#i dont know anything abt enstars
yume-fanfare · 1 year
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ok heres my take on a relationship chart
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lycanthian · 9 months
quick chiaki bday comic
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not pictured: chiaki exploding
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teutaranaway · 5 months
its eichis bday tomorrow
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my college bestie and i both have finals tomorrow so we'll pull his bday banner together
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kalmeria · 1 year
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crowsgrudge · 9 months
writing for a fandom ur no longer in but still care for the characters is insane. is my pookie still my pookie? am i butchering him? no that cant be. the source is butchering him if he isnt the same at his core anymore
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rose022 · 9 months
hi~ im rose! and this is my attempt at an intro post
!! layout by orphic-execution !!
hey meowtuals i have a priv just dm or send an ask and ill give u it unless we've never talked
- dont feel bad about blocking or unfollowing me, just wanna say this. i may make posts abt being confused when i see people leave but curate ur own experience idc be happy
- you can call me whatever you want idc, just lemme know. like genuinely any nickname. i do have two others tbh but ehh
- yeah yeah im an adult so dont block me if i like ur post and u say mdni ight? also for any minors if that makes u uncomfortable u can leave. i dont tend to post anything nsfw here, just sometimes suggestive stuff and i can tag that for you
- pronouns are whatever is funniest in the moment. or just use your own. neos are ok
- asks and dms always open for anything. i won't really reach out first but i promise you can always talk to me about anything. if you don't have anyone else or just want to talk about a particular thing or want to vent, etc. like genuinely pretty please talk to me about your interests i will gladly listen!!! <3
- also you can always tag me in anything!! i love tag games (i may take a bit) and if theres anything you think id like or reminds you of me id love to see it!!
- don't really have a dni but like i will block you if you're a bigot. im a fag and autistic if you don't like that go away idc. also if you are pro cop or military stuff fuck off
- if we're mutuals please tag stuff with cw rose for anything with touya or akito being shipped with anyone else or TBHK nene and tsukasa as a ship, self harm images, stuff about spiders (or any bugs kinda) mostly pictures of them or them on someone (bees moths and butterflies exempt), needles if theyre detailed not cartoony, real life gore animals or humans (not sfx or art just real stuff) and please use tone tags but mostly just for joking or sarcasm as i tend to assume everything is serious.
- MUTUALS PLEASE TELL ME STUFF TO TAG FOR YOU!!! i do my best to read carrds and intros and stuff but i might forget please remind me please. gore and sexual stuff will get tagged as gore and nsfw but it's mostly explicit stuff. things are tagged as what it is, not with cw or tw.
- !!current things i tag are agere, homestuck, eye strain, saiouma, bsd, religion, body dysmorphia, religion, enstars marlo dont look (for nsfw stuff, tbh im not sure what counts but anything with mentions of sexual stuff that isn't just like a joke), elie shoo (csm saiouma gore), orphic dont look (time loops, weight, dysmorphia, ed, sh, sui), suggestive (anything relating to anything nsfw like jokes or anything else), adrien no look (alcohol, crickets, girl interrupted, hospital innuendos)
- tags
#rose rambles - my posts
#rose tagged ramblings - i made a separate one for when i talk a lot in tags
#rose art - quite simply rose's art
#rose ocs - the sillies from my brain
#ask rose! - asks
#rose pics - look i don't get creative with naming these i think you can tell
#rose cosplay - ^^^ yeah
#helpful - things that could be helpful to anyone
#save - similar to above but more so personal things
#important - maybe not technically helpful but i think people should see
#favs - self explanatory, i believe
#sillies - similar to above but not really
#luv - mutual appreciation mostly
#heart! - things made by mutuals!
#liebe - things made for me!
#mecore - woah thats so me frfr
#rose writing - idk man take a guess
(i wanna like fix all my posts to have tags but i reblog so much and itll take me a million years to get back to the start of my account atp. maybe one day.)
- commission info
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writing: $2 per 100 words (?)
i also take requests for these!! or other stuff but like it will almost definitely take me a bajillion years to finish so if you wanna make sure i do something, gimme money. but u dont gotta its ok ily anyways
i have a kofi rose226 and dm for paypal
- sideblogs
@luka-spotted most active
@daily-akiyama-mizuki hiatus!
