#i feel like my skills for writing fluffy and fun pieces are a little lacking so i’m really really happy you didn’t think it sounded forced!
ghostandsoap · 1 year
Requesting Rules
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Hi there! So, this post contains all of my requesting rules. This will be at the top of my masterlist which will always be pinned to the top of my blog :)
So, I am pretty much always taking requests, unless my bio says otherwise. (If you’re ever not sure, just send me a message and I’ll clarify). With this, I am pretty much down to write mostly anything. (More info below the cut).
I’ll write fluffy, angsty, smutty, etc requests. However, when it comes to smut, my skills are sometimes lacking. I don’t write smut super often, just because I’m not as skilled at writing it. I will happily accept any smut requests, just be aware that it might not be up to par with some of my other works.
Anyone is welcome to send requests, but please don’t send more than one at a time. If you send a request, please wait until I have written it and posted it before sending another one.
When you send in a request, please be as specific as possible with what you want and don’t want included. It doesn’t have to be broken down detail by detail, but don’t send in a request saying “something fluffy” or “something angsty”. I need a little bit more to go off of to meet your needs!
If there is something specific you want included in your request like a certain use of pronouns, a certain piece of dialogue, a specific moment, etc. please be sure to include it when you request.
If there is something you don’t want included like profanity, sexual references, violence, etc. again, please let me know. I’ll never include smut if it isn’t requested, but sometimes I’ll sneak in a little sexual content.
There really isn’t a character that I won’t write for. As long as the character is within the Modern Warfare universe, then they’re fair game. 
Don’t request anything involving incest or rape, I will NOT write that either. I don’t think anyone would ever do this, but leave politics out of requesting.
I will happily write headcanons, drabbles, blurbs, or one-shots. You can send requests anonymously or not, but just know that if a request is sent anonymously, I cannot tag you when the request is completed.
And finally, if you do request something, please be patient. I will admit I am inconsistent when it comes to how fast I can get a request written and posted. Sometimes I can get it done within a few hours and sometimes I’ll take me longer.
If something is ever requested that is against my request policy, I will let that requester know.
A quick note: my blog is a safe place! If anyone ever wants to ask me questions, send in comments, concerns, whatever, feel free! It doesn’t even have to be COD related.
And just a quick reminder: all of my works are available on ao3! My account is @ allixiler, and all my available works from other fandoms. 
That’s pretty much everything! I adore writing for this blog and the feedback I have received has been absolutely wonderful. Have fun and happy requesting!
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
Saw this and thought 💭 OH prompt (have fun, and don’t feel pressured 🥰)
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Once again, thank you for including me in this, lovely! It means everything ❤️
I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t write a silly little ficlet kshkshdkbd
WARNING: it’s extra fluffy…I wrote it with a fever, so maybe that’s why lol
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„Daddy? Daddy, daddy, daddio?”
A childish shriek accompanied by stomping of tiny feet distracts Ethan before his daughter sprints into his home office. Patient files scattered all over the impressive wooden desk demand his meticulous attention, but Letty’s seriousness steals it with zero effort. The plastic tiara glimmering in her taffy brown hair only accentuates the girl's superior power.
„We have a mission, daddy.”
An unspoken order follows the brief announcement: her short arms reach out to daddio, and in one swift movement he sits her on his lap.
Big, jasper green eyes stare at Ethan as Nicolette cuddles up to him, worry and determination flickering in them almost too familiar, too precious, flooding his heart with overwhelming warmth.
„What’s the matter, my queen?”
The five-year-old readjusts her crown, sighing deeply.
„Mommy is sad. She says the baby bump makes her look like…” Letty trails off, scrunching up her nose as she tries to recollect the exact phrase she must’ve overheard earlier. „Like…Like she’s about to transform into a balloon on the verge of exploding.”
The corners of Ethan’s mouth quirk up just as the blissful memory of his heavily pregnant wife waddling around their kitchen this morning flashes through his mind. His fingertips still carry the softness of her skin, reminiscing the sheer beauty of every divine curve. She’s perfect with all her imperfections—his very own goddess of both chaos and order, the vision he’s lucky to experience in all her glory until the end of his days.
He cups Letty’s cheek with a loving smile tugging at his lips. „Your mommy would make the most beautiful balloon, if that were the case.”
„The most beautiful, yes!” She repeats his words with contagious excitement. „We need to tell her she’s the most beautiful mommy balloon ever.”
„I suppose that you already have a plan?”
„Yes!” Wasting no time, Letty rummages in her fluffy unicorn bag for the necessary equipment. A moment later, she pushes the medical documentation over like it’s useless trash to make some room for glitter, colorful pens and mini notebook smelling of roses. “We’ll leave notes everywhere in the house.”
With a wide, victorious grin that doesn’t accept rejection, Letty presents her father with a bright red pen and a shiny piece of paper.
Ethan has no choice but to forget about his work for a while and focus on this new, extremely urgent assignment.
“Write: you’re the most beautiful mommy balloon.”
Ethan knows better than to let the sudden urge to snort with laughter take charge—the vivid image of Tiffany’s face reading this delightful message almost crushes his steely facade.
“I have another idea.” He offers, clashing with his daughter’s piercing gaze. “Why don’t we go with: you’re always beautiful?”
Letty scans his features with the most adorable frown, the gears in her head analyzing the proposition. After a quick yet thorough assessment, she nods with a beam all but identical to Tiffany’s.
“We have to draw a heart too.” She adds, watching every move of Ethan’s hand as he makes an effort to shape every letter.
“Will you show me how to draw a perfect heart?” At that, Letty rolls her eyes as if she couldn’t believe that her dad—her beloved, genius, know-it-all daddio—lacks this particularly easy skill.
“It’s very simple, look.” Right above the elegantly written sentence, a pink glittery heart appears like the sun supporting each day with its light.
Like his daughter’s heart sharing her mother’s exceptional kindness.
“Do you think mommy will like it?”
“It’s the prettiest heart I’ve ever seen.” Ethan admits, kissing Letty’s forehead. “She’ll love it.”
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hoodieofholland · 3 years
request: trying 69 with Tom ?? 🖤
A/n: excuse me, i loved the idea! Really fun to write, i went all the way from fluffy to filthy and fluffy again, lol, anywaysss. It got quite long, hope you like it!
Pairing: boyfriend!tom x female reader
Warnings: smut (minors dni); extended warnings bellow the cut.
Let me know your thoughts on this!!
+warnings: oral (f and m receiving, 69 basically); fingering (f receiving), dirty talk.
Tom grabs the smooth flesh of your ass, giving it a firm squeeze, while you keep working your lips over the sensitive spot on his neck, right bellow his ear. You hear a choked groan coming out of his lips.
"Baby-", he bites his lips, almost losing his thoughts when you grind over his crotch. "Baby, can't get marks"
His protests are weak, and you know very well he's pondering between the pleasure you're giving and his commitment with work; Tom had already warned you that he couldn't get any marks on his skin right now, as the shooting for Spider-Man was still going on.
You smile apologetically.
"Sorry, Tommy", you press a tender kiss over the spot and raise your head to look at him. "Just missed you. Been aching to get my mouth on you." You brush your nose against his, closing your eyes as you just feel the proximity between the two of you. "It's been a time."
You and Tom have had a hard time trying to conciliate both schedules, with his filming and your work, and that was the first weekend both of you got some time off to enjoy the company of each other. Obviously, you agreed on skip the movie and cuddles you both used to enjoy the time alone to relieve the need of touching you two had grown since three weeks ago.
"Yeah?", Tom enjoys the sensation of your tenderness, among the sensuality of your hips swirling slowly over his lap. He feels the pure bliss while closing his eyes and bringing his lips to grave over yours, pecking every then and now. "Missed you too, darling. So, so much".
You tease him, hands going down his torso until reached the waistband of his boxers. "Gonna show me?", you smirk, finger lingering around the fabric.
Tom smiles, grabbing you by the waist and in a skilled movement, flipping your positions. Under his toned body, you have to catch your breath, hands sliding down the sides of his torso whilst bringing him closer.
"Wanna feel close to you, baby", he murmurs, eyes focused on yours. "Show you how much I appreciate you", he releases a quiet pleased sigh as you wrap your legs around his hips, pulling his lower half closer to you. "Just wanna take it slow tonight, y'know".
You smile at his sweetness, though you knew you had other plans running through your mind.
Tom drops his head down to kiss the space between your boobs, his lips tracing a wet path on your skin. You tug your hands on his hair, feeling the soft curls.
You bite your lips, remembering the thoughts you had about something you wanted to try with him just a couple of days ago. It came out from a not so innocent chat you had with one of your closest friends, who asked if you have ever done sixty-nine before. You thought to yourself it wasn't a big deal that you haven't, as you always imagined the position a bit messy and uncomfortable for both of partners, but then she made it pretty clear that your fears were making you lose something you might quite enjoy.
So there were you, thinking how you'd bring it up with Tom, when he was already so close to your core. You squirmed a bit, sucking on your lower lip nervously.
"Tom?" Your voice comes out as a whisper, and Tom doesn't take his mouth away from your skin, lips hovering over your hips as his tongue licked on it. He hums, giving vibrations that tickled you, making you giggle a bit. "Can- uh, can we try something?"
He stops the moves of his tongue, looking up at you, lips pursed in a mischievous smirk. "You wanna try something?", he asks and you nod sheepishly. "And what is it?"
His mouth goes back to work on your skin, but his eyes didn't leave yours. He was working you up, teasing you, and you could feel and arousal between your legs grow with every light bite of his on your belly.
"I was thinking..." you suck in a breath. "I could give you a blowjob..."
"I like the sound of that", he smirks playfully and you roll your eyes, shoving his shoulder lightly. He laughs. "Go ahead".
"As I was saying", you sigh quietly and readjust your body in bed, propping your elbows on the mattress to lift your back. "I give you a blow, while- well, while you eat me out".
Tom stops on his tracks again, but the mischievous smile wasn't plastered on his face anymore. If anything, he looked surprised, taken aback by the sudden propose.
"You mean, you wanna do the 69?" He asks, sounding baffled, but it quickly changes into an eager manner. "Hell, yes".
You blink a few times and sigh in relieve. You and Tom were always up to new things, and you had promised each other that whenever one of you felt like trying something new, you'd always be open and talk about it. However, it got into your nerves anyways.
Tom made his way back to meet your face, kissing you fervently.
"And what about the go slow thing?" You pant, amused by the way he seemed to change his mind.
"Yeah, yeah, we can have it later", he is quick to dismiss. "Right now, I just wanna a little taste of you".
You nod eagerly, pretty much satisfied with how quick he has agreed with you. Hands tangled in his curls, you watch as he goes down on you again, much faster now, until reaching your panties. Tom taps the sides of your hips, and you lift it to help him get the piece of cloth off.
"Shit, darling" he eyes your glistening center, head dropping to get closer. "Can't wait to put my mouth on this sweet pussy".
Tom doesn't seem to contain himself as he licks a long strip of your heat, making you whimper.
"Not fair", you say while pulling him away from your core. "C'mon, don't get me distracted".
He chuckles before kneeling down on bed, taking his boxers out. "I don't think I could. You look very determined".
When he's fully naked, you give him space to lay on bed, a smirk proudly hanging on his face.
"C'me here, suit yourself" he pats his rigid thighs with both hands, and you can't help but laugh at how comfortable he's with it.
You make your way to sit on his lap, gasping lightly at the contact of his thigh with your exposed pussy.
"Have you ever done this before? You don't look... nervous or anything", you ask timidly, holding on hands Tom gave you for support.
He smiles softly. "Have never. It's just that I'm excited whenever we're trying something different. I like that you trust me enough for this".
You blush and bite your lip to hide a smile.
"Me too, Tommy".
He rubs your hips with affection and look at you in awe. "Good. But now, love, I think you're facing the wrong side".
You roll your eyes and shake your head, laughing a bit. "I know, dork".
You reposition yourself, sitting on Tom's abs, feeling a little nervous while you face his hard cock. It's a beautiful sight, the outlined veins, the red tip almost as a claim for you to give him some sort of satisfaction and you sigh to try to relax your nerves.
Tom holds your hips and help you to adjust, which ends up creating a great friction between his toned abs and your cunt, making you release a low moan.
"Fuck, the view I have right now... You wouldn't believe", he says and you clench around nothing. You can now hear the smirk on his face. "You like it, don't you, darling? Such a dirty girl. Come here, need you a little closer"
You turn your head back to do as you were told and feel the heat on your cheeks once you see the hungry look on Tom's face. "Just like that", he squeezes your butt, giving a light kiss on one cheek. "Is it alright, love?"
You take in a shaky breath and nod.
"Do you wanna me to start?" He asks sweetly, worry in his voice. You can tell he's trying to catch any kind of discomfort in you, if you're still willing to do so. "If you don't want to, we can stop-"
"No", you shake your head firmly. "I want it. Just a bit nervous, I guess".
