#i felt like it cause i was thinking of undyne tbh
wolfkitty42 · 7 months
you know the deal. umbrashard fanart.
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umbrashard is by rosaic it's so cool and the battle theme came out recently. obviously this plus the recent neo city screenshots meant i HAD to draw the swapped fun gang. experimenting with colored line art was very fun :D
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invertedfate · 5 years
Random Ask Dump - Anniversary Edition (50+ REALLY OLD ASKS!)
Going through OLD AND CRUSTY ASKS to try and chip away at the inbox. HERE WE GOOOO...
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That’s an interesting idea, and I could run it by Cake, but I think it would honestly be a LOT to track from a programming perspective. Especially ‘cause killing Sans is gonna result in a “bad ending,” so to speak.
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An attempt was made by Undyne to have all three hang out at the same time. Papyrus was SUPER EAGER. ...but one thing led to another and there were many messy explosions of chemicals and lots of smoke. Alphys had to step in before things got out of hand. It was all very daunting for her. Pap and Undyne are VERY LOUD, VERY AMBITIOUS PEOPLE.
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I actually have some ideas of some side comics I may do at some point! :o It’s just that right now there’s a lot going on.
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I need to poke Carni about that at some point. He’s just been very busy with other projects!
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Clearly he’s standing on the “out to lunch” sign.
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I wanna say that it’s very possible in theory. :o It probably affects them differently since monsters’ emotional state affects their magic and their physical state.
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I do like little easter eggs like that, though I’m not sure where I’d fit it in atm just ‘cause I already showed Pap’s room, haha.
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I made the chase theme for Mad Dummy as well as Mad Mew Mew’s battle theme. @pinewsun​ made the battle theme for Mad Dummy, and @thomasthepencil​ made the Season Dude battle theme and MD’s overworld theme. :o
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That’s a really fascinating conundrum! You’re absolutely right- if IF was a standalone game, then from a writing standpoint, having more subtle implications would make sense! The reason I chose a different approach for IF is because it’s set after Flowey’s already known to be evil and I like to give different POVs rather than stick to just Frisk’s.
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That’s an interesting thing, actually- both fights lean heavily on the fourth wall. Both are treated as climaxes for their given routes. It’s funny because Asriel’s fight is a lot more straightforward and less meta by comparison.
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I agree! The thing with Papyrus is that he’s extremely powerful- he just doesn’t want to kill. But it’s a deliberate choice not to kill- he’s able to force his attacks to do next to no damage. He’s also pretty darn crafty, as he made the Gauntlet himself. It really is just a case of Undyne’s personal biases and concern for him.
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That was a deliberate choice. :O Papyrus is very influential toward Frisk. He is best skeleboi.
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Papybot loves you, anon! He just wants to feed you WHOLESOME SPAGHETTI!!!
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It is possible to whistle through teeth. ...alternatively, magic. As for the music, Undertale implies that the music is heard! Maybe it’s just... a thing that exists in this world. Or it’s just meant to be a silly meta joke. I try to keep it somewhat ambiguous other than occasional nods to it. Chara’s pants are lighter because I just... felt like it, I guess? Haha. I wanted their feet and pants to stand out more from each other, so they have khaki pants. As for the Undyne fight being animated, well, this ask is old by now, but Sparks was the one who was down for it.
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Well, the teaser’s been out for a long time now, but that’s the idea! It’s also why this has been in production for so long. The Determinator has some really over the top attacks (that weren’t even shown in the teaser), and Sparks animated in Photoshop. That’s how hardcore he is.
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Shhhhh. Don’t give me ideas. I’m already slacking on Tem Village. :P
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Sometimes I do have slumps and burnouts (see Antipode’s lengthy hiatus), but breaks lead to me being refreshed and coming back with even more enthusiasm than before!
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Oh, there are a lot of these throughout the comic. For instance...
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Flowey appears in a few background shots in the Ruins!
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When Sans says “or maybe...” he looks at the empty flower pot. This was one of the earliest bits of foreshadowing about who created Flowey, and nobody noticed it at the time!
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The MTT vending machines initially look like this but have helpful items.
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And then they look like this, with an angry face and pose- Mad Dummy has possessed them!
