#i dont live in the state of victoria
missygoesmeow · 11 months
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what if Raphael pretended to be a fancy lord and Tav was unwittlingly indebted off to him. what then. huh??
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battle-of-alberta · 2 years
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ok MULTIPLE PEOPLE wanted to see Guy From Fridge who I kept teasing. I was thinking about a cameo for him in chapter 5 but since that’s off the rails you’ll have to deal with him existing in weird comics like this.
There’s a new pokemon go challenge to catch vivillon by receiving postcards from different regions of the world. The official map from Niantic sort of leaves a big black hole of ambiguity over Canada, so it’s up to users to put their own data points together to figure out where the exact boundaries are between the different types of vivillon on the map. Of course, most of Canada south of the 60th parallel is Polar region only, which usually means getting friends in the territories or in the States to help out...... but in this case, it seems getting as close to the US border as possible might help a little.
(There are also regional types of Pokemon that are only accessible in different parts of the world - the boundary in North America between catching Pachirisu and catching Tauros is just south of Red Deer.) (dont get me started on bouffalant only being available in like new england when they should live where i do)
((anyway, if you need high plains or polar vivillon, message me about pokemon go and i’ll try to help you out. i’m in victoria til february so i have access to the high plains til i return to polar zone :3c))
anyway, finally introducing the Guy from the Fridge i was hinting about this time last year, it’s Cardston :) He’s a Very Nice Guy and almost Weirdly Optimistic. Orson was created by @quatschmachen​
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butchniqabi · 2 years
Send asks huh? Ummmmmmmmm what is your favorite lesser known historical fact????
hmm i feel like i dont know many weird history facts but i guess that outside california (specifically the bay area) people dont know about the emperor of the united states, joshua norton. he lived in san francisco and just one day declared himself the emperor of the united states. i dont recall too to many details, but he had his own currency (which some people used and accepted), he offered marriage to queen victoria to stengthen their nations' relationship (red white and royal blue eat your heart out), at some point i think he collaborated with an all black newspaper to address false proclaimations other papers were putting out, and what he is most well known for is the idea for the golden gate bridge, iirc he went to the governor or maybe congress to ask for permission to build it but it was ignored for a few decades until a little while after he died people were like. hey that might be convenient.
putting this here bc can not verify rn, but when king kamehameha refused to acknowledge the us government's authority he supposedly only recognized norton as the united states' leader. (after a cursory glance i cannot tell if this is at All reputable or just a long lasting rumor but id like to think its true simply because the idea tickles me and ik it would piss the us gov off)
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myrfing · 1 year
i like that theresis is portrayed as unchosen and not very special among the sarkaz. among all the heritors of the old blood and whatever he’s kind of your run of the mill sarkaz, just older than most, and was not chosen as the sarkaz king; his sister, miss theresa who haunts the whole narrative, was. his sword is described as unremarkable and those not directly at his side either question his origins or inherent worth, or believe in him deeply for his promise in a way that lets them ascend beyond their kill-or-be-killed every man for himself state. i dont know exactly what theresa’s plan was but it seemed like she had hoped a powerful ideal would have spurred great change on terra with her as a sort of messiah leading people into a future of coexistence, while theresis is obviously the more radical sort of “they will never let the sarkaz live in peace; killing and at-all-costs warfare is then necessary”. and to be honest his approach, despite the unfortunately obvious inspiration from like, holy-land-jerusalem shit being projected onto a fantasy scenario with much different elements and stakes and histories (people shouldn’t really use such heavyhanded inspiration if you are going to misrepresent the situation, even in fantasy imo), kind of makes some sense to me; all other sarkaz leaders we’ve seen only have managed to provide refuge to very few sarkaz, with most of them still not freed from being frontline fodder for war, RI included, and from facing extreme persecution. Terra is seemingly ruled by a compound of business interests, the Lateran church, and expansionist countries like Columbia or Victoria, all of which will always put the sarkaz at the very bottom of the hierarchy and to be the scapegoat in hand with the infected to be used for their greed. in real life, this justification doesn’t work for a lot of reasons, and it doesnt quite for fantasy londinium’s situation either; most the people there are just sort of living their lives and have been for generations, and returning the mass death and displacement to a generally clueless and mmmostly powerless population is wrong no matter how you cut it. but i think the situation for the sarkaz is so abjectly miserable in this fantasy world that lol theresis provides a sort of hope they’d not seen since kazdel fell.
on top of all that every single death of a sarkaz seems to add pain and grief to their collective conscious, and it’s now weighed so heavily that the mere echo of it paralyzes anyone who experiences it. it’s a building thing that’s all. also it’s just weird to argue against from the protagonist standpoint because RI is a paramilitary org that has no effective qualms with killing the most powerless and desperate to achieve its goals but Lol. imo it would have been more interesting if theresis had not been the one implied to (?) have been responsible for theresa’s death w/ driving babel to a corner as the opposing regent and that having added to his disillusionment with a peaceful approach but that would uhhh really damn RI and RI is the one thing in the game they want to portray as always virtuous and of the best intent so probably not
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hi!! this got rly long. you totes don't have to read/reply to all of this.
update on my friendship situation.
so, we (me and my best friend) started talking, and it was actually rly good. they apologized for not listening earlier, and we figured out the chord progression for the song we’re writing. The day went rly nice and i got to rant abt the things i wanted to rant abt. so we're good.
all was well until our other ex friend (let's call em J for this story) who my best friend (let's call them A) actually dated for like 3 months started arguing over text. eventually the texts became voice memos. And this argument became really heated really fast and they like started calling out every minor flaw about each other, and J didn’t know i was in the room with A since they weren’t calling. so after they were calling out every mistake of their entire lives, J sent one message that went like “your best friend (me) is a dick anyways i don’t even know why you guys are friends.” and the next message was like "yeah, vicki fucking sucks, man. I ACTUALLY HATE HER SO MUCH" and like i heard that part, cuz it was a voice memo. so for a good 30 mins Jay was sending a ton of voice memos about ME. because they didn't realize that i was listening. Ary was just to stunned to utter a word and and was just confused on how an argument about their relationship became about me. and Jay was being so rude to me and i don't even know what i did. and they kept messaging and saying, "your best friend, sucks" "your best friend's a fucking ass" "vicki is like the worst person alive, she shits on my hobbies, my music taste, my favorite movies and my hair. they've literally pulled out a chunk of my hair before." i made like 2 jokes about how their hair looks like a highlighter, but within the 2 years i've known Jay i could never speak like a sentence without them calling me a dork or a nerd or a suck-up. like once or twice that joke is fine, but they said it after EVERY SENTENCE! and the only reason i pulled a chunk of their hair was because they put me in a headlock and PINNED ME TO THE GROUND until i couldn't breathe! finally Ary spoke up and stood up for me and said "Jay, you've done so much worse shit to vicki aswell. like punching her and calling her a dork so much that i brought her to tears, and yelling that i have a crush on the guy that bullied her for years" (all true things btw.) and then Jay goes, "at least i told vicki to stop they never told me to stop," DID THEY REALLY THINK I COULD?? I WAS SCARED TO BE PUT IN ANOTHER HEAD LOCK AGAIN! this is the BEST part now, Jay was like "Ary, what are you even doing defending her rn? you lowkey hated her for a while" i was to stunned to speak, i was also rly confused abt everything. and i rly thought Ary was defending me too. and then Ary is now like SCREAMING at Jay like over voice memos and the convo stated steering away from me (finally) and honestly i just started reading wholesome peter fanfics cuz i got way too emotionally drained for this shit. honestly if i didn't i would've started sobbing if i didn't distract myself. and then Jay goes, "at least i ended the friendship" BRO. in such a harsh way, Jay literally said that I made them feel like abslute shit whenever we were around each other. and that she wished i wasn't around.
ANYWAYS HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY WHILE I COPE W THIS. (ill be reading fanfics and listening to my new playlist)
stay safe,
luv ya!
oh my GOD vic, your friend J is so… honestly, i’m gonna say it, they are doing SO much shitty stuff and you do NOT deserve that ?!?!?!!!!!! i don’t even know how the argument became about you, i’m assuming it was the insecurity getting to J especially since they were arguing about flaws they had, J was probably trying to steer the topic away from themselves… and the whole headlock thing ??? oh my god i’m so glad you guys are ex friends because that’s genuinely such a horrible situation to be put in, and the fact that you were afraid to speak up too ?? ughh :(( i’m so so sorry you’e dealing with this shit, you’re such a kind soul, please don’t let this stuff get to you <3
i’m glad you and your friend worked things out tho !!! proud of you guys for communicating with one another :) <3
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pastel-c4rtmansz · 2 years
hi!!! can i request cartman x jewish reader? maybe she introduces him to her faith and he learns to be nicer?
thats a cool theme! here u go 🤍💕 -mod tweek
premise: you are kyle's cousin who's moved in to live with his family ⌒☆
"Cartman, just please please promise me you won't make fun of her. I swear she's really cool once you get to know her. I'll give you 20 bucks if you dont bother her for this whole week at least while she's just getting settled in. That means no Jew jokes around her. Not even if it's about me." Kyle pleaded while getting himself seated in class. "Yeah yeah whatever. I just need the 20 bucks. After this week though, don't expect me to be nice." Cartman said dismissively. "Fine."
Mr. Garrison clapped, getting the class's attention, "Alright class, settle down. Today is a very important day. We have a new student with us today. I expect you all to be on your best behavior. especially you Eric" Cartman rolled his eyes. "Everyone please welcome Y/N"
Y/N walked through the door, her head slightly turned down while she played with her fingers.
Cartman's eyes widened. "Woah.. she's hot.." Kenny said muffled through his orange parka. Cartman slightly nodded. "Dude, that's my cousin. watch it." Kyle turned back towards the two.
"Don't just stand there like a whore in church, tell us a bit about yourself." Mr. Garrison nudged Y/N. "Uhm.. well I'm from (your hometown/city/state), I'm Jewish, Kyle is my cousin actually haha, and i actually love kfc.. I don't know.. anything else I think that's it." "Well alright Y/N, why don't you go sit next to Eric over there. Eric raise your hand." Cartman didn't move. "ERIC GOD DAMMIT RAISE YOUR HAND" "fine, sorry" Cartman shot his hand up. Y/N sat next to Cartman and threw her bag on the floor next to her. Kyle eyed Cartman making sure he wasn't pulling anything stupid.
