#was dunking on this dude all night
lilgynt · 1 month
i’ll say it baby sitting too drunk dudes is not fun hold ur liquor better
#personal#party was fun!! but everyone started doing 2 am drama by midnight it’s like#i bought an uber here. shake ass and drink.#no my buddy’s been through a lot it’s been a rough year for him#so i’m not too pressed and i get to rest my feet#but its like yup group is cutting off ur liquor bc ur hitting the wall while walking and he was cuddling into me like you feel nice#bitch duh.#we had a date once a few years again and this just killed anything left over#i don’t want to be mean but it was like 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️#i kept sitting him down and with him he would NOT drink water and after the 5fth running away i was like nah i just gotta go play beer pong#the whole party which was smaller was like alright let’s coordinate to care for this dude#it was my funny my friends boyfriend sat with me and was like sooooo who’s that 😏😏😏 and i was like oh no he’s just really drunk and we’re#worried and he was like lame. also remembered the story of the date and was like double lame#but i looked cute as fuck got a girls insta#was dunking on this dude all night#oh also i love just telling dudes to do shit#bc i know i them it’s fine to just be like hey another drink. hey set up beer pong kill urself publicly rn#i love telling random men i don’t know to kill themselves#also i had a miniskirt and corset and i was like i am in fact not bending down. get the ping pong ball#skirt had TWO slits#also a teeth night lots of teeth and bone jewelry#also this guy who wants to fuck me BAD was there and near the end my friend and i were BULLYING him#cause he was like i’m not gonna beg you to fuck me. which i told him no you do already#but he’s like i’m not gonna beg. unless we’re making content where i’m begging 🤓#king you got on all fours for me to sit down when there wasn’t chairs. you been begging#he tried to be like not that i care but what are you into?#i was like how much cash you got#my friends boyfriend was like he’s into getting that fucking green. yeah. duh.#anyway fun party night but i’ve said it before i’ll say it again i gotta stop partying with home depot people#WAIT!!! the non depot girls were sooo fun i had them pissing laughing
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backwzzds · 8 months
can we talk about how konig would be someone who’s quiet when he gets jealous…then when y’all get home he js absolutely goes HAMMMM….
the way i got so excited to write this…it’s actually way longer than i intended but idgaf! part 2 soon 😏
“papa, i don’t understand what i did wrong,” you’d frown at your man with an annoyed whine. könig, who was a whooping 6’10 would only give you a heavy grunt in response. you’d be on the way back to his car from the mall, dozens of your victoria’s secret and H&M bags held in his visibly large hand. the moment könig reached before you (with help of his tree-like long legs anyway), he opened the door for you, the balaclava on his face making his features ten times harder.
no matter how mad the big bear was at you—or more so, what you happened to get yourself involved in—he’d never disrespect you. anything other than sexually, at least. stepping on the custom made step for your smaller figure, you slide into the huge seat of his completely blacked out bmw suv, allowing him to shut the door behind you. you nearly jump at the visible shake of the car beneath your bottom.
you play with your curls as könig carefully sets your bags on the floor behind your seat. because his was set all the way back to accommodate for his long legs, your seat had the better amount of space for your things. when könig finally got back in the car, he immediately started it, causing the monsterous growl of his deleted muffler to come alive.
and he wouldn’t even break a sweat at you !!! you’re over here going over all your actions for the day, step by step, and all könig could think through his mind was what positions he was gonna force you in when you two got back home.
the sound of könig’s car matched the energy that was coursing through his veins. he know you didn’t do anything wrong; not intentionally at least. but the selfish ass part of him wanted nothing more than for your pretty little ass to sit in the passenger’s seat, overthinking on what the fuck you possibly could have done to rile him up this much.
the ride home is everlastingly silent as the small of your voice breaks the thick tension, “baby,” you don’t know how to further articulate your words. “i know you’re mad at me. i wanna fix it, but i can’t it you won’t talk to me. and you’ve been dead ass silent since we been in the mall.”
könig keeps his cool, though. he knew his silence was practically eating at you alive, shaming you with guilt for something you didn’t even intentionally mean to do. but with the way your pretty body sits in the black skims dress you’re in, accompanied by your black and white dunks—his eyes could practically frame your nipples right through the see through fabric, and he was sure that fucking doorman at victoria’s secret could have as well.
you keep talking. “was it the dude at VS? i swear, i made it very known that you were my man and—“ your words are endless blabber to him as the disgusting and pervasive thoughts cloud könig’s mind.
he looks so sexy in his balaclava, protecting his face from the harsh upcoming winter temperatures. he’s sported in an all black outfit, helplessly matching yours. anyone who saw you two together would automatically know that was your man. i mean duh, he walks around with his hand on your ass protectively 99% of the time.
when you get the sense that the brute isn’t listening to a fucking word you’re saying, you let out a frustrated sigh and turn your body away from him. but the sudden placement of a large hand on your knee takes you by surprise as you eye the man who’s ice blue eyes refuse to falter from the darkening road before you.
the moment könig pulls up in the driveway of your shared home, you can’t help but twiddle with the polish on your acrylics. anxiousness is bouncing off you, and könig could tell. you turn your head and open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off for the first time that night.
“go inside.” könig’s voice is very low, but you don’t miss the command in it. there’s no emotion behind the dark eyes of his balaclava. usually you could decipher exactly what and how he was feeling, but in the moment—
“kö—“ your boyfriend’s snow blue eyes harden at your talk back. with softer features, you whisper, “will you be inside?”
“soon. need to make a call first,” you watch him pull out a fresh cigar pack. “be ready for me when i get in.” you open your mouth to talk back again, but wire it shut when könig lovingly grabs your face. leaning in so the pink of his lips ghost over your full brown ones, he whispers, “now, mama. i won’t ask again. can you listen to that one thing for me?”
with a small gulp, you give him pretty doe eyes, feeling between your legs tingle at his masculinity radiating onto you. in the most confident voice you could muster up, you nod your pretty head at him. “yes daddy.”
könig gives you a nod of approval and runs his hand along the curve of your ass. “good girl. go on, liebling.”
you exit the huge car, already getting idea of what was to come when könig came back inside. with a heavy heart, you head upstairs to your room and slowly begin undressing, hoping that the slower you went, the more your punishment would be delayed.
your hopes were proven to be false the minute you were completely naked and turned around to see könig leaning against the threshold of the door, silently watching you.
you jump in fear at the sudden sight in front of you, but feel your heart beat calm down when könig strolled over to you. naturally, your head tilted backward as a way to get a full view of his face. his balaclava remained on, so you knew he was still upset about the events from earlier.
könig takes his large hand and rests it on your cheek, giving it a comforting rub. “you know i love you and respect you more than anything on this earth, right?” the brown of your skin instantly heat up at his words as you slowly nod your head at his sudden expression, unsure of where he was going with his words. könig’s lips can’t help but lightly turn upward into a small smile. you had no idea what was gonna come.
“good. because for today, libeling, i’m gonna fuck you like you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Dunk and Joong could have offered me anything in 2024, and I would have taken it, gladly, no questions because my ass is a Jaidee fan first and a human second. But to hand me The Heart Killers? Oh! Let me list all the reasons y'all gonna hate me when this comes out.
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Joong plays Khao's older brother
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Khaotung is older than Joong, but in BL Land that doesn't matter because Khao is playing the hopeless romantic little brother while Joong is playing his stern older brother. Someone already wrote it was 10 Things I Hate About You/The Taming of the Shrew, and Shakespeare would be thrilled to know one of his masterpieces is getting the queer treatment and it's not Twelfth Night.
Dunk is playing the crazy seducer
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Boy wants a car and is willing to go to great lengths to do it, including distracting some dude, so his buddy can play house with that dude's little brother. But the whole point is they had to find a guy who was crazy enough to accept the offer in the first place >insert Dunk's character< so the guy isn't just wanting the car. He is doing this for the thrill of getting tied up, stripped down, and threatened.
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And I respect that.
Jojo is apparently directing
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I wanna have beef with Jojo after Only Friends, then I look at his resume and remember this is the man who gave me puppy play in The Warp Effect, poly in 3 Will Be Free, and a chaotic stripper named Judo in Dirty Laundry PLUS the YinWar trailer for their Partner in Crime concert which has now lead to YinWar doing Jack & Joker, so as a vegetarian, I'm gonna be like Elsa and let that go.
Which means Rath is probably the cinematographer
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I don't give men compliments easily, so when I state that Cinematographer Rath has never disappointed me, I mean it. The man knows what he is doing, and if he is in on this series, I know if anything, it will be visually stunning.
First and Khao being the Beyonce of GMMTV
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I'm in Jaidee's corner always, but I have eyes and First and Khao could really do whatever they want and I'd eat it up. I have believed them with whomever they have been partnered with in the past, and if they want to play high schoolers in an oppressed school system or a banker willing to see his ex and his ex's new man just to flirt with the boy from the market, I'm buying the tickets, I'm sitting in the front row, and I'm holding up homemade posters. Basically, I'm shutting the fuck up and experiencing whatever they want me to experience.
First and Khao tears
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This is its own category because when they cry, they are in a league of their own. They claimed this series was going to be lighter than their previous work, but what is a First or Khao series without tears? I hope they are drinking water right now because someone is crying in this series, and JD's faces are already wet for other reasons.
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Not to objectify the man's body, but . . . it's a banger, and he has been done dirty by wardrobe for two solid years. His face card never declines. His arms are solid. His waist is snatched. His hair is perfect. Even Tay, New, and Jan were talking about him in the BTS for Peaceful Property because they were saying how New's character was based off of Dunk - pretty, fashionable, and COCKY! But wouldn't we all be that cocky if we were walking around looking like this?! Like shut up fives. A ten is speaking!
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It's high time that man got to stunt like Force always does just taking off his shirt for no reason. Good for him. And good for us.
Oh, yeah, and the plot
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Sorry, I mean the plot.
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You know what? Nah. I honestly do not give a fuck about the plot. Joong and Khao are hired killers. First is out to get them. Dunk gets involved (although, I think he knows a lot more than he leads on), and . . .
All will end well.
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Because if anything, Jojo ain't never been allergic to a happy ending *wink*
So just know this show hit its target audience
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radioisntdead · 1 month
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Impromptu naptime
Alastor x Sleepy reader, with always sleepy reader headcanons+ normal tired reader drabble
warnings: fluff, OOC Alastor I'm sleepy while writing this so uh, that's a warning
Good evening dearest readers! It's time for FLUFF!