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As of Part 38, it’s been revealed that he did first meet Asgore as “Santa.” As for whether or not he knows the truth, time will tell. :o
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Oh, these are excellent suggestions for calls! I’ll try to keep these in mind.
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So, I believe Glyde uses the Mysterious Door motif. Jerry uses the motif in its battle theme- I believe it’s a mix of original motif and Wrong Number song?
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Sans is a master of power napping. He probably gets a decent amount of sleep, though.
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There are a lot of ways to interpret Pap’s lack of sleep! In IF, he can get by without it, but he also has a lot of reasons to avoid sleeping. Some reasons include productivity but also due to a looooot of heavy baggage. More on that later.
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I think sleep can definitely make monsters healthier. Rest = better mental health as well as physical health, and with how important mental and emotional help is for monsters, that’s very important!
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They just really like socks. Socks are warm. Socks are slinky. And googly eyes are the best. So they took on the form of a really eccentric sock puppet and sock collector. Scandalous.
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It also has Alphys’ motif, as the two are the leaders of the royal guard!
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I would say the lack of Asgore as an influence has left Undyne slightly less grounded? Like, she had Toriel and Gerson in her life, but her relationship with Toriel is... definitely not quite as close? Like, Toriel by that point kept people at an arm’s length due to losing multiple children (including one from old age). So, while they were on friendly terms until the aftermath of the DT experiments and the tapes’ release, it was more like mutual respect and a sorta professional relationship with Undyne admiring Toriel and wanting to spare her from more heartache.
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That is a really interesting idea. While that didn’t happen, I do need to maybe revisit the grumpy dog at some point or another. He’s still a lil’ salty.
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I think in terms of layout it won’t change much, but there will be new/different content for sure. :O
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Mad Dummy’s base design is mostly original, but she has a wig + headband from DIO from Jojo Part 3! Fun fact: While MTT has Kamina shades, Papyrus’ goggles are loosely based on Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in terms of color. :O
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So basically, when Asriel defeated Frisk, he had the power over the timeline to reset it as he pleased- in theory. However, that power was overwhelming for him, and due his lack of understanding OF said power and one last ditch attempt at resisting from Chara, things went wrong.
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There is a track that takes some inspiration from Rage Awakened. It’s not released, and it’s not exact, but it won’t be released for a WHILE. Like until the part comes out.
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I think it’s just the fact that tacos are so random. Like, my biggest beef in that regard was that OG Underswap had a lot of arbitrary replacements for things in UT and not all of them made sense. Like, if Sans was to make a foreign food, ramen would’ve made more sense due to Alphys being weeb trash, haha.
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Okay, so the rough timeline iiiis... Falling: - Cyan - Green - Orange - Blue - Purple - Yellow Dying: - Cyan - Orange - Blue - Purple - Yellow - Green
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You know, it’s funny because this ask is super old, but that’s basically sorta what happened. :O It became a beach-themed resort.
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Never forget MTT fangirl Temmie’s pool escapades.
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I think Forgespring for me because I had to make the tileset myself (it took a few months, I think?), but Aquarius was definitely in the works for a while. But once I had the tileset from Fours, the rooms were very easy to design!
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That woulda been pretty rad! Maybe I can find another spot for it one day, haha.
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I think for Dohj, I’d have to check with Fours, but I’m certainly not opposed at some point? Right now, the following chars can take questions: - Frisk - Papyrus - Sans - Undyne - Alphys - Napstablook - Mettaton - Asgore - Chara - Flowey
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Cyan appears in Part 45! :O No answer about orange for now, tho.
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I do have vague ideas for Tem village. I just haven’t had time to go back and do it.
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Stay tuned and you may find out! :O
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Hmmmm... I had a lot of fun with MTT SPIRAL and the Determinator, tbh. They were both very time consuming, but I love how they came out! Also, buff Jerry.
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Turnabout Storm. :)
It’s a really awesome fan crossover that works way better than it should. :P
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None taken! We know that with headcanons, everyone is gonna have their own interpretations. These are just the voices we liked for Fireglobe Production, but everyone has their right to their favored interpretations!
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Yeah, Knight Knight is one of the coolest CORE mercs in the original game. It was fun to repurpose them for Inverted Fate as royal guards. :o It made room for unique encounters in the CORE in the form of them robots- as Undyne would rather use machines than other monsters to do her work.
