#i dont want a single anon hate ask in her inbox
izukuisbaby · 2 years
not arya confessing that she hates izu 😿
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scummy-writes · 1 year
Scum's Anon Tips
Hello 👋 I have been on tumblr for around 8-9 years and have seen this website change a lot! Nowadays, I notice old information circling around regarding anons, and I wanted to share some information I've experienced through my time here.
This is not meant to be mean spirited, it's just meant to be helpful since I am noticing a trend of anon hate in the circles I'm around. Please feel free to add any corrections that you know to be true, or any additionals.
1. Blocking an anon does not put the user who sent the message in your block list.
(Tested and verified)
I see this one spread a lot and, from what I believe, this is from Way Back on tumblr from around the time I joined. It's possible that this was never a thing, and people just said it was, or this was a glitch that happened eons ago. Who knows! This site is held together by sticks and gum, so shit happens.
What happens instead is that it blocks the anons IP address . This is verified here by the site themselves (under 'other considerations'). Before they implemented having to be logged in to send anons, this made dealing with anon hate a bit more difficult since dedicated folks could try to bypass the IP block.
2. Blocking one anon message, out of a group of them, then refreshing, can show you how many of those anons were sent by the same person/IP.
(Tested, verified with note)
This is something I would do when I would seemingly get a batch of anon messages from 'multiple' people in the last few years (and recently as of March/April-ish of 2023), only to block one and then refresh, and have all of the hateful messages suddenly gone from my inbox. It's a helpful way to help realize that no, 282973 people are not slamming in to get mad at your characterization in a fanfic, its usually just one dedicated asshole.
Side note: last time I tried this, I did have a notif for one of the anons in my notifications, but not actually in my inbox. It's possible that this may be buggy at times. In my experience, aside from that single instance, it's repeatedly gotten rid of other hateful anons in my inbox.
3. Blocking someone who you believe/know sent the anon message does nothing to the anon message in your inbox.
(Tested, verified)
Until recently, I thought that this would work! But as of 07/09/2023, I realized that this does nothing to any anons in your inbox. I had my roommate send me an anonymous message, then I blocked her account and refreshed my inbox multiple times: and it never touched the anon message. I think this is odd for tumblr to do, but it may line up with some sort of privacy protection they have.
So if you have any worries if someone sent an anon message, this is not a way to test it out.
4. (A Tip) If you find yourself getting a lot of anon hate...
Not a great answer, but one that is needed to be heard: Stop Answering Them. We've all been online long enough to hear the 'dont feed the trolls' mantra, but seriously. Answering the ask means you can no longer block Or report it. In point 2 I mentioned it's usually one dedicated asshole, but if it isn't, then you're just opening yourself to more anon attacks. If you Badly want to answer it- screenshot it, then answer that way, because at least you can still block and report the OG anon. I think this is even more important now that users have to be logged in to send anon messages. They can't play with IPs as much anymore with this feature, so it's more important than ever to block and report em now.
Reporting can be done on mobile and desktop version of the site, as well as blocking. Please, always utalize these. You're not a 'coward' or whatever for curating your online experience.
Additional Note:
When it comes to information spread about anons, a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if it seems to be in line with any possible privacy issues with tumblr. The point of anonymous messages, good or bad, are to be anonymous. It does not make much sense for a site to allow you to easily see who sent the anon in that context. Especially when, on the official Help section of the site, they have confirmed that even staff supposedly doesn't know who sent said anon ask (It's under 'What About Anonymous Asks?'). So why would they have their site (alibet held together with sticks and gum) show you very easily who sent the anon?
On their side of things, I hope this is a little fixed now that we have to be logged in to send messages, so that they can take action on the accounts sending hateful shit.
Please feel free to add onto this list, but I repeat, please add on with things you know to be true. Not stuff you heard through the grapevine, as there is so much misinformation on that vine, but things you yourself have experienced and have Worked. It'll be helpful to know if your tip is something from before the 'must be logged in' change or not as well!
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eurydicees · 1 month
Hello, just want to say, thank you so much for sharing your fics (especially the Tamaki/Kyouya ones. After finishing the anime and manga, they (TamaKyo) became my favorite ship, and I love Haruhi but I wish she stayed happy and single or with a girlfriend....
