#i dont even remember much of my childhood meetings bc we stopped attending not long after moving back to philly
farsailing · 5 months
mmmm thinking of attending meetings after the move if my work schedule allows. i’m def not interested in returning to Christianity theistically, but i do kind of miss the community of meetings. the society of friends for my new city does unprogrammed worship (the kind my family attended) and is inclusive so i may reach out to them about attending sometimes
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Friends to Lovers with Tony Stark
Tony Stark x reader
a/n: i make bad decisions and then write immediately after, hope this didn’t absolutely suck
prompt: anonymous: “Headcanons going from best friends to lovers with Tony Stark”
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meeting one another way back in the day, children on wildly weathly businessmen
actually forced to play together while your parents were in business meetings
you ended up resenting each other
mostly because every time you had to see each other, it got boring really fast
and your parents shit talked his parents constantly so you accepted that it should just be that way
YEARS later you and him reconnected when you attended MIT
“son of a bitch, what are the odds? tony goddamn stark”
“the odds aren’t in our favor, i guess”
not only were the two of you in assigned seats for the semester, you were also lab partners
but then you realized that you two were feuding for no reason and you actually enjoyed each others company
in this setting, your friendship thrived
“dude, i cant believe that we spent our entire childhood despising each other”
“yeah, y/n, you really missed out. i’m a motherfucking pleasure”
“oh, shut up, tony!”
pulling all nighters because the two of you get distracted by each others presence often
“y/n, try and catch the popcorn in your mouth. say ‘aaaahh’”
“oh, shit. wait, okay. ahhhhh” *throws popcorn and hits your eye* “wait, one more time!”
some wild nights on the town, occasionally stumbling back to your dorms after a few too many drinks
sometimes tony goes out on his own and calls you when he can’t make it home
“hh-ey se—” *burps* “sexy. could you maybeee, i dunno, i need some. some help getting home”
“same place as last time?”
“yeahh, that’s the place.” *hic* “im gonna throw up”
“i have the bucket in my backseat”
and yeah, he calls you sexy when he’s drunk, you just deal with it
he also forgets his keys a lot so thats a whole other mission for you
being bored as hell on school breaks because you have to go back to your families and hear them complain about one another (and ofc report back and make fun of your dramatic ass parents)
but one day you got a call from tony over winter holiday and you were excited to hear his voice until it seemed a little shaky
“hey? everything alright?”
“not...not really. i’ve got some bad news. really bad news...”
he could barely get his words out after that, but he told you his parents had been in an accident
you immediately left your house and drove hours to go see tony, this was his moment of need
mysteriously not long after that, your parents suffered a similar fate
the two of you took over your companies and had much more reasonable meetings, a wonderful partnership, indeed
but you were still two childish idiots at times
you’d bring each other to parties and shit
“you guys have met y/n, right? my date?”
“yep, this is tony, my date”
ongoing joke
ofc you two have done some shit on dares
i firmly believe tons of ppl have dared you guys to make out and who are y/n l/n and tony stark to turn down a good dare?
“what’s he taste like?”
“those goddamn blueberries he’s always eating”
he always has snacks always
several headlines have been speculation on whether or not you two are dating
tony drives you around tons
wants to “show you a good time”
blasting music while speeding down the road
honestly? sharing hotel rooms just bc you feel safer together
especially after he disappeared for so long
“oh my god, tony, i was worried sick abouy you”
“have you written my obituary yet? i gotta read it before i do anything else. how will i be remembered?”
