#i double checked that that was her name and i (miraculously) remembered correctly
reading the girl in the well by rin chupeco rn and there's a mention of a Lydia Small is that a reference to the bad girls don't die series by Katie alender?
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pandawritespoorly · 4 years
With Time: Something Happened
Author’s Note: The doc for this is titled 'Drink some water you coward'. My friend needed to drink water but wouldn't, and I made a threat that I fulfilled. I won't say who I killed, but those of you who have been around long even may remember a tumblr post from long ago. (Heh heh, reblogged it to bring it back a few days ago)
Here's that story, which I can finally post now that With Time is over.
(Sorry for the angst. I'll post something fluffy soon.)
Summary: The team goes up against Hawkmoth, and something happens.
!!! Warnings: Character Death, Violence
It had been years. Years upon years of fighting against Hawkmoth. It had gotten bad enough that Adrien and Marinette had eventually needed to give their friends their miraculouses permanently.
It hadn’t been solely a bad thing of course. They’d been planning on doing it soon enough, but it’d happened sooner than they’d intended.
Of course, after spending a good six years - almost seven - Marinette and Adrien could not be ready for this day.
The final face off with Hawkmoth.
The man that had been terrorizing the heroes, the city, for years.
They’d tracked him down after learning of Mayura’s identity.
“How did I not know?” Chat Noir stares at the mansion he was raised in, “He’s my father! I grew up in the same building he was attacking the city from!”
“Adrien-” Ladybug begins.
“I’m supposed to be a hero! What kind of-”
“Adrien-” it’s Kit Mime this time, gripping his shoulder and turning the other boy to face him, “None of us blame you.”
“You should.”
“No, we shouldn’t. He kept it from the entire city, y’ couldn’t’ve known,” Tortue Verte cuts in.
“The entire city wasn’t living with him this whole time! For fuck’s sake, he attacked my school the most! He wasn’t even subtle!”
“Adrien, it’s not-” Honey Bee also tries to interrupt him.
“All those attacks where he or I was targeted! How could I not have realized-” gloved hands dig into blond hair, green eyes vacant.
“My name literally means ‘dark butterfly’, I mean come on!”
“Adrien!” Ladybug snaps. She isn’t angry, just trying her best to reign him back in.
He pauses, taking a breath to steady himself.
“Kitten, none of us blame you,” Kit Mime keeps his own gloved hands on Chat Noir’s shoulders, “So you shouldn’t be blaming yourself.”
The hero looked doubtful, but didn’t respond.
“He’s right,” Ladybug comes to his side as well, hugging him tightly.
Doing so triggers a group hug among the heroes. There’s a lot of feelings towards what’s about to happen.
There’s a lot to process, but they didn’t have much time. They wanted to settle this as quickly as possible - both for Paris’ sake and to avoid Gabriel getting suspicious.
“Alright. Let’s go,” and Chat leads the charge into the house.
It’s time to end this.
Despite having hoped to take the man by surprise, he must have been clued in somehow. They burst into his lair to find it empty.
They tense, walking forward hesitantly and looking around cautiously.
“Where-” Honey begins to speak.
There’s a sound, quiet enough that only Kit and Chat hear it. They motion for silence and turn in the direction, night vision carefully scanning the area.
Honey Bee inhales sharply.
“This would be an ideal time to hand over your miraculouses.” a cold voice cuts through the silence.
The group turns to see Hawkmoth himself standing before them, sword drawn from his cane and pointed precariously near the heroine’s neck. She stands stiffly, hands raised slightly.
Low growls come from the two tallest boys, while Ladybug and Tortue shift to fighting positions.
“Give it up Gabriel,” Chat snarls.
“You’ve lost,” Kit Mime adds.
“It would seem I was correct to assume that Nathalie had been compromised,” the tip of the sword pushes further into Honey’s neck, and she tilts her head safely away.
“Gabriel Agreste, your reign of terror on Paris is over. Hand over your miraculous.” Ladybug holds out her hand, glaring at the monster before them.
“No. Not until I’ve completed my goal.”
“The consequences of any wish would be catastrophic. The world can’t afford your selfishness-”
“Selfish?!” The man roars, “You are the selfish ones! I only want what’s best for my family! What’s best for my son!” In his anger, he gestures carelessly and a pinprick of blood appears on Honey Bee’s neck as he speaks.
Chat Noir growls, snapping and swiping at the man, “What’s best for your son?! What’s best for your son?! How is terrorizing Paris supposed to help your son?!”
Taking the distraction, Honey Bee ducks and slides over to her other teammates. Tortue looks worriedly at her neck, but she smiles at him, “I’m fine,” she says quietly.
Kit Mime seems to disagree, scowling - a rare expression for him - and joining his friend in the barrage of attacks at the supervillain.
“Well,” Ladybug says, readying her yo-yo, “We do this like we always do…”
Honey Bee and Tortue Verte speak with her, readying their own weapons and dropping into offensive stances, “...together.”
The trio joins their teammates in the fight.
They didn’t think it was going to be this hard. Especially given that it was five to one.
Yet here they are. At least one and a half hours later, and the fight hadn’t gotten anywhere.
They’re exhausted.
Maybe it’s closer to two or three hours. None of them have really bothered to check the time, simply focussing on their goal, aiming to end this nightmare as soon as possible.
Hawkmoth swipes his sword at the spotted girl. She dances away to the best of her abilities, though she feels it makes contact anyways.
It wasn’t the first time, and she’d stopped checking once they’d all been false alarms.
Her suit is impenetrable after all.
This needed to end soon. The exhaustion of her team was palpable, but somehow Hawkmoth seemed fine.
Maybe he was just better at hiding it. Or he had more experience. The reason didn’t really matter to her anyways.
The team of five continues in their assault, their teamwork they’d built up on for the past five years shining through.
Still, it wasn’t a perfect art, and mistakes were bound to happen.
No one is quite sure how it happens, but the frenzy of movement halts when Hawkmoth wrenches Kit Mime toward him by the arm.
“Let him go,” Honey Bee growls.
“Give up your miraculouses.” It’s basically his mantra with how many times he’s said it now. He’s holding the fox hero to him tightly, gripping his neck from behind so that both miraculous holders are in clear sight.
“That’s not going to happen,” Chat repeats.
“This is your final warning,” Hawkmoth cautioned lowly, a hint of something in his voice.
He correctly takes their silent glares and battle stances as refusal.
The dark chamber is silent for a moment.
Five teenagers wait patiently for the next move.
A sickening crunch echoes through the room.
Even with most of them lacking night vision, their eyes have adjusted enough that they can see what happened.
Hawkmoth holds up Kit Mime by the neck, dangling the boy above the floor. The hero’s face is an unnatural color, and his feet kick uselessly at the floor, searching for traction.
His hands reach for the one that has crushed his throat, but the adult’s iron grip is too tight.
His teammates, friends, can only stand in horrified silence. The only sound is the ocaissonal scuffle of boots against the floor. The color that has appeared on his face is deepening, and his hands still claw at the one around his neck. His flute is on the floor, dropped in surprise when the moment came.
None of them are looking at any of that though.
It’s his eyes.
Kit- Claude’s eyes, normally bright and full of mirth are wide with fear.
Even through the worst attack, Kit Mime had been able to smile, keep things light and spirits up.
And now…
It’s when his eyes begin to glaze over, growing unfocused, that they break out of their trance.
Chat Noir’s and Honey Bee’s faces harden in resolve, both rushing forward.
Ladybug hears a furious ‘cataclysm’ and ‘venom’, which somewhat shakes her out of her oncoming attack. She can panic late, right now she has to…
What does she do?
Tortue isn’t doing well, hyperventilating beside her.
Kit Mime is still struggling in the villain’s grip, though his desperate kicks and gasps have become fainter, weaker.
The five of them couldn’t defeat Hawkmoth together, should she really let only two of them try alone? They need all the help they can get, right?
The heroine’s eyes dart back and forth, undecided. Comfort Tortue?
Help Chat and Honey with Kit?
Comfort Tortue?
Help Chat and Honey with K-
The moment of indecision costs her. In the time it takes Chat and Honey to cross the room, Hawkmoth grows impatient.
Tired of holding up the struggling boy, Hawkmoth tightens his grip on his sword, raises his hand, and runs it through the boy.
Honey and Chat can’t stop their momentum in time, Honey’s hand slides past the intended target, and she can’t pick herself off the floor, instead staring in horror at the scene above her.
The scene doesn’t last long.
Chat’s outstretched hand makes contact.
With an orange suit.