He gives you a reassurance smile and rubs his thumb over your hips. "It's okay, love. But if you feel like you are not enjoying it, just use the safe-word, alright? I'll stop".
You smile back at him and nod. You shouldn't be nervous. It was Tom, after all, and you always feel so safe and comfortable around him. So you turn your head again, focused on calming your nerves down. Looking at his hard, you realised it was just a matter of doing what you always did - and liked pretty much doing. You lowered your head and licked your lips, giving his tip a light kiss as to tease him a bit.
You feel Tom squirm under you at the minimum contact, his cock twisting in expectation.
"Fuck, y/n", he breaths out, "Shit, it's going to be hard to focus".
You giggle and try to lick a long line from his base to the tip, which made him curse.
"Alright, you wanna play", you could hear the smirk once more and jolted when felt the wetness of his hot tongue flat against your core.
"Fuck, Tom", you moan, hiding your hips back to earn more friction. You loved his tongue, you loved just how he always knew what he was doing with it and how he knew to tease you, making you ask for more.
His tongue invades you, collecting your wetness before pushing in and out of you in a quick and steady pace. It feels firm and thick inside of you and your eyes roll back to the pleasure.
"Thought it was supposed to be both of us at the same time, darling", he teases at your lack of action, sucking on your lips harshly, "Guess it's not just as simple, is it?"
You gasp before snapping yourself back to reality. You wanted to take that smug attitude out of him as much as you wanted to take him on your mouth, so you focus on your work.
Taking his cock on your hand, you pump it a few times before putting a small length on your mouth, opening it wider. Adjusting your jaw, you took what you could get from him, tip hitting the back of your throat.
"Fuck, fuck", he pants, hips jerking up to your mouth. "Perfect mouth, you have. God-"
You smile proudly with he still on your mouth, moaning around him when he kitten licks your clit.
You bob your head up and down, eyes tearing up with the effort, but still pleased as you felt Tom burying his face on your heat, as concentrated to get you off.
In a matter of minutos, both of you were a mess on the bed, pants and moans loud enough to make one another go further, deeper, faster. Your jaw hurt with the intensity of your movements, but you couldn't care less. It was pure bliss, the way your walls clenched around Tom's tongue, and the way the would throb on your mouth, drool rolling down your chin.
You noticed that your thoughts on the new position were right, it wasn't the most comfortable one, and it was certainly messy, as one of you would always end up jerking hips or have your faces covered in each other's arousal. But it was good - none of that mattered, cause it felt good to have Tom on this position, and turned you on to imagine he was doing all of that with your cunt and you couldn't even watch it.
When you felt the pressure building on your belly, you took him out of your mouth, replacing it with your hand. "'M close".
"Yeah?" He shook his head rapidly on your folds, tongue out, and you moaned his name. "Come for me, baby. Wanna taste your cum on my tongue".
You try to focus on his release as the feeling was taking over you. It was hard, but you put your mouth around him again, sucking him off.
"Fuck, darling, gonna come on your mouth", he pants, hips jerking while his fingers entered your hole to stimulate you more. "C'mon, pretty. Yeah, that's it, love, give it to me"
Your climax hits you in intense waves of pleasure, your toes curling and legs shaking. You moan around Tom, closing your eyes, and you can't control the work of your mouth anymore. In the lack of anything to hold on to, you grip the sheets beneath you.
Tom feels your reaction and it only coax his own climax, shooting his cum in your mouth, with your tongue laid flat against his length, sending vibrations on him. He curses all the way, riding you out of your orgasm with his fingers lazily working inside of you.
With your mouth full of his cum, you release his cock and swallow every drip of him, catching your breath and falling apart on the top of Tom.
His breath is heavy under you, and after a few seconds trying to collect yourself again, you decide it's time to lay down straight. You catch a sight of him collecting your release from his messy face, cleaning his fingers up with his mouth, and if it wasn't for the powerful orgasm you just had, you'd have whined just at the view.
Tom helps you, and your head feel dizzy as you lay beside him. He puts one arm around you, bringing you closer to his chest, and you lay your head there.
"You okay?" He asks, kissing the top of your head. You smile lazily, still taken by the euphoria of your orgasm, and nod. "So... did you like the new position?"
Still smiling, you look up at him, fingers caressing his jaw.
"Loved it" you press a soft kiss on his lips, "Thank you".
"Thank you" he smiles tenderly, a contrast from the previous actions and words. "For trusting me. You're amazing, love. And I'm more than happy to be the one you try new things with".
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wristpockets · 3 years
Can I throw some prompts at you? All fluffy but with potential for Deep Emotional Talks™ if that's what you're after. Anyway: 1. Essek and jester trying to cook/ bake for the first time (two rich kids who have never been in a kitchen while food has been made) lots of potential for comedy but also ways to explore the differences and similarities in their childhoods?? 2. Caleb and Essek teaching each other dances from their homelands, (I feel like Essek probably had to learn formal dances in his youth and absolutely despised them until he realized that dancing with someone you actually like can be fun) Anyhow, happy writing!
Thanks for the suggestions! Going with the first one!
(If anyone else has any fic prompts/ideas/requests feel free to send them my way!)
This kind of got away from me 😅 Ended up a lot longer than expected. Not going to spend too much time proofreading or editing bc this was supposed to be fun. Anyway
Essek is leaning over the railing on the Nein Heroez, a glass of wine in his hand. He can hear the party going on behind him - the rest of the Nein get together every month for dinner - but he needed to get away for a moment. He watches the moonlight reflect off the waves as he swirls the wine in his glass.
He doesn't notice Jester until she's right next to him.
"What's wrong, Essek?" she asks, her voice laden with sincerity and sympathy.
He sighs, takes a long sip of his wine, and says, "I feel inadequate."
"Oh no Essek," Jester says. She moves closer, until she can bump her hip against his. "You're so powerful. And!" She lowers her voice conspiratorially, "I saw the way you floated in Cognouza. You were faster than Caleb, which I think means you're even smarter than he is."
Essek actually smiles at that. Lets out a little laugh. "You're not wrong. But I'm not concerned with my power or intelligence."
"Then how do you think you're inadequate? In what way? Is it-" Jester cuts herself off, looking over at him while wiggling her eyebrows.
"No," he says quickly, his ears heating up. "Everyone else is so..." He looks for the word and comes up blank. "Caleb and I see Beauregard and Yasha for dinner quite often. Yasha will have freshly baked bread, or even cake. Beauregard works all day, and Yasha stays home and cooks."
"I think she's happy though," Jester says.
"I think so too," Essek says quickly. "Caleb works all day too, and I stay home and do nothing." He lets out a little laugh. "I cannot believe this is my problem. Feeling bad that I cannot cook dinner while my - while Caleb is working."
Jester's eyes light up. "Okay," she says. "Okay okay. For our next get together, we're making dessert. Me and you."
Beauregard and Yasha are hosting the next meetup. Essek had collected Jester, Fjord and Kingsley early that morning, to give Jester and Essek time to make dessert.
They sent Caleb and Fjord out of the house and set to work in Caleb's kitchen.
But when Essek takes the third batch of cupcakes out of the oven - burned on the outside, somehow raw inside - he's ready to give up.
"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong," Essek says quietly. He floats there, uselessly, staring at another failed attempt at a fairly simple baked good. "Is this how you normally make them?"
"Hmm?" Jester says, looking over at him. She dips her finger into the frosting she'd been working on. "I've never made cupcakes before."
Essek turns toward her. "What? You've never-"
"Nope," Jester says, matter-of-factly. She puts the icing-covered finger in her mouth, tasting the frosting, before scrunching up her nose. "This is awful."
Essek deflates a little. "So we are currently lacking both edible cupcakes and edible icing."
Even Jester's smile falls. "I'm sorry, Essek."
"It's not your fault," Essek says. "We still have some ingredients - what do you know how to make? What could we make quickly that's simpler?"
Jester looks down at the floor. "I don't know."
"Anything," Essek pleads. "Anything you've baked successfully-"
"I've never baked anything," Jester admits quietly.
"Oh," Essek says.
Jester turns so her back is to the counter, then slides down, sitting on the floor. "I know how you feel. I feel like I should know how to do this."
Essek floats over, then sits down next to her. He can't bear the look on her face. "Two powerful adventurers, brought low by mere cupcakes," he jokes.
"I wanted to do this," Jester says, still quiet. "I wanted to bake something for everyone, something delicious! Something everyone would eat and say, 'oh Jester, your baking is so delicious,' and then maybe I'm not just the girl who draws dicks on things."
"You're a lot more than that," Essek tries.
Jester nods. "I know. I just feel bad."
"I feel that way too," Essek says. "All this power and knowledge and ability - for what? What good is it doing me here, now? And I know it's not an either-or thing. Caleb cooks. Even Beauregard does sometimes. I've never so much as fried an egg."
"Neither have I," Jester admits. "When I lived at home..."
"I understand," Essek says, and he knows he does.
"It's just embarrassing," Jester says.
"Yes," Essek agrees.
They sit like that for a moment, until they hear the front door open.
"Essek? Jester?" Caleb calls from the entryway. "Am I allowed in the kitchen yet?"
"Not yet!" Jester yells. "Almost done! Fifteen minutes!"
Essek looks at her in shock, and she just shrugs her shoulders.
"I do not possess the arcane ability to create cupcakes," Essek says blankly. "And I am unsure of how else we might make a dessert in that time."
"I panicked," Jester says apologetically. "Maybe some of the cupcakes aren't so bad-"
"They are," Essek says as Jester leans over batch number two, tearing off a piece of cupcake and trying it cautiously. After a few bites she scrunches her nose, then spits it out into the garbage.
"It looked good," Jester pouts. "I can't believe cupcakes would lie to me."
Something connects and Essek can feel his eyes widen. "I have an idea."
Several hours later, Jester and Essek are ready to present their cupcakes to the rest of the Nein. At the very least, they look nice - frosting is apparently close enough to painting for Jester to have some skill at it.
"These look delicious," Caleb says, smiling up at Essek. The compliment in front of their friends makes Essek's cheeks heat up, and he's grateful his complexion doesn't let it show.
"I might need to get some pointers from you," Yasha says as she carefully peels off the cupcake wrapper. "I wish I could frost like this."
"Don't eat that!" Beau shouts, quickly leaning over to slap it out of her hand.
Everyone stops to stare at Beauregard, Yasha's mouth still open, the cupcake discarded on the floor.
"What's wrong, Beauregard?" Essek asks nervously.
"They've been tampered with," she says. She picks up Yasha's dinner plate. "These plates are enchanted. They change colour if any of the food on it is fucked with. A few crumbs fell off of it." She points to a few speckles of bright purple on the plate. "I watched the plate react to the crumbs."
"Tampered with?" Fjord asks. "Tampered how?"
"I don't fucking know, man," Beau says. "It doesn't like, tell me."
"Um," Essek says carefully. "Would a magical alteration to the dish set off that reaction?"
"I should fucking hope so," Beau says, "since that's the whole point."
"In that case," Essek says, shooting Jester a worried look, "then yes, they were tampered with. But they will not harm you."
"Essek," Caleb says, looking at him worriedly.
"It's just prestidigitation," Essek says hurriedly. "We used it to flavour the cupcakes and the frosting." He takes a bite of his own cupcake. "See? They're safe."
"But why?" Veth asks. "Surely it can't be any worse than that fish stew Fjord made us all eat last time."
Essek looks at Jester again, who looks resigned. He waves his hand, dismissing the spell. "See for yourself."
Caleb is the first one that takes Essek up on that, tearing off a piece with his fingers and tasting it. Essek can see Caleb trying very hard to keep his expression neutral. He eventually - with some difficulty - swallows the bite of cupcake. "Ja," he says, eventually. "It's not that bad." He offers Essek a warm smile.
"Well that's obviously a lie," Veth says, pushing her plate a few inches away from her.
"Sorry guys," Jester says. She's looking down at the table and looks absolutely lost. "We just wanted to make something nice."
"Have either of you ever baked anything, ever?" Veth asks, picking up a tiny piece of the cupcake and trying it. "This is awful. I love you Jessie, but who taught you to bake?"
Jester looks too crestfallen to answer. "Both of us are, ah, new to this," Essek admits instead.
"Maybe cooking lessons are in order," Fjord says. "I used to cook on the ship, back when I was getting started. I could show you a few things, Jester."
Jester nods, still looking down at the table.
"And I could teach you," Caleb says to Essek.
"That would be appreciated," Essek says.
"Okay," Jester says. She sighs, then looks up at everyone. Forces a smile. "Okay. Me and Essek are going to learn how to cook, and then we'll make something for next time."
"Maybe not cupcakes," Beau says.
"Maybe nothing for anyone who complains about my baking again," Jester retorts.