After around an hour of Mr. Garrison explaining his love life, he finally spoke about something school related, "Anyways moving on from my Tinder hookups, I actually assigned you guys a project. It's gonna be about the book Twilight. listen I know Principal Victoria doesn't think it's school appropriate but I think it's a beautiful love story. For the project you'll have to do a slideshow on whether you're team Edward or team Jacob. This is an individual project so you'll be doing it by yourself, except for Y/N. Y/N since you haven't had enough time to read the book you can work with Eric. I'm sure he'll help you just fine. Get to work guys."
Kyle side-eyed Cartman as another warning. Cartman just stared back innocently.
"So, uh, Y/N who should I choose to side with?" Cartman turned towards her. Y/N shrugged, "Bro I don't know you're the one who read it, not me." "Okay, first of all don't be a bitch. Second.. I guess I'll go with Edward" Y/N took out her phone to check the time, "Sounds good to me.. when's lunch by the way?" "At like 11:30. why?" "I'm hungry. I think my aunt packed me kfc for my first day." Kyle who was eavesdropping responded, "Yeah she did. She packed some for me too. You made a mistake of telling this fatass that though" "AYE DON'T CALL ME FAT YOU STUPID JE- you stupid idiot." Cartman caught himself. '20 bucks 20 bucks 20 bucks' He kept repeating to himself in his head. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Kyle gave him a sly smirk. Y/N cleared her throat shifting in her seat, "Uh anyways, i-if you want I guess I can do some research on Edward for the project to help you. I feel kinda shitty making you do all the work-" "Don't feel bad whenever me and him are paired up he makes me do all the fucking work because he's an annoying shit." Kyle cut her off. "MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS KAHL." Cartman retorted. Y/N turned back to Cartman "..Anyways if you wanna come over later to work on this I'm sure my aunt won't mind. She'd be happy I'm making friends." "What! I don't want him coming over Y/N please-" "Shut up Kahl. Sure I'll come over Y/N! It'd be my pleasure" Cartman said in a disgustingly sweet voice giving Kyle the same sly smirk he got from him earlier. Kyle stared daggers into him.
Time skip to lunch
"Dude, he's just hanging out with her for a project. It's not like they're dating." Stan comforted Kyle. "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine," Kenny patted his back. "Whatever, I just don't want him near her. He's a horrible influence and a horrible person. Y/N's a good person, I don't want her being corrupted by him. Plus, once this week is over he's just gonna resort to bullying her."
Cartman sat at the table, followed by Y/N. Kyle rolled his eyes looking over at Stan who just gave a sympathetic look. "So uh how is your day going so far Y/N?" Stan broke the tense atmosphere. "It's going pretty well. Everyone's really nice. I'm hanging out with Wendy tomorrow, she's your girlfriend right Stan?" Y/N smiled. "Oh, yeah she is. She's really sweet, you guys will be great friends." Stan smiled back.
Y/N took the kfc out of her bag. As expected, Cartman's mouth watered at the sight. Taking notice to him eyeing her piece of chicken Y/N spoke, "Do you want a piece? You can just ask, you know. We're basically friends." She giggled. A light shade of pink dusted Cartman's cheeks, barely noticeable to everyone except.. Kyle.. His cheeks grew red too, not from good feelings though. An explosive anger grew inside of him. Stan began to ask, "Uh dude are you okay-" "WHAT THE FUCK FATASS!" Kyle yelled. The cafeteria went silent except for Kenny's giggles. "THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR KAHL?" "I NEED TO SPEAK WITH YOU RIGHT FUCKING NOW." Kyle forcefully pulled Cartman into the hallway.
"What do you want!?" Cartman half yelled. "DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON MY FUCKING COUSIN?"
"Kahl I-"
"Yeah fucking right. Stay away from her or I'll kick your ass in front of everyone."
Kyle stormed off back into the cafeteria, slowly followed by Cartman.
Y/N stared quizzically at Stan who just shrugged back at her.
"Uh.. anyways are you still coming over after school?" Y/N asked Cartman. Kyle banged his head on the table letting out a loud groan. "Yes, yes I am Y/N."
Time skip after school
"Sorry if my room's a bit messy, I haven't really had time to unpack all my stuff yet" Y/N sat on her bed. "No, it's fine." Cartman smiled looking around. "So.. uhm before we get started, can I ask you something?" Y/N said fidgeting with the fabric of her comforter. "Yeah, fine."
"Why do you and Kyle hate each other so much?"
"..Well.. it's been happening since we're like 4. It's not that big of a deal."
"Then why'd he get so mad at you earlier? I've never seen him like that before."
With a slightly visible blush on his cheeks, Cartman sat next to her on the bed.
"It's.. it's because he doesn't want us dating. Fucking stupid, right? Like I just met you" Cartman dodged the fact that he liked her despite just meeting her that day.
"Why? I mean you seem sweet enough.. Also.. I don't think it's stupid to like someone you just met. Sometimes when you know you just know. you know?" Y/N finally met his eyes.
"Yeah.. yeah I do know." His voice lowered.
They unintentionally inched closer together. Soon enough, without even having time to think about it, their lips met. They stayed like that for a little. Just kissing each other like nothing else mattered.. that was until Kyle opened her door, "Y/N my mom asked if you wanted- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME CARTMAN?!" "UH OH" Cartman shot up from her bed. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS FATASS"
"NOT A CHANCE JEW" Cartman ran past him.
Long story short, Cartman got beat up. Despite Kyle's pleas though, Y/N and Cartman started a romantic relationship.
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meloswifeyyy · 3 years
Relationship Alphabet
A - Attitude
Who often has the worst Attitude ?
Well, you obviously. Most of the time because you are hungry or you and Melo just got out of an argument. Melo usually fucks the attitude out of you anywhere, anytime tho.
B - Baby
Who wants Babies the most - first ?
Melo. He often jokes about having kids or when you are having sex he would whisper in your ear  “You trynna have my babies?” or  “You boutta have my babies ” when he nuts in you. He says that he wants 3 or more. You only want 2. You arent rushing into it.
C - Crying 
Who Cries the most in the relationship ?
You. You often cry alone when you miss Melo when he is at away games for so long. Or when your BP triggers, Melo would comfort you. When watching sad movies, or when someone you love dies. Tears of joys appear here and there. Or when you get into arguments and Melo says something wrong or disrespectful out of madness.
D - Dates 
Who has the best Date spots ?
Melo. He would often take you to fancy restaurants in L.A or Miami, or wherever you guys went. Or take you shopping at an expensive place. He would do dates at home like watching movies, have you cook dinner because he cant cook for shit, or he would have a bath waiting on you. 
E - Eat 
Who Eats the most ?   
You. You know damn well you cant survive without food. Its the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to you besides life and Melo. Cant even survive a night. If you would wake up in the middle of the night and get hungry and go to kitchen and try to sneak some food without waking Melo up, he would hear it and go to the kitchen and scare you, picking you up over his shoulder with one arm, and with the other putting the food away carrying you back to the bed because its a little to early in the morning to be eating. 
F - Freak 
Who is the Freakiest ?  
Both of you. You being the only girl that can fuck Melo like you do, and being the only girl Melo is sexually, physically, and mentally attracted to no other girl can do it like you.10/10 in bed. Now Melo on the other hand is a demon in bed. His strokes, hitting your G - Spot constantly with you feeling it in your guts. His 9 inch is almost  always on hard when he is around you. And his tongue is crazy, going in and out and on the pearl AT THE SAME TIME. Crazy right. Spelling his name out on you. He loves when you scratch his back up or give him hickeys everywhere. 10000/10. Makeup sex is the best. 
G - Games 
Who wins the most games ?  
Melo. He would always dare you to a game of Call of Duty or Fortnite to see who would win first. And he would always win. When you would play a game of Uno you would often win and he would be mad the rest of the day due to his competitiveness. But any other game he would win.
H - Happy
Who is the Happiest in the relationship ?  
Both of you. You are always happy when you guys are around each other. Even when you guys just got done arguing you are still happy that he is in your presence. Melo on the other hand is always happy with you around him, he loves to cuddle with you. Its one of his favorite thing to do. He just loves that you are in his presence. You are his other half.
I - Irreplaceable
Who is the most Irreplaceable ?  
You would say Melo but Melo would say you. Melo knows how to deal with you more than anyone else does. He knows all your spots and what you like and dont like. He notices all of your flaws and sees the good and beautiful in them. He knows your body, mind, and soul. No man has a better or brighter or bigger smile than him. He always brightens the mood. You on the other hand are different. A big beautiful smile. You know how to deal with Melo when he is sad, looses a game. You can tell when he is lying or telling the truth just by looking through his eyes. You know how to make him happy. You are the best he has ever had.
J - Jaded 
Who gets the most Jaded after doing something ?
Melo. He usually gets really bored after sitting in the house all day. He really wants to leave the house and do something fun but usually its night time and you would be taking a nap or would be sleep. 
K - Kisses
Who gives the most kisses?
Melo. He is always so clingy and that comes with all the kisses in the world. He kisses you all over your face in your sleep, even when you are sleep he gives you kisses. He loves to kiss all over your body.
L - Love
Who fell in love the fastest?
Melo. He had always had a crush on you and everyone knew you were the one for him. You just didn’t know it until you two started dating. He’s always making sure you are good. He loves your hugs. He was the first one to say “I love you”. He want kids you to have all 10 of his kids.
M - Motivation
Who gives the most motivation?
You. When melo is going to a game and is not having a good feeling about it you motivate him to push through it and win for you. 9/10 he will win or get a lot of points for you.
N - Night Owl
Who is more of a Night Owl?
Both of you. Sometimes when his ADHD is on 10 you guys stay up and listen to music, play games, go on ig live, or just fuck for 7 hours straight. Sometimes you have to tell him to got to sleep or put him to sleep (😏) because he has a game tomorrow and needs all the rest and energy he can get. It also the same for you.
O - Oral Sex
Who gives Oral Sex the most?
Melo. Trust me, you give him head a lot and it’s amazing, 10/10. But melo loves giving you head. He loves to spell his name out on you. Loves to see the faces to make you scream and shout. Loves sharing your cream with you (🥲). He loves to climb under the blanket while you are sleep for some breakfast in bed. Maybe even dinner. His lips make it even better. So glad he don’t got them white genes in his lips (😋😭).
