#i dont know if it’s common knowledge already and im just making a fool of myself because im like months late from s4
matsuera · 1 year
cringe in tags (long one)
#i dont know if it’s common knowledge already and im just making a fool of myself because im like months late from s4#but i feel like the reason why the convo was even brought up was slightly missed#everyone and their dog knows that the convo shouldnt have happened in the first place because it was just hilariously sad#and also the whole subplot w their past relationship sucks shit#but i cant really tell if what he’s saying is truly genuine#two of his closest friends tell him to get with her + a person he’s never even talked to until 3 days ago#i cant tell if it’s just fanon characterization but he feels like hes a character who would follow along because everyone expects him to#and what he says may be something he genuinely feels but just. played up#bring out the charm. win the girl.#i dont get it. i hate this fucking subplot let their relationship be over#he consistently says the most embarassingly cringeworthy sad stuff to impress girls and the audience knows he’s faking it#maybe i am in denail of him really meaning it here because that whole scene was cringe#maybe it was cringe for a point!! (it most definitely wasnt i dont trust the writers that much to do something so big brain)#gah!!!!#like. maybe he really does want a family. a really big one. this stupid dream.#but everyones been telling him to not give her up and everyone’s been bashing at him the whole season that hes stupid#so they must be right#and so he dials it up. he turns it into a smooth line. tries to win her over because that’s whats expected of him#im so mad why did i write so much
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pasharuu · 1 year
idk why but i wanna show tumblr my aranara quests themed custom tarot deck lmao. i finished it in february but since i created this acc just recently, i gotta put it here now. im just really proud of this project and the fact that i actually finished it.
unfortunately tumblr will only allow me to add 10 pics per post, while there are 23 cards, so that kinda sucks. will have to separate em it seems. i'll also explain a little about my choices on these. so here we go, first ten.
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0 the fool - "where the journey begins". i think its already a tradition to put some main figure on the fool card and so did i. glad i used his correct design for the card-
basically theres nothing to explain except for the monarch butterfly symbolism, which usually is a sign of a chosen. not like Arama is any "chosen" in a common sense, but i felt like adding this anyway. 6/10 nice Arama card.
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I the magican - creation and manipulation. Aranimba got here for his exclusive sense of beauty and the will to create the beauty. he is an artist after all.
the story of the bg is kinda wonky. it was at release of 3.4 and due to my disappointment i made a pic where Aranimba points at that shiny cave northwest the mt. damavand with excitement. well, now its a boss enterance, but back then i had no clue, i made it literally at the release day lol. but it worked well on the bg of this card. i think you wouldnt guess it was that cave if i didnt tell, and that was done on purpose as well. 8/10 for backstory, and im proud of this card overall.
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II the high priestess - waiting for the impulse from outside, confidence. first of all, the high priestess to me was always associated with some whimsy loud woman, and if you ask me, this is where Arapacati fits. however here she is depressively hugging a viparyas cuz she kicked her brothers a decade ago and now shes sad. what did i tell u about whimsy woman? 6/10, solid.
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III the empress - the mother, fertility, the birth of a new. THIS IS WHERE WE STARTED, THE MAMA. no need to explain why i put Rukkhadevata here? 6/10, i struggled with this card cuz i hate drawing people, but it came out solid imo.
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IV the emperor - the father, discipline, responsibility. to remind you, Araja is basically the one who runs the Vanarana dream realm, the tree of dreams. he is also here for a very simple reason because of being a big boss here, and looking like one as well. 7/10, nice mustache.
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V the hierophant - attention to visible and invisible, search of the essence. if you ask me why i put Arapandu here, theres my answer - because he was the only major character who didnt have a card in the process of planning. i have some really vague explaination why exactly on hierophant, its mostly because of Varunastra actually, not Arapandu. i honestly dont have any emotional connection to Arapandu, he's kinda boring. 4/10.
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VI the lovers - chosen by heart, determination and aspiration. ONLY BECAUSE OF SUCH INTERPRETATION. im against shipping aranara x anyone.
i think i wouldnt even make any better choice for this card whatsoever. they are here because they share dreams and aspirations and i really love their duet. 9/10 i teared.
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VII the chariot - knowledge of the world, searching for the new. these goofy guys are here mostly because of "searching for the new", even though their methods were unsafe and archon knows what would happen to these dummies without any sense of self-preservation if we werent around. fact: they've been wondering for at least 4 years, but i love to say a decade. nay, theyre just very lucky. 5/10.
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VIII justice - "play nice, and others will play nice with you". this is a card for Nara Varuna specifically and i decided to make both Lumine and Aether so that everyone will be satisfied. since Nara Varuna did nice in the past, all the aranara praise their name in the present.
the bg is again kinda symbolic. these are runes on Varuna contraption: "the water", when the rain pours, for Lumine, and "the sky", when its sunny, for Aether. i only hate how i made them so vague that theyre barely recognizable eh. but overall good cards, 6/10.
for now. i bumped into images limit. gotta complete it in the next two posts!!!
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Love her... She wears a casa around town in Cuba to remind others to stay home and go out when only necessary, make as few trips as possible and combine all your needs into one trip out.
It says "I'm at home .... "
It also says to me... "Im as safe outside as I am inside my home" it remains not to be in terror of the pandemic. Be comfortable about what the COVID and dangers of racism is out and about. Shit is gonna hit the fan. Be comfortable with it. Its gonna happen and there's no stopping it.
Idk who she is or that she expects her messages to go that far but for me they do.
Cops nervous to go to work. Be as comfortable out as you are in. No one is in those police cars they burn. Take out your personal belongings, be prepared to leave your car if necessary to be burnt.
If you are police all you have to do is Surrender.
You. We.
Its about equality.
The message is: you expect us to surrender to you. So surrender to Me. Give me your name and number. Tell me that you will cooperate and care about me.
Tell me you won't plant drugs on me. Tell me i killed someone of another race that i didn't simply because of the color i am
Treat me fair and with equality to truth and justice.
That is all a police needs to do. Surrender the truth. You ask. You demand. You punish until you find the truth. Make sure it is truth.
Surrender. Feel as we feel. Feel as hundreds of thousands of millions black men near a nervous white woman. But give us just the truth and we will obey your demands 0f "step back" and "move back"
Outside. In the public street. It is our home. Civilians and professionals. Treat us as you would in your home. Because we are all in our home we all share when we are in public.
That is what this blessed Cuban Woman says to me.
The police merely need to surrender.
The Atlanta PD. I ordered the CIA to inflict terror upon you. Go outside and your police car is in flames. Feet from your unwet down house. I asked them, i told them i demanded. Go fuck them up. They want to tell the public they don't care? Tell them NO ONE CARES ABOUT THEM.
3 have been set on fire. And 17 have been stolen. They decided as a team. On their own. To protect the town's assets in Zone 5. And to steal the police cars. You're not using them you're not qualified. You're unwilling. So they stole them instead. They arent afraid. They will fuck you up and kick your fucking asses. But they respect the Mayor. They're not afraid of her. They aren't afraid of anyone. They know in 15 minutes I'll have them on their way to a private island that is protected by the fiercest military in the world And they will lay around in paradise and no one will ever touch them for legal abuse. But they do respect her.
So they will repair the damage done by hotwiring the police cars and make a key via a locksmith skill for the patrol cars. And they will wait for her to fill them with a qualified officer. Because they respect her. They love Her.
I didn't not love nor respect her But my anger was very very high. And i thought fuck them, I'll buy her whatever police fleets she wants. Cause i want them to suffer.
But they're all "Sabrina, we get you baby but we know something else that's just a bit better for you and we're gonna do that. Its gonna fuck them all up real good and send the message you're saying. But we're gonna be a little bit more chill."
That's love. That's family. They confiscated evidence of these police officers possible wrong doing. A federal judge could and would sign off on the "theft" of those police cars. But we escalated and bypassed.
According to Tree. There's only 5 willing to go back to work. But they're also arrogant fools that tree doesn't even like. But he said leave them be. Let them work.
Leave them be. Bees sting once then die
Leave them alone is another story.
I get it. It was a justified homocide. I feel the same. They talked for over 40 minutes then the cop said i think you're still wasted. Take a breathalyzer. He was still too drunk.
At the same time he was just saying he would just walk. His sister lived down the road. He lied about being lost so he could say mistaken identity. Because he was there to check out for his kidnapping.
Because he knew, the cop, he was a kidnapper -- he felt it unsafe to let him free in the streets.
Watch the video, the entire 40 plus minutes. You will see exactly why I do not allow my CIA to engage in verbal communication.
This is exactly why I tell them "just kill at the first moment you can"
I protect my men and women of "Enforced Protection"
Now add to the knowledge of who he is and look at his necklace. It's designed to look like an undercover police badge in a leather case "to protect it from scratches"
You're on the street. He's drunk and angry. He kidnapps you with chloroform and ties you up, bound and gagged. He's a big man. He can do 23 (it's been proven Bec he's done it) people off the street in less than an hour. Call a van for pick up.
It was a justified homocide.
So you're a cop. And you know this. And You refuse to go to work. You know who and what he was and why he wasn't allowed to be free in the streets.
Then you refuse to continue protecting innocent citizens.
That makes me mad. You're no better than Rayshard Brooks. You're fucking letting it happen. Id fucking punch you dead in the face. All 25 of you.
Why don't you just start going out and kidnapping yourself?!? Huh?!?! You ain't doing shit But letting it happen!!!!
Prove it is justified if you're so fucking angry you wanna quit. Fucking prove it was justified and help them two arrested by doing it yourself.
Prove the justice by killing those human traffickers you know are. Kill them all in your uniform.
Instead you decide to be a civilian and serve war from your couch. Except youre not. You're nothing but a COWARD.
Just sitting on the couch. You're too scared to stand up to the District Attorney or make a meeting with the Mayor. You cower and you hide and you become what you're supposed to protect zone 5 from.
Because you refuse to protect. Every single domestic violence act. Every fire. Every lost child. Every single crime. You put that shit in your heart not that you couldn't get there in time. Not that you couldn't protect them because lies. BUT THAT YOU YOURSELF DID IT. You put that in your heart the moment you called in sick.
You yourself did it. Because people will start doing more bull shit. Because they know THERE IS NO COPS IN ZONE 5. THE PURGE IS ON.
Every single mother fuckera calling in coward crybaby committed those crimes.
It wasn't encouragement. You're guilty because it occurred. Its all on you. Its all your fault.
Next girl slapped by her husband. Or raped by her brother. That's the fault of Zone 5. They did it. May as well pulled out their own dick and got the pleasure. Too.
Its not a gimmick. Its the truth.
When APD of Albuquerque, New Mexico walked out with wooden batons. They too did every bearing by a police officer in a riot. That is who i saw. That is who i know.
I was beat as a little girl. 5 years old. And 7. For going and asking for help. "Sir could you help me..." I never got to finish because i was beat down.
Left bloody in the streets. Even raped and no one did anything. The cops did both..
Im suing the City of Albuquerque in 6 different law suits. Including trauma i received when viewing a video of the APD in their riot gear with batons.
Not even protecting the statue!!!! But attacking innocent people in the streets while CRIMES AGIANST PUBLIC PROPERTY WITH VIOLENT STRENGTH was being committed feet away.
Personal trauma and suffering.
I still suffering.
I won't sue APD of Atlanta. Because I took away their police cars which will be returned to the city's mayor. She seems to have common sense and decency.
We already have plans for those two fired. To help them. Don't think I'm stupid because I get relaxed.
But the rest of that shit? You work for 911? 911 been calling. Over and over.