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Sleepy you that falls asleep anywhere and everywhere, honestly it's concerning behavior but surprisingly you've lasted long enough in hell unharmed.
You use Alastor as a traveling pillow, like it's a good thing he loves you or else you'd be a screaming star on his broadcast.
You're sleepy and Alastor's unguarded shoulder is right there? Perfect pillow! He's sitting? His lap is free pillow estate.
If you're an overlord you betcha he has to continuously poke you awake to listen at meetings, or he'd let you sleep and face the consequences of not knowing what's going on.
It's normal to find you just snoozing away on the floor, Charlie stumbled upon you once and nearly had a heart attack thinking you had gotten hurt or worse!
Alastor prefers you take one of your impromptu naps near him because it's a hassle trying to find you if you fall asleep somewhere else, he once found you in a cabinet.
I imagine after dunking Alastor in several scented baths and getting him to do basic hygiene he'd be nice to sleep around.
Like dude has fluffy ears pet them while sleeping and you'll dream of the fluffy ears
I imagine if your also a deer you curl up like a fawn like look at this little guy
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I imagine people trip over you if your just casually knocked out on the floor, Angel dust in particular has to watch out because he's the main person who trips over you.
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You had a rather tiring day, for starters you didn't get proper sleep the night before, no idea why you just couldn't and then that morning the remaining of Sir Pentious's egg boys got ahold of a bow and arrow and almost shooting you smack dab in the head, you went to pick up from groceries for the hotel and nearly got mugged! Thankfully you could handle yourself, and then someone in your friend group groupchat that you didn't particularly like being a dick to you for no apparent reason, like what did you even do to them??
All you wanted to do was take a nap but you couldn't because your dearest Alastor decided he wanted you to sit in during his radio broadcast and after he'd take you out for a lovely dinner date.
You sat comfortably on the couch Alastor had in his radio tower, listening as he went on about whatever topic he chose, his radio-y voice eventually lulling you to a deep sleep.
An hour had passed before Alastor finished his broadcast, he got up from his chair and fixed his suit,
"Now then shall we head to dinner Mon étoile?"
Alastor asked before turning around and realizing that you had fallen asleep on that couch of his, shaking his head he decided to scoop you up from the couch,
"Let's get you to a proper bed."
He muttered exiting the radio tower and carrying you to your bedroom.
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Good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed this I may have projected a little with the friend group person because GOOD GOLLY WHAT DID I DO FOR THEM TO ACT LIKE A JERKWAD?
Anywho I gotta finish my mother's day gift for my mom then I'm getting a discord server prepped because we're already halfway to 300 of you lovely folks and I need to be prepared! Tomorrow's a mother's day drabble with darling Rosie! So tune on in for that!
Thank you for tuning in!
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satrs · 1 year
Hiiiii so this is like my first time asking on here and I REALLY REALLY like the stuff you write like it's definition of art at its finest 🤌(idk if that made sense) anywayyyy could I maybe get a lil beach episode scenario of blue lock characters x reader if possible or it could be one dude oh also I don't rlly care abt it being angst or fluff or whatever lol go crazy if you want
K that's all thx for taking the time to read this have a good day or night and random reminder from a random stranger to rest if needed
Have a good one girlllll🤜💥
HEYY I‘m really glad you like my stuff tysm<33!!
I decided too make it with 4 of the „main“ ones‼️ It's overall fluff! I hope that’s alright 🫶🏾
Alright so I tried I hope you enjoy!^^ Hope you have an amazing day/night/morning😘😘‼️
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ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʙᴀʙʏ!
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ; ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴅᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ɢᴜʏꜱ!
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ; 1.2k
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ; Bachira Meguru. Kunigami Rensuke. Chigiri Hyoma. Nagi Seishiro.
ᴛᴀɢꜱ; fluff, swearing. established relationship. a littleeee bit suggestive. nicknames. a bit aquaphobia(?). (exhibitionism?).
ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ! // ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏꜰʀᴇᴀᴅ!
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He is so goofy.
Playing around with the sunscreen while applying it on your back, dragging you into the cold water right after you got out to dry yourself and building big sand castles, as if he was a little child. 
But that was what you loved about him, his carefree and happy persona, shining brighter than the sun itself. 
"Baby~, I'm sorry! Come back, please!", Bachira called out to you. "No, you're not Meguru! I told you I don't like getting my head dunked into the water and you still did it!", you turned around, pissed off by his antics.
But as you saw his little pout, you couldn't possibly be mad at him anymore. Just to keep your pride, you turned back, making your way onto the soft sand of the beach to hide the smile that slowly made its way onto your lips. 
"I was just playing", he whined, quick to catch up with you. He placed both of his hands on your hips in an attempt to stop your movements, placing soft kisses onto the length of your neck.
You turned your head towards him, meeting with his bright orbs, causing you to giggle, hushing him away.
He smiled right back at you, hot on your trail as you ran away from him in a playful manner, the both of you giggling while grinning from ear to ear. 
It didn't take him long to catch you, lifting your body and spinning you around, earning a giggle from your soft lips. “Ha! Caught you~", he played, now holding you in bridal style, sprinting back into the water with you.
Before you could wiggle yourself out of his hold, you felt the cold water surrounding your body, causing you to yelp.
Bachira giggled at your action, holding you close to him with one hand on your hip while peppering kisses all over your face, infecting you with his goofy and lovestruck giggles.
Both of you are so goofily in love with each other.
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"Not so far from the shore, Ren!", you yelped, noticing how the beach seemed to dissapear further and further away into the distance.
"What if there is a shark or something!? This is dangerous!", you panicked, careful too completely be on the floating mat.
Kunigami chuckled at your panicking state, "Don't worry princess. Your hero is here to protect you from all the nasty sea monsters", he stated, causing you to cringe at his statement.
"Yeah, yeah. You wouldn't be able to stand a chance against a big ass shark!", you yelped when he quickly moved the mat, drawing you near him, "I'm hurt. You don't trust me pretty?", he played a soft pout onto his face.
"Not right now when you're almost dragging me into this deep ass water! Let go!", you fantically tried your best to stay on the mat.
"Alright."He let go of you, causing you to fall into the water head first. You quickly swam to the surface, clinging your arms onto the floating mat, desperately trying to get back on it. "You asshole! Get me back on there now!", you screamed, watching in terror as the orange-haired male laughed.
"But you told me too let go?", he inquired while holding onto the mat, mere inches behind you, only irritating you further.
"Kunigami Rensuke!", you threatened him, "Alright, alright. I got you, princess."
With one quick movement your leg swung over the mat, causing you to calm down. But you soon let out a loud yelp as Kunigami's hand came in comtact with your ass, feeling a light sting.
His face drew near yours, earning a flustered look in return.
"You're so hot when you're angry, pretty."
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"That's enough, Y/N", he joked. "No. I don't want you to catch sunburn. I know how you catch them so easily." Your voice was laced with worry, rubbing the sunscreen on the same spot on his back for the past five minutes. 
He let out a loud sigh, standing up and walking onto one of the sun benches where his belongings were placed.
"W-wait! I'm not done yet Hyoma!" he ignored you, tying his hair into a high bun, making his way into the water. "Hyo!", you called to him in frustration, throwing the sunscreen into the sand, following him quickly. 
He sighed as his skin made contact with the water, dipping his head into it quickly to feel refreshed, swiping some of the hair that fell into his face out of the way. 
You watched him, arms crossed while frowning. He noticed your intense stare, turning in the water to look at you, "and where is your sunscreen, little miss perfect?", he noted, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. You forgot.
He chuckled at your reaction, motioning you to join him, "C'mon, it doesn't matter anymore. Plus, the water is pleasantly warm right now."
You complied, tapping your way towards him, standing in the water, being covered by bits up to the bottom of your breasts.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a quick kiss on his lips, "You're such a bad boy", you joked, a smirk playing itself onto his lips. 
"Am I now?", he teased, hand moving onto your rear, softly squeezing it. You wrapped one of your legs around him, motioning him near you, humming in response.
"Mommy look! they're all touchy-touchy with each other!", a young boy pointed his finger at the two of you, multiple heads turning in your direction, causing you to retreat away from him, face flushed red.
Chigiri chuckled at your action, following you out of the water. He noticed his shoulders slightly burning, also turning a bit red.
Shit, he should've let you put on that damn sunscreen.
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How did you get that boy to the beach? Well, you didn't really know yourself. 
He didn't want to, even after endless begging and pleading with him. But then a thought struck him like lightning:
You. At the beach. Bikini. 
This thought made his sleepy eyes shoot wide open, jump off the bed, quick to walk right behind your trail.
As the two of you arrived, his happy mood threatened to disappear as he noticed that your bikini was nowhere in sight. 
"Where is your bikini?", he bluntly asked, his voice laced with disappointment. You giggled at his words, taking the end of your sundress in hand, lightly lifting it up to flash him your undergarments.
His breath hitched, flashing you an expecting look, wondering when the fuck you would finally-
"You first, then me. I know you, Sei'." What a hassle. You're right. You knew if you would bare your swimwear before him now, he would pull you on top of him, feeling up your body and not letting you go until the sun disappeared behind the moon.
So, to be able to make your day at the beach, you had to get him into the water first. 
Nagi was quick to understand, stripping down into the swim boxers he wore underneath, taking the swimming noodle in hand, waiting for you like a puppy for its owner. 
Finally, you took off that annoying sundress of yours. He was quick to shamelessly gawk at your beautiful figure, only snapping out of his thoughts when you took his hand in yours, dragging him into the direction of the water.
"C'mon! Let's take a quick swim, then I'm all yours~", you purred, causing him to stumble in the sand from your quick steps.
What a hassle.
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ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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magnoliasandarson · 2 months
Peter Parker was used to feeling cold.
In the days after the spider bite, once the sickness left him, he researched anything and everything about arachnids. There was an article about spiders not being able to thermoregulate that made him genuinely afraid that he was going to spend his winters hibernating, but once he got over that fear, he realized that there was a chill that hadn't left his bones the entire time.
It took a while, but he got used to the feeling. He bought fingerless gloves at Goodwill (explaining his new fashion sense to Aunt May took a while) and wore layers even during the peak of heatwaves.
But that was only the normal cold. His spider-sense felt like being dunked in ice water.
He never got used to it.
