#i don't need them to like totally make up as in be friendly buddy buddies again in canon
sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 1 year
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ngl, this is probably my favorite bit i've ever written about the itoshis HAHAHAHA
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 6)
Mrs. Rayn was making her rounds in the nursery the next day, checking each crib and droneling dutifully, making sure each were plugged into their cribs and charging, there were only two, one in for an overnight stay… nervous new parents fretting over nothing. And little Tera.
She was running hot again. And Rayn wasn't sure if it was her own fault; her filters getting too old to do their job properly, or something else, as the other dronelings didn't seem to have the same problem.
Regardless, she sighed and picked up the excitable baby, who was awake and rolling around in her arms happily.
“Alright… time for a-” She heard the front door open and two pairs of footsteps step in warily. Probably those new parents, ugh, they needed to chill out.
“I told you two already, visor glitches are completely normal until the AI… settles…” She came hobbling to the door with Tera in her arms, still giggling happily with being held. But she didn't see who she expected.
Uzi and her murder drone “friend”. Both looking slightly embarrassed to be here.
“Oh? What are you two doing back here?” She asked, eyes glancing between them, slightly worried, she hoped they weren't going through oil that fast.
“Uhm… we wanted to check on Tera, Uzi-” The girl in question elbowed him roughly, although it didn't look like enough to truly hurt, and he started again. “-We didn't want her to feel abandoned, so we came to visit!” N explained, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
Rayn smiled, Uzi worrying over a baby was something she'd seen often believe it or not. When Nori was still alive they'd both be here, almost every other day, making the rounds with her. Uzi had always been doting, she was glad to see that hadn't changed, as so much about her had.
“Well that's real nice of you… I was just about to feed her since she's running hot again. Would you like to-."
“Yeah, I can do it.” Uzi immediately offered, and Rayn sat the droneling in her arms, Tera squealed as if she remembered them and rolled around excitedly.
“Hey, we're back. Hope you didn't miss us.” Her voice once more immediately fell softer, Rayn caught N's smile get larger out of the corner of her eye, and his tail began to wag.
For a murder drone the boy was ferociously polite, bowing slightly in greeting, although it looked like something in his programming was forcing him, as he winced while in the action. She wondered how he'd managed to hurt anyone with how friendly he seemed.
She watched as they made their way into the observation room, Uzi walking briskly and N walking behind her, eyes trained intently on the both of them.
She really did wonder how a hybrid child would look, she had the feeling she might live long enough to find out.
Uzi smiled down at the baby drone, already seeming to put down her shields in favor of being soft for the little one. Tera rolled into her chest, the pillbaby equivalent to a hug.
She totally didn't feel her core split in two with how adorable it was, nope.
“Here N, can you hold her while I get the bottle ready?” Uzi asked, looking up from the baby and turning around to face him, he looked out of it, but seemed to immediately reign himself in.
“Oh! Yeah! I can!” He nearly vibrated a hole in the floor, he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't excited to be holding the baby again. He'd been slightly perturbed after his thoughts last night, but being here seemed to ease them.
Tera looked at him curiously before giving him a wide smile, N smiled back, and he lifted his hand to steady the little one, before she rolled out of his arms with how excited she was.
“Don't get too excited buddy, you don't have any arms to catch yourself!” He laughed, and his hand rested on top of the soft silicon. Tera blew another raspberry at him.
Did that…tickle?
Without thinking his fingers danced lightly across her silicone, and Tera exploded with a peel of laughter, eyelights squeezed shut and rolling around uncontrollably.
He grinned even wider, stopping his assault and finally holding her steady, looking up at Uzi.
She'd just finished filling another small bottle, because he saw her rubbing her side with gritted teeth. Concern danced in his core for a moment, showing on his visor.
“You good?” He asked out of habit, and Uzi rolled her eyes but still nodded with a smile, looking back up at him.
“Do you wanna feed her?” Was her next question. Holding out the tiny bottle that was only slightly longer then the full length of one of his fingers, he stared at it for a moment, before slowly taking it in his hands.
The bottle was slightly warm, and Tera looked up at him expectantly, eyes looking curious. He felt a little strange, holding a bottle full of his best freinds oil, but he quickly pushed the thought away.
He found the panel Uzi had opened before, and the small opening that was slightly stained with oil, he felt nerves creep up his back, and his eyes flashed up to meet Uzi's again.
“You're doing fine N.” She assured him, an amused smile on her face and her arms crossed. But he still wasn't assured enough.
“Do I squeeze it or just let it drain?” He asked, not wanting to hurt the droneling or look stupid in front of Uzi- no what?
“Here.” She came to his side, adjusting his hold on the baby by lifting his arm before laying her hand over his.
Her hand is so small…
She led his hand down to the port and gently squeezed, he copied the pressure into his own hand and watched as Tera’s eyelights fluttered shut, and he felt her core hum slightly louder.
“Like this.” Uzi finished, although she didn't remove her hand, instead watching as the bottle was slowly drained, he idly realized her other hand had gripped his arm. He felt an unfamiliar tugging on his core.
His eyes drifted from the baby to his best freind, she had a small smile on her face, and seemed to be in a trance before snapping out of it, her eyes then locked with his and if anything her smile got wider, before she seemed to fluster and looked away.
Had her smile always been so bright?
“Why are you looking at me like that dude?”
“What do you mean?” He asked, he wasn't looking at her any differently then he always did, right?
“N-nothing.” Was all she said, making him even more confused, was he being weird without realizing? He hoped not!
But he had no time to dwell, Tera had finished the bottle and was back to babbling up at him, distracting them both from whatever had just happened.
“I've never seen a baby so happy.” Uzi laughed, booping the little ones visor gently, sending ripples through it and causing another bout of laughter from the droneling.
“Feel better?” He asked her softly, surprising himself, and apparently Uzi too, as she seemed to look away from him again before she answered with a silent nod.
“We should probably put her back on charge, babies are power hungry.” She informed, leading him by the arm to Tera’s crib.
“Do you want to set her down or do you want me to?” She asked, cocking her head slightly, making her look somewhat like a curious cat.
“Uh, I can.” He replied dumbly, holding the little one close to his chest for a moment before laying her gently in the crib, he felt Uzi reach in with him.
“And you plug them in with this.” Her body was pressed tightly against his side, legs hanging off the side of the crib, holding a small charger in her fingers and looking at the baby instead of him.
He took it from her hand as she gently rolled the baby onto it's side, revealing the smallest charge port he'd ever seen in his life.
“She keeps getting cuter…” N hummed, making a soft laugh bubble out of his freind. He felt heat rush to his visor breifly, had he forgotten to top up this morning?
“Priorities, N.”
He plugged in the pillbaby, causing her eyelights to glow slightly brighter with the power surge. Tera giggled, rolling around.
“Do babies normally roll around that much?” N asked, feeling concerned that she was going to unplug herself.
“Not normally at this age… if she's moving around so much it might be better to get her a toddler body so she can make use of all that energy…” She trailed off, sliding off the side of the crib after double-checking she wouldn't unplug.
“Of course, that's up to her parents to decide when she gets adopted.” Uzi added, almost as if she was reluctant to. That he understood, he really hoped whoever adopted her was as knowledgeable as Uzi was.
“Maybe we could mention that, to the new parents I mean.” N suggested, fidgeting with his hands.
“I'm sure Rayn’s already noticed. There's probably no need.” Uzi's voiced changed, closing herself back off to the world. Which meant was about to sugges-
“We should head out. If you want, we can go out scavenging? I still need parts for my railgun.” N was dissapointed, but at the prospect of spending another day hanging out with his best friend, he lightened up.
“Yeah! Sure! I love doing anything!”
Next ->
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thegreatyin · 5 months
Your posts about Fallen London are slowly tempting me into playing it- do you have any tips to start or is it best to play it completely blind?
i have a few tips and tricks! mind you im far from a veteran and i basically got my hand held by tumblr for most of the game so take everything with a grain of salt. you can and should do whatever you want always. i don't personally play it blind, but you may get more enjoyment out of it if you do, and that's awesome and im super happy for you. this is what i can say from experience:
take your time with it. this is like. the numero uno fallen london tip. it's not a game where you rush to the end in a week. it's a game where you do 10-minute-intervals of a marathon to the end in maybe a few months if you know what you're doing. spending money on action refills usually isn't worth it when you can just mosey on through neathly life one storylet at a time. a vast majority of the game's content is completely free to everyone, and while the monthly subscription options are pretty neat and let you play some exclusive story stuff (that can be pretty fire- cricket anyone basically defined the scoundrel's entire character) none of it is required and 99% of the time you aren't missing out on anything by just taking your time and exploring the neath at your own pace.
you need to raise all of your skills eventually! this is, uh. something im horribly guilty of not following myself. you can (and probably should) pick at least two stats to focus on for your character (most of the time these will be your main ambition stats, aka the closest thing FL has to a main story questline) but eventually you Will be expected to have them all at around the 100 range, minimum. for certain Super Late-game Story Content, watchful 200 is mandatory to start it, so if you have trouble choosing i'd recommend leveling that bad boy first. don't neglect your other stats though!!! don't be like me. don't be like my poor poor neglected shadowy and dangerous. it's too late for me. save yourself.
friends are fun and free and you are legally mandated to exploit them for fun and profit. okay you really aren't mandated to exploit your FL friends list but you totally should anyway just for goofy sillies. to be less jokey about it, while fallen london is primarily a single-player gaming experience, the playerbase is super friendly and super open to helping each other out (especially new players!). go on reddit, ask around on tumblr, get yourself a few buddies and use them as resources to gain items and stats and menace reduction i mean. valued companions that im sure you will treasure forever and definitely not backstab to publish that inflammatory newspaper article you've been cooking up.