P - Perfect
Whos perfect?
Obviously, no ones perfect but God (🙏🏾). But in your eyes no one else is better for you except melo. You couldnt imagine living life without him. Cant imagine what anyones elses kids would look like with you but. No relationship is perfect. Melo sees you as perfect. Your body. Your style. Your personality. He absolutely loves your touch. He loves touch but for you loving your touch is an understatement. He couldnt imagine his kids with anyone else but you. Cant imagine getting married with anyone else. When you guys get into arguments and sleep in seperate rooms. You barely get sleep because all you can think about is each other. How perfect you guys are for one another.
Q - Q? (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
R - Relate
What traits do you guys have a like each other?
A lot. Both of your favorite food is Chicken tacos. You both love a good game of Uno. You both love sex. Duhh. Both of you guy’s love language is touch. Love playing fortnite together. Love listening to music and taking drives together. Both love lil uzi (we pretending yall💀). Just in general you guys are very alike.
S - Sex
(No question for this one lol. Y’all already know how we is round hea nahhmeannn😭)
The sex. Omgggg. The first time you and melo had sex was. So amazing. Can’t ever forget that moment. Melo is always so horny. Morning sex is the best. Sometimes a little top at the red light can turn into a few rounds in back of the McDonalds parking lot. Lucky enough all his windows tinted as hell. Or in the Victoria’s Secret fitting rooms. You guys could be listening to Chris Brown and he would really take you down, fuck you back to sleep, switch up the tempo, or make you wet the bed (i’m laughing hard ash). The hickeys. The high sex. Drunk sex (drunnnnkkk in lovvveee). Car sex. Balcony sex. All over the house sex ( i got bars.) Mad sex and Make up sex. I could go on. Sex with me so amazinggggg. (i was listening to this song while writing this one💀😫😫😫)
T - Trips
Who likes taking trips internationally?
Melo. He love to take you and a yearly or even monthly vacay. Just you and him. Turks and Caicos. Bora Bora. Jamaica. Iceland. Japan. Africa. Anywhere where you can get away from the world. The different places. The hotels. Being able to fuck anywhere and everywhere. The pools. The different air. (united states ait is so boring). The new food. The animals. You guys love the new places. He loves to see you happy and with a smile on your face.
U - U (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
V - V (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it again.)
W - Right the Wrongs
Who rights their wrongs after an argument?
Usually it would be you first. If you said something that was out of pocket or melo didnt like you woukd quickly apologize. He would forgive you and still cuddle and kiss you and stuff because thats what he does. Tease you. But he would ignore you until he actually forgave you in his head. Melo would apologize and give you some bomb ass d for and apology. Or make that cute face that you can’t resist.
X - (Can’t find a word for X. Give me a suggestion and i will edit it)
Y - Young
Who acts like a Young ass child?
Both of you actually. That’s what makes you love each other the most. The laughs and jokes, the tv shows, everything you could think of. It’s nothing wrong with it at all. Y’all are always gonna bust a joke out at the right time. Maybe sometimes even the wrong time. (damn, double homicide). You guys love laughing with each other.
Who has the worst sleeping habits?
Probably Melo. If you scooted over him even a little bit, he would probably scoot back closer to you or pull you back over to him. And the only con of that is he snores a lot. (Why this nigga snore with his mouth open?🤨💀). Sometimes if he was awake and you werent he would kiss all over you. He loves to lay on your 🍒.
Y’all welcome. I haven’t pose the one of these in a minute. This took me a whole month and a half. I’m tired as hell. 💀
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catboyhdb · 7 years
i??? think my dad might be getting a job in nsw and we would have to move for it
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lilyharvord · 2 years
Blade Breaker Live Read Continued
Look, Carayne and Mell are just Clara and Farley. And I have to say that while this book does seem to drag a bit, Victoria excels at one thing as she always does and did in RQ and that is writing powerful, deep relationships between people. She has always had a gift for writing complex and difficult relationships, which is why it seems like she is almost drawing on that the strongest now. 
I want nothing more than for Mell to be all right, but I have a feeling we are in for her being captured at some point and Corayne being forced to make a choice somewhere. 
Sorasa still make my brain go brrrrrrrrr. 
However, all this traveling is something that this book is not lacking in, and in that respect it is very Lord of the Rings esq like Victoria stated it would be, but lord have mercy I feel like over half of this book is that. I think that’s why I live for Erida’s chapters. At least she’s actually doing something. The companions just sort of seems to be walking everywhere which is a little tough and boring to read. 
Although this chapter was the first time I was actually intrigued in a while. I like the build behind the Guild, and what it does and how it works. Lord Mercury seems like the kind of enemy we should expect to see come back at some point. It will be interesting to see what happens there. 
Also, come on we all know she’s not going to actually let them Kill Dom guys. XD 
Ronin is really out here testing his little boundaries and trying to figure out what gets Erida to stab him with a fishbone. XD 
And Erida my love......... he’s probably going to betray you at some point. I pray the day never comes, but my love, I have such a horrible feeling that Taristan will eventually turn on you and betray you 
“But something pulled her along, a tug in her heart, the cord that ran between he Queen of Galland and her prince. She wanted to sever it. She wanted to pull it closer. Wanted less and more, all at the same time.” 
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there’s just something so very very sexy about this chapter. It may be that I am obsessed with couples who fight back to back or it may be that Sorasa doing anything literally gets me out of bed every day. 
Also, I keep forgetting that Dom is immortal even though everyone keeps calling him that. And that it’s like stupid hard to kill him. But I swear to you every time he takes a hit like an arrow in the leg or like the arm, I’m like: dude, maybe like... at least look at it? XD Like just glance down XD 
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On one hand, totally understand Sorasa going quiet, but the vow of silence is a lot XD 
Also, no matter how many times Victoria tries to shove it down my throat with the Andry POVs I still hate the idea of Corayne and him. Sorry not sorry. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It just bothers me and grinds my gears. I have no idea why. It just does. Kinda like how there were things in RQ that just grinded my gears for no reason. 
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Honestly, the women in this book make my brian go BRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrRRRRRR. The men make me shrug in boredom*
*except for Taristan. HE’s got his own thing going on. 
“My husband carries a god in his flesh. Who wouldn’t want to see it?” 
Erida love, we all know there is FAR more that you would like to see. 
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FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING ERISTAN CONTENT FUCK ME WE’VE WAITED ALMOST 3/4ths OF THIS FUCKING BOOK FOR IT. AND DURING A THUNDERSTORM 😏 (is there mud Victoria? Is someone gonna comment on the fact that they’re covered in mud? Are you going to recycle the one scene that has built a condo complex in my head rent free and still exists there?)
NO, NO YOU FUCKERS. WHY DID YOU--YOU MOTHERFUCKERS. THERE WAS A PERFECTLY GOOD GARDEN SEX SCENE TO BE HAD. FUCK. Now I have to go write that shit. 😩 I dont have TIME to write that shit. 
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and now, following the disappointment of not have Eristan fuck in the garden like Marecal, I must suffer through Andry not making up his mind, being a little insufferable, throwing fifty million pity parties and being in love with Corayne. 😒
And while I love their little plan, I cannot wait for everyone to show up and be like: WHO THE FUCK-- and then they have to explain that the letters we a ploy XD dumbasses. 
I love this dragon just going around fucking shit up and minding its own damn business. Also, why... why is it not more important? Lol, I guess I’m curious why we’re so worried about it but all its done is burn some trees and burn up a Keep. I’m not too concerned about it as a reader at this point. 
You keep telling me this Dragon is stupidly important and horrible and terrifying, but tbh Victoria, I’m not feeling very threatened by it. ): 
ALSO, I dont know why this battle feels so drawn out. like I know it’s going to be THE BIG BATTLE, but gosh i just feel like it isnt. Might be because I’m reading at 3:30 in the morning but eh, it just doesn’t feel right. Might be slow plot build up, who knows. 
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He did? Umm.. what happened exactly?
(referring to this post)
my 11th grade chemistry teacher had an associates degree in liberal arts.
you know how in virtually every class you’ve ever had since middle school, your teachers made a big stink about the syllabus? she didn’t have one. this was her first teaching job, which she got because of her length experience as a substitute, not by her licensing qualifications. we were, at first, excited to have her, because she was a “fun sub” and we were 17 years old and stupid as all shit. we were the “normal chem” class in a system where the only other options were “honors chem” which was filled with children who actually know how to study (or cheat) and have an air of proper student activity, and “AP Chem”, which is clear enough if you’ve been an american student in the last 15 years.
she followed the mcgraw hill chemistry book in order of chapters, despite the fact that our state standardized tests did several of the chapters out of order. ever notice how you’ll suddenly be looking at chapter 11 when just last week you were on chapter 5, then the next week you’re on chapter 8? standardized testing is the reason. anyways by asking my friends in other classes who had chemistry teachers of relative competence, i was able to discern which chapters i should focus on, and while she was distracted with literally watching youtube videos all period, I was turning around in my seat and walking across the classroom helping my friends and enemies with the packets. (she was a two-packets-a-week kinda teacher.)
yes i said enemies too. the people i hated, i hated because they were sons of bitches i wouldnt piss on to put out a fire. i hated them so dearly i used to pray to god that they would bump into me so i could throw myself into the concrete and split my forehead open and get them expelled due to the blood-clause of our “zero-tolerance policy”. two of the kids in my class had, only the previous year, attempted to set my hair on fire.
i hated the teacher more. 
it gave me extreme pleasure to see her fume and clench her fists when a student would say “i need help” across the classroom and she would move to get up and they would say “oh not you miss, im waiting for vicky.” jesus christ the only time ive ever felt a comparable high was when i was at a halloween party in college where i was literally so zooted i couldn’t move.
it got worse over time, her getting more and more angry, my ego growing larger and larger. i was a huge bitch in high school, i really thought i was the smartest bitch in the room at any given moment. severe main character syndrome. imagine that kind of person actually being right for 45 minutes out of every day. can you even comprehend the kind of frustration that would create? in a room full of little sociopaths who dont give a shit about anything but getting this joke of a class over with so they can graduate? your first real teaching job and they look right past you, the teacher, to this annoying little shit whose grades are completely abysmal? how are they managing to learn anything from a child who can barely speak in front of more than 10 people? who turns cherry red in the face of literally every authority figure in the building except you? who can’t concentrate and stay still in one spot for more than five minutes? all of your other classes behave! they listen! they sit down and shut up and do the packets! so what fucking gives!!!
