#i forget if readmores work on mobile or not but my apologizes to anyone on the app who had to scroll thru all this
jake-marshall · 5 years
Yo I saw that thing you reblogged gimme con affetto + 1 and 2
This ask meme for my Rune Factory 2 + 4 crossover fic, Con Affetto(Sydney has informed me she meant to also ask #s 3 and 4 so I’ll be answering those as well)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?That’s a loaded question.  Honestly, it was a mix of playing Rune Factory 2 when the prompt was introduced, with Max being one of my faves from that game, plus the itch to keep writing?  I’d recently completed my first fic in the Ace Attorney fandom, and had attempted to write for RF4 (which I’d been playing like a madman) but nothing was sticking so I wanted to try something new.  When I came across the now-infamous part with Max’s journal entry in RF4, I thought about HOW a visit to Selphia would have gone for him… and of course it turned completely angsty.  I chose to include Meg in it simply because she’s my fave bachelorette but also because it fit, with her connection to Porcoline and to music, as opposed to the fic being more about Max wandering around Selphia on his own and/or with only Porcoline and Barrett.The whole aspect of Julia and her alluded-to ED/death… I wanted to show more sides to Max, and not just make the fic completely silly.  It’s not a topic to take lightly so perhaps I was getting in over my head, but at the same time, I wanted to explore what it was like to use creative arts such as music (or writing or art) to cope with grief and/or other major emotions, especially when it was someone who might not have a total understanding (Max) about where the path might take them…. I guess there was an element of making Max go down a road I had to recently go down, myself, when neither of us were completely ready.Now that I’ve played Meg’s marriage route (with only having a rough idea of what it entailed), I’m happy I did this fic, because getting to incorporate her side of things and how it relates to what Max is going through… without even having realized it, I chose a topic that fits her as well and lets me develop her just as much even though Max was meant to be the “star” of the fic.2: What scene did you first put down?The first whole scene I put down… I actually started at the beginning and just kept going.  But there’s a scene in the upcoming chapter that was in my head early on when this fic created itself in my mind, and I put small pieces of it down so I wouldn’t forget it.  I know now that parts of it are going to change slightly, since I’ve changed so many small details of this fic along the way, but the general idea of it will still be there.3: What’s your favorite line of narration?So tbh I really like nearly all of the end of chapter 3 but if I had to narrow it down to a  particular passage, it’s the final paragraphs:Throughout his entire exposition, the main theme he circled back to was how he, as any Sainte-Coquille ought to be given their lavish, privileged lifestyle, was completely and utterly fine.Because Julia, until the end—she’d been fine, she promised him, no matter how many times he asked, up until that evening she’d gone over to the bathhouse to help Cammy close up. She’d been so frightfully pale and fragile, more than ever, and Max had asked her, was she sure she was… able to help Cammy?  And she’d assured him, one last time, that she was fine.  Thus it became an endless loop in his mind. He ceaselessly clung to that belief—that Julia wasn’t in the same emotional and mental pain she must have been in physically as the last threads of her life unraveled. He had to hold so desperately to that mindset or the grief would usurp it, drive him to sheer madness, because the words and hugs—they just weren’t enough, not when they were for the accident that wasn’t an accident at all.For himself.  For Leann.  He would be okay, be fine, even when he wasn’t.And what’s more, anyone who dared question him on his behavior tonight need simply look to these pages, where it was forever preserved how absolutely perfectly fine Max de Sainte-Coquille was. They could pick apart every last sentence of every last paragraph and come away none the wiser that throughout this night, while everyone else carried on dancing and laughing, Max de Sainte-Coquille was drowning under sorrow and heartbreak, not at all fine in the least.  Because I really liked connecting the canon line we’re given (Max’s diary/journal entry in the room that becomes Dylas’s) and making it something completely heart-breaking.  Maybe I was still coming from a place too where I was learning to deal with my own ugly feelings (this wasn’t too long after my own quasi-breakdown) so I feel it came out quite authentically.4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?  I didn’t want to choose a Max and Barrett exchange, since this is primarily more about Max and Meg, and to a lesser extent, Max and Porco.But I chose a Max and Barrett exchange because they crack me up and I made myself laugh while writing/editing it, especially since I get to read it out loud in “their” voices and I can’t, I’m dying.“No.” Barrett made to back away, but Max rounded the table and grabbed his friend by the upper arm.“Yes! Come along, Barrett.  It’s been so long since we’ve done anything fun together.”Barrett shook off Max’s hold. “You and I have never done anything ‘fun’ together.”  “Yes, and whose fault is that? Come now, don’t you want to have something interesting to tell Leonel about when you get back to Alvarna?” Although I do have planned lots of pouring-out-of-the-heart between Max and Meg in the next chapter that I really am proud of, but that’s under wraps for now, so no spoilers. xD
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this part 10: Mari plots plotting
So long time no post. I live. Ish. Also finally figured out readmore on mobile, so yay. Will take forever to edit posts now though. Explanation at the bottom First part here previous part here. Ao3 here
Marinette wanted to go on record that Mandeliev did not, in fact, give her an extra day or so to study for the test. Why? Instead, she was told she may do a paper on the application of physics in gymnastics and principles of evasion in urban areas and how to combine the two to maximize one’s ability to run away from akumas and other dangers.
