#i dont like it if smth doesn't get the attention I think it deserves but it truly doesn't bother me for more then? idk 5 minutes
princemick · 5 months
ffs stop whining and measuring your worth through tumblr notes
oh my gooooogddd a person who makes content for a website wants them to do welllll oh nooo how horrible and unexpecteeeedddd who would've ever guessed a creator wants to be shown and told their work is cool???1?1?1!1?1!1?1??11
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hiiiii! i love ur sirius x animagus!reader collection :)
how about one where the girls dont know that r is the cat they see sirius hanging out with and one of them knits a sweater for sirius' 'cat' and sirius and the boys r just like "shes vicious when it comes to costumes :(" feeling bad for whoever made the sweater but then r like lets them put it on or smth and theyre surprised?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
i've sort of twisted your prompt just a teeny tiny bit!! i hope all of the parts you liked most are still in there, though :') // also this one was hard to tag 'cause again technically it's sirius x reader but he's not present and she's not with james either so i used both of their tags just because they're technically the central focus of the overarching story even if this part is a little less defined
James thinks it might be the worst day of his life so far, and isn't sure what mischief he could have inflicted upon anyone to possibly deserve this cruel of a punishment.
Lily Evans is standing before him, face kind instead of pinched in annoyance as it so often is at his presence, and she's handing him something. As in, he will take it from her and their hands will brush. As in, her skin will touch his. As in, he's never going to wash his hand again.
"I'm glad I found you,-"
She's glad she found him!
"-I couldn't catch Sirius before he left Potions," She laments, "Could you let him know I made this for his cat, Potter?"
James's stellar brain and above-average intelligence supply him with the phrase, 'Huh?', which might possibly be the least embarrassing thing he's ever said to her, and that doesn't fare well.
"That's Sirius's new cat, isn't it?" She presses on, and James forces himself to tear his eyes off of her ethereal face to glance at you, draped lazily over the couch cushion beside him soaking up the warmth of the fire. Your eyes were lazy before Lily had shown up, but at the sight of what she's holding out; knitwear, they narrow and sharpen. It's an odd shape, not human size, with openings for four legs.
"I thought she might be getting cold now that the snow's started up," She tilts her chin towards the window, glazed over with frost, "And I just figured I could knit her a little sweater."
Not even James's fear of your claws can deter him from accepting the gift from Lily. He takes it - and their hands brush! Just like he'd hoped for! - grabbing you unceremoniously around the middle and dragging you onto his lap.
"She loves sweaters." He fibs, shamefully distracted by Lily's face as he tries wrestling you into the garment. You're well aware of why he's lying to her, because the last time you'd been faced with cat clothes, you'd ripped a hole in his bedspread. But this is Lily, and you refrain from shredding the fabric of his pants as he shoves you into the sweater.
He's clumsy with it, because he's not giving you his full attention, and you let out a disgruntled meow as he smears the fabric of the sweater over your face instead of tugging your head through the hole.
"Now, Mittens," He chuckles tensely, "Just- put your paw through there, don't scratch me-! And- there." He announces proudly, hoisting you up into the air just beneath the joints of your front paws. He displays you to Lily, and you steel yourself as she croons and reaches out to pet you. She's far gentler than the man holding you, and you'd appreciate it at any other point in time, but the sweater she'd knit you is itching against your fur and dragging it against the grain, and you'd like to leave it in ribbons as you bolt up the staircase. For everyone's sake, you won't.
"Look at that," James announces proudly, "She loves it. Thanks, Lily."
She smiles, a soft gesture, but not a weak one. She nods, "James," And takes her leave, heading towards the girls' dorms staircases, inevitably about to find your bed empty and wonder where you are at this hour of night.
"She said my name," James breathes, only after the door to your dorm has been safely shut, and she runs no risk of hearing him. He looks incredulously at you, in your tense, rigid stance on the couch cushions, "She didn't call me Potter! She- you're a miracle." James levels you with an intensely grateful stare, thumbing fondly at the knitwear that's itching viciously at your fur, "You're my wingman, Y/N. I mean it, you're putting that sweater on every day, I'll manhandle you into it myself."
You yowl at him, a sound that typically scares him off, but he doesn't yield, grinning impishly at you instead.
"Whatever you say, Mittens."
