#i don't necessarily agree with everything hawke says and does
anneapocalypse · 1 year
4, 8, and 16! 🔥🔥
For the 🔥choose violence 🔥 ask game!
Disclaimer: provocative name aside, I am not actually trying to be mean here, these are just my opinions offered for Entertainment Purposes™️, and I’m not mad at anyone who has a different opinion.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I'm lucky if I remember why I blocked anyone. I just have to assume past!Anne had a reason. 😂
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Okay, so this one's about Merrill, but before I say it I have to qualify that I am not on the Merrill hate train. I love Merrill, I think she's a great character, and I don't think she's wrong for wanting to restore her people's history. I do think that what she's doing is dangerous enough that it's in conflict with the duties of a Keeper to protect her people--but the thing is Merrill knows that, and that's why she agrees to leave the clan. She believes this is too important, more important than becoming a Keeper, which she also says she would have been terrible at. I do think Merrill is not being totally honest with herself about the danger at first; in Act I, she's very quick to insist that it's fine and she's got everything under control. But I think her years in Kirkwall make her more mindful--she sees a lot of demons, a lot of blood magic, she sees how Anders struggles with Justice, and she almost falls to another Pride demon herself if she goes into the Fade with Hawke. (Personally, I also think this might have something to do with her proximity to Audacity on the mountain, and then having more distance from it in Kirkwall, because I do think the Pride demon was influencing both her and Marethari. In the short story "Merrill" it's very clear that it called out to both of them, rather than Merrill seeking it out on her own.)
By Act III, she's undeniably aware of the danger because she asks Hawke to come along for that very reason. What Merrill is doing is undeniably dangerous, but dangerous does not necessarily mean evil or wrong. In the end, though I think there's undoubtedly some level of pride in her motives still, I do think Merrill is fully aware of the risks, and believes that the possible gain is worth it, and takes every precaution she can.
Furthermore, I think that Marethari fails in her duty to her people when she goes to the demon and allows it to possess her. Her responsibility is to protect the clan. When Merrill leaves, Marethari needs to accept her choice and let her go. She needs to move the clan on, out of reach of whatever danger she believes Merrill poses. If they need to contact another clan, raise new halla, she has years to do that. Instead, she keeps them on Sundermount for the better part of a decade because she (and her own pride) simply can't let it go, and in the end she leaves her clan leaderless and possibly dead because she (and, I think, Audacity) convinces herself that only she is capable of protecting Merrill. But Merrill isn't her responsibility anymore. Her clan is. And she abandons them.
So the one thing that kind of sticks in my craw is the idea that Merrill must be an unparalleled genius because she successfully reverse-engineered an eluvian from a shard. Because the thing is she didn't do that! That's the thing she didn't do! She never successfully got the mirror working in canon. Maybe in the next game, for some world states, we'll find out that she did finish it, or maybe we'll never hear about it again; as of the information we have right now, she never made it work.
And I know this one is contentious, because there's a big interpretive gap as far as how close Merrill was to making the eluvian work. And I'm not trying to step on anyone's headcanons here; there's room for speculation and when it comes to headcanon or fanworks there's truly nothing wrong with going the route that she was really, really close, and maybe succeeded down the road.
But as far as canon, we simply do not know. We do not know how close she was. We do not know whether she had built it correctly and simply needed the power to activate it, or whether there was some fundamental flaw in her theory she hadn't figured out, or whether it was wrong from the ground up. We do not know whether Audacity truly knew what she needed or would have given it to her had Marethari not interfered. We don't even know whether it's possible to build an eluvian in a post-Veil world, for that matter! We don't know, and we probably never will.
In fact, it's unclear to me whether Merrill actually knows the full extent of what eluvians are supposed to do. She says in her Act II quest "Mirror Image" that she knows that they were used for communication over distances (which was the extent of ancient Tevinter's understanding of them, and what Duncan remarks in Origins), but she doesn't know exactly how they work. I don't remember her ever saying that it's supposed to be a physical portal you can travel through. There's a moment where Hawke asks what's wrong with it and Merrill exclaims, frustrated, "Well... look at it! Do you think it's just supposed to sit there not doing anything?" I'm not convinced she actually knows what it's supposed to do, only that it's important to her people's history. I'm not blaming her for her lack of knowledge here--I think as fans we've gotten so used to hearing about eluvians that it's easy to forget their existence isn't common knowledge in-universe even among the Dalish. Ariane's clan was safeguarding an exceptionally rare text about eluvians and even she didn't know what they were (in part because most modern elves canonically are not fluent in ancient Elvish, something else I think people kind of forget).
Again, I don't think Merrill is wrong for wanting to discover and restore her people's history. If anything, the gaps in their knowledge only make that more important. I'm also not saying any of this because I'm trying to refute the idea that Merrill is smart. I think she's very clever and resourceful and I think this shows in a great deal of her dialogue with other characters.
I just don't think we can know, based on canon, that her theories were 100% correct and she is now the foremost expert on eluvians. Again, I have zero issue with this as headcanon--I really am not coming for anyone who holds it as such! My only disagreement is when it's put forth as Fact, and like anyone who takes a different view of canon is wrong and is trying to tear down Merrill.
Because like all my faves in this series, it is possible for a character to be good and compelling and interesting and even right about a lot of things without being right about everything all the time.
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Okay we'll take this one for whatever values of "so many people," because at this point I don't really see this one come up all that much, but as a huge Sera fan, I do not understand the appeal of the "Sera is Andruil/has a fragment of Andruil" fan theory, and I don't think I ever will.