It was helpful on patrol. He could be swinging to Brooklyn, and his internal ice-bucket challenge would redirect him back to Queens. At school, it stopped him from losing his lunch or notebooks to Flash. When he was walking down the street, it saved him from being punched in the face by some random dude for no reason.
On nights when he didn't patrol.... it was unbearable.
He would wake up feeling like he'd been submerged in liquid nitrogen, sensing danger all around him. Sometimes, he'd throw the suit on in a blind panic and patrol until the sun rose, searching fruitlessly for the threat. Other times, he sat in the shower with the water blistering hot- only getting out when the steam set off the fire alarm.
A small mountain of blankets began to form on his twin bed. At night, he burrowed under the pile and relished in the total absence of light and the dulling of the ever-present noise that never let him be.
It didn't stop him from waking up just an hour later, teeth chattering and skin crawling.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
thinking offffff lake house hughes sister and duker 👀
every time they’re on the water he has to avert his eyes to avoid being pummeled by all 3 hughes brothers. obvi he means no disrespect but like !!!! that’s his dream girl !!!! right there !!!! and she’s asking him to put sunscreen on her !!!!
he almost faints if she says something about how he’s “looking strong”
You’d been seeing eachother in private for quite a while. There was nothing official, no labels but you were hanging out most nights.
When the devils playoff run came to an end you all headed back to Michigan together and the off season officially began in the Hughes household.
A week in and friends started flying out; the usual suspects in Cole, Trevor, Josh and majority of the boys from Michigan.
When people started arriving you’d been invited by Taryn out to Florida to stay at Matthews house for a week — girls week.
So obviously when Dylan showed up and you weren’t there he asked questions
“So where’s y/n?”
“Why, duke? Missing your girlfriend?”
“Shut it, Edwards”
He texted you, constantly asking when you were going to be home
missing me, dyl?
You arrived home a week later, landing early and getting to the house before anyone woke up.
Dylan woke up early enough to be the first one downstairs and early enough to catch you setting up in the yard to sunbathe.
You’d already caught a tan in Florida, he could see your tan line on your back when you unclipped your bikini top. You faced away from him so he could only see your back.
He was staring.
“Duke you’ve got five second before hughesy comes down here and sees you staring at his little sister like that and kills you” Mackie warned, startling the boy.
He didn’t have time to defend himself before everyone hurdled downstairs for breakfast.
“Who’s the smoke show in the yard?!” Trevor yells, looking out the window.
Luke, Jack and Quinn all simultaneously glare at him and Jack smacks his head “That’s our little sister asshat”
Dylan gulped, almost seeing his own future right there in that moment.
In the afternoon everyone headed out onto the water and Dylan’s restraint was being tested.
“Hey, Duke can you put Sunscreen on me?” You ask, holding out the bottle with a smirk.
He stutters “um, oh I don’t—“ he’s trying to look everywhere but at your chest.
Jack grabbed the bottle and scowled “I’ll do it”
You made eye contact with Duke who looked terrified and you just winked at him before turning so the sunscreen could be applied.
While the boys were in the water you lay up on the end of the boat, basking in the sun.
He was treading water and gawking at you when suddenly he was dunked under the water
“Watch your eyes little guy, she’s got three big brothers who’ll kill you” it was Cole speaking when he emerged from the water.
Dylan shook him off before swimming away. You frown from under your glasses seeing him leave.
When you join them in the water, he’s not even looking your way and when you approach the group he’s leaving.
“What is your problem?!” You demand, walking into his room after you’d returned.
He scrambles to cover himself up “Dude!”
“What is your issue Dyl? You’ve been ignoring me all day?”
His face is flushed “Babe… if I look once I’d never look away and you’ve got three angry guard dogs watching at all times”
You pout and roll your eyes “Fine” before leaving.
That night, sat around the fire you were cuddled up into Quinn’s side and everyone was sharing stories across the group.
Luke had gotten onto the topic of working out, how he’d have to put his head down and focus for the devils when everyone chimes in about their own workout routines and plans.
You use your opportunity and say “Duke, you changed your workout routine? You’ve been looking awfully strong lately” with a smirk.
The boy stutters and smiles, thankful nobody gave it much thought before talking about themselves
“That girl is going to be the death of me”
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MAN I LOVE UR WRITING I NEED MORE JIMMY MCGILL NOWWW!!!!! that’s unhinged im so sorry
anyways if ur still taking requests i beg u to write smthn abt Goodman helping a client (client is transmasc and tatted and pieced as fuck (me)) with weed possession and he wins the case cus he’s Saul Goodman obviously. after they celebrate with a joint and they have some nasty high sex. like imagining Saul coughing on a joint and being like “damn kid this shit’s strong.. let’s fuck” makes me shensudbwjwbs 🙏🙏
anyways have a good day/night man, congrats on graduating!!! :))
HIIIII im also tatted and pierced so this is personal 2 me 😌🖤 kinda took the piercing idea and ran with it teehee
didn’t wanna describe any specific tattoos but i included some piercing mentions (nipples, septum, tongue, vch for plot relevance >:3c)
this is also way longer than a usual drabble so plbbbbbt
warning: intox kink (weed), light degradation
anatomical terms: clit/dick/cock, pussy, hole
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“In light of this new evidence, the court has decided to drop all charges against the defendant.”
Slam dunk. Saul did it again. He’d managed to convince the judge that the cop who arrested you for marijuana possession had conducted an illegal search. He got you off. You were grateful that you wouldn’t have this looming over your head for the rest of your life. So grateful, in fact, that you hugged him as soon as you two stepped out of the courtroom.
“Ah, don’t mention it, kid. Least I could do for you.” He smiled and patted your back. He’d actually taken quite a liking to you while working on your case. You reminded him of his Slippin’ Jimmy days back in Chicago. A naïve 20-something with an affinity for pot and a less than stellar relationship with the law. He hoped he could steer you on the right path, and maybe have some fun with you too. “Say, you’re actually my last client for today. You wanna grab some food with me or something? Maybe Peter Parker’s girlfriend could join us.”
You snorted. Mary Jane. That was your code for inviting each other to smoke, which ironically you'd done frequently while working on your case. You pushed yourself off his chest and smiled up at him. “Sure. I’d like that.”
You two sat in the parking lot of Los Pollos Hermanos hotboxing his luxury car, passing a joint back and forth with greasy fingers. You took a bite of your sandwich, and a glob of chipotle mayo fell onto your nice, clean dress shirt.
"Aw, man." You groaned, before remembering you didn't need to impress anyone anymore. You shrugged, "Eh, whatever," and untied your tie, no doubt getting chicken grease all over the fabric. Then, you unbuttoned and untucked your ruined shirt, wiped the mayo off with a napkin, and tossed it behind you, leaving you in a tank top undershirt with your arm tattoos exposed. "God, I hate wearing long sleeves. I don't know how you can wear full suits in weather like this. Feel like I'm suffocating."
"You get used to it." Saul laughed and cranked the A/C for you. "I just wasn't sure if the judge would appreciate your ink as much as I do. Wanted to make sure you had the 'perfect little darling' look, y'know? Some people are close-minded like that. Least you don't have to anymore." He passed you the joint. His eyes trailed up your forearms to your chest, where he saw two barbells poking through your shirt. "Woah, hey! You got your high beams on! I'm surprised you didn't set off the metal detector with those!"
You had no idea what he was talking about, "Huh?", until your eyes followed his and you looked down. "Oh! Oh yeah, I figured I wouldn't have to take those ones out."
"Well, they look good on you. Not a lot of dudes can pull them off." Saul took a sip of his drink, ice sloshing as he put it down in the cup holder. "How many piercings you got, anyway?"
You ran through your list nonchalantly. “Not counting the ones on my ears, I have four. Septum, tongue, both nipples, and-“ You stopped yourself short and froze. The other piercing was a VCH. Vertical clit hood. If you told him that, you’d be outing yourself. You decided the best move was to say nothing else. He was a smart guy. Let him figure it out.
And he did. “Oh, ho! Naughty boy! You got a Prince Albert or something?" He elbowed you. "Chicks must be ALL over you."
You grimaced, hoping it looked like a nervous smile. "Not exactly..."
"Hm. Tell you what." Saul lit the joint, hit it, and passed it to you. "I'll buy you an eighth if you show me."
You nearly dropped the joint on your leg when he said that. "What?! Are you serious?!"
"Dead serious! I wanna know if I'm missing out! Maybe I should get one." You anxiously took a puff as he spoke with confidence. Confidence that was unwarranted; he had no clue what he was getting into. "Look, I got a guy and his stuff is the shit. It'll be worth it, I promise. You just whip it out, lemme see, put it back, and I'll hook you up. Hell, I'll even knock some off the money you owe me."
You did the cost benefit analysis in your head. Free weed plus less debt to your lawyer, and all you have to do is show him your pussy? Would it really be so bad? He really wasn't the judgmental type. He'd definitely ogle, but surely he'd understand. You sighed. "Okay. I'll do it." You took one more hit of the joint and passed it to him before you unbuckled your belt. "Just so you know, though, it's probably not what you're expecting."
Saul scoffed. "Kid, I've seen a lot of crazy things in my day. Unless your dick has a radio antenna sticking out of it or something, I think I can handle it."
You ignored his sass and worked on undressing yourself. You slid your pants off, and crossed your legs so he wouldn't see the lack of bulge in your underwear. Then, you looked over at him. "Ready?"
"Ready." He answered smugly.
You uncrossed your legs and tugged your underwear down. Your clothes pooled around your ankles, and you kicked your shoes off to free yourself. Now for the reveal. You turned your body to face him, scooted forwards, and opened your legs, hooking one behind the driver's seat, and the other propped on the dashboard. You spread your lips and showed him your, rather unconventional, dick piercing. The metal barbell stared him right in the face, and he stared back, mouth agape.
"Oh my god..."
You could see the gears turning in his head. His eyes flicked back and forth from your junk, to your face, and then back to your junk. For a man who loved the sound of his own voice, it was rare for him to be left truly speechless, but you'd done it. It was honestly quite the confidence boost.
You smirked. "Well? Is it everything you hoped for?"
"Yeah... Yeah it is..." He answered breathlessly. His mind was screaming at him not to fuck this up.
"Got anything to say? Any questions, comments, or-"
Saul butted in the middle of your sentence. Apparently, he did have something important to say. "Can I touch it?" He blurted out.
