#sirius black headcanons
ddejavvu · 7 months
This thought came out of nowhere and I had no one to share it with
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Sirius peels back the emerald silk of your top with a grimace that's only for show, because he thinks the way that the color looks on your skin is divine, not that he'd ever admit it.
What he finds underneath, though, a crimson bra with lace that brushes your smooth skin wipes the expression off of his face, and his eyes darken slightly with intensity.
"Look't this," He breathes, hands framing your sides and thumbs brushing the underside of your breasts, "Wore red for me, huh darling? That's cute."
"I didn't want anyone else to see," You hum, hoping that your voice doesn't give away your rapidly beating heart, "Didn't want anyone thinking I was actually supporting your shitty team."
Sirius's hands clamp down on your sides, one of his thin brows raising.
"Yeah? Shitty team? We won today's game, babe. Against your house. I think you should wear red tomorrow. In fact," His lips curl into a dogged grin, teeth poised for attack, "M'gonna leave marks all over you tonight so you'll be wearing red for a week."
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shanneyney · 24 days
Nah sometimes people just forget that Sirius is canonically THE oldest of the marauders and THE eldest son in his generation of Blacks. Give me big brother Sirius giving noogies to every marauder. Him teaching them stupid reckless stuff. Sirius shadowboxing Remus while he tries to study. Him using the oldest card ALL THE TIME, it drives the others nuts. "Wormy get me those chips will you" "Get your ass up yourself loser" "Is that how you speak to your elders. Merlin, children this days." Him intimidating anyone who even dares to be mean to his friends. He never closes the door to their dorm but gets pissed off if someone else does it. Him using a specific tone™ that makes them stop in their tracks. Kind of like the way a mom would talk when her child fucked up but in an older brother way. "James stop tickling my feet. James. James Fleamont Potter." He's ready to give up his life for them but would rather die than share his pizza. His awkward af with emotions but trust he will be there to support you know matter what. Sirius doing all of this with the Marauders since he can't do it with Regulus.
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appocalipse · 6 months
see for yourself ⋆ sirius black
summary: after a party, you tell sirius how you ended things with the guy you've been seeing because he was a bit jealous of your friendship with him. sirius shows you that maybe he was right to be.
"You're in a good mood."
Sirius looks at you from his place on the floor and grins, wild and boyish. It makes your stomach do flips that you'd rather not think about too much, lest it leads to things you really shouldn't be thinking about.
"Must be your charming company," he says before looking back up at the ceiling, fingers laced behind his head.
He's laying spreadeagle on the hardwood floor, staring up at the slowly rotating fan and taking occasional swigs from an open bottle of Firewhisky beside him. Everyone but Remus, with whom Sirius shares the flat, had already gone home hours ago, leaving only you and Sirius behind in the living room.
You roll your eyes even though he can't see you doing it, setting your empty cup on the coffee table. You lean back against the sofa and fold one leg up under the other so you can turn to face him fully. "Remind me again why you're not sitting on furniture like a normal person?"
"It's more fun down here." He turns his head enough for you to catch his wolfish grin. "Care to join me?"
"Oh no," you laugh, shaking your head. "I should be getting home anyway. It's late."
Sirius frowns and pushes himself up into a sitting position. The look in his gray eyes is equal parts amusement and disappointment. "On a Friday night? Come on, love, we're barely tipsy. Besides, you still haven't told me what happened between you and that wanker you were seeing."
"There's nothing to tell," you shrug.
He scoffs as he crawls across the floor towards you. You bite the inside of your cheek when Sirius hoists himself onto the sofa beside you and pulls one leg up to his chest. There's a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth that doesn't seem quite as innocent as you'd like it to be.
"He looked pretty pissed off when he left," he says, twirling a long strand of your hair around his index finger. "What'd you say to him?"
"I didn't say anything. And we were together for barely three weeks. I was just...he wasn't the right guy, okay? Now shush."
You make a halfhearted attempt to turn away from him, but Sirius laughs softly and rests his head on your shoulder. "You don't say."
"What? I'm glad you didn't waste any more time on that tosser. He would never have made you happy."
"How would you know?"
Sirius lifts his head and leans back far enough to look at you. His expression is one of smug self-confidence as he says, "Because I know everything."
"Everything, huh?"
You quirk an eyebrow. "Well then, what am I thinking right now?"
His eyes flick down to your lips for a brief moment before they find yours again, but it's enough for heat to rise in your cheeks. You could swear he starts to move closer before he blinks and turns away with a dry laugh, but by then you're not so sure anymore. "That you're bored of talking about this dolt."
The ache of disappointment in your chest must be almost palpable, because Sirius furrows his brow and asks, "Is everything alright?"
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not."
Sirius gives you a knowing look and shifts on the sofa to face you more fully. His knee knocks against yours. "Don't tell me you're hung up over that berk."
"Not in the slightest."
"I'm not," you insist. "Really."
"Did he break your heart or something? I'll break his arm."
You laugh, though you doubt Sirius is actually joking. "Nothing happened. He was just jealous. That's all."
He frowns, then narrows his eyes at you. "Jealous of who?"
"Oh, you know, the usual suspects," you say lightly, waving a hand as if to dismiss the topic completely. But when Sirius remains silent, you let out a slow breath and (as you usually do when it comes to him) give in. "You, mostly. He said some stuff, and I didn't take too kindly to it."
