#i drew full body but i didn’t like how it looked so i just. cropped it
pasta-yy · 5 months
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i give he ponytail!!!
17 notes · View notes
stevesjockstrap · 4 months
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Part 2/2 🖤 part one or Read on ao3 • rated E — all the smut in this one (full tags on ao3)
tattoo artist Eddie, swimmer Steve Harrington, oblivious Eddie, pierced Eddie, appearance by Steve’s jockstrap 🫠 dom!Eddie, brat Steve ofc
@steddieonmywaywardson @steddiesummerexchange
Thanks again to @fuctacles and @lawrencebshoggoth 😘
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Walking into the bar a few days later to see Steve in a tight crop top and very short jean shorts with the Calvin Klein band of his underwear showing a few inches above them had Eddie almost dropping to his knees.
He hadn’t been that excited about the 80’s theme night at their regular dive bar but now being faced with the happy trail and bare arms of his … what would he even call their relationship? They weren’t exactly friends. He was a little more than a client, honestly, but Eddie was hoping for much more than that. He just didn’t think it was going to happen. Gorgeous athletic assuredly straight guys like Steve Harrington do not end up with fuck ups like Eddie Munson. He knew what he looked like, the long hair and piercings and almost all of his body covered in weird tattoos. Cute frat boy types didn’t go for the likes of him.
He spun around to see Chrissy in a bright neon pink leotard with a headband. His own leather jacket and Judas Priest T-shirt seemed lame now, looking around at everyone who had gone above and beyond for the theme.
“Hey Chrissy. Love the outfit. Are you leading us in Jazzercise tonight?”
She laughed hard and genuine, throwing her head back and making her high pony tail swing around.
Steve came up next to them with an easy grin. “Hey Ed! How are you?”
“Hi Steve. Pretty good, pretty good. You guys really went all out, huh?”
Steve huffed a small laugh and shrugged, completely nonplussed that he was the hottest person in the place. Maybe the state. What Eddie would give-
“Can I buy you a drink?” Someone came up beside them, looking Chrissy up and down.
“Sure!” The guy in a cowboy hat and jeans (maybe had forgotten which theme night he was attending, or maybe he thought it was the 1880s, who knew) offered her his elbow and lead them to the bar. Steve threw a thumbs up at her when she turned to look back at him and Eddie wanted to run away immediately.
Thankfully he was saved by the Corroded Coffin boys showing up, but then Eddie had to awkwardly introduce them officially after they ragged on him for their enthusiastic session.
But Steve was amazing, unquestioningly shaking their hands and engaging in the typical polite small talk. The boys complimented his outfit without making it feel weird, and Steve excitedly pointed out Drew’s Metallica shirt and started an in-depth conversation about the album (making Eddie silently swoon beside him).
Chrissy rejoined them after cutting her suitor loose, and they all found themselves hanging at a corner of the bar, shooting the shit with the bartender and judging everyone else’s attire and the music.
As more and more alcohol was consumed, Eddie was quickly losing his mind. Steve was so comfortable in himself, talking with anyone who approached the bar or started talking with them. It shouldn’t have been that attractive, but Eddie who had grown up with all the same people surrounding him now, he found it hard to make friends. Chrissy and Argyle had found their way into his life by accident, but their extroverted selves had just adopted the sad boys in the tattoo shop and frequently drug them out of their comfort zones.
Eddie almost swallowed his tongue when a tall good looking man approached Steve and asked him to dance, waiting to see the hate crime in action that he was expecting. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, something to finally burst the Steve Harrington shaped bubble forming in his heart.
Instead, Steve gave him a demure smile and went with him, actually taking his hand and allowing the man to escort him to the dance floor where they quickly got into the groove and Eddie was dumbfounded.
He blinked at Chrissy and she sent him a look, but he was too drunk to decipher it. He couldn’t figure out why this was somehow worse than when he’d assumed Steve was straight and unattainable. Now that there may be a possibility — he shook his head at himself, quickly draining his cup and waving off the questions from the boys as he threw cash onto the table and stood. He had to go home before he embarrassed himself. Or made a fool of himself in front of Steve.
Gareth sent him a small sad smile and patted his shoulder as he went past.
The next few days went by quickly, Eddie trying to settle the slight nausea whenever he thought of how he’d acted with Steve at his tattoo appointment (and the consult meeting beforehand), forcing himself to be even more professional at his appointments now to try to overcompensate.
“Are you into Steve?”
Eddie scoffed and watched as the cue ball went wide, missing its target completely. “What the fuck, Chrissy?”
She smirked at him from the other side of the table, quickly pocketing two of her striped balls.
“Well?” She asked again. Chrissy had drug him back to the bar, apparently to interrogate him.
“Is this just a dirty trick to win at pool? Or a real question?” Eddie peered at her while she scoped out the table.
“A question can be more than one thing,” Chrissy said with a wide grin. “People, too.”
Eddie frowned, game now forgotten. “What does that mean?”
Chrissy shrugged and took a drink from her beer. Eddie took a few steps closer to her. “Is Steve asking about me?”
She had let it slip earlier that she’d gotten together with him and Eddie tried not to let it bother him. They’d only exchanged a few messages since he had been in his tattoo chair. Eddie had tried to keep it cool, letting Steve know scars were finicky and not to worry about any areas that healed strangely. He’d be able to touch them up. Eddie had winced to himself at the double entendre and then the conversation hadn’t really progressed like before.
Chrissy shrugged again and Eddie wanted to shake her.
“Chris, you’re killing me.” He gulped down his own beer and sighed. “Look. I tried to be so professional with Steve. If I made him uncomfortable I can apologize or whatever. But yeah, he’s fucking gorgeous and sweet and funny and completely out of my league. You probably know all of this, and you’re fucking with me. To win a dumb game of pool. But, for your own sick twisted amusement, yes. I know I have zero chance, but I know I’ve never been that hard while tattooing someone. Does that answer all the things of your question?”
She just nodded, but had a small sly grin on her face.
Eddie lost three games of pool before he called it a night. Then went home and scrolled through his messages with Steve to torture himself.
“Are you inviting your boy to the party?”
Eddie actually looked behind him to see who Gareth was talking to, and not seeing anyone in the vicinity, he frowned. “Huh?”
“The big end of summer thing at Argyle’s? Are you going to invite Steve?”
Eddie dropped his phone, and Gareth snickered at him. “He’s not- Wha- Do- uh.” He looked around the packed shop, lowering his voice. “Should I?”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “How long are you going to keep circling each other? You obviously both like each other, he gets along well with all of us somehow, you act like a lovestruck teenager when he’s around. What’s stopping you?”
Eddie thunked his head on the table and Gareth chuckled at his dramatics.
He’d always kept a decent eye on his schedule and appointments, Argyle complimenting him because trying to figure out the other guy’s schedules and trying to work with their convoluted systems was more than he could take some days.
It wasn’t until he walked into his office and found Steve there instead of the promised Mike Hawk that he second guessed giving him access to his calendar.
“Oh. Um. Hi, Steve. Why are you- I mean, its good to see you, but well, uh…”
Eddie trailed off, awkwardly standing in his own doorway.
“It may have been Chrissy’s idea,” Steve supplied. “And Argyle… could put someone in your calendar. I couldn’t get a hold of you, and I didn’t really want to bother you by just showing up and taking away from your work, I just, I dunno.” He was so genuine and seemed shy now somehow, even more endearing to Eddie.
“Uh, sure. That doesn’t seem stalkery at all,” Eddie huffed.
“Think of it more as, I dunno, just a surprise appointment instead of being tricked by all of your friends.” Steve grabbed the back of his neck, smirking.
“Oh? Is that what we are? Friends?”
That didn’t seem to deter Steve at all, in fact his smile widened and maybe blushing.
“I was hoping, to be that, or…” Steve stood, and Eddie realized he was wearing the black sweatpants he had sent him home in. “Since I sort of have an appointment, could you look at this tattoo for me? The last guy, he did his best, but you know, tattoos over scars can be finicky, I hear.”
Eddie laughed, his heart unclenching. “Yeah, you know not all tattoo artists are as professional as me.”
Steve walked closer to him, reaching behind him to pull his door shut. Eddie swallowed.
Wiggling out of the sweatpants and turning, Eddie let out a gasp. Steve stood before him in a jockstrap, tattoo still healing but areas on and around his scars lighter and fuzzier. However, his brain mostly clued into the fact that Steve’s entire ass was bare to him, and all of his long legs.
“Uhh huh, well it does seem like your scars haven’t taken the ink as well. C-can, um, can you stay here for a minute? Just give me one minute?”
Steve turned again, giving him a small nod and stepping back into his (Eddie’s) sweats.
In the middle of the tattoo shop, Eddie stopped and looked around. Only about half of the guys were in today. Weekdays they didn’t all need to be here. Argyle smirked at him from the front desk. Eddie glared and approached him quickly.
“What is this all about? You putting fake names in my schedule for people to ambush me now?”
“Hey, you’re welcome, brochacho. Go back there and get your shit together.”
Eddie laughed, all his annoyance gone instantly. He met Argyle’s outstretched fist with his own, shaking his head. “Thanks, man.”
Realizing he had actually left a hot half naked guy alone in his office, he quickly grabbed stuff from his work station and hustled back, locking the door behind him.
Steve was lounging on his couch with his arms crossed, making his arms and shoulders look ridiculous.
“So, um, this last dude who tattooed you, was he- you know, did you like him?” Eddie grinned, tucking his tongue behind his teeth.
“Ah, he was alright. I think I’m going to like you a lot better though.”
Eddie chuckled, shaking his head as he dumped his stuff on his desk.
“I think we’re going to set up shop back here, if that’s cool with you. I kind of got drug over the coals for, uh, an interesting session a few weeks ago. The boys won’t let me live down another performance like that. And since we’re just doing a touch up…”
Steve reached behind his head to grab the collar of his shirt and pulled it off with a flourish. “Fine by me. Although, between us, that guy probably enjoyed the attention.”
Eddie stopped to groan, rubbing over his face. “Fuck. Well, maybe next time then, Stevie.”
His gaze slid from his cocky grin down his hairy chest, down to his tantalizing happy trail that was still burned in his memory from the bar that night.
“God, you’re pretty,” he breathed, unaware he had said it out loud until the belly he was eyeing shuddered with a laugh.
“Where do you want me, Eds?”
“Uhh, there’s an old bench shoved here somewhere. Gotta be more comfortable than on my desk.” As he said it, he winced but he watched as Steve’s eyes darkened.
“Yeah, you can bend me over your desk another time.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie chuckled.
Eddie popped up the dusty table, quickly but efficiently wiping it down with disinfectant before beckoning him over. Steve stood again, sliding the sweats from his legs as Eddie watched, enraptured. He didn’t take his eyes off of him as he laid down, arching his back as he positioned himself and had to hang his arms off the sides to fit.
Other tattoos he hadn’t gotten to see before drew his attention away from the magnificent ass, some script across his ribs and a baseball bat with nails through it on his bicep.
The one he’d done on his thigh was the biggest, and was the most detailed. If he’d known (or had thought to ask any questions) he would’ve prepared Steve better for the pain he’d had to endure. Hindsight being what it was, he just shrugged at himself and carried on. Nothing to do for it now. Steve had come back, after all.
Sucking in a deep breath, Eddie traced a finger down his spine and over the leg strap that crossed over the tattoo. “Gunna slide this up a little, baby.”
The word felt like too much, hanging between them, but Steve made a little affirmative noise in his throat and arched into the touch.
Eddie put his gloves on, got his tray set up and let himself believe this was actually happening.
“You gunna sit so good for me again, sweetheart?”
Steve whined and nodded, Eddie watched his fingers flex into fists.
“Your pretty little mermaid for everyone to see, been showing it off to everyone?”
“No, haven’t, not really. Did everything you said. Even kept it out of the sun.”
Eddie coughed to cover the little whimper that came out of him, when he realized there were no tan lines to be found on all of the skin under his hands. Steve must sunbathe in the nude, but hadn’t been with his new tattoo.
“You like following my directions, Stevie?” He smirked even though he knew Steve couldn’t see.
“Yes sir.”
Eddie almost dropped the tattoo gun. “Fuck, sweetheart. Just relax. Just be a good boy for now, okay? I’ll take care of you.”
“Mhm,” Steve whined as Eddie continued. Thankfully his previous self had plotted the scars mostly in the mermaids dark hair or background, easily able to blend into shadows and such so he didn’t need to redo stencils or think very much, since most of his focus was again on the little noises Steve was making and his ass under his hands.
Steve had definitely been holding back the first time, because now the noises were even more constant and pornographic. Eddie knew he was dripping in his boxers, trying his best to quickly deposit the ink in Steve’s perfect skin.
“Doing so well, pretty boy.”
“Feels good, Eds. Could sit here forever,” Steve whimpered.
“Mhm,” Eddie hummed, not acknowledging the lie as he watched Steve’s jaw flex and the muscles bunch under his hands. “Relax, Steve. Or I’ll stop.”
Cooing at his devastated noise, Eddie wiped ink from his body again and pressed a kiss to his side, making Steve cry out and his hips jolt.
“Oh fuck, you’re going to be the death of me. How can you be this hot?”
Eddie stopped. “Huh? Me?”
“Of course, Eds. You think all of this was for show? I just get naked in front of people I don’t think are hot?”
That stumped him. “I mean- uh, but-“
“I thought I was pretty blatant the first time, but Chrissy-“
“Chrissy,” Eddie groaned. Of course she was in on this. This stunt had her name written all over it. “Holy shit.”
Steve rolled over on his other hip to look up at him. “Eds, it was her idea but only because I had been whining to her about not knowing how to get your attention. She said you were not going to catch any subtle teasing or jealousy tactics, that I’d have to go big and obvious. This was as, uh, big and obvious as we could agree upon.”
Eddie frowned. “Agree upon?”
“Chrissy had much more elaborate plans, but I didn’t want to like publicly embarrass either of us. I just wanted it to be us, and you know, maybe the shop guys, that was really hot last time. But-“
Eddie stopped him with a kiss, Steve grinning into it and finally wrapping his arms around him. He ripped the black rubber gloves from his hands and someone pushed the tray of supplies out of the way, then suddenly he had a lapful of mostly naked Steve.
When they finally broke apart gasping, he traced Steve’s wet bottom lip with his thumb and Steve pulled it into his mouth. “Goddamn you’re amazing. So fucking gorgeous. Could look at you forever.”
Steve gave him a blinding smile from around his thumb, licking across the pad before letting it go. “Promise?”
“Yes, baby.”
Their lips crashed together again and Eddie’s hands went to his hair to hold him where he wanted him and around his waist to pull him closer, their hard lengths meeting between their layers. Eddie knew this was not good for his brand new tattoo but he couldn’t break their desperate kiss.
Steve kissed down his jaw to his neck, nosing his hair out of his way.
“Stevie baby, gotta-“
He laughed at the petulant whine he received. “Settle down, just don't want to fuck up all the work I did, even though I know redoing it again would be enjoyable for both of us. Turn over for me and I’ll take care of you.”
Working together, they arranged Steve to stand bending over the table and Eddie slid close behind him, licking across his hole and sliding a hand into the front of his jock.
“Please, please Eds- oh my god,” Steve wailed as he fucked himself back and forth, not sure if he wanted to rut himself into his mouth or his hand.
“I got you, sweetheart. Come for me and I’ll clean you all up and take you home.”
Steve arched back into him again. “That’s the hottest thing anyone’s ever said. Ever.”
Eddie swiped his tongue over his spasming hole again, making him shudder. “I think you’re a bit biased right now, but I’ll remember that.”
Ignoring his own throbbing cock, he slurped and stroked until Steve made the hottest noise he’d ever heard (he was definitely biased), coming hard into his sexy little jockstrap.
“That’s my good boy,” Eddie growled, nosing between his legs against his clothed spent balls and making Steve whimper.
“Stay still and let me wrap your fucking tattoo and then I’m dragging you home.”
“Y’ssir,” Steve slurred, slumping down onto his hands on the table, poking his ass up further into the air.
“Can’t believe you rode your motorcycle to get a tattoo on your ass, you absolute menace,” Eddie huffed.
“I was hopeful I would be getting a ride after.”
Eddie cackled along with Steve as they took the short drive to his place.
“As if there would be any other possible outcome with you throwing your gorgeous self at me.”
Steve shrugged, undoing his seatbelt. “Could’ve been. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
Eddie looked at him like he was insane. “You mean, like, blind people? Lesbians?”
Giggling, Steve stuck his tongue out playfully. Eddie pretended to reach for it. “I’m a hit with lesbians, for the record.”
“Of course you are, handsome. Now get inside before I embarrass both of us in this parking lot.”
Wanting to get out of the shop quickly and without many eyes on them, Eddie had persuaded Steve just to put the sweatpants back on and snuck out the back staff door. Steve had confirmed that the rest of his appointments for the evening had also been fake (Benedict Phalange and Jack M. Ihoff, he needed to get more creative friends honestly) so they could run off without guilt.
Eddie left Steve waiting impatiently on his doorstep as he rushed around his apartment throwing dirty clothes into his closet, gathered all the trash from his coffee table and as a last resort sprayed air freshener everywhere.
Pulling the door back open with a flourish, he ducked his head down and bowed, putting on a voice. “My liege, welcome to my very humble abode. Me casa es the landlords casa, unfortunately. But it’s supposedly earthquake proof.”
Steve snickered at him, pulling him from his low bow and pushing him against the door. “Well let’s test that out, shall we?”
“Fuck, I’m keeping you,” Eddie groaned before meeting his hungry kiss. “Let’s go test out the shower first.”
After pushing and pulling each other to the bathroom and losing clothes along the way, after they’d wriggled Eddie’s pants off, Steve looked him over with wide eyes.
Eddie felt unnerved for a long moment before Steve made a low appreciative noise and ran a finger from the ink on his throat to the metal through his nipple and gasped as his eyes trailed lower.
“It’s yours?”
Eddie frowned, almost gasping himself as Steve dropped to his knees in front of him, then realized what had grabbed Steve’s attention. “Oh. You didn’t know?”
Steve traced along the harpy tattoo above his knee. “I didn’t know it was on you, Mr. Humble. Letting me rave over it and you didn’t feel the need to tell me you tattooed it onto yourself? That’s beyond badass, Eds.”
Maybe finally cluing into the fact that he was kneeling in front of him, Steve looked up from under his lashes at him, pressing a quick wet kiss to the tattoo before hooking his fingers in the elastic of Eddie’s boxer briefs to pull them down.
“Is- are- oh my god.”
“Not sure I can answer that one, honey,” Eddie laughed.
Steve continued staring until he finally thumbed at the metal through the head of his cock. “How do you keep getting hotter?” He pulled back, shedding his (Eddie’s) sweatpants and jockstrap in one motion. “C’mon, I need that in my mouth right the fuck now.”
Eddie would be embarrassed for the noise that came out of him as Steve sunk to his knees the moment they stepped in the shower, but then his brain was being sucked out of his dick. He threw one hand out to hold himself up and slid the other into Steve’s thick hair as his hot mouth slid down his length.
He realized his eyes had slid closed and forced them back open to see the gorgeous man below him. “Fuck, baby. Look so good like this,” he gasped.
Steve pushed himself up another inch with a high whine before pulling off. “Can’t take your huge cock.”
Eddie thought his legs were going to drop out from under him as Steve dived back down to swallow around the head of his dick. “Jesus Christ, where did you come from?”
All he could do was try to stay standing, almost sure his brain was going down the shower drain watching Steve as he lapped against the piercing or his cute little furrowed brow as he tried his best to take him down to the hilt.
“Don’t hurt yourself, sweetheart. Doing so good.”
He huffed, sending air across the head of his cock and he jolted a bit, making his piercing slide across Steve’s lips. “Just want all of it,” he pouted.
Unable to help himself, he grabbed a better handful of the hair on the back of Steve’s head and pulled his mouth back onto him. “Tap me if you need to,” he rasped.
Steve made a pretty keening noise and blinked up at him.
Pushing forward only a little further than Steve had been able to take before, he waited for Steve to take a long breath before fucking into his mouth.
“Such a good boy,” he couldn’t help but groan as his throat opened up for him. Carefully inching forward again, he rocked back and forth, leaving only a couple inches untouched.
Steve pushed against his thigh and he quickly backed off, but Steve gasped out, “So fucking hot, Eds. Do it harder. And I want all of it. Make me take it.”
Eddie’s knees almost gave out. “The fucking mouth on you, pretty boy.”
