#and eventually that tensions just gonna bubble up again and it would suck for it to hurt my academics again
ambersky0319 · 4 months
My grandma keeps getting exasperated that I refuse to ask my grandpa to drive me anywhere but like...
This is the man who told an 11 year old with depression, anxiety, and abandonment issues "I don't want you" in the middle of a lobby at a therapy place and saw nothing wrong. This is the man who has told me to "go to hell" because I couldn't help with his internet issues. This is the man who point blank admitted his behavior is problematic, but used the excuse that he was too old, as a reason for why he wouldn't change his behavior.
I don't want a relationship with him anymore. I made that clear. And while I'm still in this house, I will be civil with him. I will not remark on his comments. I will give simple answers to questions asked. I will help if the situation is dire. However, that does not mean I will engage with him for longer than I have to. And it means that I refuse to be stuck in an enclosed space like a car with him.
I don't think either of my grandparents have realized that, when I said the outcome of that conversation a few weeks ago would determine if we would have a relationship going forward, I meant it.
I've ignored my grandpa while living in the same house as him for 6 months - only interacting with him if it was absolutely necessary since i relied on him. And at the time, I still felt like I would have some relationship with him. But now? Now I feel nothing for him. That relationship is dead. I have no plans on making it better. I will simply be treating him how I treat anyone else I dislike but must tolerate.
I just wonder how long it will be for them to realize this.
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what the fuck I just found this in my drafts I literally wrote this years ago, like a very significant number of years ago this is old shit
and apparently I just saved it and forgot about it??? anyway I polished it up and now it is here, I have no context and I barely even remember writing it, enjoy!
my apologies for the long post I still can't figure out how to do read mores in the app
edit: some lovely people have unformed me how to use readmores, thank you ~
Jack was starting to wonder perhaps if he'd done something wrong.
It wasn't uncommon for him to accidentally say or do something to upset his wife or daughter, although usually when such an event occurred Maddie would glare at him to express her displeasure, and Jazz would always take the opportunity to tell him in exact detail what he'd done wrong and how to make it up to them (something he was honestly very grateful for).
It must have been something pretty bad this time, because both women wouldn't even look him in the eye.
Jack first twigged that something was off that morning during breakfast, when he sat in the empty chair by Jazz's side and gave his usual greeting, "Hey Jazzypants!"
She ignored his presence completely, steely eyes glued to the wall opposite her, they were puffy and red and Jack wondered perhaps if she'd been crying.
It had been a long time since her problems were easily pushed aside by her father's warm hugs and jovial attitude, he had stopped being able to handle a crying Jazz after she'd turned twelve and countered his attempts at humour by insisting that he 'stop trivialising her distress', whatever THAT meant.
Nevertheless, warm hugs and gentle jokes were the only method he knew and so he wrapped a comforting arm around her thin shoulders, noting that she continued to sit still as a rock, not even glancing his way as he tried to coax a smile out of her.
Jazz didn't say a word as she pushed herself away from her unfinished breakfast and left the room.
It was when he walked down to the lab intending to ask Maddie about Jazz that Jack started to suspect he may have been the one responsible, as it became apparent that the two had seemed to coordinate their punishment for whatever transgression he'd made.
"Hey Mads!" his voice boomed over the noise of his wife's current project. He strained to see through the bright light of her blow torch at the large gun-like weapon on the table. Jack whistled in appreciation is he took in the size of what he assumed was some kind of rocket launcher. "So what are we calling this one? Ooh! How about, The Fenton Spectre 'Sploder!"
Maddie's goggles made it difficult to see what expression adorned her face, but her tensed shoulders and the shaky grip on the blow torch told him that she was most certainly upset about something.
"Mads? Are you alright?" his voice quivered slightly as he took a few steps closer, seeing his wife this tense tightened a coil within his chest. Suspecting that he may be responsible added an extra weight to his stomach that he knew wasn't cause by the breakfast he'd skipped.
The light from the blow torch snapped off and Jack had to blink the bright spots it left behind from his vision, trying to peer through the blotches to find any indication that Maddie was going to acknowledge his presence. It seemed as though she'd looked his way for a moment but before his eyes could clear enough to meet hers she'd looked away again.
Jack watched, puzzled as his wife raised a hand to cover her mouth and catch the sob that ripped its way from her throat, she hadn't succeeded as the sound echoed across the lab and tore its way straight through Jack's heart, causing his eyes to sting and his throat to close up.
He reached a hand out to touch her shoulder, intent on giving her some form of comfort. He'd barely brushed it with his finger tips before Maddie stormed right past him up to the stairs, Jack had to quickly stumble backwards to avoid being trampled.
He couldn't imagine what he possibly could have done to elicit such a response from the woman he loved, but he knew for sure that he must have done something terrible for her to not seek him out for comfort like she did any other time she was upset. He just wished he could remember what.
Jack's shoulders slumped under the dim light of the glowing jars of ectoplasm lining the various counter-tops, he dry-swallowed a few times, trying to push down his confusion and distress before following his wife's light footsteps up the stairwell.
He found her in the kitchen, leaning against a counter with her goggles slung around her neck and her wild red hair loose around her head, abundant with the kinks and tangles Jack usually watched her brush out of it every morning.
"Mads?" Jack said, voice rough and quiet, "Look I... if I did something wrong I-" Jack's apology froze in his throat as Jazz poked her head through the kitchen door, eyes once again glancing right over Jack and instead locking onto her mother.
Neither woman shared a word as Jazz crossed the room and wrapped her arms around Maddie, who desperately grabbed at her daughter in return, burying her face in long red hair as violent sobs wracked her whole body.
Jack, at a loss of what else to do, wrapped his own arms around his girls. Nestling his chin on his daughters hair, he expected the annoyed scoff that Jazz usually gave him for his 'chin noogies', but it never came. Neither Fenton woman pushed him away though, so Jack considered it progress.
Finally, after an age of rocking and sobbing, Maddie's muffled words escaped through strands of Jazz's hair.
"Where is he? W-where'd he go, where'd he go?"
A deep chill coursed through Jack's veins, Danny? Had something happened to Danny? Jack pulled away, a million questions thrumming through his mind.
What happened? Was he missing? Was he hurt? Had he run away, been kidnapped, been kill- no. Jack shook his head violently, running a hand through the shorts strands of his thick hair. No he couldn't be. He couldn't be he couldn't be.
Jack's mouth was on the verge of catching up to his brain, multiple questions bubbled at his lips when he heard a voice echo down the stairs.
Jack took a steadying breath and grasped at the counter for support, relief flooding his body as his son rounded the corner and came into view. Danny was fine, Danny was safe. He had been fretting over absolutely nothing.
Then Danny's eyes locked into his.
A number of emotions flickered across his son's face, the first being a brief moment of sheer relief and delight, but it didn't last. Soon, too soon, Danny's dark brows pulled together and his lips curled sourly in confusion before a new expression swept it away. It was one Jack had never seen before.
He felt as though the air had been sucked out of the room, an icy chill prickled up his arms as the sudden wave of absolute horror overtook Danny's face. Jack couldn't tell if his son was about to break down crying or scream.
And then it was over. The tension in Jack's limbs released as Danny's face flattened into an unnaturally blank expression, he dropped his gaze and continued his way over to Maddie and Jazz. Once again it was like Jack wasn't even there.
Danny placed a hand on his mother's shoulder. "Maybe you should do another lap around town, you might find something today." he spoke softly into her frazzled hair.
Jazz looked at Danny strangely, her brother sent her back a glance that must have held some meaning because she then gripped Maddie tightly around the shoulders and led her straight out of the house, and suddenly Jack recalled that he still didn't know who it was that had gone missing.
"So... is anyone gonna tell me what's going on?" the jovial tone Jack meant to use came out flat and strained, Danny didn't look even remotely amused.
"I think you should sit down." Danny said quietly. He was no longer meeting Jack's eyes as he pulled out a chair for himself and one for his father.
Jack took the offered seat and prepared himself for the worst, obviously someone dear to Maddie and the kids had gone missing, Jack ran a list of all the people they knew, preparing himself for the worst, it was obvious Danny did not want to tell him what had happened. Perhaps whoever was missing was someone that Jack in particular had been close to? Was that the reason behind the horrified look on Danny's face? Because he'd realised he was going to have to be the one to tell him?
Something in Jack's gut told him he was on the wrong track, but try as he might he just couldn't imagine what else it could possibly be.
Jack kept his eyes on his son as the boy's thin torso straightened up in his chair and his icy blue stare bored into Jack's. Danny took a deep breath, then took several more, eventually he seemed almost ready to speak, Jack didn't rush him.
"Dad... you're dead."
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angelguk · 3 years
oc is back on her bullshit!!! miss out and about im gonna forget about you!! im so sorry for this part actually. descriptions of oc sleeping with someone who is not jaykay (warning!! infidelity but not really). suppressed feelings on jks side. chayoung is still Suspicious. everyone is now mildly shitty actually. roughly 2k. listen to not gonna cry by emma steikbakken and stranger by tove lo.
titled — fuel to the fire
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It's been three days since you last spoke to Jeongguk (and four weeks since your break-up). Not about your relationship or the horrendous state your sudden break-up left you in, or about the fact that Jeongguk had moved on before your heart had even registered the cracks he'd left in his wake. No, not that – none of the actual life changing important stuff, only him briefly mentioning that you needed to hand in your event proposal for the student committee before the deadline approached. It was unbelievably strange to watch the person you'd basically surgically attached to your being behave like a complete stranger. It didn't help that he didn't seemed unfazed approaching you, while you on the other hand actively avoided him and all the usual corners of campus where he liked to lurk (which sucked because those corners were some of your favourites places too). But there he was, ambling to you with an ease that made your gut violently twist, acrid bile slithering up your throat.
He'd spoken so freely, the sound of your name on his tongue a brand on your skin. You'd frozen, heart a wild animal locked in your chest, before you could summon the mettle to look him in the face.
The first thing you noted was that his hair was no longer long. Dark locks cropped short around his ears now and casually gelled back, idle strands playfully framing his face. His features are what you settled on next, eager eyes remapping the sharp slope of his nose, easily identifying the sneaky dimple on his cheek begging to burst free and then shifting down to the dark mark right below his soft pink lips.
Your first instinct was to pull him into your arms but they were frozen, glued to the table beneath you before that blinding rage rose it's head, sparking through your veins the longer you looked at him.
He didn't even seem to realise it, rattling off the list of things you needed to email him for the spring scavenger hunt or else the event could be cancelled (which sucked because that was an idea you had created with Jeongguk and now you were stuck carrying the bulk of the event alone).
Your replies had been curt, blunt as they left your lips before you'd pointedly turned away. Maybe if you had looked a little longer you would detected the lingering gaze he granted your features, how he shuffled on his feet, unsure and hesitant, words on his tongue longing to be released. Eventually he had swallowed him down, mumbled a quick goodbye and wandered off, the hands shoved in the pockets of his baggy jeans aching to hold yours again.
You, however, didn't miss the muffled giggles of girls he passed on his way out, a sick icky feeling clogging your throat. You didn't mind the fan girls when you were dating because you knew Jeongguk was yours and yours alone. But now? When he'd moved on not even a weak after your break-up you didn't know how to feel. Jealous, maybe. Furious, absolutely. For a second, you considered throwing your mini stapler at their huddled heads, weighing the odds of possibly going to jail for assault. But there was no reason to truly justify that reaction, not when Jeongguk was single and apparently available for everyone. But did that feeling still brew inside of you? Turning into something black and vile and vengeful? Perhaps.
And maybe that's why you're here now, the body of some boy pressing against yours, your bare back prickling as the night wind grazes against it. The dress you'd plucked from your closet was criminal, clinging to the dips and rounds of your body perfectly, a silky emerald backless piece that shimmered beneath the soft lights of the porch you'd abruptly accoupled. His name might be Lucas – you may have been able to accurately remember that three drinks ago but you're beyond that now. And it didn’t really matter when all you wanted was for him to fuck you. He's also big and huge, massive shoulders caving you in, and his hands is snaking it's way up your thighs, ginger kisses peppered along the span of your neck.
Which is not what you wanted. Not in a one-night stand at least. You don't want soft and gentle, you want something wild – feral even. Something harsh enough to wipe the memory of Jeongguk's hands on your skin, something bright and fierce and new. Something to make you feel alive again.
Lucas gets the hint soon enough, spurred on by the bold movement of your hand guiding his closer, right between your thighs were you wanted him. Deft harsh fingers on your clit followed, pressing against the damp fabric with no remorse. You couldn't help the whimper that floats from your lips, the tension stringing through your limbs finally alleviated.
"Cute," he murmurs, seemly pleased judging from the broad smile that tugs at his lips. You make a noise of agreement in return, drawing in him for a kiss as the pad of this thumb toys with you. There's the sillage of whiskey on his tongue, something that nearly makes you freeze because you're used to tasting that on Jeongguk. But you beat down that apprehension, a muffled moan breaking past your lips when Luca's tongue mets yours.
"My place?" He suggests, lips glimmering from your lip gloss. You smile, a familiar giddiness bubbling in your chest when he shifts a little, hard bulge bumping into the base of your stomach. You give in a little bit more easily than you normally would have, clinging onto his hand as he guides you out of the party towards the neighboring building. Chayoung and Sieun are going to kill you later for this but you simply can't force yourself to care. 
"You're in that frat?" You finally murmur out when he keys himself into the building. Lucas hums, glowing under the moonlight when he smiles at you.
"Mhm, Sigma Chi for life, babe."
Babe. A complete one-eighty from the bunny you'd grown accustomed to.
It hits a little harder when he gets you into his room, the mess unlike anything you'd ever seen at Jeongguk's (he's very anal but his room and how clean it should be, specific down even to the various scents he kept around to ensure the air he breathed was perfect). Lucas was the average frat boy, messy but neat enough that you find yourself naked on his bed a couple moments later, his tongue deep inside of you. Your brain couldn't help but recall the last time a head had settled between your thighs, Jeongguk eager to lick out the pool of cum he'd left there. But this wasn't him and as of five seconds ago you decided you’re no longer allowed to think about him.
Lucas makes it easy, tongue skilled and swift around your clit, a fervour in his movements that leaves you dripping down his chin. Jeongguk evaporates from your mind entirely when Lucas descends on you, his mouth glistening and his tongue tasting of you. His kisses are hungry now, forceful, just what you need. Your palms stray down his wide back, a strange tingle erupting in your gut when your nails dig and he groans right down your throat.
"You're so big," the comment is a mumbled slur, lost in Lucas's mouth. For a second, you think he misunderstands, his hard cock twitching against your thigh. You're actually talking about his shoulders; they're broad, muscles rippling every time he shifts to press you harder into the mattress. You like the weight of him on you, it makes forgetting easier.
But Lucas knows what you're saying, discerning your wandering fingers and clouded eyes well.
"I know," he returns with lopsided smile. "Perks of swimming."
Oh, of course he was an athlete. Maybe you had a type after all.
Before Jeongguk has a moment to resurface Lucas has you in his arms, easily twisting you around so that your face is buried in his sheets. It short-circuits you, brain sparking with how large and huge and strong he feels. The following sudden press of his lips against your ass doesn’t help, your heart thumping loud in your head as your shuffle onto your elbows.
"Good?" Lucas asks, rising to fetch a condom from his drawer.
"Mhm," you return, thighs trembling when he returns. He easily lines himself up with you, the head of his cock pressed into you coaxing a low groan from your throat. The first thrust hurts, probably because you're body isn't as on board with this as you thought. But that changes quick when Lucas's hand slides underneath you, swiftly settling on your clit until you're leaking around his length, skin tight with tension and sweat beading along the length of your back. The stretch feels strange – he's larger than Jeongguk, wider. At first it's too uncomfortable to feel good. Your senses narrow on the sound of your meeting instead, loud and lewd, your pussy squelching with every drag of his cock inside of you. The ripple of your ass helps you relax too, a pleasant almost dizzy feel spreading through your body when Lucas draws you closer, shoving himself deep inside, the whine floating from his lips painting your skin warm. He fucks you hard enough to leave marks, large fingers digger into your hips with every resounding collide of your bodies. You shiver when he finishes, a grimness appearing on your skin. It's vanished by Lucas tugging you close, his mouth light on your lip as he kisses you, cock slowly slipping out.
It feels better the second round. He's perceptive, quickly learning how you like your clit touched, or that you like when his teeth sink into your skin rather hard. You actually cum this time, spread open over his massive strong thighs, his length splitting you open, the stretched welcomed.
You forgot about Jeongguk and your sore heart for a total of two wonderous hours, before your phone starts blaring from your discarded mini-bag on the floor. Lucas is the one that gets it for you.
"Y/N! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Chayoung's tone is aggrieved, wavering through the sound of some song blasting in the background.
"Oh. I left." You hope she gets it, doesn't press any further. But what was Chayoung if not a button pusher?
"No, I'm not home. And awhile ago." Lucas is pointedly not listening, pattering through the adjacent bathroom of his room. The pressure ebbs when he turns the tap on loud.
"I said I'm not home! And please stop yelling!"
There's a loaded pause. You can feel Chayoung thinking through the line. "Okay... Who are you with?"
"Fine, yes I'll meet you there," you say instead, completely ignoring her question. Lucas is out of the bathroom now, massive and still naked as his knee sinks into the mattress. He crawls to you as you scramble to get out, phone wedged between your shoulder and ear. "Yeah, yeah I know I'm sorry. I'll come get you."
"What the hell are you talking about Y/N? Who are you with?" Chayoung's words are bitter now, stinging as they hit your ear.
"Gimme five seconds, I'll be right there," you return, swiftly cutting the call. Chayoung is going to kill you the second you see her but you'd rather attempt to live through that than Lucas overhearing you gossip about him on the phone with your friend. The man in question is watching you with a chary gaze as you hurriedly tug your dress over your head. "Sorry," you supply, pulling the hem down hard over your butt. "My friend needs me."
He nods slow, strawberry blond locks swaying. He's actually very hot, an observation that has you stilling for a second.
"Cool. See you around, yeah?" His eyes are round and big, bright even – almost like Jeongguk's. That breaks the spell.
"Yeah, see you around." And then you take the chance to flee, bag swung over your shoulder. Except Lucas halts you with a low cough, raising his hand, something bunched up in it.
"You forget this, though." It's your underwear, red and lacy. Your cheeks match the colour of fabric, flushed hot as you pluck it out of his wide palm. Lucas watches you slip them on with a smug smile, one that you should hate but there's a humour in it that blooms through you. He lets you part with a fond squeeze of ass when he gets up to open the door, still grinning.
"See you, Y/N," he says, leaning against the doorframe. He's very tall too, how did you miss that?
"Yeah," you squeak back, eyes shifting from his face with speed. "See you."
He's not Jeongguk, and that's good. He also makes it easy for you to forget about Jeongguk, another plus. And you can't help but wonder as you scurry back to the party, that it might be nice to see him again.
That sentiment gets jumbled when Chayoung avidly spills to you later that she'd stumbled into Jeongguk with his hands tangled with another girls, leading her right out of the party as Lucas had lead you. It stings, of course it does, but not as much as the first one. Not when Lucas is in your DMs, his messages sweet albeit corny, and you can still recall the taste of you on his tongue. 
But despite everything, even with Jeongguk a new stranger and Lucas's body warming yours, you haven’t truly let go. You can feel it in how you cling to the clothes Jeongguk had left in your closet. He hadn't requested to come pick them up yet, a fact that keeps a wedge in the door you're not sure you can close alone. Your heart still spikes when you see him on campus, and there's a home game coming around the corner that you're longing to go to. Because you still want to see him. Still want to be by his side Sometimes it felt nice to want to forget but you couldn't – not yet at least, not until you know whether he wants to forget about you too.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
sʜʏ ɢᴜʏ
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) Hey :) I hope I can give you an idea for an imagine. You and Steve are a couple and all the other Avengers ship you a lot. Then on time at another one of Tony’s party the guys tease Steve a bit that he barely has sexual experience and he gets all flustered. Then you take him back to your shared apartment to get him in safety. You cuddle on the couch but then things start to get heated and Steve isn’t that shy guy anymore? I don’t know, something like that maybe if you want. 
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: SMUT! (minors dni plz), there’s a list, so there’s choking, light bondage, major teasing, oral m!rec and f!rec, oragasm denial/control, a bit of degradation and praise ;), dacryphilia and i’m pretty sure that should be it. 
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: oh boy let’s just dive in shall we
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“You two are just too cute,” Wanda gushed looking at you and Steve. You sat very close to each whispering sweet things and nonsense making each other giggle and smile all night. The team thought Steve really scored one with you. You made him so happy and carefree. 
“Gross,” Nat said, sipping her gin and tonic.
“Oh please, Nat. What are you afraid of; romance? Love?” Tony teased.
“Oh please, I can be romantic,” she said. Everyone went silent before bursting out in laughter including Nat herself, smacking the table in a flurry of humor. 
“I bet there’s no flavor. No spice. All vanilla,” she said.
“What?” you smiled with confusion in your eyes.
“You guys don’t really radiate sexual tension, lust, erotic behavior,” Tony said. 
“Well, that’s something we do in private. Nothing you guys need to know about,” Steve defended. 
“Woah, calm down captain. No one’s saying that’s a bad thing,” Bucky patted his friend's shoulder. 
“Can we drop this?” Steve sighed. 
You and Steve left the party early feeling tired and worn out. Steve’s had a busy week with missions and reports; he just wanted to lay on the couch with his girl and relax. But he couldn’t help but think about what the guys said about their sex life. He doesn’t know why it’s bothering him so much, it was none of their business. He realized you hadn’t defended him too much either. Did you agree? Did you think he was too vanilla? 
“Steve?” you asked softly.
“Yes, my love?”
“I asked if you were going to go to sleep right now? I tell you’re exhausted,” you cupped his face. 
No, just… come here,” he held you close slowly making his way to the couch. 
You kissed his jaw softly laying on top of him. His hands scratched your back softly and you hummed quietly into his neck. He thought back again, because he couldn’t help it, thinking about what the guys said. Maybe he should ask?
“Do you like it when we have sex?” he asked bluntly.
“What? Of course I do; otherwise I wouldn’t keep doing it,” you nudged his shoulder playfully. 
“Well, would you mind if maybe we could try some new things?”
“Oh well, of course. Why now?” you asked; you had a feeling this had something to do with what happened earlier this night. 
“Well, I just wanna try something new,” he tried not to smile, but eventually cracked a smile making you grin.
“Baby, you don’t have to be dominator to have pleasurable sex.”
“I know but I guess I just hated everyone teasing me.”
“I know they’re mean,” you scratched his head lightly.
He looked into your eyes lovingly flickering down to your lips. You leaned in knowing his desire, your lips pressing perfectly against his. His hands held your hips lightly and you shifted over and over again grinding on his dick. Steve's hand came up to your neck and slowly wrapped a hesitant hand around it pushing you away.
“You gotta stop teasing me like that if you know what’s good for you,” he whispered against your lips.
“Steve,” you breathed out. You already like this ‘trying new things’ Steve that you’re getting tonight.
“I want you upstairs for me sitting like a good girl on the bed got it?” he practically growled. 
You instantly jumped on his lap and felt his hand come up and smack your ass before you scurried away with a giggle. You trampled through your bedroom door taking your clothes off and sat on the bed patiently. The need and desire burned in your belly and you ached for Steve to come quickly. 
Slowly, after longer than you hoped, Steve opened the door with his unbuttoned whited collared shirt and pair of grey suit pants that he wore for tonight. You bit your lip holding back a moan simply from the sight of your man. And with his dominance piercing through, you couldn’t help the arousal dripping from you.
“Look at that,” he grinned, making you feel shy under his lustful gaze. 
“So pretty,” he walked up to you holding your chin between his fingers to make you look up at him. He traced your lips faintly with the tip of his thumb and you opened your mouth invitingly, wrapping your lips around his thumb. Steve’s eye stayed trained on your mouth; thoughts of them being wrapped around his dick rather than his thumb making him harder with each passing second. 
You noticed his hungry gaze and to tease him just a bit you moved your hand over the prominent tent under his pants, softly pressed and squeezing his cock making him groan. You slowly unbuckled his belt making eye contact and unzipped his pants to pull his hard dick into your palm. 
You slowly stroked his cock in your hand, rubbing your own thumb over the tip. Steve moaned softly at the feeling before pulling his thumb out of mouth and pulling you in a feverish kiss. His knees buckled as he got closer to a release simply by your hand. You liked the power you had but you saw the switch in Steve’s eyes and he remembered that he was going to take charge tonight. 
“You had your fun?” he whispered huskily in your ear.
He softly combed his finger through your hair before tugging harshly and pushing down do you were on both your hands and knees now. You instantly stared and practically drooled over the size of Steve. It didn’t matter how many times he’s fucked you, you’d never be able to get over how big he was. 
“You wanna suck my cock, baby?” Steve teased.
“Yes, please. I want you to fuck my mouth, Captain,” you said seducitvely.
“Fucking hell, baby girl.”
You leaned forward immediately and stared up at Steve with faux innocent eyes. He gathered your hair and you started bobbing your head up back and forth on his cock. You reached down your front; your pussy clenching around nothing desperate for some sort of stimulation. 
“Hands where I can see them,” Steve yanked on your hair. You moaned around his cock, drool spilling from the sides of your mouth. You curled your fingers over his pants trying your best to suck on his dick. He looked down at your and the sight was a beauty. 
You’ve sucked Steve’s dick before but he was usually sitting or laying on the bed and didn’t really ever get a good look at you; you always made him feel too good. But seeing you in your fullest right now, drooling, crying, moaning, he was pushed to the edge and he couldn’t hold it any longer. 
“Fuck, sucking my cock so good. I’m gonna cum,” he grunted above you. 
His hips started thrusting hitting the back of your throat and you squeezing his hips bracing yourself. You tried to breathe slowly through your nose as you slightly gagged on his cock. Your eyes rolled back and you felt his cum quickly going down your throat. You swallowed as best you could and the cum that drooled from the corners of your mouth you gathered with your fingers and sucked on them making eye contact with Steve, who panted heavily after his high. 
“Fuck, baby. That deserves a reward doesn’t. You made your captain feel so good,” Steve kissed you softly. 
Steve took his shirt off with eagerness; his chest was blushed from heat as were his cheeks, a layer of sweat coated his forehead and chest. He pulled his pants down and sat down on the bed. He laid back and grabbed your hand gentlemanly so you could straddle his face, a complete contrast to the energy in the room.
You smiled down at him combing your fingers softly through his hair. He kissed right above where you needed him most but ultimately gave in and kissed your clit. You sighed softly and bit your lip. His hands wrapped around the back of your thighs softly squeezing your cheeks with his hands. 
His tongue dipped past your folds and you gasped at the feeling. He pulled his tongue out momentarily to wrap his lips around your clit. Your body shuddered feeling him suck hard. You couldn’t help the trembling in your legs. 
Steve’s cheeks reddened even more under you but he loved it. His eyes were closed and all he could feel was you against his mouth perfectly; he was heaven. You moaned loudly above him and soon enough that coil bubbling in the pit of your stomach burst and you practically gushed all over Steve’s face. 
You fell forward and Steve sat up immediately flipped over your tired body and towered over you. He kissed you softly and you moaned into his mouth. He got off of you and the whimper you made felt pathetic.
“Awe, you gonna cry? Pathetic little whore desperate for my cock,” his words made you whined again and squirm. He walked back to you holding his belt in hand and you literally shook in anticipation. 
“Arms up baby girl,” Steve smirked.
While Steve wrapped the belt around you and you couldn’t help the smile lovingly at him. Steve noticed your beautiful smile and kissed you before going back to buckle the belt around wrists.
“What’s with the grin, beauty?”
“I like this side of you,” you whispered.
“I like this side of me too,” he winked. 
He kissed down your arms to your chest; his tongue playfully licked your nipple before nipping the bud with his teeth. Steve had enough teasing himself and the ache in his dick was becoming more and more unbearable with each passing second. 
“You’re gonna keep those hands there and you’re not cum until I say so, got it?” Steve grabbed your chin to make you look at him directly. You nodded eagerly.
“Yes, Captain,” He clarified.
“Yes, Captain.”
“Good girl.”
Steve slid into you effortlessly; you’re slick and Steve’s saliva making it easy for him to thrust into you. You bit down hard on your bottom lip trying your best to suffice a moan. Steve moaned softly before kissing you once again. As he slowly and torturously moved in and out of you, it became increasingly harder to keep your hands where they were. 
“Fuck, Captain; I want to touch you so bad,” you whined.
“I know you do; that’s what makes this so fun,” he wrapped his hand around your throat.
“I can feel ya clenching around me dick hard, baby. Do you wanna cum? You wanna make a mess all over my dick?” he mocked.
“Yes! Please, Captain. Please let me cum!”
“Wait baby, you’re gonna wait until your captain cums first and you can let it go. Don’t you dare cum until I say so,” he squeezed the sides of your throat perfectly making you nearly pass out in pleasure. 
