#i don't know how well she fits without still being witch-marked
strunmah-mah · 1 year
Ideal Justice League Dark Line-up
Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, and Boston Brand - Seems like they once self-described as the trinity of the JLD, and I don't know enough about the magic side of DC to disagree. Only concern is the will they/won't they of John and Zee can sometimes overwhelm the two characters.
Khalid Nassour - Least annoying person to be Doctor Fate, is in fact a very good boy.
Kirk Langstrom - every team needs a funky little guy and he was delightful in rebirth. He deserves a vacation in the JLD archives after what happened to him in Task Force Z
Raven - She seems eternally stuck as a Titan. Let's give her some different people to hang out with, I think it could be good for her.
Xanthe - I've been enjoying Spirit World a lot so far. The JLD would be a good place for them to land if DC wants to keep them around.
(temporary) Jason Todd - I don't know if this would be a good permanent home for him, but he needs a break from constant bat in-fighting and I want to know more about the All-Caste. If not him than Isabel/Essence could also be interesting.
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Ten: Breaking Boundaries
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A/N: This is the tenth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 3188
Warnings: mentions of male sex organ and sexual arousal. 
Credits to Gif Creator
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After a long day of lessons all Aria Dumbledore wanted to do was rip off her uncomfortable heels and change into something she could relax in for the rest of the night. However working with Severus meant that her day did not end immediately after lessons like the other professors' did. With the amount of essays Snape gave out on the daily, it was a miracle he was able to mark them at all, with or without her. She understood now why he never slept, but what she couldn't wrap her head around was why he gave out so many essay in the first place.
At first Severus refused any help from Aria, insisting he didn't need an assistant, but gradually Aria managed to work her way into his routine and soon enough the pair were spending every night together in Snape's classroom, marking essays and making potions.
"Severus." Aria spoke up, as the teachers departed from the Great Hall after dinner, stopping Snape in his tracks. She let her hand rest lightly on his bicep for a second, allowing herself to fall in line as they returned to the dungeons together.
"Miss Dumbledore." He replied coldly, suppressing any thoughts that may have dared entered his mind when he felt her gentle touch on his arm.
"I was thinking... I know we usually spend the evening marking in the classroom, but its just so cold in there and dark too." Aria started. "And we have to squeeze around the desk, with all those papers- "
"What are you getting at Miss Dumbledore." He droned, looking over his shoulder at the woman.
"How about we switch it up for tonight, maybe do the marking in my quarters? Its warm, I have a fire, with couches we can sit at. And if that's not your thing then your welcome to sit at my desk, but I just can't spend another night breaking my back sitting hunched over one. My feet are killing me in these shoes and I'm sick of freezing to death." Aria continued to rant, waiting for Snape to stop her.
"You can stop trying to convince me. Though I may not appear it, I am not a completely unreasonable man, all you have to do is ask."
"Thank god." She groaned, as they turned the corner to the dungeons.
After collecting two large stacks of papers from the potions classroom, the professors made their way along the corridor to Aria's private quarters. Almost immediately after entering the room Aria kicked off her heels, and threw her cloak over the couch.
"Just make yourself at home, get comfortable. I need to go change."
Severus entered the room awkwardly, clutching onto his papers, not daring to touch anything except the air he occupied. For the first time in a long time he felt out of place at Hogwarts. Snape liked to be in control and the way he was able to do that was keeping to the places where he felt most comfortable and had power. As soon as he agreed to spend the evening in Aria's quarters he lost that power and the ability to feel like he had any superiority over the woman. Though he hated feeling out of place, he enjoyed the woman's company, despite the fact he pretended not to, and was willing to make a sacrifice or two in order to listen to her meaningless chatter.
The man slowly made his way around the room, gradually drifting towards her cluttered desk, dropping his papers amongst her own small stacks. Snape couldn't help but be drawn to an open letter Aria had left. His eyes scanned the letter, sickened by its mushy context, but he couldn't seem to pull his gaze away.
Severus was stunned to discover that Aria was in a relationship and yet had not mentioned it to anyone since her arrival. She seemed the type who would boast about the fact, telling everyone and anyone who would listen. It dawned on him that maybe she had mentioned it before, just not to him. After all, why would she? He didn't show any interest in her life, or share any information about himself with her. He had made it pretty clear that they weren't anything more than coworkers, so then why was he hurt by the fact she had not confided in him?
The thought quickly left his mind when the witch reentered the room, leaving him slightly dumbfounded. It was the first time he had witnessed her looking relaxed and casual opposed to the straight laced, well put together façade she put on around the students. Even before the start of term and on their trip to Hogsmeade she maintained an air of sophistication. Looking at her now she appeared as you would expect a 21 year old to appear. Her hair fell around her face in stunning natural beach waves, still a little messy from being held up in a bun all day. She had changed out of her painful heels and uncomfortable work clothes and now appeared in a pair of tight fitting exercise shorts paired with a large oversized t-shirt, that exposed her tanned shoulder and collarbone. Severus couldn't help but notice her lack of bra, but made a conscious effort to keep his gaze fixated on her face.
"What are you doing?" Aria laughed nervously, noticing her mentor standing awkwardly by her desk, staring at her a little too long.
"I was merely looking for a place to conduct my marking, but as the only work space in the room is full of meaningless clutter, then it seems I have no other choice than to move." He growled, over compensating for his earlier thoughts.
Aria went to object but decided it wasn't worth the hassle and simply grabbed her pile and took a seat next to Severus on the couch and got to working.
Seeing Aria in her natural form had Severus mesmerised. He had of course appreciated her attractiveness many times before, but now her beauty seemed more down to earth and natural. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Ever since she had come to his office and bandaged him up, his mind was swarming with thoughts of her once more. The way her fingers gently traced the patterns on his palm as she carefully tended to his wound. Every time he replayed the action in his head a wave of shivers ran up his spine, sending flutters straight to his stomach.