Or as Nino put it: “I am tormenting you into running better, the eight page essay.”
Alya dubbed it the “Run Better Paper.”
Aurore said it should include more formulas when Marinette showed her the draft. (as Adrien would complain about lack of theories and how she should have used this advanced formula she’d never heard of instead and then Marinette would have to forcibly stop him from taking over her paper. Again.)
Kim had taken to keeping her in his hoodie, escorting her to the bakery and didn’t leave her alone until Adrien said it was his “Marinette Anxiety Watch” shift.
Which she would like to go on record, is just plain mean to say. She has Liar 100% under control when world ending things and metaphorical bomb drops aren’t happening to her constantly.
Bruce tried to contact Diana and Arthur again. Hal was off world, and therefore useless.
As his missing son hadn’t contacted them yet. Was still in the Miraculous team’s custody. And he saw the footage of Robin—Damian—being hunted by a lving shadow, an element casting swordswoman, and a strategist that seemed to know exactly what to do to keep Robin cornered in battle. The living shadows—Chat Noir—tried to kill his son with Cataclysm.
That was when they were in public, and had Hal watching over them.
He didn’t want to think about what the kids might do unsupervised to someone that tried to kill Ladybug, openly stalked her civilian self, and apparently tried stalk her again, in broad daylight. And possibly may have revealed her secret identity…
From the comments, it seemed that the Parisians hadn’t connected his sons aliases to the pair, writing it off as “Copy-cat Vigilantes” thankfully. And none of them were revealing more than “so the Fashion Disaster tried to go after Chat and Ryuko’s civvie… Not A Smart CopyBird” was the most he was able to get.
His children, on the other hand…
“I Fucking KNEW IT!” Tim yelled. “I knew it was her!”
“But,” Jason smirked. “You didn’t tell us.”
“Soup girl, baby bat!” Cass said gleefully.
“Wait, we both talked to her—and you didn’t say you thought it was her either Cass!”
“So what I’m hearing, if my ears don’t deceive me,” Jason continued. “Is that you all lost too.”
“Wait a minute!”
“No way—”
Cass shrugged. She was the least invested in winning. She got to meet soup girl, who is very nice and her parents are safe for Baby Bat.
“We don’t have proof,” Dick pointed out. “Didn’t you say something about her being a mouse?”
“Yes.” Cass cut through Tim and Stephanie’s waffling. “She is.”
Dick rubbed his forehead. “How many secrets can one kid have?”
“Five?” Jason said without much thought. “Limit is definitely five.”
“Let me get this straight,” Miss Sting began, watching Ladybug very, very carefully. Rena and Carapace were busy that night and couldn’t act as the team’s Common Sense Filter in person. and texts only went so far.
So the job fell to Aurore. To talk (probably Marinette) Ladybug out of a Very, Stupendously, Inconceivably Bad Idea.
“You want to trust Robin—the kid who tried to kill you—to contact his mother—an assassin—to talk strategy about how to take down Hawkmoth’s civilian life’s business, not kill him, and trust that they won’t kill you?”
“…I’m bringing Chat with me.”
“What, do you want me to use a Lucky Charm to prove this is our best bet?”
“You know what?” Miss Sting threw her hands up. “Yes, yes I do.”
“Fine.” Ladybug threw her yoyo skyward. “Lucky Charm!”
A red, spotted ball with an 8 on it came down.
“… you have got to be kidding me.”
Ladybug shrugged. “Uh, Magic Eightball, is it okay to trust Robin with this?”
One shake later and the floating die window read “Without a Doubt.”
“Give me that.” Miss Sting scowled, shaking as she asked. “Should she bring someone besides Chat and Robin—like someone from our team or Wonder Woman or Aquaman?”
The ball answered “Outlook not so good.”
Miss Sting glared at the magic eight ball. “I can’t believe this!”
Ladybug shrugged. “Lucky Charms are Lucky Charms—and I gotta go.”
Miss Sting checked her beeping spinning top. Someone was just akumatized.
“Re-charge first!” Miss Sting yelled before swinging ahead.