Your hips squirmed and wiggled with each thrust; Steve brushing your G Spot perfectly. Tears brimmed your eyes as you desperately held back your climax. As much as you’d love to see how Steve would punish you, you were so beyond exhausted that you didn’t think you could handle any more releases. 
Steve kept his eyes locked with your and when he saw the tears falling from the outer corners of your eyes he grunted loudly moving his hips even more so wildly; the headboard of the bed smacking against the wall over and over again. You screamed in pleasure and your body shook. Tears emitted rapidly down your temples soaking your pillow and sheets but you loved every goddamn second of it. 
Steve kissed you messily, lustfully, sloppy, passionately. Your wrists tugged on the belt in an attempt to free the restraints; you just wanted to hold him but not being able to was so arousing. 
“You ready, baby?” Steve growled, all that came from you were shrieks and whines. 
“You’ve been such a good girl for your Captain. Let go, baby. I’m right there with ya,” Steve rested his forehead against yours.
You looked into his eyes once more before your orgasm ripped through harshly and your body writhed and trembled under him. Steve’s eyes screwed shut as his hips dug into yours with one last thrust spilling inside you perfectly. 
His arms gave out and he fell on top of you lightly pressing faint kisses to your hot skin. He barely lifted his head enough to see the wrists and lazily nbound them. In an instant you wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders clinging desperately onto him making him chuckled lightly.
“Fuck, Steve. Oh my god, I love you. I love you so much,” you painted. 
“I love you too baby girl,” he whispered petting the back of your head softly.
“That was incredible! The team needs to tease you more often if that’s the outcome, holy shit,” you cupped his face and he smiled innocently at you. 
“I didn’t hurt you or anything?” he asked, grabbing your wrists softly.
“It kinda stings, but if I get to cum like that again, that’s a sacrifice I’m more than willing to pay,” you said, making him laugh.
Steve cleaned both of you up quickly, changing the sheets and pillow cases while you showered, before crawling into bed with you. You clung onto him, wrapping your arms and legs around him. The meeting between your thighs already began to burn deliciously, the feeling of Steve still inside you. You buried your face into his neck pressing kisses and nipping playfully at his skin before ultimately falling into a deep and peaceful sleep. 
The next morning, Steve had tried to wake you but you groaned and nearly cried from how sore you were. You pouted like a child who didn't want to go to school, and because Steve loves you so much he let you stay in bed. 
“I’m going to fill out some paperwork and check in on training and I’ll be back as soon as possible. With food,” he winked.
When Steve got there he wasn’t going to lie, it felt everyone could see right through him; like they know he fucked your brains out to the point where you couldn’t walk but no one said a thing. He went into the conference room to do paperwork like he told you and headed to the gym when he was finished. 
“Hey, Steve,” Nat said after pining Peter down on the mat.
“How’s training?”
“Not good!” Peter groaned.
“He’s getting there,” Nat smirked, “Where’s Y/n?”
“She’s not feeling too well, so she stayed home.”
“Aw, maybe I should come by and-”
“No she’s ok,” Steve blurted out.
Nat squinted her eyes at him suspiciously before she noticed the many hickies and bite marks on Steve’s shoulder, barely peeking out from under his shirt. She smirked and noticed Steve beginning to blush. 
“Run her a bath, get her the rose scented lotion she likes a lot, and give her a massage. From the looks of it, she needs one.”
“Thanks,” Steve said quickly before running off to get back home to the love of his life.
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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aetheternity · 3 years
Sight, smell, touch, taste, sound and which one I believe would draw the Aot girls to you. Kinda Modern Au 🤷‍♀️ idk you be the judge.
(Pov: none of you asked for this but I got bored and decided to give it to you anyway.)
The first time you touched her it was to pat her shoulder and tell her, "good luck" on a mission and she's been riding that high til the day she finally had you.
She was already so infatuated by you to the point that every bit of your touch became a daily necessity.
Locking you into her tight hugs late at night.
Pulling your lips back into hers whenever you try to escape.
She'll give you tiny kisses spread all over your face as soon as you wake up. And she's a huge fan of eskimo kisses. You might even trigger a little giggle from her when you initiate them.
She wants to rest her head on your chest and fall asleep to your heartbeat.
She's got your fingers perfectly knotted with hers in every situation.
Tangles your legs when the two of you are resting on the couch.
"I have to get up sometime Mikasa." Not today you don't.
Her favorite spot to scratch is your lower back. She softly circles her nails over that bit of skin after hiking your shirt up.
Please let her spend the day with you in her lap it's the perfect amount of intimate for her.
One day you came to her with concern filling your eyes and hugged her even though you never had before. You simply told her, "I feel like something's wrong but I won't pry. Just know I'll be waiting for you to come back to me." So softly in her ear and despite her push back at first her feelings for you grew stronger everyday.
She grew to adore the smallest things about you.
The sounds of your low morning yawns before you kiss her face.
The warmth of your knee resting between her thighs
Loves when you whine her name. It sends heat flowing through her entire body. "What do you want?" (She'll pretend she hates it tho.)
Whenever you two are alone she has her head firmly placed on your chest, falling asleep to your heartbeat. Just like Mikasa (No you do not have to pee lay back down)
Loves when you card your fingers through her untied hair. (Sometimes you make her hum when you scratch the back of her head just right.)
She's gotta have your hands when you two are cuddling. Holding you like she's scared you're not really there.
Whisper in her ear and she just might shiver for you.
Laugh when she's sarcastic and watch the pretty pink color dust over her cheeks.
Tells you she loves you under her breath and melts when you say it back after kissing her cheek or neck.
~(Sweet angel 🥺) Touch/taste
She held your hand like she'd always done with you and asked what you'd want your last meal in the world to be. Fucking around you said, "You." And the girl practically burst into flame. Meanwhile Connie at the opposite end of the table is mocking y'all talking about some, "Get a room already!" And then you did 😏
Oh, you just had some candy? She's biting your lips and sucking on your tongue.
Oh, your shampoo/body wash smells like banana, coconut, strawberries etc? She's got her face in your neck giving you little kisses. (Sometimes she'll give you a little kitten lick but it's fine cause you love it 😃).
She likes mutual feeding (ik that sounds weird idk how else to put it.) Like if you guys are eating popcorn together while watching a movie, she likes when you place the popcorn in her mouth and she does the same for you.
Licks the butter off your fingers when the popcorns gone.
When you stretch your arms next to her and then proceed to wrap them around her neck or waist she's in heaven.
Adores the feeling of your fingers splayed over her stomach right after she finished eating and the way you tease her by stroking her inner thigh.
Randomly jumps in the shower with you so that she can run her hands up and down every inch of your skin.
Sometimes she wakes you with a bunch of forehead kisses.
"Five more minutes please.." You beg
If you wake up before her though she'd love to be wrapped in your arms as she eats breakfast.
~Sight (y'all already know my baby's a lil shallow)
It was like a movie scene. She saw you across the room during a small party for the anniversary of the military police first debut and she just had to have you. And bug you.. she stayed by your side as often as possible after that.
She'll laugh so that her compliments on your body sound less genuine but she means it every time.
And when you're not looking she's got her lip between her teeth, eyes working up and down your body.
"I wanna see you in this honestly." She'll say late at night handing you a picture and covering her face as you look at it.
"Reminds me of your pink dress?"
"Yeah! Yes.. that's the point we'll match."
Doesn't matter how long you've been dating. She'll always build a little tension before every kiss by looking directly at your lips then back into your eyes with a little smirk.
Whistles when you wear an outfit she recommended.
She never straight up says it but her favorite part of your body is the part you like the least.
Backwards ass compliments.
"You know orange isn't normally your color but today you made it work." And "You seem really confident despite wearing those pants."
Don't worry it's how she shows affection.
Makes you blush as often as possible because she just can't get enough of how gorgeous you are when you do.
From the second she saw you she knew she had to get you out of your little bubble. You'd both done the warrior training as kids and you always kept to yourself. She thought a person like you looked like you had a lot of secrets. And she was gonna learn as many as possible. The older you guys got the more attractive you became to each other and you kinda fell back into the nervousness she thought she'd driven out of you. Eventually she got you to accidentally blurt a confession. Next thing you knew her tongue was pulling all conscious thought out of you.
Idk Pieck gives me the vibes that she'd always be looking for a way to stick her tongue down your throat?? (Just me?? Alright..)
She'll twirl you around with a hand around your waist. Unabashedly checking you out.
Loves long sweet kisses while she rests between your legs.
Will never stop smiling at you when you exit the shower in only a towel.
Brushes her lips over your stomach to wake you.
She's so enamored by the twinkle in your eye when you talk with the younger generation of warriors.
Playfully suggests you just walk around the house completely naked so she can really appreciate your body.
Her heart one hundred percent drops when she sees you sad for even a second.
Let her kiss you wherever she wants! It's a lot easier than arguing with her!
And she will try in some weird places. (She gives me body worshipper vibes.)
She heard about you due to rumors about your incredible fighting style. But what made her seek you out was the knowledge that you were next in line to become a titan shifter. It was hard to tell if her affection was due to interest in you as a person or your incredible fighting style but one day she asked you to live with her in the new world. Of course you said yes.
She loves the sound of you singing. (If you can sing) Sometimes she actively seeks you out and asks for you to sing to her.
Your war cries make her back arch (shh I didn't say that).
The second you guys started dating she developed a sixth sense of some sort where she just shows up if you're crying or if your day has been going terrible.
She just adores the sound of your voice and she can't get enough of it.
I could see her dragging you off some place where the two of you can just talk.
Within less than a week of dating you she's already got ways to get any noise she wants out of you.
Graze their neck with the tip of your nose for giggles and kiss the tips of their ears for I love you's.
That sort of thing.
Whenever you make a noise she hasn't heard before she's dying to force you to make it again.
Idk what it's called but I feel like Yelena has that thing where noises are attributed to colors in her brain. And at some point she explains all the colors she sees whenever you make certain noises.
Moblit had to take a.. short vacation after one of Hange's lab disasters nearly crippled him.. so Erwin had asked you to fill in and you said yes. It was only for a couple weeks and during that time Hange stuck to you like glue. Throwing an arm over your shoulder, stealing little glances and laughing loudly when you'd catch her. It felt like normal Hange stuff. But on the last night before Moblit's return, Hange was weirdly not.. Hange.. being quiet, filling in data and barely making eye contact. You asked if you'd done something wrong but Hange barely said anything back. Before you left she was nose deep in paperwork. You said your goodbyes and you were about to leave when Hange asked if you'd be willing to go on a date. When you looked back she hadn't even looked up but you smiled and nodded with a little yes and the rest was history.
It's a no brainer that you spent all your free time in Hange's lab to be Hange's other support system other than Moblit.
And when Moblit died, Hange's entire support system.
Her touch lingering on your lower back as you lean over to check her notes.
Completely enamored with the glint in your eye whenever the two of you come up with a sort of breakthrough.
Deadass pulls you into her lap at the most random times.
Oh hey the meeting finally finished? Yanks your frame right into her lap and laughs at the eye rolling of fellow colleagues.
Hange will say sorry but that blush on your face was so worth it and she's so glad she did it.
Rubs your back as you sleep on the work piled on your side of the desk.
Probably accidentally wakes you up a couple minutes after you fell asleep though.
Hange once sat you on her lap after a meeting right before Erwin tried to hand her some papers over the table. Without thinking she stood up to grab them and your face slammed into the table while her hips were pressed against your ass. Immediately getting everyone's attention. Safe to say you no longer sit next to Hange at meetings. (I had to add this even though it's a little off topic and random.)
~Smell (First one here.)
She had to share a room with you until she became queen. And almost every night she'd have some kind of nightmare about Ymir. You didn't mean to make a move but one night she crawled into your bed like she always had and you wrapped your arms around her shivering form like you always did. She had her nose trapped in your nape and you pressed a kiss to her forehead hoping it would stop her harsh breathing. And it did. She froze, the world froze, everything froze. You had leaned back to apologize for overstepping her boundaries and she kissed you back.
She'd gotten so comfortable with your scent that not only did it constantly lull her to sleep but always gave her a sense of security.
You're her security blanket. I don't make the rules.
Speaking of blankets. You gave her yours when she moved into the castle.
Whenever she gets even an hour alone she's trying to get you in the castle so she can sit in your lap and bury her nose in your nape like she always has.
She also steals your shirts and hoodies as often as possible until they smell like her then you have to take them back and cover them with your stink again.
Spending early mornings in the castle after washing your hair and her telling you over and over that she missed your smell.
It's legit like having a long distance relationship while being in the same place.
And she doesn't let you go until the last second before you both have to go back to work.
If you guys have time and you shop together she'll keep the candles that you believed smelled the best in her room.
All in all give Historia your shirts to wear cause she loves them/they look great on her.
You're probably either super sweet like Krista or really sarcastic like her and that's what draws her to look more in depth into you. When she finally gets a chance to actually look at you fully without the odm gear she finds herself fixated, tracing your figure with her eyes. You guys finally become friends, who mutually enjoy bullying Reiner. But she finds that she hates it. Thinks you're teasing her every time you brush her fingertips without actually holding her dammed hand. One day she just reaches out and grabs you properly and doesn't let go. Yeah, you're dating now.
What can I say except, she likes running a finger over the lines on your palm.
She's always grabbing you out of nowhere but you don't mind. You just let her hold you.
"You look extra beautiful today, bet you'll look even better when I put a ring on your finger."
Puts her hands under your shirt with no fucking shame.
Stares at you and yells at the first person that mocks her. Reiner/Connie
Can and will find a way to smack your ass the second she gets you alone.
Trails little butterfly kisses over your shoulders when you're trying to get dressed in the morning.
Literally everything you do is weirdly skillful to her.
Like you're peeling a potato and she's like, "You're so amazing at that.."
Let her lean on you for absolutely no reason she loves it. 🤷‍♀️
(I realized after writing this that Annie and Armin have the same one even tho I don't ship them at all 😕)
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machinegunbun · 3 years
Hi, can you finish that blurb? Just curious
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ok ok hold your death threats everyone :)
tw:smut, obviously. throwing up and Painal too ig, but also if you saw the first part of this blurb Colson mentions “making sure it hurts.” so we’re going by implied consent in this one. Some shit may be a little morally eh (as pimping your girlfriend out to your best friend goes) but its all in the name of smut so if youre not into it then just pretend it didnt happen? If that makes sense?  okay have fun drink water
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shutting the door behind him, you hear a faint click as he twists the lock. Your eyes go wide as you look up at him from your place on the bed, mouth propped slightly open by the shiny red ball. 
Rooks hand is already massaging his hard cock through his jeans as he admires the sight infront of him, his free hand coming up to brush a piece of hair from your face. 
You just can’t help but look, your eyes trailing down to where his hand is stroking himself through the rough confines of his jeans
Flipping you on all fours. He doesnt bother to take off your skirt, opting to flip it up and out the way. You feel the tip of his dick against your entrance, a small pain as he tries to push himself in your tight hole and the shaft of his cock as it slips. 
After a few attempts he gives in with a sigh, his thumb slipping into your ass, bending it when he reaches the hilt. A moan comes from your throat at the new and slightly intrusive feeling.
It took him putting two fingers in your tight hole, switching from his thumb to pointer and middle finger and pumping in and out for a few minutes each before he managed to fit himself inside you. 
It hurt, but in a good way. You could feel him stretching you as he pumped in and out, but you liked knowing you were making him feel good at your own expense. Plus, the noises coming from him only worked to make you wetter. Laying down a bit so your back was arched, you reach under your body and play with your clit, moaning at the release of tension that had built in the bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, has Colson ever had your ass before?” He asks, a blush coming over your face. You go to respond verbally, quickly reminded of your current handicap. You shake your head, made slightly difficult by the grip Rook had on your hair. Groaning at your response, his thrusts increase in pace, along with your whimpers, your pleas quickly silenced by the shiny red ball in your mouth.
“Tell me how much it hurts.” He demands, removing the gag from your mouth and sliding it down to your neck, using it like a leash to pull you back towards him.
“Fuck,” you gag, getting used to the feeling of your newly empty mouth “It hurts. I can feel you stretching me.” Whimpering as you make eye contact with him, his eyes full of lost as they trail down your body, grip on the gag wrapped around your neck tight as his gaze lands on your fingers playing with your clit.
“Oh, but you like it? Colson’s right, you are a dirty little slut, and you’re getting exactly what you deserve.” He hums, whispering in your ear “You know, I actually felt bad for a minute, punishing your tight little asshole, but the whole time you were getting off on it. You slut” his tone so accusatory as he releases his hold on your gag, letting you fall to the bed.
“Do you think Colson would be mad if he knew I played in your tight little hole before he got the chance? That I fucked you in your tight little asshole and you liked it. That you’re such a horny little slut you’d let me go against his wishes.” Rook moans, placing a harsh smack to your ass while he relentlessly pounds away, his middle and pointer finger hooking into your mouth and pulling back.
“He’d kill us.” He groans, his pace quickening as he chases his orgasm “M’not gonna cum in you.” he hums, choking on his words “M’not gonna cum in your ass, okay? Colson will never know. And you’re not gonna tell him, yeah? Just gonna be our little secret.” He whispers, hot breath fanning over your neck as he moves a piece of hair from your face
“Ride me.” He says, breathless and laying back in bed, his hard member standing straight. You’re ontop of him, facing the door when you feel his hand come across your ass once more.
Reaching back, you wrap your hand around his hard cock, watching as he admires your body, his hand coming up to squeeze your breast. Lining him up with your hole, you sink down slowly, a small whimper falling from your lips. Rook groans at both the feeling and your reaction to taking him in your ass, your hips lightly bouncing against him. His gaze locked on your tight asshole taking him, the way it squeezes around his cock, the way you whine everytime you take all of him.
Rooks hands come up to grip your hips, pushing and pulling you to maintain the pace, forcing you to take him again and again and again. Soon his heels are digging into the bed and he’s thrusting inside you, eager to reach his high.
“Fuck, m’gonna cum. Get off me.” He says, not strong enough to pull out himself. You gladly do as he says, slowly turning around to face him, your asshole empty and burning, completely used. You relished in the feeling, knowing that you’d have to deal with it long after he’d came. 
The thought that he had just used your asshole and didn’t even bother to cum, causing you so much pain only to pull out at the last second. Fuck, was it hot. You were completely his and there was nothing you could do about it. He could do whatever he wanted to you and you weren’t allowed to object. His toy, his fuck thing, whatever he needed to reach his high. You could cry and beg for Colson, but it didn’t matter, he wouldn’t stop until he was done with you.
Rook took a moment to catch his breath, his abs lifting up and down as he attempts to slow his heart rate.
“Get on the floor.” He says simply, breaking the silence. Doing as your told, you feel your knees hit the carpeted floor, glancing up at him for further direction.
“By the wall.” He says. You crawl over slowly, your knees dragging against the floor as you make your way. Standing on your knees, you let your back rest against the wall, staring intently as he makes his way over to you.
He pulls your arms up over your head, ripping the shirt from your body and tangling his fingers in your hair, pulling back so you’re looking up at him, watching as he strokes his cock. Pushing down on at the base, he rubs his tip across your tongue before pushing all the way in. He falls into pace quickly, throat fucking you, gagging as you feel him hit the back of your throat with nowhere to go, trapped between the wall and his hips. 
Your head bumps lightly against the wall as he thrusts into your throat. You try your best not to gag, but his thrusts are relentless. You try to warn him by tapping on his leg, but he’s too lost in his own pleasure to notice. It’s not until you have an especially loud gag that he realizes what’s happening, a smirk coming across his face as he continues his actions.
“Is that too much? Are you having trouble breathing. Huh? can’t hear you through all that gagging. Lemme see, are you touching yourself again, slut?”
It’s not long before you feel something start to come up your throat. You can’t tell if Rooks actions are purposeful or not, so once again you try to warn him
“Are you gonna throw up on my dick? Good.” he hums in response, pulling a trashcan over quickly. You bend over it, throwing up in to the plastic bag within.
“Keep fucking going.” He says, pulling you back into place, sliding back down your throat. You continue to suck his dick, shakily. The burning in your asshole from being stretched and the burning from your throat starting to take a toll on you. 
Just when you think maybe you can’t do it anymore you feel him spurting down your throat, swallowing his load hastily. Rook remains full submerged in your mouth for a moment before pulling out, his head hung back in pleasure.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” He asks, laughing a bit, his hand coming down to support your chin. The action was soft and sweet in complete contrast to the last thirty minutes.
“Yeah, im good.” You squeak
“Awh, let me go get you some water. Poor thing.” He says, throwing on a pair of pants and making his way to the kitchen. Colson must’ve seen him leave, because he made his way into the room, his eyes falling on the bed first, eyebrows furrowing when he saw you weren’t there. His eyes begin to scan the room, eventually landing on you.
“Oh, hey.” He greets softly, making his way over to you “what are you doing over here? Did you throw up?”
“Rooks a fucking freak.” You reply, wiping your mouth. Colson snorts softly at this, picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. The bath was already all set up for you, bubbles and all. 
“Clean up real quick and then we can cuddle.” He says, placing a kiss on your cheek as he allows you to stand on your own “Need any help?”
“No, thank you.” You reply, climbing into the bath.
Eventually, you were out and dry, wrapped up in blankets next to Colson while he rubbed your back, Rook sitting at the end of the bed.
“Wait, so what all did ya’ll do.” He asks, straining his neck a bit to look over at you.
“I dunno,” you blush, burying your face in his shoulder “we fucked.” Both of the boys laugh softly
“Yeah we just like- Fucked,” Rook laughs again as he explains “she blew me for a little bit.”
“That’s it? She just, like, blew you?”
“Nah, I mean, we did anal at first.” Rook admits, Colson’s jaw dropping in shock as he looks over at you.
“You didn’t tell me you were into that.” He says softly, pouting. You glance down at Rook, who’s rubbing his eye “I’m not mad, I just didn’t know it was something you’d be into.”
“That’s okay, now that he knows he’ll be sure to use that information to his advantage.” Rook adds, smirking.
“Yeah, exactly.” Colson laughs, booping you on the nose and taking a moment to look at you before placing a kiss there aswell. 
“Alright I’ll leave you guys to that, i’m tired.” Rook says, yawning and stretching as he stands up.
“Really? It’s only 12Am, you never go to bed this early.” You say, glancing over at the digital clock next to you and colson’s shared bed.
“What can I say, you tired me out.” He winks, getting hit in the back of the head with a pillow as he goes to leave.
“Hey, watch it.” Colson jokes, “and give us our pillow back, please.” He continues, mumbling the last part.
@kidtheekid @cclynn88 @lonerlee @friedwangsss @rumoured-whispers @nichmeddar @sunflowerbebe107
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Crossing The Finish Line
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: Hopefully this will make you just as h word, if not more than me when I was writing this. This is also the 4th “installment” of A Series Of Firsts! Enjoy 🙃
Saying that you were inexperienced, would be the biggest understatement anyone could ever make. You tried doing a couple things on yourself but you couldn’t seem to get yourself to the finish line. You tried reading articles online and following their instructions on how to get yourself off but it just didn’t work, and you really wanted it to work. You even tried watching porn, but it only made you even more frustrated and in need of a release. Eventually, after many occasions of trying and trying for what felt like years, you decided to just give up and live the rest of your days being sexually frustrated. It also didn’t help that you were a virgin, and had no clue as to what being pleasured was supposed to feel like or a reference point in what to do.
Luckily for you, your troubles of not being able to release some of the pent up frustration was finally going to come to an end. You and Harry had been together for a little over 7 months now and you two hadn’t had sex or anything past a make out session on the couch (which in your opinion got very steamy at times). Neither of you thought that you two having or not having sex would be the end all be all of the relationship. But even though you two had this resolve, it didn’t stop you or Harry for that matter from having a few (well, more like a lot) explicit thoughts cross your minds. The only difference between you and Harry with this was the fact that he could easily ease the tension between his legs. Unfortunately for you, the same thing couldn’t be said. 
Now not only did you have a huge problem in the department of getting off, you also weren’t doing so well when it came to timing. This meant that you couldn’t stop yourself from spilling the beans on your problem to Harry when the thoughts were flowing through your mind. Earlier in the day, Harry had invited you over to cook dinner together at his place. The last thing you were going to do was turn down having dinner with your boyfriend, so when you got off from work you went straight to your place to freshen up a little before going right to Harry’s. While you two were doing your thing in the kitchen, you could feel yourself getting worked up. You didn’t know if it was a “love boner” from being with the man who you could confidently say was the love of your life, or from the way his shirt was practically bursting at the seams. Either way, you were going crazy just from standing near him. It was like your body was pulsating. With you, simply addressing the way you were feeling in your mind only intensified those feelings. Which led you to telling Harry exactly how you felt. A temporary yet comfortable lull fell upon you and Harry, with the only sound coming from the sizzling pan on the stove and the soft hum of the music coming from the speakers. Leaving you to get caught up in your thoughts, which led to you just blurting them out all together. 
“You turn me on.” You sigh, leaning against the kitchen counter. In that moment, you didn’t know whether you were hot from the the heat of the stove, or from being sexually frustrated. 
“Ditto.” Harry chuckles, keeping his attention trained on the food in front of him.
“No Harry, like m’being serious.” You continue, trying to get your point across while tiptoeing around the center of it all. You didn’t know exactly what you were trying to say. You didn’t know if you were trying to tell him that you wanted him to take care of you where you needed him the most, or if you were trying to tell him that you’d never experienced an orgasm before. You were just going to have to play this one by ear, because you had no idea on where this sudden conversation was going. 
“And I’m bein’ serious too. M’gonna have carpal tunnel if I keep hangin’ around you.” He says suggestively, turning his head towards you and sending a quick wink your way.
“Well I don’t have that luxury Harry.” You smartly say back, bringing your glass up to your lips and taking a long sip from your iced water in an attempt to cool yourself off.
“What’s tha’ supposed to mean?” Harry asks with a questioning tone. He stops what he’s doing at the stove to fully pay attention to what you had to say. 
“I’ve never gotten myself off before.” You rush out, sitting your glass back down on the counter. When you say this, Harry’s eyes practically bulge out of his head.
“Never?!” Harry asks again. He wasn’t only shocked, but he was a bit concerned. He couldn’t believe that his girl, the one who could make him hard in an instant, couldn’t get herself off. 
“Tried it, but never reached the finish line.” You sigh, looking up to take in Harry’s beyond shocked expression.
“That’s not okay.” Harry says obviously.
“Well that’s kinda obvious.” You snap, making sure to roll your eves at him. You didn’t know if it was you, or beast of your pent up sexual frustration talking. 
“I’ll just chalk that up to your non cumming attitude speaking.” Harry huffs throwing your problem back at you a little, taking one of the dishes you two made out of the oven. 
“M’sorry, I just-“ 
“Want me t’take care of yeh. Make you feel good?” Harry cuts you off. When he turns towards you, all you could do is nod. At first you weren’t really looking for Harry to take care of your little problem, but now you were the least bit opposed to the proposition. You could feel your core beginning to pulsate and you were getting even hotter than before. 
“Please?” You softly beg. Hearing your voice become small, begging him to help you feel good was starting to get Harry worked up.
“Why don’t you go wait for me in the bedroom while I take care of this.” Harry suggests. Without replying, you quickly leave out of the kitchen and you make your way to the bedroom. Once Harry’s alone in the kitchen, he instantly lets out a large puff of air. He drops the utensil that was in his hand onto the counter and he leans against it, taking in the conversation that he just had with you. Unknowingly, a hand drops down to his shorts and he cups himself through the thin material. “Fuck” Harry swears under his breath. Before he got too carried away with himself, he quickly covers everything up in foil. He decides to keep them out because he had a feeling you were going to be a bit hungry when you two were done. 
Once Harry was done in the kitchen, he made a b-line straight to the bedroom where you were waiting for him. Before he walked in, he quickly took a deep breath, calming his bubbling nerves. When he walks into the room, his eyes go to the bed where he sees you lying there in your bra and panties waiting for him. In that moment, Harry didn’t know what was going on with him. It was like this from the moment he first saw you. He was constantly being transported back to a time when he was a prepubescent boy who got all bothered from seeing a pretty girl. He was feeling that way now, only this time it was tenfold. Seeing his girl with close to nothing on lying in his bed was beyond enticing and the swelling that was going on below his waist wasn’t going to be stopping anytime soon. Add on to that the fact that he was about to make you cum for the first time, and he had the perfect cocktail for going crazy.
“Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to make me feel good?” You softly ask him. Just because you were very inexperienced, didn’t mean that you had no clue as to what you wanted.