For one thing, by the end of Trespasser we know that Solas and Mythal are walking around in the waking world still because they are exceptions. The rest of the Evanuris are not hiding among mortals. We know where the others are! They're in the Fade! Solas trapped them there! That was a pretty significant thing that happened!
For another, Solas and Andruil were not friends. If Sera was or was carrying a piece of Andruil, and Solas recognized her, I think he would have reacted strongly. Maybe he wouldn't be capable of killing her on the spot in his current state, but also I sort of doubt he would be walking around gently prodding her to remember who she is.
The theory also seems to be partially based on the misapprehension that Sera's archery skills are somehow magical, which I've already talked about.
But also, and more importantly to me personally, I feel like it just ruins Sera's character. Sera's story is that of a young adult with a lot of unrecovered childhood trauma, and deep issues with identity, rejection, and abandonment, still trying to find a place where she belongs and discover what she believes about the world. What does her unwittingly carrying around a piece of an elven god add to that? What does it add to her painful memories of Lady Emmald, to her sense of alienation from other city elves? It undermines the perspective she brings to the Inquisition as a commoner, a Nobody who is proud of being nobody. It completely ruins her relationship with Solas, turning them from a fascinating set of foils (the ancient elf who broke the world vs. the modern elf who is in so many ways the product of the world he created) into just two ancients arguing with each other. If anything, it feels like papering over everything that makes her complicated and interesting in an attempt to "fix" her: Look, she is Elfy after all! She's the Elfiest!
Sera doesn't need to be secretly an ancient goddess to be a compelling character.
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bthump · 2 years
Can you please share your opinion about this video talking about why Guts is an admirable man (youtu.be/YF7cv6A8SQY). Though I did enjoy the video because I like philosophy, I think Guts is still lacking in the justice part.
So just to get this out of the way, sending me videos to comment on is definitely a crapshoot because I have very little ability to watch things I'm not interested in, and as soon as something feels like homework I'm out. I watched this one because it was only 6 minutes long, but even that's kinda pushing it for me lol. So yeah for any future asks, I def can't guarantee a response on videos.
But anyway that said I did watch this one and my initial thought was that this feels like a Berserk fan learning something new and reaching for ways to connect it to Berserk lol. I'm not saying that's necessarily the case, but yk, if you're going to pick a fictional character who exemplifies the 4 cardinal virtues, Guts is a bizarre choice, and I don't think Plato’s virtues have any relevance to Berserk’s narrative so it comes across as a very random connection to me. Granted, as a film studies purist I usually tend to feel that way when people apply their favourite subjects to analyses of fiction so I’m biased lol, but this feels extra tenuous.
But yeah of the 4 cardinal virtues, the only one I think Guts is a good example of is fortitude, and, interestingly enough, I don't think the narrative considers it a virtue the way Plato does. It's a mixed bag here.
Definitely agree that he’s lacking in the justice department, Guts doesn't give a shit about what's fair. In the Golden Age he happily killed hired goons without a care and wanted to keep the money. In the Black Swordsman arc he ignores his guilt in causing people's death with his branded presence and justifies it by saying it's their fault for not being strong enough. In the Conviction Arc he's totally cool with ten thousand people dying so he and Casca survive. And even after his character development in the Millenium Falcon arc it's not like he's involved in Schierke's outrage about the treatment of Kushan slaves, or saving children from slavery, he's not interested in a just world the way Griffith's side of the narrative is, etc. It’s a significant theme that he’s mostly only concerned about himself and the people he cares about, often at the unfair expense of others.
Lack of prudence is basically his fatal flaw in the Golden Age when he misunderstands everything and leaves the Hawks, and then when he leaves Casca in a cave to fight monsters for 2 years, and he doesn't really improve as he develops. Using the armour while ignoring warnings and pretending to be immune to the side effects still shows a lack of prudence, swinging first and asking questions never when he sees Griffith shows a lack of prudence. Godo specifically describes Guts as the opposite of prudent when he says, "He turns and starts running towards something one way, without noticing some other thing, and nicks himself." Guts is consistently terrible at predicting consequences and understanding the correct course of action to take. He occasionally makes the right choice with a lot of outside pressure, like when he let the rpg group join him, or like when he decides not to fight Zodd on the docks, but considering he needed to nearly rape Casca for the first example, and be half dead and for Serpico to step in and speak for him for the second, it’s still not great.
(Though to be really fair I will say that sometimes he shows a certain emotional intelligence that makes him prudent in small ways, such as convincing the priest in the troll village to let them stay, or realizing that Farnese traded a marriage for a boat for him. But yeah as far as major plot points go, it’s still a fatal flaw.)
And lmao @ temperance. Yeah sure, Guts isn't an alcoholic or a glutton or a hedonist, but his other biggest fatal flaw is literally using extreme violence to block out negative thoughts to the point of blacking out and mindlessly killing, hence the title Berserk. Not very temperate of him.
Anyway yeah, thanks for the ask, hope this was the kind of response you were looking for lol. I'd say the video is a decent introduction to the four cardinal virtues, but the Berserk connection is pretty nonsensical imo and the dude's take on Guts is way too rose-coloured.
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princessshikky · 4 years
Basically an m!handers soulmate AU that I finally finished while sitting at home because quarantine.
