#i just want to see that movie because of him
moonstruckme · 1 day
Are you going to continue the roomate James series? I’m actually in love with it😍
Yes! Thank you for reading <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 804 words
“Honey, I’m home!” 
A smile tugs at your lips, even as you roll your eyes to yourself. James has become more and more fond of these pet names, and of announcing his comings and goings like he’s worried you’ll miss him. (He’s never gone long enough for that, though you might actually miss him if he were.) If you don’t respond in some way or another, he’ll—
“Hey.” He pokes his head through your cracked door. “You alive in here?” 
You pause in folding your laundry to give him a deadpan look. “I could have been in my underwear.” 
He looks mildly horrified. “I’d hope if you were, you’d close the door all the way.” 
“You know, I did manage to stay alive even before you moved in.” 
James leans on your doorframe, giving you the sort of lazy grin you have to pretend doesn’t scare butterflies into flight in your stomach. You really hope that wears off soon. “See, but now I’m convinced if I don’t check on you, you really will die and it’ll be my fault.” 
“How would it be your fault?” 
“Classic case of roommate neglect. I smell the rotting coming from inside your room, the police come, they ask How did you not know your roommate was dead for a month? I reply, Well, officer, she said she could be galavanting in her underwear at any moment. They put me in handcuffs and I spend the next five to fifteen years having Sirius bring me cigarettes I don’t want so that I can trade them for ramen noodles in the yard.” 
You scoff, fighting a smile. “As if you would ever eat ramen.” 
“That’s what I’m saying, sweetheart. You’d be forcing me upon desperate times. But hey,” he raises his hands in a show of surrender, “I didn’t come in here to discuss prison currency. Would it be alright with you if I had friends over tonight?” 
“Of course,” you say, looking back down to match a pair of socks. “You don’t need to ask every time, it’s always alright.” 
“Thanks,” he says warmly, “but it makes me feel better to ask. What do you want on your pizza?” 
You blink. “Me?” 
“Yes, you.” He smiles. Butterflies all over again. “You don’t have to hang out with us to eat it—though we’d love to have you—but I’m not just going to order pizza to your own apartment without having any for you.” 
“It’s your apartment, too,” you remind him. “That’d be a very normal thing to do.” 
“Irregardless.” James waves you off. You wrinkle your nose at the word choice. “What do you want?” 
You swallow a sigh. There are some things, you’ve found, James is nearly impossible to argue with about. If you really dig your heels in, sometimes you can make him move first, but you don’t feel like it right now. 
You do the next best thing you can think of: choosing the least obtrusive option. “Cheese is good with me, thanks.” 
His eyes narrow like he knows what you’re doing, but he says, “Got it. I’ll let you know when it’s here.” 
“Thanks.” You turn your attention back to your laundry. James lingers in the doorway. 
A month ago, you would have kept ignoring him, working on the (unfounded) hope that he’d go away. Now, you look up. 
“Do you think you might come downstairs and hang out?” he asks. He has a strange look on his face, one you can’t quite decipher. “You know you’re always invited.” 
You give James a terse sort of smile. He’s not stopped inviting you to do things since the day he moved in. Your open invitation has been made very clear, and you’ve been accepting it more often lately. James is someone who makes it easy to feel close to him. He tosses pet names at you like they’re nothing, comes to check on you when he gets home, pretends he needs to go grocery shopping just because you need a ride to the store. Last week, you’d sat down to watch a movie with him and woken up to a black screen, your cheek smushed into his shoulder and his head resting atop yours. 
Somehow, you’ve let him spill into your life without meaning to, and now you have these childish, crush-like reactions whenever he smiles a certain way or calls you pet names with that familiar bent to his voice. You know you just need time to sort these feelings out. It’d probably be ideal to keep yourself from spilling into his life as much as possible in the meantime. 
But it’s hard to deny James anything when he’s so sweet to you. And he’s nice. His friends seem nice. 
“I might,” you say. 
“I’ll take the win,” James replies, smiling. These butterflies are seriously inconvenient.
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silkentine · 2 days
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All I could think while drawing Nami was, “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy?” And, of course, with Robin I was thinking, “save a horse… 🥵”
Design Notes and other opining below the cut:
For Nami, I wanted to go for a mix of cocky Jersey mafia newbie and surfer boy. I like to think that some of the horrendous outfit choices that Sanji makes (especially in the movies) were actually picked out by Nami. She’s the shopper!!! But yeah, the vibrant swim trunks and graphic tees just scream Nami. I also wanted to put him in a wetsuit/rash guard because I think that’s a sexy look so sue me if you hate it. You cannot argue with me that Nami doesn’t wear swimsuits as clothes.
He’s toned but not as muscular as Robin or Luffy (for example) because he isn’t a front-line fighter, I want him to maintain the same kind of role that Nami has in the animanga. He’s the best navigator in the world!! I couldn’t decide if I wanted to change the violent tendencies that Nami has, but ultimately I think he’d still give the more deserving members of the crew a healthy wallop (although I might portray it more cartoonishly). Boy Piece!Nami still grew up under Arlong’s authority so he spent a lot of his childhood walking on eggshells to protect his village and his brother, Nojiko, so I think he never really got to learn “you’re not supposed to hit people just because they frustrate you” lesson. I gave him a shark-tooth necklace because surely Arlong had a few loose teeth to spare once Luffy took her down. Victory spoils LOL
If he can get the girls to stop wrestling and sit down quietly for a while, he likes to host card games (with betting, of course) or watch the clouds while sipping whatever fruity cocktail Sanji whips up. I believe that Canon!Nami is a total lesbian, and I can’t possibly envision a Nami who doesn’t like women so Boy Piece!Nami is bi. I am, of course, a Namivivi truther and Vivi is also a man in this AU. I don’t hate Sanami within this dynamic though… lots to think about.
Okay!!! All-shipper mindset aside, let’s talk Robin. I gave him long hair because 1) it’s hot and 2) I think it makes him look like Dragon. Yeahhh, I subscribe to the Luffy and Robin are half-siblings theory because I think it’s funny and makes some sense. Crocodile is 100% Luffy’s Mom in this AU and I think Robin knows it LOL
For his outfits, I wanted to lean a bit more Indiana Jones where I could; he’s still primarily cowboy inspired though. For the main look, I went with the Skypeia color palette hehe, I think Robin looks good in yellow. I did some flower-petal shaped color blocking on his chaps because I think it’s cute and subtle. I really love that the powers of the Hana-Hana-no-mi are like… unexpected for a “flower flower” fruit and I think Robin would be more aware that juxtaposition as a guy. You might also be wondering about the gloves and I initially just had it for his cowboy look but I decided to put them on all the outfits up until the events of Enies Lobby. Canon!Robin has a really difficult childhood and I think it’s exacerbated by the fact that she’s a girl on her own. If Robin was a boy, he’d probably have an easier time living on his own but would be a lot less emotionally open. All of these elements combine to make him want that physical barrier between his real hands and the world. Once he can trust that the Strawhats will always be there for him, he’s more willing to be more physically open.
I also think it’d be cute if he was much more of a coffee drinker :3c I see Canon!Robin as a connoisseur who likes a well-brewed espresso but Boy Piece!Robin needs a cup of joe (no matter its quality) every chance he can get. So I drew him with his special #1 ARCHAEOLOGIST mug.
It would make me so happy if you left your thoughts in the tags or replies!! Even if you hate everything about them, I just really like engagement hahaha. I’m thinking girl Usopp is next despite the poll results because she’s on my mind rn (don’t hold me to this, LOL I’m fickle). I’m making these for fun so I just wanna make designs in the order that interests me the most. Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog to see all the genderbends I have so far. And happy pride!!!
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cursedvida · 1 day
The fact that they wanted us to see Noa forced to choose between saving Soona’s life or betraying Mae, and he DOES NOT CHOOSE is telling. Like, the movie hints at a potential love triangle (if they’d dare do it) and that moment does more than hint, it hits you in the face with it.
This is something I've debated a lot around here, and it's something that, for me, has a pretty clear meaning. Many people say that Noa can't choose because he has hero-like characteristics, and heroes have an ethic by which no one is expendable, so he hesitates between the two. But then I wonder (and many others do too): Why choose Soona, whom they try to present as his supposed love interest, and not choose Anaya or his mother? Why juxtapose in a life or death choice two female characters with whom he's supposed to have a connection? They could exemplify Noa's ethical dilemma with more characters, but they choose precisely the one who's supposedly his crush. To me, it seems quite intentional narratively and not at all casual because, in the end, it's like, whom do you choose? The one who's supposed to be your sweetheart, or this girl you just met but have been intensely looking at throughout the movie?
There are things that don't make much sense if there isn't something underlying in the relationship between Mae and him. One is the decision scene, and the other is the scene where Mae asks him if he likes Soona. Like, why include that scene? Why would Mae care, especially in that context, whether Noa likes Soona or not? Why would someone like Mae be interested in someone's love interest whom she's supposedly using at such a critical moment? It's totally out of character but still there.
I don't know, if these things don't imply anything, it seems like textbook lazy writing to me.
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daydreaming-nerd · 21 hours
The Angel of Music (Azriel x Reader)
AN: guys this is always one of my emotional support movies/plays I’ve seen it a million times so it only seemed fair that I give it the ACOTAR collab it deserves. 
Summary: It was the inner circles first time at the theater and from the way the Shadowsinger was blushing they all had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last. (the reader plays Christine Daae in Velaris’ adaptation of The Phantom Of The Opera and Azriel falls in love with her, but he’s afraid that she won’t like him because of his scars because she choose Raoul in the play) Set between ACOWAR and AOFAS
Warnings: Angst because of Azriel’s scars, shy az, but so much fluff, (just a little Az brain rot, didn't take this too seriously)
Word Count: 3,070
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It wasn’t the shadowsinger's usual scene. Bustling people dressed to the nines, plush red chairs, gold sconces, orchestras. But Cassian had been tirelessly trying to make Nesta smile, and Ferye wanted to try and get her sisters together, so here he sat in the box that Rhysand had purchased for the night. 
Nesta loved the music and dancing, Elain loved the romance, and Feyre loved the costumes and color palettes of scenes. Cassian wanted to see Nesta smile, and Rhysand would do just about anything Feyre asked of him. 
In all his 500 years of life, Azriel had never thought to go to the theater. When he was a child he heard of his parents going but of course, he never got to go. As he grew the idea of going to see a show simply never crossed his mind.
When the lights went down and the orchestra came to life he spent most of his time watching Cassian, who was watching a very intrigued Nesta. He stayed that way until a clap and a spark echoed throughout the room. At first, he thought there was danger, but as soon as he turned his attention towards the stage he saw the large chandelier raise itself to life bringing the dilapidated stage with it. Golds, reds, and vibrant colors filled the room. 
Still, Azriel had trouble following the plot. But as he watched Nesta and her sisters become entranced by the music and dancing. The loud organ had stirred something in him, but he didn’t truly feel moved until her. 
Think of me, think of me fondly when we’ve said goodbye…
Azriel was sitting in a box at the edge of the theater, but even from this distance, he could tell that she was the most beautiful female he had ever seen.  He scooted to the edge of his seat a tad just to be that much closer to her. Her voice was that of a siren, no not a siren, an angel. His shadows danced around his ears and his wings at the sound of her ballad. Even the rest of the inner circle seemed to be entranced by her spell. 
As the play went on he found himself becoming irrationally jealous of Raoul. The pretty Viscount had not given her a second look at the beginning of the play. It wasn’t until the organ sounded again that the sound of her voice graced Azriel’s ears. The woman walked through a mirror towards a masked man. 
Who was this masked man? Where was he taking her? It wasn’t until Mor rested her hand to where he was gripping his chair with white knuckles that he remembered it was just a play. He sat back in his seat more, trying to tell his shadows to calm down. But as her voice climbed and climbed that beautiful crescendo they twisted and turned around him. 
Azriel spent the rest of the play being utterly entranced by the beautiful singer’s relationship with the Phantom. The masked man was dark and radical, staying in the shadows where no one could see him. He observed her from afar. Much like the shadowsinger did himself in every aspect of his life. 
It was clear to him that the Phantom was in love with Christine. So when Raoul and Christine kissed he nearly felt his heart shatter. The way the Phantom mourned, and cried, it felt all too personal to Azriel. 
I  gave you my music, made your way. And now how you’ve repaid me, denied me and betrayed me…
  From there on out Azriel found himself rooting for the Phantom, the man he saw so much of himself in. He nearly shed a tear when he found out why the man wore a mask. A scared child in a cage made to perform. 
He looked down at his mangled hands sitting on the arms of his chair. He had known a similar childhood and had suddenly wished he had something like a mask to cover such torn flesh. Maybe then the beautiful woman on stage might look at him with that same lovesick gaze, she wore now for Raoul, but he knew that could never be.
For a moment he felt joy, seeing her kiss the Phantom with such passion, such love. Only for that joy to be extinguished like a candle when she walks out with the Viscount. Of course, she would choose him, life does imitate art after all. It wasn’t until the curtain went down and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause that Azriel broke from his trance, standing to applause with them. 
“Well that was wonderful,” Feyre beamed, linking her arm with Rhysand’s. 
“I’ll say, that girl sang like an angel,” Mor gushed, fanning herself with her program as we all made our way out of the box. “Even Azriel seemed to enjoy it,” the female smirked, bumping Azriel with her shoulder. She had seen the lovesick gaze in his eyes. 
