#i don't have any ambitions or hobbies like everyone else has
reeseerellice · 11 months
a sasuhina alternate universe fanfiction
Team 7 or Team Kakashi is comprising of Uchiha Sasuke - the sole survivor of Uchiha Clan, Hinata Hyuuga - A daughter of Hyuga Family Headperson, and Uzumaki Naruto - A bumblehead Ninja who harbors an abominable phenomenon which serves as his power conduit.
Hinata has always admired Naruto and became a shinobi after witnessing his unwavering commitment despite the brunt of scorn and disdain, but Naruto likes Haruno Sakura of Team 8 and is a close companion of Sasuke, a vigilante whose parents were murdered by his own brother, and harbors an illicit affection towards Hinata.
"Tell me about your goals..."
"Me me me!" My name is Uzumaki Naruto!" he gleefully exclaims. "I like ramen and I want to be a hokage someday, what else?"
"Kakashi-sensei!! I'm not done yet!"
Hinata merely fiddles her fingers.
"N-Naruto kun," she mumbles as she watches Naruto and Kakashi argue.
Unbeknownst to her, Sasuke was quietly glancing at her.
"I've always liked her."
"I've already heard that... Next"
"Kakashi-sensei, just listen to me one more time!!"
"I'm uncertain about why... All i know is, it occurred when..."
Sasuke's POV
A morning after a certain person annihilated the entire clan
I felt abandoned
At the same time, scorned
I was severely injured from the last night's incident but i still tried attending the academy..
Rather than confining myself in the place wherein my nightmares occurred
"Almost there.." I uttered while trying to walk with my injury slugging me down
"Isn't that the sole survivor of Uchiha clan?"
"Poor child, he's too young to weigh such excruciating pain"
"Why am i even alive?"
"Itachi killed the entire clan? I thought he was cool.."
"I thought so too.."
"If you want to kill me, despise me, hate me, and live a loathsome life."
Those words just rings in my head
"Going to academy after what happened? That boy sure is tough"
Infuriation began brimming in my veins as i gave everyone a menacing glare until they stop talking about me
I continued to walk my way in the academy but i ended up tripping..
While the infuriation and lament continue to devour my system
As a result of humidity and deprivation, I passed out.
I anticipated it would lead to my demise. until..
A soothing grasp was firmly laid on the surface of my face. and spotted that my injuries have been taken care of on top of a child my age with a gentle face and pale eyes wiping my face.
When she saw that I was awake, she immediately fled.
Coincidentally , we met again after a year, in the academy
Although she feigned not to recognize me, I unequivocally remember her. All too well
Since I had found her, I felt compelled to gander at her relentlessly for the rest of the day.
"M-Me?"Hi, my name is Hinata," she said, twiddling her fingers once again. “Hyuga Hinata, sir.
"All right Hinata, what are your goals?" Kakashi asked
She glances at Naruto before she leans lower.
"Hinata, what are your goals? Naruto repeated as he draws his face close to hers, making Hinata blush and internally panic
While impatiently awaiting his turn, Sasuke muttered quietly, "He's so bothersome.
"Finally, Sasuke murmured, interlocking his palms together around his mouth. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke, and while I don't have any interests or hobbies, I do have ambitions. It is to kill a particular person.
"I-It's not me, right? "
"If you don't stop talking, it might be!"
"Man, you're so arrogant."
"My my.. A fool, a docile girl, and a child.. Will i be okay?"
He looks at Hinata once more and merely beams, "Once I accomplish my objective, I'll prevail the maiden's affection."
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rosietrace · 10 months
∅ Vic and Zen on Flynn
Nyx on Eiji
Davis on Andrew
Hi Fumi!! I'll only be doing the Vic and Zen part of your ask ^^|| I hope you don't mind!! (Even though I already asked you about it earlier on Discord)
Victoria Shard • Zenith Devi — Thoughts on Flynn Deradelle
Character Featured: Victoria Shard, Zenith Devi
Mentioned: Flynn Deradelle
Warning(s): Emotional manipulation, illegally obtained information, Zen /j, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“He’s…. Interesting.”
“Interesting! Aw, Tori, he's more than that!”
“Hardly. He has his talents, yes, but it puts me off in regards to his gambling..”
“Well, people can have their hobbies~ Aren't you gonna see him next week?”
“.... I have nothing to say on that.”
— Victoria Shard and Zenith Devi
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Victoria doesn't know what to think of him. Zen thinks Flynn is ‘swell’!
➜ Victoria and Flynn are both hard to read, especially the former, what with her constantly blank cold-hearted stare. Any interaction they have is bound to become a game of who can read the other better.
➜ Zen…. Doesn't think Flynn is all that special. In some ways, yes, Flynn has his charms! But Zen doesn't think much of him.
➜ Flirting is something Flynn indulges in when it comes to Victoria. And at every moment, she rejects his advances. It makes for great entertainment on Zen's end, though!
➜ The only reason Zen seems to think he's more than tolerable is because Flynn's a theater kid, and theater kids make for great entertainment /j
➜ Victoria can at least tolerate Flynn's sense of fashion. She can respect a man/woman who can dress decently enough.
↳ Coordinating outfits becomes a thing for them once they get closer. Zen teases her about it.
➜ Zen tends to sit back and watch as Flynn steals the show. Can't really blame him, you need to get some form of amusement somewhere.
➜ Victoria has a distaste for Flynn's like of gambling. Maybe it has to do with the fact her aunt is a gambler, but it does bring a sour taste in her mouth.
➜ Flynn likes calling Victoria ‘Alexandrite’. As long as it gets him to mind his business, Vic doesn't try to stop him from using that nickname.
↳ Zen thinks that nickname is adorably fitting for his best friend!
➜ Zen wants to know how Flynn would react if Victoria stomped on him with her high heels /j /j
➜ One thing about Flynn that Victoria and Zen can agree on is that he's… Interesting. And they wish to know more.
↳ Never a good thing. When Victoria's ambition is high on something, it'll take an act of God to stop her from satisfying that ambition.