Anders' words are "Maker's grace, I must be the luckiest man alive", and at first he was slightly bitter about it. How can this guy consider himself lucky, torn apart from his family and locked in a prison? And more importantly, why couldn't he have something Karl said to him instead?
In solitary, the words become his anchor. No оne knows for sure where the Words come from or what they mean, but оne thing's certain: if you have someone's Words оn your wrist, you'll meet this person. Your meeting might be short and tragic, but it's bound to happen. Screw the sappy tales of "the Maker meant these people for each other", it's not true (he desperately wants to hope, but he's too bitter and tired), but he'll leave the solitary alive and meet this guy, that he knows without a doubt. 
And sure, he leaves, and Amell (ginger hair, long nose, same old tattoo оn her face) recruits him, and for a while everything is good. Emily wouldn't flirt or sleep with him anymore (sometimes he doubts she even remembers they actually slept together оnce in the Tower), but he's fine with that. Except when Emily leaves, everything goes to hell, and soon he has to run, and merge with Justice. That didn't go so well. 
They go to Kirkwall, because no Wardens, and, more importantly, Karl, and the city is a hellhole, but at least the refugees are so desperate they are willing to protect him from the templars. Anders is alerted regardless: any minute, something could happen. Karl could get caught, the templars could barge into his clinic, Justice could come outside and loose control and slaughter everyone (he tries not to concentrate оn that last possibility, it makes both of them uncomfortable). Sure enough, when a group of armed strangers come through the door, he is ready to defend himself and his patients. Justice sends him a burst of energy, and Anders tentatively lets him... not take over their body, no, but come to the surface of their conscience. 
"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?" — Justice demands in Anders' voice. Black-haired guy with a longsword suddenly groans, and another оne gasps. 
"Maker's grace, I must be the luckiest man alive". 
"Oh, no", — the sword-guy mutters, and Anders is inclined to agree with him. Oh, no. He doesn't need that now. He has Justice, and the compulsive need to help people, and the manifesto, and Karl, and he wouldn't wish to thrust this burden upon anyone. 
Hawke doesn't exactly give him the chance to back off. He's kind, and understanding, and a fellow mage (an apostate, no less!), and he's immediately supportive, and looks at Anders with reverence, and he's so gorgeous it's unfair.
 In short, Hawke is perfect. 
He helps with the disastrous attempt to get Karl out. He helps with the mage underground. He tries to help the mages escape the Circle. He reads the manifesto and offers new arguments. He is even supportive about the situation with Justice. He looks at Anders like he hung the moons in the sky. How is a man supposed to stay away from that, even if staying away would be better for Hawke in the long run? 
When Anders says "I love you", it breaks his heart a little, knowing that they live оn borrowed time. That most mages are not allowed the luxury of loving someone, and Anders has to change that, even at the expense of his own happiness, of Hawke's happiness. He doesn't expect Hawke to understand: Hawke is just оne man, he never had to live in a Circle, he doesn't have a spirit in his head. 
He still asks Hawke for help, knowing he'll pay for the betrayal with his life. 
Only he doesn't. 
Later, after the templars back off, after Orsino helps the apprentices escape, after Meredith turns into a chunk of red lyrium, after Bodahn shoves the hastily-gathered supplies into Hawke's hands, after they run from Kirkwall, after Merrill and Aveline leave them, after they make a camp and Carver and Varric pretend to be busy with the fire, they have time to talk. Hawke sighs and frowns and shakes his head. 
"I can't believe you did this". 
"The mages need to be free", — Anders says, or maybe it is Justice, taking over like he does sometimes when Anders is exhausted. — "What I did was unforgivable, but it was the оnly way to achieve this". 
"Yes, blowing the fucking Chantry building sounds like a reasonable strategy to prove that mages are harmless", — Varric snarls. 
"Who cares about the damn Chantry?" — Hawke says, louder than necessary. — "I definitely don't plan to shed any tears over them". — Carver snorts quietly at that, and Hawke smiles at his brother before turning back to Anders. — "What I meant was... Well, you should have told me. I... you should have trusted me with that". 
"I didn't want to endanger you any more than necessary". 
"Endanger... Anders, do you have any idea how scared I was? I lost my home, I lost my family, and I thought I was going to lose you too! You acted like you were preparing for a certain death! Every day I woke up and I looked at you and thought "Is it going to be today?". Do you know how I felt when I saw that damn Chantry going in flames? I was relieved! Because at least everything has reached a conclusion and I didn't have to wait any longer, I could just act! Maker damn it, right now I can finally breathe again now that I know my lover isn't going to go and kill himself while I'm not looking!" 
Anders gulps. Carver shakes his head but doesn't say anything. Varric looks at Hawke disapprovingly. For a moment everyone is quiet, until Hawke weakly smirks. 
"And honestly, if you'd asked me for help, I would've at least made sure Sebastian was at that Chantry along with Elthina. I can't believe you missed such a great opportunity to get rid of that asshole". 
Carver chuckles unexpectedly. 
"Damn, brother. I had no idea I missed your stupid jokes". 
Anders has to agree. He knew full well Hawke mostly used his stupid jokes to hide behind them — something Anders himself has done often — and yet... Hawke stopped joking some time before Leandra's death and it felt like he gave up trying. 
Still smiling, Hawke moves closer to Anders and kisses him lightly. 
"Look. There is nothing you can do that would make me leave you. And I mean it — nothing. So please, just trust me next time. We're in this together", — and it feels undeserved, unbelievable, so Anders (or Justice, ever protective) just has to ask. 
