#i don't even know what is this but mp100 has me always like this
yasashiiku · 9 months
Something about the ghost father from the urban legends arc refusing to hurt the clients, "especially not in front of my child", the way Dimple yells to Shigeo to close his eyes, to not look when faced by the unbearable horrors, and also when Dimple used the last of his powers to bend reality & not let Shigeo see him hurting, and making him forget everything afterwards, simply to protect his heart & his mind. Smthing abt the way Reigen declined doing anything against Toichiro because "my student is watching, he might try it too" and he can't let that happen, he can't subject his student (his responsibility, someone he cares about, a young boy) to violence or horror or anything that'd scar him mentally. smthing abt the way Shou turned out the way he is because no one around him cared enough like Dimple & Reigen, smthing abt Shou having to watch his father walk into death doors too many times, something about sacrifice, about father & son, guardian & child...
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eudikot · 1 year
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Man refuses to take a day off.
I wasn't going to follow this comic up but I decided to go into work today
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jadeacereigen · 4 months
i also always felt like the fandom depicting reigen's childhood as abusive and neglectful never really quite fit. i know that most of it is probably just projection, and it's something i really understand because i've done it before with other characters.
i feel like there's a difference between giving a character trauma that makes sense when taking their canon self into account and giving a character trauma for other unrelated reasons, like comfort or even for fun, to be able to explore the scenarios that would come with it. both are very valid. let the people do what they want, y'know?
but something i feel like people tend to gloss over sometimes is that parents can fuck up when raising you and still not be outright shitty evil people. they can judge you on your career choices and still love you. your friends can make an off the cuff comment that ends up sticking with you in a bad way without realizing, people can suck at showing they care about you while still caring about you, they can be imperfect just as much as you are. it's their first time on this earth too. and it doesn't excuse the times they may have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself, but it's up to you if you wanna keep them in your life. everyone can change, but that's also up to them.
it gives reigen an added charm [or should i say humanity?], to know that he is a flawed person and that it stems from the things that happened when he was younger, and the people that were in his life, and to know that things don't need to be catastrophic for them to affect and/or change you, whether good or bad. it's a good thing to remember i think. to know that there's so many greys between the white and black. that he has layers. his experiences are very valid.
anywho. sorry for the long ramble i just had to get this out there hehe.
ask game time!!!! 25, 9 and 22
Oh my god no don't apologize you're so right. I agree 100% so I'm gonna answer with my own long ramble.
(Discussions of child abuse below, though nothing that's not present in MP100 canon.)
Yes, it almost feels like people want to dismiss all flawed parenting and strained relationships between parent and child as abuse. There's certainly something very wrong with Reigen and his parents' relationship but I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand how people can find redemption in Toichiro who literally beat up his own son but then at the same time demonize Reigen's parents for the crime of disapproving his life as a CONMAN.
Yes, Reigen actually helps his clients and refuses to take money for things he cannot fix, but he's an incredibly special case and his parents are like most people who have no clue that the supernatural is even real. I personally think IRL psychics are full of shit and prey on the naive and emotionally vulnerable. If I had a kid who quit their normal job and spent all their savings to become a psychic I would not be happy with them! I would hope I wouldn't be as cold and that they wouldn't live in fear of my messages to them but I would definitely be encouraging them to stop that shit and get a "real job". To think that his parents should support his choices in life when he's pretending to be a psychic with no additional context is wild to me. (Also, I can't find the translation anymore but Reigen says in the fanbook that his mom thinks he's being tricked into doing his current job.) Again, they could go about this in a much better way but this disapproval does not inherently point to abuse.
(Sorry this rant got very long so everything else is below the cut.)
I think the biggest thing that points to Reigen's parents not being as awful as they are in fan content is that even after Reigen gets publicly exposed for being a con artist, his mom does tell him to learn his lesson from this but she also takes the time to prepare him an apology, tells him that he should come home (instead of telling him he's not welcome home/disowning him) and emphasizes that she's on his side. Maybe you could consider that the bare minimum of a decent parent but this to me just doesn't feel like she's the hateful abusive mother so often depicted. She could be warmer about it but she's obviously super concerned and wants Reigen to know she cares about him regardless of his actions.
(As for his dad, all we know is that he and Reigen don't talk to each other at all and that he thinks Reigen is unemployed. This relationship is definitely worse than Reigen and his mom's but there's little to go off of in terms of if his dad is a terrible parent or not. His mom seems to think he's worried about Reigen and that would definitely not surprise me.)
In terms of how Reigen feels about his parents, in the fanbook he acknowledges that there have been misunderstandings from both sides and that he'd like to talk things out with them and visit them more often. That's such a real thing lots of people can relate to and I'd love to see that get explored! I want to see Reigen patch things up with his parents! Maybe I'll write out my stupid fic idea for it idk.
I also don't want to stereotype but I am from an East Asian family myself and grew up surrounded by others so I feel like it's safe for me to say that Reigen's parents really remind me of your typical older generation of Asian parents. (Reigen was born in 1984 so his parents would definitely be of the boomer ilk, potentially even the Silent Generation if they had him on the older side.) Reigen also says in the fanbook that his parents are very serious people. Oftentimes with that older generation they just don't really show their care the way you'd normally see it. There may never be any "I love yous" but they'll cut you a plate of fruit without you asking or remember the show you liked 10 years ago and assume you're still into it...
Of course, parental norms in a culture don't justify hurtful parenting. (I mean just watch Everything Everywhere All At Once if you want to see the pain of having a disapproving Asian parent despite knowing they love you and just want what they think is best for you.) His mom fussing over his job and his lack of a girlfriend may be a super "Asian parent" thing, but it definitely hurts Reigen's feelings and she should cut that out. So yeah, Reigen's parents could do a lot better in terms of making Reigen feel supported and loved regardless if they approve of his life choices or not, but Reigen wants to patch things up with them for a reason and I'm hopeful that they can all reach a better understanding with each other.
One thing I also wish the anime showed was that Reigen's mom talks to him on the phone after Separation Arc! We see that in this omake:
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Reigen definitely didn't tell his parents his phone number or his home address if his mom had to resort to emailing his business address just to talk to him. But I like to think that after Separation Arc he started letting his mom into his life a bit more...
God this was such a long rant, I'm sorry. One final thing before I get to your questions is that if we really need abusive parents to hate, Teru's non-present parents are ripe for the picking... Just saying.
(ask game)
I'm assuming you mean Reigen for all of these btw
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Gosh I initially thought he was just a silly goofy character who could be annoying and pathetic at times, but I enjoyed his presence on-screen. Then he got deeper in the Season 1 finale and showed just how much he truly cared about Mob... That part definitely got me shook. He only got better and better from there and now he's one of my favorite characters in the story.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Jesus christ uh I definitely don't think he'd be a bad roommate and we'd probably get along just fine but I also think I'd annoy the shit out of him. I'm not the best at keeping my space neat and clean. Also the thought of meeting Reigen in person is actually terrifying... Reigen should never exist outside the world of fiction because his pure chaos would be too much for reality.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Hmm I answered what I don't like last time, but I do like fics that explore his relationship with Mob or Serizawa. I also like seeing him confront more of his personal issues and grow as a person even if he gets a little hurt in the process-
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
We have made it. To the end of the Mob Psycho 100 rewatch.
I don't have a lot of posts but you can check out #mp100 rewatch tag for all my other rambles about this rewatch.
Here we go it’s time to make my final post of this rewatch.
Granted I didn’t even get up my alien arc one cuz we watched them so fast.
So yeah.