Also, just realized that you also the one who wrote my fav Yuki/Kakeru fic (thanks for sharing your work). It's also my fav ship from Fruits Basket, like I don't hate Machi but I cannot understand how Yuki end up with her....
Sorry for my long ask, now I want to start reading your IwaOi fic. Iwaizumi/Oikawa is my 2nd fav ship in Haikyuu after Kageyama/Hinata....
So a few of your fav ships are Iwaizumi/Oikawa, Tamaki/Kyouya, and Yuki/Kakeru, they are all different yet similar in some way, so interesting @eurydicees .....
hey anon!!! sorry for letting this sit in my inbox forever, but i'm so glad that you've been enjoying my fics <3333
re: fruits basket, i also didn't really get the yuki/machi thing, but i've been told it's better developed in the manga so maybe it's that? idk. i think i got too attached to kakeru before machi was really introduced as a fully developed character and that created a yukeru bias lol.
i think the iwaoi, tamakyo, yukeru similarities r so funny. tbh i dont think they're the same ships at all, but they def have a little overlap in very specific ways. i have a type, what can i say .
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Unpopular opinion but I like Kaia😭. I've been in fanbases with white male celebs and their deranged female fanbases.
Despite the pap walks and stuff(all nepo celebs do it, lily rose is a good example lol), she's very supportive and nice. At least he's not dating some very problematic women lile other male celebs, catch Timothee. Her worst crime is shes friends with all these ppl in that industry and isnt that talented, and that is okay lol. More blame on those casting directors than her because they have thebpower to not take her. I like her book club though. You're the only austin fan who depsite being a bit snarky, I dont mind because I'm also a tomdaya fan, and I love your blog😭😭. Also, I know your heart is in the right place. Some Austin fans on this app could give Club Chalamet a run for her money and I cant tolerate hate towards women for a man sorry. Internalised misogyny is so real and sad. Most women are in denial and I can understand if their young but grown adults?
I'd avoid some fans irl. No shade😅
I meannnn...you can like whoever you like Anon lol 😅 You can be a fan of Kaia if you want to. Just don't come in my inbox dragging me (or others) just cuz we don't worship the ground she walks on, or think she's anything all that "special" LOL😅
Most of Austin's fandom is actually pretty tame when it comes to Kaia (or not liking her) if you ask me. I've seen WAAAAY worse in other wm fandoms tbh lol. 🤣
And for the most part, the ones who don't like him dating Kaia, it's usually for several reasons.
Most didn't really like/care for her or the Gerber family like that even before she was dating Austin
Some just don't like Nepobabies period 🤷🏾‍♀️....especially UNtalented ones who keep getting roles even though they suck at acting lol
Others just wish Austin were dating someone closer to his own age 🤷🏾‍♀️
Some fans just feel like Kaustin is weird and seems a bit contrived on some level....maybe due to the whole Gerber clan, or some of her other relationships.
And lastly, some fans feel like his relationship/Kaia tends to crowd his work and career life, and that everything gets made into something about Kaia even when he's just trying to promote his movie, and some fans just don't like that.
And then of course, there are SOME fans who just don't like Austin dating ANY woman because they're just jealous fangirls lol 😅 (those tend to be VERY few though) Most of us Austin fans are used to him NOT being single, and don't have a problem with him dating someone (most of us were around when he was dating V for like nearly a decade lol, so we're used to him being in a very SERIOUS relationship with someone)
Also, I just want to add, that SOME fans don't feel like Kaia is 100% "unproblematic". Some fans didn't like her posts supporting Israel during the Gaza/Israel conflict. Others have also noted that she hangs with Camila Morrone very closely, and some have said that Camila has said some racist things online. I'm not sure how true that last part is, but that's just what I've heard. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But you're def free to like whoever you want to like Anon!😊 I don't judge if anyone wants to like a certain celebrity on here.
