#i can tolerate it. i can be civil and keep to myself. but it wont really be healthy
ambersky0319 · 4 months
My grandma keeps getting exasperated that I refuse to ask my grandpa to drive me anywhere but like...
This is the man who told an 11 year old with depression, anxiety, and abandonment issues "I don't want you" in the middle of a lobby at a therapy place and saw nothing wrong. This is the man who has told me to "go to hell" because I couldn't help with his internet issues. This is the man who point blank admitted his behavior is problematic, but used the excuse that he was too old, as a reason for why he wouldn't change his behavior.
I don't want a relationship with him anymore. I made that clear. And while I'm still in this house, I will be civil with him. I will not remark on his comments. I will give simple answers to questions asked. I will help if the situation is dire. However, that does not mean I will engage with him for longer than I have to. And it means that I refuse to be stuck in an enclosed space like a car with him.
I don't think either of my grandparents have realized that, when I said the outcome of that conversation a few weeks ago would determine if we would have a relationship going forward, I meant it.
I've ignored my grandpa while living in the same house as him for 6 months - only interacting with him if it was absolutely necessary since i relied on him. And at the time, I still felt like I would have some relationship with him. But now? Now I feel nothing for him. That relationship is dead. I have no plans on making it better. I will simply be treating him how I treat anyone else I dislike but must tolerate.
I just wonder how long it will be for them to realize this.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
I keep seeing “small but fiesty” “big but kind” NO. GIVE ME BIG AND MEAN‼️‼️‼️/j anyways could you do TADC x a reader who’s much larger then everyone else and pretty mean with it? Like Jax mean but just a squeeze nicer cuz they’re not a TOTAL jerk
TADC cast x big and mean reader!!! (not platonic nor romantic youre just mean!!!!!!!!!)
RAAAAAAAAAAH i meant to get to requests earlier buuuuuut i fell asleep and i needed to go make lunch for myself hisshiss (not complaining though, i made onion rings !! yipee!) probably gonna answer this an one or two more requests, though; admins been struck with some art motivation spoiler uhuh i made the reader MEAN, like sure jax is mean but hes like prankster-mean, reader is just mean
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he probably tries to get you to chill out and include you in IHA so you know. dont become under stimulated and slowly lose your mind. because that would be bad. honestly i think it would take a lot for caine to be pushed away; he has a high tolerance for tomfoolery and nonsense i think, and as the ringmaster he feels a responsibility to keep everyone happy. and yes that includes you. honestly not really phased by your insults and such in fact i think he might be oblivious... or maybe he just ignores them and moves on. youre gonna have to do something REAL bad to get on caines bad side, i think
doesnt like to be around you, and likely avoids you when she can. i mean can you blame her? youre kind of a dickweed, and that can be unpleasant to be around. like with jax at least theres some humor with it so theres some kind of exchange. but youre just. kind of a mean person. plus youre big, and thats really intimidating when its paired with your personality. add in that shes already working through enough with being new to the circus as well as trying to find an exit... shes just got a lot on her mind and she needs to preserve herself, you know?
tries her best to be nice and polite with you, and honestly you can probably see her try to force herself to remain civil and kind. like if you look at her face or listen closely to her voice you can tell that you likely make her just a smidgen uncomfortable. she wont be rude to you, nor will she exclude you.... but i do think that at some point shes going to snap and lose her patience with you.... huh... an angry ragatha losing her cool... odd thought but like everyone else, this lady would also have her limits. does try to apologize afterwards, but is firm that you need to try to clean your act
i think he would either target you because he finds it funny when you get all riled up and he gets a thrill from it; or he might try to pair up with you.... obviously, you mention in your ask that the reader is a smidge kinder than jax, but i think the real difference is the types of mean they are. call it a failed friendship or a rivalry, jax doesnt really vibe with you regardless... at least thats my personal take. though i do think he wouldnt try to pick many fights with you depending on how large you are in comparison to him; i mean jax strikes me at the type to bolt the second theres an implication of a fight coming, at least fights that include him
do not the old man :( will actually get sad, but i do think like ragatha he will still try to be kind and polite to you. might even try to find out what your problem is, and try to help you through it. maybe its the dad energy thats making me think like that but. you know? that said, when you so much as furrow your brow you can guarantee that kinger is going to slink away out of sight since he doesnt want to get caught up in whatever is about to happen, correctly assuming someone had made you upset. either that, or i can see your words going right over his head and not phasing him because hes too ooooooo to really try to connect any meaning and correlation.. both work, i think. really it depends on how hes doing on a given day, i think
sometimes you guys shit talk some of the other circus member if they were being particularly annoying that day but thats kind of it. like zooble can be a bit mean but they arent... harsh without any real prompting. whereas, for the sake of filling space and introducing new ideas, you do. i dont think zooble would really vibe well with that... whats this? zooble calling out someone for being an asshole? not as unlikely as youd think, actually.. do i think they would try to stop you? i mean theyd probably tell you to knock it off, but outside of that they would just disconnect themselves from the conversation and walk off. on good days you guys can be somewhat friendly to one another, but on others zooble just cant be bothered with your bullshit. i mean they barely seem to tolerate jax, so i think this was able to be foreseen...
