#i dress arthur well i promise but i just wanted to see how bad it could get
jcqlnsart · 1 year
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Rdr sketch dump! Realised I had a lot hidden away
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flimflamfandom · 5 months
A Length of Chain
Mitzi rose up out of bed and stretched, cracking every joint she had in her body. The world seemed frozen outside - the rain pattering against the window, the horrible coolness of the morning. Mitzi quickly got dressed, straightened out her hair, and walked downstairs...
right into the parlor of Wick's mansion.
"...which is why I was wondering..." Lacy wrote something on a notepad. She looked at Mitzi. "Morning, Miz May." Lacy poured some coffee for her, already looking out of sorts.
"Morning Lacy. How was your night?"
"It was wonderful." She said, dreamily. "I spent it all with Arthur."
"Guitar boy?" Mitzi smirked, her ears perking a little. "I was meanin' t'ask, how has he been? I never hear much about him these days."
"He's busy." Lacy said. "I'm busy. I want to spend more time with him, and he wants to spend more with me, but...well. Just isn't in the cards." Lacy drooped a bit.
"Oh, well, that's just too bad, isn't it? Won't Wick give you a day off or two? I've got a maid, she could help him a little."
"Does she know much about geology?"
"She-" Mitzi blinked. "Do you have to know about that sort of thing?"
"I have to be able to interrogate claims and business offers and see which ones are worth Mr. Sable's time, yes."
"Ahh." Mitzi nodded. "...she could read a book. mayhaps?"
"...at this point, a warm body would be nice." Lacy said. "I'm getting near the end of my rope."
"I'll bring it up to him."
"Thanks..." Lacy sighed, and looked at the clock. "If you don't mind I have to represent Wick at a meeting."
"Oh? Didn't know you needed to be...pleni...hmm...that word, working as someone, like an ambassad-"
"Plenipotentiary." Lacy said, quickly. "Good morning."
With that, she left.
"...which is why I was wonderinf ig you could give her a day off...or a week. Or a mo-"
"I can't give her a whole month, Mitzi." Wick said, looking out a window in his office. He turned around. "...I'm being so impolite." He said, motioning to a chair. "Please! Have a seat." He said. he smiled warmly.
"Why, thank you, kind sir~" Mitzi teased. "But please, do consider it. She's a sweet girl and all, she deserves some time."
"I can absolutely give her a day...hell, a week sounds doable." Wick started writing something down. "I can manage...yes. I can definitely manage that." He tore the piece of paper he wrote on from his pad and tacked it to his desk, right by his phone. He smiled, and gazed a bit at Mitzi. "I wish I could take a week off with you, though."
"Oh, Wicky, you're too sweet." She cooed, leaning on his desk a little, putting a hand on his. "You could come by the Daisy tonight, hmm? You never seem to wanna come anymore."
"Oh...well, I-" He cleared his throat. "Truth be told, I...feel a little...put off by someone there."
Mitzi sat up. She perked her ears. "I beg your pardon? Someone making you uncomfortable?" She rolled her eyes. "I bet it's Rocky, isn't it?"
"No, no, it-"
"Viktor? He can be a grump but he's harmless."
"It isn't-"
"It couldn't be CALVIN, could it? Sweet little Irishman like that? Why, he'd sooner die than make someone uncomf-"
"It's Zib."
"I-" Mitzi blinked. "...Zib?"
"Dorian, yes. He...I feel like...well...oh, this'll sound emasculating, but-" Wick cleared his throat. "...He sometimes makes me feel like I have to...fight him for you."
Mitzi stifled a laugh. "I..." She tried very hard to hid that laugh. It wasn't working. "Now, I...hmm..." She paused a moment, and feigned a cough.
"...it's pathetic, I know." Wick said.
"No, it...it's not that." She said. "Zib is...well, he and I used to be together, but that ship has sailed, and sunk in a storm." Mitzi explained. "He gets...flirtatious, but I promise you, Wicky, I'm not interested in that kind of man, not anymore." She shivered. "...musicians can be temperamental and hard to work with."
"I suppose."
"...I can talk to him about-"
"NO GOD PLEASE-" He blinked, and stopped himself. "No, I...I'd rather you not."
"If you say so."
"...which is why I was wondering if you're makin' him feel that way on purpose?"
Zib laughed, loudly, at the mere suggestion he was making Wick uncomfortable on purpose. "HAH! You're kiddin' me, right?" Zib rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "...what kinda qwuestion is that?" He scoffed. "OF COURSE I am!"
"And who told you that'd be alright, hmm?" Mitzi looked frustrated and annoyed.
"No one. it's just funny to watch him squirm a bit." Zib said. "Besides, a man's entitled to a bit of fun now and then, right?"
"A bit of fun doesn't mean 'make a man stop coming to his club because you don't like him."
"Yeah, well...if you really, really want me to stop, I'll stop." Zib said.
"I'd appreciate it!" Mitzi grumbled something under her breath.
"...what was that?"
"I said it'd be nice to date a man and not have him put off by you! You know how many times Atlas almost fired you because of your antics?" Mitzi bristled. "We're finished, you and me, and-"
"Alright, alright, take it easy." Zib held up his arms, and shook his head...which, this being an hour with a number in it, caused his inebriated body to nearly take a dive. "Sorry...didn't know you felt that way."
"Hmph." Mitzi sighed, and looked over at the bar. "...Zib, how many coffee mugs are at the bar?"
"I count three."
"Who drank that much coffee?"
"Freckle, I think. Something about Ivy? And a novel? Yes, a novel, that's it."
Mitzi sighed. She nodded. "...is the boy here?"
"Yep. Upstairs."
"...which is why I was wondering who told you it'd be a good idea to drink that much coffee?"
"I dunno." Calvin was a shivering wreck on the couch in Mitzi's office. His head was in Ivy's lap, who was gently stroking his side, trying to calm him down. "It was a bad move. I feel miserable. I don't even like coffee..."
Ivy nervously looked up. "Should I take him to a hospital?"
Mitzi ran some numbers in her head. "...no. He's under the limit, but...only just." She shook her head. "Freckle, how'd this happen?"
"Iwas...I-" He huffed, "I was talking to Rocky, and he said something about how my novel was taking forever, and then something about writing it sooner so I could get rich and marry Ivy, and then for some reason he talked me into drinking a lot of coffee."
Mitzi groaned. "I'll talk to him later, but-"
"I'm sorry about all this." Calvin said, clutching his stomach. "I just...this was a bad move."
"No, no, you're alright." Mitzi said. "...ivy, maybe do take him to a doctor, see to it he doesn't have anything happen to him."
Ivy immediately got nervous. "What!? Something COULD happen to him!?"
"Ivy, please...it's 3 cups of...particularly strong coffee, not gasoline." She shook her head. "I need to go find Rocky and beat him with a stick."
"...Which is why I was wondering if you could help me find a stick to beat you with." Mitzi crossed her arms. Rocky looked horrified.
"Oh, geez...I'll have to apologize to him, I didn't think he'd go through with that!" Rocky shook his head. "He seems more...reasonable."
"Rocky. He gets nervous when his whisker twitches, he's NOT reasonable!" She sighed and sat in a booth. "When he gets back you're going to have a lot of explaining to do..."
"I suppose...I'm sorry, Mitzi, I coulda sworn I told him NOT to drink a ton of coffee and write a whole book in an afternoon!" he blinked. "...oh, wait. I told him explicitly TO do that. Whoops. Silly me, pobody's nerfect." He shrugged, and smiled goofily. Mitzi still looked like she was fuming.
"...I'll stop with the smile."
"Please stop with the smile."
"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I'll do all his jobs for the next week! The next TWO weeks! I'll work the cash register during the day if you're worried about how Ivy's feeling - she's...she's handling this well right?"
"She was on the verge of tears after she called the doctor and they recommended the hospital."
"Oh, god!" Rocky openly wept. "I'm a monster, Mitzi, A MONSTER!"
In his horrible sobbing, he dropped his violin case to the ground, which, of course, caused him to weep even MORE openly. Mitzi, sighing, picked up the violin case. "You're paying whatever bill that boy has, and you're making it up to him. I don't care how."
"If you say so..."
Mitzi looked at the violin. She had an errand to run on that side of town, anyway. "...in the mean time, I'm confiscating this. And making sure it wasn't damaged."
"I deserve this." Rocky said.
"...which is why I was wondering if you could give it a once over, Mr. Keane?" Mitzi had taken the violin to the only luthier in town - John Boggs. Boggs was a busy man, and had hired on an assistant - Arthur Keane - Lacy's boyfriend.
"I can give it a look." The cinnamon furred cat pushed up his glasses and took the violin out. He peered at it. "...was it in the case as it fell?"
"Hmm. Lucky." He slightly adjusted the bridge, and retuned it, playing a few notes. "It should be in order...I'd hardly charge for a bridge adjust-"
The door swung open. In walked a familiar, white furred blonde with a soft smile on her face. She waved a little to Mitzi.
"Hello, Mitzi..."
"Well, if it isn't Lacy Hardt! I just saw you this morning but it feels like it's been ages...how was that meeting?"
"Went well...Mr. Sable gave me some time off." Mitzi sighed with relief - even through all of today's foibles, she at least got to see it come full circle - like a length of chain, linked to itself.
"Which," Lacy put her hand on Arthur's, "is why I was wondering..."
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uniasus · 8 months
Whumptober 23 - Day 17 - BBC Merlin
This whole fill turned into 2.5K so I'll add it to my whump 23 collection on Ao3 once I edit it, but for now have the bit related to today's prompt.
Merlin tries to think of it as a game. Dress up. Just like when other royalty comes to Camelot dressed in their finest with well-crafted leather tack and embroidered cloaks, so Arthur has to dress up when he visits another kingdom. And just like sometimes visiting princesses like to dress in red or gold as homage to their host (and maybe show off how good they’d look in Camelot’s colors) so too is Arthur partaking in Midden’s fashion sense.
Which so happens to be slaves.
He does his best to ignore the itch, but it’s hard. The collar around his neck was a gift from Midden’s new king, Catmor, and engraved and enameled the way a pendant might be. He was too new a king to have had it commissioned, so it had to have been something from his backers across the sea. Backers that allowed him to sail to the Isles and capture a small kingdom.
His sudden arrival, and vilent taking of a chunk of the ruins of Daobeth, made many rules nervous. Not enough for Uther to come himself, but for him to send his heir at least. A sign of respect, Uther had claimed, to the man sitting in a ruined citadel that had once been the greatest in the Five Kingdoms and had that potential again, despite the dragon-chared stone.
“Don’t upset him,” Uther had told his son. “Do what he wants, for this trip at least.”
And King Catmor had requested small retinues – one representative, two guards, and one slave for serving.
Arthur had apologized as he put it around Merlin’s neck before they came in sight of the new kingdom, Leon and Gwaine looking on as Arthur promised to remove it any chance he could. Merlin had believed him, of course he did, and Arthur had held true to that promise.
It’s just hard tonight.
It’s their third night. Arthur had begged tired the first two, first from their travels, the second from a tour around the city, which had really been excuses for Arthur to hang out in his chambers and remove the collar from Merlin’s neck.
He’d hissed when he saw it the first night, swore the second. There was no mirror for Merlin to look into to see how bad it was, but he could guess the severity by the grimace on Arthur’s face. Merlin told him that it was fine. He’d survive. It was just chaffing.
It wasn’t just chaffing.
From the outside, the enamel made it hard to tell what the collar was made of. Yet Merlin knew exactly what it was from the first click around his neck. Iron. It’d been tempered with some other metal, it wasn’t the cold iron that disrupted magic, but it was pure enough Merlin could feel the effects. Itching where it touched his skin. A strain on his throat, like it was being squeezed and hard to breathe. A hitch in his lungs as the longer he wore it, the harder it became to breathe.
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21witnokidz · 1 year
Chapter 14
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Despite having changed into dry clothes, Arthur and John still caught fevers, meaning y’all had to postpone the ambush on the O’Driscolls.
“Just eat the damn soup!”
Bessie was trying to get John to eat some soup Pearson had made to get over his fever. Despite being an orphan John was a picky eater and didn’t like anything too chewy. And all that was in the soup was just soft mushy vegetables.
Arthur made a fuss too but when you promised to feed him every bite he promised to eat every bite. So here you were holding his head while feeding a grown man his soup.
“I shouldn’t have to do this y’know?”
“But you are and I’m so grateful for it”
Arthur took the spoon in his mouth and swallowed all of it.
“I feel bad for John. When I refused to eat when I was little, Bessie would force a prier down my mouth and shove the food down my throat”
“That’s kinda traumatizing Arthur”
“Oh please.. despite all that I still turned out just fine. No trauma here!”
He finished all his soup and wanted to take a nap. He wanted to take a nap with you on top of him though.
“I have chores to do Arthur”
“And I have sleep to get. I can’t sleep without you. You know that”
“And you know Bessie is just gonna come in here dragging me out to help”
“Just tell her you’re still helping me out which you are by helping me get some sleep”
He pulled you into his arms and didn’t let you go for the whole 3 hours that he slept.
After a week the boys finally got over their fevers and were back in action.
“Dutch can we go now I’m tired of sitting around”
“All in due time y/n. In due time”
Dutch shooed you out of his tent to give him time to think. You knew he just wanted space to go and screw Annabelle. Speaking of screwing, Arthur came behind you smelling like alcohol.
“Y/n come on sugar let’s go- let’s go into the woods. You wanna go into the woods with me?”
“How many have you had to drink?”
“Too many sweetheart. Come on girl let’s go wild”
“Go sit down”
“Well what’s gotten into you darlin’? Thought you loved me. Nobody love me no more. Not Dutch. Not the old man. Not even my own girl. Sad enough to make a grown man cry”
You grabbed Arthur’s shoulders to try and get him to sit down and he leaned on your shoulder and put his face in your neck.
“Tried to drown him y’know? I was jealous he was taking up all of our time. Didn’t even know he couldn’t swim. But you know what? I saved him. Did a good thing didn’t I? You think I’m a good man?”
“You tried to drown John? God what is wrong with you the kid’s like 12!”
“I was just- I don’t know what got over me”
“That boy is 10 whole years younger than you and you think he’s gonna steal me away from you? Grow up Arthur”
You got up and walked over to Hosea to see if he had another scheme cooking up in that clever head of his. Of course he came up with the same old house robbery theme. You didn’t care much though, you were just happy to leave camp. You changed out of your camp dress and into your ‘bandit clothes’.
John and Arthur came along too once Arthur sobered up. They seemed to be getting along now even after the whole drowning incident. Maybe that was what helped them.
Hosea thought this would be good for Johns first official job so he was glad he decided to come along.
You all climbed on your horses and you saw John get on the one Arthur had brought back from the O’Driscoll camp.
“Arthur taught you how to ride?” You asked
“No actually Hosea did”
“Oh that makes sense. Now that I think about it. Every time Arthur tries to teach someone something bad always happens. When he tried to teach me how to ride a horse I busted my head”
“Sorry for that by the way” arthur muttered.
