#and i remember running and playing in the yard out back after meeting and getting hundreds of burrs stuck all over my clothes lol
farsailing · 5 months
mmmm thinking of attending meetings after the move if my work schedule allows. i’m def not interested in returning to Christianity theistically, but i do kind of miss the community of meetings. the society of friends for my new city does unprogrammed worship (the kind my family attended) and is inclusive so i may reach out to them about attending sometimes
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yanderes-galore · 5 days
Oooh how about yandere scenario where Macaque grows obsessed with the platonic female travel healer reader who’s also a monkey demon , who was around him when he came back from the dead, and nurse him back to health, but what if reader had to leave after his treatment was done👀 (if you want to include a prompt , maybe 1 “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” From ddarker-dreams)
I assume you meant they're both platonic with each other and not just the obsession being platonic. Either way, I struggled on this plot-wise... but I hope it came out okay.
Familiar Face
Yandere! Platonic! Macaque with Healer! Monkey Demon! Darling Scenario
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Macaque has a thing for scents, Kidnapping, Forced companionship.
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Macaque was a face you haven't seen in a long time.
You already knew of him, as a fellow monkey demon you naturally knew of the others. You were on friendly terms with Wukong and Macaque when the two got along with one another. Yet after their falling out, and Macaque being sent to the Underworld to suffer, you took up the job of a wandering healer.
While Wukong became a hero as the Monkey King, you wandered the lands helping those in need. Many knew you as a helpful monkey demon compared to your more mischievous compatriots. Always finding those in need to help... before leaving on your way again.
You've had many patients. Human and demon alike. However... you don't think you could have ever been prepared for meeting who you did today.
Macaque himself, a thousand-yard stare on his face as he looks... lost? Confused?
You kept your distance until he collapsed on the ground, then you felt obligated to help.
Your usual routine was to set up a camp to help your patients. Quickly you got to work setting up a tent with two bedrolls before doing your best to pick up the other monkey demon. Once setting him inside... you got to work.
You started with an herbal remedy for exhaustion, making a tea before waking Macaque up. Naturally... your old friend was... combative. You should've expected that from someone supposedly straight out of the underworld.
It took a lot of reasoning, bickering, and some restraints before Macaque calmed down. It appeared the other monkey didn't recognize you at first. Yet once you calmed him and passed over your remedy, you saw a glint of recognition in his eyes.
There's a long silence as Macaque recovers. You let him keep quiet, sitting back in your tent as he sips your remedy. What feels like a half an hour passes before he acknowledges you properly.
"... So... it's you...?" Macaque murmurs, still recovering as he sips the tea you gave him. It's not entirely his thing but it is helping. You snort, looking him over as your tail sways.
"Yeah, you're lucky I crossed your path when I did...." You sigh, curiously watching the shadow monkey. "You aren't supposed to be here... How'd you even get here?"
There's a long awkward pause before Macaque laughs nervously.
"Long story! I guess you could say I got some help... I promise I'll... behave this time." Macaque laughs softly, although you can tell it's a bit forced. "Geez... You're doing this now? Running around doing...?"
"I help people, Macaque." You answer, checking over your supplies. "That's what I've chosen to dedicate my time to. I roam and help people."
"You're playing hero?" Macaque scoffs, immediately reminded of the fact you and Wukong got to be helpful while he was cast into the depths. "You taking after him?"
"It's nothing like that." You huff, sitting in front of him. Macaque can't help but watch you intently... despite the edge in his tone. "I get restless sitting still. People look to me for help. I enjoy doing that."
Macaque merely gives a grunt of disapproval as he curls his tail around himself. It was... pleasant to see a familiar face. He's just... envious he had to suffer for so long.
You're still just as helpful as he remembers... it's both pleasant and infuriating.
"Right, of course, free spirit and all...." Macaque murmurs, golden eyes trained on you before freezing when you came closer.
"I'm checking you over for wounds...." You reassure him, taking note of his suddenly flicking tail. "Stop acting so damn grumpy... I'm trying to help...."
Macaque is stunned by your comment but reluctantly relents. He can't deny he always enjoyed your scent and touch. You were always soothing... always easing his stress even around Wukong.
The word fate flashes into his mind but he flinches and ignores it. He was simply... lucky. Lucky to have met you again... one of his best companions...
Fate and destiny are such silly concepts.
But as Macaque lets you check him over, he can't help but... admire you still. You two weren't just on "friendly terms" to him. To him... you two were true friends.
Yet when he confronted Wukong and the two fought... He saw his female monkey friend nowhere.
At the time, and a little now, Macaque resented you for that. You were no doubt either told by Wukong to leave or were off helping someone else. All while Macaque was left to suffer without your presence.
Smelling your scent, the distinct scent of herbs and female monkey, only brought up memories. Memories of he, Wukong, and you together. Memories before all the hurt.
The thought nearly brings tears to his golden eyes but he hides it. He shakes a bit at the feeling, causing you to look up at him confused. Macaque merely glares... even when he doesn't mean it.
Having you help him felt like no coincidence...
If fate... destiny really brought you two together...
Macaque would be a fool to let you slip out of his grasp again.
Recovery didn't take long for Macaque. Yet the fellow mystic monkey managed to drag out your stay for an entire week and a half. He excused it as 'catching up'... all in hopes of seeing his healer monkey friend again.
You often monitored Macaque carefully throughout his recovery. While normally cunning and mischievous, he seemed strangely behaved with you. He took every remedy you gave him with no complaint and overall just acted playful.
It reminded you of old times when your only concerns was eating fruit with your friends. You could tell Macaque was particularly fond of those times. Throughout the week he kept bringing them up, smiling as he clung to you.
Your reunion was surprisingly sweet with him. You were so caught up in remembering those pleasant memories you nearly didn't notice his change in demeanor. The longer he was with you... the clingier he was.
Despite being friends, Macaque often wrapped his arms around you. His tail always right around your waist or entwined with your own. You don't recall him being this clingy before...
But you could only guess what he went through.
Your time with him was pleasant yet you couldn't shake the thought of there being something... off. Not only was his appearance suspicious, but he seemed way too... clingy. You enjoyed seeing your old friend again...
Yet you should really continue on your way....
"You're all healed." You comment, putting your things away. "It was nice to see you again, old friend... Behave, will you?"
Macaque watches you pack up your supplies, dread pooling in his gut for a moment. He... had originally made it his goal to get revenge on Wukong... but he didn't want you to leave. He should let you leave and go about his original plan...
Yet the idea of losing your scent, your warmth...
You freeze when Macaque grabs your tail, peeking over your shoulder. He forces a grin when you glance back at him. You feel intimidated immediately as his grip tightens.
"Leaving so soon, friend?" Macaque purrs playfully, his voice barely hiding a dangerous tone. "I thought you liked me around?
"Macaque, let me go. We'll meet again some other day..." You reason, only for Macaque to shake his head with a chuckle.
"Sorry, girl..." Macaque whispers, pulling you close. "Don't think I can let you do that...."
"Let go, Macaque...!" You growl, earning another chuckle from the shadow behind you.
"Why ever would I do that?" Macaque muses, slinking in front of you. "Don't you know I missed you, my friend? I missed the girl of our mystic friend group... and how she always helped people..."
Macaque steps closer, his stance predatory.
"Even if the person she helped was dangerous..." Macaque coos, leaning in to place a hand on your shoulder. "She still helped... even if it got her into trouble... isn't that right, friend?"
"Wh—?" You go to respond, yet dark hands erupt from your own shadow and trap you. You struggle the best you can, panicking. Macaque only watches with a grin, tail swaying.
"So sorry to do this... but I can't just let you go now, can I?" Macaque pouts, circling you. "I haven't seen you for what feels like millennium. Being lonely really hurts...."
Macaque then embraces you from the front after he finishes his circle, his tail wrapping around yours securely.
"Don't you know we were meant to meet again?" Macaque whispers with a mischievous grin. "You were meant to help me. Us, two friends, together again...!"
You still try to struggle, but Macaque's grip tightens.
"Afraid I can't let you go anywhere, friend." Macaque purrs, patting your head.
"You're stuck with me now... destiny demands it...." Macaque hums, playful as he nuzzles into your fur.
"You've always been too naive for your own good... Helping people can be dangerous, y'know...!"
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lcvesjj · 3 months
Half Return - Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
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Inspired by the song "Half Return" by Adrianne Lenker
Summary : Many years after you left Ohio, you return to see your best friend Natasha..only to find out that she’s gone before you had the chance to talk to her…
Warnings : hurt/no comfort, heavy angst, Nat’s dead, no happy ending,
A/n : ngl this turned out longer than I thought it would 😭 I didn't even realise how much I wrote until I edited some mistakes. I might write a part 2 to this. NOT BETA READ!
song fics masterlist
You could remember it like it was yesterday.
Playing in your yard with Natasha and Yelena. Back when Natasha still had blue hair and she was wearing her beloved red converse.
The same ones she always wore no matter the weather.
The same ones on which she wrote your name in a black sharpie on the side.
The same ones you bought her for her birthday shortly after she moved in next door.
You didn’t have any friends and you had no siblings. So when a new family moved in with two young daughters- one your age and the other one was younger, you were ecstatic at the fact that you had new neighbours, seeing the chance at finally having a best friend you begged your mother to help you bake some cookies to bring over to meet your new neighbours.
After helping to make your moms special shortbread cookies, you placed them onto a pretty plate and covered them before slipping on your blue converse shoes and heading out the door towards your new neighbours house. Taking a deep nervous breath you walked up the driveway and gently knocked on the door. Soon you heard footsteps and a young girl's voice calling “I’ll get it!” From inside of the house.
Then a little blonde girl opened the door looking up at you innocently with her big green eyes. “Hi.” The girl said unsurely looking at you, seeing your blue converse she gasped and exclaimed “I want shoes like that! They're so cool!”
In return you smiled and laughed “Yes they are. I’m Y/n. I’m your next door neighbour and I brought over some cookies to just say hi and introduce myself.” You said while holding out the plate of still warm shortbread cookies for her to take. “I’m Yelena.” She smiled back while looking at the cookies wide eyed, then there were footsteps running down the stairs and you could hear the other girl yelling “Yelena don’t talk to strangers!”
It was the red haired girl and she looked over at you with a frown while stepping next to Yelena and pushing her behind as if to shield her from you. Yelena pouted and tried to push past the red haired girl, protesting and saying that you only wanted to say hello and introduce yourself. You just stood there awkwardly holding the plate of cookies in your hand, you started to feel like maybe this was a bad idea…
Then came a young woman asking “Who are you talking to girls?” It was their mom. Before the red head could say anything Yelena piped up saying “Y/n! She’s our new nextdoor neighbour and she brought us cookies!” The young woman stood next to the two girls looking over at you with a gentle smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ma’am.” You stuttered out nervously while handing her the plate of cookies. “Oh please just call me Melina. It’s a pleasure to meet you too Y/n.” She nodded while glancing at the red head who was still glaring at you.
“Natasha, be nice.” Melina scolded the older girl. “I’m sorry for Natasha here. It’s just been a big change for us.” She said while gently patting Natasha’s shoulder. Natasha just huffed before storming upstairs. Frowning slightly you just nodded. “Um- well I better go home now. It’s getting dark but it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope you'll enjoy the cookies.” You stuttered out nervously before quickly turning around and walking back towards your house.
However while leaving you overheard Yelena whisper to her mom “I like her, she seems nice and her shoes are really cool.” After that you just bolted home and ran through the front door straight into your moms arms.
“How’d it go sweetheart?” She asked while pushing your hair out of your forehead. “I gave them the cookies.” You mumbles while hiding your face into her shirt, she could sense that something else was up but decided not to push the issue for now.
Meanwhile…at Yelena’s and Natasha’s house at dinner time
“Natasha, why were you so rude to our new neighbour? We might be here for some time so why not make some friends.” Yelena asked innocently while eating her favourite food made by Melina- mac & cheese. Nat just sighed in return “How do we know that she's not SHIELD and that she won't rat us out?”
Yelena just shrugged and said “So? It doesn't hurt to be nice. Besides, she has really cool shoes.” The redhead looked over at Melina for help, but she just sighed and shook her head. Huffing Natasha pushed her plate away and stormed upstairs to the room she shared with Yelena.
The next day Melina decided that the girls should take back the empty plate to Y/n’s house and offer to be friends. Natasha huffed and rolled her eyes, but after receiving a harsh glare from Melina. She just stood there with a small pout on her face.
~time skip~
You, Natasha & Yelena soon became best friends. It was mostly you and Nat since Yelena sometimes would rather hang out alone on the rusty swing set in their backyard.
One day it was Natasha's birthday, December 3rd. You decided to buy her something small since Yelena mentioned that Nat loved your shoes. So you thought it would be nice if you saved up all of your pocket money to buy her something.
It was a little hard to keep the secret from Natasha since she was always so good at telling when you're lying.
When the day you've been waiting for came you knocked on their door and Yelena opened it and immediately invited you inside. Melina greeted you with a warm hug and smile.
Soon you heard Natasha's footsteps running down the stairs towards you. Seeing you she immediately went to hug you but paused seeing the wrapped box you were holding. “What's that?” She asked curiously while stopping right in front of you. “It's a gift for you. Since I know it's your birthday today and I wanted to get you something small.” You said while handing her the wrapped box.
Her eyes widened and she hugged you tightly, thanking you over and over again. When Natasha opened the gift she gasped and let out a small excited squeal seeing the red converse shoes. The same shoes you had just in a different colour.
Many months later you and Natasha slowly stopped hanging out as much due to school and other responsibilities. One day returning from some after school activities you saw that Natasha and Yelena's house was covered in police tape and there were a ton of police cars and reporters on scene. You froze and immediately ran inside asking your mom what had happened and why were there so many police cars. Seeing you run inside so panicked your mom started to cry while she hugged you tightly. “Oh my baby-” She sobbed while hugging you tightly.