“Oh, hey, when’s Demon Spawn going to contact us?” Jason asked as other bats calmed down.
“He’s not answering his communicator.” Bruce growled. “Hal took it earlier.”
The bats paused at that.
“Well then. Trackers?”
“Disabled—what? We didn’t need anyone crashing the apology and he ran off before I could stop him,” Dick defended. He is not Damian’s keeper. Just his Batman (as yes Bruce, he is Damian’s Batman and Damian is his Robin. Current masks not-withstanding).
“Then how are we supposed to find him?” Stephanie asked as the room grew uneasy.
No one answered that.
“How’s this,” Tim began. “Me, Steph and Cass agreed on who Hawkmoth probably is, each of us has a different set of evidence for it—and I’m counting breaking into his evil Liar and the cameras catching him mid-act a few minutes ago as absolute proof.”
“I’m sorry, you did what!” Stephanie leaned over Tim’s shoulder to see. “Oh shit. Isn’t that guy—”
“One of her friends? According to their private Instagram accounts, more like partner in crime and possible Chat Noir. I mean, he’s the one that calls her his “everyday Ladybug” and voices Chat Noir in everything." Tim answered idly. “My money’s on him not knowing at all.”
Bruce twitched. Then began to add ‘stalking social media feeds’ to his to-do list tonight.
“So,” Tim stepped forward. “I suggest we send this to the Wonder Woman and ask for Robin’s comm to be returned, and failing that, I bugged the video so anything they play it on, we get access to its IP and can find where they are.”
“Have Oracle go over the bug, just in case,” Bruce told them. “In the mean time, the rest of you suit up for the night. Gotham needs its vigilantes.”
Marinette wanted to go on the record that her plan (to keep the bats away) was going well. Deciding what to do with Mu—R—Damian. Damian. Damian and his offer, was a challenge.
For obvious reasons, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman were against her asking a bunch of assassins for their help. Chat has more than a few reservations. Carapace, Rena and Miss Sting gave her looks for that plan.
But it would work. She needs more information on how to make the plan burning in the back of her mind work. It’s a lot of chaos (and she may thrive in chaotic battles but this wasn’t her usual battlefield, and her team didn’t know who they were going up against for once). And Marinette? She needs to know its not just her doing this when its so out of her depths.
So despite literally everyone and their disagreements she had Chat on her right side with Damian on her left, meeting up with his Crazy, Semi-Immortal mother. And possibly his Immortal, former Black Cat candidate, grandfather.
As Marinette isn’t trusting the likely cult that makes up the Gotham Ghost Gang (Batfam if you like them) when she can get real advice and vague directions to immortal and allied (loyal and terrifying) assassins.
And yes, she wasn’t sure if Liar was wrong or right when they said it was a bad idea too.
But fuckit she’s already got Kaalki at her shoulder, looking a bit bored at the deserted rooftop that Kaalki chose for their meeting.
“داميان*,” the woman smiled at her son. “It’s good to see you.”
“Mother,” Robin greeted. “This is Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug wished to speak to you about potential strategies to take down an enemy outside of battle without violence,” Damian stressed.
“I am well-aware of the Kwami and their Chosen, اِبْن.**” The woman spoke calmly. “The League of Assassins formed to act as the Black Cat to restore the world to balance and un-burden the Order with its maintenance.” The woman offer Ladybug her hand. “I am Talia al Ghul, and I am at your service, with or without violence Ladybug.”
Marinette took her hand. “Thank you Talia. Our target being directly exposed like I planned would have…” Ladybug trailed off, thinking over the ramifications not only to Adrien, but to the whole of Gabriel’s brand, workers and all that worked with them. “Some intense ramifications I’d rather avoid.”
Talia nodded her head, waiting for more information.
“I believe its possible to topple them without affecting their employees by uncoupling them from their business, but doing so is, well, stocks and economics isn’t my strongest point.” Ladybug admitted a bit sheepishly.
“I would suggest,” Talia began, “to create a bit of chaos in the stock market. Perhaps a rumor here and there, let investors pull out and grab the abandoned stocks quickly. Consolidate them under one owner and become the company’s owner.”
Marinette twitched a bit at that. “That… sounds complicated.”
“Oh, but it isn’t. My son knows just how to that, or did you forget our lessons?” Talia asked coolly.
Damian twitched at Marinette’s side. “I did not.”
“You know,” Chat chimed in. “I do know a few things about those things. If its general chaos, well…” Chat’s face twisted in a way Marinette forgot he could do after that Chat Blanc episode.
“… I will take that into consideration.”
“Anything else?” Talia asked, watching Ladybug and her son. Specifically, how her son seemed glued to the girl’s side. “I am certain my son is able to take out your target, if all else fails.”