I don't hate Kaia at all, there are just certain things about her that I just give the side-eye to and she's just meh/kinda phony to me at times. But even despite her bad acting, her privileged upbringing, or their weird Kaustin relationship, as long AUSTIN is happy, then I'm fine! 🥰
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Hey uh anon fam, if you want different elemets in the reader fics you read, heres some advice.
Go up to the search bar, and search for example, Joel Miller x reader. Then what youre gonna do is read the fic and if you like it then congrats you found a fic with the things you want. Theres lots of them so keep scrolling.
Telling a writer to just write about certain subjects is the like complaining to a store that your favorite bbq chips are out of stock when there are 3 other different kinds of bbq chips in the same aisle.
You also don't have to agree with every author's opinons or choices you know? Like personally I dont care about age gaps in stories like if its there im fine with it. But I also dont like helpless readers who need protecting all the time. A moment or two is fine, things happen, but I personally dont want a reader who has to be taught everything in a world where youd naturally learn survival as an adult. So if an author I like decides to go with a damsel story then I just skip that story and wait for something else.
Like I read authors here with parent readers, but I dont relate to a reader with a child, so I skip those specific ones. I dont run to their inbox with a box of tissues crying about how I didnt like that idea.
Not every story she writes is going to match everyone you want, so just read the ones you do like then go up to that little search bar i gave you that secret hint about to find other ones.
Go find what you want to read, instead. Stoo harassing her in her inbox like a coward. Anon asks for supposed to be for people like me who are just shy and anxious, not to hide behind a wall slinging insults at a person.
You really shouldn't give away such important trade secrets for free, anon. That search bar and keyboard aren't for everyone - kinda like when people buy brand new cars and didn't choose to include the turn signal package.
... what kind of BBQ chips do you like, anon? I'm partial to Utz and Snyder's of Berlin - I hate when they're out of those. (If you haven't tried Snyder's please do, they're DELICIOUS)
Real talk though, there's always going to be a balance - and I'm sure that even for the people that enjoy my writing and stories like mine, I've made choices for characters that they've disagreed with. (Keeping Reader and Dieter apart for so long, Nick and Calabaza not sleeping together etc) - but that's what fic is about.
There are so few things in life that make people universally happy, but ultimately, writers aren't writing to please every single reader - and if they try to, the story suffers IMMENSELY.
Needing help is fine - of course moments like that can heighten tension and bring characters closer together, but honestly, someone like Joel is going to be fucking EHAUSTED after taking care of himself for so long and getting Ellie 3000 miles across the country and back - he's not going to want to immediately go into caregiver mode for a woman (and I use that term LOOSELY) he's sleeping with.
I'm glad you understand skipping content you don't immediately take to - I wish more people did the same. Thank you for sending this message over, it means a ton. And I also thank you for reading my stuff/and or following me - I appreciate it and you. If you ever decide that you'd like to say hello via DM, please feel free. I get testy with asshole anons, but I swear I'm nice and friendly otherwise.
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lovesbitca8 · 4 years
Asks that have sat too long...
Finally clearing out my inbox from like, November. 
@beau-pigzy said: Heyyy! I'm such a big fan of yours and loved your Dramione series! Thank you so much for the great and brilliant stories that you've provided for the audience (Well, Dramione fans though). Will be rooting for you! P.S. Your portray of Lucius Malfoy is such a bad ass and genius, and damn, that last chapter was a nice cherry on top. Love to reread again and again haha.
Lucius is my main squeeze.
@sri1997 said: Rereading 39 Part 1 in anticipation of Part 2 - "there's only one thing she wants from the Malfoys and he isn't here" - Isn't that the one thing we all want ? 😏😏
*raises hand*
@peachykeenqueen said: Came to your account for the Auction! Finished it right before chapter 39 was released and I’ve managed to go back a read both The Right Thing to Doo and All the Wrong Things!!I love the way you tell their stories! You’ve got me laughing, crying, and absolutley beaming and I’m so beyond excited for chapter 40!!!!