Soon you found out everything. Nat and her family were suspected to be spies for the government of another country. Heading that your heart broke into tiny pieces. You felt betrayed. Was this whole friendship fake? Did Natasha really like you or was it all a facade?
After a while you and your parents decided to move away to New York to start out fresh, you felt sad leaving Ohio but you knew it was for the best.
A few years later you saw Natasha on the TV news. She was now an avenger. You felt slightly bitter that after all this time she never checked up on you or anything. Many months and year passed before the blip happened. Your dad passed away shortly before the blip and 5 years later when you got back, you decided to try and find Natasha again.
Only to find out that she had died. Natasha had sacrificed herself to save the world was what the media said. You didn't believe it and you decided to see for yourself. So you bought a plane ticket to Ohio to try and find out if it was true.
Sadly it was and you found a gravestone with Natasha's full name, birthday and the date of when she had passed. Seeing all the flowers and teddy bears surrounding the gravestone you fell to your knees. You'd never get to tell her how you felt. She was gone.
You didn't realise it but you were followed by someone here. It's not until you heard footsteps on the gravel and your voice being called was when you realised you weren't alone. Turning around you froze- no it couldn't be.zz
The voice then called out again “Y/n/n?”
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The Revenge
Elliot was tired and hungry as he walked home from his job at McDonald's. He had been frying burgers and fries all day, and his boss had been yelling at him constantly. He just wanted to go home and hide in his room where he could read his comics and play Minecraft. He was a typical nerd, with glasses, small, unathletic, shy, and with a big belly. He had no friends and was often bullied by others for his nerdy ways.
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The worst of all was Chad. Chad was the exact opposite of Elliot. He was at least two heads taller than Elliot, very muscular, and above all, good-looking. He was the star of the wrestling team, winner of the regional championships, and the crush of all the girls. He looked like a young god and his body was a gift from heaven. But he was also arrogant, cruel, and sadistic. He loved to harass Elliot, beat him up, take his food, exploit him as a helper, or expose him in front of everyone. Elliot hated Chad more than anything else in the world. At the same time, he also felt attracted to Chad and envied his life.
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To get home, Elliot had to cross the abandoned freight yard. It was evening and it was already starting to get dark. Elliot slipped through the hole in the fence as he always did. It was a forbidden shortcut, but also the shortest way home. He always hoped that he wouldn't meet anyone, especially not Chad or his friends.
But today he was out of luck. As he crawled through the hole in the fence, he saw Chad sitting on an old freight car with his legs apart in the sunset. He was smoking a cigarette and grinning wickedly when he spotted Elliot.
"Hey, fatty! What are you doing here? Looking for something to eat? Oink, oink!" Chad jeered and laughed.
Chad jumped off the freight car and ran after him. Elliot was startled and tried to run away, but it was too late. Chad caught him easily, grabbed his neck with one hand, while taking drags of his cigarette and blowing smoke in Elliot's face with the other.
"Let me go! Leave me alone!" Elliot whimpered.
"Why should I? You're my favorite toy. I have so much fun with you," said Chad, tightening his grip around Elliot's neck.
"Chad, please stop, you know I have asthma," Elliot said, gasping for air.
"You don't have asthma, you're just FAT," Chad said with a sneering grin. His eyes were full of contempt as he said it.
Elliot wanted to run away, but Chad held him up like a puppet. Elliot didn't know how much longer he could take it, he couldn't breathe anymore. He closed his eyes and wished for only one thing: that he could be in Chad's place. That he could be as big and strong as him. That he could be like him!!
Suddenly they heard a loud shout. A flashlight shone on them. They were no longer alone in the abandoned freight yard. They were standing between the wagons on the tracks, and one of the security guards had spotted them.
The security guard aimed his stun gun at them. He pulled the trigger and two electric arrows shot out of the device. One hit Elliot in the back, the other hit Chad in the arm. They felt a powerful electric shock run through their bodies. They screamed in pain and fell to the ground.
Then everything went black. They both lost consciousness and fell to the ground...
Chad slowly opened his eyes and stared at the wall. He felt strange. He tried to remember what had happened. He had been holding Elliot, who was looking at him pleadingly. Then the guard came and shocked them both. Then everything went black. He heard a faint buzzing around him. He turned his head and saw a cell. He was in prison. He saw the bars that locked him up. He saw the other inmates staring at him hostilely. He saw the guard looking at him contemptuously and talking to the police.
He wanted to protest, but his voice failed him. He wanted to stand up, but his body did not obey him. He looked down at himself and was shocked. That was not his body. That was a small, misshapen body. He was wearing Elliot's clothes, Elliot's thick belly. He was Elliot!
He touched his face and felt the rough stubble. He ran his fingers through his greasy hair. He opened his mouth and saw his yellow teeth in a reflection. He was ugly.
He suddenly felt different. He felt weak and insecure. He felt helpless and small. He felt like Elliot.
He started screaming and thought: This is a nightmare. This must be a mistake. This must stop. He must get his body back. He must find Elliot and hold him accountable. Eventually, he managed to get up with difficulty. Everything was still spinning, he staggered to the cell door and started screaming, "LET ME OUT OF HERE, THIS IS A MISTAKE, LET ME OUT OF HERE IMMEDIATELY, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM??"
Elliot also started to wake up slowly. He felt warm and secure, he hadn't felt this good in a long time. He felt the fresh sheets on his skin, he thought it was a dream. Elliot fell asleep again. It wasn't until the next morning that he slowly opened his eyes.
He looked around and noticed the many posters of naked women and race cars on the walls. Where was he?? This was definitely not his room. He was still slightly dazed and got up and went to the mirror. He couldn't believe what he saw. He was huge and muscular. His upper body was extremely well-trained and shone in the light. He wore jogging pants that emphasized his trained ass. He looked like an Abercrombie model. He looked like Chad.
Elliot touched his face and felt the smooth skin. He ran his fingers through his dark hair. He opened his mouth and saw his white teeth. He was perfect.
He suddenly felt different. He felt strong and confident. He felt powerful and attractive. He felt like Chad.
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He turned around and looked at his back and shoulders. He couldn't help but flex his biceps and touch his abs. He couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror. Elliot looked into his jogging pants and was impressed by what he saw. He could hardly believe that he was now so well-endowed.
He wondered what it would be like to live in Chad's body and what it would be like to sign up for Grindr with his new body.
But how could this happen?? He remembered the incident at the freight yard and the electric shock he and Chad had received. This probably led to the body swap. Chad's family probably learned directly from the sheriff about the incident and brought Chad home immediately. He thought that Chad was somewhere in his body. And wondered what Chad was doing right now and how he was feeling in his body.
He smiled and thought: This isn't so bad. Maybe he can take advantage of this. Maybe he can live Chad's life. Maybe he can have everything he ever wanted and teach Chad a little lesson with his new body.
Several days passed without Elliot hearing anything from Chad, and he began to worry. Was the shock perhaps too much for Chad?
Elliot tried to push the thought out of his mind and enjoy his new life. He could hardly believe how easy life at university suddenly was for him. With his new godly body, he was a magnet for attention. The other students admired him for his strength and looks, and his presence in the room was simply unmistakable. Elliot enjoyed the positive looks and compliments he received from others. It was a completely new feeling for him to be so accepted and admired.
He found it incredibly satisfying how easy it was for him to shine in social situations. Suddenly, he was invited by everyone, and people seemed to be drawn to him. Elliot felt a new energy within himself, and his self-confidence grew with each passing day. Life was suddenly so much easier, and he enjoyed how easy he had it. At the same time, he tried to be nice to everyone; he wanted to be a better person than Chad.
One day after class, Elliot went to his locker to get his things. He wanted to go home quickly and relax. He had had a long and tiring day.
He opened his locker and looked for his backpack. He couldn't find it. Instead, he found a note with an ugly drawing of himself and a message:
"Hey Fatty! I stole your backpack! If you want it back, you have to meet me at the old warehouse! But be warned: I have a few surprises for you! HAHAHA! Your best friend Chad"
Elliot, in Chad's body, angrily crumpled up the note. He knew it was a trap, but he wanted to confront the situation. He decided to finally teach Chad a lesson.
He went to the old warehouse on the edge of town. It was an abandoned building that used to serve as a storage facility for building materials. It was dark, dirty, and dangerous.
As Elliot entered the warehouse, he heard a voice from the shadows:
"There you are, you loser! I've been waiting for you! Because of you, I spent the last few days in custody because your stupid mother didn't have the money for bail."
It was Chad in Elliot's chubby, small body, emerging from behind a stack of wooden planks.
He held Elliot's backpack in his hand and grinned wickedly. "Do you want your backpack back? Then come and get it!"
Chad threw the backpack on the floor and stood with his legs wide apart. He still believed he could intimidate the now huge Elliot. He still believed he could beat Elliot. He still believed he could defeat the now muscular Elliot.
The now small and chubby Chad was not stupid. He knew he was physically inferior and would have no chance if he fought fairly. He took every opportunity to surprise or confuse Elliot. He threw things at his head and sand in his eyes. It didn't take long for Elliot to lose control of the situation. He was overwhelmed; he had not expected this. He thought it would be an easy game for him in Chad's muscular body, but he was wrong.
Elliot fell back into his defensive posture from before; he froze, curled up, and hoped it would all be over quickly. But Chad was angry, angrier than ever before in his life. He kicked Elliot in the shin and then punched him with all his might in the soft parts. Elliot fell to the ground on his knees and groaned. In the past, Chad would have been satisfied with that, but not this time. Too much had happened; he had lost his body and his life to the fat nerd, and he was going to make him pay.
Chad grabbed one of the many wooden planks lying around and hit Elliot with all his strength on the back of the head. Elliot immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground. When Elliot came to, he was kneeling on the dusty concrete floor of the abandoned factory. Elliot felt his muscles ache and his joints crack. His hands and feet were tied together with tape behind his back and attached to an old radiator. He had a sock in his mouth that muffled his screams. He was now a prisoner waiting for his torture. He couldn't imagine how he got into this situation. Chad wanted his body back and Elliot was going to pay for taking it away from him. Elliot wept bitterly, his snot running from his nose. Chad stood nearby like an uninvolved spectator with a crowbar. "Well, how do you like your new body? I have to say, you have good taste. Too bad you can't handle it. What a waste," said Chad. Elliot was terrified, he tried to scream and free himself, but it was useless. He felt helpless and alone. He wondered how he was going to get out of this situation. Elliot tried to speak, but his mouth was still stuffed with an old sports sock. Which Chad eventually pulled out. Elliot, who was almost 2.00 meters tall muscle man, began to cry: "Please Chad, please let me go, I don't know how the bodyswap happened, please Chad, you have to believe me." Chad: "I believe you, you don't have enough backbone for such an action, fatso. But I still think you're not entirely innocent. What happened at the old freight yard happened because you wanted it to." Elliot: "Please Chad, I'll do anything you want, but please let me go now. I'll really do ANYTHING for you." Elliot looked like a fighter, but he felt like a weakling.
In the end, Elliot continued to be harassed and tormented by Chad, even though he now had a muscular body. Chad enjoyed his power over Elliot and treated him like a slave. Elliot felt trapped and scared of Chad, but he didn't know how to break free. He longed for his old life back, but it seemed out of reach. Chad took advantage of the situation and pushed Elliot further into despair. He forced Elliot to work for him and to harm others. Chad used Elliot's new muscular body as a shield against others. He told him what to do and threatened to inflict pain on him if he didn't obey. Elliot, who was afraid of being hurt even more, obeyed him and helped him cover up his criminal activities. Chad knew he could exploit Elliot's fear to manipulate and control him. Chad's thoughts now revolved around Elliot's body.
He saw it as a tool to help him expand his power and tyrannize others. He became obsessed with controlling the body and using it to achieve his goals. Chad treated Elliot's muscle body like an object that belonged to him and no longer like a human being. Chad began to feel increasingly drawn to the body he once owned. He started to intensify his obsession with his old body and spent hours looking at old photos and remembering what it was like to live in that body. Chad was obsessed with how perfect Elliot looked in his new body. Every morning, he styled Elliot's hair and carefully chose the perfect outfit for him. He shaved Elliot's body daily in the shower and selected the perfect body spray for him. Chad wanted to make sure that Elliot was outwardly just as perfect as he once was. He spent hours styling and perfecting Elliot's body until he was finally satisfied. Elliot became a life size toy.
But despite all his efforts, he couldn't really hide Elliot's lack of confidence and insecurity. Elliot was uncertain in his new body and often felt uncomfortable, even though he now looked physically strong and impressive. He was afraid that he was no longer himself, that he had changed. He no longer felt comfortable in his own skin and had difficulty adjusting to his new physical strength. He often avoided looking in the mirror because he couldn't bear the image he saw. His eyes reflected this insecurity and despite his muscular body, he still seemed like a nervous nerd. Chad had been shaving Elliot daily for some time now, but something was different this morning. As he ran the razor over Elliot's muscular chest, he suddenly felt a strange tingling in his own groin. Chad had never before reacted so strongly to the touch of another body and couldn't believe he was so attracted to his own former, muscular, and masculine body. As he shaved Elliot's ass, he couldn't help but let his hands glide over the tight muscles he discovered in Elliot's body. The tingling in his own body grew stronger and he felt his heart beating faster. Chad had never felt attracted to a man before, but in this moment, he couldn't help but realize that he was drawn to Elliot's body. Chad quickly withdrew and tried to suppress these new and confusing feelings. He had no idea what was happening to him or how to process these unexpected sensations. But he knew that he was now looking at Elliot's body differently than before and that he couldn't ignore this new attraction.