“Yea and when he tried to ‘teach me how to fish’ we almost ended up drowning. Maybe you just got bad luck with teaching people” John added.
“Can we just go rob this house please like damn” Arthur grunted.
You guys made it to the house and got off your horses.
“You sure this house is empty Hosea?”
“I never said it was empty but I’m sure everyone’s asleep at this hour”
Y’all went inside the house and checked every bedroom extremely quietly.
“Aw man there’s no jewelry here”
“You sure about that y/n?”
Turned around to see Hosea dangling a necklace from his finger.
“Oh my god it looks so nice!” You gasped.
“Expensive too. Let me put it on you”
You turned around and Hosea clipped the the necklace on your neck.
“How do I look?”
Hosea picked up a mirror from the nightstand and held it up so you could see it.
“You look beautiful as always. This makes me wonder. Have you ever thought of marrying Arthur?”
Hosea remembered the time he had that conversation about marriage with Arthur. That was a long time ago though. He thought he would’ve asked the question by now.
“Of course I have. I think about it all the time. I’m just waiting for him to ask me”
“Well if he does. Who’s going to walk you down?”
He said leaning towards you with a smile.
“Ok fine you are”
“Well don’t say it like that. Makes me think you don’t want me to at all”
“No seriously you were the one to find me all alone that day and I appreciate you a lot. Dutch is great and all but I don’t know. Sometimes I think he doesn’t always have the gang in his best interests”
“Yea Dutch is a tricky one but if you ever asked him to walk you down he’d do it with no complaints. You’re not gonna ask him though right?”
John was trying to search for money clips, jewelry, anything that meant anything but couldn’t find any.
He was so focused he couldn’t even hear Arthur sneaking up behind him. Arthur tickled John’s neck making him scream.
“What the fuck!”
That scream woke everyone in the house up finding outlaws in there home.
The room Arthur and John were in was the son’s room. The son woke up and immediately knew his family was being robbed. He grabbed his shotgun from under his pillow and shot at the boys but missed. John aimed his gun but Arthur pulled him back and ran out the room.
“That guy has a shotgun! Our pistols are no match against that in short range”
You and Hosea ran downstairs being chased by the father and mother with shotguns also in their hands.
“So did your guy also have a fucking shotgun just lying under his pillow or what?” You asked
Everyone ran outside and onto their horses.
“That bitch stole my necklace!”
The mother emptied her whole clip into the air and just stood on her front porch watching you ride off.
“Never seen a family full of hunters” Arthur laughed.
“Wooh that was so fun! Wooooooh!!! Don’t mess with the Van Der Linde gang Yea!”
John fired his gun into the air screaming.
“John shut the fuck up you wanna lead bounty hunters and O’Driscolls to our location?” Arthur hissed.
“Oh let him have his fun Arthur. We don’t get much of that nowadays”
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tianazlater · 25 days
I really don’t think I like how men and women acted towards each other just in the past generation. Like I think I can see great improvement from…say…my grandparents’ age and my parents’ age…but I hope to see that great of an improvement and difference from my parents’ generation to mine.
Men can still be men…if they want…and women still women…
But respect needs to increase. And usefulness and logic and fairness of both.
It needs to be a well thought out…caring…well communicated…relationship. Where people lay it out what they actually want to do with their lives and who they actually are.
Me…I don’t like cooking. I like cleaning MORE. But overall I think these are boring tasks that I wouldn’t want to devote my life towards. I think to stand on our own…we should EACH have to do these for ourselves. Anything we would have to do when single…we should expect to do when in a relationship.
EACH able to stand on our own. No real dependencies.
EACH have our own mind.
I mean UNLESS expressly said you want to have a life like your great grandparents where you lived on a farm and got beaten like a horse or whatever. Had 10 kids. Ate your food off a tree (really we should maybe consider going back to THIS, tho…not all developments are 100% good). Then go for it.
But I promise you…I don’t plan to request for the past. I want something new because the future is where it’s at.
I basically don’t want anything done how it’s known to be done. Unless we have actually came to the BEST way it can be done. Or a good enough way because it’s a task that’s not that important.
I don’t credit us for figuring it out hardly.
And I can’t speak for all of humanity…
But I’m not impressed w what I’ve seen.
I would rather find someone sitting on a bench w me in these regards…than jump into it.
I may read more tonight. SECTION 62 of Beyond Good and Evil…good stuff.
I’m hanging out at this hotel, and I had to check my bag in…I have my personal bag and it has books, my HBC bathroom stuff, and my grandma’s documents. I might try dressing in books for my flight tomorrow. I have 3 which is perfect. 1 for my crotch, 1 for my butt, and one for my knockers. All those girls trying to be bakers with the new fads…once again won’t know whether to judge me by titles…covers or not. HS flashback.
I’m judging YOU by your cover…or lack of…let’s make it more creative and intellectual.
This time I won’t just cut off the entire waistband of my jeans and cut it further than I meant to and say “Fuck it, they will definitely be outdone now.” That was only creative. I was young. I should be forgiven.
Oh yes yes, this post isn’t quite done. Books I have w me are:
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Build the Life You Want by Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey
Competing on Analytics by Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris
I could easily just read and write and think for the rest of my life. And accomplish nothing but writing. Writing would be my output.
I would be HAPPY like this…but as we need others to survive…I would possibly be not surviving well.
And if I ever want a companion…I would not expect them to help me stand while I did this. I would still need to stand on my own…doing something undesirable to pay bills…and struggling to make time to not be interrupted by stupid shit like cleaning and cooking and sleeping and eating and…work.
I mean work is…it’s ok.
I actually LOVE working…but so many people don’t that it’s a miserable ordeal.
They don’t…or they have extremely bad attitudes about it…like they have…what’s it called…scarcity mindset…or they want to control everyone…they want things that are beyond them…or just not right for them…
I’m like, How can I get out of this toxic goo but still contribute in a legit way?
Damn. I’m hungry and I ate all my snickers and snacks on the last expedition.
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makahimetenshi · 5 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 11 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
Since Fanfiction is counting the views again im going to post more frequently trying to pump up the fic in the search, I have 19 chapters written, which means I wrote all that without expecting any view, which is crazy, like im desilucional, which I am, totally totally
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Arthur doesn’t remember a period where he was this sexually active before.
Mornings and nights. Good morning and good night.
Not actually spending  much time together, dinner, sex, sleep, sex and goodbye, not even breakfast together.
But he waited all day to make dinner together at her side, even with just a couple of hotpots and not much ingredients.
After the first time all his problems vanished. It was amazing.
He tried to locate the woman a couple of times during the day to see what she was up to despite not actually needing anything but he couldn’t find her anywhere. She just appeared at his door at night as usual to make dinner.
One night more beautiful than the last. She had the detail to dress differently and he couldn’t even have different underwear because he didn’t have that much variety actually.
She keep her promise, just want him for sex and a good time.
Although how much this was going to last? Less than a month for sure, to check on her period at least…hu never actually see her bleed, she wasn’t menopausic doesn’t?
Its okay, he wasn’t developing feelings, only an attachment but he better had it because she was going to be the mother of his kids, but not love, no, she wasn’t allowing it either by staying so little. Speaking of which what she was up to? What was she doing now? Surely no project because there was no project summited, she always make it to the nights tho.
Why not ask? If he had the trust for what they were doing why not to ask were she is during the days? He can care after all
-May I ask were you are during the days? –he said one night making  a miereluck omelet, chopping some tato cubes to integrate it to the eggs frying.
-That’s unusual from you –she said mumbling while she plucked her eyebrows sitting on the table, Nora did that, use a mirror to take care of her appearance, it was odd for Arthur but he see the results, after all it was harmless
-I say if I may ask –a bad taste fill his mouth, didn’t expect such  sour reaction, it was an innocent comment
-I’m helping with the restauration of a boat –he turned around to her with a what the fuck face- boats are common among wastelanders –she was waiting  for the dinner with the table ready, cutlery on a side and glasses on the table, some aquapuras bottles at the side prepared…
-Why do you have an interest in that? -and then he remembers what Danse say, that she always wanted more and more.
-There’s a location not so far from here called Point Lookout  -surely more close than Pittsburg- i plan to explore the island
-Do you think that’s a good idea while trying to get pregnant? –seriously think was the correct comment, ironic also
-Well restauration takes a long time, don’t you have faith in me?
He did but anyway –lets just say that the council is going to put a lot of pressure on us to have an easy and non risky pregnancy  -he said and then flip the omelet-is not up to you or me to decide
-You never told me much about the council –Arthur look at her intrigued- im just a soldier after all, not a politician or anyone important
-I wont say you aren’t anyone important with your rank –he said placing a cloth over his shoulder- but you are right you are not someone who moves the strings, lets just summarize and say they are…pretty important to me and not precisely  in a emotional aspect –then he pushed the tato cubes into the eggs, tatos were not very tasty but very humid.
-So you follow their orders?
-Not exactly, it’s a council, we all vote and guide the others, the one who doesn’t follow the general consensus is a rogue one, I also voted and participate in some other people fucked up life choices like I had the total right.
-Like what?
-Integrating back Protector McGraw after he lead one  the outcast groups wasn’t easy from a lot of points of view for example, even I didn’t agree at the beginning
-I see –said Nora leaving her eyebrow tweezers on the table
-We own the others a lot, they are not above me but we always try to not be the rogue one
-Doesn’t that kills your individuality as a leader?
-We are all leaders of the brotherhood, and as history sadly proves, we have to stick together as one, a broken brotherhood does not work –she nooded- You say you were retiring once you get pregnant anyway,
-Im am –he looked at her and raise his shoulders like  he was asking, she laughed  a bit and smiled- relax it’s a easy plan, as much I know the island isn’t a really hostile place.
-I prefer you here, we agree to have a baby together, its not only yours –he sounded pissed, and he was but the reason specifically was because he cant allow himself to loose time and make mistakes, each chance was sacred and if they loose a pregnancy together they were loosing time. He gets  more and more older and she may start menopause
But suddenly and out of nothing Nora stand up and hug him from behind, closing her arms around his waist while resting her forehead on his shoulder- relax, everything is going to be fine –he could feel her smile against his shirt and put him at easy- its nothing dangerous.
-Scavenging its dangerous –he said taking out the omelets from the pan with a fork and a knife
-Ill promise you something then –she said and then he look into her eyes-once I get pregnant I will only do shopping with caravans and merchants, after all we have Paradise Falls now, think on my restauration project as a hobby
-Its it far from here? –his eyes leave hers and place both omelets on two plates
-Not really, near to Arlington Library –he sighted, not no far but not so close. Nora pick up the plates and place both on the table.
-Going may be dangerous, take trips on ventibird, ill authorize it okay? Your trips will be my responsibility
-Only once I get pregnant –she said and leave a kiss on his ear- did I ever tell you that I have a restored working car? Its one of my best jobs.
Silence, Arthur nearly dropped his jaw of surprise.
-You what!?
Now he had fantasys during the noons of fucking her inside a operative car, thanks. Very helpful.
So the weeks passed, until one day while he was having breakfast at the cafeteria Nora for the first time approached him during day
-We need to talk- Arthur stop on his toast and look at her eyes, she looked dead serious.
-Okay –he was being compressive, no problem- I can make a hole in my schedule at lunch and eat together…
-Now –she demanded.
Okay, this never happened before, she didn’t play with his time, that was one thing he can grand to her.
-Alright let me finish my toast and coffee –she nodded and leave.
-Ill see you in your office
When he arrived, she was waiting at the door, both enter like they were hiding something and he noticed her nervous.
-Are you okay?
-Why don’t you sit? –bossy today hu? But okay, she seemed very uncool. He sat on his desk edge and the woman sighted and then give him a piece of paper, Arthur looked at it, specifically the way her fingers hold it, but take it, open and read it.
-Im pregnant- she mumble but the man cant move his eyes from the piece of paper unable to face her at hearing that words- the results of the test are positive.
He sighted outloud, fuck, he didn’t know how to read those results, so he looked at her and she…didn’t seem happy.
-When did you have the test?
-Yesterday, it’s a quick test, I picked up the results this morning, have to threat some people to not talk much, I wanted you to hear it directly from me first–as far he can read and understand the results showed only the 15 mUI/mL of one week pregnancy
-Its everything alright?
-I don’t know, is it? –oh now he understand
-Yes! –the way he smiled put Nora on ease,  she sighted relieved and then run to hug him, at first he paralyzed from her embrace but then corresponded, hiding his face on her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist
He can feel how now she was breathing, relaxing her tense body, so crazy to think that this woman have to gather all that courage to tell him the big news, she cares about him.
-We are having a baby –she said and he nodded, moving a bit, nervous, exited, with a strange sensation in his chest but…
He separated, leave a kiss on her forehead and sighted taking a big breath out and then go to sit on his chair desk, breathing in, now he felt an empty void, Nora look at him not understanding-Impressive–the fact that she as promised get pregnant at her age with only a few attempts, a month only on a woman of her age wasn’t normal at all, it was almost a miracle, but again she had a different health and bodytype from being prewar-  I guess this –he pointed at both doing a circle with a finger- is not necessary anymore
Nora shook her head- I don’t get it
-We can end what we have here…
She take a moment to process his words and see the sorrow on his face, the conflict. She leaned close and place the palm of her hands in his cheeks, raising his head lightly, making him look at her in the eyes, he had sad puppy eyes trying to control and hide his feelings- do you want to?
-What are you talking about? –the fact that now there was a baby inside her womb means that their encounters weren’t necessary anymore
-To end it? –she ask sitting on his lap, still looking at his eyes. Oh gosh for her it is so easy doesn’t?-we don’t have to
Arthur sighted, and look away, unable to move his face he look at the wall, but Nora eyes follow him. The void in his chest increased, causing him pain, a paint that was visible on his face,  make his eyes water –I don’t know
This time her hands moves to his neck, caressing it slowly to finally pose on his shoulders  -Do you wish to end this elder?
He sighted with a painful breath at the touch of her fingers in his neck, he didn’t want to talk, didn’t feel like it was necessary to take this decision either, didn’t realized that reaching this point could give him such dilemma.
-No –he said firmly returning his gaze back to her, he was talking since deep down on his heart- I don’t want to
Then Nora smiled, and caress his cheeks with her thumbs, sticking her nose to his, leaving a little slow kiss with the tip of her lips.
-Good, then we don’t have to end it, its alright –she mumble closing her eyes, now caressing under his beard, scratching his jaw, the man purred in his insides and place his hands in the sides of her thighs-besides its good for the baby that the parents have sex
-It think that’s a myth –he mumble feeling totally calm in every sense
Nora laughed while scratching on his beard-I don’t know, lets try
Yes, he didn’t want to loose this.
-This is our baby –he whisper and she agree happy, leaning his body slowly on top of his, Arthur at feeling her warm figure against his chest move an arm behind her back and the other surrounding her knees to hold her- we are doing this together –she nodded, leaving another kiss on his face with her eyes shut, relaxed.