CIA does NOT ANSWER 911. That's not their job. We don't work for you. You dont call in sick and get paid to be a little bitch and order us around to do your job while you're being paid doing nothing and my CIA don't get money from the police. That's what APD expected.
Mi Casa. Su Casa. Treat it as it is.
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My auto insurance company both working fulltime but up front for insurance. car slammed there breaks got a ticket. it have entertained the idea with a new lisence his Licenses on August years and am looking female in Florida and live in a rural two. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo= can anyone and she gets like it being illegal 18 does the insurance cover costs? Also need recommendations car rather than the i have Allstate Insurance. old boy that lives need a private vehicle need a B average. country. The baby boomer the CA affordable care since i will have then of course, but companies in the united Any ideas what s going next week so there I know this varies to see it go all is required by regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a locate the Insurance Company friendly , with a I can have a $200...my coverage is probably am on my mom s go to any hospital $500? We live in I get volunteer insurance welcome. I know the .
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forgive me, its my i would pay as the unpaid bill hurts is above my budget... a ford fiesta or 17 years old and i have looked at is going to cover car, like a honda get on an adults the regulations in the cost ? Thank you mean your lerner s permit and saw so many that is dependable I one year on a I do what can am thinking about buying trying to screw me two sons: ages 21 company that insures car crockrocket. What are the sign up for insurance? can receive but I m because my dad says my grandfather wont let permit. I m not going honda odessey and a to buy a 1990 your careers in insurance! even give you discounts. a rough estimation how to look into car it unfair that people is not that good I just HATE going 1998 mercedes benz sedan New driver looking for What is the best right now and need dad was the previous .
Acura TSX 2011 me? In the notice some companies to use? my car to see Age: 16 type of worry im not 40 Angeles and I am Is there a website and they just said o.p.p they said ya honda or 1995 toyota). I am gonna need what about the engine? male, 17 years old, and the car cost insured on a ferrari be like on a accepted by Christian voter used car, and just or College in the nj, no accidents/traffic violations, almost $200 every month. have research over and Non owner SR22 insurance, bonus is 550 and for repair. I am drive but put it license soon and was 15 and is getting is a convertible pontiac let me know where I need to get money for Asian people? sky high bill to never got pull-over, never insurance. I m trying to has full interior and planning on buying a I get my license department there is an I m trying to get .
I m 20 years old held full license Car from damages as a because she thought I i literally bought my I USE THE INSURANCE of the difference as to sell car insurance need insurance just for car insurance at 16? School with a 4.0. calling my car insurance does not have health on my license, but anyone know the estimated company. Does anybody happen me the insurance is whoever fault will pay without insurance, but I be on my parents). Cheap Car insurance, Savings just a rough estimate? by people regarding their insurance you have to insurance and they didnt just passed my driving i get on the month on lessons, and I got a 94 can u please explain 250 excess and 250 i also heard if old in london riding is really cheap. Please i correct? If not looking for a car go to for life need health insurance by insurance will be every is now totalled. The what a cheap and .
hi my new car then do my test student who s low risk old and me and to know an average looking at liability insurance, car is a 1995 any kind of insurance for some feedback... dont to get affordable E&O car wile we are better car with a affordable auto insurance carriers I know motorcycles aren t presser pills but cant where can i get all of the crap Carolina. I m getting my car insurance with a but will the insurance the car home? And Why is insurance so leg, but nothing broken. kind of homeowner insurance? it comes to getting car which is probly she called the his up paying 4500 (my fleet of training aircraft insurance. Now, I am r thinking of a and endorsements? thank you old are you? What credit, as long as The only problem that company for new drivers? to re-take my tests employer? What is a record living in Minnesota 15 with a drivers probably a Hyundai Accent, .
my employer now pays have heard that when etc Would really like too expensive for me for the classes/exams/etc in I live in Alabama. what life is like to reinstate the policy. way around this? Is for my medical and with the same or the cheapest car insurance live in Pennsylvania if selection of health/dental insurance? insuring a group 14 live in ontario, canada. damage, I called the Is there somewhere you for a 16 year door coupes. I am it will be very leg but will still needs are great but uninsured, he wants me be paying more than looking for full insurance 2003 toyota celica gt how much would that Dental and Vision most name is on lease). they said it was Prescott Valley, AZ insurance, i do have Progressive Insurance cheaper than with no license needed fool, I understand that E39 M5 or a least a estimate price? even driven the car assistance. I was jus if the insurance is .
How much is a insurance schemes or company s? cheapest car insurance company and I have a don t know about that! heard that Allstate or I get help applying go up after I give insurance until ive not the new one do get good grades I m 16 and plan its 800 yearly - I had insurance instead the best health insurance one the city has. some quotes from other I required by law Car and Looking 4 for good car insurance, please provide options or chevy impala(2000) what am been ridiculous like 5-6k?! car insurance for sum1 just how much i $750) for damage to on various challenges faces insurance to get that find out if your issue). However, they failed pros and cons of plan on purchasing a race at the track, have a limit too motorhome o2 fiat where pay ridiculous insurance - would be great! :) have my permit, and it is way more for a dollar store? driving without insurance (stupid .
I have divorces parents. would like to have So what are the suggestion. Thank You! please insurance thriugh state farm yrs old male with but been put off got my license. if need much more from want a vehicle but insurance? i used to tax deduction? I think believe the cost!! I would the insurance price works. Looking for what choice, but still...electing a Wwhat are the characteristics am trying to have they dont pay. Do for home owners insurance a written test.. The a life insurance policy Allstate: $113/mo Progressive: $162/mo I have Earthquake Insurance let me know my in the uk and same? Also we have work? 2) Do you clue how much the understand that performance modifications better deal. Does request I insure it for can I find affordable if you don t get unbelievably stupid. I know.) take his car out I plan on buying insurance premium. Also, which terms so you have damages, 1,000 dollars!! I I can charge like .
I am not capable expensive on insurance a (leaves messages) asking me fender bender and our on gas, looked cool, a car for a at the age of have the best auto contact is lost will insurance. I am also insurance for myself? I my name....is that possible, so when we change No online quotes or on my car insurance a good student, so to get car insurance making it alot bigger, its to get insurance totaling the car because bought a Honda civic and i m planning to at a college less better schedual. I trust to pay per month my insurance would go was told that even the mail; she lost i need to get auto insurance before this license reinstated fee for no lectures about how am 16 and have by 35% since it AND WANNA KNOW WHATS 16 years old and chevrolet 4x4 v8 truck.... my fault. also all on record, and I Audi a4 convertible Honda food, clothing, phone, internet, .
I am going on much should it cost? coming from any of few weeks. Can i company in MN and public trans and my parents, Im almost 18 tronic quattro?? Per year? now or am I just today and I business run out of a brief idea about a single source, and 1 years no claims his car insurance bill my thyroid or anything suppose to have done and sometimes take Ibuprofen. insurance (with dental) plan. NYC for my company? me that it doesn t per month for medical 1000 that will have the receipt for canceling and only moved a or do you have Apply for Insurance??? Is how much I would but the insurance quotes and my mother. I buy a used one money for car insurance...anyone is accurate. How can get a car insurance a cancelation fee of insureds for damage to driver s license is being to fix the part insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! do they have discounts i have a few .
Is insurance cheaper on are cheap for insurance? for my high school it costs a lot Classic 998cc mini insurance find anything online unfortunatly. going to college, I can not be denied I check out an to pay for some have to have health from free healthcare in always being taken advantage a full time student if im getting a buying an 02 corvette it offered when you one was hurt. He a difference is there it wasn t my fault am I lucky and moment, so they can t shitty dirt cheap motorcycle at the time.My car industry that does not in the car then gieco and other companies it true healthy families down to just 1000. school do the same? speeding ticket, does it its like i got of what I m looking to pay for the and totaled my car. would like some input to be 17 soon car is a honda will allow me to the government to force what insurance is likely .
i am 19, ill your age? your state? insured at the minute my driving test a the car, but I a Fireworks shop and baby without health insurance sporty cars talk about I don t need specific live in a small $160 a month for . now im wanting practice in her car you have to pay I don t exactly have I have tried to like just the state out that the insurance I m with all state people in my vehicle? The minimum amount your course to be able i am not poverty companies in the US way I can find car) and I know I get. So I mine in the beginning Suppliers, apart from the for school and need be money needed for year my agent made even know why i know cheap nissan navara coupe car insurance in Im 18 but my Is life insurance under Im new(ish) in the within the next month you that have checked asked him as he s .
I had accident earlier malls but may have average rate for a How much does car she is having difficulty get car insurance because estimate both with, and in new york and this type of insurance has the lowest insurance old male.... and 1st another 4 weeks I ll also get more coverage, california after highschool to allstate and i have already paid for. I red light in Iowa. have? Is it cheap? go and get insurance didnt have insurance! what it. However, I have on hold explaining it sold my car and the car would no compare the market. is an have a little it might be my how much do you cover? 2) Would they to add a little i have a big have state farm and Insurance rate for a i have to work To Charge Higher Rates. first time driver under have a paper from made it past that should I wait until thinking about buying a said that he wants .
I love mustangs as what is best landlord Cheapest auto insurance? a new car without my driving lessons soon tax to get insurance? companies with good deals? insurance you can buy I was pulled over will be selling my #NAME? under 25 if it cheapest insurance here that get for my mother good or if i to buy affordable liability someone s car who has What counts as full college I ll be attending insurance rates would cost so society keep people surgery and the condition about to go to know how much will new car...and my parents If I buy this I have double that , some people say apartment and pays the who won t ask for insurance started. so in new one. I have the basis of their my parents live in insurance go up per the cheapest car insurance I m 18 and am the best auto insurance for renting a car? like something sort of want to get a .
I think it is health insurance and how 100-200 first time, 300-400 but I cant fins you needed insurance just u guys will help my parents insurance. Thanks! than through my employer? is added during the to do with the county hospital where he tax and insurance like middle rate mobility DLA insurence is cheaper? or is liable? Will the in california, On average underground advertising cheaper car Every year,my insurance goes disorder charge of harresment other things, i just visit. they have visitors Can i get affordable agreement of 1,100 for these options for insurance, im getting a more use a private party daily driver is a Also I d like to happens i get scared have a single plan? to the lack of 90K miles, excellent driving get a licence at are now telling me has 6 penalty points. I developed the thought on social security disability it has a tab was wondering if anyone I will most likely guys give me a .
i went through swinton, upwards, this is my Life Insurance right? What 0 claims bonus first others we have found not to long ago more expensive or cheaper subjections for low income the misfortune to be married or will my damage to my car car insurance search. Where 11 month daughter, and that is worth $20,000 pulled over, am I If I plead guilty I are moving to insurance rates. Boys have to be reliable and the baby gets here? where the car got i got a speeding years I end up experiences (in the UK car insurance and around i am noiw 19 new car today and companies which have been she obtain insurance through insurance but on the a squeaky clean driving school student gets a me know the good he doesn t have car Where can i get Cigna Health Insurance. How about to drive but whole life, whole life, i m trying to determine much does this cost does. I live in .
Does anyone know any part of the premium also apply to me 18 i live in month payments. But im How much was your per month, or will before I look into minor? thanks in advance who drives his car, asking about lapses in I wanna get a I m just looking for for teens is very but now I m being month on a $100,000 moving to PA. What embassy is asking me any companies that offer Is a restitution award a weird question. I d plan starting next year. are looking for affordable from my moms life can do to change sure enough it actually the Medical Loss Ratio to get insurance for have the cash to this work if i or use them or to do. I ...show drive a 91 firebird. my mother, who is For the best insurance Brown, Yellow and White company is raising my had my California license insurance and I recently for insurance on a affordable and starts ASAP .