A wry smile spreads across Sirius' face. He looks delighted. "What'd he say about me?"
With a dramatic roll of your eyes, you rest your head back against the cushion behind you and say, "He thinks you, uh...you know, fancy me or something. That we spend too much time together. But I told him that he's crazy, obviously."
The following silence bothers you.
You turn your head enough to see Sirius' face. He's staring back at you, an unreadable expression on his face. Then, after several moments of more tense silence, he whispers, "What if I do fancy you?"
"Sure you do," you mutter, rolling your eyes again.
Sirius places his palm on top of the hand resting between the two of you and brushes his thumb over your knuckles. "I could show you."
It takes a moment for you to register the offer.
"Did you drink more than I realized?"
"Just enough for the liquid courage to work."
Your tongue feels like sandpaper. "Sirius."
"Stop being ridiculous."
"Who says I'm being ridiculous?" he asks, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a light kiss to your skin. "Maybe I'm madly in love with you. Have you considered that?"
You swallow, trying to ignore the way your stomach is doing somersaults. "This isn't funny, Padfoot."
"It's not supposed to be funny."
He cuts you off by cupping your cheek and leaning in close enough for you to feel his warm breath on your lips. It smells of Firewhisky and mint. "Kiss me and see for yourself."
"You must be drunk."
"Only tipsy," he reminds you. "Or maybe a little drunk on you."
"You know, you're not half as funny as—mmph!"
He's kissing you. Sirius is kissing you, and dear sweet Merlin, you could swear that the world's tilting beneath you as his hands pull you closer. He hums contentedly when he feels you reciprocating, cradling your face between his palms as if to make sure that you won't go anywhere.
Not that you intend to.
It's the kind of kiss that steals your breath away. The kind of kiss you can lose yourself in without even realizing it, especially when one of his hands slides into your hair, and you moan involuntarily into his mouth.
Sirius laughs breathlessly against your lips as he eases you down onto your back. His fingers dance along your jawline before he curls them under your chin, tilting your head back and kissing his way down your throat.
"I think this went better than expected," he murmurs, pausing long enough to gently bite down on the sensitive spot where your neck meets your shoulder. You gasp.
Sirius sits up suddenly. His hair hangs in front of his face like a dark curtain and his eyes glitter with amusement when he pushes it back. Your pulse jumps when you see the slight redness of his lips and the hint of mischief on his face. "Don't tell me you're getting shy now."
"Shut up."
He leans down and kisses you again, groaning low in his throat as your hands slide up the broad expanse of his back. "I'm starting to think you fancy me, too," he whispers, words ghosting over your mouth.
"Yeah," you admit sheepishly, sliding your hands up and over his shoulders. "I may have been lying earlier. It's not that crazy."
"May have?"
"Fine, I did lie."
"I knew it."
He looks far too smug. Just this once, you don't really mind.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 18 days
smart sirius black headcanons to balance out the other people who feel the need to dumb him down to make remus intelligent (both can be intellectually cultivated!)
really good at debating and, if the class piques his interest, he will debate with anyone about anything. his favourite person to debate with is lily evans; he likes watching her rile up
stem person. he’s particularly good at maths
made up a lot of the spells that were used in creating the marauders’ map (both he and james were into spell-making)
extremely good at writing essays; most of them tend to be quite a bit over the required length and bring a lot additional information
however, he prefers the practical approach, and he’s extremely skilled, especially in casting spells and apparition (he was the first in their year to apparate, after a few lessons)
reads as a hobby
extremely talented at wandless and nonverbal magic. he had it mastered a long time before he was taught it, and he surprised his charms and defence against the dark arts teacher with the ease wandless and nonverbal magic came to him
horace slughorn tried to recruit him into the slug club, but he declined (he found the idea boring and unappealing, especially being around members of the society he disliked)
a particularly skilled duellist, even when he moves with grace and elegance through the battlefield
experimented with runes (both tattoos and on his wand) and charmed his wand so that only he could use it if he placed his fingers on it a certain way
charmed his bike (he made it bigger than it was before) and he did the work to make it fly
highly developed critical thinking skills
great strategist
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starmoondany · 3 months
Sirius is very noisy during sex.
He's a dramatic bitch guys.
He writhes and moans and the ENTIRE CASTLE can hear him.
They need the silencing charm.
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Sirius Black: Looks and Behaviour
Honestly, a few of these are canon, and I'll put that in brackets. Most of them are shamelessly self indulgent tho. Please note that this is the first part of The Sirius Black Headcanons Series, and I hope you enjoy!
Tall ASF. He towers over everybody, and combine that with his tendency to stick to the etiquette lessons he had been given as a child— he stands with his shoulders rolled back and his chin held high, straight-backed and arms at his side, sometimes with his hands in his pockets— he looks intimidating. He never slouches. (see: literally every time Harry mentions him)
He walks powerfully. Long strides, feet perfectly placed, arms swinging just right. Sometimes he walks with one hand in his pocket, curled around the pocket watch he carries around, given to him by James' parents for his 17th birthday and engraved with the Potter crest. People see him coming and clear out of his way immediately, and he does not even notice. He is the kind of person that attracts attention everywhere he goes.