The only response he received was a low hum around the head of his cock before Steve pushed himself down onto this length and looked up expectantly at him.
He watched his face intently as he used the grip on his wet hair to pull him steadily forward. Sliding past his perfect lips, he moaned as they met the curly hair at the base and Steve swallowed around him.
“That’s it baby,” he huffed, yanking him off and letting him suck in a shallow breath before rocking all the way back in. Tears joined the water dripping down his cheeks but he wouldn’t let Eddie stop, whining and shoving himself back down even as his gag reflex fought him. “God, I lo-“ he shook his head. It was too soon. “Gunna come, Stevie.”
Steve bobbed his head and kept humming and swallowing around him until Eddie saw stars and reached above him for the shower rod to hang on to as he came down his throat.
“Oh fuck,” he hissed as the soft tongue cleaned him up. Then he almost hit the floor again when Steve looked up at him with his big round eyes, wrapping both hands around his own hard dick, getting himself off while looking him up and down. “Come for me, beautiful. Then I’m chaining you to my bed. Never letting you go.”
“Ah! Eds!” Steve made eye contact with him as he shuddered through his release, finally leaning his forehead against Eddie’s hip to catch his breath.
Once they were cleaned up and dry, cuddled up in bed, Steve looked around searchingly and Eddie raised an eyebrow at him. “Where’re your chains?”
Days later after not getting to see each other due to their schedules and Eddie trying not to come on too strongly (honestly he’d ask Steve to move in with him if he didn’t think he would run away screaming), Steve picked him up for Argyle’s party.
“I don’t know that I consented to a motorcycle ride,” Eddie smirked. God, don’t get hard. Don’t get hard.
“Parking over there is atrocious, this way we won’t have to walk a mile.”
Eddie kissed his cheek as he took the helmet held out for him. “Good thinking, sweetheart.”
He tried not to get too excited. But the vibration of the bike under him and holding on to Steve as he zipped through the city was exhilarating. Steve wiggled his hips back into him teasingly. He growled into his ear, “Be good.”
Steve shook his head and wiggled again. Eddie grabbed his hips and rutted his hard cock against his back. When that only made the wiggling continue, he looked around quickly before sliding his hand down between Steve’s legs.
Chuckling darkly against his shoulder as he gasped and revved the engine. “Don’t kill us, pretty, haven’t gotten to do everything I want to you yet.”
The hardness in his hand twitched and Steve slowed down the bike, turning a corner and taking them down a more deserted street.
“And don’t come,” he hissed as he squeezed a bit tighter.
They made it to Argyle’s in one piece miraculously, Steve whining at him as he hopped off the bike and pulled both of their helmets off to meet his lips.
“C’mon Stevie, before we get arrested in his front yard for indecent exposure.”
No one was surprised to see them walk in together, Eddie had been unable to stop talking about their developing relationship to anyone and everyone who would listen. Drew would jokingly make gagging noises at him and Gareth would loudly fake moan from next to him in the studio or bar.
“Ah our favorite pet project has arrived!” Argyle called out when he saw them, nudging Chrissy who was draped over his shoulder, apparently this meddling had brought them back together.
“Hey guys,” Chrissy beamed at them.
It was unbearably hot, but under the umbrellas and awning in the back of the house it was a bit more tolerable, and people were jumping in and out of the pool.
Eddie almost swallowed his tongue when Steve came out of the bathroom wearing a tiny sporty looking speedo and nothing else. He grabbed his elbow and pulled him back into the bathroom. “Are you trying to kill me? What is that?”
Steve just grinned. “It’s a pool party, babe. This is a bathing suit,” speaking slowly and deliberately like he was explaining something very complicated. “You wear it in the pool.”
“Uh huh, smart ass. What about keeping your new tattoo out of the sun? You’re pushing it, you’re already lucky I’m letting you swim at all.”
“Mmm, let me, Eds? What else do I have your permission to do?” Steve pulled him close by the waistband of his own plain black trunks.
“Fuck, you are trying to kill me,” he breathed, closing the distance between their lips. But after a quick kiss he pulled back. Looking into his eyes, he promised lowly, “Keep being a brat and you’ll end up bent over Argyle’s weird furniture. You have one free cheek.”
Someone knocked hard on the door and they jumped apart. One of Argyle’s friends snickered at them as they hurried out past him.
Steve continued teasing him incessantly throughout the party, dragging him into the pool and wrapping his arms and legs around him so Eddie could carry him around, after they’d gotten out and dried off he got back in then plopped his cold wet self right onto Eddie��s lap and got comfortable. Taking any opportunity to touch him, pulling him in for kisses mid-sentence with their friends if he felt like it, licking invisible crumbs from his fingers as he ate.
“This must be the famous Eddie, then,” a voice came from above them and Steve squawked as he jumped up to throw his arms around the person.
Eddie recognized her immediately from Steve’s instagram.
“Robin! I thought you couldn’t make it!” He was almost jumping up and down, Eddie found himself grinning just from how excited he was.
“Well I texted you a bunch, but it seems like you don’t have your phone.” She looked pointedly down to his tiny bathing suit.
Steve smirked at her and they shared a long look, seeming to have a conversation without talking.
“So Eddie, what are your intentions with my platonic soulmate?” Robin asked seriously as she dropped into the chair next to him. “How do you feel about him wanting six kids?”
Eddie looked quickly between them, throat going dry suddenly, “Uhhh, I mean, um-“
“Aww leave him alone, Bob. I’ve already been messing with him all day,” Steve laughed, plopping himself back into Eddie’s lap.
As the day went on, drinks were consumed and games played, Steve still finding any excuse to use Eddie as a chair and pressing his lips anywhere he could reach.
The final straw was when Steve plucked an ice cube from Eddie’s drink and as he watched, licked some of the dripping drink from it but instead of popping the entire thing in his mouth (which would’ve been hot enough on its own), he tucked it down the front of Eddie’s swim trunks.
Robin laughed at them as Eddie squeaked before grabbing Steve’s hand and pulling him into the house.
Steve’s wide grin told him everything he needed to know.
“Thought you liked being my good boy, why are you acting up?” He crowded close to him, cupping his face and making him meet his eyes.
“Want you, Eds, please,” Steve pouted and gave him big puppy dog eyes.
“You’ve been sitting on my dick all day, honey. What else do you need? Huh?”
Steve pulled away and Eddie almost pouted himself, but then he just looked around before asking, “Are there bedrooms here?”
Barking a quick relieved laugh, he took his hand again and they ran up the stairs. Locking the door and pushing Steve against it, he met his desperate kiss and lined up their hips with a groan.
“Take this tiny thing off, babe.” He pulled at the hip of his speedo and Steve giggled.
Together they got their suits off and Eddie shoved him until he landed on the bed. He pulled open the nightstand and his eyebrows shot up. “Good for you, Argyle.”
He threw a condom and a small bottle of lube onto the bed and left the rest alone.
“Yessss, want your huge cock in me,” Steve hissed as he squirmed around on the bed.
“Settle down, Stevie, I think I promised you something else if you were going to keep being a brat,” he taunted.
“Want that, too.” He maneuvered himself onto his knees with his back to Eddie.
Momentarily distracted by his own art on the expanse of skin before him, his eyes then traveled up and he let out a deep groan. “Holy fuck, Stevie. How haven’t I seen this one?”
Eddie traced over the delicate lettering right under his perfect dimples in the small of his back, his jaw actually dropping. “You are just a pretty little babygirl, aren’t you?”
Steve arched his back with a high whine as he dragged his finger down between his cheeks. Without warning he slapped across his bare cheek and chuckled at his little squeak.
“More, c’mon,” he taunted, rising up on his hands on the bed.
Eddie hummed thoughtfully and swatted harder against him a handful of times in quick succession before grabbing a handful of cheek in a harsh grip, enjoying the rough inhale of breath and little whimper he received.
He continued spanking down his thigh and swatting over his perfect tramp stamp until everything was a warm pink and Steve was writhing and widening his legs so he’d get a peak of his pretty hole.
“Please,” Steve whined prettily. “Need your cock, please. Oh fuck!” Eddie smacked once more hard across his ass.
Quickly grabbing the lube, he chuckled as Steve flopped down onto his face on the bed, arching his back and immediately showing off his ass. Eddie swiped his wet fingers across it, trying to prepare him quickly as his own dick screamed at him to just shove inside.
Finally after Steve was a quivering whimpering mess on the bed, he removed his fingers and rolled the condom on.
“Oh, c-could, um,” Steve stammered.
“Why’re you gettin’ shy on me now, pretty? What do you want?”
He huffed, half hiding his face into the sheet under him, and Eddie tried as best he could to patiently wait for him to say something.
“Can, you know, can we do it the other way? Wanna see you. Hold onto you.” Steve couldn’t look at him while he said it, and Eddie wanted to go throttle whoever had told this gorgeous man that he didn’t deserve to be taken care of.
“C’mere, Stevie,” he cooed, and his eyes shot to his, widening when he realized Eddie was serious. He turned over, sitting up on the edge of the bed and Eddie knelt in front of him, pulling him in close. “Gunna treat you so well, babygirl. You already have me wrapped right around your little finger. Of course we can do romantic and soft,” he laughed.
Steve’s eyebrows turned down and he gave him a little pout. “Didn’t say anything about soft,” he grumbled.
They laughed together, and Eddie pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth, then his forehead. “Gunna have me eating out of your hand, aren’t you babygirl? Gunna have me completely whipped. I can already tell.”
Steve simply shrugged and pulled him in for a deeper kiss, wrapping his arms and legs around him. Finally he pulled away, gasping, “Please fuck me already. I can’t wait anymore. And Robin is very needy, she’ll come look for us soon.”
Eddie snorted. “Oh, she’s needy, huh? Must’ve learned that from you.”
He watched as he got his gorgeous self spread out across the bed, fluffing pillows behind his head and threw one playfully at Eddie who helped him shove it under his hips.
He teased him for a long moment, dragging the pierced head of his cock around his hole and over his balls until he was whining and grasping handfuls of sheet. The first push inside made his eyes cross, holding on tight to his thick thighs under his hands. “Like you were made for me, baby.”
Leaning over him, he kissed down his neck and over his nipples, giving them extra attention when it made him clench around him and cry out. “Oh yeah, baby? Sensitive little things, huh? Maybe we’ll see if Argyle can pierce them for you. Or better yet, I’ll get him to show me how, and I’ll be the one to make you even prettier.”
“Oh fuck, yes, oh my god,” Steve wailed as he met the harried thrusts. “I don’t know how you’re real. God I love- love your fucking cock.”
Eddie hummed into his neck. Not the cleanest coverup he’d heard, but he hid his smirk by dragging his teeth across his collarbone. “Going to give me a complex, sweet thing. All this big talk.”
Steve shook his head petulantly, reaching down to feel where he was being split open, squeezing around the base where it wasn’t even all the way in. “It’s so big, Eds. Like even if you weren’t so sweet and the hottest thing on two legs, I’d give it up just for this.”
“Oh, that’s very romantic, honey,” he huffed. Deciding he could talk too well while getting fucked, he pushed at his leg and pulled it over his shoulder, opening him wider and laughing as Steve cried out.
Able to push all the way in now, he got lost in the back and forth, gazing between Steve’s blissed out face and watching himself disappear into him.
“Can- oh! Can feel you in my throat. So deep, Eds. Gunna come.”
Eddie echoed Steve’s groan as his big hands came up to play with his own nipples, Eddie encircling his leaking cock and matching his thrusts.
Steve came hard between them, his gorgeous noises and the clenching around his dick sending Eddie over the edge right behind. Slumping down onto him as they tried to catch their breath, Eddie smirked into his skin when his legs wrapped around his hips.
“I’m not going anywhere, babygirl.”
Surprisingly none of their friends came to look for them, and eventually they had to face the music.
Robin rolled her eyes at them as they opened the sliding glass door to the backyard, and cried out when Steve rushed around to pool towards her.
“No running by the pool, dingus! You’d think you’d be more careful after your crazy embarrassing accident at state.”
Eddie frowned, his attention switching back to Steve as he groaned and went to cover Robin’s mouth. But the secret had already been spilled.
“But I guess Eddie could just cover up more scars,” she giggled, narrowly avoiding Steve’s flailing arms to smirk over at Eddie.
Finally clicking all the pieces together, he found his voice. “You told me it was a motorcycle accident!”
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
General Kai x ReincarnatedLover!Reader || Drabble
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Ah! Me actually doing something I said I was gonna do on the day I said I was gonna do it??? I am so proud of myself XD 😅😅
Plot: Kai has come to reclaim you- pity you have no idea who the heck he is, what he’s talking about or…  well, you do have an idea what he wants. BUT WHY? This doesn’t make any sense.
Warnings: N/A  
Dedicated to the Anon who had this great idea!! ^^ Its rough but I hope you like it 😅
He’s terrifying.
He’s so terrifying, that when he first crashed down- from the sky- into your rice paddy, destroying a whole field of crops, you had tried to run! You took one glance at this behemoth of a bull, with glowing emerald eyes, double sided blades attached to long, powerful chains, and a devilish grin on his face, aimed at you, and-
You tried to run. You turned around, very nearly getting a mouth full of mud as you tripped, but instead catching yourself with a hand, pushing yourself back up and forcing yourself forward. Over the sound of your pounding heart you had heard him chuckle at what you assume he considered a feeble little escape attempt, and the sound was like thunder cracking across the sky during a storm. Not quite so loud, but deep enough to feel it, and otherworldly, and- it sent fear shooting through your blood stream. If I can just get out of his sight, you had thought. It would be fine.
But that was not apart of his plan.
The blades that were in his hands were faster than you, racing ahead of you, crossing over each other and jamming deep into the ground. The chains surrounded you, you stopped- and then he started to pull.
You tried to get out of the way and escape but he was stronger, the blades drug through the muddy ground fast back toward you and then they were on you. They tripped you, causing you to fall into the mud, hands and knees covered in the stuff, as he drew you right back to him in no time at all. It wasn’t a fair fight, you felt weak, and terrified.  
“Heh… “ When you were back beneath him, while you’re feeling even smaller then before on the wet and dirty ground now, he crouched down and leaned his monstrous arms around both sides of you and yanked his blades back out of the ground. Spirits- this man was only wearing a loincloth! And- ugh. Your nose had scrunched up, turning pointedly away from his face and cringing into yourself. His disgusting, clotted hair smelled. When he didn’t pull away fully right away though like you thought, you turned back to his face - now mere inches from your own as he stared at you, assessed you, glanced all over you, - with wide eyes. Your lips part, at this monster in front of you still looking all-to-amused, meaning to ask what he wants, but he beats you to it. “Hm… you really don’t remember me, do you?”
Your eyes widened even more if it were possible. “I… I don’t know you.” … Should you?
Finally he pulls back and stands up again, leaving you with some space once again so you can breath, and you watched him look around at your thoroughly destroyed fields and the stormy sky surrounding them; Breathing heavily. Thinking.
As he breathed out, he emitted visible air from his nostrils. “Nah… I guess not. It has been five hundred years… ” Your mouth fell open once again, wishing to ask if he’s absolutely positive- but he once again cut you off before you could speak. This time with his eyes, those lime green, glowing orbs - green eyes on a bull? That made you nervous even more than his huge frame did, - flickered back down to you again… and he looked fond.
… Which was not the kind of look you wanted to see on someone so powerful, who claimed they knew you. Who could easily just take you.
“Yes, I’m positive, little one.”
“I- I… didn’t ask.” You say now, eyes wide. How did he know you were thinking that?
“Yeahh, but you were thinking it.” He shrugs, casually rolling those boulder-like shoulders. It moves his entire body, the jade stones hung on his belt clanging against each other at his hips. “You may not know me, but I know you.” He smirks, eyes once again flickering up and down your body still knelt in the mud. “Trust me.”
“… You’re crazy- “
“Crazy?? Ha… Okay. Yeah. Maybe I’m a little crazy.” Nodding, he shrugs his shoulders once again and gives another deep chuckle- a short one, this time. “But that’s what the spirit realm’ll do to you, I guess.”
Blinking, and wondering why on earth you have ended up in this insane situation with the delusional, ludicrously over powered loin-cloth bull, you push yourself up to your feet and wipe your hands on your already ruined pants. You’re still uneasy, but the bull doesn’t seem to be trying to hurt you just this second- just your crops he’s still trampling- “The spirit realm??... “
He makes a sound like mhm, grunting, and seeming to take your questioning tone as an opportunity for a little bit of casual chit chat. “Yep. 500 years… “
… You don’t believe this crack story for a second. “Uh- “
You’re cut off by a great big sigh, and look up in time to watch him roll his eyes just as deeply. “I know, I get it- you don’t believe me. And hey, that’s okay. Doesn’t change anything… You, little one, are still mine. And we’ll find a way for you to remember. If we don’t… you’ll just have to fall in love with me again. Eh? Not so hard.”
At this your jaw actually drops, taking a step back from him. “Yours??” Love???
“Yep.” He nods, refusing to back down, and popping the ‘p’.
“No- “ You try to get away again immediately, turning to walk away, but this time he doesn’t even let you get two steps; Throwing his hand, with a double edged sword in his grip, directly in your way. Eyes widening, you back up from it, following his arm nervously up to his face. “I think you have the wrong person.”
“In a manner of speaking, I do!” He quickly agrees, surprising you- but then his eyes narrow, and you feel unbearably small before him. “… Different body, sure. But I know you… and your Chi?... “At this his eyes take an even brighter glow and you watch him breath in deep, his chest rising until it falls again. “That’s the same… “
“Are you… “ Pausing, you take a deep breath in an attempt to steady your tone, eyes closed as he calmly watches your every move- calmly, because he knows you cant do anything. You can’t escape. “A- are you… “ Damnit. “… suggesting… r-reincarnation?? And- and we… ” You… and him?? This massive, terrifying monster right in front of you right now??
An intimate smirk crosses his face then, eyelids half-hooding on you and eyes glowing brighter once again. “We… yeah… And I’d really like to get back to that, so come on- come with me. Willingly. And we’ll figure out howta get there, together.”
“If… “You start, heart beating heavily in your chest as you give the beast an uneasy once-over. “… I say no?... “
“Well, then I’ll take you unwillingly! Hah. That’s not gonna be fun for you- I suggest the willing rout.
… Oh I’m Kai, by the way.”
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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oknerd3 · 11 months
“It’s not a home.”
Gift for: @aggressivenesswhilecrying for @mcyt-halloween !! Their pinch hitter dropped out last minute so i wrote lol. Sorry if its a bit rusty, I haven't written a full fic in a while but this was fun! Martyn's always a fun character to play with.
Warnings: Blood, beheading, canon typical violence, death
“I don’t know if I can do it, me lord.” He mumbled, gripping the axe in his hands, Red Winter Is Coming. He squeezed it, like the wood would collapse under a slight push. It remained sturdy, strong. Surrounded by fields of carrots, all ready to be harvested. Black Heart Altar. A place familiar to Martyn by now, the same stone beneath his feet he remembered.
Ren’s head was bent down, waiting for the strike. He saw Ren’s lips move but he didn’t hear the words. He knew what his king wanted, though. He always did. So, he swallowed his breath and raised the axe into the moonlight, hesitating just long enough for Ren to turn to ask him to hurry, when he burrowed the axe into Ren’s neck, with two messy chops. Blood was sprayed across the crops, a painful use of royal blood. 
Martyn shook as he stepped closer to Ren’s body, feeling sick at the stillness. He collapsed to his knees beside his king, bruising his legs with stone.
The stillness did not last for long, though, because the moment Martyn bent down and tried to grant some dignity to his king by crossing his arms, the head, still detached from the body, shot its eyes open. 
Martyn dunked his head into the salt water along the beach, then leaned his head back and wiped his face clean. Turning red always meant the same nightmare, of his first game, his first death match, when he failed his king by doing the task asked of him. Yes, that is not what happened, his trial gave them an edge they would have been decimated without, but that was not the point. Ren was his king, his partner, and now, in a new place with a new person who he could genuinely trust to lead? 
These last few games, Martyn had united himself with people who didn’t have such a strong connection as he did with Ren, yes they may have bossed him around more, but Scott was.. and now Scott was trying to rival that of which he had with Ren. It was ludicrous to think someone could even compare. 
But whether they compared didn’t matter because both were Martyn’s partner and some part of him knew that a new nightmare would come with this ally-ship too. Because when he swam after Scott with the express mission of killing him, he didn’t feel the itch of guilt he did when he took Ren’s head. There wasn’t much difference between the times, trading time away to gain more later. 