“It was so romantic the way Raoul came to rescue her,” Elain swooned, grabbing her sister's other arm. 
“Oh please, the Phantom was the obvious choice!” Nesta huffed at her sister's comment. 
“Nesta, would you like to meet the cast? Maybe talk to some of the dancers?” Feyre asked, changing the subject quickly before conflict arose. 
Nesta thought for a moment and spoke again, “Yes I would.” all she said. 
Of course, it was an easy task for Rhys to sweet-talk his way backstage, the inner circle sticking out like a sore thumb as they weaved past props, costumes, and the ensemble. Azriel’s eyes stayed ever vigilant, unable to let go of years of training as they walked down a dark hall. A cast member opened a door at the end of the hall to reveal mirrors with glimmering faelights around them. Vanities with every manor of makeup and costume jewelry. Two men he recognized as the actors who played the Viscount and the Phantom. 
The Phantom had washed off the makeup that made his face look scarred. Once again Azriel wished he too had that ability. Rhys and Feyre shook both their hands introducing them to the whole inner circle, but Azriel paid no mind. His hazel eyes were searching for a hint of her.
“Oh y/n there’s someone who wants to meet you!” called out one of the actors. 
“Oh, really who?” called a voice so melodic Azriel just knew that she had to be an angel. 
His shadows wisped around him frantically, calling out her name in his ear, like they were excited to finally know it. Rhys and Feyre’s eyes looked to their friend and smiled at one another. 
She walked around from a changing screen, tying the strings of the robe she was wearing that looked similar to the one she had worn on stage. She nearly stopped in her tracks as she saw her High Lord and Lady staring at her. 
“My Lord, My Lady,” she bows. “It is an honor.”
“No, no, please don’t bow,” Feyre rushes over, bringing the singer upright. “If anything we should be bowing to you. You sang like a goddess out there, you are truly talented.”
“Why thank you, my Lady, I’m truly happy you enjoyed the show,” she smiled and Azriel’s heart all but glowed. 
“Please call me Feyre,” the High Lady smiles, extending her hand. 
“Y/n,” the singer replied, taking her hand and shaking it. 
Azriel kept to the sidelines as the inner circle conversed with the cast and crew. Feyre and Rhys praised the play director and claimed they would be purchasing their box for the rest of the season. Nesta picked the brains of the dancers and their instructor, Cassian listening dutifully behind her. Elain chatted up the Phantom and Raoul, both actors seemingly falling for her, once again showing how life imitates art. 
Mor talked to y/n, about what? Azriel didn’t know. But the second Mor caught Az gazing at y/n she held out a hand to him. 
“Y/n I’d like you to meet Azriel, spymaster for the night court,” Mor said, beckoning Azriel over. 
Azriel quickly put his hands behind his back, not wanting to scare her with his scars. He could’ve sworn he saw her cheeks tint a shade pinker as he approached, looming over her in size. 
“How do you do?” y/n asks.
It takes a second for Azriel to realize that her angelic voice is speaking to him.
“Oh um, very well thanks.” he stutters, already feeling like a fool. Gods she was even more beautiful up close, he found himself suddenly longing for the box that offered him sanctuary, or a mask like the Phantom had. 
“Did you um, enjoy the show?” she probed and Azriel realized that Mor had conveniently dismissed herself. 
“I did,” he said quickly. “You have a beautiful voice, I could’ve listened all night.” 
Once again he swore he saw y/n blush as she looked down at her feet, “Thank you, though I think I fell flat a little in the first song. Opening night and all,” she laughed nervously and oh Cauldron, the sound of her laughter was enough to make Az take one step towards her. 
“No it was perfect, all of it.” he spat out, not standing to hear her say one more bad thing about herself. 
“Well thank you Azriel,” she said and by the fucking Cauldron she smiled at him. His name fell off her perfect lips and she smiled at him. He must’ve been dead and somehow gotten to heaven, there was no other explanation. 
The rest of the inner circle watched the pair intently. Feyre sank further into Rhysand’s side as they both realized they were watching Azriel fall in love in real-time. The yin and yang of the pair was near poetic and Feyre told herself she would pain this exact moment tomorrow morning. 
“Y/n why don’t you come to dinner with us? We would love to hear more about you,” Rhysand smiled.
His words broke the trance y/n was in, “Oh my Lord I truly wish I could, but I have an early day tomorrow and my apartment is clear across town.” She apologized. 
“No worries, it sounds like we will all be back for tomorrow night's show as well. Though I would hate for you to walk home alone,” Rhys smirked trying to get Azriel to bite at the bait.
“Not to worry I make the trek all the time,” she smiled, picking up the many vases of flowers people had left for her on her vanity. 
“Azriel could walk you home, couldn’t you Az?” Mor chimed in and Azriel shot her a look. 
“Uh, yeah I could if you’d like,” Azriel mentioned stuttering over his words as he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Oh no I wouldn’t want to take you from dinner with your family,” she assured him, picking up two large vases of flowers. 
“Not at all, I would be honored to walk you home,” the shadowsinger said a little too quickly. Feyre tried to stifle her laugh in Rhys’ side, she had never seen her spymaster so flustered. 
“Okay then,” the girl smiled and soon enough they were off down the cobblestone street, their way lit by dim faelight. 
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y/n’s pov:
“Your shadows are incredible,” I smile watching as the dark wisps carry the various vases of flowers down the road. 
I had been more than happy to have the High Lord’s shadowsinger walk me home. In all honesty, I was captivated by the male the moment I set eyes on him. Sure he was hard, dressed in black, and over a foot taller than me. 
A sane woman might’ve kept her distance from the male, he was dangerous after all. But I knew the moment he spoke that he wasn’t a threat. There was a quiet and gentle calm underneath all that darkness.
“Thank you,” he says and I swear I see him blush. “They seem to really like you.” 
“They do? How can you tell?” I laugh as one of the little fellas brush against my cheek like a cat brushing against an ankle. 
“They went wild when you were singing tonight,” he chuckles, seemingly remembering how they danced. 
“Really?” I ask balking a bit. 
“I’m serious, give it a try,” he smiles, motioning for me to sing again. 
I shrug and clear my throat before singing a line from the play, “Angel of Music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange angel,” I sang softly and sure enough the little shadows danced and swirled around me. Threading themselves through my hair and around my arms where they held my vases of flowers. 
“That’s amazing,” I breathe finally watching the small wisps die down, hiding behind their master like they were shy. 
“You’re amazing,” their master spits out and then blushes. ‘
I can’t help but feel myself blush too, shying away from the hulking Illyrian. He didn’t look so tough as his shadows carried dozens of flowers behind him. He had walked down the street with his hands behind his back the whole time, not needing to lift a finger. 
The little purple door I’m so used to seeing comes into view. Outside the cottage are dozens and dozens of roses and the light inside is out. 
“I leave these here,” I say gesturing to the flowers I’m holding as I set them on the front porch. 
“Why not take them home? Were they not gifted to you?” Azriel cocks an eyebrow as his shadows place the flowers neatly next to the ones I set down. 
I laugh starting back down the path towards my place, “I get so many, I can’t possibly keep them all. Marla is an elderly woman who lost her husband years ago. It brings her joy to have them, so I leave them for her. Besides it’s not like they’re from anyone special,” I shrug, subtly dropping the hint to Azriel that I’m not otherwise engaged. 
Azriel pauses beside me and approaches a rose bush blooming near one of the cottages. Drawing his dagger, he carefully slices off a vibrant red rose. Before offering it to me, he painstakingly removes every thorn with the same blade, as if to protect my hands from even the slightest prick.
“You deserve to have at least one flower,” he says offering me the rose. 
I blush and go to reach for it when I catch sight of his hand. The mangled and marred flesh. I can’t help but feel my breath hitch as I wonder who could’ve done such a thing to such a gentle soul. The scarred hand pulls back a bit as if realizing my staring. 
“I guess I’m more Phantom than dashing Viscount,” he utters sadly, referring to my play and my role in it. My heart shatters as I see his broken expression. 
“You know,” I smile, taking the rose from his scarred hands. “I always thought that Christine should end up with The Phantom, he was clearly the better choice.” 
His head whips up as if I’ve uttered an inconceivable phrase. “Even though he had ugly scars?” Azriel inquires, his face tight like he might not want to hear whatever answer I provide.
“Who said he was ugly?” I laugh, did this beautiful specimen of a male truly believe he was ugly because his hands bore scars? 
“So you would choose the Phantom?” he cocks an eyebrow as if trying to read if I was telling the truth.
“In a heartbeat,” I affirm confidently and honestly.
He takes a step towards me, his form getting even bigger, “and what about scarred hands? Is that a deal breaker?” he probes, holding out his hands so I can see that they both harbor similar markings.  
I shake my head taking another step towards him, appreciating the beauty that is him. From the white scars that ran up his hands, to the shadows that danced around him like they they were whispering to him.
“So if I asked you to dinner after your show tomorrow?” he queries taking a step towards me as well.
“I would ask you where we are going?” I reply feeling my cheeks heat up. Was he asking me out? I tried to push the butterflies down in my stomach.
“Rita’s ?” he shrugs, stepping forward. 
“Sounds like a plan,” I smile moving towards him more, like I was compelled to.
“I’ll swing backstage after the curtain closes,” he smiles, seemingly becoming more confident in himself as we step closer together just a few feet apart.
“I’ll put your name on the list,” I say, feeling his presence pull me in. 
“And if I were to send you flowers? What kind would you like?” he interrogates further. 
I think for a moment, no one had ever asked me what flowers I might like to receive. My eyes look around as if searching for inspiration until they land on a blue siphon adorning his chest that’s right in front of me. 
“Something blue,” I blush knowing that when I see the cobalt flowers on my vanity I will know they are from him. 
“Consider it done,” he smiles and I suddenly realize that we’re mere inches apart now. 
I turn to my right where the blue door to my house beckons to be opened. Pulling out my keys I unlock it and use my shoulder to shove it open as it always gets stuck. 
“Well,” I say shyly. “Thank you for walking me home,” 
“Anytime,” he smiles looking down at his feet. 
The sight of the bashful warrior on my front doorstep has me melting. His face is so beautiful and perfectly carved I can't help but lean up on my toes and kiss his cheek. I almost regret it when it’s over but the violent red of his cheeks makes me smile again.
“Well goodnight,” I say, trying not to let my words shake in the process. 
“Goodnight,” he smiles, brushing a hand against his freshly kissed cheek.
I close the door and place the single, thornless, rose he cut for me in a vase. It isn’t until I turn on a light that I hear him take off into the night and I swear I hear him let out a grand whoop from way up in those clouds.
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202 , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark , @cheneyq
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steveyockey · 1 day
To be aware you might be trans but unwilling to do anything about it is to create endlessly bigger boxes within which to contain yourself. When you are a child, that box might encompass only yourself and your parents. By the time you are a gainfully employed adult, that box will contain multitudes, and the thought of disrupting it will grow ever more unthinkable. So you cease to think of yourself as a person on some level; you think not of what you want but what everybody expects from you. You do your best not to make waves, and you apologize, if only implicitly, for existing. You stop being real and start being a construct, and eventually, you decide the construct is just who you are, and you swaddle yourself up in it, and maybe you die there. There is still time until there isn’t.
This reading of TV Glow’s deliberately anticlimactic, noncathartic ending cuts against the transition narrative you typically see in movies and TV, in which a trans person self-accepts, transitions, and lives a happier life. Owen gets trapped in a space where he knows what he must do to live an authentic life but simply refuses to take those steps because, well, burying yourself alive is a terrifying thing to do. The transition narrative posits a trans existence as, effectively, a binary switch between “man” and “woman” that gets flipped one way or another, but to make our lives so binary is to miss how trans existences possess an inherent liminality.
Humans’ lives unfold in a constant state of becoming until death, but trans people are uniquely keyed in to what this means thanks to the simple fact of our identities. You can get lost in that liminality, too, forever trapped in a midnight realm of your own making, stuck between what you believe is true (I am a nice man with a good family and a good job, and I love my life) and what you know, deep in your most terrified heart of hearts, is real (I am a girl suffocating in a box).
And yet if you want to read the film as being about the dangerous allure of nostalgia, you’re not wrong. I Saw the TV Glow totally supports that interpretation, too! But in tempting you with that reading, the film creates a trap for cis viewers that will be all too familiar to trans viewers. Somewhere in the middle of Maddy’s story about The Pink Opaque being real, you will make a choice between “This kid has lost it!” and “No. Go with her, Owen,” and in asking you to make that choice, TV Glow is simulating the act of self-accepting a trans identity.
See, the grimmer read of the film’s ending truly is a nihilistic one. It leaves no hope, no potential for growth, no exit. Yet you must actively choose to read that ending as nihilistic. If you are cis and the end of I Saw the TV Glow left you with a gnawing sense of dissatisfaction, a weird but hard-to-pin-down feeling that something had broken, and a melancholy bordering on horror — congratulations, this movie gave you contact-high gender dysphoria.
In an infinite number of possible universes, there is at least one where I am still living “as a man,” embracing my fictionality, avoiding looking at how much more raw and real I feel when I “pretend” to be a woman. I think about that guy sometimes. I hope he’s okay.
Consider, then, my cis reader, that TV Glow is for both you and me, but it is maybe most of all for him. I hope he sees it. I hope he breaks down crying in the bathroom afterward. I hope he, after so many years locked inside himself, hears the promise of more life through the hiss of TV static.