You knew exactly where this was going, and you were gonna enjoy the ride. "Sure, go for it." You took the joint and the lighter from him, leaving his hands free to explore.
Saul leaned over and brushed his hand against your skin, not fully making contact with the piercing just yet, essentially just rubbing his fingers up your slit. He was taking his time. He was warming you up. "This is... This is incredible. God, you're... you're really something else kid."
You took a hit of the joint and sighed on the exhale. From his gentle touch and praise to the haze of the weed, you were plenty warm already. Once he thought the same, he pressed his thumb against the barbell and flicked it up. Your whole body jolted and you gasped. "Ah!"
"You alright?" He asked, not pulling his hand away. He kept it firmly in position, ready to strike again.
"Y-Yeah, just-" He did it again, "Ngh... just be careful it's-" and again, "ah... it's sensitive..." and again.
He chuckled. "I can tell. Is that why you got it? You like the extra stimulation?"
"Mhm..." You nodded.
"Heh... slut." He pressed his thumb down hard and rubbed you in quick circles. "Keep smoking. I'm gonna have fun with you."
"O-Okayyy..." You whimpered and lit the joint while he teased you, watching him with wanting eyes as you climbed higher and higher. The smoke left your body and carried a sigh of pleasure out with it.
Keeping his thumb on your cock, he scooped his other fingers down and prodded at your hole. "Aw, look at you. You're already wet for me? That's precious." He slipped two inside without resistance, cooing to you as he pumped them in and out, savoring your pathetic whines and tremors. "Oh, now that's a good boy. C'mon, take another hit."
You took another drag, and while your lungs were full of smoke, he shot his fingers up against your g-spot. You moaned for half a second before choking on your hit. You coughed and waved the smoke out of your face, scrambling for some semblance of composure. "You dick! You did that on purp-ohhh..."
Saul kept working his hand, laughing at how easy it was to shut you up. "Yeah. Yeah, I did, but don't act like you don't love it." He leaned in and kissed your cheek before whispering right to you, making sure you could hear him over your own body. "Hear that? Hear how wet you are for me? That's how I know you love it. Whore." He tilted your face towards him and caught you in a kiss. You let his tongue invade your mouth and take what he wanted, a trail of spit connected you two as he broke off. "You like getting filled up, huh, boy?"
Your voice was a high-pitched, desperate whine. "Y-Yes..."
"Yeah? I bet you like getting fucked in your tight little pussy, too, is that right? You like it when a big, strong, man puts his cock in you and uses you like a cheap sex doll?"
Another slam dunk. He was right on the money. "Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck, yes!"
He flashed a sinister grin. "Good boy." He pulled his hand out of you and went for his own belt. He yanked his pants down, showing off a noteworthy tent in his boxers. You didn't get much of a look before those were off too, but the sight of what was underneath was far better. "Gimme the joint." He demanded as he stroked his cock in preparation.
You'd do anything he said. You handed him the joint and the lighter without a second thought.
"Good boy." He took a hit and blew the smoke in your direction. "So," He took a second to cough, "what you're gonna do is you're gonna sit on my cock and bounce that pretty little ass of yours on it. You think you can do that?"
There were no words left in your mind. You were an animal, acting purely on instinct. He gave the order, and immediately you climbed into his lap, bumping into the steering wheel a few times as you tried to situate yourself. Saul offered no assistance, he just continued with the joint. Fortunately, you managed to get into position without help, and you sunk down onto his cock.
"Oh! Oh my-Mmph!"
He used your wide open mouth as an opportunity to shotgun you. He blew the smoke into you and let it fill the parts of your body that he couldn't reach. You gripped his shoulders and squeezed him like you were trying to pop him. When he pulled back, you dropped your head onto his shoulder and whined.
"There we go. You feel so good, baby boy." He kissed your head and rubbed your back, comforting you as you settled into him. "Now," He yanked you up by your hair to look him in the eyes.
"Hold on tight. Cause I'm gonna take you for a ride..."
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kthynes · 2 years
jingle balls
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You get very merry with Lloyd.
word count: ~890
warnings: course language. Christmas fluff! Husband for Hire AU (masterlist coming soon!)
This has not been beta’d - mistakes are my own
“This is silly.” Lloyd throws his arms in the air, appearing in nothing but a fleece Christmas onesie that barely reaches his ankles. He stands in the middle of the living room, grumpy as can be.
“It’s cute and festive. Turn around.” You do a finger roll and he obeys your order, giving you a taut 360 along with a great view of his ass. “Hmm…”
“I’m getting zero circulation to my balls, y’know that?” He cups his front and readjusts himself, kicking his legs apart as he does.
“I think there’s a front snap closure…” You sympathize in a daze while shoving handfuls of caramel corn into your mouth.
“Oh good, I can let my wang out for Cujo and anyone else to see.”
“Gross.” You finally snap into realization and Lloyd drops himself next to you on the couch, dunking his hand in the popcorn bowl.
“Why’re we doing all this, sweets?”
“It’s the holiday season. Why not do all this?” You strategically lean into him, his one arm slung on top of the couch as you angle your phone up in position. “Smile for the camera, Hany.”
He smiles. You’re elated. The selfie is candid where you’re looking up at him, mouthing the word ‘smile’ at the final click. It’s sweet, endearing enough to hold onto and Lloyd is equally reverent on it as well.
“I like this one. Send it to me.” He nudges while bringing his attention back to the TV. You smile and nod, pocketing your phone for the rest of the night.
“So this is it? This all you wanted from me?” He motions to the decorated tree, half empty mugs of hot cocoa and packs of beer. An unfinished game of Scrabble and Cujo who peacefully slumbered in front of the crackling fireplace.
“Pretty much.” Your head moves against his chest, fussing to find a comfortable spot, for him to be closer than he already is.
“You good?” Lloyd makes a face and you look up at him, piercing him with a judgey gaze.
“All my exes thought they were too good to celebrate Christmas, they weren’t about the kitschy traditions and galore.”
“And you think I’m spirited like that?”
“I think my pretend boo could just pretend for once.” You harp on sardonically. “Yeah?”
“By literal means.” Lloyd snickers as he snakes an arm around and draws you in closer, shuffling right into his next question. “So how many ex boyfriends are we talking about here?”
“Well you already know about Alistair…”
“Redhead with a temper?” He confirms and you sigh. “He’s an unforgettable dude.”
“The ones that came after him were a multitude. But I don’t wanna talk about them.” You dismiss.
“OK, just remind me whenever they’re around.” He grins from ear to ear, one that’s earnest of him and his diabolics.
“So that you can deal with them?” You gawk.
“Yeah.” He exasperates. You playfully thwart him for that. He’s smitten by the action itself, throwing his head back in deep laughter.
“They’re not my problem anymore. Don’t be that guy.”
“Which one are we talking about?” He lulls and you give him a doe eyed look.
“We’re not going there.”
“Why not? I can tell you about my exes.”
“You dated a whole platoon!”
“Yeah from a sorority.” He answers as if it made the situation any better. “Now if I could go back…”
“Oh all those Ashley’s.” You croon up in his face.
“They were something alright.” He comments while looking ahead. You smelled really nice, nice enough for his hand to fall from the top of the couch to your hip, pulling you in a smidge closer.
“Couldn’t stand them.” You huff, trying to focus on the movie. “They came after me in college because you were around.”
“You know, we could’ve easily dated back then.” Lloyd considers while taking a sip of his beer. He says this in hopes that it would change the current trajectory. But it doesn’t. Sadly.
“No we couldn’t have. You worked for my father and I wasn’t allowed to see you. Literally and romantically.” During your college years, your father deployed one of his men to watch over you. Lloyd was assigned and when he was your guy, all the girls wanted him too. It was hard to make sense of the ordeal when, for the longest time, you had no idea you were being watched.
“It was weird how Tany always asked about you too.”
Tany was your old roommate. Her phrasing would be: ‘where’s gel back?’ You assumed she was talking about stationary.
“That’s cause we fucked on the rare occasion.” Lloyd harmonizes a good memory with a nasty grin on his face, telling of a time.
“In our dorm?”
“And everywhere else.” He sneakily says into the beer spout.
“Look, not everyone was holding it out like you, alright?” He reminds you of a private conversation you had with your then roommate about saving yourself for marriage. He had the unsaid opportunity to hear you out but paid no mind to it till now.
“I’m not wrong for doing so.” You defend.
Lloyd’s face changes, slighting some concern but not enough to press you on about it. Instead he simply nods and points the remote towards the TV.
“We should get back to watching the movie.” He’s lighthearted and smiles. “The best part is coming up.”
You smile wobbly, reminding yourself that this, you and him, was temporary. You’re not supposed to fully confide in this man. You weren’t supposed to let go.
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 month
Okay kids, mini story time for those of you who care, aka, Darya meets a ST fan irl and struggles to not look insane.
So last night I had dinner with some friends, and we were chatting about concerts and what not, specifically Twenty One Pilots. We're all pretty big fans, and we were kinda upset that they weren't coming here, and whether it was worth to spend that much money and see them in Spain or not.
Which led to discussing the ridiculous ticket prices being put now, and how difficult it is to even get them. I mentioned how hard it was for me to get Sleep Token tix, and the insane amounts of money some US peeps payed to see them.
Then my friend said "Sleep Token? Oh they're so good".
Kids. The way I LEPT out of my seat and went "OH MY GOD??? YOU LISTEN TO ST TOO???? I AM OBSESSED RAAAAA".
And then he told me, yeah I've listened to a few of their songs, they're sick. Their drummer ii is insane (my friend is a drummer). Then he told me he had watched one of his Drumeo videos (The Summoning), and just how incredible ii was (OUR TINY KING), and I told him, dude you *have* to watch the longer one. Also he put one out today!!! Have you watched that one yet????
Mind you, I was glowing and vibrating with excitement. My best friend was like, chill Darya, he's not as a fanboy as you, you're gonna scare him. Which fair, I had to tone it down a little bit because I was starting to look crazy lmao (all in good fun though. I did dunk on him because I've been trying to get him into ST properly FOR A YEAR and so far he's only listened to TMBTE smh).
Then we talked a little bit about them, how they sounded so different, and then we sorted frazzled out to other bands and what not but. Yall 🥹 it was so nice.