Maybe he’d gone numb to it. 
With his own form of conclusion, Martyn jumped into the sea and swam. Him and Scott reunited later in the day and struck a tenuous alliance with what was left of TIES until-
“Martyn!” Scott shouted, half playful, as he usually was in these games. It was almost funny how both logically and carefree Scott played. It reminded Martyn of himself, or maybe just the time back then when this was truly a game. Either way, Martyn answered in kind.
Scott huffed and laughed through his words, “They tried to kill me.” 
Martyn’s blood went cold. His mean gill, put in danger. It was completely unacceptable. “Who did?” 
“Etho and Impulse.”
“Right. That’s it, they’re dead. Just as quick as that, they’re dead.” 
Martyn drew his sword, bared his sharp teeth, then started to prowl, looking for his new targets he’d been steered to. He hadn’t been this confidently close to winning in a long time and he wasn’t about to let it squirm from his grip, not with his partner by his side. 
Martyn had learned by now, after all these seasons, that one was easy enough to kill, especially with Scott. They got it down so the only person who stood in their way was Impulse. Impulse explained the plan, where he died and Martyn left victorious. Scott interrupted with what Martyn’s and his plan had been earlier. “As their forefathers”. On late nights, sorting chests and filing away for bed, the morbid questions were always asked on the server. And on one night, Scott and Martyn explained they’d fight it out, just as Scar and Grian had at the start of it all. Martyn and Ren had the same agreement, after all. At the time, it sounded like a good plan, a logical one. But now the cards were down and Martyn was met with killing his partner again. 
And he was blood thirsty. 
Martyn stayed in armour while they stripped of their own, narrowing their time to zilch. He stared
 Scott down, checked his pocket while Scott, ever a generous soul in this world, handed Impulse some food.
Then Martyn surged forward and killed Scott by throwing hot magma at him and running him through with his sword.
It was clean and fast. Scott didn’t get the chance to move or speak before he was dead. He didn’t even scream. Flat time placed in Martyn’s hand, with no struggle of his own. He barely had to chase Impulse for the leftovers. He won, he had finally won, after four death games of trying to win, he won, through killing his guiding hand. He screamed in relief. He had won and he didn’t need to bite and claw for his time.
Over an hour of time to go, Scott’s body was burnt and tossed to the side, still slowly bleeding, half overshadowed by his red clothes. Maybe that’s why they always ended on red life, to hide the colour of a corpse. 
Martyn had settled down from the bloodlust. There was no one left to kill, just bodies scattered around the map. And none of them mattered besides this one. Scott had given him time, in more ways than one, and they had played the game smart together, they’d done well. It wasn’t Scott’s fault that he trusted Martyn to play another game.
Staring into Scott’s eyes, he realized that no, Scott wasn’t anything like Ren. They were kind and strong leaders, but beyond that there was no similarity. But maybe that was all the similarity that Martyn needed. A gentle, guiding hand, to tell him who to rip to shreds. Scott never had the collar on Martyn that Ren did. Scott was his partner, but he was never his king, his lord. Now it was time to untie himself from the Coral Isles, or Dogwarts, or whatever home was keeping him awaiting a command.
Martyn lowered his sword to one side of Scott’s neck and moved it through to the other, then did it again, fertilizing the grass under him with merman’s blood.. And for some reason he knew, this beheading wouldn’t be in any of his nightmares to come. And when he got to the end of the line, his heart clenched, stopped ticking away, and he fell to the ground. The watchers were done with their fun.
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emeraldhazeart · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag @hannahcbrown This looks like fun!
The words I was tagged to find were moon, home, hearth, and tears.
Moon: I’m surprised this one hasn’t featured more in my writing. I’ll have to fix that! For now, have this excerpt from Chapter 4 of Wildflower:
  Growing up in a city with permanent light pollution, Claire had been amazed that first night out on her own at just how dark it got in the country. Petrified of stumbling around half blind and falling off a cliff, she’d wrapped herself in the only blanket she’d had, used her lumpy rucksack as a pillow, and vainly tried to catch some sleep on the cold, damp ground.
  Tonight, however, there was no cloud covering the full moon, so the mountainside was bathed in a surprisingly bright silvery glow. Claire found that it wasn’t too difficult to follow the packed earth trail in this light, but she still kept to the middle of path, just to be safe. Falling down the mountain at night would spell almost certain death.
Home: I felt like this excerpt from Grandfather was fitting for this tag:
  No longer needing to shelter them from the wind, Joanna drew back the fabric with her free hand to reveal a little girl clutched to her chest. The child’s eyes were closed in an exhausted slumber, but even so Barley could see the strong similarities between her and his daughter. He opened his mouth, questions bubbling up in his throat.
  “…Not now, Dad,” Joanna murmured in a voice heavy and defeated, and Barley automatically shut his mouth again. His mind was still spinning, desperately trying to catch up, but he recognised that now was not the time to be asking anything. Suddenly, he felt 20 years older than his body actually was.
  “…I still have your old bed…” he finally muttered, already heading for the stairs, “…I’ll just get you some fresh sheets…”
  His daughter didn’t reply, didn’t thank him or apologise for the sudden intrusion. She just silently followed, a few paces behind, as her old dad led the way upstairs in a house she had once called home.
Hearth: I’m ashamed to say I’ve never used this one in my writing, but I do have this piece from Miraculous that I feel fits the theme, if not the exact word:
  Heart pounding, you pulled open the door of your home and were hit with a welcoming blast of warm air. You were so glad you stopped to light the fire before you set off round the farm, even if the sudden warmth did make your face tingle. Trying not to jostle the kitten in your coat too much, you shut the door firmly and banished the freezing storm.
  The tiny animal felt the immediate warmth, and began to wriggle in your arms. You quickly grabbed a small wooden crate that you used to ship crops and a thick hoodie that was draped over the end of your bed. Ignoring the way your boots left clods of snow across the floor, you marched towards the kitchenette.
  You set up the crate and hoodie as a cosy bed for the kitten close, but not too close, to the crackling fireplace, and gently deposited the little creature into the bundle of fabric. The kitten instantly started kneading the comfy cloth, pulling up threads with its tiny claws. You didn’t mind.
Tears: This one featured in so many of my writings! I decided to go for ‘happy tears’ and pulled this excerpt from my favourite piece so far: Photograph:
  Ocean-blue eyes met each other, and the young lady’s hand flew to her mouth, her bag dropping forgotten to the panelled floor. The motion made a gold, heart-shaped locket around her neck glint in the light, and Cliff didn’t have to see inside it to know exactly what photograph it held. His breath caught in his throat, and his knees suddenly felt as weak as an old man’s. Tears started to creep into the corners of his eyes as he watched them spill from the young woman’s.
  “…C-Cliff…?” she breathed hesitantly, as though she was afraid to hear the answer.
  “…H-Heather…” he croaked at last, and all at once it was like someone flicked on the light switch in a pitch-black room. One of them gave a stuttering cry, it was impossible to tell which one, and just like that they were in each other’s arms, hands wrapped around shoulders like they were afraid to let go.
No pressure tags: @sneakyfox55 @friendofbats @durotoswrites @lizzie-tempest and anyone else reading this that would like to have a go :)
Your words are: sunrise, warmth, puppy, and treasure.
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l-wannabe-l · 2 years
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I posted 617 times in 2022
26 posts created (4%)
591 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 212 of my posts in 2022
#terminator - 50 posts
#terminator 2 - 41 posts
#t-1000 - 39 posts
#austin - 31 posts
#the terminator - 29 posts
#robert patrick - 28 posts
#t1000 - 27 posts
#💜💜💜 - 21 posts
#t2 - 20 posts
#aria connor - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#cuz like ''the manifestation of a particularly magical 10 year old's idea of a perfect hero'' isn't unbelievable in universe
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Aria Connor and Marlene Monroe 😅
I- I love it😭
Please accept this sketch I made of Marlene.
See the full post
7 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Sketch Dump
Went flipping through my old sketchbook and thought I'd share somethings with everyone especially @one-boring-person since these contain some sketches of the T-750/Eve her Terminator oc and some things inspired by her old fic.
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Pictured here is a sketch that I did include in Eve's full body but what was cropped out was the first sketch of my OC Aria which I drew alongside her.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Help Me Understand
Austin wants answers to his questions about love whether or not Aria's ready face her own answers.
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For @mimeticpolyalloy1000
Heavy footfalls, the forceful opening of a door, and the sudden blinding flash of artificial light after steady nighttime darkness bring Aria out of her sleepy time.
“Aria I need to ask you something,” Austin says formally announcing his presence only to be met with a sleepy and annoyed groan.
"Austin, not that I'm mad but why are you in my room at 3 in the morning?" At her response, he turns to look at the digital clock on her bedside, long enough to register the blinking numbers.
“... Should I come back later?” Aria sits up in bed making sure her pajamas, consisting of a thin tank and comfy pajama bottoms, covered everything. Not that she thinks Austin would give it much notice.
"No no, if I don't answer your question you'll just pace up and down the place keeping me up anyway." She says motioning him to sit down, expecting him to sit near the foot of the bed only to fluster when he sits down only a foot or two away from her. She clears her throat, composing herself before continuing “So what did you want to ask me?”
“I need you to explain what it means to love someone.” Less of a question, more like a demand said in the same factoid way of speech he has when intaking information.
"... Huh,” she uttered, wondering if it was too late to send him away. “Listen, love can mean different things to different people so I can't guarantee that it'll be the same to other people," Aria tells him, not very keen on having this conversation at all.
"Well, what does it mean to you?" Austin’s counter-question gave Aria pause, she had to turn away from him as she really thought about it. She had put the need to prepare for this moment on the backburner, both to keep a level head in the midst of the battle for the future and because she didn’t actually know how to describe love.
To Aria, love was once a cozy woodside cabin with a grandmother who smelled like lilac and taught her how to make paper flowers. Or an apartment with her mom who would bring home her favorite food from the diner she worked at. And her aunt Ginger who once had a bright smile and a contagious laugh, reserved for moments like when she tried to teach Aria how to use makeup to comically bad results. Nowadays, love came in the form of a mother who could be as cold and strict as gunmetal and just as unrelenting. Love also came in the form of her little brother with impish smiles and big hazel eyes that always betrayed his thoughts and emotions in a way only she was ever around to read. Her brother, who she was tasked to guard from the first moment her mother felt him kick and who she seriously vowed to protect when he first held her finger in his little baby fists.
“I think love means to care about someone enough to put their happiness and well-being over your own. Because when you see them smile and hear them laugh, you want nothing more than to make sure that they can keep it no matter what it takes…even if the means hurt you in the process.” When she was done talking she turned back to Austin, in time to see his gaze shift from her to just over her shoulder, Aria could tell he wasn't looking at anything in particular and was taking a moment to analyze her response both the intended verbal answer and the unintentional physical reaction she had to the question. It unnerved her how well Austin could read her and it’s with those same nerves that she asks her next question.
"Austin,” at the sound of Aria’s voice Austin focused his eyes back on hers, “we've been around each other for a few weeks now so why did you wait so long to ask."
"I needed time to process. I needed to know if these new… feelings would correspond with your explanation." He explains, simple words ladened with not so simple meanings.
"And?" Austin gave an uncharacteristic and unsure shrug. A very human gesture of cluelessness, too human for either’s comfort. "... What do you know, Austin?" Aria's voice seemed to startle her for a second as if she hadn't meant to say it out loud before she schooled her features back down to a neutral farce. She knew she had just asked a dangerous question but she needed to know his answer, for her own sake.
Austin shifted closer to Aria on the bed to the point he could faintly hear her heart beating at a quickened pace. He made sure to keep eye contact with her as he gave his answer.
"I know that I look for you when you're not around. I know that when you are, I can’t bring myself to be far from you. I know I've memorized everything from your appearance to your speech pattern. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to hear more of your voice. Doesn't stop me from wanting to… see more of you." His eyes flick down for the briefest moment and Aria's tank top suddenly felt way too heavy and way too thick.
“I know all these wants confuse and alarm me in a way I hadn’t been able to describe.” There was a ‘till now’ that went unsaid, but both knew it was insinuated.
“And most of all,” he says as he leans in even closer till their faces were inches apart, “I want to know what you know, Aria.” He says as his eyes roam her face searching for something Aria’s not sure she wants him finding. Apparently, he doesn't find it and he lets a small, almost sad, smile fall upon his lips.
“But I know that’s not gonna happen anytime soon,” he said as he leaned back still holding Aria’s attention captive, “So, for now, I’ll leave you to rest. Goodnight Aria.” And as swiftly as he entered, he left, turning off the lights and closing the door behind him. The only evidence that he had been there was the ragged breath Aria let out, after unconsciously holding it in. Despite Austin’s words and the early hour she knew she definitely wasn’t getting any more sleep tonight.
11 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Squad A Au
Do you think squad A could have completed the mission.
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It's an AU. Blackguard never betrayed the team so Amanda didn't make them into a scrape goat and they made it past the beach. There's no squad B which could also mean that Amanda placed Peacemaker on this team or one of the original members is her inside man.
Everything I'm about to say is a mix based on the movie(s?), A quick search through wikis, and just what I think would make for a good story/movie.
The Lineup
Harley and Rick have both proven themselves as very smart and capable people so I'm going to focus on the others.
Mongal: This is someone that went head to head with Superman AND LIVED she definitely should not have died via fire. She has super strength, super speed, and invulnerability. She's also an alien warrior so she knows how to fight. In the comics she has an energy chest cannon and since her costume has the same design feature imma go ahead and give her that.
T.D.K: He's definitely Arm-Fall-Off-Boy/Splitter so I'm going to have to be very generous with him. Wiki says that his arms cannot reattach, they instead can regrow within minutes, and in the comics he's shown to regularly use them as blunt weapons. What does this mean? It means that no matter what happened to his arms once they detach they should not have any affect on his main body at all. The movies make it clear he has telekinetic control over them and while, yes, only 2 arms attacking you is kind of pathetic a good dozen, however, is nightmare fuel. He's also 1 of 2 members of the team that started off as a hero. In fact as far as I can tell he was never a villain in any of his comic appearances.
Savant: The other member that started off on the right side of the track. Well, he was a pretty violent vigilante so maybe middle of the road is a more apt term. His on screen persona seems to be much older than his comic counterpart so it's safe to say he's been doing villainy for a while now. By far the smartest member of the team, despite being an expert marksman his most dangerous ability is his hacking. Which he used as a villain to blackmail and extort others.
Blackguard: He's an idiot but he's an idiot you'd want in your corner during a fight. His suit grants him ergokinesis, control of energy, which he uses to construct weapons such as shields, maces, and whips. Considering he's also an expert marksman it's not an impossibility that he could make energy bullets either. Wiki states he's got superhuman strength, idk if that's all him or if it comes from the suit. Either way he's got it.
Javelin: He is an Olympic athlete who, as far as I can tell, turned to villainy just for the hell of it. I already said I think his weapon is magic, what I didn't mention was that I think his javelin is an all-in-oner. Everything his specially engineered javelins could do in the comics his magic javelin can do in the movie. Smoke screen, explosions, etc. The reason Harley couldn't do that is because only he knows all the secrets of the magic javelin.
Captain Boomerang: This is the man that knocked out The Flash with a boomerang and tied him to a rocket boomerang. I don't know if these were on the same day but the fact remains he did it. He's deceptively smart, no one manages to rob every bank in Australia without a couple of good braincells. Unlike movie!Javelin he actually does make all his own specialized weapons. He's also an explosive engineer, do with that what you will.
Weasel: He has killed 27 children before so there's obviously some bloodlust that the team could possibly weaponize, but then again they were children so there's no knowing how good he can actually fight, and then again again he's a weasel and they can be mean mfs. Basically, jury's out on this one.
The Dynamics
Sometimes a family is an exasperated father (Savant), his 6 kids and their murderous pet weasel that's still alive somehow.
Blackguard would definitely be the little brother that T.D.K, Harley, and Boomerang like to mess with. He'd try to go to Rick or Savant to get them to stop. He'd learn pretty quickly Ricks the only one who'll actually try to help.
Javelin flirts with everyone (bar weasel) at least once. Mongal threatened to stick his javelin where the sun don't shine. T.D.K is described as being mischievous and fun loving so there's a good chance he flirted back. Savant glared at him menacingly until he apologized and backed away. Blackguard, the poor idiot, couldn't tell he was being hit on so it just made the exchange funny/awkward for all involved. Boomerang definitely flirted back with a sexual innuendo about his own "javelin".
When the truth comes out I can see T.D.K immediately siding with Rick. Savant would need a bit more convincing, like say the death/threat of death of one of his kids teammates.
Idk if I want Weasel to "die" on the beach only for him to come back later as a joke/dues ex machina. Or for him to try and eat/attack his teammates like Nanaue did but because they can't reason with him it just goes "No, bad Weasel. Bad Weasel." *Spray bottle*.
17 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Movie Night
Warning: Messy art, Inconsistent style
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See the full post
22 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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eijishimas · 3 years
midnight snack.
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18+ nsfw content, minors dni. all characters are aged up.
content warnings: oral sex (f!receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex (use protection irl pls!), quirk use (electro stimulation), a hint of overstim, & a sprinkle of degradation. f!reader.
notes: all i could think about while writing this was “and they were roommates! ohmygod they were roommates.” also thank u bria ( @rekiri ) & sun ( @kiridarling ) for keeping me sane while writing this, ily both <3
wc: 3.0k
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You rarely got hungry in the middle of the night. You usually went to bed full of food cooked by yourself or ordered takeout by your roommate, Denki. Tonight was different, however. You had been working on a project, one that was taking up far too much of your time due to your incompetent group members causing you to pick up the slack. You had been stressed beyond belief lately because of them. Maybe a small stretch would help clear your mind, you reasoned to yourself internally. While you were at it, a midnight snack wouldn’t be too bad. It would help ease your nerves, even. You stood from your desk, stretching your arms above your head and cracking the joints of your shoulders. Now exiting your room, you threw a glance across the hallway to see the light under your roommate’s door was still on. Of course he was staying up again, when did he not? Probably off playing video games with the guys again.
You yawned, bare feet pattering against the hardwood of your apartment floor on your way to the kitchen. You shivered, wearing only a cropped sweater you had thrifted and a pair of your comfiest shorts. So what if they were a little short on you, they did the job of keeping you comfy while you slept. No one besides Denki saw you in them, mostly because you wore them to bed. Opening the fridge door, you cringed at the harsh lighting hitting you square in the face. You bent over, eyes scanning the bottom shelf for something to pique your interest. Since you figured Denki was in his room, you didn’t bother to bend your knees while you were searching for your snack.
“Uh- I uh, whatcha lookin’ for?” Denki’s voice cracked slightly. What were the odds? Your head whipped up so fast from the fridge, you nearly knocked into the door of it. Your face began to overheat as you saw your roommate standing there in his pyjamas, fighting off his own blush as he looked at you. Had he seen how your shorts rode up your ass, giving the perfect view of the lace black panties you had been wearing that night? Maybe. The answer was most definitely a yes, but he wasn’t going to admit that to you. He really didn’t want to die by your hands.
“I was, well I was grabbing some water,” you fumbled for your words as Denki approached you, moving around the bar counter of your apartment to peer into the fridge himself from behind you. His hair was damp, sticking to his forehead indicating that he had just hopped out of the shower. No kidding, he had used your fruit passion shampoo along with lemon scented body wash again. You felt his hot breath on the back of your neck from how close he was to you, your tongue wetting your lips as you tried to ease your building nerves. You were never so nervous around him, he was your roommate and your best friend. The two of you had always been comfortable around each other.
You stood perfectly still, razor focused on the fruit cup on the top shelf to distract your mind that was buzzing with electricity. He smelled so good. He felt awfully warm. And he was incredibly close to you, so much so that you could hear his own inner monologue if you listened hard enough. You were so caught up in your thoughts that your mind barely registered that his hands were sitting comfortably on your waist. “Hey,” Denki spoke up, “Did you wear that for me?”
Processing his words, there was a tiny heat that began to burn low in your stomach. “I’m sorry?” you squeaked out.
“The black lacy ones. The ones that make me want to eat you out on the counter until you’re screaming. Did you wear those for me?” his voice was low, whispering deliciously into your ear. Sinful thoughts were clouding your mind, your previous intentions of getting a snack now lost to the idea of possibly choking on something else entirely tonight. “Denki—” His hands slipped beneath your shirt, stopping just below your breasts. You were starting to feel something hard poking at the cheek of your ass. Your breath hitched, thighs clenching together in an attempt to tame the growing heat between them. The two of you had been dancing around the notion of having feelings for each other for a long time.