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
people's reaction to nash dying head canons
here is the last of my death reaction head canons (for now, i might do alisa and stuff at some point in time). not proof read so i apologize for any spelling mistakes.
avery: over the years, he's become like a brother to her. to her, it would be like mourning her sister. she'd start feeling lost bc he's usually the person she'd go to for advice. she'd go to his grave often and play the guitar bc i head canon nash taught her how to. she'd sing him taylor swift songs and stuff. she'd spend a lot of time in his cowboy hat collection closet (yes he owns one) 'talking' to him. i mentioned this in my libby post, i believe, but her grief would be so evident that her fans (and haters) would notice it and comment on it. im gonna go a step further and say that they'd start commenting on her appearance (dark under eyes, losing weight) and they'd start saying super unreasonable stuff like 'she's a billionaire, she shouldn't be complaining'. it would really mess with her head and mental health. things would also become harder bc of jamie's grief but they'd work through it.
libby: she's be absolutely devastated obviously. everything she loves (baking, her clothing style, etc) would become something she despises. she'd start dressing more normal and would dye her hair a plain color like brown bc looking at herself in the mirror looking the way she did before would remind of all of the times nash called her beautiful/the love of his life. she'd become a shell of herself. she'd sell her food truck and everything that once brought her joy bc according to her 'she doesn't get to be happy if nash isn't here with her' or 'all of this is worthless now without nash'. i dont think she'd ever date again and if she were to, she'd end up with a toxic shitty man who beats her bc she sees nash as a once in a lifetime thing whom she never deserved. she would always be at his grave. shed only bake before going to see nash bc she knows he loves her baking, and it makes him happy.
jameson: jameson would obviously be crushed. again, alcohol would become a huge problem for him. i can see him pushing avery away and saying tons of mean shit to her in order to do so (not bc he wants to be alone but bc he doesn't want to bother her). they would eventually resolve and talk about this, but it did become an issue for a while. he'd leave cowboy hats at his grave and stuff as gifts so that nash is reminded of the people he loves. he'd start feeling lost, like avery, bc nash is the one who guided them all and gave them advice. he'd take tons of walks while drunk bc nash used to love them. i mentioned this in my xander post but he'd get prescribed pills to help with his insomnia bc nash's death would keep him from falling asleep. he'd remember all of the times he could have said or done smth different/spent more time with him, etc.
grayson: would literally stop working. unlike jameson and xander, nash was his only older brother meaning he doesn't have an older brother to ask for advice from anymore (jamie and xander still have him). he'd stop paying attention to his appearance. he wouldn't even bother putting on a suit. he'd start gardening bc nash used to love it even though he hates getting dirty. at some point though, he'd get back into working even though its hard bc he knows nash wouldn't like hearing he's given up on everything. i think i mentioned this is another post but he'd start smoking weed or smth to handle the stress and grief. he's literally always in the pool swimming trying to 'swim off' his grief. he wouldn't like talking about his grief with his brothers bc now that nash is gone, he's the responsible one and has to take care of them.
xander: like i say in literally every single one of my posts, he'd pretend he was fine. he crack his usual jokes and create gadgets to cheer people up just to ignore his own feelings. he stares at the sky quite often bc sometimes he'll see smth like a rainbow or a weirdly shaped cloud and it would remind him of nash. he created this cowboy hat shaped safe in his lab or whtv to store all of nash's favorite things in. they store it in the horse stables bc nash loves horses. like his brothers, he visits his grave quite often just to vent. that's the only time he allows himself to feel anything. he'd also feel responsible over his brothers. jamie is over here ruining his life and grayson is trying to pretend he's fine but its not working. hed constantly be looking for ways to help them (but not himself).
i would've added alisa, but i honestly don't know what to say for her so T-T.
tagging: @never-enough-novels
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musicaltrash · 4 months
came across u in the wild im curious if you havent answered already but what was the situation with the splatoon manga?
hahaha let's just say there was a discord server. right. and the mods were a bunch of immature 13 year olds (or probably younger) who trauma dumped and found a way to hate everyone. ahaha
it's a funny story now so I might as well tell :3
ok so y'all know there's a big splatoon discord server (.gg/splatoon) aka splatcord, well there was a channel for the splatoon manga which a bunch of us talked in. one day someone gets the idea to make a server specifically for the manga (the manga is called coroika so that's what I'll refer to it by).
the new server was part hangout part roleplay. I won't mention which character I was, but it was a chill place for like 2 weeks.
one of the mods from splatcord joined bcuz they liked the manga, tho ig a lot of splatcord made fun of the manga so they didn't feel comfortable chatting about it.
I didn't pay too much attention to the bullshit happening in the coroika server for a bit, but this splatcord mod did. apparently some coroika ppl were being complete assholes and I think racist but idk, so splatcord mod called them out on it and there was this huge fight and divide.
now I dont remember this much, I think I was asleep when it happened tbh, but I think a lot of splatcord regulars raided the coroika server or smth. but it was all just huge fights and whatnot.
splatcord mod I think had some self esteem issues too, cuz we were playing splatoon as a big group and they always just started acting so sad and essentially went dark on discord just cuz me and one other person were tryharding. me and that other person played competitively, so like I wasn't really tryharding I was just good /hj but anyway splatcord mod did that basic 2020s thing where u go dark on discord with a sad status yada yada.
now the coroika server was like super strict on who they were allowing in, and I decided to be a dick and troll a little and I got banned, so I had an alt join and trolled with that a little. I used that alt to see they were saying mean things about me and a bunch of others too lol, and maybe I deserved it slightly for the trolling but not that much jesus. I wasn't the one being a shitty mod now.
honestly I have no idea where the server is at now, and it's probably deleted. I haven't been in splatcord in a while (tho I do have a pinned post in the coroika channel, unless they deleted it within the last year ahah), and also old splatcord mod doesn't mod there anymore. but don't bring up coroika server on the off chance that someone recognizes it (tho they probably won't. for what it's worth, my time in the server was like a 1 month time span, which is very short for all the bullshit that happened)
I just think it's funny to look back on now lmaoo
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sadlilghostt · 10 months
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Genre : romance?