The darkness spreads like an inky disease across the brightly colored uniform. Shadowy tendrils make their way over it, spreading like a horrific wildfire and leaving nothing but ash and dust behind.
Chat Noir stares in terror at his gloved hand, now coated in dust that looked too soft for something so nauseating.
Reality chooses this moment to resume its normal speed. In comparison to the last eternal minute or two, everything feels like double speed.
Honey Bee manges to put together enough thoughts to hit her venomed hand to their foe’s leg, and stands to take the miraculous.
Chat hasn’t moved.
Tortue is barely breathing with how badly he’s panicking.
And Ladybug?
Ladybug defaults to her usual solution.
“Miraculous Ladybug.”
Claude’s body reappears right where it had been previously. He falls to the ground, the other heroes nearby follow him, too exhausted to do anything else.
After a moment they’re all far too aware of the fact that he isn’t breathing.
“Miraculous Ladybug.”
He remains still.
“Miraculous Ladybug.”
Nothing. She’s beginning to feel dizzy.
“Miraculous Ladybug.”
Why isn’t it working?
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
Why isn’t he coming back?!
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“Miraculous Ladybug!!”
How had this happened?
“Miraculous Ladybug!!!”
She feels sick.
Still nothing.
Her shouts become a repetitive echo, ringing through the terrible chamber. What else can she do? She’s the leader. She’s the one who fixes everything.
So why isn’t everything fixed?! Of the team, she’s the only one still speaking. The only one still standing.
Until she isn’t anymore.
The others look up after her quiet, pleading calls go silent, soon followed by a thud.
Against a surface other than her bright red suit, the alarming amount of blood flowing from a distressingly large gash in her side is hard to miss.
When Felix walks into the hospital room he does not know what to expect. He had known they were going after Hawkmoth, so the fact that Adrien had sent him a text with nothing but the words ‘we’re here’ and the hospital’s address and a room number concerned him.
Still, he did not want to jump to conclusions.
Perhaps Hawkmoth had been critically injured.
He repeated that thought over and over because the alternative-
No, there is no alternative. Hawkmoth is injured and his friends are fine.
He loops that thought.
Hawkmoth is injured and his friends are fine.
Hawkmoth is injured and his friends are fine.
Hawkmoth is injured and his friends are fine.
Hawkmoth is injured and his friends are fine.
Hawkmoth is injured and his friends are fine.
Hawkmoth is injured and his friends-
He walks into the room, hearing the steady beeping of the heart monitor and turns to see…
Marinette in the bed. All manner of tubes and wires attached to her.
When he manages to rip his eyes away, his fears do not cease.
Adrien is staring at Marinette, though his eyes are far away.
Allegra is barely holding herself together.
And Allan…
Felix hadn’t seen that look on Allan’s face since- since-
Something is missing.
Someone is missing.
“Where is Claude?” He barely manages to keep his voice steady.
Those three words are all it takes.
The Allegra’s final threads snap and she loses the little composure she already had. She falls to her knees like beggar and sobs.
The look on Allan’s expression gets worse, and he stops breathing momentarily, and even afterwards his breaths are irregular.
Adrien is gripping Marinette’s hand like a lifeline, head buried in the sheets of the hospital bed as he sits beside it.
No one speaks.
The picture is becoming very clear, but Felix just will not accept it.
Surely Claude is just somewhere else.
Grabbing something perhaps?
Another sob from Allegra is all it takes to dash all his hopes. Anyone with half a mind can see the only answer to this question.
Something happened.
The mission went wrong.
Claude is gone.
I'm just going to leave this here. No more words from me.
Reminder: This is very much not canon to my With Time storyline.
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miraculouskpop · 6 years
MKP Series | The Beginnings
☆ Miraculous KPOP | AU Series ☆
Title: The Beginnings
Characters: Amber, Sehun, Jungkook, Jungyeon, Lisa and Jimin + Kwamis
Synopsis: Before they were ever heroes, they were simple people. A basic introduction to everyone meeting their kwami for the first time.
Words: 4941 ( yeah it’s freaking long whoops )
A/n: This will go according to the Miraculous Ladybug timeline/canon where Marionette, Adrien to Alya and eventually Chole will receive their miraculouses, and then AU listing of who receives their miraculous first.
🐞 Amber / Ladybug 🐞
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Wait.... Wait.... Wait.
Something’s not processing correctly. Or is she perhaps hallucinating? Amber blinked a few times, and that thing still wouldn’t budge from its position. The moment she laid eyes on this drastically different... spotted looking creature with those freakishly huge blue eyes gazing at her, Amber had reached the deep end. She’s insane, she has finally lost her mind! She figured her intense scheduling and homesickness couldn’t be that bad, but yes, it’s severely bad. So, so bad to the point she’s literally seeing things that shouldn’t be seen.
And then, it opened its mouth.
“Hello! My name is Tikki-”
“Oh my god!” Okay, she didn’t mean to overreact like this, but it‘s rather inevitable. The thing just freaking like, opened its oddly human shaped mouth and talked to her! And she’s suppose to remain calm? The girl backed away as her mind reeled with questions, and more importantly, how to GTFO this dorm quickly and safely as possible. The thing seemed suddenly concerned by its rather worried look, “Oh, no! It’s perfectly okay! You’re safe with me.” It smiled.
Okay, what the hell is going on here? “How can you even speak? Why are you here? And what exactly are you?” Amber’s hand fell on the desk behind her, fingertips brushing against what felt like a book. She quickly grabbed the book and swung at the creature, but it missed by the margin. The thing now appeared upset with its hands- well, no, but it might as well be called hands, resting on its hips.“I would gladly answer all of your questions if you could please calm down. My name is Tikki, and I am a kwami, okay? I am a goddess the embodies the power of good luck! I am presented specifically to you because you are selected to be the next Ladybug.”
The next...”what?” How does- what, why?
“You see, remember when you helped that man from earlier today?” The question had Amber’s mind reeling back from this morning. In fact, she do recall assisting an elderly man across the street even when she was running late... “Yeah, but what does that has to do with anything?”
“You helping that person showed great consideration that most people do not have these day. He decided to select you as the next miraculous holder because of that simple act, which is why you received the earrings on your bed.” The girl glanced at the red polka dotted earrings discarded on the edge of her bed and raised an eyebrow. “Errm...great...? But I don’t even wear earrings, so...” She trailed off. C’mon, it really doesn’t fit her masculine style. She always worn majority of her clothing monotone with rusted color, and not to mention her hair doesn’t exactly compliment those earrings, anyway. 
“Amber, those earrings weren’t given to you simply for no reason. You will be gifted with supernatural abilities far greater than you can fathom!” Wait. How does this thing- okay, kwami or whatever, knows her name? “Well, I can give them to Krystal or Sulli. They’ll love it, and I’m just a simple girl who’s trying to survive life right now.” A fleeting thought made Amber pause. Abilities? This was already surreal enough as it is, but becoming a superhero? That’s one of her hidden desires she’d kill for whenever she’s reading Marvel comics. Imagine that, a rookie girl like herself trying to attain fame while adjusting to a new country and trying to maintain her own identity while fighting crime. Sounds like an interesting plotline, but still, none of this makes sense and everything’s happening all too suddenly.
“Amber...” The kwami flew towards her so abruptly that the poor girl nearly went cross-eyed. “This is serious. This is not a dream, nor a hallucination. I am a hundred percent real as any other person with the exception that I am not a human being.”
...She must’ve lost it.
“No Amber, you did not lose anything. In fact, I believe taking the role as a new Ladybug will greatly boost your confidence level as a person and find characteristics that you yourself might be surprised by!” Everything felt too unrealistic to be considered as definite truth, and yet the more Amber thought about it, the more she felt curious. However, within the midst of curiosity held deep reluctance. She wasn’t exactly popular by male standards and many people were not fond of her presence... Accepting this offer will only add more responsibilities and insanity to her already chaotic life.
Even so, the child within herself sprang free at the possibility of being more than average. Someone... important. With a sigh, Amber folded her arms and gave the ladybug a careful look, “Okay, fine.” She said, “I have no idea what’s going on and I can’t say I believe you at the moment, but uh, I’ll pretend that I do.” She’s hoping to wake up an minute now... any minute...
“Great! I’ll tell you all about it. But first, you need to wear those earrings.”
“Amber...! You have to wear the earrings.”
“Over my dead body. Do I look like an ultra feminine Sailor Moon to you?” Amber showcased her point by flashing her rugged black hoodie, cap and shorts.
“Why would it matter when inner beauty is key?”
“You won’t be able to transform until you wear them.”  