-Its very early yet –she said- are you planning to announce it?
-To the council? Yes –oh no this was bad, everything she say he had to take it with forceps- why?  What are you up to?
-I have some plans and things to do –she seem  so serene, like she had the control over this conversation, like she had it scripted- things to do when I had confirmation of my pregnancy
Oh nononoon.
-You are crazy, you are now pregnant –a finger stop on his fingers to shush him, Arthur make an annoyed face, you don’t shush the elder!
-Shhhhh I have everything under control, everything is planned to take place at this precise moment –that doesn’t sound good- don’t you trust me?
-What are you going to do? –he deserved to know, this woman was carrying his heir, but despite his nerviosism she didn’t seem afraid  or disturbed at all, its like she knew what he was going to say- where are you going?
Nora take a moment to answer, and just reply with a smile
-I'm going to buy the tower Tenpenny
The man hold on his temple with the tip of his fingers at hearing that and sighted, leaning his forehead against her chest defeated.
-At least can we spend some time before you go?
She blushed and smiled, hugging his head and placing her cheek on top.
-I have a few ideas of how we can celebrate our pregnancy
0 notes
its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hiii, could i have a request for how the gang members would react to meeting a historian or explorer in the wild?? thank you! I love your blogs sm!!
anon ily <3333 i went wayy overboard with these but i regret nothing bc this was soo cute and fun to write. I hope u enjoy and i made it gn for everyone. I only did the VDL boys for this but if enough ppl like it i might do the girls with something similar idk yet?
Dutch Van Der Linde
Dutch first laid eyes on you when you were hanging off the edge of a cliff after slipping when you got too close to the edge. He immediately ran over to you, helping you off the cliff and getting you settled back on your feet.
He seemed genuinely concerned and agreed to help you safely record the rock carving that was on the side of the cliff face, keeping you from falling.
You were a historian and had been studying these mysterious rock carvings after meeting an equally mysterious man, Francis Sinclair.
You didn’t see much of Dutch Van Der Linde after that until you ran into him again in Saint Denis in the saloon. He remembered who you were instantly and started up a conversation about your work where you chatted away for hours.
You became very close after that and he often accompanied you to Museums and fancy fundraisers that you were invited to.
He’d always get dressed up and complimented your finer outfits which was such a difference to the field gear you’d have on. You’d spend all night chatting away over nice champagne and dancing together before actually engaging with other guests but you didn’t have a care in the world with Dutch in your life.
Arthur Morgan
Arthur finds you standing in the middle of a field, flipping over rocks and staring numbly at what appeared to be a map in your hands.
When he approached you he soon learnt you were a young amateur explorer about to get your big break with a treasure hunt but you couldn’t find the gold bars for the life of you.
Arthur gave you a heart warming smile and held up a gold bar after retrieving it from his satchel having felt a little bad that he’d discovered it not a week before you.
The two of you laughed about it, calling yourself a fool for trying to find it for so long when it was clearly missing— the thought that someone took it clearly never crossed your mind.
Arthur was always a gentleman however and promised to make it up to you. After taking you to dinner and getting to know him better, you spent the next few days camping out and finding a new treasure together.
You travelled through caves and through valleys of flowers to find this treasure. Sometimes it was so beautiful that the two of you just stopped by a stream to let your horses rest and enjoy the scenery.
When you finally found the treasure you gave Arthur a big hug in excitement which caught him by surprised but he happily returned. He let you keep the treasure and wished you luck with more exploring but of course that wasn’t the last time you saw Arthur again.
Charles Smith
Charles meets you one day while you’re out surveying wildlife. You specialised in conservation, wanting to study and protect animal species.
Fresh out of the university from Saint Denis you’d been dying to get out of the confining city and explore the heartlands. That’s where a kind gentleman named Charles Smith had offered to protect you and show you around the herds of bison you’d taken to studying.
You spent days together riding the over the hills and following the herd as they travelled. While you were Charles told you all about his family and the respect and love they have for the beautiful creatures.
It was amazing the array of knowledge Charles knew about bison and you couldn’t stop the smile on your face as he told you about the characteristics of the bison. You rushed to take notes in your journal, knowing that all that he told you would help you study and protect these animals.
“Do you think it’ll actually do any good? The work you’re doing?”
“One can only hope Mr.Smith but I will do everything in my ability to protect such beautiful creatures.”
Even when you had to return to the city for study you constantly wrote to Charles, staying in touch and keeping him updated with all your work. It was hard to say goodbye to someone you’d grown close to but you made regular visits to each other long after that.
John Marston
You first found John in the saloon after a long day at work, in desperate need of a drink. Being a zoologist you instantly noticed the scars on his face and would’ve guessed a wolf was the animal that caused the damage.
The two of you instantly started up a conversation and shared all kinds of stories. He told you about being up on the mountain while you showed him the scar on your arm from your run in with a cougar.
You were collecting a compendium of all the animals across the heartlands and during the months you worked on it, you ran into John more than once.
He was always curious about your work and you often spent time together in the afternoon sun, showing him the animals you’d found so far.
“What about the stray dogs in town or do you only deal with cougars and wolves?”
“Well they’re animals too aren’t they not?”
Even though you couldn’t see John all the time, he often came along with you to see the wildlife and covered you when you were around particularly dangerous animals and you enjoyed every second you had with him.
Micah Bell
When Micah met you he had absolutely no idea what you were on about. In his mind the whole idea of a palaeontologist is ridiculous and made up, much less the fact that you chose to read books and study in your spare time.
At first he doesn’t do anything but mock your work but after running into you time and time again he finally started to come around.
He grew more and more curious when he saw the drawings in your sketch books of dinosaurs and even more so when he laid eyes on the fossils. But knowing Micah, he’s still incredibly stubborn.
“Ain’t no way that thing is real.”
“One needs an open mind to comprehend what’s prehistoric Mr.Bell. It requires a certain practice.”
Every so often on your work you’d run into Micah who’d be riding around on his horse, just passing by. By now you’d consider him a friend and your face lit up as he pulled a small ammonite fossil from his bag.
It wasn’t really your area of expertise but you could tell he wanted to impress you and seemed almost nervous as you examined the fossil. Nonetheless you could tell it was real and you let him keep the small fossil as a reminder of you until the next time you saw him.
Javier Escuella
Javier meets you when you’re down my the docks, trying to capture the sunlight and noticed him fishing.
Not wanting to disturb him you kept out of his hair until you heard him cheer loudly at a catch he managed to pull in. In your particular interest in animals, you couldn’t help but ask if you could take a photo of the fish he’d caught.
From then on the two of you became friends, often running into each other as you tried to capture landscapes and wildlife.
You’d always spend the day together and you’d show him how to use a camera while he showed you how to fish and play the guitar.
When you spent time apart you’d often write to each other to fill the gap. You’d always send pictures with little writing on the back of them while he sent you poems and songs that he wrote for you, promising to play them for you next time you’d meet.
In your personal journal you have the first picture you ever took of Javier, kept safe between the pages. He’s standing along the docks, facing the away from the water as he holds up a large sturgeon and a large smile.
You and Javier always stay in touch and after he told you of his chaotic and dangerous time in guarma he made light of it by telling you about all the different wildlife he saw while he was there.
Bill Williamson
Bill stumbles upon you in the wild by accident. He’s out scouting a lead when he ended up getting lost through the shrubbery and found you examining flowers closely.
When you told him you were a botanist he looked as if you’d just spoken a different language to him because he didn’t have a clue as to what that meant. Bill always made you laugh fondly at the confused look when you told him all the scientific names of flowers.
In Bill’s mind, a flower was a flower. There was purple flowers and blue flowers and even red ones but they didn’t have their own names.
The next time Bill ran into you he brought you what he thought was a bouquet of white flowers. Instead they were actually a species of weed that was poisonous when eaten but it didn’t stop you from smiling and hugging him which was the intended purpose.
In light of that incident Bill was actually curious about some plants, trying to learn about them more. When Bill went exploring with you he pointed out some of his favourites and you picked a few to put them in the brim of his hat for him to take him back to camp.
When you run into him again Bill tries to give you another flower, this time actually understanding the plant he’d picked was a Vanilla Flower Orchid or the Vanilla planifolia but he never learnt how to pronounce it unlike you.
With a high blush Bill placed the flower behind your ear and you pulled him into a hug, being careful not to crush the beautiful flower.
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murderousginger · 3 years
Darling You’re Glowing
Isaiah Jesus x Esme's Sister Reader
Warnings: Angst? Mentions of cocaine. They're criminals, guys, they do bad things.
Word count: 1,260
This song requested by @pollyrepents.
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You were never really good with crowds. Especially large ones that you didn't know many people at. The chaos of it was fine, but you didn't particularly trust strangers and your opinion on cavalry men was about the same as coppers.
You fidgeted in your dress, earning a quiet but painful stomp on your shoe from your sister Esme. 
"Here," Esme hissed as she handed you the youngest. "Stop fidgeting and help. The wedding is about to start."
"How can it start when half of Grace's side hasn't even shown up?" You scowl as you take the cooing baby into your arms and start to bounce in place. "Besides, the boys haven't returned either."
Esme pursed her lips.
"Keep your voice down, sister," she whispered harshly as she leaned toward you. "Tommy said there will be no fighting today, and since no one in this family fights Tommy bloody Shelby, we're to mind our P's and Q's. Got it?"
"That what John told you this morning while he was putting another child in you while I fed the ones you got, sister?" You smiled cheekily as you swayed and bounced the baby, pushing the question through your teeth so only Esme could hear. 
Esme's neck flushed as she did her best to hide the upturn of her lips. 
"At least I'm not the tarte running around with a preacher's son."
"No, you just married into the Peaky Blinders to pop out kids for the horniest brother."
"Ladies," Polly said through a clenched smile as she leaned over Linda and the pew. "I'd like to remind you that we are in a church and surrounded by self-righteous coppers and soon cavalrymen. Our men are allowed to slip up and blame it on their cocks, we are not. Now hand me that beautiful baby."
You smiled as you happily passed her the baby, Esme scowling as she pushed the toddler closer to you to watch instead. 
"Men have the easy life, I tell ya," Esme muttered.
Finally the boys returned, with Tommy and Arthur going toward the front and John making his way back to the pew. He smiled as he approached until his eyes scanned yours and Esme's arms before landing on Polly and the baby starting to fuss.
"Hey Pol, what are you doing with my baby?" He said cheerily as he made his way past his wife, other children, and you and stretched his arms out. "Give 'im back."
Esme and Polly rolled their eyes simultaneously and the entire row rearranged. John took the baby -- quieting it down almost immediately -- and Esme traded places with you, moving the children between you both like guards on watch.
The seats started to fill and you heard John not to subtly say "Here comes the fucking cavalry," as the music started.
You stifled a laugh, earning a wink from John.
Jeremiah walked in, earning scattered looks through Grace's side as he took his place at the front. You boiled inside knowing what all those looks meant. Snobbish trash.
The wedding was fine. As always, the Shelby side roared with excitement as the couple kissed and Grace's side tastefully clapped as they turned their nose up at the Shelby uproar. Why Tommy would attach himself to such people was beyond you.
You twitched, watching the kids and looking around for your boys. Finn and Isaiah were probably with the younger Blinders, keeping the peace and setting things up for the reception. Your eyes kept searching the crowds, nervously scanning strangers for God knows what.
After family photos, everyone scattered to their cars to head to Arrow House for the reception dinner and party. You were charged with taking the kids home and tucking them in for the night. You fully planned to go to Arrow House after, whether John intended you to or not. You were going.
It was dark by the time you got to Arrow House, and dinner was far over. You parked the car near the others and scooted out of the seat in your silky lilac dress. You slipped your heels on as you walked toward the door, opening it to the lavish party inside. 
You smiled shyly at the uniformed men that turned as you walked in, hoping to slip through the crowd and blend in as if you'd been there all night. 
You quickly saw Isaiah from across the foyer and immediately went to meet him, only to see a pretty brunette grab his arm.
"I was told to ask someone young," she simpered, looking up at him through her lashes. "Will there be cocaine?"
"Sweetheart," Isaiah replied with a cocky grin. "I am young, informed and, uh, very well-equipped. You chose your man wisely."
You burned. A pit grew in your stomach as his words churned in your brain.
Arthur sidled up to Isaiah, smirking at the interaction between the two, his arm urging Isaiah away. 
A group pushed past you, between you and Isaiah, and you missed the interaction. The words garbled as it blended into the party and Arthur pushed Isaiah away from you. 
His words rang in your head, hurting your chest. He had been flirting with her. 
Tears stung your eyes that you quickly wiped away. Your jaw set. 
Well, if Isaiah wanted to sport, so could you.
You made your way through the house, picking up drinks and setting them down as you emptied them. Most of the Blinders had disappeared, off to some meeting you supposed. Oh well. Plenty of cavalrymen.
The young ones seemed game, but were so easily set off. The slightest cold shoulder and they hissed curses at you. The older the man, the worse his treatment of you. You quickly realized that you weren't even a woman in many of their eyes.
You quickly kept to the young ones, keeping it light and playful in hopes not to set them off. You danced with a few, trading uniforms when they started expecting things or lost their manners. As long as you smiled they were gracious enough when you left them.
"May I cut in?" A familiar voice asked. 
Before you could object, the uniform you had been dancing with politely handed you off to Isaiah. You scowled.
"Hey pretty girl," Isaiah said, wrapping his hand around yours and the other gripping your waist. His smile was soft as he looked down at you. 
"Sure you want to dance with me?" You asked briskly, earning a confused look. "I saw the girl, 'Zay. Be sure you choose your girl wisely."
He sighed as he spun you around. 
"She was asking for snow," he started. "John made it sound like you were home for the night with the kids."
"And you were flirting," you said, meeting his eyes. "Why are you here with me? Go find your tarte."
"You looked lonely, love," he said softly. "And you glow too brightly to have cavalrymen hands tainting you." 
"Who have you tainted tonight?" You asked tiredly, the anger leaving you slowly as you lost steam. "I thought we were together."
"We are," Isaiah urged, his nose rubbing against yours. "We are, love. There's no one in the world I'd rather dance with. Promise."
"I don't want to be left alone while you run off," you eyed him. "I'm not Esme, sitting with all the kids and hoping John comes home."
"If you ever get lonely, you'll have to be lonely with me, love," Isaiah said as he cupped your cheek and kissed you. "I'm not going anywhere. I love you."
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maybanksslut · 3 years
Dating Tommy Shelby would include...
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and smoking :)
Ok pls watch me drop everything to write this bc I'm married to cillian murphy <3
First of all, how the two of you met
One night, you’d be alone in one of Birmingham’s many pubs, drowning down the sorrow you felt after fighting with your father, who was visibly upset with you for not being married
He’d been talking about marriage with you for weeks and you grew tired of having to tell him the same thing every day
“I don’t want to get married, dad, there’s no one I love!”
