#i don't remember the last time i bought a pelt
rifari2037 · 3 months
When , did you , Start Paring Aang and Toph and why do you pair them, Together are there similarities between the Two .?
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"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?"
Unlike Zutara that I remember well when I started ship them, I don't really remember when I started ship Taang (and Sukka). But, it was long time ago because I found them so cute together.
Taang have potential, but it needs time or another season to develop their feeling. Because, while Zutara had some romantic moments, Taang didn't have moments like that so it would be forced if they ended up together in season 3 (just like canon).
Then, how could they have potential if they didn't have romantic moments?
Their connection
Aang had connection with all his master bending. Katara was there to saved him, Zuko was there to captured him. Their connection with Aang makes these two characters always face each other and had their own development.
Meanwhile, Toph wasn't in the connection between Aang with Zuko and Katara. She had her own connection to Aang. In the swaps episode, Sokka and Katara saw a vision of their past, but Aang saw a vision of Toph before even meeting her in person.
There's an interesting theory that Aang not only saw a vision of his future, but also his past. Because in Nightmares and Daydreams episode, Toph has no face in his dream. It was parallel with Avatar Kuruk's lover that her face stolen by Koh.
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Instead of water, Aang was connected to earth, Toph's element. Even though earth was a difficult element for Aang at first, but it was element that Aang often used in battle after mastering it.
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In final battle, earth was the element that re-opened his chakra and made him enter the avatar state.
They compliment each other
Just like fire and water, air is the opposite of earth. They are different, but compliment each other.
Air is the element of freedom. Aang is free person. He is Toph's first friend and also the one who offered her freedom, something she really wants and needs.
Earth is the element of substance. Toph is persistent person. She is the one who taught Aang to be tougher and stand his ground, something he really needs to get out of his comfort zone.
They have same vibes
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Toph and Aang are still kids and they act like kids. They like to have fun. That isn't something wrong. In fact, they have the same vibe so that neither one is having fun, while the other is taking care of him.
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Yes, Aang is the one who makes Katara child again, but still they don't have the same vibe. Katara has a motherly nature, so Aang's childish nature makes their relationship like mother and son.
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It's different when Katara with Zuko. Zuko is more mature, so when Katara is with him, she doesn't have to act motherly. Instead, it's Zuko who look after her, brings her things, and reminds her to rest.
Their Culture
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Believe me or not, I found this from Aang/Kataang stand and it made me wonder. If Katara and Aang's cultures are different, then what makes them suitable to be together?
Cultural differences actually don't matter if they can respect each other, but this is Aang's expression of water tribe culture.
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Katara : Bato, it looks like home! Sokka : Everything's here, even the pelts! Aang : [Sarcastically.] Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skins.
And this is Aang's expression of water tribe food
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Hama : I wanted to surprise you! I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big Water Tribe dinner. Of course, I can't get all the ingredients I need here, but ocean kumquats are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough. Aang : [Sticking his tongue out in disgust.] Great!
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According to the post I got, Aang can wear Earth Kingdom clothing because it doesn't use animal materials. He can also wear fire nation clothing, but I don't think all types of fire nation clothing, because there are fire nation clothing made of leather.
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The people of Earth Kingdom aren't vegetarian, but not all of their food from animal based. Aang doesn't seem to have a problem with their food.
Btw, Aang has problem with Fire Nation food too.
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Aang : [Looking at a meat display. Disappointedly.] Oh, we're going to a meat place? Sokka : Come on, Aang, everyone here eats meat. Even the meat! [Points at a hippo cow eating a piece of meat swarming with flies.]
So, yeah, for me Aang and Toph not only have potential in the story, but also have chemistry with each other.
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Holiday SAS Headcanons
You guys seem to enjoy these, and I'm enjoying writing them! These are gifts that I think the members of SAS would get their SO and how they would treat their SO in cold weather (warming them up, what food they'd make them, e.t.c.)
Mute - Mute would surprise you with a thoughtful gift...days before Christmas. He wouldn't admit it was because he was impatient and excited to see what you thought of it. He would also be the last one to want to help decorate. He enjoys the holidays, but doesn't really have the ambition to spend time hanging lights and whatnot. He might help you put ornaments on the tree if you give him the puppy dog look that melts his heart every time. If you begged him, he would be inclined to go to your best friend's ugly Christmas sweater party. As long as he puts a smile on your face, he's down for anything at the end of the day.
