#i don't care about miguel i don't care about that movie but knowing that oscar gives miguel life through his voice
rottiens · 2 months
I need Oscar Isaac to make a Spanish asmr video. Miguel O'hara saying "qué maravilla" just keeps repeating in my head.
you,,,, you don't know how much this made me smile. i am. extremely embarrassed at how much i am blushing over this. i am always thinking about him speaking spanish, when he does the accent change and switches to speaking spanish i swear my knees buckle. and yeah, i need him to do an asmr speaking like this so i can die in peace
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You know what really gets me about ATSV
ATSV: How to do a face reveal right
[A SHORT essay on why I think Miguel and Hobie are Hot On Purpose.]
Jessica's face is completely uncovered. Ben's face is shown right away. Pavitr appears in his mask but immediately shows his face in his own intro. Margo is always unmasked too.
CMIIW but: Miguel and Hobie are the only new characters whose faces were hidden until WAY after their first lines.
You mean to tell me, two of the finest characters in the movie. The characters who look like THIS
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Are shown first as this:
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- for a reason!! The writers knew what they were doing 😭
They - knowing the two would receive the most fan attention - deliberately delayed their face reveals simply for the sake of the drama.
When we first meet Miguel - it's as Spider-man
He's playing the cool, cold, heroic leader (despite Gwen's teasing). We come close to seeing his face, but like him, we stop short.
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They give us a taste of Miguel before we actually meet him, or see his face and full design.
The opening scenes of ATSV leaves us holding our breath.
The end of ITSV sets Miguel up to a big problem in ATSV, but he's abscent for the majority of the movie, working behind the scenes.
We spend the majority of the movie holding our breath, knowing that eventually Miles will have to meet him, we'll have to meet him, and it leaves the viewer even more excited - or anxious - for Miguel.
When we meet Hobie - it's as Spider-Punk
Just the same as Miguel, we're given a HUGE dose of Hobie before he even hits the screen.
Hobie is the talk of the town. Miles has an imagined problem with him - so we have a problem with him: We don't know who he is!
ATSV sets us up for Hobie. We know we'll meet him, but unlike Miguel - as so very in character for Hobie - we don't know where, or when, or how.
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Even after his first appearance - he kicks it up a notch.
And although he could've remained masked for the entirety of his intro, instead - the animators choose to have fun with it.
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They highlight the fact. Hobie outright taunts the viewer; He KNOWS you want to see his face. Sure, he'll demask himself - but he doesn't give you the satisfaction.
But Hobies face is an intentional mystery. He wants to keep you guessing, revealing in the anticipation.
He's already told you his name - but it's his character design that we're left dying for.
I know as soon as they got in the elevator I was like 👀 - he not gonna keep that mask on right. cause I know he fine
I find it so funny that the two characters that are thirsted after on the highest level are the only ones that reveal their faces in later scenes.
Like even when they walk into Miguels lair
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Like bro what the fuck are you posing for? Dramatic effect 😐
It goes to show that writers genuinely know who will be fan-favorites.
The ATSV design and animation team made a ridiculous amount of content for Hobie - going so far as to design his house, and make detailed imagery of his world.
They knew it'd never be included in ATSV. But they didn't care.
They made it anyway cause they knew people would want more of him. They knew that either in BTSV - or a solo entry of his own - people would really like Hobie, and really want to know more about him.
The knew that people would go NUTS over Miguel's redesign - because it's such a stark difference and upgrade from his teaser seen in ITSV.
In the beginning of ATSV, the design changes aren't that apparent. But as ATSV goes on, and we see Miguel's behavior, we immediately understand why they chose to make Miguel SO MUCH LARGER than what they were planning in ITSV.
They knew that you'd hear Oscar Issac's voice and it'd be a wrap. The way he looks is just ICING on the cake. They don't need to show you Miguel right away, they're going to make you thirst the whole movie before you actually get to see him.
They knew you'd see Hobie kick through that force field and be shook over him.
Gwen and Pavitr yell out 'Hobie!' when he arrives - because that's what we're all screaming in our heads.
'Oh shit - he's HERE.'
His face reveal is just the final nail in the coffin of 'yeah, im down bad for this dude. it's a wrap.'
the writers being like 'nah make them thirsty hoes wait'. Im watching Mumbattan fall apart in front of my very eyes and I'm still like... 'So about that Hobie bloke.... what's his deal'
We are all so predictable. They're laughing at us. They made Miguel dummy thicc because they knew. They just knew.
