeeze something, but would never hurt you for it. “It’s not my fault he never came back to be with us. He has a dragon more than capable of flying from Oldtown to Kings Landing; he could have told Grandsire to get fucked and returned at any time. He chose not to; he chose to stay in Oldtown with those prissy Maesters and dusty books. It certainly doesn’t mean my wife owes him a child. You give him one if you want, sister, if you think it would be nice.”
“Let’s all change the subject,” you said softly, rubbing Aemond’s knee.
Aegon, rather drunk, had other ideas. “So how will we get him to join us? He’s been cooped up for years, after all. Doubt he’s ever seen a tit, let alone a cunt.”
You groaned, standing up. You took Aemond’s cup from his hand and drained it in one gulp. He didn’t even look bothered. You refilled it from the jug and handed it back to your husband. He lifted it slightly in thanks, drinking deeply. You had known Daeron’s return would disturb him, but you hadn’t thought it would be this bad.
“I think that can wait,” you said diplomatically. You couldn’t and wouldn’t hide your desire to have your twin join the four of you, but it wasn’t an urgent matter, and your husband was perturbed enough as it was. “Let’s all just get to know him again.”
Helaena frowned at you quizzically. “Have you not been desiring this for a long time, sister? You planned to be his wife growing up, not Aemond’s.”
That was Aemond’s final straw. He stood up abruptly, stormed over to his side of the bed and began angrily disrobing for bed.
Aegon and Helaena misinterpreted the action as an invitation, standing up and heading towards the bed.
You stood in front of them with a shake of your head. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Aegon shrugged. “Alright. Come on, dear wife. Away to bed for us.”
“Do you want to fuck my ass?” Helaena offered neutrally.
You heard Aegon reply as they headed back down the passageway to their own rooms. “You know I’ll never say no to that offer.”
You turned back to the bed, seeing Aemond already under the sheets, facing away from the room. You walked over to the bed, climbing on it from your side.
“Aemond?” you asked, kneeling behind him. He gave no response. You looked at his nightstand. His eyepatch lay on the dresser, but the dish where he stored his sapphire was empty. He hadn’t taken it out. “Aemond, sweetheart, you need to take out your eye,” you leant down and kissed his bicep. “You know it will hurt in the morning if you leave it in.”
Still silent, he removed his sapphire, placing it in the bowl.
Glad he had at least listened to you, you lay down behind him. You tucked yourself in as close as you could to him, wrapping your arm tightly around his waist from behind. “Aemond, I love you. You know that, don't you?”
Seconds ticked by and your heart pounded in your ears.
After what felt like an eternity, he took your hand and pulled it up, kissing the back. “I love you too.”
You considered it a success. “I'm so happy to be your wife.”
Aemond had to hold back tears. “I'm happy to be your husband.” Until you leave me.
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Chapter 4
@watercolorskyy @shesjustanothergeek @aemondsdelight @thelittleswanao3 @misspascalpunk @heavenly1927 @probablybraindamage @theoneepileptic
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multific · 1 year
New Home
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Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Summary: Ivar brought Hvitserk home.
Hvitserk was his only brother left, so upon hearing about the kidnapping of his brother, Ivar, the King of Kattegat found himself on a ship.
Leaving everything behind, to save his brother.
And being the victorious leader he was, Ivar was able to save Hvitserk.
"Why did you come to save me?" asked Hvitserk as the ship sailed.
"Would you rather stay in that Christian filled village? I am bringing you home, brother."
"I have heard many tales about your Ivar. How you became King and earned respect."
"That I did. And if you wish, after your healing, you can stay."
They soon arrived back, everything was as Hvitserk remembered, the only thing hanging was the people he saw, he could barely recognize everyone.
Then, they got to Ivar's house.
"I'm back!" Ivar yelled and Hvitserk reached for his knife when he heard footsteps approach.
"DADDY!!!" Hvitserk watched as two young girls rushed over to Ivar who was now sitting in a chair. Both telling stories of their days, jumping up and down.
"Father. You are back earlier than expected." a young boy, older than the girls stopped in his tracks as he saw Hvitserk. Now the girls also noticed him.
"This is my brother, your uncle, Hvitserk. Now be careful he requires some healing so be nice."
"Uncle?" one of the girls asked.
"Yes." Ivar confirmed. "These are my children. My eldest son Finn, my twins, Halla and Hella." introduced Ivar his children to his brother. "My wife is... where is your mother?"
"She is feeding Assur." replied Finn as Ivar nodded.
"My youngest, born only a couple weeks ago, Assur."
"You have this many children?" Hvitserk was seriously surprised.
"I would have more... but Y/N said four would be enough."
"Y/N?" Hvitserk was confused. The name did sound familiar but he wasn't sure how.
"I'm here. I'm here, girls go wash your hands, I'll put food on the table, Finn, love, help your sisters please." you arrived with your son in your arms as your other children listened. "Hvitserk, really nice to see you... you do look like shit. Eat with us. I'll call the healer over later." you smiled at Hvitserk as you walked over to Ivar, offering him his son and a kiss. "Welcome home."
"How is he?"
"Strong. Has been kicking all day." you replied as you started to set the table. Ivar looked at his son, grabbing his leg and pushing it back softly, only for the small man to push back against his palm.
Hvitserk stood stunned. Ivar was a smart man, this is exactly what he expected from his brother. Seeing him with children, who ran around.
"I'm-Congratulations brother. You have a nice family." Hvitserk finally walked further into the house, looking at his still sitting brother and the babe in his arms.
"Thank you," Ivar hoped this will give his brother another reason to stay.
"Say, Y/N, why does your name sound so familiar?" Hvitserk asked during supper.
"I used to be a shieldmaiden."
"Mummy was the best!" one of the girls, Hella, chimed in. Her twin nodded.
"I sure was. I met Ivar during a raid. We soon married and settled down."
Simple story really.
Hvitserk smiled as the boy sitting next to him looked shy.
"And so, Kattegat is thriving." Ivar nodded.
"Growing, new people moving in, the market is also growing greatly. I see merchants coming from far lands."
"Sounds like a dream."
"It is, and we are happy to live here. Kattegat is evergrowing and safe." you replied as you took a bite from your food.
After food, Hella and Halla thought it would be a good opportunity to show Hvitserk around their room, showing him the toys their father made as Finn also joined them, showing his room and belongings.
"My plan is working, Lovie." said Ivar as he hugged you, slowly pushing you against the wall.
"To have your brother back is something you longed for since I gave birth to Finn."
"I always wanted my family to be proud of me. My children and you are what I'm the proudest of." you smiled at Ivar before pulling him in for a short kiss before your youngest required your attention once more.
Ivar groaned as he watched you get the babe and placed him on your hip. You kissed his forehead and smiled as the babe giggled.
A sight Ivar would never be tired of.
You with your children.
The love of his life and the very thing born from the love you two shared.
Soon, he too had to leave as the girls wanted to show their uncle the animals in the woods.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @soleil-dor​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @praline357​​ @trshngyn​​ @avengers-r-us​​ @violet-19999​​
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scoops!robin x reader ask :)
i think it would be cute if the reader came to visit robin at scoops and steve (who doesn't know who the reader is) was manning the register and decides to flirt a little bit. cue robin in the back laughing to herself listening to this shit go down until she's had enough fun and basically goes "hey dingus that's my gf i always talk about" and steve's like :O
500 celebration yaaaayy!!
MY FIRST ROBIN WRITE!!! if this does well might write for her more and anyone could always send in asks for her.
pairing: robin buckley x fem!reader wc: 1K
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when your fifteen minute break started you headed over to scoops hoping to catch robin for just a few minutes. it’s great that you and your girlfriend work at Starcourt, but it sucks when your breaks can’t align.
you hurried away from the movie theater and down the escalator, squeezing past the gaps between people. it was a bit rude, but you were being as polite as possible just wanting to see robin’s smiling face and freckles cheeks.
when you walked into scoops and saw not a customer in sight it made you happy since robin wouldn’t need to end her break right away unless someone ringed the bell. there wasn’t a worker behind the counter so you pushed the saloon doors open without complaint and frozen at the sight before you.
instead of your gorgeous girlfriend sitting at the small table in the back room, steve harrington was leaning in a chair as he chomped on a banana, his cheeks puffing like a chipmunk. his brows scrunched in the middle and his mouth came to a pout as he spoke, muffled by his food, “wo re ou?”
“friend of robin.” playing it safe even if robin has told you how she teases him around and he isn’t a bully anymore. you weren’t sure what else he knows though since you haven’t gotten the time to really meet this ‘new steve’. “uh, where- where’s robin? was supposed to meet before she was off break.” wringing your hands together as a mindless tick.
steve chewed a few more times before swallowing harshly, “said she wanted to take a lap. getting too cooped up in the store.” he threw his empty peel onto the white table top. “don’t think we’ve met before.” his head tilted to the side, probably trying to recall your face or name.
you moved away from the door to lean your back into the counter, hands curling around the linoleum beside you. “well, i’m only friends with robin. haven’t gotten to really meet you, king steve.” using the high school nickname to poke a bit of understanding from you to him.
steve winched, “so we went to high school together, got it.” he rested all four chair legs on the floor to lean onto the table, “i don’t know what robin’s told you about myself while she’s been here, but i swear i’m not like that anymore. stopped hanging around tommy and carol since november of ‘83, basically babysit without pay, i work here and wear this stupid uniform. i’m no longer king steve.”
you were quiet, taking in all this information you kinda knew already but processing it in steve’s words. and then you couldn’t help giggling a little as you said, “the uniform definitely isn’t the most flattering for a guy like you.”
steve smiled and cocked a brow, “a guy like me?”
a shrug of your shoulders, “well it’s the hat. ruins your best feature obviously, steve the hair harrington.” being fully sarcastic, but steve straightened up and pointed a finger at you with enthusiasm, “thank you! i’ve been telling robin that for so long.”
and speaking of robin, she still wasn’t around and you did want to get something to eat. a quick look at your watch telling you seven minutes have gone by. you kissed your teeth, “uh, i gotta go get lunch. uh, if you see robin just tell her i stopped by and i’ll call her.”
moving back to the door before a squeak and steve’s voice stopped you, “wait, uh, i could give you an ice cream. on the house, if you’d like.” running a hand through his hair.
you couldn’t help the simple smile on your lips, “that’s nice, steve, but kinda want actual food in my stomach for the rest of my shift.” and robin gives you free ice cream anyway.
he waved you off, “well the offers on the house whenever. also, where do you work in the mall. think i’d notice if you were around.”
index finger landed on the name tag stuck on your bright blue shirt, “movie theater.”
steve nodded his head at the information as he sat a hand to his hip, “well, if you're ever free and want to hang out. you know where to find me.” a certain lilt to his voice that you picked up on, but thought nothing of. “i’ll keep that in mind, harrington.”
you pushed through the swinging doors and just a few steps into the lobby someone called your name, a female voice and it made your heart jump and cheeks ache with a tight smile. robin came rushing into the ice cream parlor, the wind pushing her blue vest back and her strawberry blonde highlights waved in the breeze.
you opened your arms wide and she came running in with her freckled limbs wrapping tight around your waist. her face nestling into your neck, “i’ve missed you,” came her muffled confession.
you giggled sweetly, arms snug over her shoulders, “and i’ve missed you. but i need food so i can't stay any longer. since somebody-“ leaning your head and body to peek at robin, “chose to go for a walk instead of waiting for their girlfriend.” whispering the last word in her ear.
robin groaned, “i’m sorry, but if you have to listen to soccer moms and crying kids all day you’d need a breather too.”
the two of you stayed wrapped together, swaying side to side with an invisible tune. then there was a squeaking of hinges so the two of you broke apart to see steve walking behind the counter. his sailor hat back on his head and his eyes looking between the two of you.
robin pulled you with her as she moved closer to the counter, “steve this is y/n, my special friend. y/n this is steve, the lady killer.”
and you had to suck in the laugh that wanted to burst at the sight of steve widening his eyes to golf balls at this news robin was presenting to him.
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nostalgicfun · 1 year
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When I was little—very little, so little that I was being pulled in a wagon for this story—I was out on a “walk” with my mom, which consisted of me running around at warp speed for half a block and then having to be pulled in a wagon. And at this particular point in the walk, my mom stumbled across something which as an adult is a pretty cool find: someone had left/lost a bunch of little pieces to the game “Cooties” along the road. 
Upon seeing this, she said, “Oh, look! Cooties!” and scooped them up to hand them to me. 
But I was, again, small and young and inexperienced in the world and all the “Cooties” it had to offer. I had never seen a Cooties game before. In my undeveloped little head, my mom was attempting to hand me a bunch of tiny dismembered limbs. And calling them cooties. I had no idea what was happening. But I did know it was scary, very scary. 
I remember crying and shying away and telling my mom I didn’t want to hold them, and the way she doubled down, insisting that I take the cooties. I didn’t have a very good grasp on mortality at this point in life but was aware that people were capable of being killed, and was convinced those cooties would give me actual cooties and that I’d die. So I covered my eyes and hid at the back of the wagon. 
The fact I would not take these tiny, dirty little game pieces she found along the road enraged my mother, for whatever reason, and I was scolded (loudly) and she refused to talk to me the rest of the way home, having declared that I would have to sit in the “time out chair” (my dad’s La-Z-Boy recliner) until my dad got home from work so he could punish me. 
Of course both my parents being mad at me was always the end of the world. 
It was about an hour and a half until my dad got home and I remember thinking he was going to make me touch the cooties and I’d die and be one of those zombies from “my Link game” (which is obviously what happens when someone dies). He came home, and I heard them exchanging words in the kitchen, and then he came into his dark office where I waited in his chair and turned on the lamp. 
“I heard you weren’t good on a walk with your mom today. What did you do?” I remember him asking sternly. I then proceeded to bawl. I don’t remember my wording but I did tell him about the cooties and how they were scary and I didn’t want to touch them. 
My dad’s face remains etched into my memory forever as if carved there in stone. This king of bikers, this military man with what seemed like a million deployments, trying to figure out what to do with his four year old daughter who was afraid of some dirty board game pieces her mom was trying to make her hold. 
He just said “okay then” and hugged me. I don’t remember what he said after, but basically that I wasn’t in trouble and to go play for a bit before dinner. I remember hearing him go into the kitchen and say “WHAT is your problem” to my mom, which looking back at this now as an adult is a good reaction that entire scenario. 
The next day he came home from work with a “Cooties” game.
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macadoodlewrites · 2 years
The Devil Doesn’t Bargain - Prologue (Peter Parker Mob AU)
Summary: Peter Parker is well on his way to taking over his adoptive father’s business – but with new threats emerging, Peter and Tony Stark decide that a deal between rivals needs to be brokered. A marriage proposal between enemies brings Hallie straight into the arms of Peter, and it won’t take her long to realise that escape will not be easy.
Warnings: kidnapping, drugging, dub-con behaviour, torture, smut, swearing
Ships: Peter Parker x OC
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Main Masterlist
The Devil Doesn’t Bargain Masterlist
Word Count: 1.2k
Being woken up by a banging on his door was not how Peter Parker wanted to start his Saturday morning; it wasn’t how he wanted to start any morning. Perhaps if the knocking had come from a woman - preferably naked - or someone holding a wad of cash for him, then he may have been less angry. But as he knew that the only people with access to the house were Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn or MJ Watson, he felt perfectly justified in yelling, “What the fuck do you want?”
It was Harry knocking. “Get your ass up, Tony wants you.”
“Well Tony can go fuck himself and come and see me if he wants me.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger, Pete,” Harry hollered back. “Just check your damn phone.”
Peter could hear Harry’s footsteps echoing in the hallway as he walked away, probably back to his own bedroom with MJ. If Tony had contacted Harry, it must be important - Tony was the leader of the Stark Mob, one of the most feared gangs in Northern America, and Peter was being groomed to take over the empire. He already had a name for himself as it was - a name that struck fear when mentioned - but he wanted Tony’s title.
Which meant for now, he answered Tony’s calls and messages when required.
Not that Peter didn’t respect Tony - quite the opposite. His parents and Uncle had died when he was ten, and since that day twelve years ago, Tony had inserted himself into his life as a surrogate father, and helped his Aunt May out with tuition, contacts, and practically raised him alongside her. May had been killed two years ago, and since then, Tony had adopted Peter only months before his twenty-first birthday, securing Peter’s place in his dynasty. 
He turned over, reaching across his king-sized bed for his phone. Four missed calls from Tony, and even one from Pepper. There was a text above all of the calls. 
Meet me at base. Now.