oh you could be having a good day and say something slightly less mean than usual and you would still make gangle feel bad. you dont even have to try, gangle is just really sensitive. actually, tying this back to ragatha i think if she were to snap it would be on someones behalf... someone like, gangle perhaps? brain stew is brewing, admin is now hcing that ragatha and gangle have a sibling like bond
anyways moving on, i think she would try to avoid you when she can just because youre so... not nice, and even when youre being neutral you can be a little much; you know? factoring in the fact youre a giant compared to her frail body... not that she thinks you would strike her, no im not at all comfy writing physical stuff in my writing, but its like a voice in the back of her head; you know? you dont even have to be violent, just verbally aggressive, you know? though, considering jax seems to push her often (as seen in the pilot and her intro short) i think thats something in the back of her mind when interacting with a lot of people
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skgway · 4 years
1829 Jan.,  Mon. 5
11 3/4
At my desk at 7 40/60 – Breakfast at 7 50/60 in 20 minutes then in about 20 minutes (till 8 1/2) skimmed over without dictionary, from page 39 to 52 Paul and Virginia (Italian) – Delighted to find that I could carry the sense along with me – I begin to hope and think that with a very little more pains taking I shall be able to read Italian pretty fluently – 
Went out at 8 3/4 – Some time talking to my father – Took Jno [John] and set off to walk to Ashgrove at 9 5/60 – Went over the bill, by Ashday, got to the Jno [John] Rawson’s in an hour 1st time I ever was there – Very glad to see me, very civil – Asked me to dinner – Walked with Mr. and Mrs. R– [Rawson] round the garden then with Mr. R– [Rawson] in the woods, then with Mrs. R– [Rawson] in the garden, during which time while she had hold of my arm. Paid the gardner, on his master’s account, 6d [pence] a piece for 22 trees 10 beeches, 8 sycamores, and 4 elms – and gave the man 2 /. [shillings] for himself. 
Throp and the 2 wallers had come early and all the trees were got up by 11 – The wood so thick, could not get up them properly for fear of injuring the other trees – I scarce think any of the beeches will live – Had I known all this before would not have had them – William arrived with the cart at the Rawson arms about 12 – Off home with the trees about 1 – 
Mr. Jno [John] R– [Rawson] does not approve London’s 6 guinea work on landscape gardening – Sold it to his brother William Henry at 1/2 price – Had got a well bound copy of Dr. Hunter’s Evelyn’s Sylva (1 volume 4to [quarto]) of Whitley at 25 /. [shillings] Whitley had then several copies to dispose of – Many antiquated notions in Evelyn – All the good of the work in Dr. H– [Hunter]’s notes – Said Londoner was not (in his landscape gardening) for masses of trees or shrubs of the same kind – 
Mr. J[ohn] R– [Rawson] all for nurse trees – Says his plantations never begin to grow till 2 or 3 years after being planted when he put in larches – The wood is now of ten years growth – Drawn thought I, by being sadly too thick – Wont take out the firs till another year or 2 when he can get 6d [pence] a piece for them – Says my trees at 2 yards distance, are far too thin – Would plant transplanted trees that have not such a long tap root – Approves gavelock planting – Says a spade is the worst thing – Saddens the earth instead of lightening it – Always plants with a gavelock – 
Shewed me some Spanish chesnuts close to sycamores, that seemed outgrowing them – Mrs. R– [Rawson] talked away, but nothing worth note – Dinner at 2 – Talk of going to Paris next September – Told them to inquire an address at Laffitte's – Speaking of the difficulty of getting to Almack’s, Mr. R– [Rawson] – Said it required the introduction of 5 members – 