We have pretty similar tastes in music, but I still was surprised since I never really heard him talk about them (tbf we haven't hung out in a while, which is very much my fault but still). One more of us 🥹💙
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genericpuff · 1 year
Dude…You.. are truly a mean spirited person by the way you attack Rachel and her comic. I was hoping to see actual valid criticism on this blog that are good takes and respectful…but all I see is a savage, hate-mongering being; projecting your own personal fears on fictional Greek gods, with loads of malice; accusing RS of so many things that’s not even an issue in the slightest.. like bro are we reading the same story?? Bc I’d assume you’d dislocate your shoulders from all the reaching you do, to just cherry and nitpick the comic so much; at this point I think you’re dedicating your life’s work to shitting on this comic with asinine accusations?? hell, I get the comic aint perfect but the way y’all shit on it damn near has the same level of hate you’d normally have for a fucked up, white supremacist manifesto…. have you ever sought inner peace or?? what’s the problem,,,
Your views are truly horrid and y’all are why ppl are scared to come out with their own series bc of malicious people like you getting kicks of punching down an author and mocking them instead of being more civil with your views. Probably haven’t considered creators like RS with ADHD have RSD too huh… maybe haven’t considered how ppl with RSD got symptoms where it’s pretty difficult to take criticism…lmao.. aaaaand yet you antis are just as barbaric as obsessive LO stans and y’all just won’t leave well alone smfdh
Heaven help you fr. Hope you cease your obsessive hate for a fictional story and seek actual help than pouring all this hate on a book and pointing fingers at issues that’s nonexistent in the series.😒
Ooh yay it's been a while since I've gotten an ask calling me out. Love to see it :3
So here's the fun thing - I do have way less "spicy" takes on the comic (because let's face it, the definition of "valid" in this context is often... very subjective, I've seen people call the most respectful criticisms and reviews of LO "hate" plenty of times before) but I also just enjoy dunking on it because it's fun and it's how I engage with this comic that, believe it or not, I did genuinely used to love. I don't talk this much shit about comics I've never cared about. Boyfriends and Let's Play are also both godawful but I never loved them quite as much as I loved LO back when I used to read it religiously, so I just don't feel like talking about them as much as I do LO. Saturday nights used to be my favorite night of the week but they became dreadful after a while as my love for the series' drained relative to its decline. Now I have to find other things to look forward to on Saturdays, so I've gone ahead and made my own things, things that have rejuvenated the feelings I used to feel reading LO.
Here's another fun fact, in case you're new to Tumblr and don't know how it works - this is just my account that's dedicated solely to LO stuff. There are other things that I do besides shit-talking this comic and using it as fuel to create my own interpretations of it, but you don't see that here because this blog is, again, purely for my LO related stuff. I also have a day job that's completely unrelated to webcomics, and draw webcomics that aren't related to LO. I spent like.... 6 hours playing Slime Rancher today. I know it doesn't look like I have a life outside of this when you sift through my anti-LO-themed blog of queued posts all in one go, but I do lmao
Sorry I don't have a more satisfying response than "it's fun!" I have a great time in this community, everyone in it has been genuinely sweet and caring and accepting. Many of the people in this community are genuine friends now, who I go to for things outside of LO, from comic discussion to real life talk.
You know which community doesn't make me feel safe or welcome? The core LO community that's come at me in my inbox, snuck into our fan groups to spy, and even outright made bots to breach our privacy. As soon as I had even the slightest bit of criticism for the comic, back during the trial arc, they decided I wasn't "one of them" and I realized I was terrified of being an "anti" because I knew how anti's were treated by the community. I had to find ways to accept my own feelings as they were changing and having the antiLO/UnpopularLO community accept me the way they did... really changed my perspective on the whole "fandom" thing. I can take part in both sides in the anti/unpopular community - praise and criticism. Maybe consider for a second the only reason the criticism is so loud... has to do with the fact the comic itself isn't worth praising anymore.
All that aside, it's fine if you don't like my takes or don't agree with how I choose to spend my time! There are both better and even worse takes out there from other people just as pissed as I am about the turn LO has taken. None of those people, myself included, do what we do to "make" others hate the comic or hate on Rachel. None of us are encouraging outright bullying directly at Rachel, we're literally just curating our own space for discussion and memes and art and writing surrounding this dumb little comic that many of us did find enjoyment in back when it first started. And I don't think any of us are saying that because we don't like this comic, that means we're gonna automatically trash on anyone else's just for existing? Because, again, none of us encourage direct bullying, and if anything, all these accounts have inspired more people to take up comic creating through AU and fanfic content of the source material that they wish could have been better. If anyone's legitimately "scared" to go into webcomics because of a few strangers' opinions on the Internet about a massive commercial comic that's completely unrelated to their own work and far above what most creators will ever make... well, I don't know how to fix that or help with that. Maybe apply your own advice that you're giving me in your ask and stop caring so much? I'm just a person engaging in one of their many hyperfixations on the Internet and there are others who happen to share in my interests and enjoy my takes, whether or not that includes the saltier ones. There's nothing special enough about me to warrant any sort of finger-pointing like what you're doing. I'm not a monolith nor am I the end-all-be-all to webcomic creation or discussion lmao
It's honorable you want to defend Rachel, or people with ADHD/RSD. I can't shame you for that. But coming onto my blog that's themed around antiLO/unpopularLO content and doing the same thing you're claiming I'm doing (which I'm not because again, it's not like I'm going directly at Rachel with any of the things I say or do and I would never encourage anyone else do that either lol) is a little... hypocritical, don't you think?
But - sass time - what do I know. I'm just someone who's also ADHD. Autistic with RSD too! Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, as none of us can speak on behalf of the entire neurodivergent community.
Appreciate the crit though, thank you for taking the time to write <3 Sorry to hear my blog didn't turn out to be what you expected but... I don't recall ever setting those expectations in the first place. At least not when I started. Now that Rekindled's a thing I suppose people aren't gonna expect blatant trashing when they find it but that's why I'm also trying to move away from purely trashing on LO so that I can put my time and energy into more productive stuff (even if that "productive stuff" is making a comic that started as an LO-spite project LOL)
But at the same time... I mean, is it really that surprising? Like I guess this can serve as a general "heads up" to anyone else who's new here, but I do not go easy on LO and have a lot to say about it (and I'm very loud and disgruntled about it) but I figured most people would realize that's the amount of spite needed to redraw the whole thing as I'm doing right now LMAO Like c'mon, you think someone who only dislikes LO mildly would really put in all this work? 🤣 I do it because I can't stand to see where it's gone, and I want to give myself and others who were disappointed alongside me the closure we all deserve. Trying my best, at least (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
That's all for now! Have a good one :' )
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naffeclipse · 2 years
I wonder how Sleuth Jesters!Y/N and Cryptid Sightings!Y/N would fare if they switched universes
It's the equivalent of throwing a fish onto land and dunking a bird in water alsjdfaf
SJ!Y/N is very annoyed at being in the woods in the middle of the night before they get a super eerie feeling and turn around to find the cryptid!boys lurking over them. They draw their gun on instinct but they keep it down because... it kind of looks like Detective Moon but... not. Lowkey, they think this is a weird dream and take a step back but are met once again with a looming creepy jester.
SJ!Y/N: Darling, I know you're dying to be close to me, but give me some room to breathe. *mutters* You're almost as bad as Eclipse.
Cryptid!Moon: *staring* You're not our little hunter.
SJ!Y/N: Oookay. As fun as this has been, being in the woods at night with you looking at me with those weird optics, I need to get back to the city. Be a doll and point me to the nearest—
Cryptid!Moon: *holds a finger to their mouth, silencing them, before pointing subtly into the trees, where a cryptid lurks*
SJ!Y/N: *eyes widen at seeing whatever that is*
Cryptid!Moon: *lifts his hand to brush against the ribbon and bells in their hair, curiously tilting his head before beckoning for them to move*
SJ!Y/N: *hesitates, finger on the trigger, but glances back at that terrifying creature and decides to let the creepy Moon who's clearly not their detective lead them away*
I think CS!Y/N has a little bit better of a time, but it's still chaotic. The density of a city is a lot for them as well as the fact that it's not the right time period anymore. Meeting Detective Sun really blows their mind because one, he's dressed like a dude in a black and white noir film, and two, he's the same but not, but so familiar and strange??? all at once??
Detective Sun: Lower your... crossbow. Okay, I'll admit, that's a first.
CS!Y/N: Sun? Why are you dressed like that?
Detective Sun: It's Detective—Excuse me, are you using any substances that you shouldn't be?
CS!Y/N: What? No! Sun, it's me!
Detective Sun: I'm afraid we've never met before.
CS!Y/N: What has gotten into you? Why... why are we here, in the city?
Detective Sun: *grabs their arm, sighing* I believe a little time in the drunk tank will help you sober up.
CS!Y/N: Wait! Wait, I need my detector. You might be unknowingly harboring a dark spirit or something else that might be affecting your behavior—
Detective Moon: *walks up* Is this one resisting arrest?
CS!Y/N: *implodes internally because there's Sun and Moon and they're both here at the same time, in separate animatronic bodies?!??!*
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so-sures-blog · 1 year
Bros before Hoes
In which Duncan happens to find his neighbor cute, and his idiot roommates throw him a party because of it.
(AKA: The bros who drink together, sleep together)
Inspired by PPG/RRB fic on ao3
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“Are you fucking kidding me?”
On a list of things Duncan would like to wake up to (women on the top, cops on the bottom), this is not it. Heck, this probably wouldn’t even be on the list. 
And by this, he means the completely trashed apartment littered with beer bottles, overflowing trash, and very questionable stains on the walls. Not to mention the dead bodies currently scattered around the living room.
Wait, not dead bodies, but Duncan can only wish.
How was this possible? He went to sleep at, like, ten last night and if he wasn’t mistaken, he had gone to bed while the house was quiet and the only people home were Geoff and DJ. So how the hell were there more than a dozen people in the living room and why did it look like an absolute shit show?
A groan emerges from the couch before a blonde head appears in sight. “Oh,” Geoff says when he sees Duncan standing there. “Sup, dude?”
“What— ” Duncan takes a breath. “ —THE ACTUAL FUCK HAPPENED HERE?!”
Geoff winces and raises a hand to rub his head. “Ouch, not so loud. I have a headache.” He whined.
So did Duncan. “What. Happened. Here.” Duncan narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice dangerously. Geoff laughs awkwardly and avoids his eyes.
“Oh, well, we sorta … kinda … uh,” Geoff gestures vaguely at the apartment. “... had a party?”