“shut up and give me a hug, you asshole”
playfully making fun of each other
him showing you his “greatest creation” which was a battle suit (which was actually pretty badass)
“i want one”
“no way, this is my baby. you cant have my baby. unless you wanna have my baby” *wink wink*
ah, pepper likes when you’re around bc you distract tony from her and get him back on his work
and happy likes you because tony’s less paranoid around you
you’re like his second bodyguard but you dont get paid
CANT forget rhodey he cant stand you only bc you remind him of tony
but overall you’re alright
you CANNOT HELP but laugh at tony when he does something unfathomably stupid!!!!
even if hes in immediate danger you sometimes cant stop laughing (but that might just be panic.)
as the avengers came up, you weren’t invited on that “business trip” >:(
instead you got to accompany pepper on some stark/l/n business and ended up seeing tony nearly die on live tv
the second you saw him again, you couldn’t tell if you were happy or furious to see him
“you son of a bitch, stark! you had me so worried that you weren’t gonna make it, i might as well kill you myself! don’t ever do something so stup—”
tony kissed you
but like, for real
not as a joke
it seemed right, so you kissed back
“yeah, i missed you, too. can we go get some dinner and catch up?”
“wait, that was..?”
“long overdue, i know”
wasn’t long before the tabloids got ahold of some more “tony x y/n” content
and the lovely rumor was confirmed at a press conference!
“mr. stark, is it true that you and y/n l/n have an official relationship?”
“hell yeah, it’s true! you heard here first, folks! y/n and i are an item! and i fuckin’ love them!”
you made the cover of 5 different magazines 😌
you supported tony on his adventures but you wanted in
“really, after what happened in new york? well, i guess you saving my life on the battlefield would be kind of hot...sure. we’ll give it a shot”
“nuh-uh, tony. i’m in whether you like it or not!”
“that’s why i love you, you do it all. even when i don’t want you to”
engineering your own tech for yourself and others to help on missions
you did surprisingly well
tony had some issues that needed resolving though...like flirting during fights
“wow, y/n, you look great from this angle” *gets hit by some projectile*
“hah! serves you right!”
seriously, you guys were an iconic couple
and it helped that you guys were already so comfortable with each other, the two of you knew exactly what the other was thinking, it was baffling that you guys didn’t actually have powers
but tony was still tony and he had a problem putting you in danger, he was most comfortable with his arm around you
avengers parties and other dealings kept you busy busy busy
but you always made time for one another
and had tons of fun wherever you could
one might even say you and tony were...endgame (im so sorry)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @praellee // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
got any bl show suggestions?
abso-fucking-lutely i do !! i typed out this WHOLE thing then my computer crashed so this is my second time answering this ripskfjd
also i went in depth about everything so it got long, and imma put a keep reading!! here are some bl show recs:
love by chance ::
summary: pete is a popular and wealthy student who is very shy, which is caused by the fact that he is secretly gay. he meets ae, a fellow student and they quickly become friends. pete starts to have feelings for ae, but doesn’t want him to experience ridicule for being with a man, so he attempts to repress his feelings
my thoughts: this show is amazing tbh. one of my alltime favorite dramas ever ngl. it has 5 couples that are shown on screen (with small cameos from / mentions of tharntype), all of which are cute (except klano. we dont talk abt klano.) 
ending: mixed, depending on the couple. the main couple (aepete) has a happy ending, but three of the side couples have open endings, one of which is super angsty
sequel(s): there’s a second season coming out in february, in which the side couple that got the angsty ending (tincan) will be the main couple!!
where to watch: youtube
history 2: border crossing ::
summary: yuhao is rebellious and has a short temper. when he is approached by the captain and manager of the school’s volleyball team, he isn’t interested, but eventually ends up joining. he then develops a very close bond with the team manager, zixuan, which turns into something more than friendship
my thoughts: very very cute !!!!! i loved it so much omf. also the side couple is step brothers and although they don’t get much screen time, they’re still cute. also the kisses b/w yuhao and zixuan (despite 1 of the only 2 being in a dream) are F A N T A S T I C
ending: happy!!