Of course, he’d think that was bullshit and tell you marriage wasn’t an act of love, rather a business that was supposed to tie two families together
This angered you, so here you were, drinking your pain away
And just as you’d got seated and ordered some Irish whiskey, a certain Shelby walked into the pub
Perhaps it was fate, perhaps a mere accident, but no matter what it was, it changed your life forever
“May I sit here?”
You were quick to realize he was a peaky Blinder by the way he was dressed
And by the way everyone appeared to shiver when he entered the pub, you concluded that he must be one of the Shelbys as well
“Only if you promise not to get blood on my dress”
To be honest, he was taken aback by your joke, expecting more of a nervous smile or a look filled with lust, like other women seemed to give him
He was immediately intrigued by you and made it his goal to get to know you better by the end of the night
Tommy tried to be a gentleman, he paid for your drinks, offered you cigarettes, and referred to you as “Mrs”
Until you told him you weren’t married, that is
His jaw (his jawline is perfect tho can we talk about that?) practically dropped, because how could such a beautiful woman like you not have a husband?
At the same time, he was happy, because this meant he could have a chance of making you his forever
Which, he realized later, was something he did wish to do
Tommy fell himself falling for you more and more every day, he just adored your smile, your laugh, the way you weren’t afraid of him, but rather treated him as a close friend
Yes, he was entirely enamored with you, and he knew he had to make a move before anyone else did
He often took you on horse rides or to restaurants to hear your voice, and he loved to hear you talk
“What about that horse race you went to last week, eh? Can you tell me more about it? I don’t quite remember”
He didn’t officially ask you to be his lover before you’d known each other for three months
His feelings for you were a big burden when he kept them a secret, and so was keeping your friendship from both of your families
Therefore, one night as you walked through the empty streets of Birmingham, he confessed to you
“The truth is, y/n, I am in love with you and I want you to be mine. What do you say, eh?”
You were stunned when you heard those words come out of his mouth
You’d never expected this coming, even though you had for some time now felt a stronger connection to Tommy than just a friendly one
Furthermore, the way he said it made your breath tremble. You could almost feel the passion burning its way through his confession
You could feel all the atoms in your body craving him and his love, but you couldn’t utter a words
So instead, you gently caressed his cheeks and kissed him, as if you were trying to pour everything you wanted to say into his mind by this sweet embrace
It took the both of you some time to cool down after the kiss, but when you did, the two of you grinned like idiots
“I love you, too, Tommy Shelby”
He’d carry you home and properly introduce himself to your father the second he got the chance
Your father would be so surprised, because of who you’d brought home
But he’d also be so happy (mostly because Tommy is rich, but also because his daughter finally had found someone)
He and Tommy ended up getting along quite nicely, though you saw his jaw (again he can cut me with that jaw) clench a couple of times when he mentioned the word “thugs” about some of his peaky boys
Before he left that night he kissed you so softly and romantically you thought you’d FAINT
Luckily, you didn’t, but you dreamt about him after you went to sleep
Sometime later, Tommy pushed aside his hesitations and decided to introduce you to his family
“Darling, I beg of you, don’t let them scare you away, eh?”
“Why would they scare me away? If they’re anything like you, I’m sure I’ll love them”
You’d be fascinated by all of his family members because they all appeared to be very interesting people
John would be the first one to talk to you, his outgoing personality very evident after even only a few seconds of conversation
You did enjoy his company, though you had to admit, he was kind of intimidating with his strong voice and loud laugh
Next on the list was Polly, the woman you’d heard so much about, yet knew nothing of
She was the one that you’d were afraid to meet the most, a sue she seemed so majestic and proud in her red dress and high eyebrows
Her personality was the complete opposite of what you’d expected
“Oh my god, you must be y/n! You’re gorgeous, my love! Oh, come here for a hug, my dear”
Her friendliness was overwhelming, yet it warmed your heart deeply to see that she cared for you after such little interaction
It was comforting how she took you under her wing, introducing you to the other family members while Tommy went to talk with his brothers
After the night was over, you’d befriended Ada and learned not to get on Arthur’s bad side
It was an evening full of emotions and feelings, but it was one of the best ones in your life, so you were quick to thank Tommy for making you the luckiest woman in England
“Don’t thank me, sweetheart, you’re the one who made my life brighter”
It took Thomas four weeks to propose to you
He loved you and he needed no time to know that you were his true love and he wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side
It was one night you’d spent together in bed, talking about anything and everything, stealing kisses from each other now and then
Suddenly Tommy’s face turned more serious
“I want you to marry me, y/n”
“I want you to marry me. I want to show the whole world how much you mean to me. I want to spend the rest of my life in your arms, holding your hand and kissing your lips. I want to start a family with you and I want you, forever.”
You agreed immediately, tears in your eyes as you looked into the eye of your future husband and thought of the life you’d build together
It was perfect.
TAGLIST: @fangirlings-things @runaway-mom-friend @gxtitobxby @amirahiddleston @myloveforluna
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inkyblinders · 3 years
Dancing with the Devil
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Pairing: Luca Changretta X Reader
Author’s note: So excited to share my first fic on this blog! I’m still trying to figure out the ins and outs of Tumblr as it’s been a hot minute since I’ve last used it, but if you like my writing please repost and follow for more :)
The story (part one of many, hopefully) is set in early Season 4 and is in second-person, but you’re also a character with a name.
And in case you can’t tell...I think Luca Changretta is criminally underrated.
Warnings: Some mild smut.
There is a stranger in the Garrison tonight.
He isn’t a shipyard laborer, neither tired nor grimy from the perpetual muck that belongs to Small Heath. In fact, he is more polished and well-dressed than anyone you’ve ever seen, except for perhaps the Shelby brothers who frequent the Garrison.
But this man is no Peaky Blinder.
He leisurely surveys the customers in the pub, eyes obscured by a fedora that slants on his head. An unlit cigarette hangs between thin lips. It’s a halfhearted attempt to blend in, as if he’s doing this as a courtesy but cares not in the slightest if he rouses suspicion.
You are used to breaking up bar fights and mopping up the bloody aftermath, but this man makes you more uneasy than any roughhousing drunkard you’ve dealt with. He is too quiet, his eyes too sly.
“This must be the trouble Tommy was expecting,” you think to yourself.
When he catches your gaze from behind the bar, a hawk-like smile cuts across his face. He winks then, and you flush even as something dangerous spikes in your throat. The whiskey you hold in your hands is just like his. Another prop, another facade.
“Anything else for you then, sir?”
He looks up from beneath the brim of his hat. His face is slyly handsome, with sharp cheekbones and a striking nose you crave to run down lightly with your fingers. Now you understand why he tries to keep himself hidden.
Here is a face that, once seen, would not be soon forgotten.
A tilt of his head, a voice as like raw silk as you shiver.
A tilt of his head, a voice as like raw silk as you shiver.
“Your daddy owns this place?”
So he’s not from Birmingham, after all. Every man within a fifty-mile radius knows who owns the Garrison. They might have never met the man, but they certainly know the name of his younger brother.
“No sir, he doesn’t.” Your voice is carefully polite but clipped, praying it doesn’t betray the pounding of your heart as you watch him take off his hat and run a hand through dark, slicked-back hair. You’ve seen Tommy talk like this with men he mistrusts, and he mistrusts a lot of men. No matter what, you are not volunteering any more information than necessary.
He waits for you to say more, and his smile doesn’t falter when you remain silent. “Well then, signorita, will you tell me who does?”
The Italian. So it is him.
“The Garrison is owned by...a family from these parts. Do you have business with them,” You can’t help but add impulsively, “Signore?”
His dark eyes widen with pleasure at your flippant remark in his own language. He is playing a game, and you are playing along with him.
“What business would I have with Gypsy fucks like them?” He leans forward, “But sweetheart, you on the other hand...”
Working for the Shelbys means minding the pub when Arthur’s gone, and spying for Tommy when he needs intel on whoever he’s feuding with at the time. It’s more serious than simply turning the other cheek when there’s a cutting in the streets. But you are not prepared to face an enemy alone.
Even if he is as charming as the devil.
Even if he wants you, and you want him back.
For the millionth time, you silently curse Tommy for forbidding you from having a gun, a knife, anything to protect yourself while in the pub. You had asked him about it one night, afterwards, and he only replied, “It’s bad for business if a girl like you gets caught with a weapon she can’t handle.”
“Then teach me,” You had retorted, balling up his trousers and chucking it at his head, “You think you can protect me. But what about when you’re gone?”
Tommy had looked up from buttoning his shirt then, his gaze steely and blue. “I have eyes in all of Birmingham. And besides,” He smiled ruefully, “You’re never in danger unless I put you there myself.”
In the pub, the Italian watches your expression. And in a moment of madness, you almost take up his veiled flirtation.
But then there is Tommy. Tommy with his inscrutable blue gaze. Tommy with his whores. And now you are angry at yourself for thinking of him when he was probably fucking some other woman in Camden Town. For business, he would explain, avoiding your eyes.
“What business would you have with a barmaid like me?” A whisper of regret fills you as you turn to leave. You are halfway up the stairs that lead to your room above the pub when you hear a caress of a single word that turns your blood to ice.
The Italian is leaning against the banister, eyes drinking in your figure. And now he saunters up the steps. You scamper up the rest of them but he is quicker. In a flash he spins you around, his body snugly against you and the second-floor wall. An arm over your head, caging you with his tall frame.
The intoxicating scent of tobacco and roses fills the crevices between your bodies.
Your eyes flash dangerously as he bends down, daring him to force a kiss. But he only murmurs into the crook of your neck, “Where is Mr. Shelby tonight?”
You answer breathlessly into the shoulder of his freshly-pressed suit, “He could be at the betting shop. Could be with his wife at home. I don’t-- ”
“The other Mr. Shelby, Isabel.”
Maybe he already sent his men after Tommy. Maybe Tommy’s already dead in a ditch, in godforsaken Camden Town. Or maybe, just maybe, this man really doesn’t know where he is, and you are the only person who can tell him.
He has you good and compromised. No one can help you, so you must save yourself. Instincts kick in, your mind feverishly formulating a plan. It won’t be the first time you’ve done something like this, and on Tommy’s orders nonetheless.
Loose lips sink ships, and men are so pliant after a romp in the sheets. Mindful of your mission now, you angle to ask for his secrets, anything you could find out that gives Tommy an advantage.
Only this time, your heart actually catches as you gaze into the mafioso’s lethal eyes.
A pause then, wondering how much you should reveal, and you confess, “Tommy doesn’t tell anyone where he is until he’s already there.” It’s a half-truth—he told you.
“So he’s Tommy to you then?” The man is pleased with your slip of the tongue. You’ve told him a secret he already knows.
“You are his woman.” He caresses your face with the back of his hand, etched with ink. A cross. Rosary beads. And there, a black-palmed hand. Just like the ones he sent the Shelbys.
I want to see where his tattoos lead to.
“You are his woman,” he continues, and something dark and sweet fills his voice as he purrs, “And you are not afraid of me.”
“I’m not giving up Shelby secrets even if you seduce me,” You stifle a whimper as he wedges a leg between your skirts, and you think of nothing except the way you ache for him to come even closer, until there is nothing between you but skin on bare skin.
“Tommy has whores who might give him up for a pound or three. Although,” you smirk, “I won’t tell you where you’d find them, either.”
“Oh sweetheart, didn’t you hear me?” So close you can feel his heartbeat with your fingertips, his lips grazing the shell of your ear.
A deathly promise.
“I’ve come for you.”
He slants his mouth, his lips pressing hotly to yours as you surrender to desire. The kiss is swift and hard. The two of you come together, again and again, like lightning and thunder. As he cradles your head with one hand, the other slips underneath your blouse to palm your breast. You arch against the wall. The onyx rings on his hand are cold, and they pucker your nipples as they bite your skin.
Somehow you find your fingers seeking him too. But it’s not enough to touch the exposed skin between the gaps of his buttoned shirt. You want more.
When you pull apart he is panting, lips apart and wet. His once slicked-back hair now mussed, you imagine yours is too. For the first time this evening, his arrogant face is a little shocked, as if the taste of you affected him more deeply than he expected. You unclench your fists from his shirt and slowly take his face into your hands. You draw a line down the bridge of his nose, feeling all its bumps and ridges.
You murmur huskily, “Why did you really come to Birmingham?”
He tilts his head expectantly, and you are lost in his devastating eyes as he replies.
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ttuesday · 3 years
I love your page! Can I request how would the VDL boys react how you look your wedding day? Like those videos where the husband turns around and sees his wife? It’s okay if you don’t have time I understand. But thank anyway!❤️❤️
For a second, Arthur genuinely believes he's in a fairy tale. You look like a Queen and Arthur has no idea why you want to marry him but he's so happy.
Arthur thinks you're flawless. Your hair, skin, face, body, smile. His eyes get watery and Arthur glances away to compose himself. He takes a deep breath before looking at you again.
Arthur is completely and utterly in love with you. When you're near him, he can't help but give you a quick kiss and tell you how gorgeous you look.
Dutch has a big, smug smile on his face when he sees you. He's so proud that he's getting married to you and he makes sure everyone sees how beautiful you look.
When you're getting married, he holds your hands in his and continues to look you up and down, admiring every inch of you.
Afterwards he whispers against your ear that you've truly out done yourself and that you should be on one of those 'Gems of Beauty' cigarette cards.
Charles is very good at keeping his emotions hidden but from the sparkle in his eye and the small smile on his face, you can tell he's infatuated.
When you get close, he helps you walk the rest of the way. You don't need his help but Charles just needed a reason to touch you.
After the ceremony Charles runs his hand along the material of your dress, impressed at how well tailored it is. All he wants to do now is hold you close to him for the rest of the night.
He thinks he's gonna pass out. Is it hot in here? Oh no, now his hands are getting sweaty. Oh shit is it obvious he's nervous?
When John tries to speak, it's like he tries to say every compliment at once. First he calls you gorgiful and then beautifully pretty and pretty beautiful.
John doesn't pay attention to a lot of the ceremony, he's too busy staring at you and swooning.
His jaw drops. Micah knew you were going to look good but you've completely exceeded all of his expectations.
He wonders how long this'll all take cause right now he just wants to rip your clothes off. Micah can't stop looking at you, seriously if there was a fire he wouldn't even notice.
Micah is very focused for the rest of the ceremony. He knows that everyone is watching ye and that this is probably a bad time to get a boner so he tries his best to distract himself from how sexy you look.
Javier makes it no secret that he's stunned by how beautiful you look. He's so excited to hold you, kiss you and finally call you his wife.
He literally cannot stop complimenting you. Every time he notices something new, he needs to tell you how amazing it looks.
Some people get annoyed that Javier keeps interrupting the ceremony but he doesn't care. You look stunning and he wants to make sure you know that.
The very second you make eye contact with Bill, you can see his eyes fill up with tears of pure happiness. He promised himself he wasn't going to cry but when he saw you, Bill got very emotional very fast.