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meraki-yao · 9 months
RWRB Movie Analysis: Henry's Seclusion and Perception-Part 1
“They used to call me the prince of England’s hearts, but now it feels like everyone hates me.”
“Hey, they still love you.”
“They love the idea of me. And now they are faced with the reality.”
These three lines stuck with me for some reason.
The time gap between the email leaks and Alex flying to London is significantly longer in the movie. In the book it was almost immediate, I think in the span of one or two days? But in the movie, it was a week.
In that week, Alex wasn't shielded away from media or news about the matter, seeing as he watched Miguel's interview on his laptop. We already know that his parents are ultimately incredibly supportive of both his sexuality and his relationship with Henry. The White House Staff, his team, are implied to be supportive as well, since I don't think the press conference and his speech was solely his effort, plus Zahra said she's proud of him. Him getting outted before he was ready was a terrible thing that happened to him, but amidst the chao and pain, he had a support system, and he wasn't limited to seeing a single side of the public's reaction.
Henry though? Henry and Bea, the only other person who supports him (I do think Shaan does care about and support Henry, but he's also a palace employee under orders), had all of their electronics, their tools to access the internet, outside information taken away from them. He was stuck with a brother who was endlessly berating him, a grandfather who was giving him the cold shoulder, and a neglectful, absent mother. Bea loves him, but when the rest of the family is crushing down on him there's only so much one person can do. Even in meetings, even if the situation is entirely about him, about his sexuality and relationship, he's not involved in discussions. There's a heartbreaking shot during Alex’s speech, where although he’s in the centre of the frame, although he's at the head of the table, the other people aren't facing him, they’re talking among themselves, not talking to him. And Henry looks like he desperately wants to be part of the conversation, but he can't cut in, and you can see his eyes drop and him giving up. I don't know if anyone has had that experience, of wanting to join in a discussion but constantly getting cut out or ignored, but I can tell you, it feels fucking awful.
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So in that horrible, horrible week, Henry was forced into an information cocoon, where all the information he received was how bad this thing that was forced onto him was for the crown's image, how awful of a person he is for being gay and pursuing a relationship with Alex/ letting a “mad infatuation” ruin the image they made him create, and how others in the palace are dealing with this for him in a way he doesn't agree or have a say in. That's all he could see, and when that’s all you can see, it starts to feel like the definitive truth.
That's why it feels like everyone hates him. Because within the space he was confined in, save for Bea and Shaan, everyone did act like they hated him. No Alex, No Pez, No. Oscar, no public opinion. He was forbidden from seeing any support. That's why he feels so lost.
So when finally, he gets to see a sea of rainbow outside Buckingham Palace, he's so overwhelmingly glad and determined, as he realizes that he's still the Prince of England's heart, he is still loved by his people, perhaps even more so now, because he's one of them. He's their rainbow prince.
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He's finally confident, as he takes his love's hand and steps out onto the balcony, greeted by howling cheers and applause, an ocean of support that he didn't get to see before, but was always there.
Alex was right all along.
"They still love you."
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whatthefishh · 10 months
my last ask reminded me ab the thot i forgot ab lol:
facial hair
uhhh -- well, i write a lot of steven/miguel fics so i don't explore the facial hair aspect of oscar (even though he has the most iconic staches and beards out there) so let's discuss + lemme get you on the 'stache train with me:
Exhibit A: Llewyn Davis
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this hot fucking mess has zero right to look this good. dude was literally on the verge of passing out and/or crying the whole movie. also his beard is way too well kept for him to be homeless.
tell me you wouldn't enjoy the beard burn he'd leave between your thighs or holding onto those cute curls eeee --
Exhibit B: Nathan Bateman
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THIS BALD BITCH (ok -- peek at the vein in his arm...) literally doesn't need to be bald but he probably thinks he's too big-brained™️ for hair or something idk.
he could literally kiss me until my whole mouth area and chin turn red and i wouldn't care 😭. he'd probably be a dick and rub himself all over me just to irritate my skin (i'm sensitive) then tease me ab it after.
let's face it, dude would look magnificent eating ice cream (or dripping with heat as he lifts his face from my -----) uhhh ok next
Exhibit C: Blue Jones
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yeah, he looks like a slut. i mean the porn stache really just staples the word "pimp" onto his forehead. he's definitely more into himself than anyone else and he looks like a class A pervert, but i'd still hit it tho 💀
Exhibit D: Duke Leto and Jonathan Levy
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i put them together bc of their full beards and hair. both give off 'have a family but still ready to fuck' vibes, but jonathan is softer and domestic 🥺
look at those beards and how well they frame his lips, it's like he's FORCING you to look 🫠 AND THE GREEYING HAIRRR EEEEE I NEED
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"this is powerful"
"clean shaven 5 days ago" -- ok but why would he say that??? does he wants me to collapse??? does he want to be bitten???