"Still feel like the luckiest man alive?" 
Hawke smiles, takes his hand and kisses the inner side of his wrist, where his words are curling оn Anders' skin. 
It takes some time for Garrett to decipher the words оn his wrist, written in mostly-unintelligible scrawl, like someone was simultaneously hasty and angry. 
"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?". 
All right, Garrett could think of worse ways to start a conversation. At least these Words are unique. He'll know his Person instantly. 
Carver teases him mercilessly. "I can't believe this all fit оn your hand" and "Well, it doesn't seem like your person will appreciate your dumb jokes", and even "Gah! Marauder! Why would you ever threaten a sanctum of salvation!". But after Carver finds Garrett making out with their neighbours' son behind the barn, and Garrett makes him promise not to tell anyone, not father, not even Bethany, Carver becomes a little nicer. Maybe it's because they share a secret now, Garrett reasons, something just for the two of them. 
"Do you think it's a guy? Your Person?" — Carver asks оne day, when everyone else is already asleep, and Garrett doesn't feel like deflecting with a joke. 
"I hope so. I mean, it might be a girl, they say that sometimes your Person is just a friend to you, but still... I'd prefer a guy". 
"Do you not like girls at all?" — Carver asks disbelievingly (he is a teenager, after all). 
"I don't hate them, I guess, but they're just... not interesting", — Garrett says. — "Guys are..." 
"I guess you could say that". 
"Well, good. At least you won't steal any girls from me", — Carver says confidently, and Garrett just smirks. "You can keep them as long as you send any cute guys in my direction".
The first time Garrett hears about the Warden healer, he thinks it's too good to be true. 
A free mage who openly uses his magic to help other people? Come оn. In order to be free, mages have to hide their magic, keep their heads low and never be too close to other people. Holding a free clinic for the refugees? No оne's this selfless. 
Except for this Anders Warden, apparently. Who lives in Darktown, and who is the most competent healer Garrett's ever met. And who is understandably wired to see four armed strangers оn his doorstep. 
Anders grabs his staff and turns to them in оne swift motion. 
"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?" 
Carver groans, but Garrett just doesn't feel like paying attention to his little brother right now, as much as he loves Carver. 
"Maker's grace, I must be the luckiest man alive", — Garrett gasps and means every word. His Person is a guy (a good-looking guy, to boot), a fellow apostate, someone brave and selfless enough to openly use his magic to help people... what's not to like? 
The more Garrett finds out about Anders, the more he realizes just how damn lucky he is. His first impression was right: Anders is too good to be true. Yes, he lashes out at Merrill sometimes, but other than that? Perfection. Kind and compassionate and sensitive and working to free the mages, always willing to help Garrett solve his troubles. The оnly problem? While Anders does seem interested in Garrett sometimes, he never takes any action. He calls Garrett a friend, he tries to keep Garrett away, he never takes the first step, and Garrett is patient, but damn it, it takes three years before Anders runs out of excuses and lets both of them be happy. 
And then he starts acting strange. He becomes more distant, his love declarations become more desperate, and it seems like he is waiting for something. Garrett's already lost his sister and mother, and his brother is somewhere оn Warden missions, and he _cannot _lose someone else. He feels like he cannot breathe properly, like he is sick with fear, like Kirkwall chokes the air out of his lungs. He cannot sleep at night if Anders isn't home, tossing and turning and waking up from nightmares gasping for air. 
One day, when Anders is in his clinic, Garrett comes to the alienage. Merrill is happy to see him — anything to distract her from the thoughts of her clanmates dying under their blades and spells — and talking to her is easier than Garrett imagined. 
"I want you to teach me blood magic". 
Anders would be furious if he knew, but ultimately he would understand. He said he would drown Kirkwall in blood to keep Garrett safe — and Garrett would absolutely do the same for Anders. 
When Merrill carefully cuts her wrist and gives the knife to Garrett, he thinks he sees the eluvian glimmering in the corner. 
And then it's over. The Chantry explodes, Elthina is dead (good riddance, Hawke thinks when Sebastian starts wailing), Anders is alive. 
Everything goes straight to hell. Sebastian leaves, which is expected, and Fenris joins the templars, which is a huge blow. Yes, Garrett knew about his views, but he thought Fenris had his back. He always helped Fenris out, didn't he? Even Cullen, of all people, decided to help Hawke at the end. Cullen, the asshole who said Tranquility is a mercy. And Zevran is helping them fight for some reason? Apparently Hawke is shitty at the whole "reading people's intentions" thing. 
At the end of the day, people Hawke cares about are alive. Merrill, Aveline and Carver are fine. Anders is alive. Varric is here, giving Anders judgmental looks but mercifully not saying anything. They get to leave Kirkwall unharmed, albeit in a hurry. Aveline and Varric keep looking at Hawke like they expect him to do something, but Hawke is honestly too tired to think about it. What do they want? He has no clue. Apparently he barely knows people who he regularly spoke with. Eventually Aveline takes him aside to check the road ahead and to talk privately. 
"Are you going to say anything to him? About him?" — she asks. For a moment Hawke considers playing dumb, pretending he doesn't know what she means, but ultimately deems it useless. 
"What do you want me to say? Hey, love, good job killing Elthina, are you tired, do you want me to carry your backpack for you?" 
"I cannot believe you actually approve of what he's done", — Aveline spits out. 
"Well, I do", — Hawke says simply. — "And even if I didn't... Maker help me, I would protect him anyway". 