The End
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lynnimini · 2 months
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₊⊹ 𝘚𝘰 𝘓𝘦𝘵’𝘴 𝘎𝘰 𝘚𝘦𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴: 1 ₊⊹
Description: 12 parts ⋆ fluff ⋆ comedy ⋆ kinda cringy?
⋆ In which woonhak and y/n meet for the first time.
Pairings: k. woonhak x afab!reader
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: N/A
"y/n, go ahead and say hi!"
your mom encouraged you as you clung to her legs from behind, being a shy little 6 year old meeting your new next door neighbors.
you said, peeking out from the side as you briefly glanced at the mom and dad, mostly focusing on the boy running around in the front yard trying to catch butterflies. his parents cooed at how shy and sweet you were.
"woonhak, come say hi to everyone too"
the boy's mother called, remembering her own son after seeing the neighbors' daughter. the boy, woonhak, stopped chasing butterflies and ran over to hold his mom's hand.
"hi! i'm woonhak!”
woonhak smiled widely, acting similarly to y/n as he barely paid any mind to her parents, and rather focusing on who was soon to be his best friend.
woonhak extended a hand out to you with the wide smile still on his face. you giggled and took it as he pulled you forward, bringing you on his butterfly catching mission.
"what's your name? let's trade names. i'm super fresh boy kim woonhak"
woonhak said as he did a silly pose, making you laugh and scare the butterflies off to new flowers.
"i'm l/n y/n"
you said simply, sitting down on the plush grass and watching the butterflies swirl and fly all around you two. woonhak frowned as he flopped down next to you.
"that's it? just l/n y/n?"
he asked as he stared at how the butterflies all wanted to land on you and your pretty pink dress.
"yup, just l/n y/n"
you said while giggling. the butterflies were starting to tickle your skin with every flap of their wings.
"but that's so boringgggg. what about i'll be super cool kim woonhak and you can be butterfly princess l/n y/n?"
he proposed. you lit up at the thought of both butterflies and princesses, nodding eagerly at the new description. woonhak laughed and looked at you with stars in his eyes, a butterfly on his head, and a new friend in front of him.
"come on, let's go look around to see what we can do here"
woonhak abruptly jumped up, grabbing your hand and pulling you away. the butterflies all flew away in scattered directions as you two ran to your guys' parents.
"mommy, can y/n and i go walk around? we'll be careful, promise!"
woonhak begged with the cutest smile and puppy eyes. you nodded at your mom and dad. it was a little safe town by the sea, so you went out to play all the time. you were extra excited now, because this time you'd have a friend to play with.
"okay, but make sure you stay with y/n the whole time and be back before it gets dark. love you"
woonhak's parents each gave him a kiss on the forehead before going back to bringing their stuff into their new house with your parents.
"where should we go y/n?"
woonhak asked, swinging your two hands back and forth as you walked down the street together.
"do you want to go down to the beach? we can catch small fishies instead of butterflies this time"
you said hopefully. catching small fish was one of your favorite things to do. most people wouldn't think you go around getting dirty and catching fish because of your dainty looks, but you were quite adventurous like woonhak.
woonhak showed his sweet, wide smile at the thought of going into the water to cool off in 95 degree heat.
"let's catch a lot of fish today y/n"
woonhak held his pinky out and you wrapped yours around it. the two of you continued walking down to the beach, hand in hand.
"i'll race you there!"
woonhak said as he took off immediately once the beach was in sight. you gasped and ran after him, following not that far behind.
"i won!"
you said happily as you and woonhak sat in the wet sand, panting heavily.
"nuhuh, i won!"
woonhak protested. to be fair, you two hit the water at the exact same time, but no one wants to admit they lost. especially two stubborn 6 years olds like you and woonhak.
"woonhak, you're all wet"
you giggled and pointed at his soaked hair and clothes from tumbling into the water. woonhak pouted and pointed at your hair and dress.
"so are you!"
he smiled mischievously as he pulled you into the water with him. it wasn't far enough for your heads to be covered, but far enough to the point you two were entirely soaked.
"i'll pay you back for this!"
you laughed as you splashed him with as much water as your little hands could scoop. woonhak shook his hair like a wet dog and splashed you back.
the two of you just went back and forth, splashing each other so much that passerbys started wondering how you two could be so playful for so long.
hours had passed, and the wind was starting to pick up a little, causing a light breeze. it was light, but the two of you shivered with the combination of wet clothes and wind.
"woonhak, let's go see the granny at the noodle shop"
you suggested, goosebumps staring to rise on your arms and legs. woonhak's teeth chattered as he nodded and followed you quickly to the shop, desperate for warmth.
“who’s granny?”
“granny’s granny. she runs the noodle shop and always gives me towels after i go to the beach. granny, it’s me, y/n!”
you pushed the door open, the familiar sound on the bell chiming through your ears. the granny rushed to the front of the store and shrieked at the sight of you and woonhak soaking wet.
"y/nnie, what did i tell you about walking around all wet? you're gonna get sick one of these days! and who's this young gentleman?"
the granny chided gently as she wrapped two towels around the two of your shivering bodies.
"i'm kim woonhak!"
woonhak said cheerfully despite being freezing cold. the granny laughed softly, taking the two of your hands and leading you to a table.
"i'll bring you two some warm soup, so just dry off and stay here okay?"
the granny said before rushing to the kitchen and quickly bringing two small bowls of noodles for you and woonhak.
"here you go loves"
she smiled as she watched both of your eyes light up at the sight of food.
"thank you granny"
you two said together, cracking open chopsticks to slurp up the noodles.
"isn't it so good?"
you said as woonhak scarfed down his bowl, nodding quickly at your words. you both finished your bowls rather quickly, and you walked to the counter to hand the cashier the 3 dollars and 8 cents in your dress pocket. it wasn't nearly enough to pay for the both of you, but the granny loved you like her own grandchild and always let you feel responsible for paying. truth be told, she always buys you little toys with the money you give her because she loves your company so much. you remind her of her own daughter when she was your age.
"thank you granny! we'll bring the towels back next time"
you said, peeking your head behind the counter and waving to the granny. she smiled and waved at the two of you before you set off to go home.
"today was so fun y/n! can you show me other places too?"
woonhak asked excitedly, no longer feeling cold after drying off and filling up with warm noodles.
"i'll take you to all my favorite places woonhak! i want you to come over to my house once you're finished moving in so we can play with my toys together"
you went on and on about your dolls and plushies and how you'd love to have tea parties with woonhak until you both got home.
"y/n! you brought home more towels from the noodle shop granny?"
your mom scolded you for bringing what was probably the 20th towel from the shop, 21 including woonhak's.
"mommy, woonhak and i didn't mean to get all wet. it just happened!"
you said innocently. woonhak's dad laughed as he picked his son up, prying the towel from his hands.
"i can return these towels. my wife and i would like to go thank this granny in person for keeping the kids warm"
woonhak's dad said. your mom handed him the towel gratefully, sparing her another trip to the noodle shop.
"say bye to woonhak now y/n"
your mom said. you were a little sad at the fact that your new friend had to go, showing small tears in your eyes that threatened to spill.
"bye bye y/n. let's meet outside and play tomorrow, okay?"
woonhak wiggled his way out of his dad's arms to give you a big hug. you nodded in his embrace before you two let go, both being carried away by your parents into the comfort of your own homes.
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klbwriting · 8 months
Who Am I Really?
Chapter 3
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Orm and YN settle into a day at the shelter while trying to figure out who he is
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The first day with YN at her shelter was fascinating for Orm. After breakfast she took him to see the cats where they started fixing up their area. There were around 6 cats and 3 kittens right now and they all needed litter changed, water, and food refills. She was patient as Orm couldn’t remember ever seeing a cat before. She taught him how to measure the right amount of food per cat, how to figure out if any were on a special diet, and how to clean litter, which was the worst thing he’d ever experienced. She laughed at his face when the smell hit his nose.
“Sorry, sometimes Goose has tummy trouble,” YN said as she cuddled the black and white kitten while he worked. “I’ll get the next one and then we can move on to the dogs. I have a couple volunteers coming in to walk some today, maybe we can ask them if any of them know you from town.” Orm nodded but had a feeling no one knew who he was. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t a metahuman, that he was human at all.
The dogs were not much better smelling than the cats. They cleaned kennels, fed, and watered them and took a few into the play yard to run around. As volunteers arrived YN led them to meet Orm, explaining about him having an accident on a hike, the cover story they had come up with, and asking if they knew who he was or had seen him before. Just as he suspected no one had, but YN was undeterred.
“That’s fine,” she said as they were bathing a large German Shepard after most of the day was over. “We will go into town tonight, walk around, see if anyone put up missing posters or possibly just knows you on sight. How about we go to the mall? Its big and there’s a lot of people, do you think you could handle that? I don’t want to overwhelm you.” Orm thought about it as he caressed the animals head, keeping the boy calm as he was rinsed. The mall didn’t seem like a place he wanted to go, but it might help find someone who knows him. He should probably get it over with.
“Should be fine,” he said. YN noticed he was less than enthused and flicked some water at him. He jumped at the surprise and his mouth fell open before he started laughing. There was a sink near him for smaller animals, so he turned on the tap, got his hand wet and flicked water at her too. When he put his hand back under for more, he noticed the instant boost he got at the feeling off the water. It was invigorating, making him feel stronger than he had ever felt. It was heavenly. YN watched him closely.
“You must love the water,” she said. He looked over, not noticing that he had been entranced by it for longer than normal. He nodded. “Good, you won’t mind this then.” She turned the hose on him and sprayed his face. He sputtered from the sudden wet and then laughed and it felt good. He knew he didn’t have memories, but he felt like he hadn’t laughed like that in a long, long time. Maybe he never laughed, maybe he was miserable or angry, but right now, he wasn’t that. It felt good to laugh.
After finishing with the animals and closing up for the evening YN drove Orm to the mall. He hated it instantly. So many people, so much noise, so much excess. He didn’t know why he was bothered by how much stuff was around but he was. YN seemed to notice his annoyance and led him towards a cart that was selling food.
“I am starving,” she said. “What about you? You think you’re more salty or sweet?” Orm furrowed his brow, looking at the baked treats. Pretzels, his mind remembered that word without prompting. He was trying to figure out what he could remember, how to do basic things, how to read the language here, how to talk, and what he couldn’t remember, his name, past, family. He was trying desperately to pull anything out of his brain to help but nothing was coming. He sighed. “Don’t like pretzels?”
“No, I was lost in my mind,” he said. She looked at him with sympathy, but not pity, it was nice, he hated pity. Well, there was something he remembered. She reached out and took his hand. He felt a small spark in her touch and looked at her. She smiled back at him, and he almost moved closer but the guy at the counter asked for their order.
“2 regular pretzel sticks and 2 cinnamon sugar sticks,” YN said. She pulled her hand away to pay and Orm noticed the gap it left in his hand. Her hand should fill his, that’s all there was to it. She was here with him because she was made for him. And he was for her. Where was all this coming from? Why did he feel this way? She finished paying and he took the offered snacks. They walked towards the stores, and he watched her bite one before taking a bite of his small one. Butter, salt, bread, all tasted amazing on his tongue.
“These are good,” he said, taking a bite out of the sugar one. She nodded. “These are pretzels…”
“Yup, and maybe when we finish walking around we can get you more and try cheese sauce, will change your life,” she said. Orm chuckled. “While we’re here let’s stop and get you some more clothes, you look a little rumpled in those.” Orm looked at what he had been wearing for at least 2 days now. Ya, he could use a change. She led him into what she called a relatively cheap department store. She was asking people as they walked by if they might know him and checking any pieces of paper or notices on walls as they went. She cared so deeply that he be found, that if he had a family that they know he was ok. He was almost hoping he didn’t have anyone; he didn’t want to leave her side. He knew that his emotions couldn’t be trusted right now, anything could easily influence him, but he still had these feelings for her, and he didn’t want to leave her.
“So, clothes, anything?” he asked, motioning to the hundreds of items available. She looked at him, surveying his figure and honestly, enjoying her view, before walking with him and selecting some things. Once she had a few days’ worth of outfits she left him to try things on and find out right sizing. He wasn’t sure what else she did but when he came back out, she had some packets of other basics for him. “Are you sure you want to spend all this money on me?”
“Yes, because if I don’t, you’re going to start smelling like my dogs and I deal with that enough,” she said, a teasing smile on her face. Orm shot her a fake glare and she laughed. It was such a beautiful sound. They bought the clothes and decided to get out of there, heading home. YN couldn’t deny she was falling head over heels for this mysterious visitor. She would still do her best to find his family, help him get home, but deep inside, where her selfish impulses lay, she hoped she could keep him.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Omg menaces to society Hawk and gremlin!Reader-
But also imagine like S4 Hawk coming around after being an asshole and seeing Reader hasn't changed much at all. Maybe Sam got her to stop wearing thick af hoodies in the summer time. Moon definitely contributes to Reader's gem collection. And she just sits on the sidelines because she's like everyone's child they have to watch over and make sure she doesn't fall in the koi pond- And Hawk walks in and is like "wait she's kind of cute now"
- gemini sensei
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(Unedited) (This was so much longer but half of it got deleted😭) ( @gemini-sensei )
“I don’t think she’s changed mush at all since you last hung out with her if I’m going to be real with you.” Miguel said as both boys glance over at the chubby girl. She was playing near the koi pond, on her knees looking directly into the water. Watching the pretty new koi fish Daniel had put in a week prior. Slowly she inched her hand near the water.
“Reader no! No touching the fish!” Sam yelled out from across the yard. Everyone in the area looked over to the girl who was now huffing. She reels her hand back from the water and slumps backwards. Eyes still glued to the cold water of the pond.