“I’m gonna make you feel things you’ve never felt before.” He replies, slowly walking over to where you were laying. He then climbs up onto the bed, making his way up the bed to you. When he’s face to face with you, he lowers his his head down towards yours. He slots his lips between yours and begins to kiss you, languidly moving in sync with you. As you two become caught up in this kiss, you feel a warm hand fall to your bare waist. Harry begins to slowly move his hand up and down your side, moving all the way up to the side of your chest, and all the way down to your hip. He continues this movement against you until his hand stops right at the top hem of your panties. His tongue stops moving against yours before beginning to leave a trail of wet kisses from your mouth. As he makes his way down your neck, you feel the hand that was at your waist lowering between your legs. When his mouth got down to your shoulder, he didn’t stop. He kept pressing these kisses down your body. His lips makes their way down the center of your chest, stopping to suck on the flesh of the tops of your breasts that were spilling from your bra. 
You were a complete mess. Your mouth was hanging open, you were letting out the quickest pants, and the most pitiful whimpers. You’d never had anyone touch you like this before, let alone feel this good. Having him build up to what you wanted was only making you want him to touch you even more. You could feel yourself getting warmer, and you could also feel yourself getting wetter. When Harry’s lips reach your navel, your heart begins to pound against your chest. He’s getting closer and closer to where you wanted and heeded him the most. The hand that was between your legs touched everywhere, except for your dripping center. When his lips reach the hem of your panties he pulls his head up from you. 
He then wraps his fingers around the soft and thin fabric for your panties, before pulling them down your legs. As he does this, he can see the strings of your arousal stretching from your center to the damp fabric. He didn’t even have to bring them up to his nose to be able to smell you. It was the sweet scent that he was undeniably already addicted to. He sits them beside him and he pulls your legs apart. His eyes go straight to the sticky area between your legs, before darting up towards you. When he sees you with longing eyes, and your teeth tightly clasped around your lower lip, he knew just how bad you needed him. He lies down against the bed between your legs, his face pointing right in the direction of your center. Harry brings his hand up to your center, pressing two of his fingers against your slick folds. As he does this, your hips lift up from the bed, pushing yourself further against his fingers.
“Relax f’me sweet girl.” He says to you softly. 
“Can’t help it.” You whine back. “Feels so good.” You continue through your moans.
“I’ll make yeh feel 10 times better if y’just relax f’me.” When he says this, you drop your hips back down onto the bed and you let him continue. “Good girl.” He praises, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. He pushes his fingers back up your folds and to your clit. He pushes the two fingers firmly against your sensitive bundle of nerves, and begins to move his fingers against it. While doing this, Harry watches your head tilt back tightly against the pillows and he can see your hands tightly wound around the sheets from you needing something to latch onto. He can hear the weak whimpers leaving your mouth and it only fuels him to keep going. So to make you moan and whimper even more for him, he lowers the fingers back down to your entrance and he lightly pushes a finger past your folds and right against your tight entrance. He didn’t even have to see your weepy hole to know how small and tight is was. He could feel how tight it was simply from the way the tip of his finger was presses against it. He could even feel your tight hole contracting against him. Harry wastes no more time and he slowly pushes the finger into you.
“Fuck!” You cry out to him. Feeling his finger gliding into you felt so good. You could only imagine how good his cock which was way bigger than his finger would feel inside of you. He then starts to move his finger in and out of you, making sure to push into you as far as he could. To make you even more of a moaning mess, he begins to speed up his finger, thrusting it faster into you.
“Want another one sweet girl?” He asks, to which you shout out a loud yes. Harry then slowly pushes a second finger into you, causing you to feel a slight sting from the stretch. You’d only tried to pleasure yourself with one finger (you were a little scared of the stretch), so to have two inside of you felt absolutely amazing. Once you’re comfortable, he begins to speed them up like he did before. Only this time, he wanted you to get a taste of what it’d be like when you let him fuck you. You start to feel him cram his fingers into you, pushing them as deep as they could go. You felt so full and you could feel a tightening/burning sensation forming in your lower stomach. The way Harry was making you feel right now was already a lot to process, but to make it even harder, he attaches his mouth to your clit. Harry swirls his tongue around the entire expanse of the area above your entrance and he pretty much devours you. The feeling of his fingers thrusting in and out of you, along with the amazing feeling of his mouth against you was becoming too much for you to handle.
Harry continues like this until he feels your hips beginning thrash against him. He removes his mouth from you just to look up and find you with your hands no longer gripping onto the sheets, but instead gripping onto your breasts over your bra. He didn’t even realize that a moan fell from his own mouth. This entire time Harry wasn’t simply pleasuring you, he was also pleasuring himself. He couldn’t stop his cock from swelling, he also couldn’t stop himself from digging his hips into the mattress. His cock was so hard that he could cum simply from grinding against the mattress and making you cum. He could hear your desperate cries for him and see the way your body, especially your thighs were trembling. These were the two main indicators that you were about to have your first orgasm. 
“Tell me how you feel baby.” He coos, which was a stark contrast from the way he was slamming his fingers into you. 
“I feel a burning knot in my stomach.” You cry out to him, feeling the tears of pleasure pooling in your eyes. “It hurts a little too.” You whine.
“That’s your orgasm baby.” He says happily, bringing his free hand up to your lower stomach where he knew you were feeling this tight burning sensation. Without thinking, Harry pushes the palm of his hand into that area, causing you to cry out to him even more. 
“What do I do?!” You cry, not knowing how long you were going to be able to hold what back what was still unbeknownst to you. 
“Squeeze my hand and just let go baby.” Harry instructs, bringing his mouth back to your clit. As soon as he says this, you wrap both hands around his hand that was pressed into your lower stomach and you let go. It was like an extreme wave of ultimate pleasure just came crashing down onto you. Your eyes completely rolled to the back of your head, and the once pooled tears were falling from your eyes. You not only couldn’t stop your body from thrashing at the amazing feeling of your first ever orgasm, you also couldn’t stop yourself from squirting either. As soon as Harry felt a drop of the the warm liquid splash onto him, he immediately pulled his mouth from you and watched you squirt all over him, and the sheets. At this point, Harry felt like he was about to pass out. He couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. His girl, cumming and squirting for the first time all because of him. Watching this, along with hearing your cries at how good it felt made Harry cum right then and there. He couldn’t stop himself. He could feel his cock erupting in his pants, causing him to let out a string of deep moans in relief. Once the both of you came down from your highs, Harry slowly pulls his fingers from you and he falls back against the bed outside of your legs. He then proceeds to push the two fingers covered in an opaque substance past his lips to clean them. Your cum tasted just as delicious as he thought it would.
“Congratulations on crossing the finish line for the first time baby. You did amazing and m’so proud of you.” Harry hums, giving you a light squeeze. Harry couldn’t stop the feeling of pride from bubbling up inside of him. He couldn’t believe that he got lucky enough to not only have a beautiful girlfriend inside and out that he loved and adored, but to also be the one to make her cum, and squirt at not just the same time, but on her first try too. He couldn’t wait to just recall every last thing that happened tonight with you. 
“It felt so good. Can you teach me how to do that?” You slur wearily to Harry, using all the strength you had left in your body to look down at him. 
“Once you recover from this one.” He chuckles, giving your thigh a light squeeze. 
“M’so tired and hungry.” You sigh, dropping your head back against the fluffy pillows.
“After we get all cleaned up, we can go back downstairs and eat baby.” He says. 
“Yay” you cheer softly. 
Harry was definitely living up to his word when it came to making you feel things you’d never felt before.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
Stubborn Asshole (A Zak Bagans x Reader SMUT)
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WARNINGS: Smut, language, possession
Special Thanks: To @xcazzax​ for being an awsome reader and source of inspiration. I couldn’t do this without you girly. 🥰
I love Aaron like a brother, don’t get me wrong, but DAMN HIM FOR BRINGING SUCH AN ASSHOLE INTO MY LIFE!
Douchey McGee: Hey Aaron said to message u.
He said: Get the fuck up Y/N!
Me: Tell him I said thnx and
and 2 not have the douche do
his dirty work.
Douchey McGee: Well fuck u 2 Y/N.
I sighed and crawled out of my hotel bed. We’d flown in late the previous night and I was still exhausted. I showered and got dressed in my ripped black skinny jeans, my black GAC shirt, and combat boots. I grabbed my hoodie and purse on the way out. Downstairs in the attached restaurant the rest of the crew were gathered for breakfast and much needed coffee.
“Morning gorgeous,” Aaron greeted.
“Fuck off Goodwin, I haven’t even had my coffee yet,” I said taking my seat beside him. “And by the way since when is boss man your own personal secretary.”
“And here I thought you didn’t know me as anything but Douche McGee, douche, or my personal favorite: Stubborn asshole son of a bitch.” Zak chimed in.
“Good morning to you too Satan,” I rolled my eyes.
I swear ever since we met Zak has made it his life mission to push my buttons in any way he can. But unfortunately for this psychotic fuck, two can play that game.
“Huh that’s original,” Zak continued.
I rolled my eyes and ordered an omelet with coffee. “So you gonna tell me when you decided to make boss man your bitch?” I asked Aaron.
“Well I figured I’ve been the bitch long enough so…” Aaron said.
“Dude, since when have I ever treated you like a bitch?” Zak asked.
“Every time you forced him to stay in a fucked up room by himself during an investigation like a fucking sadist?” I pointed out.
“Oh...right…” Zak said looking like he felt a tinge of guilt.
“Does that mean I’m a bitch too since he’s been doing the same thing to me lately?” Billy chimed in.
“Unfortunately,” I said just as my breakfast arrived arrived. “Oh, thanks.” I said to the waitress.
“Only you can go from bitchy to bubbly in zero seconds flat,” Zak said.
“Fuck you too, Bagans,” I muttered taking a bite of my omelet.
“Not in this life babe,” Zak muttered taking a sip of his coffee.
It continued like that even in the car on the way to the days location: Bly Manor. According to our sources Bly Manor was built in the 1800’s by Charles Bly, an Irish immigrant who made a fortune selling liquor and tobacco. By the time of the Civil War he decided to try his hand at weapons manufacturing which earned him enough to break ground on his dream house. He lived in the manor with his family. His wife Athena, and his daughter Josephine.
It said that on a sunny afternoon while do work in the Manor’s yard a man by the name of Bishop Wiley showed up and shot him dead. Supposedly Wiley’s son Robert was a soldier in the war and was killed by the very guns Charles helped build.
Charles has since been purported sighted walking the manor grounds. His wife Athena has been seen playing the piano, and wandering the halls. As for Josephine well… she was the most famous spirit of all.
“Josephine has been seen on the balcony of the Red Room,” explained our tour guide as we interviewed her. “The story goes that Josephine had met and fallen in love with a man at a nearby farm. And just before they were due to be married he left to fight in the war. She promised to wait for him there until his return. Hopeful that they could still marry and have a family. Sadly the man lost his life in Gettysburg. Charles felt so horrible he felt the need to keep it from her. So she continued to wait. And continues to wait to this very day.”
My heart ached for Josephine. It’s a whole other level of hell to lose someone so dear… I damn near jumped when I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, you okay?” Zak asked.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” I said before following the tour guide.
We eventually took a break for lunch and then got ready for the investigation. Unlike most of the crew I made it a habit of carrying a small black backpack. I was just stuffing a recorder, spirit box, and MEL Meter when someone pat my shoulder.
“Hey are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Zak asked again.
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m good, um, why the niceties?”
“I may be an asshole sometimes but I do feel for people now and then,” he said.
“Even me?” I arched an eyebrow at him. Before he could answer Aaron barged in needing to grab a spare lens for the camera.
We continued prepping in silence and then slowly but eventually the sun went down and moon shined bright.
Aaron, Zak, and I went in together. We worked together as a group for a while before (in true Zak Bagans fashion) we split up.
“Y/N I want you to stay up here for a while and see if Josephine will communicate with you,” Zak said.
“Alright,” I said stepping out onto Josephine’s balcony. Zak and Aaron disappeared through the Red Room door and I took out my recorder. “Josephine, are you here?” I started. “If so do you think you could answer a few questions for me? I promise you I mean no harm. Just speak into this little device for me.”
I felt a chill in the air but continued. “Why are you still waiting for him?” I asked. “Don’t you think he’s waiting for you on the other side?”
I suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety. I slid down to the ground and then... He promised me. I kept thinking for some odd reason. He promised...he promised we’d go...he promised on the stars...he promised we’d be together.
The thoughts kept coming, and I don’t know when it started but I only realized I was crying when I felt someone shake me violently. “Y/N TALK TO ME DAMMIT!!!”
Zak knelt in front of me looking freaked. “D-Don’t ever leave me,” I cried. “Please don’t ever leave me.”
“Josephine leave her alone, please,” Zak asked. “I know what happened to you was cruel and unfair but that doesn’t mean she should suffer like this.” Call me crazy but Zak actually sounded kind of pissed. There was another chill and he knelt beside me again. “I’m here  sweetheart…” He whispered brushing my cheek with his hand. “I’m here.”
I looked up at him and saw a face that was not his. His hair was chocolate brown and barely touched his shoulders, his eyes the same. My heart took off in joy and I threw my arms around him. He squeezed me before pulling back and taking my face in his hands. “Promise not to disappear on me again?” I asked.
“I promise,” he muttered before bringing his lips to mine. We kissed passionately as though it was a long time coming. After a while it felt like a weight lifted off me and my legs became limp. “WHOA!”
Zak caught me. It was for sure him this time. I was suddenly more aware of things...more awake. “Zak...what? What happened?”
“I dunno,” he said. “But I’m getting you the fuck out of here.”
He scooped me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the GAC van.
“You know you didn’t have to carry me right?”
“Says the girl who just nearly passed out on me,” Zak said setting me down in the back of the van.
“Um Zak did you want us to edit out the last bit of her footage or..?” Billy asked awkwardly.
“Edit it out? Why?” Zak asked. Blushing furiously Billy replayed the footage from the night vision cam we had facing the balcony. It showed me slowly crumbling and then…
“Oh sweet fucking Jesus,” I groaned as Zak and I started making out on screen.
“Uh...yeah I don’t think we need to uh-*cough*-show that,” Zak said turning back to me. “Are you, uh, gonna be okay?”
“Um...yeah I think so,” I said not entirely meeting his eye. “You-uh-you go ahead. I’m just gonna chill with Billy the rest of the night.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Now go before I drag you back in by your balls,” I threatened.
“Oh yeah you’re gonna be fine,” he said turning his back on me.
“You know you two are actually kinda hot together,” Billy said.
“What? Are you high? Zak and I can barely stand each other,” I said.
“Bull-fucking-shit Y/N,” Billy laughed. “We all can see there is insane tension going on between you. We just don’t get why you guys haven’t done anything about it.”
“What are we the hot gossip going around the office or something?”
“I mean, if this almost-porno is anything to go by...then yeah.”
“Billy I swear to God if I catching you jerking off to that—.”
“You’ll cut my nuts off I know,” he finished for me. “Besides I would never in hell jerk off to my best friend and his girl. It’s too weird.”
“I’m not his girl,” I snapped at him.
“Whatever you say Y/N,” Billy laughed. “Now did you wanna review this evidence with me or..?”
And so I did.
Once the investigation ended we packed up, caught a few minutes sleep then made our way back to Vegas.
Billy, Jay, and Aaron were dropped off first. Then it was just me and Zak.
Aaron: Try not to kill Zak please.
Me: No promises.
Zak then pulled up to my place.
“Are we never gonna talk about it?” I asked as he parked.
“What’s there to say?” he asked. “It-It was a freak incident. We-we weren’t ourselves.”
“True you were actually nice for once,” I said sarcastically.
Zak glared at me. “Go fuck yourself, Y/N.”
“Fuck me yourself you coward,” I blurted out. “I mean...um...fuck!” I sighed and stepped out of the car. I had just unlocked my door when…
“Y/N!” I turned around and saw Zak running up to me.
“Wha―” I was cut off by Zak slamming his lips to mine.
He kissed me hard, as though he was relieving an ache deep within his heart. I kissed back and clumsily opened my door. Zak picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carried me to my bedroom. He placed me on the bed and I reached up to pull his shirt off. I tossed it aside and eventually more articles of clothing followed.
Zak laid me back on the bed and started pecking a trail of kisses all the way down to my heat. A moan escaped my lips as he kissed and sucked on me. “HO-HOLY SHIT!”
To say Zak knew what he was doing would be an understatement. He didn’t stop eating me until I was writhing beneath him. “Z-ZAK!” My back arched and my toes curled up in the most powerful orgasm of my life.
He crawled back up to me, smirking. “Not much of an asshole anymore, am I?”
“Oh shut up,” I brought my lips back to his as I ran my hand up and down his length which like the rest of him was thick and hard. I suddenly felt him move my hand before he reached down and placed himself at my entrance. He kissed me once more before pushing in. “FUCK! How the fuck have you been single this long?”
“Demons tends to be excellent cock blocks,” Zak said as he started to thrust. “Lucky for us, they tend to stay away from you.”
He grunted then nodded. Despite his big, tough, persona Zak was actually really sensual and passionate in bed. He kept his thrusts gentle (probably because he knew his above average size could inflict some damage if he wasn’t careful) until I urged him to go faster and harder. After a while he flipped us over so that I was on top. I rode him hard, and Zak, being a gentleman, helped me out by thrusting up into me as I did.
The tension began building up inside me. “Fuck...Zak I-I think I’m gonna…” It hit me like a wave. I tightened around him, arching my back, and damn near screaming his name.
Zak flipped us over again and continued thrusting until he grew sloppy. I suddenly felt him twitch inside me as he cursed and groaned. His body shuttered as he painted my womb with his seed. Finally he collapsed beside me, both of us breathless.
“Wow,” I said.
“I know,” Zak said.
Once my breathing was under control I turned to him. “So...what now?”
He looked over at me.
“I guess we just be together,” he said. “It’s kind of what you do when you’re insanely in love with someone.”
“You’re in love with me?” I asked.
“I’ve always been in love with you,” he smiled. “Ever since we met...I just didn’t want the spirits in my life to hurt you so I decided to keep you away.”
“What changed?”
“Besides that they for some reason stay away from you?” I nodded. “I was tired of letting them get in the way of what I want. I was tired of being away from you.” He draped his arm over my waist. “I love you.” He muttered.
“I love you too,” I said pecking him on his swollen lips.
We spent almost every day together after that. It’s been a year and we are still together. Life was the same for the most part. We still investigated places, while not in bed or spending time with each other. The guys were relieved to see us together (at last) until our PDA became a little too much for them to handle. Oh and there was one other difference as well…
“Y/N BAGANS COME GET YOUR MAN HE’S BEING FUCKING TERRIFYING AGAIN!” Aaron shouted at me through the walkie.
“What happened to having the preggo investigator hang back all night?” I asked rubbing my stomach. Zak made everyone swear not to let me into the buildings with malicious spirits and demons.
“Y/N please,” Aaron begged.
I sighed and looked down. “Aaron Nicholas Bagans for the love of god don’t be a stubborn asshole like your daddy.”
With that I exited the van and went to save the love of my life.
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binniebutter · 4 years
yea, they're still roomates
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Pairing: Minho x Theatre Major!Reader
Genre: angst, fluff; roommate au, college au
Word Count: 815
Warnings: none
Part 1 | Part 2
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Minho hadn’t returned back to the dorm that night. Or the night after. Or the night after that, and you were starting to get really worried, using every chance that you can to call him, only to be immensely disappointed when he didn’t pick up. You even went as far as calling Minho’s other friends, who you weren’t as close to as you were Jisung, in hopes of them having been in communication with your roommate and the boy that you had fallen for. You were told the same thing every time.
“Don’t worry, he’s fine. Just give him some space.”
And you did. But the time away from the man that you were infatuated with was driving you crazy and everyone around you could tell.
“Y/n, your line.” You were brought out of your thoughts, them solely being about Minho, by Jisung. You could feel his hand on your shoulder and it comforted you slightly. You looked at Jisung and saw concern written over his face, feeling slightly guilty for making the boy worry about you.
“I’m sorry, Sung,” you apologized sincerely, “I was just thinking, but I’m fine now. Let’s start over yeah?” You could see some of the tension in his shoulders melt away at your words and he nodded in agreement. The two of you continued practicing for another hour, eventually deeming yourselves ready for the performance tomorrow. You laid down on the floor below you, the coolness of the wood helping you calm down. Jisung flopped down beside you, arms and limbs spreading out haphazardly as he panted heavily.
You scooted closer to him, placing your head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around you. To an outsider, it would look like a couple cuddling together after practicing hard, but you, and Jisung, knew that it was all platonic. Your heart was already captivated by the stoic dancer that you lived with.
“God, remind me again why we had to have a musical number in our skit again?” Jisung groaned from under your head.
“Because, Sung, the theme is musicals. You’re the one that wanted to do that hard as heck choreo.” You and Jisung continued to bicker for a bit until it tapered off and there was silence once again, nothing heard except for your loud breaths. “Do you… do you think he’ll come? I mean, I told him the date and time before… before whatever the hell happened.”
Jisung was quiet, not answering your question immediately. “He will. He knows how important this is to you, so he will. Besides, when has Minho ever missed one of your shows?”
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Never. That’s clear as you notice the boy who you hadn’t seen in close to a week, sit down in one of the audience seats. Excitement bubbled in your stomach at the prospect of being able to talk to Minho again and fix the mess that had happened between you.
In all honesty, you didn’t know what was wrong. But it had to be because of you, or why else would he be talking to everyone else but you? Why would he be avoiding you, not even coming back home to sleep in his own bed?
The stage director told you to get in position and you rid yourself of these thoughts, instead running your lines through your head one last time. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, imagining yourself in the setting of the scene, Pretending that you were really there, with only Jisung, not that you were on stage and there were hundreds of people watching you. As the curtains open you did what you did best. You acted.
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“You did amazing! We did it!” As soon as you were backstage once again you were pulled into a hug by your partner. You laughed at Jisung’s reaction before hugging him back, happy that all of your hard work had finally paid off. The act had gone smoothly, not a mistake in sight. You hugged Jisung tighter, delighted that he hadn’t messed up the choreography like he did so many times during your rehearsals. You told him just that and a loud laugh escaped your lips as he pulled away from the embrace to start hitting you.
“Mhm. Sorry to interrupt.” A new voice cut in and your eyes widened as you came face to face with the boy that had recently plagued your thoughts. He looked shy, like he was scared of your reaction to seeing him again. “These are for you,” he said quickly thrusting a bouquet of flowers into your hands.
You looked down at the daisies was listening to Daisy while writing this sue me in your arms before looking back up at the boy standing before you.
And when he offered you a small smile, you knew everything was gonna be alright. Not right now, but eventually.
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a/n: lmao can you tell that I gave up on this half-way throughout. this sucks ass but when does my writing not.
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tothemeadow · 4 years
Minecraft hunger games with the upper moons maybe Muzan for extra fun where Nakime and the reader are on a team and they win? Obviously they punish everyone else in a very ✨spicy✨ way for being bad as they should.
I hope you enjoy your case of blueballs.
‘finish him’ / Muzan & Upper Moon Demons x Reader
warnings: more suggestive than spicy >.>
words: 1,291
Breathe in, breathe out. The enemy could be lurking anywhere. You’re grateful that Nakime has your back and vice versa; in a free-for-all match, partnerships shouldn’t be taken lightly, nor for granted. If either of you really wanted to, you could easily turn and end the other with a killing blow. If you two manage to survive against everyone else, things might have to turn out that way; however, Nakime has already agreed to share a double victory with you when the time calls for it.
You constantly remind yourself that you got this, that you will win. If not, well… Say goodbye to your dignity and bragging rights. Since you’re playing against someone like Douma, you’d rather not lose. Actually, you’d enjoy beating his ass in and out of game.
Glancing around, you take in the sight of everyone completely focused on the screens of their computers. You can only guess what they’re really doing, if the constant mashing of keys and clicks of the mouse give anything away. Your gaze lingers on Muzan for a split second longer; the crease between his brows is evident, a true disappointment against the otherwise perfection of his face. Frankly, you’re surprised that he and Kokushibou didn’t team up for the match. The two of them are practically glued to the hip for anything else, so why not this as well?
“Staring at people is what’s gonna get you killed,” Muzan mutters, his eyes remaining on his screen.
Embarrassment creeps over your nerves. Of course he would notice you staring. He’s always had that weird sixth (and maybe seventh) thing going on for him. With a scoff, you turn your attention back to your own computer and try to shake his comment off.
A couple of minutes later, there’s a sudden bang of fists colliding against a tabletop. “Son of a bitch,” Kaigaku hisses, “I just got ended by a fucking creeper. What kind of bullshit is this?”
“It’s called that you suck at this game, man,” Gyuutaro drawls. “Seriously. If you wanted to be killed by somebody, you should’ve found me instead.”
“Piss off,” Kaigaku snaps. “I’m just annoyed, okay? I didn’t ask for death by explosion.”
During their so-called “conversation,” Nakime subtly bumps your shoulder with hers. Looking at her screen, you see that she’s sneaking up behind Gyuutaro, a sword at the ready. Perfect.
“I’m just saying,” Gyuutaro continues, keeping his nonchalant behavior. He shrugs. “It’s a waste.”
And swipe.
“Wait – what the fu-“
There’s the distinct oof noise coming from Gyuutaro’s and Nakime’s screens as she beats his character to death. Down he goes, all the possessions he was holding falling to the ground.
“Man, that was a low blow.”
“Ha!” Kaigaku cackles. “Suck on that!”
“One must keep an eye on all fronts,” Nakime merely says, acting like the true badass that she is. “It’s your fault for leaving your flank open.”
To the side, Douma bursts into a fit of giggles. “She got you with that one, Gyuutaro! Looks like the both of you are out!”
“And you’re one to talk,” Akaza grunts. “You’re about to join them.”
“Wha-“ Douma immediately cuts himself off with a surprised yelp as Akaza’s character sweeps seemingly out of nowhere and kills him. “Hey! That’s no fair! You didn’t give me any warning!”
“Why would I?” Akaza deadpans.
Alright, so that’s three down – four left to go. Knowing Daki, she’d be easy to take care of. It’s Muzan, Kokushibou, and Akaza that will prove to be the issue. If you and Nakime continue to stick together and play your cards right, the two of you will emerge victorious.  
As the minutes drag on, tensions rise. Muzan kills off Daki with no trouble at all. Kokushibou eventually catches Akaza and ends the poor guy’s life – much to Akaza’s chagrin – and it’s quickly turned into a standoff. You and Nakime stare Muzan and Kokushibou down, just waiting for someone to make a move. When it happens (you’re not sure who does it first), all hell breaks loose; a war cry breaks free from your throat as you charge towards Kokushibou.
In a clash of blades and oofs, you’re seeing blood. Well, not literally, but it’s nice to pretend that you’re literally hacking Kokushibou apart. Only one victor shall emerge, and it better be you or Nakime. Everyone else is cheering you on, calling out for who they want to see win. Daki and Akaza cheer you and Nakime on, saying that girls rule! Maybe it’s what pushes you to do even better, to move even faster. Before you know it, Kokushibou is dead.
“Dammit,” Kokushibou grunts.
“Finally!” Akaza exclaims.
Muzan scoffs. “I expected better from you, Kokushibou. What a shame.”
“I wouldn’t get so far ahead of yourself,” you taunt. “It’s two against one, you know.”
“I also refuse to go down without a fight,” Muzan challenges. “I’d like to see you two girls try.”
“Oh my god – did you just die?!” Douma squeaks, his face turning red as laughter begins to bubble from his throat.
“Dude, that was lame,” Gyuutaro chimes in. “All that talk, and for nothing…”
“Monologuing only brings destruction,” Nakime says coolly. She puts away her sword. She’s just so badass, wrecking people’s shit and then busting out one-liners. And this means…
“We won!” you cry out. “We did it, Nakime! We really won!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, so what?” Kaigaku says, rolling his eyes. “Who gives a shit?”
Daki shoots him an incredulous look. “Are you like, stupid or something? We agreed to have punishments dealt out to the losers, duh.”
“Speaking of which,” Muzan says with a huff, “what is it going to be? It better be worth it.”
You scoff at his arrogant comment. “If you’re gonna use your mouth to say something like that, you should use it for something better instead.” At that, Muzan’s eyebrows creep up his forehead. It takes you a moment to realize what you just said; it’s too late, though, if the look on Muzan’s face says anything.
“I like the sound of that,” Douma purrs. You’re not even surprised his mind immediately went to that side.
Akaza smacks him up alongside the head. “Can you stop acting horny for five minutes? Seriously.”
“No, no, Douma is onto something,” Kokushibou mutters. Your jaw drops as you look to him. Not him too! “(y/n) said so, so it must be the punishment.”
The corners of Muzan’s lips curl into a devilish smirk. “Thank you, Kokushibou. It’s only fair that we follow through, right?”
To your side, Nakime sighs. “Way to go,” she mumbles. You swallow nervously.
“Come on, guys, let’s not be hasty…” you start, voice low. You really don’t like how Muzan, Kokushibou, and Douma are slowly creeping closer to you.