sequel(s): there’s a 2nd season coming out sometime in 2020, but idk when. also it’s apart of a series called HIStory which has several different storylines, all of which being bl. they are not related to each other in terms of characters or anything, though, so don’t expect to see familiar characters ^^
where to watch: youtube
sotus: the series ::
summary: kongpob is a 1st year engineering student who stands up against head hazer and 3rd year arthit, who the first years feel is cruel / overly strict. the two start out as enemies, become friends, and eventually develop feelings for each other
my thoughts: no sexual stuff like many other bls, instead focuses on the romance part of it, the evolving relationship/friendship between kongarthit, the internal struggle of figuring out one’s sexuality, and the bond formed between students/friends/classmates. honestly?? storyline is gotdamn beautiful and i cried more than once just bc i was so overcome
ending: happy :)) (for all seasons and special eps)
sequel(s): there is a 2nd season titled sotus s: the series which takes place 2-3 years after the 1st season, where kongpob has become head hazer and arthit is now out of college and in the working world. kongarthit is also featured in the multi-bl special sequel titled “our skyy” which has special episodes set after the main official dramas surrounding various bl couples !
where to watch: it’s on netflix yeehaw ! but if you don’t have netflix it’s on youtube
together with me ::
summary: korn and knock are childhood best friends who meet again in college and, after a drunken night out, end up having sex. knock, who has a girlfriend, makes korn promise never to tell anyone about it and pretend like it never happened but you can’t hide falling in love forever :))
my thoughts: god SO much angst. it isnt an ep of twm if there isn’t angst smh my heart hurts watching it. BUT . it also has cute moments, funny af moments, and some SEXY AF moments . the sex / kiss scenes are unmatched bro . holy shit . watch the uncut versions too theyre even hotter i cant breathe 🥵 
ending: happy 
sequel(s): there are two “sequels”, one: together with me: the next chapter (which apparently wasn’t as good as s1 but i havent seen it) and then two: bad romance which features kornknock but the main couple is boyxgirl (and it aired first, but it’s set chronologically AFTER twm)
where to watch: youtube
theory of love ::
summary: third is secretly in love with his best friend, a straight playboy/manwhore named khai. he tries to stop his feelings, but is unsuccessful until he overhears something he wasn’t meant to. third, heartbroken, decides once and for all to stop loving khai- but just when third stops, khai starts.
my thoughts: anGST goddammit bl dramas love their angst huh. anyways i love the general plot of this and also like ? how aware the creators are of the plot sorta bc the movie flipped is a large af part of the show . also the kiss that ive seen ?? whew YES bro . also like before we get the happy ending there’s SOOOO much angst, even after they both know that they like each other ksjdf i haven’t finished it bc im mentally preparing myself 
ending: happy
sequel(s): n/a, but if you want another drama where these actors are together, puppy honey has the same actors as a the couple pick and rome (idk if they have a happy ending though?? i havent seen it)
where to watch: youtube
great men academy ::
summary: love is a girl who is a huge fan of vier, a boy who attends great men academy (an all-boys school). one day she helps an injured unicorn by a lake (dont ask BRO DONT ASK) who then grants her one wish: to fulfill her love. unfortunately, the unicorn interprets love’s wish differently than expected, and turns her into a boy. love decides to attend great men academy in her male form, but she must remember to return to the lake and submerge herself every night before midnight to turn into her female form again, or she’ll be stuck in her male form forever
my thoughts: this drama........ whoever thought of this plot was on crack or smth. s’cute though. all the male characters are members of 9x9 (including captain, who plays noh in lovesick) also the main lead ends up with the person everyone acTUALLY wanted him/her to end up with so . YAY FOR US. still a WEIRD ass plot though
ending: happy
sequel(s): n/a
where to watch: kissasian
honorable mentions:: 
bolded : watched/watchingitalics : unwatchedstarred *** : hasn’t aired yet
- until we meet again (only an honorable mention and not an actual rec bc i haven’t seen it yet so i don’t know as much about it, BUT i know it’s good)
- kiss me again (the prequel to kiss: the series and also good but not PRIMARILY bl, focuses on three het couples/storylines and then the one bl storyline, but petekao is still otp asf)
- 2moons / 2moons2 (2m2 is a remake with a little better acting, a different cast, and more focus on the side couples than 2m. it is NOT* a sequel)
- make it right: the series (a bit old and kiiiinda shitty but one of the classics. also the second season is a little better imo bc the characters look more mature and the cinematography is better but ! s1 is a classic. also very . VERY sexual pls god do not watch it without headphonessjfkds)
- love sick: the series / reminders (love sick: basically the first mainstream bl uhhh ever. not particularly good / bold compared to more recent ones but it paved the way for current bls so we Respect love sick. ALSO reminders: is a modern sequel type thing set after love sick 2 when phun and noh are in university. also :: features almost all the main couples/actors from love by chance but has no relation/isn’t the same universe)
- the stranded ( i haven’t seen this but i know it has some gr8 bxb relationship shit ! but it’s not the main focus of the show i believe)
- 2gether: the series *** (hasn’t aired yet, but looks juicy af)
- my engineer *** (also hasn’t aired yet but again . i am inTRIGUED)
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theday · 7 years
hide and seek, fireworks, my style, coloured, your love, dream might (romantic or platonic? i love options), i'll be there, because it's you ((((:, you smile, with you, and better with you!!!!