When it's cold out, Mute will love spending time curled up watching TV with you. As a bit of a history buff, he would enjoy seeing some of the local sights while covered in snow. Surprisingly he is oddly really good at making snowpeople, and you don't judge him for the five he built in the yard after a big snow storm. He even puts little scarves and hats on them.
Smoke - He is always going to make sure you are spoiled. He's the kind of guy to give you love coupons for Christmas and actually follow through with the items on said coupons, particularly the ones that are hands on. He would love to see you and his daughter getting along on Christmas morning, and the look on both of your faces when he surprises you both with your very thoughtful gifts. He also has a cookie recipe that honestly yields the best cookies you've ever tasted, and would love nothing more than for you to decorate them with him.
He really likes going to do things as a family with the two of you. It doesn't matter if it's ice skating, sledding, or just walking downtown and sipping hot cocoa. Of course he would be down for some really cozy cuddling on the couch. His favorite pass time would be silently laying on the couch with your head on his chest while you admire the tree you decorated all together. He wouldn't even complain in the morning when he woke up and his back hurt because you both fell asleep on the couch.
Sledge - Sledge is going to lose his mind trying to figure out what to get you. He would be stressing last minute because his mother will have him second guessing every gift he bought you, despite deep down him knowing that he got you something you will probably like. He prefers Christmas morning to be just the two of you, but will be happy to visit respective families after your personal festivities are done. He's also the type to propose on Christmas morning. You could literally buy him anything and he would be thrilled.
Sledge really likes shoveling, for no good reason other than it's good exercise, and he loves his shovel. He refuses to buy a snowblower even when you tell him he should. He made his own shovel, it looks oddly familiar...Caber 2.0? He will also insist on snowball fighting with you outside after every snow storm, and then he will make it a full time job to warm you up when you lose and your body is nearly frozen and drowned under snowballs that he pelted you with.
Thatcher - He knows how to spoil his SO to the moon and back. Whatever you like, there will be lots of it under the tree. He will also remember one jewelry store you said you liked four years ago and he will continue buying you a new piece of jewelry from that store for every occasion, even if you don't care for the store anymore. You just don' t have the heart to tell him to stop when you see how happy he is to give you the gift. He actually, surprisingly, has a thing for Christmas crafts. He will enjoy working on them together and using them to decorate rather than going to the store to buy decorations.
Thatcher won't admit it, but he loves peppermint hot cocoa and you smirk when you see empty cups in the trash can from his little secret. He will make sure your car is always cleaned off and that there's always a fire in the fireplace on exceptionally cold evenings. While not particularly fond of tech, he secretly appreciates the smart home thermostat so that he doesn't have to get off the couch and stop cuddling with you in order to turn up the heat. Really big fan of classic Christmas movies.
Who should I do next? Christmas is right around the corner and I may not have time to do more beforehand, so maybe we can look at New Year's, or who cares, Christmas headcanons are fine with me any time of year honestly.
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posting this here but it's mostly setting the scene for the time being. maybe this'll help me get my ass on working on chapter 2 more
Chapter 1: Faith
1917 words, ~10 minutes read
The rain was pelting down on the rough concrete below. Erina loosely held her umbrella above her head, as she sat on a bench, waiting outside of the Church for her parents, idly twisting and twirling the handle of the umbrella in her hands. Flocks of families exited the church, many pulling up their jacket hoods or putting up their umbrellas before either returning to their cars or walking down either end of the street. She looked down and bounced her legs beneath her off-white puffy dress, which contrasted with her rich, melanated skin. A voice awoke her from her stare into the distance.
Erina looked up to see her father looking down at her, standing just outside the entrance to the church. Despite not going far, her father seemed to be sweating ever so slightly, clutching his rosary tightly against his chest.
"your mother told me to let you know that she and I will be having a short meeting with some of the pastors. They want to talk about the possibility of the winery producing some custom wines to use for their sermons, remember the sample bottles we bought with us from our wine cellar?"
Erina nodded her head silently in response, glancing over at her parent's vineyard in the distance down the street behind her father.