@daily-asahina-mafuyu hiatus!
@rosemusictime lol no followers
@oz-the-bird-official (to translate my Fischl)
@ako-udagawa-official this and above in progress
@daily-purple-character send reqs
@aoi-shirosaki-official pjsk oc rp blog
@hikari-itsuki-official ^
@yuki-jigoku-official ^
@kei-makura-official ^
@roseswonderland things i make
(i may remove u as a follower depending on if i trust you enough for these next few but if we're mutuals ur pretty much safe)
@moonlit-thoughts22 vent
@selfless-lvr selfship/kin
@softrosebud agere
@shhh-its-rose moots only
and ask for the nsfw one...
guys i think I have too many sideblogs help
im not active on many other social media but if we're mutuals you can ask for like anything and ill probably have an account. somehow im most active here tho (and in one discord server but u guys cant join)
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00vk · 8 months
how do you nail the enstars style so well... what are your ways... (only if you want to ofc im just curious if you have any tips)
i dont know if i have anything that could be helpful, but heres my process!
first, i get the pose down
i either use a picture of myself as reference or a persons pose from pinterest ( i used multiple references for this one)
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i make the canvas huge, so i dont stress too much abt the lineart being clean enough
i heavily reference official cards, especially 3* because they have less angles and dynamic posing than 5*
i try to make it thinner and cleaner than my usual style but not too thin
outer lines are thicker than inner ones if that makes sense
i make it a dark brown instead of pure black and set it on multiply instead of normal
edges of the eyelashes are redder and softer, blush lines are always a subtle pink/peach shade
sometimes i make a second cleaner sketch before jumping to lineart, depends on how confident im feeling though
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then the flats, pretty straightforward step
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i try to replicate the rendering on official cards as much as possible by keeping the references in front of me and color picking
i always make the contrast between shaded and non-shaded areas higher than im comfortable with usually because its what often makes the pieces pop (to me) and i make sure to add reflected light
i use gradients a lot, especially for hair
i make the lineart lighter in areas where the light is hitting like this
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what i generally do for the eyes:
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another tip is that i duplicate the lineart layer, make that duplicate into the "add" layer mode and glaussian blur it to give that lineart glow effect you find in cards:
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i also noticed this is how nails tend to be drawn and i kind of adopted that into my own artstyle because i love how it looks:
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-lastly for the background, i used the ingame dressing room as a reference, did some blocks of color to express it and blurred it so i dont have to bother with any details because im lazy <33
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-i lastly added some sparkles and stipples and a white blur around the edges to make it look more finished.
thats pretty much it! ofc take all of this with a grain of salt because im no expert HAHA this is just what i learned works from trying my hand at fake cards over and over again, so its practice too <3 i hope this was somehow helpful!!
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posebean · 1 year
Another thing about antagonists in general is that they aren't always inherently bad! They're just in opposition of the protagonist! (Who isn't always good either!!) Enstars is rlly fun bcs it switches those roles around between characters and reducing a character to Just that story role is a rlly reductive way to look at the material
anon can i have your hand in marriage /j
this gets a little long... read more
YEAH! its all a matter of perspective; people tend to focus on only one perspective and forget that things aren't just as simple as this person evil this person good (in the case of enstars)
sorry everything is abt crazyb i only know bee stuff by heart 🥹butttt
honestly any story with crazy:B involved with other units (main story, night club, SS Sudden death) shows this. theyre the unit that goes against the system, that breaks the seemingly perfect but actually fucked up system. they do things wild and their own way, and are portrayed initially negatively (we are given other persoectives to see this through! like every other unit, 2wink, knights etc. so it makes sense that people initially go. yeah. these people are bad. )
but then we get it from their perspective. we learn that theres reason behind this madness, behind all the wild and antagonistic acts that they do. we learn that they're so, so human. they have their own problems, have ideals that they're getting realized in their way, not going with the flow. nothing is black and white, sure, sometimes they may do some things that people don't agree with, but ultimately there's always reason behind that;