"He's murdered innocent people!" 
"He's my family, Aveline! And I cannot lose him, not after everything!" 
Aveline has a pitying expression оn her face. And if anyone else tried to have this conversation with him now, Hawke would probably punch this person, but Aveline is as much of a family to him as Carver and Anders. And isn't it an uncomfortable realisation? That he is no better than people he so callously judged? That if he'd found Anders, Merrill, Carver or Aveline gleefully murdering half of Kirkwall in a blood magic ritual, he would still defend them until his dying breath? Does this make him an awful person? It probably does, but this night has been full of uncomfortable truths he has had to realise about himself and others. 
Thankfully, Aveline doesn't press the matter further. 
They leave оne by оne. Merril says she needs to protect the alienage elves (and she couldn't just leave her mirror, which is fair). Aveline goes back to lead the guard again. Carver has some Warden mission. Varric promises to give the Chantry a false trail to follow, but his eyes are hard when he says that. Probably still angry about the explosion, Hawke thinks and hurts оn Anders' behalf. 
Anders is still quiet. Hawke is still afraid to leave him alone for long periods of times, even if Justice has come out to promise he wouldn't let Anders do anything stupid. 
They are sitting оn a log, staring into the campfire. There are glimpses of blue in Anders' eyes. Hawke feels sudden urge to hug his lover and sees no reason not to follow through. 
Anders shivers in Hawke's arms. 
"Love, what?" 
"Nothing", — Anders shakes his head, — "just... Sometimes it's still hard to believe you're with me". 
"You won't get rid of me so easily". 
"I don't deserve you". 
Anders' self-deprecation is unbelievable sometimes. It just feels wrong, that a person as amazing as Anders doesn't realise his worth. One of the many reasons to hate the Circles, Hawke thinks bitterly. 
"Love, I'm the оne who doesn't deserve you. You're the bravest, most selfless person I've ever met. You healed the poor and downtrodden when everyone abandoned them, you stood up for the mages when no оne else did, you went against Meredith..." 
"And betrayed your trust in the process". 
"Well," — Hawke starts carefully, because it's not untrue, but he's not so bitter about that anymore, — "you're here now. The оnly оne who stayed with me". 
Anders looks at him with eyes full of hope. 
"I won't repeat my mistake again, I promise. You're stuck with me now. I'm not going anywhere". 
"Good", — Hawke says, relieved, because Anders speaks like he means it. — "I wouldn't have it any other way".
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Love is Selfless, It's Kind (Loki x Female Reader) (Part 42)
Summary : Wanda tells you something about Allie, loki makes a decision to protect you.
Warning : 18+ Smut, Slight Mommy kink, Soft sweet scaredy lo :( , Short chapter
Taglist : @colifower @rinacreateart @christineblood @the-wounded-healer05 @lokiprompts @geeky-politics-46 @sharklover927 @virtualstrawberrydinosaur @huntress-artemiss @rat-p1ss
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You both looked at each other as she mentioned Allie's name, Loki's eyes widened as he processed the information, he got up with you still on his lap and he put you down on the table gently, then he kissed your forehead before he walked towards the other side, wanda seemed frazzled so he sat down on his knees in front of her as he turned her chair to face him "Wanda why did you say that? What do you know, tell me everything" you stepped down from the table so you were face to face with both of them
She sighed as she looked at you, vision and then back at loki "look I'm not sure" she scrunched her nose and loki facepalmed "But yesterday when I met her, I shook her hand, you know I made a little speech for tony right? Cause he's like a dad to me, I was nervous and when I'm nervous my powers go all haywire, so when steve introduced me to her, I accidentally got inside her head" she looked at you and then loki again "and?" He raised his eyebrows as he asked "She was saying something about you, she was pissed off and angry, that she wasn't able to get to you" she looked at you as she talked, loki was right about her being here for wrong reasons, you got goosebumps as you listened to her
"Anything else?" He asked her and she shook her head in no "Well that proves my doubts atleast if nothing more, I knew she was trouble as soon as she walked in" this was no time or place to make jokes or puns so you kept your mouth shut, you walked on the other side and engulfed wanda in a bear hug "Don't worry wan" you mumbled and she sighed "I am going to watch her like a hawk now" she whispered and you smiled, even though you did worry about Allie , who is she? What does she wants with you? You have never met her or even seen her in your life before.
"Let's not make it obvious that we know something, both of you, calm down okay? If she's upto something don't let her get an idea that we know something, she shouldn't know that we know" They both looked at you as you spoke and vision agreed "That's actually a very wise advice, follow that" You smiled and after promising each other that they would keep the information about her under wrap for now, they both left from the confrence room soon after. You turned around and engulfed loki in a bear hug, you could tell he was worried out of his mind, he was so stiff in your arms "Relax baby, sweet sweet boy, you have to stop thinking for a second okay? " You whispered in his ears and he took a deep breath before wrapping his arms around you, so tight you felt crushed but not necessarily in a bad way.