“Well, I can have my roommate wear them unless really needed.” She didn’t want to deal with the hassle of wearing accessories. It’s already painful enough being coated with pounds of foundation and makeup... “Devastation is near, and if we allow him to destroy the country then it’s only a matter of time before he conquers the entirety of this world!” Tikki exclaimed. Although too many questions invaded the girl’s mind, but she didn’t allow the thoughts to fester as she slowly placed each earring into her ears with a dreaded sigh.  
“Okay, fine... what now?”
“Oh Amber, this is a wonderful progression! I am so happy you have accepted your new role as Ladybug. Let me explain that in order to activate the miraculous is to call me by my name, and say, “Spots on!” And I’ll transfer into the earrings to give you power.” Amber pursed her lips in thought.
“So, you want me to say it now?” Her roommates and managers is literally across the room, and here she is talking to a mystical ladybug? Okay. Tikki nodded eagerly, “It would be the first stepping stone to greater things. I’m sorry for rushing you, but I thought maybe this way could influence you...” 
“Sure, I guess.” She felt a little embarrassed about this, but...”Tikki, spots on...- woah!” Amber didn’t get the chance to blink before a streak of red zipped across the room and into her small pair of red earrings.
🐺 Sehun / Wolf 🐺
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He’s tired. Very tired. So tired it feels like sleep is clinging onto his body similar to that of hungry leeches. All he wanted to do is plop onto the bedsheets and pass out, but he knew his manager would not approve of him sleeping without at least taking a shower. Well, it’s not like he usually sleep without showing regardless. But whatever. God, what time is it, anyways? Sehun glanced at the clock and nearly did a double take. Crap, is it eleven o’clock already? He could’ve done other things if it wasn’t for his hyungs nagging him to stay...
The boy closed the door behind him with a sigh. His baggy clothes felt suddenly sticky and wet along with his stringy bleak hair falling between his face.
A loud growl rippled through Sehun’s stomach as he frowned. Neither did he realize how hungry he was until he walked towards the kitchen in absolute happiness, only to then find the refrigerator completely empty. “Great...” Sehun grumbled as he closed the refrigerator door, then whipped out his cell to send his hyungs a text to pick up some more food. He checked the cabinets to find a few packets of ramen noodles stashed near the corner, so it’ll have to do for now. In the meantime, he should probably prepare for bed. After quick shower, the young boy went to the kitchen to prepare some ramen. While waiting for the water to boil, Sehun gazed at his cell phone for any response from his friends. Well, guess he say former friends now. After being scouted by SM and accepting their offer, none of his friends have been supportive of the decision, and perhaps it wasn’t the best choice he made. Even so, Sehun figured that maybe it’ll all work out in the end.
Guess not.
He didn’t mean to cause a rift within the friendships, but none of his friends had responded to him lately, so... it kind of hurts. Maybe this is his entire fault. He just wanted to be something more than...- nevermind. He sat his cellphone on the countertops and snatched the black box laying idly on the table. He happened to find it on his bed this morning and never bothered to opened it. Perhaps one of his hyungs gave it to him as a gift? Curiosity peaked his interest as he opened the box.
It’s a watch. Looks pretty neat. Sehun looked at the object a little more until a flash of bright light blinded him. With a high pitched squeak the teenager dropped the box. What was that? Did a light bulb blowed? He felt a little embarrassed for responding rather... badly, but the moment he glanced at the counter something completely grasped his attention.
Wolf. Thing. Flying?
No. Nevermind.
...And yet Sehun cannot look away.
It’s staring at him with those bright yellow eyes. Nope. Not real- “are you going to continue staring at me like that or do I have to introduce myself?”
“What the absolute fuc-”
“Ah ah ah...” The thing tsked, “No swearing within the perimeter of my presence, please.” Did- did it just talk? Sehun gawked at the flying animal thing as fear suddenly gripped him tightly. He couldn’t move, and even if he wanted to speak no words seemed to utter from his mouth.
“Let’s get things settle here. My name is Apollo, and I am a kwami god gifted with tremendous power of power and protection. I shall be your new guardian since you have opened the box. And that,” it pointed at the watch, “Will be your new miraculous to wear in order to transform into the appropriate hero.”
“W-what- why are you talking?!” OhmygodIamseeingshitwhatthehellisgoingon- “This is a trick, right? Someone’s pulling my leg...”
“No legs are pulled here, child.”
“Why are you talking!”
“Am I not allowed to speak?”
“No! I mean, I don’t even know what you are-”
“I just stated that I am a kwami.”
“Like I know what the hell that is!”
“Perhaps if you opened your mind and closed your mouth, then you can finally comprehend my words.” The thing ( yes, thing. ) retorted. Sehun felt immediate irritation creeping on him the longer he stood. This is severe amount of BS someone did, and whoever the person is Sehun hopes that person’s ass gets kicked to another dimension.
“We kwamis are presented to people who carry heroic qualities about themselves. Well, unfortunately, not all of the kwamis per-say, but most of us. However, there are people who abuse kwamis for self gratification, so that is why the master guardian shields all miraculouses from the public.”
“Okay, great, nice, but can you find someone else to harass? I’m trying to eat and go to bed, so-.” A second later, the wolf thing hovered directly in front of Sehun with its topaz eyes searing into his soul, “You. Are. Appointed.” It emphasized its husky voice on each word, “Do you honestly believe I am going to waste my infinite time with an obnoxious human being like yourself? Please, if that’s the case then I would’ve been freed from this unnecessary obligation!” It barked, “But of course, I have my mandated responsibilities just like you humans do, and so, it is not an option for you to reject me.”
“What are you saying?” Why does it feel normal talking to this thing? The thing released a long drawn out sigh. It backed away from Sehun slowly and stood on the table, “Me Apollo. Me a kwami. I give powers. This? MIR-AC-ULOUS...” Sehun growled. This piece of crap is obviously insulting his intelligence, isn’t it? “Okay, whatever, stop it.”
“I’ll cease to belittle your minuscule intelligence once you grasp the basics of communication. Oh, and by the way... do you happen to have tea? Goodness, after decades of being trapped in that miraculous I’m rather famished!” It flew in and out of the cabinets until a box of green tea packets fell on top of Sehun’s head.
And here they are at the table with a bowl of ramen and a cup of tea. How did this even happen? Honestly, at this point Sehun cannot even remember...
“So, that watch is actually some mystically enhanced jewelry piece?”
“Ah, not quite. Most jewelry pieces are small and dainty. I take pride of this watch! An enormous progression of history if I must say so myself.”
“Right... I’m going to be a...?”
“Miraculous wielder and protector of other active miraculouses. An occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, or manifesting such power. ”
“Kind of like a shounen hero?”
“Whatever you see fit.” The kwami, Apollo, stated before lapping up the bits of hot green tea. Sehun laid back within his chair as he allowed the information to process. Hm...hero, right? It reminds him of those typical shounen- well, moreso shoujo animes where there’s tiny talking animals introducing a new power to the main characters. Perhaps it’s the same thing with these uh, kwamis, right? Actually, why is he becoming comfortable with this? He should’ve called the cops on this little freak and have him experimented on. But then again, he’s not that heartless...
“Alright, whatever, fine. I’ll accept.”
Apollo looked up in surprise, “Hm, quite an immediate response. Are you sure you don’t need anymore time?” He asked.
“Nah. Honestly, I got nothing to lose besides my already draining sanity. And besides, it’ll give me something better to do than train. Didn’t you say you weren’t going to take “no” for an answer, anyway?”
“Hm, indeed. I had expected a series of denial and rejection from you, but I was wrong.”
“Great.” Sehun removed the watch out of the box before fiddling with it. He noticed the intricate designs encased around what appears to be a figured wolf within the center. The roman numerals rotated around the wolf with little and big hand aligned at twelve. Eventually, he slipped the watch onto his wrist and relished the coolness of it.
“Are you interested in testing your abilities?”
“I don’t see why not.” If he’s going to become one, might as well get used to this. Then again, he’ll have to see once he wakes up tomorrow.
“Very well. Then call me by name, and then say, “Howl through.” I will enter into the-”
“Apollo, howl through.”
“But I’m not-finished!” The poor wolf kwami did not receive the chance to finish his sentence before he was sucked into the watch.
🐱 Jungkook / Kwan Kat 🐱
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As far as Jungkook can remember it’s been exactly seven months, twenty-eight days, thirty-two hours, six minutes and forty seconds since Ladybug and Wolf appeared on the scene. The moment he knew that there’s something more than life itself. He became a huge fan of the heroes and started a Naver fansite dedicated to the two, taking up majority of his time just like rookie idol training and school. Perhaps even more than school itself.