“We’re just doing what you said,” Douma giggles. You yelp as he promptly kneels between your legs.
“I’m out,” Nakime says. Standing up, she moves away from the couch, leaving you entirely by your lonesome. She was your partner, for fuck’s sake! Why is she turning on you now?
Muzan and Kokushibou take their chance and sit on either side of you. You expected this sly behavior from Muzan, but Kokushibou? Turns out these two are working together again. Figures.
“No need to look so bashful,” Muzan purrs. Grazing his knuckles over your cheek, he leans in close, his warm breath fanning over your ear. “You wanted this, didn’t you?”
You jolt when you feel Kokushibou’s mouth on your neck. “I never said-“
“Don’t kid yourself,” Douma chirps. The look in his eyes doesn’t match his cheerful tone. “It’s our punishment, isn’t it? Liven up, pet.” With another giggle, he nuzzles into your inner thigh.
Oh, fuck. You’re screwed.
172 notes · View notes
Chapter One. 
The leading lady will be introduced eventually but I feel like with the way this is written I need to focus on Adonis and Erik first. 
Warnings: AU!Erik, AU!Adonis, smut, bisexual, mentions of blood, threesome.
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The 2019 Comic Con at the Los Angeles Convention Center was populous to say the least. Adonis Johnson felt like he was elbow-to-elbow with the animated and roused crowd of event goers. Everyone is grouped like teenagers in those cheesy high school flicks. You have your Nerds—never worried about being challenged to prove their knowledge about the gaming character or superhero on the shirt they're wearing, yelling out quotes in a spirit of shared fandom. Then, you have your cos players—rehearsed smiles on their faces whenever they are stopped to have their picture taken, sort of deteriorating and looking less magnificent as the day goes on due to wig issues, broken weapons, or itchy and hot costumes. Then, there are those individuals like Adonis who endure the hectic universe. 
Adonis is wearing a faded orange muscle tee with a mixture of his favorite anime characters such as Saitama, Goku, Sasuke, L, Yusuke Urameshi, and Spike Spiegel. He styled the tee with a pair of Nike Dri-FIT Basketball shorts in black, black Jordan socks, and a pair of orange and black Air Jordan 1’s on his feet. He couldn’t forget his layered silver chains and finger rings to make it more stylish, or his charcoal black Coach backpack to carry his essentials like the sun screen he needed and some water from standing in that long ass line in the blazing afternoon sun. The cast of Zombieland: Double Tap will be there, and over 800 exhibitors. Adonis didn’t even know where to start or end and at first he figured the map in his hand that he grabbed at the entrance was a great idea but he tossed it in the closest receptacle. 
Adonis scratched at the steri-strip on the corner of his pouty bottom lip since the regular stitches were removed by his doctor almost 48 hours ago. Adonis earned that busted lip from a fight he triumphed in. He didn’t get that wound from the type of fights you see on paper view—he’s an Underground Boxer who participates in Street fighting. Yes, Adonis fights in ‘unlicensed’ matches. This means it operates outside the governing bodies of the sport and is susceptible to rules being broken and fights being fixed. It is illegal in many countries because it is dangerous and disruptive to daily life—running the possibility of being charged with several crimes especially. It’s Adonis’ personal fight club, a badge of honor for him. 
Adonis was introduced to the idea of a fight club by a childhood buddy of his that died five years ago. His name was Clark Wilson. Adonis and Clark used to be in Juvie together—two angry kids who used their fists because of the violence and hatred surrounding them. When Adonis’ father, famous Boxer named Apollo Creed’s wife Mary Anne came looking for Adonis while he was in Juvie, she took him in as her own son and started him out in therapy and anger management groups. For the most part, Adonis felt as if his anger was suppressed but he missed the way fighting made him feel——alive. First, Adonis had to understand the reasoning of a Fight Club. Fight Club is about releasing his anger and stress; about fighting his problems; about going against normalcy and the safe little bubble he has become accustomed to living in. 
Rules were put in place and Adonis found a private property hidden from the public eye so that the authorities can’t interfere. Adonis uses a basement of a record shop for his Fight Club location. If someone would die in Fight Club, there isn’t anything anyone could do. There has only been one case where someone died in Adonis’ Fight Club and he swore to make sure it didn’t become deadly. Brutal, yes, but no murder. Pinching the steri-strip on his lip to keep it in place, Adonis visits an exhibitor—Comic Madness. Pulling out his iPhone so he could use his Apple Pay, Adonis sifts through the comic books to find the ones he wanted. The price tag on them was a bit much but this was a once a year weekend event so he could break the bank. 
Entrepreneur of a fitness company called Elite Body Edge, Erik Stevens strolls through Comic Con after checking out the Hellboy cast members doing a Q&A. Stylish per usual, dangling gold cross earring in his right ear, yellow and black camouflage cargos on, all-white creaseless Nike Air Force 1s, and a lax graphic tee with The Lost Boys on it, Erik pans his Canon PowerShot G7X Mark lll Camera around him, Vlogging his Comic Con experience for his YouTuber’s. When he’s not recording fitness and nutrition videos, Erik is vlogging about his daily life or giving advice to the anonymous subscribers who send him emails. He wanted to edit the video to look like a VHS video for a different aesthetic. Erik strolls past a group of cos players dressed as The Avengers and stops to record them, smiling at the enthusiasm and flashing his gold canines. 
Erik sips from his souvenir cup, the straw making an annoying suctioning noise since it was nearly empty. Shaking the cup, ice chips clanking around, Erik stops to get some more footage. Just when he was about to end his vlogging, there was a rather sexy, good-looking dude with chestnut eyes, amber skin so smooth and velvety looking. The muscle tee he was sporting didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Clearly, he’s lean, and chiseled. Erik haltingly lowers his camera, his inky black eyes trailing over this mystery guys frame with enthrallment. Just when Erik thought he would be coming to Comic Con for some fanboy fun, he spotted a distraction with a nice ass. Erik is a bi-sexual man. Friends jokingly called Erik a hoe that got off on pussy or dick—a reckless hoe that played with fire. Married couples, closet homosexuals, threesomes with women, anything that caused mayhem and wreckage with relationships. Anything to get his thick dick wet. 
Erik’s Adam’s Apple bobbed in his neck and his lips parted. When the mystery guy turned around Erik grunted deeply. Lips so thick and plump. Oooh. His breath became ragged and he felt himself swelling. Why did this have to happen to him right now? Donnie must have felt Erik’s hard eyes burning into the back of his skull because he looked back over his shoulder at him with a raised brow and obvious annoyance. The corners of Adonis’ eyes crinkled with suspicion. Erik found it comical, giving Adonis a sly half smirk when their eyes connected. Adonis shook out his shoulders, focusing back on the stacks of comic books in front of him. Why is his heart skipping a beat and his stomach in knots? The back of his neck prickled and he glanced over at Erik again before he cocked his head to the side. The devilish smirk on Erik’s face sparked Adonis’ short temper. 
Thinking back to his anger management tips, Adonis tried to take a timeout by using “I” statements—to stay in control. Think before you speak, don’t make assumptions, calm yourself. As much as he wanted those methods to work, Erik’s smiling, smug face bothered Adonis. Who is this random ass nigga and why the fuck is he smiling like there’s a joke? Adonis started to feel more and more uneasy about Erik staring at him. Does he know about the Fight Club? That seemed to invigorate Adonis’ irritation because he began charging through a group of cos players and walked right up to Erik with his pectoral muscles puffed out and his hands in fists so tight he could feel the aftershocks from his fight almost two days ago. Erik stood his ground with a single brow raised, waiting for Adonis to cause a scene. As soon as Adonis crowded his personal space that was already so little with how many people surrounded them, Erik made it his business to allow his inky black eyes to drop to Adonis’ crotch and back up swiftly. 
“The fuck is your problem staring at me, nigga?” Adonis spoke with a harsh whisper that caused his jaw muscles to clench, “You know me or something?” Adonis paused before he nodded his head slowly, “Let me guess...you wanna fight me?”
“Fight you?” Erik’s eyes become slits, “Why would I want to fight somebody I don’t even know?”
“Well, then you must have heard about me…” Adonis says with a questioning tone. Erik licks his lips and with no regard allows his piercing eyes to memorize the shape of Adonis’ mouth. Adonis couldn’t fight the urge to do the same. He’s turned on. Just as the tension between the two of them reaches a fever pitch, Adonis steps away before he could even realize what he was doing. Adonis didn’t even know he had been holding his breath until he drew in a shaky tone. He’s noticeably quieter now, his aggression tampered. He knew his bewilderment was written across his face. Adonis squared his shoulders and shook out his limbs as if Erik had a bind on him. 
“You good, fighter?” Erik asks sarcastically, “You’re a boxer? I can tell by your reflexes. For a second I thought you were gonna try and knock me out,” Erik smiled. Adonis swallows a hefty amount of spit to calm the tingling sensation in his abdomen. 
“Yeah...I box...underground,” Adonis clarified, “Been doing it for seven years now.”
“Ahh, dirty boxing, I see,” Erik strokes his goatee, “how does one get into that shit anyway? I’m interested.” 
“You don’t choose it like you choose your next meal..you gotta be initiated in...they like to weed out the weak ones…” 
“That hardcore?” Erik took a few steps towards Adonis.
“Hell yeah,” Adonis stares at Erik’s feet as if he were overstepping, “I can tell you more about it if you’re serious.” 
“As long as it’s from the pro himself I’m all ears.” 
This foreign feeling that washed over Adonis’ body was something he felt before when he questioned whether or not he wanted a man to suck his dick. He looks back at Erik just as he smiles and Adonis rolled his eyes away slightly. What the fuck is happening right now? 
“I don’t even know your name, bro,” Adonis held out his hand to give Erik dabs, “I’m Adonis.”
“Erik,” He raised his hand to shake Adonis’. He didn’t want to linger too long but the feeling of his calloused palm teased his hand and it made him want to stroke it. When Erik let go, he allowed his fingertips to brush across the center of Adonis’ palm and that little touch caused Adonis’ biceps to flex. Good to see him react. 
“you gotta be serious...this shit is...it’s rough,” Adonis cleared his throat, “Ain’t the place to really discuss this—“
“Nah, I’m cool,” Erik says with a chuckle—a teasing grin on his face and his eyes now following the definition of Adonis’ arms. Adonis didn’t like Erik staring at him so openly. Maybe Erik got the wrong vibe from Adonis—believing him to be a possible fuck he could conquer after this crowded event, “I’ll stick to boxing in my gym. This underground shit sounds like some kind of deadly contract.” 
“It’s not for everybody,” Adonis says with a smirk, “But if you change your mind, how do I reach you? I usually don’t recruit fighters out in the open like this.”
“Here you go,” Erik pulls out his black leather wallet, retrieving a business card before handing it over to Adonis. It’s a black business card with a gold metallic painted edge for his fitness club Elite Body Edge. The business card is twice as thick as standard cards, since they are printed on 32 pt. uncoated cardstock, offering a superb heft and feel everyone will notice. Erik’s contact information is at the bottom of the card. 
“I’ve heard of this fitness club, all good things too, I’ll keep in touch if you’re ever interested.”
“I’d like to come and watch the fights at least...is that cool?” 
Adonis ponders for a bit, “We have people come and watch but it’s mainly members…”
Erik notices Adonis’ hesitation, backing away a little, “Listen, you hardly know me, I don’t want to intrude on your little secret society. However, you have my card, you can stop by the gym anytime. We have boxing equipment that you can use too.”
“Aight...cool...I’ll come and check it out,” Adonis pockets the card, “Nice to meet you, Erik, sorry for the way I came off at you earlier, my anger can be a bit out of control,” Adonis lets out a nervous chuckle. 
“A bit? I get this vibe that it’s more than just a bit,” Erik turns to leave, “Don’t hesitate to stop by and get a good work out in! Enjoy the rest of your time here at Comic Con.”
“Will do,” Adonis salutes Erik before turning away and disappearing into the sea of people.
Elite Body Edge is designed with the purpose of building strong foundations by balancing flexibility, mobility, strength, conditioning and nutrition as well as giving you the perfect sculpt to turn heads; because a strong and sculpted foundation makes a power house. With an arsenal of knowledge, from competition preparation to rehabilitation to strength and conditioning, Elite Body Edge can design a program for any body habitus to achieve any fitness goal. They offer one-on-one training, group sessions and accountability programs to best fit your needs. Why train with Elite Body Edge? No contracts with affordable month-to-month membership, a safe environment to learn proper technique from experienced trainers, a flexible schedule with a variety of group classes to fit your schedule, and an encouraging atmosphere to make working out fun.
Elite Body Edge is a high-end gym experience. Some of the club amenities include, locker rooms complete with sauna and massage chairs, rooftop deck, group fitness classes, premium strength and cardio equipment including LifeFitness, HammerStrength, Precor, and Star Trac, and an amazing aquatic area for swim-fitness. Some of the classes include Restorative Yoga, H.E.A.T Camp, TRX, Feel Fit Naked, Boxing, Self defense, Spin, H.I.I.T, Yogalates, Circuit Burn, and many more. It’s located at 8053 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. It’s striking architecture was designed by National Design Award winner Ian Jackson of Studio Sofield. It’s 30-foot video wall for virtual-reality cycle classes is exceedingly popular, and it’s soaring 25-foot ceilings supported by illuminated linear columns and over 40,000 square feet of state-of-the-art equipment, Elite Body Edge is a modern-day escape straight out of a sci-fi film. 
Erik is no stranger to the gym. Over the years he has received multiple certifications in performance enhancement, TRX Suspension and is a EliteFirst Certified Level 1 trainer, which he has employed as a strength and conditioning coach for the nationally recognized Fremont High School Basketball Team which has produced multiple athletes in the NBA. He supports the youth and employs them to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. The fitness mogul himself was wrapping up a TRX tactical training course. Most of the occupants are military trained or athletes and with Erik’s skills it can keep them performing at the highest level. Sweaty, heart rate spiked, muscles fueled, and a round of applause, Erik puts up one hand with a black training glove to settle the cheers from his hard working pupils. 
“Nah, y’all should be clapping for yourselves,” Erik wipes sweat from the tip of his nose, “You guys did an amazing job today. The shit is tough but I see improvement and progress. We’ll meet at the same time next Wednesday. Remember, get some rest, stay hydrated, and eat a well balanced diet.”
Everyone gathered their things and exited the class. Erik grabs some cleaning solution and a few disposable cloths to wipe down the equipment. Gym playlist on, you wouldn’t be able to keep Erik’s energy down for one second. He’s so amped up that he could go for another training session; work on his hamstrings and calves some more. Satisfied with his cleaning, Erik exits the classroom, the double glass doors closing behind him. The energetic, hip-hop music pumped up his clients to finish their workout sessions. The air circulating the gym masked the usual odor that comes with sweating and his gym staff are very vigilant on keeping the place tidy. His staff wears black workout gear from head to toe with the gym logo on the front. 
As Erik walks through his gym, checking things out, a familiar face catches his eye. Training on an Everlast Powercore Dual bag with a speed bag attachment is the eye-candy from Comic Con just a week prior. He’s shirtless with a blue Adidas face mask on and fingerless black MMA gloves. His gym shorts hung low on his hips and his feet danced back and forth in his Speed-Flex boxing shoes in time with his fierce punches. Erik wondered when he became a member. He didn’t expect for Adonis to even take up the offer on joining the gym. Smirking, Erik strolls over towards Adonis at the same time as one of Erik’s pilates trainers, Andrea does. Andrea is wearing a black sports bra with the gym logo and black biker shorts. Her sleek platinum blonde pixie cut made her glistening peanut skin pop. Her dark brown eyes held recognition as well as lust. 
“Donnie?” Andrea says with a sultry voice, “I knew that was you,” Andrea popped her hip out, staring Adonis up and down with a big white smile, “How are you?”
Adonis takes off his face mask, those thick lips extra moist from the perspiration on his skin, “Andrea, w’sup? I’m doing good…” Adonis seemed to be thrown off by her presence. From the way he looked at her with his chocolate eyes, they must have had an interesting relationship. Erik took note of the way Adonis sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and Andrea licked her lips and touched his arm with her fingertips. 
“Why don’t you come and see me anymore? We used to have a good ass time...what happened with that? Got tired of me?” Andrea says with a single brow raised.
“I’ve been busy,” Adonis looked away awkwardly, the fresh scar above his right brow catching Andrea’s attention. 
“Busy getting into a brawl? What’s that scar about?” 
“You know me…” Adonis turned away, “Can’t pass up a good fight.”
Andrea didn’t hide her sexual appetite for Adonis from the way her eyes swept over his body, silently telling him how his ripped physique turned her on. Just when she allowed her eyes to drop to Adonis’ crotch, Erik was there next to her, the form-fitting Under Armor short sleeve grey top he wore drenched and molding with his well-built curves straining against the fabric. Two sexy men with twin facial features that made her drool like a love-sick dog. 
“Didn’t think you would show up,” Erik held his hand out to shake Adonis’ hand, “How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s dope, I love the set up, I especially enjoy this boxing section...I mean, you have everything I need to help me train.” 
“Where were you training before?” Erik asked.
“Delphi Boxing Academy, but I need more free roam, too many new people to train.” Adonis replies. 
“...so, you know Andrea?” Erik looks over at her, her peanut colored skin immediately turning red and the top row of her teeth chewing on her pouty, pink bottom lip nervously. 
“Yeah, we got history,” Adonis cracks a smile, “Maybe I should catch one of your Pilates classes...watch you do that seated toe touch.” 
Erik arched a single thick brow at Adonis’ words. It wasn’t directed towards him but the seductive way he said that had a pool of desire filling the pit of his stomach. Erik knows exactly how that seated toe touch looked. Seated on the floor, knees drawn towards your chest, feet in the air and toes pointed to the sky, a complete view of a woman’s phat pussy or a man’s hefty bulge straining against the fabric of their stretchy leggings or shorts. Erik enjoys fucking a woman with a malleable body just as much as Adonis does it seems. He wouldn’t mind seeing how malleable Adonis can be.
“Let’s see if you can keep up,” Andrea gives Adonis one final look up and down before walking away, “my number is still the same.��� 
Adonis watches Andrea walk away, “you got a good selection on your staff, bruh.”
“Yup,” Erik agrees, head tilted to the side, dreads shifting across his forehead before he grins, baring his teeth, “gotta have options, a pretty face brings guests, it’s all business.” 
“Well, I admire your business. The dedication and strive to pull something like this together is inspirational. I put my membership in a day ago and was trying to meet with you for a personal tour but your front desk staff said you were out for the day.” Adonis says. 
“Yeah, I’m also a Biological Science Lab Tech two days a week pulling twelve hour shifts.”
“Damn, how the hell do you function?” Adonis says with a shocked voice. 
“You gotta love what you do. You should know, with your own fight club and all, living a double life...working a regular 9-5 during the day I’m guessing?”  Erik says with curious eyes. 
“I’m a Senior Trading Analyst for Smith Boardley Financial Group so, yeah, it’s like living a double life. They don’t ask questions though, which is good.” Adonis’ face shows annoyance as if he didn’t want to talk about his job. Erik senses that maybe Adonis isn’t satisfied with his daytime life, that he feels more free at night and in the ring. He hardly even knew this guy and yet he wanted to know every little detail; ask him questions. He has so many layers to fold back, and besides his reasons behind fighting, Erik hopes to make Adonis admit to his attraction to him. Only thing is, Adonis has to believe it. He’s still uncertain and confused. 
“Why do you fight?”
Silence settles between them for a short while before Adonis finally speaks. 
“Freedom mainly. I want to stop controlling everything and just let go,” Adonis closes his eyes briefly, “if it’s not working out for me...I need to find something that doesn’t...something that doesn’t define me as this perfect dude with a perfect job, and all this fucking money. The things you own end up owning you. The people around you can drag you down. When I fight, I lose control. I’ve been taught at a very young age to bottle up my aggression but all I wanna do is use my hands and to experience some feeling in this numb world...this ‘cocooned society’.” 
“So it’s not about the violence for you? I can understand that. I guess working out is a release for me...that’s an interesting method that I support,” Erik’s eyes scan Adonis’ body, taking a step back so he can blatantly check him out, “I wanna know how this fight club operates...you think I can come watch?” 
Adonis lets go of a laugh, his dimples flashing, “Yeah, man, you can come watch. I’m gonna warn you now though, it can get pretty graphic.”
“Blood? Broken teeth? Nasty scars? That shit don’t phase me,” Erik smiles, allowing his eyes to drop over Adonis’ body. Adonis leans down to grab his water bottle, taking a sip of it and completely avoiding Erik’s unwavering eyes. Why were those eyes making Adonis’ nerves spike up with excitement. It disgruntled him and had Adonis frowning from the feeling. 
“Listen, just don’t be late,” Adonis spoke with finality, placing his face mask back on, “Can’t have people wandering in at the last minute. Come by tomorrow night around 10.” 
Adonis’ change in demeanor has Erik chuckling. He has a habit of wearing his emotions on his face. 
“Will do, bro. Catch you tomorrow...champ,” Erik jeers before leaving Adonis to his training. 
Going Underground Records was Erik’s destination for the late evening. Founded in 2001, Bakersfield's Going Underground Records is Central California's largest and longest running vinyl record store and has recently expanded with a new brick-and-mortar location in Los Angeles. They buy, sell, and trade LPs, 45s, stereo equipment, local concert promotional items (posters, flyers, one-off recordings, etc.) and more. They purchase collections of all sizes, so whether you have a handful, or thousands of records to sell, call or stop by any day of the week. They buy daily and travel to you for large collections. It seems completely deserted from the front but Erik’s instructions from Adonis’ text was to go around back through a basement door. Parking his red Audi R8 across the street, Erik puts out his weed, leaving it in his car. Opening the door, Erik’s left foot hits the wet street. 
Fully out of his car, Erik closes the door, turning to walk across the street towards the record shop. Erik is wearing a camouflage pullover hoodie with black sweats and white Jordan 1’s with a low cut style. Bringing his hood up to cover his freshly twisted locs, Erik saunters down a narrow alleyway before making a left turn ending directly behind the record shop. As soon as he approached the red stainless steel cellar doors, Erik knocks twice, stepping away just in time as a tall, carob-skinned man with a bald head and a single gold hoop earring dressed in a black bomber jacket with a dark purple T-shirt and dark blue denim jeans opens the cellar doors. He looked at Erik in an angry or threatening way, his bug-eyes practically sizing Erik up like he wasn’t welcome. Erik was expressionless, no signs of fear towards this shaq looking man whatsoever, instead, Erik pockets his hands and clears his throat to speak. 
“I’m here for rebellion.” Erik says. He was told to say this at the door from Adonis’ text after the gym yesterday. Erik stopped him before Adonis took off in his matte black Chevy corvette. They exchanged numbers so that Adonis could text him the address and password for entry into the fight club. 
“Why do you seek rebellion?” The man spoke with a voice as hard as the blade of a shovel. 
“Because of this effeminized society that forces me to live a dull and meaningless life,” Erik says with an even tone. 
“Come in, quick,” The man says, “I’m Damion, the owner of this record shop.”
“Erik,” He shook hands with the man before entering the basement of the record shop through the cellar doors. There are metal shelves filled with boxes and janitorial items. Following Damion, Erik could hear hoots and hollers growing louder and louder within the basement. A black drape ahead separated Erik and Damion from the fight club. When the drape was pulled back, the badly lit room with a boxing ring and a crowd of at least thirty people awaited Erik. The shouts and roars are angry and free in Erik’s ears. It smelled like sweat, liquor, weed, and Vaseline mixed with coagulate. 
There, in the middle of the ring with his fists tightly clenched, black boxer shorts hanging low on his hips, and left nose bleeding is Adonis himself. What would be his excuse this time when he went to work the next day? Maybe that he tripped and fell face first, bloodying up his nose. He bares his teeth that are just as bloody as his nose, punching his opponent so hard that they fall to the floor of the ring, his head pinched between the floor of the ring and Adonis’ left knee. Adonis kept slamming his fist into the bridge of his opponents nose——a beefy looking white man with ginger hair and a large leprechaun tattoo on his broad back. He did it again and again in flat hard packing sounds you could hear over all the yelling until the ginger-haired man caught enough breath and sprayed blood to say, stop. Just as those words fell from his lips with difficulty, Adonis stands to his full height, fisting the air with triumph. 
“WHO WANTS NEXT? The night is just getting started!!” Adonis yells, voice like a rising storm, “THE RING IS FREE!”
“I’ll take him on!” A random black guy wearing a FedEx uniform says, pointing to a tall blonde-haired alternative-looking white guy with arm tattoos and nails painted black, “He’s been giving me a dirty look all night, let’s see what your hands are like. I had a long fucking day too,” The FedEx worker removed his hat revealing a clean faded haircut with waves, “Lets go!!! Don’t act scared now!!”
The ginger-haired white man was pulled from the ring, a bloody trail from his face following him. Adonis slid between the ropes and hopped out of the ring, walking through the crowded room until he reached a table with a series of water bottles and towels. Adonis grabs a bottle of water to drink, his grip crushing the plastic bottle before he tosses it away. Erik’s attention was brought back to the ring when the black guy kicked the air out of the alternative white guy then landed on him pounding him limp. The white guy clawed his neck for him to stop and that’s when he backed off with a viscous laugh. The blonde took this opportunity to give him a taste of his medicine. His left fist connected with the black guy's face, spit flying from between his full lips. 
Yeah! Yeah! Kick his ass! 
It was like a raging storm in that room. Erik walks further into the room, bumping shoulders accidentally with a wild amped up Al Pacino look alike with slicked back hair and what looked to be a waiter’s uniform on. These men came all the way here from their boring jobs to relieve some tension. Erik took his spot in a corner, his commanding yet piercing eyes scanning the room. He sought out Adonis again, finding him shouting into the ring. Erik was standing under one of only several lights in the after-midnight blackness of a basement full of men. In the ring two new guys are fighting. One of the men has his opponent's arms behind his head in a full nelson and rammed his face into the ring floor until his teeth bit down on the inside of his cheek. He kept going, even when the guy yelled stop. Adonis jumped into the ring, yanking the guy away and earning a right hook to his face. Erik hisses before grabbing his own jaw as if he could feel it. 
“WHAT ARE THE FUCKING RULES, HUH?!” Adonis head butts him, knocking the guy to the floor before looking down on him with vengeful eyes, “WHEN THEY YELL STOP! YOU FUCKING STOP! Get up,” Adonis throws up his fists, “I said get the fuck up!”
Yeah Adonis! Teach him a lesson!
Body glistening from sweat and muscles perfectly sculpted as if they were carved out of limestone, Adonis beats this man down with just his fists, no special combo move like he’s some wrestler. The guy had enough, throwing his hands up in surrender. Adonis smiles with his blood stained teeth. There’s grunting and noise at fight club like at the gym, but fight club isn’t about looking good. There’s hysterical shouting in tongues like at church, except this isn’t a holy sanctuary like your grandmother would drag you to every Sunday morning to praise and worship. Erik briefly wondered who is responsible for mopping up the blood and sweat from the ring floor after all of this is over. Just standing there watching has his adrenaline spiked. Adonis raises his head towards the ceiling before opening his eyes, the low light making the blood on his face glisten. 
His chocolate eyes scanned the room and when they landed on Erik he seemed to freeze with shock but then a knowing smile appeared on his face. Erik returned the same smile bobbing his head in greeting. Adonis left the ring and squeezed through the small crowd of men before finally coming face to face with Erik. Erik’s eyes sparked as they quickly swept Adonis’ drenched body. He had to suck in a quick breath to calm the pulse coming from his dick. All this charged up, aggressive energy is what Erik craves every time he fucks a man. That fighting back before surrendering to him when all his fat dick enters them. Adonis looked like the type to fight back, Erik really wanted to see that for himself. He hoped it would be sooner rather than later. 
“Looks like underground street fights are a new favorite of mines,” Erik chuckled. 
The corners of Adonis’ eyes crinkled as he smiled, “Didn’t think you would really show up.”
“I’m not all bark and no bite, bruh. When I say I’m gonna be somewhere, I make it happen. Anyway, I ain’t never seen shit like this so I wasn’t about to pass that up,” Erik’s lashes fluttered and his tongue glided across his bottom lip, his gold slugs twinkling in the low light like diamonds. Adonis’ brows knitted and his eyes fell to Erik’s lips. He caught himself staring and backed away, scratching the tip of his nose and taking a deep breath, his pectorals dancing one at a time. Erik’s eyes flickered with mischief and he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I broke the code inviting you here, you know that?” Adonis looks around, “I’m surprised nobody called you out to fight them. When that happens, you have to fight. That’s the rules.” 
“I don’t abide by rules easily,” Erik’s eyes are ablaze but his voice is like melted honey, “And clearly neither do you. I do my own thing. Is there some contract you have to sign to be involved in this shit?”