"There are some desserts from Rosohna I'd like to recreate, if possible," Essek says. "If I can find a recipe."
"That sounds nice," Caduceus says.
"I am not much for sweets, but I do like some of the ones in Rosohna," he continues. "They're, ah, made with cinnamon. I don't think they do that here in the Empire."
"They don't!" Jester almost yells, smiling. "I know! It's crazy!"
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twdbegins · 2 years
Requesting Rules
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Hi there! So, this post contains all of my requesting rules. This will be at the top of my masterlist which will always be pinned to the top of my blog :)
So, I am pretty much always taking requests, unless my bio says otherwise. (If you’re ever not sure, just send me a message and I’ll clarify). With this, I am pretty much down to write mostly anything. (More info below the cut).
I’ll write fluffy, angsty, smutty, etc requests. However, when it comes to smut, my skills are sometimes lacking. I don’t write smut super often, just because I’m not as skilled at writing it. I will happily accept any smut requests, just be aware that it might not be up to par with some of my other works.
Anyone is welcome to send requests, but please don’t send more than one at a time. If you send a request, please wait until I have written it and posted it before sending another one.
When you send in a request, please be as specific as possible with what you want and don’t want included. It doesn’t have to be broken down detail by detail, but don’t send in a request saying “something fluffy” or “something angsty”. I need a little bit more to go off of to meet your needs!
If there is something specific you want included in your request like a certain use of pronouns, a certain piece of dialogue, a specific moment, etc. please be sure to include it when you request.
If there is something you don’t want included like profanity, sexual references, violence, etc. again, please let me know. I’ll never include smut if it isn’t requested, but sometimes I’ll sneak in a little sexual content.
Don’t request anything involving incest or rape, I will NOT write that either. I don’t think anyone would ever do this, but leave politics out of requesting.
I will happily write headcanons, drabbles, blurbs, or one-shots. You can send requests anonymously or not, but just know that if a request is sent anonymously, I cannot tag you when the request is completed.
And finally, if you do request something, please be patient. I will admit I am inconsistent when it comes to how fast I can get a request written and posted. Sometimes I can get it done within a few hours and sometimes I’ll take me longer.
If something is ever requested that is against my request policy, I will let that requester know.
A quick note: my blog is a safe place! If anyone ever wants to ask me questions, send in comments, concerns, whatever, feel free! It doesn’t even have to be TWD related.
That’s pretty much everything! I adore writing for this blog and the feedback I have received has been absolutely wonderful. Have fun and happy requesting!
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detectivesvu · 2 years
Requesting Rules
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Hi there! So, this post contains all of my requesting rules. This will be at the top of my masterlist which will always be pinned to the top of my blog :)
So, I am pretty much always taking requests, unless my bio says otherwise. (If you’re ever not sure, just send me a message and I’ll clarify). With this, I am pretty much down to write mostly anything. (More info below the cut).
I’ll write fluffy, angsty, smutty, etc requests. However, when it comes to smut, my skills are sometimes lacking. I don’t write smut super often, just because I’m not as skilled at writing it. I will happily accept any smut requests, just be aware that it might not be up to par with some of my other works.
Anyone is welcome to send requests, but please don’t send more than one at a time. If you send a request, please wait until I have written it and posted it before sending another one.
When you send in a request, please be as specific as possible with what you want and don’t want included. It doesn’t have to be broken down detail by detail, but don’t send in a request saying “something fluffy” or “something angsty”. I need a little bit more to go off of to meet your needs!
If there is something specific you want included in your request like a certain use of pronouns, a certain piece of dialogue, a specific moment, etc. please be sure to include it when you request.
If there is something you don’t want included like profanity, sexual references, violence, etc. again, please let me know. I’ll never include smut if it isn’t requested, but sometimes I’ll sneak in a little sexual content.
The only character I will NOT write for is Amanda. Sorry, trying to write for her is not in my best interest. Don’t send anything Amanda Rollins x (insert character) I will turn it down faster than the requester can hit send.
Don’t request anything involving incest or rape, I will NOT write that either. I don’t think anyone would ever do this, but leave politics out of requesting.
I will happily write headcanons, drabbles, blurbs, or one-shots. You can send requests anonymously or not, but just know that if a request is sent anonymously, I cannot tag you when the request is completed.
And finally, if you do request something, please be patient. I will admit I am inconsistent when it comes to how fast I can get a request written and posted. Sometimes I can get it done within a few hours and sometimes I’ll take me longer.
If something is ever requested that is against my request policy, I will let that requester know.
A quick note: my blog is a safe place! If anyone ever wants to ask me questions, send in comments, concerns, whatever, feel free! It doesn’t even have to be SVU related.
That’s pretty much everything! I adore writing for this blog and the feedback I have received has been absolutely wonderful. Have fun and happy requesting!
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detectivehannibal · 2 years
Requesting Rules
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Hi there! So, this post contains all of my requesting rules. This will be at the top of my masterlist which will always be pinned to the top of my blog :)
So, I am pretty much always taking requests, unless my bio says otherwise. (If you’re ever not sure, just send me a message and I’ll clarify). With this, I am pretty much down to write mostly anything. (More info below the cut).
I’ll write fluffy, angsty, smutty, etc requests. However, when it comes to smut, my skills are sometimes lacking. I don’t write smut super often, just because I’m not as skilled at writing it. I will happily accept any smut requests, just be aware that it might not be up to par with some of my other works.
Anyone is welcome to send requests, but please don’t send more than one at a time. If you send a request, please wait until I have written it and posted it before sending another one.
When you send in a request, please be as specific as possible with what you want and don’t want included. It doesn’t have to be broken down detail by detail, but don’t send in a request saying “something fluffy” or “something angsty”. I need a little bit more to go off of to meet your needs!
If there is something specific you want included in your request like a certain use of pronouns, a certain piece of dialogue, a specific moment, etc. please be sure to include it when you request.
If there is something you don’t want included like profanity, sexual references, violence, etc. again, please let me know. I’ll never include smut if it isn’t requested, but sometimes I’ll sneak in a little sexual content.
The only character I will NOT write for is Alana. Sorry, trying to write for her is not in my best interest. Also, don’t send anything Alana Bloom x Will Graham or x Hannibal lecter. I will turn it down faster than the requester can hit send.
Don’t request anything involving incest or rape, I will NOT write that either. I don’t think anyone would ever do this, but leave politics out of requesting.
I will happily write headcanons, drabbles, blurbs, or one-shots. You can send requests anonymously or not, but just know that if a request is sent anonymously, I cannot tag you when the request is completed.
And finally, if you do request something, please be patient. I will admit I am inconsistent when it comes to how fast I can get a request written and posted. Sometimes I can get it done within a few hours and sometimes I’ll take me longer.
If something is ever requested that is against my request policy, I will let that requester know.
A quick note: my blog is a safe place! If anyone ever wants to ask me questions, send in comments, concerns, whatever, feel free! It doesn’t even have to be Hannibal related.
That’s pretty much everything! I adore writing for this blog and the feedback I have received has been absolutely wonderful. Have fun and happy requesting!
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
hii!! im absolutely new to your works and blog, but your haikyuu!! light festival event caught my eye!! i shall start binging around now, but may i request an Oikawa Tooru with a 14 and 21? im pretty dedicated with the things i like and i have a tendecy to love overworking, hihi; and i find it nice when ppl rely on me. i also like playing guitar and singing, even if im not the best at it. i hope its alright? i shall be your fan now 🤩 congrats on the 700! 💗
| Sun and Moon of Seijoh | OIkawa Tooru 
prompt | #14- Celestial 
pairing | Oikawa Tooru x Reader 
words | 1.2k 
author’s note | This piece might seem a little disconnected because I didn’t finish it in one write. Enjoy~ 
He was charming, cheerful and bright-eyed; the sun. He gave out light to everyone around him, pushing the people around him to their best, giving them their full potential. You were quiet, sharp and gentler; the moon. You guided the people around you, encouraging them and giving them advice, the little push they needed to make the journey. 
Together, the two of you were the Sun and Moon of Seijoh. 
It wasn’t uncommmon to hear teachers conversing about how well you and Oikawa would look together. The two of you had traits that complimented each other like colours on opposite ends of the spectrum. 
Both of you were determined, hard-working, and people relied on you, as you were both captains of your respective volleyball teams. Oikawa Tooru was the captain of Seijoh’s boys’ volleyball team, and you were the captain of Seijoh’s girls’ volleyball team. 
“Oikawa and L/N tied again for the highest test score.” You overheard one of the teachers say. The two of you were in the same advanced class for the third year in a row, adding to the irony of the whole situation between you and the hazel-haired boy. 
“Oikawa.” You deadpanned, slamming the boys’ gym door open. Iwaizumi had texted you at 8pm, telling you to drag Oikawa home before you left. It wasn’t unusual for both of you to stay at school for longer times, as you were both perfecting your volleyball skills for the next tournament. “Go home.” 
“You’re saying that like you didn’t stay just as late as I did!” He whined, landing just as his jump float serve slammed against the other side of the court. 
He did have a point, so you shrugged. “I’m going home now. So should you.” 
“Fine, fine, I’m coming, L/N-chan.” He pouted, picking up the balls that he had served. “Give me a moment, I’m going to change.” 
You nodded. “Hurry up!” 
“We have another test tomorrow.” He complained, his bag slung over his shoulder as the two of you strolled down the street. Yellow street lights lit your way home like spotlights on a runway. “Have you studied, Y/N-chan?” 
“Yes.” You replied, looking up at him. “Need me to teach you the chapter?” 
You could’ve sworn there were stars in his eyes. “You’d be willing to teach me?” He said. 
“Yes. As long as you buy me some onigiri from the convenience store, I will. Oh, and if you give me all your milk bread for one week.” You smiled, teasing him a little. Unlike what other students in your year thought, you were not as cold as they made you out to be. You were just another ordinary girl, after all. 
He ended up buying you two packets of milk bread and an onigiri, which satisfied you. You greeted his mother as you made your way up to his room, grateful that you had brought your textbook with you. 
He’s home, you texted Iwaizumi. We’re studying for tomorrow’s test. Want to come over? 
“Who are you texting, Y/N-chan? There can’t possibly be another guy more important than me!” Oikawa whined at the lack of attention. 
“I asked Iwaizumi to come over.” You told him patiently, setting your phone down. “I could ask Makki and Mattsun too, but I think they’re already at Makki’s.” 
Oikawa grumbled. “You invited Iwa-chan to my house without telling me? And no, Makki and Mattsun won’t answer you because they’re probably too busy doing something else.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh.” Makki and Mattsun had started dating a little over a year ago, and you had to admit, you weren’t surprised. The girls’ team had started a couple bets about when they would get together, and you had lost twenty bucks. A real pity they couldn’t have waited another week to get together, really. 
“Teach me, Y/N-chaaann~” 
His eyes were the mixture of hazel and the hue of the golden sun. His hair was a shade of light brown, fluffy and poofy like a cloud. 
Your eyes were the colour of the midnight sky, a dark blue that was only a shade away from black. Your hair was a silky ash colour, smooth and straight, normally tied up in a sensible pony tail. 
Oikawa started noticing how contrasting the traits between the two of you were in second year, when he saw your spike in a game. He had grinned widely when you told him in third year that you were named the ace of Seijoh’s girls’ team, congratulating you on your ace and captain position. 
He secretly loved the whole 'Sun and Moon of Seijoh' thing, because it made him feel like it was the two of you against the world.
The two of you, and the broad, endless horizons of the universe.
Neither of your teams made it to the nationals. You had comforted your team with a brave smile, congratulating everyone on their hard work. The last game was lost at 31-33, and you knew that your vice-captain, libero, and second-year middle blocker were all blaming themselves for the defeat. Actually, the whole team was blaming themselves for the defeat. It had been a close match.
"We all did our best." You said with a soft smile. "And we had fun. That's all that matters, right?"
Your heart clenched as you fully realised it was your last game with the team you had come to love. Teary eyes looked up to meet yours, and you found yourself enveloped in a tight hug, wrapped in the arms of your teammates. "We'll win next year, captain."
"I'm sure you will."
Across the gym, you caught Oikawa's eyes. Tears brimmed on the edge of his hazel-gold eyes, but you shot him a smile.
Sometimes, the sun and moon get hidden behind clouds. But that doesn't mean they don't shine- They're just waiting for their chance to shower the world in light again.
"It's over, huh." Oikawa murmured to you after the two of you dropped Iwaizumi off. The streets seemed exceptionally gloomy that night- It was as if the world was mourning your defeat, too.
You turned to look at him, steel in your eyes. "It's never over." You glanced at the cloudy night sky. "Do you see the moon?"
He shook his head, eyebrows raised in confusion.