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Personally, I see it as an Asriel motif, but I also acknowledge that at one point it WAS gonna be an Asgore motif. Toby has a habit of just using whatever music works for a scene (see sans. at the snail farm.)
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I do have a few ideas, though I won’t say for what yet. :o
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He’s likely made blueprints for that train. :P
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It probably would just have different flavor text/progression!
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So basically, I treat the starting motif for BAaTH/Power of NEO is just a “true hero” motif.
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MTT is definitely major in IF! As for whether or not he’ll have a hangout, time will tell. There’s definitely more to resolve with him, though.
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I’m gonna remake at least a few of the older tracks, including Regret. My goal is just to bring the OST to a similar standard of quality.
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So, animated parts coming up: Part 47, Part 49, Part 50. There may be some other parts, but we’re gonna wanna scale things back for a little bit for the sake of all our sanities.
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I go with both. ;)
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Honestly, probably fairly similar to the bully fight in the Ruins- which is why I ultimately decided not to do one. Both fill similar archetypes, though I think if I did do a battle, I woulda still had Flowey interrupt at the end and scare them off.
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It’s a very emotional scene. Far more tragic than her geno death, IMO.
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Well, the main goal in that regard is the remasters (Part 9 is in progress). Otherwise, I do think these hiatuses are good for working ahead. I’ve still gotta do more work, though, because my buffer this time around is a lot smaller from the trial-hiatus buffer. Alas!
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Honestly, the website is the best thing to happen to IF. It’s allowed us to do so much with the comic’s presentation that would be impossible with imgur. NORIX IS THE BEST...
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dreemurrkid · 6 years
CANON CALL (repost from my old blog)
If it seems familiar please message me, or reblog and I will message you!! (i cant tell if you just like the post because you could’ve easily done that on accident =/)
i have found my Frisk and am looking for Everybody else! (Note... my memories involving undyne and the rest will be in a reblog of this because i cant fit it all in here,)
+ i was around 10-15 in most of my memories
+ i was qpps (or that place’s equivalent) with frisk
+ there were quite a few neutral timelines, two true pacifist, and one aborted no-mercy.
+ i forced a reset during the no-mercy.
+ after the second true pacifist, me and asriel came back!
+ and we lived with mom! and dad?! maybe! but everyone visited a lot, or maybe we all lived together ?? i can’t really figure that one out, but it was a good time!
+ i was a very impulsive child, people had to pull me away from potential Mishaps a lot
+ i loves gardening and plants
+ and i liked knitting stuff for people it was fun cause they were like woah this is cool and I was like 😎
+ i mightve had some kind of magic after i came back on the surface
+ i Definitely had magic when i was a weird ghost thing considering i had the ability to reset if i tried hard enough and i could help frisk with like not dying
+ i had red eyes and i was kinda scrawny lookin tbh
+ me and frisk were Smal
+ i was adopted by the dreemurrs and i did cool stuff too bc yknow royal family got a lot of jobs
+ azzy was the PRINCE! he was gonna get the throne when he grew up
+ i was gonna be the advisor or somethin? idk
+ and frisk was the ambassador!!! and mettaton helped them with stayin out of the media and stuff
+ me and azzy and frisk mightve shared a room, or we just had a lot of sleepovers
+ i Know all three of us lived in the same house tho
+ good life man
+ we used to play in the backyard lots
+ i kinda lost my temper sometimes,, i cried when that happened
+ i was traumatized from when before i fell when i was on the surface. my bio parents were the worst
+ i don’t remember any of the fallen children other than frisk
+ i loved every one of my monster friends
+ we were all SO COOL
people-specific memories
+ umm before the buttercup debacle happened , me and azzy were super cool and lit
+ we liked to play on the ruins and pillars and stuff! climb on it and stuff
+ i was his sibling
+ all the dreemurrs were so fluffy? it was crazy dude
+ i was kinda jealous of that tbh. i want to be fluffy too
+ azzy was my best friend ever he was so so cool
+ when we did the buttercup thing... uh. well, i woke up kinda in the back of his head? i was like wtf and we were chillin then bitch ass humans do their thing and. why. i tried to convince him to fight back but he didn’t want to so we ran back home and. .....yeah
+ me and azzy and frisk played video games together on the surface
+ we were the ultimate squad goals tbh
+ he gave the best hugs
+ we laughed together a lot and i can remember that but i can’t remember what the joke was!!!