Warnings : swearing.
► in which the 'i—hate—people' typa person caught the attention of the campus crush??
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𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 dramatic day. I sighed irritatedly as I rubbed my eyes, staring at the ceiling for a moment before deciding to get my juicy ass off of my heavenly bed. Why must I leave this precious thing alone... Fuck school.
I groaned while I stretched my limb letting out a small hum in satisfaction once I heard a small '𝘱𝘰𝘱'. I scratch my bum as I walked to my mirror to look at my 𝘧𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴 self, well, not so fabulous self yet.. I look like shit in the morning wtf?
I chuckled at my inner thoughts as I walked off of my room to start my "day".
After I finished taking a bath and putting my damned uniform on like who tf even decided to make the females wear skirt?! Why can't they wear pants like men??? Ugh, but never mind that. Need to eat and brush my teeth.
And after alllll that I went to grab my bag and left the house and also not forgetting to lock it, didn't even bother to brush my hair this morning. Eh, it doesn't even look bad even if I didn't brush it idk why, my hair is styled in a short wolfcut ,it's a bit messy right not but it'll turn fluff later.
I took out my airpods and played 'odetari's' musics ngl his music is a 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙛 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨. I held the strap of my bag as I vibe my way to school. Once I got their j was greeted by disgusting pes-...𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 laughing and giggling and such, I don't know why they have full of energy in the morning, like do they eat sugar for breakfast or smth? 𝘞𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥.
My brows furrowed as I walked past through the students, when I made it to my class I stand still for a moment in the front of my classroom door taking a deep breath as well. Welp time to face those gremlins, I sighed as I held the door and slide it open and walked in but only to be met with a.. Wall? What the fuck? Since when did.. Huh??
I groaned as I look up to the thing that is blocking my way through inside, the first thing I saw was a.. Chest.. From a male.. When I trailed my eyes further up, I was met with cold yellow ones..
I took out my airpods and stared at him "motherfuckerly". What the fuck is this guy doin here-
" do you mind? " he seems irritated? The fucking audacity???? Does this bitch know that the first door is the entrance-
Me being a morning person and all cranky in the morning, I ain't letting this mf ruin my morning further just because he's a campus crush or smth.
" yes, I mind. " I frowned at him, which it caught him by a surprise? What? Ya think I'd be drooling over you or worship you cuz because you're good lookin? Ha 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 no, I'm Y/N L/N 𝘉𝘌𝘌𝘌𝘌𝘌𝘌𝘛𝘊𝘏.
" you're in 𝘮𝘺 way. " he "pointed out".
" no, technically you're in 𝘮𝘺 way because this is literally the 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳. Don't you know that? "I remarked at him getting more annoyed the longer I stayed in his presence.
The students around us started to look at our direction, some where surprised that I was acting this way to the "Almighty-dowha-baek", and some were annoyed and I don't know why, eh.
" can't you just move away so this will be over? " he sighed once again. I swear I'm going to personally bitch slap this mf-
" the why dont you do the honor?since you're clearly the one who is blocking the entrance. " I had to hold myself back from calling him 'mf' or else I'd really get an unwanted drama here.
He let's out an annoyed exhale as he lives away from the door. Ha, that's what I fucking thought.
" 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 you. " I sarcastically said as I walked inside not sparing a glance at him, but I can feel his gaze burning in the back of my head though. Lmao did I hurt his pride? Deserve.
Finally my seat, I dropped my bag beside my desk as I flopped myself in my seat as I inspired back my airpods into my ear. My peace was 𝘳𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘺 interrupted by my nosy ass seatmate, Hiera Kim.
Bitch can't everyone leave me alone for a SECOND?!?
I took a deep inhale before taking out my pods again and glared at her.
" what? "
" wow girl chill, no need to bite " she laughed. Bitch I will chomp and swing bite you like a mad dog if you do NOT leave me not the fuck alone or if this is not worth it to disturb my peace like that.
I narrowed my eyes at her waiting for her to give the reason on why she's disturbing me like this.
" 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘺 𝘸𝘵𝘧, 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘶𝘥𝘦.. " I heard her mumble which made a vein pop into my forehead indicating to her that I will not hold myself back any further if she continued wasting my time like this.