Hawk feels himself start to blush just a little bit as he watches the unhinged girl. Too him she was definitely different. The last time he had really seen the girl was months ago. While she was still around school all the time he had yet to really see or talk to her. Never letting up with showing up out of the blue and then disappearing just as fast. One minute she was there the next she was gone. It wasn’t as if his view on her had really even changed all that much. Yeah she was hanging out with the “enemy” but it was never as if he went out of his way to target her like the others.
He really couldn’t because she was never there in the first place for him to mess with.
When he was still hanging out with everyone, mostly Miguel she was around them constantly. When he first meet her it was all Miguel’s doing. The girl wasn’t attached to him, it was Miguel who was attached to her. Reader was always doing something that didn’t seem real or made any kind of common sense and Miguel always seemed to be drawn to it. The only thing he could think of was the fact that Miguel was so “puppy” like that he couldn’t get away from trying to keep the girl from doing stupid things. He was constantly trying to keep her in some kind of line, so as not to hurt herself or other.
Hell the first time he met her and saw the two together he thought she was Miguel’s girlfriend.
Miguel was trying to keep her from eating something which he later found out was a literal rock she found. Scratch that it was a large plastic diamond she found at the minimart. But still, Miguel had to threaten to not take her to the mall to get her to spit the little piece of plastic out of her mouth. After that she kinda just wandered away from them. Then Miguel had to jog after her once she tried to make a break to the parking lot where a car almost hit her. He found out quickly that she wasn’t stupid by any means she just couldn’t keep herself out of stupid situations.
It took him a while to figure out that Miguel wasn’t lying and that Reader was just a really good friend. One he tried to keep out of getting in trouble or hurt.
When he started dating Sam things turned because as much as Sam decently liked the girl, it was a pain to keep track of her. Hawk remembered when she said during a conversation “It’s like having a child, but the child is our age and likes to run into on coming traffic for fun.”.
For weeks he ended up spending more time with Reader when he went out with them. Hanging out with the three was fun, until Miguel wanted to go kiss Sam in a corner. The two love birds couldn’t really keep an eye on Reader every second but it seemed like every time they did she got into something.
So after alot of begging on Miguel’s part, he talked Hawk into “taking care of” her for a while. He just asked to make sure she didn’t hurt herself or do anything to dumb. Hawk didn’t see why he would ask him that until he actually started to see some of the weird shit Reader would do.
Window shopping at the mall? More like Reader staring at a window for twenty minutes.
Need extra change? Yeah she’s trying to jump into the coin fountain in the middle of the mall because she wants to.
Oh there is a candle place? Reader is trying to snort every candle while thinking about trying to eat some of the wax because she wants to know what they taste like too.
He doesn’t even want to start on the time he lost her in the middle of the food court only to find her buying half a pint of ice cream and trying to eat it with a fork.
Every time he took his eyes off of her it was something else that she was getting into.
At first he wondered if there was something was going on with her. But after he was able to get her to sit down with him for a few minutes it was made apparent that that’s was just her. She didn’t like following rules, she didn’t like staying in one place, and she just wanted to do what she wanted to do. He couldn’t really even say that she was doing any of it out of rebellion, it was just her. It actually frustrated him to every extent.
Two seconds after that conversation she was gone.
He couldn’t even finish a conversation with her without running off to go do something weird.
Now he was looking at her and was seeing a total different person. Maybe not that different but enough to make him scratch his head a little bit.
“Uh I don’t know she looks a little…”
“If your talking about the hoodie thing yeah we finally got her to stop with that. She almost got heatstroke last month from wearing the stupid hood all they time out in the sun. Moon took her hoodies and Sam basically locked mine up so she can’t get them now. I thinks she’s kinda started to embrace not wearing them now that she can’t get her hands on them. She was kinda pissed at first because now she can’t stuff random things in the pockets.” He shrugs as he goes back to watching the girl.
Hawk feels his cheeks grow hot with a nice pink blush coming on.
The hoodie that once draped over her was long gone. Now replaced by a nice tight tank top that she was spilling out of. He noticed her fat tits that poked out of the top and spilled out the sides. Her chubby belly that every so slightly filled out the shirt just right. He could even see her thick thighs now that they where no longer hidden under Miguel’s oversized hoodie. He sucked on his inner cheek as he watched her move around a little in the grass.
Her nice curves where no longer hidden away and he could see her curves which made his face go even redder. She was hot, he could even go as far as saying she was down right sexy.
He wondered if her ass matched the rest of her. Plump and round, filling out her tight jeans just right.
“Reader no!”
He bit his cheek hard, drawing blood as a sudden big splashing sound made him come back into focus. Both him and Miguel watched as Reader held up one of the huge goldfish. She giggled as she held the trashing fish up in the air. This helped to drench her upper body in cold water. Her tank top completely ruined. Miguel sighed as he watched the girl show off her catch. Sam was quick to jog over and try and pry the poor thing from the chubby girls hands.
The whole time Reader whined and groaned at the brunette’s reaction. Slowly she released the fish back into the pond with a small splash. She huffed as she sat back down and watched the fish swim away. Her eyes still never breaking from the cold water of the pond. Sam was busy giving her a lecture about not touching the fish like that. This just made her roll her eyes and pout.
Hawk felt his heart beat start to pick up a bit more in his chest.
Was he really catching feels for the well know gremlin girl?
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postwarlevi · 11 months
Happy Halloween III
Content: 1.6k words of the evening after trick or treating with your and Levi's daughter.
Not required: Part I /////// Part II
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"Happy Halloween! Have a good night!" You call out and wave to your friends from your front porch.
"Mama! Come in!" Your little girl calls from in the living room.
It's Halloween night and you and your husband Levi have recently returned home from a night out of trick or treating with your daughter and some family friends who are on their way home.
"Coming darling." You say and come back in, shutting the door and locking it.
"Boo!" You fake scream as she jumps at you as you turn, your husband standing close by with a smile.
"Oh! My wicked little witch!" You chuckle and poke her shoulder, referring to the costume she's picked this year.
"Our pretty little witch." Levi corrects you, taking her hat and broom.
She giggles and goes dancing around the room, calling out to the newest member of the family, a black cat that made it's way into your yard one day some months back and has been an indoor kitty ever since, after very little effort from you daughter in convincing you and Levi.
"There you are!" She picks him up and he mews at her happily.
"Just a few minutes then let's get you cleaned up." Levi says, taking the bag of candy that's been collected into the kitchen for inspection.
She's so attached to the cat, and he to her, that you know it was the right decision to let him stay.
"Anything good in there?" You come in too, looking through the bag.
Your little one comes in too and plops the cat onto the chair and looks at all the goodies with you.
"Did you have a nice time tonight?" Levi asks as you all sort through the candy.
"Yes daddy! I always have a good time with you and mommy and uncle Erwin!" She says of the family friend who you'd been with earlier, along with his wife and son.
The running joke between you is that one day your daughter would marry their son. Levi always shot it down just for the fact that his little princess would stay little forever in his eyes.
Heading fast to her preteen years, Levi is hanging on as long as he can. You are less worried about what will surely happen one day, and more worried about raising a teen girl in the future. You remember your own years, and Levi has no idea.
"Okay pumpkin, let's get you out of your costume." You say after sorting a little bit.
Levi puts the cat on the floor who scurries after her as she wanders to the bathroom. You follow to help remove the makeup and fake play nails.
Sure that she can undress herself after helping unfasten part of the outfit, you let her close the door to her room to get into pajamas and go to your room to do the same.
"Evening Mrs Ackerman." Levi comes into the room to get out of his day clothes too, coming over to pull you into a hug.
"Hello Mr Ackerman." You smile and hug him tight, resting your head on his chest as he sighs contently, both of you enjoying the moment after a noisy evening.
"I'm happy to be home." Levi says, kissing you head.
It had been fun, of course, but it is true you both enjoy the simple sounds of your little girls happy laughter as she chases her kitty around the house, much more then the excitement of the whole neighborhood out and about all at once. Thankfully it's not an everyday occurrence.
You both finish getting into pajamas and go meet your daughter in the living room. She's sitting on the couch, kitty on her lap, with a few pieces of candy, ready to be eaten.
"Oh, let's see what we have." You come sit on one side and Levi on the other. You already told her a couple pieces tonight is okay, and, the thoughtful girl she is, has included your favorites in the pile.
"Could we watch a movie?" She asks you hopefully.
"Well, it isn't a school night, so we can start one until we get tired." It will take a little more time to settle down anyway.
"I won't get tired!" She says excitedly with a slight bounce, making the cat adjust and blink up at her. She leans in to kiss his head and pet him and he settles right back down, purring loudly.
"How he was ever an outside cat, I'll never know." You chuckle.
After a couple tries you agree on a shorter movie and snack on your candy as it starts.
Levi takes all the candy wrappers and stands to go throw them in the trash. As he passes the couch back to his seat on the far side, he squeezes your shoulder adoringly.
You give him a sweet smile as he sits down and without words and a light in his eyes that's reserved only for the people in the room, you can feel how much he adores his family.
You know at one time Levi felt maybe he wasn't deserving of such a gift as a loving family. You try to tell him and show him all the time, and over the years, he finally stopped stressing that maybe this wouldn't be there one day, and now looks forward to waking up every morning with his family.
You mouth 'I love you' to him and he feels his heart skip a beat. He'll never tire of it.
Turning you attention back to the movie and hear your daughter yawn after just a few minutes.
"Let's get your teeth brushed, then we can keep watching." Levi says, gently removing the cat from her lap who is sleepy enough to just crawl right into the oval shaped cat bed on the floor by the coffee table.
It's apparent she isn't going to make it the whole movie now that things are more calm, and brushing teeth is a must.
You all head to the bathroom and brush. You and Levi are going to bed soon too.
"Want to finish the movie in the morning?" You ask once you're all finished.
But she opens her eyes wide and tells you she's not tired.
You hide a shared smile with Levi and go continue the movie, and as expected very soon your daughter can't keep her head up anymore and her head is falling forward.
"Come on you." Levi picks her up and you turn the tv off and follow behind as you both tuck her in.
"Daddy, read a chapter in my book." She mumbles as her head hits the pillow.
"Are you sure sweetie?" He asks, sitting on the edge of her bed as your hand him her current read.
"Please." She insists, though her eyes are closed.
She's old enough to read herself and will read with you or by herself at times, but still enjoys when you read to her, especially when she's sleepy.
So Levi takes out the bookmark of the shorter chapter book and begins reading a couple pages. While she falls asleep listening to her daddy's voice, you straighten up a few things around the room so you can listen too.
You love hearing him read these middle grade books that maybe you read way back when and he maybe missed out on due to some hardships.
He reads softly and closes the book just a page and a half in after seeing your daughter is asleep. You come over and hug him from behind and kiss his cheek as you watch her sleep for a few minutes before leaving the room quietly and heading back to your room.
Slipping into bed you snuggle up close and rest your head on his chest. His arms wrap around you right away and he rubs your back.
"Thank you." He says it a lot in these quiet moments when he's so thankful for you and your daughter and this life together that he loves so much.
"I love you so much sweetheart. You make us so happy." You kiss his chin and nuzzle into his chest.
"I love you too." He sighs and closes his eyes with a smile.
While Levi's unease of good things happening in his life has lessened over the years, he loves that you never stop reassuring him. He'll make you and your daughter happy for the rest of his days, just as you do for him.
"There's a lot of candy to get through." You mumble, making him chuckle.
"I'll bring some to work. Not the good stuff, that stays here." He notes.
"What do you think she'll want to be next year?" You ask as you listen to his heartbeat.
Next year is a long way off. Who knows what she'll be into then? And who knows when it will be the last year she does trick or treating and instead goes to a party.
"She could go as a popstar, as long as she's happy." And as long as the outfit isn't too adult, of course.
With the way she loves books, you wouldn't be surprised if she's a character in whatever her favorite is at that time. You can only imagine.
"Goodnight love." Levi says after a few minutes, feeling your body settle into his.
"Night." You say as your eyes close.
In the meantime, you'll all take all the costumes, trick or treating, movies and story time you can get together.
Thanks to @chaotic-on-main for a little inspirational idea :)
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nerdazzler · 1 year
Childhood Memories.
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You were just playing outside by yourself in your front yard when you decided to go for a walk through the neighborhood. You were mindlessly walking around until you noticed a little red headed boy in the window of his house, he looks to be about your age.
You had honestly gotten rather bored while walking around and he looked like a good person to play with. So you walked up to him and his window.
“Hello!” You cheerfully greet the boy. The red headed boy looks at you quite confused and startled at your presence, “hello?” He hesitantly responds. “What are you doing?” You ask him, he looks at the book on the desk in front of him before responding to you. “Studying.” 
‘Studying? Well that just sounds boring.’ You think to yourself, pouting at the thought. “Well that’s no fun!” You whine, the boy looks away from you, thinking of a way to respond. As he dose this you notice that there is enough space in his window for you to climb in. 
The boy looks back at the spot you were standing in, only to not find you there. Instead he found you standing right in front of him. It takes him a whole minute to register your presence in his house before going into a full blown panic, saying something about his mother. 
You laugh, “my mom doesn’t know I’m here either, so we might as well just get in trouble together!” He stops talking.
He looks about ready to cry which causes you to stop smiling and start panicking, trying to find something to calm him down with before any tears could be shed. You feel your pockets hoping to find a toy or something to give him, instead you find a cookie in your pocket and shove it in his mouth. 
The boy falls silent. You cheerfully extend out your hand and smile, “Hi! I’m (Y/N), Nice to meet you!” He looks at your hand for a second before hesitantly shaking it and introducing himself “My name is Riddle, Rosehearts. It’s nice to meet you too.” You think you have stars in your eyes “Oooh! You talk all fancy! I like that!” 