Came away immediately after leaving the dining room at 4 1/4 – Got wrong [?] on this side Ashday – Came thro’ Southowram, and, from Lawhill, across hedge and ditch to Lower Marsh Delves, and thus home as I could at 5 1/4 – Stood talking to Jno [John] and then to Throp and came in at 5 1/2 – 
Dressed – Siding a little in preparation for M– [Mariana] tomorrow – Dinner at 6 20/60 – Told the R– [Rawson]’s I would not ask them to Shibden now, as I was always out – Should be glad to see them the next time I was over, and must have Mr. R– [Rawson] to come and give me his advice – Was very civil and made myself a[g]reeable. Apparently they were much pleased with my visit. Thought I to myself, shabby enough not to give me the trees. Roast leg of mutton, cod boiled beef, and a rice pudding and vegetables alike. The children began with pudding. Two glesses [glasses] white at and two port wine after dinner. Want to make myself popular with my neighbours or would never have gone. A vulgar couple – 
Beg[a]n to snow a little as I left Ashgrove – The hills white as I returned and snowed a little all the way – Fine day till 4 p.m. from early in the morning – After dinner wrote the above of today – My letter written yesterday to Mrs. B– [Barlow]  mentions the receipt yesterday morning of my aunt’s letter for which I had waited – To say I will write to her as soon as I can after the rent day – Nothing can be more clear than the instructions respecting getting plate over to France – At ease about my aunt.
 “She has been to see you, and been, too, to the ambassador’s chapel! – Walked up all the stairs! ‘Tis wondrous well – Nothing like Paris – We ought, at least, to be grateful – But how is it, my love, that health is not there for you? Surely, surely, you were not dissatisfied, in any respect, with my last. I am uneasy about you, and know not what to do, or think of, for your good – At all rates, write, and tell me how you are – Spare me, at least, the consolation of being persuaded, that I am, in no way, the innocent cause, or a bettor of your indisposition – My aunt tells me, I shall not be back till next month – Perhaps she is right – But I shall make all the haste I can; and things begin to look more promising to let me be off” – 
Begin to be hopeless of Dr. T– [Tupper]’s apartment – Hope our present one will agree with me better when I get back – “You give no hint at your own plans – Perhaps you have wisely, and kindly determined not to fix them till my return” Till then cannot calculate what my aunt will like best to do – As to staying in Paris “it is not my intention to influence her on this point overweeningly” – 
Fancy from her (Mrs. B– [Barlow]’s) genteel manner expression she means to return and set in England in the course of another year, tho’ letters to Lord Burghersh savor of going to Italy – Love to Jane, 
“and tell her she shall be bonneted to her heart’s content the next time – Once to have upon one’s conscience sin of spoiling a young lady’s complexion, is quite enough – Marie! I think another tour would do you more good than anything – I know nothing about Madame de R– [Rosny]’s keeping her rooms for me – Glad to hear Mrs. Beresford Dewes has married so well” . . . . . . 
chit chat – .... 
“Do you remember our little weekly Tuesday excursions? ...... We have Compiegne, Rambouillet, Fontainebleau, &c etcetera yet to see – I count upon being back early next month – The birds will be beginning to sing – You, in spite of yourself, will be glad to see me back again, Jane will recognize her old friend ‘mon surtout’, and we shall all be better – The breeze of general spring will cheer the winter-wearied spirit; and I trust, aunt May, or aunt Sophia, if she be there, will not waste the sky-clear day in Zozlizing their Yorkshire friend” 
Refer Jane to Lempriue, article zoilus – . . . . . 
“Marie! Marie! All I am anxious about, is your health – At all rates, tell me that your mind is at ease – Do set about planning our next Tuesday excursion in some of these omnibus Dames Dances, etc. etc., and let me find you looking tolerable on my return – You are at the very top of my aunt’s good books . . . . . let me hear from you soon” . . . 