Duncan honestly doesn’t know how he could be surprised. This is what he gets for rooming with Geoff.
“How?!” He yells at him. Duncan wasn’t a really light sleeper, but he’s pretty sure he would’ve heard a party going on downstairs. “What time did these people get here!? How did I sleep through a fucking party?”
“Yeah … about that,” Geoff laughs nervously. “We sorta had a kickback last night but we knew you were asleep so we didn’t want to wake you up. Somehow, it became a game of ‘how quiet can this party be so Duncan doesn’t wake up' and we lasted the whole night! You didn’t wake up at all! Everyone was whispering and we had music playing at the lowest volume, and it was actually really fun. Super weird, but fun.”
Duncan is almost impressed. Almost. Trust Geoff to make a quiet party fun. “I’m not helping you clean up,” he informs him. He eyes a body on the floor that turns out to be DJ, cuddling an empty beer bottle while completely unconscious. 
“Aww, dude!” Geoff whines, “I hate cleaning! Come on, we kept it quiet for you!”
Duncan takes another look around the room and begrudgingly admits that it is kinda amazing that they managed to have a party without him waking up. It’s actually a little sweet that they took him into consideration. But still, fuck them.
“Duncaaan,” Geoff groans, throwing his upper body off the couch. “C’mon, bro! Please? Dunky? Dunk-man?”
“Don’t call me that!” Duncan yells as he grabs his gym bag. “And this place better be spotless by the time I get back!”
He slams the door and a satisfied smile grows on his face as Geoff’s protests are cut off. Duncan turns to head down the hallway and nearly crashes with someone who lets out a high pitched squeal.
“Oh! I’m sorry!”
Duncan looks down and— oh hell, it’s her. Of all the people in the apartment for him to run into, why does it have to be her? Granted, she did live next to him— but still, why?
Wide brown eyes peer up at him and her head cocks slightly to the side as she blinks. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Huh?” He’s so close to her he can see the smattering of freckles on her nose. 
“Oh! Sorry, I just mean I see you around a lot because you’re my neighbor,” she stumbles, cheeks turning a little pink.
“Oh,” he says a bit more gruffly than he should. He tries his hardest not to check her out and fails. She must’ve just come back from a jog — her short brown hair is tied back and she’s wearing tiny gray shorts and a matching crop top.
“Are you going to the gym right now?” She asks, taking note of the gym bag slung over his shoulder.
“Yeah,” Duncan grunts, staring at the staircase behind her. He will not be weakened by a tight fitting tank top, he will not. “I go early to avoid people, I hate crowded gyms.”
She makes a noise of understanding. There’s a beat of awkward silence, where she looks as uncomfortable as he feels before she sticks out her hand. 
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I ever got your name.” She tucks a loose piece of hair behind her ear and Duncan’s eyes follow it, wondering why the hell he thought the little action was so cute.  
“Duncan,” he shakes her hand, hyper aware of how soft and small her hand is as his big and callus ones swallow hers. 
“Courtney,” she dimples and Duncan’s stupid heart skips a beat. “Well, have fun!” She smiles cheerily at him and Duncan can’t take his eyes off of her. What the fuck.
“Thanks,” he mutters as he walks past her. He catches a glance of her as she opens the door to her own apartment. Damn it, she has a nice ass.
Duncan contemplates throwing himself down the stairs before he decides against it. 
It’s a waste, he figures. One flight won’t really do any damage.
By the time Duncan makes it home it’s evening. Stopping in front of his door, Duncan narrows his eyes as he hears muffled voices inside the apartment. Either Geoff and DJ actually cleaned the place or he’s about to open the door to the same shitshow as this morning. 
For their sake, he hopes the former.
He pushes the door open and the apartment abruptly falls quiet. The two occupants have frozen in fear, staring at the door with varying degrees of terror. DJ is cowering behind Geoff, who isn’t making a very suitable defense seeing as he too, is shielding away. Duncan’s eyes flit between them and he’s pleased to see a cleaning device in each of their hands.
The apartment isn’t exactly clean, but it’s not a complete mess anymore. At least they’re trying, he has to give them that.
“O-Oh hey man, you’re back,” Geoff coughs, hugging a broom to his chest. “We were cleaning, I swear!”
“I can see that,” he grunts, closing the door. “Sup, Malibu?” He greets the other occupant in his apartment. 
Bridgette is sitting by the counter, skimming through a surf magazine while stroking DJ’s pet, Bunny. She looks up with calm green eyes and gives him an easy smile. “Hey Duncan,” she says. 
“What happened to being clean by the time I got back?” Duncan asks his roommates pointedly.
“Cut us some slack man, we didn’t really wake up until Bridgette got here,” DJ says from his spot by the sink. 
Duncan ignores him with a roll of his eyes, plopping down across from Bridgette. Bunny hops over to him curiously and Duncan sets him with a glare. Yeah, he might have gotten DJ his pet after Geoff and Bridgette might’ve killed his last one (Geoff kept insisting it was lost while Bridgette said it was eaten by a snake that was eaten by a hawk or something), but that didn’t mean he wanted that thing closer to him. 
Duncan didn’t do cute things. 
So lost in his (one-sided) glaring contest, Duncan didn’t notice the change in conversation until too late. 
“Oh yeah, who’s that cute girl by the way?” Geoff asks. “You know, the one who lives next to us?”
“Oh, you mean Courtney? Short brown hair, cute smile?"
It’s a little embarrassing how quickly Duncan perks up, and from the corner of his eye he can see Bridgette give him a knowing glance. Duncan scowls warningly. Out of the four of them, only Malibu knows about his little problem— and Duncan would like to keep it that way, thank you very much.
Except the thing is, he forgets how much Bridgette likes a good romance. “Oh yeah! The girl that Duncan likes, right?"
The reaction is instantaneous.
“What?! Bro, you have a crush? No way!”
“Why didn’t you tell us? My boy’s growin’ up!”
“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Duncan roars and Bunny leaps back in shock. 
Bridgette just grins and flips through another page of her magazine. Duncan is tempted to crumble it up. “Oh, you didn’t know?” She says casually. “He met her a few weeks ago and it was like love at first sight.”
It was not.
“You should’ve seen him! She stopped by to say hi, he said ‘nice to meet you’ and when she left he couldn’t get a word out for the next ten minutes. He just gawked at her, although, I guess I can’t blame him. She was cute.”
He did not.
“I’ve never seen him look so lost before, it was kinda adorable. I think he was blushing.”
He was not.
“Bro, I don’t think you’ve ever had a crush before, have you?” DJ asks.
“How would you know!" He shoots back indignantly.
DJ shrugs, unaffected by the rage that’s coming off of him in waves. “I dunno man, I’ve just never seen you show any real interest in anyone before."
Duncan is momentarily struck dumb. Shit, was DJ right? He’s had crushes, right? This isn’t so special. Of course he’s had his fair share of girls, dicked around with them like any other guy— but those had only been short flings, chicks he’d pick up in bars and fool around with until he was no longer interested. Has he never really had a crush before?
Geoff, thankfully, interrupts his spiraling thought process and slings an arm around his neck. “Dudes, you know what we should do?” He grins. “Let’s celebrate!” 
“Hell no!” Duncan shoves him away. “What are we even celebrating for?”
“Your first crush, dude!” Geoff beams and Duncan is this close to strangling the happy-dumb look off his face.
“It’s not a crush!” He yells.
“C’mon man, it’s Saturday,” DJ says. He even pulls out his puppy eyes, as if his sparkling round orbs are going to convince him. “What are you even gonna do today anyway, huh?”
Duncan grimaces and can feel himself actually give the idea some consideration. Why is he considering it again?
“We’ll get your favorites,” DJ adds. “It’s your party after all. You get to call the shots.”
Duncan winces. He takes a look around the room and sees their stupid faces beaming with excited grins. 
Duncan sighs. “Fine.”
One pack of beer, two bags of chips, and three pizzas later, and everyone is absolutely smashed. 
It’s at this point Duncan can say with complete confidence that he fucking loves his best friends. Sure, DJ can’t swim without a floaty and always listens to his mama and Geoff is way too happy and loud and can’t go a day without making out with Bridgette, but man, they’re just, like, such good people.
 Like, he just loves the fucking hell out of them. They’re the best guys out there, and have been with his shitty self since high school.  Duncan doesn’t know why he spent so long denying that they were friends— he wishes he could beat his younger punk-ass self for all the dumb things he said back then.
If only there was some way he could express how he felt.
“Hey, I fucking hate you guys,” Duncan says earnestly. “But, like, in the best way.”
They groan in acknowledgment and Duncan closes his eyes.
Girls are dumb. Feelings are dumb. Everything is dumb, but he doesn’t even care anymore. Why? Because he’s got his boys by him, and Duncan would fight the whole fucking world for them.
Duncan wakes up to something soft and fluffy smothering him. Fur is in his mouth, and he is suffocating on it because his head is pounding and he doesn't have the strength to pull away. 
Duncan groans, agonized as the fluffy thing slides off his face. He squints to see Bunny, furry butt in his face as it cuddles against him. You better not have pooped in my bed, Duncan doesn’t have the strength to threaten aloud. His mouth is tacky and his eyes are crusty and Duncan would very much like to wake up when the next century has passed, thanks. 
Duncan lets out an annoyed grumble and tosses the covers from his body. He’s about to roll over to the ground to do his push-ups (a habit he’s had since juvie) when he notices two things.
One: the sheer amount of nausea he feels. Duncan almost throws up if it weren’t for the deep breaths Malibu taught him to calm himself. Oh God, he’s definitely listening to her more when she goes on about him and the guys consuming poison. Hangovers are hell.
Two: the suspiciously familiar cowboy hat. 
“What the fuck?!”
His hoarse yell makes the other occupant in his bed jerk awake. “Man, keep it down,” DJ says. His bandana is twisted backwards. “It’s too early.” A hand appears to shove him back into bed.
Duncan is tempted to smack him away, but that requires effort and energy. None of which he has right now. He settles for a weak shove as DJ snuggles him like he would Bunny. Curse him and his incessant need for cuddling. “Why the fuck are you in my bed?”
Another groan sounds by his feet. Geoff yawns and rubs his eyes, lifting his head to look at them. He looks stupid without his ever-present hat on (he looks stupid with it on anyway) and is curled up like a puppy at the foot of the bed. Duncan is struck with the urge to kick him off before he decides that’s too cruel.