+ he was cool!! i teased him sometimes but it was all in good fun
+ first of all, what a sweetheart!!
+ comforted me a lot
+ we were kinda inseparable
+ pretty good at secret-keeping (COUGHhairclipCOUGH)
+ did some regrettable things, but i think most of us did
+ genuinely a good kid
+ i mightve been kinda overprotective of frisk and azzy both,,
+ they had a bunch of tops with the same pattern, dork
+ wove flower crowns for me
+ also good at hugs
+ super kind
+ stuck with me through ALL OF IT
+ awesome
+ my mom! my mom!!
+ read to me sometimes when i was younger
+ healed me when i first fell and made sure i felt safe
+ she had to chase me off from doing incredibly stupid things quite a few times
+ i made drawings for her
+ i cooked with her sometimes too
+ just a wonderful person tbh
+ “chara, pls brush your hair” “UUGGGGHHHHH”
“would you like me to brush it for you instead”
+ i gardened with him!!
+ he was super happy when i gave him the mr dad guy sweater. that was one of the first times i called him dad
+ sometimes carried me and azzy on his shoulders (grown goat r BIG)
+ really gentle. i was fucking Perturbed by him fighting frisk
+ patted me on the head
+ my cool friend dunkle guy
+ sometimes let me wear his coat
+ pun buddies
+ i couldn’t think of puns as fast as him tho
+ basically family to me
+ helped me keep myself safe
+ also basically family to me!! think of a REALLY COOL UNCLE
+ awesome and nice and great
+ i thought he was really cool. super cool
+ could run pretty fast
+ carried me on his shoulders a few times
+ did puzzles together a few times too
+ i ate the spaghetti he made and it wasn’t bad in my opinion
+ i thought it was fun to make puns at both him and undyne, much to their dismay
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hawkesvarric · 6 years
Nobody tagged me in this, but you know what? It’s 20GayTeen. I’m tagging my DAMN self and no one can stop me. >:)c
I’ll be tagging @aurora-corporealis @traveleroflostlands @mrs-elijah-wood and anybody else who wants to do this!
Favorite game from the last five years
- I’m assuming this means a game that came out in the last 5 years (2013-2018) and not a game I just happened to play in the last 5 years. Honestly, I think I’d have to say either Oxenfree or Doki Doki Literature Club. Both left a huge impact on me that I never expected going in, both played with the fact that they were stories being told through video games using features exclusive to video games, and both just stand out as being original. Though, shout-out to Undertale for giving us Papyrus and Undyne. Truly amazing.
Most nostalgic game
- Pokemon. It honestly doesn’t matter which one. Could be a brand spanking new game and it would feel nostalgic to me. I spent so much of my childhood catching Pokemon that it’s just instinctively homey to see a Bulbasaur, you know?
Game that deserves a sequel
- Mass Effect: Andromeda. Y’all can boo-hoo-hoo ‘til the cows come home about how “””awful””” the graphics looked but I still, as a Mass Effect fan, deserve to see how all the mysteries of ME:A were going to play out. And now we’ll probably never see the quarians again so (:
Game that deserves a remaster
- DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS. Though I’m scared that BioWare would fuck with it too much and whitewash way too many of our favs, ugh. I just want to see it in better graphics and with more fluid combat. My husband Nathaniel Howe in high-def graphics??? Sten?? SHALE???
Favorite game series
- Dragon Age and Mass Effect. There’s a lot of issues with the both of them, but there’s also a lot of things they offer that you’d be hard pressed to find elsewhere. I just love my dating simulators with these long-ass cutscenes lol.
Favorite genre
- RPG. Which I guess most games count as? I just like making my own character and forming my own bonds with companions. That’s my jam.
Least favorite genre
- Driving, sports, w/e the fuck train simulator counts as.
Favorite song from a game
- Can anything REALLY beat Bonetrousle? Can it? Honestly? But like shout-out to Leaving Earth for making me cry every fucking time. (and I’m Not Calling You a Liar??? ugh.)