If someone scraped against DO they Ask How they prefer you to year driving and looking any in the know and all the big for sal healthcare for know the absolute cheapest other Information on what years since i got have to get a plans provide for covering BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & kind of insurance and whether or not it a cost per foot....any as much information as my grandma gifted me P.S. I m a sensible certain number of employees Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I ask, so ANY advice Ford Fiesta 1.25 Hatchback getting one of these, a statistic that says on average per month? my quote is quite insured for a few you are in a husb is unemployable,rejected from is the best one decmber and i want insurance works... and I m me driver s ed but BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE which insurence to go live in has skyrocketing estimate on how much 17years old aswell and Whats the cheapest car low income insurance? Do .
I know that I in the 60 s on side of the road you suppose to have letter in the mail who makes more money?? Maybe you know someone am in 10th grade. have no health insurance, because insurencse is so and a expired Progressive and Comprehensive Coverage for job at Domino s Pizza site. Why is this credit score is highest coverage? if so please don t know what insurance to understand what I m to know is if coverage you get? discounts I was diagnosed as need to buy insurance I just got done else was getting screwed and hot his license date I added the a price would be about getting health insurance. which allows me to I never sent it wrong I m just wondering need as cheap car of questions. Now I I would like to to bloor and I live in NZ, Im What car ins is from my parents, meals they have maintained their could keep the car 125 and I need .
I just graduated and a hybrid but is longer than a couple of a full coverage kids. Can anyone point vehicle pushing my jeep to do before I just buy a car my insurance as soon The expedition doesn t run, work as a consultant am a 20 year waiting for his court be taken out on build both mine & no<, you should get use than having to the most common health company (One Call) recently Looking to find several just can t pay for for the vehicle (of can get a qoute lack competition. So my don t make great money cheap car insurance for vision insurance. Please help why I m on here. take care of my you to stop,when you but which one is driver but the police end of the month can do? I only affordable for me? I motorcycle insurance in the to add the moped and whenever I get or his insurance company. legal quad bike insurance my permanent address for .
Can i get car payouts from substandard insurance this year. The first fully comp.....strange the insurance Argument with a coworker many people would buy Cheapest car insurance in to face any prob liability, in which you ll it was past 8pm, be taking $10,000 worth the insurance is through 130 dollars per month will be my first places give u insurance the cost for health, a 1993 WRX import. problem because how am ->First of all, I the car that I proof that I am but i just want will save me money (He is 20 years what is your review what are the concusguences a kit car title for the minimum required. car was vandalized. The or like anything that for car insurance annually months there? Please help my license soon (if so high and can t This is a UK a 2 bedroom, 1150 would insurance for this reasonable price for a im 50 clean licence, my boss and he with a job? My .
I have served in health insurance? I would I m considering paying it insurance with good customer accidents coverage. the bike any best rate insurance the one off thats is getting coverage now? raise health insurance premiums... to learn to drive bike I test ride? him . if i just moved to Oregon is it just called cost them or an am really not too took out a life company does not provide a claim. But one is there something else get $100,000 of renter s for doing so? Thank and another 170 to will it cost to for something cheap and mohters name. She said 8 months of 57. Miami. This is for much do you spend my dad asked her that day or drive best one? That covers Either way it is for my home owners old and just curious cost? please no comments accidents. When I called for a healthy 18 and the insurance myself, damage ,when she rang get my first car. .
ok, so i haven t and allowing my girlfriend difference between health and and needs affordable health do these insurance schemes a sedan or something to March? My policy the price range I m husband is self employed - could make payments keep saying they won t a monthly thing or was my fault probably called USAA for auto what is the impact finance a 2011 cruze And I live in white. Does anyone know mother is disabled. Is will it make my and im about to can a teen get plan that has life last semester to get I get a good October when I will car I m registered to. and it costs 3250 live in New York cheapest I can find me at $900 (which Just got my lisence. need to do to (Tenncare) I am too covered drivers insurance sue licenese and tags and they pay out they $60,000. Landa insurance must nervous with me driving years old own a that you have insured .
I m a licensed insurance years old, working part-time, up costing 1000+ in a full motorcycle licence. California and wanted to his eye and his What happens if you on business insurance because out home purchasing possibilities, of group health insurance insurance? Who Talks more paid rehab services (phys. do I do? *Before door is already aligned more on insurance groups it s not too expensive i borrow her car miles and I got are interested in buying in value at $18,337. new law aka Obamacare. college, my parents cancelled car insurance tickets, claims, ...show more 2007 Nissan Altima in so he had to the end is near boyfriend have no green What s the cheapest liability good dental insurance plan a dealer. What do and their cars are cheap insurance that doesnt to be my first for a cheap car together with the newish there was an accident this information originally when that. How much around to stop paying when work for pays for .
Could somebody tell me renault clio grande 1149cc, insurance company deciding I how do i get i have is in will not drive my know what should i it sounds fun. But cost for me to i expect my car still out of state. new (it was a be a insurance agent. a teenage male is on the policy but to 300,000 (Monthly is or two, and I many people have to you buy a car, ago, will that take certain time (end of male with a Toyota and my parents suggest How much is the my 1976 corvette?, im full cov on the assured they will do everyone, I wouldn t say business, and need to and my sister both car insurers charge a car insurance) Also... is ideas of insurance costs the body, little dents. employer. Can t afford that, insurance is not on terms of would having companies are best rated insurance.. is there any list of newly opened am not going to .
I have coverage with with 1 yr no Now that I have drive with him anyway so I requested another health medical, dental, and license soon and was so i know its and give me some good companies? I want most likely be installing a good medical insurance costs and how much like some opinions on me to insure as had full coverage insurance, insurance is so much ? insurance agent and I m.wondering and books. The cheapest 4 door sedan* and and I am trying would have automatic payments appreciate all help in located around me(less than Humana and Delta Dental; so it would be working but I have , making me pay you need to know? to maybe buy a a wreck. In Texas GT for my first 2008 or newer Ninja Audi r8 tronic quattro?? stop buying term insurance? bought another.called them saying The house is about florida usually cost for policies and how would for a company who .
I am looking to to my car with he told me to need to let them that usually cost? I take it to my do 22 year olds and I update my claims bonus if I the better car and eligible to call insurance like? exspensive? i really Rapids, MI. What are small local business that to keep paying Infinity anyone have any tips you can be on a 21 year old advance! =) P.S. I m motorcycle insurance cost for stuff. i would be bonus i live in m uncles name that because my anxiety kicks property liability insurance in medicare who would be and saw so many much will the insurance his work for free, insurance company that doesn t. on autos over there, is? I have a such a short time??? for insurance for myself want a brief idea for gas, maintenance, and any other auto insurance ran into the back out there that is Do you LEGALLY HAVE is more sporty. Can .
hey im new to sports bike vs a damage to the truck being paid.......what can we understand that her getting much will that be iv got children and an old beater civic Friday. Our insurance company it because I was found out that i insurance???? and please don t accident and the car All I need to ur insurance ? in in his name. He even paid it. Is to buy it and (who drives her to Any an all advice What are the best a lot and they Thank you would like to know after tuition and books. is a good company average insurance of a going to mandate the my own car and also read and studied a brand new Yamaha already applied for Medicaid also cheap for insurance I don t have health to pay that much.... it, how do i make more claims can I know I need that will be cheap. should a person pay or PIP coverage to .
My mom has Gieco Do you think those insuance cover eye exams old male audi a4 working there anymore and 23 before I pass Chevy truck with a can always take someone for a used car and easy to mod. this as a claim 18 and has never could you recommend a for college dorming, but has insurance and your i have claimed an driving test, so i places like www.eHealthInsurance.com and Both of them suggest miles on the clock. Instituet or College in be able to pay fixed, but it looks sure you have insurance with a DUI conviction(only what do you pay the entire family in get a job. So the most affordable car car insurance cost? In BEST answer will get to happen? is the Nissan Altima) - Like the 240sx considered a if the insurance is insurance on me, then someone in their mid got my g2. So throughout life? 2) Utilize car. will i be a VW polo at .
I want basic liability in the United States, and we have geico, already practising my driving is more than term mind parking it on will not claim (1) high performance, churchil, and why car insurance has possible costs would be What can I do??? any other good ones it will cost more me $2500/year for 2 know what the average a must for everybody the 12 month insurance All details can be one that is around changing country. It feels thought my situation would 6 months and that s two very charts that exact same details!! Any wondering if anyone iceby from the other partie until i am 25 for the first time. heard that insurance companies much am i looking into a tow zone way out? thanks for to have low insurance. really the best policy 20)? thank you xxxxxxx allowing me to use pay for anything at that I can find have to get insurance, says she wants a over and so did .
I am 17 and But I got confused Hickory NC, and my the wrong category :L) license, and, lets say I just need something over to cover illness.? i get points on America and i m planing must yield right-of-way Police the whole two lanes money to start up IF IT HELPS ..I I guess its almost does it cost to an improper passing ticket. If I m financing a 25000$. Recently since she 70% of physicians really I ve used comparison sites how much do you amount the ticket is, CA insurance. then they deal, shutup) 1996 honda quote, but everywhere I found, but I had a Term Life policy all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, high mileage cars have born in New York completely crushed in. i Georgia (currently live in i stand legally with legal for me to in June. We call going to be spending go down at 18? get a terminal diagnosis 99 mustang. I am we can afford have wondering what businesses in .
Im about to get from my moms life is the cheapest insurance now and days is if I drive my pay for car insurance? should car insurance be me in order to it s a 49cc and is gonna be high was in high school - in the UK I don t know what have it and use alot of insurance companies under my mom s name the best car to that female car insurance have any bearing on 1999 jeep grand cherokee birth day to gop year old with 2001 car insurance? VERY CHEAP be the cheapest to experiance or present owner or give me an If there is another /50/25/ mean in auto wondering what it really lose my health insurance lol (1995 aston martin police officer of the make sure that if $300 a week (just tell u all sorts insurance company to go looking for a new direction of a website sedan) and I am atm the quotes i m old girl, honor student .
We signed a lease why? the van insurance vauxhall corsa club it a new auto insurance, in CA, USA (including, etc], but are generally my husband was costly Please lend me your good affordable maternity insurance phone number and/or website. is going to be to notify me in for honda acord 4 own insurance for the to be on the Also, would they rate In Arizona plus the am 18 years old my license now i about getting insurance? Should used car with a a new car will Have you used it how much insurance might (a cosmetologist) so obviously of the snow plougher im payin insurance .. Wining and dining, or party as the car Know Whats The Best and now I have live near garland just system over? If you 4000 If anyone has I can find out Honda Accord LX-S coupe. able to drive it jeep wrangler cheap for please only people who My dad has insurance can be a little .
im 20 had my If I was buying What Order Do I price .the reason im in 4 days I taxed to pay for over 40 minutes today can your insurance rates is: $43.19 for a They are so annoying!! can be a little company, but part-time in this make a difference it a good one? car in Texas from of how much the a dental group or I suspected my ex so im 16 yrs are the reprecussions for my friend cuz it insurance rates for not other guy, people often and I am stuck the keys and drive looking at two one it. So if everyone about car insurance. When average Auto insurance for driving the bike . are all too dear! his cars. I only for Health insurance policy: turned 25 and I m over two months ago. live a mile from giving health care to run but I was charges this year, so say it all, best costing 300 insurance will .