Whenever an attack happens in the city, Jungkook quickly excuses himself and whips out his camera to take good quality photos of the duo and akuma. On most conspiracy websites, it’s been theorized that akumas originate far from the city... a possible manipulator of some sort? It’s recognized that the perpetrator feeds off toxic emotions of anger and sadness. It kind of reminds him of those villains where they attack from a distance, almost as if...
“He’s using us as pawns.” Everyone groans around him.
Jungkook frowned, “What? It’s the only way possible. After all, no one have managed to find the culprit behind these possessions?” He can’t help it! There’s so many possibilities out there, and the only resource he has is Ladybug and Wolf. Note to self: make sure to interview Ladybug and Wolf soon... “C’mon Jungkook, there’s other things to talk about besides them. Can’t you see they’re way out of our league? Let them handle it.” Jin said.
“I know, but...”
“But nothing! You’ve been talking about it nonstop since the incident happened months ago. Do yourself and everyone a favor and stop. You probably think they’ll bend their knees for someone as average as us? Yah, give me a break!” Yoongi scoffed as he scooted out of his chair. The other rookies glanced at the round table as Yoongi continued to lecture Jungkook, “I have yet to see them interview anyone, and frankly, I doubt they care about us, let alone you. They believe they are so special because they have powers? Yeah, no.”
“...They...have normal identities, too...” Jungkook shrunk in his seat slowly as Yoongi relentlessly berated him until the elder walked away in frustration, leaving the poor boy alone in silence. With a sigh, the maknae pushed away his food and left the table. He could feel the anger rising in his chest reflecting over the incident. The further he focused on it, a sense of dark energy radiated from his mind...
They’re wrong.
He cannot be moved. Or else it’ll consume him, too.
Is he dreaming? No, he can’t possibly...
There stood Ladybug and Wolf. His heroes. On top of the balcony asking for him, Jeon Jungkook, to help them personally? The boy wiped his eyes as he edged closer outside the window. But honestly, what can he do? He doesn’t have much to offer them, let alone anyone else, so...-
“We’re not asking if you’re physically capable. We’re interested in your willingness to help us.” The wolf boy stated.
“B-but what can I do? I wanna help... though, why are you guys asking me? There’s so many people out there that’s better than me! I’m just a freaking fanboy!” And everyone teases him about it at school. Ugh... just thinking about the humiliation yesterday still recoils deep in his stomach. He’s not good at talking, either! Won’t he just embarrass them if he decides to help? Jungkook was lost in his own thoughts he never noticed Ladybug closing in on his personal space until he looked up.
“True. We could find someone better, but a friend of mines gave me a recommendation about you. I think if you stopped doubting yourself, then you can go far. So, are you interested or not?”
Is he? This might be his one time offer, so- “yes!” Yes, YES! Jungkook nodded as Ladybug smiled, “Good. Here, you’ll need this.” The heroine pulled out a tiny black box and handed it to the teen. Without a second thought Jungkook opened the box, only for a spark of light to startle him, “Woah!”  The light disappeared, and the boy was met with a flying black kitty with protruding green eyes.
“Ah! I finally awaken...!” The little kitten yawned, “Geeze, tell that master he needs to give us play time. Being locked in that box can surely strain my body. I don’t have nine lives for no reason, you know?” Jungkook looked at the cat in confusion, “Uh...” he didn’t know what to exactly think, but before he could voice his concerns the cat looked at him nonchalantly.
“Name’s Plagg. Kwami here that gives powers of destruction and uh, I like cheese. You know? Typical hero stuff.” The cat flew around him in what seems to be skepticism, “Hm... You look pretty decent for a fifteen year old boy. I’ll give you credit. Anyways, wear that black ring and I’ll give you my powers!”
“Hey, not trying to rush, but we actually have to deal with some batshit akumas screwing everyone over, so can you speed it up?”
“Wolf! You could at least wait another minute.” Ladybug snapped at her partner. Jungkook quickly pulled out the ring and slid it on his index finger.
“Now what?” Excitement flourished through his veins as his heart grew erratic by the second.
“Now you say my name, “Claws out!” you’ll be the next Kwan Kat.” The cat said. Jungkook glanced at Ladybug and Wolf with their expression reflected his own of eagerness and pride.
This is going to be amazing!
“Plagg, claws out!”
🦊 Jungyeon / Pako 🦊
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Okay, so,
Jungyeon was suppose to be babysitting her cousins. Not fighting them. However, some shit happened while they were acting like the little shitheads they were and transformed into bigger shitheads. Of course, it’s terrifying to watch them destroy her house, and then proceed to destroy the outskirts of the city, so it’s pretty bad.
Ladybug, Wolf and that new black cat dude is on the scene beating her cousins assess in ways that’s probably problematic if they weren’t demon creatures. It’s also disappointing that she’s stuck here trying to do something when in fact she’s unable to do anything. And then, she watched her cousins multiply. Two to four, four to eight and eight to sixteen. They’re like cells going through osmosis, they won’t stop! Okay, this is really bad. And it’s her fault! “Oh no... what am I suppose to do now?!” Jungyeon can’t stop panicking. How is she going to explain to her aunt about this situation? She’ll never be trusted again!
“Jungyeon!” Huh? She felt a pair of strong arms scoop underneath her legs and the poor girl found herself screaming on the top of her lungs.
“Shit! Quiet down will you?!” Wait, it’s the Wolf kid! Hop, leap, jump, Jungyeon found herself far away from the city as she saw Ladybug and that black cat. Wolf set her carefully on her feet and plopped a black box in her hand.
“Take it.”
“What the?” She was completely dumbfounded, but it didn’t take a blind man more than three seconds to piece together the information.
“You’re only borrowing it since I sense the necessity of it. After we’re finish you must return it back to us.” Ladybug stated.
“Oh, okay. This is where I become a hero, right?”
“Pretty much.”
Well, if you can’t beat them, join them. With a simple shrug, Jungyeon flipped open the box and watched a red fox appear from it.
“Hi! My name’s Trixx and-”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. Magical thing that give me powers. No time, gotta kick ass so sorry.”
The little fox folded its arms with a huff, “Well, rude much?” It muttered.
Jungyeon hooked the necklace around her neck, “I need a power up,” She beckoned.
“Ever heard so much of a ‘please’?”
“Please, and thanks.” A large explosion took everyone by surprise.
“Okay, fine. Just call my name and say, “Let’s pounce”-”
“Trixx, let’s pounce!”
🐝 Lisa / Honii Bee 🐝
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“Pollen, what do you think of this dress?”
“Hm...” Lisa watched the little bee observe her carefully, “Well, I think some pink would go nicely with it.” the kwami said.
“Very much true. I wear way too much yellow for my own good...” After finding her tiny friend a month ago, things been rather exciting for Lisa to say within the least. And she started loving the color yellow. Yellow outfits, yellow bedsheets, yellow jewelry and she even dyed her hair yellow. Unfortunately, her stylists demanded she changed her hair to red...
The obsession with the color yellow is disturbing everyone around her, but Lisa doesn’t see much of a problem. After all, it only embodies her friendship with the buzzing insect. Of course, she had to keep this friendship a complete secret. Maybe it’s a good thing she accidentally found that hair pin! “Come on Lisa, you don’t want to be late. You have to meet with your managers at the photo session today!” Pollen motioned the girl out the door before zipping into her yellow purse. 
Even when she could fight along side the miraculous team, she preferred going solo. Especially at night where she can be free than any other person...
🌌 Jimin / Feather Juno 🌌
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He noticed.
He’s not that stupid.
The frequent absences, the piling excuses, the nervous body language.
If one thing Park Jimin knew it was understanding the minuscule details. Generally speaking, he would’ve confronted Jungkook long time ago, but he decided to wait patiently.
“I’m sure it can explain itself better than you can, Jungkook.” Was he pissed? Somewhat, but not quite. However, his patience was thinning and he’s tired of the lies.
“...I’m not suppose to tell anyone.”
“So you don’t trust me, huh?”
“That’s not it-”
“Sure sounds like it!” Okay, he lashed out. He didn’t mean to, but he couldn’t help it. Jimin watch the maknae cower beneath him as frustration nearly consumed him whole. “Why don’t you trust me? Am I not your friend? Your brother? Or... you don’t want to confide in your friends anymore?” He whispered. He felt hurt.
Jungkook remained tight lipped.
Fine then.