Silvery grey eyes, high cheekbones, straight nose, strong jaw and determined eyebrows, full lips that make him look intimidating. Dense, silky hair, pitch black in colour and slightly wavy. Sirius is a living example of the fact that True Beauty is striking and terrifying. (see: again, literally every time Harry mentions him. Boy is calling Sirius handsome even during his death scene.)
He prefers to keep his hair long like his grandfather does, with the difference of tying a bun instead of a proper gentleman's queue. If not for the leather jackets and the ratty muggle jeans and the band t-shirts, he would have always been mistaken for Arcturus.
He has a lot of body hair, and he hates that his facial hair grows so fast, because he likes to stay clean shaven. His arms and legs and chest are hairy and he does not care much about that, but he likes it when his face looks clean and well-groomed, so he shaves every other day.
When he speaks, he is very articulate and concise, and often gets teased for it by Remus and Sirius (James is the same as him). His grammar is immaculate, and he prefers not to use expletives. He does use them, especially when he stubs his toe or drops something or some such happening, but he does not use them when insulting people.
He is always polite to people, even when he is arguing with them (see: ootp, his argument with molly). He will argue without raising his voice, because he firmly believes that greater volume does not equal improved argument, and only raises his voice in extremely stressful situations where he needs to bring attention to what he is saying.
Has concrete values and views, and refuses to bend or change them for anyone (the only exceptions are James and Harry). He is the kind to research and read before he forms an opinion, and does not hesitate to say that he is not educated enough to have an opinion on something if that is the case. He hates people who behave like sheep, and much prefers to do his own independent research and form his own independent opinions. (see: gof, he tells Harry he isn't sure Snape is a DE)
#1 Overbearing Fusspot™. James might have been the mother hen of their group, but Sirius was the Stressed Dad™. He is that overprepared airport dad; always worrying about this and that and making sure everyone has everything ready, and he extends that same parent behaviour to Harry after Prisoner of Azkaban (see: literally every interaction between him and Harry, he is such a parent).
Cares about only a few select people: James, Lily, Harry, Mr and Mrs Potter, Remus, Peter, Andromeda and Ted and Baby Tonks. He could not give less of a fuck about everybody else— he has a small circle and he likes it that way. After Peter's betrayal, that list reduces down only to Harry, Andy, Ted and Baby Tonks.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
first of all, CONGRATS on 6k??? I can't imagine anyone more deserving tbh, your talent is truly unmatched and it has been a pleasure getting to read all of ur works (even for the fandom's I'm not in 😩 )
I was hoping to play "mae rambles ; send me a character + a concept and I'll write some headcanons" if that's alright??
I wonder what Sirius Black would be like with a black cat!reader? maybe as he's trying to woo her hahaha
Okay I have to share that when I first read this I thought you meant a cat animagus reader and I was like "oh he'd def put catnip in his pockets" hahahah butttt moving on thank you!!! I'm curious which fandoms you're not in!! I know you as a marauders account but are you not in any other fandoms/have you not seen stranger things, criminal minds, etc.? Might be a silly question but I just find myself curious
Anyway, Sirius with a black cat!reader
he genuinely is in awe of you, he thinks you're so badass
that said, as soon as there's a crack in the veneer he's exploiting it with insane amounts of teasing
much, much more affectionate than you, and esp in public (he likes to kiss your lipstick messy or get you ruffled in any obvious way so you're walking around all stone-faced but very obviously his, it's a bit silly)
i think he would tap into an even more exuberant energy to balance you out, he will absolutely be your cheerleader, your spokesperson, whatever you need
in private, he will nettle you into tapping into your softer energy in turn (though he'd never make you do it in public)
talks to you in the sweetest voice, never shuts up about how perfect you are, just totally showers you in this excess of positive energy that he's more or less giving you in hopes that you'll also start to give it to yourself
and yet. when you do give in, he teases you relentlessly. yes, it's working against his own aims (and he'll realize this belatedly) but he can't help himself <3
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princessconsuela120 · 8 months
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Summary: when you traveled from France to Scotland, you didn’t imagine to meet the charming Sirius Black.
Warnings: None, it’s just fluffy.
Authors note: so I lost the request, but this was a requested fic! Excuse my French, it’s not the best but I tried, enjoy!
“OI, PRONGS, CHECK IT OUT.” Sirius said, excitement in his tone as he scooted next to James. The school was all gathered together in the great hall for lunch, and no one missed the new girl who was sorted promptly into Gryffindor this morning at the sorting ceremony, as a 6th year. “The new 6th year. She’s in our potions class too, and sat next to Evan’s and McKinnon.” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows, nudging James as he looked over at the new girl with excitement. You was now sitting with Lily Evan’s again, your face lighting up with all of the gossip Lily was sure to be telling you.
“Yeah, what about her?” James asked, raising an eyebrow at Sirius’ excitement. “Didn’t she transfer in from Beauxbatons?”
“She did.” Sirius replied, elbowing James with a teasing excitement.
“A foreign girl, go for it Pads.” James said, patting Sirius on the back causing Remus to roll his eyes.
“You are both dogs.” He grumbled, making Sirius scoff.
“Oh, what you want her Moony?” He teased, turning to see Remus with a smirk on his face.
“What if I do?”
“Back off she’s mine!” Sirius barked, taking one of Remus’ dinner rolls and throwing it at him. Remus huffed with annoyance, rolling his eyes as he turned to Sirius.