After marking a less than adequate amount of essays, Severus finally gave up trying. Out the corner of his eye he couldn't help but watch as Aria absentmindedly brushed one of her smooth bare legs against the other. His eyes continued to travel up her body, resting for second on a small section of her waist that had been left exposed from the way her top had shifted. Once again he couldn't help but notice the prominent outline of her bare breasts through the slightly transparent shirt. Snape felt his face flush with colour, and chose to swiftly move on. He became entranced as his gaze fell upon her face, watching her read intently, as she nibbled on the end of her quill, letting it bounce slightly between her teeth. Severus could not help his mind rush to a number of scenarios which he quickly dismissed.
Oblivious to the thoughts running through her colleagues mind, Aria continued marking the majority of her essays, before finally giving up.
"How about we take a little break." Aria suggested, throwing another essay on her 'done' pile.
"Very well." Severus agreed, not that he had been doing much anyway.
Aria took the opportunity to stretch her bones, turning her body to face Snape.
"you know, we spend a hell of a lot of time together, but all we ever do is work." Aria commented, standing up from where she had been sat on the couch.
"What are you getting at, Miss Dumbledore." Snape replied, turning his attention to a neglected book he found resting on her coffee table.
"I'm just saying that we're allowed to spend time together, without making it about work. Minerva and I often enjoy afternoon tea together, and I frequently visit Hagrid at his cabin for a chat, I don't see why we have to pretend to be marking essays just to be in each others company."
"I'm not pretending to do anything, Miss Dumbledore. The essays need to be marked, and whether you chose to help me or not, I will be spending my evenings doing the exact same thing either way."
Severus picked up a rogue book from her coffee table, dog-earing the page Aria had left the book lying open on and began to read from the beginning, curious to see what kind of literature she was interested in.
Meanwhile Aria had made her way through to her open plan kitchen and was currently rummaging through a number of cupboards but continued her conversation.
"We're the teachers Severus, the students will get the essays back when we say so, we do not have to rush to complete them as soon as they're handed back to us. Besides it would give the students a little more time in between essays to relax before they were immediately issued another." The clinking of glasses caught Severus' attention, so he too got up, meeting the woman in her kitchen.
"Have a drink." She offered, handing him a glass of deep red liquid, hoping to loosen up his inhibitions.
"I thought you didn't drink." Snape muttered, taking the drink from her.
"Like I said before, I don't drink often, or rather to excess. But if this is what it takes to get you to relax with me, then I'm willing to comprise." She winked, holding up her own glass to cheers the other professor.
"Despite the impression you may have gotten, Miss Dumbledore, I do not rely on alcohol to get through the day."
"I know that." Aria spoke, her tone becoming sadder. "I know that you were drinking a lot before the start of term because of me. I'm sorry I done that to you, I honestly did not think that the two of us having dinner together would be such a scandal. I was wrong, I know that now. But can't we just remain colleagues who enjoy each others company every once in a while." She hoped.
Severus took a deep intake of breath before taking a large gulp of wine.
"You were not the reason I turned to alcohol to drown my sorrows, Miss Dumbledore. Yes, I enjoy a glass of FireWhiskey or Nettle Wine once in a while, and occasionally I feel the need to indulge more than what is deemed appropriate. Usually it occurs in the summer and I have no one around me who cares. It only ever lasts a few days or so, a week at most, and after that I get back on track and its no longer a problem. It is true that your presence may have dug up some unfortunate memories of mine, but it was not your fault." Severus enunciated the last few words of his sentence, reassuring the woman not to blame herself for his small moment of weakness. The way her eyes sparkled in the light as they met his sent a wave of regret over him, wishing he had just accepted the wine and said nothing. An appreciated smile spread across his apprentice's face, thankful she had been reassured.
Professor Snape gulped down some more his of wine nervously, making his way back to the couch, Aria followed closely behind.
"So." He started, once again picking up the abandoned book, eager to change to subject. "I noticed your reading Pride and Prejudice, how are you finding it?"
"Oh." She smiled, biting her lip, slightly embarrassed. "It's one I'm currently reading." She said vaguely, bouncing down on the couch, sitting crossed legged.
"So your into muggle literature? I have read a few myself though I tend to stay away from the Brontes."
"It's Austen actually." She corrected, nodding towards the spine of the book, cradling her still relatively full glass of wine. "I have to admit, I'm a bit useless when it comes to reading. I love it so much, but I'm just too impatient, that's my problem." She laughed, getting frustrated with herself and running a hand through her tangled mass of hair.
Severus watched as she jumped from her seat, quickly collecting a few of the other novels she had left scattered around the place, all of which had been left balancing open mid-page. The woman returned with five or six books in her arms, all of which had been read half way through or almost to the very end, although none had been completely read through.
"I'm a bit of scatter brain, if I'm being completely honest. I've started all of these and every time I find a new book I completely disregard the one I was reading, too eager to start another, before finishing the first. Most of the time I forget where I've left them, so I couldn't finish them even if I wanted to. I swear Severus, If it wasn't for you keeping me on track with the students schedules, I'd go utterly mad and forget what I was supposed to be teaching." Aria let out a huge breath, dropping all of the books down in between her and Snape, before plopping herself down once more.
Snape suppressed the urge to laugh at the woman's dopiness, she was truly a character, but he secretly adored the absurdness she possessed. She kept it hidden so well in front of her grandfather and the students but often when they were alone she allowed her true personality to shine and that is when Severus felt his weakest with her. He could not possibly find a reason to be angry at her when she was feeling vulnerable enough to get comfortable around him.
The Potions Master took it upon himself to inspect each of the novels, before setting them aside, neatly piled high. He did, however, keep a hold of the original book, continuing from where he had left off.