Favorite character from a game
- Y’all really. Really expect me to--okay, it’s Varric. I love him so fucking much that I killed Alistair for him like klthfgjlkhg we ride or DIE in this bitch!!!
Favorite ship from a game
- F!Hawke and Isabela. God, I just remember my first playthrough of them and seeing Isabela genuinely falling for my Hawke even though she really thought she didn’t deserve that and seeing Hawke be like “what about love?” and Isabela freaking the fuck out about it and the whole “thank you for waiting.” “it was worth it.” and “it’ll be you and me chasing that horizon.” and I just couldn’t BELIEVE the tenderness and the purity and the raw Love tm I felt between these two battered and bruised ladies who somehow were lucky enough to find each other and ;lky;lkjg;hl LOVE IS REAL BITCH AND IT’S HAWKEBELA!!!!!!
Favorite cutscene
- Obviously, there’s a lot that I love. But, and maybe it’s because I’m now listening to Leaving Earth and crying like a fucking baby ‘cause of that earlier question, what comes to mind is the scene in Mass Effect 3 where Anderson and Shepard are sitting in the Citadel together at the end of it all. And Anderson is telling Shepard how proud of them he is and “you did good child” and Anderson says he think they’d be a good parent and laments the fact that they never get to just SIT do they and then he dies. He dies and Shepard is sitting there bleeding out and then they get a call and they’re CRAWLING to go answer it. I just??? That was so RAW and emotional and everything that encapsulated everything Commander Shepard is about, everything Mass Effect is about. I know the ending that comes after isn’t the best but boy fucking howdy does that cutscene get me.
Favorite boss
- Arishok. For...reasons.
First console
- Super Nintendo, babey!!! Yoshi’s Island and Ranma 1/2 were my childhood.
Current console or consoles
- PS4, Nintendo 3DS, and my laptop.
Console you want
- A better gaming computer and w/e the newer 3DS is called? I guess a PS3 would be cool so I can play older Playstation games.
Place from a game you’d like to visit
- I don’t remember any names because I’m dumb but like one of those small island communities in Pokemon Ranger where I’d get to relax on the beach and just kick it with a Growlithe you know?
Place from a game you’d like to live in
- The Winnie the Pooh level in Kingdom Hearts honestly tbh.
Ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun
- Metal Gear Shepard. Solid Snake has to take on the Reapers. I haven’t thought of anything beyond Shepard taking a renegade interrupt during one of the 10 hour cutscenes and Kojima appearing onscreen to annihilate Commander Shepard while the cutscene continues to play in the background. Also, Garrus and Otacon have banter.
Book that would make a good game
- Hm. Honestly, and trust me I HATE to say this because I really do wish people my age would read another damn book, I have to say Harry Potter. But not like the games they have where you’re just playing through the events of the story. Like a straight up RPG where you make a first year, take a quiz to get sorted, go to classes, make friendships and enemies, and then progress on to your seventh year. Make a random villain or overreaching plot, not anybody from the actual book itself. I just wanna be a wizard going to magic school kissing my wizard gf at Hogsmeade. ;n;
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luthiferx · 7 years
YOU ARE SO MANY SANSES!!! lmfao!!! Why don't you tell me about some of them, eh? Specifically, cause I'm nosy, your Fell, Fresh, Tale, and Horror? Would that be alright? I'm just curious~! :>
im a sans man wyd
ok here we go!!Red (uf)
I was an angry bean but also very fucking nervous?? and really sweaty. i was 99% sweat, I remember being really fucking nervous at my sentry bc of the possibility of getting in a fight and getting yelled at by undyne. I remember being really stressed and angry and stuff but like I get really attached to people anyways, Papyrus was a rlly good brother and helped me relax n stuff. We’d have to pretend to hate eachother outside but at home we’d hang out. I also remember me n frisk above ground would draw a lot and put stuff on the fridge and decorate the whole house until pap got home to tell us to stop bc we were making a mess but he’d end up joining with the fun. I remember being very weary and unsure of flowey but I grew to like him. I have some other random memories but i’dhave to look thru some tags to find em.