"You don't see it. You can't see the moon, but does that mean it's not there? No." You jabbed a finger at his chest. "The moon is not always seen, but it's always there. Don't you ever dare give up, Oikawa Tooru."
Oikawa's eyes followed your finger to where it was, prodding at the centre of his chest. You looked extra angry, your midnight blue eyes ablaze with determination.
"The sun of Seijoh cannot give up."
He smiled as he prepared himself for the serve, proudly wearing his Argentinian team jersey. The familiar woosh of the ball into the air rang in his ears, followed by the slap of his serve across the court.
"No matter what happens, the sun will rise again." You said. "Don't ever give up, Tooru."
A whistle signalled that he had just landed a service ace. Glancing into the crowd, Oikawa smiled softly to himself. He knew there was no way he could spot and identify you in the sea of over a million people, but...
The moon is not always seen, but it's always there.
for some reason I feel very poetic today-
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rhinotheamazing · 3 years
One side, Two lives
Chapter nine
Nothing but a bad memory
First Previous Next
Warnings: swearing and eating disorder
Roman had woken up feeling awful and tired. He looked over at his clock and saw that it was three am. He had went to sleep at midnight.
Get up already you piece of shit. Roman sighed heavily. The voice practically never left him alone at this point.
           Roman was a pretty tolerant person. He put up with a lot even though he didn’t think he it. So the fact that he was actually annoyed and angry at this voice spoke volumes.
You know you’re a real fucking jackass sometime. Roman said as he got out of bed and headed towards his closet.
Well theres no way I could be worse than you, though that isn’t a very high bar is it? Roman paused as he was grabbing his jacket, not being able to say anything in response.
No witty retort for that huh? That’s because you know its true.
“Shut up” Roman growled to the darkness. This had become an unpleasant routine for the light side. Wake up, be insulted, pretend to eat, work on projects, workout till he felt like he might break, and then work on his projects again until he passes out. Then repeat the next day.
           Roman took a deep breath to calm himself down, he knew listening to voice wasn’t helpful for others so he tried his best not to listen. Though it did get hard when he agreed with it.
Enough talking, since I’m up early I might as well get things done. Roman though as he finished getting ready for the day and went over to his desk. He already had the next three videos planed out and scripted so he didn’t have much assigned work to do. Never the less he still pulled out his laptop and started typing out ideas that could work.  
           * time skip
Roman sighed and leaned back in his chair. He just finished writing out the next video, all he had to do now is finish putting the script together. He got up to stretch and checked the time. He was a bit surprise to see it was already nine am.
“Shit, I didn’t think it would take me that long.” The prince cursed to himself.
This is why you have to wake up early. Sleeping is a waste of time since you clearly don’t have the skill it takes to get your work done like a normal person. The voice said inside his head.
“Ya I guess you have a point.” Roman said as he brushed some of the stray hairs out of his face. His stomach growled which kinda surprised him. Geez how long has it been since I last ate? Roman tried to think and realize he hadn’t eaten in three days. Well shit, guess I have to eat today.
Technically you don’t have too. The voice said in a cruel tone. Roman rolled his eyes. I don’t want to but if I don’t I’ll pass out and I need to finish this script. The voice grumbled and that was as close as it ever came to agreeing with Roman.  
           The creative side walked out of his room and down the stairs. He didn’t hear anyone else up so he didn’t bother to shape shift yet. He walked into the still dark kitchen and went to grab an apple from a boll on the counter. Kinda odd that Patton isn’t up yet. Maybe he’s taking a second chill day or something. Roman thought to himself.
           He looked down at the apple in his hand and his face twisted in disgust. The idea of eating, it was just, not fun. It’s hard to explain. He felt like he was going to eat poison instead of normal food. Like eating would cause him some sort of disease. It’s just an apple, come on Roman. The creative side took a bite of the apple and chewed. Dammit why must this be so hard.
The prince somehow finished the apple and threw away the pit. He went back to his room and went over to his mirror. He had been rather cautious with going into the imagination ever since the voice had come back. It always got so much louder there that Roman had a hard time remembering that the voice was in his mind and not a person talking right next to him. Roman shook his head and walked through the door. Today the imagination was a bit cloudier but the prince simply smiled at the dark clouds. Unlike most he never saw rain as a bad thing like most people did. To him the rain was calm and beautiful, something that kept the plants and animals alive.
The prince started off towards a shoreline he and his brother had made when they where younger. Right next to the water sat a large cliff and today Roman’s goal was to climb it. It made for a good workout and the danger of it all was just fun to the princely character. Once he finishes his short jog the shore he looked up at the might mountain cliff. It was hard to quite see the top from his point of view and it made the creative side smile at the challenge.
           The adventurer started his climb, summoning some gloves and sneakers to make it ever so slightly easier. He was already in a more adventuresome outfit, jeans and an old shirt and jacket, but he had a certain pair of sneakers that where specifically for this. He started his way up (not using a rope but meh, who needs them) and was making decent time, especially considering his lack of sleep and food recently.
When he was half way up he looked out at the view before him. The early morning sun was shining through the clouds and onto the water making it sparkle, the wind carrying the smell of the sea. Roman smiled, he used to come here a lot when he and his brother where younger, it was one of the first places they had made.
 The memories where nice until they reach a certain point. Roman grimaced slightly, he didn’t like to think back to what happened, but the voice had brought those thoughts back to the fore front of his mind. He’s just a voice now, calm down. Roman told himself and tried to refocus on his task at hand.
Keep telling yourself that. The voice said, nearly making the prince loose his grip. He had been so lost in thought that he forgot the voice could hear everything he was thinking.
           Shut up. You’re nothing but a bad memory at this point, you have no power over me. Roman practically growled in his mind as he started to climb faster.
Do you really think that? Roman didn’t respond but kept climbing. Because he wasn’t sure. Ever since the voice had re appeared the red side had felt a feeling of dread. He didn’t like to think about the feeling too much, summing it up the feeling to unpleasant memories coming back. He shook his head and looked up, he was getting close to the top of the cliff at this point which put a small bit of ease into the prince’s mind.
           Roman was pretty tired when he finally pulled himself up to the top of the cliff. Not eating enough was starting to catch up to him and the thought made said side scowl. He sat up a little and looked around. The top of the cliff was covered in green grass that swayed in the wind and the tree line was only a few meters away. In total in was a rather lovely and calm place to be.
Maybe one of these days I’ll take Virgil here, I bet he would love the fireflies that come out at night.Roman smiled a bit at that thought, and looked up at the slightly stormy clouds. It looked like it would rain any minute and the creative side was glad he had finished his climb before that happened.
            He laid down on his back and tried to catch his breath, he was more tired than he thoughts he would be. As he looked behind him he saw a mountain in the distance and looked away. He absolutely hated that place even though he was the one who made it. That was the last place he had seen- just before he could finish the that thought a drop of rain fell on his nose.
A light rain started so the prince decided it was time to head back. He walked back to his door that was part of an ancient looking tree that was on the edge of the meadow. The entire way there the voice chastised the red side about being tired and not being strong enough. By the time Roman was back in his room his self esteem was extremely low. He changed into a pair of jeans and a comfy T-shirt and threw his now soaked outfit into a corner.
He wanted to throw himself onto his bed however sadly he knew he had work to do; but first he had to change his bandages.
His ribs were pretty much healed at this point so Roman hadn’t seen a problem with doing a bit of adventuring. He saw that it was 12 at this point and it felt like his day was dragging on forever. The prince sighed and went over to look at the work on his desk. The video he was working on was pretty simple, just Thomas having fun with his friends doing a few different challenges that have to do with musicals. He figured that he could give himself a little break and went to go get water for him and Alexander. He was certain that the others would be up at this point so he shapeshifter just a bit and made his clothes look a little bit nicer.
Man I’m using up a lot of energy today with summoning. Roman thought as he sighed and fixed his hair just a bit. He straitened his posture and strolled into the room unsurprised to see Logan writing something down at the table.
“Hey specks, what do you think of todays fine morning?” The princely character said with a faked smile. He grabbed two glasses of water and went to sit at the table. The logical side responded without even looking up from his work.
“Not bad, I was able to finish up my work pretty early so I decided to start on some of my own projects.”  A small smile was on the logical side’s face which made the prince curios. So he stood up and looked at the notebook in hand and saw a familiar creature drawn onto the page.
“How do you know about zip lions?” The creative side asked, clear confusion written on his face. Logan finally looked up.
“A zip lion?”  Roman nodded
“That’s what your drawing isn’t it? That’s clearly a drawing of Suzan, only her main looks like that.” Roman said tapping the part of the drawing that had a very fluffy main.
“So that’s what they’re  called.” Logan said looking back at his drawing. “Suzan was very nice by the way.” Roman went to go sit back in his chair.
“Yah but how do you even know her?” The logical side shrugged.
“Remus took me to the imagination yesterday.” Romans eyes went wide and he could never let up the opportunity to tease people.
“Wow didn’t know you and Remus went on a date.” Roman said with a smirk. Logan’s face turned bright red as he looked up from his notebook. He struggled to find anything to say. It was pretty funny to watch, the same Logan who almost always had something to say was speechless and that was quite the accomplishment in Roman’s book.
“Calm down I was just messing with you.” Roman said. He liked messing with his friends but he didn’t want to ruin Remus’s chances with the nerd. Logan re adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.
“Well it most certainly wasn’t a date but it was nice. Your brother is quite the interesting person Roman.” Logan said with a soft smile. Roman smiled. He definitely has a crush on Remus. Of course instead of saying that the prince faked gaged.
“Hearing complements about my brother is killing me.” Logan rolled his eyes. The prince got up and stretched, though it did hurt his side a bit.
“Well, I have script to finish. Bye specks.” Logan nodded to him and Roman went back to his room. He gave the water to Alexander and the fly trap gave a sound similar to purring. The creative side smiled and petted the plant’s head a few times before going over to his desk. He finished up his work relatively quickly and putt his materials away. He didn’t have much else to do so he decided that he would just watch some Disney shows.
           After selecting Gravity Falls the creative side jumped into his bed and wrapped himself in a blanket. Since the day had been rather stressful he decided that he would try to relax before Patton called them all to get dinner. As the prince fell asleep the voice started to think. He absolutely hated Roman but he needed him for the mean time to make his plan work. Just you wait Roman, one day, you’ll be the one that’s nothing but a bad memory.
That took a while to write. Anyways I hope you’re all thoroughly worried for the future. It’s a lot of fun to make scenes creepy and stuff. Well, that all for now humans, have a good day, bye!
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allthevmff · 3 years
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Find Afrocurl’s work // AO3 // LJ  interview from vmfictitious // originally posted Mar. 20th, 2011
How did you get into Veronica Mars fandom?
Somewhere in the middle of S2, a friend of mine from high school started to talk about this show and how much I’d like it. At the general description of a high school detective, I borrowed her S1 DVDs and devoured the show in three days.  After that I started to discover fandom, mostly because I used Inigo’s transcripts to keep myself up with what the show was doing before I could watch live.
Shortly after starting the show, I had this job where I spent too much time in an office and was easily bored. I used a bunch of downtime to read fic and post in a message board (FanForum for anyone curious.)  When that job ended (thankfully) I had all of this spare time and just sort of fell into writing.
Were you an experienced writer when you started writing for VM?  If so, what kind of writing had you done, and/or what fandoms had you written for?   If not, was it really intimidating to post your first story?
I’m a little fuzzy on these details right now, but I wasn’t that experienced when I started writing in VM. I think I had a story or two written in The OC before I posted here, but I had some great support from a few friends (sarah_p //  Sarah's Crack ) for one was a big support) when I did post my first story.
What was it about Veronica Mars that interested you?  Why did you feel compelled to write for this particular show?
I really fell for the characters when I started to watch. Veronica was such a compelling character, and as I kept watching I fell more in love with Logan, too. I felt compelled in that post-S2 summer to see the relationship between Logan and Veronica explored (as so many other people did.)
Are you creative in other media for fandom (vidding, icons, etc.)?
I pick up making icons here and there, but I don’t think I have the same skill as many other people do. It’s a different creative medium, and one that I think stretches a different part of my brain.
What was the best moment for you, in fandom?  (Not necessarily a moment in the show, but fandom itself.)
I think it was the moment when I found myself in a position to go to all of these events around LA and San Diego. I found that people around LJ were interested as a result because there was something for people to enjoy that I had been able to capture.
If you had a magic wand, and could change VM fandom in any way, past or present, what would you do?
I wish S3 hadn’t been so divisive—it’s spoiled so many people on the show, and when you still love parts of it, but not all of it, it’s hard to stay positive around other people.
Of your accomplishments in fandom/cyberspace, which are you most proud of?
Weirdly, I think it’s little things I’ve done that bring a smile to my face. Sharing my time with the cast with others in any way. That’s not just the picspams when I went to an event, but these moments where I could get autographs or phone calls to other people. At different times, I’ve been able to make a friend’s birthday just a little brighter with a message from the cast (Sarah and another friend M.)