Damian scowled at Marinette’s side.
“However, I do believe that whatever is happening, whatever has you active, might require a more… experience hand.”
Damian brushed against her side. Code for ‘Possible Danger.’
“Thank you for the offer,” Chat moved in front of Marinette. “But mi’lady and the Guardians have that much handled.”
Talia’s eyes shifted from Chat to Ladybug, staying on her. “Is that so?”
“Yes. I merely needed more information on how to execute this type of plan, that’s all!” Ladybug almost, almost slipped into Marinette while Liar, while silenced for the moment, prodded the back of her mind. “I want to minimize collateral damage as much as I can, to everyone. The kwami already said they get to chose the target’s punishment.”
“Ah, I see.” Talia relaxed then. “You are following the kwami’s wishes. I will respect their wishes as well, Chosen.”
Marinette categorized this interaction as one of the “not too horrible, but will avoid a repeat” once they left.
*Damian in arabic
so we have Talia now as a Player, sort of. she plays by her word pretty well so hopefully its a cameo more than anything else.
any ideas on how JL will handle the video, and if Miraculous Team should see it and freak out or only LB and keep on the dl while JL assissts in her Chaos Plot?
End of update. Will have to repost from ao3 on my phone now as desktop tumblr is being exceptionally rude. Tags always open, just takes me a bit to do—sorry to vixen for vanishing from tags
TAGS:  @heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04 @bisha43rbs @izang @dreamykitty25 @emu-lumberjack @vixen-uchiha
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geejaysmith · 5 years
On mobile, there are no readmores.
Ok, so maybe the key thing that pisses me off is that either way you dice it, the whole "evil Dirk" bullshit is either the distortion of a writer with a noted history of fanfics distorting characters into their most cynical form if not outright mischaracterizing them for an abuser/victim dynamic, or its commentary about an author who lets their own soapboxing overtake the willing suspension of disbelief in the characters' voices and the fabric of the world, rather than anything the character showed signs of being in the actual text. And if you're going to go "but timeskip! People change!" that's a hack move that Homestuck became far too dependent on in its later run, especially after the retcon, that cons the reader into doing the writer's job in order to try and resolve the cognitive dissonance of, say, a character who *actively did not want* to be what he's just suddenly become, and who's showing a level and flavor of asshole he never was.
Also, having a gay character, who a ton of young readers have identified with for years, suddenly turn bigoted alt-right-in-all-but-name just to make SURE you know he's the bad guy? Idk, that just strikes me as an asshole move. One of several asshole moves, like never addressing how the actions of one or several other characters contributed to his feeling guilty, especially about his sexuality when he's the one gay character whose orientation is directly discussed in the story proper, or how the character who can be reasonably assumed to have the a large hand in contributing to that guilt is never held to account, but instead victimized by Dirk with out-of-the-wild-blue-nowhere transphobic horseshit in the epilogue. In fact, would it be going out on a limb here to say that entire plot point seem to exist *only* for the sake of said out-of-character transphobic horseshit?
Sorry, I was about to say "but this is a whole different rant" but like, no, actually, this pisses me off. It *really* pisses me off how *badly* Dirk gets treated as the one prominent homosexual male character, and it has always pissed me off.
But no, really, the biggest thing pissing me off in the "oh this isn't rational to feel this way, actually, fuck it, I don't care if this is rational, these feelings aren't going away and this shit is PERSONAL now" way, is how most of what makes its way to my dash about Dirk since the epilogues dropped just comes off as uncritical about this. That even in trying to "fix" the damage done, it still tacitly admits there may be some validity to it, instead of staring it down and asking "and what the hell is your justification for that, outside of 'Hussie said so'?"
And let me take a moment to indulge in my neurotic impulse to hedge my own words and say, fine, ok, you want to explore evil!Dirk? Cool, your prerogative, we clearly find this character close to our hearts for very different reasons, whatever. But I don't and never want to see it and now it's everywhere, and people aren't taking to say, fascist Jane with the same gusto as they do to drag my favorite character, whose problems and insecurities are so close to my own he's the first work of fiction I've cried for for since childhood, through the mud.