Came upstairs at 10 5/60 – 
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ccrtana · 4 years
i don’t need to know
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A/N: I was doing the dishes yesterday and the song “I Don’t Need To Know”, by Maddie and Tae, came on. I couldn’t stop thinking about this idea for a Rowaelin AU... So I wrote it! I’m very proud of myself for finishing this first part and wanted to challenge myself into posting it. Where anyone could read it. Who knew this was so nerve wrecking (major props to all the authors out there who do this on a regular basis). Thank you for reading :)
The silence is the only tolerable thing about the Western Wastes, as far as Rowan’s opinion is concerned. The improvised base his team is staying at is close to the routes they have to watch, but far enough from Briarcliff that all he can hear at night is the wind and sounds from people around camp, minimal noise at one in the morning. It almost made the heat during the day and the dust that was everywhere tolerable, this peacefulness at night time. Almost.
On the outer edge of the base, Rowan lets himself fall against one of the vehicles to try to take his mind off of the never ending meeting he just had with mission command. He should probably be going to bed, but there is too much information swirling around his mind to just lay down and sleep. He takes his phone out of the pocket, there are a few unanswered texts he didn’t have time to look at during the day.
Running a hand through his silver hair, he opens the conversation with his mother. He is met sequence of photos: a beautiful lasagna his mom cooked as dinner for the evening, a selfie of his parents as they beam at the camera, a shot of the pup they had recently adopted as he destroyed what looked a lot like one of his dad’s shoes. Rowan’s soft smile can’t be fought, taking over before he knows it.
This isn’t the first time he is deployed somewhere far from home and it will not be the last, so it’s not as if he isn’t used to it. But some days are particularly harder than others, and today he is specially missing his family and his life in Terrasen. Next week, he will complete three months away and officially reach the middle of his service. Rowan replies to his mother’s pictures with one of his own, capturing the sky full of stars above him and wishes her a good night, even though she won’t be seeing this until morning.
There are more messages in the group chat he is in with his cousins, but he just scrolls past those. Apparently, they had all gone out to some bar tonight and drunk texting had ensued. Nothing that made sense, so Rowan didn’t even bother trying to decipher what any of it meant. A private chat with one of his cousin’s catches his eyes, though.
Sellene: heyyy, went out todaay nd u wont believe who i just saw
Sellene: [attachment.picture_6474]
Sellene: that is aelin right???
Sellene: this dress is gorgggg do yuo think i can go ask where its from?
The picture is blurry and there are a lot of people in the shot, but he would recognize the blonde woman anywhere, in any crowd. Aelin Galathynius is wearing a red dress that seems to have been made just for her, based on the way it fits her body perfectly. Standing next to her is another woman with dark brown hair, probably Lysandra, and another shorter one, Elide, if he had to guess. Rowan can’t seem to breath right and his body tenses.
He hasn’t really seen Aelin in four months, since they broke up and he deleted all the photos he had with her on his phone. Seeing her now is a shock to say the least. They did not end their relationship in the best of terms. One fight, and it was as if the year they spent together, the best of Rowan’s life, meant nothing, both too proud and too angry to back down and be civil. Even thinking about her sets him on edge. Sellene must have been really drunk to text him this. The more he reads of the thread, the stronger the ache in his heart gets.
Sellene: was goin up to her but someone arrived :/
Sellene: [attachment.picture_6475]
Sellene: do u know who that is?? ive never seen him
Sellene: is it too weird if i go up there and say hi, remember me? sellene ur ex’s cousin also where is ur dress from? endy says it is…. boohooo
The second picture his cousin sent is also of Aelin, but now she is sitting on a corner booth at whatever bar they were in. And there is a guy right next to her, way too close and staring way too deeply into her turquoise ringed with gold eyes, not visible in this photo, but forever etched into Rowan’s memories, for him to pretend he doesn’t know what was happening.
Rowan’s hand tenses around his phone and the silence he appreciated just minutes ago now makes everything worse. Because the love of his life is miles and miles away, in someone else’s arms, laughing at him with the smile that has been the star of all of Rowan’s dreams since they met, and he has no one to blame but himself for this pain. And there is nothing he can do, not just due to the fact that he is in the Wastes while Aelin is all the way in Orynth, but because she has moved on, and now it’s too damn late.