Apologies for the delay, but I’m so glad you loved it! (around chapter 40 lol)
An Anon said: AND OF COURSE YOU'RE GONNA END IT WITH THE TRIAL, JUST LIKE THIS WHOLE WONDERFUL UNIVERSE STARTED IN TRTTD. u tricky genius. I love it. I dont want it to end. I want it to end. wut have u done to me. Question: how is blaise such a good friend and where can i find me one of him. Also: where the hell did u learn to write. I want to send them a thank you note
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An Anon said: one can only IMAGINE the trauma that will permeate the wizarding society, generations emotionally broken oh my goodness it hurts me 😭😭
Yep. Very similar to our Muggle histories. 
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An Anon said: i’ve just plowed through the rights and wrongs series and am now nervously anticipating the ending of the auction and i just wanted to tell you i am FLOORED by your writing. i’m obsessed and in awe and so grateful for your existence ❤️
An Anon said: Should have titled this chapter “Draco Has Some Really Great Friends Who Love Him More Than He Knows.” Don’t mind me. I’ll just be in the corner crying over these Slytherin babies.
Yessss. I love those little snakes.
An Anon said: i have complete and total faith in you 100% but how how how are you going to wrap this up in one more chapter i’m dying! i’m so excited to finally know how this ends but also so sad i’ve been on this journey now for what like a year and a half now? sunday’s won’t be the same! this chapter had me everywhere! the scene with blaise pansy and draco and the viewing and pansy trying to save hermione (for draco) broke my heart for them all they are such ride or dies i’m glad hermione is going to bat for them too. i’m glad pansy’s free, now we just need blaise and draco and oliver. i was screaming at everyone this whole chapter like “oh my god you’re all like so silly you don’t even know! blaise didn’t even do most of the things you’re trying to punish him for! tell them that he wasn’t holding gulianna as a slave and the lengths they went to to protect her!!” lmao. but i know the info has to be saved for the right time, hopefully that’s what his american lawyer is for and that fact plus bellatrix will be enough to keep him safe. “bring him home, hermione” broke me, i am ruined, i simply can’t express. i know this is a story about draco and hermione but god did you ever do a fantastic job making me care about the supporting characters i am so soft for blaise caring about draco at his own expense 🥺. anyway fantastic 39 part two i applaud you. can’t wait for the final chapter which comes just after my birthday so i’m counting it as a personal gift for me hahaha
Okay 1 - Happy Belated Birthday; and 2 - thank you for emotionally transporting me back to Chapter 40 with this Ask.
An Anon said: Me, an ASOIAF stan watching everyone go crazy over Draco and Hermione being "siblings" is hilarious AF. It's fictional incest. Why exactly are you worrying about if the baby is going to look alright? You're all worrying about the wrong thing. Anyways it is just me or them being siblings just adds spiciness to their relationship LMAO
I have also been in fandoms with that sort of “spice” so I was UNPREPARED for the “sibling-backlash” lol
@teacher-with-bad-handwriting said: I’m literally crying while reading about Blaise wanting to help get Draco home, even if it means he might have to stay in Azkaban.They had such a pure friendship in TRTTD, I’m glad they’re still ride or die in The Auction
I love bromances. I love men who are comfortable enough with themselves to let their fondness show. 
An Anon said: Okay okay sorry for bothering you but when i tell you i just screamed when i saw that you uploaded the new podcast episode. Like I've been waiting for the 39 part 2 recap. And I dont know if you have an upload schedule cause i basically binged the whole auction and the podcast. Just amazing to hear how much work you put into each upload. Much love to all you three ❤❤❤
That was one of my fave episodes, so I’m glad you were looking forward to it!
An Anon said: I’m rereading ATWT in anticipation of TA ending and I just came across my favorite line in the history of fanfiction: “Fuck, we’re both such idiots. I hate us so much.” I FORGOT ABOUT THAT LINE AND IT IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST I NEEDED TO THANK YOU FOR IT.
I should change all my story synopses to just that. 
An Anon said: A very random thought came to mind several months ago and has been pestering me ever since. I don't expect it will be answered in The Auction so I'm finally going to ask. How's Professor Binns? Did he even notice anything? (Also, Hogwarts was still being used as a school right? But it was also Voldy's HQ? Have I remembered/interpreted that correctly? Were there children running around Voldy's HQ?) Anyways, can't wait for the final chapter! Thank you for every single thing you do!!!