What’s your favorite VM episode and why?
I go back and forth on this answer all of the time, but I think it’s Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough. In part because it was the first episode I remember watching live, and also because I’m a sucker for banter between Logan and Veronica. That whole episode is filled with it, even if they aren’t together as a couple.
What’s your least favorite episode and why?
Blast from the Past—I just can’t get behind the mystery of the week, or what Jackie does to Veronica as a way to keep Wallace to herself.
How do you feel about season 3?
I’m a mixed bag on the subject. I think that the first arc has promise, though it didn’t do much to satisfy my need for Logan and Veronica in a healthy relationship. I’m not a fan of how Piz was introduced, or what his purpose was in the long run.
The Dean O’Dell arc lacks heart (and the Hearst rapist does too when I look at it), and the last five are just all over the place.
In total, I haven’t brought myself to rewatch the whole season since it aired, but I made a promise to myself at some point I would (I plan to live-blog all of the episodes, but I only managed to finish the first three.)
If you met Rob Thomas, what would you say to him?  (Assume that you have taken magical drugs that enable you to not be tongue-tied and you can completely speak your mind.)
I briefly met him and talked to him during season three, but if I could have a longer conversation, I’d really want to understand what his motives were for Logan and Veronica in that season. It seemed that the show always had Logan and Veronica together off screen so that the audience had no real reason to understand those later break-ups.
If you could talk to the writing staff, what question(s) would you have for them?
I’m always interested in some of the specifics of the room—are there any writers who cater to writing for certain characters? What characters do you like to write more than others? I think I’m just interested in their process more than anything else.
Which story of yours is your favorite, and why?
I’m really a fan of “The Black Hole” because I think it was a different sort of writing exercise for me. I also think I was really into the moment when I wrote it, and it shows. I can’t remember how long it took me to write, but I think it was a pretty quick write once I had the idea solidified in my head.
Are there any stories of yours that are (to your surprise) fan favorites?
Not really a surprise, but I love the reaction I had to Rational Thought. My Piz issues just got one big escape in that piece and everyone who read it had a similar reaction.
Do you (or did you at first) feel uncomfortable posting R or NC17 rated stories?
I think I was a bit apprehensive the first time (especially since it was my first fic in the fandom), but as I’ve written more and more of those fics, I’m more comfortable with the ways of writing it. I also love all of my betas who help me through the mechanics of writing it.
If you could start over and rewrite any of your stories (assume unlimited time and you would be paid for your efforts, because this is a fantasy), which story would you choose, and what changes would you make?
I’m not proud of Compulsion as it was written in the end, so I’d work there and really craft the narrative more than it is now. It’s not that it’s not beta-ed, but that it wasn’t really planned or structured beyond what is written. I think there was promise in the beginning and it floundered.
Do you write for any other fandoms?
I write here and there in a few other fandoms, but most of my work is in VM.  Some of the other shows are harder to get a feel for, so much that I don’t know if I have the character voices down.
Do you write any original works, and if so, can we see any of them?  Have you ever taken any writing classes?  Have you ever published anything? Won any competitions?
I wrote a few pieces of original fic, which are at my writing community. I haven’t been one to take a writing course, but in high school I had an award-winning poem at the local county fair.
That piece, I wrote was in my junior year of high school, spring semester (so let’s call is March 2000.) We had to write an emulation of Langston Hughes’s “I Am”, and I went all out—confused kid to the max. My teacher ate most of it up, and had me submit it to the Fair.  It went on to win the best poem for high schoolers, the best high school piece and Best in Show for all student work. I have three lovely ribbons, a paper weight to show for it.
What other VM author influenced you the most?  Do you have a favorite VM story (by another author)?
I spent most of my time reading things from Loveathons and Fic From Mars when I was reading, so I guess any of those authors. I really love dark_roast’s ( dark_roast) style. I think mutiousmuse and truemyth (TrueMyth) each have some amazing pieces, too. What’s great about being part of fandom is learning how much else you have in common with authors you love. I’m still friends with Musey and Truemyth after I met them at Comic Con in 2006.
Overall, I think my favorite story is Finite Erasure (TW), which puts me in the camp of loving angst. I worked with Trixx (Trixx) as she wrote it and I think I fell for the story she was telling and how much it hurt along the way.
What fanfic do you wish you’d had the idea for and written yourself?
If I had a mind for her particular brand of crazy, I’d have love to have written One True Pair, because the creativity and perspective amaze me.
Who are your favorite traditional authors?  Do you have a favorite book or series?
I love Oscar Wilde’s wit; I love Fitzgerald’s use of flawed characters. When I was in college I became a huge fan of Isaac Bashevis Singer. Sadly I’m not a huge book fan, though I do love words and compelling stories. Persuasion is one of my favorite stories, along with The Alchemist. I found myself more easily distracted by television as a kid and when I do get a book, I tend to read some fluffy chick-lit.
 Getting to Know You
To which character in VM do you feel you are the most similar, or what situation in VM reminds you of your own life?
Even though I don’t write her enough, I feel like I’m a slightly less tech-savvy version of Mac. I wasn’t one to have boyfriends in high school, and I think that just influences my outlook now.
Share a fun memory with us, something related to fandom.
This moment at an event in San Diego where my friends and I spent a good five minutes trying to remember the Eleanor Roosevelt quote from Logan’s voicemail.
Or the time I had Jason write a message to my journal without him really knowing where it was going.
Dog person, cat person, neither or both?
Cat person! My cat Auric loves everyone he meets, and wants to keep me from my computer when I leave it open in his presence. He really loves to sit on my keyboard when I’m not around.
What was the happiest day in your life (that you can share with us)?
December 12, 2000—the day I got into college. I’m pretty lame most of the time.
The apocalypse is on us.  You’ve got five minutes to gather your stuff before you flee (assume that your loved ones are already safe).  What do you take?
This is going to be pretty typical, but my laptop, and external hard drives, so I’m not without my pictures. Maybe a few of my autographs and old-school photos too.
What don’t we know about you, that we should know?
I’m not nearly as interesting as I sound on the internet. ;)
 The Nuts and Bolts of Writing
Do you consider yourself a stickler for grammar, or do you prefer a more casual approach?  Specifically, serial comma: for or against?
I’m weirdly a stickler for grammar when I’m not the one writing. I’m usually for the serial comma, which I blame on years of it being grilled into my head from school.
What grammar issue do you constantly have to struggle with?
 Spelling—I’m horrible at it most of the time.
 Do you have any writing reference books you can’t live without?
 I have a few copies of writing guides tucked away in my garage, but I don’t regularly look at them when I’m writing.
Are you a plotter or a “pantser”? (Do you outline your stories or do you write “by the seat of your pants”?)
It really depends on the story. I have some basic idea of a fic when I start to write it, but there are times when I only know that general outline and other times when I have a better plan.
There’s one story that’s been buried on my computer that’s plotted more than anything else I write. There are notes on how each chapter should work, but I only did that because it was a true multi-chapter fic.
My other fics that have turned into WIPs are not as plotted as they should be.
 What’s your favorite point-of-view to write?
 I love third-person more than anything else. It gives you the flexibility to talk about more than one person in the context of the story.
What type of writing is your favorite to write (dialogue, plot, action, interior monologue, description, sex scene, etc.)?  Your least favorite?
Dialogue—no questions. I love banter as much as anyone else.
My least favorite—probably sex scenes. They’re awkward to figure out, positions, how clinical but not too clinical.
Do you listen to music while you write?  Do you listen to different music depending on what you’re writing?
I do, unless I’m watching TV. My music doesn’t change depending on what I write, though maybe it should. My poor iTunes has been known to be demonic when I read fic, though it doesn’t do that as often when I’m writing.
What inspires you to write?
 I like motivational moments that can drive a point home—so I tend to write shorter pieces that are about emotions instead of plot driven.
What blocks you from writing?
Lack of time. The inability to express what I’m looking for.
 Specifically for Afrocurl!
What surprised you the most about Jason Dohring in person (that you can share with us)?
He’s a genuinely sweet person who adores his fans and what they do for him. I’d never had too many experiences with actors before I met him and he set the stage for being kind to fans.
How is he like Logan?  How is he not like Logan?  Did he do anything that freaked you out after watching him on TV so much?
I think he has Logan’s physical ticks—hair rakes and the like.
 He’s not as precise with language as Logan. In person he’s sort of like any other California guy I’ve met.
Which story of yours would it appall you the most to find out that Jason had read?
The Weevil and Logan story. I think he’d blush and be shocked at the subject more than anything.
Which of your celebrity encounters thrilled you to death, but the rest of world could care less?
The girl who loves politics was thrilled by meeting Justice Scalia at my college. Though I’m sure I’m the only one who can appreciate it now.
We know you do a lot for charities.  Do you have anything coming up that we should know about, that you’d like us to support?
Since Sweet Charity has ended, I haven’t done much work for charity recently. I’ve been a little too busy with the rest of life to help out with the Queensland floods and the like.
What’s your dream job?
Working at a high school teaching either Government or US History, maybe AP if that’s an option.
Your life seems to be going through a lot of changes right now.  How do you see yourself ten years from now?...family, job, hobbies, etc., anything you want to share with us.
I’d love to have a stable job, with friends and family nearby for support. I can’t hope for much else than that right now.
 Find Afrocurl’s work // AO3 // LJ
Source: X
reposted from vmfictitious // originally published on Mar. 20th, 2011
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Can you post your request rules like of the things you’re willing to write and things you aren’t ?? If you don’t mind!!
Absolutely! So, I am pretty much always taking requests, unless my bio says otherwise. (If you’re ever not sure, just send me a message and I’ll clarify). With this, I am pretty much down to write mostly anything. (More info below the cut).
I’ll write fluffy, angsty, smutty, etc requests. However, when it comes to smut, my skills are lacking. I don’t write smut super often, just because I’m not as skilled at writing it. I will happily accept any smut requests, just be aware that it might not be up to par with some of my other works.
Anyone is welcome to send requests, but please don’t send more than one at a time. If you send a request, please wait until I have written it and posted it before sending another one.
When you send in a request, please be as specific as possible with what you want and don’t want included. It doesn’t have to be broken down detail by detail, but don’t send in a request saying “something fluffy” or “something angsty”. I need a little bit more to go off of to meet your needs!
If there is something specific you want included in your request like a certain use of pronouns, a certain piece of dialogue, a specific moment, etc. please be sure to include it when you request.
If there is something you don’t want included like profanity, sexual references, violence, etc. again, please let me know. I’ll never include smut if it isn’t requested, but sometimes I’ll sneak in a little spicy conversation.
For the most part, requests are usually insert reader, but I get that sometimes there are other character shippings. Don’t request anything shipping Severus and Lily or any underage Harry Potter character (for the love of us all, please don’t send me Severus Snape x Hermione Granger. I will NOT write it). 
Don’t send any Dramione, Drarry, Snamione, or Snily requests for my own personal sanity.
Don’t request anything involving incest or rape, I will NOT write that either. I don’t think anyone would ever do this, but leave politics out of requesting. 
To elaborate a little more, I will TOTALLY write for any of the younger characters (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Fred/George, etc.) but just please do not request for them to be in their first through third year. If you request their fourth or fifth year, do NOT send it as a smut request. The age of consent in the UK (and in the Harry Potter universe) is 16. So, sixth and seventh year is fair game for smut, but do not request smut for any of those kinds of characters before their sixth year.
And finally, if you do request something, please be patient. I will admit I am inconsistent when it comes to how fast I can get a request written and posted. Sometimes I can get it done within a few hours and sometimes I’ll take me longer. 
If something is ever requested that is against my request policy, I will let that requester know.
A quick note: my blog is a safe place! If anyone ever wants to ask me questions, send in comments, concerns, whatever, feel free! It doesn’t even have to be Snape related! 
That’s pretty much everything! I adore writing for this blog and the feedback I have received has been absolutely wonderful. Have fun and happy requesting!
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coffeebeannate · 3 years
Taken from @werebearbearbar
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in  2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
I started writing fic years and years ago. And have done so in other fandoms before taking a long hiatus from the writing world in general. I stuck with written roleplay only. For  what I assume to be around four or five years, I did not write a single fic. (I also wrote short stories in childhood, teen years and young adult years)
(I want to point out though that this absolutely does not negate roleplay writing, and that writing with another person, or in a group is a lesser form) My break from fanfic came with one of the worst periods of my mental and physical health, and everything I had written was purged from my Ao3 account in a single night.
I started writing for The Old Guard in August, and below, are the things I like a lot that I’ve written for it. To do this, I decided to use the criteria of ‘fics I like the most’ instead of what seems to be the most popular to read. For me, if I really love a piece of work, I recall the creative process fondly, and have lines and bits of dialogue I truly adore within it.