"We'll only be gone for around an hour, maybe two or three hours at the most. Here are the keys, we won't be too long. Your mom has her keys with her, so don't worry about having to let us in. There should be money in the lockbox underneath the sink if you feel like ordering in some food. There's quite a bit of money in there, so don't go spending it all in one go."
Her father gently threw the house keys to Erina, and they landed in her lap.
"Okay," Erina stood up to kiss her father on the cheek goodbye, "Thanks, dad.  Love you, see you later."
She waved to him whilst walking away.
"See you later, alligator." Her father responded with a playful grin.
His kind and gentle face began to contort as his lips began to tremble and a tear fell down his cheek, watching his daughter depart in the distance. A completely veiled nun appeared from behind him and tapped on his shoulder to lure him back into the church, glancing behind him as he walked back into the church as tears began to flee from his tear-ducts.
Erina returned to her house, unlocking the front door and retiring her umbrella to the pot of umbrellas in the corner against the wall. She kicked off her shoes, settinf them on the floor in the hallway and retreated upstairs to her bedroom. There, she changed into a red sweater with a butterfly design embedded into the centre of the garment, black leggings, and fluffy black socks. She sat on her bed, pulled out her laptop adorned with butterfly stickers, and began to finish the last of her homework assignments.
By 10 pm that night after Erina had finished all of her coursework and her regular chores, she noticed that her parents had not returned, nor had they contacted her mobile phone. No calls, no texts, nothing.
"Maybe they're just busy overnight in the vineyard with the wines and forgot to let me know. It happens more nights than I'd like. They'll be back by tomorrow morning if anything, but they'll probably stay through to the afternoon in the vineyard." Erina comforted herself with that thought.
She retrieved her pyjamas and underwear from her walk-in closet and began to make her way to the en-suite that was connected to her bedroom. She showered and donned her royal blue silk bonnet before retiring to the comfort of her warm bed, the pattering of the rain on her window lulled her to sleep.
Monday morning came and went, as did the drag of the school day. The sky was still a murky grey from the Sunday rain, and puddles remained in the depressions of the cement sidewalk. Erina sat on the short stone wall outside of the desolate Rynden Post-Primary Education Centre, awaiting her friend Ashley. Her knees rapidly bounced beneath her heavy boot-cut jeans, trembling slightly under the bite of the cold wind that wisped through the town. She glanced around the eerily quiet space, the wind whistling around her head as she diverted her gaze from the empty footpaths to the empty parking spaces, to missing person posters that tumbled like tumbleweeds along the road and footpath.
The main doors of the entrance to the Centre burst open.
"Hey 'Rina!!" Ashley beamed and jogged over to Erina, engulfing her in a tight embrace,
"Sorry it took so long, Mrs. Daught took forever critiquing my assignment from last week. At least she didn't do it in front of everyone and humiliate me, but I wouldn't put it past her to do it, the old crone."
Ashley had been Erina's best friend and partner-in-crime her whole life, they went to Primary school together and lived on the same street. Erina scoffed, released herself from Ashley's constricting embrace and stood up to leave.
"Let's just go, we'll do some work at my place. My parents should be back by now anyways, I think they spent the night at the vineyard again. My dad said that they had to have a meeting with some of the pastors from the church about some 'custom wines' so they were probably getting ahead of the workload there." Erina posited, walking down the footpath with Ashley.
"I hope by 'work' you mean that we get shitfaced from the wine your parents keep in the cellar because the Pinot Noirs are just DELECTABLE!" Ashley exclaimed and blew a chef's kiss.
"Ha ha, very funny," Erina said, sarcastically, "no, we'll just get some work done over a split bottle, no getting shitfaced on a Monday night. Friday? Yes, but Monday? Nahh. Have some decorum!" she jested.
Ashley cackled and swung her arm around Erina's shoulder as they continued their path to Erina's house, kicking and stepping on the loose missing person posters that littered the footpaths tumbling around her feet.
Erina swung open her front door, "Mom!? Dad!? Are you home yet!?" she bellowed into the house. Only her voice echoed back to her.
The two girls entered the hallway, retired their shoes to the shoe rack, and walked through the entrance adjacent to the front door that lead to the dining room, setting their required equipment onto the dining room table.
