#i don't fully remember
luimagines · 10 months
The chain and demigod reader while traveling ends up finding an abandoned hylian baby with blonde hair and blue eyes. The baby lays in a basket with nothing but a blanket and a note, the only thing the note says is 'his name is link'
Everyone is giving each other major side eyes trying to figure out this mystery. Did they somehow find a future hero as a baby?
Well demigod reader could care less, that is her baby now!
Legend can feel the many (subtle) glances his way.
"When I mentioned our brethren in a cradle, this is not what I meant."
Time makes a face. "...This is no place for a child." He corrects himself. "For an infant."
"Agreed." Twilight frowns, looking through the basket for anything else. But there's nothing. Not even a bottle.
"Then what do we do?" Sky tilts his head.
Reader holds the baby closer. "We can't get rid of him!"
Twilight sends an almost desperate look their way. They can't be serious. They have nothing for the baby. He can't stay. It's too dangerous and it's not fair for anyone, the child especially.
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daily-sifloop · 10 days
Human Loop having to remember how to do 'human' things again (eating, drinking, etc) and getting Sif's help
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Day 7: human again
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sleepy-gee · 11 days
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teaandinanity · 8 months
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Fanart for a certain scene in chapter 3 of Servant to a Different King by @tossawary that smacked me upside the head and said 'DRAW' (I am having such a good time, it is such a treat to read!)
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
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It officially became a year old today :}
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smuby · 11 months
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do you ever have that ship that you don't really care for at first and then you see some delicious scrumptious art of it and your mind kinda short circuits? yeah. yeah me with scoutmedic
btw this is based on a sfm render i found on google, changed a few things tho (my poses are worse LMAO)
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lesbian-rook · 8 months
could you draw ragatha comforting an abstracting pomni? like ragatha calms her down enough to make the abstraction go away! thanks :3
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🎶When darkness is all you see This is our Sweet Blasphemy🎵
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levi-lev · 2 months
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Spoilers for chapter 314 of TSCTIR
(should i make a cleaner version ?)
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girls--complex · 2 months
thanks for trapping michal in pages so that we can see her too
Last nite I dreamed about her male presenting form cradled in the yaoisome arms of transgender warrior male archatype-face character (one of her friends/consorts in my mind palace)
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She would not fucking allow her self to be held like thay. The tender animus unmanifest 🙄
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muirmarie · 3 months
modern trek erasing mccoy is genuinely my villain origin story
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thresholdbb · 5 months
Do we think Seven can feel all of her face and body?
The Borg know when things happen in the collective and can arguably feel them, but when an individual is severed from the Borg, that expansive collective consciousness is violently narrowed down to a pinpoint. We know Seven has pretty good proprioception because she agrees that her shoulder hurts when the EMH finds that her biradial clamp is off by 0.3 microns. Because of this, she arguably has a very good understanding of how things in her body feel. That said, she doesn't really complain about physical pains, and we really only see her struggle when things are emotionally difficult.
Since she had been in the collective since she was 6, she wouldn't necessarily know that certain sensations are not normal. If there were any issues that happened as a result of her assimilation, she wouldn't necessarily know they are unusual after she was severed because that's what she has always known.
So back to my original question: can she feel all of her face? Looking at the placement of her facial implants, they are both on the trigeminal nerve. The cheekbone implant is right around the root of the nerve, and the eyebrow piece sits right over another branch. Trigeminal neuralgia is crazy painful, but she could have trigeminal neuropathy and think it's completely normal because she doesn't have a typical baseline to compare it to. I imagine the Borg implants must interrupt some nerve functioning to ensure that the drones move as they are supposed to, and the nano probes would repair any damage that would affect their functioning. But the Borg would consider physical discomfort irrelevant, so relatively minor issues like neuralgia, pins and needles, or any other unusual sensations would not be considered an issue.
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cryptocism · 1 month
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So, out of curiosity (AND a slight fear of messing with what you've laid out so clearly in Frequency, which I see as the most reasonable and rational explanation to Thad's character inconsistencies basically, ever), I am wondering if this version of Inertia from Flash #760 fits into the Too Many Thads AU anywhere? From what I can tell, he's the only one not mentioned in your very thorough (and impressively detailed, he was at boomerang's funeral, excuse me sir why are you here???) timeline of Thad appearances. Would you consider him one of the clones we get from the AU, like Six? Or maybe just Thad himself given he's sort of just... chilling in the Speedforce lol. Or did you just not consider him given it's yet another instance of Thad appearing, doing something wild, then disappearing as quickly as he came haha. (Also, I just noticed he says vibrational FREQUENCY, nice👏)
i did... kinda include this iteration. but admittedly it's pretty brief, and the bits of story that take place in the speed force sit in dreamy abstraction rather than solid prose
start of chapter 2 when Thad is running thru the speed force:
He thinks he sees the Flash, once or twice. Tick tock tick tock. You’re running out of time, Barry. But he often thinks he sees lots of people. Once, he thought he saw Max. But the memories exist in his mind the same way a daydream would, and he can’t be sure if it was real.