1. Precision Mission Fic. Gala. Post-Movie. Current Group (Nile, Andy, Joe, NIcky)
Rated  M (Mature) 4846 words
My second fic for the fandom that I published, but the first I actually conceptualized. This one is just..so special to me. I have phone notes typed at five am. I can recall the excitement as I was so eager to share this story and get it off the ground. I wanted to see this complete so bad. I loved nearly every second of writing it, and it’s always going to hold a special place in my heart as a result. There’s so much overdone clothing talk and I can only think of it with fondness. 
None of them are comfortable. Except Joe, it seems.
Joe makes it look easy. Simplistic, even, judging by the way he effortlessly glides and charms his way through the expansive ball/congregating/entertaining room. Something that never failed to fascinate Nicky was the way Joe could integrate himself almost seamlessly into any scenario, situation, or environment. Neither Andy nor himself had that ability. Not when it came to cavorting, anyway. Nicky more quietly reserved, Andy lacking in the ability to care enough to fake it.
Nile seemed to be more in the middle. She did not appear overly comfortable with the mingling, but she had enough personal grace and adaptability to make it seem somewhat effortless to have a decent time.
All their eyes remained sharp on the surrounding area, awaiting the arrival of their target. And for all his schmoozing, Nicky knew Joe’s surveillance was tack-sharp, multitasking to a degree no one he was currently conversing with could have possibly noticed.
“You going to move at some point, or have you taken up permanent resident status here?” Nile asks, appearing at his side where Nicky has spent the last half-hour molded to the furthest left corner of the solid black bar. “I know you have an excellent view, but.”
Nicky snorted, though only Nile could actually tell, “Why waste a good opportunity?”, momentarily ceasing his Joe watching to stare back into the depths of his glass, which currently contained some horrifically shocking pink abomination, Nicky’s second drink, since he was letting the bar tender dictate them, too utterly distracted to care what was touching his lips, and curious with the way the bar tender had delighted in being given free reign to make whatever he desired.
To be fair, it didn’t taste that bad-something frighteningly sugary and weirdly noxious smelling, but it’s not exactly ‘crime against humanity’ levels of alcoholic nightmares.
2. Old
Post-movie. Current Group. (Andy, Nile, Joe, Nicky) Mortal Andy. Character study.
Rated T (Teen and Up Audiences), 2903 words.
My first attempt at Andy-centric writing. Andy is a character I consider a challenge to write, and that makes me want to write her more. This fic centers mostly around her and the others trying to come to terms with how much has happened, within day to day life and taking the comfort that they can in one another.
I really like this fic. A lot. Sure it’s short. Sure maybe not much happens, but Andy’s character fascinates me, as does her relationship with her family.
So motherfucking old.
Someone is calling out to her, her hearing and senses long fine-tuned to knowing. It’s Nicky- she can easily pretend she can’t hear him, he knows when she doesn’t want to talk to anyone, after all.
She’s being petty, and she knows it’s unfair. That the nearly untouched plate and nights spent not sleeping gives them reason to be at her. But facing them with that fact feels about as ideal as jumping into a flaming volcano right about now. They’re just worried. It makes her stomach turn, sour and vicious. Venom in the gut, acid in the heart.
Said volcano would be kinder.
3. Spice it Up (Or Not)
Joe and Nicky. Pre-Movie. Fluffy Lovings
Rated: E (Explicit) 3030 words
This one was just fun. I am such a sucker for banting, and the most established of established relationships that Nicky and Joe have going on. This one is indeed not safe for work, and honestly, the opening paragraphs are what came first, and I actually had to build the story around it.
Something that I think makes this fic fun to me as well is that, just because something that sounded like a good idea fails, it doesn’t make it an ending. Healthy communication, knowing each other..it’s so blissful to think about.
Things aren’t always perfect, but that’s okay. And it’s not always a threat. Oh and because this is me, what was supposed to be fairly light hearted gets all sappy and reflective mid-way.
He knows Nicky in every way. He knows his scent from battle, from sex, from showers and from sleep. He knows his eyes in darkness, in light, in dread, excitement and worry. He knows his grief, his love, his sadness, and adoration. Excitement, passion, fear, and pain.
He could count each tear that Nicky has shed, could recall each tone of his voice in every language they know. From the first he heard to the current. The sweet harmony of song and the rough gasp of drunk intoxication. He’s heard him yell, heard him scream. Heard his shouts and his cries.
He knows how Nicky tends to favour his left shoulder even though there’s no reason beyond psychological to do so. A spot Joe stabbed so long ago. So far back in another life. He knows how he likes to pause and do surveillance before they enter any new location. Knows he likes vehicles that move fast and has a fondness for roller coasters.
He’s seen those hands, so large and skilled break bone, wield a sword and cut vegetables and fruit. Seen them card through his hair, felt them map out each knot and ridge in his spine and ribs, felt them so deep inside himself he can taste it. Rolling into it. Demanding, needing.
“Yusuf.” Nicky’s not calling him back, Nicky’s just as far gone. So often they seem to share thoughts.
Nicky knows Joe in all ways and more. Knows that Joe still sometimes seems to speak ancient by-gone languages in his sleep. Knows that he tends to carry the strongest personal scent in the dead of night. That no shower, no soap, no life experience or battle has truly ever masked the delightful musk he has to himself. There could be a cologne out there that would modify it, and Nicky would bite and lick it away. Demanding and asking, why take this from me? How dare you try to alter what I know and love so furiously?
4. Touch Before Heart
Historical Kaysanova. Early Years. Pre-Movie. Getting to Know Eachother.
Rated E (Explicit) 5030 words
As is pretty obvious by now, I write a LOT of early years Kaysanova. A lot. I am addicted to it.
This one..I love it. This might be one of my favourite pieces of writing of all time. If I was doing these numbers strictly in order preference, then I’d put it as number one I bet.
I think the summary I made for it sums up well just how much I love it. And maybe why.
The first moment they’re able to have a bath, they resolutely do not look at each other. Picking opposite ends of the small stream bed, backs turned to one another. A strange show of both trust and distrust; their backs were exposed, but it was up to their tentative mutual agreement to not partake in the opportunity to stab each other for it.
The..idea that they had so much to learn, so much to understand. So much confusion, anger mistrust..I just really really adore this fic and I think I did a good  job with it.
He curses in unison with Nicolò, both holding fast and steady as the thing finally rights itself, Nicolò letting out a slow, shaken breath of relief.
“Are you alright?” Yusuf asks, both to break the silence and mend the irritating gap they’ve created for themselves.
“Better. Thank you.”
Yusuf wants to scream.
He wants to grab Nicolò, shake him until he can do nothing but give him answers.
Why do you drive me to the brink of madness?
Why do I know your touch, but not your heart?
Why do you tempt me, consume me?
What does it mean?
Why are we here?
It is an unfair desire; he’s hardly given the man any more clarity.
5. Curated
Post-Movie. Current Group (Nile, Andy, Joe, Nicky)
Rated G (General Audiences) 1807 words
Alright, I admit it, I had trouble picking number five. I picked Curated because it’s just..so fluffy. But it’s so sweet I always feel so sugary when I think of it. The softness that I tried to convey, and I think I succeeded.
Nile is another character that fascinates me, that  I just do not explore enough, and this is all the comforting goodness I could ever hope to create.
She’s grown used to the easy intimacy they all share, but the sight before her, Nicky’s eyes half-lidded, face a perfect serenity she rarely see’s on it, Joe lost, far-away in reciting but still wholly present, creates an odd, near-throbbing ache in her chest. Something powerful and raw. It’s hard to imagine that people who have been alive this long can be this content.
Everything they’ve seen, experienced and done. All the stories they’ve regaled her with. All the prep, the anxieties, the concerns, and curiosities. None of it seems to exist in these moments. Joe speaking in a language the world might think dead, the true master of softness within the room.
And there we have it! I have so much more I want to write, I have so much more I want to explore, and I thank you all for sharing in these journey’s with me. May there be more writing in our future!
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eljackinton · 3 years
Jack's End of Year Video Game Round-up.
There were many things I couldn't do this year, being in lockdown and all, which in turn meant I played a hell of a lot more video games than I normally do. Here's a quick rundown of what I thought of them.
Hitman 2
IO have sort of perfected the Hitman formula now, so future entries in the series simply have to ask the question of what new directions you can take that formula. In that regard Hitman 2 is a resounding success, setting sneaking and assassination in scenarios around the world from race tracks to holiday resorts, and thus making it the best entry yet. It's possible one day the Hitman conceit will wear thin, but today is not that day.
Most people will go into Thronebreaker just wanting a stand-alone version of the Gwent we played during Witcher 3. Thronebreaker is not that. Indeed, even beyond the changes to the mechanics brought in by the online version, Thronebreaker is more of a puzzle game which uses the mechanics of Gwent to concoct unique scenarios. Still, the story is pretty good and it is fun overall, even if it didn't end up scratching the itch left by Gwent.
Black Mesa (Xen)
I returned to Black Mesa after Xen was finally added, eager to see what the team had come up with. My feelings are complicated. The Xen portions of the game are really well designed, great to play and visually beautiful. However the levels hew so far from the Half-Life originals that it kind of stops feeling like Half-Life. I would have like to have seen a more faithful recreation to be honest.
Neon Struct
If you've been wanting a spiritual sequel to Thief that actually used the mechanics of Thief, here you go. Though low budget, and therefore having somewhat uninspiring visuals based on reused assets, it's still a really impressive game from what the team had to work with, and it's short enough that it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Acid Spy
I'm generally usually okay at stealth games but this one was well beyond my skill level. Got through the tutorial but just got frustrated and quit on the first mission.
Salting the Earth
A wonderfully put together visual novel about the legacy of war and the nature of national identities. Also you date buff orc women. One of the best VNs I've played, but it does have some pretty bleak potential endings that clash somewhat with the rest of the story's tone.
Speaking of buff orc women, Hedon is a vivid, perfectly designed retro-shooter that really uses the most of it's engine to bring it's world to life, with shades of Thief and Strife thrown in there. Wears its hornieness on it's sleeve, but if you can roll with that you'll have nothing but a good time.
The Painscreek Killings
I really really loved this immersive narrative game, where you explore an abandoned town to piece together a series of suspicious deaths. My only gripes are the town looks very British despite being set in the US, and the final confrontation adding a chase scene felt a little over dramatic.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
There are many problems with Mankind Divided. Trying to find another story to do with Adam Jensen. Making the game more of an open world by taking away the usual Deus Ex globe-trotting. The clumsy use of racial metaphor being applied to cyborgs. All in all the game just didn't really come together, which is a shame, because the DLC showed such promise, and hinted at the real Deus Ex game we could have had.
Warhammer Armageddon DLC
I managed to complete the Salamanders DLC and got stuck near the end of the Blood Angels one. All in all it's simply 'more' of what the base game offered, and I'm not sure it really needed it.
Easily one of the most interesting games I played this year. So good It inspired me to write a cheesy fanfic. Sure the mechanics of applying squad mechanics to a point and click are interesting, but it's the world, the art and the characters themselves that really make this game. Highly recommended.
Devil Daggers
The ultimate distillation of classic shooter mechanics. One platform, one weapon, endless enemies. I didn't get all that far into it and I think most people won't, but I'm not going to complain for the price. Overdue a revisit.
Dream Daddy
A fun and fluffy dating game that actually does a good job of putting you into the mindset of a recently bereaved bisexual dad. Come for the hunks, stay for the really affecting story of a strained relationship between father and daughter.
Greedfall falls short of the mark in most aspects, but I have to give it credit for being one of the few games to give us a Bioware companion-centric adventure during this drought of Bioware games. It lacks the zing of something like Dragon Age, and handles the subject of colonialism really problematically, but if you can get past those issues, it's a fun ride, and a world I'd like to revisit.
Endless Legend
I've been wanting a game to scratch the Alpha Centauri itch for decades now and Endless Legend finally did it. There is a risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer number of unique factions to play, and I know I still haven't really scratched the surface even after 4 full campaigns. Is that a criticism? I suppose it depends if you think you can have too much of a good thing.
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
A valiant effort was put in to make a faithful FPS of the Space Hulk experience, but ultimately it falls far too short. The visuals look great and the game-feel of stomping around as a Space Marine really works, but the game lacks charm and character. Up against Vermintide, there's no comparison.
Sunless Sea
This is a game that feels like a bottomless abyss of secrets and mysteries tied up in a very brutal one-life-only system. I really enjoyed my time with Sunless Seas, with the music calling me like a wailing siren every now and again, yet in many ways I did find it a bit too unforgiving, and it could have benefited from having a bit more of a progression between lives than the almost solid reset it leaves you with.