“First thirty names on the list get in, if you get in, you set up your fight right away, if you want to fight. If not, there are guys that do so maybe you should stay home.” Adonis points to his left brow, “A couple of stitches fixed this, some of these guys leave here with injuries so bad they need a bed in the hospital...It ain’t for everybody.” 
“But yet here they are getting their asses handed to em’,” Erik shakes his head, “Looks like you need a drink.” 
“I do, I was actually headed to the bar around the corner after this,” Adonis lifted a single brow as his eyes peered into Erik’s, “You’re welcome to join me if you want...I can tell you more about the fight club...looks like you’re interested in joining.” 
“Maybe,” Erik surveyed Adonis’ face, “We could get to know each other a little? You know, I feel like you’re a cool dude, wouldn’t mind kickin’ it over drinks.” 
“I don’t see why not,” Adonis gives Erik a quizzical look before backing away, “Meet me at The Spare Room around the corner from here.” 
Erik chuckles as he watches Adonis back away, stroking the length of his beard while he takes in the vibe of Adonis’ body language, “Aight, I’ll be waiting for you at the bar.” 
“I ordered for you if that’s cool? Whiskey.” 
Adonis is sporting a black and grey Nike zip-up hoodie with matching track pants and black AirMax on his feet. He settles next to Erik at the bar before drumming his fingers nervously on the polished wood of the bar countertop. The bartender serves them two glass tumblers filled with whiskey and a black cocktail straw. Erik removes his straw and drinks straight from the rim of his glass. Adonis stirs the ice in his glass around before taking a hefty sip over the rim as well. 
“What are you going to tell your job tomorrow about that purple bruise under your eye and that bloody nose? You tripped and hit your face against a brick wall?” Erik cracks a smile.
“I’m off tomorrow,” Adonis touches the bruise under his eye, wincing a bit, “That punch was brutal.” 
“I felt that shit myself. Damn, he got your ass good.” 
“And I got his ass right back,” Adonis proclaimed. 
Erik finishes his drink before calling on the bartender for more.
“After a fight I usually get some pussy to calm me down but good pussy is hard to come by these days,” Adonis stretches his back, “I ain’t been in good pussy in a minute…”
Erik’s jaw clenched at the way Adonis said pussy. He glanced over at Adonis, watching him drink from his glass. 
“Shoot Andrea a text, maybe she’ll stop by and give you that pussy you’ve been craving,” Erik motions for 
Adonis to pick up his phone, “The night is still young, ain’t too late to get in that puss...ain’t never too late.”
Adonis arched a single brow at Erik, “...You fuck her?”
“She yours?” Erik twirled his glass while studying his drink.
“Nah, she’s not...but did you hit?”
Erik bites his bottom lip, “Once, around the time I first hired her. She got it.”
“I know, I been it before,” Adonis shakes his head, “You fuck all the women on your staff?” 
“Yeah, if they want this fat dick.” 
Adonis stirred in his seat, “Another round, homie.”
The bartender fills his glass, the liquid sloshing around the only sound between them until the bartender walks away. 
“You mad I dipped into Drea?” Erik asks casually.
“Can’t be mad at that. She’s not mine...remember?” 
“I got this feeling that if she was yours...you would use this bar top to crack my head open,” Erik flashes Adonis a dimpled smile, “That’s if you can though.” 
“You talk like you would want that,” Adonis squinted his eyes. 
“I like aggression,” Erik says with a hushed tone. Adonis looked away, pondering Erik’s words. He couldn’t explain it but the way he said that felt as if he were flirting with him. Adonis pulls his phone out of his pocket at that exact moment to find Andrea’s number. He shoots her a quick you up text before returning to his drink. 
“You from around here,” Adonis asked to clear the growing tension. It only worked a little. 
“South Central. You?” 
“Crenshaw up until the age of twelve, in and out of Juvie until my dad's wife found me…”
“Your mom wasn’t around?” Erik asked.
“She died when I was ten. Never knew my dad until his wife took me in...from there I moved to Tarzana to live in this mansion. My whole life changed. Found out who my pops was too. Apollo Creed.” 
“Shit...you serious?” Erik’s eyebrows disappeared behind his dreads, “Bro...that’s WILD...why didn’t you follow in your father's footsteps?”
“I didn’t want to be known as Apollo Creed’s son and expected to be the next Creed star. I wanted to do my own thing, you know? That pro boxer shit didn’t stroke my curiosity. All the fame, all the attention. Nah, underground street fighting is my thing.”
“I’m sure your old man would be proud either way though, you’re a hot head just like him.” 
Adonis smirks, “That’s what I’ve been told.” 
“I know mine would be proud of me...lost him to the streets back in 92’ when the riots were going on. He was an activist like my momma. He protected me from getting shot on my tricycle. It humbled me...Still got my momma. She moved back to New Orleans two years ago.”
“Those riots were crazy. I’m sorry about your father...shit is tough.” 
Erik sighs, “It is, but it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have him as a father. Made me the man I am today.” 
“Yeah...I got nothing but love for my dad even though I never met him. Took me a while to get here though, it wasn’t a walk in the park. Got siblings I didn’t connect with in the beginning but now we’re tight. Mary Anne...that’s my step-mom’s name, she didn’t have to raise me, could have left me in the system.”
“What was your real mom’s name?”
“Vivica. She was an aspiring model. My dad met her at some Hollywood party. They slept around for a while but then Mary Anne found out so he ended things. My mom got pregnant, kept the pregnancy a secret until she passed from a brain aneurysm. By then my pops was already gone. Mary Anne found out and raised me.”
“Man,” Erik dragged his hand down his face, “This whole conversation turned heavy so quick. Let’s fill up these glasses, we need more liquor.”
“I second that.”
The bartender gladly refilled their glasses. For a little while longer, Erik and Adonis talked, learning more about each other. They argued about their favorite Anime, the best clubs in LA, and other random shit that had them laughing. They had only met about six days ago and they talked like old friends catching up. Adonis asks for a bottle of water since he has to drive. The bartender brings him his bottle at the precise moment that his phone buzzes. Picking up his phone, Adonis unlocks it to find a text with an image attached from Andrea. Opening the text, Adonis’ eyes became stormy with lust and his bottom lip poked out with need. 
“Goddamn,” He muttered. Andrea always knew how to get him worked up. She’s on the floor naked with her legs spread wide in front of her floor mirror, peanut skin glistening from whatever body oil she used and that phat, creamy pussy with all her glistening pink spread open and freshly waxed for him to come play with. He remembers how sweet she tastes. Adonis’ tongue rolled around his teeth before forcing his eyes away, locking the phone and placing it within his pocket. He was about to be all up in that pussy. 
“Andrea?” Erik says with a sly smirk. 
“Yeah...she really miss me,” Adonis retrieves his wallet from his pocket, “I can cover the drinks—“
“It’s already on my tab, bruh. Don’t worry about it. Go ahead and handle your business.” 
“You ain’t have to do that, Erik,” Adonis stands from his stool.”
“Think of it as a victory drink for the champion of underground street fighting,” Erik held up his glass to Adonis before knocking back the rest of the contents. 
“I hope that’s your last drink, your eyes are so fucking low.” 
“It is, I gotta get home, I’m pretty tired,” Erik tells the bartender to close his tab before standing from his seat. He dabs Adonis, bringing him in for a brief bro hug, pulling away so that his cologne wouldn’t have his dick brushing up against his. He didn’t need that to happen so soon. 
“I’ll holla at you, Erik,” Adonis turns to leave the bar. 
Erik watches him exit before short, heated breaths escaped his mouth. Erik signs his receipt before leaving himself. While walking to the car, Erik pulls his phone from his hoodie pocket, scrolling through his messages, and finding the person he was looking for. 
Erik: Still on for tomorrow night with you and hubby?
Jodie: Absolutely💕 we’ll see you tomorrow night! Can’t wait 😘
Andrea has an apartment at the Madison Toluca in North Hollywood, CA. It’s a three bedroom, two bathroom apartment with a black, red, and white color scheme. Adonis arrived shortly after 12:30 AM and knocked on her door. Her All black Yorkipoo—-a mixed breed of a Yorkshire terrier and a poodle, named Cookie was barking at the door when he knocked. Andrea could be heard yelling at Cookie before opening her door. Andrea beamed at Adonis with her big round eyes bewitching and her smile wide and pretty. She was wearing a teal blue Nike sports bra with a pair of black high crotch panties and bare feet. Her platinum blonde pixie cut is wet and slicked back from her shower and her peanut skin still glowed from the oil on her body. 
“I didn’t get a response from you so I didn’t think you would show up,” Andrea stepped to the side to allow Adonis entry, “What made you text me tonight to see if I was up?”
“You know how I get after a fight.”
 Adonis closed the space between them and grabbed the back of Andrea’s neck, tilting her head back enough to have her back bending before his thick tongue slithered up her neck and to her lips for a kiss. Adonis always itched for sex after a fight. His dick on swole and his hands unexcused Adonis cuffed Andrea’s ass, damn near pulling her from the ground. They continued to kiss, suck, and lick all over each other’s mouth to savor the taste. 
“Damn, got my dick heavy right now, girl,” Adonis squeezes Andrea’s ass, “come on, I want that pretty pussy.” 
“Donnie,” Andrea moaned, voice as pure and sweet as if from heaven, “I miss the way you used to fuck me.” 
“Uh-huh?” Adonis lifts Andrea off her feet, wrapping her legs around him, “How I used to fuck you?” 
“So good baby,” Andrea thumbed Adonis’ pouty bottom lip before peppering light kisses along them, “I miss your lips on my pussy too.” 
“I can’t wait to taste it again, is she still nice and creamy?”
“Always, daddy,” Andrea’s body shook with anticipation in his arms, “Damn...I’m shaking.” 
“It’s because you need this just as much as I do.” 
“I miss your big dick stuffing me,” Andrea dragged her kisses down Adonis’ neck. 
“You miss the way daddy used to give it to you?”
“Ooh, yes—“ 
“I’ma tear you up, Drea.” 
Adonis brought Andrea to her bedroom, flopping down with her straddling his lap. Andrea giggles like she always does while Adonis kisses along her neck and tongues her cleavage. Andrea’s breath is coming out shallow and fast. Adonis grabbed her face, making her look at him. 
“Breathe,” Adonis pecked her nose, “This dick ain’t going nowhere,” Adonis smirked, “It’s all for you, girl.”
“This my dick?” Andrea leans back so that she could grab for Adonis’ crotch, “It’s so goddamn thick goddamn baby.”
“I’m tryna make you cream all over it.”
Adonis was in an intense tongue-lock with Andrea while she stroked him through his track pants. She broke the kiss with a trail of spit before lifting from Adonis’ lap and dropping to her knees. A constant hiss escaped her mouth as she fumbled with his track pants. Discovering his waistband, Andrea pulls his pants and briefs down and around his ankles. That fat, long, swinging dick almost hit her in the face. Andrea grabs it before putting it right in her mouth where it belongs. While Andrea Gluck-Glucked Adonis removed his hoodie and the black T-shirt beneath it. 
“I just wanna fuck your face and eat your pussy until you can’t take it anymore,” Adonis tilted his head back, “Drea, fuck.” 
Adonis curses under his breath when Andrea gave his heavy balls some attention before bringing her lips back to that fat tip. Adonis dragged his fingers through her wet, short platinum blonde strands before palming the back of her neck and forcing more dick into her mouth. The loud slurping was something Adonis missed heavily. His hips were practically off of the bed now, lip between his teeth and eyebrows knitted together. 
“I miss this fucking mouth,” Adonis fucked Andrea’s mouth, “Shit, Drea, you still got it girl, this mouth is still a beast.” 
Andrea smirked before stroking his spit covered dick while sucking the tip. She really missed his dick from the way she was eating it up. Adonis wasn’t about to stop her, he simply widened his legs and laid back on his elbows. 
“You finna have a nigga bust,” Adonis’ abdomen flexed, “I needed this so fucking bad, make me bust, girl.” 
The eye contact she was giving him had Adonis balls so full with his tasty cum. 
“Just loving on me,” He says before chewing on his bottom lip, “Mmhmmm,” his eyes closed and his brows pressed together tightly. 
Andrea planted her hands on the bed and started bobbing her head up and down his dick while moving her head in a circular motion. 
“Slow down...yes, yes, like that,” Adonis’ lips parted. 
He could literally feel the corners of the inside of Andrea’s mouth and her tight pouty lips nice and steady on his dick. She manipulated that muscular organ in her mouth to flick back and forth on the base of his dick and his balls each time she went down. 
“Love on my dick, babygirl, Drea I’m about to bust, you ready?” Adonis’ eyes squeezed shut and he completely fell back against the bed, “good girl slurp all that shit up oh my fucking God,” Adonis exploded in Andrea’s mouth damn near making her choke. 
“Get up here,” He says, picking Andrea up and bringing her on the bed. Andrea was on her knees, shaking her slim thick booty in his face, her pussy wide with anticipation. Her cream made a mess of her pussy and it was begging to be licked up. Adonis smacks each ass cheek before giving both of them a nice, appreciative kiss. His lips tickled and they felt so moist against Andrea’s skin. She widened her thighs and arched her back more, practically pushing her pussy into Adonis’ face for him. 
“You shoving this beautiful pussy in my face?”
Andrea nods her head with a bite of her lip. Adonis turns around, laying his head between Andrea’s thighs before wrapping one arm around her waist with the other hand occupied with jerking his fat pole. Andrea sat on his face fully before grinding Adonis’ lips. He leans forward to place his lips on her pussy, serving her tongue with long trails of spit. The wiggle of his wet tongue had her lifting up on her hands, thighs shaking. Adonis takes both of his thumbs, peeling her open.
His damn tongue.
“Ooh, yes, Donnie.” 
Her entire body shivered.
Adonis’ tongue was dripping with spit and warm against her inner folds. He was in the middle of spelling out his name with the tip of his tongue all up and down her slit. With the D Andrea’s body shivered. With the O she started shuddering in breaths of gasping completion. With the two N’s Andrea clawed the bed. The letter I made a shape over her clit at the right angle. After the E He sucked her pussy into his mouth. 
“When you lick me you never miss a spot,” She said with a voice like the harmony of angles. Adonis lapped at her pussy some more in response to her words, “Donnie, please don’t stop, baby...I’m gonna cum, Donnie keep doing that to me.” 
Adonis gave her sloppy suction kisses down to her entrance and back up to her clit, keeping her lips apart so he could really get inside. He repeated and repeated, slurping and sucking and licking and kissing. He went faster and faster and she bucked her hips into his mouth, cries getting louder and louder.
“Mmmm, yes, do it like that,” Andrea said with a sensual voice. 
“How bad do you want to cum?” Adonis said before he slurped on her clit and her labia at the same time, moaning himself feeling his precum wet his fingers.
 “Really bad daddy...I wanna cum so fucking bad from your dirty mouth...make me scream.”
“Fuck. You may be a sweetheart but you a freak for sure.” 
Adonis concentrates on tonguing and sucking all the spots that have Andrea’s hips bucking and her pussy smothering him. 
“Daddy...guess what?” Andrea’s eyes watered and heat crept up her body. 
“Uh-huh, I got that pussy cumming?” Adonis’ words are muffled with the way his lips trailed all over Andrea’s pussy. 
With that Andrea’s body froze as her orgasm washed over her. Remembering how good Adonis ate her pussy wasn’t enough for her. Now she was experiencing it again while sitting on his face. He was going for round two from what it felt like. He kept saying over and over how much he needed her beautiful phat pussy and how he was going to dick her down just like that with her back arched. Andrea was ready to crawl off of him when her second orgasm hit her. She squealed so loud her throat went raw. Satisfied, Adonis resurfaced, his lips and freshly shaved chin glistening from her juicy folds. 
“Come taste how sweet you are.” 
Andrea turns, wrapping her arms around Adonis’ shoulders before licking his lips. She hummed with satisfaction while pulling him down on top of her body. 
“Pussy is gushy baby,” Adonis held all his body weight up on one hand while the other played with Andrea’s folds, “That pussy just needs me in it...I could tell from how your eyes lit up when you saw me… miss the way I bust this tight kitty open...I wanna stick my dick so deep in it.”
Adonis leans down on his elbow to kiss Andrea again while he rubbed her clit. His dick is like a swinging pendulum between his legs right now, desperate and hard for Andrea’s pussy. Adonis has enough of teasing Andrea with how fast his heart beats and how painfully hard he is. Grabbing his dick, mixing the wetness on his fingers from her pussy on his pre-cum laden dick, Adonis lined up with Andrea’s pussy before thrusting in slowly, widening her thighs at the same time. Adonis groaned when he was fully inside, making sure to watch her face so that he could see all of her expressions. 
“Ahhh, yes, that’s it.” 
Adonis’ muscular body was mesmerizing from that angle. He began to roll his hips, working all that girth and length in and out of Andrea. Adonis felt Andrea’s pussy squeeze his dick and it only made him go harder. Adonis pulls Andrea’s sports bra off, her perky breasts with dark brown nipples reminding him of Hershey kisses blessing his eyes. Adonis sucked on each titty while he strokes her pussy. The double sensation has Andrea creamy and the macaroni and cheese sound of her pussy grew louder and louder between them. 
“You taking this dick just like you used to,” Adonis pushes her thighs back, “Fuck all that moaning call me daddy while I’m in it.” 
“Daddy,” Andrea whispered. 
“Look at it Drea,” Adonis whispered back. 
Andrea’s eyes traveled down the length of Adonis’ magnificent body to his long, thick dick spreading her open. She couldn’t put into words how full she felt. 
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Adonis whispered, “This how Erik fucked this pussy?”
Andrea’s eyes flicked up to Adonis’ face quickly. She went red with embarrassment, ragged gasps leaving her mouth. 
“What? Answer the question,” Adonis pushed his dick all the way in. Andrea could feel it tickle her navel. 
“Yessssssss,” Andrea answered with an uneven breath. 
“He fuck this pussy in your bed, Drea?” Adonis’ hips were smacking into the back of her thighs, “What he do, girl?”
“He-he fu-fucked me in my b-bed,” Andrea stuttered. Adonis heard himself grunt at her response. Had he ever gotten off on another man fucking the same chick as him? No. Probably wouldn’t have cared in the past but for some reason, knowing that Erik hit Drea too has him harder than he was seconds ago.
“You call him daddy?” 
“Yes!!! Donnie, baby, it’s so much dick,” Andrea’s face frowned with ecstasy.
“And this pussy is good so you’re getting all this dick, baby,” Adonis reaches up to grab onto Andrea’s headboard and she knows what that means. Andrea held onto his waist with a death grip to prepare herself. Adonis started descending his dick all at once in Andrea’s pussy. No pause, no warning, just nothing but a fat dick with all its length sinking into her drenched pussy fluently. It felt like she wasn’t in control of her body anymore. 
“Donnie, please please please,” Her mouth opened, no words escaping. 
“Did he call you his nasty little girl?” Adonis says with a voice so gruff and guttural. He looked down at his dick working the hell out of Andrea’s pussy. The muscles in his back and arms burned in a good way. He was tearing Andrea up from this angle, “Got me going crazy in this pussy...I needed this pussy.” 
“Daddy, daddy I’m gonna squirt,” Andrea’s toes curled. Her body didn’t feel like it belonged to her anymore with the way Adonis was taking her pussy. Andrea trembled while her pussy leaked it’s sweet juices all over his dick. 
“Got that pussy cumming?!! You ain’t answer my question...he calls you his nasty little girl?” 
“No,” she spoke faintly, “He called me his nasty little bitch.” 
Adonis bit down on his lip hard. He pumped her fast a few more times before withdrawing from her tightness, flipping her over and arching her back deep. 
“Nasty little bitch? Huh? You like that name?” Adonis sounded harsh, “Keep that ass up Drea, come on baby...I got something for you.” 
“DADDY!!” Andrea wasn’t prepared for that big surprise just now. Adonis has both of his large hands on her waist while he plowed her. She never had this rough amount of treatment from him. 
“Daddy, shit,” her shoulders fell forward against the bed. High-pitched moans filled the room and her cheeks smacking and ricocheting off of Adonis’ rock hard hips was stinging her flesh. He was hostile and she loved the change. Sure, Adonis’ much gentle side was always just as good but to see him use her body the way he was it had her squirting and she never experienced squirting while having sex with him. She needed more of this. 
“Throw it back, Drea, keep going, baby,” Adonis watched her struggle. It didn’t matter to him, his big dick was nice and wet. 
“Nasty little girl, huh?” 
“Yes,” Her breath was rattled. 
“Come on and make this dick cum.” Adonis grabbed her hips, forcing her back to take all his length. Andrea screamed.
“That’s how you do it, so do it, girl, I’m not showing you again,” Adonis watched her do it right this time with a smirk, “That’s my nasty little girl… take this dick...keep taking this dick.”
“Why is this lil’ pussy so fat? Damn,” Adonis felt his nut sack jump, “Look at this beautiful, fat pussy, go ahead and cum Drea, go ahead baby.” 
“Yes, daddy, Unh!!!!!” 
Andrea slows down, Adonis taking over again, giving it to her and moaning the closer he got to cumming. 
“That pretty pussy, fuck, take this nut girl,” Adonis’ words were stuck in his throat the second he let off in her pussy with his thick cum. Thank God she was taking contraceptives because she would be pregnant with all his damn babies with how thick and heavy his load is. Adonis retracted his hips, dick sliding out and his cum dripping from Andrea’s gaping entrance. His dick left a serious imprint with how much wider her slick hole is. 
“Damn,” Andrea’s body turned over, “That was some kind of fucking,” she giggles, wiping sweat from her face, “What’s gotten into you, Donnie? baby, you were wild in this pussy tonight.” 
“Lack of pussy does that to you,” Adonis stood from the bed, stretching out his back muscles. Andrea tilted her head while staring at his dick. 
“Round two?” Andrea begged. 
Adonis sighed, “I need some water first.” 
“How do you know Erik anyway?” 
Adonis shrugged, “Comic Con. It was a random situation. He gave me his business card and that’s how I ended up at his gym.” 
Andrea gave Adonis a playful smile, “Are you mad that I fucked him? It was only once, Adonis.” 
“Nah, I’m not mad,” Adonis gave Andrea a once-over with his chocolate eyes, “But you liked that I brought it up...that pussy was choking my dick.” 
“I did. Maybe we should have a threesome. I would love it if you both fucked me.” 
Adonis felt his chest grow tight from her words. His face twisted up with confusion at the feeling. Was that...anticipation? Nervous excitement? 
“Maybe, you should get on all fours again so I can come back and get some more of that pussy,” Adonis responded before leaving her room to grab them both some water. 
Parked on a hill on Valley Ridge Ave. in View Park, CA,
Erik pulled out his phone to remind himself of the address. 4515. DVSN- Still Pray for You stopped playing when Erik turned his car off. Air Jordan 3 Retro’s, Khaki cargo pants, white T-shirt, a denim jacket, and layered gold chains was Erik’s outfit for the evening. His dreads are side swept, a few of them falling in his eyes. He slouched slightly in his gait, oozing confidence. The home is an iconic 1930 Spanish Revival with stunning city views, exceptional vintage details, custom modern updates, a large beautiful private yard with a tiered flat grassy area, patio, and an herb garden. Jogging up the steps, Erik knocked on the green door, stepping back before swatting away a moth that lingered near the porch light. 
The door unlocked, Jodie standing before Erik with a glass of red wine in her hand and a long charcoal grey T-shirt dress with a high slit, coffee brown eyes fringed with false lashes and copper skin looking soft and silky. Her lush lips are glossy and her blue-black hair is in a sleek low bun. Erik’s eyes traveled from her toes that are painted a fuchsia pink up her shapely legs, over her poked out hip and up to her heart-shaped face. Sweet notes of apple and apricot wafted from her skin the closer Erik got to her. He leaned down to kiss her glossy lips delicately, his tongue tasting the gloss. Jodie’s oval-shaped pink ombré nail skimmed Erik’s jawline with fascination. 
“Hi,” Jodie said with a pleasant voice. 
“Hey,” Erik whispered back, the suave way he said it causing Jodie to nibble on her lip. 
“Do you want some wine?” Jodie offered. 
“I’ll take some wine,” Erik closes Jodie’s front door, “Where is the party?”
“For now, in the living room.” 
Jodie pointed towards the area in question before walking away with a sway of her extremely thick hips towards the kitchen. Erik found the living room, Jodie’s husband, Vance, seated on the couch, smoking some weed, denim cut-off shorts on, an olive green linen short sleeve button-down shirt with a bandanna print open and revealing his athletic body. The deep brown complexion of his skin looked satiny beneath the living room lights. His chiseled face with sharp cheekbones made him look like a male model and Erik especially loved the nose ring on his broad nose. His full lips smirked at him before taking yet another puff of weed. That fresh fade with glossy waves and perfectly groomed beard has Erik lusting even more. 
Vance spoke with a husky voice, “Erik...glad you came.” 
“Me too...let me hit that.”
Vance shared his weed with Erik. 
“Training TRX on Wednesday next week?” Vance asked. 
“I am. I’m not here to talk about my gym though, you know that,” Erik said, savoring the weed, “I ain’t know you went both ways, Vance.” 
Vance cracked a smile, “Yeah, I’m bisexual. Me and Jodie. We’ve been trying to hook up a threesome with a man for a while and then Jodie said she saw you out a few weeks ago at the Avalon with some dude tonguing him down.”
“A date I met on Tinder, fucked him good that night too,” Erik’s head relaxed against the couch, licking his lips to the memory. 
“I bet you did,” Vance passed the weed, “He takes it well too?”
“He needed to be trained, but I’m good at that..have them coming back for more in no time.” 
“Mm,” Vance’s eyes glossed down to Erik’s crotch where his dick print was visible on his left thigh. Vance shook his head as his breath rushed out. Erik was a big boy. 
“You looking for something?” Erik spoke softly, the sensation of the weed sweeping deeper, “it’s right here,” Erik squeezed his dick, the cargo pants molding around the shape of it, “You want this dick?” Erik��s eyes looked at Vance’s big lips and he just knew those juicy lips would feel fucking fantastic sucking on him. 
“I do, I want that dick.” 
“Put that weed out and come get it, that’s why I’m here right? Get the fuck over here,” Erik takes off his denim jacket, widening his thighs, “That pretty ass mouth you got...I need my dick sucked now…do it slow too.” 
Vance’s hand gripped Erik’s dick through his pants. Erik made it jump against his hand. Vance let out a groan. 
“Come on, boy, my shit is thick right now.” 
Vance went to work on Erik’s pants, pulling them down and around his ankles. He couldn’t wait to satisfy the beautiful massive dick in front of his eyes. Slide that big dick in his hungry mouth and drain his balls. Speaking of balls...they are heavy and soft to the touch. Erik slouched, pulling his T-shirt up to reveal his taut abdomen, defined pectorals, and bulging biceps. His dick was standing up and the veins looked like a work of art on his chocolate pole. 
“From the way you’re looking at it I can tell you’ve been wondering just how big this dick is...right, nigga?”
“Yeah...it’s here for you and your wife...where is wifey at anyway? Jodie!” Erik called for her.
“I’m here—Ooh,” Jodie sauntered over and placed Erik’s wine on the coffee table. She’s in her purple lace bra and panties set. Jodie dropped to her knees next to Vance. She stared at Erik’s dick in a trance. 
“Let me feel those soft ass lips, Vance,” Erik slapped Vance on the cheek, startling him, “Yeah, you taking too long, baby boy, all this fat dick in front of you. Show your wife how you suck some nut out of the dick.”
“Damn, Erik,” Jodie’s eyes are love-struck. 
Vance gripped Erik’s dick and pumped him nice and steady, making sure to squeeze a little just beneath the tip of his dick so he could watch his pre-cum spill from his slit. Spreading the pre-cum along the sides of Erik’s dick, Vance’s big lips engulfed half of Erik’s dick, bobbing his head while reaching down to gently squeeze his balls. Erik kept his gaze pointed downward, looking from his dick being sucked by Vance and Jodie watching with envious eyes. Jodie has to grab hold of something so she placed her hand over Vance’s erection, his visible erection pressed hard against his denim cut-offs. 
“Two big dicks just for me,” Jodie spoke with excitement. 
“Don’t worry, ma, you’ll have some of this dick in your mouth too, Fuckkkk...yeah, suck that shit...suck that fat dick...oooh, you really wanted this shit, hungry ass nigga...don’t get too greedy your wife need some of that too.”
“Yes I do,” Jodie has Vance’s jeans and briefs down with his dark chocolate dick in her hand, nice and warm. It’s more so long than girthy. She jerked him while watching Vance slurp up Erik. 
“Vance...baby...get that dick,” She whimpered. 
Erik will never get over how good Vance’s lips feel. He thrust his hips, forcing more girth and length into Vance’s greedy mouth. Damn, he can deep throat too. 