Emily St. James, “I Saw the TV Glow’s Ending Is Full of Hope, If You Want It to Be,” Vulture. June 4, 2024.
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tomhollandsblog · 1 day
hey i love ur work !! could you do a joost x reader who’s scared of the dark and there’s a power cut or something pls 🩷
you're all i think about ~ joost klein friends to lovers one shot
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x female!reader
Description: A movie night at your friend Joost's place turns into disaster and maybe something not so bad after all when there's a power outage.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Tysm for the request, I loved writing it! I hope you enjoy❣️You can always send in requests <3 (title borrowed from the song lights out by fizz!)
Warnings: a panic attack, fear of the dark, not proofread
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Movie night tonight? Joost had texted into your friend group chat and somehow nobody was down. Except for you. You were always down if Joost would be there. You would cancel other plans if it meant that you would be able to see Joost. So this is how you ended up by your friend Joost's doorstep, snacks in hand, ready to spend the evening at his place.  
You had known each other for a few years now, hanging around in the same circles but it had only been 7 months (7 months and 11 days to be precise, you kept count) since you had suddenly developed a crush on your friend. A crush so bad that sometimes you almost couldn't contain it and you were afraid that any second you would lose control over yourself and just blurt out your confession in front of all your friends when you hang out. Thankfully that hadn't happened so far. So you kept your secret.
You were afraid that if Joost would find out about your true feelings for him, it would ruin your friendship. That all the long hugs, the loving teasing, the ruffles through your hair, the sweet compliments and pep talks would end because he would feel weird about showing that affection to you.
"(Y/N)!" Joost exclaimed with a big smile as he opened the door for you and engulfed you in one of those heavenly hugs. "So glad you could make it!" he said as he rubbed your back softly. "I can always count on you," Joost said after pulling back.
"Of course!" you said.
A short while later you were both lounging on the sofa, while High School Musical was playing on the TV (Joost's choice), giggling and singing along. Your sides were almost touching, Joost's fingers occasionally grazing yours when you both reached for the popcorn bowl at the same time. In moments like these, the longing and wanting you had for Joost was almost unbearable. You just wished there was a universe in which you could just reach out for him and kiss him on the lips as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Instead, you were damned to stay at a distance and just drink up every small touch that occurred to keep you satiated.
Suddenly the TV and all the lights in the room turned off all at once and you were sat in darkness.
"What the-?" Joost laughed amused.
You were frozen on the spot and stayed silent as you were scared of the dark. You just hoped that the darkness wouldn't persist too long as you could feel yourself spiralling already.
"I'll check if it's the fuse," Joost sighed, obviously slightly annoyed at the inconvenience.
"Alright," you said quietly as Joost got up and used his phone's torchlight.
You took a peek outside the window and realised that the streetlights were also off which would imply that there was a bigger power outage.
"Fuck fuck fuck," you whispered.
This was bad. Not knowing when and if the power would come back on only worsened your state and being left alone in Joost's living room certainly also didn't help. You grabbed your phone and forced yourself to get up from the sofa. You walked to the door that connected to the corridor to look for Joost.
"Joost?" you asked timidly before you turned your head to look down the dark corridor.
"Booo!" Joost suddenly said with a laugh appearing out of nowhere in front of you.
Your heart skipped a beat and you dropped your phone. Your body started shaking uncontrollably as you tried catching your breath, having absolutely no control over your bodily reaction to what Joost probably thought was a harmless joke. Overwhelmed you could feel the tears slowly trickling down your cheeks.
"(Y/N), everything alright?" Joost asked concerned as he registered your quick breathing. You tried answering but couldn't produce an intelligible response. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Joost said as he realised his mistake. His arms quickly wrapped around your body as he engulfed you in a warm embrace. His chin was resting on your head as he was taller than you, his hands softly caressing you. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," you could tell that Joost felt bad for causing your panic.
"It- it's f-fine," you finally managed to push out.
"No no no, I'm sorry," he repeated, softly swaying your bodies back and forth.
"No, I'm such a chicken, I'm afraid of the dark," you explained, voice straining as your throat felt tight and your tears made it difficult for you to speak.
"I swear I didn't know," Joost said. "Come here," he said and led you back to the sofa. "Sit down and close your eyes, just pretend you're taking a nap, okay?" he said and you did as you were told. He softly put a blanket around your shoulders as he sat down beside you. Joost rested his hand on your cheek and wiped away some of your tears.
"I feel so stupid," you admitted, feeling terrible.
"No no, please don't, Lieverd," Joost softly insisted and you wondered whether the pet name was a slip of the tongue. "Don't say that," he said and suddenly you could feel his lips pressing to your forehead and your heart fluttered. "I'm sorry," he repeated. "I'll be right back, I swear," Joost said before getting up from the sofa.
You kept your eyes closed and tried to calm down your breathing slowly. Having felt Joost's lips against your skin just a moment before sure did distract you but it also certainly added to your nervous heart beating.
"Here I am again," Joost said in a soft tone to not scare you this time. You could hear him shuffle around the room before he said "I got us some lights," and you opened your eyes.
Joost had propped up both of your phones with the torchlight illuminating the ceiling as well as his laptop and iPad which just showed a white screen at maximum screen brightness.
"I don't have any candles," Joost said apologetically.
"It's fine," you softly laughed. "Thank you."
"Well, candles would have been more romantic," Joost said and your heart fluttered again. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" he asked earnestly.
"This is much better, thank you," you said. "But a hug would be nice."
"Of course," Joost smiled and opened his arms as you crawled over to him into his arms. "I'm sure the power will come back on soon," Joost tried reassuring you, his hand softly stroking the back of your head as you were cuddled up against his chest. Joost started softly humming some melody and the vibrations from his chest started calming you down more.
"This is nice," you murmured and you could hear a smile in Joost's hum, his hand drawing circles on your back. "I'm sorry if I ruined this night."
"No, don't be silly," Joost pulled back lightly to look at you sternly. "Any moment spent with you is perfect."
You looked up at him, heart beating fast as you realised how close you two were to each other. In this moment you wished you were in pitch darkness again because maybe then you would have had the courage to close the few centimetres between you and kiss Joost.
"Don't tell the others, but you are definitely my favourite out of all of them," you said which was the closest thing to a love confession you were able to get past your lips. You saw how Joost's eyes lit up at your words, a grin spreading across his lips.
"You are also my favourite, Lieverd," he whispered. You looked at each other in silence, Joost's hand holding your head, his other arm still wrapped around your shoulders. Joost moved his hand to cup your cheek instead and looked at you fondly. His thumb was just resting by the corner of your mouth. You almost didn't dare to breathe just to not interrupt this delicate moment. Joost's thumb lightly brushed against your bottom lip and your heart skipped a beat before he moved closer to you and you instinctively followed suit. As your lips were only a centimetre apart the both of you briefly paused as if to ask the other for permission before you closed the gap and your lips finally met in a kiss. It was gentle and sweet but yet so passionate. Your hand was resting on Joost's chest you swore you could feel his heart beating faster. His arm was holding you close and his smell engulfed you. It was everything you had hoped for and so much more. After you broke the kiss you grinned at each other, Joost's hand caressing your cheek.
"I'm gonna make sure you'll never have to be in the dark again, I swear," he said before leaning in to kiss you again.
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livwritesstuff · 1 day
Eddie is holed up in the office of his and Steve’s home working on some writing when he notices an odd kind of commotion coming from upstairs.
Now, he and Steve have three daughters under the age of ten, so commotion is pretty much a baseline for them, but it’s odd because it sounds like Steve might actually be involved this time, and that makes it especially weird because Eddie was pretty sure that Steve was taking the kids to see a movie to give Eddie a few hours to maybe hit that word count goal (he probably won't, but whatever).
It's just about odd enough for Eddie to go investigate further and, indeed, he finds a very much ticked-off Steve standing outside of their middle daughter Robbie’s closed bedroom door.
“What the hell is going on?” Eddie asks.
Steve rounds on him. 
“She’s driving me insane,” Steve says, “That kid is you in a seven-year-old’s body, and I’m going insane.”
“Wait, can you…” Ed shook his head, “What’s happening?”
“I thought it would be fun to take the girls to that new Nanny McPhee movie because they liked the first one, right?” he starts
“The second – the second – I suggested it, Robbie starts ranting and raving. Ed, do you know what she said to me? 
“Oh god,” Eddie said warily, “What’d she say?”
“She said sequels aren’t passion projects, Papa. They’re just for money. Who the fuck do you think she learned that one from, Ed?”
And yeah, shit, that might be Eddie’s bad.
“Whatever,” Steve says before Eddie has a chance to respond, “So she doesn’t wanna go – that’s fine – but, shocker, the other two still want to go, and just as we’re walking out the door, Robbie demands that we wait for her because she actually does want to come and now,” Steve pauses to hold in a laugh as Robbie scutters out of her room in the direction of the bathroom, one shoe on and an earring half-in, “Now we’re gonna be so fuckin’ late because this one can’t just throw on a sweatshirt and get in the car.”
Eddie knows for a fact that Robbie had spent the entire weekend in the same pajamas she’d worn to bed on Friday night, but now she’s donned a denim dress with a red t-shirt and black tights underneath. She’s got black combat boots on her feet (just one at the moment, actually), and she’s wearing the leather jacket Eddie had found at a thrift shop in New York to complete the ensemble.
“Look at this kid,” Steve says, following Robbie into the bathroom and watching as she tried to fix her earring with one hand and her hair with the other, “Robbie, it’s August. It’s almost ninety degrees outside. Maybe think about ditching the leather.”
“I don’t care,” she fires back, “It’s about the look, Papa.”
“We’re going to a movie theater. It’ll be pitch black. Nobody will be looking at anything other than the movie. Let’s go.”
But Robbie is already pushing past him with a belligerent, “Outta my way. I gotta get another necklace.”
Steve manages to snag Robbie by the back of her jacket and swing her up into his arms.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” he says as Robbie furiously tries to squirm out of his grip to no avail, “Oh, I’m Robbie and I’m four feet tall and I get up-in-arms about everything and I’m gonna wear a leather jacket in August even though I once got heat exhaustion at the mall and gave her dad a fuckin’ heart attack.”
Robbie is in giggling hysterics by the time Steve ends his onslaught of mockery and puts her down.
“What do you think?” Steve asks, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she says, and then she asks, “Can you help me find my other shoe?”
“And now she’s asking me for shit,” Steve comments in disbelief as Robbie ducks back into her room. He looks at Eddie, “Seriously, you need to call Wayne and apologize for everything you must have put him through.”
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You know what mixture of AUs i havent seen here yet? Danny x Bruce with de-aged clones!
Bruce and danny are near the same age and meet pretty early in batman's career, maybe even before dick was adopted. Danny is a single dad of infant/toddler twins ellie and dante. (To make them young and at the same age, i imagine they were rescued after both taking serious damage and retreated to their cores, and remerged as newborns about the same time, but i also want to leave this open for others to flesh out.) Timeline-wise, that would probably make them somewhere around jason or tim's age.
So now we have an au where the bat kids are collected into a stable home where bruce and danny are also raising ellie and dante. Bruce is much closer to WFA characterization right from the get-go because danny would whip him into shape.
Tim probably gets adopted because one of the phantoms sniff him out, either living alone in the neighboring mansion, or following the bats and ghosts on patrol.
Talia either stole bruce's (and/or danny's) dna or drugged bruce (it didnt work on danny) to create damian. If bruce was drugged, danny is on a warpath and might even find and rescue damian at a much younger age.
Jason's timeline is the most difficult to predict, and i will forever simp halfa jason, so he's gotta die no matter what changes. I dont think that's terribly difficult because the joker specifically targeted him to lure him out (assuming i understand canon correctly - also this is definitely true in the UtRH animated movie canon). If jason isnt interested in finding his biomom in this au, joker will just find a different bait. Would be cool if danny is able to track down jason's ghost during the six-month down time and brings him home, and a potential point of angst if he revives without his memories as a ghost (and is lost for a while before danny tracks him down again.)
(Danny probably doesn't have the no-killing rule like bruce, so he'd have no qualms killing the joker and detaining/destroying his ghost. If not danny, then jazz would. Bruce conveniently looks the other way.)
Batman mythology in this universe is inexorably linked to phantom mythology. They both help each other out with vigilante stuff. Danny's team (sam/tucker/val/jazz) visit often and are considered aunts/uncle to the batkids. Batfam is highly liminal because they are part of danny's fraid. They might even develop liminal powers, if that's your kind of headcanon.
Danny may or may not be ghost king, but i like the idea that he's the crown prince and wont be coronated for several more decades. He's got time and all the resources that position affords him. Danny still gets hounded by the observants, but the batkids have made a game of pranking the annoying eyeballs.
Danny is a founding member of the justice league and of jld (the rest of his team might be as well). Batman is much more knowledgeable of the supernatural because of danny. I like the idea of constantine being more terrified of phantom than batman. He still gets called on for advice because he's the demonology and magic expert, while danny specializes more in ghosts and Realms technology.
Ellie and dante are not allowed to join the vigilante scene until they turn 12 (they managed to argue it down from 14), but because of their powers (and potentially retaining memories and experience) there are numerous occasions before then that they functioned as a sort of vigilante retrevial unit - zooming out and retrieving anyone who was injured or otherwise hit their emergency beacon and bringing them straight back to the cave. They might have even done this once or twice during justice league emergencies.