“She’s a new student Sirius, I’m sure she’s already anxious enough. She doesn’t need you making it worse.” He explained, but Sirius had already been making his way out of his seat.
“Too late, I’m already introducing myself.” Sirius said, quickly making his way over to where the girls were sitting. You had gotten up from her seat, walking toward the back of the room to probably get ready for your next class. So of course, Sirius followed you out.
“You can do this Padfoot!” James called after him, giving Sirius a surge of confidence. He leant against the wall behind you, fixing his hair before greeting you.
“Bonjour mademoiselle.” He flirted, causing the new girl to turn to him, an excited glimmer on her face when she heard the French he spoke.
“Ah, bonjour monsieur. Enchantée, Je m’appelle y/n. Parles-vous francais?” (Ah, hello Mr. Nice to meet you, my name’s y/n. You speak French?) you greeted in response, Sirius face immediately dropping as he blushed, laughing nervously to himself.
“Ha, I don’t actually speak French. I just know bonjour and mademoiselle.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. You couldn’t help but giggle at his adorableness, making him smile at you in response.
“That’s quite alright. Lucky for you I speak English as well.” You replied, a sweet smile on your face that made Sirius melt.
“Very lucky for me. So you’re a Gryffindor eh?” He asked, referring to your new robes that you wore.
“Seems so. I guess I brought my courage with me to Hogwarts.”
“That’s not all, my friend Peter’s barely courageous at all and he got in.” Sirius said nonchalantly, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him.
“That’s a very odd thing to say about your friend.” You questioned, making him shrug in response.
“Eh, he wouldn’t mind. I’m Sirius by the way.” He introduced, holding his hand out as you took his hand.
“Y/n. It’s a pleasure.” You said, shaking his hand. He leant down slightly, placing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand.
“The pleasure is all mine.” He replied, a deep blush now burning on your cheeks.“I don’t suppose you need a friendly face to show you around the building?” He asked, making you turn to where Lily sat at the table.
“Actually, Lily Evan’s already offered to..”
“Eh, she won’t mind.” He interrupted, linking your arm with his. It took you by surprise as he led you both out the door. “Over here, my favorite, we have the one-eyed witch statue. I didn’t tell you this, but this exact statue leads to the cellars underneath honeydukes.” He whispered, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him with surprise, making you giggle at his excitement while describing the school. As the journey continued he made sure to tell you about all of his adventures, reminiscing on when he and James snuck out with the invisibility cloak, or when they first discovered the spider cave just outside the forbidden Forest. Sirius had managed to convince McGonagal to let you miss the day of classes to get accustomed to the castle. The marauders were outside for beasts class, both Remus and James rolling their eyes when they spotted you clinging to sirius’ back as he took you on a tour around the outskirts of Hogwarts, on his broom.
“He’s totally whipped.” Remus replied, throwing a few pellets of food to the niffler in front of him. James rolled his eyes, nodding in agreement as he lifted the niffler, attempting to take back the coins it stole from him.
“Oh yeah. Totally whipped.” James grumbled, failing to take back his coins, and instead getting knocked on his feet as the niffler shoved a few more of James’ loose change in his pocket.
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NSFW Headcanons (Post Azkaban!Sirius Black)
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just some of my more ‘realistic’ headcanons for Sirius. Nsfw under the cut (obviously lol)
♡ Despite what my one-shots may suggest, I don't think Sirius has a super high sex drive. I'd say it's pretty average; he's satisfied with two to three times per week. Expect less when he's stressed or upset as he's known to isolate himself when dealing with his feelings.
♡ He’s a soft dom. He likes to be in total control of the moment, but he's quite sweet. It comes naturally to him as he's typically very relaxed and confident. Sirius can be rougher when the situation calls for it, but it's not the norm.
♡ Adding to the prior headcanon, he's not really into brats. It's fun on occasion to put you in your place, but he finds it tiring and annoying if it happens too frequently. He prefers giving praise and rewards rather than punishments (but he will if necessary).
♡ The man loves to give you princess treatment. Praise praise praise!!!!! He spams ‘X’ to praise. I cannot stress enough how fucking sweet he is.
♡ Azkaban has made him a softie. A true romantic.
♡ He knew nothing but the cold and sadness for 12 years. It made him appreciate the warmth and caring touch of someone he loves.
♡ And lastly,
♡ Yes, he's packing (but we all already knew that)
♡ 7 1/2 inches long, uncut, curves upwards, and gets thicker around the base.
♡ Sirius was a teenager in the 70s, so no he doesn't shave his pubes. But he’ll trim up if you ask.
♡ He prefers it if his partner also has hair, but he's not too picky about it and won't comment on it if you don't.
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remus went from playfully punching sirius like he did with all his friends to kinda softer nudges to caaarefully touching his hands (accidentally (on purpose)) in class to literally never letting sirius have personal space over the span of four years and that is slowburn
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Animagus reader feeling sick and just cuddling on Sirius for comfort? He even forgoes his leather jacket to wear a comfy sweater to keep her warm 😭🖤
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
James regards Sirius with narrowed eyes as he enters the dorm, finding the man quite a lot bigger than he normally is. he's beneath the covers on his bed, and James can't figure out what's resting on his stomach to be bulging it quite like it is now.