In the Moving episode, my fiancé was getting so nervous because he was having, like, a visceral response to Shigeo confessing. He thought we were heading into second hand embarrassment land. He basically was this gif of reigen like squirming, hands over eyes, like be thought we were heading into “oh no shigeo totally embarrasses himself in front of a girl”
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Annnnnd then we hit the end of the episode…..
and he looked at me like this
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I don't think I have ever seen this man look at me with such confusion and “what the fuck” emotions. It looked like I sucked the soul out of him.
Do I feel a little bad for making him go in blind?
..........no hahaha
So uh the break between Moving and Rival was like. Him just sitting on the couch staring at the TV not sure what just happened.
BUT WE GOTTA MOVE ON SO HERE WE GOOOOOO and we get to Rival and I am just over here clutching a pillow because ugh the Teru and Shigeo fight still HURTS ME A FUCK LOT
My fiancé was so tense through the whole thing and when we got to this yank out my feels of the whole end of their fight.
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He was def feeling the feels train with me. Every time shigeo reacted to Teru I heard him take a sharp breath. This whole scene I could tell it was effecting him
(mehaps he will finally understand why TeruMob has grabbed me and not let go....mehaps)
Moving onto Trauma. Man, that was tough to watch but I also love it because seeing ritsu accept his brother for who he is makes me all sorts of happy.
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This scene always hits me so hard. Ritsu thinking through all the parts he loves about his brother, their childhood, the effect the trauma has not only had on him but Shigeo as well. I am exploring this a lot in my ageswap fic, how the trauma between them set them back so much. How it took Ritsu breaking cycles to make a change. Damn.
And then ofc the end. I was waiting for the moment 99 kicked on, a song my fiancé sings a bunch around the apartment. Watching his face when that happened is probably going into the top moments in my brain, I was so delighted. I know some people didn't like that in the finale but honestly it gives me goosebumps I love it.
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Getting to the end was bittersweet. A show that means the world to me I was able to finally share with a person who means the world to me. And after, we talked about all sorts of things.
My fiancé shares a lot of similarities with Shigeo and Teru and Ritsu (and honestly a lot of the other espers in general) He was defined by his talent (music) from a very young age. He was seen as a musician first and a human second. Most people only ever saw His instrument. It became the first thing people knew about him. He was a “gifted child”, so his whole life he’s been told he is special, but the only special thing about him is his talent. His….powers you could say.
So if he ever lost that talent, which he did at one point in his life, what does that make him as a person? I didn't expect it but Teru's fight with Mob at the start of the show hit him super hard because he said he identified with Teru. His talent was all he had so he was proud of it, a bit arrogant, until an injury knocked him down to a very very low floor. Because that's what you do when the whole world tells you this is the only part of you that matters (fuck writing that makes me cry ya'll see why Teru hit me in the feels now???? fuuuck)
I love my fiancés music, how can I not? In the end, it is a part of who he is. But it does not define him. His instrument does not come before him. It is not the reason I love him nor the reason I am marrying him.
He is more than his talent, but his talent is also apart of him. He is just him. He is the protagonist of his own life.
And based on everything we talked about afterwards, I like to hope that message landed.
Thank you mob psycho. Maybe you’ll be just what he needs as well.
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just-some-guy-joust · 28 days
alright, as requested and promised, my explanations for why everyone on side b got into the tourney
once again making the note that i was desperate for women that weren't blatantly written by a misogynist and it influenced a couple choices
starting with the most argued about characters again
mob (mp100): 1 submission, good description. "he has powers he can't be just some guy!" NOT WHAT THIS TOURNEY IS ABOUT. mob is a kid. he's just a kid doing his best. like the whole plot of mp100 is that he's just some kid isn't it??? i haven't watched it i can't argue the details but he is a very good example of just some guy
rung (transformers): 1 submission, good description. submitter got extra points for being the longest submission and being so sweet to me. rung is like, God, or something but he doesnt Know That so he's just living a perfectly normal life. he's so average people regularly forget who he is or what his name is. from the submission, "He's just the definition of 'some random kind guy you bump into in the hall and then completely forget about two hours later' I really don't know how to explain it."
han solo (star wars): 2 submissions. its like his whole thing. the rest of the team is a princess, a jedi, man i don't know the rest i haven't watched star wars in years but they are all supremely not some guy, and han's just some cunt with a van to drive them around in. yeah he's got his own shit going on but also. i dont remember how it actually went down but he really feels like he just stumbled into the plot and now he can't leave
ok now the rest of the characters under the cut
carol kohl (cateotw): 1 submission, good description. the description really moved me and i have GOT to watch this show at some point. carol lives on an earth that's going to end in a few months and everyone is trying to make their last months exciting and happy and getting to do what they've always wanted to. what carol wants to do is keep working an office job and continuing her routine. the show does not shame her for this, it's just who she is. and man..... as a chronically ill person who's had to think about that kind of thing. that really hits hard.
jaehee (mystic messenger): 1 submission. the woman situation is fucking dire. i will admit she seems to be written the way she is because of misogyny n shit but at least this submitter actually acknowledged it. mystic messenger is i believe a dating game and her route involves dealing with her shitty boss and quitting her job. the other routes have fucking wild shit going on but jaehee just quits work
paul matthews (guy who didnt like musicals): guaranteed entry
emma perkins (guy who didnt like musicals): 3 submissions. one person described her and paul as "guy4guy" and i was so enamored with this concept i gave her a guaranteed position. she works at a coffee shop and seems to not give a fuck that she's in a musical and needs to sing. major "i cant wait to clock out and go home" vibes
su moting (god troubles me): 1 submission. the child of a monster and a god so she was just born a regular human. that's so fucking funny. she has some wild roommates (a "phone god" and a "cat monster") but she's got a normal office job so she's not even around them much on weekdays
satou hiroshi (saiki k): 2 submissions. canonically the most average guy. perfectly average in every way. average grades, weight, height, family, etc etc etc. as average as possible
chilchuck tims (dungeon meshi): guaranteed entry
michelle nguyen (wtnv): 1 submission. i mean. its fucking night vale. that place is fucked. and yet michelle just runs a record shop and loves her girlfriend good for her
tad strange (gravity falls): guaranteed entry
colin robinson (wwdits): 1 submission, personal bias. he's an energy vampire that feeds off peoples energy so he will ramble to them for 6-12 hours about taxes. has a regular office job because what better place to find miserable people to torment. prides himself in his ability to be just some guy
bard (wandersong): 1 submission, friend bias. they're the protagonist of the game but they are not the hero of the story. they're on a quest to save the world but destiny does not care for them. they are trying so hard to bring people joy and that in turn is what makes them actually able to succeed. they are not a hero, but they are a friend
usopp (one piece): 1 submission, friend bias. i will be honest you i avoid one piece at all costs but he gets a pass for my buddy. unfortunately none of the info they gave me actually stuck in my brain so my explanation is gonna suck ass but he seems very scared and very weak compared to everyone else and everyone knows he's the just some guy of the group
nick carraway (great gatsby): 1 submission. i do not remember reading this book for school but idk that seemed like a correct vibe check and i wasn't gonna argue with it
link (oot): 1 submission, personal bias. SCREAMS. WAILS. POUNDS FISTS ON THE FLOOR. I LOVE HIM!!! i am extremely mentally ill about most editions of link being just some guy but i agreed heavily with the submission saying oot is probably the best example. HE'S JUST A KID!!! he thought he would never have to grow up because he was a forest kid too but then he did have to grow up what the fuckk
kazooie (I MADE HIM <3): he is my oc and i love him so fuckign much
connecticut clark (florkofcows): guaranteed entry
samwise (lotr): 1 submission, personal bias. only here because he refused to let his friend have to deal with this alone. its the whole point of the story, that hobbits are the just some guys of the world. that these hobbits were just normal innocent men now trying to end a war. and sam is the most just some guy of the bunch
hitomi (madoka magica): 2 submissions. only one that isnt a magical girl. im sure there's more to it than that but i haven't watched madoka in years and the submissions didn't give me anything else so that's it
junpei iori (persona): 1 submission, friend bias. persona characters can get fucking wild but he seems to be the resident normal dude. and tbh i just can't stop thinking about this part of the submission
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tomoya (ensemble stars): 2 submissions, good descriptions. ok so like. ensemble stars has like 50 main characters or something i dont know i dont go here. tomoya is the Only One that's normal. he's just trying to be a teen idol and his defining character trait is that he is tomoya and he is here.