L.O.L. Professor Binns is probably still teaching, Death Eater infiltration or no. The children and classes had been moved to upper floors while Voldemort was there, but Binns just floats in, teaches, and floats out. 
@rethinkthesituationnn said: I just have to say how beautifully done the Orpheus & Eurydice reference in The Auction was. That’s all. Now, I’m just going to furiously refresh until chapter 41 is posted. 🙃
Thank youuu. I probably had the most fun writing that chapter out of the last third of TA.
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mitsukui · 4 years
HEY BEE! I'm feeling better today. I have a lot on my plate right now, but I'm taking it step by step! I have online lectures to watch, millions of emails to respond to (my inbox looks SO MESSY IT STRESSES ME OUT) anyways I have questions for you -dont feel obligated to answer just wanted to chat! 1-Is your name really Bee? or is it a nickname? ITS SO CUTE AAHH 2-whats your fav ice cream flavor (i got some today with my mom it was nice to spend time with her hehe) I LOVE YOU BITCH -ophelia anon
HEY BITCH 🤪 (calling you ‘bitch’ but with tons of respect and love, ok)
I’m so glad to hear you’ve been feeling better, baby. I was worried about you! If there’s anything I can do for you, please, do let me know!
And I completely understand you. It sucks to be an adult sometimes, right?! My classes at uni started this Tuesday, and I wanna die already. Because of it, my days have been so busy: uni and private teaching in the mornings, teaching at a bilingual school in the afternoon, and more private teaching in the evening. Not to mention the English classes on Saturday. MAYBE WE’RE GONNA DIE BECAUSE WE’RE GROWN UPS BUT HEY AT LEAST WE HAVE EACH OTHER RIGHT!!!!!
One thing that usually helps me is to write everything down. I have a planner, and I always organize my entire week on Sundays. As I complete my tasks, I highlight them and it’s quite satisfying to see my to-do list slowly getting smaller.
Don’t worry, baby! You can ask me anything, and I’ll always answer it!
Bee is actually a nickname that I’ve chosen for Tumblr exclusively. My real name is Isabelly, and most of my friends call me Isa, Belly, or Bells. I HAVE THIS STUPID COWORK THAT TELLS EVERY SINGLE STUDENT AT THE BILINGUAL SCHOOL THAT I AM A BELLY BECAUSE OF MY NAME. IS A BELLY. GET IT? I HATE HIM. Bitch, the worst part of it is that they actually get the joke because they’re fucking bilingual at the age of 8 - 9 (I’m from South America, btw, so that’s why I’m surprised whenever I see a kid speaking English as well as my students). But I can’t really remember why I decided to go with a whole different nickname. I guess I just wanted to have a cute nickname, like you’ve said it, because I really like Bee as well!
Hmmmm, and my favorite ice cream flavor...I’d say cookie dough or vanilla! Tell me yours, too! And I’m happy to hear you’ve spent some time with your mom, that’s always nice!
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wakraya · 4 years
my view of jane as a facist is only because thats what the entire fandom has turned her into because surprise surprise! canon being in the hands of the fans was a bold faced lie hussie made to escape criticism, and you have to ask yourself, are the new writers doing what they want for the fandom, or just what THEY want? just what they desire and think matters? because it sure as fuck seems like it. sure as fuck seems like they dont give two shits about anyones views other than their own.
YES! They are doing what they want to explore because they ARE writing the story! There’s a separation, a divergence, however, between what they are exploring, and the Fandom! The mere idea of ‘Beyond Canon’ and ‘Dubiously Canon’ comes precisely from this, the fact they’re exploring a specific route that hurts some characters and develops others in ways that conflict with people’s headcanons, but they explicitly don’t want people to stop doing divergent takes, because this is just one of many routes that they’ve just decided to go for because, they just think it’s interesting to go this route?