I'll leave their vigilante identities open to discussion, but im partial toward a really old drawing i remember seeing here on tumblr, someone designed a pink batsuit for ellie with exaggerated bat ears, and a sort of glider cloak that attached to her belt or her wrists to disguise her flight as gliding. (If someone knows the post im talking about, please leave a link so the artist can be credited!)
As for danny's old team...
Jazz works at arkham, helping to reform the place and causing many of batman's rogues to reform a bit earlier. She is the expert called in by the justice league to formulate ways to both detain and to help various rogues globally. She especially likes the flash because of the friendly attitude he has towards his own rogues.
Sam is a humanitarian. If she has plant powers, she's using them to establish food stability in poorer nations, helping the people there become more self-sustaining, as well as providing relief for disaster-stricken areas whose farms need to be completely rebuilt and regrown. Jazz introduces her to poison ivy, and the two end up joined at the hip, helping to reform ivy much earlier. (Would it be weird to make this au have sam x ivy and jazz x harley?)
Valerie probably stays in Amity Park to be its designated hero since danny moved out. If the fentons are good, she works alongside them as the fentons also develop tech for the justice league. If they arent, im gonna assume theyre the reason dante and ellie got de-aged, danny absconded with their cores to keep them safe, and the rest of team phantom descended on the fenton parents like hungry wolves. When the dust settled, valerie and her dad were left in charge of protecting amity and with ownership of fentonworks.
Tucker is a freelance hacker slash tech expert, and will kit out any vigilante's tech and security free of charge. His unique blend of magitech is very difficult to counter, making it all-the-more sought after. He probably helped set oracle up and maybe even trained/mentored barb to some extent.
There are lots of other potential changes, but ill stop here.
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sjylouvre · 2 days
late night date at home (sjy)
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bf!jaeyun x fem!reader
wc: 0.5k
comments, likes and reposts are appreciated!
lying on your bed, that's what you do every day. tonight you were especially bored as your boyfriend jaeyun was at a family dinner, which meant he wasn't really available to you physically but was available to you by message. he would never let you be 100% bored, he would always be there for you no matter what. that's what you love about him. "i really miss you jaeyun." he'd reply to your message straight away, because he himself would’ve wanted to be by your side from the start. "if you only knew how much i miss you too, i'd do anything to be by your side right now." this message makes your heart ache a little, so you pout at it. you sigh a bit, look at the clock and see that it's 8pm. you put your phone down beside you and curl up, closing your eyes. your eyelids gradually become heavy when you hear the doorbell ring. you weren't expecting anyone. you frown and decide to go downstairs and open the door. you open the door and freeze, your heart starting to beat. jaeyun...? immediately, he throws himself into my arms and strokes your back. i can't do it without you my love, not even a single second. my eyes start to fill with tears, he really is an incredible boyfriend. and... and the family dinner? he pulled away from me and rest his hands on both of your cheeks, looking at you straight in the eyes. i left them, i told them it was an emergency, they don't need to know after all, you're the first person i care about. he kissed my forehead and took me back in his arms. i love you so much jaeyun. resting my head in his neck.
a few hours later, you both are on the sofa, watching a movie, arms around each other, under a little blanket. it would be a lie to say that you're focusing on the film when you've been teasing each other for hours. between the tickling and the kisses here and there, at this point there's no stopping you. jaeyun please, let's just watch the movie, i can't breath from you tickling me. jaeyun pouts when he hears you say that, all he wants is to spend time with you. you've been doing that for hours, but he doesn't want to miss a single moment. he holds your cheek with his hand and kisses you. it's a good thing I came here, I couldn't stop thinking about you for a second during the family dinner. I nod and smile at his words. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, if you only knew how often I'm afraid of losing you for no real reason. After these words, I gradually become emotional. jaeyun pulls you on his lap, then takes you in his arms. he strokes your back very gently so as not to rush you. nothing will separate us, not even a wave of light, sweetheart, all right? nothing and no-one can separate us, I won't tolerate it. you hug him tightly and places your head at the hollow of his neck. i love you so much. after these words from him, he tucks a lock of hair behind your ear and kisses your shoulder at his disposal. i love you so much jaeyun. to the moon and back.
notes: hey! my first real post? i'm testing out ideas, i'd love to have some opinions... also, im taking requests if any of yall want me to write your ideas!! kisses!!! <3
btw, huge shoutout to @jakesangel for inspiring me, and encourage me to write, it means a lot, she’s amazing!! 
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Could you do fic for Toto Wolff with wife reader? He is still doing his world even when he had the days off, so she came with a plan in mind. She presses kisses anywhere available; arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract him enough to stop. Eventually their son, Jack does the same to him. Just something fluff and romantic. Thanks!! :)))
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This year’s race schedule marked the 8th race in Monaco with just a decent result for the Mercedes Team with just P5 for George and P7 for Lewis. Despite Lewis adding up with one more bonus point for the fastest lap, the team still ended in fourth place, with no hope really for the world’s constructor running. The lack of progress and consistently poor results were taking a toll on their morale. Toto Wolff, the team principal, knew that something needed to change. As he sat in his office, pondering the team's predicament, there was a gentle knock at the door. Y/n, Toto's wife, entered the room with a concerned expression. She had noticed the stress and strain on Toto's face and wanted to offer her support. "How are you holding up?" she asked softly.
Toto sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been tough," he admitted with a weary voice. "We just can't seem to get a breakthrough this season. The car's not performing. It feels like we're failing further after every race. And as the team principal, I just don’t want to let everyone down. Especially Lewis I owe him his 8th title. I just wish there was something I could do to turn this thing around.” Y/n stepped closer, her heart aching for the man she loved. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, offering a small gesture of support.
"It won't be like this forever," she said softly. "You'll figure it out. You always do, remember when I told you not to set the hot lap in Nurburgring in a Porsche and you still did anyway. You are just as stubborn as that because the Toto Wolff I know will not back down from any challenge even the stupidest one. So go team Wolff!”
Toto glanced up at his wife, her words a lifeline in the storm of challenges that faced him. He could see the earnestness in her eyes, the unwavering belief in him. It stirred something deep within him, a flicker of determination. He reached out, taking her hand in his, and squeezed it gently. "Thank you for believing in me, Schatz. And well I did pay a hefty price for the accident that day on the Nordschleife track.”
Y/n smiled softly, her eyes filled with love and admiration for her husband's resilience. She knew the heavy price Toto had paid for his passion for racing, the sacrifices he had made, both physically and emotionally.
"I'll always believe in you, no matter what," she assured him once more. "And I know you'll rise back up from this. You've got the strength and the determination to do it." She leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her husband's forehead, all the way down to his arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, and temple - anywhere she could reach. Much to her delight, Toto couldn't resist her affection and stopped working to enjoy the moment. Just at that moment, their son Jack ran into the room, stomped his little feet and demanded that he could join his mom and dad. He planted a sloppy kiss on Toto's cheek, making him laugh and forget about work completely. Toto's heart swelled with love and contentment. He leaned back in his chair, gathering his family in his arms, and took a moment to savour the precious moment. "Thank you," he whispered, feeling grateful for their love and the reminder that there was more to life than just work. Jack snuggled against him and smiled. "We missed you, papa," he said softly. “Can we watch a movie together?” He asked with excitement, a twinkle in his eyes. 
“Of course, Jack.”
“Can we watch Cars? I wanna see Mcqueen go vroom vroom so fast like Uncle Lewis.”
“Sure, baby. Now how about we race downstairs?” Y/n said.
Together, they raced down the stairs, Toto and Jack's laughs echoing through the room. At the bottom of the stairs, Jack cheered as he reached the finish line first. "I win!" he exclaimed, panting and out of breath but smiling widely.
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and others
y/n_user Movie night in the house 🤭 Guess what are we watching tonight?
user_1 Jack!!!
user_14 next movie for movie night! please!!
mercedesamgf1 send us the invitation also Mr Big Boss, Baby Boss and Mrs Tiny boss
user_2 the Wolff fam
lewishamilton Roscoe miss u Jack
y/n_user we miss Roscoe too lewishamilton playdate tmr? y/n_user Jack said yessss charles_leclerc Leo wanna join too y/n_user pls join us tmr
user_6 playdate with the wolffs, hamiltons and leclercs said no more
georgerussell63 can I join 🥺
mercedesamgf1 and us too? scuderiaferrari us three redbullracing us four astonmartinf1 us five mclaren us six y/n_user how about a playdate at the paddock 🥳
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writerpetals · 2 days
vibrations | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
w; ass play, toys, public sex, praise kink, sub!mmc, soft-dom!reader... a very needy and whiny mmc!
The look he gives you as you hold up the black, silicone plug in your hand is more than comical. Though, you don’t even crack so much as a smile as you watch him from the doorway, studying the curve of his lips, the outline of his jaw, the way the muscles of his bare arms flex as he strokes his cock with a tight grip. Sitting naked on the bed you share, he’s prepping himself at your request, not even knowing what kind of devious plans you had up your sleeve before you disappeared and returned with the toy. 
“W-what’s that for?” He gulps after asking, eyes growing wide as his hands slow, but he doesn’t stop touching himself. His thighs tense beneath him, which causes a grin to form on your lips seconds before you are stepping closer to him. 
“I want to play a game today,” you tell him, grin widening into a full blown, wicked smile as you reach to run your fingers through the soft strands of his hair. He eyes you curiously, knowing the two of you have plans to go to the movies in an hour, until you told him to strip and wait for you on the bed, much to his surprise since you were already dressed to go in a breezy summer dress and sandals.
Though, he listens well, especially when you have that tone. Even if it’s a rare mood, he obeys your requests when your words leave your lips much needier than before, eyes half-lidded as you lick your lips and his breath catches in his throat. 
“What kind of game?” His soft, innocent tone sends a shiver through you, knowing he would do whatever you asked of him and the thought has you aching for him. 
“I want to see how long you can last with this inside of you.” His gaze shifts to the plug in your hand as you watch his eyes follow the curve of the silicone all the way to the flared base, and then back to the round tip. 
“But, the movies,” he whines with a pout, and your heart swells and heat floods between your legs. With eyes so wide and a brow that is wrinkled, he has the need growing inside of you to complete the wicked game in your head, only because you know how much pleasure it will give the two of you in the end. 
“We’re still going to the movies,” you inform him, watching the color nearly leave his face, and it makes you giggle. “Relax, it will be fun. Promise. What do you say?”
With his eyes switching between you and the toy you’re holding up, he takes a moment to think it over. Then, with a deep breath, he nods.
“Good boy,” you praise him, and then you notice his expression shift as a shy grin forms on his face. “Roll on your stomach for me.”
It doesn’t take much for him to be crawling on his knees to lay flat on the bed. After all, playing with his ass is nothing new, and something you both enjoy. He sometimes even begs you for it when you get his body riled up enough, which in turn has you weak in the knees for his whiney breaths and desperate pleas. 
You notice his body is stiff as he waits, ass facing you as you scan him from top to bottom. The sight causes you to lick your lips while enjoying the view of his bare flesh with every muscle flexing as he lays there, head in his arms and the curve of his ass just teasing you. He inhales deeply, and exhales slowly, not wanting to rush you, but you can tell the longer you stand there staring, the more eager he becomes. 
You slip your sandals off one by one as you make your move toward the nightstand beside you, grabbing the clear bottle of lubrication from within, and he nearly jumps as you slam the drawer shut. With the toy and bottle in hand, you crawl over him, settling against his thighs to feel his hard, yet smooth skin beneath your dress before dropping the items to the bed. Instantly, you reach to touch him, running cold fingertips over his warmed body, feeling the softness of flesh over his ass, yet the muscles beneath tense the longer you touch him. 
“Relax, baby,” you coo, knowing he can’t be stiff when you insert the toy in him. The last thing you want to do is hurt him, trying to calm his nerves as he thinks about having to go in public with a plug inside him. The thoughts must be reeling in his mind, wondering how he will handle such a task and the idea more than excites you. You’re thrilled, getting to watch him squirm and struggle to keep calm, but for now, you need to ease his worries. 
You begin to knead the tension from his ass, pressing palms to his skin over and over until his breaths deepen. Your nails softly scrape his delicate flesh, just the way he likes, earning a sudden moan spilling from his lips that has a chill surging down your spine, straight between your legs. With no more patience, you part his ass cheeks to see his clean and perfectly shaven entrance tightening the moment the cool air ghosts over his skin. 
 Without warning, you brush a single index finger over his rim, watching him tense all over as a hiss fills the air. You can’t help but to giggle, knowing how sensitive he can be. It’s why it makes it so fun. 
“Breathe,” you warn him, brushing your finger over his flesh again, and this time, he doesn’t jerk. A smile creeps over your face, studying the contrast of your skin and his as you tease his tight hole. Your other hand continues to work against his ass cheek, squeezing and holding him open for your pleasure. “Are you ready for my fingers now?”
Upon hearing the question, he nods furiously. You know he must be so eager and impatient, cock pulsing and aching between him and the bed, and all he wants is to be touched to have some relief. He tightens beneath your finger at just the thought of penetration, earning another surge of warmth to shoot straight between your thighs. 
Without another word, you reach for the bottle, popping the cap with a snap before tilting to allow a few drops to hit his entrance. He hums at the familiar feeling, tightening and flexing his entrance in anticipation. A few small circles around the rosebud lathers him up enough before you’re pushing the tip of your finger harder against him.