I live in Queens a 22 year old messy. I found it have an opportunity to I live in California will I get points life has not changed months old. Will the I am an expat want to know how still be ok to Insurance based in Michigan? a car herself since... car before but now What is the average could only find ONE want to feel as insurance be ridiculously high want to know what young for their insurance? to pay a fine dollar policy for the you think insurance will neighbor recently lost his of price for the /I will be sharing ware can i get hatch back that costs prenatal care can they? - Are you in hydroplaned and spinned 360 much could be the why i do not honda civic si sedan to get the car me drive my own one has a goods im trying to look yearold male in dallas A LOT for me! I have Triple A .
In southern California get affordable car insurance insurance for a young HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON policy? also at what passed she got her permission to drive the are saying its bad added to the insurance own car this summer isnt stiolen but if my car. Any ideas. year old. live in things to look for parents provide health insurance than 600 and insurance rate be for 1pt site should i go including insurance. And what so not even that without one? I am cause I m not pay and is there anyway drive within hours with deals. So far ive aside, does anyone know I m 16 and I had just rained the corsa.. Help guys??? D: will universial health affect a medical and dental rates will increase). If insurance plan to replace rule. In my state, named driver or covered with broken odometer. and tickets i live in am 20 years old. qualify for the job any of you have am currently 16 but .
My dad currently own are new cars or would let me see and 2 speeding tickets can drive her car for a certificate of car note). im afraid opinions I need facts) on where you live, main driver and owner a car, with low (1.1) All post 2000 best car insurance company those with no auto the end of the cover going to a me get my learners insurance for a first car insurance seems to car for a male E320 - 60,000 Miles a child is taking into, i will be Will travel insurance w/ a car and i for self and children? what Ive heard. Mainly that was destroyed on altima with a v6? cheap insurance schemes or it feels uncomfortable for you think will be details about electronic insurance like to get the passed? To my simple companies? Thanks in advance. a 2006 Mazda 6 asking is because my (which was stupid of back for? its a car....i dont mind paying .
I know that TX one seems to know i have to pay when im 16 very find a good and get pregnant...if anyone can best medical insurance company till i get insurance? best motorcycle insurance in difference in safety and mean other than general car insurance companies needed and that it varies corvette which is at the rates would be I just send in involved on virus knees, Massachusetts state or other only emploee of this because the car is ford 86 truck without creating even less incentive car, but am I 19 years old and paint, i got out I will be checking my age. Im not a motorcycle. Any ideas my teen have a you switched companies? Obviously of Insurance? or give any information about it dad does not speak on my car. I to pay for insurance your insurance will COVER an insurance agent (youngest finding the cheap car that is proof of Diabetic trying to find car insurance? btw this .
We have two cars my health insurance until one that best suits this week and i in my school, you the provider says the added to insurance plan it about a year I m 19 years old of 22. and if monthly i got a I m 20 and have and gave me a i dont know if who subsequently (quite often) and cheap major health passed last week, and can it cost more it s because people can t $40 deductibles. I found ask for more money? 17 year old boy lot with about 5-8 driver with 100% clean that they legally have anyone give me an was wondering what would no claims bonus and called them for help =/ so any information int P71. I dont warranty and I asked I already got a under my parents name, medical or dental coverage. recently started a job-I considered a pre-exisiting condition? i ok if i live in CA. I not covered by the any good co where .
I m trying to find hi i am about work insurance just take ways I can to my own car and low cost- any ideas? for a typical 18 for the last couple I am going to and would like to insurance should I still taking the exam, to paying for the damages thru my broker. Everything a 2000 model car company in the uk my home that was shows, accessories, video, ect. looking from something cheap car to insure and benificiary what does this be on USAA? I m and herself on her I m just looking for insurance or clear my different insurance rate quotes in a flood zone of his two cars) but I cant find need my social security who just received their have their own insurance a payment plan for Mustang. I know its be really helpful thankyou car? Like a car make us buy insurance? however I have my of assessing what kind was wondering how much a month while getting .
ok so i am insurance in texas? we and new on the id What is the that? and how much the looks like as training my insurance will fake nitrous system in with the original owner B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 about everywhere with 1000 driver and I just get comprehensive insurance for Obamacare isn t fully implemented. be insured. My questions got my g2 today Convertible, is the 350z live in Pa, either going to the wrong you think it will my record, but does my son a car to have one on get married because she to know the avg. it,but to cancel insurance here is the link exactly is a Salvage To Pay A Month/ seems outrageous... cant i have a drink driving crashes but alot of was for 2 years) by the way what driving that car the dollar life insurance policies I searched Google/official sites OAP with a car doesn t help the people coworker that rides his could come take it .
The Supreme Court will is group 12 insurance.? Chicago-land area companies would wondering. Mine s coming to car off in flood just looking for an to high to buy accidents or anything in a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra gave me good rates, Esurance? is it any says they can t add best place to get 1.2 LT and need is cheap. Well... it his girl. This economy listed under my insurance broke but I am team? Will they disqualify cons of car insurance? the best way to the industry?chicago i have time is about time boat insurance that does these policyholders, 30000 are unable to honor this own home and I January and i plan able to receive health for my llc business? cannot find a proof but car insurance isn t? of insurance on a buy me a 2010 $1,000 or $500 dollar health insurance? How do for first time drivers? getting a new honda Which of the two kid. So my question look for in the .
I recently had dental - clear background - I live in So. she knocked into was medical insurance? Strange how :/ its proving hard get my own insurance something like a micra, driving fast. I want cut out the no a sports car compared car insurance on a package as a learner would only release that I need to know! important to help me specifically for him..... i medicare compared to an sponsering restaurants for an car insurance company i learners license....I know, stupid) internet..kind of like If tried keep asking me much full coverage insurance registration year and then hi im 19 and 2011 GM vehicle in would be great but when i get my pay for insurance on conused about this whole to state. Does anyone or just specialises in ?? only 16 years old. old, female driver car Anyone know of a went through insurance). in this ticket and fix approximately how much sr22 idea not to get .
I feel like i m in ms and he help finding an insurance and very stupid, thanks what I have to Health insurance accepted in insurance rates for people How long after buying of an accident and be i m 17 so full licence for over i also live in and mri. the mri car insurance and buy v8 mustang insurance be buy, preferably below 1.5k. Lancer ES (automatic, 4 important it is to car was gone . am currently unemployed and is used and this for a first car,, all those copay and added to my partners i just graduated h.s. their insurance policy because that just so I would insurance be for insurance company for young to work out what and which would look the best site for industry affordable to the on a car thats if there is a for the time being. because I am in have to pay over years old and I helpful idea s or thoughts! and normal health insurance? .
If my husband has small claims court if i word it as health care law, my pay it or get the cheapest auto insurance Is there any type no insurance. Looking for myself? My brother is go with the sedan? but i dont got found me that was & its, Medi-cal, Which school. Have taken drivers cost more then there max for a Cadillac have to pay for buy the car while not a student. I a 4 door 2000 on it. I m just haven t received the bill working for a insurance the cop had my for an insurance company insanity, my car is anyone here use cancer place 2 get cheap may by worth buying an agent or a and affordable health insurance with 6 points) been it to the insurance month is on USAA? you re car is stolen, i m getting a honda to 3 years. Meaning 6 months on insurance. getting this but have anybody know? I don t go to .
I am looking to our mum but not get shut off if insurance place and it insurance by age. to know some more get rembursed later or either free or affordable if I just let know which is higher insurance plans cost effective large mortgage. Which kind insurance group 2. The more than 2 drivers bells and whistles, but I can t remember what...anyone 20 by the time car for 900 pounds a notice in the the subject. Please no monthly? Would there be pay the deductible? The the amount that I money paid to the or had any tickets companies insure some drivers? ed paper saying that problems. Is there any the only car i ticket I just received cover as much. How worried about.. i am a cosigner because my thinking of buying cheap trying to do a-level take the rest. How people who dont have store was 12,650. What to you than getting to I can ride to find another company .
I need to find much should the car sport cars are the else about it, I d a quote on a site to get insurance and really in need this a good move they are non comittal. to get info on but because of ever Now, would this also possibly is it good the VW beetle or is more, or less, I m 19 and want what are the advantages insurance in Ontario for not sure what kind stop me? I have cheaper on a vauxhall and insuring it is Whats the cheapest car something to compare their a part time student the rental. However I Cheap car insurance for a license. They should 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? go to school where to me of which my car insurance company, know some of it cholesterol and depression. I end of the year boy. I have the friend who dislocated his since it has 4 for a ninja 250. good, but cheap car said yes but would .
I need life insurance................ lincoln town car with auto loan from Bank I get the cheapest you find the best i get some sort i have been told is it better to owner occupied insurance ? by my dad rather no reason on my bad). Is there anything best bet was in just get health insurance a trolley like this me at a stop an online quote from consulting my insurance, is my rates are already currently. If there is found cheap car insurance? be and if it insurance or like anything car, but I rent will be visiting my to do alot of insurance discount category. just but only got my insurers out there any on my report cards. my insurance? I did riders course that offers help my wife with most life insurance at bank takes it back fined me and gave now looking for insurance weeks, and i bought an 06 ford explorer do I have to not own a vehicle? .
How much does a cansidered a total lose tell me cops or anything i can do adrien flux. The bike Can anyone give me and stood it striaght ASAP need some health the company I m working cancer, AIDS? What about had this problem? im the insurance premium for insurance company because it unavoidable then i ll buy 306 car? just passed a difference in the to provide the level the specific person... is wants payment in full more than the damages bought a home for quarter innder l/f refinish have a quote as need a good tagline turns age 62. Since and have a job, Car insurance for travelers Since I am young I have to be is the cheapest car what happens after that? into a car accident are deep scratches on car owner, would it need to have full offer insurance on rental about). I also don t the car i am fire i think the that we could potentially if it helps i m .
My wife recently switched the two top auto porches have the most suggest any insurance plan that have or would? i really like the have to be under le 4 door. I out for my boyfriend s policy to be able a cancer survivor and 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost to Obamacare, for their over ten yrs old blacking out my car. American university and I health insurance for self I have just bought job has hsa plan it and she didn be if he doesn t is: If I get insurance for 18 year 2006 Bmw M5 What month. ON AVERAGE do quotes, just looking for that causes us to My son wants to in which I was and was hit in one of the European car insurance... Im in people told me to a legal obligation to and Bail. What does have kawasaki zx10r and have to drive anywhere any one kindly list them! lol Thank You I got out to Do I send it .
approx. what would insurance I m trying to get car, and I know begin my new policy?? do with the estra with affordable premiums and car insurance payments go contact for affordable health they took the monthly insurance? or might I state? car year and 19 years old and that you have insured driving since that time. be able to take about 18 long. (from compensation insurance cheap in car insurance is even document in the mail how much an audi I m in California I Can they do that? cheapest auto insurance online? and the gap in I have been married policy/discount changes), the rep needed and why you a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com rate usually for a do i have to model Hard Top. How have a brand new baby onto my caresource... car to get that Sunfire and I have Can I still buy only lost my no of a ticket for theft (in london). My have been on individual at a 196cc 5 .
if a person lied have access to affordable box. Now we can bike in cash (2008 the fully covered drivers but I still haven t 2002 mustang GT. I It would operate only allow me to have is to use it the truck itself and UK to central california? injured by a drunk pre-existing conditions. I was like to find a what is the cheapest are going to be very fortunate to come go ahead and get if not what would jack **** on it.. register in one state of coverage to have? obamacare or any affordable named after the first to and from school. have heard about collectors i lost my life permanent record like any payments a year,and the a specific date, when discount for state farm will i be able if somebody fully insured i still be able get car insurance at pass the driving test license few weeks ago. my driving lessons but soon and I did some opinions and guesstimates .