i genuinely lost track of the reasoning behind this ask (i'm sleep deprived and deliriously screaming ab this man) idk if i like facial hair or if it's just irresistible on him...either way i wanna feel it everywhere 😵‍💫
Omg em!! I absolutely adore beards especially Oscar’s!!! It’s the moustache only look that I’m always eek about and yet I still pine after Blue Jones 😂😳
I need to watch Inside Llewyn Davis still, I know I’ve got some catching up to do but his beard does look ridiculously well kept for a homeless guy you’re right.
Nathan Batsman’s beard is something I’m a very open whore about yes to the carpet burnnnnnnn
Jonathan levy is the perfect example of just like… ‘Messy academic hot man that I want to make even more of a mess of’. That’s a type, right? Adore. Esp the greys!!!! I love the fucking greys!!! Father of my children!!!
The god damn TF interviews ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
He said that because he wants you to know that he knows exactly what he says and does to us.
Yes to facial hair especially on Oscar. Just the stache on other men get the fuck away from me 😂
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agentem · 1 year
On Miguel
I think Beyond the Spider-verse will have more Miguel. Oscar Issac was announced as Spider-Man 2099 he was said to be a co-lead of the film (x). But I felt this film did not feature him significantly, which makes me think a lot of his stuff was pushed back to the second movie.
Maybe we will see events from his eyes next time instead of Gwen's? (Originally the movies were to be part one and part two, but Lord and Miller said they realized it was two separate stories. So it's possible the order of things got shuffled around.) A Miguel story might also pair well with Miles in Earth-42 if we are talking about people making some hard choices, and not having it so easy.
A lot of 2099's motivation in this film, Across the Spider-verse, is a bit vague. We know there is a tragic backstory but we don't see it or feel it, which would make me more invested in him as a "lead."
I do think he's wrong about the canon events. For the film to work narratively, it makes more sense if the Spot is actually the anomaly and not Miles. He just thinks it's Miles because it's coming from his universe. And Miguel will be like "let's kill The Spot!" but Miles will talk to him and show him he's not a villain of the week and they really are nemeses. So then the Spot can stop ripping holes in the fabric of the universe and go back to stealing money from ATMs in a hilarious fashion. Everyone wins. (The vocal cue of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock paired with the Spot repeating one of his lines had made me think he will be redeemed. That was revolutionary about Spider-man 2 and subsequently No Way Home. To show a superhero who talks to and cares about the bad guy.)
The anomalies could also be tied to the wider Marvel multiverse. The MCU is dealing with Kangs, so there's that, obviously.
The Sonyverse is also introducing Madam Web into their Venom/Morbius/Whatever it is (They are going to try to get me hyped by saying it's Sony's first female-centric story but it was written by the Morbius people so I will try not to get my hopes up).
I grew up with the 90s cartoon where Madame Web (voiced by Stan Lee's then wife, Joan) was like, in charge of the multiverse. I'd love for the end of Beyond the Spider-verse would be the Joan Lee version to show up and say, "Miguel, I love you, sweetie, but you are bad at this. I am taking over. Miles, you have never done anything wrong in your life."
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robotpussy · 1 year
Oh my god thank you for talking about the Miguel fandom thing
I’ve been seeing art of him muzzled everywhere and it feels so gross to me but no one was saying anything about it
I love Spider-Man 2099 a lot from the comics and I loved him in the movie but I really hate how the fanbase is acting with him and using him as a vessel to fuck Oscar Isaac, and not really care about the character or his comic lore or anything
i swear white people just don't think. they're really in a completely different world because for some reason when they find a non white person attractive they don't know what to do but be racist in the process. how do you even sit up and go yea I'm gonna put a brown man in a muzzle cause I'm horny for him.... you see him as a animal cause he's angry? is that it?
the problem with fandom is, while interpretation shouldn't be forbidden it always seems to take a left turn, it always makes you question why they engage with the source when they're just going to completely change the character at the end of the day? i know there is fun to be had coming up with your own ideas but it gets so tiring when you want to enter a space and all that's happening is people rewriting a character or just jerking off and nobody wants to discuss what's already been done for them, especially in the case of Spiderman 2099 where there is YEARS of work we could discuss!!