I was weird basically. I’m less underfresh and more of lucidia Fresh but still its there basically the same boy. Anywho i was extremely unemotional but like I tried to show emotions and like talk to people but they were very numbed down? and Like i had a lot of problems. also I was fucking ADDICTED to candy. like i’d go nuts if it was offered to me. I remember really being close to an Error and like idfk if he hated me but like I miss him and i loved him. Also i’d hug basically anyone who said hi to me.
I was boring and in dissociation land. I was also obsessed with Pins and I had a ton of them on. It made me feel happy to have them on. I had a lot of anxiety problems I think and Papyrus had to help me through a lot of stuff. I put a lot of weight on his shoulders I think. I remember having a lot of nightmares and like being just really not great. I was close with toriel and alphys and I remember becoming friends with Frisk after forgiving them for some bad resets. I also learned at some point that pap remembered the resets and I felt bad bc he then knew when people died I basically did nothing. I loved coffee too, and I was very emotionally distant. I started getting help on the surface I think though. I also thoroughly remember pap having to stop me from jumping in the river bc someone dared me too.~~
Horror was weird bc like I was extremely fucking scary and like I would do bad things without thinking but like everything was all fuzzy and like i couldnt think straight? Sort of just acting on impulse. I was rlly happy to help my brother do anything bc i love my brother in all au’s tbh. also when i wasnt eating people I’d eat like things that people shouldn’t eat?? usually my ssans’s cant eat anything except monster food but Horror could eat anything I’d straight up eat metal and like glass and it was honestly terrifying?? I also know that while I was awful I was really easily attached to people? Like If someone was nice to me and made me not want to kill them I’d hang onto them with my life. And I was hella cuddly. I remember being good friends with a Fresh!Sans and we’d hangout and cuddle. I don’t think it was romantic at all but we’d hold hands and he’d give me stuffed animals. Which is how I also realized I was really fucking into pink stuff and aesthetics and like. I gotta a bit better after that? I don’t know if I got to the surface but I know I always regretted anything Awful I did. 
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panszy · 8 years
but  ok seriously now i’m tired enough to ramble and not care i’m just gonna talk about undertale and how much it and its characters have changed my life for the better
ok so for the past few hours i’ve been scrolling through undertale blogs and i found a post and it just....clicked as to a big reason why i love it so much: the entire fucking game is about love. and not just romantic, it covers all kinds of love, the entire fucking point of the game at least to me is love. and this wont be coherent because it’s nearly 4 in the fucking morning and i need to sleep but it makes it one of the most heartwarming pieces of media i’ve ever seen (and become fully invested in as a result), the friendship between the characters is heartwarming, the sibling love between the skeleton brothers and royal family sblings is heartwarming, the parental love over frisk and asriel and chara is heartwarming (and heartbreaking...). and everything is so fucking human??? like i cant describe it properly really but i can read hundreds of books and not connect to characters like i do in this video game because everyone is so well rounded and have proper personalities rather than just a few character traits, it’s the way i’ve always wanted to be able to write, the personalities they have and the love they have for each other is beautiful and it’s everything to me because it’s so real???