Noticing the man getting engrossed in the book, Aria chose not to bother him with any more of her idle chatter and instead grabbed a notebook and quill from her bedroom and begun sketching. She was content with just being in each other's company and not working that she didn't mind that they were not talking. In fact, one of the things she loved most about their relationship was that they were able to sit in a comfortable silence without either of them feeling awkward.
After a few attempts of sketching objects around the room, she gave in trying and decided to focus on what she drew best. Not wanting to interrupt his train of thought by asking a meaningless question, such as if he would give her permission to draw him, Aria didn't see the big deal and went ahead with her sketch.
An hour or so passed and the couple were deep in their activities and not a word had been spoken since the last. By now Severus had removed his robes, the heat from the fire proving too much, though he still kept himself fully covered by the means of his overcoat. Aria, far too comfortable in her chambers, had now stretched out across the whole couch, her feet resting gently on the side of Severus' thigh, but he was yet to complain.
It wasn't until almost two hours into their activities that Severus thought too look at the clock. Time had gotten on, and usually the pair would have gone their separate ways by now, spending the rest of their nights alone. Strangely Professor Snape did not feel the urge to depart just yet and chose to stay a while longer. Aria had become absorbed in the sketch she was doing, and was not complaining he was still there. This was good enough for Severus. Looking up from her notepad every few seconds, but still utterly engaged in her drawing,  Aria had no idea what was currently going on in Snape's mind.
Once he had broke away from the book back to reality, Snape struggled to get himself to focus again. Instead his mind was preoccupied by how close he had let Aria get to him. He felt her wriggle her toes absentmindedly. It was almost as if she was beating out a tune against his leg, and he was very aware of every movement she made. Her feet had managed to make their way into his lap, and every small movement that brushed against his thigh, had Severus' heart beating faster.
The woman fidgeted relentlessly, her legs shifting in lap and her toes scrunching up against his inner thigh. Snape could not help the reaction his body was having as his assistant brushed against him, but the thoughts that entered his mind, only stimulated the problem he was having. Surely she must know what she was doing to him. The Professor kept his eyes on the page, though he took in none of the words. His face flushed pink, whether from the heat of the fire or his own imagination, he did not know. Snape allowed himself one look at the woman curious to see if her actions were deliberate. As he expected she was completely oblivious to the whole situation, simply sketching away, not a care in the world.
Looking at the woman only worsened the situation. He had tried to keep his thoughts at bay, in order to prevent his throbbing penis from doing what penis' do best. But seeing the young woman lay there in front of him, her body so close to his, rubbing against him. Severus could take it no longer. He felt himself growing, and he refused to endure the humiliation had she to notice, let alone the frustration that he would be able to do nothing about it.
Without warning Snape jumped from his position on the couch, grabbing his robes, and leaving the book where he sat. "It's late. I have to go." Was all he said bluntly, slamming the door as he practically flew from the room.
Aria Dumbledore had no words to say. She was less shocked by his sudden departure than the fact he had actually stayed with her all evening, spending some time together, in their own unique way. Abandoning her pad and quill, Aria slipped into bed, falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Severus on the other hand did not drift off so easily. He spent half the night damning himself for being so vulnerable and getting himself into that situation, and the other half dreaming of the possibilities that could have happened had he stayed. Though he knew nothing would have happened, even if he wanted it to. She was in a relationship and Snape was not one for physical affection. However, he allowed himself the small luxury of dreaming about her for one night.
Taglist: @ayamenimthiriel
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samdeancass · 4 years
Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: Dean x reader, Enzo x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Dean, Sam, Y/N, Enzo
Description: Y/N have been friends with benefits with Dean for as long as she can remember. When they discover Augustine and find Enzo, she doesn't expect to fall for him.
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A thin layer of sweat covers both of your bodies as you lay down flat against the covers of the bed. You were both breathing heavily after taking part in a session of very rough sex. Dean's head turned to you, a wide smile plastered over his face. You sensed him staring at you and gave him a questioning look.
"What ya staring at, Winchester?" You turner your full body towards him, making sure to cover up any exposed parts. "Oh nothing. Just that was the best sex I ever had." You and him both burst into a fit of laughter at Dean's admittance.
You and Dean had been friends with benefits for as long as you could remember. You had both met on a hunter, a witch hunt to be exact, and something clicked between you. You both knew that a relationship and hunting didn't really mix, so you both settled for being friends with benefits. It was the best decision you had ever made. Fantastic sex with no strings attached.
Footsteps sounded down the hallway and stopped outside Dean's room. Three knocks were made before opening the door, revealing a very disgusted Sam. "Just for once, would you two consider having sex when I'm not here?"
You and Dean both looked at each other and laughed, shaking your heads. "No can do, Sammy. When we feel the need, we have to do it." Sam shook his head, his eyes nearly rolling completely out of their sockets.
"Well, if you two are done with...that, I think I've found us a case." Groans sounded from the bed as Sam finished his sentence. "Just for once, I would like a day where I can have great sex and not hunt one after the other."
You shook your head at Dean and focused your attention on Sam. "What have you found?" Sam leaned against the doorframe, his features strewn in concentration. "There have been bodies, vampire bodies, found all over Virginia."
Dean sat up, a confused expression on his face. "Yeah, and? That could just be another hunter being sloppy with their kills? Don't see how that's a case." Sam narrowed his eyes at Dean. "If you would let me finish, these vampire bodies were drained of blood, fang marks in their necks."
This time, it was your turn to sit up in confusion. "What, so vampires are feeding on their own kind? Why?" Sam shrugged in response. "That's what we're going to find out. I'm heading out in 10."