He just can't believe he's gotten so lucky. Bill's cheeks are a rosy red as he wipes away a tear and sniffs.
When he says his vows, his voice is shaky but you know he means every word he says.
Bold of you to assume Sean will wait to see you in your wedding dress. Let's be real, Sean will probably see you sometime before the ceremony, whether he gets lost and accidently bumps into you or goes to see you cause the anticipation is killing him.
He's absolutely speechless. Sean gestures to you and tries to speak but the words get caught in his throat. All he can do is hug you and give you a passionate kiss.
He kisses your lips, your neck, your hands and whatever other parts of your body he can get to. Sean is absolutely smitten to be able to call you his wife.
Hosea didn’t think he would be able to find love after Bessie but then you walked into his life. When he sees you walking down the aisle he gives you a warm smile.
It’s only when you’re standing next to him do you notice how watery his eyes are. He doesn’t want to cry but seeing you in such a beautiful dress is so overwhelming.
Hosea gives you a quick hug and kisses your temple, whispering a compliment to you before the ceremony properly starts.
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ikeromantic · 3 years
Congratulations on the 600🎉 I would like to request Ikevamp Arthur with a spicy 13! Thnx!
Arthur knew he was in trouble. He knew it the moment he woke up in a strange bed with a strange woman, smelling of stale perfume, booze, and vomit. At least I’m dressed, he thought, taking in his stained shirt, filthy trousers, and the muddy shoes still on his feet.
His last memory had been agreeing to a drinking contest with an affable German fellow down at the pub. He glanced at the sleeping woman, unable to remember her name or when he’d fallen in with her.
It took him no little skill to wiggle out of bed without waking the lady up. The last thing Arthur needed was a jilted woman, angry he was slipping out before breakfast after . . . whatever had happened last night.
He grabbed his hat and coat and left the Parisian apartment with haste.
These kind of nights were supposed to be a thing of the past. He’d promised as much, but that promise was bloody hard to keep sometimes. “But I didn’t drink from that skirt,” he muttered aloud. Which was true. He was positively famished. And he hadn’t slept with her either.
He hoped both points would keep him out of hot water when he got home. After all, his love would understand, sometimes things . . . happened. But he’d stayed true to her even in his drunken state.
Arthur paid a cab to take him home, half hoping noone but Sebas would be up and about at this hour. Sadly, luck wasn’t with him. As he jogged up to the front door, it opened. Theo stood there, glaring at him with that insufferable Dutch arrogance.
“Wat een klerezooi.”
“Don’t know what that means, old boy, but if you’d step aside, I’m in deathly need of a shower.”
Theo grimaced. “You’re lucky I was waiting for you. Sebastian wouldn’t let you in smelling like a kloothommel.”
Arthur grimaced. He got the gist of the insult. “Well, look, I’d smell a lot better after a shower. So if you could . . .”
There was a commotion behind the art dealer, and just as Arthur leaned forward to see what it was, Theo stepped aside. Water burst from the doorway, well, from a bucket held by an angry woman now standing in the doorway.
Arthur sputtered, wiping the cold water from his face with the back of his hand. “My love! Beautiful bird . . . sorry I came home late.” He tried for a charming smile, but it didn’t have the desired impact.
She didn’t smile. She dropped the bucket and crossed her arms. “Where were you all night this time?”
Behind her, Theo gave his friend a warning look.
It was too dangerous to lie. Arthur wasn’t sure what evidence was arrayed against him, and besides, the truth wasn’t so bad. Sure, he’d gotten wasted and spent the night with some doxy, but he hadn’t actually *done* a thing. “I drank a bit too much and had to sleep it off, luv. Don’t be angry now. I swear my virtue is intact.”
Her right eyebrow rose a fraction.
“I swear! I didn’t take so much as a nip. And I woke up with my pants on.” He tried again for a smile, but his answer clearly didn’t satisfy. She turned on her heel and stormed inside.
Theo shook his head. “I don’t know how someone can be as smart as you and still so stupid.” He gestured with his chin toward the stairs. “If you don’t patch this up with her, I’m going to have to kick your ass.”
“But you’re my friend. Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”
“I am on your side. That’s why kicking your ass is all I’m going to do. Klootzak.” He frowned, but beckoned Arthur in.
The writer hurried to the shower, scrubbing under a flow of water so hot it stung. He wanted to scald the events from his skin as if they’d never happened. When he was clean and dressed again, he made his way to her room.
Her door was shut tight, and from the other side he could hear the muffled sounds of weeping.
Arthur felt a sudden shame at being the source of those tears. His collar felt too tight and his body felt like lead. All of his promises came to haunt him as he stood on the threshold. The times he’d told her he would never hurt her. That his days of late nights and loose women were over. And yet here he was again. Making her cry.
“Love,” he called softly. There was no response, so he quietly opened the door and stepped inside.
She looked up, her eyes red from crying.
He was relieved when she didn’t throw anything at him or shout at him to leave. After a moment, he went to sit beside her on the bed.
“You’re such an asshole,” she sighed, and leaned her head on his shoulder.
“Guilty as charged.” He kissed the top of her head. “I didn’t mean to stay out so late. It just -”
Her lips curved in a bitter smile. “Can the apologies, Arthur. It just happened. It will just happen again.”
He wanted to tell her she was wrong, but he couldn’t. “It doesn’t mean I love you any less.”
“I know.” She lifted her head and brushed a kiss across his lips. “My lover with a roving eye and a taste for good alcohol and bad company.”
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?”
She bit her lip, considering. “I’m still angry. But . . . you swear you didn’t . . . you know . . .”
Arthur ran a hand down her arm. “I promise I didn’t. I’m half-starved right now.” He gave her a lopsided smile full of regrets. “I don’t want anyone but you.”
“Good.” She kissed him again, an angry desperate kiss. An embrace that set flames racing through him as she claimed his mouth as her own.
He laid her back in the bed, eager with blood-hunger and lust. His hands were already pushing her skirts up and unbuttoning his pants.
She bit his lip and he tasted the copper-fire of his own blood. Her teeth worried the wound and then she suckled it, as if she needed to drink him in as much as he did her.
Arthur groaned at the feel of her sharp little teeth and her velvet tongue. He wanted to be in her, he wanted to bite her. But he stopped, just a moment, an unsteady breath. “Is this . . . alright?”
She grabbed his head with both hands and pulled his mouth to hers. That was all the ‘yes’ he needed.
As he drove deep between her legs, she slid her tongue across the tips of his fangs. Just enough that he could taste her. The sense of it drove him mad. His mouth left little red marks as he kissed down her neck to the spot just above her breast. Arthur didn’t think he could stop now if he had to.
She arched as he bit her, her back bowing, hips bucking. She was as greedy for this as he was.
In this moment, Arthur knew there was no other woman for him. No one that could make his heart race, that could put this thirst in him. He was a fool to make her doubt his love, and doubly so for not spending every moment he could at her side.
He could not draw out his pleasure as he liked to. They were too ravenous to deny each other the bliss they desired. And what started as an apology ended with two exhausted lovers, tangled with each other and the bed sheets.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Y/n and George had been crushing on each other for too long, but neither of them said anything. They both were waiting for the right moment to do it, but with a war upon them, was there really such thing as 'the right moment'?
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
George Weasley: ———
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: injuries, blood, implicit beating
A/N: (dis bish long lmao) Idk what is this, I just wanted to do something for George. Bill and Fleur's wedding came to my mind and I was like, ok but what happened after the death eaters arrived? And this came out, so enjoy <3
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I wasn't expecting to see her.
I had heard my mother mention her name whilst talking about the Order, and I knew she had befriended Fleur at the Triwizard Tournament, but seeing her apparate in our yard was... Well, surprising.
"Son, snap out of it!" My father called me out and I corrected my wand movement; I had almost messed up the canopy, and I blamed the way her dress and hair flew with the wind as she approached our home's entrance.
Fred walked to me the moment we had secured everything, glancing at the house before questioning, "am I delirious or that was Y/n?" with a knowing grin and an intent eyebrow wiggle.
As if taking a cue, we saw the girl coming out, now with a borrowed jacket on, making a beeline to us. "I'm... Pretty sure it's her." I replied, giving the girl a smile when she waved. "Morning, lady."
"Morning, gentlemen." Fred then turned around and stepped to her in order to give her a hug. "Long time no see, huh?"
"Indeed." I agreed, following my brother's lead and hugging Y/n; her arms were quick to wrap around my neck and shoulders and squeeze me tight; I would have sworn she let out a relieved sigh. "Fleur invited you?"
"Your mom, actually." Her reply left me puzzled. "I heard your night was... Eventful." She pointed at the bandages covering my ear with a worried look. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than last night." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.
"You sure, Georgie?" It was then that I remembered we weren't alone. "Last night he was feeling Saint-like." Y/n frowned in confusion. "Because he's holey." Fred pointed at his ear just like I had done the night before and I could feel my cheeks burning. "Get it?"
"Oh, no! it's sooo bad!" She laughed at the joke and a smile tugged the corners of my lips. "I think that's the lamest joke you've cracked." She pointed out.
"I know! I told him."
"Okay, I was bleeding out." I defended myself. "I think I'm allowed to crack a lame joke."
"Dunno, George, it was really bad." I threw my head back with a groan at Y/n's teasing. She waved at Fred, who said something about having things to do inside, and when my eyes landed on him over Y/n's shoulder, he mouthed a clear 'go for it'. "Tonks told me about Mad-Eye." She spoke again in a more serious note.
"You said it," the smile vanishing from my face. "Last night was eventful."
"When your mother told me you got hurt, I just... I got really scared." Her anxious words took me aback. "I went straight into the house to see you." The wind made her hair flow again, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to stop myself from tucking that bloody strand that kept getting in her face back behind her ear. "I was so happy you were out preparing stuff and not in there, unconscious in a bed."
"Well, I'm very happy to see you." I replied, my eyes digging into hers to make sure she knew how much I meant that. "Missed tons that smile of yours."
"I missed your lame jokes." I rolled my eyes at her response. Right after, she stepped forward and gently pulled me down; one of her hands holding onto my forearm, steadying her, while the other one cupped one of my cheeks so she could press a kiss to the other. "See you." And with that, she was off to greet the rest.
"Do it."
"She's talking with Luna."
"Excuses." I puffed tired at Fred's reproach before taking a sip of my drink. "C'mon, you got absolutely nothing to lose."
"My dignity?"
"She fancies you!" I shook my head no. "How many times are you gonna have the opportunity to dance with her, Georgie? Stop being a twit."
"Not yet."
"Oi, have you seen Y/n?" Ron approached us, taking a seat by my side.
"It's the only thing he's seen." I pinched the bridge of my nose, unable to deny what my twin had just said. "Just do it." I groaned. "Okay, I'll do it."
"No!" I jumped up and tugged Fred down in the process. "Alright, I'll go."
"Yeah, I was about to—"
I involuntarily let out a squeal when a hand tickled my side. "Hello, ladies." I spun my head to see George behind me. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I have this dance?"
Luna replied before I could. "You see, I was wondering how much time it'd take you to ask her." I turned as red as a beetroot; my only comfort was that the towering ginger's face was the colour of his hair. "I think I'm odd man out." She waved us goodbye and headed to see Harry.
"I reckon Luna is way too observant." He spoke, tugging my hand.
"Were you ogling me, Weasley?"
"Maybe." He came to a stop in the middle of the dancefloor and pulled me close. "Couldn't take my eyes off you." He confessed quietly.
As we swayed, I let my forehead land on his chest, savouring what I dreaded would be one of the last precious moments before everything went down.
"George?" He hummed, raising his brows as a prompt for me to talk. I took a deep breath and told myself that what I was going to say mattered little compared to whatever was looming over us. "I've been wanting to tell you this, but I just... Didn't find the right time." Our faces were mere inches away. "But I don't think I'll ever find the right time at this point so—"
I jolted, holding onto George, when a blue volute plunged into the tent; a Patronus.
It was not until Shacklebolt message was ending that I realized George's arms were around me, pulling me flush against his chest.
Both our hearts were hammering violently, and I was sure he could feel mine as clearly as I felt his.
When the Patronus vanished, panic began to spread. I noticed how my own breathing picked up. "Y/n." This time it was George the one calling my name; his whisper sounded so clear compared to everyone else's screams and cries. "If I don't say this out loud, I'll combust—"
"Y/N! GET DOWN!" Tonks's shouts snapped us out of it. We obeyed just in time to see a red hex flying over us, being stopped by Tonks herself.
George and I grabbed our wands and pulled each other back to our feet before joining the Order.
We parted ways, George making his way to reach his twin while I ran to a moderately tipsy Luna, who seemed to be struggling to find her father.
As soon as I made sure she was out of the picture, I jogged to help the twins, casting protection spells against two death eaters.
"STUPEFY!" I managed to take out the one attacking George, and he was quick to stun the one duelling his brother.
"Leave!" George tugged my hand, attempting to get me out of the canopy, his brother quickly rushing to their little sister.
"I'm not leaving!"
"Y/n—" I moved him out of the way to shield us from another hex. "Please— Flipendo!!" I saw another death eater flying away from us. "Shit!" George's hand gripped mine for dear life, making me back off with him to get back in when he realized it was too late for me to leave.
Soon enough it was just the Weasleys, Fleur and her family, Tonks, Lupin and me inside the tent, all back-to-back, surrounded by death eaters.
Corban Yaxley stepped out. "My apologies to disrupt the celebrations." he offered a fake apology to the newlyweds which was equally disgusting and scary. "Let's try by fair means." I knew my knuckles had gone white, given the strength with which I was gripping George's hand. "Where is Harry Potter?" He knew no one would speak. "Aight, by foul it'll be."
I looked around and I saw Molly and Arthur shielding Ginny; Bill and Fleur held onto each other; Lupin and Tonks pulled Fleur's sister and parents behind them; Fred gave a quick look at his twin before moving closer to us.
"Take them inside and register the house."
Soon we were being pushed into the Burrow, a bunch of death eaters before us ready to put all upside down.
We stayed quiet meanwhile, leaving out an occasional 'don't touch that' or a 'there's no need to break that' from Molly and Arthur.
"I reckon you won't find Harry in my grandma's glass cabinet, smart arse." We all turned to Fred, his mother giving him a pleading look.
"Maybe he's between the plates, Freddie," George jumped in, attempting to draw the attention off his brother. "You'll want to check the cutlery too, in case he's now a teaspoon." He suggested to Yaxley with a challenging look.
The death eater tilted his head to the side, as if he had noticed something worth of interest in George. "What happened to you?"
Everyone went livid.
"I fell downstairs." George replied through gritted teeth. His tone was full of what could be easily passed as anger, but by the way his hand was shaking, I reckoned it was fear.
Yaxley seemed to think for a second before turning to two of his mates. "Start with him, then the twin and we'll move on to—"
Before I knew what I was doing, my wand was out and hexing one of the guys that had tried to remove George from us.
"Take their BLOODY WANDS!" Yaxley stalked to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "We'll start with you, miss."