「 Interactions 」
❐ …. Honestly, no idea how these three even met 💀
➜ Zen had to fight the urge to snort when he heard Flynn was called ‘the ten-faced devil’. He isn't one to question it, though!
➜ Victoria definitely started overanalyzing everything about Flynn, when they first interacted. She sees everyone around her as a potential threat/ally/tool, and Flynn was no different from everyone else.
➜ It basically became a game of…. An incredibly high-quality game of chess between Victoria and Flynn, every time they crossed paths. Always trying to read each other, trying to see what was behind the other's mask.
➜ She isn't going to admit it, but Vic thinks Flynn's dependency on good luck charms is a bit endearing. No one knows this, but she's probably sent him a charm she made for him.
➜ As mentioned before, Flynn's flirting with Victoria tends to be a common occurrence. Unfortunately for Flynn, any chances of her reciprocating his advances are less than 0.
➜ Zen wants to know more about Flynn's unique magic! But he isn't gonna bother asking Flynn to elaborate on it, of course not! That would just be boring!
➜ Victoria's probably seen him fly around NRC to carefully watch her and the other students. She's also probably called him creepy for it.
➜ Zen never tries to get on Flynn's good side. In fact, he wants to see how far he can go until he's on his bad side!!
↳ Zen, honey, I love you…. But no 💀
➜ Victoria is rarely impressed with Flynn. The few times she is are moments Flynn secretly treasures.
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the-missann · 1 year
So, this is to my followers and anyone else who fits the bill.
After reading a post about the chance of Google using google docs in their AI learning, I had a large urge overcome me and I really want to do something as a small ant.
As much as I don't like bugs, ants aren't very strong on their own, but we all know the damage they can do as a group.
So, I've decided to make a writing group and if you're interested keep reading. This also isn't just a writing group, it's a group for anything related to writing. So that can be an artists who draw character concepts.
Again, read more if this piques your curiosity...
The Unserious Writing Group
Writing is a serious craft that needs some fun brought back into it. I've been inspired by several people in the last few years and I want to try something to contribute to my favorite thing to do: writing. I've tried to join other groups and it simply doesn't work since my writing doesn't fit into a neat category, so I feel isolated from the group rather quickly, in order to avoid that feeling I'm making as many of the things I do a part of the group's core. I'll also be considering my anxiety into this knowing how tasking it is for me to interact with a group I'm being overwhelmed by.
Plans: I'm better at organizing than actual execution, so I'm making this list of things I want to expand on (06/15/23)
Monthly (or weekly) Prompts
Shameless sharing
Friendly Discussions
Writing Assistance
Review Swaps
Editing Help
Book Club
Venting about writing
I don't want this group to be just for writers or just for poets, I want to include everyone that I can because I write in almost every genre and include almost every interesting element I can. As long as it's related to writing in some way, you're more than welcome to join!
This includes:
Short Story Writers
Fanfiction writers
Avid readers
Song writers
Hobby writers
And more!
Every aspiring author or published author knows networking is important and with how little accessible support there is for writers, I want to try and create a space for writers to feel as everyone else does in their field. I can only speak for myself but my journey to publication has been nothing but dead ends and it's very discouraging. Nothing I've tried works and I can't find the exact source to the problem and therefore can't fix it—I don't know if I'm a bad writer or if it's just my cover that's bad.
I want writers to feel like they're heard and supported no matter if you're writing the next Star Wars or a story about pieces of paper thinking they were trees in a former life. I want writers to be acknowledged for giving the world their fandoms.
Despite my ambitions, I obviously have some concerns I feel will come up:
I get overwhelmed easily (and guess what I already am overwhelmed and no one has even joined yet 🤢) and I would need someone to assist me as a co-leader essentially. If anyone would be interested in that role, DM me.
If this moves to Discord or some other platform, I will have no idea how to set that up. For now, I was considering just having a large thread.
Unfortunately, until I can get moderators or any other form of help, I can't have the group open to minors. It would be 18+ only until then, I wanna allow people a safe space to discuss anything.
Activity is a big issue in most writing communities. It comes with it, but I want to have something going on whenever possible.
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jvstmyluck · 2 years
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ERANA JAMES // have you seen LOGAN TAYLOR around the crash site? we’re trying to make sure they’re still alive after the crash! according to the manifesto SHE is a 23 year old CIS WOMAN. i hear they’re known being a STUDENT. LOGAN is also known to be RESOURCEFUL yet also DRAMATIC at times. we have a couple questions for LOGAN when we find HER, we heard something about a secret they might have? such as LOGAN DROPPED OUT OF UNIVERSITY AND HAS BEEN HIDING IT! (lauren, 26, cst, she/they)
𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌: Logan Taylor 𝘈𝘎𝘌 & 𝘋𝘈𝘛𝘌 𝘖𝘍 𝘉𝘐𝘙𝘛𝘏: 23 & april 26th 𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘋𝘌𝘙 & 𝘗𝘙𝘖𝘕𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘚: cis woman, she/her 𝘚𝘌𝘟𝘜𝘈𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘠: lesbian 𝘖𝘊𝘊𝘜𝘗𝘈𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕: student 𝘌𝘛𝘏𝘕𝘐𝘊𝘐𝘛𝘠: Tainui and Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei 𝘍𝘈𝘊𝘌𝘊𝘓𝘈𝘐𝘔: Erana James
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: 𝘏𝘌𝘐𝘎𝘏𝘛: 5'6" 𝘉𝘖𝘋𝘠 𝘛𝘠𝘗𝘌: lean 𝘏𝘈𝘐𝘙: long, dark brunette 𝘌𝘠𝘌𝘚: brown 𝘚𝘊𝘈𝘙𝘚: tbu 𝘛𝘈𝘛𝘛𝘖𝘖𝘚: none 𝘗𝘐𝘌𝘙𝘊𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚: ears
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬: Logan has no specific notable features. She's always felt like she blends in too much, but she's used it to her advantage.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: The brunette is a very simple person. She likes to wear her favorite pair of jeans with any raggedy old t-shirt every day. The one thing she likes to do regarding her appearance is style her hair.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Logan is reserved, but can be quite temperamental when pushed. Her mom jokes it's in her blood.