Riddle slightly giggles at your response “It’s not being fancy, it’s being polite and proper.” You tilt your head not really understanding what you’ve been told. “Oh! Like whenever my mom makes me dress all nice whenever we have guests or go somewhere fancy?” Riddle nods “Kinda like that.” 
“Ooooh.” It clicks in your head to an extent. “(Y/-!” You look out the window you came in from not sure if you heard something or not. “Did you hear something?” Riddle ask, “(Y/N)!” It’s your mom. You look at riddle and nod “Yea! My mom is calling me, I should probably go.”
You hurry towards the window and climb out of it with riddle not to far behind watching you, you look back at him from the outside of his house “I”lol be back as soon as I can!” You wave goodbye as you run in the direction of your mom’s voice. “Bye Bye Riddle! It was nice meeting you!”
The boy only watches you leave, weakly waving as you move farther out of his view. “Goodbye…”
A few days have passed since you met the red headed boy. Your mother scolded you for leaving without saying anything and you were forced to stay inside all day, not that you minded it all that much, but the thought of meeting Riddle again excited you.
After you were allowed to play outside again you immediately left, but made sure to say something to your mom before leaving. You ran through the neighborhood trying to find the house you stumbled upon last time, it took you a while since you didn’t remember how you originally got there but you made it. 
You almost yell riddle’s name if not for the fact you saw him talking to two other kids. They also looked about your age, maybe a year or two older? You’re disappointed but didn’t want to interrupt whatever they were doing, so you left to go to a nearby playground.
It was early in the evening so a lot of people happened to be in the park. You looked around for anyone to play with and saw a ginger haired boy with messy hair playing in the sandbox, he looked like he was having fun so why not join him? You walk up to the ginger haired boy “Hello!” He looks up at you, “Hi!” He’s playing with dinosaur toys.
You bend down to get in the sandbox with him “What are you playing?” You ask him and he proudly shows you the toys in his hands “Dinos!” He says enthusiastically.
You giggle “Can I play?” He hands you a pterodactyl toy and starts to make a mess in the sand as you laugh and copy him.
While you didn’t get to play with riddle like you wanted, you did have fun with a new friend today. 
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Memory fragment 1/???
⋙ Memory fragment 2/???
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foone · 2 years
Has anyone written an official star trek novel about Worf's bar mitzvah yet? (long post on Jewish Worf under the cut)
He was orphaned at age 6/7 and adopted by the Rozhenkos shortly after, so he would have come of age in a Jewish household. As for "would Worf have had a bar mitzvah?", have you met the man? He loves him some rituals!
And if you're not sure if Worf's adoptive family is Jewish, two things: 1. His mother is played by Georgia Brown, a Jewish actress 2. HIS DAD IS LITERALLY TEVYE. THEY COULD HAVE NOT MADE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS
His dad is played by Theodore Bikel, who got his start in acting by playing Tevye in "Tevye the Milkman", an adaptation of the stories that predates Fiddler on the Roof. In 1969 he started playing Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, the role he played more than any other.
Anyway I want to get a story about a klingon girl being adopted by a Jewish family as a child, and having her coming-of-age ritual with her new family. Call it "My Bat'leth mitzvah"
You know it's been pointed out that Worf seems to be more invested in the history and culture of the Klingons than most of the raised-by-Klingons Klingons we meet in Star Trek.
There's lots of fan explanations for this (the Klingons have lost their way, and he believed their propaganda about themselves, so he's more Klingon than Klingons, or he's on the autism spectrum) But I want to see it brought up on trek itself.
Someone asks Worf why he's so invested in Klingon rituals, in their history, in their culture, when so many Klingons have forgotten the same, and let it slip away.
Worf explains that he got it from his father, who always emphasized the importance of... *Worf stands up and begins to sing at the top of his powerful klingon lungs* TRADITION!
Three decks away, a startled ensign drops a sample container. Within hours half the ship has mutated into kangaroos and Data has to save the ship yet again while Picard swordfights Shakespeare on the holodeck
I wonder if Worf ever mentioned to Sisko that he was Moses.
Sisko: What. Worf: You're a prophet to a people just out of slavery, one raised by another culture but secretly one of them. G-d spoke to you and told you of your divine mission. Because of your actions you were told you would not enter the promised land.
Worf: Remember when you entered the wormhole and spoke to the prophets to stop the Jem'Hadar invasion fleet? And they did? Well, what happened to the Pharaoh's army when they tried to follow the escaping Hebrews across the Red Sea?
Worf: Even your name! Benjamin, son of Joseph and Sarah. These are Hebrew names! You are Moses.
And how does DS9 end? (spoilers) Oh, Ben is taken into heaven on a chariot of fire. Like the prophet Elijah.
I imagine a young Worf coming to his father, excited to point out a connection to Klingon religion he found while reading the Torah. His dad is excited that his adoptive son has taken such an interest, and asks him to explain.
Young Worf explains that he was reading about Jacob, who met either G-d or an angel, and wrestled him until he was given a blessing. Jacob was from then on known as Israel, meaning "wrestles with G-d".
Worf points out that Klingons have no gods... Anymore. They were killed by Klingons in the distant past.
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Little Worf balls up his tiny fists. "Don't worry, father! I shall help you finish what Jacob started!" and runs out to practice Bat'leth in the back yard. Sergey covers his face with both hands, then looks upwards and whispers "he doesn't understand... Forgive him, please!"
He'll ask the rabbi for advice later, and they'll be a very unique conversation.
There are many difficulties with maintaining the faith and traditions in the atheist utopian future of Star Trek, but "my adoptive son read the Torah and now thinks it's his divine mission to kill G-d in his heaven and drink bloodwine over his corpse" is a new one.
little did Worf know that the job had already been done, years before he was born, and with Klingon assistance. Yes, I'm going to bring up Star Trek V...
"God" or at least a very powerful being claiming that title, is trying to kill Kirk on a planet named after the James Bond actor. Kirk reaches the top of a mountain (why is he climbing the mountain?) and he's out of options. BAM, Klingon Bird Of Prey, out of nowhere! DIE, GOD!
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But it wasn't a Klingon at the weapon's console. It was Spock! (But he's Jewish too, so it was still someone who Wrestles-with-God)
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From then on Spock was known to the klingons as chotwI’Qun: God Killer.
(the grammar is probably wrong on that, but if you try to correct me on my Klingon (don't you mean tlhIngan Hol?) at the end of a post about how Worf is Jewish, I will simply call you a NERD)
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salamandergoo · 11 months
STWG Prompt: A Different First Meeting
Mike scrambled up the ladder on the playground equipment with a bright smile and a giggle bubbling from his chest. He could hear Lucas somewhere behind him and hurried to get to the top first. A hand slapped down on the platform just before his and Lucas pulled himself up with a grin. “I win!”
“You cheated!”
“You started running first! Guess you’re just slow.” Lucas stuck his tongue out.
Even though his mom kept telling him he was too old to pout when he didn’t get his way, Mike jutted out his bottom lip. “I’m going to make you walk the plank.”
“No you’re not.” Lucas helped him get all the way up. From the top, they could see the entire playground, could almost see over the roof of the school. “Because I’m the captain. You can be my first mate, though!”
Mike sighed and crossed his arms as he swung his legs. The breeze was still a little too warm to really feel nice and his forehead was sweating. “No, it’s Will’s turn to be the first mate. It’s my turn tomorrow.”
Lucas nodded. “We need someone else to play pirates with us. Then we can have enemy ships! With cannon battles!”
Mike grinned, the enthusiasm infectious. “What are we gonna use as cannonballs?”
“We can’t use mud at recess, remember when we got in trouble last year? We didn’t get to play at recess for a whole week.”
Lucas frowned, looking around the playground. “Maybe we can play in your yard instead, then?”
“Well what are we going to play during recess, then?” Mike perked up when he saw Will running across the playground. “Look! There’s Will!”
Lucas grinned, smiling hard enough that it scrunched up his eyes in the corners. “Will! Ahoy!”
Will looked up and waved. “Ahoy! Permission to come aboard?”
Will began to climb the ladder, but… another boy was climbing up after him, hat obscuring Mike’s view of his face. “Wait, no-“
“It’s okay.” Will, for what he lacked in size, the smallest of the three of them, made up for it in speed, scaling the ladder easily. “This is Dustin! He’s new.”
Dustin looked up at them from about halfway up the ladder and waved. “Hi!”
Lucas waved back, but Mike wasn’t budged so easily. “But it’s always been just three of us.”
Lucas peered down at the new boy and seemed to consider him. “He can fit up here too. You just said it would be fun to pretend to have two ships.”
“But we were… um…” Mike stared at Dustin. “This is wrong,” he said slowly, his frustration fading. His head ached as he squinted. “It didn’t happen like this.”
“Mike?” Will’s voice was wrong. He’d always been quieter when they were this age, when they-
“We didn’t meet Dustin when we were playing pirates. He brought us a frog and Lucas screamed.” Mike got to his feet as his voice did something weird.
Then the play structure was crumbling under him, the smell of rot flooding his senses as the wood decayed under his feet. He braced himself for impact, but it never came. He was falling endlessly and his limbs wouldn’t coordinate. He looked down (or maybe it was up) and the darkness seemed infinite. “Help!” he cried, reaching out to try and grasp at something, anything to slow his fall.
When he finally crashed to the ground, the wind knocked from his lungs, he was standing in an unfamiliar house. The smell of rot was overwhelming now and he struggled to get to his feet. He wasn’t a fourth grader anymore, he was 14 now, again, like he was supposed to be.
“Mike? Mike!”
“Will,” Mike breathed. The voice echoed off every surface and he turned around, trying to figure out what direction it was coming from. “Will!” He yanked open the closest door, only to find it boarded up. When he peered between the planks, he saw a desolate landscape, familiar in a haunting kind of way. Red cracked along the sky and he had to turn away, feeling himself tremble with fear.
“Mike, help! Help me!”
“Will! I’m coming!” Mike began to run down the hall. “Where are you?”
He froze when he heard a shrill scream come from the opposite direction. That was Lucas, he only screamed like that when something was wrong. “Fuck!” Mike could hear struggling, Lucas’ voice sounded… off. Somehow.
He had to keep running. He ran until his legs ached and wanted to cover his ears like a child, block out the screams that echoed in the endless hallways of the unfamiliar and crumbling house.
He used his shoulder to push open a door at the end of the hall when he reached it. It felt like he’d been running forever and he couldn’t breathe. “Will!”
“Mike.” Will stared at him with an empty expression, standing in the middle of the decrepit room. “What did you do?”
“Wh- what?”
“What have you done?”
Mike looked down at his hands and felt his heart drop. Blood coated his skin, sticky and warm and dark red against his pale skin. “Where did this come from, whose blood is this?”
When he looked up at Will, he was struck by panic. Now Will was covered in blood. “Why did you hurt me, Mike?”
“I didn’t! I didn’t do this! What’s going on, where are we?” He tried to step forward, to approach Will, but no matter how many steps he took, he never got any closer. “Will, please, I didn’t mean to! I don’t know what’s going on!”
“Why did you hurt me, Mike? I thought we were friends.”
“You’re my best friend,” Mike sobbed. “Please, please, please, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t, I swear!” He looked down at his bloody hands again. “Something is wrong, I heard Lucas screaming and we- we were kids again, but it wasn’t right, everything was off!”
“Why did you hurt me, Mike?”
Will’s voice changed and Mike realized it wasn’t him talking anymore. “All you do is hurt the people around you, Michael Wheeler. You know it, you’ve always known. You push them away.”
“I don’t- I don’t!”
He could hear music in the distance, but refused to look up. “…never thought I’d meet a girl like you…”
“You take your friends for granted. You take your family for granted. You take Eleven for granted.”
“I-“ Mike couldn’t breathe as he watched Will morph into… “You’re… Vecna.” And Mike remembered where he’d been. He’d just left the hospital. He’d been going to the high school to help with the volunteer efforts. He’d been back in the fucking van with Will and Jonathan and Argyle. He didn’t fully understand what was happening in Hawkins, all of what they had missed, but he knew this was bad. “Oh fuck.”
“…with auburn hair and tawny eyes…”
“You are going to die, Mike Wheeler. Hawkins has fallen. You are next.”
“Mike! Mike, please!”
Mike turned around, and there, in the hall of the house that wasn’t real, was a gate. He could see… himself. Floating up in the air. Jonathan was fumbling with something in the van, but Will was reaching up for him and crying out his name. “Will,” he whispered.
Vecna was still talking, but Mike could hear the song louder, the gate grew bigger. A split second before the floor broke under his feet, he broke into a sprint. He could hear the ground breaking beneath him and didn’t look down. He could see Will clearly now, could hear him pleading. He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to fucking die, not like this.
Mike’s eyes snapped open and he felt himself falling. But this time, it wasn’t into the infinite. Will broke his fall more than anything else and Mike let out a surprised sound, something choked that turned into a sob. “What the fuck was that?” he gasped out, wrapping his arms tight around Will’s shoulders.
“Yeah, do we know what the fuck that was?” Argyle’s voice was tight and stressed, he kicked up dust as he paced back and forth anxiously.
“That was Vecna.” Will’s fingers tangled in Mike’s hair and it felt… nice. Mike pressed his face against Will’s shoulder.
“This is my favorite song,” he mumbled.
“Yeah. Yeah, we radioed Dustin, he said Max’s favorite song kept Vecna at bay. And… you know, this was on the mixtape that I… made for you.” Will’s voice got a little quieter.
“He was trying to use my memories against me, I think. I… we were in fourth grade, but it was wrong. You were introducing us to Dustin, but that’s not how it happened… that’s not how we met him.”