Sam headed towards his room as you got out of Dean's bed and began to get dressed. Dean was still sat in the same spot, confusion still evident on his features. "C'mon, D. We need to go." Dean snapped out of his confused state and looked over at you. "I know, it just seems sick. Like, why would you feed on your own kind. It's like humans eating other humans." He shuddered at the thought and flung his legs out of the bed to get dressed. "Well, that's why were going to investigate these 'sick' actions." You giggled at Dean's expression, clearly unamused at your mimicking. "Not funny."
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"How much longer is he gonna be? I need some pie!"
Dean slumped back in his seat with his arms folded across his chest. You shook your head in disapproval at the oldest Winchester. Sam had been interviewing the local townspeople about the bodies whilst you and Dean had opted to stay behind in the car.
"Will you please stop going on about the goddamn pie! You're driving me crazy!" Dean glared at you from the corner of his eye before going back to staring out the window. You rolled your eyes at his childishness before you spotted Sam coming out of the building.
"He's coming, now will you please shut up?!" Dean mimicked you in a childish voice as Sam slid into the backseat. He immediately sensed the atmosphere within the Impala and cringed a little. "What the hells going on in here?"
"Dean's being a child and bitching about how much he wants his pie." Dean's stomach rumbled at the mention of the scared food and turned to you, his lip poking out. Both you and Sam turned to each other and laughed. "Alright, Dean. We can go get pie and then we can talk about what I found out." Dean's face lit up with excitement as he turned the key in the ignition and drove off to the nearest diner.
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"Mmmmm, this is the best goddamn pie I have ever tasted. You guys gotta have some." Dean shoved a piece of pie in front of you and Sam which you both politely declined, a look of disgust evident on your faces. "Boring assholes."
Both you and Sam shook your heads and continued on with your conversation. "So, the witness said that she'd been hearing strange screams coming from the old dentist building late at night, along with growling and smashing of objects."
Your eyebrows raised at this new information. "So, what she's saying is, that whatever is killing these vampires is doing so right in the center of the town." Sam nodded his head as he scrolled through his phone, reading up on the background of the building.
"Well, it is abandoned so it's the perfect place for these vampires to shack up without anybody noticing." You nodded in agreement and took a sip of your beer. "So, whaddya say we go check it out? See what we can dig up."
You and Sam stood up from the table and motioned for Dean to follow. Dean huffed and pushed away the remaining piece of pie. "I don't see why we can't wait until I've finished my pie."
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Machetes at the ready, you and the boys slowly and quietly made your way deeper into the building. Dim lights lit your way around the corridors, a heavy smell of blood and sweat in the air. You covered your mouth in disgust at the dead body sprawled on the floor.
"Oh, that is just gross. Why don't these vamps ever clean up after themselves?" Dean chuckled behind you, a wide smile on his face. "I never pegged you as a person to have a queasy stomach, Y/N." You whacked him on the back of the head as he walked past.
In front of you, Sam shook his head and looked forward, stopping when he seen light streaming from underneath a door. He motioned for you and Dean to be quiet and pointed towards the door. You all readied yourselves as you made your way towards the light.
Anxiety began to course through your body as you came closer to the door. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you nodded to signal Sam to open the door.
All three of you burst in and looked around the room. Your eyes widened in shock as you seen a body lying in the middle of the room. You whispered to the boys and moved hesitantly towards the body. Bending down, you placed two fingers on their neck and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"He's alive. We need to get him out of here now." Sam and Dean moved forward and carefully picked up the body before making your way out of the building.
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Groaning sounded from the other side of the motel room and you rushed over. The man carefully sat up and looked around the room, confused of his surroundings.
"Where am I? Who are you?!" The man's breathing began to quicken as he moved further up the bed, clearly frightened.
"Hey, hey. It's fine, your safe now. I'm Y/N and this is Sam and Dean Winchester. What's your name?" You placed a caring hand on the man's shoulder and shown him a soft smile in hopes if getting him to open up to you.
"Enzo. My name is Enzo." His eyes darted to the other side of the room when he heard Sam and Dean moving, clearly frightened. "Guys, I think it's best that you go out for a while." Sam nodded and began to walk out the door with Dean following quickly behind him. "Yes! Let's go get some pie."
You rolled your eyes and moved your attention back to Enzo. "Hey, Enzo. Why don't you tell me how you ended up in that place?" You noticed his eyes began to water slightly and you leaned forward to place a hand on his. "It's alright, you can tell me."
Enzo looked into your eyes and immediately felt calm. "I'll tell you everything."
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"Dean, will you please get rid of those crumbs? It's gross." Sam grimaced slightly as he and Dean made their way back towards the motel room. "Gladly, Sammy. That was the best dang pie I have ever had." Sam shook his head. "Yoy said that yesterday about a completely different pie!" "Yeah, well. They were both delicious." Sam groaned and opened the door, walking inside with Dean following close behind.
You turned around when the door opened with tears in your eyes. Sam and Dean walked into the room and soon spotted your watery eyes. "Y/N? What's happened?"
You shook your head in response and turned to Enzo. "I'm fine, I'm ok. Enzo has just told me how he ended up in that place, about his whole life." Enzo smiled at you and lifted his hand to your cheek.
You turned back towards the Winchesters. "He's a vampire, and he's led a wonderful life. Those vampires were killed by their own kind, but they were made to by some psychotic people conducting experiments on them to feed on their own kind. They tried to do the same thing to Enzo, but we got there before they could do anything else."
Sam and Dean stated at you with their mouths hanging open. "He's a vampire?! Get the hell away from him, Y/N! You of all people should know not to trust them!" Dean was beginning to get angry, his feelings clouding his judgement.
You stood up and walked over to the boys. "He's not like the other vampires, D. He won't hurt me, trust me." You walked up to Dean and gave him a watery smile. "I've asked him to turn me into a vampire. I'm sick of hunting these monsters as a human, I want to be stronger and faster. And I want to do it with Enzo."