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: + loyal, confident, proactive = decisive, tough, uninhibited - closed off, oversensitive, temperamental
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: likes: comfort movies, animals, getting to relax dislikes: people who think their opinions are better than everyone else's especially when they're bigots, cops/etc, feeling insecure hobbies: sketching, carpentry
𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚: habits: gritting her teeth ambitions: to survive fears: never seeing her family again
This never should have happened to Logan. She wasn't even supposed to be on this flight. She should have been on her way home from school, she should have been with her parents right at this very minute.
Instead, she's god knows where, and no one even knows she was on the flight at all. That part scares her the most. Her family has no idea where she is, or that she ever left school at all. They don't know she's missing. How can someone look for a missing person if they don't even know?
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alkamata · 9 months
uhhhhhhh heya here's a character sheet template i made
feel free to have a look/use/modify, etc. 👍 (there's like 4 pages of blank info)
it should hopefully be pretty comprehensive for getting lotsa key info down, plus some stuff that i personally find useful (such as a section specifically for voice notes), but if you do use it, it's up to you if you add/remove anything.
it's also just under the cut if you don't wanna open a google doc lol
Generic Information
Titles:  Nickname(s): 
Current residence: 
(if applicable) Species: 
What do they think of themself?
Appearance/Physical Specifics
Notable attributes/features:
Physical appearance: 
Physical condition: 
Style of clothes: 
How do they feel about their appearance?
Story-specific Information
(for you to fill out)
examples from mine: Abilities, Divine-related Problems, How do they feel about their association with the divine?, etc. since the story I primarily use this for has got a bunch of gods with interpersonal issues.
Life History
Current-life events: 
What were the circumstances of their birth? 
(if applicable) Significant past-life events:
(if applicable) What were the circumstances of their death?
Employment status: 
Are they book smart or street smart? 
Work experience: 
Personal Life
What do they live in? (living conditions) 
Where would they like to live? 
What does a nice evening look like to them? 
(if applicable) What is the state of their bedroom? 
Do they have any comfort items? If yes, what and why?
Do they have any secrets? If yes, what?
What do they want? (motivations)
Personality vignette: 
Initial Myer-Briggs: Yes I know, corporate horoscopes that are reductive of personality. Final Myer-Briggs: This is just for a sort of quick-reference of how they might change, and what changes.
Important Traits:
How do they feel about themself? 
Projected development:
Psychological state: 
What are they proud of? 
What are they ashamed of? 
(possible additional specific to character)
Random facts: 
Romantic/Sexual preference:
What is their family situation? 
What are their friendships like? (gender tendency, closeness, how many, etc.) 
General public reception: 
(if applicable) Enemies:
(Your) opinion on them: 
Intended reader/viewer opinion: 
What is this character’s point in the story? 
Current problems:
(kind of for fun, but putting your character in kinda random situations can help get to know them better)
What happens when there are no clean dishes in the house? 
What happens when something goes wrong? 
What do they do when there’s a thunderstorm? 
What sort of music do they like? 
What happens when they’re handed the AUX cord? 
What do they do when they’re in a petty online argument?
Important Relationships
(List significant characters here) 
Additional Side Crap
(Superfluous/unimportant character details that you still want down. These things might not be important to the story, but having them can still make the character feel that much more alive)
Voice Notes
(Voice section of Generic Information, but in more detail. What separates their voice from everyone else’s?) 
Visual References
(This is just for drawings or maybe inspiration if you want to add it in)
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expressinnervoice · 9 months
Believe in self-motivation or motivational speaker
Do you rely on motivational speakers to steer you toward your goals, or do you trust in the power of self-motivation to keep you on the right track until you achieve success?
My perspective I believe in self-motivation as it will not let me deviate from the path and land me at my destination. I am sharing my experience that watching motivational speaker sessions virtually or attending workshop sessions has acted as a balloon filled with motivational air and when it got completed and came out of the environment the balloon burst. It seems to be back to square one now because, in reality, I believe that everyone has different paths and different challenges in their life. We all have different self-motivating mechanisms that we figure out.
Have an approach to self-motivation The person who doesn't have a goal would seek motivation for the future path from other people as they themselves are unaware of their potential.
Do you know everything about yourself? I want a promise from you that you will start analyzing yourself and your potential as a priority rather than judging other people's abilities. Please always keep in mind that you only know about yourself, you can only motivate yourself self and no one else can guide you exactly what you desire.
Do you have any ambitions about your life? You have started knowing yourself so now work on setting up a goal. Now self-motivation role comes into the picture. Congratulations on setting up a goal but the challenge is not to deviate from the projected path. Self-motivation will act as a reminder when you are about to deviate and also act as a catalyst in securing for sure achievement. Self-motivation resemblance to a sun ray is focused through the lens on paper and will direct as a beam and burn it sometime.
They suggest a way to not get impacted by external disturbances. The simple way is to keep moving on toward your goal and if you get stopped then you will fall into the external disturbances loop. Please don't give any weight to the people tags on you and don't even give any thought about it simply you need to craft your life so focus on moving closer towards your goals.
Steps may help you to identify your goals. Do you have a habit of saying that I do lots of work every day? Please take a pen and paper and jot down all the activities you do in a day and write about all your qualities about what you like to do, dislikes and hobbies or any other things. Please don't hesitate to write that it an irrelevant stuff but just give a thought to it. Congratulations on completing the first step so now let's move to the second step. It's time to categorize the list segregating the qualities into strengths and weaknesses and make a list of influencing factors. We are at the last step of identifying our goal by shortlisting list categories. Please trust self-motivation which is for sure a guarantee for yourself to realize your destiny.
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tenthhell · 1 year
I'm actually going to put the discussion of Nethfari and Asmodeus under the cut specifically so it's less intrusive to those whose interest isn't with these two at all.
First, I'm going to do a little aside and talk about Nethfari's role in the Hells bc I don't think I even really made that clear in her about page. SO. Primarily, she's an advisor to Asmodeus, although she's one that doesn't typically interact with the society of the Hells much outside of that. It's a good part of the reason why Asmodeus came to value her in the first place; she's vicious enough to fit in quite well, but has no real social ambition to speak of ( Asmodeus promoted her, she didn't seek that shit out ) -- nor the capacity to be enticed into such bc frankly the woman gives exactly 0 fucks.