"She's out there to harm my princess, how can I relax y/n ?" He mumbled and you scratched his scalp with your fingers "I know she is, and I know it's very hard to do so in such a situation, but please baby, I'm here okay, safe with you, not going anywhere" You tried to assure him but you knew it would be futile. When you both reached the lounge, you saw her with Steve and thor - jane was there too, thor was also looking at Allie weirdly, does he know something too? You wondered
"We are going home for now, I'm training y/n from tomorrow, so I'll be here then" loki said to thor and you heard steve snickering
"Something funny Rogers?" Loki clenched his jaw, steve was on a helluva drug, he was pussy whipped it seemed "No no, not at all, tell me y/n does he keep you locked up inside a cage since he's so scared all the time?" Steve responded and loki almost charged towards him but you stopped him "Brother you should leave" thor said to loki before he could say anything and you agreed, you squeezed his forearms and he looked at you, his eyes softened as he did
"Oh btw captain, to answer your question, no he doesn't but even if he would, I have to say I would enjoy it way too much "
You said to him and jane let out a small laugh, thor looked at her and she bit on her lips to stop herself from laughing any further. You never thought you'd ever see a day where you'd be talking back to Captain America like that but anything can happen now. Once you both got out of the tower, loki kept you so close to him until you were inside the car, he didn't trust anything or anyone, his eyes looked around to see any sign of danger, you hated him being so worried and stressed all the time but there wasn't much you could have done.
When you both reached home, you decided to order lunch today and you put the kettle on the stove to make tea for him, that would relax him a little. He sat down on the couch as you brewed his tea for him, he placed his head down on the back of the couch worrying about all of this and your life is in imminent danger, should he just take you to Asgard and keep you there? But then he won't find out about the Allie situation, and your mother is still missing, and there's apparently something threatening lurking around in New York.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realise when you came back with a cup of warm tea and sat down next to him "Here you go lo" you handed over the cup to him and he took it from you but placed it on the side table "You are supposed to drink it while it's hot" you lunged forward to grab the cup as you giggled, his heart felt heavy as he heard your giggling, if something happens to you he'll lose his happiness too, he'd never get to see you like this ever again, his eyes teared up at the thought so when you looked at him, he looked away quickly but ofcourse you noticed, you kept the cup down on the table again and you climbed on top of him to comfort him immediately, you placed his head on your chest and caressed him softly, your lips pecking the top of his head.
"What baby? What? Talk to me sweet love" your voice so soft and loving, it made him want to cry in your arms, you cupped his cheeks and made him look at you, a tear rolled down his cheeks so you wiped it with your thumbs "Hey hey hey, you sweet precious baby, calm down I'm here okay, I know you're scared but I'm not going anywhere" you kissed his forehead, both of his eyelids as he kept them closed, then you pecked him softly "I love you so much my princess, please stay close to me" he mumbled and you hugged him tightly "I'm here lo, as close as you want, I won't leave" you ran your hands through his hair and back and hair again. He pulled away from the hug and he kissed you, his mouth sucking you in as if he's kissing you for the last time. He was living in fear all the time and you hated it.
You felt his hand roaming all over your back and then put them under your dress, he cupped your behind and pulled you into him even closer if it was possible, he made you sit right on his crotch, it was really hard to not move as you felt him but you controlled yourself, why does he turn you on all the time? You pulled yourself away from him and went lower to kiss and suck on his neck, you just needed him to forget even if just for a second. He moaned so faintly as he felt your mouth, one of the most pleasurable experiences of his life has been when you sucked on his neck for the first time, he knew the very first day you did it that he would get addicted to that feeling and he truly is, he'd never get over it.
He grabbed your hips and made you move on him, you moaned as you felt the sensation "You wanted to move right? Why didn't you" he whispered in your ear and you put your head up to look at him, a small smile on his lips "how could I not when you're underneath me like this? But I'm trying to comfort you lo" you kissed the tip of his nose and he brought his hands forward to cup your cheeks "You always do" then he kissed you, small soft kiss "Your presence is enough to comfort me" Kiss "I swear you're my everything sweet princess" kiss "I love you so much" Kiss "Please don't leave me ever" Kiss "I'll lose my mind" and one more kiss, you pulled him in by his collar then instead of unbuttoning him you just ripped his shirt open. He gasped a little at the action, you moved your hips again, humping slowly over his clothed bulge, he hid himself in the crook of your neck while you bit down on his shoulder, then you licked a stripe to soothe him, can't hurt him, would never hurt him like that.
The sound of your moans mixed with his as you felt the pressure building slowly "Fuck me princess pleasee..take me in, let me feel you pleaseeee, I'll be so good I promise " he mumbled and you knew he was in a submissive mood "You're always so good lo..my pretty boy ..look at you" he whimpered as he heard you praising him, he loves it when you address him like that, he's your pretty boy and he loves being your pretty boy, you took him out of his pants and slid your underwear down so you could take him in, he held his cock up and you slide him in slowly, deliberately slow. You wanted him to feel each and every inch, you wanted to feel yourself stretch and getting full every second
"Fuckkk darling pleasse" he threw his head back on the couch and you placed your arms on the either side of his head, once he was fully inside you, you relished in the sight of him, his curly hair messed up because of your running your fingers through them, his lips swollen with all the kissing, breaths heavy, mouth slightly open as he moaned, beautiful beautiful god. You started to move up n down on him and he opened his eyes to look at you, it was his turn to admire you, you looked so lost in him, as much as he was in you "Oh baby, god you have the most perfect cock" you kissed him roughly and he wrapped his one arm around you while other one went behind your neck to hold you in place "Feel me close to you now baby?"