Age of Empires / 2 / 3 Definitive Editions
The first Age of Empires has an important place in history, but is borderline unplayable by today's standards. Almost every aspect was improved in 2 and going back now feels like trading a car for a horse and cart. It's clear that the game was intending your slow crawl out of the stone age through hunting and gathering to be part of the game in its own right, but today it's just tedious, and the rest of the game is just so slow.
There isn't much to say about Age of Empire 2 that I haven't already said, but I will point out that multiplayer AOE2 has kept me sane over the course of the lockdown, and I'm glad the Definitive Edition enhanced that experience.
Age of Empire 3 tried too hard to reinvent the wheel. Instead of taking 2 and building on it, it instead contorted it around a colonisation theme, and it didn't really work. On top of that, the mechanics really felt they were built more for single-player story missions. The maps are too small, and the expansion factions clash with the rules badly. Still, there is fun to be had, and I'll be checking out the campaigns next year.
Hand of Fate 2
This game takes the original Hand of Fate and adds way, way too much into it. While I appreciate the addition of companions, a longer story mode, and optional side missions, the game is far too experimental with it's formula, and leaves me struggling with complex missions around being lost in a desert or evading barbarian hordes, when all I wanted was a straight forward dungeon crawl. I tapped out two thirds of the way through the campaign.
Wild Guns Reloaded
I love the style and aesthetic, but I just don't have the reflexes (or the gamepad) for these fast paced arcade games.
Vermintide 2 Drakenfels
Fatshark gave us an entire Vermintide campaign for free this year, at the cost of having to be subjected to obnoxious cosmetic micro-tranactions. Hard to say it was worth the price, but Fatshark really do continue to improve, bringing new scope and ideas to every new mission. As good as it gets.
Pendula Swing
A fun little game that apes the visuals of a Baldur's Gate style RPG but the mechanics of a point and click adventure game set in a fantasy version of the roaring twenties. A strong introduction to it's setting but definitely needs building on if we're to see a continuation. A lot of the world-building feels too simple and half-baked at times, and the gameplay feels like too much is going on too fast. Still, a charming story though.
The Shiva / The Blackwell Series
At first I had no idea that Unavowed was connected to a host of other Wadget Eye adventure games, so naturally I had to check them out. I'd known about The Shiva and the Blackwell games for years, but never actually thought about picking them up. Playing them all back to back was a great experience, and almost felt like a prototype to the episodic storytelling many games do today.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light/Temple of Osiris
Guardian of Light is a fun, inventive co-op game for killing some time with a friend. The puzzles are often unique and interesting and get you thinking, and the story, while nothing fantastic, is fun enough to keep you interested and have a laugh about with your co-op partner in a B-Movie kind of way. Temple of Osiris adds way too much to the formula, with more characters, mechanics and more open exploration and it absolutely loses the charm of the first game, and even then it's buggy as hell. Skip the second one.
Command and Conquer Remastered
Big chunks of my childhood are taken up with memories of playing Command and Conquer and Red Alert, so it's difficult to really gauge my thoughts on the remaster. On the one hand the art direction looks great and preserves the feel of the original, and the quality of life improvements to the gameplay help make it more playable. The nostalgia hit is also palpable. That being said, the mechanics have not aged all that well, with much of the game being far, far too hard. Probably the best way to experience the genesis of the RTS genre but just know what you're getting in for.
Superhot Mind Control Delete
I wrote a lot at length about how unsure I was about Mind Control Delete at the time, and that's because it does feel a little unsure about itself. Is it a continuation of the first game? A fun bonus mode? A mediation on the nature of addiction? A critique of video game content? A joke on the player? I don't know, but I do know one thing, and that is that Superhot is still as addictive as hell.
Opus Magnum
Zachtronic's steampunk alchemy game requires far too much maths brain than I am capable of , and so I had to rely on guides a lot of the time, but that being said, it's still amazingly put together and vividly presented. Really feels like a game that could be used in schools.
Necromunda Underhive Wars (Story Mode)
I'll be checking out Underhive's Campaign mode in the new year, but for now I just want to talk about the story mode. Much like Mordheim, this is a game that's not going to work for everyone, but I really dug it and like it's unique take on a squad based TBS. However, in many respects the game does feel like a missed opportunity. The storyline is fun enough, and the arsenal robust, but much of the character of the tabletop game, the weird, chaotic, and sometimes comical things that can happen over the course of a battle seems to have been lost in translation, as has the quirky character to a lot of the gangs.  
Outer Wilds
There is little I can say about Outer Wilds that hasn't already been said by others, particularly that one should go into the game as blind as possible. A beautiful piece of interactive art, words would fail me in describing it anyway.
Life is Strange 2
Fantastically written, amazingly animated, wonderfully acted, and grim and depressing as all hell. I really love Life is Strange 2, but it it a tough game to bare witness to, especially in 2020. It treats it's subject matter with great maturity, but is so dark it's hard to motivate yourself to continue each gruelling episode. Also, I really think it would have fared better if it had not named itself Life is Strange 2, as not following Max and Chloe turned a lot of people away from a game I think they'd have otherwise enjoyed if they'd named it Wolf Brothers or something.
Half Life 2 / Episodes / Portal / 2/ Mel
After playing Black Mesa earlier this year I decided to revisit the entire Half Life 2 and Portal series. What I concluded is that Half Life 2 is not really all that good. A well told story wrapped around weak combat and average encounter design. This much improves across the episodes of course, but in the end I rather feel Half Life 2 is pretty overrated.
Portal, on the other hand, still feels fresh, though I was surprised I'd forgotten just how much was added in Portal 2, to the point Portal feels more like a game demo. That being said, I think the slowly growing mystery and menace of Portal has aged a lot better than the gagfest the series became with 2. Mel, a stand-alone mod that feels like could be a Portal 3 in it's own right, returns to a more serious tone, and feels all the stronger because of it.
Control has gone from a game I didn't really care about all that much to one of my favourites of the year, if not the decade. Sure there are criticisms I could make, but the world has so much depth, the characters so much potential, and the gameplay such perfectly designed chaos, that it wouldn't really matter. A great time was had.
Icewind Dale 2
Finishing Icewind Dale 2 was the final banishing of the old ghosts of Infinity Engine games I never finished as a kid. Sure there was the nostalgia, but Icewind Dale 2 also feels prefect for the Baldurs Gate era's swan song. Beautiful environments, a well written story and great interface and design, only pulled down due to some overly long busywork at various points and the plot being dragged on a little too long. Still, sad to know I have no further Infinity Engine games left to conquer.
The first half of Elsinore is an absolutely great time-loop mystery, which seems to be an interesting interrogation of Shakespearian tropes and asks the question of how much of a Shakespearian tragedy remains the more you change it. The second half, however, quickly devolves into a cosmic horror story that feels a poor fit for the genre and far too grim for the art style, and that's even before it basically devolves into trying to do the same thing Undertale did but worse. A well put together game whose ending did not sit well with me.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Since Thronebreaker didn't sate my appetite I started playing competitive Gwent. It is a wholly different game than the one that appears in The Wither 3, but is certainly fascinating in it's own right. After 200 hours I am officially addicted, somebody please send help.
And that's that. Not doing a top 5 games of the year because I played too many this year and I've spent too much time thinking about them already. Here's hoping I play less in 2021 and can get back to a more normal life.
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cathyparrlyn · 4 years
Hello! I really enjoy your writing style, and I binge read WAJMS until way too late last night. I was wondering if you had any tips for writing? Like, what preparation you do, how you keep creative and motivated, and stuff you keep in mind when writing? Thank you!
First off, agshfwhjsghan thank you so much. Asks like these make my day.
Second, the reading late part is a mood.
Third, yes, I have a bunch and actually posted them previously, but I can give some more!
1.) Prep:
When I prep for a chapter, I find it helps if I know a vague idea of what I need to write for the chapter. Stuff like ending and plot points. What should I foreshadow? Characterzation? Syntax structure to get the character across? Any extremely funny thoughts to me that I think would fit in the chapter (#WritingClevesIsTheEffenBest)? Stuff like that. After I get these vague bullet points, I start with a description or dialogue piece and head into the story, just letting the dialogue flow. (My writing is very dialogue centric.) vague bullet points tend to work for me, as I have a bunch of ideas that are always changing and it leaves room for creativity. However, if this doesn’t work for you, you can either plan out the chapter, or start with a dialogue piece and goal in mind,and then go from there.
Other than my list, I prep by talking about my ideas, reading other fics (not to copy, but rather get in the mood. Sometimes they are even my own.), and looking up words on rhymezone. (Still can’t stress enough how important spell and grammar check, and a varied vocabulary is. Makes a huge difference. This plus a unique syntactical structure, figurative language, mood, and tone makes a jaw dropping story. I am still mesmerized by @dannixy writing her first piece for her crossover with @sarahzarahh , like, beautiful. The party scene left such an image in my head and just omg, it’s legit one of my favorite Parrlyn pieces. [and no, I thought that before I met you my little bean noodle.])
2.) Staying creative and motivated.
Never ever, ever, under any circumstances, ever, force yourself to write a chapter when you don’t want to. If you know you can get into, then do it man. But if you feel you can’t, then wait. It’s okay. If you don’t, you’ll write something not as good as you usually do, you won’t be as happy about it, you will feel a lack of motivation to continue, and it is a huge reason for lack of creativity.
If you are having trouble with idea, look at prompts and read other fics. Taking breaks like these help you come up with ideas. Like, let’s say you read an angst fic and wished instead of them arguing they just ran into each other’s arms. You might picture this cute fluffy scene and think, oh my god, this works with what I’m writing. It is okay to be influenced by others, just don’t copy. As for writing prompts, you can do a small one to get your creative juices flowing and think of some funny lines. Prompts also give you story scenes. And, if you do have extreme trouble I,gaining things, take real life experiences and adapt the, to fit your story. I have an embarrassing story that I modified for Cathy. It’s fun and new.
For motivation, this matters on what you’re looking for out of writing. For me, I write because I want to share a story for others. So I give myself deadlines and try to meet them. (I missed this weeks tho, oops.) It helps when I have replies saying they love my stories, as although I don’t think of myself as good as writers like @all-my-love-cathy and @toomanyfamdom and @little-bit-lost-and-found , I do enjoy my writing and think of myself as a good writer. Knowing your confidence and skills help a lot. The unconscious part of your mind is powerful, so know that you can and will become a good writer. Whether you already feel at that level, or wish to improve your style, with practice anyone can write a good story because they make their own world. If you don’t stay confident and give into fear, burn out, or don’t follow your goal as a writer, it can be hard to want to write. Make sure you write with passion and love. Fanfiction is great because it’s your take on something you love with others who love it. Remember that you are doing something amazing. Having that perspective does help. (Also, if you are not writing for others, but instead yourself, then look at what you want to read and that amount. You can keep it to yourself for a bit and update it when you feel comfortable. Your writing is for your enjoyment first and foremost.)
3.) Kepping in mind:
Well as a multi-fanfic writer with way too many ideas, I tend to keep in mind: characters goals, perspectives, motives, personality, tone, images, syntax, how they speak, what I’m going for, what I wrote last chapter, how I need to execute something for mood. It sounds like a lot, but I can dumb it down to this:
How can I develop my characters as realistic and relateable people while they are going through hardships and falling in love with one another in an effective manner, making the dialogue flow natural, letting them be teenagers, and making the audience hold onto every single word and emotion as they go through their journey together?
(Still sounds like a lot, but this is for a probs at least 40 something chapter fic.)
Keeping mind your characters, try to make the situation realistic yet enjoyable. It’s okay to have stuff unrealistic, but try to balance it out.
It is not realistic for two teenagers to get stuck in a closet or to start falling in love at first sight with this one person because they are the one.
It is realistic to say embarrassing things in front of your crush, for people to act differently in front of different people, to have self doubts, to be able to spend time with your crush, talk with friends, be klutzy (to an extent), and do stupid jokes as a teenager (sex jokes, falling off a swivel chair, smartass comments.)
Characters need to be understood. It’s alright for it to be unrealistic, as long as your character seems realistic (I.E. a person.) I struggle with this some times, as I hold back the urge to just press random keyboard keys for Anne or Cathy when they gay / bi panic. It works perhaps in thought if it is comedic timing, but not as much out loud. Keep things like this in mind, and your story will improve.
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to send me an ask, or dm me. It’s always open in case someone wants to talk about fics, ships, needs writing advice, wants to gay panic, or just needs a mom friend to listen. (#IKnowIAmAHypeMomAndIHave100%AcceptedIt.)
Love you all, and I hope you guys enjoy my fic. Perhaps some of you might even write your own. :)
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ukaia · 5 years
Tears in the Closet
So, honestly I'm not sure where this came from. It was just an idea I had and decided to write out. It all started with Logic wanting a stuffed toy and ended in an emotional  breakdown. I'm not always sure how I get from point A to K with these jumps in my brain, it wasn't supposed to be an emotional break down but hey here we are.