Once again you push your entire experience as the thing that is happening. You are the person that doesn’t want Jane to be seen as Fascist, yet you’re also pushing the idea that there’s NO other possible take on her right now in the Fandom. 4/13 came and all I saw was positivity for both John/June and Jane, and many people refusing to consider the Epilogues and just saying that Jane deserved better. So how is she only seen as a Fascist by the Fandom? She’s one now in the current content, yes. She’s also redeemable in Meat because she hasn’t gone that far yet. People know this, and people still like Jane.
you have to be out of your fucking mind to think that anything positive is going to happen to these characters that the authors dont like, none of the authors like jade so of course shes just a one dimensional dog dick furry "haha look she said yiff" joke, and jane is just a rapist. plain and simple with nothing else to her. its game over for these characters and the fandom is never going to pull them up because the narrative keeps beating them down over and over again until people do just give.
The epilogues showed us exactly how Hussie wants the series to end, the kids are failures, theyre all losers and nothing ever changed and they all ended up unhappy because "caring about things is for losers". And now, his friends, WHO SHARE THAT SAME MINDSET are getting to do what THEY want, which is why Vriska being fondled by Gamzee in the Epilogues? oh thats not canon to HS2 because Kate LOVES vriska too much to let that happen. but jades dog dick? that just exists to hurt? oh that can stay.
You're wrong. And I'm right. and when Homestuck 2 ends, you'll be forced to admit I'm right cause I've seen through this shit. I've seen the authors bully and block and scream at anyone who doesn't immediately shower them with praise for making the fat girl into a neo nazi who COMPLETELY beyond redemption for no reason other than to hamfist a trump parody into their shitty story. You're wrong. Plain and fucking simple.
Oh. Ooooooh. Oooooooh haha! Here I thought I was actually debating with someone, I was just getting shouted at by the Jade Fucking Hate Anon, no fucking WONDER I wasn’t getting anywhere! Fuck you and everything you fucking stand for.
I shouldn’t even acknowledge these asks because you’re vile and fucking rancid as per usual, but congrats, you ACTUALLY got me heated by posing as a Jane Fan that was hurt by the Epilogues, instead of the shapeless ball of bile and hatred you are.
Jade Harley is great. The writers like Jade. Jade was probably the person having the most fun in the Epilogues’ Earth before shit went down. The first update we get with her being aware of things in Meat, she beats the shit out of Callie for trying to make the story more Dramatic and Slut Shaming her, and beats her at her own game, regaining control of her own body. Jade is comfortable with her body and having sex and positive about it, but she mentions ONE time that she would like to have a biological kid with Dave and Karkat but she can’t, and suddenly YOU latch onto the idea that it hurts to exist because she has a dog dick.
You are. Impossible. To talk to. You don’t want to talk, you want to spew your bullshit and have it taken as fact when EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING the Writers are DOING now contradict your own takes, you’re
You’re Ult Dirk, you’re so fucking closed in your own mind and so convinced that what you’re doing is the only way, that you cannot see beyond that without it tearing your whole concept of being, and that makes you obsessively assault and attack every last fucking shred of positivity you see around. Also the Vriska thing is still canon, surprise! That happened entirely like in the comic, and your focus on going on the Hating Kate bandwagon is just sooooo telling of how deep down this fucking rabbit hole you are.
You wanna bet, Hate Anon? Fine. Fucking bet.
It’s people like fucking you who are vitriol in human shape that aggravate the authors and make them block people, because you cannot consider in your mind the idea that people have good will and intentions when writing darker content. They are exhausted of getting shit like you in their mails and inboxes.
But when HS^2 actually continues to showcase good fucking things for the characters, and have them take control of what’s going on and face the bad things that have happened in the Epilogues? Then we’ll see which of the two is in the wrong, the girl trying to be positive and spread good vibes in the Fandom, or the person hidden behind an Anonymous Facade sending slurs and insults to people because they uuuuuh, I don’t know, dare to like content you don’t I guess.
Fuck you.
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Hey, guys! Let's chat.
So, I have gotten a couple asks along the lines of "adrien salters probably think we hate on the blue boy too much," and I know a lot of you probably think "Wow, Cat really can't stand the blue boy," because I get a lot of asks, and I just wanna say that's not entirely true. Sure, I answer a lot of asks and make posts of my own from time to time with increasing regularity as of late. So, in that regard, what makes me any different than Adrien salters when a lot of my posts are tagged blue one salt these days? You might ask.