thank you so much for aksing falen i love these and it also got super long lmao rip
Hide & Seek: what’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone new?
in real life, its probably their shoes/socks?????? LMAO and then their appearance but im trying 2 not let their appearance stop me from becoming friends with them :-o
online, i usually??? read ppl’s abouts first???? but idk like when it comes to actually talking to them i guess itd be their typing style?? and their use of emojis/the gif function (jenny) helps me to assess them although i do know that the way they type =/= how they are as a person but thats just what i notice first
Fireworks: name something astro’s done that has made your heart explode
falen u rly had 2 do it to me? ????? but hrm…. whenever they post selcas and when they just laugh every time myungjun laughs thats the shit that gets me the most bc its so/???? pur??e??? i love them a lot theyre always so happie and theyre all smiles every time they do a vlive it makes me happie
My Style: what do you usually wear out?
clothes not 2 sound like a loner but. i rarely go outside bc i only go outside when my family eat out and thats only on like weekends and if im hanging out with pals so i always get the chance to wear the same shirt, shorts and shoes lmao 
but its a black cat shirt (used to be a button up thing but singapore is 2 hot 4 me) and blue shorts and white converse 
Coloured: favourite MV aesthetic? 
ok real talk all of their mvs are so pretty and everything??? but my favourite has to be baby or csc
Your Love: top three astro songs
o w0rm
every minute 
Dream Night: describe a dream date with anyone
idk?? smth ive always wanted 2 do with anyone is just walk through a park or just walk when the weather is not 2 hot or 2 cold (ike what binuki did in their recent vlive) 
if we’re getting more romantic mayb just??? cuddling???? idk i rly cant see this happening tbh 
I’ll Be There: fave astro vlive you’d watch over and over again?
but theres so many :-( but possibly all of eunwoo’s just 10 minutes with binnie :-0 the shrek vlive with the ice cream made me laugh so hard though mmMM
Because It’s You: why do you love your astro bias?
ur rly gna make me do all 6 members falen??????? ill try 2 keep it short
myungjun; binnie said he was sure mj wouldnt make it into astro and im assuming its because he was the one who was a trainee the shortest but??? look at him now with his strong vocals and even stronger personality!!! astro mightve done fine without mj but listen.. their vlives, appearance on variety shows, etc. would never be able to be as funny because mj is the reason for everyones laughter and it makes me so happy??? mj has that ability to crack anybody up with his laugh and the shit he says and does is so funny too pleaseth and i just?? appreciate mj for being there so fucking  much because he really resolves any tension in the atmosphere so easily and as the oldest member im so glad to see he doesnt find anything awkward AND despite the age gap between him and sanha, theyre like the closest?? lets not forget on that one radio thing yesterday they (astro) were asked who they were most comfy with in the dorm and 3/5 answered myungjun :_) im just happy myungjun exists? thank u mj i love u mister 777
PARK JINWOO; jinjin is the one of the sweetest leaders out there and i know every group has a great leader but jinjin is really that leader to me because as the rest of astro have mentioned before, jinwoo really buys them shit and they have said that he is the sweetest?? remember in the fan made fanmeeting i dont know what its called but i linked it and just??? jinjin is literally an angel!!! the one vlive he did with dogs? my heart melted off!!!!!! he really went and learnt the names of all the dogs present in the dog cafe!!!! he stopped the black dog which was biting hard on the table bc he was scared it’d injure itself/get in trouble and just??? jinwoo is so fucking nice just ??? if u look in the dictionary park jinwoo will appear as a synonym believe me ok and jinjin is part of dance line everybody lets not forget that he dances to release stress and that amaizng intro to again he did with rocky for their dream pt2 showcase because that was fucking so ?? i love talent and! AND i will never shut up but as a leader jinwoo takes care of his members so much and he also knows how to have fun with them and he jsut!!!!! i love him a lot