sorry to make this about him but i've gotta. all the posts that limit rinne to just a gambling addict alcoholic with no respect for anything that would be awful just to be awful make me want to hit stuff with a rock. i think theres this one convo in main story that basically explains it so well, that one where niki and mayoi are talking. the one where niki says yeah? rinne-kun is awful and stuff at times but he's human, just like me and you. that line hit me so hard you dont understand
im like. convinced people that label rinne as only evil and scum like. difnt read mainstory 5 at all. a huge part of that mainstory was showing things from crazy:b's perspective, showing that rinne was a planner, that he planned for everything and now was shouldering all of it, ALL OF THE BLAME, saying that his unitmates had no part of it and was literally willing to LEAVE, leave behind his dream, leave behind everything so that his unitmates and hiiro and everyone else could live happily. IF YOU CAN READ THROUGH ALL OF THAT, READ THROUGH WINNER AND HAPPY END AND SEE LITERALLY HOW BROKEN RINNE IS ABOUT LEAVING BUT HES STILL DOING IT ANYWAYS BECAUSE HE LOVES EVERYONE!! BUT YOU STILL HAVE THE GALL TO SIMPLIFY HIM TO HAHA GAMBLER ALCOHOLIC MAN WHO WOULD STEAL MY WALLET AND BURN MY HOUSE DOWN i will hit you with a rock 💥🥰
it is okay to not like a character!!! it is not okay to limit them simply to aspects you find on a shallow level. better to not think about that character than at all. i am taking rinne amagi swaddling him in warm blankets and giving him hot cocoa i will defend his characterization with my god damn LIFE
sorry anon u didnt ask for this but yeah basically its all a matter of perspective and prople need to learn to respect that all of the characters at the end of the day are human and have their own nuances. be like me. dont have strong negative feelings except sopping wet /pos
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yandere-daze · 2 years
the last post omg !! i love the idea sm!! not to mention yandere enstars self aware au in general ugh i could read thru this series all day 😩😩 the scenarios and characterizations r just so amazing ^^
but talking abt the last post, i think itd be really interesting to see what the player wrote in their diary!! like anzu is sharing what the player wrote, and theres stuff like "[character(s)] used to be my favorite, but it seems like theyre really mean/different/unempathetic in real life and i dont know how to feel anymore" or "i really want to go back home, and if i do ill probably delete enstars because i cant look at these characters the same way" "these arent the characters i fell in love with"
like the panic !!! the guilt!! the namechecking LMAOOA and if the player mentions one character specifically the rest would be quick to lash out on them even though they werent any better. and if to distract themselves the isekai'd player downloads another game to replace enstars......like "i downloaded project sekai/bandori/twst etc to try and forget abt enstars" and they go crazy 😭😭😭
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Awww thank you so much for the sweet words, they really do mean a lot! I´m glad you´re enjoying the AU ^^
This ask is referring to this
gn reader
tw yandere, mention of player being treated badly
How do the characters react to the contents of your diary? How do they feel about seeing you be so miserable?
Well, what you wrote in your diary of course depends on the person as some might be more comfortable with sharing all of their thoughts than others. I do think it´s very likely that you would rant about your terrible experiences here though and how awful you feel with the way eveyone is treating you! I mean it´s only natural, right? You´ve loved these characters for so long and now they´re being so horrible to you!
You only have the twins to talk to and even they feel sort of...off. I mean they look almost exactly like you, isn´t that crazy?? So you turned to your diary and started venting
Of course there is going to be a huge uproar once Anzu finds your diary and shows everyone. They immediately feel horrible and very guilty about the way they treated you all this time. They thought you were at fault for their beloved player disappearing but you actually are the player! They put you through all of this when you didn´t do anything wrong at all
So they need to know. They need to know what you think and feel so they can try to convince themselves that there is still hope. Everyone is hoping that maybe your view of them in particular wasn´t quite as bad.
They all panic so much when they read your entries, when you recount how everyone either ignores you or is actively malicious. You loved all of these characters so much but how are you supposed to feel now? You liked them  but now they showed their true face. You just wish that you could escape it all and go back home so you´ll never have to think about them again. You´re so hurt and every day you can´t help but wonder if you did something wrong to draw everyone´s ire.
With every word that is read, their heart starts breaking more and more. They love you, they´re supposed to make you happy! But you´re actually miserable because of them..
