#i dunno if this counts as
forecast0ctopus · 5 months
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not divulging my thoughts on star trek (2009) rn. but this scene is like a cartoon to me
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nordidia · 11 months
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autistic shutdown comfort doodles,,,
been thinking about Raph needing to be small... and as always i love sunset duo so indescribably much :( <333
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decoy-sammy · 1 month
Bill getting beat the shit out of is one of the best things ever.
I love this video.
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ananinidraws · 11 months
Shelly de Killer is a character in Ace Attorney. And the DeKillers are an assassin family. So there's a chance a Jeff de Killer exists in the Ace Attorney universe, and in this essay i will
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ren-144p · 1 year
something about the first few episodes of the terror having so many numbers. the men, the provisions, the inventory; but also the tension of counting. the scene where goodsir takes a picture of john franklin and his men and he's counting down the seconds. the lashes being counted down during hickey's punishment. and something about how in later episodes, numbers get lost. dates get forgotten. counting just stops. all of it becomes insignificant. like it was a countdown at first but now the time is just running out instead
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cowardlykrow · 1 month
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"That is where you are wrong, my boy!"
@ratb4stard3 and I deliver another Cowardlyghostbro's(™) collab ✨💛
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crustycrackhead · 29 days
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*Throws my swampcat brain rot at y’all*
Swampcat MorningKrem (Morning Frost x Kremy Lecroux)
I’m in literal rare pair hell man, no one understands me nor my freak. I’m gonna be the crazy one that draws them like crazy (draws them only once)
Clean Freak 4 Clean Freak, they both particular and shit okay?!?? SIGH, they would prolly even hold hands but to me… they can be silly (do taxes togther)
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 19 days
Gods favorite idiot has a nightmare<3
A little less then two months and 180 frames🐠
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gothearts · 9 months
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Projecting my current gender wants onto my favs featuring trans Ris and Abba. Whether they're pre-transition, dont want to transition, or are trans fem is up to the viewer cause I wanna keep this relatable ig?
Idk, they're very gender to em though...
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hubbabubbagumpop · 4 months
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How Fiddleford and Stan tricked the system and got married in the 80's
Ford was also there
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weevmo · 1 year
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A concept!! For that idea about the events that take place after the puppets escape Home. What's he up to??
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dailylagomorphs · 11 months
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thewhizzyhead · 11 months
So like one common theme when discussing bullying is the tendency for bullies to project their insecurities on their victims right? like them taking their own shit out on the people they bully?
so i know that may not be exaaaactly the case with Max Jagerman in Nerdy Prudes Must Die like the dude even in the afterlife just really fuckin likes terrorising the shit out of people due to his god complex BUUUUT what I found very interesting was when in the Nerdy Prudes Must Die sequence, he was telling Richie to repeat after him: "Who will pray for me when my body's gone or until another Richie comes along?" And mind you, this song comes directly after another musical sequence about all the teens in that high school being so fucking happy that Max was gone. And like, well yea you can't blame the kids for being happy that Top Terrorizer #1 is gone and that they don't have to abide by his social strata anymore - but then again, having nobody pray or give a fuck about Max after him being mysteriously missing for 2 weeks is,,kinda fucked up for Max no matter the kind of person he is. So, to see someone he victimised get the attention and appreciation I would assume Max would've wanted from his team especially after being missing for so long - it really does seem to me that he was projecting onto Richie when he was about to kill him and making him feel how little he will matter to other people when he dies - like what he could've felt after literally everyone considered the high school "objectively better" now that Max was gone.
Which makes things a whole lot more interesting when Max snaps out of his WHO WILL PRAY FOR YOU solo when Richie belts out I'M NOT A LOSER - henceforth defying the idea of worthlessness Max was projecting onto Richie. So damn.
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periwinkla · 4 months
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Did I add further ridiculousness? .... Yes.
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kitramune · 8 months
Romantic things Inuyasha has said to Kikyou: You were the first woman I loved. Romantic things Inuyasha has said to Kagome: I met Kagome and regained my lost heart. Kagome is my home. I want you by my side, Kagome. There's no replacement for you. Trust me a little more (to be loyal to you). Your heart is strong and beautiful. Kagome is the reason I can smile, cry for others, and have friends. We were born for each other.
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amygdalae · 7 months
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Abandoned School
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