Within an hour, Peter was dressed in his usual attire - white dress shirt, black blazer, black trousers, an extremely overpriced watch, and cufflinks with his initials etched into them - and walking into the Stark base. No one bothered him as he went by, he was only given the occasional nod from some of the higher-ups. He didn’t return them. This was business, and his image as the cold, unapproachable, son of the boss was something that he had carefully crafted and wanted to keep. 
Tony’s office was to the back of the base, and Peter knocked as a courtesy before walking in. Tony was sat behind his large black granite desk in his cream leather chair , a stack of files in front of him. There was a large glass of brandy in his hand, and his hair was mussed-up, as if he had been running a hand through it. He barely glanced up as Peter walked in. 
Peter walked towards the side table next to the cream leather sofa, poured himself a glass of brandy from the glass tumbler, and then took a seat in front of Tony’s desk. 
“It’s nine in the morning, Tony. Little early to be drinking?”
Tony placed his own glass down on his desk and stared Peter down, his eyes tired behind his glasses. “I could say the same to you.”
Peter raised his glass in a mock-cheers. “Careful there, you almost sound like my father.” 
“I’m the closest thing you’ve got to one, kid,” replied Tony, but there was affection underlying his tone. “I have a job for you - a long term one. And you’ll need the boys and their skills to help you.” Peter, Harry and Ned were the perfect team, and Tony knew it. 
“Alright. Why the urgency?”
Peter watched as Tony downed the amber liquid in his glass and took in his appearance. Asides from his tired eyes and rumpled hair, his shirt was creased, the top button undone, and his tie was loose. This was not Tony Stark, leader of the most successful mob in Northern America, the commanding billionaire that the public feared. No, this was the rare Tony that only his family - including Peter - saw. 
“My house was broken into last night,” Tony said, and stood up to get himself another drink. Years of keeping control of his emotions was the only thing that stopped Peter from dropping his drink. “They nearly made it to mine and Pepper’s bedroom. Both Pepper and Morgan are fine, and in one of our other houses. I fired fifteen men this morning for incompetency and have had to check over every one of our cameras and security systems. We caught the men who broke in and they’re currently in interrogation.” Peter couldn’t help but snort. Interrogation meant that the intruders were dead men walking.
“How did they find your address? It’s not on any of our records,” Peter replied, leaning forwards. “The same as mine.”
“It looks like we may have a mole,” Tony explained, his glass nearly full. “But that’s not what concerns me. It’s the who.”
“And who were they?”
“Whittingham men. That was all of the information that we could find on them. They swallowed pills as soon as they were put into the interrogation room, so I have no idea if they were there to harm Pepper, kidnap my daughter, or kill me, but it won’t happen again.”
Gears were turning in Peter’s head. There weren’t many families that would dare put themselves in the same category as the Starks, but the Whittingham’s were one of them. Dominic Whittingham, the leader of their organisation had been locked in a rivalry with Tony for the better part of a decade. They were influential and powerful - clearly more powerful than Peter had estimated as they’d somehow broken into Tony’s house.
“What’s the job?” Peter asked. 
For the first time since entering the office, Tony smiled. He sipped from his drink and placed himself back at the desk, then slid three files over to Peter. 
He opened them. One was the file on Dominic Whittingham - Peter had read through it many times. Know thy enemy, and all that. Dominic was known for his wealth, his charitable contributions to society, and presented himself as a good man. To anyone on the flip side, in the depths of illegal activity as Peter and Tony were, Dominic was as crooked as they came.
The next was on Aiden Whittingham, the heir to the family legacy. He was essentially Peter’s twin, on the other side of the game, the one groomed to take over eventually. Peter had also read through this file many times.
And the final one was on the daughter. Halston Whittingham. 
He knew this file well. It was much smaller than her father’s and brother’s. As far as anyone was aware, she had no dealings in the family business, no hand in any illegal activity. She was a socialite, she attended events for charities, cut ribbons at ceremonies, appeared in magazine covers for her style and family name, and had a reputation as innocent as her father’s was blackened. 
Peter had also done his own separate research on her before, pitched ideas to Tony...
“Tony,” Peter started, staring down at the picture attached to the file. A pretty blonde, smiling widely into the camera. “Why am I looking at her file? What is the job?”
Tony leaned forwards; hands clasped as he leaned on his desk. “It involves Miss Whittingham, Peter...”
Let me know if you would like to be tagged for updates!
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manonblaqkbeak · 2 years
Our Little Librarian
hello everyone, long time no see!!! this is my first fic written since march (!!!!) thanks to the fact that i’ve had the biggest reading and writing block for ages now, but seeing everyone upload stories for rowaelin month motivated me to write a fic of my own. hopefully i’ll be able to put aside some time to read all your fics before work gets too crazy with christmas (the joys of working retail lol).
anyhoo, this is for Day 12: Rowaelin in the library Rowan gifted Aelin. it’s nothing but fluff which i hope you enjoy! 
cw: pregnancy
It was half past two in the morning when Rowan woke suddenly, the open balcony doors letting in the fresh spring air. Sitting up, he examined his surroundings.
Norrin was sound asleep in his room across from his and Aelin's chambers, and he did not hear anything coming down the hall from Elentiya's bedroom.
It was his mates snoring that was absent, and her warmth.
Aelin often suffered from sleepless nights during her pregnancies and with their third child only two months away from being born, his Fireheart was getting less and less sleep lately.
But he knew that there would only be a few places she would be at this time of night—if she wasn't in the children's chambers, then she would either be in the kitchen making a feast (and an even bigger mess) or the library.
Lately, he had been finding her in the library, so he got out of bed and put on his slippers, checked on Norrin and once Rowan was satisfied that his son was sleeping peacefully and quietly, the King Consort left for the library.
It was one of Aelin's favourite places in the castle. And while the library was open to the public, she saw it as her place, her sanctuary, much like the Queen's Garden.
Although, truth be told, the Queen's Garden wasn't as peaceful as it used to be, not with two rambunctious toddlers that were half hellions and half angels (not that Rowan or Aelin would change anything about them—though they could live without the never ending trail of crumbs that followed them).
On silent, slippered feet Rowan made his way to the library, the scent of books both new and old making their way towards him as he stepped inside the magically lit up space, the swirls within the scones multiple shades of golds, reds and oranges.
Rowan heard Aelin's voice speaking softly, but he knew that she was talking to none other than her ever-growing belly as she often did during her pregnancies.
Rowan found his Queen within their special spot reserved only the for Queen and King of Terrasen, a space that Rowan had built with privacy in mind; the walls lined with built in shelves for Aelin and Rowan to have their favourites surrounding them, a midnight blue velvet sofa big enough for four stacked with pillows and blankets, a stained glass window to let in the sunlight, and a small wooden table with chairs. Aelin was often added more things to make it homely, the space often transforming to suit his mate's new found tastes and ideas.
The tension Rowan was unaware he was carrying, melted away when his eyes landed on Aelin. Her hair was braided away from her face, her Ashryver eyes dull thanks to the dark bags that marred her skin. Her hand glided up and down her belly, and the rest of her was covered with blankets and piled high against the pillows.
Rowan joined her on the sofa, lifting her legs and placing them in his lap. “What are you reading tonight?”
“Poetry,” she said, glancing at him, “all day the baby has been wanting me in here, reading what has to be the most droll poems I've ever come across. I think he's trying to convince me to give birth in here.”
Rowan smiled, a soft one that not many got to witness. “Our little librarian,” he said, it was their nickname for the third child, because ever since the cravings kicked in, Aelin didn't consume weird food combinations or body products (like the brief time during her second pregnancy, his mate had strangely wanted to eat chamomile soap), but had craved to read all manner of books all the time, no matter how many important meetings or events they had to go to—the library was where this baby wanted to be, and Aelin was more than happy to indulge him.
“Droll the poetry may be, but how is our little librarian taking to it?”
“He's loves it, since I've been reading nothing but the same book all night,” she said, a yawn escaping her as she finished. Rowan frowned as he really took in her dark circles, the slight stiffness in her shoulders as she absentmindedly fiddled with the book pages.
“Let's go to bed,” Rowan said, standing up and holding his hands out. Aelin placed the book at the end of the sofa and took his hands, the blankets falling to the ground in a graceless heap.
“That is a good idea,” Aelin agreed, nestling against her mate's side. “But when the babe kicks me awake because I've stopped reading to him, I'm blaming you.”
Rowan kissed Aelin's temple, breathing her in. “As long as you get a decent nights sleep, I'll take on any complaint you want to throw my way.”
“I'm keeping that in mind for the next thousand years, buzzard.” Aelin looked at him then, and smiled at the reminder of the blessed years that they were to have.
Rowan kissed her then, his free hand on her belly, as joy flowed through them both.
“To whatever end, Fireheart,” he said against her lips.
“To whatever end, buzzard,” Aelin said laughing as Rowan nipped her lips, and planted dozen of kisses up her glowing face.
That glowed remained for the reminder of the night and day, and shone even brighter when two months later she held their third son in her arms for the first time, Rowan's pine green eyes bright with love and adoration.
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scrip-doodles · 2 years
Nightmare and his baby gang Chapter 4
Hi! New chapter of Nightmare and his baby gang on Tumblr! Hope you will like it!
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Cross had been awakened by an insulting scream like when people hurt themself by accident. Curious about it he woke his brothers up so they could come with him to see the source of the scream together. He was pretty sure it was Mister’s voice but Mister was never hurt so it was weird, well he never got hurt at home. It was another story when he was outside.
“Hey, wake up. I heard something” He said while pushing his brothers a little so that they awoke.
The ex-soldier only got some growls while Killer was muttering something incomprehensible, that he wanted to sleep more probably. Cross frowned and pushed him out of the bed which made Killer scream a little surprised by the sudden fall. The two others who were awake by the time laughed a little.
“Hey!! What was that for?!” Exclaimed Killer pretty angrily.
Cross just stuck his tongue at him before he ran for the door marking the start of a chase. Killer immediately followed Cross running to catch him while Dust helped Horror to get down off the bed safely before they could follow their brothers.
“GET BACK HERE CROSSY!!” Screamed Killer
Cross was happily running downstairs where the kitchen and living room were. Killer was coming closer so he tried to speed up but he tripped on the living room carpet and fall down. His pursuer jumped on him and proudly caught him, he tried to push him away but Killer kept his hold. Before they could even start an actual fight Nightmare came into the room, he looked pissed, he let some negativity around him so that they could sense it.
“Care to explain what is going on here.” Asked the king of negativity with a cold voice.
Dust and Horror had just entered when Nightmare was yelling at their brothers. Horror wanted to go see him but Dust hold him with him, he wanted to wait until the guardian was done with the fight.
“ Cross started it, Mister! He pushed me from the bed !”
“But you didn’t want to wake up! It’s your fault!”
“No, it’s not!”
Nightmare sighed and rubbed his eyes quite annoyed. Honestly, he didn’t really care about who started it, he just wanted some calm since he didn’t sleep at all and just got burned by a stupid pot and its hot milk.
“I don’t care. You have to be two to argue with each other. Now say sorry and everyone in the kitchen!”
Horror jumped on him for a hug and Nightmare flinched a little by reflex. He quickly took him in his arms and gave Dust a tentacle so he could follow them into the kitchen. The kid took it with a big and shy smile, it was like holding a hand but more squishy.
Reluctantly Killer and Cross said sorry to each other and follow them into the kitchen where they could smell something sweet. On the table were four hot cocoa bowls and french toast with chocolate spread on it, there was also a mug with a dark liquid.
“Probably Mister coffee”, thought Killer.
Nightmare put Horror in one of the chairs and took his tentacle back letting Dust sit with the others. He waited that Cross and Killer sat and he let them all eat. The sparkles in Horror's eyes told him that it wasn’t that bad for one of his first tentatives for breakfast.
“ Okay so you’re going to change rooms, for now, I prepared a room for all of you. You will sleep together for now. I’ll show it to you later.”
The kids were nodding, this was better for them. Between sleeping alone in the dark and sleeping together in a new room there was no hesitation. They could make a better and bigger hut now!
“Once you finish eating I want you to try some clothes that I bring back from a raid last night, those you have are too much bigger for you. “
Dust and Cross had big smiles on their faces when he said that while Killer shrugged but Nightmare could sense some happiness in him well at least what Killer could feel which was closer to happiness. Horror was still eating peacefully and the guardian wasn’t sure that he heard him.
He let them eat and drank his black coffee, Error should be working on those bugs now, he hoped that the destroyer would find a solution soon or it was going to be difficult for the guardian to work.
It wasn’t really long before they finished eating, Nightmare took a towel and washed Horror’s face because it had chocolate everywhere. He look at Killer, Cross, and Dust but it seemed that they were fine and still clean.
“Alright wash your hands and you can go to the living room there should be a bag with all the clothes in there.”
Killer and Cross sprinted to the sink while Dust brought Horror there slower while Nightmare was cleaning the table. Once they were all ready Horror turned to him raising his arms toward him so Nightmare could take him in his arms again. Dust looked at him hesitantly and shyly raised his hand to him. Nightmare sighed took Horror in his arms and give the tentacle back to Dust he was also trying to walk slower for the kids to follow.
He grabbed the bag and opened it in front of his gang who were looking at it like it was full of gold. He pulled everything out and let them have fun. Killer seemed to like the black shirt with a sword on it while Cross was looking really happy with a fluffy hoodie that kinda looked like his old one. Horror and Dust were just next to Cross and the hoodie pile, Dust had a pink pastel hoodie that also got rabbit ears while Horror got a Shark hoodie but it was way too big for him.
“Horror this one is too big for you, you should try something smaller.”
The kid looked at him shocked like Nightmare said something horrible. The guardian tried to give him something that looked his size but Horror clung to the shark hoodie.
“No! I like it! I want to keep it, it has sharp teeth just like me!” Exclaimed the little kid slightly crying.
Killer, Cross, and Dust turned toward Horror, they didn’t really understand what was going on. Nightmare was trying to calm him down and listened to him but when Horror looked at him with tears in his eyes he couldn’t resist.
“Okay okay! You can keep it but I want you to try other clothes, you can’t just have a shark hoodie.”
Just after he said that Horror jumped on him for a hug and was thanking him. Nightmare moved him next to him with his tentacles and helped him choose clothes because if horror only chose the one he liked without checking the size this would be pointless.
It took them a while but a least now they all had decent clothes, now they even had pajamas. Now he just had to show them their new bedroom and put the new clothes into the chests of drawers.
With Horror in his arms, Dust, Killer, and Cross holding hands with his tentacles he was leading them to the new room of the mansion. Good thing he had tentacles by the way because they all wanted to hold his hand now and he only had two.
“Alright, here we are” Said Nightmare putting Horror down and taking back his tentacles.
They all entered their new room with stars in their eyes and were looking everywhere. The walls were dark purple with some dark blue in them and all over them were little stars and moons that looked like they would shine in the dark. In some places of the walls, they even were constellations too.
Two bunk beds made in light wood were there with their name on them, and there were stars on the sheets too! On the shelf, there were a lot of books, plushies, some art stuff, and even a moon-shaped light while on the ground there was a carpet shaped like a moon croissant. Nightmare put all the clothing inside the chests of drawers except of course those that his gang had on them.
Horror gasped when he saw a shark plushie, he was hugging it so hard when Mister gave him that Killer thought the plush would explode.
“So you like it? I can always change something if you don’t but if I remember well you all like stars.” Asked Nightmare when the kids were silent.
“No Mister it’s awesome!!” Exclaimed Cross and Killer at the same time with sparkles in their eyes. Nightmare smiled when they looked at him like that, it kinda made him feel at ease and that wasn’t unpleasant.
“You can call me Nightmare you know? Mister makes things a little weird for me now.”
Cross smiled feeling better than last night, things were getting better for them, they were home with Nightmare and all as happy as they could be. They could work with that.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Title: Lovely, Dark and Warm (7/15)
Fandom: K Project
External: AO3
Pairings: Sarumi
Ratings/Warnings: M
Summary: Totsuka Tatara was dead, Homra was certain of that. But rumors persisted, that he had been seen wandering the alleys of Shizume, with blood on his shirt and a mouth hanging open.
In retrospect, that was how every zombie apocalypse started, after all.
Notes: ...I swear I was going to use a more regular posting schedule, I really was.
Even as he ran through the darkness Kusanagi had a sinking feeling in his heart, as if he was already certain what they were going to find.
His phone had rang once and hung up before he could answer. It was Totsuka’s number though, and Anna had come downstairs with a face deathly pale and a shattered marble in her hand.
Totsuka…this better be a prank. Somehow he knew it, though. Totsuka wouldn’t play this sort of prank, not on Anna at least.