on a very loosely similar note, the fallen london wiki is your best friend. yes, we're following stardew rules with this one. this is the kind of game best optimally played with a wiki article or three open in the neighboring tabs so you can follow along and know what is what. there's tons of guides on basically every part of FL, and it's no shame at all to reach out to either it or the wider community if you get stuck or feel lost at something.
if an in-game storylet has bold text, it will never lie to you! except for when it does. but that's very very very rare. you can always trust the bold text. it is always your friend. i prommy. which brings us neatly into our next bulletpoint,
seeking the name is ill-advised because it's the only storyline that can permanently brick your account at its conclusion. don't worry, the ease at which you can avoid this is practically comical, and the game will Always give you multiple chances to opt-out if you somehow accidentally start it anyway. most people make a dedicated alt character entirely for the purpose of sacrificing them to the well of doom. unless you're playing with your eyes closed for multiple months straight, you'll never run into SMEN without deliberately chasing it, and if you somehow get to that point honestly man just ignore this entire bulletpoint and see how far the rabbithole goes. go on. it's friendly :)
batfucking is always the right answer to any problem ever
echoes/the game's standard currency should always be thought of as a method of gaining items rather than a strict hoard of video game dollars. money-making can be super difficult in the earlygame, but it gets exponentially easier as you go further on. you shouldn't be afraid to sell anything you don't need, though personally i'd recommend keeping an "insurance stock" of the most basic items just in case. this includes rostygold, moon-pearls, honey droplets, etc. by-and-large, these are the easiest items to get in a pinch, and it usually isn't worth buying them from the bazaar when you can otherwise get them naturally through other methods around london. once you've got a good lodgings setup and feel decently familiar with the earlygame zones and their options, you should aim to have at minimum 1,000 of these bad boys on hand at any given time, then feel free to sell any excess you make for some quick cash in a pinch.
menaces aren't as bad as you may think, but be wary of specifically suspicion! the four main menace qualities you'll encounter in the earlygame are nightmares, wounds, scandal, and suspicion. when one of these menace stacks reach 8, you'll automatically be trapped in a unique location corresponding to whatever menace you raised too high and will have to spend time working your way out. some (nightmares and wounds) tend to fly-by rather quickly, while others (scandal and suspicion) tend to take a bit longer to get out of. none of these mean the end of your playthrough or your character, and some quests even require you to visit certain menace-exclusive locations! there are tons of items and ways to reduce menaces and keep yourself out of Situations such as these, but suspicion in particular is probably the only menace you should avoid maxing At All Costs. when your suspicion gets too high and you get sent to its special menace zone too often, you build up a criminal record that makes it harder to reduce suspicion in the future. fortunately, suspicion is the only menace with this gimmick, and before this record gets too high it's just as easy to keep row as the rest of the lot. TLDR, death from wounds is easy to escape from, but avoiding the strongarm of the law is substantially more annoying and inconvenient.
or you could be like tumblr user @with-bells-upon, who's apparently avoided death at all costs and apparently hasn't died once in the entire several months they've been playing. i don't even know how they've gotten this far without doing that. it's kind of impressive, kind of funny. especially since their ambition is one the few requiring you to die to proceed. this isn't a piece of advice i just wanted to affectionately call them out because what the heck
speaking of ambitions, pick the ambition that's right for you! ambitions are the biggest overarching questline in the game, and their requirements and rewards span the entire neath and occasionally even beyond. all four ambitions are meant to be started early and last well into the mid and late game. outside of a certain special situation regarding the light fingers ambition (the only ambition that explicitly lies to you in-game when describing its premise) you can't change your ambition without spending money, so choose carefully and choose well. they're all (mostly) equally rewarding and equally fulfilling adventures that will define your player character and your journey through the neath. there's tons of advice and spoiler-free summaries of each ambition online, so i won't cover it all here. just do your research (or don't, if you prefer) and follow your heart. maybe playing the world's most high-stake poker game ever speaks to you. maybe you want to commit a murder. maybe you want to commit a murder in the name of justice and/or revenge. maybe you just want a really really big really really shiny rock. all can be found in the neath, and all shall (eventually) be well.
if you buy 400 lucky weasels you get a special achievement. i don't need to say more.
make up a guy. this is another legal mandate if you're a fallen london player. you have to make up your own little sicko victorian london guy and roleplay them while you play. trust me. it's fun. it's free. they're going to haunt you forever. the scoundrel got a nickname like 4 months ago and ever since my mind has never known peace.
and probably most important of all, fallen london might not be the game for you, and that's okay. it includes a lot of reading. and grinding. and i do mean a lot of reading and grinding. particularly the latter, which tends to throw people off the most out of anything. it's a very niche game for a very niche audience and getting into it can be an acquired taste at the best of times. but when you do get into it, it's some Really good writing and Really in-depth worldbuilding and the most fun you'll ever have imagining sicko victorian guys running around building train stations and railway tracks directly to hell. take your time, have fun, and most important of all, always look to love.
anyway yeah that's my fallen london tips and tricks list isn't it really short and comprehendible
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forthegothicheroine · 4 months
How Other Great Detectives Would Solve the Riddler Murders
A series I do sometimes. This is based on The Batman (2022). I will be assuming that none of these universes have already established superheroes and supervillains unless it's also in that canon.
Sam Vimes: The Watch as a whole might solve the case, but Vimes is going to be in the wrong headspace. Carcer was bad enough as playful serial killers go, but a serial killer who liked Sam Vimes and wanted to be his best buddy? I think that would make Vimes need his own stay in Arkham.
Sam and Peter: This one is my favorite, it works so horribly well! The Riddler, having been a huge fan of American Vandal, addresses his messages to these two teenage goobers (and it is in fact in the form of vandalism.) Selina ends up saving their lives due to secondhand embarassment when she sees them trying to interview Carmine Falcone about whether he was on any Gothamite subreddits. (Oswald Cobblepot was happy to talk to them about it!) It all comes down to whether the pressure of stopping a serial killer causes the boys to bloom or break, and I'd like to hope it would be the former.
Phryne Fisher: I totally get why the Riddler would fixate on and write letters to Phryne, she's a very good person to fixate on and write letters to! (I've often said she's like if Catwoman were Batman.) Phryne sleeps with Selina and gets surprisingly flirtatious with Oswald. Having already taken down a cocaine ring, she knows enough to honeypot her way into the lower floor of the Iceberg, and very narrowly avoids death at the hands of Falcone. She can solve riddles easily enough, though I don't know if she'd put them together in time to stop the flooding of the city. I'll call this success with a similar casualty rate to Batman's.
Sammy Keyes: This one is a real dick move on the Riddler's part. Addressing your serial killer messages to a tween girl who'd been involved in catching other criminals, thus revealing she's living in an apartment illegally and potentially getting her taken away by social services? It's absolutely something he would do to make a broader social point, but still it's a serious dick move. I think Sammy is way out of her depth here but I want her to succeed because I love the idea of subsequent Sammy Keys books having recurring characters that include the one cop slightly sympathetic to her, the junior high mean girl, and the serial killer who sends her cryptic letters from incarceration.
L: I just know that somehow this is going to involve Edward Nasthon, Forensic CPA, being on the team to catch the Riddler and him and L having a vaguely but unconsumatedly homoerotic dance between friend and enemy. I don't think he'd want to kill L, though, since he'd rather have him alive to acknowledge him as the smartest coolest guy ever, so I'll give L the edge here.
Jane Marple: No matter how I twist it, I just can't see a scenario in which the Riddler would send serial killer messages to Miss Marple. Instead, I think Edward Nashton would just meet her at a tea shop, they'd have a friendly conversation about the novel she's reading, and then she'd call up the police and tell them she's found the Riddler.
Columbo: This isn't a great setup for Columbo, since his method of detection is all about catching people in their lies, which is hard to do with a killer who is a nobody and who keeps to the shadows. He would definitely put Falcone away in the course of the investigation, but I don't know if that's enough to stop the grander scheme in play. If he does catch him, though, he would stop the flood because Edward Nashton would be SO vulnerable to casual conversations about hypothetical approaches to crime.
Philip Marlowe: I think Marlowe would kind of work his way backwards here. He'd get deep into the grime of Gotham, end up stopping a plot to flood the city, follow that up by an investigation into the mob and unconsummated sexual tension with Selina, just barely escape getting murdered by Falcone, get hit on the head by Cobblepot and have hallucinations involving penguins with umbrellas, then finally catch Edward Nashton, the petty little nobody who killed people to make himself feel like somebody.
Dale Cooper: This is a good case for Cooper, lots of subplots that lead into other subplots, nothing overtly supernatural but a vague general feeling of curses and doom. He would find deeper meaning in all the coded riddles that pointed to dark truths about the universe, topped off with dreams of cats and penguins doing his taxes. I sure hope the Riddler is willing to wait for all that before flooding the city, because Coop works at his own damn pace.
Hercule Poirot: I can see Poirot fitting in to the art deco Gotham of the animated series, but the modernist urban grime of the 2021 film is viscerally unpleasant to imagine him in. He could solve the riddles and aid the police, certainly, but more than any of the other detectives, my mind is rebelling against my attempts to imagine these people in the same room at the same time.
Sam Spade: Selina Kyle hires him to help get her friend out of a jam at the same time as Cobblepot hires him to get a few murders discreetly solved before the cops get too nosy, and then Falcone tries to have him whacked when he gets too close on both accounts. The Riddler would take him completely by surprise, but I'm having so much fun imagining Edward Nashton looking up at him with big Peter Lorre eyes and babbling about what crime really means that I'll allow him to at least stick around for that. I think he can get out of this still alive, but it would be a close call.
Kinsey Milhone: Why her, she wonders? Sure, she's a detective, but she's hardly a household name. She goes through all her files to see if this could be connected to anything she's ever worked on, and lo and behold, back when she was an insurance fraud investigator, they always worked with a forensic CPA named Edward Nashton. Now, what could have ever become of that guy...
Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes either immediately solves this or fails utterly, and it all comes down to how quickly you think he could decode things using a computer.
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mazuriri · 1 year
Lyney & Traveller thread
This (long)thread will focus on their relationship, following with Lyney’s voice lines AND also those of the story/archon quest.  I'll show you what I think of them and why Lyney x traveller has become one of my favourite ships.
(Last update : 4.6 quest )
•★ Summary : 
1. About Lyney and the Traveller’s actions 2. Archon quest 4.0 3. Lyney story quest 4. Archon quest 4.1 5. Arlecchino story quest 6. Lyney’s voice lines (+ Chinese translation) 7. Teapot voice lines  8. Conclusion
/!\  Please note: You don't have to agree with everything I said if you don't have the same opinion. Here, I'm just sharing what I think and just analysing. I'm not very good at rewording and my English is not that bad but if I've made mistakes…. I apologise, English isn't my first language. 
• About Lyney & the Traveller’s actions 
So as you all knew, Lyney and Lynette are members of fatui, and the traveller will have complicated feelings towards them. Just to reminder, I don't think the traveller was upset just because they were fatui.
 ( And stop with '’why is the traveller all friendly with Childe when he too is a fatui???'’. First, the traveler knew Childe long before Lyney. They even have a fight, they had to deal with him in different places etc... and yes, the traveller also has a ‘soft’ spot for Childe thanks to his story quest + voice lines(companion). They've literally dealt after Childe for several meetings and spending time with him, whereas Lyney has only been there for a day(?), with some interaction before the magic show. I also remind you that the traveller is still wary of Childe sometimes. (Ex: Yoimiya, Xinyan…) They’re not all ‘BUDDY BUDDY’ with him.
What I also mean is that we need to spend a lot of times with a ‘suspicious’ person to fully ‘’trust’’ him.) and the traveller is not always pacifist, they have character development. Remember, they dealt with the Fatui and had the most difficult times. (Scaramouche, Signora ….and Dottore too).
• Archon quest  
I think the reason why the traveller was upset was because : 
Lyney and Lynette didn't say they were fatui from the start, knowing the Fatui are there for the gnosis and bad intentions. Perhaps the traveller thought that Lyney had approached them for bad intentions as fatui (but that wasn't Lyney's aim at all). 
 I also think that since the traveller was their defence attorney they didn't have all the information and their client didn't tell them everything. (Basically: You shouldn't deceive someone when they’re trying to save you/defend you if you understand what I mean.) When your client held VERY crucial information, especially on the case, the traveller had the right to be upset at the twins. It’s all about betray/lying and trust, and I’m not mad at the traveller. They have the right to be suspicious/not trust and forgive them easily, it’s totally understandable after the trial. 
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Lyney and Lynette thought they could get away without mentioning their real identities, but they didn't. If Lyney didn't mention his identity it's because he knew that first, the traveller had already dealt with fatui (he just wanted to have a good times with them but...), and second, knowing that the fatui are known to be a ‘’evil’’ organisation. The traveller has already experienced with the fatui and all have the same motivations(bad intentions), they can't really believe the twins easily even when Lyney told them that they aren’t bad guys and aren’t like the others. Anyway, the traveller defended the twins until the end after knowing that they were Fatui.
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(The tension between them here..... Why do I feel like this is some kind of break up lol?) 
The traveller leaves and wants time alone after what happened but here, Lyney stops them. It's clear that he doesn't want things to end like this, so he thanks them and apologises, but above all he's there to make things clear. He did not approach them for evil intentions, on the contrary, he just wanted to get to know them and be friends with them. As he mentions, he spoke to them as himself, as 'Lyney'. 
That's where Lyney tells their sad past. A lot of people see the traveller as ignorant and they are mad at them for not trusting them, especially with Lynette’s story (and still with the ‘’ ALL BUDDY BUDDY’’ with Childe crap.) I want to make things clear : they're right not to believe the twins yet. Yes, they feel bad for them and I think they even believe or want to believe their story, but after what happened, they're hesitant because they don't want to fall for another lie… Seriously, can you blame the traveller? But for now, they leave because they heard enough and want some time alone to think about it.
When they were about to leave, Navia came and talks about the disappearance case. But the traveller apologises and tells her that they were only trying to defend Lyney. If you say that the Traveller doesn’t care about him then you’re wrong. Yes, they’re still upset and hesitant but deep down, they wanted to defend Lyney to the end and also because they didn't want to see an innocent man accused. 
• Lyney’s story quest
Their next meeting is in Lyney’s story quest, and you can see the awkward moment after what happened in the trial : 
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Lyney greets them as usual (like he did at their first meeting), avoiding the awkwardness of course. But think about it, the traveller saw Lyney, they could have ignored him but decided to come to him : they want to speak to him and spend time with him. Maybe, they wanted to ‘’trust’’ him again and reconcile with him. Well… they decided to help him with his investigation as his assistant. (maybe Lyney also wanted to get a little closer to them, who knows?) 
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If you think this is just a ‘’flower’’ then you’re wrong. Lyney knows what he’s doing especially when it comes with his magic tricks : this flower is called ‘Lumidouce Bell’ and this flower represents : parting and the wish for reunion. 
That’s not a coincidence right? Of course not, particularly with the ‘wish for reunion’…. I don’t need to explain that, because the answer is there.
- Anyway, I won’t spoil everything about his story quest but I will concentrate at the end of his quest
So, we learn a little more about Lyney and his relationships, also about lies and truths… Lyney opens up a little to the traveller, and they begins to understand him a little and supports him. Yes, they have reconciled. But that doesn’t mean that the traveller trusts him completely but they are there for him as a friend, like in their first meeting. 
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The traveller comforts Lyney and tells him they will always be there for him. Right after this, he decides to change the mood and he gives another flower :
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But it’s a different flower : this flower is called ‘Rainbow rose’ and knowing Lyney, what he gives, has a meaning behind it. The rainbow rose represents : passion and romantic encounters. 
Wow, is this a coincidence or not? Lyney knows what he’s doing through action.
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Anyway, here comes the funny part : 
We meet Lyney again with Lynette and Charlotte. You know charlotte, she's here to interview. Anyway, the funny part is when Paimon mentions the Rainbow rose that Lyney started to use in his tricks. ( Traveller)
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But, Lynette doesn't remember receiving this kind of rose from her brother(yes, she knows the meaning lol), she jokes if the traveller is more important than her. So, Lyney didn’t say anything to Lynette and didn’t give this kind of rose to his precious sister? Well well, that is something.
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And Lyney’s reaction lmao 😂 He doesn’t know what to say. Come on Lyney, you have to take responsibility for your actions. Yeah, you JUST what Lyney hm? He knew what he was doing smh. He literally did the same trick his teacher did to his fiance… In romantic sense yeah.
Anyway, he’s lucky because Lynette said she was joking and he was relieved. Why are you relieved Lyney? I wonder…. He could have justified himself ‘’easily’’ , but he was nervous and hesitated to do so. Well, I know it’s not easy for everyone to justify themselves but you know what I mean?  
Finally, Lynette tells the traveller not to lose the Rainbow rose or she'll be very upset, not to forget that she knows the meaning.
Welp, I suppose she supports Lyney x Traveller ? 
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Yeah, it seems like it. 
• 4.1 Archon quest : here
• Arlecchino story quest : here
• Lyney’s voice lines 
Ah yes…. The FAMOUS voice lines. As you can see, almost all of them are flirty towards the traveller. I suppose these voice lines take place after the archon quest and his story quest since they have ‘reconciled’ and Lyney is more open to the traveller. And oh my god, he’s the most flirtiest guy I’ve seen (for now). 
Here, I take both Chinese and English translation. No worries, I’m not saying that the English translated it wrong but just a few voice lines where it's kinda different but they are both the same and flirty. 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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(Chinese translation)
Lol, he wanted to sleep a little more but when it was the traveller who came, he quickly stand up and was wondering why the sun was so nice…. Yeah okay nice flirt, the traveller is a sunshine : confirmed ✅ 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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He really observed the traveller to the point of comparing and describing their eyes? Is he attracted to the traveller? Maybe that’s why he decided to be with them and to put on a show just for them. 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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Nice flirt Lyney. Of course, it's the traveller, yeah of course
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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Chinese translation : Ah right, there is one thing that I must emphasize. I don’t talk like ‘that’ to anyone, mainly because it’s you. 
Here, he clearly said that he doesn’t talk like ‘’that’’ to anyone. (I assume he means by talking all friendly and flirty). Perhaps that’s why the title is : Sweet talker ✨ 
(the English one is great too)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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We can see that Lyney cares a lot about the traveller. He’s doing his best to not hurt them and to not mention their sibling in the discussions. He understands the traveller’s pain and will do anything to help them. *sigh* He’s very sweet…
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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Lyney… just admit that you want them to be your apprentice and call you ‘Master’ especially lol. He’s very curious if the traveller will understand his secrets and how long they’d last… Geez all right Lyney! 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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Not only that, Lyney is also interested and wants to know more about the traveller! He doesn’t plan to lie of course, he said it himself that he doesn’t want to hurt them again. 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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(Chinese translation) 
I love it, It shows that he is worried about the traveller being deceived by the others. Annnd again, he wants them to stare/look at him carefully or he will tell a big lie when they aren’t paying attention…. As you know, this is not the only voice line but here, he really wants the traveller to watch him very carefully……. Yeah, all eyes on him and not anywhere huh?