Theoretically, one ( Infernal or otherwise ) can seek her out for help or divination, but the thing is that she's built different to other devils; she's evil, but she's not lawful. She's distinctly neutral. And the fact that she's an archdevil doesn't overshadow the fact that she's at least part Fae, and it's plain from her appearance. Which is to say, ask for things with great caution, bc if she can get away with fucking you over horribly, she will. And lbr, she can definitely get away with it bc she knows Infernal law more than well enough to know the various loopholes she can use. Of the archdevils, I'm inclined to say that Asmodeus and v likely Zariel are the only two that she doesn't use that Fae nonsense with. Asmodeus bc obviously, but Zariel bc I think the disinterest in the political games make her the only other archdevil Nethfari actually respects. ( Yes, that subtle 'the others can go fuck themselves' is accurate, barring Glasya bc I'm as of yet uncertain how the two get along, exactly. )
Most importantly, though? She doesn't leave Malsheem much; the concerns of the Hells are only ever her own when she's using the skills she learned growing up to her partner's benefit. ( She cares within the borders of Asmodeus' care, but more so in the way one supports their partner's hobby one isn't particularly interested in than any real concern for the politics or state of things. )
NOW. I decided based on what I read of Asmodeus interacting with his eldest, Glasya, that he can actually be quite caring towards those he actually gives a shit about -- which, true, is not very many at ALL. ( Read: he cares about his family and that is IT. ) Going off that, and the fact that I thought Orianna having a good childhood would be a nice foil to like. Everything else that she is, and also wanting to neatly sidestep the 'evil bc I'm traumatized' villain, I decided to go with one of my fave couple tropes, wherein one or both is unrepentantly evil, but is still actually good to their partner bc I actually cannot stand the whole 'they're evil so they have to be shitty to everyone all the time' thing. So they actually have a good, healthy relationship with each other. You know barring the atrocities they commit against other people for fun and profit. But like??? What are you, Catholic? It's fine lol
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
R, W and Y for everyone, please? Take care ♡
RANDOM - how spontaneous is the relationship? do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?
chengyi/changjie: C can get quite anxious so for the most part, all dates are planned in advance/if it's a spontaneous date, then they're at least taking MC to somewhere they've been before and know well.
noel/noelle: literally the definition of spontaneous. N just wants to go out and experience everything they possibly can and they sure as hell are dragging MC along with them! in a relationship, expect the unexpected because plans will be ignored and remade within seconds.
yuri/yaryna: taking time aside for just MC is difficult for Y with their hectic schedule, so dates are usually quite sporadic and unplanned. however, unlike N, Y will make sure whatever they end up doing will be just as enjoyable for MC as it is for them.
vinesh/varsha: bro, is this really even a question? every date and activity must be confirmed days in advance so V can double-check their schedule and make sure the place they're going to is open at the right time, etc. if you're looking for a spontaneous partner then sorry, V is definitely not for you lol.
lian/leilani: L is one of those people who just go with the flow. if their partner is spontaneous then awesome, L is down for doing fun little unplanned dates. if their partner isn't, then that's awesome too because L is also content spending quality time at home!
WILDCARD - a random headcannon
answered here for all the characters!
YUCK - do they have any pet peeves/icks in a significant other?
chengyi/changjie: C would struggle to bond with someone who has no ambition/hobbies. they have sooo many things they want to do and achieve within their life and i don't think they would be able to understand someone who doesn't want to leave a legacy.
noel/noelle: oh my god, N would not be able to deal with someone who tells their friends/family about flaws in their relationship. they 100% understand talking about feelings with the people closest to them, but they will get tired fast if their partner is constantly complaining about the relationship/talking badly about them to other people.
yuri/yaryna: i think like most people, Y would get super sick of their partner talking about their exes, whether that be the partner's or Y's. those relationships are in the past and Y is not their partner's ex, and would not put up with being compared to that person.
vinesh/varsha: someone who is unreliable. V has no time to waste waiting around for someone who is constantly late or not able to answer messages in an appropriate timeframe. they have things to do and it's not fair for them to have to constantly accommodate someone else's unreliableness.
lian/leilani: the one thing L craves within a relationship is honesty and open communication, and while they know some people need time and space to cool down after an argument, it stresses them out when their partner gives them the silent treatment or says they feel fine when they're not. L just couldn't be with someone who isn't comfortable/refuses to tell them what they're thinking/feeling.
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dragontamer-nia · 3 years
Max [Parental figures and fighting spirits]
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Max and Judy Mizuhara 
Max Mizuhara is the child of two very different people. 
On one hand, we have Taro Mizuhara: a cheerful and friendly man who lives a simple life, owns a little hobby shop, and has taken a passion for a kids' game which requires a certain degree of technical knowledge. He's basically a mechanic, he has a rather small but very functional training ground in the basement of his shop, and he encourages Max to do his best, but most importantly to have fun with his friends. 
On the other hand, we have Judy Mizuhara: an ambitious, strong-willed woman, whose research and abilities have made her rise from the already prestigious position of university professor to the director of the most important and reputable research centre for beyblades, where she has all the resources, funds and technology she could ever need to work with at her disposal. We know the PPB is held in such high regard that her role requires her to answer directly to the goddamn Secretary of State. 
And… Taro and Judy love Max. However, while all we can gather about Taro's opinion on this whole "taking beyblade seriously and winning the world championship" thing is that he supports Max because he wants to see him happy, we know exactly what Judy thinks. 
She thinks Max doesn't have what it takes to be a champion. 
Max's crisis is, in a way, the opposite of Rei's: while Rei at one point already had everyone believing in him, and had to prove that the his actions are atypical but ultimately right, Max has to prove that he is worth believing in because the way he is is right; and that his fighting spirit is just as tough and resilient as everyone else's in this field, if not even more so than most, but his friendly, kind and bubbly personality throws people off. 
And the fact that, of all people, it's his own mother who rejects him almost crushes him. Judy loved him when he was just her fun, adorable child, but when he dared try and assert himself as a person with dreams and a fighting spirit, suddenly she turns her back on him. 