“Look at you deep throating this wood, boy. You miss big black dick in your mouth, yeah? Miss a nice pair of heavy balls too? I got a load waiting just for you...all you gotta do is be a good boy…”
Erik’s eyes went so low that his long lashes made them seem like they are closed. Jodie’s hand twisted Vance’s erection and each time Erik’s dick hit the back of Vance’s throat, his dick would jump in Jodie’s hand. She arched her back and brought her lips to Vance’s dick. Jodie wasted no time slurping along Vance’s dick. One look at Jodie’s ass in the air has Erik reaching down, his thick fingers clawing her lace panties and yanking them from her ass in pieces. That action made her lips tighten around Vance’s dick and Vance moaned. 
“How that dick taste Jodie?” Erik asked. 
“Delicious,” She said before slurping Vance up some more. 
“Got that phat ass in the air...I already know that pussy phat with the way it sits in your leggings at the gym…”
“Mmm,” Vance cast his eyes upwards watching as Erik’s toned abdomen is exposed, reaching up to run his hand along the deep ridges of the cut muscle, slurping along his dick. He worked more of Erik into his mouth until his nose touched his trimmed hairs, feeling his length curve down his throat as he took him all the way. 
Jodie was in the middle of gagging on Vance’s dick, her spit staining the carpet the more she tried to swallow him. She reached beneath her, hand finding her creamy pussy before spreading her folds to rub her clit in circles. Erik could hear Jodie’s pussy from his seat on the couch. He groans deep, mouth hanging open from the way Vance was sucking him. He tilts his head to watch Jodie while holding the back of Vance’s head to fuck his throat. 
“FUCK!” Erik let out the curse before gripping Vance’s throat, hips jerking from how purposefully tight Vance’s lips are as his mouth slipped off, “Let Jodie have some.” 
Jodie’s lips popped off of Vance’s dick. Erik gazed at Vance’s dark brown dick. All that dark chocolate. He’s long as fuck too. Ain’t nothing Erik can’t handle down his throat. Too bad tonight was his night to get all the work. Jodie moaned before gripping Erik’s spit covered dick. Her tongue flicked Erik’s dick before she locked eyes with him, batting her false lashes like she’s innocent with all that fat dick in her mouth. 
“Damn, girl, crazy with it,” Erik leaned forward to slap both of Jodie’s cheeks hard, “Got all this hard dick down your pretty little throat...got your Hubby taking off his clothes...you see your wife sucking my dick, Vance? She a dick hungry bitch.” 
Vance is completely naked now. He pumped his long dick while leaning over Erik’s lap to hope for Jodie’s lips to slip off so he could take over again. Jodie lets her throat get fucked, gagging only slightly before fighting it back down, eyes turned up to watch the pleasure on Erik’s face as she feels Erik’s dick stretching out her esophagus. Jodie moans around his length, reveling in the taste of Erik on her tongue.
“Jodie,” Vance calls to her while gently squeezing Erik’s balls, “put his dick in my mouth.”
“You want some more of his hard, thick dick? Here,” Jodie feeds Vance Erik’s dick, “Suck it baby…”
“Husband and wife working together...Jodie...let me see that pussy,” Erik showed her how wide his tongue is. 
Jodie climbed onto the couch, turning with her ass facing Erik before bending over on her knees. Her pussy lips are pushed between her thick thighs. Two slippery lips that he wanted to kiss. 
“Spread your cheeks so I can see all that pink pussy...mmmmm,” Erik hisses, “Pussy creamy as fuck,” Erik licks his fingers before resting them on Jodie’s protruding clit and labia. He loved how smooth and soft she is. It looked like chocolate and from the way she tasted on his fingers it was just as sweet too. 
“Come here,” Erik spoke firmly, slapping Jodie’s ass, “lay on your back and spread your thighs so I can finger fuck you.”
“I wanna feel how tight this little pussy is.” 
Vance jerks Erik’s dick before slobbering on the tip of his dick, “It’s tight...she’ll grip you.” 
“That’s what I want, right Miss Jodie?” 
“Yes, daddy,” Jodie says with a lick of her lips. 
“There you go, baby boy, suck that fucking dick up, suck daddy’s dick up,” Erik demanded. He could feel his balls grow tight and he knew what that meant. He didn’t want to cum yet, not until he had his dick in Vance’s ass and Jodie’s pussy. 
“Erik,” Jodie called to him with a melodic voice. 
Erik watched her bring her knees to her chest, that pussy wide open and her slippery hole winking at him. Erik couldn’t hold back from rubbing Jodie’s clit back and forth before slapping it, causing her to whimper. Erik smoothed his fingers down her pussy before pushing two fingers inside, biting his lip at the way Jodie gasped. 
“Tight fucking puss,” Erik strokes with a curl of his fingers, “I’m digging baby?”
“Yess,” She cries.
“I hear that pussy,” Vance says with spit hanging from his mouth. 
“Come suck her clit,” Erik commanded. Vance and Erik got down on the floor between Jodie’s thighs. Vance spreads her pussy lips so wide that her labia stretched. Erik was astounded when he saw how much cream spilled from Jodie’s pussy. Vance’s tongue curved at the tip while he teased her big clit. 
“Clit big as fuck, Vance stop playing, suck that shit up. Clit nice and phat like that you better suck it.” 
When Vance’s lips wrapped around Jodie’s clit she moaned to the ceiling. Vance reached up to pull the cups of her bra down, her big, round breasts spilling over, creating a mouthful. Erik damn near drooled. He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth while his fingers played all in Jodie’s pussy. Vance was slurping loudly on her pussy and it had Erik slapping Vance’s firm ass. 
“Yeah, nigga,” Erik says, “Got the whole puss in your mouth, make this bitch cum...say, I’ma make this pretty pussy cum.” 
“I’ma make this pretty pussy cum,” Vance says before French kissing Jodie’s clit. 
“I’ma make it squirt,” Erik flicked his tongue on Jodie’s nipple before showing some attention to the other. Jodie gripped his dreads when he went back and forth with sucking her nipples. He had her thrusting her chest into his mouth. 
“Grip me like that again, go ahead, ima put my face in your pussy next,” Erik spoke roughly. 
“Eat my pussy up,” Jodie widened her legs, “There’s plenty...slurp me up daddy.” 
“Nasty bitch, I like you,” Erik was face to face with Vance, “Let me see how that clit fit in my mouth.” 
Vance chuckles before giving Erik some room to eat on Jodie. He helped him by keeping her pussy lips open. Erik was still working his fingers, practically stirring all in Jodie’s creamy cavern. Erik kisses Jodie’s clit, the pecks slowly turning into full blown French kisses that has him opening his mouth wide to wrap his lips around her. 
“Mhm,” Erik’s eyes rolled shut.
“Taste good, yeah?” Vance said while extending his neck to kiss Jodie’s lips, “That’s your pussy on my tongue.”
“Mmm, I taste lovely.” 
Erik spits on Jodie’s clit before working his tongue with so much gusto that Jodie and Vance watched with awe. 
“Ooooh, He’s stroking my pussy with those thick fingers...oooh, I’ma squirt…Vance, baby, he’s gonna make me squirt, baby,” Jodie grabbed for the back of the couch. She became spasmodic and Vance had to hold her down and kiss her lips to distract her so Erik can keep going. That bitch was leaking all in Erik’s mouth. He sucked her up again before tasting his fingers. Vance leaned over Jodie’s lap, getting some of Jodie’s pussy too. 
“Pussy is so goddamn good,” Erik gripped Jodie’s jaw, pressing his lips into hers, “I can’t wait to bust your shit wide open, let’s take this shit to the bed.”
Pulling his lips away, Vance stands with Erik, both of them picking Jodie up. She had her legs wrapped around Erik while Vance stood behind her cupping her titties. Erik bounced Jodie on him like he was fucking her standing. Vance kissed and sucked on her neck at the same time. All three of them took their fun to the bedroom. Jodie grabs some condoms from her dresser, begging to watch Erik fuck Vance first while she rode his face. Vance went to lay on the bed, his knees drawn to his chest. Erik was blessed with the sight of Vance’s tight asshole and heavy balls with his dick resting against his toned abdomen. Jodie climbed on top of Vance’s mouth, turning to give Erik the condom and lube. 
Erik spits on Vance’s asshole before sticking his finger inside. With his free hand, Erik jerks Vance’s long dick 
To keep him solid so he could have something beautiful and chocolate to look at while he banged his ass. Jodie was currently popping her pussy on Vance’s tongue, legs in a squat so her pussy could be nice and spread for him to suck up. It was a beautiful sight. Erik almost wanted to bust from that alone. Staring at Vance’s body now made him think about Adonis. He tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. Adonis. Nice big lips, sexy rock-hard body, aggressive and competitive, sexy smile, chocolate eyes all intense at one minute then gentle the next, the way he fights…
“Erik I love the way your finger feels in my ass.” 
Vance’s words broke him out of his trance.
“Yeah? Ain’t shit compared to this dick, boy,” Erik removes his finger, grabbing up the magnum to place on his dick. Rolling it over his glans all the way down to the root, Erik applies a little bit of lube for some extra slip. Bending his knees, Erik forced Vance’s thighs back before slapping the weight of his dick against his ass, sinking inside of his warm, tight ass. 
“Damn boy...damn...ass tight as fuck,” Erik started grinding his hips, “Feel all that thick dick pumping?” 
Jodie looked over her sweaty shoulder and saw Erik’s fat condom covered dick thrusting in and out of Vance’s ass. She felt chills all over her flesh and the sexy moans against her pussy and groans from Erik made her cream even more. Jodie can see Erik and Vance’s muscles ripple and flex with their movement. Jodie turned around so that she could 69 with Vance, grabbing his long dick up and going straight at it with a bob of her head. Vance clapped her cheeks before eating both of her holes. 
“Fuck, that’s what I’m talking about Jodie, eat that dick up,” Erik pushes her head down further, “There you go, deep throat that shit.”
Vance was working his hips to take all of Erik’s dick, Erik caught that, rolling his hips to meet Vance half-way so that his dick could be all up in his ass. 
“Got this nigga working his hips to get all this wood,” Erik bites his lip, “ass is creaming already too.” 
“Mmm, I wanna see,” Jodie jerks Vance’s dick while admiring her husband's creamy asshole grip Erik’s dick, “Vance...baby...he got you creamy, mmmm, Vance.
Vance moaned into Jodie’s pussy with each suck. 
“That’s it baby, make this pussy cum...oooh I feel you tugging on that clit, make me nut baby,” Jodie’s eyes almost crossed, Oh God...Oh God...fuuuuuuckkkkkkk babyyyyyyyyyyy—“
“Face hella sexy when you bust, girl,” Erik wrapped his arms around Vance’s thighs and started ramming his dick deep, big balls slapping against his ass. Vance’s core tightened and it seemed to shoot straight to his dick because now he’s cumming in Jodie’s hand. Jodie licked as much away as she could but he kept on erupting. It was Erik’s pounding deep in that ass that had him making a big mess. 
“Oh shit, Erik, fuck,” Vance stared between Jodie’s thighs at Erik, “Dick is all up my ass——“
“I’m taking this ass?” 
“Yes, daddy.”
Jodie could not stop looking at Erik’s hard dick fucking Vance so good. Erik leaned over Vance, his naked chest and those gold chains hanging over Vance’s body. His dreads hung low and he bit down on his lip, working his hips fast and skillful. Jodie needed that dick in her pussy. 
“Ima nut again,” Vance’s handsome face crumbled, “Fuck, Erik, ima bust—-“
“Yeah, nigga, I’ma make that dick cum while I beat this ass up good.” 
Jodie cupped her pussy and rubbed it up and down to the sight of Vance shooting out yet another thick load. Erik pulled out and rocked back on his heels, watching the way Vance’s ass quivered. There is a creamy puddle beneath his ass. Erik removes the condom, walking to Jodie’s dresser to grab another. Rolling it over his still hard erection, Erik walks up to Jodie picking her up and wrapping her legs around him. Erik sits back on the bed, Jodie over him with his hands cradling her ass.
“It’s time to get in you now...nothing but dick deep in your guts…”
Vance stood up from the bed and jerked his dick watching Jodie grab Erik’s dick herself, squatting over his dick before lowering her hips, that thick dick nothing but a flesh covered pole for her to fuck. Jodie was up on her feet, upper body bending over so she could bounce her hips. Her ass cheeks clapped with each bounce while she fed her pussy some dick. Vance went to lay next to Erik so that he could have a better look at his wife handling Erik’s dick. 
“You see that sexy little pussy taking all this dick?” Erik says to Vance before his eyes zeroed in on Vance’s erection, “Dick long as fuck...tear some ass up with this.” 
Erik started Jerking Vance’s dick.
“Get that dick, ma, nasty ass bitch...got my dick all in that pussy...I bet that ass looks real juicy bouncing…”
“This big ass dick.”
Jodie’s cream coated the condom.
“Good dick…” She moaned, “mmmmm, some good fucking dick...so thick...Unh, so good.”
“She’s loving that,” Vance says before grunting from Erik’s thumb stroking his tip, “I love that fat dick too.”
“I know you do, baby boy,” Erik gives Vance a sexy smirk. 
Erik liked the feel of Vance’s dick in his hand but he couldn’t stop wondering how Adonis’ would feel against his palm. Is it thick with a little bit of curve? Does it have length to it for Erik to deep throat? Is it soft to the touch yet textured from his thick veins? He couldn’t shake it. He let go of Vance’s dick and grabbed Jodie’s ankles, picking his hips off the bed and serving her more dick. He didn’t let up on his strokes, knocking the wind out of her chest and making her shout. Vance took over with jerking his dick while his eyes focused on Erik’s powerful hips. 
“Make her cum, Erik...Make that pussy cum,” Vance said.
“Ahhhhhhhhh,” Erik gritted his teeth, “cum on this dick, bitch...get you some of this dick...she about her business look at her,” Erik and Vance watched Jodie work her hips on his dick, “bounce that shit.”
“Hell yeah, I love watching that big dick pound her pussy,” Vance leans over to tongue Erik’s neck. Erik gripped his chin and flicked tongues with Vance. He broke away from him to moan out. His balls contracted rhythmically with his dick and that was a sign that he was ready to pump his fat load all over their faces. 
“Get down on your knees, both of y’all, hurry up, fuck, I gotta bust!”
Vance and Jodie are on their knees and Erik stands before them, snatching his condom off before fisting his dick. All of that cum squeezed out from his heavy sack all over Vance and Jodie’s face, mouth, and wiggling tongue. 
“Clean this dick up,” Erik spoke with a gruff tone. Both of their tongues battled for a taste. The feeling of two sets of lips on his dick made more cum dribble. Vance took over and sucked him, Erik pulling his dick from his mouth to give Jodie some. He allowed his dick to swing back and forth for them to catch and suck. 
“Y’all gon’ have me fucking again,” Erik shook his head, “Damn...y’all love this dick.”
Watching them attack his dick had Erik satisfied but there was still part of him that needed more. 
Adonis was going to be trouble...if only he would accept his attraction for Erik so he could really show him how badly he needs him. Erik wasn’t going to wait too long either. 
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samanthalightning · 4 years
She's Got A Date-EoWells X Allen!Reader- Part 8 (Final)
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Part VII | Alternate Ending
Summary: Wells comforted you.
Warnings: SMUTTY SMUT. Unprotected Sex (Wrap it before you tap it)
A waft of floral scent overcame your nostrils. There were no lights, just candles littered all over the bathroom, the roses scattered all over the floor and in the bathtub. His favorite piece playing in the background, the water's warm, rippling soothing your tired muscles and bones. Oh, and the beautiful view— the man likes it. You thought it was funny. It's like an obsession to overlook things; see how they work.
His definition of romantic night apparently. You came back from the restaurant and stumbled upon this. You decided to abandon every bad thought along with that person. Tonight is supposed to be perfect and you are not going to let a woman who knows nothing about you ruin it.
Except you are.
You took another sip of your bubbly drink in your hand, staring absentmindedly outside while hugging your knees, silently dwelling in misery.
Your world had you all occupied, you didn't even notice that Wells was observing you the whole time from the other end of the tub. Each line that drew on your forehead or your lips pursing, your little huffs, every flicker of your emotion— he saw it. Eventually, he knew it could only go for so long.
He cleared his throat. "Is there something wrong?"
Your head snapped to him, pulling you from your world. Disoriented, you raised an eyebrow.
"I said, is there something wrong?" He repeated, louder and firmer this time.
You shook your head. "No. Everything's perfect," you assured him, forming a faint smile.
You don't want to spoil everything. He did an amazing job and you're the one who insisted on this. But you didn't just think that it would be so hard to shrug off. Perhaps you were just too naive and you're paying the price.
"Then why do you look like that?" He pointed to your face.
Perplexed, you knitted your eyebrows.
"Like what?"
"Like you carry the heaviest burden in the world," he answered.
You rolled your eyes, but frowned. You didn't want to believe him, as that look was more of Barry's than yours.
"It's fine," you murmured.
You heard him exhaled. "Come here," he motioned, curling his fingers.
You turned around and sat in front of him. He quickly planted his lips on your shoulder, as his hands ran smoothly up and down your arms; comforting and assuring.
"Now, the last time you answered that, we had a fight," he remarked.
You chuckled.
"It doesn't matter, babe,"
He sighed again, clearly getting annoyed with you and your answers. Something you found funny for now he knows how it feels like breaking him mildly putting it.
"I saw her, you know," he began. You have an idea— well, more than an idea— what he was talking about.
"Who?" You asked with faux cluelessness.
"That woman from the elevator. I saw her follow you to the ladies' room. Did she say anything to you?"
Of course. You're dating a genius. And it doesn't really take a lot to connect the dots.
"It's not something worth mentioning," you insisted.
You didn't want him to feel the same way about it. And if you're being honest, you didn't want to hear the response to it.
"You keep on saying it doesn't matter, but the fact that it plagues your mind, means it does,"
You huffed. He's got a point. You're doing it again.
"How about you speak and I'll make you feel better?" He whispered darkly.
Chills ran down your spine.
"Feel better how?" You asked carefully.
You felt his hands slipped underneath your arms, the back of his fingers, sliding down your back to the sides of your breast, all the way down to your torso. Your breath hitched, skin started feeling hot and your heart hammered in your chest. He then reached your thighs, and fingers swirled on the skin, inching and inching closer to your inner thighs and quickly spread your legs wide. A jolt of excitement and lust rushed through your system.
"Come on, tell me. What's wrong?" His fingers just inches away and the anticipation is killing you. "You can say it," he encouraged.
You gasped, as you felt his fingers against your womanhood. He started rubbing your bundles of sensitive nerves. Not even meaning to do it, you leaned back to chest, your head tilted to the side, leaving your neck exposed. Wells took advantage of peppering your jaw and neck with open-mouth kisses, sucking on your sensitive spot, making sure to leave a mark.
He increased the pressure on your clit, his fingers moving a bit faster, your eyes fluttering close.
"Or I'll stop," he said huskily, nibbling on your ear. "Do you want me to stop?"
You shook your head frantically as you mewled, becoming overwhelmed.
"Then speak." He ordered.
You bit your lip. Mind is becoming hazy and your breath becomes heavier and heavier by the second. You can't even think straight, let alone talk— although you admit you didn't just want to speak. The silence for a period of seconds showed your hesitation to open up. Wells, being a man of his word, slowly halted causing you to whimper. Missing his touch and what it does to you, you reluctantly relented.
"She told me that you're too old for me," You breathed. As soon you spoke
"I thought that matter had been recently resolved," he whispered to your ears, sending shivers down to your spine. With his free hand, he fondled you with your left breast. He teased the nub, pulling and pinching it harshly. Your senses overwhelmed by the sensations the act does; you struggled to find words and lost the ability to think. But afraid that he'll stop, you force yourself to speak.
"I know. I-I didn't mind it. But—" He interrupted you by sliding a digit inside. He pumped slowly, before adding another finger inside. He curled his fingers inside. Your head lolled back on his shoulder.
"But she said men like you, you'll get bored; you'll get bored and then leave." You panted. "I can't get it off my mind that maybe this relationship has so many obstacles and differences for us to deal with. And I don't want you to leave because I love you so much and— agh!" Your hands flew to the sides of the tub, clamping it as his fingers pumped in a rapid rhythm, hitting that spot. To heighten everything up, he removed his hand from your breast and rubbed your clit that he abandoned a moment ago.
The water stirred as fingers moved and you were sent in a daze. You couldn't speak anymore. That was your last straw. And he didn't seem to care either. Your teeth dug to your lip so deep, they're white, numb, and you almost can taste the metallic taste of blood.
"Harrison, I'm so close," you sounded as though you were begging him.
"Yeah?" He softly asked, but there's a tinge of roughness in his voice. "Good." He pumped his digits faster.
Not so long, your walls clenched around his fingers, your hips quivering, toes curling, and you knew for sure that was it. Your body shake, feeling the tingling pleasure barrelled through you and with a loud scream of his name, you came undone.
Your chest rise and fall, your body dripping with all kinds of liquid. You collapsed and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You needed that. It release some tension and anxiety. It's official: this is your favorite way of opening up.
Your mind no longer fogged, you realized that something was poking your back. Something hard— something throbbing. And that something was him. You flushed deeply, but aroused more than ever. You feel the ache and the slick in between your legs growing. Although that was amazing, you need more. You need him inside of you. You need him to have his way with you.
Blushing red, you moved and took his erection, stroking it slowly from behind. You heard him elicit a grunt and a sigh. You went on for a moment, pumping his length, but he took your hand away and patted your hips.
"Get up," he ordered sternly. Your limbs are shaky, yet you still managed to get on your knees. Wells grab a hold of your hips and still it.
"Are you ready?" You nodded, eager.
"Yes," you whispered.
He dragged his length across your entrance, he rubbed against your clit, causing you to exhale sharply. He then slipped into your sheath warm, filling you the hilt. You both moaned, chest heaving. He gave you time to adjust, lifting your hips to pull out and slip back for a few times. His pace started slow, careful almost, then he changed it quickly. The filthy noise of water slapping bounced off the walls. He gripped your hips, controlling the rhythm, shoving your hips together, your mouth how open in pleasure. He was slowly shedding the control he had, his pace becoming rough, rougher than usual like angry rough. You clamped the sides of the tub, knuckles turning white as he railed from behind. Your eyes rolled back, screaming and begging for more. For him to go faster. Deeper.
He did. And some more. A hand wrapped around your neck to your surprise.
"Is this okay?" He rasped.
He has done this before. Accidentally or instinctively, you didn't know. You never ventured that far as he quickly withdrew when he realized that he did it. You never knew if you liked it. So, aroused and mind hazy, you took an audacious move.
You swallowed thickly. "Yes."
His hold on your neck grew tighter, he buried his face in your neck, he wrapped his free around your waist and harshly shoved your hips against his. With every thrust of your hips, his hold tightens, slowly depriving you of oxygen, making you more and more breathe less and delirious. But oh, you love the way he took control of you. You love the feeling your lungs burning as he thrusted deeper, rougher and faster into you. You then realized that he wasn't losing control. It was you and him taking over you.
"Harry, don't stop! Don't you dare stop!" You exclaimed.
Your velvety walls convulsed around and he let out a deep half-groan, half-moan. Your eyes finally saw stars, your back arched as you orgasmed for the second time tonight.
You thought he was gonna let you take a breather after that, but he didn't. He moved your hips relentlessly, didn't even dare let you go. A third orgasm, followed by a fourth, the fifth. Dear God, he is trying to blow your brains out, as if your state of deliriousness isn't enough to satisfy him. Waters stirred violently, spilling out of the tub to the floor.
Tears pricked your eyes, you were mewling, a whimpering mess, but he took you insatiably, hungrily. His response was grunt, hiss and curses. The high he seems to chase wouldn't be found. You couldn't tell what was pain or pleasure anymore. You were overstimulated, your cunt abused. Finally by sixth time, his pace became sloppily, before stopping and pulling out of you. He didn't even come.
You panted heavily, sweating like crazy. Your poor lungs were incapacitated. This is the first time he snapped like this. You tried wondering why, but you lost the ability to think as of the moment.
He made you turn around. Limbs made of literally jelly climbed on his hips, straddling him. You came face to face with him. His expression wasn't telling him much, sweat covered his entire face. His ocean eyes swirled with a hint of green were expressing such intensity and passion.
"One last." He murmured.
You nodded and let him enter you again. He rocked your hips sensually, passionately, seems like taking his time. Your crescent moon-shaped nails dug on his back and dragged it down. He didn't make much noise about it.
He captured your lips less harshly than he was before. His lips dragged across your bottom lip, before tugging it between his teeth. His tongue roamed inside your mouth, you tried to put up a fight, but he won the dominance. Oh how intoxicated you were with his lips.
Pulling away, he put his forehead against yours, urging you to look into his eyes. Your eyes locked up, staring through each other's soul made it more raw and vulnerable. He was actually expressing it.
It didn't really take a lot for you to orgasm again, and he came with you this time. Ribbons of ribbons of his warm seed filled you and you squeezed, milking him dry. He pulled out of your sore cunt. Your head collapsed onto his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck, clinging like a child. Your eyes fluttered close, you can barely move your own body.
His hand dragged across the line of your sweaty back and the other grazed your neck. The pain suddenly dawned on your system. You have a bruise on your neck.
"How are you?" He asked softly with a tinge of concern.
"I'm fine," you weakly muttered.
"Are you sure?" The concern was more evident now.
"Yes," you mumbled sleepily.
His chest rise and fall, synchronized with yours— or at least you thought. His heart beat is so slow compared to yours. Beat after beat, lulling you to sleep like a baby. Everything quiet down, calm.
"Are you okay?" You suddenly spoke.
He sighed heavily, maintaining the silence you interrupted. Despite your state, you surprised him by swatting his chest. It made him crack a smile, quickly replaced by a frown.
"It's just... All these thoughts about you leaving and me leaving..." he trailed off.
You both found him, stuttering and struggling for words to express it.
"I-I didn't like it. I don't want you even thinking about it, okay?" He sounded so distraught to the idea of it. And so were you.
You nodded, already half-asleep, but you understood it.
He detached you from his body and to make you face him. He cupped your cheeks.
"Hey, look at me." He shook you awake, until you opened your eyes. He stared at them solemnly. "I am not leaving you. Ever." He declared to you.
"Promise?" You softly asked.
"I promise."
"I love you," you whispered to him.
"I love you too,"
The next day rolled on, and it was a nice day off. You felt separated from the whole world for a day. Room services, laying all day on the bed, despite Wells' constant insistence of doing some work. You remember everything from last night. His promise made you feel more confident about you two. If that's not enough, he made sure to give you a speech about it as well.
Instead of a first date, it felt like you two are on a honeymoon, experiencing marital bliss. Despite being sore as hell, it didn't stop you both from having sex on every corner, surface and crevices of the hotel room. You felt bad for the ones who are going to clean this room.
Wells was kind enough to have someone get you some pair of clean jeans and a decent shirt to change in before you leave as there's work tomorrow.
You entered the cortex with a cup of coffee, a bright smile on your face and limping legs.
Caitlin, Cisco and Wells were already there. You figured you'd sleep in a bit for... recovery.
"Good morning, guys,"
"A good morning to you too, Miss Y/N Allen." Cisco greeted you with an odd tone.
You furrowed your eyebrows, but laughed it off and ignored him.
"How was your weekend?" You asked them.
"My weekend? It's fine. How about yours?" Caitlin said with the same tone as Cisco.
You started to notice that they weren't both looking at you, instead focused their computer and typing loudly like maniacs.
"Fine." You muttered, baffled. You turned to Wells, who gave you a shrug.
You were confused, but brushed it off as you plan to tell them the truth. You began fiddling with your fingers. You and him shared a look as he moved towards your side. He nodded stiffly, and you turned back to your friends, still rapidly typing, and sucked in a deep breath of courage.
"Uhm, guys, we have something to tell you. You see, Dr. Wells and I are—"
"Dating?" Cisco cut you off.
You blinked, stunned. "What?"
Cisco clicked something in his keyboard and pointed to the TV behind you. You spun around and your eyes went round. It's an article from some gossip blog. An article about Wells and you.
‘Harrison Wells Seen Getting Cozy with A Mystery Woman at The Fiat Last Saturday Night.’
A hand covered your mouth, mortified as you read the rest of the contents, along with pictures of you guys. Apparently, someone had seen you enter the hotel. Then 'cozying up' at the restaurant and heading back to your room, even leaving the hotel. What shocked you the most was how quickly it got attention. You expect people to catch up after like a month of two. Guess that's what happens when you date a man who blew a hole in the city.
Both of you turned around to face your friends. As if mirroring each other, obviously not pleased, looking at you expecting an explanation. Especially Cisco. He even has his arms crossed like a grumpy child.
You were beyond flushed and embarrassed. This is not how you want them to know. These damn paps.
"Guys, I know you're—"
"Angry?" Caitlin inquired. "Maybe a little. But it's your relationship. It's not our business."
You smiled at her appreciatively. You were actually worried they'd get mad.