You can bet that diary is going to be ripped out of Anzu´s hands because everyone wants to take a look and see if they were mentioned by name. What do you think about them? Do you hate them now? Oh, they simply can´t bear the thought!
They don´t want to believe that all hope is lost.... so yes, if there is one person in particular that was mentioned a lot then everyone is going to gang up against them. They know they weren´t any better, that they hurt you just as much, but they want to have someone they can push the blame onto. As long as there is another person you hate more than them, they can keep on going. They can act as if they weren´t the ones to make you feel so miserable.
Because they love you! They adore you more than anyone else! They´re so so sorry, please let them make it up to you! Don´t delete the game! Please please please don´t install a different game, don´t replace them!
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neolxzr · 1 year
Hi Quin! 4 or 5 for the ask game?
HIHI LOKI!! of course!!
4. what got you into enstars? -- ive been sort of aware of enstars ever since i was into love live back in like 2018-19 but i dont think i wouldve gotten into it if it werent for engstars!! it really made the series more accessible lol i wasnt really willing to try really hard looking for translations until i was at least a little bit interested in what the series had to offer. i played the game at launch casually for a while and then i watched the anime and then i read meteor impact and some other mostly ! era stories and i was long gone by then
5. what's your favorite headcanon about the character you produce? -- i have a bunch of headcanons abt aira but im most fond of my hc's about his relationship with rinne!! i hope the writers will explore their dynamic a little bit more in the future because i think they're funny. theyre just a guy and his little brother's girlfriend boyfriend you know?? heres some of my hcs abt them owo sorry if this is long
rinne has asked hiyori on a couple of occasions to get him exclusive eden merch and specifically merch of himself so he can give it to aira. he doesnt realize that eichi and rei both regularly try to outdo eachother in the 'giving aira idol merch' competition but he is beating both of them on accident
whenever hiiro or kohaku are in anything that arent their normal units (like puffy bunny/la mort) aira and rinne form a sort of truce so they can go support them together. hiiro thinks its very sweet and kohaku is very very embarrassed
aira was a fan of rinne back in his solo idol days and he owns a couple of merch things of him and he is trying to take that secret to his grave
(also addon to the last one if we are assuming transboy aira which i usually am. he went to a handshake event once to meet rinne but rinne doesnt recognize him bc he was still a girl when they met awawwaw)
rinniki and hiiai and also hinata all play games in the sweets dorm together sometimes :o aira is scared of his roommates and rinne can rarely ever get in the bathroom in his own dorm (hiyori is doing skincare or whatever and kanata is. in the bath) so they both end up in there a lot. amagi family bonding. sometimes yuta or tetsu join too. its very crowded
aira calls him rinne-niisan on accident once and never lives it down
sometimes aira asks rinne for advice or just to listen to him when he's feeling really shitty and rinne is a good listener and big brother did you know. read my fic
OK THATS ALL sorry <- lying
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knightzp · 4 months
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YEAH LOL, and on the topic of same seiyuus between enstars and paralive, hajun is voiced by ayumu murase (toris seiyuu, who also voices tuxam in fragmem), and ryu is voiced by natsuki hanae (hiyoris seiyuu, and this one really shocked me because wdym hanae has that insane range?!)
not enstars anymore but theres also hokusai whos voiced by shunichi toki, who also voices rui, freminet AND fragmem romarriche
also idk if you know amatsuki but he's the one who voices kei
and idk if im forgetting anything...hope you dont mind the seiyuu infodump lol
AYUMU MURASE VOICES HAJUN TOO????? oh my GOD my mind is blowing up..... going from toris to hajuns voice thats. thats SO INSANEEE AND THE SAME GOES WITH RYU AND HIYORI LIKE?????? these two seiyuus have a CRAZY range i cant believe it
and ooooh hokusai sharing va with rui that one i somehow Can see it. havent listened to freminet voice in jp and well i dont really know much abt fragaria or how the characters sound but! thats so interesting to know omg !!
and i actually didnt know abt amatsuki but just listened a bit of his songs and i really liked themmm its so cool he voices kei too!!!!