Dean and Sam stepped back in shock, tears beginning to fall down their cheeks. "Y/N, please no. I love you, we both do. We need you." You shook your head. "You guys don't need me anymore, you have each other. Its time for me to move on, with Enzo."
Dean's sadness began to mix with happiness at the realisation that you had finally found somebody to give you the things he never could. He stepped forward and engulfed you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. "I'm really going to miss you, Y/N/N." You smiled up at Dean and pecked him on the lips.
You then moved over to Sam and stood on your tiptoes to give him a hug. "Please don't hesitate to call us, OK? You maybe a vampire soon, but you'll still be our family. Always will be." You wiped the tears away from Sams face and gave him a peck to.
Stepping back, you wrapped your arm around Enzo's waist and began to walk towards the door. "Goodbye, boys. I'll see you soon."
You walked out the door with Enzo, ready to embark on your new life as a vampire. You never expected this to happen, but you are so glad that it did. You'll miss the boys terribly but they will always hold a special place in your heart.
Tags: @akshi8278
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
Some Alt. Jobs for the Kids in the Future:
Mainly doing this as just a thought experiment. Usually people are of one mind on what the kids will *probably* be when they are older(myself included) so I wanted to give some alts that could fit their personalities.
Louie-Manger/Agent:Making this list mainly for him because I recalled Princess Carolyn from BoJack and how her job could fit Louie pretty well. Ik a lot of people headcanon Lawyer! Louie, I do too, but I think this would be a fun idea.
A manager's job is basically finding ways to get their client's hired or trying to tailor a client's project in order for it to be marketable. We already seen Louie do this in his ep this season but I think it be cool if became a legit job for him. He's still a McDuck ward so nothing with his business would be "normal" and he would have to do similar "schemes" to get his clients jobs, especially if they are inter-dimensional goat demons.
Louie would probably say the reason he became a manager would be "because I've been trying to convince people I am good enough my entire life, might as well make a career out of it". Edgy ik, but this is Louie we are talking about of course he say some dumbshit.
Dewey-YouTube Personality: this is probably just a less popular hc rather than one that's not talked about at all like the Louie (or the next couple examples). For me, I can't see Dewey being anything but some kind of globe trotting adventurer who would also record it for views. But in the case that DIDN'T happen, I think he'd become a youtube personality and make shows with his friends and family. I think it be really cute, that even as they grown older and become more independent, Dewey can still find ways to bring them all to his house to be apart of his youtube show(s) where he and a guest try to guess obscure history facts Webby comes up with (Watchers know what I'm talking about) or where he and some friends try to solve unsolved mysteries or try and bake without a recipe (im really showing what content i watch).
His Youtube channel would be sporadic like, "series" but he doesn't make actual playlists (Huey or Violet do) and uploads whatever he wanted to do that week. Good thing is, he never misses an upload date. Almost.
Huey-Military Engineer/Tech Guy (IE better Beaks): I had the hardest time with figuring out Huey since like Webby, he can pretty much be in any field to me (as long as its stem related). This suggestion to me is the least chill out of all of them but I picked it because 1. Huey likes structure and chain of command and 2. Science and defense systems.
Out of his brothers, Huey isn't the most WORRIED about safety but he definitely is the one who would do something about it to fix it. I can see him making some intergalactic defense systems and various prevention junk. Maybe he works under Gosalyn's administration[see gos] or he makes "unnatural-natural phenomenon" protection stuff. Kinda like the seawalls in Venice but like, stuff to make sure the Earth doesn't get destroyed because of all the crazy shit the duckverse has. Like ghost forcefields or the reversal of timephoons. I don't think he would be a Tony Stark character tho so I am not 100% with this one.
He could also just be a tech guy, but yknow, better than Mark Beaks. He accidentally has more followers than him would crush him in twitter fights (an example would be something along the Logan Paul vs Chris D'Elia). I find this just really funny, Huey would actually be what all those "good guy billionaires" claim to be (also he wouldn't be one just as a matter of principle). Owlson would probably be his mentor or maybe just business partner.
Webby-Comic Artist/Cartoonist: Webby, to me, can pretty much go into any field and I would be like "yeah makes sense". However I know in my heart she'd be some kind of spy or detective. Thinking about her being anything else was honestly kinda hard but then I realized she DOES have another hobby which could be turn into a career - her drawings and stories. Webby is definitely a creative person, maybe the most creative so far in front of or slightly behind Dewey, so I think she would like to make comics and cartoons.
If you want to be angsty, maybe she chooses this mundane route because she was somewhat conditioned by her granny (or her creators if theories are to he proven right) to be a super spy; choosing to be a cartoonist is something she was never trained to become and yet she still did because it's something SHE wanted to do for herself.
Lena-Poet/Song Writer: okay another one that might not be uncommon but I like to just see it thrown out there. Lena is cool in large part because of her magic but in a possible similar motivation to Webby, she wanted to be a poet not only because she was good at it but because she wanted to be. This doesn't have to be her main hussle, usually I don't see it as such, but I also think it be cute if she became a new Robert Frost (this is the only poet ik sorry).
Violet-Cosmologist: Most people see Violet as either some kind of chemist, professor, or occasionally a witch. I think another good alt tho would be cosmology since Violet herself wants to understand the world around her, which is a bit different from Huey who wants to obtain knowledge for knowledge sake in the case it might come in handy though not extremely. Cosmology as field in the dt universe must be WILD too since im pretty sure most scientists know of all the magic and junk, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if there was a legit subject on it or multiple. Trying to make sense of YOUR universe while knowing others exist along with time travel, possibly multiple after lifes? Its a lot. Perfect job for Vi.