"You, uh, going into labor there, Pads?" James guesses, gesturing to his too-large stomach. Sirius scoffs, throwing off the blankets and revealing a thickly knit white sweater, and a red turtleneck protruding from beneath it that gives away that fact that Sirius is wearing at least two layers of heavy knitwear. The lump of his stomach is more misshapen now, and James tentatively prods at it, getting a disgruntled meow in response.
"She's sick," Sirius explains, "And she's got the chills, so I put on all the sweaters I could find, and she's burrowed in there. She's sleeping- or, she was, until you poked at her."
"Sorry," James murmurs sympathetically, smoothing a gentle hand down the part of the lump you're making under Sirius's clothes that he thinks is your back, "Y'want some tea, Y/N? I can get some from Lily."
Your feline response is too soft to be discerned as a yes or a no, so Sirius pries at the turtleneck, peering beneath it with his neck craned awkwardly.
"What's that, darling? Can't understand you."
You wriggle yourself up through the layers of his sweaters to butt your head against his chin, purring enthusiastically. He croons at your affection, and James experiences all the same warmth that you're bundled in as he watches his best friend's eyes crinkle with the smile he's got on his face. James bites his cheek to stop his own smile from forming as Sirius pulls his head back to nod at James. The grin he's wearing is one that James isn't always lucky enough to see, less shit-eating than his typical expression and more soft around the edges. His voice is the same, smooth and light with happiness, "That's a yes on the tea, Prongs."
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leftperfectionmoon · 1 year
“getting to know sirius black and him having a crush on you”
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[warning]: mention of substance (for humor)
[a/n]: i'm trying to find time and get back into posting so here's some headcanons! hope you enjoy <3
sirius black masterlist taglist
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Sirius is a morning person. Like a very, very early morning person. He and James wake up at five in the morning for their Quidditch practice, and everyone else has to suffer for their life choices.
Early morning Howlers in the girls' dormitories.
“RISE AND SHINE, (L/N)! NO REST FOR THE—” “PISS OFF, SIRIUS! “NO! YOU SAID YOU'D GO RUNNING WITH ME!” “Get rid of your boy-alarm, (Y/N). We can't put up with this every morning!”
He is high maintenance. Not because his family is rich but because he has very sensitive skin. You will catch him scratching his cheek, and in seconds a red spot will appear in that place.
The boy's a clean freak and James keeps a record of how many times he washes his hands in a day. His highest score so far is eleven. And then he starts emptying your moisturizers while complaining that his hands are starting to feel dry.
Prefers coffee to tea.
He's a great singer and as a kid he wanted to join a wizard band. He walks around the boys' dorms singing loudly and then gets various objects thrown at him. Most of those objects would come from Remus because his reading would get interrupted by the singing.
He's really, and I mean, a really dorky dancer. He'll put on 70s hits and force you to dance with him, but half the time you'll be making fun of his moves.
The boys love teasing him about you because they see right through his cool guy demeanor.
“You need to give her a little space if you want to convince her to go out with you, Pads.” “Wh-what?! Why? What are you talking about, Moony?” “Oi Black, if you're being subtle, try not following her around like a lovesick puppy.” “Shut it, Prongs! You don't get to talk about being lovesick!”
The boys try their best not to burst out laughing every time they have to watch Sirius talking to you.
“Have any of you seen—Sirius! There you are! I've been waiting for you in the library. C'mon, quick!” And Sirius will be leaping out of his seat with a grin.
Followed by Peter's comment: “Yeah, he doesn't need pot to look like that.” Cue all the marauders laughing and Sirius hurling a giant book at Peter.
HAS A SWEET TOOTH. You know when Remus loses his chocolates? Yeah, his first instinct is to chase Sirius.
Despite his cleanliness he's not very neat. His uniform for the next day would be all clean and pressed but if someone were to open his clothes drawer they'd have bundles of clothes tumbling down on them.
He's obsessed with braiding people's hair (mainly because he struggles braiding his own hair). It started when he and Lily were the only ones who didn't have class one day, and so Lily taught him how to braid.
One afternoon, toward the end of a long study session, you woke up from a nap to find tiny wildflowers braided in your hair. Your hair still looked messy, but it certainly made you smile fondly.
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sirius black tags: @black-rose-29 @mystic-writings @j-cat @chcrryrots @teenwolfbitches28 @meimeihershey
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imaginesinthewind · 1 year
Dating Sirius Black would include
A/N: The part 2 to this one. I have no excuses for taking so long to write it, except that my inspiration is as changing as Tonks haircut. Enjoy 🖤
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- Let's be honest here, it would be a rollercoaster. Sirius was never taught how to love, not until he met the Marauders or the Potters at least
- And you cannot really call dating as many girls as possible before dumping them because they get too attached love
- However, with you, he would be surprisingly committed. When he loves, this boy loves with his entire soul
- Lots of PDA, or what James would call "disgusting couple things"
- (mainly because Lily keeps refusing him)
- Sirius would proudly wrap his arm around your waist or your shoulders everywhere. You would secretly hold hands in class, or he would wink at you and blow kisses across the room
- He would pay attention even less, much to the annoyance of McGonagall
- Instead, he would send you flying love notes or stare lovingly into your eyes
- "Black, you will not find the answer to my question in Miss (Y/L/N) eyes."