thank you very much for this seiyuu infodump i always love discovering this things bc they always blow my mind in the best way but i very rarely remember to look for them myself so i appreciate this a lot TYYY <33
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natsmagi · 1 year
godd i just got into enstars recently and all the characters’ lore and development is so so interesting to me… it’s a bit overwhelming for sure but i hope i can make progress on reading some stories soon
in past fandoms/media i’ve been in, i was definitely one of those ppl who reduced characters to a singular trait or a ship (and i didn’t even look at how the characters within the ships helped each other develop either). i think a lot of that came from not reading the stories from the source material. i used to get most of my information about characters from the wiki or ppl’s posts abt them which were mainly lovemail or meme posts, not that people should never make them but god i should not have been basing my perception of a character off them.
i haven’t gotten into the enstars fandom that much (i think) and i think that’s been good for me. i’m in like. shallow waters ig. and random stuff just washes up on my feed. i’m at the point where i’m interested in charas that i originally hated/disliked, not to say they’re my faves now but i am certainly intrigued by them and i hope to learn more about them soon
also i’m sorry this ask/rambling/confession of sins is so long and probably somewhat incoherent i didn’t realize ajdjfhfhdmsnjdk that one post activated my few braincells
ITS ALL GOOD! and yea i totally get that! even with ensemble stars i feel like thats a common beginning for people to have in this fandom. bc like. there are SOOOO many stories and SOOOO many characters, how the hell are u even supposed to know where to start?? or even know which characters youll end up loving most???? so it makes sense to just check out the wikis and see what ppl are posting online! i know i did that when i first got into the fandom (i also took a uquiz to see what character i was most like) (got wataru for those curious)
i dont think theres anything wrong with starting off ur fandom journeys like this! its just important to actually engage with the source material if its something thats interested u so u dont start accidentally spreading misinfo and mischaracterization and whatnot! we all start somewhere and we cant be expected to know every single thing about everything, so its okay!
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lycanthian · 10 months
hey wait. what fucking war in enstars
um. yeah. the war. it was like, a whole thing? i wont explain the whole thing here but like. generally enstars in its current state At This Moment has 4 primary Years to choose from
1. War Era
- in which the school is radically changed by an extremely passionate student council president in order to raise talented and unique idols. he does this via "war"
- usually referred to in flashback sequences.
- this era is never depicted as the Current Era in any of the series' 8 year lifespan.
2. ! era.
- this is the Present Day of the first game. generally the two main games are discerned between with the amt of exclamation points. its confusing
- main story follows a rookie unit into stardom by challenging what the student council president sets up back in the war.
- this era ends with a graduation event, and all students moving up a grade or graduating out.
3. !! era.
- the Present Day of the second game, which introduced 3D mvs and rhythm game aspects.
- the major status quo change here is that that old student council president has now started a large Production Agency Conglomerate, called Ensemble Square, that oversees all the characters and their units
- 8 new characters / 2 new units are introduced as they begin a new year. generally follows those two new units as theyre haphazardly thrown together and forced to perform, though has a good and healthy amount of content for other units as well.
4. Post-Grad !! era
- current day as of right now on JP servers.
- another graduation event was held back in march 2023 in which the second graduating class, well, graduated. everyone else moves up in grades as intended
- well, actually, just kidding? that Big Production Agency Conglomerate, Ensemble Square has now also absorbed the 3 named idol schools into the ES Academy. we dont know much about this currently tbh.
- honestly not much about this era in general is known. we havent gotten super important stories about the new school environment or anything yet to my knowledge. theyre still running stories and events that take place before that last graduation, or stories that dont take place at the academy (and thus we dont see it)
anyways. all of this to say that the war is insane. read the wiki page if ur interested! (content warning for short references to violence and suicide) https://ensemble-stars.fandom.com/wiki/The_War
i know you just asked abt the war but its important to contextualize it within the reference of the other eras! its very interesting to me actually that they do go the road of nobody strictly winning or losing the war (because war is bad for everyone involved), and especially looking into how it affects characters and relationship in post-war stories! :3
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codes · 2 years
hello matthew!! :D this ask isnt related to the little game u made unfortunately but id like to ask for some advice from someone who probably has to read a lot for school!!
i finished reading a classic of literature recently, jane austens persuasion. having repeated myself many times today, it was a very good thought provoking book. except that i didnt really realise that until i read the introduction of the book where they discuss her techniques and how she handles the themes!! argh.. in fact while i was readin the whole thing i didnt even really know what to feel! i knew about the instances of titular persuasion but i wasnt even really sure what they were saying with nuance...