Jimin haven’t spoken to Jungkook since. And it’s only been what? Four days? Until that happened. And by that, Jimin means another akuma attack. It’s been a freaking year and he’s still not used to this. Regardless, Jimin found himself pressed against the fence by this apparent monster with its hot breath smothering his face.
Wow, guess this is how he’s going to die, huh? He haven’t even apologized yet...
A sudden force whipped the monster away and Jimin found himself on the muddy ground, inhaling large amounts of air as his lungs burned. He looked up to find a black cat with solid grey eyes staring at him, “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Y-yeah...- wait, where’s Jungkook? Ah! He’s still in there! I-I have to do something!” Jimin suddenly remembered.
He’s scared.
The young man pushed himself to his feet and tried to run, but the cat clad in black snatched him by the wrist.
“What are you doing? Let me go!:” Jimin practically screamed, and yet the cat shook his head, “Jungkook’s fine.”
“How do you know?! You know nothing of him!”
“Have you considered looking in front of you?”
No. That’s... that’s not possible... is it?
“It is, actually.” The cat smirked. And now looking at it, the features and hair, earrings and outfit seems to- “J-Jungkook?” Jimin stuttered.
He’s shocked.
“Yes. I was wondering how long it took you to figure it out.” The cat boy snickered and flicked his belt-like tail in amusement, “Just address me as Kwan Kat, and everything will be okay.”
It wasn’t okay.
It took Jimin a complete week to process things. Sure, he speculated many things, but he never concluded his maknae was Kwan Kat. Now it brought fears Jimin never knew existed within himself until now. Nightmares of his Jungkook dying a horrible death, and he wasn’t there to save him. Worse, Kwan Kat sacrificing his life to save him, when he has nothing to contribute to society. He couldn’t bear to face Jungkook, not now, and when he did...
“Hyung, you can’t tell me to give up my alternative lifestyle because it’s unsafe!”
“How can you willing risk your life knowing it could be your last? You have so much to live for!”
“And that’s why I’m living it. To protect everyone around me and-”
“Have you considered the possibility of dying a horrible death? Abandoning your friends and family because you wanted to play hero?”
“You see? This was the reason I couldn’t tell anyone, especially you, Jimin.” The words hurt worse than a knife’s dagger, but Jimin stood his ground.
“Fine, but you gotta bring me along with you.”
“What? No way.”
“I have to make sure nothing happens to you.”
“And what if something happened to you? Then I would’ve failed my job as protector.”
“Then... we can fight together.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a miraculous box. I asked Master Fu if I could borrow a miraculous, and it took a lot out of me just to make him budge. You can help on certain occasions just like Jungyeon, but it might not be often.” Jungkook placed the box inside Jimin’s hand, “I picked out a pendant because I felt like it suits you. So, you’re going to help me today. Don’t abuse it.” The maknae warned as the elder opened the box.
“Eep!” Jimin nearly dropped the box the moment light flashed, and out came a...? “Well, aren’t you a handsome young man!” the thing squeaked.
“What are you-”
“Kwami. Mystical god that bestows supernatural abilities. I see Jungkook decided to select me today, wee! It’s been eons since I last seen the world. Okay Jimin, ya ready for playtime?”
“Alright kiddos, who woken me from my nap?” Plagg maneuvered out of Jungkook’s back pocket with a firm frown, “Kook, you better buy me more cheese today.”
“Ugh, you gotta be kidding me! I don’t have any money right now.” The boy whined in annoyance.
“Your problem, not mines. Oh, sup Dusuu, I didn’t see you there. Strange way to have our reunion.”
“Plagg, it’s great to see you again, brother!”
This is... not normal. 
“Come on Jimin, I’ll tell you more about it.” Jungkook finished with a smile.
16 notes · View notes
thedefinitionofbts · 7 years
Corner of the Universe
Pairings: Kim Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Future, Scifi, Reincarnation, Slight Angst? 
Words: 6.8K
You find yourself hundreds of light-years away from the origin of the human species. Millennia of space travel has given the appearance of being in route to conquer the entire universe, but with weariness and the yearning to push on in the fabric of space that has no end, true discovery does not occur until lifetimes later.  
Your story begins on a planet called Earth with a boy who always had his head tilted up at the stars. 
Note: Scifi au with scientific inaccuracies so don’t quote me on anything lol. Also there are references to some scifi moves and novels, but the story is completely original. Hope you guys enjoy :)
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The walls on the Starship Polaris are smooth and metallic, characteristic of materials mined from the asteroid belt and Jupiter’s moons. Just how you liked them. Just how they were supposed to be. 
Aboard a spacecraft that is carrying over 5000 passengers to a distant exoplanet, your control room is buzzing with activity and the voices of other crew members preparing for descent. It had been over one hundred years since you left the last planet, yet it only feels like six months because you were hibernating for most of the time.
Space travel was never a quick process, which is ironic because spaceships are now one of the fastest moving objects that exist, but in an endlessly vast universe where even light can’t travel quick enough to reach every corner, voyages were century long endeavors.
You were one of the few people, if not the only person, in existence that can remember parts of your past lives. Maybe it shouldn’t be considered remembering because you had absolutely no control over the flashbacks. They would happen from certain triggers. It could be a sound, a scene, or even a taste in your mouth, but you had no way of knowing what it was or when they would happen, until they did.
Were these flashbacks significant? You didn’t know, but they always seemed to possess the ability to evoke some strong inner emotion you found hard to describe, it was like a yearning to discover the unknown or a search for something long lost.  
Whatever the case, you had taken this as a god given gift that you were destined to lead the human race.
And so when human technology was able to get around that which prevented prolonged space travel with the invention of hibernation pods and spacecrafts powered by nuclear fusion reactors able to reach speeds over half the speed of light, you knew it was time to expand. Humanity being the poster child of evolutionary biology, it was only a matter of time before the ability to search for habitable planets outside of the solar system was granted to them. Thus, the search for universal understanding and the spread of intelligent species was a goal that manifested after you decided the ultimate fate of life was to saturate the universe.
“Captain, I can’t get a precise reading on the airlock chamber.” Hoseok reports to you.
You look at the black screen in front of him, wondering which careless engineer forgot to double check that every last bit of software was working correctly. You made a mental note to find out and punish him or her accordingly after you land.  
You sigh. “I’ll take it a look at it myself,” You say to Hoseok before turning and leaving the control room.
Taking the lift down to the south side of the ship, you find yourself walking down the pristine, perfectly kempt walkways as usual. Satisfied with the auto-maintenance system, you manage to alleviate your annoyance from earlier and make it to the chamber in no time and find that all systems were, as expected, clear.
On your way back to the main control room, you pass a grand hall with portraits of all the previous captains that lead the same spaceship you were on now. There was Kim Seokjin, the founder of the Starship Polaris who led the first human settlement to Aurora VII, and then came Min Yoongi, a small but powerful man of great intellect, who brought art and music to the newly settled planet and started a sort of renaissance in the new world.  
Lastly you see the portrait of the man who was your predecessor. The words under his picture read Kim Taehyung. A man with a boxy smile and deep soulful pupils stares back at you. His expression is warm and friendly, almost verging on goofy, but the look in his eyes brings you back to a time when kids sat at individual wooden desks in school and the sounds of children playing in the grass outside under the sun seeps through the large classroom windows.
Flashback to past life 1
Your story had begun on a planet called earth, and the day you met a boy who always had his head tilted up at the stars.
“We have a new student joining us today” The teacher announces to the class.
You had just transferred from another school due to your father’s new job. He had miraculously found work in the city, a dream he’s had for ages because he had always promised your mother that one day he’d show her the finer things in life. He was a man of his word, and so your small family of three moved from the humble countryside to a rapidly growing metropolis full of tall skyscrapers and carbon emitting cars.  
“Hi, my name is Y/N” You introduce yourself at the front of the classroom, waving shyly at the other students who just stared at you coldly.
“Why don’t you find a seat, dear” The teacher says.
You look around the classroom. There was an open seat next to a chubby kid in the second row.
“You can’t sit here” The boy next to the open desk hisses, giving you a disgusted look and putting his foot on the empty chair you were about to sit down in.
You hesitantly back away and look for another spot. The other seventh graders pretend to ignore your dilemma and anyone who had an empty desk next to them began to place their things on the chairs to indicate that it was unavailable to you.
Just as you were about to go back up to the front of the classroom and ask the teacher, who now has her back turned to everything that was going on and was busy writing on the chalkboard, to just assign you a seat, you hear a boy in the back of the room call your attention.
“You can sit by me,” He says, waving his arm in the air.