“Totsuka-san!” Yata’s shout rang out from the rooftop above and Kusanagi steeled himself as he finished climbing the fire escape, knowing what he would find.
—Or didn’t find. Yata was crouched alone on the rooftop in front of a pool of blood, turning a camcorder in his hands.
“Kusanagi-san.” Yata’s voice sounded thick, as if he was speaking through water. “Y-you think…he could be….maybe he’s just hurt? And someone got him to the hospital. Or…”
“I don’t know.” Kusanagi put a hand on Yata’s shoulder and gently took the camcorder from him. Kusanagi’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses and he nudged Yata to his feet. “But I bet this can tell us.”
Three nights later, after Homra had already begun their search for the so-called ‘Colorless King,’ was when the rumors started.
Totsuka Tatara had been seen, wandering through the backstreets and alleyways of Shizume, in clothes covered in blood.
“Have a seat, all of you.”
Yata scowled darkly at the Blue King as he was ushered into the room. After Munakata had shown up outside the rest of Scepter 4 had quickly surrounded him and the others and they had been herded like sheep back into Scepter 4’s underground headquarters. This time, however, he hadn’t been taken into a holding cell. Instead Munakata led them into what seemed to be an enormous conference room. Munakata settled himself at the head of a wide rectangular table, gesturing for the other four following him to sit. Yata made a ‘hmph’ noise in his throat, just to show he wasn’t happy about any of this, and threw himself haphazardly into the nearest chair.
He glanced back as the other three following him entered the room. Kuroh was stone-faced, hands white on his sword and not looking at anyone but Munakata as he settled into a chair, his back ramrod-straight. Shiro peered in nervously and sat down in a spot as far away from Yata as possible. Yata glared at him just to let him know that Yata hadn’t forgotten the score they had to settle. Neko hissed at him as she plopped down next to Shiro and pushed her chair close, grabbing tightly to his arm.
Lieutenant Awashima followed them in, accompanied by two more Scepter 4 members who were carrying the still-unconscious Fushimi. They laid him gently in an empty chair and Awashima issued a few quick orders to her subordinates before moving to stand behind Munakata.
Saruhiko… Yata’s eyes rested on his former friend. Fushimi had shown no sign of waking ever since he’d been injured but from what Yata could see he remained miraculously unharmed. The wound on his chest had healed with barely a scar.
“Um….?” Shiro raised a hand nervously. “Can I ask what���s happening, please?”
“Of course,” Munakata said pleasantly. “Allow to me introduce myself. My name in Munakata Reisi, the Blue King. And you are?”
“I-Isana Yashiro,” Shiro said weakly. Neko clutched him a bit harder and he put a hand around her shoulders. “Ah, and this is Neko.”
“A Strain,” Munakata said shrewdly, eyes glinting behind his glasses. He turned to look at Kuroh. “And you?”
“Yatogami Kuroh.” Kuroh stood and bowed. “My master was Miwa Ichigen, the Colorless King. He entrusted me with this message that I am to deliver to you.” Kuroh reached into his pack and held out a rolled-up scroll. Munakata gestured for Awashima to bring it to him.
“Miwa Ichigen…” Munakata said thoughtfully, eyes sweeping briefly over the contents of the scroll before stowing it away inside his coat. “That man’s power was precognition, was it not?”
“My master was able to see many things that I cannot,” Kuroh said shortly. His body tensed slightly. “Upon his death, he entreated me to make my way to this city, in hopes of mitigating the disaster that has befallen it. He also ordered me to seek out his successor, and if necessary to slay him with my own hands.” Kuroh’s eyes darted over to Shiro, who seemed to shrink back, and Kuroh’s hands tightened shakily over his sword.
“Then, Isana Yashiro-kun, you are the Colorless King?” Munakata shifted his gaze to Shiro, who waved his hands wildly.
“No, no!” Shiro insisted. “It’s all a big misunderstanding!”
“Then you did not murder Totsuka Tatara?” As Munakata spoke the name Yata stiffened angrily.
“No!” Shiro said quickly. He suddenly seemed to deflate slightly, staring down at his hands. “At least….I don’t think so. I-I don’t have any memories, so…”
“Shiro didn’t kill anyone!” Neko insisted. “Shiro is a good person! He wouldn’t kill anybody!”
“Oh? You have no memories?” Munakata leaned forward. “Then, Isana-kun, you truly do not know if you did or did not commit this murder?”
“I…I guess not.” Shiro gave a weak laugh and looked up at Kuroh, who tensed noticeably. “Are you going to kill me now?”
“There will be no need for that,” Munakata stated. He pressed a button and a screen suddenly appeared in the middle of the table. It showed an image of a tall, familiar-looking building.
“That’s—” Yata started and then stopped, remembering where he was.
“Mihashira Tower. Sanctuary of the Timeless Palace, and the Gold King,” Munakata confirmed, nodding. “Also the last known location of the Red King, Suoh Mikoto. And the hiding place of the Dresden Slate.” He looked over at Shiro, ignoring the others. “Do you know what that is?”
“Kuroh-kun told me a little,” Shiro said. “It’s…some kind of magical stone, right? That gives power to Kings?”
“Essentially.” Munakata pressed another button and the image changed again, to the picture of a man. Yata’s heart clenched as he recognized who it was. “This is Totsuka Tatara. A member of the Red clan, presumed murdered on the evening of December 7th. His body was never found, not even by the rest of his clan.” Munakata’s eyes slid briefly to Yata and then shifted back to Shiro as he pressed a button again, changing the image to that of a large airship. “That night, this airship — the Himmelreich, domain of the first and Silver King — crashed into the top floor of Mihashira Tower. What transpired there, no one knows. However, three days later, reports surfaced of Totsuka Tatara sighted wandering through Shizume City’s red light district. Shortly after these sightings occurred, they were followed by the first reports of a strange virus sweeping through the city, killing its victims and transforming them into inhuman monsters. Undead.”
“Zombies,” Yata snorted, because if there was on thing he was sick of it was this ‘undead’ bullshit. Zombies were zombies, after all.
“Zombies,” Munakata agreed, smiling in a way that made Yata wish he hadn’t spoken up. “It was not long after that the city became overrun. Many citizens attempted to escape but were stopped by a mysterious unseen barrier that has arisen around the entire city.” He glanced over at Kuroh. “You are aware of it, I presume?”
“I had difficulty entering the city due to it,” Kuroh confirmed. “I was able to trace its weakest point to the water surrounding Ashinaka High School.”
“Indeed,” Munakata said. “Scepter 4 has done extensive research on the barrier. I faced it myself, to see if it would bend under the pressure of a King. But when I approached it, I was able to realize something — that barrier was created by a power much like my own. No….it may in fact be my own. The Dresden Slate has been behaving in strange ways ever since that night of Totsuka Tatara’s murder and even my own powers have been unreliable.”
“Sir!” Awashima spoke up worriedly and Munakata held up a hand to silence her.
“I imagine you already know this?” Munakata’s gaze slid to Yata, who nodded.
“Y-yeah. My powers have been kinda on and off for a long time. Even Mikoto-san said…” Yata trailed off.
“In light of this, I have formed an interesting theory,” Munakata said. “Initially, I believed that the man in the video obtained by Homra — the man claiming to be the Colorless King — was able to, after committing the murder of Totsuka Tatara, somehow wrest control of the Himmelreich away from the Silver King. Once in charge of the airship, he was then able to assault the impenetrable fortress of the Gold King. At that point, he gained control of the Dresden Slate and something in the reaction of powers caused the undead — my apologies, zombie — outbreak in Shizume City. I expected that he was still hiding in that tower, letting his powers grow as the other Kings fall, one by one.” He turned his gaze back to Shiro. “So as I believe you can imagine, your presence here interests me greatly, Isana-kun.”
“But—but I’m not a King,” Shiro said. “I mean, I don’t remember being one, but…but still, Kings have great powers, right? Even without my memories, I think I would know if I had that.”
“But you do have powers, do you not?” Munakata glanced over at Fushimi’s prone form. “You are able to heal.”
“Only the damage done by zombies,” Shiro said. “And there are lots of people with strange powers in this place, aren’t there? Neko can make illusions, and she’s not a King either.” Shiro glanced at her and smiled thinly. “At least, I don’t think.”
“Yes, Strains,” Munakata agreed. “But it is a strange power, is it not, the ability to heal only what has been wounded by a zombie? This makes it all the more likely that you do indeed have some connection to the situation that is occurring here.” Munakata suddenly stood and walked over to where Fushimi lay. “Isana-kun, if you would please step this way?”
Shiro leaned his umbrella against his chair before giving Neko a quick look and pat on the head as he stood and went over to Munakata. Munakata was kneeling beside Fushimi, unwrapping the bandages from Fushimi’s left arm.
“Isana-kun. Do you think your powers could heal this?”
Yata leaned over to look at what Munakata was gesturing to. His eyes fell upon the wound and he felt fire course through him.
“You fucking bastard!” Yata spat out, jumping to his feet. “That’s—that’s a—”
“A zombie bite,” Munakata agreed, unruffled. “Sustained a month ago in a fight above.”
“You asshole…” Yata grit his teeth. “The fuck kind of King are you, letting your men get hurt! Saruhiko—Saruhiko could’ve been—”
“Are you concerned? Even when he has betrayed you?” Munakata’s tone was calm and Yata sat back down angrily.
“I-I don’t care,” he muttered darkly. “I just..don’t like guys who don’t take care of their own people, that’s all.” He paused as Munakata’s words suddenly sunk in. “Wait, a month ago? But—”
“Normally a wound such as this is fatal within a few hours,” Munakata said. He laid a hand over the wound and Yata could see a flash of blue emanating from his palm. “We were unable to formulate a cure from this. However, I have found that my power can help stave off the infection, for a time at least. As you can see, it has been growing worse.” Munakata ran a hand along Fushimi’s arm and Yata could see graying flesh and a wicked line of red slowly creeping its way up the entire arm. Munakata looked up at Shiro. “Well, Isana-kun? Can your powers heal a wound like this?”
“I-I’ve never tried,” Shiro admitted. “Not one this old, that’s been this way for so long…”
“Then perhaps you should try.”
Shiro swallowed nervously, casting a furtive glance around the room. Neko was leaning over the back of her chair, eyes bright as she stared at him. Shiro gave her a small wave, took a deep breath, and reached for Fushimi’s arm.
Silver light poured from his palm as he held it above the wound. Shiro winced slightly as the light grew hotter and brighter, then steeled himself and pressed his hand closer to the injury. The light reflected off Munakata’s glasses as the Blue King leaned forward, making a small sound of interest in his throat.
Slowly the skin began to knit back together, redness fading, color returning to the skin that had gone gray. At last there was only a small scar on pale white skin and Shiro fell back on his heels, panting slightly.
“Did it work?” Yata leaned forward to look closer despite himself.
“It appears so.” Munakata ran a hand along the unbroken skin. There was no sign of injury or infection. Suddenly Fushimi began to stir, sitting up with a groan.
“Ugh…Captain?” Fushimi gave Munakata a wary look and roughly pulled his arm away. Belatedly he seemed to realize that the bandage and the wound were both gone, and he looked down at his torn bloodstained shirt.
“Welcome back, Fushimi-kun.” Munakata smiled at him and Fushimi looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and hesitant suspicion. Munakata ignored him and immediately turned his attention back to Shiro. “Well done, Isana-kun. Do you feel any residual pain, Fushimi-kun?”
“I’m fine,” Fushimi said shortly, still staring at his arm as if it belonged to someone else. There was movement by the door as another Scepter 4 member peered in. Awashima walked over and spoke briefly with the newcomer in hushed tones. He handed her something and she brought it over to Fushimi.
“A change of clothes, Fushimi-kun.” She dropped the clothes into his lap and then switched her gaze to Munakata, bowing briefly. “Please excuse me for a moment.” Munakata nodded his assent and she left the room.
“You may sit now, Isana-kun,” Munakata gestured for Shiro to regain his seat as he stood and went back to his own spot at the head of the table. “Fushimi-kun, if you would stay here for a moment? I would like to hear from you as well.”
“Right, right.” Fushimi gave him a cold look and then began to remove his torn shirt. Yata found his eyes immediately drawn to the burned mess of skin on Fushimi’s chest, barely able to make out the smudged remains of the Homra tattoo. Fushimi caught his eye and glared, turning so that his back was to the table.
“So…does that mean I’m the Colorless King?” Shiro ventured weakly.
“That is indeed the question.” Munakata leaned a hand on his chin and then pressed another button on his console, returning the image to Mihashira Tower. “The powers of Kings are interesting things. They all manifest in separate ways depending on the color and all are granted by the Dresden Slate. When manifested in their fullest form, the Sword of Damocles will appear in the sky above the King. The Colorless King, however, is an something of an anomaly. A ‘joker,’ if you will. His power will manifest in different ways with each King. As I said before, the previous Colorless King had the power of precognition, yet even he was able to grant offensive powers to his clansmen. Is that not correct, Yatogami-kun?”
“That is true,” Kuroh said. “The powers given to me by my master were nowhere near as grand as his own.” He paused, considering. “So you believe Isana Yashiro to be a clansman of the Colorless King, perhaps? The clansman of a King whose powers have been set to evil in this city?” As he spoke he hands tightened on his sword again and Shiro looked down.
“Perhaps.” Munakata appeared to be about to say something more when Awashima appeared at the door.
“Excuse me, sir. I believe you need to see this.” She walked swiftly over to him and handed him a sheet of paper. Munakata took it from her and his eyes swept quickly over it, a slow smile forming on his face.
“I see.” He looked back up at the company, laying the paper on the desk. “It appears we have at last received some interesting news. Yata Misaki.” Yata stiffened as Munakata spoke his name and Fushimi’s gaze slid coldly over to him from where he was leaning against the far wall. “You accompanied Suoh Mikoto when the Red Clan attacked the Gold King’s stronghold. You entered the building with your King, yet managed to escape alone. However, you have no memory as to how, correct?”
“Yeah, so?” Yata crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Why the hell do you Blues keep asking about that?”
“As I have said before, I believe the key to saving this city lies in that building,” Munakata said. “When the plague overran this city and the main headquarters of Scepter 4 was destroyed, we were still able to maintain most of our systems in this emergency bunker. This network of information includes cameras scattered all around the city. As you may suspect, that is how we were able to locate your position some months ago.”
“W-wait, months?” Yata glanced quickly at Fushimi, who looked away.
“We chose to leave you be for some time, to be certain if you were truly alone,” Munakata continued. “But to return to the matter at hand. These cameras comprise a vast network that crosses all of Shizume City. There are only a handful of places we are unable to access — Ashinaka High School, for example, is beyond our borders. And one of our largest blind spots is the area directly surrounding Mihashira Tower.” He gestured to the image of the building hovering in front of them. “In order to defeat the King hiding in this tower — whichever King he may be, Silver, Gold, Colorless — we must first find a way in. All attempts at sending spies to this area have failed. Additionally, even Fushimi-kun has been unable to hack into the building’s systems in order to obtain a copy of its schematics. Without any way to research our enemy, we are doomed to failure. I had hoped that by capturing you we would be able to find a hint as to how we might enter the building. If you were able to exit the building safely, it is possible that the same method may be used as an entrance. However, in the absence of receiving answers from you, we have been searching for a different method.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Yata muttered.
“Kushina Anna. Her powers can see in places that even I cannot.”
“Anna?” Yata’s eyes widened. “That’s why you had Saru asking me where she was!” He snorted. “Like I would tell you assholes even if I knew. I’m not letting you use Anna as your pawn.”
“Oh? But you have no idea of her current location, do you?” Munakata said and Yata stiffened, irritated. Munakata pushed the papers closer to Yata. “Our search has been ongoing for some time. Recently, however, we seem to have reached a breakthrough. A beacon, encoded, transmitting through telephone frequency sent to Bar Homra.” Munakata smiled serenely. “We have, of course, been tapping the phone for some time.” Yata glared at him again and Munakata let it slide right off of him, as if Yata’s anger couldn’t so much as knock a hair out of place. Munakata gestured for Awashima to continue.
“After several days of work, we have located the source of the signal,” Awashima said. “We have narrowed it down to an apartment complex along the southern boulevard. We believe the originator to be Kusanagi Izumo.”
“Kusanagi-san?” Yata sat bolt upright in his chair. “You found Kusanagi-san?”
“From what we have decoded, we believe Kushina Anna to be accompanying him,” Munakata said. “If we can retrieve her, we may at last be able to begin our operation to retake this city.”
Yata fell back in his seat, barely hearing the Blue King’s words.
Kusanagi-san is alive. He felt a shiver run through his body. Anna too. Maybe even Kamamoto. They’re alive. I’m not— I’m not the last one of us, right? They’re still alive.