Oh, and is it worse because this is basically just the same "Dirk is a monster" bullshit I've been fighting since the Great DirkJake Tag Discourse of 2014? Yes. Yes it is. I really do believe that Evil!Dirk - not "he has flaws as a person that result in toxic behavior", not "his actions have resulted in tangible harm and that needs to be addressed", but outright malicious intent or at least such utter disregard for the people he loves that intent is an automatic moot point - in other words, the ugly caricature being paraded around in the epilogues under the fig leaf of authorial approval, alongside the ugly caricatures of Jade and Jane, who only further expose the whole farce - in all its incarnations is and always has been an outright mischaracterization that only holds water if you push for deliberating interpreting the text in the most negative way. And I've spent *years* arguing with myself in my own head because fandom bullshit has convinced me that the only way I can hold an opinion and have a right to speak it is if I can have an airtight argument for my stance, like it's some fucking debate club, or something. And I am done. Dirk is not a monster, never was, and I am *done* screaming at myself in my own head instead of speaking out loud because "oh no, what if I'm wrong on the internet? What if randos online think I'm some dumb yaoi fangirl who's doing an abuse apologism?" Who cares? I know what I fucking read. I know the character that I saw.
You know what happens when you grow up isolated and don't have that first great "I wasn't fully cognizant of the fact that other people have thoughts and feelings like I do and acted like an ass and am now facing consequences - oh god I fucked up, I need to make this better somehow" young, when the stakes are low and you forget about it by puberty? You know how that childhood loneliness gives you a paralyzing fear of rejection that leaves you with a guarded persona, makes you agonize there's something wrong with you? How it makes you feel like you're irreparably broken, irreconcilably different?
I do.
So I'm confident that I know what I'm talking about when I say "it looks a lot like Dirk Strider." Coincidentally, it can also look a lot like Jake English. I know because I've been both. And you'll notice, pile of neuroses though I am, I am neither a victim nor am I a monster.
So. Yeah. Evil!Dirk upsets me greatly and always has and I don't want to see it. Except now it's everywhere and I once again have to tread lightly if I want to find any content of him that isn't made directly by me. A thing I loved has become something that makes me feel feelings that suck. *Again!* And I don't have the time or energy to throw into counteracting it at the moment, unlike with TLCstuck and the retcon a few years back. And yeah, this is personal and no one is responsible for my feelings and emotional wellbeing but me, yes, yes. But also this is my blog and I get to pick what goes on it and this is me telling myself "to hell with what people think when they see it, it's Tumblr, this is the house that personal emotional-fueled discourse built", and also if I didn't get this out I'd kind of end up screaming about it in my head again until all I can articulate is a high-pitched screech? I just need to fucking vent this out so I can get on with my goddamn day and it's out of my head? So maybe it'll quit coming back? It's way too fucking early for this? And oops, this post got way too long and a lot more emotional than I was expecting. Hey, crying helps relieve stress, y'know (Note: I'm not actually crying, it's the principle of the thing).
tl;dr, I have always thought Evil!Dirk was bullshit but it still hurts to see, and while I know I have no reason to bear a grudge against the people writing it as people, on principle, there's a part of me that wants to fucking punch those responsible for putting it back in the fandom consciousness in such a big way? Especially when I'm not seeing anyone pick over the horseshit done to other characters in quite the same way.
That is all. Carry on, I've vented my spleen. I'm gonna toss this post to the wind and go back to Wolf 359 shitposting.
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bi-mirandalawson · 6 years
1k about romelos and co, after she meets solas in trespasser 
if ur on mobile and the readmore doesnt work, i apologize 
when romelos came to, she felt like she had been thrown off a cliff. her whole body ached, especially her head. every slight movement made her feel like she was being stabbed behind her eyes. her eyelids were heavy and she struggled to open them, but the bright sunlight made her close them again. she started to process her surroundings. she realized the jostling she felt were rhythmic footsteps. her head was pressed against something smooth, that smelled of sweat and blood. a deep rumbling was heard beneath her head and she thought it might have been words, if only she could focus on it. 
"-think she might be waking up." Iron Bull. he was carrying her. he found her. she forced her eyes open and saw bull looking down at her with a small smile on his face. "hey, boss." 
"what.. happened?" her words were quiet and scratchy. her mouth felt like it had been stuffed full of cotton. she remembers going through the eluvian, and it closing after her. she remembers her conversation with solas, but not the end, and not how she got here.
"the eluvian closed after you," a different voice said. varric. "we couldn't get through." 
"i think it was solas making sure he got you alone." bull's tone is steely. she knows he wanted to get his hands on solas. 
"it felt like hours we stood there, but it was probably only 15 minutes." varric sounds tired. "we ran through as soon as it was open again. you were passed out on the ground." bits are coming back to romelos. she remembers solas taking her hand, kissing her through her tears. she remembers blinding pain in her arm. she looks at her arm, or, where her arm should have been. she startles and almost falls out of bull's arms. the movement makes her head throb and she shuts her eyes. her arm still hurts, a dull ache that she can feel in the joints of the fingers she no longer has. it isn't nearly as bad as her head.
"i guess i should be grateful," she says slowly. "if i dont have an arm, i dont have a mark that will kill me." 