“Oh yeah. He found a frog.” Will giggled. “You got so excited about it.”
“It was cool,” Mike grumbled, clinging a little tighter. Maybe Will’s laugh could be his new favorite song. He’d much rather listen to that on loop.
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bleach-boyz · 1 year
Chapter 2: Routine
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After that party, you weren’t exactly holding out a huge amount of hope that you’d be asked to hang out again anytime soon, but just two days later, Dico was ringing your doorbell. 
"Hey dude! Is there any way you’d be able to drive me, Bam, and Raab down to the skate park? I’d drive, but my carburetor is busted." 
You look past Dico to see his two friends arguing with each other in your yard. 
"You know my friends liked hanging with you the other night; don’t tell him I told you this, but I think Raab thinks you’re cute." Dico continues and chuckles to himself. 
You blush in embarrassment and agree to drive them, going to put your shoes on and grab your wallet and keys. When you join Dico outside, Bam and Raab stop arguing, and Raab smiles at you. 
"Thanks for driving us, man." Raab says, and you can see Bam trying to hold back laughter. 
"No problem. You’re going to have to direct me though; I don’t know where we’re going." You say while unlocking the car and climbing in the driver's seat. 
"I better sit shot gun then." Bam says before hitting Raab in the balls and running to the front seat. Raab doubles over in pain, and after a minute, he slowly walks over and gets in the car.
"Not cool, man."
On the ride over, Bam goes through the CDs that you keep in your glove box. 
"Those are my dad's; it’s mostly just oldies... this was his old car." You say, not wanting Bam to make any judgments about you. Those CDs are a far cry from the type of music that was being played at the party. 
When you arrive at the skate park, you can already see a group of people that you recognize standing together in the parking lot. You quietly follow the boys over to the group and calm your nerves by trying to believe that what Dico said earlier about his friends thinking you were cool was the truth. A few of them acknowledge that they recognize you, which helps. 
Soon, those who do skate go off to do their thing while you hang back with those who don't at some picnic tables nearby. The blonde guy, Ryan, who you talked to a bit at the party, sits down next to you and offers you a cigarette. 
"So tell me, do you remember my name?" He asks as you take the offered cigarette, and he lights it for you. You smile. 
"Ryan, right?" You ask, and he nods while lighting his own cigarette. 
"You don’t skate?" He asks you, and you shake your head. 
"My older brother used to skate, but he’s like six years older than me and never wanted me around when he was with his friends. So I just never really learned." You explain, "What about you?" 
"Oh, nah, I’m as uncoordinated as they come. I’m just around to hang and record shit, and cause, well, I guess I have nothing better to do." 
The rest of the summer went by quickly, with you being adopted into this misfit friend group and falling into their routine. Every few days, Dico would ring your doorbell or call your house and ask if you wanted to meet the others either at the skate park or someone else’s house. You’d spend hours talking and goofing around, and you'd sometimes smoke and drink. You’d go to parties and music gigs and record the boys doing skate tricks and pranks. By the time senior year rolled around, you could honestly say that you had never felt more comfortable and happy with a group of friends. 
You immediately felt checked out of school when the year started, doing the bare minimum to pass, though you found that you could still manage getting B’s and C’s. You had a vague plan to attend West Chester University the next year, which you knew wouldn’t be hard to get into, so getting mediocre grades wasn’t a concern. Mostly, you’d just look forward to the end of the school day, when you and oftentimes Jess (Bam’s brother and the tall, ginger guy from the band) would drive to meet the rest of the guys. Bam himself had dropped out the year before, so he’d usually have already gathered all the graduated boys somewhere by the time school was out. 
You started meeting at Bam and Jess’s home more often and had a friendly rapport with their parents. Ape, their mom, especially liked you because she felt you were more responsible and well-mannered than everyone else, which wasn’t untrue. You’d help her wash dishes or carry in groceries whenever you had the chance. 
Your parents didn’t seem to be particularly concerned with you spending time with random boys they had never met. You had told them early on that they were all "friends of Dico," which seemed to be enough for them to think it was all fine. They both worked late anyway, and they just seemed to be glad that you were getting out of the house more often than years prior. 
The months went by, and although on paper your life might have seemed monotonous, you were actually having more fun than you could ever remember. Your friendships with each of the boys were individually deepening, and you knew you were no longer just Dico’s neighbor. You were a part of the group. 
There was a party on New Year's Eve going into 1996, and when the clock hit midnight, Raab tried to kiss you. Dico had been right all those months ago when he said that he thought Raab had a crush on you. You’d mainly ignored it up to that point, seeing Raab more as a little brother figure than anything else. Before that night, he had never tried anything on you, and when he went in for the kiss, you had to awkwardly decline and explain to him that you were interested in someone else. 
You’d developed a bit of a crush on Jess due to you two spending so much alone time in your car or at each other's houses. Unfortunately, he had a girlfriend, and you weren’t the type to interfere in something like that, so you just quietly pined for him. 
Raab seemed to get over your rejection almost immediately, and within the next couple months, you were completely over Jess too. You weren’t the type to feel depressed over being single, and you decided it was probably for the best anyway that you didn’t date within the friend group. 
Bam’s skateboard career had been gradually taking off more and more, which brought more attention to your friend group from people around town. It felt kind of weird to be looked at by random people just for being associated with Bam, but you could largely ignore it at this point. Bam and a few of the others tried to teach you how to skate in the spring, and you got the hang of just riding around pretty quickly but never really dedicated yourself to learning tricks. Most of the time, you just prefer to watch and record. 
After you graduated high school, your uncle hooked you up with a job at the record store that his friend owned. The boys would come visit you often and use your discount. You were going to start at West Chester University in the fall, and you wanted to work as much as possible to afford an apartment so you wouldn’t have to live in the dorms. Dico made a joke one night about being roommates with you, and you expressed to him that you actually didn’t think it would be a bad idea. 
"It would be cheaper…" you said. 
"Yeah, and it’s getting kinda embarrassing to tell people I still live with my parents." 
So you two moved into a shitty apartment close by the university in August and decided to have a housewarming party a week in, despite having barely any furniture. 
"Nice place." Ryan says as he, Raab, and a few other acquaintances walk in. 
"No need to lie." You joke as you guide them to the living room, where Dico is trying to set up his stereo. 
"Where the hell is everyone?" Raab asks, and right on cue, Bam, Jess, and a large crowd of people barge in. Bam throws his skateboard down and skates into the living room, running straight into Ryan and causing them both to fall over. 
"What the hell?" Ryan groans, and suddenly the sound of loud metal music fills the space from Dico’s stereo. 
"Let’s party." Dico yells as he starts trying to mosh into this dude, Rake, who is taken by surprise. You decide to leave the room before you get sucked into whatever is about to happen. 
You head to the kitchen to grab a beer and see that Ryan has followed you. You hand him one, and he holds it to his head, which he must have hit when Bam slammed into him. 
"You alright?" You ask, but can’t help but smirk at the pained look on Ryan’s face. 
"Don’t make fun of me." He says, and you throw your hands up in defense. 
"I’m not!" 
"Hey, who are those guys?" Ryan points to two guys who look to be in their late 20s walking through the front door. 
"Oh, those are our downstairs neighbors. I figured we should invite them to avoid noise complaints." You say, though you don't want to admit that it was also because you find one of them cute. 
"Great, like we need more dudes here." Ryan complains, and you chuckle and give him a pat on the shoulder. 
"Don't worry, some of my girl friends from work should be showing up soon." You say and leave to go talk to your neighbors. 
After lots of conversations, drinks, and cigarettes, you go into your room to make sure no one is hooking up or messing with your shit in there. You open the door to see Bam, Ryan, and Raab standing around talking. 
"I’m telling you, no girl is gonna want to fuck you while you’re wearing those dumbass cargo shorts—you look twelve." Bam says to Raab and then notices you in the doorway. "Am I right?" he asks you.
"I'm not getting involved in this." 
"Whatever, it’s not like you’re getting laid either." Bam says, and you roll your eyes. 
"What are you all doing in my room anyway?" You ask. 
"I was just moving my shit out of the living room." Bam explains and points at his skateboard and jacket on the floor. 
"And I was just following Bam." Raab adds. 
You look at Ryan, who has moved to lounge on your bed. "What about you?"  
"I don’t know." 
"Well, can you guys get out?" You ask. 
"Why? It’s not like you’ll be using your bed." Bam jokes, and you just sigh frustratedly and leave. 
Bam wasn’t exactly wrong about you not getting any action, and you didn’t want to admit that it was making you insecure. The guys talked about sex a lot, like all teenage boys do, and you have unfortunately been the victim of many jokes ever since they found out you were a virgin. Although the comments Bam made were just him being a dick for fun, you found that they were bothering you more than usual tonight. 
After taking another shot in the kitchen, your eyes land on the downstairs neighbor who you’d been talking to earlier that night. He's cute, and usually you’d be too timid to approach in a forthright way, but the alcohol mixed with the frustration you feel propels you to approach the guy. 
You go up to him and put your hand on his shoulder. "You think I could get a tour of your apartment?" you ask confidently, and his eyes widen. 
"If now’s a good time," You tilt your head, and he nods. 
"Yeah, let’s go." 
And well, you sleep with him. Just like that. It was fine—not life-changing or anything—not that you were expecting it to be. You were glad you did it, but when you wake up in his room at 8 a.m., you want nothing more than your own bed. 
You get up quietly and debate leaving a note, but don't. If he needed to contact you, you’d be upstairs. 
After getting dressed, you leave the apartment and go up to yours. You don't have your keys, but luckily, the door was left unlocked. When you go inside, you let out a huge sigh at the mess of cups and mysterious stains on your carpet. The coffee table that you and Dico had gotten just two days ago was broken down the middle, and in your heart, you know Bam was responsible. 
You open the door to your room and, surprisingly, see Ryan and Raab sleeping on your bed. Their legs are intertwined, and you decide to take a photo with your camera to tease them later. After taking the photo, you pick up a towel off the floor and hit them both with it a few times until they wake up. 
"Dude, stop." Raab says and rubs the spot where you hit him. 
"Why are you two in my bed?" You ask, and Ryan wipes his eyes. 
"Too drunk, needed to crash... where were you anyway?" Ryan questions, and Raab giggles. 
"I think he means to ask, who were you with?" Raab says, and Ryan raises his eyebrows. 
"It doesn’t matter." You say, and Raab scoffs. 
"I was giving you the chance to be honest; I saw you leave with that dude. Dico said he lives downstairs." 
You push Raab so that he half falls out of the bed. 
"Please guys, I need to sleep." You plead as Raab stands up. 
"So do we; I’ll just take the floor." Raab says and grabs one of the pillows from the bed. You’re about to argue with him, but your headache is killing you, and all you want to do is lay down. So you sigh and take your shoes and socks off before climbing in bed with Ryan. 
You fall asleep almost immediately, and when you wake up, it’s around 3 p.m. and the boys are gone. You sit up and see that there’s a note sitting on your bedside table. 
Thanks for all the support for my first chapter! I’d originally intended to do like 2 chapters of set up and immediately jump to Viva La Bam era for the rest of the story but I’m having too much fun developing this character and writing about these earlier interactions. I’ll prob start moving faster starting next chapter though. Hopefully it’s not moving too slow for you guys! It’s still going to be a Ryan x OC story I promise. Hopefully I’ll get the next chapter out within the next few days.
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“I’m not calling for El.”
Jonathan, just drawing breath to shout El’s name, pauses. Puts the receiver back to his ear with his brow furrowed.
“You’re not?” he asks.
“Nope,” Max says on the other end. There’s movement where she is, rustling and footsteps, and her television is playing what sounds like a car commercial. She lowers the volume before he can catch for which car. “I wanna talk to you. Will said you have a skateboard?”
“I do.”
“Do you know how to use it?”
Jonathan puts the pile of mail, and the butter knife he was opening it with, on the table and slouches against the wall. He does know how to use it, or at least he did. It’s been years since last. Once he started working, there’s wasn’t any time to squeeze in skating for fun between homework and chores. Once he got his driving license, there wasn’t any point in using it for transportation either. But before that, the skateboard saw more wear than the soles of his shoes did.
“Yeah, I do,” he says, because though it’s been years he still knows how, right? It’s like swimming or riding a bike. Once you know, you know.
“Great. Then I have a favor to ask.” She breathes deeply over the line. “Mom doesn't want me out on my own. Because of my eyes and my legs. So, could you, like, help me out?”
––  –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– ––
The area by the Mayfield trailer isn’t great for skating, with the cracked pavement and the seemingly permanent layer of gravel, and every other area that isn’t actually designated for skating but so used anyway is bound to have other people there. It’s because of that, he guesses, Max tells him to meet her by a little cul-de-sac south of the park. He arrives thirty minutes early to test the road and his rusty skills. Perhaps simply skating there would have been enough to refresh his muscle memory, but why take the chance?
It’s a nice area. The asphalt is even and the lawns are mowed. A few houses have fruit trees in their yards, and every window has the kind of curtain retirees like. A dog, small by the sound of it, yaps from inside one of the houses at one point, but calms quickly. After that, the only noise is the wind and his squeaky wheels.
He was right – it is just like riding a bike. It’s not as smooth as once upon a time, and he can’t go as fast, but he never eats shit. He even nails a kickturn and a tic tac on his first try, and a basic ollie on his second. By the time the Beemer turns up, he’s back to 100% confident in his abilities.
Max jumps out of the car, and for a moment it’s like nothing happened. Her spine is straight and her head is level. Her bright hair is loose and she’s wearing a yellow T-shirt.
Then she looks toward him, and her eyes are just a little unfocused. She walks and her movements are a tad too stiff. It’s impossible to forget the fact that she turned her back on death twice.