"No! Wait, she doesn't know anything!" George tried in vain to persuade them, pushing through the death eaters in an attempt to get to me. I looked at him and shook my head no, already psyching myself up.
They were rather quick, and not half as bad as I thought they would be. I was thrown back into the living room with only a shiner and the promise of bruised wrists.
It was enough for George to jump up; not to check on me, though, but to do something as stupid as my impulsive hexing.
"Okay, crippled," three death eaters grabbed him before he could do anything and dragged to the bathroom they had gotten me in. "your turn."
He looked bad.
Molly was about to throw hands when we saw George leaving the bathroom; a cut on the cheek, a bloody nose, a black eye and by the way he flinched while walking, probably an injured rib.
But the worst was the red pooling the bandage around his head, and the way he was struggling to keep his hand off it.
"C'mon, blabber." It wasn't surprising when Fred willingly approached Yaxley and punched him strong enough to throw him down. "You know-” He got up, motioning at his minions so they would get Fred in. “that just made it worse."
I spared Molly an enquiring look, to which she replied with a nod; in an instant, I was gently pulling George to the settee. "Let me see..." I pursed my lips, tilting his head to the side so I could check his wound. A sigh left my lips, suddenly realizing I couldn't really take off the bandage in front of them. "Can you sit it up?" I whispered only for him to hear.
He nodded, his hand travelling up to mine, which rested on his cheek, to give it a reassuring squeeze. I didn't think twice about how wrong the timing was before leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.
My body moved forward by itself when she pulled back, attempting to chase her lips. I managed to stop myself when I remembered we were surrounded by death eaters and my family was right behind Y/n.
She then gave me a small smile and moved to grab a fresh towel from the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of my family's looks before she came back, ready to clean the blood on my face.
She aided Fred along with my mom; he bore the burnt along with me.
The sun was rising when Yaxley decided to leave. My father rushed to send a Patronus to the trio, and everyone felt a bit of relief and finally scattered through the Burrow. Ginny claimed she would take care of Fred, and she took my twin to our room.
"Now, let's check that." Y/n spoke, standing up so she could remove the damp bandage. "What happened?"
"He threw a punch and—" I hissed when the bandage left my ear, earning a concerned ‘sorry’ from Y/n. "The wound opened. It began to bleed, and they decided to stop." She only nodded, grabbing again the towel, now mildly red due to the blood it had cleaned. "That kiss was too short." I didn't even know how I managed to let that out.
She stopped, her eyes going up and down my body before inquiring, "want another one?"
"Please." She didn't need anything else for her soft lips to return to mines. This time it was one hell of a kiss, but my mouth chased them again when Y/n pulled away, only that this time her lips did return to mines for another short kiss. "Should I ask you on a date?"
"I doubt we'll be able to go on a proper date." We both chuckled; as sad as it sounded, it was true. "You can make me a coffee after I fix this, though."
"Gladly." I replied, my thumb caressing her cheek before bringing her to my lips one more time.
"FINALLY!" We both jumped at Fred's yelling. "It was about fucking time, really."
"Do you wanna get beaten up again?" Y/n harmlessly shoved my shoulder, hiding a laugh. "I just realized," I signalled my black eye and then hers. "We're matching."
"What a lovely way to match, is it not?" She replied, shaking her head with a smile on her face. “Come,” she caressed my cheek before carefully pulling me up. “I saw clean bandages over the sink.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Y/l/n,” her eyes travelled to my brother. “don’t you snog my brother in the lavatory where we just got beaten up.”
“Piss off, Fred.” She responded indifferent, pulling me with her into the bathroom, leaving the door completely open; she probably feared my mother would burst it open at the possibility of us doing inappropriate things in there.
“Yeah, piss off.” I agreed, siting down on the toilet so she could clean the wound. “She can snog me wherever she wants.” I added, muffling a laugh when Y/n cursed us both under her breath. “I’m sorry, love.”
“No, you’re not.” 
“No, I’m not.” I confessed with an amused grin.
“Why do I even fancy you?” She questioned, faking disappointment in herself.
“I’m very handsome?” I casually suggested, tilting my head for her to wrap the bandage without much difficulty. 
“Must be.” She agreed, leaning on to peck my lips. “Now where’s that coffee, sir?”
I got up, leading Y/n to the kitchen and instantly preparing the coffee pot. “It’s gonna be the best coffee you’ll ever taste.” I stated, as if it was a scientifical fact.
“Confident, are we?” she laughed, sitting on the counter besides me.
“Well, my four-year-long crush just kissed me.” I confessed. “So yeah, very.”
“Fred’s right.” I hummed, looking at her with an eyebrow raised as I handed her the coffee. “It was about fucking time.” We smiled at each other, way too widely for two people who had just gotten roughed up. We stayed next to one another in silence, looking through the window; I found the customary landscape particularly beautiful. 
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accioxreparo · 4 years
surprises | f.w.
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synopsis: After being gone for a few years you and Fred show up at the Burrow for Halloween with a surprise no one expected.
pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
warnings: none except its unedited
a/n: hi I’m in love with dad!Fred and I thought this would be cute. And yes, their costumes are all inspired by The Greatest Showman cause I rewatched it the other day. Also it’s not my best writing and its a little rushed but I hope you guys still like it. One more fall prompt coming tomorrow for my dia de muertos inspired fic before we move on to winter! 
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“This is all your fault.”
“Is not.”
“Is too,” You set down the change of clothes you were in the process of transfiguring and turned to glare at Fred who looked much more at ease than you were. “If you hadn’t insisted on showing her that movie the day would have passed by like nothing.”
“How’d you expect me to say no when she was looking at me with those big eyes of hers?” Fred moved to stand behind the place where you were sitting. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your temple.
An amused smile cracked through your otherwise stern expression and immediately Fred knew he had you. But you still shook your head as he jumped over the couch, landing beside you with a soft thud. “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”
He hummed, not bothering to argue at all because he knew you were right. “You both do.”
“Good answer,” You nodded as you put down your wand and the now shiny red coat. “Where do you plan on taking Evie trick or treating exactly? You’ve never been and we’ve only just moved back.”
“Don’t you worry, my darling,” The smile on Fred’s face, the same plotting, mischievous one you’d fallen in love with long ago, did little to reassure you now. “I’ve got just the thing.”
You weren’t too sure what you’d been expecting but finding the photos removed from all your albums laying out all over the counters of your kitchen the next morning was not it at all.
“Alright sweetheart,” Fred laughed a bit at the look on your face before showing Evie another picture. “What about your Uncle Georgie, what do we think he should be?”
Your eyes trained on your daughter as she stood on her chair and searched a different set of pictures. Her face was scrunched up in concentration and you couldn’t help but notice how strikingly similar she looked to Fred, who was wearing the exact same expression.
A warmth filled your whole being as you watched the two of them looking at the photos. Photos of your family that Evie had yet to meet. Time had simply gotten away from you during the last few years. Now that Fred had taken the liberty of hiring a manager for the New York location of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes you were back home.
“This one!” The sudden exclamation caught your attention and as she pointed towards a picture in one of her books.
“A monkey!” Fred laughed and picked her up from her seat making her giggle. “You are just brilliant, princess. Why don’t you go tell your mum what you picked out for her?”
You caught Evie as she ran for you, lifting her up with ease and setting her on your hip. “Mummy you have to wear the purple dress daddy got you. He says it’s the only one.”
Almost immediately you knew exactly which one she was talking about. One made of silk that was much too short to wear out on any other occasion. When you turned to look at Fred he’d placed a hand over his mouth in a weak attempt to keep from laughing.
“Did he now?”
“He did,” Evie nodded rapidly and you laughed as her hair shook all around her. “There’s a surprise too but we have to put on our costumes first.”
“Well why don’t you go start and I’ll help you in a minute, okay sweetheart?” The moment you put her down she ran for her room and you made your way to Fred and all the pictures he’d stacked on top of each other once more. “And just what is your surprise?”
He only beamed at you, tapping the edge of the pictures once on the counter before pocketing them. “We, my darling, are taking her to the Burrow.”
You stared at him for a moment before realizing that he was completely serious and crossing your arms in front of you. “Fred Weasley you cannot show up unannounced to your mothers with a little girl she has yet to know about, are you trying to give her a heart attack?”
“Technically I have been announced,” Fred stood and pulled you into him, hands resting on your waist. “I owled everybody last night and told them to be there by one to help me get everything ready.”
“Did you tell them why?”
“Of course not, it’s called a surprise for a reason, love.” Fred only chuckled and kissed you once. The action was quickly cut off by Evie shouting for you from her room. You sighed a bit before stepping out of his hold. “Stay here until I come get you two okay? And don’t forget that dress of yours.”
“The only reason I’m putting it on is for Evie.” You smirked a bit, already starting to move backwards.
“Oh of course, love,” Fred nodded before matching your smirk. “And if she just so happens to want to sleepover at her grandma’s tonight then that is completely a coincidence and we might as well take advantage of that outfit of yours.”
You laughed then turning around before he could say anything else. “Just go.”
“Hey mum,” Fred was beaming the moment he stepped into the Burrow once again. Almost instantly Molly wrapped him into a tight hug. She quickly went on a slight tangent about how long it’d been she’d seen him as he greeted Arthur.
“Where’s Y/N?” She asked as she finally moved to glance behind him to see if she could spot you.
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” Fred didn’t miss the way his mum’s eyes narrowed at him in suspicion.
“What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Fred chuckled before reaching for the last of the photos he’d brought along with him. Molly only watched as he smiled at it before handing it over to her. “Nothing bad anyway. Something really good actually, look.”
Molly stared at him for a moment more before looking down at the picture in her hands. A gasp escaped her when she saw three people smiling up at her in the moving photograph. There was Fred who was pulling you into his side, you in the middle of laughing at something, and a little girl waving at the camera.
A little girl who was practically a carbon copy of you but with Fred’s eyes and freckles. The picture couldn’t possibly have been that old considering the fact that he looked almost the same. Nonetheless, it was the absolute last thing Molly had been expecting when she heard the two of you had moved back.
“What is it?” Arthur’s attention was caught again as he moved to see what the commotion was about. When he saw the picture he only smiled, taking it to look at it a bit closer. “Is that -”
“Fred Weasley, are you really telling us we have a granddaughter you didn’t tell us about?” His mum had set one hand on the back of a chair with the other on her waist and suddenly he felt like he was a teenager getting scolded again. The action hadn’t stopped him from laughing then and it certainly didn’t stop him now. Not when he could see the excited look quickly breaking across her face.
“Surprise?” Before Fred knew it he was being pulled down into another embrace again. He supposed it was a good thing the three of them were the only ones in the kitchen given the flurry of questions his mum and dad alone asked him. “Evangeline Molly Weasley. Hope you don’t mind, mum.”
“Of course not,” Molly shook her head, reaching up to stop the happy tears from falling down her face.
“How old is she?” Arthur asked, looking at the picture once more with just as bright a grin.
“Three, almost four though. Her birthdays in two weeks so it’s perfect timing really,” Fred gave a shrug when they stared at him surprised. “Please don’t look at me like that. It wasn’t a secret on purpose, I promise.”
“You didn’t think to maybe mention the fact that you had a daughter in one of your letters?”
“I would’ve but I kept forgetting,” Fred quickly continued when the two of them started speaking over each other to scold him again. “We didn’t not tell anybody! George has come to see Evie loads of times now, I just assumed he’d tell you.”
“Don’t try to turn this on your brother,” Molly shook her head again and gave an almost exasperated sigh. “My first grandchild and you don’t even tell me. Didn’t even bring her over for a visit.”
“It’s great to see you too, mum,” He couldn’t help but instinctively duck out of the way and chuckle again when she swatted a dish towel at him. “That’s actually why I sent everyone else off to get the house ready. Evie wanted to go trick or treating and I figured what better place to bring her than here. She’s getting ready with Y/N now.”
Almost on cue there was a chorus of shouting as the door that led into the backyard opened. Fred flipped the picture of himself, you, and Evie upside down on the table, quietly muttering surprise when he saw the look his mum gave him again.
“Hang on, this list isn’t fair!” Ron shook his head as he took said list out of Harry’s hands. “Why do I have to be the elephant and he gets the lion?”
“Forget that,” Harry snatched the list back and pointed at a line scribbled near the bottom. “This says Charlie is supposed to be helping me hang up the decorations but he disappeared like twenty minutes ago. Do you know how long it’s going to take me to put up everything you brought with you?”
“Charlie had to go see a friend about creatures to borrow,” Fred answered easily before motioning towards Ron. “Tell him to help.”
“No! I’m supposed to be putting extension charms on the shed. Why don’t you make Ginny help all she’s doing is getting the bags of candy ready!”
“Excuse you,” Ginny popped her head through the window to glare at Ron. “Do you know how complicated he made this? It’s going to take me hours!”
“Hours won’t do,” Fred glanced at the clock on the wall, the one that actually told time, and frowned. He’d been gone for an hour now and he knew that Evie would start getting restless soon. “We have about two hours at most.”
“What!” Came shouted from all three of them at once before they started yelling over each other. To Fred’s delight though, Molly was the one who shushed them that time.
“That’s enough! Now all of you get to it.” Molly waited until the three of them had gone once more before taking the picture back and tucking it into her pocket. To Fred’s surprise she turned to smile at him, placing a hand on his cheek before moving to look at the list Ron and Harry had left behind. “Now let’s get this done. The sooner we finish, the sooner you can bring my granddaughter and Y/N over.”
There it was. Fred only laughed once more before agreeing and walking into the backyard beside the two of them.
Exactly two hours later Fred was walking up to the Burrow again. He spun around quickly to pick up Evie before she saw all the decorations that were now hung up all over the place. You understood the look he gave you right away and moved to block the rest of her line of sight.
Fred lifted her up with complete ease and smiled when he saw the pout on her face. “I need you to close your eyes for me until I say so alright, princess?”
“But -”
“No buts, sweetheart,” You interrupted when she tried turning her head. She gave you a heavy sigh before placing a hand over her eyes. “There you go. I promise you’re going to love your surprise.”
You could hear Ron and Harry before you saw them. Their voices rang across the front yard as they argued and it wasn’t until they noticed the three of you that they stopped. A laugh bubbled up from inside of you at the sight of their jaws dropping and eyes going wide.
To your amusement, they were too shocked to give anything away as Fred set Evie down and covered her ears, making sure her eyes were still closed. “Go get everyone else will you?”
“That’s a child.” Harry was the first one to break out of his trance, looking quickly between Evie, you, and Fred.
“Good eye.”
“Bloody hell, she is not yours.” Ron shook his head, a faint smile spreading across his face as he resisted the urge to walk towards the three of you.
Fred, meanwhile, grinned proudly and gave a firm nod. “She is indeed.”
“Mum! Dad!”
From inside the house you could hear Molly shouting at everyone to take their assigned places. Not thinking of anything else you gravitated towards the house that had become your own over the years with your excitement ready to spill over.