Sellene: now everyone is making angry faces at me bc i told them i sent u the pics
Sellene: but the way i see it u should know that ur ex is moving the fuck on so u can just text that girl i told u about alreadyyy
Sellene: srry if that was rude, but u deserve to be happy too
Rowan stands up straight and gives himself a second to think his reply through. He isn’t feeling very rational right now and doesn’t want to be rude to his clearly plastered cousin. It’s not as if he hasn’t considered whether Aelin has gotten over him before tonight, imagining what was going on in her life, what she was doing and who with, when he was feeling particularly bad. But it is different from seeing it so clearly. Hurts a hell of a lot more now that it’s not just him beating himself up over his stupidity for letting her go, now that this is reality. He settles with the true.
Rowan: i dont need to know who is keeping aelin company
Rowan: so stop telling me
On the walk back to his sleeping quarters, he deletes the conversation with Sellene. Rowan doesn’t need any more reminders of what he has lost.
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iam90sgirl · 4 years
Free write:
Influencers and Brands Silence SPEAK VOLUMES
Influencers and Brands Silence SPEAK VOLUMES!
So ive been very vocal on media pages im active on despite a strong notion that a completely strategic and mobilized fight needs to be had instead of the same old posting, praying, protesting but idk the people around me dont seem to see that however I cant stay quiet inspite of myself and I recently unfollowed a ton of people on my public page that havent said anything becase silence dosent save us in these situations. People are vocal about everything else and want you to follow them and their business and like all their posts and support their product but wont show any love back or recognition and then when things actually matter, radio silence. So no they had to go. I understand that many need a push but if you read a newspaper picked up a good book you should know what is what. And what is right and what is simply wrong. So my tolerance for it all is very low right now. If you are an influencer or brand even a black owned brand and especially a black influencer and you are silent right now, do better, people look to you and frequent you and you owe it to your followers to be on the right side of history and to at least TRY to make a difference.
I know some people work behind the scenes and do more that way but people respond to what they see or inturn dont see. It just is that way now with all this technology and such, the perception is your lack of words is a lack of conciousness. Which we know isnt always true but I've seen the most brand locked in pages acknowledging these injustices. I understand that its alot of peoples meal tickets however you gotta stand for something or your so called brand and branding is probably whack anyway. And then some, if any brand decides not to work with me or give me a shot based on this or my vocalness that black life should not be degraded to sensless meaningless death then that's their loss. I will stand for truth and justice and I think its better to know those representing a brand or service have real values so you know that theyll represent you with actual heart and what theyve got. Its too many fluff people and pieces out there anyway. Wheres the substance? Dont just be out here for money, have purpose, vision, morales and character. Whoo that can go into a whole 'nother post so let me digress.
Some of my personal frustration with words in the fight against injustice is that ive been saying them every time and nothing happens. I dont have the platform yet or influence to make huge strides with my impactful words, it seems. and I never thought words alone save us when these things happen. Growing up i was always a hard fan of King but for longer than five years I'd say Malcolm knew what was up. We protested and had Civil Rights but that didnt do much. And i fear a hundred years could go by before people do what needs to be done if the earth is still sustaining all our consumerist behinds by then.
In closing cuz honestly everything im saying is stuff ive been saying for what seems like centuries and i dont care to speak mountains and be met with valleys. words are the least people can do and they arent doing that so why would i think our words will change anything. Its gonna take a hella lot more than words and protesting but words and protesting are the least any of us can do so we of all colors oughta be doing that anyway.
Oh PS so the first and only brand i saw aknowledge this and other injustices was actually Curls (curly hair brand founder and CEO Mahisha Dellinger) I am proud of large brands taking a stand, as they should, to stand against injustice. And then I saw tgin, Shea Moisture and Eden BodyWorks and Target finally say something however they can still do more and other brands and influencers. Recently saw Netflix has taken a stand, and Beyonce, Drake so now others are following as well. Time will tell. Again them saying something dosent solve the issue but it encourages other brands to follow suit which I guess is something still.
Notice, some brands and influencers rather than take a public stance offer public empathy towards the injustices which on one hand is not the same and is a bit of a side eye because it isnt always in care for your mental health, its just playing it safe, however it can be nice to know that people get it and it is heavy on their hearts as well so in terms of keeping investors happy and such its smart bussiness wise but a public stance does more to encourage peopleto do what needs to be done is how im putting it which is simply more. More support from, as Nicole Walters puts, our lighter brighter counterparts on this earth we share as home and more action by all that back up the strong words we say.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
#FREETIANNA: Online Petition & Social Media DEMAND Charges Against BLM Activist Tianna Arata Be DROPPED!