peter sqloint (jrwi): 1 submission. i have listened to a bit of this and while i did have to put it down cause it wasn't really my thing, peter must've made an impression on me because the Only Things i can remember from what i listened to was just how bizarrely normal peter is. yes he has the angel of retribution inside him urging him to kill the gods but his life goal is to buy a new log for his pet lizard and his job is to sort rocks and its his favorite thing. sometimes you have to wonder if peter is even aware of whats going on or if he is too busy thinking about cool rocks to notice
cabbage merchant (atla): 3 submissions. i dont care. but very few characters actually got 3 submissions so i let him in. i was trying to avoid characters that clearly just existed for a bit or are simply background characters with nothing else going on (they count as just some guy but its just not as interesting to me) but he made it in anyways.
marta cabrera (knives out): 1 submission and that submission was ME because im THE ONLY PERSON WHO GETS IT (/silly). i cannot fucking believe no one else submitted her im so fucking mad her being just some guy is literally the entire point. spoilers for knives out, SHE'S A GOOD DOCTOR. SHE'S JUST A GOOD DOCTOR. SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!!! she was always just some guy no matter how much everyone else wanted her to be something different. i love her
greg universe (steven universe): 1 submission, good explanation. he's just stevens dad <3 he lives in his van and is an ok musician and he's very content with his life. he's hanging out
mishima (persona): 2 submissions. he's just one of your classmates. this is signifcant because other supporting cast characters have a lot of their own wild shit going on. mishima is your classmate and he's trying to help the phantom thieves look cool on social media. thatse it babey!
gingerbrave (cookie run): 1 submission, good description, personal bias. ok so its a gacha game about cookies that run. gingerbrave is the mascot and the most basic guy you can get. he's a cookie and he runs. and he's very sweet and i like him <3 he loves his friends. anyways google like any other character in the cookie run franchise and you'll understand.
arthur dent (hitchhikers guide): 2 submissions. honestly i don't have strong opinions on him and he's got a fuck ton of propaganda on the post im skipping this
elsen (off): 1 submission, friend bias. i am enamored by how this is like a species of normal guys. they are meant to reflect the struggles of average normal people. they have office jobs and a fuck ton of anxiety so you can see how they reflect that <3
tadano hitohito (komi cant communicate): 2 submissions, good description. HIS NAME LITERALLY TRANSLATES TO "JUST A PERSON" THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME I HAD TO PUT HIM IN
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thekagepro24 · 8 months
MP100 Divine Tree Arc analysis (yet again): Dimple and Honesty
ok so divine tree arc is my favorite mp100 arc bc of the intricately-written miscommunication and understandable character motivations on both ends, and it's written in a way where i've watched its episodes easily 20-30 times and STILL notice new things!
(long analysis under cut)
So I've noticed that there's a mistranslation in a line in episode 5. Mob asks Teru to "snap out of it" / "come to your senses", but Dimple's response got mistranslated to this:
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When I'd initially watch this, I wouldn't listen to the spoken line closely enough to notice the translation was faulty, and would always think "but...you ARE controlling him with brainwashing. why lie like that?"
What he says would translate more accurately to, "Unfortunately for you, Hanazawa is sane." I'm fairly sure he says it this way in reference to his previous line about how "Their personalities won't be any different". He's telling Mob that Teru's acting in a way he normally would, which is then emphasized by Teru insisting 'this is just another important thing in my life'.
And you might wonder why I'm so particular about this mistranslation! It's because making Dimple say "I'm not controlling him" would be a lie! Even if he's not controlling him as if using a remote control, he is brainwashing him, so that would still count as control! It would be a lie for Dimple to say this!
And that specific distinction made me realize something!!!!!
Throughout the conversation Mob and Dimple have in episode 5, Dimple never flat-out lies. What puts Mob off is that Dimple isn't being entirely honest, but Dimple never lies about things, instead he omits the whole truth.
Despite the 'carried away' conversation in episode 3 ending poorly, Dimple makes the offer again within the broccoli that he and Mob should achieve this godhood goal together, but Mob is so focused on getting Dimple to stop that he doesn't notice that this is Dimple's attempt at working together with him. (Mob himself notes this in ep 6: "You could've achieved it by yourself, but you asked me to join you. You trusted me before i trusted you")
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The problem here is that Dimple is overly prepared for things to turn into a fight. He knows that Mob could easily erase him because of the difference in their powers, so he specifically waits within the broccoli and uses its powers to his advantage in this encounter. Even when talking to him, Mob's upset that they aren't talking face-to-face, unaware that Dimple's hiding specifically because he's scared of Mob's rage. Dimple even ASKS "If you don't agree with me, won't you resort to force in the end?" to test the waters, and when Mob replies that he will, it turns into a fight.
And when Mob realizes this after more of Dimple's hiding behind powers, he asks if Dimple's scared of him only to be met with silence.
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Dimple doesn't lie by saying he's not scared of Mob, he instead just conveniently doesn't talk until he thinks he has the upper hand. Only when Mob finally collapses and notices his powers are being absorbed by the broccoli does Dimple chime in, because now he thinks he's winning this fight.
He brings up Tsubomi and tells the truth about his perception of her, that she seems like the type who wouldn't accept a confession from Mob if he were to try it. It's a genuine observation from him, it's Dimple's honest thoughts, he's not lying. The problem is that he uses this observation to segue into the Psycho Helmet point, and offers a faulty solution to Mob's worries by suggesting he just rely on power. (Similar to how back when Mob ran the marathon with the goal of confessing to Tsubomi if he got at least 10th place, Dimple offered to cheat and possess him when he wounded his leg.)
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This then causes more tension and the two start fighting again. And yet again, Dimple is omitting some of the truth. He thinks to himself about how powerful Mob should be at this point, and how to win a fight against him if things have to come to that. Usually Dimple will give his thoughts on a risky situation out loud, but here he keeps it to himself.
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Just like earlier when Mob asked if Dimple was scared of him, Dimple conveniently stays silent here instead of being upfront about his apprehension.
Mob is offput by Dimple's insistence on the Psycho Helmet goal, and says that 'this isn't you, it doesn't suit you'. Dimple realizes later on that he doesn't feel fulfilled by this goal, but in the moment he's horribly upset by the way Mob jumps to the extreme of saying 'everything he's doing is fake'. Dimple has wanted this godhood goal this whole time even if it started waning, so to be told something like that feels like an insult to his efforts and ambitions. ("Don't go casually denying the thing I've been wanting this whole time!")
Dimple attacks, but on instinct tries to ask if Mob is ok, but upon seeing Mob's rage flare up again, shrinks back and says that he's been trying to use Mob this whole time.
It reminds me of the conversation Reigen and Dimple had when Mob was in the Mogami mindscape. Reigen was able to identify that Dimple is not the type to openly admit that he's starting to care about Mob's well-being seperate from the ulterior motive of the long-term godhood goal, so he spoke to Dimple on his own terms, by implying that he'd miss out on the chance to selfishly manipulate Mob from the shadows if he left now. Even though Reigen briefly points out that he knows Dimple feels odd about being trusted (a wink and a nod kind of way of saying "I know you care about Mob's safety"), he focuses the main point of his persuasion on this dishonest "yeah sure but you want to manipulate him right?" question.