cha! eu! nwoo! (dongmin); i know 4 a fact that this will get so long lmao rip but first i just wanted to say that i am so proud of dongmin and how far he has come as a dancer and vocalist in astro ok so obviously i dont know the real hard facts tm and i can never tell the difference in anything so i dont know how accurate i really am but last year (and even now) i know eunwoo had a lot of personal schedules and he barely had time to practice? ?? i really dont know but im p sure that was it???? idk but dongmin has had to work so hard the whole of last year with the amount of comebacks astro did and i jus??? im so proud of eunwoo for being able to work hard for astro and still attend all those other schedules at the same time??? like i said idk how much time he did have/didnt have but i know it mustve been little with how late it would be whenever he arrived back at the dorm after his stuff and??? eunwoo had to practice his lines and the dance (astro’s choreography looks hard as shit and its tiring too) in time for their comeback promotions ??? and!! dongmin used to be that member (now its all of astro) who would constantly do vlives for arohas and lets not forget his just one 10 minutes where he would do vlives that were always over 10 minutes where he just talks to fans im eternally grateful for all the work dongmin puts in for astro and arohas and im sure he puts in more than 100% effort when it comes to his personal schedules too!!!! dongmin deserves the best and ive seen someone say b4 that he’d probably feel bad if he had more lines bc he was already “stealing” the spotlight by being a “face genius” and i just!! youre righ??t???? eunwoo is incredibly selfless and its easy 2 assume these kinda things tbh lee dongmin is so much more than his face and visuals he is a hardworker and!!! he loves his members and fans so damn much im !!! i love eunwoo so much i hope he knows how much we love him 
binnie; god with bin there isnt somethiing that made me love him??? all he did was go :) and my brain decided i was gonna love him forever ok but……hrm….. i guess i love him because hes such a dork?? like. .. when he laughs he just snorts and its so funny lmao i believe bin’s a good friend too well no shit ?? uMMm moon bin has a cute smile yall…… whenever he smiles my heart explodes hes just that powerful and also!!! bin has been a trainee for 7 years now and im just !! he made it!! like what the post i reblogged earlier said, he probably had other dreams but he still stuck with being an idol ??? in the end and that !!! im sad he didnt get to pursue the things he couldve liked better but im also happy hes managed to find a dream he likes and that hes basically living the dream right now??? and im so happy for him because 7 years may not be a lot to some but bin’s still young his childhood was basically training??? im just!!!!!!!!!!! so proud of him and now hes on the same kind of music shows his faves are on too nd it makes me rly proud (idk any other words my vocabulary is so fucking weak oh my god) he is having the time of his life with astro and arohas right now im so glad i forgot what i wanted 2 say im sorry bin i did u dirty im2 tense rn but i love u and i love bin bc of how much hes done and the amt of scarifies he has 2 have made in order 2 get 2 where he is tdy 
rocky swag (minhyuk); minhyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him because !! hes so awkward but he tries his best for arohas!!!!!!!!!! in that first vlive he did alone he was so nervous but he managed to warm up and in the next vlive he did alone he did something that he was comfortable with (dance) and im glad he’s able to do vlives normally now even if there isnt any recent solo vlives i can see how much more comfortable he is on vlive now !!!!!! my love for minhyuk is similar to bin’s bc all he did was smile and suddenly????? im in love???? its the swag lmao but seriousy tho after finding out rocky did all sorts of dance i found him really??? respectable??? because he was able to learn so many types of dance and isnt that the coolest thing ever???? lets not forget how well he can sing???? im happy and so proud (jesus) that he sang on the recent album since previously he said that he didnt hvae any plans of singing in the albums so!!!! now!! hes singing!!!!!!!!!!! although the songs dont do him justice tbh its ok we all know how lovely he sounds when he sings especially in the binuki vlive where he sang wyls i swer my ear drums were blessed?? park minhyuk can do anything get urself a legend like rocky so basiclaly i love rocky aka park minhyuk bc hes just!!!!! outstanding???? hes handsome, he can dance really fucking well, he can sing and rap !!!!!!!!!!!!! and?? hes just a fool??? he’s warming up to doing vlives and just being himself and its the greatest thing ever i love him a lot