“Naturally we will need to send a team to retrieve them—” Munakata was cut off abruptly by the shrill keen of a warning siren as red light flooded the room. There was the sound like a muffled explosion and the room shook, rubble raining down from the ceiling. Fushimi immediately pushed off the wall, hand going to his sword.
“Sir!” The door opened and several Scepter 4 members all but fell inside. “At the main entrance, there’s--”
The screen on the desk suddenly sputtered and the image of Mihashira Tower changed, showing the familiar interior of the subway tunnels they were located in. Standing in front of the metal door was a girl, clearly dead, her neck half severed and her head hanging at odd angles. There was a fox mask covering her face, and Munakata made a small noise of recognition that made everyone glance at him. Beside her was an enormous zombie Strain pounding on the metal doorway. Everywhere its fists hit a small explosion formed, creating dents in the doorway. Behind her were the blurry silhouettes of hundreds of zombies, barely able to move in the cramped confines of the tunnel.
“Is this thing on?” the girl muttered, tapping at the camera she had apparently somehow hacked over. Her voice sounded odd, as if it wasn’t really coming from her, and her body was moving jerkily like a poorly-made puppet. “Hello, Blues! You can call me a messenger of the one and only King, the Colorless King! And just so you know, my orders here are to bring my team inside and kill every last one of you unless you do what I say.” She twirled around on one foot, laughing. “Hand over the Silver King, or everybody dies!”
She laughed as another explosion went off behind her, and then the screen went blank.
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Secrets Don’t Make Friends- Elrond Peredhil x OC
Elrond Peredhil x Iris Cricket
Description: Elrond is being very secretive about why their unexpected guests were in Rivendell.
Word Count: 2k
It had seemed like a normal day that morning. Elrond and Iris woke up together as usual, had a cup of tea and ate breakfast in his office, then went their separate ways afterwards. Iris had been asked by Erestor to help him with the organization of the Last Homely House’s library, something that they do every hundred years or so to keep things fresh.
They were nearly a week in, and they were beginning to get to the heavy lifting. Since Iris didn’t have the Elvish strength that most occupants of Rivendell possessed, she sought out Elladan and Elrohir’s help with moving the few bookcases that Erestor needed in a different place. That didn’t stop her from continuing to offer her help, instructing the Elves where to put the shelves. It had been an all day ordeal, beginning from the moment all four of them arrived at the library and ending when the sun showed signs of setting.
When they finally went their separate ways Iris chose to clean up and change into more comfortable clothes for dinner. She put a simple braid into her hair as she made her way to the court space, where she was told that her husband was with some rather strange guests. She’d been confused by the Elf maid’s words, but thanked her anyway and continued on.
It wasn’t until she’d arrived at the court that she understood what the Elf was talking about. A large Company consisting of sixteen rather rowdy Dwarves, an Elf and a Fairy all sat at a small table on one side of the plinth, which sat in the middle of the court. There was another taller table just a few feet away from the plinth which sat Elrond and none other than Gandalf the Gray. Her eyebrows shot up at the sight before her, though she had no time to say anything before the Wizard noticed her.
“Ah, Lady Iris, there you are,” he greeted with a kind smile, standing up. Elrond followed his lead afterwards, offering his wife a fond grin. Iris quickly wiped the surprise off her face and replaced it with a smile to match Elrond’s as she made her way over to them.
“Mithrandir,” she greeted the Wizard. Her hands fell in his as he looked her over.
“As radiant as ever, My Lady,” he complimented, which made her laugh softly.
“If you keep that up you’ll spoil me,” she teased in return before pulling him into a quick hug. Once they pulled away they became aware that their guests had quieted down. Upon looking at them they realized that all eyes were now on them, specifically Iris, which took her back for a moment. Elrond was quicker in breaking the silence because he walked around his table and linked Iris’ arm in his.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you all to my wife, Iris. Ilma (Starlight), I present to you the Company of Thorin Oakenshield,” he introduced, causing the Witch’s eyebrows to shoot up.
“Oakenshield?” She repeated, surprised, before facing the Dwarf in question. “So the rumors are true then?” Thorin looked rather disgruntled by her question (though she didn’t know why).
“It is confidential,” was his only answer. The girl was only further surprised by his lack of manners, but one look at her husband told her that would be the best that she would get out of the Dwarf King. So, she faced Thorin once again with a kind smile.
“Very well, then. It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty, and it is an honor to welcome you and your Company in our house,” she responded. Her sentiment got a miniscule smile out of him, and that was enough for her to take a seat when her husband pulled a chair out for her and be done with it.
She glanced at her husband with a questioning gaze once everyone was sitting again. All she was met with was a look from him that said that they’d talk later. Though she wasn’t exactly happy about it, she accepted it with the silent promise that he would keep his word later.
Later that evening, when the moon was high in the sky, she was on the search for her husband for the second time that day. Thorin’s Company were already in their rooms (likely asleep after a long journey) so they couldn’t offer her any aid, but she continued. After what felt like hours of searching she found him on a cliffside not far from the Last Homely House out of all places.
He wasn’t the only one there, however. Gandalf, Bilbo, Balin and Thorin were also in there, though it looked like whatever they were doing had wrapped up. The cliff was right beside one of the many waterfalls in the valley, so she couldn’t immediately hear what was being said, only the last bit.
“There are some who would not deem it wise,” Elrond said. There was a moment of silence as Thorin took some sort of map away from the Elf gruffly.
“What do you mean?” Gandalf asked.
“You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth,” Elrond answered simply before beginning to walk away from the group. He paused momentarily upon seeing his wife, but he offered her a small smile as he reached her.
“I am sorry to keep you up, meleth nin (my love). I just had some business to take care of,” he said before linking their arms together once again and beginning to lead her back to their chambers.
“What was all that about?” She inquired curiously.
“Nothing important,” he answered with a shrug.
“I mean, it must be at least a little important for you to have to come to the cliffside with our guests in secret,” Iris pointed out as they approached their chamber door.
“Iris, please,” the Lord sighed. “Let’s not talk about it tonight. Saruman and Lady Galadriel will be here in the morning and-”
“Wait, why are they coming here?” The woman stepped in front of him then stopped, causing him to stop as well. “Elrond, what is going on?”
“I do not want to talk about it tonight,” Elrond said in a firmer tone than Iris had been expecting, which made her freeze. He seemed to realize that snapping at her hurt her feelings because his eyes softened, and he sighed.
“Don’t,” she cut him off yet again, though this time she was upset. She turned and walked into their chambers and went straight to bed, not sparing another glance at her husband before she fell asleep. She was now even more confused, and the frustration about her being left in the dark didn’t help in the slightest. Something was obviously going on and Elrond wasn’t telling her what.
She was still irritated the next morning when she woke up so she chose to not have breakfast with her husband. Instead she chose to have it with the Company. They were much more happy this morning, having slept in comfortable beds with their bellies stuffed. That made for much better conversation. Though they still hadn’t told her about what their journey was for, they still told her about what they’d seen on the passage thus far. It was rather amusing, and Iris found herself enjoying their company.
Eventually, though, their time had to be cut short because she still needed to help Erestor in the library. So, she offered them her service should they request it, tell them that she would see them later, then left the court. It would only be an hour or so later that Lindir entered the library and informed her that the Company requested to see her. After excusing herself from the chief counselor she walked out to see Balin, Bofur, Pandora and Bilbo standing there with their bags packed and on their shoulders. The sight obviously surprised her, which in turn made the others laugh.
“Are you leaving already?” She asked.
“I’m afraid so, lassie,” Balin answered with an apologetic smile.
“We’re on a bit of a time crunch, you see,” Bofur added.
“We just thought it would be nice to say goodbye and thank you for all you and your husband have done for us,” the older Dwarf concluded.
“Oh, well I must say that I’m sad to see you all go so soon,” Iris said after finally gathering her thoughts. “But, I am glad that I got to meet all of you. I pray that your journey is as safe as it can be.”
“Thank you, Lady Iris,” Balin spoke. “Farewell, dear lady.” With that, the four of them bowed to her then began heading towards the front of the house. Iris and Lindir followed them, but stopped at the stop of the staircase to watch them be off. After watching them for a few minutes, Iris finally turned to the minstrel.
“You might want to inform my husband of the Dwarves’ departure,” she said softly. She watched as Lindir nodded then headed back inside. Once the door closed behind him, she turned to watch the Company leave. It was only when they were out of sight that she finally walked back inside.
Despite the fact that she hadn’t known them long, Iris still found herself slightly sad at their sudden departure. She’d grown comfortable around them during their very short visit and found their presence enjoyable. They were a funny bunch, especially that Bofur Dwarf, making her laugh every time he interacted with her. While her husband was being secretive, she found comfort in their guests. That’s why them taking their leave saddened her so much. She didn’t feel like working in the library anymore that day.
Iris ended up being in her bed chambers when her husband found her. She had been seated on one of the benches on the balcony connected to the room. The sun was beginning to set by that point, though her gaze was hardly on the colorful sky. Instead it was on the entrance of the valley that Thorin’s Company left in.
“You seem dismayed at their departure,” the Elf noted as he walked onto the balcony.
“Wonderful observation, Elrond,” she responded sarcastically, not looking back at him despite feeling his presence behind her.
“It surprises me that you’d grown so fond of the Dwarves so quickly,” he muttered as he took a seat beside her.
“Perhaps I find them so endearing because they don’t hide things from me like a certain Elf that I know,” she retorted, standing up before he’d even had a chance to fully sit down. She heard him sigh as her hands rested on the balcony’s rail.
“Please understand that I did not want to keep things from you,” Elrond said, also standing up now and walking closer to her. “It was a very confusing situation that we were put in last night. Even for someone like me, I needed time to process it and your questioning me about it became almost overwhelming. I just wanted a moment of silence after everything and the fact that Lady Galadriel and Saruman would be arriving in just a few hours only served to worsen my mood. I apologize for taking it out on you and keeping you in the dark, ilma nin (my starlight), I never meant to do that to you.”
As he finished his apology, one arm wrapped around her. Iris sighed softly, leaning into his touch subconsciously. A content feeling settled in her chest when she felt him press his lips to the crown of her head, an act of comfort he always offered her.
“You are forgiven, but I would like to know everything now,” she finally answered. She felt his lips form a smile against her head before he pulled away to nod.
“Very well, I can do that.”
Both Elrond and Iris were relatively peaceful people and they’re too old to just have petty fights like younger couples. But, that didn’t mean they didn’t have their fair share of disagreements. Thankfully they were able to solve things quickly.
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redinkofshame · 2 years
Another one! Keria meets with the King of Ferelden in her efforts to stop Fen'Harel.
Down in the Valley (or Meetings with the King: part 1)
Keria lurked in wait the dimly lit bedchamber. It was so large it practically echoed despite the lavish carpets that covered a considerable portion of the stone floor in an attempt to keep out the chill. Only a single candelabra was lit, set near the four-post bed, but she could see the entire space well enough thanks to her elven eyesight. It wasn’t opulent, not like the Orlesians, but it still definitely spoke of wealth.
She was sitting in a padded wooden chair at the desk she’d expected to find him at. She might’ve found him abed, too. Instead, she could hear splashing and off-key singing coming from the bathing chamber.
Her fingers itched to pull out a lyrium potion from her pack while she waited but she forced herself to ignore the urge, helping herself to a glass of the wine she’d spotted on a cabinet. The bottle was dusty; hopefully there wasn’t any darkspawn blood in it.
The bathchamber door burst open and out strolled a tall auburn-haired human with broad shoulders and a soft belly wearing a towel about his hips. She caught a glimpse of several scars, but was rather distracted by his dance moves.
“O! What are you doing, and where are you go-iiing? Your ponies need showing! The river is flow-iiiiing!,” he sang. With a hand grabbing a corner on either side he pulled open the towel and dried his butt by shaking it, his bits flapping in the breeze as he got to the chorus. “O! Tra-la-la-lally here down in the vall-ey!”
“So that’s why the humans think your family has holy blood,” she said, eyeing him pointedly. He was certainly a shower, but she only did it to throw him off guard. He startled, and she watched the way his eyes immediately found her at the desk, then swept the room; looking for threats, weapons, and escape routes no doubt. King Alistair Theirin’s warrior instincts were still rather sharp for coddled royalty. “I never understood the concept of ‘divine right’ before now. Though the singing leaves something to be desired.”
She watched his eyes move back to her and his gaze take in the missing arm she’d intentionally left visible, in case he didn’t immediately recognize her from their brief encounter in Red Cliffe, when she had taken the rebel mages off his hands. “Inquisitor Lavellan.” His jovial demeanor was gone. “Do my guards still live?”
Her heart swelled unexpectedly at that. She could tell from his tone that he didn’t ask because he wanted to know if there was any point in calling for help; he was worried about their safety. “Of course.”
He let out a breath, his evident relief belying his words. “Good. I get to fire them myself, then.”
“You could,” she agreed. Then she stood briefly and fade-stepped over to the edge of the bed and sat. “But it seems unfair to punish them when I came in through neither door nor window.”
“Neat trick. I suppose I can let them off with a warning. As you haven’t killed me yet I assume you have something to discuss.” Finally remembering he was naked, he muttered, “If you could just– ah– give me a moment…”
“If you must,” she said with exaggerated disappointment as he disappeared behind a dressing screen. It was amusing to watch him blush.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” came his muffled question.
“I need your help.”
He didn’t respond to that until he returned dressed in sleep pants and a dressing robe. He carried the desk chair to sit across from her position in his bed, near the candelabra. “This isn’t about the time you wrote to ask me to help you win back the Dales for the elves, is it?”
“No, I was only joking.” Mostly. Not missing the opportunity to remind him of her sway over the Emperor of Orlais, she added, “I’ve kept Gaspard from rattling his sword at you thus far, haven’t I? That would sort of defeat the purpose of all that negotiation.”
“Yes, I imagine so,” he hedged. “So this is about that… Other thing, then. The Inquisition’s Wolf.”
She nodded once. The nickname had been catching on. Not the worst one she’d heard for Solas. She quite missed Chuckles, though.
He let out a long breath. “I think it would be simpler to go to war over the Dales,” he grumbled. “Go on, then.”
“It’s not as bad as all that,” she assured him. “At least, I don’t think so. I need mabari. As many as you can get me.”
“Mabari? That shouldn’t be too difficult; the Ash Warriors still call themselves king’s men. I’ll–”
He cut off as she shook her head. “No good. They pair with their dogs, right? I can’t have humans in the mix. Or anyone other than dwarves, for that matter. It’s also probably best to have more than a one-on-one ratio. But there might be time for the Warriors to breed more…”
“Why dwarves?”
“Dwarves don’t dream.”
She watched as he took that in. Somberly, he replied, “It’s true what they say, then? He can catch you in your dreams?” After she nodded, he said, “Do you think that– I mean, I’m no dwarf…”
“Have you had any dreams of wolves, as of late?”
He shook his head. A lack of wolves didn’t really mean anything, but it seemed to make him feel batter. “I don’t think he has a reason to target you. So long as my visit here never leaves the room, he never should.”
“Unless he starts wondering about my new mabari obsession.”
She shrugged. “It’s a risk we have to take, unfortunately. Here–” She handed him an amulet bearing the symbol of the Inquisition that she and Dagna had enchanted for the purpose. She had a pocket full of them, actually. “This should protect you while you sleep.”
He took it, but he only looked at it, and her, skeptical.
“It’s not fool proof — in fact, if he does try to spy on you and senses the shield it will only raise his suspicions — but it should slow him down.”
He watched her longer still. She couldn’t read his thoughts, and tried to think of what she’d say if he asked what would happen next while Solas was ‘slowed down’, but in the end he pulled it on and tucked it beneath his robe.
“I’ll keep it hidden.”
“See that you do.”
Alistair sighed. “I’ll see what I can do about the dogs. There are bound to be dwarves among the Warriors. Anything else?”
“I’ll let you know.” She stood and moved to retrieve her pack.
Before she could Fade step away, though, he asked tentatively, “Is it… True, about you and him?”
She cleared the knot in her throat. Stupid, that such a simple question could instantly make her eyes prick. “He’s not what you think. He’s not what they make him out to be.” She could hear the pleading in her own voice.
“Riiiiight. That’s why you just asked me for an army.”
She bit her lips together. She’d defended him from the start, and she wasn’t about to stop now — but there was a certain kind of humiliation that came with it. She knew what people must think of her, heard the whispers about her denial. A silly woman still holding a torch for a bad man. She knew better, but she understood why they didn’t, and it left her unsure what to say.