A bit of an odd one shot, I suppose. And not my normal Septiceye Posts. I have been writing Sander Side Fictions for a bit, but limiting my posting to AO3 with them. I wasn’t sure I wanted to put them here,  but I figured I’d give it a shot.
I still hope you enjoy it!!
Poor Logan, I keep hurting you don't I? I promise I'll pick on someone else for the next story... probably... Um.. maybe... *cough* Kind of depends on what story I manage to finish first I guess.
Logan had a secret. He could never let the others know this secret. It was hard enough to get them to look at him with respect and listen to him, but if they knew this? He'd never hear the end of it, they would never take him seriously again. So he kept his secret carefully hidden away, only allowing himself the comfort of it on the days that had been the most trying, the ones that had pushed Logic to his breaking point. And even then he would only take comfort when hidden away in his closet, an only for a small measured amount of time.
The secret really wasn't anything big, it was a toy, a stuffed toy that he'd made with his own hands. Logan had never really understood the value of stuffed toys as they had grown up, but he had watched as Morality and Creativity played with them. He'd listened as Anxiety and Creativity bickered occasionally over who got Mrs. Fluffybottoms that day, and he'd wondered at the odd way they had seemed so affectionate towards such a thing. Logic didn't understand it, not in the least. He would never make fun of them for it of course, but the one time he'd asked Creativity to make a stuffed toy for him, stating that he wanted to determine what the correlation between a stuffed toy and the affection shown was... well it hadn't gone well. Creativity seemed like he'd been about to agree until Logic had said that. Creativity's face had soured and he scowled after a moment before shaking his head no.
"I'm not going to make you a stuffed toy so you can do some experiments with it Logic. "He had huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at Logan. "These are special, these toys are meant to be loved and played with and cared for. Not experimented on!" he said in an exasperated tone. Logic had taken a step back, a puzzled, slightly hurt look coming over his face, he hadn't meant he was going to.. dissect it or anything like that. He simply wanted to try and understand. What was it about the fabric covered dolls made the others so happy when they held them, or talked to them or played with them? Logic wasn't sure he could expain what he wanted from the toy, so he had simply dropped the subject. He didn't dared to ask again, but after a little while of debating over what to do, he'd decided to make his own.If Creativity could do it, then surly Logic could as well!!
It took him several months, and many failed attempts to make the stuffed toy. He had underestimated Creativity's ability, he supposed. But still he had done it!! A simple bear, made from dark blue, nearly black fabric, with little star patterns carefully bleached into the fabric. Each dot had been placed with an eye dropper, checking his star chart before moving to the next drop. The constellations were scattered across the toy's body, front and back, some over the face and then down over the arms and legs. He'd made those first, the main constellations, but the bear didn't seem complete. After debating for a while he realized what was missing! Logic got out a small paintbrush, then flicked the bleach on the bear to make a scattering of stars across him like a real night sky. There  was no rhyme or reason to where the extra specks of white would bleach, but that was perfect. The universe, while organized was also random. Such a beautiful contradiction of ideas, he tried to imitate on this toy.   Finally once he was satisfied with the "night sky" he washed the bear twice to get out the smell of the bleach. Logan turned the toy over in his hands, and stared at it. Something was still missing, the toy wasn't complete!! He tilted his head back and forth as he puzzled out the missing piece. Finally he came up with an idea and after a bit more work, a small tie was put around the bear's neck. That was perfect!! Pride had welled up in him at his accomplishment. Some part of him wanted to show Roman the bear, show him he could make something special like Mrs. Fluffybottoms, that he understood the care needed for such toys!! But the other parts of him was afraid of the response, the scorn Creativity would have for such an amature piece of work. Creativity would probably make fun of him, or even try to take the bear to improve or or some other such nonsense. Instead he decided that while the bear wasn't perfect, it was his, and he would never let the others find out. He got a box with the intention of simply hiding the bear in it. However, once he saw his precious hand made toy sitting in the empty box he felt an odd surge of.. guilt. With a frown he pulled the bear out, and with out understanding why he was doing it he had conjured a small pillow to put in the bottom of the box, something soft and comfortable for the toy to lay on. He set it on the pillow but frowned, still not satisfied with the result. After a bit more thinking Logan put his newly found sewing skills to work and made a miniature pillow, and then a blanket. He was confused at his own actions, but as he tucked the blanket  around the toy,as it lay on it's back, his head resting on the pillow he finally felt like it was complete. The idea and feelings made no sense at all to him, but perhaps this was what Creativity had meant when he said Logan wouldn't understand how to use a toy properly. Still he was rather proud of his accomplishments, and quite satisfied with the bear tucked into his box bed. This would be the bears home when Logan couldn't have him out. Something niggled at him though, one more thing, he needed one more thing to make this perfect. It took a few moments of thought before he realized it. A name!! His toy must have a name!. Logic studied the doll for a long time before settling on one. Stardust, his bear would be called Stardust. He smiled at his Stardust, before closing the lid on the box and going to hide him away from prying eyes.
Stardust stayed in his box, tucked under his blanket and on his little pillow and carefully hidden in the back of Logan's closet. Logan wasn't sure how the ritual started to be honest. He just knew one day, when his emotions had been too much to push down..  he had gone into his closet dragging a soft fluffy blanket with him. He closed the doors of the closet and use a small push on light to navigate his way to the very back. He then pulled the box from it's hiding spot, and gently pull Stardust out and hugged the bear. He set a timer, one hour.. just.. one hour would he allow himself the comfort of hugging his very own stuffed toy. He was grateful for the feeling, the odd warmth and comfort this illogical act brought to him, he was starting to understand why the others had special toys. Or at least he thought he might be starting to understand. Despite knowing the others held toys as special items.., he could never let the others discover him in such a childish position!!! Cloaked a fuzzy blanket, the stuffed toy clutched to his chest, absorbing his tears, or just listening as he mumbled about the day and what had upset him, or even just being there for him just to hold. It might have been almost acceptable when they were children. But now that he was an adult? No....no... he could never let the others discover this secret part of himself.
Today had been a very rough day for Logan, he'd spilled coffee over one of the schedule's he had nearly finished, then his tie had gotten a stain on it from dropped dollop of Crofters jam, and to top it all off the others still hadn't stopped their teasing after his misuse of the word infinitesimal!! It had been few days already, but Roman still made several jokes about the resident computer being glitched, and even Anxiety had shot a smirk or two his way. While he had originally been shocked that Patton, of all people, had known the correct definition and pointed his mistake out to him, he realized the other side might be smarter then he let on. Underestimating the intelligence of one of his fellow sides  was something he felt guilt for, but also feelt vaguely threatened. What other things did Patton or even Roman understand, but had not let on about? Was he truly the smartest side as he often proclaimed? Were they simply humoring him, talking about him behind his back? Now with the unknown factor of Anxiety, just how much was his position as the smartest side in danger?
Logan had bore it all stoically, or as stoically as he could, shoving down the emotions that these thoughts had turned up, but the entire experience was coming to a head. He could fee the emotions bubbling and turning inside him harder and faster, demanding a release. Logan managed to watch one movie before excusing himself from the group. Anxiety looked up from his huddled position in the chair next to the couch, the violet eyes watching his movements from under the fringe of dark hair. It was becoming more frequent that he would venture from his room and join them, but even with his lack of normal attendance he seemed to notice that Logan leaving early was unusual. Logan brushed off the concern from the other two simply stating he wished to get a bit more work done on Thomas's schedule before turning in for bed that night. It wasn't a complete lie, he did need to rewrite that schedule he'd ruined in the morning, but with those thoughts in his head, he missed the worried glance between Patton and Roman. Logan did feel the lingering gaze of Anxiety as he made his way up the stairs. He was unsure why Anxiety was watching him so intently, but he brushed it off as well. It didn't matter, he needed to escape!!
Logan made his way up the stairs and into his room. He locked his door behind him and let out a long slow breath as he leaned back against the door letting his head hang for a moment. His hands came up and gently undid the tie from around his neck, then unbuttoned the top three buttons. A sharp breath of air was drawn in, he nearly choked on how greedily his body had pulled the air in.  Had his tie been on perhaps a bit too tight? He wasn't sure, and to be honest he didn't care. Logan pushed himself away from the door and hung his tie over the back of his desk chair. He stood still trying to push back the emotions, to lock them in their proper little box, but he could already feel the heat burning behind his eyes. Could feel that itchy burning sensation crawling in the back of his throat. No, today he would need Stardust, he would let the toy help him release these feelings and get himself back into the proper logical headset he normally had. Shivering a bit in misery he snapped his fingers, changing into his unicorn onesie and then pulled his galaxy blanket off his bed. He flicked the lights off in his room, leaving only a small desk lamp on to keep himself from bumping into anything. Logan made his way to the closet and opened the door before stepping in. He shut it behind himself and pushed the small light on, then made his way to the back of the closet. Soon he had Stardust's box out, his blanket wrapped around himself and his legs were pulled to his chest. Stardust was used to hide his face as he clutched at the bear.
The dam broke, and he sobbed into Stardust's soft and slightly worn fabric. His entire body was racked with the sobs as he released the pent up emotions, the hurt, the uncertainty, the pain from the teasing remarks. He let it all go in ugly gasping sobs, his entire body heaving with force of those contained emotions as they broke free. His poor Starlight soaked up the pain filled tears as he used the bear to muffle the sounds. For the first time ever though, he'd neglected to start his timer, the one that kept him from being emotional for far too long. With out the timer he continued to cry, till the sobs became whimpers, and finally he slumped to the side, asleep completely exhausted and emotionally drained.
The next morning found Logan waking in the closet, stiff and sore from his night of sleeping on the floor in such an uncomfortable position. He looked at Stardust and sighed, nuzzling his cheek into the soft fabric for a few moments, before snapping away any trace of the mess from his emotional outburst. He would hand wash Stardust later tonight, after everyone went to bed. Always he snapped away the mess, and then would carefully hand wash the doll, drying it with the utmost care. For now though he tucked his bear back into his bed, and the hid him away once more.
After stumbling out of the closet Logan looked at the time. Almost 5 am, he was quite relieved he had not overslept, he berated himself for not setting a timer like he was supposed to, but what was done was done. Tiredly he headed for the bathroom, tossing the blanket on the bed once more. Forty five minuets later, the impeccably dressed Logic stepped out of his room. He was showered, dressed properly and his room was made up neat and tidy. He straightened his tie once more and headed down the stairs to get his cup of coffee.
His emotions were back in their box and he nodded to himself. He was normal again, the cool and calculated Logic, untouchable by petty taunts and silly emotions.
Just as it was supposed to be.
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twdbegins · 3 years
Dude I have so many smut ideas for Simon I've just never found someone to write for him! So thank you you're a life saver
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found my blog! 🥺🥺I suppose now is a good time to review my request rules. I’ll add this post to my masterlist for anyone who wants to check it out!
So, I am pretty much always taking requests, unless my bio says otherwise. (If you’re ever not sure, just send me a message and I’ll clarify). With this, I am pretty much down to write mostly anything. (More info below the cut).
I’ll write fluffy, angsty, smutty, etc requests. However, when it comes to smut, my skills are lacking. I don’t write smut super often, just because I’m not as skilled at writing it. I will happily accept any smut requests, just be aware that it might not be up to par with some of my other works.
Anyone is welcome to send requests, but please don’t send more than one at a time (and definitely not more than two). If you send a request, please wait until I have written it and posted it before sending another one.
When you send in a request, please be as specific as possible with what you want and don’t want included. It doesn’t have to be broken down detail by detail, but don’t send in a request saying “something fluffy” or “something angsty”. I need a little bit more to go off of to meet your needs!
If there is something specific you want included in your request like a certain use of pronouns, a certain piece of dialogue, a specific moment, etc. please be sure to include it when you request.
If there is something you don’t want included like profanity, sexual references, violence, etc. again, please let me know. I’ll never include smut if it isn’t requested, but sometimes I’ll sneak in a little spicy conversation.
I write for all TWD characters except Eugene and Glenn. Don’t get into it with me. Just don’t send in Eugene or Glenn requests hahaha.
And finally, if you do request something, please be patient. I will admit I am inconsistent when it comes to how fast I can get a request written and posted. Sometimes I can get it done within a few hours and sometimes I’ll take me 2 or 3 weeks. However, if you have been waiting longer than 3 weeks for a request to be written, please message me! Odds are it got lost in my inbox or I overlooked it! If something is ever requested that is against my request policy, I will let that requester know.
A quick note: my blog is a safe place! If anyone ever wants to ask me questions, send in comments, concerns, whatever, feel free! It doesn’t even have to be TWD related!
That’s pretty much everything! I adore writing for this blog and the feedback I have received has been absolutely wonderful. Have fun and happy requesting!
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