sanha; YOON SANHA!!!!!!!!! Love of my LIFE the baby i will protect for the rest of my LIFe??????? he is DAT boi .. the boy i love so much with my whole heart!! sanha is so cute and he just!! hes always making fun and bullying the older members i love it so much but ofc everyones weak 4 sanha bc b*tch is 2 cute honestly can relate if sanha punched or stole my money ill let him off bc hes just that cute . lets not forget he learnt how 2 play the guitar all by himslef jae is shaking ok and sanha is such a nice voice?????? every time he screams i lose my hearing its ok id do anything 4 this boy???? and to think hes only (1) year older than me is kinda??? wowie???? sanha is rly out here being a superstar and a student @ the same time and hes doing an awesome job @ being amazing !!! sanha is so cute and just?????? he loves his other members and family so much i love sanha a lot and i hope nobody will ever make him cry (sad tears) bc i will personally go to that person and we’ll have a nice chat :-) i cant think of anything atm but sh loves arohas so much and hes always doing aegyo 4 us idk its just . … thakn u young prince
You Smile: name three things that have made you smile in the past week
ok easy
mx comeback
daily astro vlives (its okay if they dont do vlives everyday they have 2 rESt)
becoming friends with lovely mbbs :_) 
with you: talk about a mutual without using their name
how long is this answer gonna be oh w0rm.. but here we go this is abt someone who ive never talked about but do talk 2 p often and theyre the other online person i am most comfortable with talking 2!!!!! 
theyre great tbh and rly good @ art and i know theyve gone through so many shit things in their life but im so glad theyre still hanging on even if their sleep schedule is totally wack still love u tho lmao at least theyre getting more than enough sleep!! theyre cute when they see sanha and it makes me soft seeing them go soft bc theyre never that warm??? when it comes 2 other ppl (kihyun crying) and im just so glad i managed to help them get (further) into astro!! being able to talk to somebody about astro has helped me so much and then i became friends with jen but im still so thankful to have a friend like [redacted] and im happy we’re friends!!!!!!!! i love them so much and i hope their days are filled with happiness even if it doesnt last for long i hope they have at least (1) happy time each day bc they deserve the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! 
even when i was still a young myday they helped me by providing links and everything just telling me where everything was and i was so :_) bc!!! they !! a bigger account was helping me someone who didnt even have 20 followers at that time and without them i wouldve never found anything tbh!!! even now when im the one whos been into astro longer, they still manage to find things so much faster than me and imlike?????? wow thats amaizng???? theyre amazing and i appreciate their presence on my tl/dash and in my dms so much thats one of the reasons why i thought they were older bc of how mature and just?? the older vibe they gave off was strong with they way they help people and whenever they comment on my tweets or someone else’s tweets im like !!!!!!!!! you’re doing amazing sweetie 
theyre so easy to talk to and even though our humor was something i thought was very different we manage to make each other laugh so much and i jsut!!! happiness!!!!!!! 
ok this was abt bell and i dnt think they’ll ever see this but if u do i love u a lot bell thank u for being alive ur so funnie and cute just thank u so mch!!! for everything
better with you: your favourite memory related to astro?
every time i watch them on vlive live i get so happy and thats my favourite memory
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