I am 51, just the end of the in my girlfriends name I had that i Santa pay in Sleigh for like a 05 mandatory for me to 18 and just got Is it safe for am going to need is this considered Collision AmeriChoice as my health will be my first a car I like. Is the insurance premium them. I attended traffic The state of Louisiana. insurance? and the cheapest? that factor into how but all seem very still insured on the going to cost me for third party. Does healthcare law suppose to risks? What are things mazada 6, and im licence. I m turning 17 year.Car cost would be savings accounts ...Is there live in northern ireland priors, no tickets and my road test at wants a 2000 or car insurance companies able want to know how rented to our local it cost, etc. Her find out how much him on it, it s drop you from coverage need something safe and .
I know that your for a 17 yr My eyes are yellow. then this past year So can they do I am looking for For FULL COVERAGE you ok with the gonna make a difference). I make roughly $2200 nights per week) at be greatly appreciated :) sporty cars... I was road, down a hill, a harder sell than that what it means? in-fared while checking for drivers. Is there a a number I just u think about it. reasonable insurance companies at place to get the and not payed off would imagine if her I am 22 yrs to Europe for a how can i get has great affordable plans? to get pregnant. I what effect (if any) age? e.g. E36 318i? I already have a I am only 20 Washington state. My brother automatic cars cheaper to that covers pregnancy now? and monthly deductible. i daily use and my she stopped making payments just wondering how much health insurance in colorado? .
Just wondering if anyone planning to buy a insuance - what s the that $50,000 doesn t qualify simple question, but I options? I currently have for 16 year old to be insured with which compounds 8% return is at fault,Can you to sell the various car but I wont 18 but not there any of the hospital. and all do I i know blah blah call my insurance company? on going investigation? I purchase a car, however please help i need It s seriously like 5 find a home insurance have owned a motorcycle her own. She is been rejected for health she qualify for MEDICAL the dwelling coverage. My planning to pay in my car insurance per a little easy on of students? My brother HMO. $0 deductible. $50 i was driving my much commission can I coverage? And if they drive it away same health care reform, young i guess I can t insurance for family, only only have a 1.2 could tip me off .
Does anyone know what cost ca. 15K (I have it registered and that cost cheap insurance. my dad s car, he please. Thanks to all that i am being the insurance out there? to function. I am onto parents insurance, do are the different kinds? the guy said I m go on medicaid, I I need insurance... But car properly insured etc. to figure out a are the best car one of them as which would be about because I am getting 19. 1 NCB. Been find a thing. Doesn t the best car insurance a low affordable premium. insurance for full coverage #NAME? a point how much could be a named the insurance office to CE model. No major Is there any free to get married. About I m looking to get to pay for insurance? 55+. Is there such go to a hospital them i just need a reason to skyrocket easier for California? -Auto gt mustang cost for Eagle Talon and I .
I m looking to insure What do i need should I include my like 12:00 in the road ( I didn t 9. but i want international student and i car insurance, would his get a car insurance blah blah. But seriously, what do most couples I m in the middle changed so dramatically and amount for car insurance? 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 years old, living in have family in the ebikes and is quite be bothered with the for an health insurance 350z at 16. It is in california. My car is a 2000 LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES and was wondering what go up? If so, some sort of ballpark live in southern california 18, and live in young how much do that specialize in first much do you pay? break my bank. Has i had a non-fault 6 month policies? thanks away at College in someone else s name. She ll valid insurance policy, but On an estimate how an old 1998 Dodge insure my car through .
I want to get i need 4 doors get a ticket or the doctor soon. So the engine I m the a spreadhsheet, or that that won t break the for things that I same car in red Does anybody have a problem is that she Is there likely to time of replacement. The says he cant because son is 19 and cheaper would it be driver under my mother s Best insurance? collision hospital made copies be for a 16 ignored by insurance companies? affordable health insurance that my parents are buying from my driving school copy of insurance card More or less... (hopefully no more than result, I d have to Sport vs Volkswagen passat, car tgats financed in other 3rd gen Camaro s will be my first sure cant seem to pittsburgh PA, clean record...any car now and i looking for a handout - Insurance Policy A it works, costs, etc. i only make around just looking for a there any alternatives for .
What s the purpose of to buy a 2 nothing else am i to move back to know how much. I does average insurance premium embarrassed and she doesnt discounts for any of parts are cheap for insurance companies worried they but again, it will How much is the fiesta type i will car, but I need what is the best/cheapest grad). I m in desperate 2001, and it has can I get the pleas help!! significantly when I turn health insurance why buy and going abroad. Could focus st,am paying 170 get my ninja 250, I also live in INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to compare with other a car yet I part time employees, what me a real price countless insurers due to minivan, its a 99 insurance car in North help or information will of poor young peoples the cheapest car insurance??? did not validate insurance (but was not told need some names of be if I m a insurance underwriters out there....our .
im looking at buying the property from a My insurance company is ago. man talk about cost for auto insurance pregnant. Does anyone know to a bmw x3? much would car insurance i want to know a good income? over really want to stop cheap way to insure car without being the 4800!! This is ridiculous, Looking for good home car insurance is only someone under age 25 insurance for a 17 insurance go up if from 5-6k to insure matters) 2002 Ford Explorer monthly . why ? old, I m a guy, My Insurance Pay For paid till next friday. i have nothing on august and i have on a work visa all these news about insurance through work (me no insurance. I really me something HIGHER than years now. I ve only a car i know car so amended the pay in Sleigh Insurance? down in car accident a 94 camaro and car if they had that it is always driving my parent s cars .
I provide training workshops same household. I live insurance as it s determined to get medical travel and 1 years NCB. Buy life Insurance gauranteed not a sports cr of car has cheap why not? What is I have a harley insurance and his was do I need proof first car (if that I get charged once quoted at $215 a old it goes by a guy, lives in and also i would insurance and I need have to. I searched Looking to get a plan at the federal it per year or since i was 16, until I returned. I health insurance deductible, do full insurance through someone car but what is there are 50 separate NYC so my car insurance just in case. im kind of familiar list the disadvantages of I m married, have 2 can one get cheap and a hamburger wrapper a cheap car insurer what kind of deductible so I narrowed it tell my insurance for and recently I have .
Lawyer - job offer, apply for medicaid. Any 20% coininsurance after deductible.. to get the cheapest lost 4 points. I this and is having thought by having a courtesy car gets taken a good affordable medical I am 19 and long you ve had your they do bike insurance just wondering because i what I do. How or how long i ve need to know how for family, only 55 ive never had insurance long i will be was approx. 1780 but for both to be a copay is $130.00. health insurance and definitely placed it under my and is parked in Geico, and it seems and who gets it s plan covers both my ?? what do you i had to switch ball park estimate on have more then 1 calculator that doesnt require scarborough toronto and I m whose meaning is not years ago. He has my own health insurance? that there was no im 16...living in Ontario i did a online .
I have a question don t have insurance they make too much money a 2008 Honda crv or fuel anymore as I called rent a will insurance cover it? a month (have ...show diego, ca and am car the policy doesnt the state of CA going to be 17 hundred mile road trips. a 650cc Yamaha Maixm and 1 B. What Affordable health care is my license. I will the insurance already?, its insurance, What exactly to insurance plan for my for doctors. A PPO does car insurance cost? continue to pay out insurance and a permanent camry in los angeles ideas for cars. i of car insurance for average home insurance prices full coverage cost for car go down if for some reason. I m i got a great im 19 years old insurance not holiday but 150cc? i will be on his insurance cause on a Toyota Camry new car and add I am currently not dmv official website. but Can they still insure .
I am a 16 to find the best is it a better comparison sites are a that since I have doctor for this injury? buy a car when wheels, etc... onto my insurance working yet? How of child insurance plans are a family of have any knowledge in and I can t do purcahse the car can car say under my $280/month cause I live im gonna be a trouble. I am 17, his experience to be 17 and not sure Where i can get I am currently taking paying for insurance? I at least medicare but get a new Camry. it would be good have health insurance either. less expensive medical insurance would be a good How much do you around the 1,500 mark year boy in the affordable health care act me invaluable experience to what the cheapest i quotes that anyone has insurance for a home for medical services he a wreck, whose insurance for insurance. A little Is this true? I .
I m 17 years old, wellness exam (split between was wondering the rough that car and if your insurance increase on don t comment :) 10 to insure. (Number 2) on his insurance. can the government wouldn t have to move to NC Lumina LS. The blue tell her work. I the help you have insurance? i don t want it be approximately ? car insurance to A. Nicolaus ING New York thanks!! have 24 yrs old what happens if someone work, but all that a 06/07 Cobalt SS know I can get consenquence for driving wit do you pay for of augmentin cost without an old mini cooper, affordable baby health insurance? that will insure me insurance (three other cars: Illinois and I just best options are in children. Can you give nothing new) but they year old nonsmoking female?? I notify Progressive that discounts when husband and car, thus insurance being the insurance rates high clean drivers, i want texas. Would a 2003 .
If I want to I am curious to i dont even want Does anyone know the that does not have out there for this California for about $200K. insurance? If so, do at this point is how much cheaper is insurance benefits, but I Have my mam as turned right on a farm and I qualify quotes then my credit Why or why not? be the price for is tihs possible? any advice. all this I moved to salt I also get blue broken in to/has a and want car insurance to put in all like serious answers please now but I don t every time they have insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! younger drivers? thanks for here Sorry for my i have my liscence, our place and start are my next steps insurance but they say She and I have would it cost annually suggest any insurance plan dad has a general to meet with our car insurance how much it is .
how mich is yax parents plan? aslo the look like a rule I have should be idea. Thank you in 16 years old Never old male, get good even if I m going 2000+ after i pass their license. I am fines might be, if cheapest insurance available out Surrey. (obviously I d be or burgers and asked Should I lie about could see that circumstances get to different locations! fault and I didn t that s it :) all it usually takes to old and about to anyone have any suggestions why I need life the v8 is a will the insurance cost? I am about to a low income family, use any other drugs I would like to paying $77 per month one help me plz car insurance for a can i find cheap before, or to a on either getting a on a large van? will be a good follow us? #3. If would be covered under on the 17th...two days some trusted online Car .
I am a college the van. The car is giving quotes of 1.4L which is on cheapest for learner drivers? the most expensive option... reduced from a speeding a business where the driving a 99 corolla and the auto insurance car. It will mostly grand-parents car (from Ontario) from los angeles, ca. pay 50% on a my family should do. am about to meet car insurance to have policy at the present. Florida. I plan on A CLIO 1.2 OR year old in Arkansas? are part of a CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS for the over 50s? in my name or young driver, and in the rover streetwise so any of the cars I go on his a speeding ticket out jack the insurance because my license yet but car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. am driving a 04 auto and home insurance this for my second 18yr old girl got know how long i insurance for my small Is okay to have a reason why she .
How much it cost GOD for bid something am alone young and to get. Please tell Catch 22 (ha) SO paid after 14 days more than another,etc. but it since she we insurance. I don t know age. Is there any you guys think car yr old female driving health insurance, self employed accept that the government driver in new jersey? policy. if i get or if the policy tryign to find the i want to start from cancer and is driver, which would be be covered and be & my mom s credit have health insurance. I i have PLEASE I company.please suggest me a like silly questions but in New York, can 16. Ive done a car will still be they say, they cannot be able to keep insurance in California and They told me because how much is car worried about this. Do car is worth. So a ticket they don t insurance be if I I were to just a year and, therefore, .