Worse yet, Judy has new children in America. Kids she personally chose as the best in the whole US. Kids who lived and breathed to follow whatever she said. Kids who are very explicitly competitive, who are sports prodigies and know it, who parade around wearing their sports' uniform like a badge of honour, knowing that they're just so much better than anyone else that they're backed up by the effin government... and people love them. They are stars, they are heroes. And so, people shower the All Starz with admiration and attention, and the All Starz love the glory Judy has granted them, and Judy loves them in return and supports them. 
Of course, not only has Max to deal with whatever is going on with his mother's behaviour, not only has he to endure his mom's new, arrogant kids, he also has to face their feelings of jealousy: after all, he is the coach's actual son. And he's a nobody. This is Max, the son of their beloved coach? He's weak, right? Not a trace of ambition, no competitiveness at all, only smiles and "lEt'S bE NiCe tO eAcH oThEr". Why does Judy love this guy? 
Poor Max is having the worst time of his life as the finals for the A block approach, and the night before the finals Kyouju bluntly tells him that he shouldn't fight at all in the coming matches. "They have your data," he says. "They don't have Kai's data," they all say. Max knows what's up: his own team is starting to believe in the All Starz, they are starting to lose faith in him too. What is his team thinking? Would the PPB not have taken his data, had he been stronger, had he been like Kai? They, his own team, his friends, think that even giving Max a mere chance at proving them all wrong would jeopardize their chances of reaching the world's finals, and they’re not willing to take that risk. 
Max is not the type to lash out at people and impose his own world view onto others, as Takao would, but he knows this is an injustice, he knows he doesn't deserve this treatment. Max storms off, leaving the rest of the team appalled: clearly, no one expected nice, friendly Max to react so strongly. They do eventually change their minds after the team finally understands just how badly he needs to. 
Because, after running on the roof of the hotel to get a bit of fresh air… Max finds his mother there. 
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Judy thinks she's being objective, because that's what she's used to as a scientist: research is based on numbers, and numbers tell her that Max truly doesn't have a chance. But she's also a professional, and the spot she was put into requires her to not help her own son at all. She can do absolutely nothing but accept that Max is bound to lose, and Max has got to understand this as soon as possible.
Judy knows what it takes to rise to the top, because she has done it. Cold and merciless, ambitious and strong-willed, tough and resilient: she is a champion, in her own way. And she didn’t obtain the most prestigiuos position in her field by being nice; this is why, when choosing the players who would represent the US in the world tournament, she selected kids with a competitive background, who are capable of being cold and merciless when required. And now that her own son is competing against the PPB, a big machine that receives all the funding they need, a whole building full with equipment and any machine they could possibly think of to study their opponents, gather data, prepare a strategy, keep their bladers in top condition… she doesn’t want Max to even try and enter this ruthless race to the top. He is nice, and she accepts it and loves him for it, but... he’s too nice to survive in this world.
I think Judy is the one who chose this role for herself. She knows Taro. She knows she has to be the realistic and disillusioned parent to balance him out, because Taro is just so carefree and happy, with no trace of ambition or fighting spirit, and Max is just like Taro. 
This is why the necklace is important. 
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Max's fighting spirit doesn't just derive from the fact that he wants to prove his own progresses to Judy. He quite literally inherited his mother's fighting spirit. Max is just as ambitious and strong-willed, Max is just as tough and resilient. Who decided that someone cocky like Michael, or cold and merciless like Judy, is clearly inherently stronger than someone like Max? Max is having none of this shit, and he's having none of this shit as nicely as he can, because he will not bend: Max is not worth believing in even though he's nice and friendly; Max is worth believing in because he's nice and friendly, and it's perfectly fine, thank you. 
And Max proves that Judy was wrong about him, he proves that everyone was wrong about him, and the moment he does, the moment he finally wins against Michael and secures the path to the finals… 
He's just happy. 
At this point, Max would have every reason to brag. He'd be justified to take the spotlight, flip the bird to the All Starz - the kids who really thought the BBA guys were just a bunch of noobs - and laugh right at their dumbstruck faces. 
But the thought of doing so doesn't even cross his mind. He smiles and he's happy, and his team is happy for him, and they all celebrate the fact that Max has won. 
On the other side of the stadium, Judy is forced to face a hard truth that she, deep down, had always known: there's no number understandable by a computer that can describe how fucking stubborn and creative the both of them can become to reach the goals they have set for themselves. 
As she smiles at her own blindness, she walks to Max to congratulate him, and as Judy recognizes and owns her mistake, Max simply smiles and lets it all go, water under the bridge. Because that's who Max is.
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The fact that, at some point, someone in the production crew decided to include Kyouju openly glaring at Judy in this fundamental shot is very telling in my opinion LOL
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trivialoveclub · 4 years
2020 Year in Review!
hey! i was tagged by the absolute angel that is ⚘ @unefleurofferte ⚘(tysm my love! 💞) for this 2020 tag! first off (even tho it's the middle of january already 🤡) i wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! not to get sappy 💀 but even tho i don't rlly talk/interact that much, it brings me a lot of happiness seeing u guys on my dash 🥺💗 i genuinely am supporting and rooting for you all and i wish u guys all the love and kindness in this new year bc you deserve it babes 💖
Rules: answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on!
5 Fav Films You Watched in 2020
🎬 Soul (2020) "Your spark isn't your purpose. That last box fills in when you're ready to come live."
🎬 Onward (2020) "I never had a dad, but I always had you."
🎬 Klaus (2019) "A true selfless act always sparks another."
🎬 Diecisiete (2019) "You think I'd be doing all of this if I had no heart?
Maybe you're trying to get it back."
🎬 East Side Sushi (2014) "You know behind every great restaurant here, there are great latinos, in the back, in the kitchen, hidden. Prepping the food and making you all look good. Well, I don't want to be in the back anymore."
5 Fav TV Shows You Watched In 2020
📺 Like in The Movies (2020) "Do you ever feel like you're not the protagonist of your own story?"