so you say “fine, since you all HATE ME so much i just won’t teach then!!!” on literally week fucking ten of teaching. and instead of prostrating themselves before you, begging you to like... point at transparencies and read directly from powerpoints i guess.
and they all collectively say “okay” and let the chipmunk child flutter between desks and help them memorize formulas and mnemonic devices and shit. surely her grades will suffer if she’s constantly dealing with other people and you’ll have justification that her horseshit is “distracting” and “a detriment to her studies”. she got bored gave up on that after two days after nothing changed.
then we did the midterm.
except at the end of the exam packet was something we never learned because again, she was going through the book chronologically. because i actually enjoyed the chem book (so much that i stole it when the year was up lmao), i knew the material.
it was about lewis dots/structures. i couldn’t tell you a damn thing about it today but in december 2010 i absolutely knew that shit. i didnt have too much of a problem with it in the exam, but the students who had gotten to that point were complaining and at first she pulled that “you should have been studying independently uwu” shit but the class was about to get loud during exam period so she shushed us and said that when we get to that point, just stop, and she’ll mark it correct during grading, no harm no foul just keep it quiet. one of the more confrontational students called horseshit and said theres no way we’re trusting that and there’s definitely no way anyone will keep an entire classroom cheating at the instruction of the teacher quiet.
i offered to teach it.
she scoffed, rolled eyes, said “sure fine but you can’t get your exam back” and i said “okay.” so when everyone was to the point in the exam, we piled them all on her desk and i used the whiteboard to briefly and quietly explain lewis dots, used the book examples and problems, and helped the other kids understand. there were a couple exam questions that were lifted straight from the book problems so i skipped those. while teaching i realized i had gotten a couple wrong which sucked :( it was an incredibly stupid experience overall, and no teacher worth the paper their certification is printed on would have allowed that to happen. and fucking yet.
anyways everyone but me got their exams back and finished it and many of us passed, only a few of them did particularly well.
discussing the chem exam with friends who also took the chem exam, many students found their anecdote about the lewis dots to be confounding, for you see, the exam we took was not, in fact, the midterm, but the god damned final.
she had us taking the fucking final because she didnt read the fucking folders which read “midterm” and “final exam” on them
she was reprimanded severely and we all had to take the exam on different days, in different classrooms, sitting very far apart. after that she hated me even more. like girl it was your fault lmao i am literally a teenager grow up lol. anyways you can imagine how much more fucking insufferable i became, knowing how miserable she was.
it all came to a head in february when some students were giggling quietly following a minor fuck up on her part regarding bellwork. they were making fun of her like “are you sure thats not tomorrows bellwork lol” and a friend next to me did the “hey i need help wait no miss not you sorry” thing and when i answered him, she solidly snapped. blah blah YOURE SOOOO DISTRACTING blah blah YOU THINK YOURE SOOOO SMART DONT YOU blah blah blah and she was like demanding i leave the room and shouting at the top of her lungs at me “ YOU POISON THE MINDS OF EVERY OTHER STUDENT HERE. YOU’RE POISONOUS VICTORIA, YOU’RE A VIRUS IN THIS CLASSROOM.”
i will never forget that line as long as i live. it was like crack to me. i moved to open the door to leave and the vp opened it first. he escorted me to the office and asked me what happened, then told me to keep my head down in class from now on, and that if i wanted to help my friends i should give them my number and help them out on our own time. i was like “bro thats really stupid” and he was like “thats all we can do right now but i promise we’re working on it”
i lasted the rest of the year giving smug smiles as we did packet after fucking packet for the rest of the year. they were all take-home work. i wasnt comfy giving my number to my enemies. the class camaraderie ended.
the final was altered. my class took a different final than the rest of the normal chem classes.
i started 12th grade and got a solid case of senioritis. i told that story to anyone who would listen. while it was happening, i obviously told my favorite teacher everything as it happened. when i mentioned it senior year he was like “oh yeah i forgot about her,
she was fired over the summer.”
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anarcho-bard · 3 years
I've seen a couple posts recently about the current issues in Australia, especially in regards to immigration and aboriginal land rights. the two major parties dont see it as a problem. We have a left wing, sort of socialist, party that actually does have seats and some say in government, and while I don't think they're perfect, they are the only ones actually talking about and acting upon how bad the situation is. I live in Queensland, and in our capital, Brisbane, there is a detention centre where men have been locked up for over 7 years, not once been able to leave. there are protestors there daily. and once they are allowed to leave, they are left stranded by the federal and state govs. we are lucky enough that a ward near there is run by a greens member, who is a pretty great person, but the amount of posts I see from refugee pages calling for basic accommodation for these people is worrying.
there is also the constant threat of sacred aboriginal sites being destroyed for some infrastructure or another. there are constant calls by indigenous collectives for volunteers to help camp out at places, because physically becoming the sites with our bodies is the only thing that works, and even then, in some sites they have sent enough police to forcefully remove everyone. see the Djab Warrung sacred aite in Victoria, which was recently destroyed for a fucking highway.
im not indigenous, and this is just a brain dump of the shit thats been happening around me, but yeah. Fuck our government, fuck the police. Always was, always will be, aboriginal land. No one is illegal on stolen land
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starkeaton · 4 years
the adventure zone: graduation character list
Well, i accidentally deleted the original graduation character list post, so here i am making another one. Oops. And as always, if anyone has important details i should add then feel free to suggest them!
Here are all the characters introduced in episodes 1-25. Named characters only!
Also i can’t hide spoilers! So, um..... I can’t put spoilers on this one. If you need the version with spoilers try this version of the post that i made on the adventure zone subreddit but youre not missing out on much.
# -EPISODE 1- (19 characters)
Hieronymous Wiggenstaff (he/him): Head of the Hero/Villain school. at least 400 years old. wears shining blue armor with gold accents. also an elf. according to Tomas, he led the charge at the "battle of blood valley", brought the Kingdoms of Rickart and Dawnbreak to a peace treaty, and founded the school. a little boastful, a little prideful, [SPOILERS OMITTED], and overall a pretty good dude.
Higglemas Wiggenstaff (he/him): Head of the Sidekick/Henchperson annex, cranky old elf. has a dog named hero who shows no signs of anything strange at all, ever. 
Gary (he/him): friendly room gargoyle. pseudo-hivemind.
Groundsy (he/him): the groundskeeper. a pretty nice fellow. don't go in his shed.
Hernandez (he/him): beautiful centaur professor of animal handling.
Jimson (he/him): human battlegrounds trainer for sidekicks/henchpeople, world famous featherweight champion, wields a staff. married to crushman.
Crushman (he/him): silver dragonborn with a sickle, and self-described beefy boy! heavyweight blood champion married to jimson. never lost a match for 8 years. full name Frostus Crushman.
Rolandus Fontaine (he/him): former prince, son of deposed king, kind of an asshole, maybe. wears a cape (important detail)
Zana (she/her): "terrifying" tiefling villain sorcerer, friend of rolandus. barkept the test tavern in ep2
Rhodes (she/her): hero ranger, friend of rolandus.
Buckminster Eden (he/him): hero guy. son of "The Iron Lord". their dad is stronger than rolandus's dad. his wiki page says rogue so i think hes a rogue? i never caught that and ive listened more times than i wish i did
Leon (he/him): softspoken buff, bald "fighter" (although i dont remember any clarification on how exactly he fights), sidekick of buckminster, around 28. anyone else keep forgetting he's bald? i keep forgetting it. >!gets sorta-drafted into becoming a falcon for higglemas and so far hasn't done much else.!<
Rainer Michelle (she/her): cheerful villainous necromancer with a floating chair. also, her name is pronounced "rainier" despite not being confirmed as such? travis ships her with fitzroy.
Tomas (he/him): human man with "kind eyes" and a good (psychic???) memory. guidance counselor.
Stewart LeBoeuf (he/him): brawny human man. serves food. there is no joke here, i promise
Mulligan (he/him): teaches potions. mentioned but doesn't appear yet. and we're like 25 episodes in. maybe we'll see him someday
Germaine, Victoria, Rattles (he/him,she/her,???/???): Skeleton crew. They live in the training room i guess, and as a result can never die, because "no one dies in the training room!" (note: someone now HAS to die in the training room). also their races are never explicitly stated but i guess they're probably human? in episode 3 travis brings up something about how many bones are in "the human body" and at this point i think i'm looking too deep into this so i'll just forget about it and you probably should too.
# -EPISODE 2- (9 characters)
Riveau (he/him): halfling, blame-taking teacher.
Mimi (they/them): gnome sidekick who builds cool robot prosthetics
Bartholemus (he/him): owl aarakocra accountant teacher, known for being the best accountant in the land and having a face some might describe as "smoochable". very pro capitalist :’( hope he gets better
Ramos (she/her): goliath teacher of shieldwork. *
Dip (she/her): sidekick, half-orc twin of pip
Pip (she/her): hero, half-orc twin of dip
Festo (they/them): fairy with "beautiful gossamer wings", independent study teacher of magic, loves to party
Snippers (he/him?): Let me tell you my story about Snippers the magic crab. When Travis gave the list of animals that Griffin could choose as Fitzroy's familiar's current form, he listed crab near the start, and this gave me excitement. Now i knew that crab was pretty unlikely but god i hoped that he would choose it. When the list went on- Bat, Cat, Crab, Frog, Hawk, Lizard, Owl, Poisonous Snake, Fish, Rat, Raven, Seahorse, Spider or Weasel- I nearly lost hope. I was hoping so hard that Griffin would choose the crab, but i was ready to accept a non-crab familiar. It was just buried in that list. It wasn't the most useful animal and it was an obscure pick. And as Travis informed him that it didn't have to keep the form for the whole campaign, Griffin said those five words i wanted to hear so, so badly. "Well then it's a crab." Folks, I do not often react physically when something happens in media. But in that moment, i remember very clearly, i fist-pumped and yelled, "YES!!!!!!"
so anyway, Fitzroy has a crab.