While she retrieves her skateboard and crutches from the backseat, Steve rolls down his window and beckons for Jonathan to come closer. He doesn’t have much to say apart from “Hey, man” and “I’ll be back in two hours” and, after leaning in close to whisper, “she won’t admit it, but she gets tired after standing for twenty minutes, so make sure she takes breaks”.
Jonathan promises with a nod and then the BMW drives off.
The first thing she asks is if he brought his board. He replies “yes”. Then she wants to know if he still remembers how to skate. “Yes” again. She nods, pushes a long tress out of her face, and drops her own board onto the road. The crutches, just a precaution according to her, are left lying on the sidewalk as she steps on the board.
When he asks how she wants to do this, she admits she hasn’t ridden in months – only balanced in her room, by her bed – and needs to figure out the basics again. So they start with pushing and stopping. 
He leaves his board behind for it, opting to run next to her as she rides. It’s slow-moving at first, with lots of stops and starts. She wobbles but never falls, the one close-call when she veers too close to the curb and almost crashes aborted by Jonathan grabbing and steadying her. After thanking him she points out it might be a good thing for her to fall, and that he should let her.
He says he’ll consider it if she wears a helmet. She rolls her eyes and makes sure to ride farther from the curb on her next try.
Twenty minutes in he suggests a break, which she manages to delay for an additional five minutes before sitting down to drink some water and eat a banana. Above, the sky turns a shade grayer. She’s unconcerned when he lets her know, instead throwing herself back on the board. The uncertainty from before has all but evaporated off her.
She attempts tricks. Riding switch is easy for her, as is the kickturn and manual. The nose stall is harder since she can’t see when it’s time to shift her weight and balance. They solve the issue by having Jonathan stand on the curb and talk, letting her hear how far away she is. A few dozen or so tries in, she’s memorized the distance and succeeds without him. Cackling, she raises her hand for a high-five; he obliges.
By their second break, Max is almost smiling too wide to drink from her water bottle. Buzzing with excitement, she wants to continue immediately, but he puts his foot down because, happy or not, she’s exhausted. The corners of her eyes droop and despite the high temperature she shivers, goosebumps erupting across her bare arms. She still waves him off when he offers her his jacket.
At least until it starts to rain.
It’s nothing major, just a late summer drizzle. But it might become more, so he’s grateful when she huddles underneath the dark denim, resting it on top of her head to keep her arms free. And then they simply listen.
The clouds keep rolling in, the sky growing darker each second. Both it and the wet pavement are slate gray now, but the leaves are vivid green and the air smells like warmth and earth. Max’s head drifts back and forth, seeking the sounds, zeroing in on the heaviest droplets as they hit the asphalt. His too-big jacket hangs like a curtain around her, shielding her from rain and darkness alike. 
Actually, no. Just the rain. She wards off the darkness on her own. Her sunshine-yellow shirt, her flame-orange hair, her smoke-white skin, so pale it’s almost translucent, the veins running fluorescent on the insides of her wrists. 
She’s glowing like a candle.
“Thanks,” she says. “For being my eyes today.”
“No problem. Thanks for making me finally use this again.” He kicks at his board, the wheels spinning slowly.
“I want to skate at the park or the lot later. When I’m ready.”
“Sure. I’ll be there.”
Max nods, a small smile on her face. Untangling her crossed legs, she pulls them to her chest to rest her chin on her knees.
“Have you heard what Dustin’s been researching?”
“No, what?”
“Well. He has a theory,” she says, and Jonathan actually snorts at her imitation, both expression and cadence a perfect copy of Dustin’s, “on human echolocation.”
Jonathan draws a breath. “Human… echolocation.”
“He thinks that, by studying echoes or whatever, I can learn where things are by snapping my fingers, or doing this,” she says and clicks her tongue. “So, I guess that’s a backup in case that doctor won’t make it work with the surgery.”
“How’s it going with that?”
“I dunno. They’re ‘figuring it out’.” Max makes a face that tells exactly what she thinks of that. “Guess, right now, Dustin Henderson is my best bet.”
She shrugs, her lips curving into a smile’s likeness. The lines around her mouth and shadows by her eyes make her appear both impossibly old and unbearably young. She sniffles, which might be due to the cold, might be something else.
Jonathan says, “His success-to-failure ratio is in your favor.”
“Yeah, I guess,” she says, now smiling for real again.
Anything else they might have to say is cut short by the appearance of Steve’s BMW. It hasn’t been two hours yet, not even one and a half, but the rain is starting to come down harder, so they stow away the items in the trunk to make space for Jonathan and drive off.
The Beemer smells like pine and expensive leather. Steve has the heat on high and the stereo low, and together with the rain smattering on the windows, it creates an ambiance one could fall asleep to. Jonathan sinks into the backseat, draping his jacket over his legs for the sake of the seats, although he’s pretty sure they’ve been through worse things than rainwater. In the front, Max’s pointer finger squeaks against the misted-over window, and as Freddie Mercury sings about losing his way in the darkness, she draws perfect flowers and suns despite not being able to see them.
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wrenwinchester · 8 months
Thinking about the year between season 7 and 8, and the line “I fixed up the impala and just drove.” (Then he hit a dog but I’m not talking about that.)
The impala has been through a crap ton, and she was sitting in a storage locker for most of the year, then they send her through a sign and she definitely has damage on her undercarriage from how she landed. It’s not going to be an easy fix, and getting parts is probably going to be difficult actually scratch that, Bobby’s house may have burned down, but the salvage yard is still there and was left to the boys 100% so maybe not so difficult. But Sam would still have to get the car to Bobby’s old place, maybe he even stayed with Jody for a little bit, while working on the car.
Sam isn’t the most experienced with taking care of Baby. That’s Dean’s job, sure he showed Sam how to do touch ups and tune ups, but most of it, Sam wouldn’t know how to do, but there was no way he was going to let anyone else work on his brother’s baby. That’s not a choice, so he spent a couple months, maybe more, pulling pieces out, putting them back in, trying to match parts from other vehicles and finding ones that worked because it was all he had left of Dean, and it needed to be perfect.
Finally, after like 5-6 months, it’s done, she runs and drives, and she sounds as close as Sam remembered to what she was after Dean would modify, or fix something. (It really wasn’t all that close, but she runs and drives,) then, he spends another month driving around, he drives to Vegas for their annual Vegas week, checking every towns first motel in the yellow pages, just in case, along the way. He doesn’t stay in Vegas long, just long enough to play a round of Dean’s favorite game.
Finally, he ends up in Texas, and somehow, thinking about everyone he’s lost, he hits a dog. Up until this point, he’s been checking motels to see if anyone had checked in under the name Jim Rockford. This time, he checked in under the name. Dean could find him.
Sam did what he could. He even took on a few cases before Vegas, but it felt wrong without his brother by his side. (Of course it did, it always did.)
The dog didn’t do much damage to Baby, and the little it did, Sam had fixed within a week. (He’s grown to know Baby quite well, and understands what every noise she makes means. (Sometimes she whines as he starts her, and he just sighs and says, “I miss him too.”))now we’re at month 8, he’s been staying at this motel for a few weeks, working on maintaining the building so it’s safe, and that’s when he runs into Amelia once more after the dog barges in to her room. And they end up talking about loss and loneliness. And Sam feels seen for the first time since Dean died, (he’s still not sure he believes Dean is dead, but also he exploded right in front of him. It’s the easiest way to rationalize everything and stop him from starting another apocalypse to bring his brother back. Because believe me he considered it.) and he feels accepted and she doesn’t push about his past.
They buy a house 9 months after Dean’s death. Sam just wants to call his brother and tell him, but he wouldn’t get the message.
He meets her Dad month 10, and life is moving on. He has a job, and maybe he could have the normal life he always wanted. The one Dean wanted too. Maybe he could go back to college, and he starts looking into things.
Month 11 is when Amelia’s husband is back from the dead, he wasn’t ever actually dead, but it doesn’t matter to Sam. He’s been in her position before. A loved one coming back from the assumed grave is a big deal, not as big as a loved in coming back from an actual grave that you put them in yourself, but it’s enough.
Everything comes crashing back to reality. He starts looking for Dean again, but more so just looking for signs of him from his home with Amelia. Amelia who now has to decide between her husband, and the broken man she grew to love.
Then, a full year has gone by since Dean’s death. Three hundred sixty-six days (it was a leap year) without his older brother. Not really knowing what happened, not really sure he wants to find out, so he doesn’t ask questions, he doesn’t push, he doesn’t even ask about Kevin and tries not to think about him, even though he has nightmares about Kevin being stuck with Crowley, he can’t handle even the idea of anymore pain.
But then, he gets a call from Dean.
There’s not a doubt in his mind that it’s his brother, though maybe he should, and he leaves in the middle of the night. Yes he loved Amelia, but Dean is his brother, and nothing is more important than his brother. He leaves without a second thought, if his brother was alive, life wasn’t so topsy-turvy.
Dean wasn’t supposed to be the one that died first. He gave his life for Sam. Sam should have died in that abandoned town all those years ago, but Dean traded places. (Sam should probably consider the fact that Dean was supposed to die instead of their dad all those years ago, but he doesn’t. Dean wasn’t dead then, he was just mostly dead.)
Sam would be the one that died for real first. He had to be.
His relief upon seeing his brother’s face for the first time in a year could have collapsed him on the spot, he was truly alive, then guilt came crashing over him.
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ejzah · 1 year
A/N: Once again, thanks to everyone who has supported this little story and Deeks in firefighter gear.
The Agent and the Fireman, Part 9
After grabbing a few hours of sleep at home, everyone returned to OSP to debrief and attempt to track down the man who attacked Deeks. LAPD had put out an APB, but that hadn’t brought any leads so far.
“Ok, so the description we’re working with is a male around 5’10 with brown hair and dark clothes?” Eric confirmed, spinning around from his work center with one eyebrow arched.
“Yeah. Is that going to be a problem?” Callen asked.
“Of course not.” Eric tone suggested insult. “But it’s probably gonna take some time unless he was foolish enough to use a vehicle with a license plate.”
“Based on what we know so far, I’m guessing he didn’t,” Sam said.
Nodding, Eric started pulling up security cams in the area of the latest fire site. Beside him, Nell was reviewing all the evidence they’d gathered up to this point.
“Hey, Kensi.”
She didn’t answer, discreetly pecking out a text. Deeks’ last response had come around 4 in the morning with a quick update that he’d gotten home and was planning to sleep off a massive headache.
“Kens,” Callen repeated, smirking when she jumped and tucked her phone into her pocket.
“Did Lieutenant Deeks tell you anything else after we left?” Callen asked, and Kensi rolled her eyes the emphasis he put on Deeks’ title.
“No. He didn’t,” Kensi answered, speaking with clipped phrasing. “Um, but he was pretty banged up last night, so he might remember something else today. I could go talk to him…” She trailed off, as though it was a mere helpful suggestion.
“Hm, what do you think, Sam? Should we let Kensi go visit her boy toy on company time?”
“Mm, I think we should let her suffer a little more. Builds character,” Sam replied with a teasing wink.
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” Kensi maintained, ignoring the buzz in her pocket that she was certain signified a new text from Deeks.
“Oh give her a break,” Nell spoke up and Kensi nodded in thanks. “Her man was hurt, she’s probably worried about him.” Nell let Kensi’s glare roll right off her back, smiling broadly before she turned back to her screen.
“That’s right. Deeks never got his boo-boos kissed,” Sam agreed.
“Ok, I think I caught our guy on a camera from a nearby gas station,” Eric—blessedly—interrupted, displaying a dark capture of a figure much as Deeks described, clothed in dark clothes. He played a 10 second clip, which showed the man darting across the street, through the parking lot, and off camera.
“This clearly isn’t the first time he’s done this,” Kensi commented. “He kept his face out of view the entire time.”
“He didn’t count on running into Deeks.”
“And when he did, it made him a little sloppy,” Sam said. “Good work, Eric. Keep checking surrounding cameras.”
“Will do.”
“And Nell, focus on men who meet the general description we have and also have a connection any of the arson sites.”
“That is going to be a very long list,” Nell warned them.
“Well, while we’re waiting on that, we’ll go down to the latest site and see if anyone in the surrounding area saw our lurker,” Callen decided.
In between questioning possible witnesses, Kensi checked in with Deeks. Apparently he’d been cleared to come back to work, but was restricted to the station for the next two days.
That was something of a relief. He’d had two close calls within hours of each other, and Kensi didn’t think her nerves could handle another one so soon.
She spoke to the one owners of three nearby businesses, two of whom hadn’t been open at the time of the incident and didn’t have security cameras. The third did have some footage saved, which Kensi quickly reviewed before getting a copy to send to Eric and Nell.
As she was exiting the third business, a young man in a black t-shirt and turnout pants approached her, jogging the last few yards.
“Are you Agent Blye?” he asked, certain he wasn’t one of the firefighters she’d met before.
“Yes,” Kensi answered hesitantly.
“Oh good. I’m FFT Jimenez. Lieutenant gave a very good description of you.”
Kensi didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or pleased by this information, and ultimately settled on vague curiosity.
“And is there a reason why you’re looking for me?” He nodded enthusiastically at her question.
“Yes! One of our investigators found something of interest. They’d like you and the other agents to come take a look at your convenience,” Jimenez informed her.
“Ok, let me contact my partners and we’ll be right over.”
Callen and Sam had taken the Challenger so they were probably father from the site than she was. She sent a quick text, then headed back over.
This time, no one objected or tried to redirect her when she flashed her badge and ducked under the lines of caution tape surrounding the large destruction zone. Various investigators, arson specialists, and officers collecting and bagging evidence.
She followed a marked off path, peering above the crowd until she saw Deeks standing near a hastily erected tent. His figure was unmistakable to her now. For once, he didn’t wear any part of his typical gear, instead clothed in a black uniform complete with a badge and insignia on his shoulder.