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Dimple fucking SUCKS at admitting he cares for people. The closest he gets by this part in the story is hyping Mob up, but that's because he can easily hide that behind "Well I'm just thinking of the long-term godhood goal, if I hype him up, he'll want to be a god more!". Even in the Mogami mindscape, Dimple reminds Mob of how much everyone ELSE cares for him! He'll worry for Mob's well-being and advise him against getting into dangerous situations, but will never flat-out say "It's because I care about you as a friend, I genuinely have gotten to the point where I want you to be safe outside of this goal". And so in this scene, he lacks the insight to realize he cares, and falls back into "...Well I've been manipulating him, I know that much.".
And so then we finally have the monkey shirt insults. It can be easy to misunderstand this as the first instance Dimple's 'been honest / stopped lying' since Mob entered the Divine Tree, but that isn't right! Dimple has been honest about his godhood goal and his intent to team up with Mob to achieve it, but he had also been omitting the truth to get to that goal. He stays quiet about how scared he is of Mob's powers, and Mob's realization that Dimple's being dodgy about something makes Mob doubtful of Dimple's true intent in turn.
When Dimple offers to team up with him, the fact that it has this immense power attached to it deters Mob.
When Dimple says that Tsubomi likely wouldn't be interested in him, it's followed by the offer of this immense power as a solution.
But when Dimple insults the monkey shirt, there's nothing attached. He's JUST disgusted by the shirt. Instead of something that can give him some sort of power, he speaks honestly about something mundane. (If anything, it's something that risks him getting hurt due to Mob's bad mood.)
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And THIS is why Mob says this line:
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What's threatened to drive this wedge between them, what's caused Dimple to become dodgy about his thoughts is this potential immense power the Divine Tree can give, as well as Mob's immense power he wields being seen as a threat by Dimple.
Mob entered the broccoli with intent to force Dimple to stop this plan entirely, and so it took him a while to notice that his power and anger had made Dimple feel like he had to prepare for a fight.
Dimple hid behind these new powers and tried to persuade Mob that they're amazing by doing things like showing off his new God form and its powers. But his initial refusal to ask himself why his godhood goal had been feeling empty made it so he tried to insist to Mob that these powers are great (Basically like a sunk-cost fallacy. It's what he wanted this whole time and what he'd put so much effort into, so it has to be worth it, right?).
So it's only when Mob realizes that powers are in the way of the conversation they're trying to have, do they begin to both look inwards and realize how their miscommunication had gotten so extreme.
And so from then on, Dimple is able to speak honestly without any ulterior motives.
(From here I'm tempted to get somewhat side-tracked and mention how the Divine Tree is a perfect symbol for immense power, and how it perfectly represents how Dimple had been trying to persuade Mob to abuse power initially in the series. He kept insisting powers are all-encompassing and can do ANYTHING in the beginning, and then his abuse of the tree's power leads to the Psycho Helmet entities trying to EAT everything and turn EVERYTHING into fuel for its own power. Power for nothing but power's sake. Some translations + the ENG dub somewhat skews their dialogue, but the Psycho Helmet entities speak in a very fragmented way, and don't ever refer to Mob as a person or with any person-related pronouns! They ONLY refer to Mob once and it's as "that." And so there's a horror there that this tree will consume ANYTHING for power. It's the epitome of the flawed ideology Dimple had at the very beginning of the series turned physical, so Dimple has to fight against it, and realizes the error in his ways in the conversation after said fight. So he is then sacrificed in a way to use his new immense power for a GOOD cause, to get rid of this threat. It perfectly puts that flawed ideology Dimple had at the beginning of the series to rest.)
...but this post was meant to be about observing the specific point that Dimple never flat-out lies in episode 5's conversation. A really subtle touch to the character writing in this arc, the fact that he's not just "evil again", but rather feels the need to prepare for a fight with underhanded means. He's not lying, he's omitting more of the truth than he usually does.
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eukarisparadise · 5 months
(bad English and long text)
I understand that I'm probably far from the first person to say this, but one of the few things that genuinely touched me in MP100 was the moment in the "Claw" organization at the end of season 1, where Reigen told Mob to run away. I understand that he was most likely just broadcasting his self-preservation style – "flight" – but personally, I saw something different in it and my heart still aches with joy here. Reigen told him "you don’t need to take this all on yourself, let the adults handle everything."
As the oldest sister myself, I understand what it’s like when parents leave their other children to you, giving birth to them with the default thought that you have already grown up as a helper, while you, for example, are 11 years old. Mob's situation is different – there is only a year difference between him and Ritsu, but judging by the way Ritsu reaches out to him, takes his example not only as an esper, constantly emphasizes that Shigeo is his older brother (I can't speak for everyone, but I still don’t really perceive my older cousins, who are ~4 years older than me, as an elders, but as peers), and also from the apparent complete absence of parents in the boys' lives, I can assume that all his life Shigeo has been left to his own devices at best, and with Ritsu in his care at worst.
I don’t think that their parents are completely indifferent to them – they attended their school race after all – and I haven't read the manga, so I can't judge with certainty, however they have catastrophically few appearances in the anime, besides the standard dinner scenes together (my friends even joked while watching that "these NPCs at the table have one script about spoons"💀 lol).
Mob's whole story is about how he gradually develops his personality, learning to express emotions. But I don't believe he suppressed them solely out of fear of harming someone with his magical outbursts.
I know how children mature beyond their years behave, because I was one. Mob always acted like he was too burdened for his age, having restraint uncommon for kids. He himself disliked this fact, and it was a hard-fought battle to loosen the internal grip. All because this is the consequence of too much of a burden that good-natured but absent parents could've placed on him (I mean, come on, your child – the most powerful esper in the universe – disappears for days and sometimes nights, occasionally even with his brother, and not only do you not know this, but you also keep repeating your spoon script?).
This is where Reigen comes in. Little Mob needed guidance, advice from at least someone who could understand what to do with his gift and his life – and Reigen, not yet knowing about his abilities, gave him this advice, which he listened to with his mouth open. It was clear from that scene how much Shigeo needed support and guidance, and frankly, a parental figure. Real parents, as I wrote above, don't seem to care at all that their son easily comes home late at night or even in the morning, nor did they show any interest in his studies or hobbies. Maybe I'm wrong, please correct me on that, but it's really so little of them in the series.
Reigen, be he thrice a manipulator and swindle, saw a child with a truly divine gift, and his first instinct was "I can make something out of this." Mostly money. But as it turned out later – a good person too.
And Reigen's parenting abilities can be judged by the fact that Mob not only turned out to be a good person himself but also was able to guide others by his example – for instance, Teruki.
Even if we take into account the fact that Reigen never failed to use Mob’s abilities, relying too much on him, he still took care of him: he always treated him to food, never smoked around him, came to pick him when he had problems, stood up for him (in the episode where Mob was almost scammed in the vase incident by con artists, who did he call first? Not his parents, no. Reigen).
And finally that scene in the "Claw". Reigen told Mob to run away because the problem he was getting himself into was an adult problem, as he himself said. He literally said that Mob shouldn't act against his own morals, because he is still a child, he hasn't grown up to make such decisions (and it was clear how difficult it was for Mob to decide to harm someone from those espers, because it went against everything, what Reigen taught him). That's why he freed Shigeo from this responsibility: run away, leave it to me, kid, I'm an adult and you shouldn't risk anything and challenge anything in your heart.