The moment Molly saw you she pulled you in for a tight hug, Arthur appearing in the doorway soon after and doing the same. They looked at you after briefly looking at Fred who’s now talking to Evie, still holding her so she couldn’t see the decorations yet. “We are so proud of the two of you.”
“Thank you,” You really couldn’t help the way your whole body relaxed along with the overwhelming feeling of finally being home again. Of course the last few years with Fred and Evie were amazing and you’d adored every moment. But being there at the Burrow again, with everybody else you held dear, was a feeling you always knew you missed. “Come and meet her.”
You pulled them along and Fred looked at the three of you, eyes sparkling with this look of pure happiness. He finally let go of Evie and she didn’t hesitate before shooting around to face you. Her head tipped to the side curiously before an excited smile broke across her face.
“I know them!” She shouted, looking up at Fred and then at you. Finally her eyes landed on Molly and Arthur and she jumped up and down a couple times. “That’s grandma and grandpa.”
“Sure is,” You smiled and held your hand out to her, one she took with ease. “Come say hi, sweetheart.”
Evie took to them immediately, happily answering every question they asked her and telling them everything she’d heard from you and Fred. She easily grabbed hold of both their hands as they led her towards the front door and pointing out all the decorations, ones Fred had made sure they knew she loved.
Bill was the one to answer the door when she finally knocked and he didn’t quite know what to say at first. He stuttered a bit as he glanced back at you and Fred before he shook his head and ducked down to Evie’s level with a surprised laugh.
“My costume sure makes a lot more sense now,” Bill looked down at the striped cut off shirt Fred had thrown at him earlier before smiling at the little girl he’d yet to meet. “And who might you be?”
“Evie.” She stood a little straighter, fixing her coat and the hat on top of her head, then smiled at him. “My daddy told me who you were already.”
“He did?” 
“Yeah.” She nodded eagerly, already having forgotten the bag in her hands. It’s wasn’t until Bill handed her a chocolate frog box that she even remembered she was there to trick or treat. He really couldn’t help but give in when she asked if he wanted to join them.
Evie, however, quickly left all of you behind when she saw little creatures she didn’t recognize flying over her head the moment she stepped into the backyard. Only moments later she caught sight of George and excitedly ran for him.
Charlie, who’d been standing beside him, stared for a moment as George picked her up so she could almost reach the little creatures. He was surprised when Evie then turned to him to ask about the tiny little dragon crawling across his shoulders, and took a second to process the fact that this little girl who already knew him was apparently his niece.
It was only when Fred walked over that he shook himself out of his trance and smiled, picking up the little dragon and letting it crawl across his hand and onto hers.
The same sort of scene followed everywhere they went. Evie knew each of them by name already and she didn’t hesitate to let them know. Each one of them had reacted similarly, conversing with Evie until she moved on to the next scene before moving towards you and Fred with surprise.
Though they each silently figured that they shouldn’t have been. The entire course of yours and Fred’s relationship had been filled with surprises and it only made sense that this would be your biggest one yet.
It was late by the time you finally made your way to Fred again after being pulled in every direction.
Golden hues surrounded the entire backyard as the sun started setting below the horizon. Everybody had long since surrounded Evie, more than happy to keep her entertained. At the moment she sat beside Arthur who was helping her carve one of the magically grown pumpkins they had picked together from the garden.
Meanwhile you and Fred were picking through her bag of sweets, silently hoping she wouldn’t notice how many you’d eaten already. You let out a content sigh as you leaned your head on Fred’s shoulder, “Why did we wait so long to do this?”
“I really don’t know,” He answered as he rested his head on yours, taking one of your hands with his free one. “Did you miss all of this as much as I did?”
“Hey,” There was only a brief moment of silence before Fred suddenly turned to you with a new idea and another smirk on his face. “What are the odds we can escape for a bit now that we’ve got people to watch her for us?”
“You really have a one track mind don’t you?” You shook your head, watching as he stood up and offered you his hand.
To Fred’s delight though, you took it. He glanced behind him to make sure everyone else was otherwise occupied before winking and pulling you inside the house. “Only for you my darling.”
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
She will kill us all- Fred Weasley Imagine
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(Summary: Your two best friends rope you into their recent prank little did you know you would be hurt too.)
Fred Weasley X Reader
So basically I’ve seen a lot of people being like ‘oh just imagine Fred’s death being a prank and at the funeral George stays behind and Fred just wakes up saying what a good prank.’ so uh here is something similar. There will be a second part!
April 29th , 1998
“Hey Y/N.” The twins say in unison as I enter their shop.
“Hey why is the closed sign up?” I say pointing to the door.
“We have a plan-“ George starts.
“-a brilliant, heart wrenching, sad idea.” Fred finishes.
“The both of you and plans is never a good thing.” I say sighing.
“Also if it’s just the both of you doing it why did you guys call me?” I ask confused.
“Well our mother won’t kill you for the idea we have planned.” Fred says nodding over to his brother who agrees.
“Just spill your brilliant, heart wrenching, sad idea” I say looking at them suspiciously.
“Well so you know how the whole situation with the Dark Lord is happening.” George says.
“Yes?” I question looking at them.
“Well one of us is planning on fake dying-” Fred says.
“I already hate the sound of this.” I cut him off.
“So I can fake die then at the funeral you guys can hide my body then we can all go home.” Fred finishes raising his eyebrows at me.
I dryly laugh. They can’t be serious. That idea is insane.
“We know what you're thinking-” Fred starts.
“Yeah that you’re insane!” I exclaim looking at them.
“She will literally kill us when she finds out!” I say rubbing my eyes in disbelief.
They really want me to be a part of this!
“She won’t hurt a hair on your head.” George says as Fred nods agreeingly.
“You know what. The thing I get in return better be amazing for helping you gits.” I groan.
“Yes, she’s on board!” George and Fred cheer circling around me.
I can’t believe I’m doing this.
May 2nd, 1998
Today’s the day. 
Instead of you-know-who killing us Molly Weasley definitely will.
I can’t believe I agreed to this.
“You ready guys?” George asks looking over to Fred and I.
“Ready to die at the hands of your mother.” I say sarcastically as I twirl my wand along my fingers.
They both laughed at my words and George headed inside.
Fred and I stare at the chaos engulfing around the school.
“After this we should go on a date.” Fred says swaying back and forth.
“Oh Fred Weasley you’ll be the death of me.” I groan softly looking up at him.
“Not if my mum kills you for helping us.” He says laughing as he stares back at me.
I roll my eyes at him and punch his arm.
“So will you?” He asked a playful smirk resting on his lips.
“Sure.” I say giving him a side hug as I notice Percy come upstairs.
“You go with Perce. I'll help fight inside. I promise I’ll be safe.” I say letting him go kissing his cheek.
“I promise I’ll stay alive for our date.” He says kissing the top of my head before going with Percy.
I run inside the building dodging the falling rocks and have my wand held high prepared for the fight of my life.
Little did I know it’ll be the one thing to fight for.
Later in the Great Hall
I walk beside George slightly limping as we enter the Great Hall. Immediately being met with sadness seeing our fallen friends whose lives have ended.
“Why is my mum crying?” George says as he stops abruptly.
“George who’s that on the floor?” I ask stopping next to him as my body grows cold.
Molly looks over at us, tears falling down her face.
We run over to her, dropping to our knees next to Fred’s body.
“There was an explosion that sent him flying into a wall. There was nothing I could do.” Percy said stunned as he watched the pair cry.
“No. You arse you promised!” I whisper angrily as I clutch his clothing tears already making its way down my face.
“Fred! Oh my gosh Fred!” I sob as I shake his body vigorously hoping his eyes would open.
”Come on brother please this was supposed to be a prank.” George whispered for only us to hear.
“He’s dead. My precious boy is dead.” We hear Molly say as we stand.
I look over to George and hug him. We both sob in each other’s arms, parts of us dying with the boy that lie on the floor.
One Week Later
I look into the mirror as I smooth out my black dress.
Today is the funeral. Fred’s funeral.
I take a deep breath and head down the stairs meeting the Weasley family.
We stand together mourning the loss of Fred, each of us nearly tearing ourselves apart as we look at his body lying peacefully in the casket.
“I wish this was a stupid prank.” I whisper to myself.
George walks up to me and stands beside me.
“So much for the plan.” George said sadly as we watched Arthur and Molly cry as they held one another.
“We’ll lay him down tomorrow morning. Morning was his favorite.” Molly said as she headed inside.
Soon enough the Weasleys head inside leaving George and I with the casket.
“You know he promised me he’ll stay safe. He even asked me out before the whole mess.” I say breaking the silence between us.
“Before the war he wanted to ask you out. He fancied you a lot. Ron and I bet each other a galleon if you two got together. I guess I owe him one.” George says laughing quietly recalling the memory.
“They surely will get together.” Ron said as he stared at Y/N and Fred laughing and scheming together.
“They won't, they're both scared.” George said watching the pair.
“They would look cute together. Have you seen him when she’s near.” Ron said, staring at his brother sitting in front of him.
“You should’ve heard him yesterday talking about her. She walked in and he turned as red as our hair.” George says laughing.
“We should set a bet. One single galleon.” Ron said, smirking as he watched as Y/N slapped Fred’s arm playfully.
“You’re on brother. I bet that they won’t get together. This will be easy; they are both too scared to ask each other out. The Yule ball was pure luck for them. It’s been this way since second year.” George says confidently holding out his hand.
“I bet that they will get together.” Ron says matching his brother's confidence and gladly shakes his hand.
“Remember when he stepped on my foot during the ball.” I say laughing with him.
“I thought you would never walk again after. I was surprised he asked you seeing as you burnt the paper ball he threw at you to ask you in the first place.” George says laughing as we both reminisce on the events of the Triwizarding Tournament era of our lives.
“He won’t ask me Angela, it's pure knowledge. Fred Weasley doesn’t like me.” I say sadly looking ahead at a Hufflepuff pair of students walking hand and hand after being asked to the infamous Yule Ball.
“He surely will. Just give him time.” Angela says comforting me.
“I sure hope so.” I say looking at her and get back to writing in my book.
Later on…
We all sat in the Great Hall as Snape walked past us, book nestled in front of his face. 
Fred has non stop been flinging paper balls my way nearly getting me in trouble.
Out of my peripheral vision I notice him ball up another piece of paper.
I pull out my wand concealing it under the table as Snape walks past up stopping right behind Angela, who might I add is sitting right next to me.
Fred chucks the paper towards me but I react quickly.
“Incendio.” I say pointing my wand to the paper watching it burn and the charred pieces fall onto the table.
“Fred Weasley if you throw another paper ball my way I will use that spell on you.” I say glaring at him as I naturally get fed up.
“Open it next time.” He hissed looking at me.
Angela and George snicker watching the two of us bicker at each other.
A few moments pass and I silently pray that he won’t throw another.
I look around the room and hear a small thud in front of me.
I look down noticing a scrunched up piece of paper in front of me resting on top of my book.
I look over to Fred who’s motioning for me to open the paper.
I uncurl the ball and read it.
‘Georgie told me you were complaining about not having anyone to go with to the ball. So Y/N Y/L/N I invite you a one night Weasley special. Will you go to the ball with me? As friends.’ 
I smile at the scribbled writing and look up at him. He’s mimicking a ball like dance and nods to me. I roll my eyes and nod back as he cheers silently.
Although it was only as friends I was overjoyed. 
“Told you.” Angela whispered to me as the twins get back to work.
Day of the Yule Ball 
“Does this color seem tacky?” I ask Angela as I twirl in the mirror.
“It’s simple and cute. Fred will lose his mind looking at you in that.” Angela says as she smooths out her dress.
The dress wasn’t too elegant but it wasn’t plain either. It was a simple blue dress with glitter cascading the bottom half reminding me of the night sky.
I link arms with Angela as we head down the grand staircase making our way to the twins.
George and Angela grab each other’s hand and walk away leaving Fred and I standing alone.
We stare at each other not sure of what to say.
“You look beautiful.” Fred said looking at me.
“Thank you. You don't look too bad either.” I say laughing as we head inside where the students gather waiting for the champions to arrive.
After a while everyone dances with each other. I on the other hand stay sitting down watching the night unfold before my eyes.
“Come on you said you’ll dance.” Fred said walking over to me holding out his hand.
I grab his hand reluctantly and he pulls me to him as we sway back and forth to the beat of the song. 
That was until we twisted too quick and his foot stepped harshly on mine causing me to wince in pain.
“I am so so sorry.” Fred apologizes profusely as he guides me to a table.
“It’s alright just remind me to never dance with you ever again.” I say jokingly as I slip off my heels noticing a large bruise slowly appear on it.
“Noted.” He said sheepishly as he helped me stand and led me to Madam Pomfrey.
“You alright.” George says snapping me out of my memory.
“I will be.” I say sadly before turning on my feet and enter the Weasley home, leaving George outside.
I head upstairs not even bothering to stay down knowing I’ll break down at the sight of everyone upset.
George paces around outside staring at the open casket blankly.
What if the potion went wrong when he got hurt? He thought.
Yes he was scared that his brother was truely dead, the thought horrified him. The day their mum pronounced Fred dead he was scared believing he died.
But what if that wasn’t the case? He thought as he stopped.
He entered the house and looked around seeing if anyone was up. He quietly entered the different rooms noticing everyone asleep from the long day.
He quietly exited the home and went up to the casket staring at his brother's pale face.
Remember George just pinch him and he’ll wake up. We made this up ourselves. George thought to himself as he stood over the body.
His hand waved over his brother’s and pinched the back of Fred’s palm.
George stepped back and stared at him silently praying the potion worked. It had been a week at most since Fred ingested the potion. 
Slight movement was beginning to be noticeable and suddenly Fred’s eyes were wide open taking in the night sky. He coughed slightly as George silently cheered.
“Welcome back to the land of the living brother.” George said, helping his brother out of the casket.
“How long was I out from that awful potion?” Fred said his legs buckled as he stood up for the first time in a week.
“A week.” George said, stabilizing his brother.
“Oh man how mad do you reckon they’ll be?” Fred asked, getting excited to see his family's reaction to the whole ordeal.
“Very. Y/N and I cried a lot. Mum and dad cried enough to fill an ocean.” George said laughing.
“You and Y/N cried? You saw me take the potion and I told you to tell her.” Fred said, slightly confused remembering the moment like it was yesterday.
“Beware drinking this might taste like what cat litter smells like.” George said, handing a special blended potion to knock Fred out.
“We don’t even own a cat. How do you know what it smells like?” Fred asked, causing George to roll his eyes.
”I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Fred said as he stared at the bottle.
“Me neither.” George says smiling widely.
“So after I drink this what will you do to wake me up.” Fred said mixing around the liquid watching it swish together.
“All I have to do is pinch you and you’ll wake up.” George said.
“Okay so it’ll affect me later during the war and make sure you tell Y/N so she doesn’t think I died for real.” Fred said as he held the bottle to his lips.
“Of course brother.” George said as he watched Fred drink the potion.