Jackle (he/him): kenku teacher of sneakery. creepy dude. apparently knows something about argo? also his name is not spelled "jackal" for some reason. Also in later episodes theyve started calling him "The Jackle" for some reason??? *
# -EPISODE 3- (1 character)
Dakota (they/them): tavern instructor, clad in black/red leather. no race stated? probably human. *
# -EPISODE 4- (6 characters)
Gerry & Tom (she/her, he/him): shopkeepers at barns and nobles who seem to have very bad names. also constantly competing for customers? these guys got dropped faster than the heathcliff quests, which is honestly just sad.
Barb (she/her): the bartender. runs Springs Eternal in Last Hope. has a sweet seeing-eye hawk familiar. 
Jaryd Reginald (he/him): owner of Reginald Ore. Wants the workers to be held responsible for the damage caused by the xorn. (fun fact: originally i wrote down "Jerrod" because i wanted it to sound like a fantasy name, then realized it was probably "Jared" because theyre named after listeners, but i was pleased to find it confirmed that it's actually "Jaryd")
Candice (she/her): A Miner. thought those werent allowed in bars but, i guess not. Wants the mine owner to be held responsible for the xorn's damage.
Jade Johnson Esq. (she/her): lawyer.
# -EPISODE 5- (1 character)
Xorn: a big hungry gem eating guy from the plane of earth Low-Down Deep with 3 arms and 3 legs. why did travis just say "multi-armed" instead of specifying it was 3? who knows! Anyway it leaves
# -EPISODE 6- (3 characters)
Osric (he/him): the man, the myth, the bursar. finally shows up after being mentioned in episodes 2 and 4. he's an elf. 
breeze through the willows (she/her): Pegasus attacked by demons, lost her parents. introduced in ep1 but gets a name here so fuck it. also in ep>!16!< we find out shes a "white arabian pegasus" and i dont think thats a spoiler bc we shouldve really known it from the beginning
Sabor (he/him): Librarian/research teacher. also a TORTLE. Really good at recalling stuff, i guess. kinda reminds me of Tomas's memory thing but i'm sure that's just a coincidence... *
# -EPISODE 7- (1 character)
Mosh (he/him): The goliath blacksmith who welcomes argo into the unbroken chain. Also, and this is specific to the tumblr version of this post, all the characters with an * at the end of their descriptions are also members of the unbroken chain. if someone knows how to do spoilers on tumblr please tell me
# -EPISODE 9- (2 characters)
Eeiïäá#æ&éñn (pronounced like "Ian") (he/him?): an imp but without a shitty voice. also happens to not be violent. what a coincidence?
Terence (he/him): a chain devil with a real demonic name. minor boss of the imps. very convincing and very threatening. has the frightening ability to make you zone out during his fight
# -EPISODE 10- (2 characters)
Althea Song (she/her): elf with autumn-orange hair. representative from heroic oversight guild. i'd like to personally thank travis for spelling her name out.
Crabtree (she/her): Artificing teacher. Long gray hair with a long grey beard. no mentioned race, one might guess dwarf but that would be an assumption i suppose. also unbroken chain member, presumably the dwarf argo didn't recognize in episode 7.
# -EPISODE 11- (3 characters)
Marie (she/her): Grey-haired elf woman. She's the school's physician, i guess. Member of the unbroken chain.
Dendra Maplecourt (she/her): Fitzroy's mom. Has hot mint gum, i guess. She was mentioned earlier but i wasn't convinced she was a real person until this episode
Cool Gary (he/him): AYY ITS ME GARYR
# -EPISODE 12-
no new characters again!
# -EPISODE 13- (7 characters hhhyyyuu)
Kale (???/???): Head of the Placement Department, in charge of real world assignments. First mentioned in Ep4 but i missed that the last few times bc it is so brief. Gives exposition about missions i guess????? is that the only reason this chara cter exists
satyr thief (unnamed) (he/him): tries to rob thundermen, dies instantly
Ogre (he/him): teamed up with the satyr. his name is ogre.
Moon (he/him): A Sidekick. small pale sullen guy. no mentioned race. Why is there another FUCKING sidekick WE HAD ENOUGH hhhyuuuuuu
Deanna (she/her): A bigoted centaur with an obnoxious voice. Malwin the Strong's second in command.
Malwin the Strong (she/her): Leader of the centaurs of the scarlet woods. Wants to appease the spirit of the scarlet woods so that thecentaurs of the scarlet woods will be protected in the scarlet woods. Had a relationship with Arturas in the past but their clashes are currently known to get pretty heated.
Arturas (he/him): Leader of the Centaurs of the Valley, i guess. Had a relationship with Malwin. Centaur. Did i mention centaur? i cant think of anything else about this character
# -EPISODE 14- (2 characters)
Calhain (he/him): Human wizard, Malwin's magical advisor. Kind of an amateur wizard in a job high above his skill level. Graduated Wigginstaff's as a hero.
Spirit of the Scarlet Woods: A spirit who requires sacrifice in order to keep Malwin's herd safe and prosperous. Not keen on dubiously canonical combos, i guess. i wouldnt be either. also apparently the sacrifice depends on personal value, not how much value it has to the spirit.
# -EPISODE 15- (2 characters)
Sylvia Nite (she/her): Fitzroy's magic theory teacher at knight night school, who he turned into a catfish by accident. oops!
Chaos (they/them, maybe more): Presumably a deity, gave Fitz his powers and wants him to give in to his chaotic desires. (physical desc: 9 foot tall, iridescent 'mother of pearl' skin, pure white eyes, fine burgundy cloak with gold/onyx lining. their physical form beyond that seems to change every time they show up.)
# -EPISODE 16-
none -w-
# -EPISODE 17-
some demins happened. the big dudes are called "Pit Fiends" and the armored demon ladies are called "Erinyes", by the way. that was incredibly hard for me to figure out the first time, especially without headphones, i thought travis was saying "pig feet" and i just could not discern what the other things were
# -EPISODE 18- (6 characters)
snow on the mountain: shire horse pegasus
storm at sea: peruvian paso pegasus, vehement defender of The Guardian. doesn't have a goofy voice.. but he could have....
thaw of the spring: a winged horse
night of no clouds: a winged hhorse
The Guardian: "An ancient and powerful being that guards the unknown forest." Has protected the flock from demons for many many years. apparently is the voice that was talking to our firbolg in episode 1?
Grey, the Demon Prince (he/him): wants to cause a war, originally wanted to kill hiero and higgs, forces the heroes to build an army to fight his. As "Fauxronimous", he has skin the *color and pattern of* (but not necessarily made of) slate splashed with liquid, pointed ears, sharp teeth, shining eyes, horns of unspecified shape. 12 fucking feet tall. wonder if the slate-looking skin is related to garys. plot twist detected? Also i recently looked at the episode descriptions and found out his name is spelled "Gray", but really does it truly matter?
# -EPISODE 19- (2 characters)
Shabree Keene (she/her): Argo's mom, killed on the Mariah, possibly by the Commodore. Long auburn hair, green eyes. Mentioned earlier but described here, so fuck it.
**Thomas** (he/him): Argo's first mate on the Mariah, as the Kraken, in his chaos-dream. may or may not actually exist.
# -EPISODE 20- (1 character)
The Commodore (he/him): Reknowned hero of the seas, military regalia, great naval hero, presumably responsible for the death of Shabree Keene. No mentioned race. Seriously, they never mention this guy's race. The only thing described about him is how he's dressed and his evil smile. Does that mean he's human? Elf? Dwarf??? Who knows! maybe it just doesnt matter. 
# -EPISODE 21-
# -EPISODE 22-
not any of them. not any.
# -EPISODE 23- (1 character)
Ozymondelius (sp???) (it/its): A warforged teacher who just so happens to like war or something? i guess its in the name. only mentioned in this episode, doesnt show up yet.
# -EPISODE 24-
they have a fight in the training room but nobody dies :\\ maybe next time. also no new characters. pog
# -EPISODE 25- (4 characters)
Gherkin (he/him): Tall lankier skeleton, has a scimitar and a merkin, which is a pubic wig... and he wears a jerkin? which i guess is a kind of coat? also i think hes mute 
Tibia (she/her?) : Shorter skeleton with gold teeth, and long canines. i think both of the skeletons are mute actually.
The Lich King aka Gordy (he/him): Rainer's dad. Commands armies of the undead. lives in The Crypt. described as a hooded, skull-faced man with intricate black lines on his face, but changes to a shaved-head man with dark skin and vetiligo. Abandoned as a babby, raised by traveling parents, had necromancy powers, took Rainier in. Not actually very scary at all i don't know why he did the creepy laugh. Kind of a warm fatherly figure actually. hm. also people are speculating Gordy might be short for Gordita and his parents are maybe supposed to be lup and barry but THAT S JUST A THEORY.
our firbolg's father (he/him): A firbolg who lived by the code and was there when our firbolg was banished. Came to respect our firbolg's interest in a new way of life, in his final moments.
TOTAL: 72 NPCS! (well, including 2 extra PCs, i guess.)
Average: 2.88 NPCs per episode.
i was gonna not include the bone-PCs and have it be 69 but our firbolg's dad was just too important to not respect with a spot on the list.
anyway as always make sure to smack me with a blunt object if i forgot any characters!!!!!