Reigen may be a scammer, but he could put a lot of parents to shame. Including mine (in our translation he even literally said in that episode that he is Mob's "acting guardian", my gooood 😭😭😭). I wish having someone like him growing up, someone who can willingly take responsibility when it's necessary.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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epicfranb · 6 months
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@mortpee: if you could come up with a manga, what would it be abt ?
Hmm well i have an idea that i would love to make a comic abt, and it is strongly inspired by the mahou shoujo genre, so it counts hehe :3 it's about magical girls whose powers are based on forms of art! I think about a lot of things that bother me about this genre, missed opportunities, or limitations due to the fact that most of those series are for kids... But my main gripe is that, if you look at action shounen series, even if they're made for young teens, they're still interesting to watch for older ppl, but with mahou shoujo it's like you always have to keep in mind: this was made for kids, and so the conflicts (even tho they can be pretty mature) are aimed at kids, so can be pretty watered down or underdeveloped :"3 and you get SOOOOOO many cool shounen series that do very cool things with the tropes and expectations (mp100, one punch man, hxh), but in the mahou shoujo genre you get the sub-genre of "edgy magical girls" inspired by Madoka (and i don't personally think Madoka actually belongs to that genre, it's a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre, but it is still a pretty traditional mahou shoujo). Edgy magical girls rely on shock factor a lot of the time. Like, Magical Girl Site and Magical Girl Raising Project are literally just shounen series but with magical girls - it's not really the same. Funnily enough, Kill la Kill, which is literally a shounen series, leans into the mahou shoujo genre and borrows a lot from it, to the point where it feels more like mahou shoujo than the previous 2 i mentioned 🙃 So i would really really love if the mahou shoujo genre continued to evolve, be taken more seriously, more experimentation to be done within it, etc while still remaining a mahou shoujo genre, with magical transformations and friendship saving the world, and turning into a big god-like magical being and having the final battle in space :"D
So, after explaining my motivation, here are a couple of things i would do in my story:
- older characters. Magical girls in these series are usually aged between 13 and 17, and any more is like an older magical girl. The magical girls in my story would still be young, but i would set the minimal age of all characters to 18.
- a lot of magical girls! What i liked in Magia Record (the game, idc about the anime) was that there was a lot of them! It was established in the original madomagi that girls establish their territories on which they work (i think they did it in Raising Project as well), which implies there are a lot of magical girls. They did do too many in Magireco (they didn't ALL have to be in this one city xD), but i love the idea. With my idea, it would also mean i get to create a lot of unique characters based on different forms of art :D
- RULES!!! It isn't always explained in stories HOW people use magic. In Witch Hat Atelier, you draw your magic! In Tweeny Witches, you need parts of fairies, such as their hair or feathers! For my story, it would make sense that the girls can use any magic they can imagine. But with them doing different arts, they would naturally imagine things differently! "How to use magic?" "What is magic?" They would all have different answers to these questions. Maybe one music girl would use sound waves to deafen their enemy, but another one would play relaxing melodies to put a monster to sleep, a third one could heal their allies because they believe music has a healing effect.
- Worldbuilding! Why are magical girls a thing? What is their bigger purpose? Where did their cute mascots appear from? What are the monsters that keep appearing? How did nobody know about all this before?? How long has magic even been a thing??? I'm certainly borrowing from Madoka with these questions, and i plan to have a "FUCK. OUR LIVES ARE MEANINGLESS" moment in the end, but 1) nobody dies 2) ppl recover from this and find new hope 3) they defeat the evil and lose their magic as an exchange, but it's ok because their art and their friendships are the real magic 🥰🥰
- more diversity! I can't represent absolutely everyone of course, but i would want to have characters of different ethnicities and genders and sexualities at least. There isn't a rule that only girls can be magical, it's just that I'm going to focus on girls, but there will be magical boys and enbies too lol :D i have ideas for some disabled magical girls and trans magical girls and i just have sooo many ideas for designs and backstories in my head!!! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
So yeah, hopefully i could get to that at some point.... ^_^; and i hope you liked reading my rambles :"D
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cheemerthelizard · 1 year
after watching half of MP100 season 1 in about two (2) days, I think I can definitively say that Mob is definitely autistic-coded, and that his psychic powers are an allegory for romanticized mental illnesses/disorders.
Mob being autistic coded is pretty obvious to anyone who knows the littlest bit about autism. I'm sure if I watched it in 4th grade, I would say that Mob kind of reminded me of some of my autistic friends, and maybe even a little bit about myself (I would probably also say that watching it in 4th grade would've scarred me for life, but that's not the point). His inability to "get a clue", his uptight keeping with the rules, his utmost trust in whatever anyone says, and many other traits are very reminiscent of traits found in autistic people.
Of course, Mob's personality isn't the main spotlight I wanted to shine on this post, but rather his psychic powers. Now, I personally think that his powers were specifically designed to be an allegory for autistic people who mask certain traits of theirs, but seeing as there are a lot of connections I could make with my undesirable ADHD traits, I believe these powers could be an allegory with just about any romanticized mental illness or disorder.
You may have noticed that I opted to exclude Mob's difficulty to express his emotions in my paragraph listing his autistic traits. Well, this is because that specific trait is linked to him repressing his emotions so that his powers don't leak out and potentially cause harm. Now, in the case of autism, this could be a metaphor for any number of autistic tendencies (stimming, infodumping, etc.) but it could easily serve as a metaphor for tendencies in other disabilities and illnesses, such as the inability to control one's voice with ADHD. They're traits that others consider weird and annoying, which sometimes makes it hard to make friends.
Of course, there's also the "percent till Mob explodes", which can so easily be a metaphor for meltdowns. Now, I'm not sure if it's from the autism or from some unknown mental illness of mine, but I personally tend to bottle things up until they burst, going into a fit of despair and self loathing, accompanied by loud crying that embarrasses me to no end. However, I don't think those are the type of meltdowns that the show meant to portray. I think it was specifically going for the meltdowns that autistic people feel when they reach a level of overstimulation that pushes them past what they can handle.
And, of course, there's a reason I said Mob's psychic powers were an allegory for romanticized mental illnesses. That's because of the usage of psychic powers in the first place. Everyone wants psychic powers. I mean, imagine all of the things we could accomplish if we could use telekinesis or see ghosts! This same mentality is used to tell people of any neurodivergency that they should stop taking their "cool superpowers" for granted. People with ADHD can get into the zone when they really like something and get so much done (and absolutely zero done on things they don't like)! People with OCD can always live in a clean space (and compulsively pick/scratch at their skin, leaving permanent scars)! People with autism can see the world in a different way than everyone else (and can become ostracized from that world because they see it differently)! These things are similar to what Mob has to deal with regarding psychic powers.
tldr yeah Mob is the autistic icon the anime community needs. him and jotaro are besties and hang out together not talking the entire time
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seikatsu-ga-tsuzuku · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
This is gonna be very hard to decide but I'll try my best. Gonna stick this under a Read More 'cause this shit boutta be long as hell:
1) Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends With You
He's the main character of the story that changed my life. He was very relatable to me at the time I first consumed TWEWY over a decade ago, and even now I still have a lot in common with him. Neku is very important to me because taught me a lot and impacted me in a way that I feel like I'd be a completely different person had I never encountered TWEWY during those formative years.
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2) Kakashi Hatake from Naruto
I don't have some profound reason for Kakashi like I did Neku. But I think he was the very first character I ever became obsessed with or cared about deeper than just liking them because I liked the media they were in. And realistically, what's not to like about him.