"Yeah. How long has this been going on though?"
"6 months," you replied.
"6 months?!" Cisco exclaimed. Even Caitlin looked at you in disbelief. "How come we didn't even notice?"
"We were that good."
Cisco shook his head, and you don't know if it's disbelief or amazement.
"So all those nights, the dance instructor, the trainer—"
You purse your lips. "Yup. All lies,"
You thought he was done, but he brought up something. He was rambling on to himself. You thought he was calculating, so you all listened and watched.
"Which means that when I called you and I called him, you were both busy..."
Your eyes widened, memories of events flooding to your mind. You were quick to cut him off, but a buzz from the computer beats you. There was bank robbery at some bank. You all immediately shifted your focus on that, not before looking at Wells in shock that Cisco even noticed, and he merely smirked.
The robbery didn't even last for another 5 minutes as Barry came into the scene. He kicked bad guys' ass and put them in jail. Another save for Team Flash.
The whole day consisted of more crime-fighting and Cisco being still in shock with you dating Wells. You expected it and they took it better than Joe, that's for sure. They're very supportive and respectful and happy for you guys.
The next months were the craziest ones. Everything was going smoothly then next thing you know, you were pregnant. It was unexpected. You were extremely worried and scared. Joe was livid. He didn't like the idea of his adopted daughter getting knocked up by Harrison Wells as he didn't trust him very much. You didn't talk for weeks. You moved into Wells' home and if weren't for Hartley's attack at Wells' place, Joe wouldn't have talk to you.
Soon, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and he was the proudest Poppop ever. Barry and Cisco became extremely competitive when it comes to being the best uncle ever. Caitlin was your unofficial pediatrician and you trust her more than the real one. Iris and Eddie were kind enough to babysit sometimes.
You've never been this happy, actually. Everything's lighter and brighter, full of laughter. Everything seems to be in the right place for the first time in your life— with the right person. Him. It feels foreign and amazing. There's no going back from this. You don't know if things could be greater. Nothing bad can happen that would change how happy you are right now. Nothing.
That was two months ago.
You stand there, arms crossed, tightly pressed to your chest. You hold onto your own arms to stable you from shaking. Your red, puffy eyes stung as you stared at him through the glass, his beautiful ocean eyes looking back at you too. They were no longer filled with what you thought was love and mystery. It was just cold and dark.
He stood inside the cell. Yes, stand. After all this time he was just manipulating you, playing you all like pieces in chess. He wasn't the man he said he is. Literally. You still remember how you refused to believe your own brother who said those words to you. That's exactly why you quickly rushed to the pipeline to see for yourself. And they were right.
He was not a caring, nice man he seemed to be months ago. He was a monster. A cold, calculating monster you love. The only man you ever loved that it could deliberately break your heart. And it did.
He couldn't just wipe that stupid smirk off his face, seemingly satisfied with pain you're feeling, the betrayal you were facing—the things he caused. You swore to God you never felt so much hatred for someone you loved with all your heart.
Disbelief and distraught so evident on your features. "How could you do this?" You whispered through your gritted teeth.
He sighed wearily. "Your brother and I, were meant to be rivals, Y/N, " he responded, not feeling an ounce of guilt or remorse.
Your stomach churned in disgust. You couldn't believe you loved this man. You couldn't believe you were fooled into believing he was a good man.
"So, you killed my mother? And tried to murder my own brother? For the sake of your stupid fate, for stupid revenge! You stooped so low and robbed me of everything?!" You yelled at him. At this point you are hysterical; all the chains are starting to break free, and knowing your emotional capacity, you're gonna break.
"It was the only way. I had to get his speed—"
You shook your head, refusing to hear the same excuse from his mouth.
"Was I part of your plan? To hurt my brother?"
He sighed, hesitating. He planted his palm on the glass. He tore his eyes from you, looking down to hide his features. The cocky, evil demeanor seemingly disappeared from his system.
"I never anticipated everything between us to happen. You were so persuasive, and I couldn't resist. My whole plan was just to get my speed, I never imagined that I would get to build a family here with anyone."
Your glossy and red eyes gaze at his eyes, hoping for the last breath of humanity in those eyes.
"Did you even love me? Us?" You croaked.
He stared at you sincerely. And you hated that, because you loved it so much.
"Yes," he said, and you couldn't tell if he's lying. And you had to trust your with what your mind was telling you, because clearly your own heart failed you.
You scoffed. "Now, that's just bull. You manipulated me, Wells— or Eobard Thawne— whatever the hell your name is, I don't care. From now on, you are dead to me, everything you say is a lie and words from a dead man!" You pointed at him with vigor, eager to prove your anger.
"Y/N, you have to understand—"
"Oh, I do. You're a psychopathic idiot who's always been obsessed with my brother. Barry will never live a happy life? You will never live a life. You will rot here forever and I will make sure of it." You swore to him, your eyes looking at him with furious fire that lit up hell.
You turned to leave the pipeline. But he suddenly spoke.
"We're a family now, Y/N. You, me and her. Are you just gonna let that go? You can come with me. We can raise her over there and everything will be—"
Trembling, you spun around.
"We were a family." You stated "Or were we ever? That doesn't matter anymore. Because I will make sure you will never see her again," you declared and strode out of the pipeline with him shouting your name for you to come back.
You watched as the door slowly slid down, closing on him. You were frozen in your stance, your own frame shaking as the tears rolled down your cheeks.
You felt an arm wrapped around your shoulder, clutching you tightly. You knew it was Barry. You turned and collapsed into his arm, sobbing instantly.
He rubbed your back soothingly as you poured down the tears on his chest with you clinging on him tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he mumbled.
"What am I gonna do, Barry?" you sobbed.
Barry stayed quiet, just heaved a sigh. He felt bad seeing you like this, as he was the one who started the whole investigation, but he didn't regret that he finally caught the bastard who murdered his mother. Only it's in the form of his mentor and his baby sister's boyfriend.
"It'll be fine, okay? I'm here. All of us are, and that's all you both need, okay?" He murmured to you.
You nodded, hugging him tighter, unable to control your emotions and tears.
You thought you truly knew heartbreak, but at this moment of your life you've come to realize that you barely scratched the surface. Everything is crashing down, hitting lower than they ever did before; it feels heart and gut wrenching at the same time. There's no going back from this. You don't know if anything can top this pain. Nothing good can ever erase how utterly broken you are right now. Nothing.
This is it, guys! Thank you so much for all the ones who liked and reblogged this story. I am so happy and filled with gratitude that I was able to share and FINISH this story, because knowing me and the 60+ drafts of various stories on my phone, I would have backed away instantly.
I hope y'all loved this final part. I'd appreciate it if you share this and give it some love.
See y'all soon for the next story I can think of.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
A One Time Thing?
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Summary: Sure, they've had a fling before, but this time it's a one time thing... isn't it?
Pairing: Javier Escuella x John Marston
Word Count: 2471
Rating: NSFW
Tags: Friends to lovers, Mutual masturbation, Smut, Drinking, P*rn without a plot, Slight angst.
Notes: I’ve never wrote any Jovier before so go easy on me here xD
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Neither of them is sure if it's the whiskey that set fire to the fuse of sexual tension that has been burning for months, but both of them had been itching for another encounter. They've locked eyes with each other every day since, usually multiple times a day, and the tension burns a little stronger each time. Not to mention the lowkey flirting and suggestive hints, the way their knees would always rest against each other when they were sat at the campfire, or the way their hands would linger together for a little too long when they split their earnings from a job. The bubble has finally burst tonight. Javier and John had been asked to both be on guard duty tonight; Dutch was being extra cautious since that man recognized Arthur from Blackwater, so better safe than sorry. But instead of patrolling the camp as normal, the two of them had sat by the scout campfire to try and keep warm, seeing as the Heartlands was rather chilly around this time of the year, not to mention the chill from the dead of night. A bottle of whiskey was shared, and one thing always leads to another.
"So needy," Javier tells John between kisses, placing his hands onto his chest as he swings one leg over and straddles John. John automatically bucks his hips up, rutting his hardening cock against Javiers. "So impatient," Javier adds, smiling throughout the kiss. "Can you blame me?" John asks. "I can blame you for not learning patience, yes," Javier replies. "Maybe I'll have to teach you." "Hell, I've been patient! It's been months, you know. You can't shame me for gettin' needy now," John laughs. "Fair play," Javier smiles as he presses his lips to Johns again. Their mouths part within time and their tongues are re-introduced, making John whimper. Javier knows too well how much John enjoys that, even more when Javier begins to rut his crotch against Johns. Javiers fingers find their way into Johns hair, gripping his head in place as Johns grabs at Javiers waistcoat, eventually sliding down to grip at his ass. Javier breaks the kiss and tightens his grip on Johns hair, eyes half-lidded as he huskily asks John "You wanna take me, Marston?" "Please," John sighs. The last time they'd ended up like this, all they managed to do was jerk their cocks together whilst a finger found its way into Johns ass, though he couldn't take much more. But Javier had spent countless nights whispering Johns name into the dark as he prepped himself, moving past that new burning feeling, and was now hungry to finally take him. "Good," Javier replies. He shuffles back ever so slightly so he can reach down and begin to unbutton Johns pants, John watching him with a grin, though his smile fades into a moan when Javier pulls his length out and begins to slowly stroke him. Sure, maybe the two of them shouldn't be doing this on the edge of camp. For once, nobody else is awake, nobody is awake drinking or spending their time by the campfire rather than sleeping. And if somebody were to wake up, then hopefully they'd notice the disturbance before it noticed them. John sighs again, lying back against the log. His eyes flick between watching Javier stroke him, to admiring that smug expression Javier has on his face. Or what John can see of his face as Javiers back is facing the campfire, his face dark and a handful of loose strands of hair covering his face. John reaches forward to unbutton Javiers pants, thankful that the two of them had taken their gunbelts off a long time ago. He pulls his length out and after a slow pump, a bead of precum falls from Javiers cock straight onto Johns, making John moan a little louder than he should have. "That it? Is that all I need to do to make you whine like that?" Javier teases. "It was hot, alright?" John shrugs. Javier lets out a laugh before telling John to "come here." He shuffles his hips forward and pushes them down so his cock presses against Johns. Javier moves Johns hand away and replaces it with his own, stroking their cocks together whilst slowly rutting his hips. Javiers hand barely wraps around them both; they both feel so heavy, rock-solid, and similar in size. John watches hungrily, his hands resting on Javiers thighs, slowly trailing up to grab his ass again and encourage his hips to grind down a little harder. "I ain't gonna last long if you keep doin' that," John tells him. "Already?" Javier mocks. "Alright," he shakes his head, letting go of them. John whimpers but watched eagerly as Javier de-mounts him, spinning John around so he can lie beside the log he was just leaning against, propping himself up on his elbows as he watches Javier move down his body. John has to bite his bottom lip to keep himself quiet when Javier ducks his head down and swirls his tongue around the tip of Johns cock, Javiers hand lazily stroking him as he focuses on the tip. He soon takes Johns length into his mouth, only because John was whimpering like a poor puppy. His whimpers quickly turn into moans, and he bites his knuckles to try and keep himself quiet. "Cállate," Javier tells John. "Be quiet. You wanna get caught?" "Javier, I'm sorry," John mumbles, his knuckles still pressed between his teeth. Javier tuts him and rolls his eyes, but moves his mouth back onto Johns length. His hand works the base where his mouth can't quite reach, whilst his tongue rubs along the underside of his shaft. Every so often, Javier pops his mouth off just so he can swirl his tongue around Johns tip, his eyes opening so he can lock them with Johns, who looks like he's about to explode from the sight. The campfire continues to crackle and burn, highlighting all of Javiers features, reflecting off his raven black hair and tanned skin. The sight of him alone is enough to make Johns heart flutter, but the lighting seems to make his stomach turn, as well as making his cock throb. Javier moves off Johns cock for a moment, quickly shuffling his pants down to his thighs, exposing his ass and length. He leans forward towards John, placing two of his fingers on Johns lips. "Suck," Javier orders, and John does so in a heartbeat. He slicks Javiers fingers up, a trail of spit hanging from his mouth as Javier eventually pulls his fingers out, the trail soon breaking as Javier moves his fingers down so he can begin to prep himself. The position is a little awkward, but Javier manages to pop Johns cock back into his mouth whilst he fingers his own ass. "Shit! Javier, that's really hot," John sighs, reaching one hand down to brush Javiers hair from his eyes and hold it off his face. Javier doesn't reply, but he does flick his eyes up to meet Johns again. He can feel Johns length twitch in his mouth as his eyes lock onto Johns, and this time, John lets out a moan that is loud enough to wake anybody nearby. "Javier, I'm gonna-" "Do it," Javier cuts him off. "Means you'll last longer when you slide into me." John whimpers in response, his balls emptying the second Javier puts his mouth back onto Johns cock. Javier always seems to surprise John, as he pulls off his cock and swallows his load, licking his lips afterward. John sighs again, feeling like putty in Javiers hands. He sits upright, stealing a kiss from Javier, the flavour of his load strong on Javiers lips but John doesn't mind. "You ready, my love?" John asks as he breaks the kiss, well aware that Javiers still prepping himself. "I didn't know I was your armor, John," Javier replies with a grin. "I- that didn't mean to slip out, alright?" John stutters, realizing what he'd just called Javier. "I'm ready for you, niño bonito," Javier replies as he slips his fingers out, wiping them off on his thigh. "N-Nio what?" John asks with a laugh. "It doesn't matter, come on," Javier says as he urges John up. Javier shuffles about, positioning himself against the log. His elbows are resting on it, knees slightly apart, and looking over his shoulder at John, who seems frozen in the moment from the sight of Javier waiting patiently for John to enter him. "I know it's cold out, but you can't be frozen already, can you?" Javier teases, snapping John out of his gaze. "Can a fella not admire you, huh?" John shakes his head as he moves behind Javier, lowering his own pants around his thighs and taking the base of his cock in his hand. "You can do your admiring when you're inside of me," Javier says, still looking over his shoulder at John, who lets out a moan in response. Johns eyes move from Javiers so he can line himself up, slowly pushing inside, using Javiers spit as lube. There's a slight burning sensation when John enters, but Javiers prepped himself well enough so that after a few minutes of some extremely slow thrusting, John can begin to pick up the pace. John tries to keep it down but he's been waiting for this for far too long; the sound of skin against skin can be heard, along with their hushed moans. He's not thrusting too hard or deep, worried that Javier is still hurting slightly, but John soon realizes he's not when Javier looks over his shoulder at him. "That all you got, Marston?" Javier asks, making Johns cock throb. "If you don't want me to hold back, then I won't," John shrugs. "Good. Don't." John takes a firm grip on Javiers hips, his fingertips pressed firmly, almost tight enough to leave bruises. Javiers head snaps forward as he lets out a choked moan, feeling Johns cock hit his core as the other man finally stops holding back. There's nobody awake to see them like this, and if for any reason, somebody does, then they're certain that person will mind their business and go wash the image away with a few bottles of liquor. Johns eyes flick between watching his cock enter Javier, to admiring the way Javier is gripping onto that log for dear life. Javier lowers himself onto his elbows, his head struggling to stay up, letting out moan after moan as he screws his eyes shut. "Head up, darlin'," John orders him as he reaches forward and takes hold of Javiers hair, slipping off his hair tie so he can brush his fingers into Javiers dark locks and pull his head up. He keeps a firm grip on Javiers hair as he pounds him, moving his body to the side slightly so Javiers face comes into his line of view. Javiers mouth remains parted, but his eyes flick open to catch Johns. "John," Javier moans, making Johns cheeks turn red. "Javier," John moans back, though it sounds slightly like a question. "You close?" Javier asks. "Yeah," John replies with a small nod. "Good," Javier replies as he reaches down between his legs and begins to jerk himself off, still propping his body up with his other elbow resting on the log. "Shit," John sighs as he leans upright, removing his hand from Javiers hair and moving it back onto his hip. John picks up the pace of his thrusts again, knocking against that spot inside of Javier almost straight away. A whimper escapes Javiers lips as he mumbles "do that again." So, John does, managing to roll his hips perfectly so he hits Javiers prostate with every thrust. "Ah!" Javier moans. "John," he whimpers again, leaning his body down so he's practically draped over the log, his muscles far too weak to hold his weight up. "Wish you could see how good you look right now," John tells him. "Why don't you continue to show me how good I look instead, hm?" Javier asks as his eyes peek over, looking over his shoulder at the man sheathed inside of him. "Shit," John sighs at his comment. "Where can I-" "-Inside," Javier tells him as he cuts his question off. "You sure-" "-Yes," Javier says with a nod, cutting him off again. John can't complain, and he definitely doesn't want to. Another few thrusts and John's spilling his load inside of Javier with his name escaping his lips. Javier follows shortly after, his load hitting the earth below and the log he's leaning over. They're a panting and sweaty mess, their hair clinging onto their foreheads. John finally pulls out and gets to his feet, looking around the campfire for his hat as he pulls his pants up. Javier was smart enough to place his hat down on the stool, so he's dressed before John. "Here," Javier says as he places Johns hat on his head after watching him search for it despite it being straight in front of him. "Thanks," John replies. Their eyes meet and in sync, the two lean in to kiss but both stop themselves. Tension can be felt in the air, but John breaks it as he steals a kiss from Javier, who melts into his touch. "Come on, you. Gotta go wake up whoever's next on shift," Javier tells him as he breaks the kiss. "Alright, alright," John says with a shrug, walking a little too closely to Javier as they stroll back into camp. Javiers about to kick the foot to wake up whatever poor soul is next on shift, but John quickly stops him. "Hey..." he trails off. "Is this a... eh... one time thing? Again?" John finally asks. "You tell me," Javier shrugs. "You've got a family, John. Can't be getting too caught up in this mess," Javier says under his breath, quiet enough not to wake anybody. "Yeah, you're right... well..." John trails off as he stares at the ground, trying to find the right words to say. "We'll just see what happens, huh?" "Indeed, we will," Javier replies. Johns about to speak again but Javiers already kicked the camp members' foot, waking them from their slumber. John is quick to turn heel and walk off to his tent, looking back at Javier as he talks to them. This is a mess, isn't it? The way John looks at Javier, and those expressions Javier sends back his way. Maybe in another life, things will be different. But for this life, John has a family to focus on, though he can't help being tempted by the sin that is that man. John will just have to wait and see what happens.
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toffrox · 4 years
Read on Ao3
"I still can't believe Lou Ellen told you that" Will shook his head at his boyfriend in disbelief.
"Why?" Nico folded his arms, indignant. "We are friends."
Will's head whipped around at that.
"Nico di Angelo, did you seriously just openly admit to having a friend?" He asked. He sounded stunned, though he was grinning.
Nico rolled his eyes and attempted to shrug away, but Will's arm was wrapped firmly around his shoulders. They were wedged in against one another on the floor of Cabin Thirteen, both leaning against the side of Nico's bunk.
The floor around them was littered with Mythomagic cards, junk food and extra blankets. When Nico failed to duck out of Will's grasp he let out a muttered "humph" and leant back against the pile of pillows between them and his bedpost.
"You're impossible" he grumbled.
"What! I am not!" Will laughed, "I'm just proud of you. Such a social butterfly." He pressed his nose against Nico's head and nuzzled teasingly, earning another eye roll from Nico.
"Gross" he muttered.
Will wasn't phased. He could see the way Nico's lips were twitching ever so slightly, giving away his true feelings. Will kept his nose in Nico's hair and brought his hand up to cup Nico's cheek. Nico adjusted slightly so that their eyes met, their foreheads pressed together. Will smiled.
Nico tilted his chin so that they could kiss and Will hummed with pleasure when their lips touched.
The mess of blankets, the flickering light in the cabin and the frantic beating of Will's heart all seemed to melt away as Nico's fingers threaded through Will's hair.
"Nico" Will whispered against Nico's lips. Nico made a soft whimpering sound in the back of his throat that sent shivers down Will's spine.
It was a soft kiss. Comforting and teasing at the same time. Will held Nico close, marvelling for the millionth time at how good it felt to be wrapped up in him. And yeah, maybe also feeling a little smug about how dating someone with a whole cabin to themselves was the best.
"You should stay the night." Nico whispered. Will felt his stomach jolt.
"Really?" He asked, breathless. Nico nodded shyly. "What about… my siblings will notice…" Will said nervously.
"So" Nico shrugged. "It's not like we're doing anything. Just sleeping."
And making out. Will felt his cheeks warm. They were still wrapped up in each other's arms.
"Yeah, Austin's really gonna believe that." Will muttered.
"So what?" Nico said easily. His arms tightened around Will's neck. "I like having you here."
Will gazed down at his boyfriend, marvelling at how comfortable he looked, how open and relaxed.
Will was aware that they hadn't really been friends for that long; just a couple of months. And they'd been dating for even less time. Nico had been through so much, and Will knew there was still a lot Nico hadn't opened up to him about. He always tried to give Nico space; he didn't want to become a crutch for Nico… and yet here he was, telling Will he didn't care what the other campers thought of him, being open about what he wanted… maybe Will didn't need to be quite so cautious all the time…
"You don't have to stay" Nico said softly, worry creeping into his dark eyes. "If you don't want to…"
Will shook his head then, letting himself smile and snuggle down into Nico's arms some more.
"I want to stay" He whispered.
They kissed again, eventually moving from the floor to Nico's bunk. Nico pulled them both under the covers and curled into Will. Their legs tangled together. Nico settled down with his head on Will's chest, both of them smiling.
Nico's eyes had fluttered shut and his breathing had slowed. Will felt himself begin to drift into sleep too, his nose full of the scent of Nico and his chest full of a bubbly kind of happiness that made him giddy.  
Will dreamed.
He was standing up on half blood hill, looking down at the camp, bathed in sunlight. There was a gentle breeze washing in from the sea. He could hear shouts of excitement drifting up from the volleyball courts. The sweet scent of the strawberry fields filled Will's nostrils and made him feel calm. He began to walk down the hill and noticed he was barefoot.
He wasn't sure exactly when the dream began to change.
As he approached the bottom of the hill, nearing the forest, he noticed the grass was no longer cool and smooth beneath his feet, but hot and prickly.
The shouts from the volleyball field seemed louder.
Will looked up and noticed that the sky was darkening. The sun had smoldered down into a deep red that stained the horizon.
Will frowned. He looked at his feet and yelped to see the ground was no longer grassy but jagged. He was walking on some kind of riverbed. Except instead of stones or sand his feet were falling onto broken, black glass.
With a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach Will started to realise that the shouts he was hearing weren't from the volleyball court. In fact, it was a single voice. Someone was screaming. Crying. Someone Will knew.
Will woke up with a lurch.
For a second the dread that had formed in the pit of his stomach remained as Will blinked into the darkness, his brain struggling to locate his surroundings.
Then his senses caught up with him and Will registered the cool moonlight streaming in through high windows, the extinguished torches bracketed against the wall and, eventually, the weight of a familiar form curled up next to him. A form that was twisting and jerking against Will's arms in panic.
Will sat up and pulled back. Nico was still asleep, his face contorted in some kind of pain. As Will's focus shifted to him he had to fight not to reel back at the waves of darkness and fear that were rolling off him.
Will felt his chest tighten in panic. He hadn't witnessed Nico having a nightmare this bad since those first few days in the infirmary. As he fought against the dark aura that seemed to be emanating from Nico he realised that what Will had seen and heard in his own dream must have been a glimpse into Nico's nightmare.
"Nico" Will coaxed, nudging his boyfriend's shoulder as gently as possible. "Nico, you're dreaming."
Nico strained against the hand on his shoulder and Will let go instantly. Nico's face scrunched up and he twisted, moving so his face was lit by the silvery light from outside. Will realised with a painful jolt that there were tears on his cheeks.
"Nico" Will whispered desperately, attempting to swallow his own fear. "Please, wake up."
And then all of a sudden he did. Glassy, dark eyes snapped open and stared at Will for a few confused seconds. Then Nico sucked in a breath and pulled away, curling up in the corner of the bunk and burying his face in his hands.
"No," Nico moaned, his shoulders shuddering. He seemed to be talking to himself, not Will. Will hesitantly touched his fingers to Nico's knee but Nico wrenched himself away, curling in on himself even tighter.
"No, no, no." he mumbled, a bit quieter now, trying hopelessly to keep the tremble out of his voice.
Will stayed where he was, perched on the edge of Nico's bed, his breathing shallow but his heart racing. It took every drop of self-restraint not to reach out for Nico again, but he managed it. He knew Nico needed space.
Nico's shoulders were shaking unevenly. Like he was crying but attempting to hold it back.
"Nico?" Will said. He kept his voice as quiet as he possibly could. "Do you need me to go?" He asked, knowing that his presence was adding to Nico's panic but praying to all the gods that Nico wouldn't say yes. Will knew there was no way he'd be able to walk away from him like this.
Nico jerked his head oddly and Will couldn't be sure if it was a nod or a shake of the head.
"Um," Will began to hesitantly disentangle himself from the twisted blankets. Then Nico's arm shot out suddenly to grab his wrist. Will looked up.
Nico was staring at him, wide eyed. Terrified. Tears still on his cheeks.
"Please stay." He whispered.
Relief flooded into Will with such force that for a second he thought he might cry as well. Instead he finally let himself reach out and pulled Nico to him. Nico curled into his chest. His fingers clutched at Will's collar. Will heard him let out a single sob.
"I'm sorry" Nico said quietly. His voice was muffled from Will's shirt.
"Nico, baby, you have nothing to be sorry for." murmured Will. He wound his arms around Nico's back as tightly as he could, one hand reaching up to stroke his hair.
They stayed like that for several minutes, Nico taking long, shaky breaths until eventually his heartbeat slowed and the tension in his shoulders eased off.
Even then Will's chest ached. What on earth had happened to Nico to make him feel like this? To give him nightmares this terrifying?
Nico still hadn't properly talked to Will about his past, other than to talk about Octavian's death and the almost-loss of Leo.
Will knew bits and pieces of the story from Annabeth and Percy. He knew some parts too from Gleeson Hedge. And he knew that Nico would have to talk about it with him eventually, but he didn't want to push it. It was important to Will that Nico had space to share these things on his own terms. That he had time to look after himself without relying on Will to fix things.
Will hoped he'd made it clear to Nico that he was there to listen whenever Nico was ready. He always made an effort to remind Nico that he wasn't going anywhere; that he would still be here, no matter what Nico had to say.
But they had been dating almost a month now and Nico had never brought it up. And now Nico's past had crept up on them both and put Nico in a position out of his control. Will felt stupid for not having thought about this. Felt ashamed for letting his resolve slip and sleeping in Nico's cabin (so much for giving him space).
Mostly, he just felt worried. And scared at how frightened Nico had been in his dream. How desperately sad he had been when he woke up.
How often did this happen?
What did Nico do when he was sleeping alone?
What if Nico never opened up to him? What would Will do then?
What if he never opened up to anyone…?
Nico took a deep breath with his forehead against Will's chest and then drew back a little, peering up to meet Will's worried gaze.
"I'm ok now." He said quietly. His voice was finally steady.
"Are you sure?" Will frowned.
"Mmm." Nico nodded and released Will's t-shirt from his grasp, moving his hands instead to rest around Will's waist, his fingertips grazing the small of Will's back.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" asked Will. His voice was still soft, careful.
"Not really…" Nico said. He closed his eyes to avoid the way Will's eyes were searching his face. His stomach was still uneasy; he could feel leftover queasiness from the dream about Tartarus.
He knew that it wasn't fair of him to keep avoiding telling Will about this stuff; this wasn't what Will had signed up for when Nico asked him to stay the night… But he just couldn't face thinking about the dream again.
Will sighed."You do talk to someone about this stuff… right?" He prompted gently.
Nico opened his eyes to see Will chewing his lip nervously.
"Of course." Nico said. "I've been talking to that doctor in New Rome over iris message."
Will blinked in surprise.
"You have?" He said.
"Yeah, every week."
At the end of Nico's three day stay in the infirmary, Will had spoken to Nico about the doctor in New Rome (it seemed like years ago now, back when he and Will had barely spent any time together and Nico was still uncertain about whether or not he'd made the right decision to stay at camp). Will had told him that the healers from Camp Jupiter had recommended the doctor for campers who had been on difficult quests. 'It might help,' Will had told him.
"How has that been?" Will asked him now.
"It's good I guess…" Nico shrugged, his voice still quiet. "I don't want to leave camp anymore."
"But you're still having nightmares…" said Will.
"How often?"
"Will" Nico pulled away slightly, frowning.
"Ok, I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it." Will said hurriedly, tightening his grip around Nico and attempting (poorly) to cover the worry in his eyes. They stared at each other in silence for a moment.
"I'm just scared, Nico." Will whispered eventually.
Nico flinched. Of course he was scared…
"I'm sorry." Nico hung his head as he spoke, but Will was already shaking his head.