You tried to look the other way every time he would stare at you for just a small bit longer than he should. He pretended to not notice the way you sat so very close to him, despite the entire couch being free. The way your fingertips brushed his thighs when you leaned over him to grab the remote. The way his touch lingered on your hip when he went to pass behind you while you cooked dinner together, his palms warm and jittery. Everything clicked together so perfectly for the two of you, it was beginning to become undeniable and almost comical at this point.
Tonight only made you more desperate for some type of release, since all of the previous tension between the two of you had crescendoed into Denki moulding his lips to your neck and sucking deep purple marks in a lovely pattern against your hot skin. Your legs felt weak, a strained moan escaping you. Between the cool air of the open fridge and his hands exploring your torso, it felt like heaven. His fingers pinched and pulled at your nipples eagerly, his name falling off your tongue as if second nature. You wanted him bad. And he wanted nothing more than to strip you of your clothes and have you right there in the kitchen.
Your legs quivered as he touched you, allowing yourself to lean back against him and succumb to his affection. “I’ve been waiting to do this for so long, baby,” the confidence radiating off the blond was dripping right into his tone. It made more of that liquid heat manifest in your lower half. You were quite certain that those lacy black panties Denki had been talking about now had a wet patch from all of his ministrations. His hands kept massaging at your breasts, small whimpers leaving your lips as you whispered out how you needed more from him. You panted, craning your neck to the side to give him more access to your skin. Your hips seemed to move on their own as you wiggled your ass right up against his prominent hard on. “Fuck,” he swore, fingers dipping into your shorts and past the waistline of your underwear to feel your slick. You were soaking from his touches, thighs shaking and fingers finding purchase in blond locks as his finger pad grazed your aching clit. “More,” you whined with need, “I wanna.. I wanna touch you, please.”
Denki’s mind felt like it was melting. Was this a dream? He never wanted to wake up if that was the case. He inserted a finger into your core, heart fluttering upon hearing you moan out for him again. Your walls hugged his single digit, his dick twitching at the sensation. You were feeling unbearably sensitive for some reason that night, the way his thumb drew circles around your clit paired with his finger reaching within you made your head light. “You’re so greedy, look at you fucking yourself on my fingers. Moaning like that for me. From how much you walk around like a little slut, you had this coming,” Denki nibbled at the lobe of your ear before adding a second digit, curling his fingers and further sending you into your pleasure. “Denki,” you called out again, head tossed against his shoulder, ass rubbing right against his dick in ways that made his head spin. “You’re so wet, do you hear that? Holy fuck, I can’t wait to taste you,” Denki’s words made the coil inside the pit of your stomach snap, your first orgasm of the night finally washing over you as you clenched around his fingers. It took all of Denki’s willpower not to cum in his boxers right then and there. Falling against him for support, your hips lazily rolled against his digits to ride out your high.
“Up on the counter babe, we’re not done yet. I’m still feeling a bit hungry,” he murmured into your ear. The two of you backed away from the fridge, leaving the door open to allow some light in the darkened kitchen. You turned to face him, seeing a bit of a loopy smile on his face despite his lust blown pupils. You wasted no time in connecting your lips, tongue sliding into his mouth with ease. Your body pressed his against the cool granite of the counter, his hands drifting lower down your back to meet the flesh of your ass. He tapped your ass a couple times, his fingers pinching at the fabric of your thin shorts. “You won’t be needing these,” he chuckled deeply against your lips. His drop in octave made you shiver. Your own hands mapped out his body, feeling across his abs that he prided himself on as a pro-hero while your other went right for his cock.
Your excited fingers pulled down his gray sweatpants along with his boxers, his cock springing free from its confines. There was a lovely amount of precum beading atop his reddening head, your thumb swirling the natural lube around his tip. The action elicited a groan from the blond, grabbing a bit harder at your ass. You were gentle, teasing even, your eyes glazed over in lust as your hand pumped his dick at a slow tempo. Denki’s hips began to fuck into your hand, his chest heaving as he took this time to shed himself of his t-shirt. He felt entranced by how your fingers looked so delicate fisting his cock, breath hitching in his throat as your wrist rolled with each stroke of his dick. “Do you know how— fuck — how long I’ve waited for this?” Denki’s words are gentle, his neck craning back down to nip at your exposed skin.
“Too long?”
“Way too long.”
You giggled and he groaned, a low rumble against your soft skin that makes you shiver yet again. You smirked with amusement as you felt him pulse in your hand, yet Denki pulled away from your touch just as you were about to tip him over the line to his own orgasm. “You, you first,” he told you, golden eyes trained on yours, “I like seeing you come undone for me.”
A whimper escaped you, his grin hungry with want for you and only you. “Let’s see how good you taste,” he pressed a final kiss to your lips as he eagerly dropped to his knees. With a shy look in your eyes, you allowed your legs to spread, giving Denki a full view of your pretty pussy. He was practically salivating, eyes taking in your wet sex with a strange fire lit behind them. He was eating good tonight. With your fingers threading in his hair and tugging lightly, he took it as his signal to go. You sucked in a gasp of surprise as something cool touched your already slick entrance. Oh, you had forgotten that Denki had a fucking tongue piercing.
Instinctively, your thighs started to close around Denki’s head. He held them open with ease, the metal ball of his piercing following the tip of his tongue as he happily traced your entrance. “Denki,” you huffed, growing frustrated at his languid pace. For a man who seemed rather eager, he was going very slowly. Denki hummed in response, lips now attached to your clit and you felt your body jolt at the feeling. Fuck. Maybe you should have bit your tongue instead. Channeling electricity through his quirk, you felt a shock emitted from the tiny piece of metal in his mouth to your aching clit. “Denki!” you moaned, eyelids fluttering as you struggled to keep your gaze on him. Your hands kept pulling at his semi-damp hair, rutting your hips as best as you could into his face as your heart beat rapidly in your chest. You felt ten times hotter than you did when you first entered the kitchen, your hands expelling your own sleep shirt to the floor as Denki moaned at the sight of your exposed tits. This gave him the opportunity to push his tongue into your pussy, your toes curling at the sensation of his tongue entering your heat. He had his fun, darting his tongue in and out of you as he kept moaning to keep up the tiny vibrations. Moving his bangs away from his eyes, you could only watch as he ate you out with his skilled muscle.
His tongue reached deeper inside of you, his hands holding your thighs apart firmly as they were threatening to clamp around his head with more force. You hadn’t anticipated that Denki would be this fucking good with his mouth. Your inner walls squeezed around him, your moans picking up in volume. Your nipples were peaked, your back arched and your head thrown back as all you could do was continuously grind your hips against his face. This only edged the blond further, his nose stimulating your swollen clit as his tongue delved as far as it could into your dripping cunt. You nearly screamed his name as you were finally tipped over the edge, your chest heaving as Denki suckled at your sensitive lower lips. He drank your essence happily, your body prickling with heat as he drew back to watch in awe at how your pussy fluttered invitingly around nothing. He was drunk on the feeling of you cumming on his mouth. You two were definitely doing that again.
As you steadily regulated your breathing, Denki slowly got up from his position on the floor. Wiping away a bit of your cum from the corner of his mouth, he threw you another grin. You swallowed dryly, “Need you.”
“What was that, baby?”
“Need you, Den. I need you in.. Please.” Your eyes were begging him to give you more. You had seen how much his cock had been leaking onto the kitchen floor, practically throbbing between his legs from not having given release. With a cheeky sort of smile, Denki gave you a kiss to your cheek before settling his lips to the shell of your ear. “Whatever you say, babe.”
In an instant, you were swept off the counter, your body being caged between the closed freezer door and Denki holding you up from beneath your thighs. His cock fell heavy against your stomach, twitching in its desperation for attention. The light emitting from the open door of the fridge illuminated the right half of the electric blond’s face, his expression lustful and giddy in the harsh LED lighting. It made your heart buzz with anticipation, your body tensing as he eased the head of his cock past your folds. Your hands scrambled for his shoulders, fingernails leaving red crescents along his creamy skin. Denki’s eyes were on you, his breathing irregular as you wasted no time in pulling out and thrusting back in with confidence. His lips swallowed your moans, the wet, lewd sounds of your fucking adding more tinder to the heat now coiling in the pit of your stomach for the third time tonight. “Please,” you begged, practically trembling from overstimulation as Denki rocked you into the cool aluminum of the freezer door.
“Please what, baby?” the playfulness in his tone didn’t match the serious manner in which he kept pistoning into you, chasing his own release as your slick from previous orgasms now coated his cock and ran down his thighs. Each time he went in, he angled himself right up to meet that special spot inside you to make you see tiny specks of white dot your vision. “I- I, ah! Denki!” Fingers now grasping at his hair again, you yanked harshly as you came around his pulsing cock for the third and final time, squeezing him snugly as you desperately attempted to catch your breath. There was a tingly sensation running through your legs starting from your thighs, numbing and electric as Denki kept up his quick pace to chase his own release, groaning dirty praises into your ear that made you keen. Your legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to go deeper and finish inside of you. His hips met yours for one last time, stuttering as he pumped his sticky cum into your abused hole. You two stayed there for a moment, you letting out quiet giggles as Denki took his time in getting the air back into his lungs. He let you down steadily from the position you had been in, making sure to hold you up since the feeling was still a bit lost in your legs.
“Wow that was,” Denki paused, struggling to find the right word for the situation you two had caught yourselves in. “Satisfying,” you finished for him, to which he blushed deeply. The smile he flashed you was earnest and relieved, if he was being quite honest. “Ah, nice! Let’s get you something to eat, maybe a cheese string. But definitely water!”
“I’m actually feeling pretty full right now in terms of cheese. Thanks for that, Den.”
“Wait really?” Denki questioned as he swept his boxers along with his shirt off the kitchen floor, his concern showing through his furrowed brow, “Not even for a cheese string?”
A deadpan look crossed your face, sighing as you gave in to your dumbass of a roommate. “One cheese string.”
Needless to say, post sex activities consisted of a hot shower, the second Shrek movie, and two cheese strings (per Denki’s request). Not a bad way to relieve your stress, you concluded to yourself happily as you snuggled closer to your roommate, fingers intertwined beneath the blanket as you allowed yourself to slip into a comfortable slumber against Denki’s shoulder.
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all works © eijishimas 2021. do not reuse, modify, or repost.
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Prompt: Requested, by a lovely anon. Hope you’ll like it, sweetie
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Rhea Ripley x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, oral sex, dirty talk
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @yungbludjazz360 , @placeoffreedom
Notes: If you’d like to check out my previous works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
“I think she’s into you” Asuka smirked, as she stared at Rhea, who was sitting down in one of the catering tables behind me “You should’ve seen the way she was eating you up with her eyes when you were interviewing Drew earlier” She giggled
“She is something! But also seems like trouble, so uh, no thanks” I laughed
“Come on, Y/N, how much trouble could a one night stand cause?”
“A lot when you know that it probably wouldn’t be a one time thing!”
“Oh” She smirked “And why is that?”
“Do you know me at all? If you think I could ride that face only one time and that’s it, then you don’t know me as much as I thought you did! Have you seen her? She looks like she knows exactly how to eat a pussy, ok?”
“I sure can” Rhea whispered in my ear “And if you ever want a free test drive” She slid a piece of paper on top of the table “Let me know, so I can prove it to you”
She stepped back towards the door, when she reached the doorway, she turned around and mischievously stuck her tongue out at me, the piercing in the middle catching the light
“I fucking hate you” I slapped Asuka’s arm
“Ouch” She dramatically screamed “You’re welcome! And let me know if she means it” She laughed when I got up from the table to go to the bathroom, so I could splash some water on my now burning face
My phone buzzed on top of the hotel bedroom’s nightstand
Rhea 😈: Good morning, gorgeous. When will you stop being so stubborn and come here to get that free test drive? 👅
Y/N 🍑: In your dreams, Ripley
Rhea 😈: C’mon, princess… Don’t pretend like you don’t want to 😏
Y/N 🍑: It’s not a matter of wanting, it’s a matter of doing what’s right
Rhea 😈: Exactly! And what’s right is for you to come to room 635 right now and ride my face 👅💦
Y/N 🍑: 🤦‍♀️ You’re no good...I gotta go now, I need to shower
Rhea 😈: Can I join you? You know, just in case you need some help of course 😇
Y/N 🍑: Yeah, that’s exactly why you want to join me 🤥
Later that day as I was heading to hair and makeup, I heard someone wolf whistling at me. I turned around to find the blonde and female version of the Devil, right behind me
“You scared me”
“Sorry, princess” Rhea leaned against the wall “I just had the perfect view of your ass and fuck, it looks so good that I couldn’t help myself” She smiled
“You are so filthy” I tried to hold back my laugh
“But you love it, don’t you?” She roamed closer “I know you wanna laugh” She teased “Or at least giggle”
She dipped her head down towards my neck, nuzzling her nose against my skin
“You drive me crazy” She mumbled
“Rhea...” My words died on my lips when her arms circled around my waist and her hands rested against my ass, pulling me even closer to her
“I know you’re playing hard to get, but I’m reaching my limit here” Her hands caressed my ass “I’m starting to wonder if I’m doing the right thing, because it feels like I’m pushing you into wanting something you’re not in the mood for”
“You’re not doing anything wrong” I caressed the back of her neck and let my nails lightly scratch her scalp, which made her growl
“So I’m not overstepping here?” She asked
“No, you’re not”
She lifted her head up, and tightened her grip around my waist
“So you won’t mind if I do this?” She leaned down, brushing her lips against mine, testing the waters but also giving me a chance to pull back if I wanted to.
When she realized I wasn’t going to stop her, she fully captured my lips in a breathtaking kiss. Biting my bottom lip, until it slid out of her teeth. I opened my eyes to find a dumb smile glued to her lips
“Oh, you like me” She teased, kissing my lips once more “You like me a lot” She smirked
“You’re so childish” I cackled, as an intense pink shade took over my cheeks
“And you’re blushing?” She hugged me tightly “You really like me” She attacked my neck with several nips, making me squirm and laugh loudly
“You’re so cute together” We heard Asuka say, as she passed by our side in the hallway
We both startled when we heard her voice “Fuck, I thought it was boss lady” Rhea chuckled
“I know, I almost shit in my pants thinking I was going to be fired” I laughed along with her
“Come get dinner with me tonight?”
“I don’t know, Ree...I don’t like to think someone can take a picture of us together and put it on the internet, just so then people can say that I got this job because of you”
“But you didn’t!”
“Yes, but you know how people are, they just assume things, and suddenly fiction becomes truth, even when it’s the farthest thing from it
“Ok...my hotel room then? We can order some room service, have a chit chat, make out” She growled playfully
“That’s all you want me for?” I teased
“No” She giggled “But I’m not gonna sit here and lie to you either! I feel very attracted to you and would love if we had sex, but that’s not the main reason why I like you”
One of the things I loved the most about Rhea was her raw honesty, she’s always one to tell you the truth, no matter how harsh or sappy it is
“Ok, I accept your invitation”
“Really?” She smiled widely, spinning me around the hallway
“Rhea, you’re gonna make us fall!” I laughed
“It looks fine, Y/N!” Asuka said, chewing on a handful of popcorn
“Right” I rolled my eyes in annoyance, staring at the full length mirror in front of me “It displays my pouch beautifully” I poked my belly
“First of all, you’re beautiful! Stop putting yourself down like that!” She stood up from her bed and stopped by my side “Secondly, you could be wearing a trash bag and Rhea still would think you are the most beautiful woman on the earth! Trust me, I know what I’m saying” She smirked
“You heard her say something?” I asked, hopeful
“I heard a thing or two” She smiled wickedly “But I’m not telling you anything!” She laughed when I scowled
I knocked on her door, already regretting my choice for an outfit (which basically consisted of a pair of yoga pants, with a loose crop top shirt and some sneakers), but before I could run back to my room and change outfits, she opened the door and her whistle was what made me get out of my self deprecation daydream.
“Fuck, you look hot” She smirked
See what I meant about the raw honesty?
Shaking my head while chuckling, I said “Thanks”
She offered me her hand, pulled me inside her bedroom and pressed me against the closed door, kissing me as if her life depended on it
“What happened with the ‘food first, sex later’ rule?” I laughed, as she pulled me towards her
“That was before you showed up at my door looking like this” She smacked my ass “This is your fault, princess, not mine” She hugged me tightly
I stepped away from her, turned around and walked towards the bed, giving her the perfect view of my ass in the light grey yoga pants
Do I know my ass looks insanely good in those pants? Yes!
Did I do it on purpose? Hell yes!
When I reached the bed, I placed myself in all fours on top of it, wiggled my ass in the air and looked over my shoulder at her
“Come, Rhea” I purred, and cackled at the low growl she made
She ran towards the bed, grabbed my hips and pushed me down on the mattress, locking me there with her body weight
“You’re in some big trouble, missy”
“Am I? What did I do?” I batted my lashes innocently
She chuckled “You’re no good, woman!” Her hands dipped underneath my crop top, and grabbed my breasts through the bra “And to think I was worried about corrupting you, when in fact you’re as dirty as I am” Her tongue traced patterns along my neck
“Rhea, please” I moaned
She pushed my pants down, but suddenly stopped to sit up
“Where are your panties?” She smirked
“Oh damn it! I knew I was forgetting something” I smiled devilishly
“Fuck” She panted, dipping her head down to my core
I sighed deeply in content, when her tongue met my clit “You’re so fucking good” I looked down and she winked. My hand quickly grabbed her short blonde locks at the same time she pushed two fingers in
“Oh my fucking -” I pulled on her hair when her fingers inside of me curled and her lips began to suck on my clit
I looked down to find her gaze glued to my face “I’m gonna cum” I moaned “Fuck you’re gonna make me cum so good” I bit my lip in order to control my moans
The next touch of her tongue piercing against my bundle of nerves was what made me explode around her fingers.
Rhea’s fingers and tongue actions became softer and softer as I came down from my high. Smiling, she made her way up, towards my lips and kissing me softly
“Why are you so good at this?” I asked, completely mind blown
“Told you I could eat pussy” She chuckled
“Fuck, I think you ruined me” I panted
“Oh no, princess” She grinned “I’m not even close to ruining you yet”
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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nolimetangere · 2 years
Cold In The Desert
A re-write of the episode 12 Eric route! Please let me know if you like it c:
"You still haven't told me what's on your mind."
 Eric had turned up to the Cosy Bear as he did, every other night - like clockwork, ready to lend a hand stacking tables and chairs, putting them away. He got it done a lot faster than I did, and admittedly, I could have a cheeky look at him flexing his biceps and pectorals while I was making him that free coffee he worked so hard for. Although nowadays, I was trying harder and harder to keep my eyes averted, because that would only add to these strange stirrings of whatever that drunken dinner had set off, and I wouldn't entertain it. I just… wouldn't.
 "Hm. How'd you know something was on my mind?"
 "Your jaw tightens, you get all frowny." I leaned over the counter, taking a moment to straighten my top so that I wasn't showing too much tit. "Come on. Dude, I practically counselled you through this divorce, you're not gonna freeze up on me now, are you?"
 "Well, some things are personal, kid. Sometimes it doesn't help all that much to share." Eric reached for the coffee that I'd provided in a paper cup, and I stood, feeling very quietly stung. Well, he was well within his rights to not talk to me about whatever it was. After all, it was Nathaniel he was close to, not me. I just gave the coffee, and the drama, for the most part. Silly to feel upset about it, I knew that.
 "My bad, sorry. Sometimes I don't know when to stop."
 "Nath's always sayin' that about you. That you were exactly the same in high school. You woulda made a good cop." He took a long drink, his eyes searching off in the distance of the evening - seeing nothing. It was even cooler now, and the skimpy outfit I'd worn to dinner a month or two ago wouldn't fly. Today, my comfy trainers, jeans, and thick cardigan protected me from the wind - although my cropped tank top was thrown in, just to make me feel that little bit sexier whenever I caught sight of my cleavage in a reflective surface. God only knew that I wasn't getting any at home, not with the Master Chef and his head stuck in the books all the time.
 I was being ridiculously bitter, and it was so unfair. I knew it was. But I was tired of the unpredictability and the upset, and flying off of the handle, all of those things. Every cancelled plan came to my mind all of a sudden, and I felt the exhaustion washing over me. There weren't any tears anymore.