Surprised by his offer, you clumsily walk over to take the seat next to him. Although he was dressed in uniform like all the other students, his white shirt wasn’t tucked in perfectly so it hung out of his jacket and his pants looked like they were two sizes too big for him.
“It’s ok, I don’t bite,” He says, after noticing you had just been standing there and looking at him.
“O-Oh, thanks” You say, after you realize how awkward you must look right about now.
The fluffy light brown haired boy holds out his hand.
“My name is Kim Taehyung”
Kim Taehyung.
You don’t know it then, but the smile that spreads across his face is a string that ties your fates together for several lifetimes to come.
The bell rings, signaling the end of another school day.
“Wanna come over to my house?” Taehyung asks just as the two of you had walked outside the school building.
“Your house, why?” You ask curiously. This was the first time Taehyung had invited you to do something with him outside of school, and of all places, he chose his house?
It had been three months since you transferred, three months since you were out casted by all the other students in your class starting from day 1, and three months since you became friends with a boy with a boxy smile and a carefree aura.  
“Yeah.” He nods enthusiastically. “I live on top of a hill on the outskirts of the city. We can see things better there.”
You had no idea what kind of “things” he was referring to, but at this point you had known Taehyung long enough to know that his mind doesn’t run like the average person. It goes twice the speed if not more. He’s restless, always ready to do the next thing that pops into his head. He’s selfless, treating everyone with genuine kindness despite rarely getting the same treatment in return. He’s the energy of the sun shining brightly on the earth, providing life the nutrients it needs to flourish. He’s a dreamer, a stargazer.
And it was that evening, after eating a home cooked meal by Taehyung’s lovely mother, that you found yourself sitting on a giant rock at the edge of mountain looking up at the clear midnight sky. The city was away in the distance, meaning the radiance of the shiny bright stars was unhindered by the artificial glare of city lights.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Taehyung lets out a deep breath at he gazes upward.
“Yeah” You follow the slow turn of his head as he begins pointing out constellations that you had only ever heard about and telling you stories about travelers lost at sea with only the stars to guide them.
“It’d be cool to go up there, don’t you think?” He says after a moment of silent admiration.
“Sure, I guess” You’re still looking at the dark night sky, with nothing but distant stars to brand it beautiful. It was stunning but mildly frightening at the same time.
A moment passes. He doesn’t respond, and you worry that maybe your unenthusiastic answer hurt his feelings, so you turn your head to look at him. But somewhere along the way your eyes meet, because Kim Taehyung had stopped looking at the sky a while ago and had already been gazing at you.
Thanks to the invention of artificial gravity on the newer spacecraft models, stepping out onto a planet with real gravity was not as difficult as it had been in the past. Back in the day, it would take weeks if not months to adjust to walking again, but now that concern was virtually nonexistent. You have skilled engineers and scientific geniuses to thank for that.
You step out into the warmth of natural light for the first time in over a century. Most of the time, space travel was dull and uneventful, or at least the times you were awake and not hibernating in your pod. Years of interstellar travel never fail to make you forget the natural beauty of a planet teeming with life, the feeling of fresh air hitting your skin and the scent of flora and fauna pooling into your nostrils.
Over the years, you’ve come to visit a number of planets just as beautiful as earth, with their crystallize blue seas and evergreen land forms. Aurora VII was no exception.
It was of similar size to Mars, the first planet that humans ever colonized, and as breathtakingly beautiful as Pandora, a planet named after one that was the setting of a science fiction movie a millennium ago. The organisms on Aurora VII possessed no higher-level intelligence, a blessing, or so you called it. Because in the past, there have been a few interstellar wars fought between the human race and other intelligent species, and although differences were usually settled in the end, the casualties lost and the resources wasted was always a huge blow, and peace is always hanging on a thin thread.
“We have an appointment with the Supreme Leader this afternoon” Hoseok reminds you. His voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you turn your attention away from admiring the land.
“Kim Taehyung?” Your ears perk up at the thought of meeting the man you saw in the portrait earlier, in this lifetime of course. The leader of Aurora VII was always decided based on whoever lead the crew to the planet. Meaning Kim Seokin and Min Yoongi were once Supreme leaders of Aurora VII, but you were only here to visit and being the leader of the entire human race as a whole, you didn’t have the time or the means to monitor every single planet inhabited. Besides, letting each planet have its own governing body was a way to preserve the peace keep the unrest at bay.
“Acutally Supreme Leader Kim has been succeeded by a man named Jeon Jungkook.”
“Succeeded?” You’re aware of what the word indicates, but it doesn’t quite register right away.
Hoseok proceeds anyways. “Supreme Leader Jeon has received some information he thinks might be of use to you.” Hoseok points to the hovering vehicle in the middle of the grassy field in front of you. “We are invited to the capital today.”
The palace in the capital is enormous; it’s almost as big as the mountain it’s build next to. It blends in quite nicely with the scenery and the lake that connects with the sea through a canal. The buildings of the city look brand new despite being built several centuries ago. There must be something about the atmosphere here that prevents premature decay; either that or they’re made out of a special material that’s everlasting.
You notice that the halls of the palace are almost uncomfortably spacious. The ceiling is high and held up by large white pillars that line the entire passage. It almost feels too empty, but Aurora VII has not had enough time to be populated as much as “older” planets so it’s understandable that the ratio of land to people is still quite large.
“Ah, Y/N, welcome” You hear the voice of someone walking down the steps of the throne room.
You look to see a man with chocolate brown hair and large doe eyes, wearing a black suit.
“Jungkook?” You question, sure that it has to be him but not wanting to risk being wrong.
“I know you expected to see someone else, but unfortunately he left us quite a few years ago.” Jungkook says, signaling you to follow him into the living quarters.
“Left?” You follow him “Can you be a little more specific?” You ask, starting to feel a bit irritated at his choice of words.
“Illness. A virus on this planet that his body was unable to defend itself against.” Jungkook says with a sigh. “There was medication, but it was limited and he chose to give it to those who he deemed was more in need of it than he was.” He shakes his head and falls silent.  
You don’t immediately respond, because it has just now been confirmed that what you were thinking was actually the case, though you had hoped it was not.
Jungkook offers you a seat and a cup of what looks to be local tea. The leaves float around lazily on the surface of the hot water as the grassy aroma drifts to your nose.  
“He was my best friend, as you can see, he trusted me enough to rule in his place.” Jungkook takes a sip from his own cup. “But never mind that, I requested to meet with you today because a team of my most accomplished scientists have discovered what they think is another habitable planet.”
If your mind had gone blank moments earlier, you were all eyes and ears now that his last statement had something to do with another new planet, a new world just waiting to be discovered. “Really?” You’re eyes widen and excitement begins to flood your body once again.
Flashback to past life 2
College came around way too quickly. Back when you were younger, college was this goal you were going to reach at the finish line, a sort of destination that signaled the end of childhood and your teenage years, and everyone who had already gone off to college was old. But now as you stand on the grassy lawn in front of the student union building holding a stack of textbooks in your left arm and a map of campus in your right, this was all too real.
Real and unbelievable at the same time.
You were trying to figure out how to get to the Physics building. It had to be where the Chemisty, Biology and other science buildings were, right? This would be a lot easier if you had chosen to go to a smaller school, but you also didn’t want to attend a small liberal arts college because you knew you wanted to study the sciences.
Just as you found the building you were looking for on the map, someone bumps into you, causing you to drop all of your textbooks.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry” You hear someone with a deep baritone voice say.
You look up to see a tall guy with golden brown hair wearing a pair of thin-rimmed glasses and a checkered shirt paired with slacks.
“Are you ok?” He says, looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine” You reply as you begin to pick up your books. He immediately crouches down to help you.
“I’m Taehyung by the way. Kim Taehyung.” He says after you both stand up.
“Y/N” You say. “Are you a freshman?”
He nods. “I’m assuming you are too?” He eyes your map of campus. 
“Yeah, I’m heading over to my first physics class” You look in the direction you were about to walk in before this Taehyung guy had bumped into you.
“Really?!?” He exclaims happily. “I was going over to physics too!”
You don’t why he got so excited all of a sudden, but the rectangular shape that his mouth forms makes your heart race ever so slightly.
Kim Taehyung is a freshman who already knows exactly what he wants to study in college. No doubt about it. He claims he’s known since the day he was born, like he just opened his eyes to the world and knew he was meant to study the universe. You thought he sounded ridiculous at first, but he gradually convinced you to major in the same thing, and although you were unsure in the beginning, you eventually became just as obsessed as he was about the stars and planetary alignments.