"Hold on, I'm gonna go check their bedroom, they might be asleep," Erina said and took off up the stairs before Ashley could acknowledge what she said. Erina knocked on the door to her parent's bedroom, waiting a few seconds before entering quietly. The room was as her parents left it, a neatly made queen-sized bed stood across from the balcony doors. The door to the master bathroom was still ajar and empty. Her mother's crimson silk bonnet sat undisturbed at her marble vanity, her makeup disorganised from the last application, and her silk robe hung on a hook on the door of the master bathroom.
Erina felt as if all of her organs fell to the bottom of her torso all at once, and a lump announced its presence in her throat. She approached the bed, which was neatly dressed in cream satin sheets, and sat down on it, composing herself with deep breaths. Ashley had made her way up the stairs, curious as to what the silence and the absence of Erina were.
"They're not here, are they?", Ashley inquired solemnly as Erina lifted her head to face her and gently shook her head. Ashley stood at the top of the staircase, her arm on the bannister.
"I should call the church, they were last there. If not, I'll try the vineyard's number." Erina proposed. Ashley held out her arm, motioning for Erina to join her back downstairs. Erina followed Ashley downstairs and made her way to the landline that rested on the wall next to the umbrella box in the hallway. She input the number and waited for the line to connect.
"Why do you have to call the church through the landline?", Ashley queried,
"I'm not sure, my mom always said that the church doesn't accept calls from mobile devices. Something about modern technology messing up their landlines-", Erina interrupted herself as the call was picked up,
"Oh hi, it's Erina Collins, I'm Marsha and John's daughter, you know- the vintners?", she paused,
"Yeah I'm just calling to ask if anyone's seen them after they left the meeting yesterday, they still haven't come home.", she paused once more before responding,
"Okay, I'll call the vineyard, just wanted to know if someone's seen them yesterday after they left. Thanks anyway."
She hung the phone back on the landline box and turned to Ashley.
"No luck, I'll try the vineyard."
"They'll have to be there at least. Were your parents answering any of your calls last night?" Ashley asked.
"Just straight to voicemail every time."
Erina and Ashley walked back into the dining room where they sat at the dining room table, and Erina retrieved her mobile phone from the bottom of her bag. She dialled the vineyard's public number, set it to speakerphone and set the phone on the table in front of herself and Ashley. It rang for a few seconds before being picked up.
"Good evening, this is Collins Vineyard and Winery, how can I help you today?", a dead-inside cheery customer service voice answered.
"Hi, I'm Erina Collins- Marsha and John's daughter. Are they there?"
"I'm sorry love, I'm afraid they're not. They haven't been around since Saturday and haven't picked up any of our calls. Are they not at home?"
"No, they're not, that's why I called to see if they were there. Could you let me know on this number if they show up at all, please?"
"Of course love, let us know if you see them around too. Uhm, and if they don't turn up soon, just know that the winery and the vineyard are under good management, the business will continue as usual so you won't have to worry bout much on the business end unless they're gone for a long time."
"I understand. Thank you anyways."
"No worries, love"
The phone clicked, hanging up the call. Erina's legs had been vigorously bouncing up and down underneath the table throughout the call. Ashley placed her hand over Erina's laid half-closed fist under the table and began to caress her knuckles with her thumb.
"It'll be okay, 'Rina," she whispered.
Erina sat hunched over the table, her hand holding up her jaw as tears fought their way out from her glossy eyes and her lips began quivering.
"What do I do now? I can't- I can't think of anything else to do.", Her voice cracked as her palms clasped around her face, tears sliding down the outer edges of her hands.
"We should file a missing person's report of your parents.", Ashley stood up and gently ran her hand around Erina's back, taking her place in the chair next to her.
A shaky, "Uh huh." was all that was heard from Erina.
"Let's just relax for a bit before actually filing it. I'll make us some tea." Ashley walked over to the open kitchen space that was behind Erina and set the kettle on to boil.
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blackbackedjackal · 4 years
Us: [having a discussion about the morality/usefulness of rescues that focus on one unendangered species, totally unrelated to the fur trade] Whiny animal rights anons: b-but furrrrrrrrrr....