Boyd-Therapist/architect: I feel like this isn't such a niche hc, but I do see more folks make him into his own superhero and/or an accountant. I might be playing into the Baymax stereotype of robots being good mental health assistants but idc, I think it's warranted since he has gone through and understands trauma. Maybe he focuses on those who need rehabilitation or are unable to get paid treatment. Maybe he just helps those who have committed crimes. Another alt is that he becomes an architect, building well planned buildings and public spaces in a flash by utilizing his vast abilities. He might even be commissioned to make space colony housing.
Gosalyn-Politican: Alright so, Gosalyn being a superhero like her dad is like, canon but again in an alt universe where it WASN'T (or maybe later in her life) I can see her becoming political. Frank even laid out some of what inspired this iteration of Gosalyn which included notable political activists, so as of rn its not that far of a stretch to say she might be interested in that. I have a feeling its happens because she gets riled up for something in particular rather than she always wanted to be a career politician or whatever. She would definitely be a less polished politician and that be her appeal, she'd kinda be like an AOC in that regard(im sorry I tried really hard not to name drop political figures but-). An example of her "abnormal" diplomacy tactics is where she stopped Ragnarok semi permanently by absolutely wrecking their shit. (She be dramatic about it like her dad, coming in her normal President wear and then throw it off to reveal some crazy wrestling shit. Louie would also make a lot of money that day.)
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traincat · 5 years
I've been ranting to my friends about Johnny being abused and raped recently and one of them said: Lyja has damaged and put an element of distrust into every relationship he may ever have. which is really fucking me up and I wanted to share in part bc I don't wanna be sad alone and also bc I think that's an interesting side effect of Lyja's time in his life that doesn't get talked about enough
Thank you for sharing this because the thing is I do think there is a very definite divide in how Johnny acts particularly in regards to relationships before and after his marriage to “Alicia.” I doubt this was entirely intentional on the parts of the writers who handled the book after, but I’ve said before that I think after a certain amount of time and with enough stories behind them characters tend to take on a life of their own, and even if the writers are hesitant to address it there’s no way an event like his relationship with Lyja couldn’t have deeply effected Johnny.
Simply put: I don’t think “playboy Johnny” exists before Lyja. I don’t buy into “playboy Johnny” much as a general phenomenon, because if you actually look at the canon there’s just not much to actually back it up, but he certainly has at periods played into this public (both in and out universe) perception of himself. What I mean is, pre-Lyja, there is absolutely no proof Johnny had ever engaged in casual sex. (There’s actually no proof he wasn’t a virgin when Lyja began working her way into his life while masquerading as Alicia; this panel from Fantastic Four #275 is the first time Johnny having sex is addressed:
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That shirt is Johnny’s – you see him wearing it the issue leading up to this one. To be clear, there’s nothing in the issue that supports this being Johnny’s first time, either – it’s just that he doesn’t have any sex scenes prior. Either way, this is not the reaction of someone who had a good time.)
Pre-the Alilyja incident, Johnny had a grand total of three relationships: Dorrie Evans in high school, Crystal Amaquelin, Frankie Raye. He had a few dates with a girl named Lorrie Melton who called things off with him because he was more serious than she wanted to be, and shared a whole one kiss with a girl named Valeria from the Fifth Dimension (no relationship to his future niece). He also briefly pursued a girl named Julie Angel, who blatantly wasn’t interested in him. When Julie’s friend Sharon came onto him during this period, he reacted with discomfort:
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(Fantastic Four #259)
So, playboy Johnny Storm, a womanizer who sleeps around – he doesn’t exist in canon at this point. (If anything, Johnny repeatedly reacts negatively to being kissed suddenly and without his permission leading up to and during the marriage.) Then you have the marriage, which happens fairly quickly – Johnny and Alicia’s relationship is “cemented” in FF #275, they get married in FF #300. I want to note that Johnny’s pretty young when he gets married, especially by modern standards – you have to do the Spider-Man math with this one, since Johnny’s age at this point in canon isn’t stated, but he and Peter both get married at roughly the same time. We know that they’re roughly the same age, Johnny being 16 when he got his powers and Peter being 15 and these things happening fairly closely together. Peter comments very shortly after he’s married that he’s been out of high school for five years, which would make both him and Johnny roughly 23 when they respectively tied the knot. Alicia is labeled during Byrne’s run as three years older than Johnny, but it should be noted that Byrne has a habit of making women younger and putting them in relationships with much older men – which would track if it’s his opinion Alicia first met Ben when she was 19. (It’s my personal belief that she should be older than that, but that’s neither here nor there.) We have no idea how old Lyja is in comparison to Johnny. So he’s young, and the relationship escalates very quickly, which, looking at it with the retcon in place, makes sense, because Lyja is on a mission to infiltrate the Fantastic Four. So it’s quick. The marriage, the Skrull reveal, and the ensuing melodrama lasts… a while after that. 
Then the big reset button that was Heroes Reborn got hit after Fantastic Four #416 and Johnny and family were shunted off to a pocket universe for a little bit, sans Lyja. Fantastic Four v2 is the first look we get at a more playboy-ish Johnny Storm in line with, say, the Chris Evans version of the character – older when the accident hits instead of being a fresh-faced teen, a bit irresponsible, comes off a little bit like he might be a dog. But this reboot canon can’t really keep it up: it reunites Johnny and Crystal temporarily, and then everyone gets snatched out of their alternate reality bubble and planted back in their regular timeline anyway. 
So let’s look at Johnny’s relationships after his marriage:
1) Alysande “Caledonia” Stuart: A young woman Johnny found and rescued in another dimension who lived with the Fantastic Four for a while. I’m including this even though it isn’t strictly a romantic relationship – Johnny appears to have feelings for Alsyande, but it’s unclear if they’re reciprocated or if she just feels a deep debt of loyalty to him for rescuing her. Either way, I really like how this relationship is handled; they’re both very respectful of each other in a way that’s missing from a lot of Johnny’s actual romantic relationships. They definitely didn’t have sex. 