She sweatdrop at the aura I'm giving before clearing her throat as she spoke.
" ok so, what was that earlier? "She asked.
" what was what 𝘏𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘢 𝘒𝘪𝘮. " I groaned telling her to be specific on what she tryna say.
" you know,that, the door thing, duh? " oh.
" what about it? "I sighed as I pushed back my bangs from my face and fixing it.
" are you serious right now? Do you even know who you bumped into? " she asked as if I was the idiot person in this room right now.
" yes and I don't gives two fuck, blue fucks, yellow fucks, pink fucks, about it. Now leave me alone. " I grumbled.
" girl- seriously you need to watch your attitude, that boy you've bumped into is the DOWHA BAEK, the hottest and popular guy in school? The boy who's like live in a luxurious life? An idol trainee?? " She started listing off on this baek life which I don't really care about.
" and? It's not like he's a God to make me on my knees and worship him, he's just a mere boy who is blessed with good features and nothing less. " I rolled my eyes at her.
Our litter quarrel went on for a moment and unknown to us, the certain blond just came back and heard our conversation.. Including the "mere boy who is just blessed with good features".
And for the first time in Dowha's life, he felt he's final seen as just a person in just that sentence.
Class went on terrible, especially math what tf. I hate them. I groaned as I started to prepare for our last period which is gym. Welp, here goes my energy.
Today at gym we did Dodge ball and then laps and any physical activity shit that made me all drained and tired. Nevermind Gym period is my number one loathed class.
I once where done I was about to leave the gym when this mf old geezer literally assigned me to clean the gym. I swear I will be the death of this geezer.
I growled as I yanked my bag back to the ground and angrily started to out the balls back to the baskets they sweep the floor. Once I was done with the floor I took the basket of balls and then placed them to the storage room. I was a bout to leave the place when I heard a light snore behind the boxes.
Curiosity taking over me, I quietly walked over to the source of the noice and only to see the sleeping pretty boy, dowhak.
If I was like the other girls I wound me swooning and drooling over this sleeping dowha but hah no. I'm mad furious, this bitch literally slept here and left me to clean this mess up ALONE? ha this mf is aboutta taste hell.
I smirked devilishly as I come of a plan to wake this mf up.
I looked around the storage room to find anything good to use to wake this mf up when my eyes caught something good. I felt my smirk got bigger as I took the bottles and walked over to the make.
I stared down at him as I opened the kid of three eater bottle as I mercilessly pour down the water into him.
His eyes snapped open as he sprang out from his position. Oh and this mf also had a blanket? Wow.
He breath heavily fromthe shock as his head snapped into my direction. His gaze darkens, glaring at him for disturbing his sleep.
" what was that for? " he growls as she wiped his face with his shirt.
" to wake you up, duh? " I answered as I placed back the bottles on the boxes.
" can't you just woke up like a normal person instead of literally pouring a water to me? " hah damn he's pissed but idc.
" well I guess I'm not normal. Now get your ass up and help me mop the floor. " I glared at him which he glared back before standing up and shaking his head splashing me some of the droplets from his hair.
" hey! Watch it! " I growled at him before handing him the mop.
" whatever. " he grumbled as he yanked the mop from my hand rudely. Mf.
We both took out a bucket of water and left the storage room as was started to mop the gym.
The cleaning was real quite, but not awkward, but I'm still pissed at him.
" so.. " he started. Huh didn't know that water got into his brain for him to actually start a conversation at me.
" what. "
" I'm just wondering. " please don't tell me he's going to pull off that "hey-cutie-wanna-go-out? " like popular guys do, because I swear I'm going to rock his shit hard.
" no. "
" ha? " his brows are furrowed.
" what? " oh so that's not it.
" what- "
" shut ho and get on with it. " i cut him off feeling relieved that he isn't going to pull that thing off but also embarrassed because I assumed.
He cleared off his throat as she started to speak.
" so.. Aren't you like, going crazy or feeling blessed right now? " what.
I looked at him as if he was crazy.
" why would I? If anything I'm very much unlucky to be cleaning the mess I made plus being stuck here with you. "I groaned.
He quirked a brow at me also looking a bit offended that I find his presence a nuisance.
" well.. I don't know, you act so differently to me. " ohhh so does this guy think like I'm gonna drool and swoon because I'm in a room with him. Alone? Well in his dreams.
" what do you mean? " I asked as I proceed to mop the floor not even bothering to look at him.
" I mean, normally they would all go crazy in something like this. Plus would even let it slide and just let me go and do this by their self because "they don't want me to get tired" or "get dirty". " he explained.
" well sucks to you, I ain't that type of person. " I rolled my eyes.
" ... "
He went quiet again for a moment before speaking again.
" aren't you overwhelmed? " he asked one again. I sighed as I finally looked at his direction.