An online petition and the #FREETIANNA hashtag on Twitter is gaining attention as they demand charges against Black Lives Matter activist Tianna Arata be dropped. She’s facing up to 15 years in jail following a peaceful protest that turned violent. More inside…
The Internet is sounding off after Black Lives Matter activist Tianna Arata was hit with eight charges that could possibly land her in jail for 15 years. An online petition and the trending Twitter hashtag #FREETIANNA is demanding the charges filed against the 20-year-old youth activist be dropped because they believe she has been wrongfully accused.
Tianna now faces eight charges following a protest that took place in late July. On July 21st, Tianna was taken into police custody after a five-hour protest in San Luis Obispo. Six police officers surrounded her to put her in handcuffs as demonstrators watched and yelled at police.
A woman named Mel – who claim to be friends with Tianna - shared a video of Tianna being arrested by police "for peacefully protesting alongside myself and our community” with the #freetianna hashtag. Check it below:
— mel (@melissayumm) August 10, 2020
The online petition states Tianna’s arrest was unjust and noted the SLO PD left out important facts to paint a specific narrative:
The subsequent press release from the SLO PD on events leading up to the arrest omits important facts to create a false narrative depicting the protesters as promoting violence. Tianna and other protest leaders have led numerous peaceful protests over the past several months. It's clear that the SLO County District Attorney and SLO PD are using the arrest of Tianna as a political statement to try and suppress their first amendment right to protest. Tianna’s arrest and charges were unjust. Our community should come together to support her and her family. Protect our young black lives movement leaders right to protest and demand that the district attorney not pursue any charges against Tianna Arata. Our young black leaders deserve to be heard, seen, and supported.
According to local news outlet The Tribune, police asked District Attorney Dan Dow to file eight charges against Tianna, including four felony counts of false imprisonment, one count of felony conspiracy and three misdemeanors. She could now be facing up to 15 years in prison.
A tentative arraignment date has been set for September.
As of Monday afternoon, more than 100,000 people have signed the petition. You can find it here.
The way the police waited till we were alone with a few friends and rushed and took my best friend in front of my eyes, in front of her mother it was traumatizing. They used excessive force Tianna could barley keep up with the 6 grown men forcing her to the car.
— mel (@melissayumm) August 10, 2020
”My best friend is being charged with 8 charges including 5 felonies,” Tianna’s friend Mel tweeted. “For peacefully protesting alongside myself and our community. There was no riot it was a beautiful peaceful protest filled with Black and Brown joy.”
I am traumatized, even hearing loud noises triggers me. Now imagine how she feels. Her life and future is on the line. She dreams big and has plans for her future. Do not let this small town take that away from her. Tianna is the sweetest, most passionate, and loving person I kno
— mel (@melissayumm) August 10, 2020
”I am traumatized, even hearing loud noises triggers me,” she continued. “Now imagine how she feels. Her life and future is on the line. She dreams big and has plans for her future. Do not let this small town take that away from her. Tianna is the sweetest, most passionate, and loving person I kno”
It’s unclear what lead up to the incident. SLO PD claims protesters damaged the rear window of a car, causing broken glass to fall on a 4-year-old that was sitting in the back seat. The hood of the car was also reportedly damaged. Mel tweeted that’s not the case. She said a car ambushed Tianna’s body almost hitting her:
The cars window who was hit by a skateboard was done AFTER The driver RAN INTO PROTESTORS. SLOPD IS TRYING TO PAINT THERE NARRATIVE OF A RIOT. THERE WAS NONE. Continue to tweet #freetianna and #TiannaArata We need as much attention as we can get. Tianna’s future is on the line.
— mel (@melissayumm) August 10, 2020
Here’s a clip from the alleged incident below:
#freetianna there was NO imprisonment on the freeway and the car that “had a 4 year old in the back” ACCELERATED INTO PROTESTORS FIRST. the freeway portion of the march was peaceful and occupying the roadway does not give ANYONE the right to use a car as a DEADLY WEAPON!!! pic.twitter.com/fHMsQ4vU2d
— nicole huffman (@nicoleahuffman) August 10, 2020
The Tribune’s editorial board requested District Attorney Dan Dow’s office to drop the charges against Tianna:
"Asking the District Attorney's Office to come down so hard on Tianna Arata smacks of vindictiveness and is only going to further divide our community," the editorial board wrote.