He hisses once more, tightening beneath you, tensing his muscles, but he doesn’t tell you to stop. Slowly you push your finger into him, earning a deep, raspy groan of relief as his fingers clutch the bed sheets and he tightens around you. 
“How does that feel?” you ask, dragging your finger away from him to push back in, watching him stiffen.
“I-I like it,” he mutters, deep breaths spilling between words and it’s all you can do to control yourself from pouncing him right then. Your body aches for him, but the satisfaction of pleasing him in this way overtakes the need. You know it will come in due time, so you push the desires aside, even if every little motion he makes dares you to take him now. 
His breathy whimpers only worsen the moment you pull away to slip another finger inside of him, making sure to add more lubricant so it’s slick enough. He pushes his hips into the mattress, already so overwhelmed, and it makes you giddy with excitement. You begin to pump your fingers in and out at a pace he can tolerate, loving to feel him clench around you as he whines for more.
“I’m ready,” he begins to beg, attempting to look behind himself to show you he means the words. His side profile is distraction enough, with his lips parted and cheeks flushed. A few beads of sweat against his forehead are spotted as well, but he should know you never give in so easily. “Please, I want to have the toy inside of me now.”
“Oh,” you say with a sigh, shaking your head, though you know he doesn’t see as his face collapses into his arms once again. “I have to make sure you’re relaxed enough. I need to fuck you with my fingers for a bit longer.” As soon as you speak the words, you pump a bit harder into him, earning whimpers that make him sound like a puppy, and it drives you wild. 
He tightens around you harder as you pick up pace, deciding he is enjoying it from the way he pushes his ass toward you and before he can realize it, you’re shoving a third finger inside of him. More lubricant is added, but it still comes as a shock to him, hearing him gasp and groan, but he loves it. He always does. And he pushes his ass toward you before thrusting forward, trying to gain some friction against his cock. You can only imagine how much it must ache, how swollen and hot and dying to be touched his cock is. 
“Please,” he whimpers again, wanting so badly to come and he thinks the toy will help him. Poor thing, you think with a grin. “Please, put it in me already.” His voice is nearly gone, choking on his own words as you thrust three fingers in his ass and contemplate offering him release. He looks so delicious beneath you, squirming and thrusting his ass back and then forward. Panting and whimpering like a little puppy. Begging for release, begging to come. He is so cute, you think, when he’s becoming nothing more than an absolute mess in front of you. 
You decide he’s had enough prepping before pulling your fingers away from him. His entrance tightens immediately, his whole body tense and on edge. But you ignore him for now to grab both the toy and the lubricant. Dropping a generous amount over the small end, you toss the lube aside and begin to swirl your fingers around the toy to coat the silicone surface. You make sure it’s completely covered before pressing the tip to his ass to watch him flinch.
“It’s okay, baby,” you tell him, words strained against your tongue, “I’m going to make you feel good.” He keeps quiet as you begin to push the toy against his entrance, and only hisses when it begins to stretch him wider. You take your time, not wanting to rush as you ease the plug into his ass, watching the way his muscles tighten as you do so. 
When you get the toy halfway, he whimpers your name suddenly, causing you to freeze. Exhaling deeply, he takes a moment before pushing his hips back, allowing you to continue. And you do, beginning to take your time once again as it gets to the widest part. He braces himself, clutching the sheets and gasping as you push through, finally filling him up once the base is snug against his skin.
“You took that so well, baby,” you compliment, earning a groan from him, “I’m proud of you.” Playfully you smack his ass before slipping off of the bed to place the bottle back in its proper place. You don’t bother to tell him to get dressed before going to wash your hands, trying to decide what the best plan of action would be, considering he hasn’t even heard the worst of your game, yet. 
Once you’re clean, you make your way to the bedroom to see him laying on his back stroking himself. His fingers wrap tight around his cock, and you would be upset at him for touching without permission, but the view is too enticing for such a reaction. 
“We have to go to the movies,” you say casually, voice soft and pleasant and his eyes grow wide.
“But,” he blurts out, “please I just want to come. Can you ride me? Please.”
“Baby…” You say the endearment with a stern tone, lowering your lids and creasing your brow. “That’s not part of the game.”
“Please,” he whines with a lick of his lips, voice so breathless and desperate as he begs. “Please, it aches so much. I just want to be inside of you.” He looks absolutely sinful, begging and stroking his cock ever so slowly. As if he wants to come, and would make himself come, but he needs your permission. Still, he can’t help but to touch himself. You can only imagine how much he is suffering when the aching, throbbing between your own legs is nearly unbearable. 
“There’s… something I need to tell you.” Before he can even register what you’re saying, you reach to grab your phone from the nightstand where you left it, clicking the screen a few times until you arrive on the one that is going to make it so much harder on him. You almost feel bad. Almost.
“Wh-what?” He gulps, and it’s loud enough to hear in the next room, even. “What is that?”
“There’s something special about your toy.” You can’t stop your lips from curling into a smile, not giving him time to answer before pressing the screen one more time to activate the vibrations of the toy currently inside him.
In an instant, his eyes bulge as his body shoots up from the bed. He tries to gasp, to groan, to call out, but all the noises become choked in his throat. One hand clutches the sheets beneath him and the other grips his cock harder, until he can finally inhale a breath of air and exhale with an unsteady release.
“Wh-what th… the f… f… fuck.” He struggles to form proper sentences, eyes closing tight. Watching him lose control has you biting your lip and only wondering how he will react with a higher speed. 
You keep the vibrations low for now as he begins to settle, watching him grip his cock, but he lacks the energy to even pleasure himself. Maybe this could work out in your favor, after all. You press the screen again and shut off the vibrations, noticing him relax as his shoulders slump. 
“You… expect me… to go out… like that?” He can hardly catch his breath, looking up at you with his hair in his eyes and his lids low. 
“I would like you to,” you tell him, “if you want to.”
He remains quiet, pondering over the idea for a moment. You would never make him play if he truly didn’t want to, and he knows you well enough by now to understand that fact. But he wants to please you, and in pleasing you, he pleases himself. He loves the praise you give him when he does a good job, and he loves his reward when he’s been a good boy. 
“I-I… do.” He raises his chin. “I will do it for you.” 
Warmth surges throughout your whole body at his eagerness, smiling and bending forward to press your lips against his. He can barely kiss back, and he’s already so weak from just inserting the toy. You wonder how he will manage in public, but you’re more than excited to find out. 
As the two of you make your way inside the movie theater, he walks with a bitten lip and you can hear him cursing beneath his breath. The thought of him struggling to remain calm in public has goosebumps flooding your skin, knowing he's at least relieved to see the lobby clear of a crowd and you both hope the movie won't have much of an audience, either.
He hides his semi-hard cock behind a thin sweatshirt tied over his waist and takes careful steps because his every move makes him wince and gasp. He's lucky you have yet to mess with the vibrations, deciding to wait until the two of you are seated in the theater. 
It takes only fifteen minutes deciding if you want to share a drink and popcorn, acting as nonchalant as ever while scanning the concession. Meanwhile, he struggles to control his breathing as he continues chewing on his bottom lip. Maybe you're prolonging the inevitable as you drum your fingers against your chin, trying to see how much he can take before he loses it. And when you finally decide on what you want and pay for it, he can only heave a sigh of relief.
Together, the two of you slowly make your way to the theater, reaching your seats in the back while navigating through the dim lights. Luckily for the two of you, there's no one else in sight, but you expected as much when you opted for a movie that has been out for weeks.
He eases in his seat, wincing once again as he settles on the plug and applies more pressure against his ass. His hand automatically reaches for his cock straining against his jeans, becoming too hard, too quickly and it sends an ache right through him. You're quick to grip his wrist after setting the popcorn and soda between the two of you, sliding your palm over his own until your fingers are intertwining.
Normally, he wouldn't hesitate at such a gesture, but he knows it only means you don't want him to touch himself, and the thought has him tensing all over again. 
“Be good,” you whisper after leaning closer, just as the lights dim completely and the screen fades to black. “And I'll let you come.”
As the movie begins, all he can do is brace himself for the worst. Though, you have no intention of ending all the fun just yet, so you pop a few pieces of popcorn in your mouth with a grin while he tries to focus on the screen. Every now and then, he will begin to shift, then suddenly squeeze your hand tighter, letting know the pressure is causing him great sensitivity.
Perfect, you think. You want nothing more than to draw him to that lingering edge of trying to control his breathing while squirming in his seat. At times he is frozen like stone, however, so you peek down at his lap to see the outline of a thick cock beneath faded denim, knowing he's too worked up at this point to rid himself of the aching desire. 
When he isn't paying attention to you, you reach in your bag resting in the seat next to you to search for your phone. In the darkness of the theater, and with a dimmed screen, you navigate to the plug’s vibration settings. Just seconds before turning on the toy, you glance over at him to see his eyes half-lidded and dark, and his bottom lip snug between his teeth.
Then you press your thumb to the screen to activate the lowest setting, causing his eyes to pop and his body to lunge forward.
“Goddammit,” he blurts out followed by a hiss, causing you to giggle similar to an evil villain because you were never expecting him to react so strongly. Thankfully, the two of you are the only ones in the theater, so you let his outburst slide for now. “Fuck. Baby. Please.”
All he can manage are short, choppy breaths between words as he leans back in his seat, body so tense he is shaking. He releases your hand to clutch the armrest, and you assume it's a good time to raise the vibrations to the next level. As you do so, he hisses through clenched teeth and bucks his hips, nails digging into the leather and a surge of electricity bolts between your thighs. 
His cock is so painfully hard beneath his jeans you almost feel sorry for him. The need to touch him rises, knowing he's probably dripping with pre-cum and you would love nothing more than to taste him, but you keep your composure. His head falls back against the seat as his jaw slacks, and after a few moments, you think he's getting used to the sensation even if he is so damn desperate for release.
So you tap the screen of your phone again to reach the next speed, watching his legs clench and his back arch from the seat.
“Please,” he whines, high-pitched and breathless. His eyes are shut so tight. He licks his lips again and again before his teeth sink into his skin. Sweat forming against his forehead shimmers from the lights of the large screen and you have to admit he's never looked more beautiful. “Baby, please, fuck…”
“Hm?” you hum casually, leaning in with a grin on your lips he's not even aware of. 
“Pl-please, God…  damn…” His breath catches in his throat, not even being able to form words properly, but he tries his best because he needs you. “Please, just… just let me… let me come.” The words release in the breathiest, neediest tone and for a moment you catch yourself wanting to help him out. Too bad you're a little too devious for his own good.
“That's no fun.” Another giggle lets him know you enjoy watching him struggle, earning a groan as he begins rocking himself against the seat. 
“Please, just sit on me,” he begs again, panting like a dog. “God, fuck me, you're even wearing a dress, baby, please. Sit on my cock.” He is so desperate for release, his fingers grip the armrest tighter because he knows if he lets go, he's only going to grab his cock to make himself come. 
“Now, baby…”
“I’ll… I’ll do anything, please.” 
“Be patient for me,” you warn him with a soft tone, reaching to stroke the hair away from his forehead, and he follows your hand with his head when you pull away. As if any touch from you is good enough for him, and it makes your body ache for him more.
Without another word, you tap your phone one last time, setting the vibrations to max speed and watching him lose every ounce of his control. His chest heaves and his stomach tenses under a thin shirt, the muscles in his arms bulging as he grips the armrests so tight he leaves indents in each of them. His cock twitches against his pants as a small, darkened patch hints at the pre-cum dripping to soak his clothes. The sight alone has you squeezing your thighs together, nipples hardening just watching him quiver before you.
“Ba-baby,” he rasps, whimpering as if he were injured, “ pl-please… I'm go-going to…”
He doesn't complete the sentence, not getting a chance to utter a single syllable more before he grunts and huffs, brows creasing and lips parting as his labored breaths inform you exactly of what’s happening. He can’t stop himself from reaching for his cock pulsing in his pants, and your eyes follow in the dim light to see the beginnings of his cum leaking through the material. His hips buck and he loses all ability to speak or even breath for a moment.
The wet patch grows larger as he squeezes himself through his jeans, and there’s nothing that can pull your eyes away from the scene. He tenses under his own touch, hissing and trying to keep quiet, but it fails once a low groan finally escapes his lips. He’s shaking and weak and so overwhelmed, but you don’t lower the settings even when he begins panting and whimpering once more.
He’s left a mess in his jeans, but he can’t stop shaking against the seat. With his eyes still closed, all he can do is mutter your name, rubbing his cock with one hand while gripping the armrest with the other. 
“Pl-please…” is all he can manage, voice hoarse and weak. Finally, you reach for your phone to stop the plug from vibrating completely, noticing his body relax against the seat as he becomes a puddle beneath your gaze. 
After a few moments of him trying to catch his breath, he suddenly stands from his seat on unsteady legs. Making sure to cover himself and the wet stain on his jeans, he slips by you with a flushed face full of embarrassment to make his way to the restroom so he can clean himself. Meanwhile, you’re left alone in all of your pride and glory in causing him to make a mess of himself, only being able to think about what you’re going to do with him when you get him home.
You see the shame in each of his features once the two of you arrive home. He’s already semi-hard once again by the time you get him undressed and on the bed, and you don’t wait to grab a warm, wet and soapy rag to clean him up better than tissues can do. 