" by what? Your so called-handsome-face-? Or being attacked by your crazy girls. " I scoffed at him. But strangely he looked.. Relieved? Why?
" well I'm glad. " what?
" I don't want to spend my time listening to girl rant on why should I be their boyfriend or why should I hangout with them. Or them asking if do I actually live in a luxurious life. It hurts my ear hearing the same thing. "He chuckled. He seems genuine.
I stared at him for a while watching him chuckles. I think I misjudge him?
And after that, we actually got a decent conversation. About him disliking the attention and also him hating the fact that grown people kept pestering him to join the company and such. And he also confessed something that I never thought he would.
" actually.. Im not the man who's every one is expecting. " he confessed.
" huh? "I tilted my head trying to process on what he's trying to say. He took a deep inhale and the exhale before continuing his sentence.
" I.. Don't live in a luxurious life, I don't have those expensive stuff or anything that everyone is telling about me. " he confessed.
" soo.. You're like a fraud? " I furrowed my brows at him. He snapped his head into my direction as he shook his head.
" no no no, it's nothing like that, really.. " he sighed. "His can I put this.. " he started to jumble over his words trying to find the correct word to describe his situation.
With just by looking at him, seeing his frustration with how he's trying to say.. I finally understand him.
" oh, so.. You just didn't said anything because you didn't want to lie, you also didn't deny it because you're afraid that people won't see you like on their expectations that you're afraid to not be seen and be accepted. That's why you didn't said anything and just let them believe on what their believing, that's what. " and with that he froze.
He slowly looked at me with wide eyes with his mouth slight parted. He gulped before nodding his head slowly. He was speechless that a girl like her, the outcast of the school was able to figure a guy who is popular like him in just by looking and listening.
I smiled at him genuinely before chuckling.
" if that's the actual reason then don't worry, I'm not that shit of a person to dislike you because you aren't the person I'm expecting you to be. I get what you're trying to say, I also understand the feeling of fear of someone not accepting you because you didn't matched with their expectations. I mean, we're just humans. You're just a human, a boy, and more importantly, a teenage boy who just wanted to be seen by 𝘩𝘪𝘮 not by how he looks like, right? "He didn't said anything but he remains on looking at him in shock, then I started to feel guilt that I literally exposed him like that-
" oh- did I go far? I'm sorry you can forget everything I said-im sorry- "
" no.... N-no it's.. Ok, I guessed I am shock, but very happy that, someone finally see me. "He smiled genuinely.
" oh.. Yeah-ok " I chuckled , suddenly the mop looks interesting.
" you know, you aren't that bad actually. "
I looked at him to see him smiling.. Genuinely, genuinely happy.
" yeah.. Same as you, I thought you are like one of those egoistic "popular-boys" "I laughed softly which he also laughed along. He then bring his hand on the nap of his neck as he scratched it awkwardly as he glance to his side with an awkward smirk.
" well I guess I am like that- but i promise I'm not a jerk like them. "He chuckled.
" yeah, sure. " I smiled. I guess I really did misjudge him.
" so.. Y/N is it? " wow I'm surprised this boy knew my name with his popularity.
" yeah, Y/N L/N. " I smiled. " I already know you soo.. Yyyeah.. "I awkwardly chuckled.
" well you at least deserve a decent introduction.. " he chuckled as he held out his hand in front of me.
" Dowha Baek. " he smiled.
" Y/N L/N. " I smiled back as I accepted his hand shake.
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lemonlightt · 10 months
all three jashlings for the ask game!!
sexuality headcanon: aroace
gender headcanon: agender , any/neos user
a ship i have with said character: no
a BROTP i have with said character: obvs heart and soul. these bitches used 2 be best friends. i think mind tries xir best and despite all of the horrible things hes done sea still does her little things to show zir affection for them !!! even if the fucker sucks at it
a NOTP i have with said character: umm anything to do with whole ig? im not sure but i think i saw smth with whole a long time ago and that was like...no.......that doesnt feel right. but i dont have a strong enough stance to be point it out. methinks bc of my own hcs it would just be a bit odd (AMONG OTHER ISSUES) ((gonna copy n paste this across the board!)) *
a random headcanon: how can you expect me to not make him autistic. he is autistic. autism. xe is so autism. are you seein this shit. dear LOED. this fucker has horrendous touch autism. horrendous attention. horrendous tolerance to bad sensory (twins. just like me fr)! no but other than this mind makes zir own prosthetics. i think there will be rare moments of peace where soul will find heart and mind together painting minds prosthetics and talking. until soul says something and theyre like "WHAT NO !!! cannot BELIEF youd accuse me of this" and then they're back to screaming into eachothers faces. soul kept the first prosthetic from the first loop that they painted for sentimental purposes. BTW !!! he's mute!! speak no evil
general opinion over said character: if u know me you know that mind is my silly stinky old man with bad facial hair and npd. byte is my silly. i think he deserves to be a lil evil. i would/HJ. i support his wrongs.