She settled for, “He’s not what he makes himself out to be,” before reaching for a lyrium potion and stepping back into the Fade.
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quindolyn · 3 years
Yes, Sir || Remus Lupin
Request: If you’re comfortable writing it could you maybe write a Remus smut where he’s really playing into a size kink and just man handling and throwing you where he wants you? -anon
Word Count: 4410
Notes: Agh! This is my first time writing full fledged smut, I hope you enjoy it. @st0nesnglitter proof read it for me, I couldn’t bring myself to read it again so I attribute all errors to her 
Warnings: Smut, degradtion, size kink, thigh riding, sir kink, professor/student relationship, poorly written, openended cop out
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You were lying on your stomach, sprawled along Remus’ king size, four poster bed, face pressed up against a random book you’d plucked from his extensive collection, most of which appeared to have been swiped from the library during his time at Hogwarts. You were sure the book was interesting enough but you could barely focus on it, you’d been waiting for Remus in his bedroom for at least a few hours whilst he was downstairs in his office finishing up grading assignments from his 4th years. 
But it was getting late, and you wanted Remmy. Not allowing yourself to talk yourself out of what you were about to do you pushed your body off the plush mattress, not bothering to straighten out the bedding, if things went your way it’d be in vain.
You took a double take as you passed the floor length mirror. Examining your appearance you noticed your hair was mussed from lounging about his bed trying to find a comfortable reading position. Your uniform shirt was rolled up to your elbows with the top couple of buttons undone to reveal a healthy amount of cleavage accompanied by a glimpse of the white lace of your bra. Your skirt had ridden up dangerously high, the white material of your panties peeking out from the hem of the pretty much useless piece of clothing. You’d already abandoned your thigh highs, leaving your legs enticingly bare. A smirk graced your face as you pulled your skirt up even higher before continuing out the door, down the spiral staircase to your boyfriend’s office.
“Remus?” You rapped your knuckles against the heavy oak of the door.
You were met by the deep, honey like voice of your boyfriend, “Come in.”
Pushing the door open you took in the visual of Remus hunched over at his desk, the sleeves of his button up rolled similarly to yours as he ran a calloused hand through his hair. His desk covered in papers, his hand fiddling with his quill as his lips moved silently as he read. He hadn’t realized who was at his door until he lifted his head, scratching one final note onto the paper.
“Puppy?” He quirked an eyebrow, “I thought you were upstairs, are you going back to your dorm already? M’almost done I promise, just a couple left.”
“Not going back, just wanted to see you. Been waiting too long.”
He motioned you over with a crook of his finger, pushing his chair out from the desk, patting his thigh for you to sit on, “There you go Puppy, get comfortable.” His hands found their place on your waist, helping you settle on his thigh, allowing them to wander up and down your sides, squeezing your waist and hips. “Was my Puppy getting impatient, waiting for me upstairs?”
You nodded in response, your breath hitching as his fingers found their way to the waistband of your skirt, “Are these not fitting you anymore Poppet? Do we need to get you new ones?”
“No Sir,” You mewled, shivering as one hand left your waist band, instead finding their way to the hem of the skirt, now resting on the uppermost part of your thighs.
Remus let out a disagreeing hum, resting his chin on your shoulder, looking over your shoulder to watch his fingers play with the material of your skirt. “You sure Puppy? Because I don’t think so, it's not covering anything, anyone could take a look at your pretty little arse in one of these.” He punctuated his remark by bringing his hand down against your thigh, with no skirt to soften the blow you tensed at the impact before he began massaging the sensitive area with the palm of his hand. 
“Just came from upstairs Sir, no one saw me,” You reasoned in a pathetic whine causing him to grip your jaw in his hands. 
“Did I ask for excuses Bunny?” He spat, turning your visage to face him, his usually bright, sparkling irises now dark, drowned in lust. You whined out, trying and failing to shake your head in his tight grip. “Can’t even answer me? Come on I know you can be a good girl for me, now did I ask for excuses?”
You gulped, “No.”
He tsked, “No who?”
“No Sir,” You corrected yourself, feeling your panties begin to flood at his mocking behavior. 
Satisfied, he let go of your face, taking your hand in his so that your palms were pressed together highlighting the length of his fingers as they dwarfed yours. “Good girl, now was that so hard.”
“No, Sir,” You responded obediently.
His lack of response made you nervous, knowing he was plotting something probably devious. You knew you were right when you felt his lips on your neck, planting sloppy, open mouthed kisses on the delicate flesh that resided there. Your attempts to suppress your whimpers were in vain as he sunk his teeth into the side of your neck, leaving purple marks in his wake.
“Such pretty noises,” He murmured and from the sound of his voice you could tell he his lips were pulled into a gentle smile. Your breath hitched as his hands found their way to your thighs, gripping them tightly as he planted a kiss on one of the blossoming bruises on your neck. “Such pretty noises from such a pretty slut.”
You threw your head back onto his shoulder as small waves of pleasure rippled through your body, reveling in the feeling of his hands on your body.
“Alright pup, let’s get up okay?” It took you a second to truly digest his words resulting in him leaving a gentle, but firm tap against your hip to which you scrambled up to obey him, turning so that you were facing him where he was lounging in his chair. You couldn’t help but shift from foot to foot as his eyes roamed your body, taking in each detail of your appearance, grinning like an idiot when he went to the hem of your skirt, which really was useless now, completely bunched up at your waist.
“Can you take your shirt off for me?” He asked in a cloying tone of voice, almost as one would speak to a child when asking them to perform a difficult task.
Enthusiastically nodding your head you started on the button resting right between your cleavage, the work you made in your efforts was miniscule as it took more than a minute for you to undo the top button with your shaky hands and already cloudy mind not assisting in your efforts.
You felt yourself get increasingly frustrated as you failed to get a solid grip on the next button, the plastic evading your struggling fingertips. “You having trouble there bunny?” Remus’ deep baritone sounded from his chair, you lifted your face from staring intently at your shirt to Remus’, his amusement at your being unable to perform such a simple task evident on his face. 
“S’not my fault,” You complained, “Buttons are just so fuckin slippery!” You were exasperated, this shouldn’t be taking you this long.
“What was that?” All signs of previous amusement vanished from his voice, nearly taking you out at the knees as your soft, pleading eyes met his. He was fuming and it wasn’t until he spoke next that you realized why. “Did I say you could fucking swear you slut?” His voice was cold as his posture straightened itself out.
“No,” He said, not giving you the opportunity to respond for yourself, “I didn’t. I expected you to be my good little girl, didn’t think that was unreasonable, usually so obedient for me.”
“M’sorry,” You pleaded, your hands continuing to struggle with the small buttons, “Didn’t mean to break the rules Sir, just frustrated.”
“Did I say you could talk at all?” He spat, “No, I didn’t now stop breaking the rules, don’t want you to apologize, just want you to be good for me. Now come over here and let me help you with your shirt, fucking pathetic aren’t you?”
Knowing the question was rhetorical you didn’t bother responding, instead just taking the invitation to inch yourself towards Remus until you were standing between his open legs, your fingers still shaking, not yet having abandoned the buttons you’d failed to undo.
“Your hands are so small,” Remus mused, lifting one of his to pry yours away from the material of your shirt, “How do you even get things done with these little things, oh right,” He tightened his grip on you, “You don’t. Need me to take care of everything for you, can’t even take off your shirt. S’that right baby?”
“Yes Sir,” You murmured.
“Let’s get this off of you,” It took him half the time to undo the rest of the buttons and get the shirt off you that it took you to undo one button. Remus’ pants got considerably tighter taking in your appearance, your breasts clad in his favorite color on you. 
“I’d ask you to take off your skirt too but you need my help with that too don’t you puppy?”
You were quick to nod, desperately wanting to be naked as soon as possible knowing that the sooner Remus had access to your cunt the sooner you’d be feeling good. 
Opposite to the civil, careful approach he took in ridding you of your shirt, Remus quite literally tore your skirt from your waist, leaving your skin stinging at the aggression of his act. A blush creeped up your neck as your cunt pulsed at his action, watching him inspect the ruined material.
“How can you even wear something this small? It's so small, so short. What does it even cover? I wouldn’t even fit one of my thighs.” Ironically he took the time to carefully fold the skirt and set it on his desk before pulling you even closer to his body by your waist as if you weighed nothing. He splayed his hand out against your lower stomach, frowning as he watched the skin of your belly disappear underneath it. 
“So much prettier when I can see my cock inside of it, it's practically half your size puppy.” 
“Want your cock Sir, please give me your cock,” You pleaded shamelessly, gripping at his forearms.
“Beg,” He ordered simply and unwaveringly.
Not missing a beat you did exactly as he asked, and you begged, “Please Sir, please give me your cock, I need your cock. Feel so empty without it. Please Sir, make me feel good. I’ve been a good girl I promise.”
“You wouldn’t lie to me would you bunny?”
“No Sir, I would never lie to you.”
“Good,” He nodded approvingly before swiftly pulling you down so that you were on your knees before him, “You look so pretty on your knees, so easy to get you there for me, so obedient,” He murmured affectionately brushing a finger delicately across your cheekbone which already felt warm erupted into flame at his touch.
Wordlessly he started on undoing his belt, the distinct clink of the metal sending shockwaves through your body, your mouth began watering as he undid his zipper, pulling both his trousers and boxers down slowly, allowing his hardening cock to spring out against his stomach. 
You began to reach for his cock but quickly stopped yourself, looking up at him, blinking owlishly, “Sir, may I touch your cock?”
“Go ahead Puppy.”
As soon as he granted you permission you were on your calves, kneeling forward to take his cock in your hand which barely wrapped all the way around it, your fingertips only brushing each other as you pumped your hand up and down on his member. 
“Maybe your hands are good for something,” Remus growled, “So tiny but they can still pump cock can’t they?” His harsh words were contrasted by his delicate touch as he brushed hair from your perspiring forehead. Then threading his long, slender fingers through your hair they anchored themselves at the back of your head, using his leverage he tilted your head upwards to make eye contact. “You gonna wrap those pretty lips around my cock Princess? Make me feel good?”
Your answer came as you leaned forward, his hand not even needing to guide you into motion. You peaked just the tip of your tongue out between your teeth to kitten lick the head of his cock, lapping over the slit feeling the grip on the back of your head tighten.
“Don’t tease me Puppy,” He warned lowly.
Taking his threat at face value you licked a broad stripe up the underside of his cock, tracing a distinct vein that thrummed under your oral muscle. Breathing in deeply you sucked the tip of his cock in between your lips, looking up at him you saw his eyes clenched closed as he tried to refrain from bucking his hips up into your mouth. 
Working the entirety of his cock into your mouth you gagged as he hit the back of your throat, seeing that you were only half way down his now completely engorged member you willed your gag reflex to not get in the way of your mission as you forced him further down your throat. Feeling a few tears run down your face you wrapped your hands around the few inches that you couldn’t quite fit, working them up and down the sensitive, exposed skin.
“Such a good puppy,” He praised, “Taking my cock so far down your throat, can see it bulging in your throat. See,” He reached out, tracing his outline down your neck, “Right there, such a good little thing taking me in your mouth.”
As you bobbed your head up and down on his cock, hollowing your cheeks Remus let out a pornographic moan, god you loved when he was vocal. The sounds of his groans and grunts spurred you on, daring you to take him deeper into your mouth until your nose was finally nestled in his happy trail, brushing against his pubic bone, saliva making a mess of your lower face.
“Gonna cum Puppy, gonna cum down your throat, and you’re gonna swallow it all up for me like a good girl.”
He was right, he was about to cum and you could feel his balls starting to tighten, wanting to get him there you moaned around his cock which was still resting deep in your throat, his movements chafing your vocal cords. 
The vibrations of your moan sent Remus over the edge, causing him to buck uncontrollably into your mouth, triggering the gag reflex you’d been able to keep dormant up until then. As he came he let out a string of curses, allowing his head to tip backwards and rest languidly against the back of his chair.
You kept his cock in your mouth, swallowing each strand of cum he shot down your throat until he removed himself from you and letting his dick hang lazily in between his legs as he leaned down, melding his lips with yours.
“Did I make you feel good Sir, did I satisfy you?” 
He let out a dry laugh, nodding his head slowly as he already began to recover from his orgasm. “Yes, puppy, made me feel really good.” To your bewilderment he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before turning his chair back towards his desk, leaving you, mouth agape, trying to figure out what to say. He wasn’t really going to leave you like this, was he?
You were too confused to notice the subtle smirk pulling at his lips, he knew exactly what he was doing. He really did want to make you feel good, you’d made him feel so amazing just moments earlier and he wanted to reward you for that. But he was going to make you ask, like the good girl he knew you were.
“Yes, bunny?” He lilted, picking up his quill and dipping it into his pot of ink.
“I-I thought you were going to make me feel good Sir?” You asked, rubbing your thighs together, desperate for release.
“Is that how we ask, bunny?”
“No, Sir, I’m sorry. Please make me feel good,” You corrected yourself.
“That’s better,” He murmured approvingly, pushing his chair back out from his desk where he abandoned his quill, smearing ink on a random paper.
With a flick of his wrist you were getting up off your knees, standing submissively before him, you could now feel your slick on the inside of your thighs.
“Over here Poppet, on my thigh.” He helped you straddle his bare thigh, causing you to gasp at the mere sensation of him between your legs.
“You wanna cum? Then you can cum on my thigh while I finish up these papers, then when I’m done, if you’ve been a good girl I’ll fuck your little pussy.”
“O-okay Sir,” You nodded, beginning to thrust yourself against his thigh, the ridges rubbing deliciously against your soaked clit. It practically killed you as he went back to his work, the sound of his quill scratching against parchment nothing compared to the sound of his grunts as he destroyed your cunt. 
Remembering what was promised to you if you were a good girl and got yourself off on his thigh, you got back to work. Dragging your clit up and down his leg, you tortured yourself, not letting you go as fast as you desperately wanted to, knowing you’d get teased for being so needy and desperate. 
Throwing your arms around his neck you picked up your pace and feeling pleasure boil in the pit of your belly you tried to suppress a moan, knowing that good girls wouldn’t distract their Sirs while they tried to do work while at the same time letting their sluts get off. But despite your best efforts a soft moan escaped your red, swollen lips. 
“Keep quiet slut,” Remus scolded, the sound of quill to parchment not even pausing as he spoke to you, “Or you won’t get your reward.”
It was fate that you managed to remain quiet as you more closely approached your orgasm, you were so close the pleasure boiling in your stomach had you twitching as you shamelessly thrusted into Remus’ thigh, giving up on any pretenses of self control. You reached down to rub at your clit, desperate to tip over the edge of pleasure you were currently tip-toeing, but even while multitasking Remus was still the most observant person you’d ever met. Catching your hand before it ever made its way to your clit he squeezed it harshly.
“You know better than to touch what’s mine without asking Princess, come on slut, get yourself off on my thigh. You’re close, don’t even try to deny it.”
There was no correcting him as your climax washed over you at his command, sinking your teeth into his still clothed shoulder to muffle your scream as waves of pleasure crested through you, leaving you a shaking mess as cunt pulsed around nothing, still painfully empty.
You sighed, throwing your head onto Remus’ shoulder as he finally dropped his quill again and rested his hand on your back, rubbing it soothingly until coming to the clasp of your bra, expertly undoing it with one hand while the other anchored itself in your hair, pulling your head back to look you in the eyes.
“Aw, puppy don’t tell me you’re too fucked out already? Haven’t even given you my cock yet.”
“No, no Sir, m’not done, I can take more, I need more, please.” You begged unabashedly. 
That was all Remus needed before hooking his hands underneath your thighs and lifting you up into his arms. Shifting your weight to one arm he used the other to swipe the contents of his desk onto the floor, paying the sound of shattering glass no mind as he dropped you onto the desk. Your clothed bum hitting the unforgiving wood.
“Look at you,” Remus murmured, leaning back to take in your appearance, bare tits on display for him, legs clenched together hiding your closed pussy from his view. Sliding his hands between your closed legs he forced them apart, you putting up no resistance making it an easy feat for the werewolf. 
A simper graced his lips, now being able to take in the view of your clit, partially visible through the soaked material of your white panties. 
“So wet,” He mocked, reaching out a single finger to gently massage your clit, “So wet and I haven’t even touched you. How pathetic.”
Without warning, just as he did with your skirt, he tore your panties off your body, slightly less impressive now that you’d already seen him do it with much more substantial fabric, but still enough to send another gush of wetness to your cunt.
Lifting your bum up from the desk you allowed him to slip the waste of fabric out from beneath you. 
“You want me to fuck your cunt now puppy? You want my cock in you?” He taunted, pumping his hand up and down his cock, appraising your body, smiling as he took in his favorite sight in the world.
