#i dont know if sib fully gets how i feel about him either
ambersky0319 · 4 months
My grandma keeps getting exasperated that I refuse to ask my grandpa to drive me anywhere but like...
This is the man who told an 11 year old with depression, anxiety, and abandonment issues "I don't want you" in the middle of a lobby at a therapy place and saw nothing wrong. This is the man who has told me to "go to hell" because I couldn't help with his internet issues. This is the man who point blank admitted his behavior is problematic, but used the excuse that he was too old, as a reason for why he wouldn't change his behavior.
I don't want a relationship with him anymore. I made that clear. And while I'm still in this house, I will be civil with him. I will not remark on his comments. I will give simple answers to questions asked. I will help if the situation is dire. However, that does not mean I will engage with him for longer than I have to. And it means that I refuse to be stuck in an enclosed space like a car with him.
I don't think either of my grandparents have realized that, when I said the outcome of that conversation a few weeks ago would determine if we would have a relationship going forward, I meant it.
I've ignored my grandpa while living in the same house as him for 6 months - only interacting with him if it was absolutely necessary since i relied on him. And at the time, I still felt like I would have some relationship with him. But now? Now I feel nothing for him. That relationship is dead. I have no plans on making it better. I will simply be treating him how I treat anyone else I dislike but must tolerate.
I just wonder how long it will be for them to realize this.
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cyb-organ · 1 year
whaddya think the fates of the yabusame sibs will be in 3-2? will they have any major plot impact? will they have one big defining moment? will they DIE?? idrk so I wanna hear the expert’s thoughts!! (and do you think the reko/Alice decision will have an impact on logic route?)
oo this is interesting! okay i have quite a few thoughts bear with me here.
also just for ease, i am only referring to emotion route unless i say otherwise
oh and im gonna put it all under the cut cuz its pretty hefty i apologise
will they have any big plot impact? i personally believe that every character has pretty big plot impact, but i know thats not what you mean so i will give an actual answer. im not sure if they will have MORE plot relevance than other characters, especially since theyre only there in one route (although, i have seen people theorise that emotion and logic will have seperate plots completely, which is interesting). i think plot wise, there isnt alot that they CAN impact yk? midoris gone, hinakos gone, and those were the big moments. i mean, that was a huge moment in alice lives route, the hinako reveal was such a huge plot moment, and to my knowledge it wasnt as big boom powpow in rekos route as it was in alices. i think that reko'll have one of these moments (please she needs a w). we still dont know her first trial. i think we'll find out what it is in 3-2 (the same applies to gin and kai but this is about reko). and i feel like alices first trial was pretty plot relevent so the same could apply here. as for alice specifically, i have a feeling that the memories that safalin erased will come into play. yttd has established a pretty big theme of humanity/how can humans be altered or changed and alice erasing his memories of reko is a pretty huge example of this. i highly doubt that it wont be relevant. also again, hinako moment was a pretty big plot impact. im not saying that he won't have any more plot impact, but i feel like in 3-2 he won't have a single big reveal moment because, well, it's already happened.
big defining moment this is just me elaborating slightly. i think all the first trials we dont know about will be relevant, and that includes reko's. on top of that i do think that while her arc is mostly coming to a close, i think she very well could have a big personal character moment, this may be wishful thinking cuz i love her and want to see more of her but whatever. to be honest, i don't fully see HOW her first trial is going to be relevant, but there has gotta be a reason for it being hidden this whole time. alice's first trial seemed irrelevant until it wasnt so! alices big moment, as i said, has gotta be related to his memories. i refuse to believe that he just erases his memories and moves on with his life, it just seems like a copout and i trust nankidai more than that!
will they die? to be honest, i dont think so. they very well MIGHT but i dont know! i think there will be at least one route where they die, but i think itll be avoidable. again. very well may be wishful thinking. but truly i think that either of them surviving to the end, possibly even escaping, would be a huge win for their character arcs. particularly alice who has very little to get back to. for him to fight on, to move forwards, despite knowing this? i think that'd be hella cool thematically! the idea of hope, and the idea that being human is to fear death are pretty big themes for the game, so for character like alice: a prisoner, who's already lost his sister and hasn't talked to the rest of his family in years, to not give in and to escape anyways would really fit into that. he doesn't have too much to live for, but that doesn't mean he should die, yk? (also would be an interesting parallel with kanna). reko, similarly but also on the other hand, HAS people to get back to, she has her band. and her fans. shes a public figure, her kidnapping was probably a big deal, making national news headlines, so it'd be nice to see her escape, also playing into the idea of hope both for her personally, and for everyone else; everyone in the death game and, yeah, her fans. additionally, because she is famous, her escaping could be detrimental to asunaro. she could out them completely as criminals, it would be a huge fucking deal. realisitically, im not sure if thats going to happen but its a possibility!