His soft little whimpers as you clean his skin fill you with pride, loving to pamper him as much as you love making him a mess, and by the time you’re running the cloth over his cock, he’s hard and needy all over again for you. The plug remains inside of him as he lays flat against the bed, and you straddle his legs in nothing but your matching black, lace bra and underwear. 
Though you can feel yourself dripping with need, craving to feel him inside of you, but you take your time. His cock twitches beneath your touch as you run the cloth over the tip and back down again. He tenses beneath you, and relaxes for a moment, before he stiffens once you drag the cloth to his balls. A small whine fills his chest, so overwhelmed, but he doesn’t want you to stop. 
When he’s all cleaned, you toss the rag aside to grab the towel next to you that you prepared to wipe him off, running it gently over his skin until he’s dry. His hips buck as you do so, still too tender for most touches, but he knows you have so much more in store for him. 
“You’ve been such a good boy,” you praise him in the sweetest, most affectionate of tones as you crawl up his body after tossing the towel aside. A huff of air as his nostrils flare and his eyes flutter lets you know he loves the compliment, making it all worth it in the end. Without saying another word, your lips are pressed to his own, feeling the warmth from his flushed body and the eagerness as he cranes his head to reach you. 
You can’t help but to whimper against his skin. He’s so hot and ready for more. He wants to please you and fulfill your every wish and command, knowing as much from the way he thrusts his hips toward you once more while groaning from deep within his chest. 
As his cock presses between your legs, you’re positive he can feel just how wet you are even through your thin panties. The feeling of your arousal against his skin earns another whimper, wanting to beg you even if he is so weak and worn out from his previously endured bliss. Just to tease him, you push your hips forward and back again, rocking against him in a gentle motion to have him pulling away from your lips in a hiss.
“Pl-please…” he stutters, eyes screwing shut, jaw slacking. 
“What is it, baby?” you coax the words out of him, pressing kisses over his jaw between words. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want to come again,” he chokes out, “please.”
“And how do you want me to do that?” His eyes flutter open at the question the moment you pull away, pressing your body harder against him as you grind yourself on top of his cock. 
“Ride me,” he exhales, eyes closing once again at just the thought of you sinking down onto his hard and needy length. “Please, I want to be inside of you.” He has no shame in begging, and it’s what you love most. His whiney, breathless pleas send shivers down your spine, warming you to your core and making you feel as if you’re just as much on the edge of desperation as he is. 
“Mm,” you hum, stalling your motions for a moment, “what else?”
He hesitates with a lick of his lips, then groans. “The plug,” he replies in a whisper, as if he’s ashamed he enjoys it so much, “can you… turn it back on?”
Excitement floods you all over again, a devious smile growing on your lips as you reach to your left to grab your phone from the nightstand. However, instead of filling his wish right away, you ease off of him to stand, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra before it’s falling to the floor. Noticing his eyes grow wide while watching you, heat floods your cheeks for a moment before you tuck your thumbs into your panties to push them down your thighs and kick them away.
His breath hitches for a few seconds, then you watch his Adam’s apple bob while he studies the sight of you crawling back to him. Straddling his body, you hover over his cock twitching with just having you so close to him, so ready to fill you up. His head rolls back the moment you grab him, wrapping fingers around his shaft to earn a gasp. Giving him a few strokes from the base to the tip, you watch his body tense and tremble, loving the effect you have on him.
But you’re growing far too impatient, aching and dripping to wrap around him. Without wasting anymore time, you align him with your soaked entrance, knowing you need him so badly he will have no problems easing right into you. The tip of his cock brushes your folds and it has him twitching his hips to get more of your warmth around him. With a smirk, you begin to lower yourself onto him, not being able to stop yourself from releasing the desperate moan you have been withholding.
He groans and huffs and groans again as you sink onto his cock. His hips jerk, catching you off guard for a moment and causing you to nearly double over with a gasp. 
“S-sorry,” he stutters, voice wavering, “I just… fuck, you feel so fucking good, and wet, and warm. Holy fucking shit, baby, you’re perfect.” 
As he speaks in a shaky tone, his hands rise to meet your waist, and you can hardly concentrate on the words, becoming nearly breathless from him filling you up and hitting you deep. In an attempt to control your breathing, you freeze on top of him, but you remain tightened around his cock as you adjust and the sensation only makes him want you more. 
Your fingers clutch your phone in your head, nearly forgetting all about his request until your senses return. With fluttering lids, you navigate to the settings before you’re too lightheaded to function. In an instant, your thumb is pressing to turn on the vibrator to the second strength, and he bucks beneath you in surprise.
“Ah!” you squeak, your free hand dropping to keep your balance against his tensed stomach. Even if he took you by surprise as well, you have to admit how much you enjoy his reaction.
His eyes are quick to shut tight, with his head rolling to the side and his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. His nostrils flare as his breaths became heavier, desperate. And his nails dig into your skin, almost enough to hurt if you didn’t absolutely love the feeling of him losing control. 
“Ba-baby,” he whimpers, and it’s adorable how quickly he becomes a mess in your grasp. “Baby, please… move your hips.” 
Desperately he attempts to coax your body into moving as the plug hums inside of his ass. His hands grip you so much tighter, you didn’t think it was possible. You’re going to be more than sore tomorrow, but for now, you tolerate the pressure because he is so damn beautiful when he begs.
“Patience, baby,” you say with a breathy giggle, though you’re not sure how much longer you can hold on yourself. You remain calm on the outside, but his hips pushing beneath you have a fire forming between your thighs. You’re dripping and aching and you need to come just as much, but the love of watching him come undone outweighs your own pleasure. “I still have one more setting to go…”
“No, baby, please,” he gasps, “please, I am so fucking sensitive. I need to come. Just ride me, please.” 
“Oh, baby...”
“Please, please,” he cries, “please, move your hips. I just want to come inside of you. Please, baby.” He repeats his plea over and over, and it only encourages you to prolong the moment, even if he’s rock hard and twitching inside of you. Truly, you have the self-restraint of a master and you wonder how you’ve come this far in your little game. 
He’s trembling beneath you, and you wonder how long he can last before he’s coming once again. You don’t want to end things too soon, so you toss your phone aside and listen to his cries for once. With both hands pressed against his chest, you begin to move your hips ever so slowly over his cock. A hiss through his teeth lets you know it’s exactly what he needs, and you can’t hold back your own whimpers any longer.
He feels too good inside of you. A twitching, pulsing cock hitting you deep. Thighs jerking from the vibrations in his ass. Body so flushed and warm and tense beneath you. He is incredible and the longer you linger over the thoughts, the more it urges you to ride him faster.
His nails leave marks over your skin as you pick up pace, gripping you tight as he pants and whines beneath you. He’s such a needy puppy and he isn’t scared to be vocal, letting you know how good you make him feel. And in return, you whimper and moan his name, allowing him to hear how incredible he feels inside of you. 
Before you realize it, you’re getting lost in the pleasure. Surges of warmth and electricity flood you and the world drowns out around the both of you. You roll your hips faster against him, loving his little heavy breaths and groans, the way he holds you, the way he fills you with pleasure to have your body shaking. 
From the way he quivers as his noises begin to grow quiet, you know he’s nearing his end. That fact alone causes you to reach between your thighs, pressing fingers to your clit and it’s as if it’s the last little push you need to reach total bliss. Your head falls back, body rolling and nearly bouncing against him as he fills you up over and over. A daze clouds your mind as the pleasure begins to bubble from the pit of your stomach and you can’t stop whimpering his name until the warmth is flooding every inch of your body in full blown ecstasy.
Your body topples over on him, and for the first time he takes control. Gripping your thighs, he begins pumping his hips into you from between your legs, sending you into an overwhelming pleasure while whimpering his name into the crook of his neck. Your hot, sweaty bodies press together as he fucks you through your orgasm, earning nails against his skin and cries of bliss into his ear to drive him wild.
He is still fucking you wildly from below as the pleasure begins to settle. Now you’re the one overwhelmed and far too sensitive, but you endure his cock pumping into you, hard and deep, until the moment he releases a final, choked out groan from his throat. 
His body tenses and he can no longer move with the plug inside of him as he spills into your pulsing walls. Which only encourages you to begin rocking your hips against him with the little strength you can muster. Your lips come crashing down onto his the moment you do, hearing him whine against your skin while you draw out every ounce of bliss from his body. 
Then when you pull away, he winces as his eyes shut tight. “B-baby…” he mutters, “th-the plug.”
And your eyes grow wide as you remember, carefully rolling off of him and he hisses until the moment you grab your phone from wherever you tossed it to turn off the vibrations. He heaves and pants, so worn out from your game with sweat on his brow and flushed cheeks, but as he opens his eyes to peek at you, a sleepy grin curling over his lips causes you to realize he enjoyed playing your game just as much.
Without anything spoken, he reaches to pull you close, lips pressing to his once more in your tired, post-bliss state. Though you are both worn out, you fully intend to make up for what you put him through, wasting no time slipping off the bed to pull him toward the shower where you will clean him while spoiling him with affection, praise, and love in all the ways he enjoys most. 
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toriangeli · 2 days
I will spend my life making it up to you
OKAY. The thoughts I've had since that new teaser last night.
More than one person has called what happens between Louis and Armand in 2.04 a "dynamic shift." This wouldn't be that important if all they meant was that the two of them formed a cathartic new BDSM roleplay (which Jacob has alluded to, for sure, and on rewatch, you very much see it in the "You summoned me?"/"I felt your panic" exchange). If that was all it was, Assad wouldn't be calling it "the tipping point" of the season.
So what does it mean?
I think it means we've been reading this entire relationship wrong this whole time.
Book/movie spoilers ahead.
What we've seen: Armand does everything. He seems to be the gatekeeper to everything. He's the only one who can reach the bookshelves on the ceiling. He controls the lights and the windows. Louis asks him for the missing pages of Claudia's diaries. He lingers nearby during the interview, always ready to jump in if they venture near a subject that could be upsetting for Louis. With every new piece of information, confirmation bias has worked toward this idea that Armand is pulling all the strings.
Then Hannah Moscovitch said something in the Autumn Brown interview: that Armand wouldn't do something without Louis' permission because he is entirely Louis' creature. This seemed contradictory.
Jacob said Louis had become "the Lestat" of the Loumand relationship.
We had yesterday's episode's "dynamic shift."
Then last night, we got a new teaser where Armand and Louis have the following exchange:
Armand: I will spend my life making it up to you.
Louis: You'll never make it up to me.
Armand: I know.
My immediate thought was, naturally, that they are talking about Claudia's death. Look, if Armand can put the coven to sleep in an instant, he could have done it again long enough for Claudia to escape. He could have prevented it. He knows it, both in the book and in the show. And in the books, he is miserable about it. Louis notes how much so when they talk about it.
Later, we find out the real reason for Armand's extreme guilt. While he says he didn't plot to kill her, he admits to something even worse: he cut off Claudia's head and sewed it to an adult vampiress' body to give her a woman's body for once before her execution. He didn't do it out of charity, mind you--he just wanted to see what would happen. He says he's been haunted by it ever since, even having nightmares. Yes, Armand did something so horrible he traumatized himself.
Now, whether they include this experiment on the show (it would have to get past the network), I think simply failing to save Claudia is a good enough reason for this exchange in the teaser to take place.
And now, I'm looking at all those signs of Armand's controlling nature with new eyes.
See, Armand in the books can be controlling, but there's no evidence he ever is so with Louis. In fact, he's almost the opposite with Louis as he is with Daniel. Part of it is guilt, and part of it is desperation for love. After the vaguest of hints from the writers, people assumed their relationship on the show would be more regimental.
But I thought of the moment where Louis has Armand open his umbrella for him and light his cigarette, even going so far as to throw away his own lighter. And all those signs of control are starting to look like acts of servitude.
Bookshelves on the ceiling: any time Louis wants a book, Armand has to go fetch it for him. He can't get exasperated and tell him to get it for himself.
Turning lights and UV filters on and off: menial tasks demeaning to a partner rather than household staff.
Arranging for the missing pages of Claudia's diaries: Notice he doesn't say no, and in fact looks very nervous when asked. His only objection is that there is stuff about him on those pages he doesn't want made public, and he still agrees to it. It's like he is Louis' personal secretary.
Then there's the scene from last episode where the photos are mixed up. As soon as Armand clocks that Louis is accusing him of mixing things up on purpose, he starts stimming. He knows an argument he wants to avoid is coming, so he immediately tries to throw Rashid under the bus. Later, Louis is yelling at him for "embarrassing" him in front of Daniel, which is one of those textbook accusations toxic people use.
I think Louis is making Armand make it up to him.
There's something else Louis says: he accuses Armand of thinking he needs to be coddled. As if Armand pathologically placating him has been a thing in the past.
I want to be clear: this is not a "poor Armand" post. I think when the audience knows the full story, they will feel Armand got off easy. Because he did. I'd be tempted to do the same in Louis' shoes (but ultimately wouldn't want to see his face, so I don't think I'd go through with it). One of the reasons Armand is staying is because he knows he's getting off easy. If you tell me you would blame Louis for treating Armand this way, I wouldn't believe you. Armand deserves love, but he doesn't deserve to get it from Louis (I still ship it tho, I ship everything).
Now, there's no indication that Armand is afraid of Louis hurting him. The fact of him being stressed out about an incoming argument, and changing his behavior to avoid it, isn't the best sign--toxic partners will often use this tactic to gain capitulation--but by no means is this anywhere near his worst relationship.