“Yes please Sir, need your cock, feel so empty without.”
“Course you do,” Quicker than you could comprehend what was happening Remus had abandoned his cock and instead had flipped you around so that your waist up pressed against the worn wood of the desk. You were forced to support yourself on your forearms as your legs dangled uselessly in the air, toes barely grazing the floor of his office. A chuckle in Remus’ low baritone sounded through the room, “So small your feet can’t even reach the floor, how adorable,” He accentuated his point with a slap to your arse, causing you to jolt forward.
“Sir,” You whined, “Please, I need you.”
“You think this little cunt can take my cock? So small, I might just break it.” He mused, pushing his index finger into you, smiling when your walls clenched around him. 
“No Sir, I promise I can take it. I’ve taken it before.”
“That you have Poppet,” He agreed, positioning himself behind you, you gasped, feeling the head of his cock trace your clit before he pushed the entirety of his length into your quivering hole, watching as you greedily sucked in all 9 inches of him.
“Fuck!” You swore, Remus’ rule slipping your mind as you lost yourself in pleasure.
“Don’t be a naughty whore (Y/N),” He warned, “Told you not to swear, didn’t I?” He questioned as he began to thrust into you unforgivingly, gripping your hips to stabilize you on the desk as without it you were uselessly sliding against the desk.
“I’m sorry!” You screamed as pleasure began to overwhelm you, with so little break between your last orgasm and the current ministrations on your pussy you were a whimpering mess.
“You should be,” He growled, leaning over you, bracing himself on his forearms to whisper in your year, “M’so good to you, least you could do is follow my rules. They’re not that strict.”
“They’re not!” You agreed as the new position allowed him to hit a new place inside you, intensifying your pleasure tenfold, if that was even possible at this point.
Gripping your hips and lifting them up slightly Remus increased his bruising pace, the combined sensations of his cock inside of you, his balls slapping against your clit, and you upper body rubbing against the desk had your eyes rolling back in your head as the pleasure began to overwhelm you.
At this point you were being fucked so thoroughly and ruthlessly that your feet weren’t even grazing the floor anymore, instead they were limp, hitting against the front of Remus’ desk as he supported your weight in his hands.
Remus was able to stretch you out like no one ever had before, to the point where pleasure bordered pain and the line between the two blurred to the point where you weren’t even sure if you knew what day of the week it was.
“What a little slut, if anyone came in right now they’d see you getting fucked by your professor,” You moaned at Remus’ filthy words which went directly to your cunt. “You’d like that though, my little exhibitionist.” Another smack to your bum was delivered as Remus lifted your lips even further into the air to reach new depths inside you. “Always so hungry for my cock aren’t you? Can’t go a single day without me filling this cunt of yours, can you?”
Your response was swallowed by a moan as Remus sped up his thrusts as his cock started to twitch inside you, causing you to clench your pussy around him.
“I’m close Sir, may I cum?” You pleaded, your voice shaking with the effort it was taking you to keep your orgasm at bay. 
“No,” He commanded through gritted teeth, “You’re not gonna cum until I say you can.”
“Ye-es, Sir.”
Remus growled as his thrusts stuttered, cumming inside you, rope after rope of thick cum painting your walls in his release. He stayed there inside you, leaning over you, your back pressed to his chest until he caught his breath. 
Pulling out of you he smiled, watching his cum drip from your cunt, “So pretty,” he murmured pushing a finger inside you and with it his release. 
“S-Sir?” You stuttered, not daring to move from your position until he said you could.
“Yes Puppy?”
“I didn’t cum.”
“You think I didn’t notice that? I’m not daft,” He shoved two fingers inside you, pumping them in and out viciously before completely pulling them out of your hole causing a pathetic whimper to escape your lips at the empty feeling that settled in the pit of your stomach where your pleasure still simmered.
“Feel so empty without something in there don’t you?”
“Yes, Sir.” 
“Get yourself up to my bedroom and when I get up there after I finish these last few papers I’ll make you cum over and over again Puppy.” With a light swat to your bum he zipped himself back into his pants but you were too desperate to move. “Now, before I change my mind.”
That got you up off his desk, darting up the stairs to his room where you laid dutifully on his bed, waiting for his arrival.
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts
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mindofharry · 3 years
Be My Baby
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In which Prince harry and Princess Y/N are set to marry and are more than happy about it. They celebrate in more ways than one.
AHHHH!!! ITS HERE!!! FINALLY! Prince harry is my guilty pleasure. pls treat him with the respect he deserves. these two are officially my favourite people ever.
fluff & FILTHY SMUT!!!!!! feedback is welcome as always! <3
“Princess Y/N is arriving soon, Harry” Anne, the queen of england said putting down her tea. Harry is the prince, next in line for the throne - Marriage is very important to the throne and for the throne. Anne has been very strict about that, preparing Harry for marriage. Princess Y/N of wales, is who Harry is meeting with today. Hopefully, to settle a deal. Harry has never cared for marriage or for a partner. He’s a lone wolf as his family would describe. But if he wants to be king, he needs to marry. And Y/N is looking like the only option at the moment.
Harry nodded putting the paper down and looking up at his mother. He pursed his lips leaning back in his seat.
“Is something the matter, dear?”
Harry shook his head “No, mother. Just tired” he lied, reassuring his mother. Anne didn’t press any further just got one of the servants to pour her more tea. She could read harry very well, she knew her son better than he knew himself. Y/N is perfect for him. Even if they do not marry, she will be a life long friend. But anne is sure they will marry within the year.
And Queen Anne is never wrong.
Y/N was late.
Harry was beginning to become bored, don’t get him wrong he loves his sister and mother. But he can only take so much. All he wanted to do was to be curled up with a book in the abandoned side of the castle - no one except for the young prince had been there. It was locked up for years before harry found the key, it was like a whole new world in there. It was dirty, messy, filthy - just how harry liked it. He decorated a room in there, and it’s like his safe place from all of this. All of these stupidly important responsibilities. His safe haven.
They were meant to be meeting, talking about their futures together. If his mother thought this was what was best for the country, then harry would push through. He hadn’t see Y/N in years, meeting when they were both much younger. No pressure, just the two kids playing in the fields. Y/N was beautiful, so care free. Harry wished he was like Y/N - the only think she seemed to care about were the moon, the sun and the stars. They never saw each other again after that, they have both obviously seen each other in papers and at events. But never talked. Y/N didn’t know why, neither did harry. They weren’t on the same chapter in life. But now, they’re both willing to do what is best for their country.
And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad marrying a soon to be king.
A servant comes into the dining room bowing at the styles family. Harry waits for him to speak - except a tall girl, bumps into him making the servant fall foward. Y/N (the tall girl) giggled, before clearing her throat and bowing at the styles family. Harry smirked and leaned back. Anne was standing a smile on her face as she saw her soon beaming for the first time in months.
“Your highness” Y/N said bowing, nearly falling down again. But she grinned covering it up. Her dress was long and tight - her mother made her wear it. She would much rather be in a nice flowy dress in the woods right now. Maybe reading about the sun. But her mother needed her to do this, so Y/N would.
Y/N’s father died a couple of months back, it was sudden and no one saw it coming. So her mother needed her to marry as Y/N is the oldest of four girls. They needed a man of the house and once Y/N married, harry would be that man. Y/N didn’t like that one bit. She could be the man of the house if she wanted to. She didn’t understand why they needed a man to pay for things, to do stuff for them. Women are just as capable. But there was no fighting with Y/N’s mother. And Y/N knew she was having a rough time without her husband and Y/N’s dad.
“Princess Y/N, it’s good to have you here” Anne said, as a servant helped her back into the seat. Y/N had the same treatment but she looked rather uncomfortable. She was seated infront of harry, which was glad of. It’s a nice view, she’ll admit. He had grown into his baby face, she thought. And that hair. Fuck, that hair.
“Thank you for inviting me, your highness” Y/N said smiling softly. “Your castle is amazing” She said and Anne nodded pointing around at the paintings. “I actually just got these new paintings in from a new artist in rome. Just beautiful, right harry?” Anne said, giving harry the look. His mother is giving him that look a lot recently, Anne just wants what is best for him and harry just doesn’t seem to care at all. It’s like he’s away from reality. In another universe half of the time. Anne was hoping Y/N would be able to bring him back down to earth, but from her entrance in here - Harry and Y/N are a lot more similar than she thought.
“Yeah, they’re beautiful” Harry said staring at the girl infront of him. Y/N blushed under his stare. She had never felt anything like this before for a man. Her stomach was in knots and her cheeks were getting hotter by the second.
The dinner was nice. It was quiet with Y/N trying to keep up the small talk - Anne was impressed with that. Everyone she had invited to the palace would only talk when spoken to, but Y/N had a certain way about her. She had manners of course, the kindest soul, but she talked. She could talk all day if she was allowed. She just never ran out of things to say. But the food was really good, so Y/N was quieter than usual. Harry had one question: did they feed her in the city? The way she was eating was like she had been starved for years.
“This is amazing” Y/N said putting her fork down. Anne grinned at the girl nodding to herself. She had found a keeper.
“Harry, why do you show Y/N around? She’s going to be staying here for the next couple of weeks” Anne announced and Y/N nearly choked on her water, she tapped her chest.
“I am?-“
“she is?”
Harry and Y/N both spoke at the same time, Anne tutted and ordered the servant to fill up her wine.
“Your mother and I have arranged it. Everything you have is here already, you’ll have your own quarters too. Your horse is being transported down here as we speak” Anne said making new room for arguing. “Y/N your mother said she would be happy for us to host you here if the dinner went accordingly. And i think it went more than accordingly” Anne continued sipping her wine.
Harry and Y/N looked to each other their eyes both wide with amusement and shock. Only their parents would do this.
“Now, run along. Gemma and I have some talking to do” Anne ordered, the servants came and helped the princess and prince up following them out of the dinning room. Y/N was rather uncomfortable with the servants being everywhere, she had a lot more freedom at home.
“Hey, you wanna do something fun?” She asked and harry raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Hey! Intruder” Y/N yelled and the servants looked around quickly, harry was startled when Y/N laughed loudly taking his hand in hers and running down the hallway towards the abandoned part of the castle. Harry grinned and laughed loudly as they ran together.
This girl, he thought.
The door was locked. Harry brought a key out of his pocket and Y/N laughed loudly making harry shush her as he unlocked the door. Quickly they made themselves into the abandoned quarters and giggled to themselves when they heard the servants feet making their way to this side of the castle - but immediately they turned away, knowing that they weren’t allowed on this side of the palace.
Harry was distracted with locking the door, but Y/N was amazed. She looked around at this place and couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her. This place is really fucking amazing, she thought. It’s obviously abandoned, that man she could tell - but it was still so beautiful. Paintings, upon paintings and books at every end. There was high ceilings and stained glass windows giving a nice hew to the room. Y/N brought her hands to her hips and spinned around her dress moving as she did.
“This place is fucking amazing!”
Harry laughed and finally got the door locked popping the key back in his pocket. He moved beside the beautiful girl and didn’t say anything. But Y/N knew.
“You come here often?” She asked and Harry nodded.
“Found it a couple years ago. Think it was my fathers” He said and Y/N sighed looking around.
“It’s beautiful” you’re beautiful, he wanted to say but he bit his lip instead walking in the direction of his safe haven. Y/N quickly caught up placing a hand on his, harry flinched at the touch. This definitely wasn’t allowed. If anyone saw they’d have to marry immediately. But nobody was here, he reminded himself. And with that he squeezed Y/N’s hand a little tighter.
Harry opened the door the room he had been coming to for years now. It had a few chairs, a huge window with curtains on each side, a fire place in the middle and blankets and pillows surrounding the room. Y/N smiled to herself as she saw harry become more himself. It was like this room allowed him to be himself.
“You come in here often?”
Harry nodded making himself comfortable on one of the pillows, Y/N soon followed sitting very close to the prince. Harry had no complaints at all.
“I come here most days. When i need to take a breath, escape my mother and the stupid royal family” Harry said and Y/N giggled leaning in to harry, their lips close.
“I can think of many ways we can escape reality. Why don’t we try one of them?”
Harry let out a sigh and placed his hand on Y/N shoulder, it fell down her arm to her waist. Harry had been with people before, he had kissed and pleasured many, many people. But never did he feel like this. He felt as if she was a goddess, and she would brake it the touch of his finger. She looked almost fragile, like a painting.
“Kiss me, Harry” She ordered and harry wasted no time, placing his lips on hers.
Her lips are soft and gentle, just as harry had expected. He moved his hands up her hips to her shoulders again, Y/N moaned letting harry's tongue into her mouth. Harry groaned and pulled away smirking at that flushed look on her face. He loved it.
Y/N bit her lip standing up, unzipping her dress. She turned around, the only thing she had was a small night dress and corset. Harry cursed under his breath standing up behind her. Everything felt so intimate. They both felt a lot of things, Y/N never wanted this to stop. Harry hugged her from behind, kissing the back of her neck. After a few seconds, Y/N turned around in his hold, holding his gaze. She began to take off her corset and night dress, now bare. She felt confident in Harry's glare, he made her feel good. He sucked in a breath looking down at her perky breasts, her nipples hard from the temperature of the room. He made a mental note to put the fire on after this, Harry knew you two would be in here for as long as you possibly could. He knew his mother would be beyond pissed that they had gone off alone together.
Harry placed a hand on Y/N’s breast, teasing her nipple with his index finger. His rings were cold on her skin making her whimper. Harry smirked at the sound, lowering his head and taking her nipple in his mouth his tongue swirling the nub of it. Y/N’s hands found harrys hair and she tugged on it hard.
“Fuck” She cursed and harry let go with a pop, again he smirked at the sight of the princess. So undone and flustered. Harry absolutely loved it. Holding her gaze, he began to undress unbuttoning his shirt and pants. Heat rushed to his penis, as Y/N watched him undress.
“Want to have you in my mouth” Y/N said, getting on her knees. She knew she would have bruises by the end of this - but she knew it would be worth.
“Don’t make me cum” Harry ordered, Y/N just smirked and pulled his underwear down almost drooling at the sight of his red, cock full of pre-cum. What a sight, she thought. And it’s fucking huge. Bigger than she thought that’s for sure.
She hummed, pumping harry’s rock hard cock. His head flew back, a moan filling the room. Harry wished her hair was pinned back, he needed some to grip. He took both of his hands and gripped the side of her head. Y/N spit on his cock, keeping eye contact with harry.
Y/N licked the tip, running her tongue over the slit, tasting the saltiness of his pre cum. Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“You taste so good” She moaned, finally taking his full cock into her mouth. Her hands began pumping the base of the shaft, as she sucked him off. Harry moaned, but tapped the side of her head.
“Need to be in you, no more foreplay” He said and Y/N pouted whipping her lips.
“But i like having you in my mouth” Y/N argued, harry smirked pecking her lips, tasting himself on them. He hummed in agreement. “Next time, let me fuck you” He said kissing her neck, Y/N sighed and placed her lips on his before crawling over to the fireplace - there was a white sheet layed out. Y/N lay down and harry kissed down her stomach, teasingly kissing her thighs. “You’re definitely wet enough for me, aren’t you princess?” Harry said slapping her pussy, Y/N moaned and nodded.
Slowly, harry thrusted into Y/N making them both whimper. “Fuck, you feel so good” Harry said, kissing your lips. Y/N just moaned, gripping his back and putting her legs around his waist. Harry began to move faster, his hands either side of Y/N.
“Faster” Y/N said and harry complied, pounding into her. The moans coming out of the both them were enough to make them both cum within seconds. And that’s basically what happened. They both climaxed, harry falling down into Y/N’s chest. Y/N only felt pleasure and ecstasy.
Shit, her mother picked a good one.
“Fuck” Y/N panted into harry’s mouth as he took against the wall. They were left alone for ten minutes, and this happened. They were looking at the new paintings and architecture Anne had got, browsing around the hall. Harry had convinced the servant that his mother was calling and of course the poor servant couldn’t dismiss it, so they had a good ten minutes while the servant searched for the queen.
Harry pounded into her the paintings on the wall knocking loudly, Y/N laughed loudly making harry put a hand over her mouth.
“Don’t want to attract any attention, do we princess?”
They continued their hot and very messy quicky and then made their way to the gardens. Y/N and harry soon found that the gardens would be another safe haven. Beautiful flowers and when the sun is shining a beautiful place to sit and relax.
They couldn’t wait to marry - seen as harry wants Y/N in his bed, all the time. They fuck like bunnies, it’s amazing how they haven’t been caught as of yet. When they get their own palace, harry will christen to the whole place. They’ll fuck in every corner. Every room. Every library and garden.