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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(Chinese translation) 
When I said that he opens up to the traveller and trusts them, it wasn’t a joke. Enough to the point of telling them that this is not the ‘’real’’ him, by saying that he isn’t that outgoing and chatty, so he uses magic to approach people. In the CN voice, he takes a breath and asks them if they would sympathize with the ‘’real’’ him. If you think about it, this is sad. I hope one day, the traveller will want to know the ‘’real’’ him and accepts him. (I know they will.) 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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(Chinese translation) 
Okay, how many times already? This guy really wants the traveller to only think/look at him and not to think troublesome thing in front of him. This is too much,  I know what you want Lyney! 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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This one made me laugh. Literally, the food that the traveller made was terrible and Lyney, who doesn’t want to hurt them, decided to do a magic trick lmaoo. This is so funny help but he’s so kind geez…
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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Welp, the traveller has managed to capture the magician's heart… He even congratulated them for doing so. Lyney really fell for the traveller huh? Welp. Guys, I think someone has a crush.
What I find funny is that Lyney doesn’t hold back anything and says what he feels to the traveller, even his past, ''everything''. Don’t tell me he’s not ‘’attracted’’ to the traveller because all of those voice lines are impossible to deny, especially with all those flirts. He really tries to capture their heart too? I wonder…. 
• Teapot voice lines 
Haa, the place where the traveller invites someone into their home and they stay for some time…. 
When the traveller comes, in CN voice, you can hear that Lyney sounds very happy to see them. This guy really likes to see them everyday huh? 
Anyway, the same in the teapot as the voice lines, he wants to win back the traveller's trust (it’s very important to him) and even tries to test them by saying whether he is lying or not.
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When the traveller doesn’t fully trust him yet, he is hurt but we know Lyney, he doesn’t give up. Of course, it will take some time as he said but he also takes his time to get close to them because he doesn't want to put pressure or force the traveller to trust him… I mean, that’s not Lyney. (Kinda cute how he’s kinda scared(?) that the traveller will kick him out lmao. 😭 )
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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When the traveller trusts him, look at him : he’s happy, all he wanted was to win the traveller’s trust. As I said earlier, he doesn’t lie to them anymore (?) because he can’t bear to see that hurt expression of them. See? He really cares and it hurts him to see their hurt expressions after what happened at the trial (I mean, of course he doesn't want to do the same thing again). This also means that now, he is ''honest'' with them almost all the time! And obviously, he wants to stay with them because he enjoys their company. 
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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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So here, Lyney stole something from the traveller. And if they respond ‘’my heart?’’,  look at what this magicien says. Yeah :  ‘’even my heart has begun to race too’’. Basically, he wasn’t ready for that answer that his heart has begun to race. SERIOUSLY. I’m telling you, this guy is in love AND HE DOESN’T EVEN HIDE HIS FEELINGS. 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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He wants to see them every morning… LIKE HELLO?? 
Remember the ‘good morning’ voice line? Dude wanted to sleep more but when it comes to the traveller, he immediately woke up. When he said that the sun was so nice? But that was because it was the traveller who came? And here, he said it would be great if he could see them every morning?? Literally, the traveller makes Lyney's day even better and puts him in a good mood. (Traveller is a sunshine ✅) 
• Conclusion 
Now you understand why I ship them? All the proofs are here, and you can’t change my mind. This magicien who hides secrets, tells lies and doesn't open up easily to the others(except Lynette)... has opened up to someone : the traveller, where they barely knew each other. He decided to stop ''lying'' to them, and became honest as he shares his feelings, tells a little more about his past with Lynette, and is always happy to do something for them etc….. If that’s not ‘’love’’, then I don’t know what it is. He even starts flirting with them almost all the time, hmm I wonder why? I mean, he doesn't hide how he feels about them, like come on! Did Lyney fell in love at first sight or what is it? We can clearly see that he became attached to them (as for every characters ofc). 
Every time he flirts with the traveller with his magic tricks and his words and whatever, I’m just like : JUST CONFESS ALREADY LOL
-> To be honest, the tension between them was intense and deep. And when Lyney was really sorry and wanted to regain the traveller’s trust… that just made me feel bad for him 😭. He even said that if that wasn’t for their identities, they could have been good friends without problems. You know that it wasn’t his intention and he really tried his best to reconcile with them (Well, they remained friends despite their identities!). 
You know…. Something like that is perfect for fanfictions am I wrong? I think that Lyney x Traveller is great for angst…. Sorry I love the angst, please don’t hate me. 🙏
Anyway, I congratulate you on having read this far. I don't usually do this kind of post but this ship really got me and I couldn't stand seeing people misunderstand the traveller towards Lyney. Nevertheless, I’m happy that they have ''reconciled'' ♡. Even if the traveller still doesn’t trust him completely, they’re still interested in him and want to know more about him.
Hope to see more fanfictions and fanarts of them!! (Because I’m starving rn… GIVE ME FOODS RNNNNNNN THIS SHIP NEEDS ATTENTION.)
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Group E Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Shrimp, a black creature with a blue and white collar. he has 4 spindly legs, a long tail, and an oblong head. the second image is of Suren Daga, a boy with long black hair and dark eyes. he's wearing shoulder armor, a tattered, red cape or cloak, brown shirt and pants, and what may be waist armor, with a strip of white cloth hanging down from the middle of it. he has bandages on his upper arms, forearms, wrists, and hands, and his fingers are clawed. he is commanding a line of flame. end ID]
Ok so Shrimp is public enemy #1 and I love him. He's the funny little guy you see on your loading screen during the game who you don't think much of until eventually you find an asylum on one of the floors of the Upturned Inn and oops! Shrimp is there! And you need to free him to progress, which Ik is alarmed by even though you can also just tell him you didn't see/free Shrimp. You can put a collar on this little guy to make him look snazzy, despite how little he's with you. On the floors where he's friendly he kind of just follows you around, so you get to have a little buddy for parts of the game! He's basically just your pet dog who may or may not be severely dangerous. And by may or may not I mean a definite yes he is, because he turns aggressive when he gets especially hungry. He can eat the food objects scattered around, though, so that's avoidable! He can also stay with you for nice little elevator rides, which does concern Ik, but it works out! until he starts trying to attack you but if you don't feed your dog then I don't care if it attacks you
Suren Darga
so obscure the DC wiki doesn't even have an article on him. just a little guy!!! almost ended the world that one time but he was being manipulated by his evil dad so. latched onto the first people that were honest with him even though they'd been his mortal enemies (one of them his ANCESTRAL enemy) up until then. was in ONE (1) comic run, like 3 issues total. 
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I love seeing your TMNT iteration and I just saw your Mondo post and I know you’re being bombarded right now and this is a no way hate! :) I find it very interesting how Mondo is such a jerk in this one, especially compared to how he was very close with Mikey and he’s always been super friendly and fun in others and this was a total 180 which is a really fascinating turn
but I definitely need to see more on the comic like a part two or something and I have to know:
how do you his brothers feel about Mondo?, Did the brothers help mikey in his situation, do they even know they’re dating?, Will they ever break up?, Is it more than just emotional abuse/neglect?, Will mikey ever feel loved romantically properly?, How did they get together in the first place?, and a few more
and I’m just so hyper fixated on finding all of this out
(by the way, sorry this is so long. I’m just so fascinated with this concept. Especially since I’m making my own adaptation where Mondo is also Mikey’s boyfriend, except for their very much in love )
i'll go ahead and vaguely answer a few,, bc unfortunately it's gonna be a bit before i can officially answer them clearly,,,,, gotta finish brainworm fic n other comics first
his siblings hate mondo, despise him. even casey and april dislike him!! they hate him even more when they find out they're dating,, but no one straight up tries to stop him until they realize it's getting bad
they don't like,, officially break up, but there's an event that pretty harshly splits 'em up
it's mostly just emotional
perhaps,,,, perhaps he will find love,,,,,, or perhaps he will find a cat to be his buddy,,,,,,,,, who could know !
mention of weed under the cut! last one so y'all won't miss anything if you don't wanna read it 💪
yeah so, flashback to this fic? (for those who haven't read it, it's a fic abt mikey getting high for his siblings [specifically leo's] attention)
they quite literally meet bc mikey stumbles into mondo smoking and starts using it as a coping mechanism bc he doesn't feel as valued as raph n donnie 👍
i have very much been trying to work mondo into aberration since writing that fic,, and initially they were supposed to have a healthy relationship once like,, mikey decides it's not a good way to deal with his problems?????
there's a lot more to it,, and after it,,, all will be addressed soon!
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sydsaint · 2 years
My fav chaotic bitch.💜
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Summary: The reader is new to AEW. She makes quick friends with Ana Jay who introduces her to Angelo Parker. Parker is immediately smitten with the reader.
"And remember, stay out of the way of Jericho and all of his obnoxious JAS buddies." Bryan reminds you one last time before he lets you go explore backstage.
"I know, Bryan. I got it." You assure him and turn to leave.
Bryan catches your arm and stops you again. "Are you sure that you don't want to take Wheeler with you? I'm sure that he'd be happy to go." He asks you.
"I don't need a babysitter, Bryan." You huff. "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl, Bry." You assure him with a small smile.
"Alright." Your brother sighs and lets you go. "Just...be careful, please."
You nod and are finally freed from the BCC locker room. You skip backstage with a grin, happy to be out of Bryan's shadow for the night. Tony Khan has just signed you as an AEW wrestler, so you're eager to start getting to know everyone and make friends.
Your journey takes you down near the women's locker room where you spot a pretty blonde woman on her phone. You recognize her as Ana Jay and decide to introduce yourself.
"Hey." You walk over to Ana with a friendly smile.
Ana looks up from her phone with an annoyed grimace. But her look softens when she sees you. "Oh, hey. I don't think I know you." She comments.
"Yeah, I'm new. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." You cough sheepishly. "I'm, Y/N."
"Y/N, huh?" Ana surveys you curiously. "Cool, I'm Ana." She cracks a grin. "I love that top by the way. It's super cute."