sexuality headcanon: abroromantic
gender headcanon: bigender , she/he/they user
a ship i have with said character: no
a BROTP i have with said character: mind and soul. u cannot tell me these bitches didnt used to get along so well. i think they are so dysfunctional in a zim and gir way. what is wrong with them /aff no i think that despite all of the horrendous things they did/do to eachother i think they all have their little ways of showing their affection. they suck at it but they're trying. and at least they're trying. they're improving! methinks. and i think heart would be one of the first to start to show it. (WELL NOT FOR LONG WHEN THE LOOP STARTS UP AGAIN)
a NOTP i have with said character: * umm anything to do with whole ig? im not sure but i think i saw smth with whole a long time ago and that was like...no.......that doesnt feel right. but i dont have a strong enough stance to be point it out. methinks bc of my own hcs it would just be a bit odd (AMONG OTHER ISSUES)
a random headcanon: heart's a very sentimental guy. he has stuff scattered around his room from when they were all kids. teddy bears, badges, whatever you can think of he has in there. he kept wholes comforter when she was like..teeny tiny. if soul didn't get there first, he would've kept that prosthetic i mentioned before. BTW !!!! (obviously) he's blind !!! see no evil!
general opinion over said character: my beloved. i think he is a little messed up. but he is messed up. and i won't fix that. there is something severely wrong with her. my least favourite /aff . she's beautiful the way he is. i support any CCCC wrongs. no but i'm tired of people babying him. ADMIT HE'S FUCKED UP AND THAT YOU LIKE HER. IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU !!!!!!! THEY'RE ALL FUCKED UP just because he's blind doesn't mean he's not the worst person on earth/AFF
sexuality headcanon: pansexual
gender headcanon: transmasc , he/they/it/(neos?) user
a ship i have with said character: no
a BROTP i have with said character: like the rest of my answers . heart and mind. i think that despite all of the REAL bad things he says about them and to them they will always care for them. he'll stay up worrying about them and making them small things and he'll tell them it loves them but they'll never do it without a teasing insult accompanying it. big fuckin loser
a NOTP i have with said character: * umm anything to do with whole ig? im not sure but i think i saw smth with whole a long time ago and that was like...no.......that doesnt feel right. but i dont have a strong enough stance to be point it out. methinks bc of my own hcs it would just be a bit odd (AMONG OTHER ISSUES)
a random headcanon: had a sweatervest phase. being so for real. i know they did. this little loser has a collection of them . he loves his sweatervests to death. it thinks its SOOOO fashionable and makes them look cool (makes them look and feel 60yrs old. inherits back problems and is suddenly squinting at everything he reads). BTW !!! he's deaf!! hear no evil!!
general opinion over said character: i like this guy. very relatable. i think i just like characters that are miserable and act like annoying ratty teenagers to cope with their agonies because who are they if they admit they need help ? i think he's fucklin FUCKED UP. fucked up so much. but i like that abt him! i like this about all of them! ALL of them are fucked up and unforgiveable but it makes em loveable methinks!
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masochisticdevotion · 2 years
❝Yandere Ushimitsu Headcanons❞
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⤷Me? Coming out of hiatus with smth no one asked for with a fandom no one knows?? It's more likely than you think..
⤷Also I hc as Ushimitsu as bi with no preference and Demisexual, and I'm gonna have 2 give u a more detailed personality here, sorry if it isn't you
⤷ Gender neutral reader, maybe one or two mentions of AFAB parts?