2) Namorita Prentiss: The first actual romantic relationship Johnny has post-Lyja. This one’s another weird one; Johnny and Namorita first get together after teasing the paparazzi and commiserating about being famous. They then proceed to spend next to no time together. Seriously, like, to the point where the books remarks on it:
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(Fantastic Four v3 #55)
Johnny and Namorita do do things like attend celebrity functions together, so I label this as Johnny’s first “publicity” relationship – less about being in love, and more about him and the other party looking really good together for the public eye. (This is also something he never did before his marriage.) Anyway, they break up off panel, although Johnny did apparently ask Nita to move in with him at one point, which she refused.
Kourtney: A second and much more prominent “publicity” relationship. Kourtney is a supermodel who we’re first introduced to when she breaks up with Johnny when the Fantastic Four go broke and he falls out of public favor. They do get back together for the duration of Marvel Knights 4, and then they apparently break up again. Nothing to write home about in this relationship – she and Johnny don’t really appear to actually like each other all that much, especially on her end. 
We enter a relationship deadzone for Johnny as we hit Waid’s run. He starts it off apparently shaking off a bad celebrity breakup, and while he goes a bit moony-eyed over a few pretty girls at the beginning, basically nothing happens. He at one point meets up with a girl from the internet who claims to be a fan of his and things seem like they might get romantic… except his body language really is screaming the opposite:
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Fantastic Four #514 – I’m not saying how much of this was intentional or even what the intent was, but if there’s something a comic book artist should be good at conveying, it’s body language. Here Cole’s is aggressive – leaning in, touching his face – and Johnny’s is closed off – hands in his pockets, leaning away from her. It’s just interesting if we’re supposed to believe he’s hot for this girl.
Anyway, Cole turns out to be the Wizard’s daughter, catfishing Johnny to find a solution for her unwanted superpowers. So. That lasts two issues and nothing happens between them.
Psionics: And now we enter Millar’s run. Millar’s run is probably the biggest contributor to Playboy Johnny – not only does he have an ill-advised sexual affair with a superpowered bank robber named Psionics, he also gets walked in on – apparently – about to have a threesome with two girls cosplaying as Storm and the Scarlet Witch. I’ve had a problem with the cosplay scene for a while now, because it just doesn’t fit with Johnny’s 616 personality. Something about it has always felt very off. And while I could just go “well it’s Mark Millar,” it occurred to me on a recent reread what’s wrong with it: it feels staged. Johnny���s in the middle of filming a reality show; the camera crew is who walks in on him. If he was trying to cultivate this playboy image, well, one way to do it is to make sure you’re walked in on in a compromising situation. He and the girls are all still fully clothed, and he actually ditches the scene as soon as they’re discovered – to congratulate Ben on his engagement, but still – while the girls frankly seem more interested in each other. It’s a weird scene still, but there’s nothing in it either way to say he was or wasn’t setting it up to make it look like he was the kind of womanizing carefree celebrity party boy who has threesomes with hot cosplay girls while not actually doing that.
As for Psionics, the hot bank robber he sleeps with? Well, turns out her family from the future kidnaps him and uses him as a giant power battery in a machine that has a good chance of killing him. No bad feelings or anything, though.
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Again with the awkward body language. He certainly just stands there while she kisses him. This is the exact opposite of smoldering passion. Also, next time he sees her she tries to kidnap his niece, kills his longtime family friend Alyssa Moy in front of him, and then gets murdered right before his eyes. So. That all happened.
He has one apparent would’ve-been one night stand in Hickman’s run after this, except she turns into a bunch of bug monsters and activates the Negative Zone portal. He also has a highly implied brief sexual relationship with Daken Akihiro at this point, who… uses that connection to make Johnny feel horribly guilty over Daken’s apparent death and then so Daken can steal a weapon from the Fantastic Four. There’s a weird pattern here.
Darla Deering: The last and most recent of Johnny’s publicity relationships – Johnny starts seeing Darla, a major pop star, sometime after his experiences in the Negative Zone. This is another “they’re in a relationship but they don’t spend any time together” fling, too – at the end of the relationship, when Darla’s gotten together with Scott Lang, Johnny actually admits that he liked dating Darla because of Darla’s celebrity lifestyle more than he liked her. 
Here we hit Robinson’s run. Johnny does a lot of partying after he’s lost his powers, and while it’s not explicit, there’s something of an implication during this point that he is sleeping around. However, his most serious relationships in this run are with his family, Wyatt Wingfoot, and Peter Parker, and he has no consistent romantic partner. 
Which brings us to his last serious relationship: Medusa. This one’s a weird one, too, and it’s one where I’m not hesitant to blame the writer’s lack of research at all when Medusa and Johnny were genuinely very close during her stint on the Fantastic Four team. It’s clearly a placeholder relationship – we know Black Bolt/Medusa were going to get back together. If anything, I think here Johnny’s holding onto a piece of his then-missing family the only way he knows how.
So, a couple of relationships post-marriage, but by in large, with the exception of Namorita where we see hardly any of their actual relationship on page and perhaps Medusa, nothing serious. Certainly nothing like his impassioned “head over heels” falls for Crystal and Frankie Raye. So there’s very definitely a change in Johnny after Lyja and in how he behaves in romantic relationships – the implication that he does have casual sex, the uptick in relationships that are clearly for the public eye, a lack of a previously held deep devotion to his partner. I think you could make a really good case for all this coming about as a result of lingering and unaddressed trauma from Lyja. 