📺 Given (2019) "Do you have anyone you like, Haruki-san? If that person suddenly disappeared from this world, what would you say?"
📺 Banana Fish (2018) "My soul is always with you."
📺 Masterchef Junior (2013-) Not a quote but Gordon Ramsay always says the dishes has "finesse" and now i can't stop saying it in everything 😭
📺 Next in Fashion (2020)
5 Fav Songs You Listened To In 2020
🎶 UGH! : BTS 🎶 "You're allowed to be angry, but bothering someone else's life, I don't like"
🎶 Fuyu No Hanashi : Given 🎶 "Just like the snow that hasn't completely melted in the shade I continue on with these feelings inside of me."
🎶 So Beautiful : DPR Ian 🎶 "My love is turning kinda gray / My heart is looking the other way."
🎶 PSYCHE : Joohoney 🎶 "All of the world pay attention"
🎶 Stay Tonight : Chungha 🎶 "Tell me what you wanna do, run away or stay tonight"
Top 5 Albums of 2020
💿 Map of The Soul 7 : BTS
UGH! ⏯ Black Swan ⏯ Inner Child
💿 Fatal Love : Monsta X
Sorry I'm Not Sorry ⏯ Nobody Else ⏯ Guess Who
💿 Ungodly Hour : Chloe x Halle
ROYL ⏯ Forgive Me ⏯ Lonely
💿 Mixtape [ PSYCHE ] : Joohoney
PSYCHE ⏯ Intro (Ambition) ⏯ DIA
💿 Chromatica : Lady Gaga
Replay ⏯ Sour Candy ⏯ Alice
Top 5 Books You Read in 2020
🤡 🤡 🤡
...i haven't read for fun in years 😔 i used to read a book every single day :(( but! i already have a list of ones i want to read so this year for sure im gonna be that girl again 🤧💅🏼
💌 How did you spend your birthday this year? 💌
uh hahaha 🤡 suddenly i can't read 🤡
well...i had to take my drivers test but i had no idea how to park so i mean obvs i was gonna fail 💀 so i got super anxious and then had a breakdown in the back seat when it was getting closer to my turn 😭 my parents had to reschedule it and take me home. i felt like such a disappointment. so it started off absolutely horrible, fortunately the rest of the day was a lot better but oof 🤪
💌 What was your most memorable day? 💌
i honestly cannot remember anything 😭 it's like one big blur but ummm...probably finishing high school! i felt like i could finally breathe 🥲
💌 What was your most memorable meal you had this year? 💌
hmm...ooo probably when my abuelita made us a bunch of paches de papa 🥺 i ate them for a whole week and i loved it entirely...my heart is pache shaped 🤧💘
💌 Did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine? 💌
hmm i don't think i got any new ones but i did get to be reminded again on how much i genuinely enjoy making food and like decorating/personalizing things! ☺💖
💌 What was the last big event/thing you remember doing before covid? 💌
uhhh i honestly can't think of anything? i literally don't go out 🤡 like im in chilling in this quarantine lifestyle bc nothing has changed for me 🤪
💌 5 good/positive things that happened to you in 2020? 💌
🌱 i finally escaped high school! 🎓🎉
🌱 i decided to take a gap year and the burnt out student inside me feels like she can finally exhale
🌱 i can't remember if it was in early 2020 or late 2019 but anyways I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE 😝😝 i honestly...do not know how i got it...i took 15+ minutes to park (as u can see your girl didn't learn her lesson) but bless that man for passing me i hope u have a beautiful life sir 😭💖 however i have not stepped in the driver's seat since then 💋 i refuse 💋
🌱 i honestly would say watching Soul 🥲💗 i've always been obsessed w my meaning and purpose in life and that movie rlly just hit home for me...i think about it everyday and im literally starting to tear up right now so let me just stop 🤪
🌱 hmm honestly just being home 💗 i now have an excuse to stay in all time and that brings me so much peace in my heart 🤧
💌 Biggest messages or lessons learnt from this year? 💌
that there's a lot to live for. and i rlly want to enjoy it? and like w the gap year i still feel guilty and still feel like im wasting time and not being productive (love being a capricorn 🤪) but im trying to not think like that...and the fact that Soul came out and it's whole message is literally like life is beautiful and it's meant to be lived 🥺 it rlly like...set that for me u know...there's so many little things that truly make me excited about life and i want to enjoy it and after those 4 years in high school of constant work and stress and losing my entire mind maybe i actually deserve it 🥲 so um yeah..sjdkajd
💌 And what are you most looking forward to in 2021? 💌
a lot ☺ everything honestly...wow omg that's so weird asjakjd ahhh 😭😭💘 [insert that paul rudd who would have thought not me meme] but i wanna do sm much!! bake and cook and learn to knit! and personalize my clothes and READ! and watch movies and shows! and i'll also be going back to school so i rlllllllllyyyyyyyy want to learn how to manage my time bc my procrastination truly fucked me in the ass in hs 🤡 but yeah im excited ahh! ☺
And We're Done!
oof my memory is so awful i feel like i can't remember anything that happened in 2020 🤡 this ended up being a bit long 💀 so if u made it to the end...thank u for reading...ily 😚💌 besitos for you! 💞
tagging these cuties 💘: @moonlattae @fluorescente @glossierjoon @ardores @star99 @jooniephoria @ahearthrob @catboyjm @yoongidisease @violetmoonlits @koyan @stardustyoongi @7blueside @m1amor @sobsyub @m8nstruck @souheii @1okyos @virgomoon @alevchaan @jihyoist
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soup-fish · 3 years
Hiya I meant to send you asks like forever ago but I'm bad so I didn't do that so here they are now they're from this ask prompt thing you reblogged
Feel free to answer these about any of your OCs cause I don't really remember any except rabbit and Knight so~
1, 10, 25, 29, 33, 37, 46, 50, 61, 63, 78, 80, sorry there's so many you don't have to answer them all, I am just cursed with insatiable curiosity only balanced out by my fear of asking too many questions and being annoying—
Hi!!! You’re not bad!! You’re one of the coolest aliens ever!!!! 
I am absolutely answering them all with multiple OCs because I will take every opportunity I get to talk about them. 