“For an Astronomy and Astrophysics major you sure look more like you were meant to study fashion” You voice as you eye him up and down. Taehyung had walked into the library clad from head to toe in designer clothing. He’s sported expensive pieces in the past, but this was taking it to a whole new level.
“This is how I clean up for dates” He grins. “I’ve been trying to find an opportunity to wear these shoes for ages.” He says while pointing down at a pair of fur-lined slippers he was wearing.
“No comment” You say, as begin packing your laptop into your backpack.
Taehyung takes you to the restaurant you guys went to on your first date back at the beginning of the semester. It’s a quaint little restaurant at the end of Food Street, a place that not many people go because it’s apparently “away from the fun”. In other words, it’s away from all the drinking and partying that most college students actively opt to participate in. He says it’s in celebration of your hundredth day anniversary. You didn’t even know such milestones existed, let alone he was actually keeping track of these things.
“You know what’s really cool?” Taehyung asks as the two of you sit on the roof of the restaurant finishing the last of the ice-cream dessert he had ordered, despite claiming to be too full to eat another bite, and then saying he actually has a secret stomach just for sweets.
Taehyung leans in closer to you, making a bit of heat rise to your cheeks. “Comets that come around every hundred years or so.” It almost comes out as a whisper in your ear, its soothing and gentle and a stark contrast to his normally playful personality.
“So you can make a wish?” You ask, wondering if that’s what he’s referring to.
He shakes his head. “Because they’re like stars that we can reach. Stars that aren’t so far away.” He answers as he maneuvers his hand down to yours and intertwines your fingers with his.
That night Taehyung shows you the stars you never paid attention to and talks about the universe in even more fascinating ways than he’s ever had before. He shares his dreams of going into space one day if the opportunity ever arose and tells you everything he wants to see and everything he wants to do. He basically shares his whole mind with you, a mind that he normally doesn’t open up to everyone because few people are able to understand him.
But he says that you can, and so he shares with you three words that you will never forget in that lifetime.
According to Supreme Leader Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon is the best aerospace engineer on Aurora VII. He’s the inventor of the new series of starships that travel just below the speed of light, and testing has gone smoothly so far, meaning they could be up and running within the next five years.
“It’s very nice to meet you” Namjoon says as he shakes your hand.
“How did you come up with all of this?” You ask, gaping at all of the modules and spaceship engines he’s designed and built. The lab was filled to the brim with different prototypes and miniature models. Virtual visualizations of the larger parts of the giant spacecraft were displayed on the computer screens that lined the room.
He chuckles. “Well, I’ve had some help.” He points at the robot arms hanging from the ceiling. “Monie. My artificially intelligent system.”
“Ahh.” You respond, still in awe but coming to realization.
“As much as I like to take credit for designing all of this, it was actually the blueprints left behind by previous supreme leaders that sparked the idea initially.” Namjoon explains.
“Seokjin, Yoongi, and Taehyung?”
He nods. “Seokjin was a very practical leader. He chose to focus more on the hibernation pods and how they could be made more efficient to sustain life for even longer periods of time, by slowing down metabolic processes even more so than they already are.”
“So you built them into the ship” You say. Namjoon nods again.
“The outer design of the ship was actually Yoongi’s original sketch. 
“Now it makes sense why it looks so sleek and aerodynamic” You comment, while staring at the miniature version kept inside a glass display.
“But the most important element was the speed. As you are probably already aware, there are places in the universe that even with our advanced technology, we can only dream of reaching.”
You turn to look at Namjoon, interest yet again stimulated by the idea of going even farther into the depths of space.  
“Taehyung. He thought of using antimatter to generate photons. He noted something along the lines of using light to travel like light.” Namjoon says. “He was a big believer in light, saying that it counteracts the darkness in space. And he loved all suns because all suns are stars, and all stars are sources of light.” Namjoon pauses.  
You think he’s finished explaining, but the next thing he says tugs at your heart enough to recall a time in the life you lived before this very one.
“He once wrote that he hopes that light will be able to reach every corner of the universe.”
Flashback to past life 3
Please select another option.
Great. The drink machine was malfunctioning again. Why was it always doing this? You had paid for gold membership, so it was suppose to allow you to get all of the drink options. Water just wasn’t going to cut it today.
“Here, let me help you” You turn to see another passenger on the ship walk up to the machine and press in a passcode.
A cup dispenses and hot coffee begins to fill it.  
You learn that the passenger’s name is Kim Taehyung, and he’s not a passenger, he’s an astronaut and actually part of the crew. You also learn that he’s only on call for maintenance, as he wasn’t deemed physically adept enough to do the really hardcore work. Most astronauts these days are products of genetic engineering, basically athletes with optimized physical abilities. But being an outcome of natural birth didn’t stop Taehyung from sneaking into the space program and joining the fiftieth group of explorers to travel to Mars.
You were also part of that fiftieth group of people relocating to Mars. But you were there as a paying passenger in hopes of finding a new life after earth had finally reached carrying capacity and there was simply no room to live comfortably on the home planet.
“I’ve never really learned how to just like something, I’ve always just let it consume me.” Taehyung says as the two of you were sharing a drink at the space bar. There was jazz music playing subtly in the background and the large glass window of the spacecraft offered the most magnificent view of the Earth in the distance, shrouded in misty clouds that wrapped around the blue sphere and the blinding light of the sun even further away.
“You’ve dreamed of coming to space for that long, huh?” You ask, slightly amused at how someone can be so obsessed with something like this.
“I don’t know. I just wake up feeling like I have this mission to light up the darkness.” He says, while taking a sip of his cocktail.
“Light up the darkness?” You laugh, and this is the first time in a long time someone has made you laugh like this.
He grins, and it almost looks silly, but it also feels like home.
“I think… ” Taehyung trails off. He pauses for an unnaturally long period of time in an attempt to build suspense. “Space was just void until the stars came to be.”
“Yeah” You reply, trying to suppress your giggle. “It’s dark until you turn on the lights.”
He scratches the back of his neck, realizing how anticlimactic his statement was, and also realizing he looks kind of dumb right about now.
“But no, I get what you’re trying to say.” You voice after the urge to laugh has gone away. “I thought space was a scary place until I put my focus on the stars.”
“And realize it’s absolutely gorgeous, right?” His face brightens like an excited puppy.
You look at him endearingly and nod.
It was in this life that you first began having thoughts of exploring space and discovering even more planets outside the solar system and beyond.
You fell in love with Kim Taehyung sooner than you probably should’ve, but some instinct seems to have told you that your time with him in this life would not last long.
At first you thought it was because him being part of the maintenance staff on spacecrafts, he would be traveling between the earth and mars for the majority of his life. It was like being an army wife on a whole other level, because that trip was a long journey and time was so precious, you literally only had time to stargaze when he was visiting.  
But one thing about stargazing on Mars was that it was even more clear and magical, because the atmosphere on the red planet is less dense, devoid of clouds and mist from water formations. There are also more undeveloped areas void of human remnants, rocky cliffs with no trees to block the boundless nighttime sky.
After joining the colony in Mars, you were soon accepted into the space program there, after voluntarily applying of course. Thinking that maybe this would allow you to be with Taehyung, but the universe was clearly against you because one day you receive the type of ground shattering news that leaves you gasping for air.  
It was a report that the spacecraft sent to earth had malfunctioned and that all the passengers aboard were lost in space. Lost in space?! Being lost in the ocean on earth was impossible to find as it is, but lost in space? Might as well just say they were sucked into a black hole.
Just imagining Taehyung as space dust floating endlessly in the dark would cause you heartwrenching pain, the kind that never goes away and comes back with a vengeance. For someone who loved light so much, how could the universe throw him into the black abyss? 
He was probably scared. 
He was probably calling out for you. 
He was probably searching for home.
And so with unwavering resolve, you had vowed to make the entire universe home, a promise that would follow you to your next life.
“I haven’t told Supreme Leader Jeon yet, but we’ve detected new activity on this planet that may suggests it’s being sucked into a black hole.” Namjoon says while rapidly typing on his ginormous supercomputer.
“How accurate are the readings?” You ask, peering over at the screen.
“Only 50%, but that’s pretty high given the distance. I’m calling Jeon now to see if he’ll change his orders in light of this new information.”
You nod and begin pacing back and forth, rubbing your nervous hands together. What will Jungkook say? Will he tell us to proceed? Finding a new habitable planet is a very rare occurrence; he wouldn’t give it up this easily would he?
You hear Namjoon’s voice explaining the situation as a muffle because you are still trapped in your own thoughts.