It would all make his actions make much more sense: he's this jumpy about Daniel's intervention because his relationship with Louis is permanently on thin ice. He doesn't desire control over Louis for its own sake--that's not really an Armand thing, as much as people attribute it to him--he just wants to keep this man from ruining years of his hard work and effort put into this partnership. It's a sunk cost fallacy.
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kaijuparfait · 2 days
long ramble of me going through the venom trailer because i am insane totally normal about it
this isn't anything professional, just me spouting out random words as i run around in circles like an excited dog-
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firstly... king please change your clothes its been years, why are you still wearing that exact same outfit???
BUT i am a sucker for the light going over and past Eddie as he walks, i just think it's so cool hehe,,
E: "You should probably know that I have a really dark and unpredictable side to me."
hmmm... i'll believe you. at first, it sounds like he's telling this to Venom, but I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie is telling this to someone else and this "dark and unpredictable side" is Venom.... Or he is telling this to Venom and Eddie just really wants to kill now which. I am ok with that, love that for them, they should be allowed to do what they want
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cleanly punching off the lock via the ~ Power of Friendship ~ (or something like that)
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not the dogs :( i'm assuming this is a place to hold dogs for like. dog fighting?? i think? which is terrible and those guys deserved to get their heads eaten!
E: "I'm giving you a chance, sweetie."
LET. EDDIE. KILL. everyone say thank you Tom Hardy for being Eddie cause WOAH i am. normal.
V: "Just say "when"." E: "...when."
WE'RE SO BACK its just like the "Mask!" "Copy." bit from the first movie omg we're so back, these two make me ill i love them sm
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also Eddie not even flinching at the knife, most likely Venom turning off the pain (or something) but I like to think Eddie's just cool like that (these close ups of Eddie's face makes me wanna do a study on him, just draw him a million times for the fun of it, and i will! Tom Hardy is a beautiful man!)
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either venom is fully acting as shoes or Eddie is wear the most busted up pair of crocs i have ever seen and both options are so great. either way- KICK! that guy is GONE you even see him slouched against the wall, surrounded by bricks in a later scene, Venom and Eddie are not messing around this movie!
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I- hhhhh. ok. I'm ok. Yeah these two are NOT messing around, Eddie could not care less about these dudes, there is no hesitating, no guilt, no fear in this man's expression AND I LOVE IT <333 GET ANGRY! GET SCARY!!!
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AND WE HAVE THE BOI. THERE HE IS!!! the roar sounds different too i think, it's very cool tho, feels like a shrill, higher pitch than i expected but i don't dislike it
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let the dogs be free! they immediately start attacking those guys and i love it <3 doggy :3
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AND EDDIE IS FIGHTING TOO WOOOOO i need to redraw all of these frame cause WHEW! making me blush with these shot compositions, so good. so much trust, Eddie knows Venom will keep him safe and jumps in! literally! i adore how Venom's head is following him too, it's so creepy, the way it just slithers through the air, I wish to send all my love to the teams who work on Venom, there are so many points from the trailer and the first 2 movies that I wanna dissect, just to point out all his little movements, very fun
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speaking of his little movements- squinty eyes :3 and the half venom, half eddie face again! always a win, forever iconic <3
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tearing apart this venom scene OK! the little tendrils by Eddie's face, the way they move around is so UGH its so weird and i adore it! This "pose" is also fun because we really get to see the inside of Venom's mouth, most importantly his teeeeeth, in a long, pretty still shot that isn't when his mouth is wide open, the artist in me is loving it
also the team always does an amazing job on just making Venom look alien- the thick veins, the shiny black skin, and the tendrils that are holding up the bad guy split apart, instead of being just one tentacle, very gross, but in a good way
E: "We.. are..-" V: "WE ARE VENOM!" E: "We.. are..-" V: "VENOM!!" E: "No.."
They share one braincell, holy fudge, I love symbrock fjdkslfjsdk
and Eddie just keeps trying! same tone, same level, and Venom is so excited
V: "Oh!"
(I also love these shots because we get a nice close up of how Venom's mouth moves when pronouncing words)
E: "Yeah.. We.." V: "We.." E + V: "are... Venom." E: "...We really need to work on that."
and they get there eventually lmao, the way they say it is so in sync, even the eye movements are the same, how they open wider, and THE VOICES hhhh the voices.,,.. Tom Hardy is such a good. voice actor? in this sense ig.. i am on the ground, pure joy with how Eddie and Venom's voices overlap here
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and Venom goes to town! lovely meal <3 getting a meal with the bf <3
I am LOOKING oh my goodness his mouth can open WIDE... normal feelings rn, yup, mhm!
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doggy :D dog friends :D also Eddie no shot you stole that guy's shoes lmao??? nice boots tho (as someone who wears cowboy boots often, i would love to see Eddie in a full outfit.. putting that in the drawing idea list...)
V: "DELICIOUS! You take me to all the finest places!"
see! dinner date! :3 I can just hear the smile on Venom, i love when he's happy
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and the world's most pathetic wet cat of a man (I say with the upmost affection) is back!
more proof that Eddie is never NOT sweating and that Tom Hardy's Eddie voice has the most confusing accent- i think he's saying
E: "Honey, I don't know."
but he could very well just be stuttering, or maybe he stopped midway and instead said "I need- I don't know." but i'm hoping they're at the point of pet names, go full comic, let Eddie call Venom "love" and "dear" and "my darling"
[Edit- thank you @.bridoesotherjunk for pointing out that he says "I need a Tylenol." i need better listening comprehension i guess??? lol?]
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i don't know 100% of the Venom lore, still have tons of comics to read, so i won't talk much about the potential storyline here but- 4 SYMBIOTES!! maybe maybe maybe the Life Foundation Symbiotes... these babies got some funky colors.. they already used the name Riot but these 4 could be Lasher, Phage, Scream and Agony if i pray hard enough, the colors don't match but i can dream!
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totally not emotional over this little bit of Venom that was left behind from that one after credits scene trying to bond with a host gently. yup yeah my heart isn't hurting at all!
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my favorite local cryptid, what a creature
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and he changed! finally! nice shirt tho, buttoned up only part way? the HAIR??? good stuff
fire seems to be a known weakness now, looking at the background, and i can't guess what they're looking up at, Eddie does speed up for it tho. I'm gonna say either a helicopter or something else they're gonna try and jump up to? Venom does go-
during this scene so maybe it's one of those Symbiotes from before? Who knows, I could guess a hundred things but idk
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Venom in the last bit and Eddie being just himself if the first portion of these clips show that these guys 100% know what they're doing and have some sort of device (shown in the right image) that is capable of doing some crazy damage to Venom! Which! Oh no!!! I enjoy fight scenes underwater tho (Looks at Godzilla), very hyped for this one, I really wanna see how Venom swims. Yeah that sounds a bit weird but like. no way he's swimming like a human, c'mon now
E: "We are living the dream, my friend V: "You mean it?!" E: "NO."
Can't get over Venom's delivery here, he sounds so genuinely, it made me laugh, especially to how exhausted Eddie sounds lmao
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LAS VEGAS??? y'all guessed right, they really are gonna get married in vegas,,
Eddie in a suit, HELLO??? my guy is looking snazzy! really tho, he looks so nice a suit, the BLACK AND WHITE suit? perfect. I saw people saying that they hope that Venom is the suit and just. me too..
MRS. CHEN RETURNS omg this cast are all so <333 she is GORGEOUS that dress is beautiful on her AND HER HAIR Mrs. Chen my beloved
Mrs. Chen sounds so happy to see Eddie, and Venom also very excitedly say hi, my heart is going to burst, it is overflowing, this part of the trailer makes me smile so much AND THEN THEY DANCE WITH EACH OTHER!!! I know it's called The Last Dance but I was not expecting a dance with Mrs. Chen??? I am more than ok with this tho, Venom and Mrs. Chen, dancing on the stairs, they look so happy, they're having such a good time i can't, my heart can't take this <3
AND LOOK HOW THEY HOLD HER HANDS.. they... they care about each other so much i'm going to cry in the theaters- no i'm gonna cry NOW.
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is that a xenophage i see??? that thing is HUGE HUH??? i fully understand Venom in this (side note, i ADORE how Venom goes "JESUS CHRIST" upon seeing this thing, the line delivery get's better every film, that was so genuine) this design is insane tho, i might spend some time doing a study on it
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Toxin is here! YIPPEE!!! love the voice, thought it was Venom for a second the first time i watch this but its pretty good
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I have no clue who the people are that are in this tower thing, I've seen a few theories but i ain't embarrassing myself by guessing wrong here lmao
(running out of image spaces sorry!)
in the clip of Venom walking into this lab (?) and then getting violently shot at, is it just me or does Venom seem small? I'm guessing the door is just really big but like. idk maybe i'm just mixing up my Venoms and thinking that he's not as big as I remember
really quick cut of what may be 2 more Symbiotes like the 4 from earlier? maybe they're the same and are just changing colors, maybe they're new, who knows! I love their colors tho, the one on the right (in the clip) looks like it's blue and pink and i think that's cute
Xenophage breaks into this lab, love that for her, she is still terrifying!
E: "We may not make it out of this alive, buddy."
haha what do you mean by that king?
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V: "Eddie... the time has come..."
HAHA PAUSE. uhm. he said the same thing last time at the end of Let There Be Carnage and Eddie didn't let him go but, istg, IF THEY DIE AT THE END OF THIS MOVIE. i know its the last of the trilogy BUT THEY DON'T NEED TO DIE, SONY, MARVEL, DON'T DO THIS TO ME. i am going cry violently at the writers... i don't think i will ever stop crying if they die at the end
they're in this busted up helicopter, already intriguing, but when it zooms in on Eddie's face, he's tearing up??? this movie is checking off every emotion, i need to remember to stay hydrated before i go see it, i will cry so much
I don't even think i'll be able to handle just one of them dying, the end of the first movie made me tear up the first time i saw it, and that was before i was as insane about them as i am now, i will be UNWELL in the theater
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And last but certainly not least. HORSE VENOM WOOOOOO
the design for this things is insane, i didn't think i'd ever wanna draw a horse in my life but like.. kinda changing my mind ngl (weird detail, Venom horse has hands and feet and not hooves!)
E: "Be honest with me, how fast do you think you can make that thing go, without killing it?" V: "..ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!"
Venom sounds a bit muffled in this clip which makes it a bit more funny to me, i won't lie. Eddie is hanging on FOR HIS LIFE THOUGH, geez i know he said "how fast" but Eddie gets LAUNCHED OFF VENOM when they go over that cliff. fun reference to the first movie, how Venom grabs onto Eddie as he flies up, like on the motorcycle <3
this horse scene has to be earlier on because Eddie is in The Outfit and is also not wearing shoes??? i refuse to believe he'd put it back on, and in the helicopter-"it is time" clip, Eddie is wearing that white shirt, which looks like the undershirt to the suit (maybe) so the Las Vegas scene happens before them running from the explosion/fire.
oh right, the song that's playing? Space Oddity by David Bowie? yeah it's about an astronaut dying along in space.... which... is not very comforting...
god this trailer makes me so hyped, October cannot come faster i need this movie NOW. please.
man the trailer is kinda confusing, i'm already making guesses on where things happen and what the context could be, but literally anything could happen in this film. there are so many things that just don't make sense yet and it's hurting my brain I JUST WANNA KNOW! are those new Symbiotes or not? What even is the plot? Will Eddie and Venom profess their love to each other? Will Sleeper be real? How many times will this movie make me cry? Only time will tell
...and it's only the first trailer! head so full of thoughts, heart so full of emotions!
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dinogoofymutated · 3 days
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I've been infected with another fictional man the way in which I pumped this out was ridiculous. I happened to re watch the scene in the movies where the government breaks into the mansion and seeing Piotr act like a big brother/dad to all the kids really got to me. That and the Deadpool movies (even though I thinks he's a little stuffy in those.) I even rewatched the episode he had in the animated series so that I knew I would get his character right and DAMN ugh god I juts have a thing for big men with soft hearts. especially the ones who are family oriented.
ALSO HOLY SHIT TY FOR 600 FOLLOWERS???? when did yall get here???? I swear I was at like 48 two weeks ago lmao time flies when you're thirsty for the X men I guess!! TWs: None? No pronouns mentioned but I went ahead and labeled it as fem because it's basically about kids forcefully adopting you as their mom. Kids having night terrors mentioned.
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Can you imagine sort of just being adopted by the students at the mansion as mutant mom?? At that point you don't really get a choice. Like you start out being very patient with these kids and making sure to keep bandaids, burn cream, pain meds and all of that because one way or another something is gonna happen- and you want to be prepared.
And then you start making breakfast. I feel like normally they probably have a schedule for who has breakfast duty but if you wake up and can't go back to sleep and you take over no one really cares. More sleep for them!!
And then a few times turns into every morning. And you're setting out ketchup for one kids eggs and syrup for another ones hashbrowns- and making sure not to cook with nuts and make sure there's at least three different things on the table that are Kosher or gluten free. Keeping an eye on everyone as they come to get food and noting who did and did not make it to breakfast this morning so that you can make sure they eat later-
And one day you're waking up at 5am and getting ready for the day so you can go make breakfast like always, and you look in the mirror at some point and just realise, holy fuck, when did you become a parent?
It's such a regular thing for kids to call you mom at that point, a knowing how so many of them have come from rough backgrounds, it makes you really happy to know they find comfort in you and will come find you if they need comforting.