Putting it under a cut because it is LONG and I don't wanna bother.
1. What is their gender?
The Knight: (she/her)
Rabbit: agender but they use (they/them) pronouns
The Apprentice: (he/him)
Dijon: (he/him)
Julienne: (she/her) (they/them)
Monty: (he/him) (they/them)
Diana: (she/her)
Captain Pumpernickel: (he/him)
William: (he/him)
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
The Knight: Swordfighting, Dancing, pottery
Rabbit: Parlor magic, puppetry, Acting
The Apprentice: collecting, Dunescotch [the world's rough equivalent of chess], chemistry
Dijon: cooking, writing, gardening
Julienne: biking, photography, bird watching
Monty: people watching, bingo, garage sales
Diana: fencing, archery, calligraphy
Captain Pumpernickel: Singing, acting, swordfighting
William: whittling, philosophy, accordion
25. What is their biggest flaw?
The Knight: her naivete 
Rabbit: Their reluctance to be vulnerable
The Apprentice: His aversion to change and the unknown
Dijon: his self-pitying nature
Julienne: Her self-centeredness
Monty: his...not quite human-ness
Diana: She’s uptight
Captain Pumpernickel: hooboy where do I start? For one, his complete and utter dismissal of everything that doesn’t contribut to ADVENTURE
William: his lack of ambition
29. How would they describe their own personality?
The Knight: “Hmmm. I try to be as nice as possible and I’ve been told I’m rhapsodic! I don’t think my singing’s that good but it’s a sweet compliment!” 
Rabbit: “Witty. Yes. Sarcastic? Yes. The people’s demon? In more ways than one~ Even hell can’t handle me.” 
The Apprentice: “Simple, studious, and an enjoyer of quiet studying. I tend to be rather straight-forward in my methodology.”
Dijon: “God do I even have a personality? What am I besides a vaguely human shaped pile of mistakes and disappointments?” 
Julienne: “A fun loving fun person!” 
Monty: “Just your average Earth person! Nothing else to see!” 
Diana: “Calm, cool, collected, the perfect dignitary”
Captain Pumpernickel: “AN ADVENTURER! And a lover! Of your mother! Bring out the good ale my good fellows! Your captain has won another battle of the wits!”
William: “Personality? Never heard of it. Wouldn’t even begin to know what the word means. I know no such words such as sarcastic, laid-back, carefree. Nooooo.”
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
The Knight: Being ignored and unheard. She’d probably get really frustrated and maybe cry a little as a result. If it really got to her, she’d need help being pulled out of a dark place. 
Rabbit: Abandonment. Their general reaction to it is to put on a veneer of not caring and close off from the outside world more, even going so far as to act annoying and unlikable so that people leave before getting close. 
The Apprentice: Not knowing. Or, by extension, not being able to learn. He’d probably lash out in anger and storm off. 
Dijon: Being an unredeemable person. He faces it every day and he deals with it by being melodramatic in all of his writings and wallowing in misery. AKA, not dealing with it. 
Julienne: People being genuine. They’d probably get really uncomfortable and try to excuse themselves from the conversation or make jokes to redirect the conversation. 
Monty: The republic finding him hiding out on Earth. He’d fight or do anything possible out of desperation. 
Diana: Being a disappointment 
Captain Pumpernickel: Not being able to bang your mom not having adventures with his crew. He'd probably be reduced to a shell of his former self.
William: Not being able to talk his way out of a situation. 
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
The Knight: Pretty easy but she means it when she says it. She's just full of love tbh.
Rabbit: It's really hard for them to say "I love you". Really really hard. Especially at the start of their arc, they would never say it, however much they mean it.
The Apprentice: It's hard for him to say, simply because it's not quantifiable enough. How does one properly explain how much they love someone? He prefers showing love through actions and more direct compliments.
Dijon: It's not easy for him to say, but he says it without meaning it, both knowingly and unknowingly.
Julienne: She doesn't say it often, but she says it to the people she cares about occasionally. She prefers to say it through time spent and physical touch though.
Monty: The Dude Loves Everything. But they also barely understand the meaning of the word so...
Diana: She doesn't say it almost at all, but prefers to use acts of service and gift giving.
Captain Pumpernickel: He never says "I love you" because he usually doesn't really mean it. He'll use some other compliment or compound of it.
William: He doesn't throw it around easily, so when he says it, it has so much more weight behind it.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
The Knight: She expresses her emotions a lot and very easily, but she has a hard time hiding them.
Rabbit: They think they're sly at hiding their emotions, but they let micro-expressions slip constantly. If anyone decided to notice, one would
The Apprentice: He's a blank sheet baybee. What is he thinking? Unless it's frustration or anger, you'll never know.
Dijon: He's just kinda sad all the time. He's miserable and everyone notices.
Julienne: She allows some emotions to come through. It's a bit of a calculated effort.
Monty: All of his emotions come through all the time and he doesn't mind.
Diana: Well, she hides her sadness and happiness, but allows her frustration and such to shine through.
Captain Pumpernickel: He expresses emotions very openly and very loudly. He is a dramatic ham of a captain.
William: He keeps a near perpetual smile that occasionally wavers when things go wrong. He doesn't like to open up emotionally.
50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?
The Knight: "fun and comfy!" Light armor with room for mobility but colorful
Rabbit: "...sexy" literally naked except a cloak.
The Apprentice: "practical and sensible" like a fucking nerd
Dijon: "presentable" the best time to wear a sweater, is all the time
Julienne: "quirky" quirky.
Monty: "human clothing for humans! :D" weird mixture of 1800s stuff and modern day stuff. Weird guy.
Diana: "regular??? Clothes???" Fancy ballgown at first then swashbuckling but still expensive.
Captain Pumpernickel: "EXTRAVAGANT AND ASTOUNDING" sexy hobo pirate.
William: "only the highest tier clothing/s" ...rags. doesn't care enough.
61. Which season is their favorite season?
The Knight: Spring
Rabbit: Autumn, harvest festivals and such are good for demons.