 "Yeah, he would. Although I think I'd be too easy to bribe. Come on, we'd better head."
 "I'm pretending I didn't hear that." The first laugh of the evening passed his lips, and I smiled a little to myself as I punched in the alarm code, and headed for the back door.
 We stepped outside - the chill almost instantly settling into my bones - and I glanced once, twice down the street. Eric usually accompanied me some of the way home, but in his current mood - which was quiet, brooding - I didn't know how comfortable that would be for either of us, so I was just counting to see how much change I had in my pocket for a bus ticket when I heard the last-ditch question.
 "Mmm?" My fist closed around the coins, and I looked back to Eric, blinking up at him. "Hey, do you want to talk after all? I have a bit of time."
 "I wanted to ask you something."
 "Yeah? Course. You know you can ask me anything."
 "I don't, actually. I'm not sure you know what that means." Eric set what appeared to be a full coffee cup down on the bus bench, unfolding his arms from his broad chest. I blinked, my breath hitching slightly as he stepped closer. What was this? What was he - what was he saying? I didn't understand.
 "Stop me if you want to," he continued, almost… softly. His firm, yet gentle grip encircled my upper arms, and he drew me closer, pressing his mouth to mine.
 And it was all confusing - the warmth flooding the entirety of my body, radiating from my chest to the top of my head, the tips of my toes; my heart beating faster, the way the slow, leisurely kiss seemed to allow us to fit together like two pieces of the same puzzle. I inhaled, kissing him more deeply, the taste of sweet peppermint drifting over my tongue.
 And then… the guilt.
 "No. Eric, no." My hands balled into fists against his chest, and I pulled away from him, light headed. I almost wanted to sit down on the pavement and do the whole through-the-knees thing, but I didn't know if I'd be getting back up from that, so I managed to keep myself standing upright. When I caught his expression, it was full of… desire. Surprise. Sadness. But no… regret. No anger.
 Oh, no, this can't be happening, this can't be happening.
 "Eric," I said again, attempting to make my voice as firm as I possibly could, "I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong idea."
 "No. I should be the one apologising. Although… Eva, I could of sworn you were kissing me back, for a second." He took another step forward and I backed away, shaking my head.
 "No. You just caught me by surprise. You're honestly lucky I didn't slap you."
 His laughter was dark. "Maybe I was. Fuck, I'm sorry."
 "It's… I mean, it's fine. But that - I have a boyfriend, Eric." I shut my eyes, swaying slightly, but remaining on my feet. "I'm going to call a cab, alright? Don't worry about the trip home, I got it."
 "Eva," he said again, lifting a hand - and for a moment, I thought he was going to reach out, and take mine. But it fell to his side again. "Alright."
 "I'm not going to tell Nath about this." My fingers tightened around my bag strap - I knew what he thought about cheaters, about… about… "I suggest you don't either."
 A tight response. "I appreciate it."
 "It's fine. I guess I'll see you."
 "I guess," Eric said, turning on his heel, and walking briskly off into the night time.
 It was easy to find a taxi; they weren't particularly busy on a Wednesday night, and I just paid via card machine, which I was lucky he had. Sitting in the back seat, I made an attempt to clear my head; but it was only when the driver asked me what was wrong did I realize that I was crying.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Heels {Rowaelin}
The prompt: walks in front of their crush in stripper heals and a short skirt because they want their attention
Rowan x Aelin os
Written with @snelbz​
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There was no way this could be a good idea.
Aelin was sitting on her bed, watching as Lysandra flicked through her closet. She had told her that tonight was the night and had recruited her to help her do what she considered nearly impossible.
She was going to get the attention of Rowan Whitethorn.
It wasn’t that he didn’t know she existed, it was quite the opposite. He was one of her friends, having met during orientation week their freshman year, and as their group grew, so did their friendship. But after three and a half years, she had very solidly gotten her stuck as just that: his friend.
“You’re wasting your time,” Aelin crooned, flipping through the timeline on her phone. 
“Bullshit,” Lysandra muttered, flipping through the clothes in her closet. “You need to feel confident, Aelin. Rowan is obsessed with you, and you’re obsessed with him. This whole thing is ridiculous.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, but remained quiet. 
“How about this?” Lysandra asked, pulling out a denim mini skirt and black halter cropped top. As Aelin was about to reply, Lysandra said, “Say nothing. Put it on.”
With a roll of her eyes, yet again, Aelin did as much. Once she had the skirt and top on, she looked in the mirror. 
And she looked hot as hell.
“Shoes?” Aelin asked, despite herself. 
“Oh, I have the perfect heels,” Lysandra said, fleeing from the room. She came back a moment later with a pair of black stilettos that were Aelin’s  size. 
Scoffing, Aelin held them up. “I’m going to break my neck.”
Lysandra snorted and flounced back into the bathroom where she continued to straighten her hair. “You’re exaggerating.”
“Fine,” Aelin amended. “I’m going to break my ankle.” She set the shoes on her bed and joined Lysandra in the bathroom to finish getting ready.
She let Lysandra curl her hair, but drew the line when she offered to do her makeup. They had very different styles when it came to that and while Lysandra looked drop dead gorgeous with her cat-eye liner and ruby red lips, Aelin would never be able to pull it off.
“Where is this party even at?” Lysandra asked, pulling her hair back into a stylish ponytail.
“Lorcan’s.” Aelin was trying to keep her hand steady as she applied the thin line of liquid eyeliner to her upper lid. “I think Elide convinced him to throw it.”
Lysandra snorted, applying her mascara.  “Sounds right. Lorcan isn’t exactly the host-type.”
Aelin grinned, tossing her eyeliner in her makeup bag. “Alright, hurry up. I want to make my entrance.”
With a roll of her eyes, Lysandra took one last look in the mirror and declared herself ready and they were off.
Lorcan’s apartment was just on the edge of campus, so the two girls walked and earned the eager glances of many as they did so.
Aelin took it as a good sign.
“Will Aedion be here tonight?” Lysandra asked, shooting a glance over at Aelin.
She groaned. “Probably.” She still couldn’t believe that her roommate actually had the hots for her cousin. He was practically her brother and the thought of him in any sort of compromising position made her want to gag. “If you hook up with him tonight, please do it at his place. I can’t afford therapy on my barista’s salary.”
“Trust me,” Lysandra said, adjusting her ponytail as they approached the steps to Lorcan’s. “I plan on giving you complete privacy at the apartment tonight. And you better take advantage of it.”
Butterflies grew in the pit of Aelin’s stomach. 
She planned to, hoped to, wanted to…but, she had to catch Rowan’s eye first - something that made her nerves go haywire. 
Lysandra must have caught it, because they stopped outside of Lorcan’s door and Lysandra made Aelin face her. 
“You look gorgeous,” she said, and brushed Aelin’s hair back. “He’d be an idiot not to come after you.”
That was the goal, after all. Aelin was not going to be the one doing the chasing. She wanted Rowan to see her, want her, not be able to take his eyes off of her. She knew he’d be here, the party was at his best friend’s apartment, knew that everyone from their friend group would show up. Yet she was absolutely fucking terrified he’d see her and have zero reaction.
She played it off with a joke though. Scoffing, she tossed her hair over a shoulder. “He’d better. I didn’t book an emergency appointment with my waxer for nothing.”
If Lysandra noticed the fake bravado — which she absolutely did, she and Aelin had become as close as sisters over the past three years — she didn’t call her out on it. Instead, she smirked, smacked Aelin on the ass, and said, “Then let’s go get your man.”
The music could be heard from a block away, and when they opened the front door, the apartment was already packed.
People definitely noticed them come in, though, including Elide who was running towards them, a drink in hand. “It’s about time you two showed up!”
“The host himself isn’t here to greet us?” Aelin mocked, giving Elide a hug.
Elide chuckled as she rolled her eyes. “He’s been out on the balcony for about a half hour, avoiding all human interaction.”
“Sounds about right,” Lysandra replied, rolling her eyes, but then she began looking around the spacious townhouse Lorcan and Elide shared. “You haven’t seen Aedion tonight, have you?”
Elide gave Aelin a knowing glance, but said, “Last I saw, he was playing beer pong with Fenrys. Don’t know who the poor bastards getting their asses handed to them were, but they’re probably still in the kitchen.”
Lysandra gave Aelin a wink. “Good luck.” And then she was gone, lost in the bodies dancing to the music.
Her part in tonight was done, to help Aelin get Rowan’s attention. It was all up to Aelin now, so Lysandra was free to find someone to occupy her own time. Even if the thought of who she’d be with made Aelin want to shudder.
Alone with Aelin, or as close to it as they could be, Elide let out a low whistle as she finally took in Aelin’s outfit. “I have a feeling that outfit isn’t just to impress me.”
“Does that mean you’re not impressed?” Aelin asked, pretending to pout. 
Elide looped her arm through Aelin’s and led her to the bar. “I’m always impressed, but I don’t think you care so much about my opinion, do you?”
Aelin snorted as she began to look around, but Elide saved her the struggle.
“He’s on the patio with Lor,” Elide said, simply. “Don’t worry. I’ll drag his ass back in here soon and Rowan will follow.”
Elide poured them both a shot, which Aelin gladly took and even asked for another. But when Manon and Asterin Blackbeak showed up, she waved Elide off to go greet her friends, and leaned against the bar, debating on a third shot.
She wasn’t trying to get shitty tonight, just a little messy, but her nerves were beginning to grow again.
Just as she decided to say fuck it, and get another shot, and heard a whistle from behind her. She turned and found Dorian Havilliard staring at her legs.
Or maybe he was staring at her ass.
They had messed around her freshman year, when his dorm room was just down the hall from hers, but it had never been anything more than that between them, and they agreed that they were better as friends. It didn’t mean they didn’t have fun though.
She smirked as she tossed the glass back and set it down on the bar top, before turning to him. “See anything you like?”
“I see quite a few things I like,” he said, raising his drink in salute. “Then again, only a fourth of your skin is covered, so there’s a lot to look at.”
Aelin laughed, quietly, and clinked her empty shot glass against his full bottle. “Gotta show off what the gods gave me.”
“As you should,” he agreed with a wink. “Haven’t seen you around in a while.”
“Well, it is school, and I actually study,” Aelin said, turning to refill her shot glass.
Dorian had the audacity to look offended. “Hey, I study, too.”
Aelin laughed as she turned back around. “Reading a bunch of books that have nothing to do with any of your classes doesn’t count as studying, Dor.”
“But they’re so much more interesting,” he replied, chuckling as he thought of the boring curriculum he studied for his pre-law degree.
Aelin rolled her eyes as she tossed back the shot and set it behind the bar. Four shots was enough. She’d be fun, she’d be confident, but she wasn’t tipsy enough to make an ass of herself.
“I assume all of this skin isn’t for me, so who are you trying to impress?” Dorian asked, and then added, with a wink, “Chaol?”
Huffing a laugh, Aelin shook her head. “Absolutely not. That ended in a disaster and I’m not inclined to repeat it.”
The sliding glass door opened and Aelin’s eyes snapped to the door, before she quickly turned away before Lorcan and Rowan stepped inside.
“Oh,” Dorian chuckled, softly. “Whitethorn then.”
It wasn’t a question.
He had moved imperceptibly closer and she knew how it would look to Rowan. For whatever reason, she decided she wanted him to be jealous she was talking to another guy.
Even if she had no idea whether or not he’d even noticed her.
“Is this who I am now?” Dorian asked, quietly, leaning into her ear, fully aware that it looked like he was coming onto her. “Your super hot wingman?”
Aelin snorted, and didn’t bother moving away. “My overly cocky wingman, maybe.”
Dorian huffed a laugh. “I still take it as a compliment.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be flirting up Manon instead of fake flirting with me?” Aelin whispered, quietly. She glanced at Rowan, who was filling up a red solo cup.
“I like to make Manon wait,” Dorian said, running a finger up Aelin’s forearm. “She gets jealous, too, and it makes things so much more exciting in the bedroom.”
“Thanks for the image, Dor,” Aelin said, pushing away the need to roll her eyes and flick him in the nose.
He and Manon weren’t exclusively in a relationship, but everyone knew they hooked up with each other, and only each other. But, again, totally not exclusive.
“Besides,” Dorian mused, his finger skimming Aelin’s arm. “She’s busy doing body shots with Asterin. I’ll enjoy her later.”
Aelin snorted, reaching behind the bar and pulling an ice cold beer from the open cooler. She handed it to him and he opened it for her, flicking the cap in the air as if it were a coin.
He let it fall to the bar top as he leaned in to whisper in her ear one last time. “Pretty sure that’s my cue.”
She followed his gaze across the room, and found Rowan looking at her. Watching her and Dorian both.
“Have fun,” he added, before sauntering off towards the kitchen.
Rowan watched Dorian walk away to the other side of the room where he sat to watch Aedion and Fenrys continue to dominate in beer pong.
When Rowan’s eyes trailed back to Aelin, she was already watching him, a slightly-forced mischievous smile on her lips.
On the inside, she felt like she was going to puke.
He made his way across the room, pausing in front of her and slipped his free hand into his pocket. “Hey.”
“Hey, yourself,” she said, and she wasn’t sure why it sounded so breathless.
“I didn’t see you get here,” he said, taking a sip of his beer.
She did the same, fighting the urge to toss her hair over a shoulder. “You were outside.” She realized that told him she was keeping tabs on him and she quickly added. “I mean, Elide told me Lorcan was outside, so I assumed you had to be with him.”
He smirked. “Right. Well, I was. It’s a little crowded in here.” She nodded, but he went on. “However, seems like you didn’t mind when Havilliard was over here with you. Not too crowded for you, then, huh?” 
Aelin slowly lifted a golden brow. If Rowan wanted to play, she would play. “Not crowded enough for someone to be blocking your view of me with Dorian, apparently.”
A light lit up Rowan’s green eyes as his jaw twitched, suppressing a grin. “I can always count on you to manipulate my words and their meaning, Galathynius.”
Aelin’s grin was wide. “Someone has to keep you in your place, Whitethorn.” 
“And is that you?” He asked, voice low as he took a drink from his cup. “The person that’s going to keep me in my place?”
Aelin’s eyes glittered as she took another drink. It was always easy with Rowan. They could talk for hours, that witty banter, back and forth. But, that’s all that had ever happened between them: simple conversation. 
From the way she caught him watching her legs as she took a drink, though, she thought tonight may just end up as she planned.
A hell of a lot more than simple conversation.
“Want to dance?” She asked.
His eyes slowly slid up her body to meet her gaze. “You know I don’t dance, Ace.”
She took a long, slow drink from her bottle. “Not even with me?”
“Not with anyone,” he said, crossing his arms and resting a hip against the bar.
It was a miracle no one had interrupted them, but the bulk of the drinks had been set up in the kitchen.
“That’s a shame,” Aelin sighed, finishing off her beer and tossing the empty bottle in the trash can. “I would love to dance, but I don’t have anyone to dance with.”
Rowan said, “I’m sure you can find someone, especially with how you’re dressed tonight.”
She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. “And how is that?”
“Don’t get me wrong, you look drop dead fucking sexy,” he replied, without missing a beat. “I just don’t get why.”
“What do you mean?” Aelin asked.
“Why try so hard?” He asked, head cocked to the side. “Who are you trying to impress?”
Cocky bastard. She could see it in his eyes, he knew what he was doing and she hated him for it.
Hated that she loved it, anyway.
“What need would I have to impress anyone?” Aelin asked, chin raised. “I think I’m naturally perfect in every way.”
Rowan chuckled. “Then you should’ve come in your sweatpants and a tank top.”
Aelin rose a brow.
Rowan shrugged. “I think that’s when you’re sexiest.”
With that, with his cup pressed to his lips, he turned and walked away.
Aelin blinked after him, not sure she was sure she heard him right. He made his way through the people and headed back to the door leading out onto the balcony, stopping to say something to Lorcan. He waved him off and then Rowan was slipping back outside, while Aelin just started after him.
She pushed her way through the crowd, which was easier said than done when you weren’t a six-foot-four giant who mildly scared the shit out of everyone by scowling at them, but she eventually made it to the door. Sliding it open, she stepped out into the balmy night air.
“You can’t say shit like that and then just disappear,” Aelin said, finding him exactly how she’d expected to.
Rowan was leaned against the wall, the sole of one booted foot pressed against it as well. A lit cigarette dangled from his fingers. She gave him shit about smoking all the time, but knew he only did it when he drank.
Or when he had something on his mind.
He held the cigarette out to her, but she gave him a look. “You know better than to offer me that.”
Rowan just grinned and put it back between his lips. “You’re missing the party.” 
“What did you mean?” Aelin asked, standing opposite of him, leaning against the railing. 
“When?” he asked, looking up at the sky.
“Don’t bullshit me, Rowan,” she snapped, and it got his attention. 
Blowing a puff of smoke into the cool night air, he met her gaze and slowly shook his head. He gestured to her outfit, to the heels that were making her feet ache. “What is this?”
“They’re clothes,” she said. “For a party.”
“They’re Lysandra’s,” he replied, simply. 
“I can’t wear my roommate’s clothes?” Aelin scoffed. “What the hell is wrong with you tonight-.”
“Why can’t you just admit that you’re just trying to impress someone?” he interrupted, watching her, that light in his eye fading. “You’ve never been not-confident a day in your life. Whoever it is that you’re trying to impress, he obviously isn’t worth it if it causes you to be someone you’re not.”
Aelin looked down at the cropped halter top, the skirt that hardly reached her thighs, the heels that she was certain would cause blisters. “This is someone I’m not?”
Rowan slowly shook his head. “Last time we went out, you wore that little golden slip dress….” He shook his head, reminiscing on the memory. “That was you. You wore sneakers and you were still barefoot halfway through the night, dancing on the patio. What you’re wearing now - yeah, you look gorgeous - but I can tell you’re not comfortable in it.” 
“If I’m trying to get someone’s attention, maybe my usual isn’t best. Especially if it pushes me out of my comfort zone,” she snapped back, her hands on her hips. “And why is it such a problem if I’m trying to impress someone? Dorian was impressed.”
“Dorian doesn’t drool all over you like a dog in heat,” he replied. “He respects you, regardless of what you’re wearing, how much skin you’re showing off. But if you’re trying to impress some D bag who will only notice you if you’re dressed like that, you might want to reconsider.”
“And what if I was trying to impress you?” She asked, getting in his face, cigarette smoke and whiskey breath be damned. “What if I was trying to get your attention, Rowan?”
His jaw locked and his eyes searched hers, as if he was trying to find the underlying meaning in what she was saying, even if there wasn’t one. 
“Then you’d be wasting your time,” he said, at last.
It felt like a knife had been shoved into Aelin’s ribs with every word that had come out of his mouth. Begging herself not to cry in front of him, she went to take a step away, but Rowan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him.
Their chests were nearly touching, and his hand trailed from her wrist, into her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.
He took the cigarette from his lips and said, “You’d be wasting your time because you impress me every time that I’m around you.”
“You never act like it,” she breathed, shaking her head. “You never do anything, and you’ve never tried to make a move. What the hell else was I supposed to do?”
He flicked the cigarette over the rail and let go of her hand, only to frame her face with both of his. “This.”
And then his lips were on hers, and Aelin didn’t care that she could taste residual smoke or stale beer. She knew she didn’t taste much better. All that mattered was that Rowan was kissing her and his hands were on her face and hers were tangled up in his shirt. His tongue slid against hers and she had to fight to stop the moan that threatened to slip out of her.
He pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. “That,” he said, breathlessly. “That is what you should have done to get my attention.”
Aelin swallowed, harshly. “Do it again.”
Rowan didn’t have to be convinced. His hands slid down her back as he brought his mouth to hers, and he pulled her body uptight against his. They stayed out there for a long time, for hours, uninterrupted. 
At one point, she saw Dorian come by and lock the balcony door, so everyone else would get the hint to stay the hell away.
Wingman of the year.
They stayed on the balcony, kissing and laughing and kissing some more, until the party wound down. Around two, Lorcan let them inside, and Aelin pulled Rowan out of the apartment and across campus to her own. 
True to Lysandra’s word, she was nowhere to be found.
The second Aelin stepped into her apartment, she kicked off her heels and was swept into Rowan’s arms. He carried her into her bedroom, where he stripped her down, out of her roommate’s clothes.
Rowan Whitethorn saw all of her.
She had his full attention. 