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the-great-ladyg · 4 months
Miguel o'Hara for character ask game!
Hi!! Thanks for the ask, now I can gush more over Miguel >:D
• My first impression: "Damn, that's a big ass, animators knew what they were doing" (one of the first things I saw from the movie was a close up to Miguel's fat ass xd)
• My impression now: "I just love you so much but at the same time I want to punch you"
• Favorite thing about that character: His voice, damn Oscar Isaac truly did a good job, his face, his body, his unique abilities as a Spider-Man, how he takes charge of something as complex as a multiverse
• Least favorite thing: His terrible coping mechanisms with trauma and how he places his wrath and guilt on a kid to blame him of everything that's wrong in the multiverse, and his unwillingness to change his mind
• Favorite line/scene: "The Spider-Verse. Oh, that's stupid. It's called the arachno-humanoid poly-multiverse. Which is stupid too I guess".
Also: "My name is Miguel O'Hara. I'm this dimension's one and only Spider-Man. At least I was. But I'm not like the others. I don't always like what I have to do, but I know I have to be the one to do it. I've given up too much to stop now."
• Favorite interaction that character has with another: "All stations! Stop what you're doing and stop Spider-Man" *all Spider-Men share the same brain cell* "Ay coño! Miles! Miles Morales! He's entering Sector Four!" "Miles! Wait, he's right there! Turn! Around!" *starts waving and jumping like of he was Spider-Ham*
(I still can't believe they let that on the final cut, is like saying "Oh, fuck!" in Spanish)
• A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Hobie, I just know they both had the silliest arguments with Miguel just raging on what Hobie did wrong while he's chilling (also, two of my F/Os interacting yes please)
• Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Miguel kind of reminds me of Syzoth on the new timeline (two DILFs who lost their children and blame themselves that see themselves as freaks and monsters), but the character that reminds of Miguel the most is Phoenix Ikki. They both have lost someone they loved and blame themselves, they have anger issues, they won't hesitate to be harsh when telling someone the truth and both have terrible coping mechanisms (Miguel trauma dumps and shifts blame on other people and burns himself out on work, Ikki isolates himself from everyone and shuts down all of his emotions)
• A headcanon about that character: Miguel can create his own webs (yeah, I don't care if they're neon, that thing he injects himself can give him the ability to shoot neon webs)
• A song that reminds of that character: Monster by Imagine Dragons
• An unpopular opinion about that character: People saying Miguel's the villain, like if the Spot wasn't there and if there couldn't be a morally gray hero who truly cares about the well-being of fellow heroes but makes some bad decisions
• Favorite picture:
Just look at him, look that smile
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honeylikewords · 5 years
So my birthday is on Monday and I am single! So if you have time, maybe a HC for any of Oscar Isaac's characters doing something for their girlfriend's birthday? If you can't, don't worry about it.
Well, first of all, happy birthday! I hope your birthday is a sweet day and that you do something that makes you happy; single or not single, a birthday should be a day about remembering the good things in your life, and enjoying the wonderful world around you. Take a moment and just take pleasure in the joy of being you!
Since this ask is a little vague, I’ll pick three Oscar boys and do a quick HC for each. I went with Poe, since he’s the most popular, Reeves, since he’s sweet and underrated, and Miguel, since I love him.
1. Poe: 
Poe is a bit all over the place about birthdays. As a sentimentalist, he tries to give the most thoughtful gifts he can. 
He remembers small things about his beloved, little tiny moments from even before they were dating. He gives her gifts of items only she would understand-- a postcard from the National Park where they went on a pre-relationship pseudo-date, hiking around, a stone from the beach where he gave her his jacket as the sun set, an old ring they once found in a sewer grate during a walk, now polished and re-sized to fit her-- but also takes her to exciting places to show her how enthusiastic he is about giving her the best possible time. 
Some of the stuff he has planned can get to be a bit much, though (he thought a good gift would be taking them go-kart racing so he can give her an adrenaline rush, but it turns out the speed and tire screeching and general chaos just stresses her out), so he tries to listen to what she wants and go along with it.
If, in the end, all she wants is to stay home and order takeout and snuggle up to watch her favorite movies or shows or play some games, he can do that, too, and spend the evening telling her all the things about her that make her his most special gift.
Poe just wants to make his sweetheart happy, and to make her the center of his universe. He knows things can be busy, and he knows he has to dedicate so much of his time to doing things for other people, and he and his beloved are often forced to be apart while he’s on missions, but he wants her birthday to be the day that he reinforces the fact that she is the best thing to come into this world, filling his life with light.