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Ushimitsu is basically already a yandere, but he's definitely more on the peaceful side, not because he is against violence but because he does whatever you tell him to
I don't usually give Yanderes preferences when I write them but Ushimitsu is the exception, Because of his backstory I cannot see him being with someone bitter, cynical or pessimistic. He loves Akashi because of how determined and hopeful he is
Ushimitsu's loves someone who never gives up, believes in people and sees the best in them, basically of your a Shonen protagonist your his dream partner
You meet during the first death game with the onis
As you see in the manga, Ushimitsu is devoted, He literally turns back time because he can't live without Akashi, he will do anything to protect you
He always looks out for you in games, you basically have your own bodyguard, if you ever get split up he's not happy, and he's not above pouting until you get back
He really doesn't care if you don't like him back, he's happy to pine for you as long as he can be near you and keep you safe that's good enough for him
He's basically Op in the manga, like deadass he really has no weakness - Besides you of course
Ushimitsu's not dumb, he's quite smart, but he's willing to throw all logical thinking aside when it comes to you
S/o says the moon is fake? He always knew it, he swears he saw it rip one day
He has quite low self-esteem, after all the ridicule he went though while he was younger, he seems himself as less than you, you are a shooting star and he's simply an observer, there to watch your beauty as you burn eternally
Even if you say you love and and want to be with you, it's not that he doesn't belive you, he just doesn't think he deserves you
He's quite easy to manipulate tbh, if it's you he's like a puppy, you tell him he needs to bulk up? He'll do that, cut his hair? No problem, whatever you want
He's quite soft, he just wants to be loved and held, but he's his own worse enemy, some days you have to hold him down and convince him he's worthy of love
Even with god's powers he's quite soft, all he really uses it for you, he wants to know where you are? Let's see
If you become God with him he's gonna be even more devoted, you belong as a diety and he just wants to worship you
He really will do anything you want, top? Bottom? He's happy as long as he's with you and making you feel good
He loves to kiss you, having his hands on you, not always in a sexual way, he just likes to feel you and make sure you're there, that you're not just something his brain made up
He likes kiss your neck, the idea of you marking him however? God just the thought of it gets him excited
He really likes it when you claim him as yours, he can actually get quite jealous, and he's not above complaining about new things taking you're attention
Malewife, he's a great cook, his food is to die for, he loves seeing you happy,
He doesn't mind cleaning up as well so it doesn't matter if your naturally messy
He loves when you top him, even if your smaller than him, feeling you on his lap
He whines, and begs, and whimpers, he really has no shame, whatever you want <3
He really only has eyes for you, I said this already but he gets jealous really easily, he just wants your attention
He loves giving oral, pls sit on his face, he wants you to suffocate him with your thighs, doesn't matter how big or heavy you are, if you hover he will pull you down and hold you there, he could stay there all night if he wanted
He's like strong af, he fights like a giant demon dog and wins no problem so he can carry you no matter how big you are
There's no negative self talk with him! You're perfect to him just the way you are, fat rolls, hip dips, acne, chubby face, flat chest / ass? He does not care, if you're insecure he'll just use his God powers to rewrite the universes beauty standard to you
He's really into body worship, when he says you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen? He's not lying, it feels so genuine and makes you feel so loved, it's hard to be insecure around him
He loves compliments and pet names, he just wants you to feel loved and safe
Whenever you sleep / nap together he always wants to hold you, he feels better if you're there, he's woken up a few times without you there and he's had a heart attack, jumping up and freaking out before you came back from the toilet
You once forgot to tell him you are going to the store, one heart attack and multiple teleportations all around the world he didn't let you leave his sight for a while
He follows you everywhere, scary dog privledges
He'll do anything for you, just say the word
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angeltails · 2 years
i need you more than i should ever say
okayyy <3 thank u @snowflakeicicles for doing basically all the work in plotting this out <33 basically Ziggy jerks off 2 his bestie, there's a part 2 where i actually write smth but im not gonna lie i got lazy doing part one LOL i dont edit bc i dont believe in doing labour ever <3 so gl! idk how well formatted this is gonna b bc im writing on a tablet w a keyboard. if it doesn't mmm i'll fix it later!! before i do part 2 i might do smth self indulgent for miles or 4 mike
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    “Personally I think you’re putting too much effort in for a jerkoff like him,” Ziggy knew he wasn’t being subtle as he watched his ‘best friend’ flick through their closet, the dull morning light danced on their floor and Ziggy stared blankly at the tiny corner of his screen that showed it as he tried to politely avert his eyes. Some mild attempt to preserve their modesty that was immediately undone when they pulled off their dress and his eyes immediately flicked upwards. Realizing a little too late what he had done Ziggy tilted his screen towards his ceiling, face burning painfully hot. He was pretty sure he was one wrong move from actually setting his bed on fire. 
    “That’s not the point, Zigs, you just gotta tell me what looks good-” they cut off and Ziggy felt safe to look, only to throw his phone nearly across the room when he found them peering into the camera, “are you paying attention to me? You better not be fucking streaming or something.”
    Ziggy’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of his goddamn chest as he rushed to pick up his phone, sliding the lock on his door. He didn’t relish the idea of his mom rushing in on him staring at his naked friend on facetime. The last thing Ziggy needed was some bullshit lecture on respecting others (he totally did respect the hell out of them, enough to give them completely unbiased fashion advice for a date he was totally not pissy about). His hands were shaking and Ziggy was pretty sure he had a pretty strong resemblance to a tomato at that moment, but mercifully when he looked back at his phone they were fully dressed. 
    “Jesus Christ, I wouldn’t be “fucking streaming” when you keep getting undressed! I’m not some kind of… like... pig!” Maybe he came on a little too strong with that defense, but he was totally right. Ziggy knew he wasn’t the type of guy to do that, he wasn’t so sure about the annoying boyfriend (who Ziggy did not wish death on on a weekly basis, it was biweekly now), “I mean, like, does your boyfriend do that shit? Because if so he’s an asshole-”
    “You know just because you have some kind of grudge against him doesn’t mean you can accuse him of actual crimes, Zig. That’s a little fucking rude.” Their voice was muffled as they rummaged around the bottom of their closet and emerged with a pair of platforms.