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kyunsies · 4 years
things i love + appreciate about my closest moots  💖 (obviously no particular order bc you all hold such a special place in my heart)
i was going to wait and post this when i hit 400 followers but that has passed and i wasn't ready in time and i didn’t really know when to post this ;; so i’m just going to do it now to remind everyone that it is truly a blessing to be here in your presence :) i don’t want to get mushy ALREADY sdlkfjsd but pls know you all mean so much to me <33
@theyoungflexer — my person, my rock, chelle you’re super special!! we have such a quirky relationship that somehow works extremely well; idk how but i had this feeling from the moment we spoke with each other i was like “omg this gal is so funky and sweet!!” i was really excited to get to know you, and we’ve talked everyday without FAIL since we became moots :) v grateful for you chelle, you’re my home girl!! (even tho we live across the states hehe) 💘💗 also i just respect you on so many levels like the way you just attend one of the most amazing colleges in the US and is thriving?? not to mention your equally as smart brother also going to an amazing college too???????? speechless. ALSO BIG SHOUT OUT BC  you are also the reason for inspiring me to start giffing so,,,,,,literally wouldn’t be here without you GOD chelle i’m so mushy for you :’((((
@softhyungkyun — 1/2 of my mom friends!!! my monmomma, my calming energy in this chaotic world!! victoria, my sweet vic how i love u so!! not to mention the BEST canadabebe around 😘 truly don’t know what i would do without you hun!! do u know how special u are to me?? how much i loved ur lil bunny pics whenever u went on a run; your CONSTANT surveillance of my many typos; and most importantly your scalding of me whenever i show my ~alter ego nasty mädch who is a simp for kyun~ (huh?? who said that, certainly not me!!) i literally look up to you in so many ways, and i’m glad i have someone like you in my life 💗💘💖
@ckyunoirs — you’ve all seen it coming but my actual soulmate!! the best kyun soulmate ever 🥺 i honestly can’t remember how we became moots LOL but i just know i thought you seemed like an absolute sweetheart (which you are) and i was so nervous to talk to you!! i was like “ah omg she has so many anons and everyone associates her w kyun i would like to be at that level” but look at us now!!! we really do share the same (thirsting for kyun always 🤝) braincell and i love that i can tell you what’s on my mind always!! you are such a nurturing soul suni, always stressing how important it is to take care of ourselves 🤧 angel behavior i think!! i don’t even have to elaborate anymore bc i think (i hope) you know truly how much you mean to me suni!!!!! thank you for being such a great friend <33
@memehyungwon — nessa!!! my love whom i get extremely excited about whenever i see your name pop up in my inbox 🥺🥺 get yourself a nessa!!!! so sweet, so supportive, so kind, and just all around LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY!! the cutest, my emotional support bub really 💘💗💖💓💞 so much love for you, plus you’re a multi-talented queen with the moodboards + edits like hello you are LEGENDARY!!! also a multistan extraordinaire, what more could u ask for?? aaaand you call me your “cariño mio” like.......,,shush i’m sobbing just thinking of it 🥺
@pansynight — i think ezra is a fallen angel I SAID IT!!! srsly THE most supportive, trustworthy, and down to earth person in the whole wide world. such a hard worker i mean moodboards, audio edits, writing on the side sometimes, AND gifmaking???????? incredible!!! and is just as a hopeless romantic as i am (cue us crying over how much we love Love together,,,,,i need a moment 😭)!! one friend who i can feel totally comfortable + stripped down with 💙💙 did i already say supportive bc ezra is the Most Supportive Bub if you didn’t already catch that 🥺
@sohcean — bee!!!! a fairly recent moot but one i love very much nonetheless!!!! i looked up to you a lot akdbdjdkjdb like you were one of my “it” monsta x blogs imo hehe but i remember i tagged you in a post where an anon asked me who my fav blogs were and 🥺🥺 you sent me an ask something along the lines of “ty v much i’m glad we’re moots now!!” AND WHEN I TELL YOU!!! i was crying 😭😭😭 anyways, always checks in on me once in a while and you’re always super duper sweet and caring (and thank you for submitting sweet kyun pics occasionally; they are SO desperately needed);; plus you are so extremely eloquent with your writing -- when you post something particularly long i kinda just space out into dreamland  bc you just take me to another place with your words omg *chefs kiss* love ya hun!!! 💙💜💙💜💙
@burnitupmp3 — ah ADRY!!! honestly i was really scared to talk to you too for some reason DJFLSDJ but i think that’s bc you’re so extremely hilarious :’) but now that we are certified CLINGMATES 🥺 i literally thank my lucky stars for you everyday :( always and i mean ALWAYS supporting not only me but all of your other moots too ITS SO AMAZING TO SEE!!!!!! never being shy and always starting a conversation with everyone like i’m starting to get the feeling that maybe you DO in fact know every monbebe on this site HEHE but!!!!! grateful for you, if there is one singular constant on tumblr it's you and you're humor, kindness, individuality 💘💗 1/3 of my joobebes, but my ONLY rujoobebe :’) alSO TY FOR FEEDING ME J.SEPH CONTENT <33
@minhyukie — LISTEN if you don’t follow amy you’re missing oUT!!!! but srsly amy i’m going to get really mushy on you jfsdlkfj  🥺🥺 i’ve been following you ever since i made this blog in january (obvi bc u make High Quality content) and i just need to get this off my chest but when u popped in my messages telling me what i was doing wrong in ps about the smart object thing I LITERALLY SCREAMED I JUMPED OUT OF MY SEAT I MESSAGED @theyoungflexer AND WAS LIKE OMG OMG OMG AMY JUST TALKED TO ME!!!!!!!!! jeez like i was so embarrassingly excited :’D !!! man, am i SO happy we are moots <33 the best minbebe around, always providing me with advice and so many resources,,,not to mention we kinda (??) live relatively close-ish to each other so that’s also very cool LOL but srsly!!! amy you are such a backbone for the mbb community here and i look up to you SO much,,,smooches to u 💘💗
@leejooheons — aj!!! 2/3 of my joobebes!!! we are only recently moots but much like amy, i’ve been following you since the beginning of my blog’s existence!! gosh i look up to you in sooooo many ways and again LIKE AMY when i finally found the courage to talk to you i kinda freaked out when you responded LOL !! your gifs are absolutely AMAZING STUNNNG WONDERFUL; you inspire me to really improve my skills, and you always always ALWAYS give me such helpful advice all the time when i don’t even ask for it :( if anything i can't imagine how annoying it is to see me complain about all of my ps troubles but you still take time out of your day to always give me the best tips ever. and for that??? i’m SUPER grateful for all that you do for not only me but for monbebe tumblr too !!! 💘💗
@chaelight — fern!! my other resourceful monbebe moot 🥺 even though we don’t talk all the time, you, like aj, are always providing me with such amazing content advice!!! seriously idk why you all are so incredibly nice to me it’s so touching 😭 and just like bee, you also give me such a calming vibe; you’re just an overall delight to see on my dash because your content is SO well thought out too <33 love you fern!!
@joosgf — lulu!!! 3/3 of my joobebes who also takes the time to tag me in kyun content 🥺 we do not message often but :( omg you’re such a freaking cutie :( i knew i wanted to be your friend when i found your blog bc 1) everyone loves u and 2) you are so incredibly nice <33 i really hope we get to grow closer in the future!! you are so supportive even though we aren't close, and just know that you can always come to me for anything!! also i just love your adoration for our joober it’s SO SWEET, i love to see you geek about him bc it really is the cutest thing <33
@haoranghae — jill!!!!!!! my eastern standard time pal!!!!!!! <33 honestly i think you're the only moot where i DONT have to think about you being asleep while i’m up bc i know we’re on the same time schedule :’) my multifandom buddy who shares my love for victon and honestly a lot of other groups too!! surprisingly we don’t message often but like, i feel like when we DO talk we always pick up where we left off, if that makes sense? i always feel at home talking with you <33 and you’re so freaking SUPPORTIVE always saying nice things and going out of your way once in a while to pop in the inbox!! jill dear you are such a joy, thank you for being you 🥺
@morkyun — carly my sweet angel!!! one of my most precious fellow kyunbebes!!!! idk why you’re so darn SWEET TO ME!! just the sweetest; always asking how i’m doing, always crying over changkyun with me, always participating in ask games sdkjflskdfjslkf how can i ask for anything more than you?? super DUPER grateful to have u in my life, literally such a blessing <33 AND U HAVE ME IN YOUR BIO <33 IM MELTING PLS I FREAKING LOVE U!!!
@hohyuk — everyone LISTEN UP AS A TALK ABOUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!! my ma, 2/2 of the mom friends!! you aren’t as active as you were when i first started to talk to you (bc u are a wonderful working WOMAN) but gosh, you made such an impact on me ma :( you are such a caring and nurturing person like the only way i can describe you is motherly :( i remember we would always talk about our days + weekends bc we never really messaged a lot HOWEVER we would always touch base at the end of the week and catch up!! although we don’t talk that often anymore, i want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart for being exceptionally kind to me 💘💗 and for that i am forever thankful for you ma!! love you!!
@kihyunsgf — kass my cutie patootie!!! we have been moots for a long time it feels!! ( i mean long for me since i’ve one been here since january lol) but you are such an amazing monbebe friend!!! we don’t really private message each other but it seems like we always participate in each other’s ask games so it’s always fun to get to know a little bit more about each other every time we ask questions!! you always reblog not only my work, but every other content creator moots’ works too and i just think you are an extremely supportive friend in general <33 thank you for always being so approachable and warm, and i hope we only grow closer as time goes on 💘💗
@kkyuns — okay aminah OMG so,,,,,,,,,idk if you even want me to consider you a moot yet or anything but 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 can i pls be your moot LOL srsly 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and if you don’t feel comfortable that’s okay and u can just consider this an appreciation post dksfjslkdjf but!!!!!! aminah i’ve already told you i’ve sent you so many asks anonymously and i only recently found the courage and come off bc i feel really comfortable whenever i talk to you <33 literally the KINDEST soul in the entire world;; you might not answer asks quickly ALL the time but you always find a way to make time for the people who look up to you and honestly?? that inspires me to be a kinder more gentler person!! my FELLOW NURSING GAL working your lil BOOTY off, a queen really :’) and not to mention one of the most TALENTED mbb gif makers on the entire planet i’m not even stretching that i truly mean it angel <33 thank u for making me (and others ofc) feel incredibly appreciated, and thank you for being a blessing to mbb tumblr :D
@changkynie — sian angel!!!! you have been with me since the beginning of this blog it seems like!!! thank you for always being my secretive cheerleader on my blog, i really adore you for that! you are such a cutie and you ALWAYS make time to send in little messages to both me and our lil family on my blog!! it’s really the sweetest thing; you are truly SUCH  blessing and i love waking up/falling asleep to your kind words <33 together forever bub i think <33
@tsunpan  (idk which blog you’re comfortable w me tagging so i’ll just do this one dsjfsjdf)—RATCH!!!!!!! i know a lot of ppl on your blog don’t know your name (and oddly enough i’ve never asked either bc i thought u wanted to be secretive LMAO) but then you plugged your twitter @ a while ago and u said it had your name there HEHE SO!!!!!!! i’ll keep it private :) but HOLY CRAP!! my actual first moot on here :( like my FIRST first moot ever :( says i’ve been following you for 8 FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!!!! and wow look how far we’ve come <33 i know i don’t message u as often as a should but just know i cherish this friendship like my life depends on it skdfjlksdjf and thank you for always indulging me with you’re changkyun writings (shout OUT to safekeeping kyun UGH my heart) + also sharing my love for mr. park junhee + ALSO being my astrology guru WOW u really do it all <33 ;; every time i message you i’m always like wow i wish i were as carefree and funny as my gal !! love you to the moon and back dear, thank you for putting up with me 💘💗💖💓💞
@monpabebe —lastly but CERTAINLY not least is my dear RIKA!!!!! again i have this running theme of being scared of the ppl i love LMAO but yes rika i’ve been following you too for a very very long time (i have actually sent u some anonymous stuff too hehe) but i think i fINALLY revealed myself when u mentioned your height!! SHORTBEBES OUT HERE PROTECTING EACH OTHER <33 but on a serious note, you are amazing :( i’m so glad i came out of my shell to finally talk to you; thank you for supporting my work, it means the absolute WORLD to me and thank you for also being a backbone here on monbebe tumblr as well :) i love seeing your interactions with your anons, it always puts a smile on my face 💘💗💖💓💞 whether you're arguing about tomatoes, geeking over shownu, or just giving your opinion on everything monsta x related, i always look up to you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i know i don’t really talk to you often (bc i’m still a lil intimidated IM SORRY skdfjksd) but i would love for our lil friendship to bloom in the future rika!! :)
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skittles1229 · 4 years
Old Expectations Die Hard (Dashie x Reader Fanfic)
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Chapter One: Weird Circumstances
You know your life is complicated when the friend you always complain to says "you never have a dull moment do you?" I sigh as the weight of the world seems to make it impossible to breath. You see recently things have been rough. I lost my job and my fiance all in the same day, that itself was an unbelievable story. I was so upset and strung out on thoughts of what to do that once i got home early from work i didn't notice the extra car in the driveway. i stepped into my home and my own floors felt as if they'd given way when i saw the guy i thought i'd be spending my life with in bed, with my sister... my sister and i hadn't been on good terms for a while and for a good reason! The drugs she took either made her unreliable and selfish or crazy and murderous. He, of course, pulled the its not what you think, id never hurt you, it was a mistake, and honestly i could write a book out of the excuses i heard in the time of two minutes but maybe another time. Needless to say i left. I never thought about going back and to be honest my sister looked more hurt then i was. I took a job in California a few weeks ago and moved in with my friend (BFF Name). They always seemed to know what to say and honestly i truly believe They  knew me better then i know myself. 