Your nervousness starts to melt away and you match Ana's smile. "Thanks! I love your work in the ring!" You pay back the compliment.
You and Ana get to chatting and you totally forget that Bryan warned you about the JAS earlier. Ana just seems so nice and cool. She can't be as bad as your brother warned you about. So how bad can the rest of them be?
"Oh, speaking of my friends." Ana is busy talking about the rest of the JAS when she spots a few of them come into the room. "Come on, Matt and Angelo just came into the room."
You turn with Ana and glance across the room at her companions. You glance at Matt first and he doesn't seem to acknowledge you. But when your gaze moves to Angelo, it's the complete opposite. You lock eyes with Parker for what seems like an eternity as Ana drags you over to him and Matt.
"Matt! Angelo! This is my new friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Angelo Parker and Matt Menard." Ana introduces everyone.
Your voice seems to get caught in your throat as you stare at Angelo. He stares back with a pair of soft yet intense brown eyes before he blinks a couple of times and clears his throat.
"Y/N, huh?" Matt speaks up first. "Nice to meet you, sweetheart." He flashes you a smile.
"Nice to meet you." You agree with a small nod.
Angelo steps a bit closer and smiles at you. "Don't mind him, he's got no manners." He insists. "I'm Angelo like Ana said. It's a pleasure to meet such a pretty face, Y/N. Welcome to AEW." He welcomes you with a smile that makes your heart thump against your chest.
"Thank you, Angelo." You smile back at him.
"Ew! Angelo!" Ana scoffs and grabs your arm. "Stop hitting on my new friend. Come on, Y/N." She turns you around and begins to walk off.
You nod and let Ana drag you off again. But as you're being dragged off you glance back at Angelo with a dreamy look on your face. He locks eyes with you again and winks as Ana drags you out of the room.
Once you're gone Angelo and Matt turn to one another. "She was kinda cute," Matt comments with a chuckle. "Too young for me though."
"Not for me." Angelo chuckles. "And she wasn't just cute, Matt. That girl was gorgeous." He corrects his partner. "Y/N." He repeats your name. "Stunning."
Later in the night, Ana is walking back to the locker rooms with you after giving you a tour of the backstage area. You hang on to one another like old friends and joke around.
"So. Now that you've met basically everyone. Anyone catch your eye?" Ana asks you with a sly smile.
"There are a couple of interesting people." You shrug with a grin. "Ricky Starks is kinda cute. And that Darius Martin guy was hot." You drop a couple of names.
Ana listens intently, nodding in approval of your choices. "Okay, you've got good taste." She giggles. "Anyone else?"
"Yeah, that Angelo Parker guy that you work with?" You nod. "He was super hot." You admit.
"Ugh, him?" Ana groans with a frown. "He's so weird though. What about Daniel? Girls are always trying to get with Danny. But he's usually not interested in groupies. So you totally have a shot with him."
You shake your head and lean into Ana. "He was cute, yeah. But not my type. Now, Angelo on the other hand. Ana, please tell me that he's single?" You ask her.
"Yeah, he's single." Ana sighs. "I'll give him your number if you want." She offers. "But don't come crying to me if things get weird."
"Yes!" You cheer. "You're the best, Ana!" You hug her.
At the end of the night, you meet back up with Bryan who bothers you for details about your night. You explain that you made fast friends with Ana then proceed to listen to him scold you about that.
While Bryan is lecturing you, you get a message from an unknown number.
- Hey, is this Y/N?
-Yeah, who this?
-It's Angelo Parker. We met earlier tonight? I was the handsome guy that Ana works with. She gave me your number.
-The Handsome one huh?
-That's me ;) You maybe wanna grab a drink with me tonight?
-Well that all depends Mr. handsome one.
-Depends on what?
-How does saving me from my annoying brother sound?
-name a time and place, my damsel in distress
-locker room 197. asap
- got it. :) omw
Around five minutes later, Bryan is still lecturing you with seemingly no end in sight. You sigh and are about to try and get him to stop when suddenly the locker room swings open. Matt and Angelo burst through the door and Angelo hurries over to you while Matt distracts Bryan.
"Jailbreak, gorgeous!" Angelo holds his hand out for you to take. "Come with me if you don't want to die of boredom." He grins at you.
You laugh and take Angelo's hand. He pulls you to your feet and whisks you out of the locker room. You laugh as you are saved and can hear Bryan calling after you. "Bye, Bryan! Talk to you later!" You shout after him as Angelo escapes with you.
Once you are a safe distance away, Angelo lets you go. "Well, I'd call that a success. Wouldn't you?" He chuckles.
"My hero." You giggle.
"My pleasure, pretty lady." Angelo bows. "Now come on! Let's go get some drinks. All on me of course." He adds.
"Lead the way then." You giggle as he holds his hand out for you again.
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hashtag-xolo · 6 months
Might be a bit of a broad question, but what do you like most about Xolos? What made you choose them as Your Breed? Xolo propaganda please 🤲🤲
Xolos are just really cool dogs. They're ridiculously smart but their version of intelligence looks pretty different from what most people think of. They are pattern seekers. They will find the pattern even you weren't aware of. They will then adhere to that pattern and do their best to make that pattern as efficient as possible. For instance, when Tzapo was first taught was training was he firmly believed that he could hack the system by staring me dead in the eye and offering rapid fire sits that I didn't ask for. "I sat twenty times where's my treats, bitch?" It was so fucking funny and also like... A totally correct and valid conclusion based upon what he knew so far. I realized he would try to predict my next moves based upon repetitive training sessions and skip steps to get to the end after two reps because he knew what the end point was already. After one visit to a new location he would assume we would do the same things again and he would try to replicate that on our next visits. Boy just had this brain for patterns and routine that was ridiculous. And it makes sense - his breed doesn't care about partnering as much as a breed can care. His breed cares about survival skills and not expending extra energy so he looked for the patterns to exploit them. He would intuitively follow our exact path back on a trail by scent - I never taught him this. He just did it because we'll obviously we go back the way we came. And he was also so obviously befuddled if I changed our route on the way back because why would I do something nonsensical like that? We are going back??? I dunno man, their problem solving is just way different than any other dogs I've worked with. They just look at the world in a way that's different than a lab or a shepherd.
Honestly they're closer to terriers which is why I want a terrier too. They're very prey-driven and very independent dogs. They don't need me. And I respect the hell out of that. If my xolo is working with me it's because I made the work worth it to them over the absolutely tantalizing squirrel over there. Which is saying a lot because even Tzpao wanted nothing more than to eat a squirrel. They're intensely prey-driven. And they have a lot of energy. They play hard. They play really loudly and really physically. They love to run so much. Both Tzpao and Nico love the sheer act of running. Tzapo always wanted me to run with him it was adorable. Just to run and to go.
But once they're done doing their own thing they also really really want to be with their person. They're aloof with strangers but their person is their person. They adore you if they have picked you and it's not even separation anxiety. They just would rather be with you than any other person or thing. Like Nico isn't anxious about being away from me now. But his world isn't perfect if I'm not there. I need to share his world with him. Both Nico and Tzpao offered eye contact and check ins outside from the get go because they want to ensure I'm coming along for the experience with them. And once they see I'm there they both like, pick up the pace like "oh yay! We're together! Let's go!" And it's just such an endearing enthusiasm of "it's just you and me and this is perfect" that melts my heart. We're buddies we belong together. They're just so sweet. And they won't share that with anyone else. They'll be friendly sure but no one else gets the same level of affection as their special person. I dunno it's just so sweet.
They're wild and so so sweet and so ridiculously silly as a breed. They do weird shit and find novel solutions to things and they keep you on your toes as a trainer because they will break your system because they're looking for the system. And I love it.
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lavenoon · 2 years
For funsies: what would Dawn/Dusk’s reaction be to a fellow agent attempting to drop a nickname on Robin, either stealing “little bird” or something like “honey”, “sweets” or “duck” (a legit thing in North of England, used in the same way as “miss” or “buddy”) I hope you’ve been having a good day! Have you been able to have a treat (food/drink/activity) recently? - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Robin isn't even aware of their scary dog privileges, but whatever agent tried that would be. Very very much aware. /hj
So assuming Robin would just kinda miss it/ not hear somehow (because otherwise they'd look at that agent in a way one would usually regard like. idk. the moldy vegetables you forgot about in your fridge drawer or something, and that in turn would make their rival just fight not to laugh at the poor sod who tried that. Robin is not friendly with any field agents except their rivals friendly being generous in reverse Dawn's case lmao)
In the case of blatant special nickname stealing - i.e. "little bird" or "little thief"?
Dusk can be scary, too, and maybe he doesn't need the sharp teeth and the thermal vision in that moment, but when a 7 1/2ft animatronic suddenly gets glowing red eyes and levels a death glare at you, you don't really think about how unnecessarily extra that is. Maybe adds in a lighthearted "Plagiarism is frowned upon, you know." That's it for then, but the feeling of being watched won't leave them any time soon, and they kind of decide getting close to the human star agent is not worth getting past the animatronic one(s)
Dawn? is regularly scary, so honestly stealing his nickname for his rival just invites trouble. The sweetest, most polite death glare you'll ever get, truly. May break something replaceable to distract from the conversation while maintaining eye contact, and whatever fool tried will know Dawn wasn't just being "clumsy"
And I know you asked for their reactions, but in the case where Robin reacts? Just tells the other agent pretty point-blank that they aren't that close, don't call them that - their respective rival has special privileges that come with actually keeping up with them, meanwhile they've never even been on a single mission with Robin. And their boys just preen, so smug about it, and totally would stick their tongue out at the agent if they had one.
If it's a more generic nickname?