The "tick tock tick tock" line is taken directly from #760
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compared to the other threads of canon that Frequency is written around, it's definitely more on the borders of believably. The "tick tock" line and the bit where Thad threatens to snap his fingers and "blast Barry's mind to pieces" harkens back to the Kid Zoom era and Rogues Revenge, which fucks with my attempt to differentiate this Inertia as a separate person from Kid Zoom. but the hiccup feels minor enough that i think it still works
(and on a tangential note the whole "i'll snap my fingers and blast your mind to pieces" line straight up doesn't make sense to me because YES Kid Zoom famously snapped his fingers and exploded a baby, but he accomplished that by fast-forwarding that baby's timeline so quick that its literal molecules shook apart under the stress. Barry is a speedster and would not respond to timeline manipulation in that way - if at all - because his molecules are already used to that kind of shit. it's a weird and out of place threat to make and i think Williamson may have gotten the impression that Kid Zoom acquired the power of spontaneous combustion which he Fucking Did Not ok rant over)
the general idea i was going for was: Thad is running on rage, sees Barry, has the brief confrontation in #760 where Barry mostly just feels bad for him, and then disappears back into the storm. Implication being that Thad has actually had a couple different interactions with people during his 5 years in the speed force (Eobard, Max, Barry, etc) who try to convince him of things or promise him things, but staying for that long in the speed force (without being dead) fucks with perception a little bit, especially perceptions of Time. so when he's out and looking back on it, Thad can't totally discern what happened, what didn't, or in what order.
also the attendance at Captain Boomerang's funeral gets a shout out near the end of chapter 8 when Bart is going through Six's collection of Four's old stuff:
Some of the items on the shelf he didn’t recognize. A shot glass. A funeral pamphlet for one Digger Harkness. Several empty syringes and auto-injectors all meticulously arranged. A variety of small gadgets and devices that Bart couldn’t place.
because the funeral is technically Inertia's return after the events of Mercury Falling, I translated that as Four's first appearance in the 21st century
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pechadream · 7 months
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I like to think when Sebastian's kids are old enough, he starts taking them out with him on his early morning walks (If they're up in time)
His daughter was unlucky enough to inherit his horrible sleep schedule, so it became a regular tradition of theirs to start out their mornings looking for frogs or just wandering around the farm-
Also why is drawing Sebastian just living a happy life and having a happy family so therapeutic-
⚠  Do not repost my art or I will come after your kneecaps  ⚠
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brokenstarwishes · 7 days
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D I S A P P E A R !
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The phrase "he woke up in a nest of blankets" came to me last night and I'm still obsessed with it
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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On s'est déjà tout dit Et j'ai déjà tout vu Je l'ai déjà apprise, la leçon la plus dure J'suis tombé droit dans l'mur, une fois, deux fois
[We've already said everything and I've already seen it all. I've already learned it, the hardest lesson. I fell straight into the wall, once, twice.]
#bea art tag#T'Pring#T'Pring/Spock#Spock#SNW#star trek snw#snw#T'Pring fanart#s he deserves more.....she deserves MORE!!!!!#The nerve of this man to say 'you know me well' WHILE cheating#This show's Spock's trust issues and reluctance to fully commit himself to T'Pring don't read at all as him being torn between two differen#worlds or reluctant to show T'Pring the 'real' him because we never really see T'Pring being .... idk. Disdainful of his humanity?#The most I can remember is her saying 'It hardly seems like a Vulcan lives here.' when she's poking at his interior decorating#T'Pring is out here reading books doing research and telling him she appreciates his Humanity and wants to have dinner with him and spend#time together and Spock's over here like 'I can't bring myself to trust T'Pring. Christine! Angel!' like DUDE....you're ENGAGED#Of your own volition you're engaged!!#The second your fiancee says 'let's take a break from seeing each other to think about our relationship' you start having sex with another#woman?? Immediately??? I don't like this writing ... it just makes Spock seem like a sleaze who's making excuses to be unfaithful#BUT you know what?? That'd be fine if they didn't frame Christine/Spock as like...ok? I don't get that. M'Benga is like wink wink#ohhh you like each other huh~?? HUH indeed. HUH?? Dude - he has a fiancee???#Even putting morality aside wouldn't it just be more fun to have them be in a secret forbidden relationship or whatever?#Spock: -Singing about how he and Christine broke up or whatever- / Uhura: ....[doesn't he have a girlfriend?????]#<- I wish there was more continuity with this. Like - why is everyone on the ship fine with Spock & Christine being together#when they KNOW he has a fiancee? Is no one going to mention it?#Like there's definitely a compelling story here but the writers are never gonna find it...everyone's too busy being in a marvel movie#Spock being like oh I love Christine we really have something WHILE reassuring T'Pring at every turn that he loves her and wants to make#it work between them ooohhhh!!!! -steam comes out my ears- flames flames on...on the side of my face...#Him being upset and feeling betrayed by Christine leaving for a work opportunity....sit DOWN sir. Sit DOWN!!!#If they make T'Pring cheat on him with Stonn or whatever so they can have a contrived#'well we're both at fault who's really to blame for this goodbye forever now have a great life' ending I'm gonna riot
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