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hauntingmothgirl · 3 years
To Hell and Back PART 3
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Hi so a lot of people liked that last part, thank you for the support, it really made me smile and made my day. If you have any suggestions/requests or want me to write a specific scene then feel free to ask, my dms are open, but for now here’s part 3! This series spans across the ending of season 4 if it wasn’t already clear enough.
        The flight to Windsor, Ontario, Canada felt longer than it should have. Trying to avoid Spencer’s prying and profiling eyes was harder than it seemed. Even staring at her book wasn’t enough to keep him from noticing how long she had been on a single page. And the looks the team were now giving to a certain profiler who seemed to be studying every movement of his co-worker were hard to ignore. 
        By the time the plane had touched down, Y/n had cleaned up her space and was sitting on the edge of her seat, book in hand and satchel across her chest. As soon as it was clear to leave Y/n was out of her seat, mumbling a thank you to a flight attendant and hurrying down the steep steps. The normal cars they had assigned to them were directly outside, waiting for the team. Flinging an SUV door open and hurrying into the back, ducking behind the headrest, she tried her best to see over her hiding spot to check if the hour ride to R.C.M.P. Headquarters was going to be one filled with torture, or one filled with awkward silence. 
        She was just about to sit up, realizing how idiotic she looked and how stupid she would feel if someone spotted her when an uncoordinated Reid tried to hurry down the steps without looking, well… hurried. A grimace settled onto his face as he squinted through the sunlight trying to spot her. Rossi was next behind him, taking slow steps. Clapping a hand on his back and leaning in, Rossi muttered something in Reid’s ear, smiled and then started for the car. Reid’s demeanor shifted, his shoulders went stiff and then relaxed, his expression softened and then fell. He took off for the next car. 
        Y/n sat upright and stuffed her nose into her book as Rossi entered the car, pulling his seatbelt on before finally starting the car. “You can sit in the front if you like, you know?” He offered, looking up in the mirror to meet her eyes. Hesitating, she dropped her book and moved to the door. Settling into the front passenger seat, she forced herself to keep her eyes forward. The drive started out fine at first, Rossi didn’t try to make conversation and let the silence flow comfortably around them. After the first 20 minutes of driving and staring down endless highways, Y/n had grown restless and drew her book back to her, in need of something to occupy her mind. As she read her eyes grew heavy, sore, and her head fell forward slowly. Every so often she fought against closing her eyes fully and instead found herself sinking further and further into her seat. By the time she had woken up, the drive was over. 
         “Come on Sunshine,” a voice laughed near her ear, startling her out of her sleep. Craning her now sore neck to peer up at the person who stood with her door open, trying to unbuckle her now, she rubbed her eyes. “Have a good nap?” He chuckled, taking her satchel from out of the backseat. She grimaced, taking his hands to help lift herself up, steadying her balance. “Where are we, Derek?” She asked, taking a look around. “Headquarters, they dropped your bags off at the hotel, told me to give you your room key for tonight. You were knocked out for a while, Rossi didn’t wanna wake you when we got to the hotel. Don’t worry, we didn’t go through any of your belongings,” he added with a smirk. Looking up at the headquarters, she smoothed her shirt and pulled her into a ponytail, trying to look decent, or at least as if she hadn’t been asleep for the past hour. “Thank you,” she mumbled, taking her satchel from his hands. “No problem.” 
           A thought popped into her head as she pulled the satchel onto her shoulder, “Aren't you supposed to be with Prentiss?” she asked, twisting to look for the other profiler. “Yes, mother,” he chuckled, “I’m heading there now, but the teams inside and I'm apparently on wakeup duty. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do,” he answered, walking backwards towards another SUV. “Drive safe,” she called after him, turning to the big building as he called back, “You know it.” 
        The building was big and red. Bigger on the inside than she anticipated, multiple floors, lots of bustle and busy people. The faint smell of peppermint and air freshener wafted to her nose. As she entered the building she caught sight of the rest of her team, giving a small smile as she started towards them. “Morning sleepyhead,” JJ cooed. Her stomach did flip flops as she came to a stop in front of them, locking eyes with Spencer. “Very funny,” she retorted as the team started to set a stride. 
        A small elevator sat at the far end of the room, a door titled, “Stairs Access,” stood just across from it. On any normal day Y/n would’ve chosen the stairs, she had always had a problem with the close quarters of an elevator, the uncertainty and danger of such an unstable device had always left her off put. But a long way to the ninth floor on the stairs would not only be physically tiring, but would most definitely be accompanied by a certain doctor to her left who had been dying to talk to her alone. Still, the team became increasingly interested when Y/n stepped in with them. “Someone’s getting brave, huh?” JJ chuckled, “Just too tired to deal with the stairs today.”
        The hallway the doors opened to was short and led out to a giant office full of people. Tan walls extended on each side, the tiles on the floor reflected the lights above them. A man met Rossi in the entrance of the room, exchanging pleasantries and introducing the team, it was impossible not to notice the way Spencer’s gaze kept flickering to hers. Two red offices stood at the far end of the room and the room to the right of them. Walking in between the desks and making his way to one of the rooms, Jeff led the team, “I've got a victim board and timelines set up on monitors in the conference room. Anything you need, you've got the run of the place.” 
         “We appreciate it,” Rossi replied lightly.” “Don’t thank me, Thank the unsub. He's the one that put you all in charge.”
        Something about that last remark hit Y/n the wrong way, wrinkling her nose in agitation. JJ excused herself to go talk to Garcia as Y/n took in the room. A long conference table sat in the middle of the room, six chairs pushed into it. A tv hung on the left wall, faces of the victims littering the screen. Rossi took in the site, then moved around the table to make room for Reid and Y/n. Following Reid, she took a second to go over the tv soon realizing that she had already seen the pictures in the file JJ had supplied her with. Realizing that everyone’s backs were to them, Spencer made the quick decision to steal a look at her. Turning on her heel to walk away from the screen, her eyes reached his, the pleading look on his face was enough to make her stomach turn. Guilt flooded her, all he probably wants is his best friend back, this isn’t fair to him. Did I ruin our friendship?  Turning around to take her place next to Rossi. “You believe that he killed all these people?” Reid asked, his eyes turning back to the screen, “Fits the profile,” Officer Jeff responded absentmindedly. “How so?” Rossi asked, clearly quizzing his former student, everyone in this room knew of the Unsubs history, but Jeff answered nonetheless. “He got a recent physical trauma. Could be a stressor. Wide disparity of victims. No bodies. Possible border cross. Two entirely different terrains,” He paused, “To pull that off, you'd have to be smart, you'd have to be organized, mobile, physical.” His missing leg ran through Y/n‘s mind once again, before the accident this all could’ve been possible, but now? After such physical trauma? It didn't make sense. 
        “Military background gives you all that,” Rossi finished for him.
 “Exactly,” Officer Bedwell hummed.
        “It appears as though he clusters his victims into men, then women, and then back to men again.” Spencer’s voice raised in tone, confusion heavy in his voice. 
        “What does that tell you?” Officer Bedwell asked.
“At the moment, nothing.”
        They were informed that he hadn’t contacted family, nor a lawyer and was awaiting an interrogation. Hotch was the last person to talk, deducing that since this man had contacted the FBI, he would want to speak to whoever he believed was the most in charge. 
        The interrogation room was dimly lit, only one light directly overhead, the room behind the glass was filled with two officers, Rossi, Reid and Y/n. Crammed into the few chairs there were, Y/n watched, her brows furrowed, as Hotch sat down at the table. William was a tall man, broad shoulders and muscular arms, he sat in silence, a detached look sewn onto his features. A black goatee rested above his lips, his hair was cropped in a buzz cut, understandable due to his military background. His body shows his training too, he sat straight up, shoulders back, hands on his thighs, his legs slightly spread. The pinnacle of perfect posture. 
        It was silent as Hotch announced himself as the behavioral analysis unit chief from the FBI. William’s face didn't change as his eyes lifted to Hotch’s, “You’re here to analyze me.” This wasn’t a question, but a statement. “No, I’m here to take your confession and find out where you dumped your victims,” Hotch corrected. Y/n could see the technique Hotch was using beginning to form, diminishing any hope of negotiation. Setting himself in charge in the room and demanding the attention, making it clear that this was Hotch’s room, not Heightower’s, taking away any slimmer of wiggle room around the conversation. He continued, “Or are you wasting my time?” 
        Y/n’s boss was always great at keeping his voice firm but somewhat monotone when speaking to unsubs, not letting emotion intercede unless it was directly needed. “I gave you names, I gave you dates.” William bounced around the subject, his voice low and gravely, as if he hadn’t spoken in hours. Hotch reigned the conversation back onto topic easily, “You didn’t give me a dump site.” It was silent for a moment, as if an unspoken staring contest had started, the Unit Chief’s jaw was set, William was withholding information and he wasn’t intending on opening up anytime soon. “You were a sergeant,” Hotch started, again not a question, a statement intended to gain an emotional reaction, “You led troops, probably lost men.” Y/n’s eyes flickered to William’s just as he let out a hesitant, “a few.” 
        “What would their parents feel if they didn’t know whether their sons were dead or alive?” Hotch tried. The tension shifted uncomfortably. A cord was struck, “Don’t lecture me on notifying families, I’ve been on those doorsteps,” as William spoke his voice rose slightly from the whisper it had started out as. He’s protective of these men, his angry tone shows Hotch’s words affect him, why is he trying so hard to make us not see that? “No one cares about those people, why should I?” His head shakes as he says it, even his own body is rejecting the words he’s saying, subconsciously disagreeing with them. Hotch’s words have caught him off guard, this technique is making him emotional.
        Rossi’s voice interrupts Y/n’s thoughts, “Here we go.” 
        “What do you mean?” An officer to the right of Y/n’s chair asks, he leans against the interrogation window, unknowingly making her scoot her legs closer to herself. He mindlessly takes up so much of the little space beside her that she cringes uncomfortably away from him. “An interrogation doesn’t really start until you get the first lie,” Rossi finishes, so he picked up on it too. Hotch’s voice silences all of them as he resumes the conversation through the glass, “See that’s just the thing William, you were out there every night. You took their photographs, you checked off their names in a notebook,” William remains blank as he mutters, “So?” Hotch grimaces at the answer and then continues, “Your behavior was more like a protector, like someone in the army doing a bed check.” If Hotch’s words resonate with anything at all to him, he doesn’t show it and lets him continue. “You’ve gone to a lot of trouble to confess to a crime you didn’t commit,” Hotch accuses. 
        Suddenly all reservation in William is gone, his lips quiver as he spits the words out angrily, “The folks on the street, did they tell you people were missing?” It's like he’s trying to prove their absence rather than his own guilt. 
        “If my team is here there are cases we are not working on, you are wasting our time.” 
        “10 people dead, huh?” Swallowing harshly, scowling, challenging Hotch, “That’s not enough for you?” 
        “I’ve watched the tape of you at the border cross over and over again, you wait until every guard is out of the booth before you drive into it,” Hotch raises his voice, as he leans closer to the table, “if you wanted to kill people you had your chance.” 
        William’s voice is booming now, his face enraged, “Are you investigating these murders or not?!” His whole body shakes violently as silence fills the room. “So that’s what this is all about?” Hotch questions, “Making sure we investigate?” What a way to do so. “If you thought people were being killed you should’ve gone to the police in Detroit.” Another shudder rips through William, “I already did,” his voice is low as it break. “3 times. They told me the kind of people I was looking for disappeared.” His voice trembled, the light reflecting off tears in his eyes, “They said that’s the way life on the street works.” Silence enveloped them again. 
        Struggling to keep his composure, he enunciated every word, “Do. You. Believe. The. People. I. Showed. You. Are. Missing?” 
        “I believe it's possible.”
        Rage wracked through his frame once again, “Don’t give me a political answer!”
        Hotch hesitated, giving himself a moment before he responded, “Tell me about what happened the night before the border cross.” William opened his mouth and then shut it before starting, “I did a head count,” he began. “Every night for the past month, like we do in Baghdad. That night I saw a boy named Charles wasn’t where he usually camped down.” The mention of a boy sends a pang of pain through Y/n’s chest, wondering how old the boy must have been. Hopefully he had meant a young man, rather than a young boy. The idea of a child in the case was a sore subject. Swallowing the hard lump in her throat, she hoped she hadn't shown any visible signs of discomfort. 
        “So I made another pass.”
“He didn’t turn up?”
        “By the morning I knew he was gone,” another scowl had set on his face, though this time it wasn’t targeted at the man across from him. “William,” Hotch started, sympathy thick in his voice, “People don’t do what you did out of honor.” He paused, “They do it out of love.” William’s lack of a response was enough to confirm their suspicions. “Who were you looking for on the streets every night.” His brows furrowed as William prepared himself before continuing, “I got home from Iraq, first thing my mother told me was that my baby sister Lee was on the streets.” Y/n’s heart sunk, with the way he’d been acting there was no way this story was going to end well. Rossi must have noticed it too because out of the corner of Y/n’s eye she watched him shake his head slightly, turning away from the glass before coming back to it, exhaling roughly. 
        William continued, “She asked me to find her.”
        “But you couldn’t?” Hotch pried.
        “I managed once. Brought her home, we got her fed.” His eyes fell, staring longingly as his voice broke yet again, “She even wore my dog tags. For good luck.” Y/n closed her eyes for a moment, sighing. No matter how long you were on this job, no matter what horrors you’d seen, it never gets easier to hear from the relatives of people who’ve gone missing. The team was evidence of that, Rossi’s head was to the side, face contorted in uncomfort. The officers sat quietly, staring at their laps. Though Hotch had to remain indifferent in order to keep control of the room, his face was no longer hard and stern. While he held his lips together in a tight line, a deep sadness sat behind his eyes, something only his colleagues who’d worked with him for so long would pick up on. 
         “Two weeks later, she slipped back onto the streets.” Composure was no longer an option for William, his breathing came out in short, quick breaths as his chest visibly shook. The tears spilled over, “That was it,” he barely managed to let out, another shaky breath in.
         “William, you’ve got so much information about the other potential victims, why not Lee?” Hotch asked, though this was a raw subject, it was still vital to know. Blinking rapidly in order to control the tears and reign his emotions back in, Heightower replied, “I hid it in a spare tire, in my car.” That explained why none of the team had any knowledge about Lee, organized and brilliant, William had intentionally left her out of the files he created for us. He wouldn't have even been considered had the officers known how close he really was to one of the victims, Y/n pondered. “I needed to wait until I was sure,” while the tears had stopped and his breathing was now in control, his hands still shook slightly under the table as he finished, “that you were on board.”
         That was all the team needed to hear, Frankie excused herself from the room. Walking down the hall as she assembled her thoughts. The car would definitely be in evidence somewhere, how they hadn’t managed to find the new piece of the puzzle was surprising, confused she wandered the hall trying to find the stairs. 
        The sound of the stairwell door opening made Y/n falter. She’d reached a platform between the set of stairs, eyes glancing to the door at the end of the platform that would take her to the hallway. Stairwells were where most assaults happened, but due to the fact that she was in a police department, she pushed that thought to the back of her head and continued to the next set of stairs. It wasn’t until she heard the pitter patter of quick footsteps behind her, that she realized she should have taken her chances with the elevator. 
        “ Y/n?” A pang of dread ran through her body in slow waves. Turning slowly on her heel, her eyes met Dr. Reid’s. His face was contorted, his eyes fixed on the ground, then fluttered back up to hers. “I-” 
        “Did I miss something on Heightower?” His eyebrows furrowed, confusion making it’s way on to his features. 
        “No- I just-” 
“Does this have anything to do with this case or a previous one?”
“So this is not work related?”
        “No, it’s not, but-”
        “Then we should not be having this conversation.” Starting back down the stairs, he was next to her in a moment. “I know that, but the other night I didn’t mean to make it seem like-” “Spencer,” her nose scrunched up in uncomfort. “Please, don't do this.” Another flight of steps was through. At this point she was counting them down in her head. 
        “Y/n, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, it just seemed like the worst time and I didn’t want you to-” “Spencer, please.” One more flight to go. 
        “Okay but give me a moment to-” 
        Blinking back tears, she tried to reason with him. “That was the single most humiliating thing I’ve ever done. Just having to look you in the eyes right now is unbelievably painful. Knowing that our friendship will probably never go back to the way it was is killing me and you bringing attention to it every five seconds is making it worse,” she rambled. “I mean for God’s sake Morgan won't stop trying to profile me and Hotch looks at me like a kicked puppy. I can tell everyone here is second guessing my decision to come back and I’m already having a hard enough time proving that I’m okay without your worried glances making everything worse so please. Give me some space, some time before I have to have this conversation with you.” 
        Spencer’s eyes flickered down, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”
        “I just can’t do this right now Spencer.” Opening the door and entering the lobby she made her way to an officer, flashing her badge and asking where the evidence storage room was.
okay that’s part 3, again, i hope it didn’t disappoint. and if it did then, again, that's chill too. tagged everyone who wanted a part 3. i know it was pretty long but i wanted to get a lot of the dialogue out of the way so i can focus on the reader and spencer in the next couple parts, rather than just the case, although that is pretty important. thank yall so much for the kind words!! and again if you have any suggestions or recommendations just ask, and if you want to be tagged in part 4, let me know! if you want me to stop tagging you then let me know that too lol. part 4 will be up tomorrow. have a beautiful day loves :)
@anarchy-n-glitter i love you sm, thank you for the support lol.
Part 2
Part 4
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duffs-shot-glass · 3 years
I Won't Tell (Axl Rose)
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I Won’t Tell
Axl Rose x Reader
Fluff, Angst??
WARNINGS: profanities
Word Count: 1,597
Y/N’s POV:
The sun’s bright rays shone down on me through the window. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at my alarm clock. 8:30 AM. Fuck. Izzy would be picking me up at 9:00 to meet his band. Instantly I threw the covers off of my body and sat up on the bed. The cold air rushed over my legs giving me goosebumps. I put on my fuzzy black slippers and trudged into the bathroom across the hall. There were hygiene products all over the white marble counter. I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when I heard the doorbell ring. I dropped my makeup brush on the counter and rushed to the door.