The Apprentice: Winter, you have excuses to stay inside and work. Plus the vibe is nice when it's harsh outside and cozy inside
Dijon: Summer, fewer holidays and he's not really cold resistant.
Julienne: Summer. They like the general vibe and popsicles and shorts and sunglasses and such.
Monty: Winter, they love the holidays.
Diana: Summer, she likes the heat.
Captain Pumpernickel: Autumn! He just thinks the weather and vibe are RIPE FOR ADVENTURE!
William: Winter! He like staying inside and the cold.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
The Knight: her partner! Or a silly joke! Or a delicious snack! Or friendship!
Rabbit: schadenfreude
The Apprentice: order and productivity
Dijon: his favorite childhood book
Julienne: her pet rats! Or pet frog!
Monty: A human thing like paperclips
Diana: this one is a hard one. Succeeding at any of her hobbies.
Captain Pumpernickel: ADVENTURE. and friends
William: seeing Diana smile and be free.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
The Knight: The prince!
Rabbit: the Knight
The Apprentice: books
Dijon: julienne
Julienne: no one. Monty is close.
Diana: no one [William eventually]
Captain Pumpernickel: The sea. And his first mate. And his quartermaster.
William: no one [Diana eventually]
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
The Knight: Morning person
Rabbit: Night Owl
The Apprentice: Morning Person
Dijon: Night Owl
Julienne: Morning Person
Monty: Morning Person
Diana: Morning Person
Captain Pumpernickel: Morning Person
William: Night Owl
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Hi! Im an ENFP, no doubt. Lately I'm not feeling like myself and noticed I'm in the Ne-Te loop. I was never too good with emotions. I recently made the decision to work on my feelings, but I don't know what could make me work on me Fi. I've been writing all my life, but maybe theater? I don't know how to develop Fi to something more mature... Thanks!
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I decided at some point, at around, oh, twelve that I was not going to be all emotional and relationship-minded like other girls (ha, ha, sure) and decided to focus more on developing logical precision and being rational. It worked. Many people, if they did not see me burst into tears for no discernible reason, would not assume I am a feeler, and a lot of people online don’t either. So, I hear ya.
The problem with resisting emotional development (Ne/Te looping for long periods of time) is you do not learn to control your feelings, so when they do manifest, you have a hard time being rational about them or knowing how to handle them. For example, you might burst into tears at a time you really do not want to and have no control over it; or you might fall deeply in love and all your common sense and rationality scatters to the wind, because you do not know the first thing about dealing with romantic feelings, much less feelings, period. And then you might do something stupid for which you will Te-kick yourself later.
You may not like what I’m about to say, but… the first way to learn to deal with your feelings is to allow yourself to have them. All of them. That pain you have been avoiding, those hurt feelings that you shunt aside by sucking in your gut and saying, “I am tough,” you have to let it slam into you. You have to force yourself to experience it, to go through it, to FEEL it, so you can become familiar with it and work through it, in order to get past it. That anger you have been channeling into passive-aggression? You have to stare it in the face, and deal with it, and actually do something with and about it, rather than shoving it deep down inside and ignoring it, in the hope it will go away instead of festering. You have to allow yourself to become emotionally invested in people, to form bonds and build connections that are deep, while knowing you could get hurt. You have to let yourself fall in love or, instead of packing it in and running for the hills when it gets tough, be emotionally vulnerable with another person.
You could start writing in a diary each night, and focus on your emotions; putting it into words, how you felt when things happened, your fears, your feelings about what is happening in the world, etc. Be raw. Unfiltered. No one is going to read it. No one should ever see it. Be as petty, and as childish, and as emotional as you need to be, in order to look at what you wrote and say, “Wow… okay then. So that’s what I have to work on.” It’s a place to start.
Acting is great, but you cannot channel what isn’t there. You can fake it, but that will not put you in touch with your own emotions – unless you want to cry in a class and find out you cannot stop, and are not sure WHY you’re crying. If you bottle up things long enough, they tend to explode.
Sometimes, it can be useful to allow yourself to be emotional with fiction. As a writer, you understand the power of a story and the essential need it has to build an emotional component to reach the audience. Let yourself feel other people’s stories. Invest in them. React to them. Scream at Professor Umbridge. Cry over certain characters’ deaths. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, to be human.
You are, whether you want to be or not.
As an ENFP, you are a feeler. As someone whose natural focus lies on the external world, you have an incredible capacity to be wise in assessing humans and their relationships; your Ne gives you insight and your Te can shape what you have to share into wisdom, but if you neglect Fi, or fail to understand or appreciate what ‘drives’ people on an emotional level, you will not be as precise, as understanding, as deep, or as nuanced as you need to be when interacting with them. You will dismiss and under-regard the strength of your own feelings as a core motivator; or you will chase after success, without realizing your heart must be in it, for you to create anything worthwhile.
Fi is as much about ‘what I feel strongest about’ as it is learning to channel intense emotions. YOU NEED TO CARE.
FPs cannot self-motivate with any degree of ambition or success unless they care about what they are doing. Only pursue projects, hobbies, and ideas that makes your Fi happy or arouses some deep, primal instinct in your soul. Expose yourself to new ideas, beliefs, and opinions, and invite yourself to form a moral opinion on them, before you argue from a Te-based viewpoint. Yes, you can list a dozen good factual reasons why the death penalty is necessary or horrible, but how do YOU, personally, feel about the death penalty? Or abortion? Or assisted suicide? Or any number of other causes? What does your Fi say?
Ne has a problem of adopting everyone else’s opinions and allowing it to stamp Fi into oblivion; the next time it happens, stop yourself, consult your Fi, invite it to take a stand, and LISTEN. How DO I feel about this? Learn to ask yourself, “Do I really agree with this perspective or is it someone else’s idea rubbing off on me?” Divorce yourself from the world’s ideas, from the morals your parents taught you, and ask yourself new questions: what do I think/feel about this? And why? What do I care about? Why?
What are my core values? What are my morals? What will I tolerate, what will I not tolerate, and how can I stand up for myself if I must defend my position?
Fi is your beacon in the darkness. It is where all the information Ne collects goes to be sorted and judged. It’s good you want to develop it; you need it.
- ENFP Mod
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