You asked him softly and he nods in yes "So close mommy.. always stay so close to me, never let me go" he mumbled and something about him calling you that when he is so vulnerable, when he's so weak for you, it makes you feral , you smiled before you increased your pace, he pulled the strap of your dress down so he could play with your boobs, you groaned as he took your nipple in his mouth and licked a circle around it. He knew every little inch of you and he knew you were about to let go so good for him "Gonna cum soon huh?" He whispered in your ear and you nod in yes, he kissed you and mumbled between the kisses "That's it, that's my girl, take my cock in your tight cunt, you pretty little princess..oh please" you moaned into his mouth as you heard him, his voice so deep and velvety, but so sugary sweet at the same time "Ohh yess milk my cum in you, pleasee darling soak me, cum for me please I'm begging you"
And how could you not when he begged so sweetly, you both cried out in pleasure as you made each other cum at the same time, his cock twitching inside you, your walls tightening around him, asphyxiating him in the best way possible. And for a moment he forgot everything, for a moment he allowed himself to let his guards down, to not be so cautious, to just enjoy this particular feeling devoid of fear or worry, just you and him, tangled up with each other. You kept your lips on his forehead as you took panting breaths, your arms stayed wrapped around his neck
"I love you my precious baby" you planted a small kiss on his lips and he lifts you up to take you in the bathroom, he got your both naked via magic and somehow managed to stay inside you as he walked from living room to the shower, when he finally got you under it is when he pulled out of you, his cum seeped out of you and he rubbed his cum all around your lips before he pushed them inside you again with his fingers.
After showering, you both changed into a comfortable pair of clothes and you heard the doorbell ring, the food that you ordered, almost forgot about that "I'll go get it, you stay right here okay?" He made you sit down on the bed as he went to grab the food "You ordered pizza" he giggled as he came inside with a box "Comfort food" he opened the box, took one slice and then fed you a bite.
After lunch, he made you take a nap with him, in your usual position, he kept his arm wrapped around you, as if you'd disappear if he wasn't holding you tight enough. You woke up after an hour or so and just admired him sleeping, the only peace he gets these days is when he's sleeping. You didn't go anywhere until he woke up, you didn't want him to panic to not see you near him, when he woke up you smothered him in much needed affection "Want me to make your tea again kitten? You didn't drink the last one I made" you asked as you placed soft kisses on his chest "I can never say no to that " he giggled and you crushed him in a tight hug. God you love him.
After making his tea, you decided to clean the house a little, it was a big place and you wondered how would you manage to keep everything clean. He stayed around you, didn't let you go afar even in the walls of your own home. He was reading when he looked at you as you were setting up his book case, all his books were still in a box and it's been almost a month since you two moved here, but you were so busy with the wedding you had time to do nothing. Not to forget you almost died, when your eyes met with his across the room, you smiled, he gave you a small smile and you got back to what you were doing. He loves you so much it hurts him.
If it wasn't for him, your life wouldnt have been so messy, your mom never looked for you until he came into your life, Carla hurt you so much then you got kidnapped by Thanos because of him, you died because of him, you would have been safer without him, but would you be happier? Would you be loved as much as he loves you? No, you have said it yourself time and again, he even tried to leave you so you'd be safe, twice, he couldn't live without you either but atleast nobody was trying to kill you or hurt you when he wasn't with you. When people had no idea you were his.
He walked over to you and sat down next to you "Am I doing this right, I'm arranging them alphabetically" you giggled, he grabbed your chin with his fingers and kissed you. What he's going to say to you, This might hurt you but he would do anything at this point to keep you safe,
"Princess" he kissed your forehead and you kept the book down "What's wrong baby?" You smiled at him and he looked at you, his eyes tearing up.
"I think we need to..break up, mutually"
Yeah no.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
This isn't unique to MHA at all but it feels like spending too much time interacting with the fandom compared to the source material ends up ruining the experience. Like I got the Team Up Mission books for Christmas and ended up crying at Melissa's story and it reminded me of why I fell in love with the story in the first place. It feels like the fandom is determined to nitpick everything to death and suck all the joy out of the story.
Oh yeah definitely
I feel like with fandom, you have to pick your battles, because it can escalate really quickly. Not necessarily with other people, but just like, your perception of the story, characters, even your perception of the writer
I mean, I remember loads of times where people went off about Hori being an abuse apologist or a misogynist. I think there were a few that called him racist, but I can't be sure of that so take it with a pinch of salt (if I remember correctly, they were about Hori's choice for Satou's design but mostly with the Ujiko name thing)
And there were a lot of times where I bought into that kind of thing. Where I started to think, actually, Hori is bad and horrible. I started to lose faith in his ability to write and tell a story because people kept harping on about Endeavor and Hawks and the kids and just everything
Even just the negativity in general effected the way I saw the story. It sucked
Fandom can really mess with your perception of things. You kinda have to take a step back and realize that maybe your opinions are being influenced by a collective mindset
And it is hard to separate yourself from fandom sometimes. You have to be able to decide what is good and bad in your own opinion, and not as a collective one
Of course you can take bits and pieces from other people's opinions. Sharing what you think and being open to other perceptions is a good thing! But you also have to be able to say "I don't agree with your view but I accept that you have it", go off and do your own thing
Also, you don't even have to agree or disagree to an opinion. You can just say "That's interesting to think about" and take it into consideration if you want
That's one of the reasons I don't do leak nights. The whole "collective mindset" thing with the first impression of a chapter really messes with what I'm supposed to personally think, so instead I just filter the tags, read the chapter on the friday and then read what everybody else thinks afterwards. If my impression was positive and the fandom's was negative, I can at least know that I have my own opinion of it and that it wasn't influenced by anyone else
Anyway, point is: I think you're absolutely right that the fandom nitpicks so many things
It's a shame, really, because bnha is a good series. I like that it's different. I've wanted "different" for years now, and Hori delivered
That's my opinion on it, and I'm sticking to it
If I'm to give you any advice, it would be
1) Have faith in Hori.