Y/N looked at harry smiling as he lay on the grass. No one was around as the servant hadn’t arrived back. Y/N quickly looked around before pulling harry into what she could only assume was a place to keep all the fruit and veg away from foxes. It was closed off and you could lock it from the inside.
“Jesus christ Y/N” Harry mumbled kissing your neck as you leaned back on a bench.
“Another round?” You asked with innocent eyes.
“Another round” Harry confirmed lifting up the bottom of her dress and pushing her down so she was flat on the bench. He kissed up her legs, biting down on her thigh.
He pulled up her night gown and saw her bare pussy, wet and glistening just waiting for him. He could cum at the sight. He moaned kissing her thigh, teasing her.
Y/N tugged at harry’s hair, giving him a warning. “Stop, teasing” She pouted and harry smirked finally making his way towards your pussy.
Y/N closed her eyes when she felt harrys breath against her core. “so wet, princess” Harry said, the vibrations going right through her body making her jerk up a little. Harry loved the affect he had on her, the littlest thing would make her jolt with pleasure.
Harry spread her legs a little more, his tongue licking up her slit. Y/N’s tugged on harry’s hair, moaning loudly. Harry watched her unfold becoming so flushed, but Y/N looked so very beautiful in this light.
He pressed his lips to your clit, flicking his tongue up and down. Your hips moved with his tongue movements, harrys hands made their way to your hips trying to get them to stay in place. You wrapped your legs around his shoulders and began to shake and moan.
“Fuck me” You murmured coming down from your high.
“Oh, i will princess”
The days went on and more fucking occurred. Again they fucked like absolute bunnies. They were sure everyone knew by now, but the servants were way too afraid to say anything. Anne would have everyone���s head if she found out what they were doing.
“I can’t wait to marry you” Harry said laying down beside her in their safe haven. Y/N smirked rolling over on her side. He was so beautiful. His eyes, his freckles, that one dimple that came out when he laughed. She was so lucky to call him hers.
“You just want to have me in your bed everyday” She said and harry pretended to think about. “Hmmm, yeah” He said, making Y/N laugh loudly before pecking his lips.
“Can’t believe you’re mine” Harry said pushing her into his chest. Y/N grinned pecking his neck and looking up at him.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Not so Innocent desires
Wolfstar x fem!reader
Warning : This is so filthy dear lord, explicit sexual content, Sub!fem reader, spanking, oral, innocence kink and I think that’s it
Just good ol fashioned smut
Summary : Turns out you Remus and Sirius want to treat you a certain way, it takes some special kind of convincing from your end though.
Word count : 3164
The lovely @fionanovasleftnut had a wonderful idea that I couldn’t resist writing about. I’m not sure with how this one turned out but I hope I did the idea justice. xXx
Being a family friend of the Weasleys had its perks. You always had someone to stick up for you, always had someone who could make you laugh, and you always had a home with them, wherever that may be. You had moved out on your own as soon as you graduated from Hogwarts, but it seemed that wasn’t the way to start your life as a young adult. The wizarding world was at war and Molly Weasley was insistent that one of her adopted daughters should not be defenseless living alone. 
You had tried to reassure her that you would be fine, you even approached your most likely allies.
“Fred, George please tell her I’ll be fine. You understand right?” They only chuckled at your cute pout and brushed your concerns aside.
So no. No one was willing to risk the parting of their lovely Y/N.
You were too kindhearted, too sweet, too pure. A ray of sunshine in these dark times, too precious to leave unprotected. 
You had been so angry at first, but your anger was soon turned into bashfulness as you were met by two very attractive men. Of course you knew Professor Lupin, he was your teacher and even now words from his mouth directed your way made heat rise to your face.
 Then there was Sirius Black. His long black hair framed his face perfectly. His stormy grey eyes made you completely weak at the knees. 
Everything about these two men left you flustered, Remus’s quick wit, Sirius’s hearty laugh, the knowing glances they’d share, Remus’s scars you just wanted to spend hours tracing, and Sirius’s ring clad fingers that tapped impatiently against the table. For being in Azkaban for 12 years his hands sure looked strong and capable. 
It was a blessing and a curse really. You got to admire two very attractive men, yet you couldn’t manage much more than bashful nods at times. That didn’t stop them from approaching you however. They were so kind and welcoming, so much so that you took up Sirius’s offer to stay there rather than at the Weasleys. He knew you valued your alone time and got anxious in large groups so he thought you’d appreciate your own room rather than crowding in with the Weasleys. It was all good and well.
Except for how often you found yourself rubbing your thighs together at night to ease some sort of tension. Nothing could stop the wetness that pooled in your underwear at the memory of Sirius clenching his jaw in anger as Snape talked, or the way Remus calmed him down by rubbing his hand up and down his thigh. So once again that night you found yourself with that familiar ache you just didn’t know how to satisfy on your own. Your fingers just weren’t good enough. You got up in a huff to get some water at an attempt to calm down. You slipped down the hallway silently, but the sound of a low moan coming from Sirius’s room stopped you in your tracks. The door was slightly ajar and although you knew you shouldn’t peek in, the dull throbbing of your clit convinced you to stay. You had to stifle your own moan at the sight in front of you. 
Sirius was sitting on the edge of his four poster king sized bed while Remus was on his knees between his legs jacking him off.
“Fuck Pads, how was it already this hard I’ve hardly touched you.”
“It’s not my fault! Blame Y/N with those stupid lips she bites. And her big doe eyes and and- fuck Moony that feels so good.” 
Remus grinned at the chance to tease Sirius.
“Not as good as Y/N would feel though right? Bet you’d love to have her little hands wrapped around your cock huh. Imagine if you got to stretch out her perfect little pussy. She’s so fucking innocent, so pure”
“I wanna ruin her god she’s pretty, but at the same time she’s so precious I don’t wanna taint her. She deserves something more gentle and sweet.”
“You’re certainly smitten aren’t you?”
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna fuck her to the brink of tears. Have you heard that cute little giggle? Imagine what her whines sound like. I just wanna watch as you wrap your big hands round her thro-”
“S’that what you want? You wanna make innocent little Y/N our cockslut. Wanna make her our needy puppy. Wonder how many times we could make her come with just our fingers.”
“Fuck Remus I’m gonna cum.”
“Yeah that’s right love, cum to the picture of fucking her mercilessly, her nails scratching down your back cause you’re fucking her so hard.”
You watched Sirius shudder while Remus’s face lit up in victory. You decided it was best to leave before they were no longer distracted. 
Well, that certainly didn’t make you any less riled up. Looks like they wanted you as much as you wanted them. You knew you’d have to put your shyness aside, but how on earth do you talk to someone about that. Yes, hello I find you two super hot and I’d just love it if you’d degrade me and throw me around thank you so much. Frankly you never knew you wanted that yourself until you heard the words fall from their lips with ease. You put your plan in motion as you traveled back to your room, praying it would work.
You were giddy when you woke up, anxious for the day that awaited you. You decided to wear a shirt that Remus had once complimented, suddenly much more aware of how it complimented your chest. You paired it with your shortest skirt and thigh high socks. You turned around and shoulder checked to appreciate yourself, knowing if you bent over too much anyone could see the white lace thong you had underneath.
You knew the order meeting was starting earlier than usual so you pranced down the stairs and were met with a dumbstruck Ron and Ginny.
“Blimey Y/N, who are you trying to shag?” He was instantly met with a slap by Ginny.
“Shut it Ron, don’t talk about Y/N like that you git. You look adorable.” She reassured.
You smiled sweetly at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks Gin, I’m gonna go get breakfast now.”
You swear you saw Remus and Sirius give a double take when you entered the kitchen. Pleased your plan was going well you continued into the next phase and sat between Fred and George casually as if your heart wasn’t racing a million miles an hour. Any laugh that the twins could pull from your lips were met with a hard stare from Sirius and Remus. Normally Remus could keep a calm disposition but you could notice the look of contempt in his eyes as his hand clenched the edge of the table. 
 You pushed your chair back and made your way to the sink. 
“Here Molly, let me help you clean up.”
“Thank you dear, you can just grab the dishes from the table love.” 
You made your way round the table and once you reached where your two admirers were you squeezed between them and bent over to grab the last plate, feeling your skirt ride up high enough to gain a sharp intake of breath from Sirius. 
“Sorry, it was just easier to get it this way.” 
You smiled to yourself as you helped Molly finish cleaning. Everything cycled out and everyone rearranged where they sat as they tidied up before the meeting began. You were thrilled at the chance to sit between Remus and Sirius now that everyone had moved. You leaned forward so you could rest your chin on your hand as Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke of the newest updates happening within the ministry. Fred and George would sometimes try to throw you off by making funny faces, but they were met by a hard glare by Remus which instantly simmered them down, while Sirius placed his arm around the back of your chair in a possessive manner. Welp, now was as good a time as ever to test the waters. You leaned back into your chair and crossed one leg over the other so your foot would brush against Sirius’s calf. He passed a glance, and you took a deep breath and moved it up and down his leg. You smirked at how you saw his hands clench and that spurred you on to lightly place your hand on Remus’s thigh.
“Y/N love, what are you doing exactly” Remus’s voice was shaky, like he was holding back.
Time to ice the cake.
“Nothing Remmy, I’m just being innocent little Y/N.”
Sirius’s head swerved at that one and you couldn’t help but notice the growing tent in his trousers.
It took forever for everyone to leave after the meeting. It took even longer to convince Molly that you were fine to stay here rather than go back to the burrow.
“Alright Y/N if you’re sure, but you know how to reach me if you need anything at all right?”
“Of course Molly.”
If she knew what you wanted these two men to do to you she would be dragging you by the ear out the door. But finally, finally she left.
Leaving you alone with two straight faced men whose expressions were unreadable. Remus was the first to break the silence. 
“Y/N, did you over hear our conversation last night”
You nodded, but Sirius wasn’t having it.
“Nuh uh, you’re gonna answer out loud for us pretty girl. You don’t get to tease us the way you do then act all shy now.”
“Yes, I heard.”
Remus returned to questioning you. “Yeah, and did you like what you heard?”
“I- I did.”
“Didn’t know you were such a naughty girl” Sirius chortled, “wish I would have known sooner.”
“I’m not naughty!”
“Oh yeah what makes you say that?”
“Cause I wanna be your good girl, please make me your good girl.”
Remus was hypnotised by the puppy dog eyes and pouty lips looking up at him.
“Shhh we’ve got you puppy, we just thought you’d want something more gentle.”
“No Remmy, I want you.”
“You can have me darling, let's go upstairs.”
He offered his hand to you and you took it eagerly, and began your journey upstairs, earning a chuckle from Sirius as you snatched his hand too on the way. As soon as you entered they had their hands on you, Sirius had you pressed against Remus as he was kissing your neck. 
“You sure you want this love?”
“Please Siri.”
“Alright pup, safe word is red okay? Any point you feel uncomfortable you tell us and we’ll stop immediately. Can you say it for me?” 
“Good girl,” Remus praised “Here, let's take all this off since it’s not covering much anyway.”
You nodded and lifted your arms for Remus while Sirius got on his knees to take off your skirt. He debated leaving the socks on, but he wanted you to feel every single thing so he took them off. Now last, but certainly not least. 
“As cute as these panties are, they're only in my way, can I take these off precious?”
“M Hmm.”
Remus was quite content to take off your bra and massage your breasts and nibble across your shoulders while Sirius continued his attempts to draw dirty words from your clean mouth.
“Baby, your pussy is so wet right now. Can I touch it, love?”
You spread your legs further for him as an invitation.
“Not here, our precious girl deserves to be comfy on the bed.” 
Remus sat against the headboard and motioned for you to follow suit between his thighs.
You practically skipped there, so excited for what was about to happen. You sat down with a quick plop and wiggled your hips to get more comfy, eyes wide as Sirius crawled up from the end of the bed to push your legs apart and gently trace your inner thighs with his forefinger.
“Tell me pup, have you ever touched yourself?”
You nodded bashfully, which Remus did not enjoy apparently as he lightly slapped your thigh with one hand while the other grabbed hold of your jaw to force your eyes onto Sirius fully.
“What did we say about speaking out loud pup, be a good girl.”
“Sorry Remmy, I got embarrassed, I do touch myself Siri”
Sirius grinned, “What makes you touch yourself sweet girl.”
“You, you and Moony do.” He relished in the whine that escaped your lips as he finally made contact with your aching clit, clearly he liked that answer.
“What do you imagine us doing to you pup.”
You moaned as his pace quickened. “Anything, anything you want.”
That’s when his tongue made contact on your clit instead. You jolted at the sudden change, but Remus was quick to hold you down.
“That feel good, sweetheart? I love Siri’s tongue too.” 
You could only throw your head back and mewl as Sirius’s tongue flicked faster and he added a finger to the mix, completely enthralled with how your entrance clenched around it desperately.
“Pads I think our pretty girl is gonna cum keep going. Has anyone ever made you feel this good puppy? Fred or George couldn’t make you feel like this could they?”
“No- no Remmy.”
“Wait till I get my turn love, go on and cum so I can make my pretty girl feel good too.”
Even Sirius’s tight grip on your thigh couldn’t keep you tethered as you released on his face. Bliss like you had never known overtook and it’s like you were hyper aware of every touch, every breath of theirs that fanned across your body, and every kiss that Remus awarded you with for being your lovely self.
And you couldn’t get enough of it.
Neither could Sirius as he leaned back to take in the view of the masterpiece he created. He loved how you had squirmed under his touch as he continued to thrust his fingers eagerly. 
He was feeling benevolent though and pulled out. Instead he took a firm grasp on your hair and pulled you on your hands and knees so you were eyelevel with his throbbing cock. 
Remus placed a couple of smacks on your ass now that it was exposed for him.
“What do you say to Pads for making you feel so good?”
Sirius wondered if you were aware how cute you looked with your owlish eyes oggling his long member.
“Thank you, Siri.”
“That’s right Puppy, now how about you return the favor.”
You just nodded obediently and stuck out your tongue, which only made Sirius growl even louder as he shoved his cock in your mouth. You tried your best to relax your throat but found yourself gagging at the surprise feeling of Remus’s head rubbing up and down your slick folds.
You arched your back and whimpered around Sirius’s cock and Remus got the message loud and clear. Slowly he inched his way inside groaning when your wet heat enveloped him completely. Once you were used to the feeling you wiggled your hips as a signal so he could move. The slow powerful thrusts of Remus made Sirius thrust through your perfect lips even faster at how the vibrations you emitted felt around his cock. His grip on your hair got even tighter.
“Fuck you feel so good puppy, such a good girl taking such good care of us. I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face, want me to cum all over your face, sweet girl?”
At the sound of your desperate whining he gave your face a few rough pats and yanked your head back. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you stuck your tongue out waiting patiently while he stroked his dick furiously. Finally he released on your face, but before you got the chance to think he was licking it up with wide stripes across your face before moving to kiss Remus. You glanced over your shoulder at the two most beautiful men you’d ever been blessed to see, and moaned as their teeth clashed in a hungry and needy kiss. They stopped in a pant and had their foreheads pressed together, grinning at your demands.
“Moony I think our good little puppy wants more attention.”
“Aw, is that so my needy angel. I can fix that for you.”
Quicker than you could count he had you flipped on your back and started fucking into you ruthlessly. His movements were filled with so much determination that every thrust was pushing you to the end of the bed until your back was hanging off the edge. He grabbed hold of your legs and swung them both over your shoulders so he could reach even newer sensitive spots inside you, completely captivated by how freely your tits bounced in this position.
“Rem- Remus I’m gonna cum.”
“No you’re not, you be our good girl and hold on a little longer.”
“Please I can’t take it.”
“If you wanna cum you beg for it then, since you can’t wait.”
“Please please, let me be your good girl, please let me cum you make me feel so good please.”
“Hear that Pads? Imagine if someone heard pure little Y/N acting as our desperate puppy. Okay darling you go ahead and make a mess on my cock baby.”
A wave of euphoria rushed over you as you hung there and took every slam that came your way. The bliss however quickly became too much as your legs wriggled to find your escape from his strong grasp. He just grunted and let you slide into a heap on the floor. He swept to the side of the bed and around to where you were and hoisted you back on the bed so you were on your stomach and your legs hung off the edge. He pressed his hand to your back to firmly hold you in place.
“Angel you begged for this, now you’re gonna take it, yeah?”
He returned to his prior animalistic pace that summoned tears to roll down your cheeks. 
Sirius started petting your head lovingly “It’s okay love, you’re being such a good girl for Moony and I. You look so gorgeous with those tears all fucked out.”