Then you hear Jungkook’s voice through the video call. “Perhaps we should abandon plans of colonizing that planet and search for others.” Jungkook suggests. For some reason you had hoped that he would be the relentless overlord type and order everyone to proceed with the plans as scheduled, because then you wouldn’t be having to play devil’s advocate now.
“Even so, it would still be light years away from being sucked in completely.” You cut in. “We can still check it out.”
“Y/N, I can’t give you an exact percentage of the risks, but it’s much safer to let it go.” Namjoon says.
“I’m not opposed to sending a small crew over to test the waters.” Jungkook interrupts.
“But Supreme Lea-” Namjoon begins, but you are quick to cut him off.
“I will gather a team together and go once the ship is ready,” You state.
Jungkook nods, giving you the ok. Not like he or anyone could’ve stopped you anyways. Even Namjoon’s warnings were not enough to make you change your mind.
In the next year, you learn a few things about this new planet. It’s five hundred lightyears away in the furthest reaches of the Andromeda galaxy. The intelligent life on Trisolaris, a planet that was eventually destroyed by one of its three suns, had records of its abundance in a material that has yet to be found anywhere else in the universe. This coveted element is said to be located at the planet’s core and is self regenerating in a way that may redefine the first law of thermodynamics. The Trisolarians possessed technology even more advanced than the human race much earlier on. They would’ve been destined to do great things, but the fate of their planet ultimately prevented them from spreading beyond their trisolar system. But luckily they were nice enough to gift humanity with the abundance of information they had collected over their existence as an intelligent species before their race perished in collision with one of their suns.
“It’s a pity that the Three-Body Problem has yet to be solved” You voice as you look up from the data you were analyzing.
“It’s a result of the way the problem is set up in classical mechanics. With quantum it’s easy.” Namjoon replies to your comment nonchalantly.
He’s right of course, but solving it mathematically still would not have saved the Trisolarians from the sporadic and unpredictable orbits of their three suns.
Life on Aurora VII has for the most part been uneventful, besides exploring the uninhabited lands with Hoseok once in a while; you had been spending most of your time in Namjoon’s lab anyways. He has quite a nice library with a comprehensive collection of actual, physical books, something you hadn’t seen before in this lifetime. It was a room with large crystal clear walls, open to the natural scenery of Aurora VII’s various plant species and deeply rooted trees that were probably thousands of years old.
Namjoon is still working on perfecting the antimatter engine of the spacecraft, but these days, he’s been distant, not as philosophical as he had been when you first met him. It maybe the stress, or he’s just not as passionate about this project as he had been in the past.
Progress has been made, but not quick enough for your liking. And this was especially true when you had received the news that other human colonies on other planets have also began planning to mine the new planet for it’s unique material before everything is sucking into the black hole. 
You quickly learn that unified expansion was not the number one goal any longer because the seeds of competition within the human race have been sowed, and the conquest and the utilization of natural resources has inevitably become the top priority.
  “Commander, the ship’s engine has a minor malfunction. We need to consider aborting.” Park Jimin’s voice was the first sound you hear through the high-pitched ringing in your eardrums.
So this was why you had been awoken from your hibernation pod.
Mind still groggy and vision slightly askew from essentially being asleep for over a century, you shake your head a few times to register his statement.
“Are there enough escape modules?” You ask.
Of course, you had already predicted such a malfunction would occur. After all, Namjoon had made it quite clear to you that the spacecraft was not ready as it had not yet passed safety regulations, but you went ahead and embarked on this dangerous excursion anyways. He couldn’t have stopped you, despite his courageous attempts out of genuine concern and care. No one could.
“We are short of those, but there’s a starship nearby that is offering to take a few of us back.”
“Back?” You repeat his words. “Back as in, in the other direction?”
Jimin nods, face looking hopeful and encouraging.
Your obsession with discovering new planets and thirst for the impression of owning them was a massive understatement. Because when you see the nod of your trusty comrade who’s eyes turn into two crescent moons whenever he smiles, you don’t feel the relief that you should. You don’t feel thankful to have such compassionate people by your side, and instead your mind searches for ways to keep trekking despite obviously walking towards your doom. You always knew your mindset was unhealthy, it had become that way a long time ago, but still you chose to ignore the fact that you had gradually become fixated with owning every last inch of the universe, understanding it, improving it, and controlling it, to a point where nothing else mattered.
The spacecraft that came to the rescue, the Starship Hera, is a ship that harbors 10,000 passengers, and one of its commanders goes by the name of Kim Taehyung.
“Are you saying we have no choice but to turn back?” You ask Jimin as you follow him into the control room.
“Captain Y/N, even if the ship was functioning optimally, we would have to turn back.” Jimin says. He pulls up a reading on the radar. “The new planet has already begun its descent into the black hole. By the time we get there-”
Jimin stops speaking mid sentence at the sound of the control room door opening.
“Greetings Commander Park and Captain Y/N” You hear a smooth baritone voice come from behind you.
Your breath hitches in your throat and you slowly whip your head around to see who you know it is.
Kim Taehyung
There’s something about that man with a charmingly distinctive boxy smile that seems to remain constant in every life you’ve ever met him. Something firm, resolute, and unchanging in this turbulent space we like to call life and existence. Something that measurements like time tries to be but fails miserably at.
The crew unanimously decides to abandon ship. Even Park Jimin has dropped out, not that you expected him to stay anyways. But you, on the other hand, aren��t as able to readily let go…at least not yet.
You decide to give yourself some more time to think, and for some reason Commander Kim Taehyung decides to wait. No one tries to stop him or you because there is one last escape pod, with a large enough capacity to fit two people, and all the other passengers have already boarded Starship Hera and the other pods.
“Does the universe go on forever?” Taehyung asks as he looks out at the darkness. The darkness speckled with botches of shiny glitter, like sparkling diamonds scattered in soil. 
“If there is an answer for that, I guarantee I’ll be the first one to find out.” You reply as you sit next to him in the control room. “I want space to be more beautiful, I want to see more of it. I need to know what is still out there that has yet to be ignited.”
“Did you know that there are pocket-sized worlds that feel even bigger than entire multiverses?” Taehyung says suddenly. 
You do not understand what he means initially. How can something smaller feel bigger? How can something finite be larger than the infinite?
“I have a lot of dreams about space.” He pauses, taking a soft breath. “In my dreams, I’m always a lonely boy who viewed the immeasurable universe from one position.” Taehyung glances at you, probably wondering if you are still listening. He isn’t aware that at that moment, he has your undivided attention. “I’ve traveled in space for a long, long time, and yet it’s never as picturesque as it is in my dreams. That’s when I realized that only by standing afar are you able to gaze at its vast beauty and mystery.”
You had forgotten what it had been that drew your attention, your love, your passion for the universe and its stars. You had been trapped in an endless progression. You had been determined to reach for what laid millions of miles away. Perpetually reaching out, and by doing so neglecting what was near and dear.
“There is no crew aboard this ship, I will accept your decision.” He finishes.
It was perhaps because of something else, something that began long ago and something you are just seeing now, that conveyed to you that you will never find what you are looking for out there.
And that something turned out to be the looking glass.
Kim Taehyung
He is the lens that captures the cosmic scenery, the celestial light that graces the sky for eternities. And all that is out there is nothing without such a reference point.
He is the corner of the universe, and after centuries and lifetimes of unending searches in the boundless silence of space, it is only now that you realize what you had been looking for had never been out there.
And so you look into the warm eyes of your comrade Kim Taehyung, and whisper three simple words.
“Let’s turn back”
An earlier story had begun on earth, one that came before the one you knew of.  
“The sky is so pretty” Your eyes are glistening as you wait for the comet to polish the sky with dazzling lights. It is dusk, and the sun has already disappeared and all that remains are the fading warm hues of yellows and oranges tinting the extensive dark blue palette.
You are sitting on top of a rolling hill with mild gusts of wind blowing ripples into the sea of grass and wild flowers. The air is unpolluted, and the weather is comfortably warm and sincere. Fluffy clouds are afloat here and there, and you can almost imagine falling into their softness.  
The boy next to you stirs. “I wish I could gift it to you”
“What? The sky?”
He nods.
“You can’t do that, silly. The sky doesn’t belong to anyone, and probably never will.”
“Can we pretend I can?”
You turn to look at the boxy smile spread across his face. Little did you know, that game of pretend is why he always had his head titled up at the stars. Why he choose to study them in his next life, why he worked so hard to go into space the life after that, and why he’s always been a reliable soldier in humanities conquest of the universe for every life after that.
 It’s because you were his stars and he was your corner of the universe.
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