will choice affect logic route? honestly i have NO idea. i think most realistically, no, considering alot of people play chapters seperately to each other and will be starting from 3-2 without any link to any previous saves. there wouldn't be any point in having a "who died" choice for the yabusames at the start of 3-2. hopefully speaking, maybe. i think it could be interesting seeing how it affects sara, especially because she was incredibly close to reko. reko's death in logic route would obviously hit her alot harder than alice's so it'd be interesting seeing the differences there, but very likely the choice won't matter. emotion route on the other hand, i have a feeling theres gonna be a big difference in 3-2 between alice and reko lives, not sure what it'd be but. something's gonna happen. might be first trial related who knows
this is like half "what i think will happen" and half "what i want to happen" and i cant tell which is which.
tldr: alice gets his memories back, we find out rekos first trial, there is at least one route where they survive their respective routes, and the choice is relevant in emotion (all theory)
anon i am literally so thrilled that i am considered the expert is this, i really hope all of this makes ANY amount of coherent sense. 🫶
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tumblunni · 7 years
Cathedral Tower Defense Game character ideas and stuff so far! I’ve talked about some of these before but I wanna just compile it in summary form, and try and get thinking about more to add. It’d be so cool if I could make it like an early suikoden game where you have the world’s biggest party selection! Or at least have that equivelant but with recruiting shopkeepers and townbuilders and stuff.
So... long post ahoy!
* Protagonist (Sir/Lady/Master Amity) Your selectable renameable main charrie! A badass disabled veteran who lost their family in the war and ended up defending this cathedral town of strangers in order to prevent another tragedy. They’re generally distrusted at the beginning, have a lot of doubts about what philosophy they should take in life, and its up to you to decide how the story plays out. But no matter what, this protagonist is a cool grumpy comically-serious nerd gramp! (or gran or etc) i really REALLY like the idea of changing them to be an older veteran character, it just works so much better and seriously WHY are there like zero grandma protagonists in anything ever? I will vow to make this one as amazing as possible!!
* Florin Generally supportive yet sassy and lazy deutorogonist helper guy. He’s your first ally in this world and maybe kind of a tutorial, lol. Even though he’s a total cinnamon roll, he’s as distrusted as you because he’s a demon. Even the protagonist kinda wonders why on earth he wants to help them, and whether he’s some sort of enemy spy... His elemental realm is over plants, and he has no greater joy than taking a nice nap amoungst the flowers~
* Malachi At the moment the only fully developed idea I have for another party member, aside from Florin. Though I’m not sure if I want him to be optional or mandatory? In either case when you recruit him he’s the catylyst for a lot of character development for Florin, and they end up becoming like a lil adopted family ^_^ Anyway, Mal is a very young and adorable demon child that the party finds sealed away beneath some ruins. Precociously innocent, he seems unaware that he’s become a monster. I mean, everyone eats rocks, right?
* Admiral Chiffon (wip name) A major recurring enemy turned ally! Chiffon starts off as just the eccentric comic relief member of the opposing army, kinda harmless and kinda entertaining. And you might pity her quite a bit, because her coworkers treat her like absolute shit. I basically invented this character because I got sick of seeing the ‘ha ha flambouyant gross comic relief villain’ thing in recent fire emblems, and wondered what it would be like to have a villain whose LGBTQ status is treated as a sympathising aspect instead, leading to a redemption when she finds people who dont treat her like those damn writers treated everyone :P So yeah, she’s a transgender woman who faces a lot of predjudice in her career, and I hope I can make it very heartwarming when she finds true friendship with our heroes! And also I hope it can make the non-comic-relief villains seem extra disgustingly unforgiveable after you see how badly they treat their own teammates. Her personality is gonna be kind of a greedy merchant sort of person, but what if that archetype was a good character instead. She remains sassy and greedy even when she’s been redeemed, i like a good ‘ol vice-filled hero yknow! Character development is my jam! Also all i know about her design so far is that I think I want her to have stylishly skunk striped hair, to represent greying streaks and all. I was imagining her as the token grandma of the cast before I decided to age up the protagonist lol
* Currently unnamed church matron duo, aka Timon And Pumbaa One of my early-ish undeveloped concepts for non-battling town members. These two are florin’s equivelant, they’re the town workers you start off with before the game really starts. I’m thinking they’d be like nuns/priestesses that worked at this place before you came along, and you have a bit of a rivalry here because they pragmatically know they need you to defend the stronghold but they’re also very wary of you. The ‘timon’ one would be the main one who actually holds all these opinions, a sort of crusty matronly mega paranoid lady who thinks you’re gonna backstab us all at any moment! And she’s some sort of super scary chronic sufferer of resting bitch face, even though she sees herself as the ultimate arbiter of justice everyone else thinks she’s terrifying. Just imagine her trying to hug a baby that just cries as if it saw the face of death! Life sucks when you’re a lawful good character stuck in a chaotic evil character design! And then her partner is a funloving pumbaa-esque team chef, who’s actually kinda too loving and innocent to ever distrust anyone. But she always just falls in with whatever her boss says, its like a pinky and the brain situation. Oh and I’m already kinda preemptively shipping these two before I’ve even finished designing them XD
* Depression jail janitor Starts as a prisoner you take from one of the enemy raids, but he ends up winning your trust and joining your team. Entirely against his will! he’s a chronically depressed man who was forcibly drafted into the evil army even though he doesnt believe in their cause, but now he feels like he’s unforgiveable anyway. So he spends all his time trying to convince you that he is indeed pure evil! But the more humble he is, the more everyone believes in his genuine kindness. Alas! It doesnt help that he also kinda has chronic hero syndrome and cant resist helping out in every possible way. So that is how a prisoner ended up becoming the one in charge of the jail keys! And he’s like Everyone’s Dad. (Even the people decades older than him...)