“Don’t you remember?” Geoff asks. “We all came in here to talk about our feelings.”
Duncan stares at him in disbelief. “No we did not.”
“Yeah we did, and it was magical,” Geoff responds, voice muffled as he buries his face into the pillow. “You wouldn’t shut up about the girl who lives next door.”
“Courtney,” DJ supplies helpfully.
Duncan stares in mute horror. How drunk did he get last night? He talked about feelings? And girls?
Who even is he?
“It’s okay Duncan. Mama always says that the more you deny the bigger the feelings are. You can keep pretending you’re not a softie. It’ll come out someday.” DJ pats his head, like Duncan’s green mohawk is supposed to be Geoff’s idiotic blonde mop. 
Duncan almost tells him to fuck off, but bites his tongue because DJ is too sensitive to be told that. Instead, he says, “And doesn’t your Mama say to never drink?” DJ reaches a hand out to cover his face and shoves him back down into his pillow. 
Wow, the bed feels amazing.
DJ tries to pet him like he would Bunny — all gentle and reassuring — but the big guy’s hand feels like a meaty deadweight hitting his face over and over again.
“I hate you guys,” Duncan mutters, shoving his hand away.
“Yeah, yeah, we know,” Geoff yawns. It sounds like he’s going back to sleep. That actually sounds like a pretty nice idea.
“You guys better get out,” Duncan grunts, feeling his eyelids grow heavy, “I’m warning you.” He lets himself sink deeper into his pillow. “Leave or die,” he mutters, eyes closing. The last thing he hears is Geoff’s quiet snoring.
They don’t leave, and Duncan sleeps peacefully.
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ok but also going off my last message about soap and marissa i want them to get together but i also want more of them flirting with each other and not doing anything about the tension that is clearly there and the rest of the gang are just oh ffs just fuck already but they’re like nah we like teasing eachother too much and THEN let’s say while the bar is super busy some random dude starts trying to get marissa attention but she’s a) too busy and b) already but not really spoken for like ygm and soap sees and he’s having none of it and all the guys are trying to calm him down and tell him that she’s fine but he’s like nah fuck that guy and then goes over to the bar and then tells the random dude to fuck off and marissa is like ‘you good pal’? and he’s like yeah i’m good friend just don’t want anyone hitting on my lady etc etc
A/N: ughughguh, yessss
Johnny gets protective over Marissa
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish x OC (Marissa in the Sunshine universe) *not proofread
—Like just imagine, now when the reader, or Sunshine as the 141 calls her thanks to Ghost, and Price is a couple and gets invited to those pub nights when they come back from deployment or simply a spontaneous visit to the pub, Soap only bats his eyes more at Marissa, 'cause ya know, Riss, the old man got his girl, shouldn't it be my time now?' and Marissa just gives him a look and a 'Dream on, Johnny-boy.
—You try to urge your friend to not brush him off all the time because clearly, she hasn't shut him down definitely
"And don't argue with me, you ain't cuddling into his side if you ain't the slightest interested", you point at her while at yours for a girls night. Marissa would only shrug, "You know he's touchy". It feels like your eyes can't roll further back into your head as you debate whether it would be worth dunking your dearest friend in enough rosé wine until she just admits something. "You know he's into you, and whatever you say, you can't convince me you aren't into him, so why continue circling each other like fucking cats?" "Not every one that bags a Captain the first night they meet 'em", she would reply with a tilt of her wingless. You would duck your head with a shake, only to look up at her with a small smirk. "No, you could've gotten your Sergeant sooner though"
—But it always comes to the surface the moment you're in the same space as Johnny and Marissa,
—There always glances, some when they lock gazes and the Scot flashes a grin and your friend huffs and rolls her eyes, continuing on with her job or simply arguing with him
—At other times there would be what you labelled longing glances enough for a Disney movie when the others' attention was turned elsewhere
—Tonight, however, those glances are predominantly coming fro Johnny, but for once, not settled entirely upon Marissa...
You're sitting by a table, John's arm around your back, resting on the backrest. Despite the rest of the guys' conversation, your attention however was on Johnny's eyes constantly flickering away from the table. His arms are crossed over his chest, jaws chewing nothing as his brows are set deeply. His cyan eyes are steely. He's nothing like his bubbly self, no grins and jokes, at least not for the past half an hour. Glancing the same way as his attention currently are directed, you sigh. It's a busy night at the bar, some football game which always brings a crowd. Some for the game, others for the spirit. This means Marissa is in full swing of managing the bar along with some of her co-workers. But you know your friend's hurried pace isn't the cause of concern nor the mood of the Scot, it's the man Marissa is talking to at the bar. He's young, not much older than herself. Not bad on the eye with his tall build, black hair braided into cornrows and clean style, but still boyish in his character. He's been sitting there for a while. Even when you'd walked up to her a while ago, fetching a scotch for John and a fizzy drink for yourself, concerning you'd taken the responsibility to drive tonight, urging John to have a carefree night that wasn't all too carefree when it comes to the Brit. You don't want to disturb Marissa for long after you'd ordered your drinks, but the perk of being her friend is that she spared a short conversation anyways. The guy had been interested in your sudden presence and closeness to her, introducing himself as Tyrell in passing. He was polite, not butting into your conversation. However, when you'd say goodbye to Marissa, promising to buy her a drink and something to eat after her shift, you caught how he asked about you, or more so taking advantage of your presence to get to know more about Marissa and other close friends. You'd thrown a look over your shoulder upon hearing it, Marissa and you seemingly sharing a telepathic link as she looked back at you within a moment's notice. Amusement shone in her eyes, but the prominent thing you shared in the silent exchange was the recognition of someone trying to chat you up from the other side of the bar. That's exactly why she'd brushed him off with a too-general answer to his question. One that he apparently didn't register was because of disinterest compared to customers almost non-stop competing for her attention to order a drink You knew she could handle this, she's done it before and so far tonight. So your worry wasn't on your friend. And though you knew Johnny also knew that, it was impossible not to notice how he'd been unable to relax since he fleetingly had caught them interacting once.
"Johnny", you leaned forward slightly, out of John's embrace. Your move didn't disturb the conversation the others entertained about the game, even though you noticed John threw you a glance. The gentle call of his name made the Scot's eyes flicker to get yours. "She'll be fine, he isn't getting peppered, just annoying", you'd kept an eye on the situation, much like Johnny. The guy hadn't had much to drink despite waving down Marissa a few times, those times more in an attempt to engage her in a conversation than anything else. "That's enough", he scoffed, his eye unable not to Strat towards the bar again before licking back. "What doesn't the lad understand? "Million-pound question, that is". Rather than chuckling, Johnny huffed, his chest puffing as he shuffled in his seat. You tried not to smile, jealousy making a grumpy side emerge from the Scot. "How'dya deal with it, why not ask him to sodd off?" "He's a customer, and though they aren't always right, they pay".
"Can't argue with logic, Soap", John butt's into the conversation, making Scot's eyes flicker to the man at your side. You feel a hand sneaking forth to make you lean backwards in the chair and as close as your separated chairs allowed. "Don't think ya would've liked some lad chatting' up yer lass, Price?" Johnny returned sourly, making John hold his laugh, only letting a quirk in his lip escape. "No, but logic is still hard arguin' against", he said, honesty and calmness lacing his voice. "And she ain't yours, Johnny", Ghost entered the conversation as his attention fell from the game he'd followed closely. His dark eyes found the Scot seated beside him. "That's Sunshine's job", Johnny pointed at you and you raised your hands. "Trying my best, but she's as stubborn as this one is at times", you jutted a thumb towards John, who turned to you with a playfully narrowed brow and pinch to your waist. You jerked in your seat and sent him a half-attempt at a glare. "Can't blame the wingman", Ghost stated with a cock of his head. "Gotta be able to chat her up yourself". That made Johnny's eyes flicker towards the bar and whatever he sees makes his head cock so swiftly you think he'd attempted to crack it. "That's enough", he announces, standing up hastily, his chair screeches but at the raucous cheers at a scored goal, one making even John jolt in his seat and stem into the celebration, the sound drowns. "Sit down, Johnny", Ghost orders, words clipped as his team conceded and not desiring the Scot to stomp headfirst into something. "Not this time, L.T.", Johnny return, his eyes never tearing from the sigh at the bar. Only making the hulking man sink into his seat with a shake of his head, attention falling back to the game he follows with less intrigue with John's jab upon the scores. "Testosterone", you can't but chuckle to yourself, letting the others continue watching the game as you follow the Scot as he advances towards the bar.
Soap's attention is entirely set upon the man's as he steps up to the bar, even though he notices Marissa's eyes falling on him upon his presence. Satisfaction bleeds into his chest, a pride that he so easily gets her attention compared to this man's attempts. "Jog on, lad". The guy shift his light brown eyes to him, head tilting upwards from his seated position. Tension rolls through Soap's body, it curls like nails through the muscles bunching in his back and neck. He knows he's fallen into his role of Sergeant, arms crossed, eyes standoffish, jaw set and sentence clipped. But he doesn't care, not when notices the bob of the man's throat despite the attempted composed cock of his brows. Intimidated? Good. "Why? I think the bar's open for everyone and I'm enjoying my drink and the company", his gaze flickered towards forwards, over the bar "Enjoy it elsewhere and with someone that ain't spoken for". It doesn't take more than a second for the man to recognise what he said and the edge in his voice. His brows shoot up, eyes jumping to Marissa and then back to Soap. "Sorry mate", he doesn't offer any niceties as 'enjoy the game' as he slips from his seat. His back isn't straight, but even if it was he wouldn't have been taller than Soap. For the better even, the man leaves his half-finished drink at the counter, heading straight for the exit. Knew it from the start, ain't here for the game. Soap scoffs as he watches the man retreat from the bar altogether, knowing his night here wouldn't go anywhere.