Dusk wouldn't care too much (though he still is severely unimpressed), because what he has with his little bird is special, and a generic petname from a random agent really only shows how little they know Robin. If it's a repeat offender they'll also get the death glare sooner rather than later, though honestly, Robin would tell them off before Dusk would get the chance
Dawn struggles still here, since he also dabbles in the generic petnames (mostly under the guise of undercover missions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't mean them). Not amused but can't outright tell the other agent off, given that it's not obviously stolen from him, but may drop a low "Take a hint" with Robin out of earshot. (Again, that's presuming Robin didn't make it clear that petnames from unfamiliar agents won't fly).
In either cases they both may gravitate closer to Robin, just showing off that they can, that they aren't sent away, and also maybe just. A teensy tiny bit of a claim on Robin. If they ever find out they're gonna be so exasperated, but in an amused way, because really, pay attention. They aren't using nick/petnames with any other agent - that should tell them enough about how they feel about the reverse. (Dawn in particular would need the reassurance, though he wouldn't quite admit it. May lay it on thick with the petnames in return though for a while.)
I. I'm not going to add post-reveal canon Dawn and reverse Dusk, because this is already a beast LMAO. The dynamics change that even the original rivals may change their reactions in subtle ways - more assured of their presence in Robin's life, and thus more inclined to let them handle it on their own.
But I probably should go drink something, quite right - but I've had breakfast, a good lunch, and apart from work I also got a looong dog petting session! (Work was fun, too, though I won't call it a treat simply out of principle. I love kids so much though they're so cool lmao)
Will take it easy for the rest of the day, too, since it's almost dinner time, I have my rule to not push myself to create after dinner, and really, I don't need to work on a comic or a drabble every day lmao
Hope your day is going well too! Take care of yourself! <3
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skaruresonic · 2 months
While a neat idea I don't know how it could've been implemented into the game without accidentally going against Sonic's character in some ways
Because if Sonic KNOWS that Sage is essentially a little girl getting yelled her by her shithole dad and doing things in an attempt to please him...then I can't see Sonic NOT trying to act friendly towards her.
Yes she's an Eggman creation but Sonic hates abuse and oppression above all else, if you make it a gameplay mechanic to have Sonic act nice towards Sage or not you would necessarily have to include the option for him to ignore her...which could end up feeling very OOC
At the end of the day the big issue isn't Sage per sé but the way they unnaturally bent Eggman's character in order to tell the story they wanted to tell with the two of them. Had they stuck with the character's proper characterization they at minimum could've fully gone with the Rei Ayanami template of "sad artificial girl gets mistreated by abusive creator, but learns to be human thanks to kind boy". It would by no means be original or automatically make her a good character but it would've at least avoided the biggest issues with the character
While a neat idea I don't know how it could've been implemented into the game without accidentally going against Sonic's character in some ways
Because if Sonic KNOWS that Sage is essentially a little girl getting yelled her by her shithole dad and doing things in an attempt to please him...then I can't see Sonic NOT trying to act friendly towards her.
This is where you take advantage of the game's potential for dramatic irony. The player knows about Sage's mistreatment due to having watched cutscenes between Sage and Eggman, ones that Sonic isn't privy to. It's the player who now has to make the choice to get Sonic involved, or to ignore Sage.
I think that would reinforce the game's themes of mystery; the idea that people and their stories can be as inscrutable to us as much as any ancient civilization.
Because if Sonic KNOWS that Sage is essentially a little girl getting yelled her by her shithole dad and doing things in an attempt to please him...then I can't see Sonic NOT trying to act friendly towards her.
You're assuming that he knows the totality of her situation right off the bat, and Sonic doesn't quite operate that way. He needs to be shown clues before realizing that all is not as it seems. Maybe part of the driving mystery is that eventually you learn that Sage is working for Eggman.
I am saying the player knows Sage's situation right off the bat while Sonic does not, and as such it is the player's choice to get Sonic involved. As far as Sonic's concerned, at least in the beginning, Sage is a stranger.
Maybe Sage behaves in a way that doesn't give Sonic much reason to believe anything's wrong at first, and you can only discover bits and pieces of her situation by interacting with her. Or by defeating Titans. Something along those lines.
Like, Sonic didn't immediately grok that Shahra and the Erazor Djinn used to be an item, either; it took him about the 3/4ths mark of the game to realize that Shahra has some personal baggage wrapped up in all this. And even then, he didn't pry out of respect for Shahra's privacy.
This doesn't have to be an either-or thing, where Sonic's a complete asshole towards her or completely buddy-buddy with her. Maybe there's a curve, with the difficulty depending on how much you decide to interact with Sage.
Yes she's an Eggman creation but Sonic hates abuse and oppression above all else, if you make it a gameplay mechanic to have Sonic act nice towards Sage or not you would necessarily have to include the option for him to ignore her...which could end up feeling very OOC
And there would be consequences for that neglect, such as the final boss becoming fuck-off levels of difficult. You don't need Sonic wagging his finger at the audience going "abuse is bad mmm'kay" for the game to push that message.
Like, I feel like you're painting this as an all-or-nothing thing when it doesn't have to be. There can be shades of gray in between.
While it's true that Sonic hates oppression, he also has priorities; he refrained from destroying Gamma because Amy prevented him, but at the same time, he didn't seem particularly concerned about freeing Gamma from Eggman's servitude since the more pressing matter of the Egg Carrier's imminent crash needed tending to.
If we can accept that that moment is not OOC due to mitigating circumstances, I don't see why it can't be the same for Sonic's approach to Sage.
Given how easily Sonic gets sidetracked in trying to rescue one friend after another in SA1, I could see this becoming an issue of conflicting priorities. Do you waste precious time trying to get Sage to open up - someone who may be trying to kill you - or do you use that time to save your friends? Do you take a risk, or do you stick to your original goal?
At the end of the day the big issue isn't Sage per sé but the way they unnaturally bent Eggman's character in order to tell the story they wanted to tell with the two of them.
I can take issue with Frontiers!Eggman's character while also thinking more could have been done with Sage. The two problems feed each other. Because Eggman's character got derailed, Sage's character arc gets undercut; because Sage's arc gets undercut, Eggman's character suffers further. So on and so forth.
Had they stuck with the character's proper characterization they at minimum could've fully gone with the Rei Ayanami template of "sad artificial girl gets mistreated by abusive creator, but learns to be human thanks to kind boy".
Unfortunately I don't care for NGE, so any Rei Ayanami comparisons are lost on me.
I just think if you're going to shoot for a message of "isn't it fucked up how Sage is loyal to Eggman?", you should provide some textual evidence to demonstrate how it's fucked-up, instead of undercutting that message by making Eggman seem like he's not so horrible.
And yes, I do realize abusers do lovebomb their victims as a manipulation tactic, but that clearly isn't what's happening in Frontiers.
It would by no means be original or automatically make her a good character but it would've at least avoided the biggest issues with the character
That still leaves us at square one with Sage. How would you put these things into action? How would you have the gameplay reflect this? How would you reinforce the themes of her character arc to the player?
I agree that Frontiers only pays the barest lip service to Sage's arc, but I also think if you're going to hinge the emotional impact of your game on this character arc, it needs to be reflected in the game in a tangible way.
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doctorhouse5343 · 6 months
Safe In Your Love (there isn't a tempest I can't take) Chapter 2
"Well aren't you a pretty sight, did you wake up electrocuted or did you decide to experiment with a can of hairspray? Either way, you should totally go out like this with your 'partner', it would make great photos" Corin chuckled as he looked at the mess that was his best friend's hair, he then went on further as he poured himself a glass of orange juice "Should I call the goblins and tell them that I found their king here or should I just get a masquerade-ball started?".
Hobo Heart muttered an incoherent answer as a response to his friend's teasing, taking a sip of his coffee as his overly cheerful and happy buddy sat down at the table across him, a huge grin on his face. "Soooo, did you have any fun at that gathering? Did any of Desire's siblings make that little heart of yours go pitter patter? C'mon, I need all the details!" The blonde's smile was wide as he rested his chin in the palm of his hands, attention focused on the librarian's facial expressions though was left disappointed by his reply "It was nice, I had a good time but no one really caught my attention like that...None of the elder siblings are really my type : Destiny is nice and all but I don't think he would stick by my side during a situation if there was any encyclopedias involved, which I could hardly blame him for. Death is really fun and easy going but I am not as friendly as she is, if she were to drag me in any social setting I'd try to run immediately. And yes Corin, I am also never going to see myself with Destruction for almost the same reason that I gave for his sister, the potential of being carried around won't sway me" The last sentence brought a pout of the well-dressed male, who felt like his friend was being a stick in the mud and could use a little push.
"Look, I'm not saying that you should marry one of them on the spot, I am just saying that keeping your eyes and your heart open won't do you any harm, besides you could use some butterflies instead of the fake heartbeat that those weird realistic heart plushies that you like so much provide you with...Think about it, alright? Not every guy out there is like the twat you dedicated your time to" After giving him that sage advice, his best friend went out of the house with the intention of ;finally; asking his crush out and promising to text him all the details later in the evening. 
Hobo Heart soon let out a tired yawn as he went to take a shower, putting some death metal to fill up the silence of the flat, allowing him to relax as he found himself wondering about Dream Murphy and his husband Robert 'Hob' Gadling , the couple that prompted Desire in getting a fake relationship though he still didn't understand why he was chosen out of all people : sure his appearance was out of the norm, it certainly didn't match his job but other than that he was quite ordinary in comparison to the beautiful successful writer and his handsome  lover. An annoyed sigh left his lips as he caught himself thinking about their first meeting again, oh what he would give to be able to have another lovely conversation with Mr. Gadling while sneaking glances at the ever so lovely Mr. Murphy...No, he had to stop letting his thoughts wander off again, he had things to do and now was not the time so he shook himself up (both mentally and physically) and turned on the shower to wash himself.