"Are you sure?"
- So.much.making.out
- Soft kisses, intense kisses, longing kisses, goofy kisses
- "You guys, I'm trying to eat here"
"Time to go to class, make out later"
- Sirius would be the best at finding amazing dates. He is definitely a late night date type of person
- Stargazing at the astronomy tower with cigarettes, stealing pastries from the kitchens, taking you for a motorcycle ride, showing you the most secret pathways in Hogwarts, or making him discover Muggle music like the Beatles or the Stones and he loves it
- Endless night talks about life in front of the fireplace
- Sneaking into his bed so many times than the other Marauders become used to it
- This boy craves for your attention. If he loses it, he will act like a lost puppy
- Trying to get him to study more with you but failing
- Sirius ending up distracting you from studying at the library by telling you dirty jokes, causing you to eventually burst out laughing. And get kicked out
- Life would be an adventure with him, and dating him is such a freeing experience, the boy would love you intensely
- However, Sirius' insecurities would come back real quick
- He would be so scared to lose you and would get jealous very quickly
- A lot of self sabotaging and "I'm not worthy of you" from his part
- Sirius doesn't open up easily, he hides his vulnerability and wounds behind a strong ego and easygoing, smug attitude. But if you are patient and soft enough with him, he will eventually
- Hair and scalp massages to calm him down and soothe him
- Secretly wiping tears and comforting embraces
- Depressive episodes when Regulus becomes a death eater
- Regular outbursts of anger because of his mother
- Being the first one to know when he runs away at the Potters
- You are a bit worried at first, but Sirius takes it surprisingly well. He says that he doesn't need them, he has you and his friends
- Always being this mix between a gentleman and a cocky, dirty talker type of person
- Whispering the dirtiest things possible in your ear everywhere, this boy has no filter
- Him trying to convince you to get your first tattoo
- Accompanying him when he gets another one
- Lots of "please get a room"
- A lot of sex (but I'll give more details on a potential part 3 maybe?)
- Eventually getting caught in an empty classroom and McGonagall awkwardly giving you the talk in her office
- Very awkward moment, and Sirius cannot stop showing the smugiest face
- Being the Hogwarts couple goal
- Sirius meeting your parents at the end of 6th year, and to say that he would be nervous is an understatement
- But his natural charisma and """"good education"""" would do the work for him and your parents would love him, also because they would see these special sparkles in both of your eyes when you look at each other
- Doing everything in your power to make Jilly happen
- Being very happy when it does
- Moving in together when class is over 🖤
(I know this isn't supposed to be a happy ending but one is allowed to dream)
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 month
james potter
sleeps in underwear or a pair of black and red joggers
sleeps on his back with his arm tucked under his head
early bird (his getting-up hour is always before 9, yet usually before eight), wakes up extra for quidditch practice
doesn’t shift in his sleep, changes his position maybe three times per night
during the night, sleeps with a duvet, otherwise he doesn’t cover himself with anything
takes him a maximum of half an hour to fall asleep besides the times when he talks to sirius
remembers what he dreams
needs at least eight hours of sleep to function
sirius black
sleeps in joggers or a battered down t-shirt and underwear
sleeps on his stomach with his leg pushed upwards; hogs the bed
doesn’t snore, but kicks in his sleep
night owl (usually falls asleep past three-four am) and wakes up late (past 11 am), besides the times james drags him to quidditch practice, about which he always complains
shifts in his sleep a lot
never covers himself while he sleeps, he’s always running hot
never remembers what he dreams
needs two hours of sleep to function
groans in his sleep
remus lupin
sleeps in pajamas
sleeps in any position he finds comfortable, mainly on his side
drools in his sleep
neither a night owl or an early bird, falls asleep when he does and wakes up when he does. he doesn’t have a consistent sleep schedule
sleeps like a log, doesn’t move
covered in his sleep, he runs cold whether it’s warm or cold outside
always sleepy in the morning, can barely keeps his eyes open
needs about nine hours of sleep to function
falls asleep almost instantly after putting his head on the pillow
peter pettigrew
sleeps in a t-shirt and shorts
sleeps on his stomach, sprawled out
both a night owl (falls asleep after 12 am) and an early bird (wakes up around 8 am). on rare occasions, he wakes up after 12 pm
sleeps like a log, until one of his dorm mates throw a pillow at his head
covers himself with a thin blanket during the winter
grumpy before he drinks his morning coffee (the rest of the marauders find this immensely amusing)
can function with or without sleep
always has a hot bath before bed
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cosmal · 2 years
hi! congrats!! boygenius — send me a character and a concept and i’ll write some headcanons! with doing sirius' makeup? <3
thank u ahhh omg this was so fun i kinda like it, it feels so sirius
sirius doesnt care if you're good or not, he loves it when you do his makeup.
he loves to get you in his lap on the floor, legs spread over his waist, holding you by your hips while you do it.
where you touch his face with gentle fingers. watching where your tongue slips out past your teeth when you're trying to focus. the pinch in your brows.
"stop moving, baby. i'll stuff it up."
"sorry, you just look so pretty." he'll say, squeezing the fat of your hips.
"i'll poke your pretty eye out."
"go for it, baby."