“You know, I think I should call your mom,” he smiles, kissing her temple.
“Huh? Why?”
“To thank her for what she did all those years ago today. She brought you into the world.”
Poe’s lover laughs, patting his chest affectionately, and he grins, shaking his head.
“I’m serious! She did a great service to the world, providing all of us lucky souls with you! But I’m the luckiest, since I get to love you and keep you all to myself,” he smiles, going in for the deep kiss on her lips.
They rock together for a moment, humming into the kiss, mouths starting to fall more open, breaths becoming hotter and hastier, before they break apart, slightly breathless, eyes hazy.
“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about my mom if you’re going to do hot stuff like that,” gasps his girlfriend. “I don’t want to be picturing her as I’m making out with you.”
Poe snorts and nods, petting her cheek.
“Right. No mom talk when heating things up. Got it.” He places a chaste kiss on her nose, then brushes her hair tenderly with his fingers. “Happy birthday, starlight.”
2. Reeves:
(Quick note, I consider “Reeves” to be his last name and a nickname/stage name; in my version of events, his full name is Joaquin Reeves, so I’ll refer to him as Joaquin in order to convey the closeness and intimacy of the relationship.)
Joaquin is also deeply, deeply sentimental. He remembers things about his beloved from stories she told about her childhood, memories from when they were just children, little things from being in school together that maybe she’s forgotten, but he never has. He remembers nearly every single thing about her, even things she, herself, has forgotten.
So on her birthday, she’s surprised to see that Joaquin is waiting for her at the breakfast table, smiling excitedly. In his hands he holds a mid-sized box; nothing huge, but certainly not very small. He places it on the table and pulls out a seat for her, kissing her temple as she sits down.
“Open it,” he whispers. “He’s been waiting to see you.”
He? She furrows her brow, nervous. She really hopes he hasn’t boxed a live animal, and giving animals as gifts can be such a risky gambit... Lifting the lid off the box hesitantly, she peers inside, then gasps.
“Oh, ‘Quin,” she says breathily, putting a hand to her lips as her eyes water, “You... oh my God!”
From the box, she pulls out a quite old-looking teddy bear, though its fur is clean and its eyes sparkle. She pets its cheeks, rubbing her nose into the top of its head as she gives it a big hug.
“You told me about how you lost yours on that trip when you were little,” Joaquin murmurs, softly rubbing circles into her shoulders. “I did a little poking around and asked your mom to show me pictures of you and the bear from when you were a baby, and, well, I found him.”
She cuddles the bear and laughs wetly, tears prickling in her eyes and down her cheeks. Joaquin is so sweet, so dedicated to her happiness, and she can’t help but wrap him up in a big hug and kiss his stubbly face, laughing and crying in unison.
“Do you like it?,” he asks, chewing his lip.
“Oh, darling, it’s everything.”
It’s not just about having the bear of her childhood days back-- it’s about having a man like him in her life, and the gift is less the tangible item than the fact that he did all this for her sake. The gift is his love, and she can feel it all around her.
3. Miguel:
Miggy struggles with birthdays. His were never especially happy, growing up, and he had very few friends who he had a close enough relationship with to celebrate their birthdays with. But despite his lack of experience, Miguel would do his absolute best for his beloved.
He dresses nicely in a button up and vest with well-pressed slacks and his best patent leather shoes, a tie loosely fastened around her neck. He coaxes her into wearing a pretty dress and getting pleasantly gussied up; he wants her to feel as beautiful as he sees her as.
Then the handsome couple go walking around Nueva York, and Miguel treats his girlfriend to anything she wants (though he knows she’s often too humble and considerate to ask for any old thing, so he sometimes takes the initiative and just buys something for her, anyway). He has a good nest of money saved from his work as a geneticist, so he can afford to spoil her a little.
He takes her out for dinner at an upscale restaurant, murmuring her praises all night long, almost bordering on flattery, but meaning every word. Miguel is handsy, too, playing with her fingers, kissing her wrists and palms, telling her how today is all about her, all about his very pretty birthday girl.
“And, when we get home, you can do anything you want in the bedroom!”
“MIGUEL! Lower your voice about that!”
“What, I’m just being candid! Besides, I want everyone to know how I’m gonna spoil my birthday princess even in bed! Maybe we can start with--”
But she’s giggling, rolling her eyes playfully at him, and Miguel knows she’s not upset with him. She knows she’s loved and cared for, and that he is eternally grateful that she came into this world and into his life.
Happy Birthday!
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