"well, i guess thats one way to look at it," varric said, and she can hear the sarcastic smile on his face. romelos shifts, looking around, trying to figure out where they were. she is suddenly very aware of the fact that its just the three of them. 
"where's cole?" she feels the silence from bull and varric. "where is he?" she asks again, more insistent. 
"he left. to the fade i think." varric says, looking down at his feet. 
"right after we found you." bull is trying very hard to hide how sad he is. "said some jumble- you know how he does- about not making us forget, and 'helping when the hurt is greatest'." romelos feels like she's been punched, and she struggles not to cry, because she knows it will make her head pound. 
she knew cole favored solas' company over anyone else's, and that solas leaving after corypheus was defeated hit cole harder than anyone. she found cole more often in solas' old study than in the tavern, sitting on solas' desk or on the scaffolding. she didn't let him help her hurt, because she wasn't ready to let it go, but he always offered. she wondered, not for the first time, what he would be like if she had sided with varric, that day in redcliffe. she wondered if he would still be here now. 
"so what.. happened, with solas?" iron bull asks carefully, the gentleness in his tone letting romelos know that she doesn't have to tell if she doesn't want to. 
"he's fen'harel." varric's eyebrows hit his hairline. "not an agent. actual fen'harel, the elven god. except he's not a god, we know the gods were just elves." romelos feels a tear slip down her cheek and she wishes she had something to drink. "he.. made the veil, ages ago. it destroyed the ancient elven culture. made us.. weak, i guess? without a strong connection to the fade." she tries to focus on what solas had said, not the pained expression on his face when he said it. 
"the breach, the orb, corypheus.. it was all him. he wants to tear the veil down, to restore elves to our former status. it would just be great if he could do it without destroying the world!" bull's grip around her tightened comfortingly. 
"i'm sorry, red. this must be hard to deal with." he laughs a little and rubs the back of his head. "i guess that's putting it lightly." 
"i just wish i didn't.. understand him? i can see how he thinks he has to do this. i understand his motivation, even if i don't agree with it. but i can't help thinking that if i had done something different, i could have made him change his mind."  
"hey," varric said sharply. "none of this is your fault. if he wants to be a jerk of the highest degree, thats his business. you didn't make him do it, and, knowing chuckles, you couldn't have stopped him even if you knew what it was you had to stop." romelos thinks of hawke, and thinks that this isn't the first time varric has had to talk a hero-leader out of self-loathing and blame. she smiles a little. she's glad to have them here. 
"how are you guys doing?" she asks. other than herself, they're the two people who are most upset at cole leaving, and perhaps the two most upset about solas' betrayal. she thinks they were almost friends, as much as solas would let himself have real friends. 
"we're ok, boss." bull's voice rumbles under her ear. "you're still here." 
"and it looks like the anchor isn't gonna kill you anymore." 
"and it's not my ex-boyfriend about to destroy the world." 
romelos laughs, and only regrets it a little when the pain behind her eyes throbs. she is glad to have them.
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fallenboneheads · 7 years
A few small notes before you start reading these rules
My Papyrus is 7'6" and goes by the name Abaddon, feel free to try and give him a nickname, depending on your relationship with him he might allow it.
My Sans is 5'5" and goes by the name Ceberus, again, feel free to give him a nickname, he might allow it too
( thank u @seventhmaiden​ for helping me come up with names ;v; )
                                    ~Following and Selectivity~
☠️ Blog is Highly Selective. Due to my own insecurities, I am going to be fairly selective on interactions. If your blog is a side blog, please link it to me! I should have PMs open for everyone, but if not, please tell me.
☠️  Starter Calls and Opens are, well, open to everyone. Sometimes can get burnt out on making detailed starters and won’t finish the call. That being said, I may be selective sometimes on who I make a starter for first, though that doesn’t mean I’m picking favorites, I just may have the idea for theirs in my head first.
☠️  Memes and asks are open for everyone. I do not need to follow you for you to interact me, though I probably will start following you if you do interact, so don’t be shy!
-I just want you to know that I can be selective and if I feel our muses aren’t going to work well (that doesn’t mean they’ll need to get along, mind you) , I may not respond. I apologize in advance for that 
☠️  I am OC Friendly. However, I do need an about and rules page in order to follow or interact. I’m still rather selective with OCs just as I am with Canon characters.
                                           ~Nsfw and Ships~
♥  This blog is multiship. All ships and interactions are AU from one another unless previously discussed.
♥  NSFW will most often be under readmore! If we rp and it turns to NSFW 
-This includes super gorey (though I’m not to good at writing that, sorry) or sexual acts. 