"stop it, sirius."
he'll let you take your time. careful where you draw his liner or lay on his shiny gloss.
where your palm comes up to rest on his warming cheeks!!!!! god he loves everything about it.
he'll talk to you about the most stupid shit to mess with you.
"i'll get a hard on if you keep wriggling about like that, lovely."
you'll swat his chest. "sirius! you're the one pushing your fingers into my ribs."
"you're totally right."
sometimes he gets you to do it because he wants to feel you so close.
"you'll do my makeup for me lovely?"
"we going out?'
"might go to tesco's later, not sure."
"yeah, okay, baby."
sometimes when he's too lazy to do it before a night out, and he knows you're already ready, he'll get you to do it.
"you want silver or purple glitter?"
"whatever you think's best."
"you wearing your jacket?"
"of course."
"silver it is then."
then you put on his gloss and he'll say some shit like,
"can I wear your gloss?"
"yeah, s'in my purse, lemme go grab it."
"no, just kiss me. please?"
"you'll smudge it."
"it'll be all over my chin by the end of the night, anyways, baby."
"you're awful."
"I know."
you kiss him. and it is all over his chin by the end of the night. and his cheek. lips.
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starmoondany · 6 months
Okay so, let's talk about Walburga Black.
I have A LOT to say.
Little reminder that everything I'm going to say below are my lore headcanons, and not everything follows the canon. Basically most of what you are going to read came from my imagination. Hope you like it ;)
— Walburga was never a good mother, not at all. She had very deep-rooted ideals and putting that above love for her children is unforgivable. But that doesn't mean she hasn't suffered with her parents too.
— The Blacks had been sharing their traditions and ideals for centuries from generation to generation, it was almost a sect. A family truly full of dark secrets; including murders of their own members -children born as squibs- to maintain the purity of their blood. Children were raised, or rather indoctrinated, since they had the ability to think. Being born under the Black surname was truly terrifying.
— Walburga and her brothers were no exception. Her parents were never gentle with her, she couldn't remember any hug, or even a kind word from her mother. She spent her teenager years trying to make her parents proud of her, but she never received a praise from them. Her parents demanded a lot from her, expecting nothing but perfection from their only daughter. And Walburga tried very hard to meet those expectations.
— Walburga demanded a lot from herself, a lot, even beyond her limits. She never doubted her parents, believing that they were always absolutely right - something they constantly said about themselves. Walburga was a perfectionist, disciplined, responsible, strict and very demanding woman, with herself and later with her children. She was raised believing that there was no room for even the slightest error, that's why when her first son, Sirius, revealed, she felt horrible disappointment in herself and enormous hatred towards him. Seeing that her eldest son, her heir, threw away everything their family made so may sacrifices to maintain, was the most humiliating example of betrayal for Walburga.
— She was completely blinded by the doctrine that had been instilled in her as a child, believing fervently and absolutely in everything that their supremacy dictated. That's why she was unable to see the damage she was doing to her children, the damage she was doing to herself, and the damage that had been done to her her entire life ((None of that is an excuse for what she did, no no, I'm just saying that no one in that family was okay lol)).
— She was a talented witch in her years at Hogwarts. Getting the highest grades, being a star student, focused on her studies and nothing else. She didn't do what other teenagers did, she wasn't interested in boys like other girls. Her mother told her that all of that was a waste of time, and promiscuity, and she believed everything her mother said -not having experienced that in her youth would affect her in her adult life. Besides the fact that she had also gotten married as soon as she graduated-.
— Walburga, at least in her younger years, wasn't what she later became. She was also a person, and she loved others, but she didn't know how to love. No one ever taught her how, she was never really appreciated by anyone, and that's how she learned to treat others.
— The only thing she heard from her father was how much she looked like her grandmother, which she didn't see as a compliment, since that was the only thing her father deigned to say to her. The man had never paid attention to his only daughter's achievements. And the only thing he heard from her mother was how imperfect she was. Her mother treated her like her worst enemy, making her daughter's teen years hell. Walburga had thousands of insecurities installed by her own mother, about her way of being and her physical appearance. Walburga never saw it; but her mother was very jealous of her.
— Anyway, Walburga never complained. She never cried. Nobody, absolutely nobody, had ever seen her cry. She never let anyone see her emotions, her vulnerability. She hated feeling vulnerable, weak, it was what she hated most in the world. She believed that she would be truly perfect if she had no emotions. She saw her vulnerability, her sadness, as a sign of weakness. Of imperfection. And all Walburga wanted was to be perfect in her mother's eyes. To be perfect for the noble house of Black, to fit the size her mother had molded her to. And looking weak, cry for everything her mother had imposed on her, everything she demanded of her, was like a betrayal of all that. Because she should be eternally grateful for having the honor of being a Black, right?
— Still, she had a breaking point. When she was old and her life, her family, had completely fallen apart. The day Orion died, the day she found out that her youngest son, Regulus, died; she cried in front of Kreacher for hours. As if she was crying everything she hadn't cried in all those years.
— And when Sirius was put in Azkaban, when she first read what happened in The Daily Prophet, she felt a strange mix of emotions. On one hand, she knew there was a mistake, there had to be a mistake. Because if Sirius really was a Death Eater, her son would never have run away from home. She got along terribly with her oldest son, but she knew him like the back of her hand. And she knew her son was not a murderer. When she found out, Walburga, for the first time in many years, wanted to see her eldest son once again. She really, really didn't want Sirius to be in Azkaban. It made her uncomfortable, she didn't like to think about it. But her pride was stronger, the Black pride was always stronger, and she never did anything to help him.