He continued to comfort you and press kisses to your hairline until finally Remus reached satisfaction with his brutal attack on your tight hole.
“Fuck, Y/N I’m gonna cum”
He pulled out swiftly and his hips found their way to Sirius’s hungry lips. It was such a beautiful sight, but your voice made and audible whine before you could control yourself.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, thought you wanted me to stop.”
“Wanted your cum, wanted you to cum in me Remmy.”
“We’ve got plenty of time to make that happen precious girl.”
Hmmm yeah I’m not sure how I feel about this one, but I hope y’all enjoy my lovelies <3
@thotbutpurple @quindolyn @sunny-bunnny
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙅𝙀𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙐𝙎𝙔 | 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙨 (18+)
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∘ request(s):
Ooh maybe edgy!karl teaching skateboarding :o. I’m also in uni and I remember my first frat party was quite interesting 😂 -🦋
ahhhh part four of your edgy karl was soooo good!!! could i get jealous karl? maybe someone else is hitting on the reader at a party
please please please more edgy!karl if u can. like maybe where him and reader get into a fight because he gets like jealous and he just shows the reader who they belong to fjsjjsj thankyouuu !! 🤍🪐 x
∘ pairing: edgy!Karl Jacobs x fm!reader
∘ warnings: nsfw (18+ minors dni), smut, light bdsm, jealous, somewhat toxic behavior, crude language, frat boys (again), mentions of masterbation, biting, domination, spanking
∘ word count: ~3200
∘ links: 𐐪 ao3 𐑂 𐐪 previous part 𐑂 𐐪 submit an edgy!karl edit 𐑂
a/n: not me having to watch daddy tony hawk tutorials for this bc I'm uncultured and only skateboarded for like three months when I was 14 :)))
thank you for all the requests (especially 🦋 ily). if any of you have ideas for what I should call this series, lemme know! as always, have a great week and happy reading :)
♡ ᵍᵉⁿᵉ
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The parking lot behind the campus union was barren. The morning dew in the air left a sweet smell to combine with Karl’s cologne as he walked beside you, his arm bumping yours as he listened to you nervously ramble on about one of your classes. You weren’t sure why, but the thought of falling on your ass in front of Karl terrified you more than anything. This man had degraded you and made you completely submit to him in the past, yet you were worried that not being able to master his ~craft~ would ruin his image of you. 
He dropped his skateboard, his feet settling on it lazily as he rolled beside you. You watched quietly as he stopped, kicking his foot down on the front of his board so it popped into his hand. “You won’t fall. I’ve got you,” he joshed, tugging on your hand so you were in front of him. 
He set the board down, his hands going to your hips as you stepped on it. His fingers dipped under the hem of your sweatshirt, your skin lighting up at his touch as if his hands belonged on you. “You look like an anemic Victorian boy. I don’t trust you as a safety net,” you grumbled, your hands covering his. You knew, roughly, how to skate from a middle school phase you had. Karl only promised to teach you a few tricks, but to say you were rusty would be an understatement. 
He chuckled darkly, nudging you closer to the middle of the board and peering over your shoulder to look at your stance. “I’ve fucked you without your feet touching the floor. I think I can catch you before you hit the ground, baby,” he chided, making you scoff. 
Your cheeks flushed with heat at his words. “Dirty, dirty boy,” you mumbled. He instructed you on how to kick the board up to where you needed it. His words were simple and almost plain like he knew you could figure it out. You attempted to push the board up, but crashed into Karl’s arms, your back thumping against his chest. 
He giggled slightly as he straightened you up, setting you back on the board as his foot kept it from rolling out from under you. His hands hovered over your hips again as he moved his foot, leaving you to balance on your own. “If you fall correctly, people will just think you were giving really good head,” he jested. You shoved his arms away at his words as he laughed at his own joke. 
You attempted a few more times and nearly had it down before Karl’s hands were on your hips again, giving you further instructions. You fought not to smile as his breath ghosted against your neck. You knew he cared about teaching you something that---on paper---was seemingly so easy, but his vulgar teasing was beginning to swarm your head. With his next steps set as your goal as well as the feeling of his hold on you, you kicked the board up and attempted to jump with it. While your brain was up to speed, your feet weren’t, sending the board out from beneath you and you to fall into its place. 
Karl snorted as choked back a laugh at you scrapping your hands on the concrete. “Come on, don’t be a pussy. Try again,” he chided, voice uneven and laced with whatever dark humor he was getting from watching you do this. 
You rolled your eyes playfully, letting him tug you up in front of him. As you wobbled on the board once again, you let his hands dig into your sides. Obviously, it seemed that he actually was worried about dropping you again, despite the fact that he was holding back some kind of sick laugh. “You would be great at teaching a kid how to ride a bike,” you quipped, the fact that he called you a pussy seeping into your mind. 
You gasped slightly as you slipped again, this time Karl’s arms wrapping around you tightly, pressing your body against his. “Awe, you want me to put a baby in you, pet?” He jeered with his lips near your ear. You shrugged out of his grip, breaking up your indecent thoughts at his comment. 
You could feel the heat rising to your ears as you balanced on his skateboard again. “Stop, you perv,” you deflected, hoping he couldn’t tell how hard you were having to bite back a smirk. 
After your skateboarding escapades, you sat typing away at your computer, Karl occasionally looking over his phone to peer at you. His legs were thrown lazily on either side of you as he stretched out on his pillows. 
An alarm went off on Karl��s phone, startling you in the process. He fought against smirking at your surprise as he sat up, crawling over to you. “Okay, I gave you two hours,” he stated, leaning forward to press his lips against yours and gently close your computer. The taste of him on your tongue was like a drug for you, leaving you constantly wanting more. 
You smirked into his kiss as your brain finally caught up with you. “I hope that document saved, asshole,” you groaned, pushing him back into his pillows as he chuckled at you. His fingers dragged up the length of your thighs, squeezing the flesh in his hands as you straddled him. “Fucking weirdo, timing me. Who are you, my dad?” You teased, pressing a kiss to his neck and digging your fingers into his hair. 
He moaned lowly, grinding against you. “Oh fuck yeah. Call me daddy,” he cantered. 
“No,” you answered simply. You sat up, reaching over to his top drawer in search of protection, but running your fingers over a lacy garment instead. Your brows knitted together as your gaze shot to the drawer, your underpants dangling from your finger. Karl tucked his hands behind his head, looking up at you nonchalantly as your mind flashed with memories of your time in the bathroom. 
Before you had the opportunity to ask him what he was still doing with them, his door popped open to reveal one of Karl’s roommates, his name beginning with a D but slipping your mind. “What are you guys doing in here?” He asked with a rather dopey smile, gesturing to Karl still between your legs. “Everyone’s downstairs, come on.” You and Karl shared a look as he left. 
You leaned back down to him, kissing him briefly before pressing your lips to his neck again. “Wanna come over instead?” You suggested softly, your lips ghosting over his ear. 
Karl loped down the stairs in front of you, a heavy layer of smoke hanging in the air above your heads. A mass of people crammed themselves together, finding solace in each other after the long week. If you weren’t so hung up on getting into Karl’s pants, you might have considered joining them. 
Before the two of you could reach the door, someone called out for Karl. Their voice boomed over the loudness of the music, making Karl wince slightly. His face flattened into a frown as “Todd” waved at the two of you. Karl took a few slugging steps to stand close enough to Todd’s group that they wouldn’t have to yell at each other. You settled your hand on Karl’s hip as you wrapped your hand around his waist, leaning against him. Todd’s eyes traced over you. 
He wet his lips. “You guys leaving already?” He asked, leaning back in his chair and accepting the joint offered to him. From an outsider’s perspective, he looked like the king of the castle. Luckily, you knew better. “Come on, play a game with us!” He suggested, patting the empty spot beside him. Even though you couldn’t see his face, you could tell Karl was rolling his eyes. “I got a seat warmed up for you, baby girl,” he nodded towards you. 
You perked an eyebrow in his direction and Karl slipped his hand into yours nonchalantly. “Thanks, but no,” Karl stated. 
“Come on, Karl. Don’t make me pull pin.” At Todd’s words, Karl groaned reluctantly, the sound barely audible. You furrowed your brows at him. “Fifteen minutes. We were gonna play Never Have I Ever.” 
You leaned towards Karl. “What’s pulling pin?” You mumbled. 
“Flexing rank,” he grunted back. He tugged you with him to join the group. Before you could sit down, Todd pulled you into the spot beside him. You laughed nervously, watching as Karl’s features darkened as he sat across from the two of you. Todd handed you a drink, which you took but avoided sipping out of. 
A boy beside Karl piped up. “Okay, so never have I ever graduated high school. My degree is literally fake.” The boy smiled before taking a drink, making you giggle slightly. Todd draped his arm around the back of the couch where you were sitting. He wasn’t touching you exactly but every ounce of his being was getting under Karl’s skin. 
Todd smugly shook his head. “No, Zeke. Those aren’t the rules. You have to say something that’s not true about you. Like…” he trailed off slightly, his gaze settling on you before his mouth twisted into a smirk. “Never have I ever slashed someone’s tires.” 
You humored him with a subtle smile as if to ask if he was serious. He gestured towards Karl, who took a drink. You bit back a grin. “Well, never have I ever masturbated to a girl my roommate’s sleeping with,” Karl retaliated. Your eyes grew wide, suddenly happy to watch the event unfold before you. 
Todd took a drink after glaring at Karl. He leaned closer to you, this time his arm dropped to pull you against his side. “Do you wanna take a turn?” You shook your head, flashing your eyes to Karl before looping your fingers with Todd’s. Karl chewed the inside of his cheek, looking like he was holding back another laugh. “Alright, I’ll go.” Todd brought your hand up to his lips, kissing your palm. “Ah, I know. Never have I ever betrayed the secret oath of the frat and called the police.” 
Karl took another sip, his eyes on you. “Yeah, because never have I ever set the house on fire trying to light a bong,” he answered, making you snort. 
You let your free hand settle on Todd’s knee. “Awe, I’d light your bong for you,” you chided, making Todd laugh as he took a drink. 
“I bet you could do a lot for me, Princess,” he flirted, his lips nearing your ear. You raised your eyebrows in Karl’s direction, who was sitting with his chin in his hand. His expression was darkly entertained as you flirted with Todd. “Speaking of,” Todd looked to Karl again. “Never have I ever fucked someone on my roommate’s bed,” he teased, tucking his nose in the crook of your neck. 
Karl smirked. “You’re right, you probably haven’t,” he stated simply, downing the rest of his drink. Todd tensed slightly beside you. Karl stood, ruffling the hair of one of the other Brothers that were in the group before holding his hand out for you to take. As the two of you left, you heard one of the guys whistle and say something about never having peed in a pool before. 
As the two of you left the house, you walked in time with Karl’s heavy steps, swinging your entwined hands as if you were completely oblivious. “I can’t believe I made you jealous,” you taunted. You could practically see the steam rolling off his shoulders as he opened the passenger car door for you. Before you could slip into the seat, Karl’s hand gripped the back of your neck, bringing you to press your lips roughly against his. He pinned you between him and the cool metal of the car as the taste of beer spread across your tongue. 
His fingers dug into your hips, his other hand tightening around your throat. The coolness of his tongue ring was a welcomed sensation as you attempted to find friction against his hips. Your fingers moved to close around his wrist as he pulled away, leaving you gasping for air. His face was expressionless as his gaze danced from your lips to your eyes. “I’m going to fuckin’ ruin you for the way you acted,” he ribbed, stepping away from you. 
You nearly slid down the side of the car at his words. “Okay,” you whispered, heat rising to your cheeks and ultimately to your core. 
Karl’s calm exterior followed you until you finally got your apartment door open. Karl pinned you against the wood of your bedroom door, reaching to twist the lock as his lips began to commandeer your own. His hands dragged up your thighs beneath your skirt, squeezing at the flesh roughly. He yanked your shirt off, grinding his hips up and against yours as his teeth moved to nip at the skin of your neck before returning to badger your lips. 
The taste of beer on his lips blended with your flavored chapstick as your tongue slipped into his mouth. In a mess of tugging and biting each other, your body melted into his rough grasp. You wanted whatever repercussions his twisted mind could come up with. You wanted him to do whatever he wanted to you. You fought against diving your hands into his jeans to beg him to continue, but he broke away from you as you fought to catch your breath. 
Your lips were buzzing as the feeling of him still lingered. He brought his hand up to your jaw, tipping your chin up to him. “Fucking slut,” the devil’s grin painted across his face before he continued, pressing his lips against yours once more, his grin dragging your bottom lip between his teeth. “You act like I don’t fucking own you,” he nearly growled, his face hovering over yours as his hand squeezed your throat. You moaned quietly as he regulated your breathing with his hand. You wanted to drink in his dark, commanding appearance. 
He pushed you back on the bed, making you instinctively crawl up towards the pillows. He smirked slightly, undoing his belt and slipping it into his hands. He put the garment on your bedside table. After tugging his shirt off, he was on top of you again, pushing you into the pillows and the fluffy comforter. Karl’s lips seared yours, showing you how much command he had over your body. He ground his hips against yours, the fabric of his jeans digging into you to elicit a moan echo from your mouth. You could feel his erection hardening against your leg, the tension deep within you tightening at the prospect of what he was going to do to you. 
His fingers tugged at your skirt, gripping the material in his fist and dragging it down your body as if it was nothing. He flipped you, your elbows crowding the pillows as you felt him sit on your back, snapping the belt in his hands again. You let out a short breath as Karl’s nails raked up your back before his fingers dipped in your hair, tugging your head back to look at him. “I want you to scream my name tonight,” he groaned. You obliged as he dropped his grip on you. 
He pulled your wrists between the bars of your headboard before binding you to the metal with his belt, yanking the leather to sinch against your skin. He dropped his head to press his lips against your shoulder, a tender nod of affection you knew would be the last. You leaned on your side to watch him sit back on his knees to unbutton his jeans. “Be gentle,” you leered, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth to fight your grin again as you watched him spit into his hand and stroke himself in preparation.
He chuckled. “I’ll take good care of you, sweetheart,” he murmured darkly through a smirk. He pulled your hips up and against his own, forcing your face into the mattress. Your hands tightened around the metal bars, as he angled himself at your entrance before driving himself into with an act of force you knew you deserved. A moan of his name slipped past your lips as his fingers dug into your hips, thrusting into you to drive himself deeper into you. “That’s right. I want the neighbors to know who’s fucking you,” he groaned, snapping his hips against yours. 
Moans of pure bliss escaped your lips as his head neared yours. Karl used your hips as leverage for his unwavering pace, leaving you a mess of pleasure beneath him. His lips found their way to your neck as he nipped against the sensitive skin. You wanted him to mark you, to claim you, and he deserved to. His hand from your hair became wrapped around your throat as he began to reach his peak. 
His hand slapped your ass with such force you knew there was a handprint, but you were too overwhelmed with the noises escaping his lips and your climax threatened to disobey your control to be concerned with the sting. If anything it threatened to push you over the edge. Your hands pulled against the leather of his belt as he pounded into you. 
Your toes began to curl as he leaned over you, his breath fanning against your shoulder as you bit back heavy moans of pleasure. Karl’s hand was knotted in your hair again, his other fisting the sheets beside you. “Who’s making you feel this good? Huh?” You moaned out his name as he punctuated his sentence with the thrusts of his hips. “That’s right, you fucking slut.” You tightened around him, your orgasm sweeping over you with an element of shock. 
You could practically hear Karl’s smirk as he moaned at the sight of you coming undone beneath him. He continued to ride you, finishing rather abruptly. He pressed his lips between your shoulder blades before loosening the belt around your wrists. Your back popped as you were finally able to move freely. He bit back a chuckle as you gingerly snuggled beneath the covers beside him. You slipped your hand across his torso, hugging his side against your chest as he rested an arm behind your head. 
As you laid your head on his chest, his heartbeat began to steady, his fingers lightly brushing against your skin. “I’d rather eat my own feet than sleep with Todd, you know,” you croaked, realizing just how much your voice was weakening, breaking the silence between the two of you. 
Karl chuckled softly. “Me too,” he commented, making you smile slightly. “I’m actually…” he paused slightly before continuing as if searching for what he wanted to say exactly. “I’m actually not sleeping with anyone else.” 
You couldn’t fight the smile spreading across your face. “I’m not either.” You hugged him tighter, letting his fingers twirl into your hair. “I’m good with you.” 
“I’m good with you, too,” he mirrored, a smirk evident in his voice as his other hand traced over the red marks on your wrists from his belt. 
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@mrwinemaker @madsbbg @idiotinnit @xxtakechancesxx
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