As she walked toward him, another officer passed him a clear evidence bag, which Deeks scanned thoroughly, logging it on a clipboard while the officer watched.
Kensi felt her chest swell with pride at his confidence and skill. He was sure of himself without being cocky or obnoxious, which was evident in the way the people around him looked up to him.
She’d never felt so strongly about anyone before, especially so quickly. Maybe she should be concerned about rushing in, but no one had made her smile so much in a long time. Plus, he was undeniably hot.
“Hey, I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy,” Kensi said from behind him, the warmth of her recent thoughts filtered into her voice. Turning to look over his shoulder, Deeks met her with a welcoming grin.
“Hey! I see Jimenez found you. And don’t worry, I’m solely supervising right now.” He rolled his eyes at that. “Captain Palmy has threatened to put me on cleaning duty for a month if I even think of doing anything more physical than walking.”
“Good. I approve.” Leaning closer, Kensi took his chin between her thumb and forefinger, turning his face to the side. “Here let me see.”
He now had a butterfly bandage on both temples, each gash bordered by purple and black bruising. The skin around it looked swollen and inflamed.
“Mmm,” Kensi murmured sympathetically. “That looks painful.”
“Extremely painful,” Deeks agreed playfully.
“How’s your arm?”
“8 stitches, only superficial damage, no physical restrictions,” he reported dutifully. His voice dropped a little lower. “I’d show you, but the LA Fire Department frowns upon stripping while on the job.”
“Shut up,” Kensi gasped, flushing despite herself.
She absolutely did not have an instantaneous image of Marty Deeks slowly removing his uniform piece by piece to music. She shoved his uninjured arm, hand lingering longer than she intended, which Deeks noted with a smirk.
“Ok, so what’s so important you had to call us away from canvassing?” she asked.
“One of the arson investigators found a gold lighter with an inscription on it around the spot where I tussled with the suspect. I’m betting that just might be why he came back,” Deeks replied.
A/N: I hope you all are still enjoying this. I’m sprinkling in the tiniest bits of procedural stuff so we can keep having Firefighter Deeks.
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
Fairy-tail—Luke Hemmings oneshot
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I watched all of the 101 Dalmatians movies and this is what happened. I hope you like it!
feedback is always welcome💖
word count: 2.5k
Ever since Luke could remember he’s always loved dalmatians. When he was a young boy he exhausted the VHS tape of 101 Dalmatians so much his parents had to buy two different tapes and regulate how many times he watched the movie. He loved the live versions as well.
It was something about how each dalmatian wouldn’t have the same spots as the other and they ultimately looked cool. He begged and begged his parents to get a dalmatian puppy but they were an expensive breed  and the answer was always no.
It wasn’t until he moved out, got his own apartment and started going to college that he was able to purchase his own dalmatian pup. He had to take odd jobs here and there, delivering food, teaching guitar lessons, watering his neighbor’s plants that always seemed to be traveling to Greece or Brazil. He worked odd hours and on top of school he barely slept, but he loved staying up to search for dalmatians for sale.
He spent a lot of nights eating ramen or cereal. Luke looked at five shelters daily in case dalmatians showed up. It wasn’t until one of his classmates, Michael, tagged him in a post on Facebook showing a litter of dalmatians were up for sale. Luke quickly removed his reading glasses to rub at his eyes.
He placed the glasses back on so he could see more clearly as he read the post. Nine puppies, five female and four male were for sale. Luke quickly sent a message to the owner without bothering to look at the pictures. After a few quick replies back and forth, Luke had a meeting set up for Sunday afternoon. 
During his music class he kept looking through the photos of the puppies, each one adorable in their own way with their own set of spots. He was distracted through his Friday classes and was antsy in his apartment all Saturday. 
He woke up early Sunday morning and tried to keep himself busy by cleaning his apartment, jotting down a few song lyrics and keying at his piano. He paced. He laid on the floor and tossed a ball in the air, something he’d do when he had a mind block on writing.
When it was finally time to leave he practically skipped out the door, down the stairs and all the way to his car. It was an hour drive to the owner’s house and he cruised the highway at a steady 90 mph. 
The house had chickens running amok around the yard and a beautiful dalmatian greeted him on the front porch step, tail wagging and wet nose keening to sniff at Luke’s fingers. 
“Hey boy, you must be the proud father, huh?” Luke smiled then rang the doorbell. 
The owner was a woman in her mid fifties, her white hair pulled up in a tight bun. When she smiled, wrinkles formed around her mouth and Luke could tell she was a woman who loved to laugh.
“You must be Luke,” she smiled opening the porch door. 
“I am. And you must be Dotty.”
“I am, please,” she stepped aside and gestured inside the house, “come in. The puppies are in the mudroom with their mama.”
Luke had a ball of excitement in his chest as he followed her through the house. Very soon he would be picking out his own dog, his own dalmatian. He could hear the soft squeaks of the pups and when he turned the corner, his eyes widened at the sight of them all. 
Two were sleeping against the mother, some were playing with each other, one was playing with the door stopper and yipping at the rattling noise it made. He was so happy he almost cried. 
“Did you have a preference on which type you wanted? Male or female?” Dotty asked.
“It really doesn’t matter to me,” Luke shook his head, “Is that all right? I was kind of hoping I’d know when I meet them.”
“Of course it’s all right. You’re the first one to reach out so you can pick whichever one you’d like,” Dotty smiled. “You can go on in and introduce yourself.”
Luke climbed over the gate and as soon as he did, all the puppies flocked towards him. He really could cry now as they scrambled over one another to get to him. 
“Hi guys,” he smiled at each one, letting one climb up and lick his chin. “You’re all gorgeous, you know that? Look at you.” 
He played with them for a while but his eyes kept going to the puppy that was playing with the door stopper. She was sitting patiently watching her brothers and sisters interact with him, but whenever Luke looked her way, her tail wiggled. He set one down and held out his hand to her.
“Hi pretty girl, do you want to say hi? It’s okay, c’mon,” he made kissy noises and she stood on all four legs. Her dark brown eyes stared into his eyes, then she pressed her cold nose to his fingers. “That’s a girl.”
She licked his fingers then approached him slowly until she had her front legs on his lap. She stretched up and he noticed she was a lot smaller than the others. She sniffed at his chin and ear before sitting in his lap and then laid down completely. Luke stroked the curve of her back noticing how some of her spots were arranged in the shape of a petunia. 
“I think you’ve been chosen,” Dotty said with her hands on her hips. 
“Why do you say that?” 
“That little one hasn’t warmed up to anyone in my family, even me and I’ve been breeding for years. She loves her mama though, but she went to you right away.”
“She is very sweet,” Luke smiled down at the puppy. He stroked her nose and her eyes closed.
“Well? What do you think, have you found your puppy?” 
“I think so,” Luke smiled.
After filling out the paperwork and taking copies of the vaccinations and shots  the puppies received, Luke and his new companion were on the road together. He drove a lot slower on the highway this time and he would glance at her every few seconds to make sure she was all right. Eventually, she crawled onto his lap and he held her protectively for the whole drive while she slept. 
“I suppose I should go get the food Dotty recommended, huh?” He asked her and took the exit towards the pet store that’s fifteen minutes from campus. 
He let her walk around on the grass so she could go to the bathroom then carried her inside. Luke grabbed a cart heading in the direction of the dog aisle.
“Would you like a bed? You’ll sleep with me mainly but maybe you’d like one of your own,” he said looking at each one. She eyed them as well then yipped when he rolled her past a pastel pink bed. “You like this one?”
It was a pretty big bed for the size of her but he relented because she’ll grow into it one day. It took him a bit to maneuver the bed on the lower rack of the cart and he went down the toy aisle. 
“Okay, you can pick three toys,” he said pulling her from the cart. She sniffed at them all then licked at a pink stuffed pig, a blue dog and a pink tug toy. “You like pink, huh? I’m sensing a theme here, little pup.” He kissed the top of her head putting the toys and her back into the cart.
Then he grabbed the food, some bones and balls, and some puppy treats. He made sure her collar and leash were pink before he headed to the checkout line but then had to run and get a food and water dish. 
She laid on his lap again for the ride back to his apartment. She followed him to the door but then sat at the bottom of the steps before he noticed she wasn’t with him. She stared at him waiting while he had his arms full of bags. 
“Oops, you don’t know how to walk up the stairs yet, huh?”
He set the bags down and lifted her up into his arm. Somehow he managed to keep all the bags and her in his arms safely as he trekked to the second floor.
“Welcome to your new home!” he said then set her down on the floor. He watched her sniff and smell certain spots, when her nose bumped the string of his guitar and made a noise, she jumped back and yipped at it. Curious, she bumped it again so it made the same noise and he wondered if it reminded her of the door stop. 
He walked over the pick up the guitar and sat down on the floor. He played a few chords, she sniffed at his hands as they moved along and barked along with his playing.
“You like music, that’s good,” he smiled and propped the guitar on its stand again. He lifted her in his arms, she licked his cheek. “I should give you a name, huh? You know, I’ve wanted a dalmatian all my life and not once had I thought of the name. I always liked Pongo from 101 Dalmatians but you’re a cute little girl dog, not a boy dog. What was the girl’s name again?” He held her up so he could look at her eyes. “Petunia?” 
She yipped and licked his nose and his face, making him laugh.
“I guess that’s your name, Petunia.” 
Later on while they were laying in his bed watching 101 Dalmatians he found out the name was actually Perdita but he thought Petunia fit her more. 
A year later he and Petunia formed their own routine together. She’d wake him up before his alarm with a lick to his cheek and a paw to his chest. They went for their morning walk, then he made her breakfast while his coffee brewed. He kissed her head and he was on his way to class. He’d come home, take her for a walk again and she’d listen to him play his music. 
They formed a bond and he rarely had her on a leash unless he was called out on it but ultimately, she wouldn’t leave his side as he got the mail or ordered a large pretzel from the guy on the corner. She always got her own little pretzel too. 
On the weekends they’d walk around campus and visit the dog park where he’d toss a ball for an hour before Petunia laid down and took a nap. Luke would pull out his notebook to jot down some song ideas but he was in a bit of a writing slump. He had to come up with a piece for the end of the semester and all he had was crumpled up sheet music littering the floor that Petunia thought were balls. 
Petunia would wake from her nap and they’d head home to watch Friends or Modern Family. He would try to write some more but always came up blank. 
“Well, at least I have all of Spring Break to try and figure something out, huh?” Luke asked her while he was brushing his teeth. She barked in agreement. 
On the first day of Spring Break Luke and Petunia did their normal routine but it was a bit windy outside. He’s glad he put on his beanie because the wintry air still lingered in the wind and his ears would have been cold. 
The dog park didn’t have many people and dogs but he still threw the ball for Petunia. On the third throw, she dropped the ball in front of him, staring at him with her dark eyes. 
“Wanna head home, girl?” he asks and she licks her nose, whining a little. “Okay, let’s go. Crappy day, huh?” 
Just as their about to leave, Luke hears a shriek and some barking behind him. Both he and Petunia turn around to see you running after papers blowing in the wind with a dalmatian dog barking and biting at them as well. Luke runs over to help, a sheet curling around his ankle so he picks it up and notices there’s writing on it. 
“Good boy, Pongo, get them!” you squeal pulling sheets from a low hanging tree branch. Your dog barks and grabs a few from the bushes nearby.
Luke scrambles to grab more then notices your bag is still open in the grass. He closes it so no more papers fly out.
“Did we get them all?” Luke asks pressing the papers to his chest so they stay, they’re bent and crinkled. 
“I think so. Man, that wind is crazy today,” you sigh walking towards him. “Thank you.”
“Uh, y-you’re welcome,” Luke stutters when he meets your eyes. You have the cutest face he’s probably ever seen. You start putting your papers back in your bag, your fingers brushing his. “Are you writing a book or something?” 
“Kind of, it’s a short story for my semester grade and I thought today would be a good day to edit it. The wind thought otherwise,” you laugh.
Petunia barks up at you, pieces of paper sticking out of her mouth.
“Is she yours?” you ask.
“Yes, that’s Petunia,” Luke smiles down at her. You take the papers from her.
“Thank you Petunia,” you tell her and your dog sits down next to Petunia, papers in his mouth. 
“Did I hear you say your dog’s name is Pongo?” 
You shifted your eyes down bashfully.
“Yeah, I loved 101 Dalmatians growing up and I knew he’d be my Pongo. It’s weird, I know–”
“No, not at all. I’m obsessed with the movies too, Petunia’s named after it as well.”
“There’s a dog named Petunia? I don’t remember that one…”
“Well, no,” now it’s Luke’s turn to be bashful. “I know her name is Perdita but I thought it was Petunia and…here we are.”
“I think it’s sweet.”
“One of her spots even looks like a petunia.”
“Really? That’s even more special,” you smile and latch your bag shut. “Well, thanks for helping me.”
“Yeah, do you uh…wanna grab a coffee? Warm up a little from the wind?” Luke asks and then immediately regrets it. He’s a complete stranger to you.
“Coffee sounds great,” you nod. “Come on Pongo. I know this great place that allows dogs–”
“Pawsitive Coffee? I go there all the time,” Luke smiles.
“Really? We must just miss each other then. I’m y/n by the way.”
“I’m Luke,” he can’t stop smiling. 
The pair of you walk out of the park, sometimes being pressed together by the wind with your dogs following behind. In the wind, Luke can hear it humming your name and he’s got a string of lyrics and chords racing through his mind. By the time you make it inside the coffee shop, he already has a song written about your smile.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran  @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally  @seanna313 @pandaxnienke @celestialams @in-a-world-of-fandoms @blairscott @writersdare
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