There’s also, and this isn’t explicitly romantic, the appearance of this little quizzing game:
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(Fantastic Four: Secret Invasion) This actually is Lyja in her only appearance since FF #416, disguised as Sue and trying to convince Johnny that Ben is a Skrull for… well for nothing good, obviously, but the book never actually gets into why she’s attempting to separate Ben from Johnny, except that separating him from his family is exactly what she tried to do before she was discovered to a be a Skrull during their “marriage.” But it’s telling that when Johnny feels like something isn’t right, he immediately starts quizzing “Sue” about things she should know. Definitely seems like the kind of game someone who unwittingly married and was abused by a shapeshifter would invent to make sure that the people in his life are really who they’re supposed to be.
So I definitely think there’s a lot of lingering trauma there that, if a really good writer dug into it, could inform a lot about both the romantic relationships he had after that point and his romantic future, especially if it was paired with a story where he explores his romantic feelings for men. It’d be interesting to see it doubled up with doubts after his relationship with Daken in that regard, since Daken also used him to gain access to the Fantastic Four. I’d love to see it all really gotten into and actually, for the first time, addressed, especially if it was in the context of a romantic relationship with Wyatt Wingfoot, who was present during the early days of Lyja’s seduction of Johnny and is also who Johnny ran to after he discovered the truth about the monster Lyja told him was their child. A lot of history to get into there.
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dancingskys · 5 years
About that "little" random questions thing ... here we go ^^ From part 1 question 11, part 2 questions 7 and 9 because I'm interested in your answer and couldn't decide for which I was more curious, for part 3 it's 11 again and another 11 for part 4. For part 5 it's question 9 and finally for part 6 it's question 5. If you're uncomfortable with sharing any of the answers to the questions, obviously you don't need to give an answer ^^
Part 1, 11:Go-to ice cream order?
I’m actually not a big ice cream fan. I always have to cough afterwards... But when I get some it’s usually vanilla or stracciatella with shipped cream. Might scare the vanilla with my dog (after I’m done). Or strawberry spaghetti ice!
Part 2, 7: Do you believe in witches and/or magic?
Hm... I do not believe in magic in the sense that you can heal everything with herbs, stones and the power of the moon but. Wouldn’t be opposed to it being real but I have to admit I’m somewhat hard to convince because I don’t believe in any higher power or spirit so if there is not ‘scientific proof’ it’s hard for me to believe it.
Part 2, 9: Do you believe in anything mythical/supernatural? (Bigfoot, Mermaids, Vampires, etc.)
Not really but again I wouldn’t be opposed to accepting it if there was proof that fitted my standards. Sometimes I want to believe there are mythical beings out there and I very much like imagining fantasy worlds but I kind of separate that from my actual reality. You should see what goes on in my head sometimes. Showers and car rides are wild times for my brain.
Part 3, 11: Talk about one of your favorite memories you share with a friend.
Hm... this is difficult because I feel like humans generally forget a lot of the good things? And I’m not a very emotional person, neither happy nor sad, so I am even more prone to forgetting stuff. 
I think - and this is not really a memory - it might be the knowledge that my only really close male friend is kind of an exact copy of me? We understand each other on levels that others can’t comprehend because we have very, very similar views and pretty much the same personality. I know I can talk to him about anything, even if we don’t text much and only see each other every few weeks/months. 
Then as for an actual memory... going to the zoo with one of my best friends a while ago. I was a really, really nice day and I just came up with the idea one moment, texted her and she said ‘yes, let’s do it!’ so we did and it was great. Some people might have thought we were a couple because we were holding hands and linking arms pretty often. We’d make a great lesbian couple x,D Polar opposites but still very understanding of one another.
She also completely understood that I had trouble going to her birthday party this year because I didn’t know the people and the plan was to go clubbing. She said she had expected me to want to stay home (in a really nice way, it just doesn’t translate well) and told me not to worry about it, we could just go out to eat some other time, just the two of us and I think I almost cried when I read her message.
Part 4, 11: Favorite song right now?
Let me look for the most recent songs in my playlist because I never have just one.
Birds - Imagine Dragons
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto, Mike Taylor
Rescue Me - One Republic
One Foot - Walk The Moon
Walk On Water - 30 Seconds To Mark
Yes, I listen to very diverse music. This doesn’t include any K-pop.... Mikrokosmos by BTS because I get fucking emotional and remember the concerts in Wembley T^T
Part 5, 9: Be famous while you’re alive but forgotten when you die OR Be unknown while you’re alive but famous after you die?
Be famous while I’m alive because I’d like to use my fame to change things which I can’t actively do when i’m dead. I don’t know I’m not famous anymore when I’m dead so... no big deal.
Also... this might sound like an attention seeker but I’m a content creator and recognition is something I crave a lot which I sadly always feel like I lack... not saying my works are revolutionary and need all the attention but I crave interactions with my audience which have gone down A LOT so I have lost some of my drive.
It’s like working on something for weeks, you show it once you’re on stage and there are a few people sitting in the otherwise empty audience but they just stare and then get up and leave without doing anything until you are left alone with your creation.
Gosh, I sound like such a whiny baby, I’m sorry. It’s just that I was at this point before and I completely stopped writing for a fandom, stopped writing a story I hadn’t finished and just... yeah, I’m scared of that happening again which I feel like it might be happening. I’ve gotten better at creating things for myself but still. It’s... very unsatisfying.
Part 6, 5: Have you ever cheated on a test?
Ha! YES! My English exam in sixth or seventh grade. Had no idea what the fuck anything meant so my friend (the same friend from the zoo memory) told me all the answers. I also cheated on all my math exams throughout my last three years of high school. Nothing major but I wrote down how to calculate things and had those in my pencil case because that was the only way I could get acceptable grades.
Otherwise no. I’m not one for cheating and haven’t done it apart from those times.
I hope I got all question correct. Thank you for sending them in! I hope I didn’t scare anyone off with my lengthy answers but I just really like talking.
Ask me some questions~
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