-I may have young followers and I will do my best to remember to put NSFW under a readmore, however I am mostly on mobile and may forget. If I do, please message me and I shall remedy the issue.
♥  NSFW will happen on occasion. Let me get this out in the open: I am 20, and will be 21 come September. HOWEVER, I will NOT smut with anyone under the age of 18. 
♥  Smut must be discussed by muns and progress to that point. I’m fine with ecto dicks and the like. If as we’re rping smut and that’s not how your Skele is, that’s fine, please let me know. And if ecto dicks and the like aren’t you’re type of thing, that’s fine too! Please let me know that too, and I’ll try to adjust.
☠️   Pre-established relationships must be discussed. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind pre-established relationships! I prefer them sometimes because of how bad I am with greeting threads and there’s always the option of flashback greetings if we wanted. That being said, we NEED to talk about it first before just assuming that i’ll be okay with it. 
☠️  Please don’t pester me about replying. I’m currently looking for work and am mostly on mobile, so I may have not seen it. I will try to make a post when I’m active so you can talk to me if need be. If it’s been nearly a week or more, however, please message me! I may have lost it at that point or just haven’t realized it was my turn!
☠️   I will not interact with personal blogs through rps, sorry. You’re welcome to send asks and chat with me, but I won’t run an extensive rp with a personal blog.
If you’ve made it to the end, first of all, congrats! Secondly, please send me “Reporting in!”
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shadowednavi · 7 years
Watching the original Twin Peaks. I am on episode 4. Feel free to block "tricia watches twin peaks" if you do not want to read my liveblogging. Also sorry I am on mobile so I can't readmore until I get to a computer lol - Harry and Lucy have immense patience for Agent Cooper's bullshit. He is adorable but HOW DO YOU FORGET THE NAME Albert can fuck right off though. Agent Cooper can lay the smackdown when he needs to thank goodness So many of these people look the same but I'm doing my best to remember names. I'm having a hard time differentiating Mr. Horn and Leeland Palmer, which makes things really awkward because one is a complete jackass and the other is just trying. Norma and Shelly(?) are also throwing me. At least one of them has a face punch now so that helps distinguish them They are doing a very good job making Leo reprehensible, but I don't think he did it. Doesn't stop him from being a dick though Bobby is super extra. Those eyes have more personality than he does, and he's OH OKAY NOPE HIS VOICE IS MORE POWERFUL WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM Actually scratch that, Audrey is the epitome of extra holy shit though bobby is close Jeez this examination is brutal. Albert doesn't need to make it worse. AGENT COOPER COMES TO SAVE THE DAY AGAIN. TOAST THAT JACKASS. Time for the funeral? Nope we get to see Ed and his batshit wife again. just look at his eyes when she kisses him. he is dead inside. She's talking about how he had a thing for Norma in high school. I don't think that went away, just based on his interaction with her at the diner. he took a bullet srsly Wait is Audrey sneaking into a secret passage behind the wall? WHO ARE YOU HOLY SHIT Wait what hold up that's the doctor and oh that's her brother okay. Thought it was bobby that is less weird. To see literally everyone together in the same space is kinda surreal, but a reminder that they all live in the same place and are all connected. oh okay bobby THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU RIGHT NOW SHUT YOUR VERY LARGE MOUTH look at what you did you broke the thing leeland. your grief is too large and heavy Agent Cooper: matchmaker. Or at least match identifier. Thank you for being a light in this dark ass story. Oh okay so there's a secret society of ghostbusters? So far it's Harry, Ed, and Hawk involved. James too? Oh okay there's a dude tied up for drugs? Whose brother is he again? Huh... leo needs to stop. OH SHIT SHELLY HAS A GUN SHE GON MAKE HIM STOP YOU GO GIRL FUCK HIM UP Katherine just found the books Josie had kept hiding? Or wait, they were books SHE had been hiding that Josie found, and she moved them to a new spot to fsk things up and hide them again? Ugghhhh this liveblog is going to be so helpful when things inevitably get more convoluted later so apologies to anyone reading who's just like "wtf is this blow by blow report calm down tricia" Dr. Jacobi at Laura's grave. Laura really changed ~everyone~ didn't she. But I guess that's the mystery, yeah? How could this straight and narrow girl lead such a fucked up double life to the point where she drowned herself (I assume right now the cause of death was driven to suicide, based on James' report. We'll see what happens when we learn more). And then you have the VERY OBVIOUS TRAUMA SHE ENDURED right before she died, and you have to wonder how long that's been going on? Hopefully the Pulaski girl has more to say on that when she opens up, poor girl D: So they both worked at the perfume counter, and they both endured an unspeakable hell. How many others were there? Agent Cooper said there were two other cases he'd seen with letters under their fingernails and this falls in line with those same cases, but i don't remember if he ever said where. Hm. I feel like the conversation about dream souls was important, but leeland's being sad again so we get to focus on him now. God it's not your funeral, chill omg - So that's the end of the episode. Kudos to you if you stuck it out with me! There will be more later. But for now it's time to draw :D
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Fire Emblem Fates: Benny/Keaton S-Support
So Valentines Day is coming up and I’m using that as an excuse to write some Gay Shit about my literal favorite ship in the series. These 2 already have C-A supports and I like them a lot so I don’t wanna replace them so I’m only doing a fanmade S-rank support. Read their supports if you haven’t it’s amazing. And there’s a translation of their dialogue from the Nohrian Festival DLC somewhere on tumblr so look into that cuz that’s also amazing and super gay. As usual I can’t add readmores from mobile soooo my sincere apologies to anyone wanting to ignore this but it’s a... longer post
Benny: DANGIT! Where did I put it?! Did it fall out of my pocket or... Maybe Charlotte could help me find it?