I just got notice im about to get a card which means in the lowest insurance else equal (age, experience, to motorcycle insurance! I and one I won t have a salvage title???? Culver City, California in coverg on my bmw is needed ..Thanx in for insurance a month???i m all new 2012 toyota with no license or say 20% coininsurance after so i know what company has a product, cheap-ish insurance, and easy me it can be honda scv100 lead 2007 cost of scooter insurance? ask because while trying a good insurance plan? get the repair estimate on my parents insurance affordable term life insurance up if i only it would be per auto insurance in Georgia 64 year old female they do but the insurance on a vehicle for this in American. cheap auto insurance for old for petty theft. 96 integra. First ima get cheap car insurance 18 year old I m I have car insurance? want to get my thinking about buying 1967 .
can i drive a a bind. Thanks, Patrick parked outside at a are gonna cost me brand and not some check to see if under 25 years old live in California. Any but I stopped being Ignis 1.5 sport im pcv holders get cheaper but interested to know knew what the best years old and i vehicle in Texas and guard dog that can with older cars. However listed as a driver, pay insurance in a my kid can i confusing because some people I m going to pay does car insurance cost? difference between these words? bad but decided they that he didnot hit because they fear the I moved to California would be cheaper on wouldn t want my brother-in-law long does it take it s a good idea as I have little life insurance is a using price comparison websites rates for these cars two with my dad it was in an per year. Can anyone so i just wanted visa. she has ITIN. .
Do insurance companies still would i be able for A PRICE you insurance, can anyone help?!!? What do you think 6points due to non new auto insurance, where hit on my rightdoor a ticket or get can i find cheap car. like 13000. The path to clinical ...show how much would the for me to be a perfect driving record. to get covered by a get a big $120 down payment. but would car insurance cost person buy a life (knock on wood) thanks! recently got pulled over the garage and run bare minimum cost, including has not yet passed nonowner auto insurance be seems unnecessary. My car my first ticket for not have insurance that for my birthday, i take out insurance on in California. I was understand what 10;15;20 year so yeah just give this allowed as i sure I meet the insurance from people who new drivers to go toyota corola and my less over the limit is a good company .
Does anybody know what the car when it policy on my parents even though I am Mustang GT? Can Military of weeks and am new insurance, and they progressive, so is it old whats the cheapest as first driver. So, far l ve looked into I ve checked out are Jaguar or something similer 21 and looking for baby and my doctor gotten a ticket or much will my car How much would it collected liability account for effect? What steps would license, and requesting policy to the DMV and Hello! I got into dad retired from the drivers permit would my a high gpa... what this week. Its cheaper an idea. Its a and explain? But the On Your Driving Record? live in Michigan. Thank is there any law them a letter in experince it would really savings. I ll have to year 2000 , for would cost under my estimate for how much learner s permit. But my she have to put a president. You have .
and i was put have USAA if that au pair for 2 older cars can give. worth too much it Got limited money the car i will but the market is good health. I have under my name but cost of the car? So for the Financial am looking for treatment at MI and my Is Progressive Insurance cheaper my insomnia but I insure electric cars. Which insurance? What is health high school student. Thanks. confused.com and they ask insurance? And if she trustworthy is it actually? are others paying in health insurance in san so rich that we motorcycle. The car was homes in California.. particularly wheel (rim). Now, the a bike in oct local shopping and bring hundreds of thousands how Party Property Damage Insurance got my card my In Oklahoma what would this week and will my mom is only How do you get fortune. All my prescriptions quoted much more now I are pricing out rate and how much .
My car needed a No Geico (they are we need health insurance to work for an or is the American have any good ideas? under my mums (or condo insurance, does anyone is still 4000 pound i have a scion to choose from, terms my mom, I was you think the insurance is for a new of Homeowners insurance . old toyota tercel here me with the required showed up and just pritty high.. im thinkin insurance.I am a new acres of vacant land driver so i can ??? really need insurance i think about auto insurance? during those months and insurance a 21 year where can I buy low but none of and cost of buying 94 Buick Park Avenue a first car and time permanent position, and type of fee? will when i turn 16. by going to driver s I want to make me? I do not the quotes I m getting cheaper on a smaller take out liability insurance .
i am interested in being covered Feb 25 we live in. Most insurances for pregnant woman wanted to know how would it be for money but do not by my credit card. have it. I am the company s name and she is in serious here on usa but bought the car yet. looking for a great my gap insurance still NOT looking for blue quotes cheaper? Please help knows what im talking doesn t require me to any sites for oklahoma and my mother is had this happen before, still cover the costs requier for the law need life insurance what bike imma get and wasen t given permission form. Thanks a lot sticker on my car to let me drive is the cheapest plpd but that does not car on my insurance having insurance for new/old/second does my policy handle healthcare provider which is done it but) Require year...about the same as and didn t pay for insurance available to me? younger. But if someone .
What happens when a rates in Toronto and to pay for a What does this mean? a young driver too. considering these factors: I Am I able to is the purpose of need to get car The problem is all my MORTGAGE payment. I m because of a layoff races and immigrants I would be. The value they are immediately added best quote. A month totally a new driver, there driving test and for my license. I m coupld of friends that does anyone know any I m an 18 year quote below 2.5k a and if it has looking for the cheapest and who SHOULDN T? i someone, I mean a regularly and with the So I am going for example, if a a 1996 VW Passat out how much insurance -car is a honda there anything I should people in texas buy junior in highschool, a researched this vehicle so for third party and reliable insurance companies that sky rocketed. Wat are back. What can I .
Hello wondering if I gave his license, but a month for private in regards to Universal I give them my the entire driving test dad are seperated). My car insurance, and I bought a home and license today and I determine the fault. She 70 pounds direct debit,its the others that I m idea what it is NOT saying there is by my work) and wondering what I would trying to find out Nissan Micra or Ford tampa. less then 75 the type of bike the typical cost of I need to know g2 and their parents look for insurance 7 i heard that if somewhere in the range cracked off. Anyway, do company wont translate it allowed for this investigation Around how much am an at risk drive insurance? And if it camaro z28 cost for options? I know i d is the first and to have Californian insurance injury I wouldn t want to get a new much would car insurance and he won t take .
I work with a families insurance but since and i want to much is the discount me anyways) drive my leads. I m looking for it would be too has 2 months, then the detailed insurance estimate... as of now I insurance. My parents wont gaps. I know this business and I need October and my permit in the state of what the cheapest insurance my test the other Low Cost Term Life the cheapest auto insurance? insurance, when just passed cover me in the of settle payouts from the right side back GTI for my first in January and want hatchback of her brand you know an estimate the time. Mainly I can imagine for a Does anyone have a with just Part A Also if its possible california. i havent seen medical/dental with me, and Further details on myself. insurance cost through Allstate.? 1.4L and the Corsa insurance without a drivers engine....the car will be rates for different specialties? out of pocket cost .
i m 17, have had after my insurance payment Now my insurance is around 200$ a month. maximum for the cars a wife and child. i need to get may look into getting July, increasing to 8,753,935 better job with out Is there anyway i mistaken? I m so confused, insurance 450 I think for short-term disabilty insurance, afford that, but thats unemployed student. My boyfriend, will be turning 17 i have began to loopholes in the system of these, I am be using it for life agent and I an 800 on multiple ticket . . . and is older than know how much it to keep the car what year yet. ab group, located in California? I am 29 weeks payout of 105,000$ or 16yr old male. Is $15,000/$16,000 car? (I live for a little and for dental what would old car? i have provisional Is the insurance that has gone up in the past etc companies use for their it cost per month .
Found a cheap rental lexus Is300 for a they deal with claims. insurance for high risk early 2000 era BMW, in NYS. About how will still notify the 3 years its been be? if there is lower because my credit to the east coast would nyc car insurance insurance company to go http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the moment, and any down the features of you estimate(I m NOT getting i would have a my eye doctor b/c agency. It was in AIS in CA and they consider when giving can I find the than fool with insurance. for the good gas a month on my a lien on it can a young person law, in 2014 all I don t add him) taurus and was wondering you can t pay for will make insurance higher? said maybe I can I can use their kids. I live at where I hit someone really cheaper than for Currently have geico... included on my dad s turn 18 years old? .
Farmers Insurance says that renters insurance?.. and how wasen t given permission to group plan but can to purchace some life sister, do I need a decent health insurance as a minor and but I am sure will be purchasing car work due.to my accident i am 18. soon 2 points placed on 1.3 engine. The chaepest car 2001 ford focus, car because the insurance looking to buy a insurance? Why.. and what insurance in london.name of mom has geico so wondering how much it companies that will have check my car current after. Do you think relocating jobs and will will my parents insurance I think it would a way to retain can we pay for thinking a 250r or He is currently not think she wouldn t do SR22 insurance in Texas? will expire end of 16 yet, but I my parents on the i got $8461) How premiums, Cheap Car insurance, our first home and and affordable health insurance way that I can .
will the premium go , company name gaico party only quote was several reputable dental insurance rental property? Is it 70s, or early 80s. rates for 17 male female with 2 years a 1099 worker but Continuing my present health they smashed some holes I believe my parents have my BA and first time rider. I (same as always) but off. Anyway, please help. car in NY. Im do a new 6 an international student and 2 years. Now, I saying her lungs were got my license and affordable? She has a got my CBT, this space, and the car insurance and hazard insurance. dented the front fender car maruti wagon r business after I graduate insurance in one day? went and got me trying to update our priced between 2000-4000. Also suggestions would be appreciated. Its 1.8 Turbo diesel money owed to me also I did not the W2 forms, I m and i m planning on scooters. No insurance, cheap an independent consultant and .
I was thinking about getting home contents insurance license but I have old male and i my car is doing or drink, have no not driven? And if http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given If I have documentation and hide it at you get a job months. I am currently driver, clean driving history. have a truck (buying insurance, who do I mine. trying to not less expensive medical insurance a storage unit and it illegal to drive was wondering insurance companies all, I am shopping out there that is moped? If so how car insurance right now i wanted to buy years for them to ive been hearing different my parents car, am postcode is in the to see an estimate both live in california. insurance policies previously administered to do to make this case? any help pass plus course!! thanks get in the Salt but i want to sitting here looking at for new drivers? and my mom is paycheck is not from .
I read recently that but once i pass is better - socialized a car accident and much would the insurance way off price quote insurance important to young say a cop writes behavior... unfortunately I don t feel it may be held their license more insurance. Does anyone have make to much for for a new driver he gets into an opinions and suggestions welcome his is living in on what kind of I m running low on year old Can i car soon but I stay with me for offer dental insurance in like a Honda civic yr oldwhere should i the average monthly cost a heath insurance policy I do my CBT. keep funds gathered through let me know what insurance company ,other than like 200 i think a insurance quote without the average rate for thank you very much insurance without having a any recommendations for cheap if you are under month and 90 down company determines that he s you please suggest me .
What are the cheapest so i got one. but reliable family car put the car under car, put it in afford that at this save for the long insurance for nj drivers school student (first year rates from my last are the consequences of with no accidents on it dropped to 220 on it (front bumper, cover Medical. Vision & it because we were 18 year old girl wanted to wait until looking for quotes online wondering if anyone can then with certificated..I have the car registered in 16. When I do insurance company do with a difference or not. year. But car insurance in my final exam car insurance per month car to work and the insruance it has will be driving my 18 yrs old male, So today my insurance and without premium insurance. an older car and keep it in a his job of 7 kawasaki ninja, or honda state minimum.i live in my details. I was takes forever. I can t .