"If police wanted to teach a lesson to civil rights protesters who blocked Highway 101, they should consider it mission accomplished. They have already made a sufficient example of Arata...by arresting her in a public show of authority and accusing her of a variety of crimes," they wrote. "Now, they're just piling on, asking for four felony counts of false imprisonment and one count of felony conspiracy, plus three misdemeanors."
"Charging Arata with serious felonies for what is essentially an act of civil disobedience is absurd, especially in a progressive city that stresses tolerance, sensitivity and diversity," the editorial board said.
Word about what’s happening to Tianna is spreading quickly on Twitter. People have been tweeting up a storm in her defense:
#FREETIANNA a black woman named TIANA ARATA is about to be in prison for 15 years because she held an peaceful protest.
Fuck the land of the freedom! This is racism! This is corruption!
RT THIS pic.twitter.com/bDtIgEZGSK
— / blm acab (@crystalzmethyd) August 10, 2020
no matter what the cops do to try and silence the protestors, it wont go unnoticed, sign this petition to #FreeTianna because all she did was participate in a peaceful protest and now she could be facing up to 15yrs in jail!! https://t.co/iKKzWI18fF
— aj (@KHARASZN) August 10, 2020
— elijah daniel (@elijahdaniel) August 10, 2020
#FREETIANNA i was in the same protest she organized and she always advocated for a safe and peaceful protest and vehemently rejected any form of violence or rioting throughout the protest, she is innocent and our local county’s PD are trying to ruin her life. FREE HER!
— carlos (@carlosrobnson) August 10, 2020
— nicole huffman (@nicoleahuffman) August 10, 2020
— elijah daniel (@elijahdaniel) August 10, 2020
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                  Day 2 - I need you to understand why I’m out here making myself so visible. As a white womxn and comrade, I have no interest in your “thank yous” or any sort of recognition in this movement. I am out here because many Black leaders in our community are not currently able to be out here. So many are being surveilled by SLO PD, Tianna in particular to an extreme extent. I am out here because Tianna is NOT a pawn, she is a 20 year old brilliant, kind young Black womxn with hopes and dreams. SLO PD and other white supremacists and racists are trying to destroy her future, and we can’t let them. We cannot, I will NOT let them. I will say it for all of you in the back: you can drive by and yell racist things at me all you want, flip me off, etc.: we will still be out here reminding you that if you aren’t fighting for her, you need to go check your racism. . I am also out here because yesterday a womxn announced her candidacy to run for SLO city council. Do NOT be fooled by Abrianna Torres’, she doesn’t have Black folx’ & other POC’s interests at heart & I beg of you not to vote for her if you care about our Black community. She is supported by a known white supremacist in the area who has used extreme hate speech against Black leaders in this movement. She has support of businesses like Ambiance, who we have already seen how they have treated protestors. She has told a Black youth leader in this movement that his privilege was a choice. If you live in SLO city itself and want to run for city council to represent the interests of Black folx and all minorities here in SLO county, please head over to @communityroots.project and speak to them, the deadline is August 12th. I know this seems like a very big thing to do, but we truly need candidates who are with us and care about the Black community. . P.S. Thank you to my new friend who showed up to protest with me today. Thanks to you, our turnout increased by 100%! Just a reminder that all it takes is one person to keep speaking up, & you can be that person. I don’t care if you are out in your front yard, on a corner with your family, or anywhere. Be visible & show up for Tianna.
A post shared by Karissa (@nochickennuggets) on Aug 1, 2020 at 8:23pm PDT
  HAPPENING NOW: Demonstration in support of local activist Tianna Arata who was arrested following a protest in July. Community members calling on DA Dan Dow to drop the charges against her. pic.twitter.com/unRJ8Mxp9H
— Megan Healy (@HealyMegan) August 8, 2020
In addition to the online petition, a GoFundMe account has been set up to help pay her with legal fees. The goal amount was set for $10,000 and they've exceeded that goal, raking in over $33,000. All of the remaining proceeds will be donated as bail funds for other social justice activists.
Photo: YouTube Screenshot
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/08/10/freetianna-online-petition-social-media-demand-charges-against-blm-activist-tianna-arata-
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