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(From here onward the accuracy of the list may dwindle because of the sheer amount of media I've consumed. I'll probably forget someone or important or simply be unable to decide, so take who I choose with a pinch of salt, especially in order. I have many faves and I am only certain about Neku and Kakashi's places on this list).
3) Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Because HMC is my favorite Ghibli movie I may be biased, but I always looked up to Sophie due to her strength and capacity to love free of judgments and despite any ugliness, inside or out. She's pretty, kind, brave, and tough, all the things I wanted to grow up to be as a kid when I first saw HMC.
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4) Shizuku from Whisper of the Heart
Shizuku is one of my favorites for a more specific and personal reason; because we're both writers. I see in her a lot of myself when I was younger and even now. Having the desire to write something you can be proud of and satisfied with, to the point of being hard on yourself and emotional when you fall short of your own expectations. She's a complicated ball of emotions, but she's got tenacity and a love for whimsy that she puts into her writing. I just find her relatable and lovable.
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5) Haruki Nakayama from Given
I just feel a spiritual connection to Haruki. We're kindred spirits, in the way we act, think, view ourselves. How we experience love and the relationship we have to our craft. He really is just like me fr.
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6) The Chocobros from FFXV
Nooow I know this is cheating by including all of them, pero like... Do not separate! No but realistically, I can't choose one of them over the other because I love them all for different reasons, but I'd also be remiss to not add any of them to this list. They all had such an impact on my life, brought me joy during a particularly dark time, and their friendship and bond is something I envy and seek to have for myself someday.
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7) Kotetsu T. Kaburagi from Tiger & Bunny
Would y'all crucify me if I said he's my favorite superhero across all media? I mean it honestly. Kotetsu is the embodiment of what a hero should be, his attitude, morals, and passion for helping others. He's like the perfect protag to me. He gets bonus points for being a goofy dorky single dad who's tryng his best, and is also hot.
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8) Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
Do I even need to explain this one. Mob taught me so much about being kind and forgiving to not only others but yourself. Not many pieces of media have touched me in a way that MP100 has, and Mob fits into a lot of my favorite protag tropes. He's just a simple, sweet darling boy and he's so cherished and important to me.
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9) Yona from Akatsuki no Yona
One of the female protagonists of all time. I love her for many of the same reasons I love Sophie, but she's just 10x more cool. As Spike Spiegel once said, I love a woman who can kick my ass.
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10) My OC Seth Manolis
Now I realize this may be cheating but I couldn't decide on the last character, and I'd argue he technically counts according to your criteria, because he's the protag of two novels I wrote myself. I created Seth when I was 14, writing little "journal entries" about his life on Deviantart back in the day to cope with me starting high school, but over the years his story has evolved into something serious and now I'm writing a whole trilogy about him (on the third book now). He's very important to me because writing his story has got me through a lot in my life, and I put so many pieces of myself into him, although not exactly a self-insert. I can go on all day about Seth, but just know he's my special little blorbo who I don't know what I would've done without. (Art is commissioned from @/bumblevip on IG.)
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incorrect-kubokai · 2 years
(some) Saiki k characters watching mob psycho 100
✨This post was brought to you by: my mp100 brainrot!!✨
Kaidou: he would watch it and like it a lot, especially the fight scenes. Has merch and his favorite character is Ritsu (he swears he understands him #emocore). He once told Saiki he would like to be an esper and Saiki was like: . Unimpressed. and offended. Plays the intros to hype himself up alone in his room bc THEYRE BANGERS.
Saiki: He would act like it's whatever but he enjoys it a lot. He read the manga before the third season aired so he knows what happens but has been trying to avoid people from finding out bc he wants everyone to experience it spoiler-free and I think that's beautiful. Lowkey wants to be friends with Mob because he's quiet too and a good kid (wants him to introduce him to stim toys to help him deal w his emotions). Doesn't like Reigen much bc he's so EXTRA and sees how he wants to take advantage of Mob but grows on him when he sees Reigen does care abt Mob and how he makes the rat man a better person. Rolls his eyes at Mob when he gets nervous around girls bc "they're corrupting him, that's not him. Stop polluting his mind, he only wants to play with cats and drink milk" (that's so funny to me). He applauds Reigen for being -surprisingly- the only one with a brain cell when a middle schooler has to fight a 40 y/o man bc it is pathetic.
Aren: he has cried watching this show at least TWICE, okay?? believe me. Was introduced by Shun and he thinks the show changed his life for the better (don't we all). Likes how Mob has changed the people around him and he's one of those people who would beat the crap out of you if you say something mean abt the style of the manga/anime or disrespect Mob and I love him for that. Likes the Onigawara arc and his growth bc he reminds him of himself (both punks who got friends and became less better ppl). Wanted to beat the shit out of Reigen during the separation arc but after he saw the rat's real (and empty) life he thinks he's pathetic. Still cried during the "I've known all along, the truth about my master is..." bc he's human. "Shun, there's no way Teru is straight. Look at him, how he looks at Mob. This is crushing on your best friend 101, believe me, I know about this" He sees Teru's true colors, and even though he doesn't ship TeruMob necessarily, he still thinks Teru has a big crush on Mob (which I thought everyone already knew but ok).
Nendou: "that flying fart is funny" "why's that guy naked". That's all.
Hairo: HE'S A FAN OF THE BODY IMPROVING CLUB LADS, he is an honorary member at this point. Just watched the show for them and loves Mob, always proud of him for giving his best.
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aftokrator-official · 9 months
B, C, F, and G to start~?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Man, so many! I am very suggestible when it comes to ships and my friends are talented so it is very easy to draw me into things 😂 Some examples off the top of my head, mostly MP100 and World Trigger:
Minori/Mob, which i hadn't really thought about until Mis put it in my head and now they're married with children in my endgame headcanons
Hatori/Minegishi - that one's your fault hehe
Not from anyone I know personally, but various Pixiv artists and doujinshi sold me on TachiNino
....I feel like at least half of my watori ships are Mis's fault now that I'm thinking about it hahaha
(honorable mention to jinyuu as well, since it was in my mind when I started the series from Mis talking about them - i feel like it's very likely I would have started shipping them independently anyway, bc the dynamic is Very Good, but Mis made it inevitable ksdjfskd)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
YuuOsa and TachiJin come to mind... I LOVE both as platonic relationships, but I just... don't see Osamu or Tachikawa as someone Yuuma or Jin would be attracted to, respectively? And top Yuuma just isn't it for me. (I do actually own a single OsaYuu doujin... because the art was gorgeous and it had post-body-recovery Yuuma with his missing limbs and eye, which I am always down for, lmao.)
Azuma with his kids, especially Miwa/Koarai/Okudera - I just can't imagine him not being incredibly scrupulous about maintaining healthy boundaries with the teenagers under his care, and the alternate character interpretation of "predatory Azuma" that i've seen in a lot of the azumiwa/etc content is... extremely Not For Me.