since im so troubled by my lack of sensitivity and find no help elsewhere on the interwebs, as someone who i find can parse the complex muddled text of enstars with clarity, what should i do to become a more sensitive reader! or rather how do u read matthew?
hi lab! im a lil honored that u hold me in such high regard bc honestly, i dont always feel that my literary analysis skills are up to par! though i think thats an opinion shared by many but i often end up in the same position as you and even my professors say the same thing where they have to reread books before they start to really delve into analysis. its p normal, honestly. a lot of themes in literature are largely opinionated so some people pick up patterns faster than others and sometimes two readings can conflict with one another. it happens! one reading may be more clearly supported by evidence within the text but analyzing literature usually takes a lot of practice more than anything, but sometimes going back to the basics rlly helps and focusing on which critical theory may be applicable. could you maybe analyze the text through a character? perhaps the psychoanalytic theory may help! are gender roles present within the text? maybe looking at it through a feminist critical lens may give you a good ledge to start off. theres also formalism, post-colonialist, Marxist theory, eco-criticism, etc... the world is your oyster and having trouble with analyzing a text is normal! we're not all-knowing and sometimes it helps to look at what other people have to say will help you most of all.
also i asked my friend @cupidneos who is insanely smart for her advice since i bet that she would have something to say (also shes also a jane austen fan) and this is what she said:
i do wanna say that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself since Persuasion is easily one of her hardest texts to really extend and make sense of so it’s no fault of your own … literature that uses free indirect discourse to hint towards our knowledge of character tends to be harder to understand bc of how limited that info can be! that being said, not being able to place our finger on something until it’s highlighted is completely okay! that’s what the introduction is there for; to help you out. there’s no set list of criteria to being a “more sensitive reader” since the phenomenon of reading itself is so mercurial. with practice i’m so certain that u will get a better sense of where to look for those literary themes. and don’t sell urself short in doing so either! if u find a passage important, pursue it!!! doesn’t matter what everyone else says abt it hehe
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kalmeria · 1 year
i jusg think that. if you add madara (i am a villain) x mayoi (i am less than human) x tatsumi (i am going to hell)……. it would lead to an interertjng result
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exmeowstic · 1 year
yaayy thank you @umilily for tagging me for '9 ppl id like to know better'!! im the king at forgetting to just ever talk or say anything abt myself unless prompted to so tag games like these are fun <333
last song: starlight parade by sekai no owari but specifically the knights/fine version bc i remember loving that song years and years ago and got blindsided discovering there was an enstars cover the other day
currently watching: i kinda dropped off and need to get back to watching it but ive started watching hannibal! i love it when guys are insane and weird abt each other. also the food in that show makes me rly hungry which. woopsies </3 (i also recently finished kamen rider ex aid and loved it so so much i would like to watch more kamen rider stuff when i have time/energy. dan kuruto most guy of all time he has everything wrong with him)
currently reading: ive been slowly working my way thru the count of monte christo for a looooong while now! to the point i got distracted and accidentally read the entirety of the hobbit this weekend. it doesnt help i just figured out i can use a library card to access lots and lots of stuff. in general im really partial to classic lit and mystery/detective type stuff. sherlock holmes my beloved
(bonus!) currently playing: ehe im getting sucked into ace attorney and im playing my way thru the second game. its perfectly tailored for me with the insane gay guys and the putting together evidence and figuring stuff out. (guy whos not smart voice) it makes me feel real smart when i get it right <333
current obsession: enstars 100% it cant be anything other than enstars. i love rhythm games and i love pretty guys being so normal abt each other this was also tailor made to make me as insane as possible i havent calmed down since i Started playing in like. october
ahh for tagging im just gonna throw some out to mutuals/friends bc im hardcore blanking on who to tag </3 you can say i tagged you if you would like to do it and you also dont have to if you dont want to heart emoji (also if i got someone who was already tagged i sorry im rapid firing these tags without thought)
@singular-stars @mountainashfae @x-day @cryptidm0ths @meowyoi @zakomoya @writer-and-artist27
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