    “I’m not accusing anyone, I’m just saying if you’re shithead boyfriend was streaming you that’d be totall\
 fucked up?” Somewhere between Ziggy’s totally legitimate criticisms of said boyfriend (who should definitely drop dead right this instant so he couldn’t see the outfit they were wearing) they had wiggled into a miniskirt and crop top combo that made Ziggy feel a little bit lightheaded. He was pretty sure that he was starting to deserve a lecture about respecting people, he was also pretty sure that when this was over he was going to have to use jumper cables to restart his pulse.
    Sliding a hand down out of view of his phone camera Ziggy squeezed himself through his jeans, trying to relieve the pressure just a little bit. Carefully he watched them as they bent over to find something in their drawer. He swallowed hard, slowly unbuttoning the top of his jeans and tugging the zipper down as quietly as possible. It wasn’t gross. Ziggy was just kinda sure that if he kept his pants all the way on they were gonna get uncomfortable really fuckin’ fast.
    They turned around so quickly that Ziggy nearly dropped his phone, terrified that they heard him, his hand flew back up to his phone and his heart thudded so hard he was pretty sure he was going to pass out. After a long silence and an awkward amount of staring each other down they turned back around and started talking again.
    “I mean, he’s pretty nice most of the time I guess-” 
    “What the fuck do you mean I gues? I told you he was a fucking asshole- No, don’t tell me! He’s fucking cheating on you? I told you- I mean you saw the way he was eyeing the waitress that one time-”
    “...Ziggy, what the hell?” They cut him off relatively fast, not letting him continue his usual anti boyfriend propaganda and they politely ignored the way Ziggy opened his mouth to stick his foot in again as they barreled forward, “I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted me, that he doesn’t compliment my lingerie.”
    Ziggy had the decency to look sheepish for a moment, opening his mouth to apologize before he fully registered what they had said. He paused for a moment and then his face somehow seemed to flush even more. Ziggy stared at the screen, gaping like a fish and looking somewhere between delighteed and vaguely sick when they wiggled out of their crop top.
    “...What?” Was all Ziggy managed to get out, sounding kind of strangled as he adjusted in his seat, his hips wiggling uncomfortably. A hand crept back down and Ziggy wrapped his fingers loosely around his dick. He could feel his heart in his throat as they laughed at him and almost unconsciously Ziggy slid his thumb over the head. His eyes half shut and he watched as they rummaged through the discarded pile of clothes on the bed. The room suddenly felt too hot and the air felt too still and so Ziggy kicked his pants the rest of the way of.
“What the fuck are you doing over there?” The glint in their eyes made something in Ziggy’s stomach jump and he opened his mouth to defend himself when they continued, “Whatever, anyway, I need you to help me choose the entire outfit, that includes lingerie. Frankly, if he doesn’t compliment me after I got you to help me pick it out, I think he’s a lost cause and I should leave him.”
Ziggy was about to ask what the hell they meant by that but he didn’t even get the chance to open his mouth before they undid their bra and dropped it to the floor.
He was pretty sure he was dead, actually, and had been a good enough person to go to heaven. That was really the only explanation for why he got to see this and it wasn’t really his fault if he jerked off to a sight like this. Ziggy was also pretty sure they’d never know it, so he felt a little less bad when he tightened his grip and started stroking.
“Do you like this one…?” They did a little twirl and Ziggy felt it like an electric shock to the brain, all he could do was nod, huffing out some random sound that was probably a yes. The sight of them striking poses for him made Ziggy squeeze himself a little harder, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t get this opportunity again anytime soon.
They squinted at their phone a second and Ziggy was sure he was caught, but then they smiled (a little too smugly for him to trust) and went back to rummaging through the pile. Ziggy paused his hand, hips jerking and twitching as he tried to remember how to breathe, ending up with a sort of wheeze that made him glad they weren’t wearing headphones. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and sweat prickled at his skin as he watched them slide out of their panties and he swore to God they struck another little pose before starting to get dressed again.
“think… the first one’s better,” Ziggy said, he was also thinking that if he had to deal with much more of this he was going to actually die. His finger hovered over the end call button and Ziggy tried to catch his breath, his eyes fluttering closed and mouth falling ever so slightly open as he tried to focus. His breathing came out in ragged pants and he set the phone down on his chest, facing the ceiling for a moment before picking it back up to look into the camera, “ ‘m gonna go, I gotta get off-”
“I mean you didn’t need to tell me that.”
    Under any other circumstance Ziggy was sure he’d have been freaking out and trying to apologize, but he didn’t think he had it in him. Hurriedly he tapped the end call button, ignoring the look of shock and offense on their face as he dropped his phone beside him. Ziggy finally let himself relax, letting out a hiss as he squeezed himself again, only to be interrupted when his phone vibrated and lit up a message.
    ‘c u soon, coming over <3’
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