It's not a huge ship, and basically nonexistent on the eng side of fandom, but Hyrein/Osamu still baffles me. Like, Osamu-fuckers chase ur bliss, etc, but Hyrein had SO LITTLE to say about Osamu personally compared to other Border agents he fought (Izumi, obviously, but even Miwa and Karasuma) that I just cannot imagine Osamu leaving any impression on him at all, let alone the obsessive villain/hero ship that has apparently spawned more doujins than haiizu no i'm not salty leave me alone
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
HMMM this is a really hard one to quantify since there are some fandoms that I tend to return to periodically, and often have like... one primary fixation but several running in the background that can still Activate me periodically. The longest individual fixations tend to be around 1.5-2 years (Transformers, Star Trek, Promare, and MP100 all reached that point) - but there are comfort fandoms that I circle back to repeatedly that have been in my life for decades (Star Trek and Pokemon are a couple of the major ones, and Ar Tonelico is a more recent example that hasn't quite hit a decade yet but shows no signs of going anywhere). And while MOST of my fic/art consumption and creative output is in Watori right now, I still would say I'm in MP100 fandom to some extent - I still buy shimateru/Claw-centric doujins when I see them, a lot of my friends are still active in the fandom, and I've got shimateru WIPs I hope to circle back to eventually. OTOH I don't really see myself returning to writing for Promare and don't currently have any interest in my older Star Trek WIPs, but I still like to rewatch both of them, I have no intention of selling any of the Promare merch that is in every room of my house, and I still love going to the Trek con in Vegas every couple of years and have some future cosplay plans... And you can still absolutely activate those parts of my brain if you talk to me about the Dominion or Kraylio, hahaha. It's very nebulous but I kind of like it this way! I like still feeling connected to my fandoms even after the intense hyperfixation phase has faded.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
I always have one or two Big Fav Ships in any given fandom, but I've always been a multishipper also, so "true" OTPs are a little rarer. I remember Ishihime in Bleach being one of the first non-canon ships I felt pretty strongly about, and disliking Ichihime as a result, but I also liked Ulquihime a lot, so... lmao. The first truly exclusive OTP I can remember might actually be Han'Gerrel/Zaal'Koris from the original Mass Effect trilogy, which was incidentally also the beginning of my shift from primarily-het shipper to primarily-gay shipper hahah.
I think in my mind, something qualifies as an OTP if it's like... the True Ending in my mind, even when I also enjoy other ships. Like- in MP100, Shimazaki and Teru just Are Together, even though I also sometimes enjoy other ships involving them like touishima, shimamine, riteru etc - those other ships just always are "relationship history" or "alternate timeline" in my head, and I never really imagine them long-term in the same way.
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pockethep · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
It took me a while to get past my top 3 because for some reason my mind blanked when it came to every piece of media I've ever consumed HOWEVER almost all of these characters are characters who could be considered my favorites if you ask me on the street do you like "x". They'll probably shift and change though but these are some off the top of my head.
Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) (Mob Psycho 100) - Mob Psycho 100 is a series I hold very dear to my heart, it is in my constant top 3 Anime/Manga (You will likely see the other 2 on this list) and Mob is my favorite character. He is a character that I rooted for every second of his screentime, who actually drove me to be better. The "Your Life is Your Own" message lead to me changing my college major. He's incredibly kind, sincere, and honest.
Grovyle (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky) A little story behind this. My first pokemon game was Red Rescue Team (not a mainline game but a spinoff) because my parents didn't know the difference. However I loved Red Rescue Team to the point of playing it until the in game timer broke. The sequel was better in every way. Grovyle is a character who embodies the notion that existence is temporary. There will come a day when all of us are gone. However instead of living in regret, fear, and selfishness he was willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good even though he wouldn't be there to see it. Using your life to do something incredible ensures your spirit will live beyond you.
Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) My second favorite anime/manga of all time. His determination to fix his mistakes at the expense of his own body. he's one of my favorite older brothers in any media because of the lengths he's willing to go to right his wrong. There are many points in the series where anyone would've given up, especially throughout all the pain, but he kept going. Because he loved his brother. And I think that's beautiful. Also helps that he was written by a woman.
Every single character from Everything Everywhere All At Once but for this space Waymond Wang. A sneak hit that completely shook the leaderboard of my top ten movies, EEAAO succeeded in everything. But Waymond Wang stuck with me and still does. It's about how he shields the people he loves even though he was afraid, how much he loves his wife, how he fights so hard for her even though she broke things and was at times dismissive. His kindness was how he fought. How even at the height of his success, in every lifetime he would go to Evelyn. I believe in kind people because Waymond is a kind person.
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) Another MP100 character but hear me out. He is likely one of my favorite anime/manga mentors. Rather than teaching Mob right or wrong he taught him choice. The right choice is good but you don't always have to go for that option. One of my favorite moments was him just telling Mob it was okay to run away. Something most other shonen don't do. He does all this while still lying about being an esper. But at that point I don't think Mob cares. Regardless of if he has power or not, he's a good person.
Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen) I don't even know where to start. Probably with the fact that she is one of the best developed female characters in some of the recent shonen manga I've read. Next the depiction of female rage, what she did to the Zenin clan deserves to go down in the history books. I live a girlboss and Maki checks every single boss.
Toph Beifong (Avatar the Last Airbender) This is my GIRL. I loved her when I was younegr and I still do. It is rare for a cocky, abrasive, girl character in a TV show to not be humbled or bashed or fridged. She was so unabashedly Toph. The best earthbender in the world who didn't let blindness get to her. She created metalbending. Who else was doing it like her. She's such a strong character and a role model for me.
Denji (Chainsaw Man) A somewhat new edition to the list but as someone who went from Fire Punch to Chainsawman, he deserves a spot as my favorite Fujimoto character next to the girls from goodby Eri. Denji's story is about what happens when someone is so deeply denied humanity. On all levels he's had it stripped from him for the benefit of all his abusers. To the point where he thinks its correct. That he'll be happy if he's used. By everyone he tries to get close with (Reze, Makima) he is considered a resource to exploit which is why his change of heart in the last few chapter was so cathartic. He recognized his own humanity and the abuse that he had previously endured and started to act more selfish as a human. Perseverance in the face of suffering will ultimately lead to happiness.He's also not a traditional anime perv as many would label him to be, he is surprisingly well versed in consent.
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place) This spot almost went to Chidi HOWEVER I related more to Eleanor. Something that always got me about The Good Place was its depiction of honest people. Eleanor was realistic, she was rude, selfish at times, but in the end she wanted to be better. That's what made her a good person. She wanted to earn a spot in The Good Place and watching her work for that spot and then work to eventually fix the good place was very satisfying.
Percy Jackson. (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) No elaboration needed. That's my boy. This series has been a staple in my life, even when I moved away from Harry Potter Percy "Backtalk the Gods" Jackson was still my boy. He chose his girlfriend over a seat in Olympus I don't think I need to go further.
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
Best Of My MP100 Screenshots
A Special Collection!
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↑ I have this one saved as "I Have To Pee Pose". Teru is every child who has ever thought he/she was cool and been wrong, bless their hearts.
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↑ Reigen arguing with Mob. Oh, do I love it when Reigen argues with Mob later in the series, because it's always unstoppable force versus immovable object. Reigen is always gesticulating with his hands and stammering out arguments and Mob, once he makes his mind up, is quiet, calm, and slow. Now, Mob is always very careful to consider Reigen's point of view; he's not like Reigen, who is always stuck in his own self-centered POV; but he doesn't budge once he's certain.
And the overall arc of Mob discovering that Reigen—although he means well—is not always to be trusted implicitly? Ohhhh. It hurts but it's so good.
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↑ From the manga! Mob reaches, for once, 100% of a positive emotion, which is really rare. Courage. After being psychologically and physically tortured for a month (Mogami Arc, ramble later maybe), Shigeo chooses to believe that he's not worthless, and his powers aren't useless; he can save people. What a moment.
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I forget what exactly Mob says here, but it's in the arc of MP100 that I believe is known as "Apocalypse Arc". A psychic even more powerful than Mob has appeared and is trying to take over the world. Mob, of course, has to confront him. When the man questions him as to why he's crying, Mob says: "I really don't want to hurt you."
anyway this reminds me of Fiver from Watership Down—anyone here read Watership Down? Hello (hopeful)? At the end of Watership Down, Fiver, a runty little rabbit and literal prophet, is confronted by the entire enemy rabbit army. The enemy general sneeringly orders a big, powerful, cruel subordinate rabbit to kill Fiver. Fiver, this tiny runt, looks at this huge rabbit hesitating to kill him, and he says: "I am sorry for you." "What?" goes the other rabbit, nonplussed. "You must believe me," Fiver says honestly. "I am truly sorry for your death."