Well, I have created a sort of safe space here for people who are fed up, so I get a lot of asks from time to time of people airing their grievances, and I let them because some people aren't as bold as others with their dissenting opinions/dont want to attract drama, and that's fine whatever. I'm happy to be a soundboard, but I want to make it abundantly clear that I don't vehemently hate the blue boy as a character. Do I think he is boring and overhyped? 100% but am I gonna sit around and write a bunch of spite fics about how I don't think he deserves a Miraculous and is a predator who deserves to be punched in the face? No. And that is the difference.
Much like MC, most of my frustration surrounding the blue boy and his ship stems from the stans. As many of you know at this point, on my 23rd birthday two years ago, I got a horde of angry blue stans in my inbox telling me what a terrible person I was for being indifferent to the ship after CH aired two months prior. I feel like a lot of my general feelings toward both him and the ship itself are still just indifference, but that day his stans branded themselves for me (and many others who witnessed) as immature crybabies who can't accept when someone has a different opinion.
I recognize that the angry anons in my inbox were a (probably) small subgroup, and that not all blue stans are so crazy, but in my continued general experience, a lot of them are just...like that. My dear sweet friend chataclysmes only wants to draw cute art of ships and characters she likes, but any time she posts her art (particularly if it contains Kagami in any capacity) she gets dozens of comments about how terrible Kagami is, how she is toxic, abusive, worse than Gabriel, how she should "go back to China" (not even joking this happened yesterday) and you know who these comments usually come from? Blue ship stans. She gets comments all the time of "why didn't you draw the blue ship wahh" so much so that she no longer wants to draw for them at all.
Blue stans have time and time again been rude, belligerent, racist, sexist, annoying, loud bullies in this fandom. Most of the asks I get here are about the stans, not the ship. Most of my posts are about the stans, not the ship. His stans demonize Kagami, they demonize Adrien, some of them even demonize Marinette for doing anything but sucking his dick and being head over heels for him. A lot of his stans are just hateful.
The worst things I have ever said about him as a character are that he is underdeveloped and bland. Hardly even hate, in fact, I classify that as more salt directed at the writers for making him that way. What turns me off from his character isn't his lack of personality, it's his stans that feel the need to attack anything that doesn't fit their narrow desires. I have always been indifferent at best to him/the ship. The stans are what annoy me constantly and what make me not wanna go near it.
So, how am I different from Adrien salters? 1. I don't go on other people's posts and bitch about how I don't like him or how someone is wrong for liking him 2. I've never written (or read) a single spite fic that attacks him, 3. I don't make "analysis" posts about how I think he's a predator or selfish or undeserving of a miraculous, 4. I mind my business and don't tag my indifference posts so people that do like him don't have to see me being negative, 5. Even then the worst thing I've ever said about him as a character is that he lacks depth.
So, do I answer a lot of asks about how annoying his stans are and how bland he is? Sure. But am I on the same level as the people we're salty about? No. Not even remotely.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
I'm sorry but you come across as a joke. If SPN had just given me everything I've wanted for a decade - bi Dean - I'd be so thrilled that's all I'd be focusing on. Instead, you're triggered by any person who disagrees. You're calling people who don't see it bitter. You're just trying too hard. Textual confirmation would require non of the exertion. Pro fans would be happy. Antis would be livid. Instead, you're misquoting Kelios because her canon crap posts are mainly about Sam Dean separation. 1
2 But instead of quoting her correctly, you’re implying she thinks what’s crap is that Dean is bi when she literally stated no, Dean isn’t gay or bi so I don’t see how one could interpret that joke. Kelios isn’t saying she’s seeing it. Someone else says they took that joke that way. The problem is - that joke was also taken other ways, by other people. Hence, it’s not clear. At all. My whole timeline of destiel shippers were bored and actually frustrated with the lack of bisexuality.
Wow look at this whole assed joke in my inbox, so let’s break down how many lies, fallacies and intentional misdirections you included over the course of two asks.