California gave me the biggest culture shock I've ever had. I came from Mississippi, the bible belt and the most rural part of the world. California was sooooo different then what i was use to. The weather is awesome. There's lots of jobs for technical people, at least until you're 45 and then you're considered ancient and you can't possibly know anything when some 23-year old out of Stanford tells you that they know it all. (a little bit of sarcasm there) It's a great place to start a new company, money is available as is talent. The risk of starting a company is lower since you can always find a new job The politics are insane, if you aren't towing the progressive party line you should just STFU. If you even once say that Trump has done something positive, or that Obama did something negative prepare for the wrath. Read the stuff behind the recently filed lawsuit against google for a taste of what it's like. Seriously, don't say a word. The state if structurally bankrupt, although the finances look good because so much stuff is off of the balance sheet. The public pension liability dwarfs the "good" part of the budget, and some day it is coming home to roost. Watch out when it does. The cost of living is absurd, really absurd. I'm not talking just a place to live but gas, electricity, haircuts, milk, pizza, you name it. The traffic is absurd too. (can you tell i like the word absurd) The public transit, although usually on time, is a mess. People are pigs, they throw trash everywhere, the cars are overcrowded almost all the time. 
I've got to say, from how much it sounds like i hate California, i actually don't.  Mainly because its so far away from my original family, leaving really helped me start to grow up and feel like maybe i was getting a hold of my life again. Only problem has been getting to my new job on time. I work as a barista and a waitress at a brunch place a good minute away from the apartment. The money is good, otherwise i wouldn't waste my time with the commute everyday. i keep being late to work because i still haven't adjusted to how terrible traffic is and so my boss was "nice" enough to switch me to the later shifts. The hours are long and boring because my shift starts in the middle of rush hour to the slowest hours at the end of the day meaning you have to find things to keep yourself busy with. the only good thing is, we can wear pretty much anything we want as long as its black. all i wear is dark colors so i didn't have to spend any extra money on a uniform and i didn't have to wear the same thing everyday. Today i decided i wear a v-neck shirt that with an emperor waist (body forming) with black skinny jeans and my regular converse. i decided against driving to work and decided it would be far smarter to catch a bus to the nearest destination. My (hair color) hair was done is a fishtail messy braid, i always liked this style because it made me look like i had a head full of hair when in reality i thought i was going bald. 
My personality was a little odd, you see some days i felt like the beautiful nerd who has no confidence and wants to hide away in a hole. other days i feel like a model from Victoria secrets, of course those are the days i get the most tips. today was honestly a mutual day, where id rather be at home in my bed asleep, or listening to music. The bus finally stopped a block away from my job and i sighed obviously not wanting to go into work. surprisingly there wasn't nearly  as many cars as there usually is around this time but i wasn't complaining. i walk in to see that most of the downstairs was empty but whoever was upstairs definitely had a loud mouth. i walk to the back in order to clock in and i bump into melany ( the girl im shifting with). "wow you actually got here on time! Maybe the boss's mood will cheer up." i huffed a little. "yea, i dont know why i thought id need a car in California, say whats with the low level of customers? its NEVER this slow." she looked at me in disdain, "some guys reserved the entire upstairs and we had to make this huge table out of all our tables up there, glad im not gonna be the one fixing it later." i rolled my eyes, i hated when a huge family came in and they just had to move everything around because little johnny wants the sit next to suzzie and suzzie HAS to sit by her parents bc she likes to throw her food on the floor, all fake names but a real situation ive been in before. "well have they at least been fed so that i only have to clean up after them?" she shook her head while hanging up her apron. "nope, they've only ordered their drinks and they are getting those onto trays now." so today was gonna be like every other day. "guess i better go help them take those upstairs then, have a good rest of your day." i walk away and slip on my apron, grabbed one of the trays of drinks while another waiter grabbed the rest of the drinks. Once i got upstairs, that's when i met him...
Chapter Two: Last Will and Testament
          He was sitting on the far end of the long table of people laughing and joking. everyone seemed to be loud and all had their own inside jokes. This guy, he stuck out. i changed my attention to the task at hand, finishing this shift. i hated when people moved all the tables and seating around. all the waiters and waitresses have to go back behind them and look at the layout of the floor to put them all back exactly as they were before. it was a struggle and because of this nobody actually wanted that job so usually the manager gives it to her least favorite workers and i happened to be one. "who all had coke?" nobody answered me so one of the men bellowed out the same line and somehow was able to get a show of hands. i walked around handing  out drinks, catching the lingering smell of strong liquor. i could tell by the end of tonight they would all be wasted and loud. please, just don't make more of a mess then you have to, i thought to myself. i had one drink left on my tray, "sweet tea?" the guy i saw before at the end of the table waved his hand and i dreaded going over there, i always seem to make a fool of myself when it matters. 
     i make my way slowly down the table with the tray under my arm and the tea in my hand. i lean over to sit his drink on the table.."here's your t-" *CRASH* while joking with one of his friends his elbow crashes into my hand sending the tea flying all over me and the cup crashing to the floor, thank god i wore black. he turned around and looked more horrified then i did. "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!" his voice was deeper then i imagined it'd be. "no, it my fault i'm sorry ill get you a new one." i turned away to hide my embarrassment and walked away really just trying to get away from the situation. i could tell from the silence behind me that all eyes were on me. i ran to the back where the lockers were for the service. i went to the bathroom and stripped the sticky clothes off throwing them aside. i sat on the toilet  trying to catch my breath, my social anxiety had struck me  hard. a feeling of worthlessness and dread fell over me like a blanket. after the past few months i've had just one day without something terrible happening would mean the world to me. i heard a knock on the door, it was melany, she walked in with a towel from the kitchen. "hey, i heard what happen upstairs are you ok?" i covered my breast trying keep myself as unexposed as possible. "oh yea im fine, im just cold, and sticky, and... covered in tea." melany and i made eye contact and both laughed just to lift the dread in the air. "let me guess, all the guys are getting a kick out of watching me fumble again huh?" i said a little less concerned and more annoyed. she rolled her eyes "they are boys, they get a kick out of picking their own nose. we both slid to the floor beside each other, she hands me the damp towel. i get most of the sticky off as possible, throwing my hair up to make it look less clumped together by the sugar. "i have an extra black t shirt in my locker but i don't know how it will fit you. your breast are at least a size larger then mine." i shrugged my shoulders, "who cares ill make do. thanks for your help melany." she smiled her weird anime girl smile and ran to get the shirt from her locker.
     ill have to admit, she was right about the size thing. it was far to small around the chest area but the rest fit fine. after the incident my boss stuck me down stairs wiping tables and sweeping the floor, i dont mind though because i get to experience the day coming to an end with a beautiful sunset over California. i secretly kept the the window to watch as the sun fell from the sky. the sky seemed to burn and darken while the clouds began to glow with the last bit of sunlight left. the sky filled up with burning Burgundy and faded orange and yellows, the tallest buildings seemed to reach for the skyline as if it were a sunflower moving to the last drip of sunlight. moving here had been hard, and this had become one of the things i looked forwards to. living in the apartment with my friend was nice, buts its not the same as coming home to someone you use to lay with every night. sleeping alone seemed so much colder and emptier then i remembered from childhood. my mother would be so disappointed in the way i turned out, in the places id gone and the decision to spend my life with someone who was most obviously the wrong one. she would have told me to slow down and to take my time, that growing up wasn't everything. she would have said love isn't something you just wake up and have, its something you make. i wasn't anywhere close to where i thought id be by now, and i could see that. it tears at my heart everyday, not being able to see her or any of my family. sometimes it felt as if they'd all died in the fire that night. 
     i suddenly heard a boom of voices making their way down the stairs, i hadn't realized how close to closing time it had become. all of them walk out stumbling and laughing at their own jokes, seems they all got a good bit of drinking in, all except one. The guy i ran into on accident seemed as sober as ever, designated driver i think, he was much taller now. he seemed muscular but in such a fitting way for his body. his teeth sparkle because their so white, his smile complimented him best. his high cheekbones made his chocolate brown eyes his best feature. His skin was glowing with a sweet honey hue and before i could notice that i was staring he turned his head. his eyes met mind before i could think twice and that's when i felt the heat rise to my cheeks. weather it be from embarrassment or silly school girl shyness i didn't know . i turned my face away but it was too late, i turned my face a little just to catch a glimpse of him before he made his way out of the door and that's when i noticed his cheeks had gone from a burnt caramel to a rosy color. i felt my body shiver at the thought that maybe, just maybe he found me as attractive as i found him. i shook the thought from head realizing they had began locking the place down. as i helped close up shop and wash dishes i couldn't help but to let my mine wander to all different kinds of thoughts, funny thing was they always fell back to him and his rosy  cheeks. i couldn't help but smile as i felt my heart race at the thought of him, even though id made a fool of myself today i was glad i hadn't ruined my chances. Even if he'd never get with me or i wouldn't ever see him again, i'd still take it as a compliment that he even looked my way. 
     before long we were all outside laughing and talking about today. The manager locked the doors and said his goodbyes. i turn to walk towards the bus station when i see a man standing aside awkwardly between the restaurant and the parking lot. suddenly my eyes adjusted and once they did, the joyousness butterflies came back and the blush suddenly reappeared on my cheeks..