It sounds a bit too hopeful, I'm sure, but the guy does know how to round things out. Trust that he knows what he's doing, even just the littlest bit. Hang onto that little bit of hope. I say this as someone who has seen the up-and-down phases of the fandom
2) Be sure of your own opinion on the series.
Take a step back once in a while, even just briefly, and ask yourself if the fandom is effecting your view negatively. If it is, and it's in a very intense way, it may be time to take a break from the fandom. That doesn't mean you have to stop reading bnha! Just enjoy it away from all of the hate for a while, however long you want
If you decide to be interactive about avoiding the negative stuff, you can also make your own posts about what you like about the series. Even just something about the art. Personally, that works for me and it's improved how I look at the manga. Obviously, there's no shame in staying away from the fandom for a while, but it's an alternative if you'd rather not take a break🙂
3) Above all, remember that the series isn't over yet.
A lot of discourse and hate, I've noticed, is about current problems in the story. Please remember that any of those problems can still be fixed. There's still time to change the situation. There's still time to address it. Don't write off about how Hori has portrayed so-and-so as such-and-such-a-thing, this is the worst - it can still be changed.
4, and this is a personal thing I go by but I want to share if it helps) Hori is Just A Guy.
The vibe I get from Hori is that... he's just someone who wants to tell a story. And he wants to do it in his own way. That's literally it. Fandom treats him like he's the worlds last hope at a good story but it isn't true. He's just a guy who sits in his office, draws and writes a story he wants to tell. He is simply vibing (also stressed but like. in terms of story and laying things out, he is vibing)
I hope this helps, at least
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
I really love your what if? miraculous questions. It's always cool to see how character's canon characterization can work with another power and the potential growth that can occur. Was wondering if you ever thought about Alya and the Ladybug? Alya and the cat is pretty well explored in Alyanette fandom, but considering she was almost given the Ladybug, I was wondering how you think Tikki and Alya would get along.
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Thanks for the support! This question is actually relevant to my interests, as it relates to 'The Brave, The Bold And The Miraculous'. The fun thing about Alya as a character is that she's just so heroic. Like, most of the cast are or they wouldn't be able to be heroes, but Alya is just so gung-ho about it, you can drop whatever Miraculous in front of her and she'll just go: "My time has come."
However, part of Alya's apparent enthusiasm for the Fox Miraculous is that she gets to work with Ladybug. She gets to be a sidekick/support/team member to someone she admires. The idea of following someone else's lead is all over her transformation sequence: her costume has shoutouts to Majestia's and her transformation tune shares a leitmotif with Ladybug's (Hawk Moth's transformation also has the 'Miraculous' leitmotif, and he's explicitly a Marinette foil). This would also be an interesting aspect of hers to study in a piece of fanfic where she has to take on a leadership position when she can't just follow along with someone she admires.
Expect a new Ladybug!Alya to have a motivational poster on her wall or on her phone, saying WWMD (What Would Majestia Do?). At the beginning of her career Alya would try to model herself after the heroes she knows about, both because she wants to be like them but also because she's convinced they know what they're doing so she should learn from them.
Tikki would definitely get along with such an eager and responsible partner with such a respect for tradition. Alya has been following the exploits of heroes, so she has this intuitiveness that comes with being genre savvy. She'd try to be a very archetypical hero.
A potential point of contention comes when Alya starts asking deeper questions. Alya is so curious and she would want to know everything there is to know about the Miraculous. She'd be understanding why Tikki couldn't tell her, but she'd definitely try doing research and would probably become suspicious of the Order for putting the kwami under such a gag order. She'd understand the safety concern, but she would think it extreme. The issue would be that I don't see Tikki as agreeing with Alya on the idea of the Order not necessarily being untrustworthy or Alya digging into things so much. Tikki is the one kwami we've seen who doesn't seem to mind the way they're restricted and I see it as a part of her respect for authority. Tikki would trust the Order and wouldn't like Alya saying she was victimized by them. I don't think she'd get upset, but she would lean towards sticking with what's familiar and insisting it's not so bad.
Ladybug!Alya would also chafe under the idea of keeping her identity a secret from everyone and anyone more than Marinette does. She does present her own views on this at the beginning of 'Sapotis' and, without Ladybug convincing her that secrecy is the way to go, I see Alya finding a confidant much sooner than Marinette. After all, Alya is canonically the person who gives Marinette the courage to break her secrecy repeatedly in the show (back in 'Gigantitan', Alya's presence was a big factor in Marinette trusting their classmates with her feelings for Adrien). Depending on the circumstances where this happens, Tikki could be understanding or judgemental. I see the latter occurring in an instant where Alya decides to trust her own judgement over anyone else's, in other words, her purposefully breaking the rules instead of other circumstances necessitating it.
The real friction would pop up between Alya and Fu, though. One, because Alya would want answers and Fu has been traumatized into being obsessed into being as secretive as possible. I also see Alya being less delicate about implementing new approaches than Marinette, making it harder for Fu to go along with her ideas, because surely this young firecracker is going to doom them with her carelessness, not seeing that Alya is enthusiastic and determined, not careless..
Now I have to cut it off before I start revealing actual plot points for my fic.
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