1. “IF SPN HAD GIVEN ME WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANTED HOW I WANTED THEN I WOULDN’T BE DELETING THE CURRENT CANON CONTENT NOW” is not a valid defense, I don’t know what you think you accomplished.
2. “Triggered” is nice hot button language, but it’s adorable because you’re… the one *here*. In *my* inbox. Hiding on *your* keyboard behind *tumblr’s anon mask* So now that we have that out of the way, as much as you want to rev this up to being a loss of control by me, I’m not the one screaming about not getting my way exactly how and when I want on my schedule in someone else’s inbox. K?
3. Oh would you like the screenshot where she admit that it’d be gay if it went like that? I posted it twice I can do it again. Or do you need the one of her desperately attempting to pretend Dean fucking half a corpse was a rational explanation? They all know it. 
3b. “Kelios isn’t saying she’s seeing it.”
Tumblr media
Okay so you’re right! She didn’t see it. Her anti friend did and talked her through it. She then just blatantly denied the text that came through her screen and then tried to whip up a corpse-fucking answer instead? Cuz the other answer IS gay?
4. Many people took that many ways. *checks all twitter and tumblr trends* Yeah sure okay keep telling yourself that now that you realize you’ve niched your point of view into being contingent on the screaming of several people so obsolete the plot has literally mocked them as villains and had authors block them. It’d really, REALLY suck to realize you’ve been manipulated by a group of tinfoil covered brotherfuckers with a collective IQ of 30 this whole time and that all the warnings you’ve chosen to ignore about it might have been right, GOD that would suck, wouldn’t it?
What? Drawing stick figures pointing out how fucking stupid you’re being? Is that hard effort for you?
Answering the anons YOU just sent a multibrick message to MY blog after YOU navigated HERE to do so?
Pointing out that the text is the text?
NOT having to explain in circles? 
Let’s see what effort: “Holy shit another time Dean had a group encounter with a guy only this time they included double dogging a single target in the text.”
Yeah god that’s so much harder a fucking point to reach than “well since that would make dicks touch and he’s not gay then clearly they murdered her, cut her in half, and fucked her corpse.”
Who’s the try hard here?
Or I dunno.
The person who just sent a series of absolute kindergarten level logic in two bricks to my inbox because you are *deadass furious* that I am *flatly celebrating textual content* that *requires NO FURTHER EXPLANATION?*
Yeah sure.
Look, your staunch refusal is your problem sweetie. 
Edit: I just realized this person sent me a part 3, 4, and 5 of further wordsalad while I was writing this but it’s equal canon deletion “WAHHH I DON’T LIKE IT” is strong in it, such as “I DON’T LIKE IT LIKE I DON’T LIKE DEAN GOING AFTER A CHEERLEADER” okay but it sucks but that happened? That doesn’t make it go away? I REPEAT IF YOU MISSED IT: THINGS YOU DONT LIKE ARENT NON-CANON JUST BECAUSE YOU DON’T LIKE THEM.
I *am* half tempted to publish this embarrassing mess of the rest of the messages, since they’re at least anon and wouldn’t be publicly mortified by name for a long series of personal revelation that literally lists a long series of events that happened in canon that they don’t like, while debating what “counts” as canon, and saying this isn’t canon because… it’s like… those other… canon… things… 
Literally no matter how much you pretend you’ve successfully jockeyed the goalposts around on What Words Mean and What Happened In The Show, the content and goalpost and target is still there. You’re the only one running in circles. But thanks for unwittingly betraying that it isn’t that you don’t see it, it’s again, that you don’t like it, because you choose in to drag other associations, and then dismiss the content. Because you don’t like it.
Which is the core of this conversation right now.
I’ll pass on individually addressing the rest of this ridiculousness since addressing the first 2/5 asks still took 2 pages to dismantle all the smoke you were pouring out, I really don’t need to double or triple it.
o/~ No matter how hard you try to delete the text, the text still exists. o/~
o/~ It exists if you like it o/~
o/~ It exists if you hate it o/~
o/~ It exists as it exists even if you wish it was more o/~
o/~ The text gives no fucks if you like it o/~
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