He screamed along to his favorite songs, letting his feelings out before eventually getting out to dry himself off, feeling more refreshed and calm as he put on a knitted sweater that had little skulls over them with a pair of jeans and his white hair tied up in a loose bun to complete the look. Since he had a lot of time on his hands, he decided to lie on the couch with his favorite book The Throne Of Bones, written by Brian McNaughton. He was just about to read the story of Ringard and Dendra until the sound of his cell-phone ringing interrupted his attempt, rolling his eyes in annoyance as he took the call "Hello, you have reached the phone of Hobo Heart. If you have any inquiries about the 'Fiddler's Green' library call there at another time, we are currently closed. If that isn't why you called, please start stating your reason quickly before I hand up on you" The words were rather harsh in comparison to the ones he'd normally use but the librarian didn't like to be disturbed during his reading time so the person on the other line had to be quick with their reply.
"Oh my, someone woke up grumpy, or is that your usual greeting? I assume not many call you at this time of the day" Desire's voice replied to his bad mood with amusement, making him feel bad as he sighed "Sorry about that, how are you doing?" The question made the blonde smile at the end of the line as they were lying on the couch in a cat like manner, smirking a bit as they answered "I just got off a call with my beloved brother Dream, I am sure you remember him". The teasing in their tone brought another sigh out of Hobo Heart, who then pinched the bridge of his nose as the red-lipped beauty continued to speak "Apparently you have made such a good impression at the family gathering yesterday that my brother and his husband want to invite the both of us for dinner at their humble abode, I believe my sweet nephews will be present there as well…Don't worry, I took the liberty to say yes on your behalf so you can feel free to thank me later. Afterall, you have mentioned yourself that the library is currently closed at this time so why spend the whole day cooped up indoors when you can spend it in lovely company? I will pick you up in an hour or two so in the meantime do take the time to unclench your jaw and relax your stiff shoulders, I can feel the tension radiating off you from a mile" With those kind words Desire hung up with a delighted smile, grinning at their twin while the librarian glared at his cell-phone before sighing and resuming his reading while trying to ignore the way his heart fluttered at the mere mention of the beautiful raven haired writer whose beauty occupied his dreams.
"Do you think that they are driving safely? What if they get themselves caught in very bad traffic?" His husband's worry brought a chuckle out of the writer's peony lips as his finger tenderly stroked the stubble covering the university professor's handsomely tanned cheeks "Fret not my heart, I am certain that the both of them are going to make an entrance soon. My sibling has many fault but bad driving is not one of them" His soft words eased the male's worries as he went back to peeling some potatoes for the meal that he was planning for their guests. "I know that there's no point in worrying but I can't help it, Dream : there's so many things that could go wrong! I mean, when's the last time that we ever cooked for a date of one of your siblings? I really want to do something great, to properly welcome him into our family, I just…" He sighed, shaking his head a bit "I know it's silly but I really want him to like me, to like us". Hob leaned into his husband's warm embrace as he felt the ravenette's slender arms wrap around his waist, the soft kisses pressed against his neck bringing a few giggles out of him as he felt himself calm down at last. A knock at the door made the two of them look at eachother with a smile before the pair went to let their guests inside, greetings soon exchanged as Desire stepped inside with their usual signature red-lipped smile while Hobo Heart gave a shy 'thank you' in response to the university teacher helping him put his coat onto the rack located next to the door for convenience. The kind brown haired man soon tried to do everything in his power to put the younger male at ease, pouring him a glass of orange juice and letting him know that if he needed anything, he and his husband were in the kitchen and just a holler away in case of an emergency before going back to making the extra cheesy potato and dill gratin that was going to be their meal.
Desire chuckled at the white haired male's awkwardness as they sat him down in the sofa, squeezing his hand to reassure him that everything was going to be alright when two boys ran in the living room "Auncle Desire!!" One of the boys exclaimed excitedly as he was soon pulled into a hug, the blonde chuckling in delight "Robyn, look at you! You have gotten taller than the last time I saw you! Orpheus, you as well!" The boy named Orpheus gave a shy nod in reply as his eyes were focused on Hobo Heart, making the other boy look at Desire in questioning. "Heart, these two lovely boys are my nephews. Robyn, Orpheus, this is my boyfriend Hobo Heart" The minute the introductions were made, the energetic Robyn to ask him many questions about his job, his interests and his favorite food, eventually Orpheus joined. In no time at all the three were having a good laugh or two, the boys liking the boyfriend of their auncle very much already "This is the first time that I ever saw Orpheus come out of this shell this quickly, you really are good with children" Hob's smiling face made the white haired male's heart leap out of his throat when he lifted his head to see who spoke, eyes wide as he took in the gorgeous sight before him : the hot teacher was wearing a pink apron that only added to his already good looks, making his knees weak as he tried to hold his ground. But things got more difficult when the brown eyed professor's husband wrapped his arms around the man, pressing a kiss to his stubbled cheek as he gave the librarian a sinfully seductive look before saying, as if he didn't just lit up a spark in the younger male's heart "Come my love, we wouldn't want to let our guest go hungry" The word in that hot mouth of his turned Hobo Heart's knees into jelly as he did all in his power to stay calm. The writer gave him a teasing smirk as he returned to the kitchen with his partner, all the while showing off his cute cat themed apron in a way that left his guest breathless.
Soon dinner was served and the librarian finally had calmed himself, having recovered from the whiplash of feelings that he wasn't all too familiar with. While he was enjoying his food, it became clear to him that Dream wasn't done with his merciless teasing just yet : every bite that the raven haired male took was punctuated with eyes rolling back in pleasure, seductive looks delivered as pleased hums left those perfect lips during the entirety of the meal while his partner was being his usual bubbly self. It reached a point where the minute that everyone was finished, the librarian immediately offered to help Hob with the dishes, leaving the writer and his sibling alone in the dinning room "Polite, generous and eager to help..Desire, I must say that I had my doubts when you first brought him in but now I see how wrong I was" The words brought a smug smile to the blonde's lips, which quickly faded as their brother went on "But be that is it may, you must be aware of the fact that a gentle heart such as his is not one meant to be played with until you grow bored. You are meant to cherish it, to keep safe and nurtured as long as you live. If you are not careful and discard him so carelessly", Desire stared at the ravenette as he got off his chair, circling them as he went on, "another who can see his worth will swoop him right under your nose, giving him all that he could ever need and render your cold, unfeeling touch a mere memory".
Desire narrowed their golden eyes at their brother, giving him a tight-lipped smile "Is that meant to be a threat, dear brother of mine? You could do so much better than that…It seems that you have lost your touch" The tone that they used was confident but underneath that bravado they were rather nervous, recoiling in their chair as the ravenette shook his head with a smile. "Not threat, no. I am simply reminding you that the boy whose heart you captured is not a doll" Dream soon leaned in as he whispered, grinning all the while "Heed my warning, my dear sibling" He then pulled away just as his husband walked into the room with their guest, who still couldn't look him in the eyes without becoming flustered. "I think he should go home and rest, he looks like he's running a temperature" The teacher said with a worried look on his face as Desire immediately agreed and, after everyone bid their goodbyes, drove the skull-faced male back to his place.
The first thing that Hobo Heart did was take a cold shower as a desperate attempt to wake himself up from what felt like one of his weird dreams before going to his room to get some much needed sleep. At first it was working, he felt himself drifting off quickly but soon his thoughts went to the university professor, the apron that he was wearing, his kind smile...The white haired male shook his head vigorously as he placed his head on the colder side of his pillow to get back into a dreamless sleep but soon the handsome goth took over his mind, everything about him making his knees weak as his eyes shot open as he shook at the sudden revelation : He was in love with the both of them. The realization left him shaking as he sent his best friend Corin a simple text that said : Fuck, I'm in love😭😰
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bi-dykes · 10 months
So I watched red white and royal blue! It was GOOD! I loved it. I probably wouldn't have gotten around to reading the book any soon so I was glad that the movie exists. They used the word bisexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That felt very good to see. The B isn't silent in LGBTQ!!!!! Have you watched it? If not, do you plan on watching it? If yes, what were your thoughts?
I wish we had a sapphic movie like that too. Hopefully we'll get it soon 🤞
Also there was one part of the movie I didn't like, they called both of the men homosexual when one of them is obviously bisexual. I honestly don't like it when people call bisexuals homo because we are bi not half homo half het. But the movie was overall good
It is so nice to hear from you and get this ask! My angel buddy and best friend of 13 years (my way to say pet dog lol) died last night, so this is a wonderful distraction, and your asks always bring a smile to my face.
I’ve heard such good things about Red White and Royal Blue! And I’ve seen the gifsets of it :) which is the tumblr way of watching adverts lol. I haven’t seen it yet, but I think I’m going to need to watch sometime it since you’ve recommended it! ❤️🤍💙
AKDKJSJWJD THEY SAY THE WORD BISEXUAL. Out loud. That’s amazing. I remember when I watching Helluva Boss (same universe as Hazbin Hotel) with @random-friendly-1ntrovert and in episode uhhhh is it season 1, episode 6? I don’t know. But the episode Exes and Oh’s, there’s this one part where a character says “I’m bisexual” out loud and I just. I had never heard a character say that before. I’m not joking. I just paused it to stare in awe at the screen for a moment lol.
Oooo a sapphic movie like that would be wonderful! Hopefully we will get a movie like that soon! 🤞 I know it would make so so many people, myself included, resonate with it and feel less alone 💝 and my dear Sana, I’ll let you know if I ever write one ;)
Quick question! Was it a protagonistic or deuteragonistic character, or an antagonistic character who called them both homosexuals? Like if it’s a character we’re supposed to look up to and is portrayed in a heroic light, yeah that’s upsetting to add in the movie, but if it’s a negative character, then the bi erasure would totally be in character.