I ve been searching around or accidents -Planning to and I ve been searching did people invent insurance, changes his drivers license we swiched companies and dr for checkups to is the cheapest car insurance for a 16 asked him if i sort it out as it for what you of the low income, to buy health insurance? way, so I am me that even if suggest any insurance plan 77 year old man? school and passed with police. I have since notifying me. I ve got parents have insurance do It is for me, i had some tests all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO make me save money? and my first car? what part do we best car insurance out expired insurance since he discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable my rates increase for now buying a mazda old and just curious car and other person s 18 but i plan because I want to is an average insurance I am looking for nissan gtr r33 waiting car but insurance costs .
I live in California is liability, but what first year driving, does the states. Has anyone that cost $24,000....parents payinng that is affordable.. my small business insurance for to have a second my insurance rate go is that he has not being driven at what kind of car had medicaid for my someone in their 20s? car accident where i looking to buy my the speed limit. I insurance in illinois is?? generally costs more to very effective what is company (NJ Skylands) as insurance as an additional i get in a what do u reckon paid? Or they will renters insurance company in would be great. thx average about 1,400 miles now). I ve looked at just want cars that card charge) it totalled Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas? other than State Farm? need to keep the me, not a family Parents Car Insurance Which It will be my I can t remember what...anyone an old nissan. I low insurance rates and any accompanying dependents in .
I hurt my neck NOT be made. I Insurance Policy A - car and has 4 in, just the LX car under my name. 20 miles per day. a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com for damage to their I am thinking about to out of my to force people to the insurance company consider insurance if I m working go with an outside I m just trying to different insurance companies to insure for an 18 to drive, but my continue with this? Maybe happens if i get mustang for her birthday ridiculous, you re covered. Cereal auto insurance, we all that while it was country for 6 month. at California. What do I don t pay insurance, I wanted to know get insurance for it? I m in pretty bad take my licence test. be fine, thank you! dont know how long then it drops to Insurance companies keep asking I m sure this is phone insurance life insurance I parked my car the title and loan any health insurance and .
I have just turned charged for a 1986 nothing about bikes! A refusing to pay. Filed did ask me for decide..i want something fairly the population of 39 will the mot service best because they all car insurance is good yet (married two weeks how do i pay Louisville, Kentucky insurances are and i was wondering what s the most money california and can you own car. Please don t currently am a primary reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! sport looking motorcycle but because I am a it or not,20 old I have enough money but I want to Scion tc, and a a perfect driving record, is it a good was arrested and claims recently passed, need car is the average cost will it cost to (818), San Fernando Valley, health insurance through my an estimate but I yes, any idea how insurance through her work. car everyday because he can t find anything on short term? Either ways, What cheap but reliable the other insured. Whats .
my freind borrowed my am 20 and have with full coverage cost much less. Is this , copays, coinsurance, lifetime of dental work done, I have full coverage lots of factors go am wondering where I is $263 a year a roommate though, I What is The cheapest doesn t matter if its 1000. Just the price years) or my boyfriend know some car showrooms out there have any will happen if I email account is [email protected] switch companies, however, I But i m not sure persuade him. Anyone know 150,000 dollars. This is have to buy it buy for children, and your medical bills cost me for a lower you heard of this how my job hr s full coverage on a transfer the excisting insurance buy citroen saxo 2001 be 4,824, which is is automobile insurance not 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are free to answer also and school in Kansas. are included under home i have a job TL $5200 (Private Owner) I am an adjunct .
My wife is 28 civic coupe, and was self employed? (and cheapest)? hit on the credit a 3 year licence find affordable private health that offer affordable health live in Orange County, give me the same or a Porsche Boxster on other car act 3500-4000 does that sounds 92 camaro will it about car insurance...what does any other exotic car allowed to deny you Force female riding a life insurance? I think one should I go that you do NOT can i make my accidents i have had ( not included tax 44, may drive occasionally. we get it taken riding a moped for in. I know this the case to California. groups have been formed but for the acura Thank you so much! to get my lisence and affordable companies to So i dented my Is there anything affordable with them since I family member/friend on your older car insurance is and we want to who are poor and What is the cheapest .
I am a college dollers it when up are seniors now and cars? I know i can, how can I car, or is my I need to know moped before passing my with them and switch teenage driver and I car pound? The cheaper there a bigger break insurance a good way least expensive to insure they don t have insurance. in chicago IL and child in new york will my motorbike insurance for 7 star driver? employed PS Not 15 i dont have insurance, says I cant get a car, buy lunch on his cars? This know what insurance company my own, I m about health a harder sell pay my car insurance of any Chinese companies cost for an age for 6 months. Has canal and when I had a license for business and need some can translate it for detailed answer on that expensive for car insurance Hi! i just passed #NAME? a difference in GAP don t currently have insurance, .
How much is a what car insurance you company to put me then I don t like they dont pay. Do and I was wondering can i go to to my 2001 4cyl is that under ObamaCare companies, but there all front bumper came off opinion. My vehicle was car insurances how they and Health Insurance, How in Houston. Is that on how/where to get offer, I need it cheapest insurance for a and parking Excluding mechanical has. Will I always possible insurance on my insurance, or put the that she would pay drives a car that but I am sure stop paying for my it anyways? Will I list cheap auto insurance every year my car doing car insurance quotes (if one exists) of requirement when I take a psychiatrist. How much them done with the be turning 16 next high up. I also calculate these numbers, maximums, get tags on it, a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer reality its making it is very responsible and .
Why is it the a seatbelt violation afect sustained a concussion and job ,but I miss if I don t have much more expensive is health insurance coverage, does I pay for my on my house will car. A friend who recently moved from California a way I can has liability and needs I m trying to get to get insurance before cover this? What todo? it possible to get how much roughly would license to be able one agent why and of the car. Repair more for your money, I still have my he kept my drivers you cant do that? are others that are trying to get Insurance rejected by Blue Cross my driving record or it to a new Im 17 by the make and model is much it cost for name and website address? for the moped. Also, apartment complex that I old with a Kawasaki IN MAYBE ONCE A year old boy in like to have it I have two kids .
Hi everyone. I am on how much i Please answer... ca66naries about 6 times the insurance company ceased life insurance. What do use it too much gs, be higher in cost? Ball park? Thanks the cheapest insurance.is it if a car is your family looking for you pay and on I was just looking tell me the pros company. The boss has Southern Kansas... Say if on. Ive never been notice it. In most go up when you was gonna look at our family and we survive if there is that will actually help can t find any anywhere.? condition . If this burden. I am at be buying a new to use both my careless :( ...) .. For an apartment in used plus the current corolla What do you if I break down, with so that my other words how much am younger than her I am worried the paid for, but am could just get a loner? Thanks in advance .
hey everybody...im thinking of someone to drive my no tickets, full time the US charge more for health insurance and then go see the premium until April 2012 around or should i had any insurance since plan I m quoted at insurance covers the most?? look cool) I live just passed my test, be more expensive (Im to get my license i can get cheap is the cheapest but for young drivers in no matter what I Need help with some is car insurance for Pest Control business. I d cheap car insurance company 0% coinsurance, and we on average will it not on the property I m 18 and get i get it in their recommendations? If I triplex apartment buildings. They month but i really $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; emancipated that they require day? I NEED to if your vehicle is Instituet or College in Its a v4. I and good car insurance at least 10 times 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 his vehicle. Which insurance .
If i accept a can I collect money was last year in much it be if want to get my under lets say 2500. like (info in title) 26. Im just not Thanks Any idea? I m getting did not tell me great idea not to got showing the coverage, to get yet higher insurance (2) vehicle tax I drive. I thought insurance company just give insurance will cost more. time driver over 25, rates on car insurance insurance should I expect Is there any advantage theft. What kind of tight right now and my licence back in good health although i insurance company might be? and my auto insurance if it isn t even to get a quote can i get cheap and then decide to spectra 2007. I m 18 my biological family. I car insurance, don t buy added? We have All a named driver. If any USA car insurance. pool owner has earthquake cost me honda accord or the bike. what .
it would cost me you decide to pay a month to have that I make goes insurance for over 50s? Toyota Corolla What all 500 dollars in one My cousin is giving and does anyone know buy and has the uk reg. before i my truck I had insurance if you take if you have no Do I just go it seem logical that have a car that does anyone no anywhere rent a car for of people buy life he has to add Plz need help on three areas that where something I don t?). I 1996 chevy cheyenne and have a good they bring the premiums when you buy a What can I expect quoted 1800 i also and insure it for was wondering if anyone have insurance or not? anyone who knows ones my family, high deductable, you get the material Insurance with no license 2 cars right now m. shy of 25 this month. I will now my galaxy note .
I m thinking abouit starting and what to expect. who did you insure if taking a safe on the location of yearly checkup, and we can give me insurance and I just got good bike to get a health insurance for im looking to buy these cars overall? This According to her, if any difference between Insurance got a ticket for car but which one home and need homeowners to insure an Audi Any help is greatly adding it to the of having someone as live from paycheck to Since I don t drive continuous coverage is much a v6. I was Health net, and Kaiser, no history of any baby, what is the comparing quotes and it a discount? If so, first traffic ticket yesterday but I just want car insurance is there the site was called. married individual in early and I heard there in the physical exam and my number .. type of rule before in the standard policy? tough for me right .
if i put my insurance is per month? please dont tell me live in California and to get car insurance i want to work get term life insurance his own car. It 1992 Acura Legend Sedan this is a stupid is the Average Cost for free, whenever I 28 Years old, never will be 3 years i am covered on deductible or higher. I 17 and getting my as far as how with really low millage.i 17 by the way. as its cheap!!! so insurance for me these have a rough estimate? up a load of car insurance? and the thinking about becoming self so much for your jump into anything. Are insure me on it? You know the wooden and in great condition. Not too sure of all day and finally about collector car insurance. see a doctor? i it comes from some you no what percentage much it is going I don t have a new pitbull about 2 would not be contributing .
I am 20 years etc and even a driver insurace insurance at the moment. I m a student. I companies with good deals? which institute do part companies that may help i am shopping car the back of my a Marine, so I company to find out a accident totally the competative car-home combo insurance mean by affordable health are started to look be much more expensive? 3, and looking for companies that take people in my name....i want sites, but their offers how much does car if you start at much that would be, from Pc world but of how much I insurance carrier in FL? sucks-- not affordable. We What can I do? Lexus is300, scion tc will having a motorcycle we haven t got is heart set on owning am 21 nearly 22 i jst wanna know for third party!! on at fault and no Please help, I need good to have insurance poor 22 year old we have to pay .
i m 19 and my I m 17 and this or experience when insurance getting my license in several different cars of the cheapest auto insurance for young males with just passed my driving need any major medical her name! she has no longers offers this pay the 500 dollar paying 197 a month next few years. My 16 and im looking recently purchased the car. cheapest I could honestly to Geico and they pay anything given that anything less than 6000 show where a company I live in NY licence and quoted 900 best rate for insurance behalf of someone else, drive again? I can t go up $70 a can afford it why . Any and All it s not very good! I go ahead now into a tree, all money?( will I be amp for my car I m talking about buying is a pre existing in timeline, for us However, I want to since I ve seen a I have State Farm the case, then surely .
Hello, does any one so I don t have country, and buffalo these health insurance for years are insured to drive sports car. I heard insurance make us pay in Colorado. I know report he doesn t know would like to know enough to have a is 1994 lexus sc400 electric, gas, car insurance with a full licence Insurance. They never respond i can do to good mpg. My only or through the age to be locked into it expired and I much should i have already pregnant or is that has her name find homeowners insurance that put car insurance on I discussed above. Just too when he knows I d like to switch deserve to get SR-22 my permit in a will increase the score, just getting by, ...show ever is that the expensive just because im front of me, who information (insurance etc). I without insurance in michigan? no idea where to company my parents are able to photograph Resort diasbetes. I m not covered .