There are lots more chapter after this if you are interested you can find them here
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ofinkdried · 4 years
hey all!! i’m slowly working on bios and pages and such but I wanted to introduce myself first -- so here’s what’s technically was the first task?? im using it as the template for my intro so HERE WE GO!!
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name  /  alias : victoria / tor gender  /  pronouns : cisfemale / she/her where  ya  from  ? : texas!! the  current  time :  4:29 pm height :  5′4 job  or  major :  unemployed at the moment, but I have a degree in health science/health administration & a national certification in phlebotomy pet  (  s  ) :  one doxie/beagle mix named Roxie favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  my ability to remember song lyrics better than my own name any  special  talents  ? :  uhhhh I can play 4 ( 5? ) instruments why  you  joined  hqclouds :  FUNNY STORY care was talking to me about some Tea ( we’re in another rp together ) and she made a comment about running an rp and im a bit of a sleuth and found hqclouds and decided to join  meaning  behind  url :  it’s ‘ of clementines ’ because one of my favorite halsey songs is clementine and i’ve been on a halsey kick as of late  last  thing  you  googled :  ‘ fools troye sivan ’ because I wanted to send my friend the music video birthday  /  zodiac :  october 29th / scorpio in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : some days myers  -  briggs :  I took it forever ago and don’t remember... ^^’ moral  alignment :  chaotic good hogwarts  house : ravenclaw!! three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  oh gosh.... katherine from newsies ( dedicated, doesn’t take a man’s shit), emma from the prom (nervous gay who plays guitar), and flynn rider from tangled (jokester, very in love with our girlfriends) i  started  roleplaying : 2012 I think? types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  definitely literate ones favorite  fcs  to  use :  I try to not reuse fcs a lot?? like I have some I prefer for certain characters, but I don’t have a strong draw to certain faces... fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : musicals ( namely newsies ), fairy tail, the raven cycle fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  uhhhh I dont really know... share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  oh gosh I dealt with one girl who like... constantly gaslit me as a player and my characters, would make me feel bad for not responding immediately, made everything about her characters, and then got mad when I called her out on it? and now she goes to a christian school and says that rp is ‘ the devil’s work ’ and I just... yeah. fondest  roleplay  memory :  I feel like the moment my now girlfriend and I realized we always do ships bc just had awesome chemistry and then started dating like, 4 months later. favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : connor murphy ( deh ), gansey ( trc ), spot conlon ( newsies ), jimmy ( bandstand ), lucy heartfillia ( fairy tail ) favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : theo massard ( a boxer, jack barakat fc; had an AMAZING ship for him )  canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  CATRADORA. none of my other ships are technically canon : / trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : tragic backstories, tough on the outside soft on the inside i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  I wanna say fluff but I know care and megan will call me out bc I love angst more than anything long  or  short  replies :  mid-length pre  plotting  or  chemistry : chemistry leading to pre plotting! sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : both? I love discussing headcanons single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multi!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : typically gif icons, but lately ive been loving medium gifs grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ok so I have no books atm bc im moving, but the first book on my phone is the dream thieves, and the line I see first is “ The Gray Man considered what it must’ve been like to live like that, always waiting for your door to be kicked in. ” what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : oh gosh, so many... “ I'm a walking travesty/But I'm smiling at everything ” ( therapy, all time low ), “ I imagine the tears in your eyes/The very first night I'll sleep without you ” ( roman holiday, halsey ), “ Am I the product of a problem that I couldn't change?/Got his eyes, got her hair/So do I get their mistakes? ” ( secondhand smoke, kelsea ballerini ) top  current  celebrity  crushes :  halsey, froy guiterrez, harry styles ( always ) last  movie  you  watched :  I think it was uhhhhhh miss americana on netflix? did  you  like  it  ? :  YES I loved it favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : 10 things I hate about you, newsies ( ’92 ) favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : she-ra, queer eye, fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, gossip girl favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : zoey’s extraordinary playlist favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : the raven cycle, all for the game, the last song sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : dallas cowboys, houston astros ( yeah I know about the scandal and I hate it, but they’re my team ), FAU owls ( my alma mater ) favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : breath of the wild, KH series favorite  youtube  channels : unus annus, daniel howell ( rip he hasn’t posted in a year ), the try guys, NPR Music, CrankGameplays ( ethans just a dork I dont even like gamer videos that much ) hobbies :  guitar, singing, being in zoom musicals ( im playing whatsername from american idiot for one in July and auditioned for a few others! ), reading what  are  the  three  non  essential  things  you’d  bring  to  a  deserted  island  ? : my guitar, my laptop, wifi put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : HOLD ME TIGHT OR DONT, fall out boy; I’m Still Here, John Rzeznik; Towers, Little Mix; Way Down Hadestown, hadestown obc; Stitches, state champs (cover); Look Back, betty who personal  aesthetic : nerdy punk?  dream  vacation  ? : disneyland paris or disneyland Singapore with my gf dream  job  ? :  music teacher dream  car  ? :  one that works at this point if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : austin, texas ( im about an hour away rn ) favorite  musical : OH GOSH..... the prom, bandstand, newsies, hadestown favorite  food  (  s  ) :  blueberry pancakes, red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing coffee  order :  at starbucks? venti iced chai tea latte. at dunkin? large iced vanilla coffee. at home? french vanilla coffee and caramel macchiato creamer and 2 scoops of sugar.  unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  netflix: sex education, the umbrella academy, end of the f***ing world, the people vs. oj simpson. hulu: portrait of a lady on fire, my friend dahmer, rocketman what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : I dunno? I have a ton of useless facts on a wide range of subjects. like did you know that in 100 letters, halsey says ‘ You wrote 100 letters just for me/And I find them in my closet in the pockets of my jeans/Now I'm constantly reminded of the time I was 19/Every single one's forgotten in a laundromat machine ’ and that’s actually autobiographical -- her bf at the time wrote a note and put it in a pocket of every pair of pants she owned, and she was still finding them months after the relationship ended, so she took all her pants to a laundromat and washed them so she wouldn’t have to see the letters anymore!!
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stephanievera · 4 years
Hi there love your blog! If you dont mind my asking are you catholic or a different denomination? What would you say the major church denominations are in your country?
I love this question anon!
I’m also going to add my thoughts on the denominations because i do not shy away from the discourse.
About me: I’m not Catholic! I’m one of those people who doesn’t really subscribe to a particular denomination. I was baptised in a German-speaking Lutheran church as an infant, but I grew up without much influence of faith in my life. I came to Christ at around the age of 16-17 because I had an internet connection. I started attending a local Anglican church i could walk to. When i got a bit older I got involved in University ministries and other Christian ministries. When I was 19 I got involved with a Baptist missional community / church plant and a Christian school holiday camps ministry and they are both everything to me because I can share the Gospel with teenagers which sets my soul on fire. My convictions and denominational leanings are as follows: I have deep respect for liturgy & an undying love for the Eucharist + I believe in the Real Presence. I also have a huge passion for evangelism and those outside the church and I believe that the natural outpouring of faith in Christ is that the believer desires to share it. I am no friend of liberal theology or anything that compromises on the historic Faith of the Church.
Major denominations in Australia (most to fewest adherants)
1. Catholicism duh. I like Catholic doctrine & it’s fun to learn about it and wrestle with it. Pretty churches, unless they were built post 1960. I’m basing this opinion on my narrow experience of Catholic parishes in my area: they do an awful job of catechising their parishioners and they expect almost nothing of their congregations to actually keep the faith in their lives.
2. Anglicanism. There’s the High Church wing and the Low Church wing. The High Church side have great liturgy and beautiful music, but spout straight heresy and garbage from the pulpit. They also expect nothing of their congregations. The Low Church wing don’t care about liturgy and go pretty contemporary on music, but you can find good teaching there! And you’ll find living & active faith the norm. So, very mixed. Pretty churches except post 1960s builds. My priest is High Church but not a heretic. Rare butterfly Fr Jon.
3. Uniting: I don’t even have anything to say except these are the worst heretics i’ve ever encountered who still claim the name of Christ. They are better in other states, I believe, but you can forget about Victoria. (1970s unification of methodist, presbyterian and congregationalist churches.)
4. Pentecostal & Nondenom/independant & Hillson: See Baptist, but better worship, and sometimes the preaching is actually terrible and empty.
5. Baptist: These guys are my bros. On the whole they teach their children the Faith and many actually try to love Jesus & others and obey Him & share the faith. Relevant preaching, clear doctrine, contemporary worship. Too bad about the ugly churches and fear of stained glass windows.
6. Church of Christ: See Baptist.
7. Presbyterian / Reformed : i mean vibes, a bit uptight, very little evangelism, hymns but no liturgy, worst of all worlds i guess? They do love God and are good on doctrine sometimes and they’re really serious about the scriptures which is good!
That’s all I feel like doing, i guess you can google the actual breakdown
I will say though that the last census says 61% of Australia is Christian, but i believe it’s waaaay under 10%, probably even under 5%.
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