Thank you for the movie review! 💝💝💝 and feel free to send me asks if you watch and have reviews for anymore queer movies! <3
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widowshill · 10 months
Questions for multimuses: Which of your muses loves winter the most? Which one loves summer the most? (& It's time for a heist! Tell us what role each of your muses has in this operation (name as many as you'd like). if you feel so inspired?) Please & thank you!
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thank you very much for this question :DD
loves winter: elizabeth. this one, to me, is quite easy ––  elizabeth embodies a very wintery spirit no matter the season, but she has a particular fondness for the blistering maine winters at collinwood, and the most used to the cold (having lived there longer than anyone). she loves ice skating: she was excellent at it in her day, and taught carolyn personally. mugs of hot cocoa, elaborate hand-cut pine decorations (courtesy of matthew, or willie) and poinsettias and holly (courtesy of herself from the greenhouse), evenings warming up from the annual collins family snowball fight in front of the fireplace. summer: roger. this isn't so obvious vibes-wise because man always looks like he walked out of a vintage sears catalog with the turtleneck / suit / trenchcoat combo. but, unlike his sister, he's far more sensitive to the vicious seaside winds, as well as chill of the house itself in the wintertime. he loves a warm summertime walk along the beach in the seabreeze, or along the docks of the bay, or skipping rocks off the cliffside. likewise, a pleasure drive with the top down in the convertible, or a jaunt out in the boat. he is rarely happier than he is with a fun little umbrella in his drink and book of Romantic poety in his hand. true at collinwood and especially abroad in england in the summer.
as for the heist! i decided to include everyone even the muses i forget exist on this blog sometimes... lol.
the mastermind: liz. goes without saying. she has the most working braincells at any given time which make her the best choice for organizing/hiring the team/managing funds ... and a way of Authority and fabricating Truth that puts her in an ideal spot to be a heist leader. also, her unique relationship with law enforcement where they greatly respect her / are friendly with her, and yet immediately know if anything shady is going on it's at her house.
the conman: nathan. excellent smooth talker with a great knack for manipulating people, when he's put on the scent of that cold hard cash. he can be either (seemingly) harmlessly charming and flirtatious, or the more ruthless and backstabbing sort, whichever the situation at hand calls for. not bad with a crossbow if things go south!
the hacker: josette. every good heist team needs a ghost to disable locks, bug security cameras, spook guards, etc ! considering this role also usually entails keeping an eye on the rest of the team and keeping them safe / alerting them to danger, my good ghost buddy is particularly suited for that.
the muscle: gore. longest kill streak and the most ruthless with practical weaponry, not the least afraid to get his hands bloody ( they might have more trouble keeping him restrained / not attracting too much attention than anything else ) also just generally the most physically imposing – bulk, scary looking.
the inside man: vicki. no one will ever suspect the harmless little innocent governess :) i don't think she'd really be that good in the active part of a heist because she's a little too Goody Too Shoes for that ( and usually terrible unsubtle) but she is good at uncovering secrets, getting the lay of the place, reading her employers, things of that nature.
the fixer: eleanor. again, not terribly useful in the active, crime-committing part of the heist, but she Knows a Guy and she can absolutely acquire that thing that you need, and will see it done so that you can go out and commit the ultimate crime.
the distraction: lena. my little OH actress that could totally play the ultimate noir femme fatale ( or any other type of part ) depending on what the situation called for. there's definitely something going on there with her and liz but no one is stupid enough to say anything.
the driver: roger. does elizabeth trust her younger brother to take on an important role in a heist? not really. would he insist being a part of it if he knew about it? yes. what she knows he can do and likes to do is drive expensive cars much too fast (and making him stay with the car helps ensure he's not underfoot or interfering in her plans in other ways) i also rag on him for his repeated accidents a lot but generally speaking he's not a bad driver, especially considering the amount of alcohol usually in his system. just triple check the brakes :)
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vanana-r0tat3 · 2 years
I'm sorry for this weird question but can you please say how you'd describe Henry Stein (Batim) personality wise ? /gen
I have hard time understanding personalities.
And because of this , i don't know what to say about him outside of him being animator/Joey's ex business partner and Linda's husband .
I know about all bendy content ( read and played by myself )
I can note that Buddy has strong sense of justice and i can note that Audrey is disorganized based on her desk from prologue being a total mess. (my friends helped me with putting this together with some more things about them.)
But i struggle with Henry really badly . It's feels like a huge shame
no need to be ashamed of anything! henrys personality is also a bit bland at least in the games just because he doesnt do much but be the quiet protagonist you can project onto (much like audrey)
the way i see him though, he seems quite aloof but very determined. definitely the type of guy to overwork himself just to get the job finished
he also seems like he mightve been a bit of a people pleaser pre batim, but definitely isnt incapable of feeling distain. we know from his secret tape that he quickly got fed up with joey bossing him around as well as the strict deadlines, despite being a very reserved guy. though with him being so reserved he definitely isnt one to voice his grievances, he seems like the type to just keep his feelings to himself especially any negative ones
i imagine he just tries to hold it all in. i mean- seeing how he dealt with malice he really just sucked it up and pressed forward, but never really verbally expressed anger when he had every chance to
i feel like he just wants to help people but often takes on more than he can chew. hes willing to do anything to get home, ans he misses his wife. unfortunately with batdr i doubt thatll ever happen. hes clearly in much worse spirits when we do see him in batdr, the cycles and being imprisoned obviously took a toll on him
hopefully this makes sense! i also have trouble discerning character personalities, especially when theyre very reserved like henry or audrey is. whereas characters like joey, buddy, and sammy are much more intense in their own ways, which makes it easier for me to understand them
i also never know how to describe personalities so i hope i did a good enough job here 😭 maybe i could get more input from others either through replies here or in my ask box bc id love to see other interperetations of him
TLDR; hes determined, reserved, and even stubborn. hes adamant on sticking to his goals no matter how futile they seem. hes a tired old man that needs a break 😭 IVE ALSO GATHERED HE'S QUITE FRIENDLY WHEN HES COMFORTABLE as we see with buddy
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f1shbonez · 1 year
"You don't have to keep on checking on me." (@vastayan--vigilante )
Now that Scar was back, life was boring. 
No missions to plan, not even a revenge one!
No weapons to build. No high-stakes life-or-death games. Nothing. 
Everything was sleepy and peaceful and good and it made Jinx feel sick. Tinkering with gadgets and fixing up the gear from the Prigg’s job was boring. She’d fixed a MILLION hoverboards. It got old pretty fast. Besides, what was the point in fixing things when you couldn’t immediately go out and use them or make them do something different and better? 
There was nothing to play with. 
The reception of the Firelights to their old prisoner had taken a visible swerve, too. Nobody seemed to be watching Jinx as closely now, as she milled around unsupervised in the base. It was almost like they trusted her, liked her, even. That was weird. 
Everyone was busy. Or at least, they claimed to be. It would have been one thing if they were busy with activities that were fun, but not today. Maybe they were all just pretending to be boring so she’d leave them alone? That was rude. 
But there was one person who was never busy, at least, not really. He understood what it was like to feel useless too, now. Old Scarface had gone from fearsome deputy to a big, fuzzy kinda pet that lived in the Timeout Tunnel. It was pretty fun, actually, feeding him snacks, watching him throw up, taking him for walks…
Yup. If nothing else, Scar still knew how to have a good time. Plus, visiting him totally counted as helping. Of course, lately, Scar had been doing his best to be boring too. Sure, withdrawal sucked. Ekko sure didn’t like being on the frontlines to his buddy’s suffering. The retching, the need to keep microdosing, the need to insist the doses had to STAY micro, blah blah blah. It was enough to drive a wedge between any Pet Scar and their would-be helper. But not Jinx! Nope. Scar made for even better company when he was broken too. 
The problem was, Scar didn’t always feel like playing. Or talking. Or walking. Or eating. Obviously, he needed a distraction. Something - or someone- that didn’t know what ‘no’ meant. A grin split Jinx’s face as she skipped towards one of the small coloured houses, humming an idle tune as she went. 
Moments later, the heel of her boot collided with the large metal door of the Timeout Tunnel, bursting it open. Just a friendly game of Scaring The Crap Outta Ya, no biggie! That was allowed, wasn’t it? They were friends now, after all. 
“Knock knock!” The play at permission was brandished with a laugh as Jinx stepped into the tunnel, ignoring how dark and gross it was. 
Ahri gurgled from where she was slung under one of Jinx’s arms, a string of drool hung from the baby’s lower lip as electric green eyes mapped the unfamiliar space. A short while ago (on one of her ‘good days’ Jinx had come to the decision that the tiny, toothed creature was actually, quite good. After seeing the baby fire a snot-filled sneeze onto Ekko’s beloved coat (and spending the entirety of the day laughing about it), Ahri had shown that she was definitely worth keeping around. She was kinda cute, in a disgusting, obnoxious kind of way. Sort of like a Scar-shaped doll. It was fun to play with her, to make her snort and giggle. She was so small. It almost felt like the kids' insides were cotton stuffing, rather than blood and guts. 
And now Scar could play with Ahri too. Wasn’t that neat? That would TOTALLY get him up and about. It should at least get him talking, right? ‘Where? How? Why?’ Blah blah blah. It was the same obvious answer- one that she’d used before. I’m borrowing her. Without permission. But that was still borrowing, wasn’t it? It was Zee’s fault, really. People were weirdly bad at staying vigilant in their own homes.
 "You don't have to keep on checking on me."
At the sound of her father’s voice, Ahri let out a shriek of delight before wriggling against the air above Jinx’s hip.
 “What else am I ‘sposed to do?” Jinx replied flippantly, swinging Ahri up into the air (earning a giddy squeal) and catching her with a hand under each chubby arm.
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