I turned the golden doorknob and opened the door to see Izzy. His lanky figure stood before me. He was wearing black jeans and a purple button up shirt. The first few buttons were undone and he had cowboy boots. “Hey Y/N! You ready?” I looked down at myself and then back at him with a questioning look. “Iz?” “Yeah?” “I’m still in my pajamas,” he laughed slightly. “Oh right. Haha” I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bathroom. Izzy closed the door and sat on my couch in the living room. I picked up the makeup on the counter and brushed my teeth. On the way to my bedroom I saw Izzy in my kitchen. “Izzy!” I yelled through the house. “What?!” He yelled back. “No beer! You have to drive a car, remember!” I could hear the annoyance in his voice when he responded. “Fine.” I laughed to myself before looking at the outfits I had to choose from. My eyes landed on a skirt. I never wore skirts unless it was a special occasion. I would always complain that my jeans were more comfortable. I had never met any of the boys in the band except for Izzy and I wanted to make a good impression. I took the skirt out of my dresser and sat it on my bed. It was black with small white flowers on it and it dropped to about five inches above my knees. I looked in my closet and found a white crop top. This would match nicely. I got dressed and walked out of the bedroom. Izzy’s eyes widened when he saw me. “What- I mean why um” he cleared his throat, “why are you uh wearing that Y/N?” I smiled at his shock. “Just wanted to make a good first impression.” I said as I headed towards the door of my apartment. Izzy followed me out the door and to his car. “Yeah good first impression my ass Y/N. Listen I have one rule ok just one rule.” He opened the driver’s side door and hopped in the car. I got into the passenger's seat and the car started. “Ok Iz. What?” I buckled my seatbelt and we started down the road. “You are not allowed to have any romantic shit with any of these assholes you understand?” He took his eyes off the road for a moment to look me in the eyes. “Ugh. Fine Izzy whatever the hell you want.” I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Izzy knew I was joking but I couldn’t lie. It might be nice to be in a relationship. Izzy turned the radio up and we listened to various rock bands on the way there. The car stopped when we reached a small house. “Alright well this is it.” He said as he pulled the keys out of the car. “Whose house did you say this was again?” I said looking at the house out of my window. “Oh uh Axl’s. Come on, let's go inside.” He stepped out of the car and waited for me to follow. When we got to the porch of the house Izzy knocked on the large black door. When the door opened there was a man standing there. He was tall. Extremely tall. He had blonde hair and a bottle of vodka in his hand. “Izzy!” He cheered as he pulled Izzy into a ‘bro hug’. “Who is the chick?” My eyes widened slightly at the nickname. What had I gotten myself into. “Duff this is Y/N. Y/N this is Duff.” Izzy smiled widely as I shook hands with the tall blonde apparently known as ‘Duff’. I muttered a “hello” to the man as Izzy led me past him and into the house. In the living room was a couch and a coffee table. On the couch sat another blonde, not as tall as the first one though. He grinned widely at me and waved like a little child. I giggled slightly at his friendliness. Next to him on the couch was another man. He had a mop of dark curls on his head and was downing a bottle of Jack Daniels. Izzy told me to socialize and walked into the living room joining the other two. I on the other hand felt quite uncomfortable being there and decided to wander about. I walked into the kitchen and picked up a partially empty beer bottle. Hopefully this is just beer. I took a swig of the liquid and yes. Thankfully it was just beer. I wandered the house a little bit more, and stumbled upon an empty bedroom. Inside were the traditional things. A bed, nightstand, dresser, but one thing drew my attention. In the corner of the room, next to a window, was a desk. I
walked up to the desk and observed the papers laying on top. There was paper after paper of writings. When I looked closer I realized something. They were song lyrics. I read the lyrics and was taken back by how good they were. I was about to pick up one of the papers when I heard a voice from behind me. “What are you doing in here?” The voice wasn’t mad or upset, just curious. I shakily turned around to see a man with long red hair. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of green, and his smile was astonishing. “I- uh..I’m sorry I was just leaving.” I tried to scurry out of the room but the man stopped me. “Hey it’s ok you don’t need to be nervous.” He touched my shoulders lightly and looked into my eyes. “I’m Axl by the way.” He now reached his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand in mine and looked into his eyes. “Y/N” I said. A smile creeped onto his face as he looked behind me. “So you were reading my lyrics huh?” He chuckled airily. “Your lyrics?” He walked to the desk and picked up a piece of paper. “Yeah I wrote 'em a little while ago.” He looked down at the paper. “They’re lovely.” I said, now standing next to him. His eyes met mine and I got goosebumps. “Thanks sweetheart.” I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks from the nickname. He looked up and laughed slightly. “You like the nickname huh?” I looked down almost ashamed. “Hey it’s alright you don’t have to be embarrassed” he said. He used his finger to lift my chin. I looked into his eyes and melted. He was so beautiful. I usually didn’t call men beautiful but he was. His face inched closer to mine and I could feel my heart beating at an extreme rate in my chest. He stopped when his face was just an inch away from mine. “Axl?” I said. He was staring at my lips when he answered. “Yes?” He had lowered his voice and it felt intoxicating. “We… we can’t do this.” I said and backed away from him. He looked at me with sad eyes. “Why? I thought you...I thought you felt the same.” He furrowed his brow. I did feel the same. I really did. But what about Izzy’s rule? I wasn’t allowed to be romantic with any of the members of the band. “I do Axl.” I hugged him. He hugged me tightly and sat his chin on my head. “Then why? Why can’t we be together?” I looked up at him. “Izzy said I’m not allowed to be with any of you.” Axl nodded his head. “Y/N trust me Izzy will get over it and besides you're a grown woman! You don’t have to listen to what Izzy says.” His green eyes darted between my Y/E/C ones. There were no words to describe how much I wanted to kiss the man in front of me. He was perfect. A perfect example of..well..perfect. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I pressed my lips to his lightly. Axl was shocked at first but then began to kiss me. The kiss was soft and slow, but so full of desire. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance which I happily obliged. Our tongues fought for dominance, but of course he won. He continued to kiss me, but my heart seemed to jump out of my chest when I heard the door behind me open. I broke away from Axl and turned to look and see who it was. Standing there in the doorway was a curly haired man with a top hat. Axl began to speak, “Slash plea-” but slash cut him off. “Don’t worry Ax...I won’t tell Izzy.” The man smirked devilishly and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Hello! ~ Thank you for reading this imagine! I hope you liked it! Have a great day and remember you are beautiful! :) ♥︎
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Full Mast - Part 2
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Summary: Your idyllic life as a trophy wife of a rich lord is suddenly disturbed with the arrival of a pirate ship and a kidnapping that goes wrong... leaving you in the care of a band of pirates that seem to treat you better than your husband ever did.
Part 1, 
Fandoms: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Night Hunter, Hellraiser Hellworld
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader, August Walker x Reader, Walter Marshall x Reader, Mikey (Hellraiser) x Reader.
A/N: This is a CRACK FIC. After a brief discussion with @nuggsmum about the cheap romance novels that you could find in the 80′s and 90′s, i called upon the awful storylines, plot holes, and general cheesyness of those books that walked so fanfiction could run. Read the warnings please.
Storyboard note: The only artwork i could find that was suitable to show a Henry-like character included the woman seen above. I tried to crop as much of her out as possible, the story itself does not describe the female reader at all.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex (F Recieving), Blowjobs, Multiple Blowjobs, Multiple Partners, Implied Age Gap (but never confirmed). Pretty Poly Pirates.
Only the finest organic free range typos for me, allowed to run wild and free.
Full Mast part 2
Standing in the grand cabin you took in your surroundings; the large table that was half covered in maps, the scattered chests and crates, the large four poster bed with messy linens. You wondered if the Captain had many other women between those sheets, or whether he kept his liaisons to his time on shore. At the mere thought of the man that had just taken your innocence you felt your stomach clench and another wave of arousal coat your already soaked petals. 
A quiet knock at the door drew your attention, smiling when you saw Mikey come in pulling a large chest and setting it down in the middle of the room;
“So err… Captain says there should be some stuff in here that will be ok for you, so umm… help yourself Miss…”
“Thank you Mikey”
The young man must be at least 20 yet a blush covered his cheeks as you spoke to him, and with a nervous smile he nodded his head and left the room, half tripping on the rug as he did so before slamming the door shut.
Stripping out of your ruined clothing you saw a pitcher of water and a bowl on the side, using it to wash the Captain's seed from your thighs. Crossing the room in just your silk stockings you opened the chest and pulled out a number of items, gauging what would fit. Looking around you set the items onto the large bed, pulling the covers straight as you made your choice and a thought came to mind.
Sy stood outside his cabin, his hand hovering over the door handle. What had he gotten himself into? When he’d heard that his old friend Walter was having issues on the island, he’d set sail immediately and between the two of them and his right hand man Walter, they’d come up with a fool proof plan; kidnap the lord’s young trophy wife, demand not even a ransom - just what they were due, return her unharmed. Instead he ended up with another officer onboard, a woman on his ship that was said to bring bad luck, and the puzzle of what the hell to do with her now it had been made abundantly clear that her husband didn’t want her back. Taking a deep breath he entered the room, expecting the worst…
“Darlin?... Don’t be mad…”
He looked around the room, surprised that at first he wasn’t pelted with whatever wasn’t tied down, but when he couldn’t see you at all he frowned.
“Captain, over here…”
His jaw dropped when he saw you, kneeling on his bed, bare save for your stockings and a smile. Crossing the room he came to stand at the foot of the bed, licking his lips as his gaze traversed your naked body;
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes…I don’t know what i was expecting, but it wasn’t this…”
With a single finger he beconned you towards him, watching as you moved until you were up on your knees, his large hand at the back of your neck and you were kissing again, his glorious tongue exploring your mouth as your hands clung to his shirt. Deliberately falling back on the bed you pulled him with you, his mouth making its way to your breasts where he lavished each one with full mouthed kisses, his tongue laving over the hardened peaks before pressing a trail of kisses down your stomach before settled at the apex of your thighs;
“Gotta be the prettiest little Puss i’ve seen in a long time, bet you’re as sweet as a peach too…”
His tongue swiped a wide path through your folds, your fingers clawing at the sheets as his beard tickled you and he did to you things you’d only read about in the secretive books that were hidden in the depths of your husbands library.
“Oh Captain!” you gasped as his tongue dived into your soaked entrance, his nose rubbing at your sensitive clit and you could feel your stomach tightening with anticipation of the inevitable. Seemingly in no need of air he continued to work the thick muscle inside of you, driving you closer and closer to the pinnacle of pleasure until the point of no return was met and you came with a cry, your legs clamping around his head. 
Finally he pulled himself free of your grasp, climbing up the bed until he was nestled between your thighs, his hardness pressing against your soaked core. Holding himself up on his strong arms he looked down at you beneath him;
“This time i’m gonna take my time and savour it…”
Your hands found their way to his breeches, unbuttoning him and gasping as his hot flesh sprung into your palm, heavy and weeping with need you guided him to your entrance. As he plunged into your depths the world seemed to fade around you; you’d had a taste of heaven and now you wanted more;
“You’re so big…”
“You want me to slow down Darlin?”
“No! It feels… so good…”
With practiced skill he rocked into you, slow but rough thrusts that had his length hitting a spot deep inside you’d had no idea that existed. The man had probably fucked his way around half of the Carribean but for a barely touched blossom as yourself he cherished the way your petals opened around him. 
He continued to fuck you closer and closer to orgasm, feeling your body tighten around him and tremble, he slid a hand between your bodies and rubbed at your sensitive pearl, a grin spreading across his face as you came again with a shout of his rank;
“That’s a good girl, so fucking good… almost there…”
He quickly pulled out and spilled his seed over your stomach, watching as rope after rope of his creamy seed patterned your body, before he fell to your side, his chest heaving. Covering his eyes he let out a shaky breath;
“What the fuck have i gotten myself into…” He peeped out from between his fingers, smiling at you before pulling you in for a sloppy kiss, finally resting his forehead against yours; “Wait there a moment Darlin, i’ll get you cleaned up”
You’d dressed in front of your Captain, watching how he admired your choices from where he sat at the long table;
“Wasn’t expecting you to go for breeches…” he commented as you fastened the half length velvet garment, your stockings beneath the knee length trousers. A loose shirt with a wide leather belt fastening it at your waist was the only other garment you put on, standing in front of him and doing a little twirl; “Very nice… and practical”
“I spent ten years of my childhood aboard spice ships, running up ladders and rigging in skirts was a recipe for disaster.”
You crossed the room and sat across his lap;
“So, how is this going to work? You gonna drop me at the next port, leave me to my own devices? Wait until we’re in shark infested waters and throw me overboard?”
“What? Now why would i do that to a pretty little thing like you?”
“Well I know you didn’t end up with the outcome you were hoping for, and now you’re stuck with a ransomee that isn’t due any ransom”
He let out a sigh;
“I wouldn’t do that… it ain’t your fault your husband had the balls of a eunuch. No, i’m sure we can find a use for you, even if it’s just warming my bed… did you have an education?”
“Of sorts. Whenever we docked in Grace Bay i’d see a governess. I can speak spanish, french, and italian” you nodded to the maps spread over the table; “... and i can chart courses and know the currents of the Indies better than anyone that ever sailed on the spice route” 
You gently stroked his beard;
“So Captain, what do you want me to do?”
“All of the above and more…” he stroked your cheek; “I won’t always be able to please you in bed, and from the signs of it you’ve got quite a carnal appetite...So, firstly you can call me Sy when its just us or the officers. When we’re on deck it’s Captain like everyone else. Secondly, if you want it, my officers could do with a bedmate, if you don’t mind sharing?”
Your eyebrows shot up so far you were surprised they didn’t meet your hair;
“Share me with your officers? Who…”
“There’s the Constable - who you’ll know from town - Walter Marshall, and the Armoury Officer - August Walker, and you’ve met Michael, he’s first mate”
“You’re alright with that?”
Stroking his beard you leant forwards and kissed him;
“Yes, yes I am. I’ve always wanted a little more adventure in my life, and now here it is”
“Well, you can be the one to decide when you want to go to the others, i’ll leave that move to you… i wont say anything yet”
“Thank you Sy, let's tell them Friday night. You can tell them.”
“Anything for my little Rose” he pressed his face to your neck and inhaled; “Still smell as sweet as that rose garden…”
“You can call me Rose if you like?”
“A new name for a new start?”
“Something like that” you grinned at him.
You’d spent four nights in the arms of Sy, some nights just falling asleep in each others arms, other’s you would fuck until dawn. That particular morning you’d taken him in your mouth and he’d taught you how to suck a man, working your tongue and lips over his hot flesh until he’d flooded your mouth with his thick salty seed. He’d held your jaw as he finished;
“Now be a good girl and swallow it”
You gulped down the mouthful before smiling;
With a laugh he kissed you, before giving your naked ass a cheeky spank as he rolled out of bed;
“You gonna join me on deck?”
You stretched and sighed;
“I’m gonna try and find that earring i dropped when you had me bent over the table last night…”
Sy entered his cabin just as the ship’s cook was leaving, nodding to the meal he’d set out;
“Creole Stew tonight Cap’n, bread and ale like always”
“Thanks. Have you seen Rose?”
“No Sir”
Nodding Sy entered his cabin with a weary sigh, it had been a long day and all he really wanted to do was crawl into bed to sleep, grateful it was Friday which meant August took early watch on deck the next day, but he had dinner with the other officers and he hadn’t seen you for the last few hours, last he knew you were still on the hunt for your lost earring. Leaving the door ajar he sat at the table and started to eat, moments later Walter and August joining him.
“Where’s the others?” Walter asked as he sat, helping himself to a large chunk of bread
“Mikey is in the crows nest, he’ll be down shortly” August confirmed; “Haven’t seen Rose for a while though”
“Sy’s bit of fluff. Decided as its a new start onboard she may as well choose a new name. Apparently its because Sy say’s she smells of Roses”
Walter snorted out a low laugh;
“She’s gonna be smelling of Sy sooner or later”
Sy listened to his two oldest friends banter back and forth, unaware of the surprise he was about to get. Hearing quick footfalls coming along the corridor he looked up to see Mikey at the doorway just as two soft hands pressed to his thighs from beneath the table. He nodded to Mikey to take a seat, before leaning back and peering down to his lap, hiding his surprise when he saw you on your knees beneath the table, hidden from the view of the rest of the party by the many overhanging maps and the low candle light.
Grabbing a chunk of bread he stayed leaning back but parted his thighs wide, wide enough to allow you to unfasten him and pump his hardening length and slip him into your mouth.
“Dig in boys, its gonna be a spicy meal tonight!”
As you worked quickly with your new found skills, sucking on the bulbous head as you fondled his heavy ballsack with your free hand, working quickly and silently as the men above you talked amongst themselves. You could feel Sy’s leg start to tremble, his hand sliding beneath the table to hold your head in place, and as you relaxed your jaw you felt his hot seed flood your mouth.
“WOO!” he exclaimed above you; “This stew is HOT!”
He took a deep breath and slapped his hand on the table with a laugh, before you tucked him carefully back into his breeches and you continued with your plan.
“Sy, we need to consider restocking the armoury” August started; “Scuttling the boats used up a lot of ammunitionnnnnnnnn”
Sy looked up and smirked, August looking at him wide eyed but recovering quickly, clearing his throat;
“Anyway as i was saying… umm... wow, the stew… the spice really hits after a while doesn’t it…”
August scrunched his face and rested his hand on his fist, before grabbing his tankard of ale and taking a large gulp, some of it spilling from the sides of his mouth as he spluttered on the liquid that did only a little to hide the groan. Sy shovelled another mouthful of stew into his mouth to hide his grin as August sat back in his chair, a half glare on his face. 
Walter frowned at both of the older men;
“I have no idea what you two are on about, this stew is fine”
August wiped the slight sheen of sweat from his brow, before finally sitting straight and digging back into his meal;
“Walt, just wait, it takes a while to hit you but when it does… ooooh boy it takes your breath away”
The big bear of a man frowned and shovelled another mouthful in, before his eyes went wide. Swallowing awkwardly he nodded, shifting in his seat;
“Oh… oh yeah… its hitting… wow, its a good burn, ya know…” taking a leaf out of August’s book he grabbed his tankard, taking a gulp as he fidgeted in his seat, both Sy and August doing poor jobs of hiding their smirks, whereas Mikey was sat at the far end of the table without the slightest clue as to what was going on;
“Seriously? You guys must be getting old, this stew ain’t spicy”
Sy raised his tankard to his son and grinned;
“Just wait, it’ll hit ya… anyway, i got an announcement to make”
The three other men looked at Sy, Walter’s gaze faltering now and again as his focal point seemed to change, but he shifted in his seat and leaned his elbow against the armrest of his chair, his hand sliding beneath the table as he muttered about ‘cramp’, when in fact his large hand was holding your head in place as he pushed deeper into your throat. Sy cleared his throat and continued;
“We all know the events at the island did not go to plan. We’re down on funds and supplies, and we’ve increased the crew numbers with those that helped with the land mutiny… we’ve also of course got Rose to consider, she never asked for any of this, but we have come up with a solution of sorts”
“I think i might know what that solution could be” Walter panted out, his face contorting into something that resembled a grimace as he muttered about spiciness and cramps again before with a sigh a smile spread across his face; “Ooooh that’s it… the cramps are going…”
“Anyway” Sy interjected with a wry smile; “Rose can speak numerous languages, can read and chart maps, she’s probably the best educated of everyone on the ship”
Just then Mikey squeaked and jumped in his chair, a thud sounding beneath the table;
“S-s-sorry... my knee hit the table”
Sy nodded with a smile;
“No problem Son, carry on. So Rose will also be here for other duties, but only for the officers at this table tonight” he paused; “And i think you all now know what those duties will be”
August nodded as he eagerly mopped up the last remaining morsels of his stew with a chunk of bread;
“That sounds a fucking brilliant idea Sy. She has the greatest tits...” at that moment Mikey let out a groan and his head thudded against the high back of his chair; “... and i think we all now know she’s got a fucking brilliant mouth on her”
There was little point in denying what had just happened, the very fact it was still going on and Mikey had so little control of his reactions as you were sucking his meaty dick, having just done the same to the other three men in the room from the darkness under the table. In fact the three older men started to chat away candidly as you lavished Mikey’s beautiful cock with your tongue, before taking him in hand to move your mouth down to his tight ballsack to suck on the warm globes. His athletic thighs had parted enough for you to get much closer than you had done with the other three men - all of whom had thighs that could crush a coconut - and it meant that the top of your head could now be seen in his lap by the other men.
“Grab her hair Mikey” August shouted from behind his refilled tankard; “Get deep down in her throat, its fucking amazing, feels like she’ll suck your soul out of your dick”
You felt Mikey's hands curl into your hair, holding your head in place as he started to rock his hips up, filling your mouth and throat. Gripping hard to his thighs you could feel him start to tremble, preparing yourself for the flood of seed and as he came with a cry, looking down at you as you stared back with wide innocent eyes that completely ruined him. 
Finally he released his grip on you, and as you looked down you smiled at what came into view. Seconds later you were climbing out from beneath the table, turning to smile at the rest of the men as you fastened the earring to your lobe;
“Look Sy, i found my earring!”
Walking around the table you took the tankard of ale that August held out for you with a smile, before sitting across Sy’s lap;
“I think they like the idea”
Sy looked at the men around the table, his trusted friends and family and smiled;
“I think they do, my sweet Rose”
He clinked his tankard to yours and you both drank, the joyous laughter filling the room as the night continued.
I do not run a tag list. Instead please visit @angryschnauzerwrites​ and follow that blog and put it onto notifications. You will then get an alert when i post new stories.
Masterlist can be found on AO3, link here.
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insufferablelust · 4 years
blurb/one shot about reid coming home after prison and the team wants you to go home with him to his apartment to comfort him because you guys are good friends. he starts to talk about how lonely he was and how much he missed talking and laughing with you but also how much he dreamt of touching/fucking you while he was there. spencer is a very hard dom and rough considering he hasn’t touched anybody in months.
Warning : Smut! with some name calling, and dom!Spencer x Sub! Reader.
When you received the news that Spencer has been released from that god awful prison, you jumped at the first look of him entering the bullpen with JJ after the whole Cat ordeal. You hugged him like you would hug a boyfriend, but you didn’t care, you haven’t seen him in so long— he refused to let you visit him on prison because he can’t bear the thought of how the others would watch you and Spencer’s blood boiled at the thought.
Its how you two has always been together, since you joined the team after Emily depart to interpol, you have always been close to Spencer— from the outside, it would look like you two were too close, but neither of you really cared. It would be naive of course, if you lie and say you don’t love him— because you do, as a best friend and so much more. But you knew, how difficult relationships could get for him so you never tried to pry more than you were given even if you had to watch him break down after Maeve, and the stories that follows.