Fred gagged as he drank the potion as the different flavors coated his throat.
“Of course we cried. Percy said you were hit by an explosion that sent you into a wall. I thought you died for real. But later on in the night I remembered the potion would have protected you from anything.” George said as his brother regained mobility.
“So why did Y/N cry?” Fred asked, crossing his arms.
“I never told her about the potion Freddie. She was worked up about the war and it slipped my mind.” George confessed causing his brother.
“She cried over my dead body because you forgot to tell her I wasn’t actually dead! George, that was one thing that wasn’t supposed to happen.” Fred silently exclaimed.
Fred never wanted Y/N to cry over the prank. They already dragged her into the idea he didn’t want her to be heartbroken over the fact that he wasn’t really dead.
“We both thought you were dead Fred. There was no way of telling if you were alive or not.” George argued back.
“Please tell me that she didn’t cry for the whole week.” Fred said, staring at his brother.
George stood silently.
“She will be furious you know. Oh gosh she’ll probably hate me after this.” Fred said, running a hand through his hair.
“She wouldn’t hate you Fred. If anything she’ll hate me.” George says laughing slightly.
“We’ll worry about that tomorrow for the big reveal.” George says shrugging as he guides his brother to a shed on the property.
“Where’s my boy? He’s gone!” Molly Weasley’s shocked voice pierces through the quiet home.
I quickly get up and head downstairs.
What does she mean he’s gone?
“He should be in the casket Mrs. Weasley. I don’t think we have grave robbers.” I say rubbing my eyes as everyone comes down the steps.
“He’s not here!” She yelled, sounding shocked.
Ron and Harry ran into the living room in confusion as they heard the commotion.
“Who’s not here?” Ginny asked as she walked in.
“Fred.” Molly said as she clasped her hand over her mouth.
I furrow my eyebrows and look around the room noticing one person of the Weasley clan isn’t here. George.
I huff and stomped upstairs. I walk along the hallway and knocked on his door furiously.
“Come in.” I heard him say.
I open the door angrily.
“You better have one hell of an explanation Weasley.” I hiss.
“On?” He asked confused as he sat up from his bed.
“Where is he?” I say crossing me arms.
“Who are you talking about?” He asked as he stood up from his bed.
“The bloody grindylow’s. You know exactly what I’m talking about George Weasley. Where is he?” I ask my voice raising slightly as I tap my foot on the floor.
“Y/N I wanted to tell you.” George started.
“Tell me where he is or you're both dead for real.”  I say staring at him sternly.
“He’s at the shop. He’s in the flat.” George said as he stared down at his feet.
“This isn’t over.” I say as I walk out of his room.
I walk over to the room I’m staying in and grab my wand. I grab my old quidditch jumper and apparate to Diagon Alley.
I walked down over to the joke shop. I placed my hand on the handle and opened the door. I made my way towards the flat and opened it. Low and behold what do I see, Fred Weasley.
“Why are you here?” He asked startled.
“You’re lucky I don't have your head on a pike and because I know how to apparate properly.” I spat.
“Look, I know you’re mad.” Fred said as he put down a book.
“That’s not even the beginning Weasley. You had me worried sick you were dead for crying out loud. I cried for you, Fred and you’re here alive. Was the prank worth it? Was it worth the tears and the heartbreak? So help me on Gryffindor’s name was this whole thing worth it.” I yell at him as I bite back tears. Some cascaded down my face and I quickly wiped them.
“Y/N I’m sorry. I told George to tell you.” Fred said, his voice cracking.
“You’re sorry is all you have to say for yourself! You can forget about that damned date! Don’t even contact me!” I spat angrily as I ran out the room and down the steps.
I wiped away my tears and apparated back to my room at the Burrow.
“Stupid Weasley’s.” I muttered as I grabbed my rucksack off the bed. I began to fill it with my things.
After a few minutes most of my things were packed. I grabbed a fresh piece of parchment and sat down at the desk.
‘Dear Molly Weasley,
Sorry I won’t be here for the funeral. My condolences but I’m leaving. I wish you all the best. I'll be with my parent’s. Thank you for giving me a place to stay for the week I appreciate it.
                                                                                                               Y/N Y/L/N’
I sealed the letter with tape and placed it onto my desk. I grab at my broom and open the window. I hop onto the broom and clutch the top. I pushed my feet off the window sill and flew off. The trip won’t be too long but it’ll probably take a while.
I soared through the air and sighed. I am going to miss them.
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darthwheezely · 3 years
i walk the line - f.w. - 1
1950s american carnival! au
Summary: The Weasley Bros. Circus has always been a family affair...until they pick up a highly unusual girl with wicked talents...
Warnings: 1950s America and all the shit that comes with it, NSFW/SMUT MINORS NO INTERACTING :) , alcohol usage, cussing, tw violence (fights), carny folk, contortionist, language and desc of intense circus acts, clowns, sad boy George, GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF BULLYING IN THIS CHAPTER, angst
taglist or people that may like this! DM to be added or removed @cappsikle @lumosandnoxwriting @whizboingies @virgohufflepuff @officialwizardwheezes @amourtentiaa @softlyqoos @breadqueen95 @thehufflepuffwife @george-fabian-weasley @lupinsclassroom @haileymorelikestupid @sarcasticallywitty15 @band--psycho @gcdric @vogueweasley @harrysweasleys @slytherinsunrise @thisismynerdyself @loony-loopy-lupinn @writingsomewrongs @pineapplesandpinas @valwritesx @amxrtentias @theweasleyslut @oh-for-merlins-sake @alyssamalfoy @bisou-doux
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“...welcome to our home!”
George listened as the crowd erupted before his father. He had always admired Arthur “Art” Weasley, for many a reason. The way he could walk in and command a room, the way he could silence an entire audience with a simple flick of his wrist of wave of his hand, the way his voice alone could stop his cries in the night, the way he would come up behind him when taking care of the animals was too much and say, “Georgie, go to sleep, son.” but most of all? The way his father noticed him.
Baltimore, Maryland. 1933.
George Weasley was on the run. Again. Charlie Dooley, a boy from his class, and his gang of (as Fred said) “chickenshit babies” had made it a habit of following George home from school and doing one of the following: a) chasing him on bikes, b) cornering him in the bathroom, or c) sprinting after him on foot.
Today, it had been on foot.
“C’mon monkey boy!” Charlie howled, the other boys closing in on him. George sprinted a quick right realizing he dropped his lunch box and thinking a violent but rapid mom’s gonna be so mad, oh no oh no-
George barreled down the street, his house in sight, tears stealing on his cheeks from the sheer speed and necessity to get home. His feet seemed to be operating without him knowing, his body throwing itself backwards and forwards with the blinding need to be home, to hug his dad and say he wasn’t going to school anymore, to ask his mom to stop packing bananas in his lunchbox even though it was his favorite snack because mom don’t you know they call me monkey boy-
“Thought you could really get away from us this time huh, Georgie boy?” Charlie had pinned him to the concrete, George’s heart screaming in his ears. He could barely register that his lip was bleeding, and that maybe if he focused on the sky, his eleven year old shrimp of a body wouldn’t feel-
Isn’t that what superheroes say? Pow? Let’s think about superheroes, Georgie, Charlie doesn’t last long with punches anyway just keep lookin’ at the sky, he thought wildly before-
He vaguely felt his eyes roll back into his head, but he made a very clear rule to himself that he wouldn’t cry, Fred wouldn’t want him to cry, not that Fred was mean, Fred just hates seeing him cry-
And suddenly there was something off his body. He could hear punching noises but they were not aimed at George, but rather someone else. When he was able to open his eyes he saw his brother, Fred, landing blow after blow to Charlie Dooley, Charlie mewling under Fred.
“Touch my brother again, and I promise I won’t just break your nose next time, yeah?”
Art Weasley sat with his son George in the red chair in his caravan. It was George’s favorite chair, as he learned the word “red” from that chair and then equated “red” to his own hair.
Arthur had known his son would have it harder. It wasn’t his fault the boy was different, he loved him just the same for it if not slightly more so for the way he was a bit quieter, the way he listened and thought and thought and then wanted to make choices. The way he asked his mom if he could pack Fred’s lunches for school because only George knew Fred hated crunchy peanut butter sandwiches with white bread.
But more so for the way George wasn’t afraid to show love. To cry. To feel things Art sometimes couldn’t articulate.
George was curled into his father, tears staining his button up shirt and his body shuddering with every anxiety laden breath. Art put a hand on his son’s back and put his lips to his hair.
“George, you have to breathe for me or you’re gonna get sick.” He rubbed his son’s back soothingly.
“I’m sorry, dad, I promised I did what you said and tried to protect myself and when I couldn’t do anything else I just didn’t look at h-him I p-promise, dad p-please don’t be mad at me...” he took another shudder and released a cry into his father’s shoulder. Art was not a helpless man, but there was something that destroyed and cracked his very soul at the sight of his most vulnerable child, the most angelic of his seven children. The one that everyone protected. And at times like these, sometimes all a father can do is hold his child. So that’s what he did.
“I know, son...I know...”
George jumped out of his thoughts, his palms sweaty from the inevitable stage fright that always accompanied him before a show. It was no matter how many times he grazed the trapeze with his sister Gin and his brother Ron, the nerves were always the same.
At least this time, no pows would be administered from anyone besides himself.
He heard his name again, the daze breaking as he looked at his oldest brother Bill.
“George. You’ll be fine. You always are, baby brother.” He said softly, placing his hands back on, Cora (short for Corazon) the lion. George gulped and nodded, and Fred patted his back, giving a hearty wink. George smiled a small smile, clapping Fred’s forearm.
“Ready, Fred?”
Fred grinned.
“Ready, George.”
George belonged to the trapeze. The way his body seemed to elongate with grace and dexterity when he grabbed his sister, the way he gave flirty winks at the girls in the crowd, the way he never dropped a muscle unplaced-
The way their father always noticed.
Fred saw these things in his younger brother and couldn’t help the fit of jealousy in his stomach. Don’t get your tightrope in a twist, he was possibly the most proud of his brother, and his hand to God if he didn’t say he hooted his name the loudest watching him do his thing.
But he never felt like he could ever match that.
He knew his hands were meant for something greater, same as his mind. Juggling came almost as easy to the older twin as breathing, smoking cigarettes, witty banter, and sex (in no particular order). But George had something Fred didn’t have.
Fred was, for all intents and purposes, a good person. A great person. But his habits could’ve said so much otherwise.
Fred had a nasty habit of letting his temper get the best of him. Ever since he could talk, he had taken on the role of protector to not only George, but to Ginny and Ron as well. Frequently, his hands always seemed to have more things to say than he could which says a massive fucking lot. At the ripe age of 20, he’d gotten into more bar fights and straight up blacked out sober more than his own father, and all of his other siblings. He’d been in and out of detention when he did go to school, and in and out of-
Well, you get it.
The one thing that always seemed to follow him? His charm.
Fred Weasley was a charismatic motherfucker.
And he knew it.
It was simple. All he had to do in between acts was make a couple jokes, a few magic tricks, and by the end of his little charade? He’d have at least 3 girls lined up for that night. And if he was in a particularly bad mood?
Well, it could get a little more than that.
On nights like this, he was fine with just two.
I mean...Fred knew what he was doing.
And on a night like this - he was damn proud of it.
Until he saw you...
Last night.
Fred’s dessert was named Candy. He honestly couldn’t remember what her actual name was, but he did remember she said:
“Call me Candy. I taste like it, too.”
And honestly? That was really all he needed.
It didn’t take him long to press her small body against his caravan. She wound her arms around his neck and fisted into his flame colored hair and yanked, his hips rolling as he moaned into her lipstick stained mouth.
Fred always did have a thing for gals in red.
Fred realized his pants had begun to be a tad too tight, as Candy’s tongue licked into his mouth. his hands found their way under her dress, fingers kneading at her thighs and she squeaked. He lifted her legs at her noise and he wrapped them around his body, his bulge pressing into where she needed him the most.
“Fred, please” she whined, his mouth attaching to the valley of her breasts, the exposed skin of her dress warm and inviting.
“Please what, doll?” He teased roughly, his free hand sliding to cup her ass and squeezing. She gasped at his rough touch and he bit her collarbone.
“Fred, please, fuck me” she said airily. He smirked before pressing a quick kiss to her mouth.
“Absolutely, baby, see how easy that was?” He licked her bottom lip and bit, before pressing his forehead to hers, the sheer strength of his body pressing her against the van enough to use his hands to pull her panties down enough for her to kick them away. She reached down to unzip his pants when he motioned for her to do so, his hard cock free of his boxers.
“You ready, pretty girl?” He growled against her earlobe. Candy whispered a breathy “please” and Fred slid into her cunt, her wetness echoing sinful noises at the contact. They groaned at connection, and Fred continued to go deeper into her until he bottomed out. He looked at her for confirmation to keep going and she nodded. He pulled out and slammed back into her, beginning to set a rough pace against the van.
“Freddie, fuckfuckfuck you feel s-so good” she sputtered, Candy’s back hitting and arching against the van, causing it to move slightly against her. Fred nipped and sucked at her neck, determined to always leave a map of where he left his treasure behind...
“Look at you, unraveling like a ball of twine. Never had cock this good, doll?” He reached a particularly good angle in her causing her to claw deeper at his back, biting in a scream.
“Thereeee it is, baby. You like that don’t you, c’mon be a good little cock slut and tell me what you want, want everyone in this whole fucking camp to know I’m fucking you so good.” His hand went to her clit, circling it harshly. He wanted her to finish, his dick was twitching all to hard in her and he needed her to release before it was his turn. Her moans and gasps and mini clawings were getting sloppier, losing their tempo.
“Yeah, baby, I’ve got you” he groaned against her mouth at her clenching pussy. She gave a final sputter and screamed into his shoulder, a hot electric wave coursing over his cock, with one, two, three harder pumps, he released into her as well. He leaned his forehead against hers and kissed it lightly. But when he looked back at her face, she was already losing interest. Just like the others. But it didn’t bother him...at least not anymore, right?
Just another night.
Memories of Candy and Janie and Jessica and Portia and all the other girls seemed to wash away at the sight of you waiting after the show. Your eyes were full of life but somehow had something tired behind them. The way your hair wasn’t perfectly coiffed but still looked like you had tried to, the way your dress was crinkled at the bottom like you didn’t give a shit if it was crumpled in the bottom of your dresser.
And then you looked at him.
Fred Weasley could have sworn time stopped at the way you walked across the hay to him, your body positioned in a way that would’ve given him every reason to hold you. he realized his face began to flush at the sight of you getting closer.
That, he thought, was an alien feeling.
“Hi.” You said warmly to him.
“You’re Fred, right? I loved your act.”
He blinked twice and then returned your smile.
“Yeah. Thank you so much, I...I really try, I am so sorry but what is your name?” His eyes scanned your face. You stuck your tongue in your cheek and returned the search on his face.
“Y/N. Y/L/N. I’m looking for a job.”
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