* Former bully powerful friend The one other main child character, cos I wanted Malachi to have some friends. They start off at odds and she initially joins in with everyone bullying him, cos she wants to fit in. But he ends up helping her deal with her insecurities and realise she was only resenting him for being ‘weak’ because she saw herself reflected in him. or rather, the traits in herself she’d tried to hide to make everyone like her, even if it meant joining in with bullying and only having horrible asshole friends. So she sacrifices her popularity with the main clique in order to defend malachi, and ends up finding her first true friend with him. They’re better off being outcasts together! So yeah cutie malachi will have some sort of stronge deliquent friend with a heart of gold, and I’m not sure yet whether she’d be playable or not? i kinda feel like its not right to have someone that young join the party unless they have magic powers to protect them. So maybe she can fight by teaming up with malachi, actually? like, she rides atop his stone dragon golem form and supports with ranged weaponry or something. or just acts as an advisor? I liked the idea I had that there would be a buffs-only type of magic stone, and people could cast it on themselves to have enhanced senses at something or other and improve their supporting skills. Like the protagonist would maybe have an eyesight-enhancing buff crystal to act as a sniper scope!
* Rival warrior buff teen person Very undeveloped cos I just came up with them ysterday, lol! I’m thinking possibly make this character female just cos this archetype doesnt get to be female all that often. Kind of a draco malfoy type snooty rival, but with a more sympathetic side and ultimately you do become friends. Theyre just a simple ordinary citizen who was doing the best they could to protect their family before you came along, and now kinda resents the fact you’re all BETTER THAN EVERYONE and taking their job as guardian! They have a lot of anxieties over the fact they struggled so hard to become self-trained and now you’re here making it look easy. So the plot has a general theme of believing too much in ‘destiny’, and that some people are just born with talent and you’ll never succeed if you werent lucky enough. This character started off trying to act like theyre inherantly blessed with that talent, because they’re terrified that they aren’t... Oh and I think once you befriend them I think they might be like a ryuuji/junpei type of friend? But without the weird sexism and homophobia randomness that persona 4 threw onto yosuke. Just like a bit of a cheerful cliche ‘bro’ who isnt all that interested in books and likes to be all ‘cmon do it for the vine’. A good polar opposite to the protagonist who could have some cute interactions!
* Rival warrior’s chilled out older sibling figure of reasonableness Every rin needs a yukio! I think they’d be maybe a bartender or owner of a restaurant or something? Just some sort of super chilled out job where they act as an agony aunt to their customers, the place is very popular because of the great service. (Though also everyone is kinda like ‘yo you dont have to run it all by yourself, yo you dont need to give us bonus extra special treatment, seriously get some sleep dude!!’) But anyway they’re this perpetually relaxed super kind soul who’s always the reasonable response to their lil sib’s ohohoho angry rivalness. But the bad side to it is that they’re also a lil depressed and apathetic about their own life, they’re kinda like someone who really lives for their family, in a bad way. They’ve been like a single parent to their sibling because they had kind of a tragic backstory, and big sib has just grown too used to sacrificing everything in order to help other people and never taking care of themself. And they have a lot of trouble even.. feeling emotions. The outwardly chilled and happy-go-lucky facade covers up just a void of nothing but self hate and emptiness. They feel like they’d already been tainted by the way their abusive parents used to treat them, its too late for them and all they can do is try and save other people from falling down the same path. Oh, and I think maybe the two siblings are actually immigrants from the villain country? Like, when older sib ran away from the abusive family they ended up here, and now they try and keep it secret, to the point that even the younger sibling doesnt know where they were born. Basically I just wanna have a LOT of different subplots showing how the ordinary citizens of this country aren’t all evil just because their government are the bad guys in this story. And especially covering topics like characters who’re part of that ethnicity and get treated like they’re inherantly terrorists even if they were born and raised in a completely different country!
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