Morgan teased you about it before he left, saying how you should make your move now rather than later— only Morgan knows how much love you have for Spencer (and Morgan is also the only person who knows how much love Spencer have for you) but you shrugged and laughed it off, swallowing down the bitter pill of reality that he would never look at you more than just a friend— a very close caring friend that kissed multiple times because they were drunk, yeah that’s it, right?
It’s been a few weeks since Spencer’s release and the whole Mr.Scratch mess. You were just quietly enjoying your mandatory break with red wine on your hand and flashes of imagination that accompanied your thoughts. You sighed as you take a look at your phone to see a message from Penelope.
Garcia, P ❤️
Hey princess! how about you, me, em, JJ, and Tara go out to shop tonight? maybe we could catch up too? i miss you aaalll soo much.
You smiled at the sweet message, quickly typing a ‘yes i’ll be there, your majesty. and i miss you too.” It wasn’t that difficult of a choice, seeing as you weren’t doing anything anyways, and you sure as hell could buy some more things just for the sake of retail therapy.
You quickly changed into a comfy dress that stops just below your knee, with a vintage belt around your hips and a cute burgundy cropped cardigan to keep you warm. You were zipping your bag when you heard it, heard the pretty loud bangs on your door that had you startled. To say that you were a bit paranoid was an understatement, as you approached the door with a gun prepared on your hands— you squinted at the peephole to see if you should open your doors or not, to your absolute childish-crush surprise— it was Spencer, a very disheveled looking Spencer standing in front of your door.
As soon as you sees him, you placed your gun away safely tucked on your cabinet before opening the door and let him in. He was dressed somewhat nicely, shirt tucked underneath his pants with his signature dark blue cardigan, his hair was a mess, and the bags below his eyes indicated that he’s in fact not doing well— though you figured as much.
“Spence, are you okay? you look tired.” You mumbled carefully, as you sat down beside him on your couch, his eyes wouldn’t even look at you but rather taken a keen interest on the floor of your apartment.
“Oh..are you going on a date?” He asks timidly, his voice shaky and on edge as his gazed turned to your bag and then your clothes.
“What? No, no no! Pen asked me out on a shopping night with the girls so i was just about to go.” You laughed, and you swore you heard his loud sigh of relieve when you said that, but you’re convinced that your mind is telling tricks to you.
“Well um i can go.. if you’re—“ You cut him off instantly just as he about to stand, you grabbed his wrist tightly to pull him back down and shake your head, smilling softly, “No.. Please, i can shop another time— you came all the way here so stay okay?” You begged him, eyes desperately trying to lock with his.
“Okay... okay, Y/N.” He sniffled, eyes finally met yours— you were shocked to see they were brimmed with raw fresh tears, falling slowly down his cheeks— you didn’t say anything else, just immediately tucking him against your sides so his head was laid on top of your heart and your fingers on his hair.
“Oh it’s okay, shh it’s okay— you’re okay, i’m here just let it out..” You cooed, holding him tightly as he sobbed onto your chest.
“Got your pretty dress all wet..” He mumbled as you both were laying down on top of the soft rug near your fireplace on the floor, your cheeks warmed at the sound of his voice, “It doesn’t matter, it’s not that your teardrops are made of paint anyways.”
You both laughed at your answer, laying on each other’s side, eyes locked. You brushed your fingertips across his cheeks, feeling his breath shuddered, “Spencer..” You whispered softly.
“What happened?” His eyes fluttered shut as he drew in a sharp breath, your fingers were calm and soothing on his skin. “You’ll hate me..” He suddenly whispered, voice shot and it nearly made you cry.
“No, no i won’t. Hey look at me, there you go.. Spencer.. you know i’ll always support you no matter what, and i’ll never judge you of any decision you made because i know you, okay? and i trust you.” You emphasized each word, as your nose brushed against each other— you could care less at the thoughts of breaking regulations now.
“I know Y/N, it’s not that.. it’s just..” He moved back a bit, before intertwining your hand in his and kissed the knuckles, “I missed feeling happy.. missed being.. being able to help.. to talk freely... to sleep without nightmares.. to just—“ His voice trembled as fresh stream of tears threatening to fall upon his skin, you were quick to held his hand tighter so he knows you’re there with him— that you’re real.
“To have a control over my life, over something.. everything is out of place, Y/N... I-I can’t live like this.” You could see it in his eyes, just how much he wanted to feel the control again— to make his own decisions without having the trauma of being drugged by a female serial killer or catched by the police.
“And.. and i can’t stop thinking about..” He stopped as he bit his lip, under the soft glow of the crackling fore— you could see just how pink his cheeks get as he stared at you still, his palm is now pressed against your cheeks, “About what, spencer?” You whispered, feeling overwhelmed already by the warmth of him pressing against you so closely, your heart thrummed against your ribcage like a drum going off on it’s own.
“You... you— one of the only thing that kept me alive.. alive on— you, you i can’t get you out of my mind. I don’t like it..” His lips were practically brushing against yours as you widen your eyes, letting a pained, “Oh..” Left your lip as you came to a realization at what he’s referring to, but before you could get out of his grasp— he cut you off,
“I don’t like it because i can’t do a damn thing about it, Y/N. I don’t like it because i can’t touch you whenever i want, I don’t like it because.. because i’m so used to having things so certain.. all my life, all i want to believe in was numbers, and— and science but the only thing that makes sense right now in my life.. is you.” He craddled your jaw so gently as your forehead pressed against each other.
The room grew quiet after that, just heavy breathing, and both of you savoring the moment, the warmth of each other’s skin. You could hear a pin drop, but the only thing that you heard was his heartbeat that beats at the same pace as yours— fast, and full of desire, pent up desire for each other. His leg tangled itself onto yours as he inch his lips closer so they were practically grazing against each other, before he kissed you softly, softly yet so rough.. Rough as in he was savoring you, indulging in your taste.
The kiss lit you on fire, your skin burned against him as you whimpered softly at the pace of his kiss, it was rushed— yet full of desire, desire to claim each other.. to control you, and if you said you didn’t want it then that would be a lie. Here you are, sober and bright, with his tongue shoved deep inside your mouth, battling dominance— as you submitted to him, letting him to own that control.
When both of your lungs ran out of air, you whined against him, to which he pulled back and pant. Both of you tried to catch your breath, but your whole body is burning with fire— that fire is insatiable, the desire for him is insatiable.
“You said... you need control... let me be your canvas.” You whispered as you put your hands above your head and bit your lip nervously.
The silence returned as he watched you, stared at you, with so much adoration, shock, and lust.. it took him a bit of time to respond to your declaration, his hand wrapped itself on your neck, just held it there with a bit of pressure before whispering, “I’m not going to go easy on you.. are you sure you want this?”
You only smiled, and bat your eyelash at him, whispering, “Don’t hold back, Reid.”
Your back was arched in an angle you never knew you could reached, your hips constantly bucking up as your wrist tugged against the belt that tied them up tightly. Here you were, body as nude as day, with your hands tight together on top of your head, your panties shoved deep inside your mouth and the love of your life— the new version of him, has been between your legs for hours now, sucking the poor swollen clit of your cunt, bringing you to orgasm after orgasm that your eyes was wet with tears.
He hummed softly as he felt you clenched around his tongue, and tasting the way you ache and gushed onto his taste buds— groaning at the sweetness. He pressed a soft electrifying kiss on top of your clit that sent you to a sobbing mess before crawling up and pull the panties from your mouth and smile so softly yet so condescendingly.
“Oh princess.. Look at you, your make up is ruined.. look like such a mindless thing,” He taunted, causing you to buck your hips instantly, which earned a chuckle from him, “I didn’t know you would be this much of a depraved desperate whiny little girl, Y/N. I should’ve claimed you sooner.” You were screaming inside your head, telling him yes-yes you should but it’s okay.. i don’t mind now, just please— but the only thing that came out of your sinful bitten raw lips was a small “I’ve always been yours.”
He sees red instantly, hands clamping down your neck, as he pressed his forehead against yours, feeling an overwhelming sense of power— control he’s been craving, and oh how kind were you, the light of his life to serve that control on a silver platter for him— silly thing you are.. of course he’s going to take you in every way possible.
“That’s right you are, keep that in mind, bunny. Try not to scream too loud yeah? hate to bother your neighbor right? how will i explain? that my baby just can’t take it when she get fucked til she goes mindless?”
Just as you were about to answer, his cock pushed past your tight entrance, so suddenly and deep that you yelled, yelled with pure pleasure of being stretched— burning with pleasure, “Oh! Spencer!” Your eyes rolled back to your skull, as he groaned, “Fuck— you’re so fucking tight angel, oh there’s a good little slut for me.”
At that, he began to thrust into you, so fast yet so deep, your lips wrapped itself around his thumb as he fuck the sanity out of you, feeling the overwhelming amount of raw pleasure— and love at the same time.
“Mmm! take me! oh god so deep, so— fuck!” You moaned after he pulled his thumb back, cultching your wrists together as the head of his cock hit that spot— the spot that has you seeing stars. He smiled as he keeps on working his thrusts “Yeah? yeah right there baby?”
“Y-Oh! yes, please please” Your whines were half coherent, but neither of you cared, nor complained, the only thing in your minds right now is to indulge in this burning fire of a pleasure, to relinquished control.
“Good girl, so fucking tight for me Y/N— god i love you..” He said it— said it, as his thrust became sloppier, yet somewhat deeper, his face were on your neck— biting a huge amount of marks, marks that’ll make sure everyone knows you’re his.
“I love you! i loveyou! god i—“ You were cut off as his other hand reach down to rub your clit fast, sending you into a spasm fit, back arched, nipples against his sweaty chest and the walls of your cunt clenched around his cock so tightly that it brings him to the very edge.
“Cum baby, cum for me, good- fucking girl do it.” He whispered, walls breaking down as he hold himself back as you cum, cum so hard around his cock that you were silent— only letting a very high pitched chants of his names, which brought him to his own release, coating— painting your walls with his cum, claiming you inside and out.
You both tried to catch your breath as he tried to pull out, in which you whined, “No.. wanna— wanna— ugh please?” Your glassy eyes were looking at him with such a pure adoration, pure submission, that he softly smiled and propped your both to your side with his softening cock still nestled deep inside your cunt.
You sighed as he unclasp his belt, bringing your wrist down to kiss them one by one. “I love you.. i do, i truly do Y/N.” He whispered, eyes looking at yours as you smiled widely, nodding and lightly sniffling.
“Hey.. dont cry, shh shh come here baby, hey hey.. are we taking turns to cry now?” He chuckled against your hair as he pulled you close, embraced you in his arm which you giggled at and pushed his chest a bit, before nuzzling your noses together,
“I’ve always loved you, Spencer Reid, and i always will.”
Oh my god!!! i know its not like the actual req, i changed it up a bit i hope whoever you are, you won’t mind!! anyways, thank you so much for requesting i love you! and thank you everyone for reading.
I’m gettting through my reqs right now, so if you requested in the past few weeks, expect them to be out soon! I love you all, blurb and tag list is always open. ❤️
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nerdypanda3126 · 3 years
Damn, You Look Happy Now
It's angst week for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Sprint Fic Challenge!
The rules are three 15-minute sprints with 24 hours for light editing, which includes new writing to smooth transitions or make it feel complete. I ended up with four sprints and added around 1,000 words on this one because... I mean, feels are really hard.
The prompt I used this time around was: "It's okay, I'm used to it." And that combined in my head with Heart Shut by Alex Hall feat. Tenille Townes which I heard the day after watching the episode and I couldn't help but think of these two. 
Summary: Luka's looking forward to a quiet performance in a small local bar until Marinette walks in leading Adrien by the hand. And she looks so happy. Luka just needs to pretend it's not absolutely killing him.
Warnings: S4/E1: Truth Spoilers, non-consensual kissing, drinking
Read on Ao3 
Luka glanced out over the crowd, idly picking at his guitar. After years of touring with Jagged, it was nice to play the background music for a quiet place like this. Although he had to admit the crowd was probably larger than normal for the small local bar.
He frowned unconsciously as his fingers started to find all-too-familiar notes, and his crowd-searching became more focused, intent on finding her. And find her he did. Worming her way to the tables in front of the stage, leading a bewildered, laughing Adrien by the hand. Her melody bubbled up to him over the hum of the crowd. It had changed. When they were teenagers it had been dragged down by confusion, longing, and responsibility. His fingers tripped over the strings lightly, every playful note confirming the happiness she’d found.
Adrien took Marinette’s coat and draped it across the back of her chair before helping her into it. She rolled her eyes when he pressed a kiss to the back of her knuckles and he smirked back before disappearing, presumably to order their drinks. The ease between them was obvious. He could only assume—well, admittedly he’d never asked. But in the limited contact they kept up, she’d never mentioned the new development, either.
She waved shyly at him up on the stage and he set his face in a smile and nodded back. She’d cut her hair. It was cropped close to her neck now, but she’d kept the bangs he remembered. As their eyes were linked, she reached up to worry at a pigtail that wasn’t there, asking him with her eyes if he liked it. Despite himself, his smile warmed as he nodded again. He really did. She looked so happy now, especially when Adrien returned to sit next to her and draped his arm across the back of her seat casually.
He tried—he really did—to focus on his performance, but it was honestly the worst of his life. His eyes kept drifting over to her, often catching her leaning her head close to Adrien’s to talk. Adrien subtly kept her drink full all night, until she was hiding giggles behind her hands and leaning amiably against his shoulder. Every once in a while she’d catch Luka watching her and sober instantly, straightening up to twist her fingers on the table instead, biting her lips and shooting furtive glances his way.
But Adrien would say something in her ear and make her smile again.
The end of his set was an immense relief. He planned on disappearing out back until they left. Not that he didn’t want to talk to her, he just… couldn’t. So he slipped his guitar off and set it aside before he slid quietly out the door marked ‘Employees Only.’
Instantly, he wrapped his arms around himself, regretting not grabbing his leather jacket. It was snowing, and already a thin layer was frosting the cobblestones of the alley he was standing in. There was one other person out there, on a smoke break, but they took one look at Luka and took a last puff before crushing it out and going back inside. The stale cigarette smoke hung around him and mixed with the smell of the dumpster and the crisp winter air. It didn’t help calm his twisting stomach. But he took deep breaths anyways, focusing more on the snowflakes landing on his hot skin, melting away to nothing like he desperately wished he could right now.
He heard the door beside him open and he didn’t even need to look to know she’d followed him. That haunting melody was already in his head and he took one more steadying breath, preparing to tell her he was happy for her as he turned to face her.
She was clutching her coat around her tightly, peeking up at him from behind snow-laden eyelashes. For a moment, neither of them spoke, letting the silence of the snow falling around them stretch to the point of breaking. He shook off the chill that was beginning to seep into his chest and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“You look good,” he started, “happy, I mean.”
“I am,” she murmured back, but there was a strange twinge to her tone. “Um, I wanted to tell you—”
“Marinette, you don’t have to.” He cut her off before the words he didn’t want to hear passed her lips. He wasn’t expecting the childish pout that scrunched her face.
“I do, though,” she insisted, “It’s why we came here tonight, to watch you play, and so I could see you again and tell you—” She took a sharp breath in and held it, biting her lip again. It was only then that Luka noticed the glassy sheen of her eyes and her reddened cheeks that had nothing to do with the cold. He counted in his head how many drinks she must’ve had over the course of the evening. Not enough to not remember, but definitely enough to not be in control.
“You’ve been drinking, Marinette,” he said gently. “You should go back inside. I’m sure Adrien’s looking for you.”
“He’ll wait.” She hiccuped and giggled. “But first I have to tell you something.”
“You can call me tomorrow when you’re sober.” He didn’t mean to be so short with her, but the image of her going home with Adrien hit him harder than he thought it would. He started to reach around her to open the door she was still standing in front of and usher her back through, but she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and tugged him down to her.
As she pressed her lips against his, his body reacted first out of habit. Too many years of crazed fans forgetting he was a person and not a sex symbol. His hands peeled hers off him gently and he took a step back. Except this was Marinette and it tore at something inside him to tear himself away from her.
When he blinked back to the cold reality standing in front of him, he licked his lips unconsciously before daring to look at her again. She was mostly stunned, her eyes blown wide and her lips still slightly parted.
“Oh my God, Luka, I’m so sorry. I just—”
“It’s okay,” he managed to choke out. Not that it was, but it was what came out of his mouth. He cleared his throat to try to speak past the lump that had formed. “I’m… used to it.”
Just not from you, his mind supplied helpfully. He was still holding her wrists and for some reason his thumb moved on its own, rubbing against her delicate skin, but he wasn’t sure if he was reassuring her or himself.
“That... was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. God, I’m so embarrassed.” She tried to hide her face in her hands, but ended up pressing her forehead against his chest instead, muttering about being a disaster.
He only resisted the urge to fold her into his arms because he could smell Adrien’s cologne lingering in her hair. Instead he cleared his throat again.
“Marinette, does Adrien know you’re out here with me?”
She looked up at him and scrunched up her face again, in confusion this time instead of defiance. “Of course he does. He’s the reason I’m out here with you. Mangy cat practically shoved me out the door.”
...What? He blinked at her, uncomprehending, and she sighed as she snuggled into him which was not helping his ability to process anything. He dropped her wrists and grabbed her by the shoulders instead, stabilizing her as he pulled her off him.
“You’re gonna have to help me out, here. You’re here with Adrien, right?”
“Well, yeah, I’m here with Adrien.” She rolled her eyes at him, but then when she caught sight of his serious expression, she seemed to realize something. “Oh, you think—No! No, I’m not—I’m here with Adrien, but I’m not here with Adrien, he’s—we’re—oh, it’s a long story, and that’s why I wanted to tell you, but it’s all wrong and now you think—and I—Luka, I didn’t mean to kiss you like that, I’m so sorry, you must think I’m awful and—”
He took a deep breath and sorted through her ramblings. With Adrien, but not with Adrien. His head was spinning. Adrien was the reason she was out here. She wanted to tell him something. None of it was really adding up, and yet at the same time it was.
“What were you going to tell me earlier?” he asked, doing his best to keep his voice even.
“Under the moon, deep within the woods…” she muttered under her breath, then hiccuped again. The faded memory of a failed date rushed back to him and whatever breath he had left him. She was twisting her fingers into the front of his shirt, seeming very interested in her shoes until she let out a short huff of breath and finally met his eyes again. “I wanted to tell you my secret, Luka, now that it’s all over. And I wanted to tell you…” She blinked up at him with those wide eyes and bit her lip again. This time, he waited for the end of her thought. She closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath in and let it out slowly. When she opened them again, they were clear, as blue as he remembered, and starting to brim with tears.
“I never stopped loving you,” she murmured. “It—the timing, was just—” Another short huff of breath and she wiped at her cheeks. Impatient with herself, it seemed, for not knowing which words to use. But then she drew herself up and the look in her eye became steely.
Every Parisian knew that look. Luka blinked just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things, but it was definitely still Marinette in front of him and not Ladybug. But. She’d said it was all over. Hawkmoth’s defeat—he’d been in America at the time, but the news had done a small segment on it. Her secret. The realization crashed into him at about the same time the words left her mouth.
Without being aware of it, his hand drifted to his wallet in his back pocket and he easily withdrew the signed guitar pick necklace she’d given him. It felt like a lifetime ago. For a moment he let it hang between them, then let the cord slip through his fingers and into her cupped hands.
“I can’t believe you kept it,” she said softly.
She picked it up to look at it, no doubt noticing the wear on it. When he was writing songs on the road, or nervous before a show, or just thinking of her and wishing things had gone differently, he’d take it out and rub his thumb over the smooth plastic. The design on one side was nearly worn off from it.
“My lucky charm,” he murmured. Her eyes bounced back up to his as a genuine blush rose on her cheeks.
A shiver wracked through him as the new information and the cold caught up to him. Marinette’s expression instantly shifted to concern. “You must be freezing! We’ll go back inside and—”
As she turned away to open the door he spun her back to him and leaned down to press his lips against hers this time. She let out a muffled gasp of surprise, then wrapped her arms around his neck to hold him to her, angling her head to kiss him better.
When he pulled away—entirely too soon in his opinion, but it was hard to kiss her the way he wanted with chattering teeth—he pressed his forehead against hers fondly. She giggled and ran a hand through his hair, brushing out stray snowflakes that hadn’t melted away yet.
“You know, it was actually Adrien who told me you were here tonight,” she admitted shyly.
“Remind me to buy Chat Noir a drink,” he muttered, and she laughed again and took his hand, lacing their fingers together as she did to lead him back inside.
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