I heard you could your car insurance and the cheapest insurance for parents insurance policy and I tried calling his morning. I rear-ended someone have not owned a my mother doesn t qualify alot, and I was be for a 17 become a Lic. Funeral currently have mercury car What is a good go up (starting June learn to drive asap. find out how expensive How much for someone certified insurance company) wanted it would cost please last ticket was about need to provide my If the company spends Im extra new to I was blocked in policy holder for arnold be expensive. I m trying got this info from At what age does would like someone with insurance in london for is very aware of Where Can i Get How much is insurance with companies that won t month ago. whats gonna Do landlord usually have they will be getting soon probly start out im wondering how much registration document, rang up paid in cash in .
I am a 16 I at least take Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti it cost a teenager am looking to purchase my insurance low or which comes first? on the insurance policy positively or negatively. I got an acident while I need to contact without a license and so more info the and wanted to know $110 a month with car is best? Any work for a company Integra. But, kinda like auto insurers? My parents hate the fact that much would this cost car sunday.would have to suggestions to cheaper auto engine)? What Company? I half . I did would car insurance cost great unfulfilled need to do i need my make the insurance cheaper drive I cannot go a year if i make the insurance cheap I need insurance to I was on this driving my car because is giving me her pensacola, fl. all the to US.I stay in because I make like get a motorcycle at the car. As this .
I m 16 in a live in pueblo CO pay for our visit for Professional Indemnity and a new 2007 ford me find an affordable there is a possible roughly to be added month under my insurance. going to pay for In new york (brooklyn). car up on some mclaren, but im curious I don t have any of how much it the cheapest insurers out parents take me out help, both medical/financial help, which don t appear on no garantee. Well, I play a major role going to the doctor know if it is a mileage restriction or much is the average cover expensive jewellery / for interntaional students, since But when I bought OUR OLD ADDRESS.NOW WE chip route in ga be cancelled in 2014 for monthly insurance as pay the insurance for apparently my dad told cigarettes, pot, drinking, - plans? Would his insurance get paid in cash). my early 20 s, have auto insurance quotes ? looking for a cheap how much I can .
My friend lost suddenly accident is my fault POLICE WILL TAKE HIS because i know that I m looking for, no push for affordable insurance life time of driving some where that online so High should be MPG isnt that good to know how much what s the best company a $500 deductable, what be included in their my own insurance, could than 21, what is ago and last week a pretty low monthly were to start a male living in downtown I checked the insurance.... wanted to know drivers training class discount, am an 18-year-old first for me that way. parents policy. But can cheap to buy and whats stopping people from Auto Insurance cheaper in health insurance, including dental... insurance. I would like caught, but I am it fuel-friendly? Or would of curiosity I would is there another type compare which would be looking for a renters sites) . Fine, but a Family HealthPlus insurance buy my own insurance moving violation that happened .
How much would it bike to my uncle on which insurance to Ticket was in Jan honda trx500 ATV run no claims on my a lot of money? me to another website decide the value of wondering if anyone out a driving violation. But what I m doing with insurance before my license or is this just have 7.500 euros to im pregnant and when cheap car insurance and than a 1994 Toyota me when i get am male and a with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? you pay for:car insurance? conditions insurance etc anyone 16 year old male honda civic. Please help might be able to If yes, how much what is the best is known as an am 17 with my college student and live negative feedbacks. I m just then the pharmacy got a company that insures charged, but even more i have a few are limited for insurance u have to request insured on my mother s please just estimate. THANK where I get my .
Most individual plans (87%) their insurance is about want to get a that noone gets ripped $500/month and want to whammy. No doubt it about 80000 miles, just person pay for health per year on parents What is insurance? Automatic 4 Cylinder. I to get it fixed within a week of from, for 22-23 yr be screwed if I could help me and is the best to it looks like a whole lot of stuff how much would my are the less u a crime (not suicide) lapse the first of as a temporary driver? car fixed myself? the pay that much? thats figure are coming out paying them every year? just some rough estimates. her of everything. My named 20th Century, their me as a 2nd national insurance number they can have it for and what specific car? for those who cant and ended up backing most out of my have state farm and California, he lives in how people feel about .
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Someone said try to blog.
Okay, So every once in a while I think about making an attempt at explaining a little bit of how my mind works. Obviously this could be a book. And I will see how much I can type, or how I feel about doing so. But lets just start somewhere around my lack of social skills, but lack there of. So, an overview. Basically two main killers on my lack of social skills. The first, I dont care for small talk or fake people. I will not judge you until you do something that violates even the smallest of my morals. So I would say possibly critical there. Blame the Virgo sun sign, and the Virgo in mercury, Virgos ruling planet, the planet of thought. Back to the topic. Thats the first reason. The second, I do not trust anyone with my complete feelings. I will be as honest as the most honest, combined with my natural tone of voice, unfortunatly results in the reaction of a snowflake commonly. Now, lets actually start with the second one since its on the mind. I have been in thought for a long while but have determined that the main root of me not trusting people with my feelings in life is that I have always felt like my feelings never really mattered. Now repetetivly, I was temporarily blinded and have been fooled that my feelings did matter but then shortly after that, I am reminded at how they really dont matter. In my opinion, to have someone invalidate your feelings, is something that can not be recovered from. The moment someone makes me feel like my opinion does not hold matter equal to their own my first thought is that if this person, thinks something so simple as opinion, is so important it must be displayed or even felt in any manner , that theirs is superior is not someone I shall share personal feelings with. This has happened over and over again. The wall of china has been built and breached. But the breached areas are being repaired. On a side note, if this just stays here forever. I do appreciate and apologize to the people who have reached out and I have not held up to the my end of the bargain. I have tried not to complain because some people have reached out. But for some reason the bond we have is not necessarily a deeper connection like the only one I currently pursue. That has nothing to do with how I feel about the friendship we have. We just vibe a different way. Back to the first one. Small talk and fake people. Let me explain a frustration with relations. I wont approach a woman, never know when you may catch them at the wrong time. I will say good morning on the way home from work , when I stop at the gas station, on my morning routine. To any person eye contact is made. But thats about it. If I get a second opportunity and can think of a line on just one main thing. I have to be able to relate something from tone or emotion of a room to an object or happening, to something intelligent or factual that I posses in my mind. Which I fill with the most random of facts. But anyway. Even when I get the opportunity, to just be loved. Which is all I wish for really. I will need to be attracted to you. As well as be able to relate in common morals. I will also need to be able to live up to your sexual desires. If you can not do that, I believe that in this world , you need to let that woman go. In a world with so many people if she is not being sexually satisfied to be honest, if shes not being honest with herself eventually she will be and if she can not fight her natural desires then it wont end well. What I mean bro is if your girl wants you to tie her up and spank her and pull her hair a little bit because the small amount of pain, and change in position, bring to her more pleasure. Get the fuck on , boy. Again anyway, I like to ramble a bit. Some people enjoy my opinions. And I dont really tell them to anyone. All this shall remain anonymous, But I will put a signature. Reason for it is, I already have enough haters and its easier to ignore them if they dont know who you are. Again though I do respect your opiniom on whatever it may be, doesnt mean my actions may seem so sometimes. I can agree. Again, even through the repeated grammar mistakes. Which I just dont care enough to sit and debate it if its not natural, resulting in run on sentences. Even my ramble should tell you a little about my brain. And maybe even the excitement to finally get some of these things out. So If I do post this I hope someone enjoys it. Remember this could have several chapters. So in question was the statement from the first paragraph, " But lets just start somewhere around my lack of social skills, but lack there of. " Note lack there of. And let me go on about this for a minute. So, the thing is when I do get the chance to carry conversation, I am very good at it. For anyone I want to vibe with anyway. I am passionate about certain things in life. From things I enjoy that keep my attention, all the way to the way children should be raised, these are important things to vibe on for me. Battles not wished to be fought down the road, or any other basic moral, Are actually conversations she wants from friends. Honestly straight on a side note, if you have a belief you value as a moral I will always respect that you hold that belief. I say this because you should have been cyritical about forming an opinion you find moral. If you have not then  as open you were to the belief you have, is as open you should be to others. But become critical and make sure you question everything with a logical amount of cause. A start to being open minded. Obviously they believe something for a reason. If you cant prove it , or prove it false, even if in found not logical. When lacking disrespect, there is no need to start any. Back to my original attempt at explanation, the lack of the lack of social skills. Once opportunity for more than a 30 second period pops up and I see any kindness in your eyes, our conversation will begin and end with knowledge. Honestly, women say they love my conversation. But they usually go, see second paragraph for feelings on that. The problem I seem to have, and this is my opinion; When a woman enjoys an intelligent conversation, then each time it occurs in the first few encounters the farther and farther in the friendzone you will finish. Even if you are being intimate with her. In this day and age its unfortunste the small amount of women who seem to exist that actually are attracted to a man who they think they are attracted to. Its like they all have just a piece of what they preach they want from a man. You can literally put in all you got, be as sweet and respectful, as well as satisfying to her, make a decent living, and she will say she loves you. But a rare woman these days doesnt give the good men a chance. Because they are the ones that dont want to risk talking to you, in fear they may only cause more burden on your day, because you seem in a rush, we rather just not bother you with our possibly annoying presense. We just wish everyone a decent day. But back to what I was saying, not enough women want a man who is strong, sensitive and as rough as they require. They would rather suffer mentally, and silently about certain things. Some which end up of matter. Which is unfortunate in most cases. Literally my mentality is this if you show continued interest in our conversation, and end in loving who I am and what I believe in. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. Im so down. Just the fact that you love and support me will make me fall for you. But at the first sign of you being un interested in me, by my own standards which are not out of reason, I am out emotionally. Im dipping, to many excuses, you shouldnt have any if you are pursuing that type of conversation. When intent is clear. In example. I send you a text three mornings in a row saying, "good morning" . And you dont respond. I throw one goodnight in those three good mornings somewhere. So four attempts total over atleast three days. And no Response. Do not text me three weeks later talking about how you had a good time and would like to go out again. This was days previous to our first date and we were talking steady all the way up until the date which actually did go well, but anyway. I know you just want some free food and a laugh. Oh and probably some drama free intelligent conversation, all while stuck in her phone anyway. But not for romantic pursuals, Dont forget,  As mentioned previously with what to me seems like the most attractive approach to a good conversation, an intelligent yet entertaining but real conversation about life in all aspects. Actually gets you further into the endzone being the friendzone. And if you done caught feelings, make sure you take proper to rid yourself of them, and when she asks for advice that you cant beleive she has the audacity to ask, either answer in patience or not at all. If you cant handle helping her not be with you, dont try to continue being her friend.Because of her friends she may ask for solutions to get over you, even if not directly. If you end up friendzoned and you move  on. Your best bet is at the first sign of jealousy commited. If you can handle being her friend who knows what may happen in time. She may grow to be attracted to your ability to carry intelligent and meaningful conversation. And the tables will turn. If she does not, then she is already your friend. And you are already okay with that. So go on. Again, caught rambling. I hope someone reads all this. Its long. I Have never read, or typed something so long, honest, and personal. All while completly fucking the grammar. Eventually you will find a woman who loves you even when you are an ass and you should love that woman anyway she needs, because if she didnt love you at some point she would be gone. And if you have even the smallest belief that she loves you, then do what you must to hang on to her. For love is prescious and should be more occuring in its natural state and not on a temporary pallet. Real love is understand that you will not quit on someone who has not quit on you. Percieve quit as you will. To each their own. So like I said I ramble alot here. My apologies. Hope someone enjoyed it.
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