And then there's Piotr. Big, strong, Piotr. Piotr who wakes up before dawn and does chores around the mansion in the early morning air. You can take the man out of the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the man. He does the lawn care, chops wood, takes care of whatever animals that might need feeding, replaces the feed in the bird feeder.
Piotr who makes sure to stop by the kitchen to share a small cup of coffee with you before he does chores. Piotr who hangs Hummingbird feeders right outside the kitchen windows because you mentioned you missed the ones your grandmother used to hang. Just Piotr, being strong and masculine and an absolute sweetheart.
He reminds me of that one quote that heard somewhere about masculinity being about protecting femininity, not rejecting it??? That one!!!
Kids call him dad all the time, and even though yall aren't even together, you become the parents of the school. Scott and Jean?? Love them, but they don't have that same kind of parent energy.
It's such a regular thing for kids to find the two of you interacting one way or another. Someone woke up way too early and enters the kitchen to find yall during your coffee, and there's a sweet moment with yall telling them to go back to bed, or offering to make them a quick breakfast. Maybe if they're really young Piotr will offer to tuck them in. He might be really blunt when telling them there are no monsters, but will be a little more gentle when you set a hand on his arm and give him a bit of a look.
The kiddo asks for both of you to tuck them in and you obviously aren't going to refuse them. Which leads to everyone wanting both of you to tuck them in and soon enough you two are doing curfew checks instead of the professor.
It's becomes so regular for the students to treat you two as their parents, and no one actually believes it when they find out that no, you're not a couple. So, they do what kids do and try to get you two together.
First it starts with making sure you two are sat together during everything they can get away with. Then it moves on to things like mistletoe (out of season, Piotr mistook it as an accidental bloom made by one of the agrokinesis kids and took it down) and then more mischievous plans like telling one of you that the other needed help with one thing or another, knowing that either one of you would help out at the drop of a hat. Sureee, they were lying, but you two didn't know that. (most of the time)
The kids just want to see their parents happy and in love. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? It's not like You and Piotr hadn't been helplessly pining for the other the entire time anyway.
You sigh deeply once you finally sneak out of the dorm room, Piotr right behind you. The tall man takes extra care to shut the door very gently, making sure it clicks in place just as silently.
"I thought we were never going to get her to sleep." You whisper to him. One of the youngest girls attending the school had a rather difficult time with night terrors, and would struggle to fall asleep without being tucked in. When you and Piotr were doing curfew checks tonight, she was the only kiddo still awake, and she had practically begged both of you to stay with her untill she finally did fall asleep. It couldn't be just one of you, It had to be both. No matter how many rooms you both had to check tonight, you would never have left her shaken up in such a state. You just hadn't expected it to take an hour.
"Illyana had similar dreams as a little one. It takes time for children to overcome it." Piotr whispers back as you begin to walk down the hallway to check the rest of the rooms. Even when he whispers, his voice is strong and hard to keep quiet. You know there's truth to what he says, and yet you can't help but wish you could do something more to help her with her nightmares. You rub some warmth into your arms anxiously as you think about it, surprised when you feel the warm weight of Piotr's hand settle in between your shoulder blades.
"You're worrying again." He states, frowning slightly when you look up at him. You send him a resigned smile, before it quickly falls as you look away.
"I can't help it. I worry about all of them, her especially. They just... deserve so much more than their lot in life." You say. Piotr hums in response, his thumb brushing idly against your back.
"Their life like us, you mean? Mutants?" His question makes you wince.
"No. Yes? I don't know. I just... I just wish that we could give them more than... this." You say, waving your hands to motion about the mansion. "The school might very well be the only safe space they have their entire life. The world hasn't been kind to them, and I'm not sure it ever will be." Your words begin to quiet down as you finish the sentence, lowing to a whisper that only he can hear. You'd never, ever want any of these kids hear a word of what you're saying. Knowing that hope is really all they have at their age, and you of all people refuse to be the one to destroy that beautiful childlike optimism.
"That is what we are working for as the X-men, yes? To change that?" Piotr asks you point blank, his hand moving up towards the back of your neck in a soothing manner that still gives you goosebumps, feeling the comforting heat of his hand even stronger than before.
"Yeah, but..."
"Then we are doing all we can." He finishes, a smile on his face that's so determined and confident that it very nearly changes your mind completely. Nonetheless, it's a reassuring smile that makes your chest feel warm and fuzzy. You smile back at him finally, and you swear you see fondness in his eyes.
It doesn't take long before the two of you are finally at your door. You give Piotr a short and sweet goodnight as you begin to step inside, but he stops you before you go, gently catching hold of your arm. For the first time, you think you've seen him debate on his words. His mouth opens, but he doesn't speak at first, and you swear you see a blush rising to his cheeks as he does so.
"You'd make a good mother." He says eventually, and it makes you smile widely.
"You'd make a good dad." You tell him. There's silence between you as he brushes a stray lock of hair away from your face in a fond and caring manner, and you swear you could trick yourself into believing that you and Piotr were already in domestic bliss if this moment goes on for any longer. The tall man leans in, and you find your mind short circuiting as he presses a kiss to your forehead. The simple action somehow leaving you beyond flustered.
"Sleep well, Любовь моя. I will see you in the morning." Piotr tells you, before walking off at his regular stiff pace. You stand in your doorway for a minute, watching him leave with a bit of a confused smile on your face. Out of all the Russian nicknames he's called you in the past, you had never heard him say that one before. You wonder if you should pick up a book on the language as you close your door and finally crawl into bed, although part of you is content to leave it be. Colossus had always been blunt, and you're sure he'd tell you eventually. You fall asleep just as you always do, excited to see him when you wake up in the morning.
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Do you have any headcannons for the paradise lost gang? I'm dying for more of my healers.
Paradise Lost is my favorite set of character, of course I have hcs about them. My beloved disfunctional sitcom family that's somehow a hospital <3
Paradise Lost hcs
Everyone in Paradise Lost is on something. There's no way Morax can be so chill without some weed in his system
The only Paradise Lost citizen that graduated high-school was Bathin and he left
Lucifer was born in his 30s, he was born with a doctorate in every major
Becoming a citizen in Paradise Lost is almost impossible. Both Lucifer and Gamigin need to give you a vibe check and you have to learn healing magic.
Since Paradise Lost was founded after Lilith's disapearance, there are no native Paradise Lost citizens, the closest being Gamigin and Jjok
During Sundays where nobody in Paradise Lost works, each of the nobles has to come up with a fun family activity.
Be it board-games, movie marathons, walks through the forest, anything, they have to all do it together during Sunday
Lucifer has a picture of God or Jesus in every room of his castle because he is a true Orthodox Christian
Even though Lucifer has his own room in his own castle, he preferes sleeping in Gamigin's bed with him. He likes cuddling with the young dragon
Marbas is allowed untied whenever he's not dealing with patients, but he sometimes keeps the restraints on even when he's off duty
Lucifer sees everyone else as being beneath him, but he cares for them like they were children or pets
Lucifer never goes to meetings with the other kings because he doesn't like how often they happen and how little is actually done with them.
Morax has a facebook account where he posts low quality edits of him and the other people in Paradise Lost. They always get one like and it's from Lucifer.
Marbas has a brick phone because it's the only one he can't break with his bare hands. He sometimes calls his 'friends' from other regions with it, but he has no phone attiquit. He would call someone and just ask them for stuff with no hello, no small talk, no nothing
Buer is the best with phones in the whole country. He also didn't pass 5th grade tech lessons about how to make a folder on Windows. He has what used to be the latest phone model when he left Tartaros, but he only uses it to call patients.
Gamigin doesn't have a phone and Lucifer prohibited him from touching the internet. But Lucifer does give Gamigin his phone to play on during breaks or stuff
Lucifer has a fancy phone that he only uses to like Morax's posts on facebook and ignore the mail the kings give him
Depending on the type of meeting and the availability of his staff he will either take Gamigin or Morax with him during diplomatic travels.
He takes Gamigin most of the time, but if the subject is mainly about the atrocities of war he brings Morax. Morax is an airhead with no self preservation, he's used to seing people dying left and right in gruesome manners, but Lucifer would prefere to protect Gamigin from the sort of trauma
Everyone in Paradise Lost is devoted to Lucifer, but Gamigin fluctuates between "wow, he's so cool, I need to impress him" and "my king can beat your king in a fist fight"
Gamigin's also the noble that Lucifer spoils the most. He lets Gamigin do basicly what he wants around the country and he even lets him touch his angelic body.
Whenever there's a long ride from Paradise Lost to a different country, Lucifer sits Gamigin on his lap and let's him sleep there. If anyone speaks louder than a whisper, Lucifer will glare them down.
Gamigin is the favorite kid and by a lot
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It's bordering on platonic yandere, but we'll keep it light for this post (unless you want some darker stuff, feel free to ask 👀)
I've said this before and I'll say it again: there is no official uniform in Paradise Lost, Marbas just hates Buer in particular (and he wants to rip the clothes off him)
Lucifer has a photo album of all the memories he had with his brothers. There are some photos with Gabriel, Michael and Raphael in there as well
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xxsunoosprincess · 1 day
could i request for enhypen legal line reaction to you being insecure about your stretch marks? under the chest and the thighs as well :( lol thank you
felt this one… again sorry it’s so late after your requested!
Enhypen reaction to their s/o being insecure about their stretch marks (OT6)
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pairing: enhypen legal line x reader
warning: angst, emotional hurt/comfort, mentions of poor body image, insecurities, some are suggestive
Praise flows out of his mouth instantly because he is truly dumbfounded. His baby? His sweet baby doesn’t like how she looks. He is pouting, hands immediately gravitating to the stretch marks on your sides and gently brushing over the raised skin with his fingertip.
“I don’t understand” he frowns, the honesty and hurt across his face is clear as day “you and your stretch marks are really beautiful. Really, really beautiful. Baby, it hurts to see you don’t see yourself the way I see you”. It’s all said between the sweetest kisses he can muster up.
When you guys started dating, he vowed to take things slowly. He wants you for more than your body and he wants to make sure you know that. This accompanied by the fact that the furthest you have gone is some heavy petting over clothes means that he hasn’t ever seen your body.
It’s movie night, what movie you don’t know, because the way he is mouthing in your neck and how his hands slide up your shirt is taking all your attention. Partially due to anticipation, but also something much further from pleasure. When you mumble out a ‘wait’, hands catching his, he freezes and backs off. He would never overstep. If that means giving you space, fucking with your shirt still on, or an innocent cuddle, he is more than happy to oblige.
Jake has them too… Headcannoning him to have stretch marks on his lower back. Probably appeared during his growth spurt. Still shy about taking his shirt off around people, but this drastically changes when he overhears you comment negatively about your own stretch marks while on the phone with your friend.
I imagine he is kinda at a loss for words, unsure how to comfort you but his heart is broken to hear you don’t love your body as much as he does. So, he leads by example. When questioned about why he is walking around the dorm shirtless, he glances at you out of the corner of his eye, blushing a bit as he says “nothing to be ashamed of! even my stretch marks are a sign of how hard my body has worked to help me grow!!” Hopes his confidence is contagious, but for now he is satisfied with the giggles he pulls out of you with his over the top flexing.
He isn’t stupid. He knows what it means when he sees you scrutinizing your body in the mirror when you think he is still in the shower. I mean, he did figure skating. He’s an idol. When you work in industries that are critical of your body, you just know. He just… he doesn’t know what to do. It kills him to see you upset about anything, let alone your body. It leaves him shuffling on his feet.
“You look really nice” it startles you, fumbling to pull your shirt back over your now exposed tummy. You whip around to see him standing awkwardly in the doorway, his cheeks just as red as yours. “You shouldn’t… do that.” The vague hand gestures he makes are confusing, but even more startling is the sudden bone-crushing hug he pulls you into. “You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself”.
I think he knows better than everyone what it’s like to feel insecure about your body, what it feels like to have everyone’s eyes just scanning for flaws, so his blood runs cold when you ask him what products can help reduce the marks. Sure he has the creams, the oils, whatever, that could answer your question but he is tossing them the moment he gets home.
“What? Did someone say something to you?” You’ve never seen Sunoo look so serious. Not a hint of a smile on his face, no softness in his tone. The idea of anyone making you feel insecure makes him sick. “You should never try to change yourself, your body, for anyone. Don’t look away, I’m serious, you shouldn’t change, not even for me and I would never ask you to change. You’re perfect.”
It’s such a lovely day. Jungwon has dragged you out for a picnic, the sun is shining bright and the river running next to you guys makes for such a picturesque day. At least, it would be if the dress you were wearing wasn’t riding up your legs at every move and exposing the stretch marks running up your thighs.
“-and then he told me to… wait, y/n are you listening?” Jungwon whines as he notices you distracted by your dress again. You stutter out an apology, face beet red, but he doesn’t let you get it out before he is pulling off his jacket and casting it over your legs “There. Is that better? Stop, don’t give it back I’m not cold! You seem uncomfortable with your legs exposed, it’s the least I can do. But I wish you wouldn’t… your legs are so sexy- hey! Don’t flick me!”
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a/n: this one feels like shart… I don’t think I’m great at writing fluff. They all are ‘T’s in their MBTI except Sunoo’s, so I felt like it was a little hard to gauge how they would react so something so sensitive. But! I think they are all lovebugs and would do their best to comfort you. I tried something new though :3 hope you guys enjoy - xx princess.
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