Like legit, I saw a video of this lady with a fox and I was like ‘isn’t this the bitch that cussed me out on insta like a year or so ago?’ and it was and I got spicy and did a little digging and was like ‘huh this is make me feel emotions that I wanna vent about it on my blog’ then homie trying to bring this shit in here like???? no one said anything ???about fur??? lmao
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faccal · 2 years
WIP Word Game
I got tagged for the WIP word tag by three people, so I'm going to do it all on one.
I have these words from @alidravana and @simonxriley (Hug, Rain, Secret, Safe)
I'm not sure who to tag, but I'll do @playstationmademe @luda-m-lada @satan-incarnate-666 and anyone else who would like to do it! The words are: Flower, Knife, Sword, Wound
"Logan, my soul." He says in a language Logan doesn't recognize, taking the boy's face in his hands. His eyes rake over his blond hair, his familiar hazel eyes and strong nose. He remembers her face, noticing how much like his mother Logan looks.
Keegan buries his nose in Logan's neck, breathing in deeply. "My Logan." He hugs the boy to him, smiling. "We are one again."
(also from my COD Ghosts, Keegan x Logan fic Thorns and Roses)
Darkness, all consuming, never ending. A shiver violently shakes Logan awake where he sits, gasping for breath as warm droplets of rain pelt him from above, soaking his flesh straight to his core. He chokes, cracked lips and right arm lit ablaze as the water harasses his aching form.
(from my COD Ghosts fic which I already posted on here)
“Why go behind my back, and have a child? Why hide in the shadows and avoid my gaze, when you know I shall uncover all secrets.” He glared at the seventh month woman before him. “Why?”
Her body trembled, and her lips were sealed.
“You know what will happen.” A young, collared servant, brought the King his sharpened dagger. He rose from his skeleton throne. His icy grey eyes made the poor servant collapse.
(from an old original wip, a sequel to another wip)
Arden’s eyes flutter open, taking in his warm surroundings. “Akira?” He pushes himself up, wincing as pain shoots up his right arm. “Damn.” He sets his arm in his lap, using his good one to keep him steady.
“Akira?” He tries again. Moving forward, he pushes himself off the bed. His feet hit the fur rug, and he stands there for a moment, balancing himself.
“You look well.” Arden turns to Dahlia, smiling over at him from her chair, with a book clutched in her hand.
“Where is Akira? Is he safe?" Arden steps forward, concern and fear rising in his chest.
(another snippet from my couple year old original wip, Red Rose.)
And these words from @tokillamockingbird427 (Run, Red, Shout, and Close)
“There you go old girl, can’t have you dying of thirst now can I?” Maisie neighs to herself, continuing to munch on her food, which has become increasingly difficult to find.
“That run down Tractor Supply is running out of feed sweetheart. Might have to start taking longer trips.” He gazes to his old beat up Ford, a truck he’s hated since his wife first bought it, and realizes he’s also running out of gasoline.
When he had first stocked up, he had managed to get enough feed to last Maisie three months, and himself enough gas to last two, as he decided traveling wouldn’t be the best of options. Especially since everyone was dead.
(this is from a zombie wip which I no longer work on, but I couldn't find Run in any of my current wips lol.)
I included some earlier bits of text for mild context
Elias relaxes slightly, finding an odd bond of trust forming between him and the older male. "Elaine, let me see Logan."
She clutches her youngest tighter. "Don't you touch my son you bastard! I won't let his kind taint him!"
A harsh slap echoes in the throne room, freezing everyone in place. Elaine sits there in shock, a red mark forming on her cheek.
(this is a future scene from my COD Ghosts/Keegan x Logan fic, Thorns and Roses.)
“No, he is not.” Arden looks back down, spotting a woman dragging a man. “Dahlia!” He cries, hoping she would hear him. She continues to drag the body towards a cart. “Akira.” Arden sheaths his dagger, and stands. “Until next time.” He tears off down the cliff, ignoring his name being shouted to the wind.
(this is from an original fic that Thorns and Roses is inspired by, called Red Rose.)
“You’re a selfish, hideous, monster! You steal life and are confused when we revolt! You’re evil!” Avo screams, allowing her eyes to well with tears. Jade cocks his gun, readying it to fire.
“Oh sweet Dove.” Matthias holds out his gloved hand. “That is in no way close to why I chose you.” He turns to Jade. “And you, my boy, why do you think you were chosen?” Jade remains silent, minus a few protesting growls.
(from another original wip of mine called AVO)
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