I LOVE ME A MOMENT when giant evil is about to be defeated and a small little good knows it, and the small good person shows empathy even as they know the evil must be stopped. OOUGH the Christian themes
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↑ I also very much enjoy the Big Beefy Guys heading out to save their Little Buddy
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↑ Mob reaching out with his powers. Speaking of Mob's arc from solely passive to active!!! He is so small and humble and he has a stupid haircut! but he's willing to act when he has to and this show gives him dignity and glory when he does! AAAAAAAA
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liarian · 1 year
@random-elsen as you wish :D
summertime writers' asks!
🦋 tell us about your current wip
My current WIP? Living in Reverse! MP100 Mobrei.
I think it's my most personal work until now and the first time I try to make my MC get over someone who meant everything to them.
There's also In Between (the second part of my Bokuaka Stay with me). I'd like to get back to it some day but not in the mood right now.
My Serirei Age Swap AU counts as a WIP? xD
🌿 who is your favourite character you've ever written?
That's a difficult question. I think I'll go with Bokuto, but Reigen gets a really close second position.
🌞 favourite character from current wip
Reigen. No doubt.
🍦 what is your current word count?
On Ao3 312,123 words. I'm a really slow writer and too inconsistent. Just hope I never get into another 10 year rough patch without writing :O
🌻 least favourite character / hardest to write
Not really sure about my Serizawa characterization. Mob doesn't like to talk with me too much. I worked too little with him :S
🍉 favourite wip
MP100 Age Swap AU is the thing that most resembles to having fun writing for me, so I'll go with it
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
I want to write something with Kitsune Reigen and there's a little comic going through tumblr about Reigen and Mob meeting another version of themselves that has a lot of potential as a fanfic
And the selfcest Manga Reigen/Anime Reigen can be fun if I find an interesting plot to develop with that concept :D
🌸 wip you've been working on the longest
There's a Stucky Omegaverse that I tried to work into an Eruri Omegaverse that has a lot of potential to become an original story (and that just loses more and more A/B/O elements every time I look at it)
The inception of the idea comes from 2014
✨ newest wip
Living in Reverse
🦩 wip you hate working on but are too far gone to turn back
Thank god, the one that made me feel like that isn't a WIP anymore. I can't say I hated working on Chains of the Past (Eruri), I really love that story, but it got my mind in some dark places I'd rather not go again.
🍸 character who inspired your mc
It's been too long since I tried to write some original work so I'm not sure I can answer this one. Reigen is inspired by Reigen xDDDD
🌱 book that inspired your wip
It's been too long since I read it but I know "La Plaça del Diamant" of Mercè Rodoreda but there's something about how she wrote that book that stayed with me.
🍃 what is your genre?
Slice of life? Character studies? I joke sometimes about "I'll stay with you". I made the most boring Magical Realism I could. Even with magic everything feels too grounded on reality :O
🌼 least favourite writing genre
I'm very bad with action. I don't like to write horror.
🥥 least favourite reading genre
🐠 author who inspires you
As a writer, Eduardo Mendoza, Sam Savage, Ursula Le Guin or Neil Gaiman but I don't care much for writers so I'm not sure how much of an inspiration I can consider them.
🍯 author you know
This one.. not sure about it :O
🌷 writing achievement you want to brag about
I finish things xDDDDDD Not always, but it happened more than twice. Just some years ago it felt like it would never happen.
🍄 name a song that represents your mc
LiR soundtrack is this one :D
Lacuna Coil - Upsidedown
🍬 a song for your favourite character
This one makes me think in Bokuto
🌤 name the hardest thing you've had to do for writing
Put in risk my own mental health. Sometimes I get too much into it.
🍰 where you like to write
Depends on the day, but must of the time I need to be on my studio, with my workshop station and my big screen to see my doc, notes and images all at the same time.
🍧 weirdest place you've written
I don't consider it really strange, but in my phone while going back home in the train
🕊 mc's MBTI
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I'm sure my characterisation isn't ENTP but who cares xDDD
🍀 character you would kill off if they were not vital to the plot
There's no one vital to the plot I'd like to kill but Age Swap AU Reigen's dad could die and I won't cry for him. That man is an asshole.
🍓 worst thing you've done to your characters
Akaashi got raped on First Love. Levi lived in an spiral of remembering his own suicide again and again once he got reincarnated.
Age Swap Reigen got tortured for what felt months in his own mind.
Lots of bullying in school for too many characters too.
👒 nicest thing you've done to your characters
Give them someone in their lives who understand them and want to make them happy
🌾 book you would / have writ(t)e(n) fanfic for
Strangely, I love Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter but never felt the need to write fanfic for them.
Comics, you can choose xD Haikyuu, AoT, JJK, Rictor/Shatterstar, Captian America, Banana Fish
🌨️ book you hate
Oh! The 7th Book of Harry Potter. That one. I can't. I'd like to burn it.
🐥 here's some writing motivation!
It was fun to answer :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
rb for an ask!
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llycaons · 13 days
About Dungeon Meshi. Whenever something suddenly becomes popular on here, gets heaps of praise and gets treated as The Most Diverse Media Ever where fans pat themselves on the back for liking it because said thing is like.. slightly more Diverse than the average popular work in its medium, backlash to that attitude follows a little later down the line, people make yfip-style callouts for it and a lot of people turn on it.
I can name so many things on here this cycle happened with and I could definitely see it happening with DM in the future too.
...okay? is this in response to my post about how it doesn't have any presence at cons? because in my experience that online cycle doesn't have much bearing on irl con presence. I even still see hp and snk cosplay and merch even tho its anathema to my online experience on here. I think there's no DM here because it's just not popular enough yet. I hope to see some farlyns and senshis soon tho!
I definitely understand what you're saying, but I feel like that happens when fans didn't notice the issues around piece of media (or ignored the Black people/disabled people/trans women/indigenous people talking about them) then all of a sudden the balance shifted or the quality took a nosedive or the creator did something truly impossible to ignore and it became convenient for mainstream fans to hate on it, or finally mainstream fans were talking about its issues. and I've been on here long enough to have seen it with su, tma, ofmd, snk, golden kamuy, carole and tuesday, etc. so I absolutely know what you mean, and I do roll my eyes sometimes bc I think DM gets a bit too much credit for racial and body type diversity, but as for the rest of it, I don't see that happening.
DM genuinely doesn't have that many serious issues? and it's already over so the idea of it suddenly souring in ppls minds seems unlikely. like I know what you're talking about but there ARE relatively newly released media on here that haven't gone through that cycle and are still popular - iwtv, for one. mp100. bojack horseman. and that's because despite it's issues (and imo, mp100 has a LOT more than DM) the story and the characters and the themes are still valuable. and it also depends a lot on who your mutuals are. tgcf, for example, isn't considered by anyone I know to be 'irredeemable media' even tho it has extremely racist and Islamophobia scenes and entire arcs.
also, I personally haven't been in an online environment characterized by petty 'yfip-style' nitpicking since I've reached my late 20s and started following mainly people in my age group. I follow a lot of haters, I am a hater, I always value meaningful critique, some stories ARE worth dropping entirely, but that kind of juvenile callout posting you describe is simply dependent on the users you follow and I do not think it will happen for me for this manga. I'm not going to claim I'm perfect or always see what's wrong with a story immediately but in THIS case for this group of mutuals and myself I just don't think it'll happen
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