also my favourite character is papyrus (followed by sans and undyne, who i love equally for different reasons i will probably ramble abt all three who knows??) and oh my god can i just say how much i love this character??? for being so positive all the fucking time and seeing the best in literally everyone he comes across and he’s so sweet but holy fuck it’s his optimism that really gets me because like....if you take away my depression (or not actually?? i get through it every time for a reason lmao) i’m actually also quite an optimistic person who’s able to see the good in literally everyone i meet (like i also genuinely don’t hate anyone) and sometimes it bites me in the ass, and people see it as stupid but papyrus has helped me so much to realise that it’s...not stupid??? i’m well aware that some people suck but sometimes they just need a chance?? and if they fuck up well, that’s it, but they deserve the chance right?? but also everyone treats papyrus like an innocent baby who needs to be protected, and as someone who is often talked down to because i’m optimistic and idealistic and empathetic and let my emotions guide me i can really see why papyrus is actually pretty insecure because being talked at like you’re a kid when you’re an adult feels awful!! the only thing i genuinely properly dislike about papyrus is how much he lies, how much he keeps a face up and pretends to know less than he does around his brother, how often he pretends to like things he doesnt to impress people. but like, even that’s ok because i get why he does it (lonely...) and he’s hardly gonna be flawless, there’s traits in everyone including myself that i dislike, and it feels so well rounded...like ppl often reduce his character to ‘his main character flaw is stupid’ and he’s not stupid but thats beside the point - it’s also not a character flaw like at all. and oh my god i just love him so much he brightens everything up, he’s who i aspire to be is2g (ok maybe just the core of who he is is inspiring to me - his kindess, empathy, optimism, seemingly endless). he also says things that doesnt make sense and i do the same thing, i think weirdly and my friends often ask me what the hell i’m talking about, and i jsut connect to him so much??? so so much 
and fuck fuck fuck i really wanna talk about papyrus and sans because like....ok as a character i love sans, he’s my second favourite along with undyne, i do connect with him less but he’s very interesting (he’s a little overrated and mischaracterised by the fandom sometimes but i’ll let that go for now), and m a n do i connect to his laziness lmao (it’s not just caused by his depression i will fight u on this, i don’t think it helps obviously but as someone who’s depressed AND lazy i can relate on a personal level to him in that sense), but he is funny - not necessarily the awful skeleton puns but like in the ‘oh if you insist on prying me away from my work’ kinda funny, snarky asshole - and i actually really like that he’s a bit of an asshole, he likes to screw with people and he’s won’t fight you unless you’re literally going to end the entire world along with every single timeline (again though, i can really sympathise and get why he’s like this even tho i don’t really relate because he is so fucking well written), but i love that he loves papyrus so fucking much. like i’m a massive sucker for strong sibling relationships (the baudelaire orphans, the way brothers) and this just...oh man, i’m not the biggest fan of the way sans is portrayed in the fandom either but when people who agree with me on that argue that sans doesn’t even care about his brother it infuriates me because that’s...so....wrong??? papyrus is his entire fucking world, the game make that very clear, p much all he talks about is how great his brother is and it’s so cute and blindingly obvious that he means every word he says about that (even if that’s the only thing he doesn’t fuckin lie about lmao...). but i also love this relationship because they balance each other out so much, papyrus tries his best to get sans to get his life together - nagging him constantly, getting him an actual job therefore getting him out of the house, etc - but i think papyrus is also an optimist to sans’ pessimism and nihilism (for lack of a better word - depression i guess) and i think it helps sans quite a lot, or at least is something that makes him genuinely happy when he’s lost all hope. and on the flip side, sans is constantly saying really little things to pick papyrus back up when his mask of self confidence is slipping, and it’s very subtle - the main one i can think of atm is (paraphrasing) ‘me? right about something? come on bro’ or something after papyrus shows self doubt about his puzzles in the genocide route - that’s one of the more obvious ones i think but it’s there p much throughout, and god help my lack of being able to explain things because i can’t put it into words as to why i think this or why i love it so much but i think it really helps papyrus emotionally. THEN you’ve got the bad points, like the lies they constantly tell to each other and how they never fuckign open up to each other (they just project their emotional problems onto you lmao) and ohhh man the relationship between those two.... i could go on forever but i’ll shut up now 
i’ve been rambling for half an hour so i’ll keep the thing about undyne shorter hopefully (nearly half 4 in the morning...fuck... .and i have shit to do tomorrow like this essay.....god) but oh man oh MAN i really love her as well?? so passionate and so PROUD of it, she’s so completely unafraid of being herself (so unlike two of the people she’s closest to - papyrus and alphys), she’s such a fun character and i relate to how passionate she is and can i also just say i LOVE hers and papyrus’s friendship nearly on par with papyrus and sans’s sibling relationship, funnily enough she also treats him like a kid like sans does but she’s very kind and it’s obvious that she cares deeply for papyrus, and their phone calls made me laugh so much (the fucking hot pants one actually made me cry with laughter, it was brilliant), she’s so much fun i love her so much 
im leaving it there but this fucking video game it’s actually changed me for the better it’s quite literally my favourite thing on the planet atm, it’s gorgeous and i love it with every inch of my heart bless this fucking game i cant even put into words how much i love it it’s just!!! my god!!!!! 
i genuinely havent felt like this about something since i got into mcr over 6 years ago, if that doesnt say how much i love it then nothing will tbh
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