— She died feeling miserable. Not just imperfect, but a complete failure. She knew her mother would be endlessly disappointed in her. Walburga, although she never admitted it, was afraid of dying. Because she knew that her mother would be waiting for her somewhere. And she was terrified of her mother ((Trauma passes from generation to generation guys, everything makes SENSE)). She was a failure, her husband and youngest son were dead, and she let her eldest son rebel, and even though she hated Sirius for that, she would never forgive herself for letting him break the mold.
— She hated when Sirius cried. Because she went through the same suffering as him, but she hadn't shed a single tear. And seeing her son being so different from her, so weak in her eyes, made her so angry. She hadn't raised him to be like this.
— She was an impulsive woman. She spent her entire life containing her emotions; her sadness, her disgust, her anger. But this last one was the most difficult to contain. Walburga lived her teen years crying inside, but at some point she learned how to change sadness for anger; an emotiona that made her less uncomfortable. At that moment, she finished becoming a monster.
— Sirius, although it wasn't his fault, had a hand in creating that monster. Since he was little, Walburga never had to deal with someone who opposed her so much. And the fact that he was her son only made it worse for her. She wanted submission from Sirius, obedience, and she tortured her son, trying to strip him of every drop of rebellion, trying to not leave anything of him. But Sirius was a Gryffindor, and he had a lion heart. And when he ran away, it was the last straw for Walburga. From that day on, Sirius was no longer her son.
— Walburga never was good to her children, but she did loved them. Though she didn't know how to show it. Regulus was her favorite. Her youngest son was her only hope, the only thing she had after Sirius betrayed her. Regulus was not like Sirius, he was submissive to her; and that was exactly what she wanted. So when Regulus died, the only son who had made her proud in some way, she felt like she lost the only person she had ever loved. The only person who paid attention to her. The only person who, somehow, looked up to her. ((Although that was what she believed, I'm not saying that Regulus really admired his mother 👁️)) ((This family's relationship is very complex)).
— Walburga, despite having a rotten heart, was a truly beautiful woman. Many noticed her appearance in her youth, drawing the interest of many, but Walburga never saw it as a compliment. Her black hair, her pale skin, and her sharp blue-gray eyes. Walburga was an imposing woman; not because of her size, but because of her eyes. Because of her always pressed together lips and her constantly furrowed brow. The elegant woman made her presence known wherever she went, for her beauty and her firmness. ((i LOVE Eva Green as her fancast, literally her)).
— The Blacks really had a thing for looking like a French monarchy (with the incest and all lol). Walburga loved to wear dresses that didn't match the era, which the other members did as well. Except, well, Sirius ((Siri babe I love you but you also liked making your mother's life miserable)).
— Walburga spoke perfect French, she constantly mumbled in French, saying things she couldn't say out loud and swearing at people. She tried to pass the language on to her children. With Regulus she managed to, with Sirius halfway. He had never been interested in anything his mother wanted to teach him. Another thing she managed to pass on to Regulus was playing the piano. She knew how to play the piano, she had gone to lessons as a child, and she taught Regulus since he was little.
— Walburga's two children looked like her. With their black hair, pale skin and blue-gray eyes ((It's not like they have much genetic diversity either tho, their parents are cousins KANWNDKIAJD)). Both inherited part of Walburga's personality, although in different ways. Regulus was the one who acted the most like Walburga at first glance; with the same frown, the same sharp eyes, and his unfriendly attitude. He had the elegance, coldness and discipline of his mother. He also inherited that disdain for vulnerability, but, ironically, he was the most vulnerable one there. Although he also inherited the ability to hide it very well ((except with Sirius)).
— Sirius, although he seemed completely the opposite, was also like his mother. Especially physically. It was scary because he really did look a lot like Walburga when he started growing his hair out. People told him that a lot and Sirius hated it, yet he still kept his hair long. He also took after his mother in terms of sociability. Of course, Sirius was an explosive extrovert and Walburga was reserved, but they both understood social dynamics perfectly. And they took that to their advantage. Besides, Sirius had a way of arguing, a way of insulting, very similar to his mother's. Looking for and noticing the same weak points as her in people. Sirius hadn't noticed that until one day, in the middle of a horrible argument, Remus yelled at him that he was exactly like his mother. Sirius was horrified to hear that. And began to hate that part of himself. He hated knowing that he was his mother's son, that the blood of that horrible woman also ran through his veins.
— He wondered if she had ever loved him, or if he had ever loved her.
— Walburga, on the other hand, died feeling miserable, knowing that she lost her entire family. And that was, in part, her fault. She sometimes found herself wondering if perhaps she was too hard on him, but she quickly pushed that thought away. Sirius decided to abandon her, abandon his entire family, and Walburga would never forgive him. Although she wished things had been different. She really did loved her oldest son.
It may sound strange but I really love this character. Walburga is such a complex character, I had a lot of fun creating a lore for her. There's a lot to say about this family, and JK is useless and no one likes her so SKWJJAJD here are we with our headcanons.
Don't be afraid to comment guys, I love when you do that ((I need friends)).
You can send questions too, I'd really like some interaction.
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