"No, not like that." Will brought one hand up to cup Nico's cheek. "I'm scared for you, Death Boy. I'm scared because you're hurting. And I'm scared that you think that you deserve it. That's all I'm scared of."
His voice was so gentle. Nico's chest ached. He closed his eyes again.
"You wouldn't say that if you knew all the worst things I've done." He said.
Will tightened his hold on Nico and pushed their foreheads together.
"There's nothing you could tell me that would scare me more than the thought that you might never tell me those things" he said.
"Why?" Nico frowned.
"Because I worry that you're hurting yourself by not telling anybody."
Will sounded almost as pained as Nico felt. Nico scrambled for something he could say to comfort him.
"Reyna knows." he said quietly.
"That's good." said Will, sounding equal parts relieved and concerned.
Nico opened his eyes and studied Will's expression carefully. Soon, he knew, he was going to have to share his past with Will. As much as he hated the idea of reliving it… and as much as he worried what Will would think of him afterwards… he knew that he couldn't hide this part of himself forever. He didn't want to.
"I'll tell you one day…" he assured.
"I'd like that." Will smiled.
And Nico thought of Ahklys and of Cupid. He thought of Bryce Lawrence and the looks of horror on Coach Hedge and Reyna's faces when they recounted what Nico had done to him…
He thought of those things as Will smiled.
No you won't.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
From the Ashes We are Born (Part 5)
a/n: take fucking two of posting this bc tumblr likes to fuck me over djdjjdjd. something that always bothered me with evey is the fact she left V?? I get not wanting to be stuck with a stranger for an entire year but you were the one who maced the cop. you decided to do it not v. he did not ask u to. now v torturing her there's not rlly a jusitifed excuse even though i can see why but it's still not justified either way. anyways as always enjoy.
Summary: V is away tending to his daily anarchist duties, which leaves you facing the wake of a treacherous thunder storm alone! Fluff ensues.
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a/n 2: oh my god. i finally got the fucking gifs to work. had to navigate back and forth i stg I'm gonna dethrone the Tumblr god.
The music from your phone played throughout the deafening silence of the gallery. The infamously known masked criminal had left the gallery to commit his “righteous duties”. That’s how your friend, V, put it anyways. London was weeping over its people, at least, that’s what V had said once he heard the rain slapping the roof. Why can’t he just say it’s pouring, you thought to yourself as V fluttered about the house. “Dramatic as always V,” you snickered as you stood there watching him preparing to leave. You had been staying in the Shadow Gallery for a few months now. You weren’t very stoked to having to stay here for a year, but you had to. After all, you had sealed your fate after macing that cop. Even though you were upset about having to be stuck here away from your paints and gaming consoles, you understood. It was your decision to save him, he hadn’t asked you too.
  V’s underground home was deadly quiet as he got ready. The playful aura and laughter was now gone. It felt lonely and cold, something you guessed V had felt before you arrived. “Hey V,” you asked, fidgeting with the flowy skirt you wore. “Yes?” The man in question picked up his notorious black hat and put it on top of his head. He smoothed his hair and turned to you after looking in the mirror once more. “C-can I,” you started, cheeks flushing a bright pink, “Can I have a hug?” You felt awkward as you stood there playing with your skirt. V didn’t say anything as he stared at you. The smiling mask was unsettling to look at with the awkward air and embarrassment you felt. “Y-y'know what, forget I asked,” you stammered, starting to turn before throwing a “good luck and goodbye” kinda thing. You heard him sigh. V wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest. The scent of lemon and the smell of pine made you hum. Your arms snaked around his middle as you stood there, together in front of the T.V. You were thankful V couldn’t see your beet red face. His mask rested atop your head and you shivered at the rumble of his chest as he spoke. “Forgive me, I was taken aback is all.” You pulled away a bit looking at the eyes of his mask. “It’s alright, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” “Nonsense my dear, you have yet to do so.” Oh we definitely have a crush. You pulled away giving him a smile. “Be safe okay V? I mean it. If you come home almost dead on the porch again, so help me, your bullet wounds won’t be the thing killing you.” V laughed, the sound of it making your heart giddy. “Of course, mademoiselle.” The tension between the two you was thick, neither of you breaking eye contact. Feeling bold, you grasped V’s shoulder with your hand and stood on your tippy toes. “D-dove-,” he started. You interrupted him, though. Your soft lips placed themselves on the cheek of his mask. “A good luck charm,” you said softly as you pulled away. Giving V’s shoulder one last squeeze, you let him go. “I shall return soon,” V said as he left. You scolded him again about being reckless, and to be safe . Your heart sank as V’s echoing footsteps faded away leaving you standing alone and cold.
“ I love you baby , and if it’s quite alright I need you baby,” you sang as you grabbed the acrylic paint V had gotten for you. The clock read 1:54 on the wall while the rain continued to pour outside into the night. V had yet to return from doing god knows what in the streets. The smears of white and red paint were splattered across your arms and thighs. The scent of paint and V’s musky smell mixed together as you painted. Your arms and body tingled from the warm embrace he had given you. Thoughts of V took over as your paint brush made graceful strokes on the canvas. Did he even like you back? “As if,” you huffed. “He’s a man with taste.” But what about the pet names? And the flowers! He brings us flowers once he comes back.  “He’s british, being called love and darling is something normal here. The flowers don’t mean anything. It’s not like an obvious red rose or anything,” you told yourself. Stop daydreaming and just accept the fact that V doesn’t like you like in that way. 
 4:33 . “Where the hell is he,” you muttered. The rain continued to pour outside. Your canvas was set drying on the table and you flipped through your phone to entertain yourself.  Thank god for a VPN. You laughed at a funny meme as you scrolled through your feed. The lights flickered. You sucked in a breath and waited. CRASH! You jumped at the loud bang of thunder. Trying to calm yourself down, you continued to scroll through Twitter. The anxiety in your stomach wouldn’t stop eating away. V was out there in this godforsaken storm. What if he got hurt? What if he died? “Stop,” you told yourself sternly. “He’ll be fine.” 
Pop! Darkness embraced you as you sat there. The lights are out. Your breaths became shallow; the dim white light of your phone providing some kind of light source. “Calm down,” you whispered. “We’re gonna be fine.” Turning on your phone’s flashlight and using it as a torch, you crept to the bedroom. Loud crashes and noises made your hair stand up on end. Loud noises meant trouble. Loud noises meant a tantrum from your dad had started or something was here, waiting . Silence meant peace. Silence meant safety.
There was some sense of relief as you made it to the room and closed the door. Diving under the blankets, you whimpered as lightning struck. You curled into yourself and laid there. Hoping that the storm would pass, or V would come home. His scent on the sheets was the only solace you had. He will come home, eventually. You wished for V’s arms to hold and comfort you like the very few times he did before. Usually after a panic attack or when you were at the lowest of your lows. You wanted him to finish reading Lord of the Rings to you and help lull you to sleep. But V wasn’t here. V wasn’t going to hold you, or read you to sleep. He was out saving the country he so loved from it’s awful dictator. You’re weak. V wouldn’t want someone weak. He wants someone brave, and courageous. Someone who’s willing to die for what they love.
A sob bubbled up in your throat and tears threatened to escape from your eyes. You couldn’t breathe; you felt suffocated under the sheets, but if you moved you’d be open, vulnerable. Vulnerability is a weakness, being sad and scared is a weakness. How disgusting you must have looked. Hiding like a small child from the scary monster in their closet. How disgusted would V be if he found you here, under his sheets that were now wet with tears. We need to calm down. We need to stop crying. How pathetic we must look right now. He should’ve left you in that station to die. You deserve to die, you deserve to- .
“Love?” V’s voice broke your thoughts. He sounded so soft and gentle. You cursed at yourself for not noticing the door opening. Now he was going to see how pathetic you really were. V’s black boots slid across the floor when he made way into the room.You felt the bed dip beside you as you laid there. Your breath caught in your throat as you laid there silently under the sheets. Please go away, please don’t uncover the sheets. The cool air hit you as V pulled the sheets back. Cursing at your luck, you took a peak. Funny how creepy the smiling mask was in the dark. V’s hat was still perched on his head, you realized. His gloved fist was curled around something in his hand. A rose. 
“My songbird, what is the matter,” V asked as he took in your tear stricken face. The moonlight shone onto your beautiful face, revealing the wetness of your cheeks. How beautiful you were. V felt guilty once he saw you huddled under the covers, hiding from something. Could it be from yourself? “You’re late,” you croaked, “it’s almost 5 am.” “I apologize my dear, something went a bit south.” You didn’t say anything. Your eyes clenched shut and your teeth sunk into your bottom lip from trembling. V’s head cocked to the side, his lips pulled into a frown underneath the mask. He called out your name. The softness and caring tone made your eyes snap back at him. Suddenly, a crash of thunder hit. You flinched and wormed yourself underneath the sheets even more. V simultaneously realized, at that very moment, how terrified you were of thunder. He felt stupid as he sat there, staring at your shaking form. Of course you would try to seek out comfort whenever you were scared or moody. Hiding was your last resort if there was no comfort to be found. A hand stroked your head causing you to tense up.
The leather of the glove felt cool, and smooth. Brows drawn, you looked up at V. His right arm extended to you, with the gift he had brought. “V,” you whispered as you stared at him with shock. You gently wrapped your hand around the stem, taking it from his hands. “An apology for returning so late…and to ask for a courtship. With you,” V stammered. Even with the mask, you knew V was flustered. “It’s about time,” you joked, your voice a bit hoarse. “Ah yes, well you see I was so nervous and I-I've never-” You cut him off with your lips. The odd but smooth material of the mask’s lips felt foreign against your soft, warm ones. 
V didn’t even have to feel your lips to know they were the softest thing to exist. He just knew. You pulled away slowly, your cheeks warming up a bit. You were bashful, a gentle smile swept across your lips. “Thank you for the rose, it’s beautiful.” “My beautiful maiden, it is quite dark in here. You could not be quite sure of such a thing.” “I’ll kiss you again, V.” You giggled, as he shut up.
“Close your eyes and keep them closed,” V said. You looked at him confused, “Why?”  “I have another gift.” A brow was raised in his direction. He just gestured at you, waiting patiently. “You’re acting pretty sus not gonna lie, but ok.” Your eyes fluttered shut. Time seemed to pass by awfully slow as you waited. Not to mention, the dark that encased you as your lids closed. “V?” “I’m right here love.” You heard something untying and felt something being placed on the bed. How badly you wanted to open your eyes, but you would not betray V like that. The smoothness of his gloves grasped both of your cheeks softly. His fingers stroked them and held cupped your cheeks. You screwed your eyes shut, fighting the urge to open them. What was he doing? Your breath stopped at a halt; his breath was on your lips. He’s going to kiss me! His mask is off! You swallowed nervously as you waited. That’s when you felt it. 
V’s lips were rough and felt scarred. The texture was very different from your own, but you didn’t care. In fact, you cherished it. A sigh escaped your lips as your fingers clutched his cloak, pulling him closer. Teeth nibbled at your lips playfully. V’s scent filled your senses and you felt your head starting to become dizzy. You almost whined once his lips pulled away from yours. Eyes still closed, you waited for the signal to open them again. Your ears perked up as you heard the rustling of cloth and a little grunt from V. “Thank you darling, you can open your eyes again.” There were little dots and squiggles as you opened your eyes, moving in the air. You were a little sad to see the mask on again, but knew better than to press. V would give you the world, but he was still insecure about his skin. You were curious to see him, especially after the glimpse of damaged skin you had seen on his hands. But, you knew better than to ask, let alone force him to show you.
V placed his hat on the bedside table next to him. He was surprised to find you had fallen asleep, though it was quite late. He quietly shimmied out of his cloak and set his knives down on the nightstand. A sigh escaped his lips as he got into more comfortable clothing, followed by discarding his gloves on the table beside him. You had wrapped V around your finger; encasing him with your humour and your kindness. He was at your mercy. You had captivated the man who thought he could no longer feel love. Oh how wrong he was. V wrapped his arms around you and held you close. His art swelled a bit at the sleepy hum you gave him. Your head rested lightly on V’s chest and his arms snuggled you tightly. Your soft snores filled the room once again and V couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Eventually, the masked vigilante fell asleep; the comfort of your love and beauty keeping him warm at night.
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Sleep aid
Guess who wrote some Kuzuhina (hint: It was me and River) Read here on AO3
Fuyuhiko knew the signs of sleep deprivation. He'd suffered from it himself on more than one occasion and it wasn't exactly pretty. 
Obviously he didn't care that Hajime looked about ready to collapse. Wasn't his problem. But he was sorta their leader and they needed him, and if no one else was gonna notice how bad he looked well... Fuyuhiko had to take matters into his own hands. 
He felt stupid and awkward as he always seemed to when preparing to face Hajime, but he shoved it aside and knocked on the door to his room.
Fuyuhiko felt worried when it took a long minute for Hajime to come answer the door. When he did he looked down at Fuyuhiko like he was trying to process the steps it’d taken him to get from whatever he’d been doing to answering the door. 
“Yeah?” Hajime said slowly. 
“Geez, you look even shittier than yesterday,” Fuyuhiko snorted, more to deflect the fact Hajime looked pretty even exhausted. 
“... Thanks?” Hajime sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Can I help you or did you just stop by to insult me?” 
Fuyuhiko actually felt kind of bad. He glanced away and shoved the bag he’d been carrying into Hajime’s hands, blushing horribly. “Here. I know sleeping in this place sucks but you have to eventually.” He hoped Hajime wouldn’t put too much thought into the gifts, which Fuyuhiko most certainly had. “I got your meeting with Makoto today canceled, told him you weren’t feeling well. They postponed it to next week.” 
Hajime fumbled a bit with the bag, eyes going wide. “W-what?” He stammered. “You thought I couldn’t handle it?” He seemed to shrink on himself, shoulders falling. 
“No!” Fuyuhiko said quickly, guilt twisting in his gut like a knife. “You’re the strongest person I know, course you could handle it. Doesn’t mean you should have to all the time.” 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Hajime pressed his hand to his forehead and then let it run through his hair, tousling it worse than it had already been. “I’m not myself… Thanks for helping..” He lingered a bit with his hand on the doorknob. 
Fuyuhiko tried and failed to not be slightly enamored with the way Hajime’s hair fell messily on his head. He imagined running his own fingers through it and blushed. “You gonna go try and get some sleep? Cuz I can take my gifts back if you’re not gonna appreciate them.” He joked. 
“Yeah, sure.” Hajime gave a weak smile. “I’ll uh, see you later.” 
That should have been the end of it, but… 
“Did you want help?” Fuyuhiko’s blush worsened. “There’s some tea in the gift bag I could make for you, wouldn’t want you burning yourself or some shit with how tired you are.” It was a lame excuse and he knew it, but he was concerned and wanted to keep an eye on his friend. 
Hajime looked like he was considering the offer. “If you like,” He stepped aside for Fuyuhiko to come in, something in his posture showing relief.. 
“No need to sound so happy about it.” Fuyuhiko rolled his eye as he entered the room, being snarky more so to alleviate his own nerves. He didn’t want to overstep and make Hajime uncomfortable, but the worry he felt outweighed his anxiety and pushed him forward.
 He wanted to know Hajime was okay… Which was normal, right? After all they’d been through, they were friends and Hajime was their makeshift leader. It was fine to care, and he cared a normal amount. 
The current hotel the Future Foundation had them set up in was nice enough that they got suites, there was a kitchen and a sitting room attached to a bedroom and bath. 
Once they were both inside Hajime flopped onto the couch, loosening his tie with a huff. 
Fuyuhiko pointedly ignored Hajime’s everything in favor of grabbing the tea out of the bag and escaping to the kitchen. 
He knew now wasn’t the time to be… feeling things. Especially new things. He could explore that later, when Hajime was in a better space. 
Fuyuhiko headed back out to the living room a few minutes later. He immediately noticed how Hajime had undone the top two buttons of his shirt which wasn’t distracting at all. 
He sat on the coffee table across from Hajime and offered him the mug. 
“Thanks,” Hajime blew on it to cool it and looked thoughtful a minute. “It’s really that obvious?” He asked. 
“Nah,” Fuyuhiko let his tone soften. “No one else knows, you’re a good actor for someone going on… What, four hours of sleep in the last two days?” He guessed, raising an eyebrow. 
“... Zero.” Hajime admitted, looking away quickly. 
“Jesus…” Fuyuhiko shook his head and sighed. “What do you need? I mean this shit was just guesses.” He gestured to the gift bag. “Anything you need, I’m here.” He normally would’ve felt embarrassed at proclaiming that but… He cared about Hajime, just like he cared about the rest of his classmates. 
He wasn’t gonna let him suffer alone. 
Hajime looked a little helpless. “I don’t know, sorry. I’ve tried everything I’ve got… I just can’t do it.” He took a sip of tea from the mug, then leaned down to press the mug against his forehead, closing his eyes. 
“Guess I’m gonna have to stick around until we find something that works then.” Fuyuhiko smiled slightly. “I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve if these don’t help. I’m the ultimate Yakuza, I’ll get you sleeping like a goddamn baby.” 
“Thought it was ‘sleeping with the fishes’.” Hajime joked, chuckling quietly. 
“That’s for the people I don’t like, and thankfully for you I do like you.” Fuyuhiko grinned at Hajime’s stupid joke. 
“I’m grateful. Don’t know what I’d do without you.” Hajime said, leaning back on the couch. He winced at the movement. 
Fuyuhiko noticed the wince and felt that worry gnaw at him again. He got up, draping his jacket over the arm of the couch and moved behind Hajime. Before he could fully register what he was doing he started massaging Hajime’s shoulders gently. 
Hajime made an obscene sound at the touch and it made Fuyuhiko’s stomach twist. He was grateful to be behind Hajime so he couldn’t see the fact his face was scarlet. 
Hajime leaned forward, putting his mug on the coffee table and giving Fuyuhiko more room to work. “God, please keep doing that…” Hajime groaned. 
Fuyuhiko chuckled deeply. He didn’t have any intentions of stopping unless Hajime asked him to, and clearly he was enjoying himself. He couldn’t help but feel sympathy. The muscles under his skin were clenched tightly, like he was prepared for a fight that was never going to happen. No wonder he was wincing, if they’d been stuck like that for awhile. 
Once some of the tension was gone he decided to take a gamble, slipping his hands under the bottom of Hajime’s shirt to massage his lower back. 
A shiver ran down Hajime’s spine and he chuckled. “Your hands are cold,” He pulled away and passed the mug of tea to Fuyuhiko before taking his shirt off. “There. You can warm them up.” 
Fuyuhiko froze, ignoring the fact that the mug was just a bit too warm and the longer he held it the more it burned. 
Of course when they'd come out of the simulation things were different, they weren't the highschoolers they thought they were, rather adults. And Hajime of course had the Kamukura project affecting him. 
Still Fuyuhiko wasn't prepared for those back muscles. 
He suddenly felt very warm.
“Hey, careful.” Hajime took the mug away. “I thought I was the space ca…” he yawned. “..det.” 
“Shut up,” Fuyuhiko mumbled, his face bright red. “You want me to keep helping you or not?” 
"Not if it bothers you." Hajime set the mug aside. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything pulling my shirt off like that... I'm so tired I forgot how weird that would be, didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Fuyuhiko took a breath and carefully started massing Hajime’s shoulders again. “You think you’re the first guy I’ve seen shirtless?” He snorted. Yeah maybe the only other guys were in the locker room at gym but Hajime didn’t need to know that. “It’s fine.” He assured. 
“Good…” Hajime nodded, then he laughed softly to himself like he was having some private joke.
“You know there’s stuff for a bath in that gift bag if you want to relax more.” Fuyuhiko offered. “No wonder you haven’t been sleeping. You’re probably stressed as hell with all the shit that’s been going on.” 
“Shit never stops,” Hajime agreed. “I’d like a bath but I’m enjoying talking to you. I know I’m supposed to be sleeping but it’s nice to spend time with you.” He turned and rested his chin on the back of the couch, looking up at Fuyuhiko.
Fuyuhiko felt his heart flutter and put a hand over his chest to try and stop it. "Not like I'm going anywhere, we live in the same building." He mumbled. "Plus I'd.. Stick around. Anything you need, remember?"
"That's nice of you," Hajime yawned, leaning more heavily on the back of the couch. "I'd like it if you were still here when I woke up... if I ever sleep that is."
"I mean I can stay." Fuyuhiko mumbled. "Maybe it'll make you feel more at ease if you have a bodyguard." He joked, trying to ignore how much Hajime's words made him want to smile.
"Heh," Hajime chuckled. "Maybe I'll try that bath and then try this sleep thing again. You can kick around here if you want, I've got snacks you can steal."
"Nah, let me make myself useful." Fuyuhiko grabbed the bubble bath from the gift bag and headed to the bathroom before Hajime could say anything else. Rolling up his sleeves, he started the water. Once it got warm enough he let the tub fill, adding some of the bubble bath to the rising water. He actually let out a stupid giggle as a bubble hit his nose. 
He'd have to thank Peko again for letting him borrow the stuff, he knew it wasn't easy to come by nowadays.
Fuyuhiko wiped his hands dry and loosened his tie a little as he walked out to find Hajime. He was in the bedroom waiting.
 "All set for ya. Go relax, that's an order."
Hajime just stared at Fuyuhiko after his command, something unreadable in his eye. 
"You okay?" Fuyuhiko asked, mildly concerned. He reached up to press a hand to Hajime's forehead, but his hand was warm from the water so it didn't do much. He frowned. "If you think you're getting sick from lack of sleep you need to tell me."
Hajime’s knees seemed to weaken and he leaned into Fuyuhiko’s touch looking weary. 
"Woah there, don't go falling on me." Fuyuhiko wrapped his arm around Hajime's waist to help support him and brought him into the bathroom, sitting him down on the edge of the tub. He tried very hard not to be distracted by Hajime's chest, which was a losing battle. Still though he felt worried. Hajime looked exhausted and a little pale. He wondered if he should call Mikan.
Hajime seemed to take a moment to process the movement from one room to the next and eventually nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, I'm sorry... don't know what happened..."
"You're tired out of your mind is what happened." Fuyuhiko said with an unusual amount of gentleness. He pressed the back of his fingers to Hajime's cheek, looking at him with concern.
"I really am so tired..." Hajime said quietly, tears filling his eyes. He huffed and tried to scrub the tears away. "I'm going to get in the bath now," he said as he stood. 
Fuyuhiko looked almost pained as he took a step back. "Yeah... I'll uh, I'll wait out here okay?" He really didn't want to leave Hajime alone, not when he was upset and looked close to passing out. He turned and put his hand on the door, then paused. 
"Maybe I should stick around? Would hate for you to pass out in the tub and drown..." He offered softly, fully prepared to be kicked out.
"... yeah," Hajime said quietly. "Stay."
Fuyuhiko felt the tension leave his shoulders. He waited until he heard Hajime step into the water to turn back around. He undid his tie and the first few buttons of his shirt, the steam from the bath making him feel warm.
He watched as Hajime sank into the water, resting his head on the back of the tub.
"Thanks for using something like this on me," Hajime said, moving his hand through the bubbles. "I haven't done this since I was a kid."
Fuyuhiko sat on the floor, leaning back against the sink cabinet. "Yeah me neither," He smiled a little. "Peko loved the stuff when we were kids. I used to steal it for her. It was the one thing I could think to do to repay her."
"Cute." Hajime smiled. "Tiny little Robin Hood." He sank further into the tub as if to try and hide his grinning, leaning against the side.
"Fuck off I'm not tiny!" Fuyuhiko shouted on instinct, crossing his arms over his chest. He groaned a little. "Would you believe I was taller as a kid?" He shook his head slightly, annoyed at the truth and the fact he was telling it. "Was taller than Peko until she turned eight and shot up into space."
"Pretty unfair of her," Hajime replied, playing idly with the bubbles.
"I should've learned to use swords so I could cut people's legs off." Fuyuhiko grinned but it faded fast as he realized how horrible that sounded. He wondered if he actually did things like that, or ordered Peko to, leaving people to suffer in pain and despair for hours before they bled out. 
He put a hand over his mouth and looked away, suddenly feeling a bit sick.
Fuyuhiko heard the water splash as Hajime moved. "... hey, this stuff is really rare these days, I don't think I should be the only one to use it up," Hajime said suddenly, worry seeping into his tone, "You could join me..." 
"What?!" Fuyuhiko looked over at Hajime so fast he hit his head against the cabinet and swore loudly, rubbing where he'd hit. "J-join you?" His face was red and heart beating way too fast, his previous train of thought forgotten as he looked over Hajime's chest which was dripping wet.
He was so fucked.
"Whoa, are you okay?" Hajime hissed in sympathy and made a move to get up, but he seemed to think  better of it and kept a good portion of himself still concealed.
"I'm fine!" Fuyuhiko said hurriedly. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to force himself to calm down. He was overreacting, he knew that. "Sorry, fuck just... Wasn't expecting the offer." He mumbled.
"Hey, it's cool, look." Hajime seized a nearby towel and quickly stood and wrapped it around himself. "You can just take a bath yourself, huh? I think I'm going to try to sleep."
Fuyuhiko felt... Disappointed. He shouldn't be taking advantage of Hajime in his sleep deprived state though, so it was good he supposed that he didn't jump in.
"You said you wanted me to stay with you, so I'm gonna. I don't need a bath."
Hajime shook his head. "You're so loyal... take care of yourself too." He reached out a hand to help Fuyuhiko up.
Fuyuhiko blushed and took Hajime's hand a little hesitantly. "It's not about being loyal, it's called being your friend and caring about you. Dumbass."
Hajime smiled. "You're still a sweet guy."
"Come on big guy, you really need to sleep. You're getting delusional, thinking I'm sweet." Fuyuhiko snorted and kept their hands intertwined so he could bring Hajime out to his bedroom.
Hajime seemed to have reached his limit, or at least his body had. As soon as he was close enough to the bed he collapsed onto it, not bothering to change into clothes or try to get under the covers. 
Fuyuhiko shook his head fondly. He disappeared back into the bathroom for a moment to grab another towel, which he used to dry Hajime's off to the best of his ability without moving him. Once he was done he tucked the covers around him. He watched him for a moment, seeing his body move slowly with each breath.
Fuyuhiko brought a chair over to sit at Hajime’s bedside and reached out to gently stroke his hair. 
He was grateful Hajime could finally get some sleep. 
Fuyuhiko stayed by Hajime’s side as he slept, playing around on his phone, cleaning the bathroom, keeping the blankets securely around him. 
When he heard Hajime start to rouse he got up and grabbed a glass of water which he set on the nightstand before sitting back down.
Hajime slowly opened his eyes. “Fuyuhiko…” It was the first word out of his mouth as he reached out for him. 
Fuyuhiko felt his heart stutter and he was surprised it didn't stop completely. 
He met Hajime's hand that was reaching for him and took a hold of it gently. "Sleep well princess?"
"How long?" Hajime asked, pulling Fuyuhiko's hand closer like a cat dragging a prized toy to its den.
"I'd say a good eleven hours." Fuyuhiko smiled a little at Hajime dragging his hand closer.
"And you stayed..." Hajime said happily as he pressed a kiss to Fuyuhiko's fingertips.
Fuyuhiko turned scarlet at the kiss and his heart felt ready to burst out of his chest. "W-well yeah. You asked me to, remember? Said you wanted to wake up to me or some crap..."
"Still, the whole day went by." Hajime yawned. "Mm... I could sleep more..." he admitted, squeezing Fuyuhiko's hand like he was afraid he'd leave this time.
"So sleep more, you probably need it." Fuyuhiko said gently, wondering briefly how Hajime's soft lips would feel on his.
"C'mere?" Hajime asked quietly.
Fuyuhiko slowly crawled into the bed with Hajime and hesitantly put an arm around him. He knew that feeling of desperately not wanting to be alone, of needing someone physically near. He could do this for Hajime, ignore the frantic beats of his heart and just be there for him. Hajime of all people deserved it. 
"Now get some sleep." He ordered.
Hajime let out a small sob. He curled up with his head on Fuyuhiko's chest, fingers curling in his shirt.
"Hey it's okay," Fuyuhiko wrapped his arms tighter around Hajime, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "I've got you big guy, I've got you." He knew how stressful it was to lead, and he knew his experience was nowhere on the same level to what Hajime had to do on a daily basis. Of course he was burnt out and tired. 
He wanted to ensure it never got this bad again…
"Love you..." Hajime muttered, wrapping his arms tight around Fuyuhiko.
"Love you too..." Fuyuhiko said, wondering how Hajime meant it, if he did at all or if he was still sleep deprived. 
He ran a hand through Hajime's hair, curly from sleeping with it damp.
Fuyuhiko decided, as Hajime fell back asleep in his arms, that ultimately it didn’t matter. He cared about Hajime, so he would be there for him, whenever and however he needed him. 
He pressed a soft kiss to Hajime’s forehead, and slowly drifted to sleep.
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