"Spoken for, huh?" Upon Marissa's voice, Soap turns and faces her. One of her brows is cocked and despite her tone, the irritation having nested in his body slowly ebbs. "Aye, don't want anyone hitting on my lady", he mused, a smile that's been hard to muster coming easily as he leans against the bar as Marissa's brows shoot upwards in surprise. "Especially not one that doesn't buy any drinks for himself or ya". "And you saying you do?" Marissa cocks her hip, hand landing on her waist. "Would if ya let me". She's quick to shake her head, but Soap catches the smile that twitches the edges of his lips. "Ya owe me one after tonight", he hums, earning Marissa's attention as her face lifts, brown eyes locking with his. "For what? Scaring away a customer? I own this place, can call security and fix it myself", she challenges him, only making him break into a grin rather than shy away. "Know ya can", he winks at her, tapping his hands against the counter. "But because ya've spoken with me and not escaped to yer other customers like ya did with him". She'd opened her mouth, about to rebut when she snapped her lips close, pressing them together, eyes snapping down the bar. Indeed, people were waiting to order. Marissa didn't say anything as she made her way down the bar, but the look she sent Johnny still made his step light when he returned to the others by the table.
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sunnyie-eve · 5 months
3 | Waterfall
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
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"I'd do the barrel in Iceland again." Ryan says as we all drink and I watch the guys play pool.
"Again? You pussied out last year in the winter." Bam laughs at him.
"I'd done it, iv wasn't too cold. But I'd do it any time." He says making me laugh at time along with the others.
"You're only saying this because your drunk, Dunn."
"Dude, I'm not even drinking." He says making me laugh more.
"At the moment but you have been."
"If we were in Iceland tomorrow... would you do the waterfall. Think about it before you say it." Bam tells him.
Ryan counts to three with his fingers, "Definitely." We all laugh at him.
"I'll buy a ticket." Bam says and I knew he seriously meant it too.
"You are going to regret all the shit talking you're doing." I pat Ryan's back as I drink my beer.
"It's so not a big deal! Let's go there!"
The next morning I wake up early and Bam comes into my room showing me a piece of paper. "I knew you'd actually get it. All because of a bar argument we're going." I shake my head at him.
"Get a bag packed, sis. I'm gonna go wake the guys up." He leaves my room so I follow him.
"I wanna see his reaction because he probably doesn't remember shit. Plus I already did because I know you."
We make our way down to the basement and wake Ryan up first. "What?" He asks confused so Bam shows him the paper.
"Iceland. We're going right now." He tells him.
"Shut up." Ryan tells him.
"I'm serious. Look." He says as Ryan sits up and he goes to wake Raab up in the closet he stays in. I go back to my room to get my bag then join everyone downstairs as we talk about how much shit talking Ryan did last night.
"Yo Waterfall, we got a plane to catch!" Rake calls out as we get into the van.
"Waterfall. That's just his name now." Raab laughs.
The whole ride we still keep laughing about Ryan. When we get to the airport and wait some I shake my head at Ryan. "What?" He asks.
"You and your mouth last night. You regretting it yet?" I ask him and he nods his head very little. "You should really watch what you say when you drink."
The plane ride wasn't that much to me because I got to seat next to Bam and he didn't talk that much. When we got to Iceland we all get in a bus to get to the rental car. The ride was terrible because all the farting was hell even when we get the rental car.
Bam wanted to stop at the Blue Lagoon so that's something we did too. "I'm not gonna want out after this because how cold it is." I say as I stay next to Raab in the water.
"Agree." He laughs before grabbing me and dunking me under water with him.
"Your such an ass." I push my hair out of my face as he brings us back up.
"Remember when you used to like this ass." He shoves me.
"You mean when we were 12 till 14?" I laugh at him. "Then yes, I do remember when I liked your ass when we were kids." I go away from him and the guys to relax some.
The ride I hated with how everyone had to mess with everyone. As I was taking a nap in the back I kept feeling hot breathes blowing on me. "That's disgusting." I cover my face as Raab and Dico laugh at me.
We come to a stream across the road but we don't know how deep it was so Rake gets out to see by throwing a rock. "What's the worst that can happen?" Bam gets back in.
"We can get stuck." We all tell him.
"What do you think the chances are?" He asks so they tell him 50/50.
Raab tells him he thinks the left is more shallow making Ryan and I say right because we can see the rocks better but Bam just goes right through the middle.
As we keep going we run into many more rivers we had to drive through to get where we were going. The water starts to fuck up the engine as we try going up a hill. "We're gonna have to get out and push it. It's our only option." I tell the guys and they groan and we all pile out.
Finally making it through rivers and basically a lake we started looking for a barrel, which took forever. We finally found where to get one but Bam stole it for a chemical plant. "It's really hitting you now, huh?" I notice Ryan's face spaced out behind me as I look back at him.
"Yeah, everything thing is really coming together now." He sighs making me climb over the seat to sit next to him.
"Is he still asleep?" Bam asks about Ryan.
I look down at my lap since that's where he was resting his head, "Yeah. Ry..." I mess with his hair waking him up.
"It's barrel time. I found it." Bam tapes him so he gets up.
"Now we just have a 4 mile hike." I groan seeing the map.
When we make it to the waterfall I didn't want Ryan to do it. It wasn't the safest thing and I didn't think he would go through with it. I wanted him to chicken out again. "You have got to stop saying shit when you drink. This is so stupid, Dunn." I tell him worried as he stares at the waterfall. "What if you get seriously hurt doing this shit? It's not worth it. Let them just call you a pussy." I grab his and as it was just the two of us.
"I can go through this." He says not very confident.
"Ry... you're super claustrophobic. You in that barrel... equals no extra space whatsoever."
"Thank you for caring but I'm not doing this again." He walks over to them.
"Just hop in." Bam tells him so he mocks him before getting in. The second he was all the way in he gets back out.
"Fuck this." He lists everything he didn't like. "I don't give a shit you bought a ticket to god damn Iceland. I was fucking drunk." He gets out all the way walking away.
"Go talk him into it. He listens to you at times." Bam shoves me away but I was gonna go over to him anyways.
"You know I won't give you shit." I sit next to him.
"Because you're nice and understand." He huffs as Bam comes over to talk to him about going so Ryan points out all things that could make things go wrong.
When Bam leaves us Ryan just sits in silence hyperventilating some making me rub his back. "Fuck it." He gets up after minutes saying he'll do it.
"Are you sure?" I get up too.
"Let's just get it over with." He shakes his arms.
"Hey, I'll be at the bottom to help get you out quickly." I grab his arm he gives me smile so I head down to water. I pull hoodie and shirt off not wanting get my clothes wet when I jump in so I have something dry to put on on.
"Anna, just wait to get in." Raab tells me as I pull down my pants too. "It's too cold to wait-,"
I jump in the water freezing my ass off. "Fuck." I come up with my teeth chattering.
As soon as Ryan hits the water I swam over to the barrel first. "I got you." I say using all my strength to pull him then Raab and Bam jump in helping me get Ryan out of the water. "You're taking too long." I complain as they try getting the lid off so I do it get it off right way.
As Ryan quickly gets out panicking and the guys keep asking him if he was alright. He rushes out of the water going to lay on the rocks breathing heavy quickly. "Just give him a second." I try to keep get them to give him some space. "In and out slowly." I squat down next to him carefully placing my hand on his back. As he slows his breathing down I move my hand to his and he grabs it.
"You almost ready to get up?" I ask him and he slowly gets up with Bam coming over to help. Bam gives him a hug asking if he was alright so he nods his head. "Told you, I'd be at the bottom." I wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me.
"Anna, put your clothes back on before you start turns blue and purple." Rake says grabbing my clothes off the ground making Ryan steps back some to look at me in my bra and panties.
"I didn't want to get my clothes wet because I'd freeze faster in wet clothes out of the water." I explain shivering.
"Your lips are purple now." Ryan holds me in his arms trying to keep me warm as Rake brings me my clothes.
"Thank you." I move from Ryan putting my clothes back on to warm up.
"I can't believe you." Raab shakes his head at me.
"What jumping in basically naked? You need to put something on because you're turning red." I tell him so he goes to get his shirt.
We spent the night under the sky in the fucking wind to celebrate Ryan going through with it. Even in a long sleeves with a thick hoodie and wrapped in a blanket I was still cold. "I appreciate what you did earlier." Ryan wraps his blanketed arms around me.
"What part?" I turn around to face him for more warmth wrapping my blanket arms around him to get some of his body heat.
"All of it. Being first to me, quick to get the lid off, and helping me calm down." He rests his chin on top of my head.
"Well I was worried about you. You're kinda like my best friend too." I look up at him as he moves his chin.
"Last time you called me that was before you moved away. I'm glad you're calling me that again." He squeezes me.
"Here." Bam comes over to us putting his beanie on my head. "You're the smallest out of all of us." He chuckles.
"You're actually acting like a brother." I laugh moving from Ryan giving Bam a hug.
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shi-daisy · 1 year
Clare Beddor bansee...Girl you are galaxy brained omg!!! Please tell me we're getting Clare and Nesta friendship and Feysand dunking!
I love how you didn't have the others hide the fact that Feyre was the one to give Clare's name but they didn't vilify her either even if they could've and all hate what she's done. Same thing with Rhysand. They tell Clare everything and she's the one who's allowed to be angry or grateful, and she's very angry! Love it so much and I can't wait to see her confront them.
Also Azalea x Tarquin is new otp those two would look soooo good 👀 I need more
Thank you anon! I'm so happy everyone is loving banshee Clare. Justice for my baby girl she literally did nothing wrong!
Yeah I've already had Feysand creepers arguing everyone is taking the Night Court in bad fate which like...They're allowed to?! Feyre destroyed Spring, indirectly caused Daphne's death and didn't stand up for Nesta, then Rhysand wants to be High King (hahahahahahahaha no), almost causes Tamlin to kill himself and locked Nesta up and forced her to help with his bullshit schemes. They're allowed to hate them and worst. But ya know if this was Sarah's book she'd say Spring are the villains for being mad. Though luck dudes my name ain't Sarah and I'm not excusing them.
I had the squad tell her everything upfront not only because she deserves to know but so that the Feysand crowd can't say they didn't tell her the truth that Rhysand 'helped' (would've helped more if you didn't tell Amarantha anything but you stupid fuck) and that Feyre didn't she would die. Clare gets the whole truth but she's still allowed to be mad and say 'Nah fuck them, their little oops cost me my human life and my entire family. They going down'
Confrontation will take a while but we shall get more Clare, both her being besties with Nesta learning about fae life and coming to terms with everything.
Oh glad to hear you like Azalea and Tarquin. It's one of my fave plot threads and I'm looking forward to writing them more. Sarah really made this gorgeous yet shy dude and did nothing with him because she was busy thirsting over Rhys *gag* I wanna change that, plus I feel he'd vibe with a smart yet flirty wife.
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