#i dont want to say expect frequent updates but i am like a third through the next chapter
marzxvii · 2 years
NEW CHAPTER YALL!! YES it’s been almost a year since I’ve written anything and EXACTLY a year since I uploaded the first chapter. COME GET YALL TEAM MINATO JUICE.
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I have a mission!
(involving books, of course. All of you can join into this as well and flourish our home libraries!)
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I recommend reading the whole thing, it’s actually pretty interesting and fun but like wtv
I am going to spend the entire day in a bookstore with my best friend tomorrow. (Utopian daydream??) And I have decided to start developing a mission inside said bookstore.
We are going to go there, have some coffee, or tea in my case, I spent a lot of time saving money and now I can say that I’ll be able to spend $50 in books! (IM SO HAPPY, AND DEFINITELY EXPECT A BOOK HAUL POST) So we’ll just talk, look for books, buy books, maybe even read them. Honestly my perfect idea of a best friends hangout, but have 1 (one) friend willing to do it, so after years of thorough planning ITS HAPPENING!
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So, on to the actual purpose of the mission, quest, whatever you wanna call it.
The mission is to slowly but clearly and surely begin to build up a list of books I have read in the past, whether it have been as schoolwork (some of those books were actually pretty good), pleasure or as gifts, that I believe were good reads but for some reason are currently not in my possession and I believe should be.
So, tomorrow being when I’ll spend my day in a bookstore, I plan to wander around looking at book titles and start writing my everlong list of long lost books, and then with time, hopefully be able to buy all of the books (or the ones worth it at least) that are part of this list.
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I am sure the list will grow with time as I see or remember other books whose titles I didn’t see at this bookstore. It will get bigger and I am completely aware of that, but I think it is worth spending a little time and some money to get back these good reads and amazing memories, I could even try and thrift these other books to save some!
on to the big question..
Why dont I have those books anymore??
There are a million reasons.
Either because I rented them out of the library, borrowed them, lost them, gave them away, threw them away, had them taken away, stolen, ruined, or any other reason I cant come up with right now, I have lost physical possession of these books.
When I was younger I used to not like reading as much as I do now, where I can work my wat through three or even more books in a single day, I did like reading but it wasn’t the book hoarder, “take care of them or I’ll kill you” kind of reading like it is now haha.
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I know, dont kill me for this but I must admit I have given away or thrown away good books in my life.
I WAS NINE YEARS OLD WHEN I GAVE AWAY MY ENTIRE HARRY POTTER COLLECTION OKAY!? It is one of the things that haunts me TO THIS DAY as one of my most regretted decisions!! But I will get those books back even if it takes me five years! (It probably will) And I will maintain my updates and progress on this mission through this blog I hope you guys enjoy.
Also if anyone has any tips for jolting my memory and remembering book titles from the past that would be great.
I’ll reblog this with the titles of the books I am able to remember as frequently as I am able to or every time I remember some books worth getting back, each with their situation briefly explained.
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So, shall I begin?
✔️The Fault in Our Stars:
I read this book both in english and in spanish, but I sadly only own the version in spanish and want to divide my bookshelf by language, and I also really want to own the entire collection of John Green books for which I am only missing this one and “Will Grayson, Will Grayson”.
✔️The Book Thief:
This one holds a similar situation as the last book. I do own the spanish version but have actually never read it in english and really want to do so. I guess it counts?
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✔️The entire “Harry Potter” series:
Yes, the whole thing. (Except for The Cursed Child). I’m ready to be brutally killed by any and all potterheads including myself.
I grew up with the Harry Potter movies and became a huge fan. Everyone at my dad’s office knew me as Hermione instead of my actual name because (up to 12 years old), I would always go out in my Hogwarts uniform and had fluffy brown hair like Emma Watson.(I dyed it pink) I was obsessed, and as soon as I was able to read well enough to process the books, which I must say wasn’t long after turning six, I begged my parents for them, and I got them! But oh silly me, I didn’t value actually keeping my books as much as I do now! So I read them all, and then one day in second or third grade, there was a book trade in my class, and I decided to give away my entire collection of HP books hoping I would maybe get something really good or at least decent in return. You wanna know what I got back? A freaking Winnie the Pooh storybook. I wanted to cry (peobably did) but I couldn’t take my books back. Of course, I, as a child being able to read higschool-level books, thought everyone had the same abilities and tastes, and I was clearly wrong. While all my 8 and 9 year old classmates still read Winnie the Pooh or Disney kid books, I was off reading books over 500 pages, or series like Harry Potter, or The Book Thief. So this was of course a tragic moment I will always regret.
I will reblog updates in this post as soon as I remember more books yay.
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Join me!
All you have to do is Re blog this post to join the mission!
I know I’m not the only one who has gone through this and would like to get them back and be able to form our dream room library, so join!
Add in your books and why you dont have them anymore, tell me what happened to your favourite book years ago, I want to know your stories guys!
I will also probably follow any book blogs who reblog this because I need more to follow!
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