Keaton: Oh find what? I’m good at lookin for stuff.
Benny: AH! Keaton! Uhh Hi there,...
Keaton: You okay there? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.
Benny: Nope. No ghosts, definitely no ghosts.
Keaton: Deep breath, deep breath, we went over this at the Nohrian Festival; ghosts aren’t real. Here, take my hand, that helped last time right?
Benny: No I’m serious this isn’t about ghosts or monsters or anything, but thanks.
Keaton: Well then what’s the matter? Something had to get you all worked up right? Just tell me and I’ll help.
Benny: Don’t worry about it, I’m just looking for uh... my shield.
Keaton: Your...shield?
Benny. Yep. Shield.
Keaton: The same enormous, metal shield you carry with your armor?
Benny: ...yeah.
Keaton: Did you consider checking... the armory?
Benny: No... oh, I’ll go there now, actually. I guess I’ll see you-
Keaton: Actually, hold on a second. There was something I wanted to show you.
Benny: Huh? Okay, what is it?
Keaton: A surprise, that’s what. So close your eyes, and NO peaking! Found this while I was walking our usual treasure hunting route in the woods.
Benny: Treasure? Fine, but when I open my eyes please don’t have given me some dead bag or squirrel or-
Keaton: Relax, I know you don’t like that stuff, just trust me, alright?
Benny: Alright, here...
Benny:... Ouch! What are you doing?
Keaton: I said no peaking! I can’t get this to fit!
Benny: What is that, a ring?
Keaton: Yeah, thought it looked pretty and seemed like something you’d like. It was just lying on the trail, looked new and clean so I figured it’d be a nice gift. No if I could just fit the damn thing on your finger!
Benny: Keaton, the ring’s not my size, it’s not gonna fit.
Keaton: Seriously? These things got specific sizes and all that? I tried buying you one of these things and I couldn’t even get that far, they were all too ugly.
Benny: Well yeah, same ring won’t fit everyone.
Keaton: But it fit me just fine? I dunno I didn’t think about it too much, thought it was a miracle I found it at all.
Benny: There’s a reason it fits you. I... was the one who bought that.
Keaton: Really? This is what you were looking for a minute ago?
Benny: Yes, I uh... well I wanted to get you something to show... S-sorry, this is just hard to say, I’ve been putting it off for awhile now...
Keaton: Awhile? How long did you have thsi ring before you lost it?
Benny: ...awhile. I mean, I can’t just give it to you out of the blue and there’s the risk that you’d turn it down, it’s s-scary to think about.
Benny: ...and yet you found the ring and gave it to me almost immediately. That must’ve taken a lot of courage to do. I-I uh...
Ah damn, forget all these stupid nerves! Keaton, I like you. A lot. And I haven’t been able to say it until now but it’s the truth. So uh... wo-would you accept t-this-
Keaton: Heh, you’re cute when you get flustered like that.
Benny: Cute?! So you felt the same way?!
Keaton: Of course I did! You’ve been my closest companion ever since I joined this army, you spend time with me even if the treasures I collect gross you out. You support me and I wanna help you too. Plus uhh... you’re really cute...
Benny: Now you’re the one blushing.
Keaton: Hey, you’re one to talk.
Benny: Heheh... just feels good to finally tell you. Thank you Keaton.
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fallenalleycat · 7 years
Mobile about section under the cut
Meet the alley cat
My Burgerpants is 6'5" and goes by the name Thomas, (Thomas O'Malley because I have no self control) ,feel free to give him a nickname if you want, he’s not to picky
                ~Following and Selectivity~
🍔 Blog is Highly Selective. Due to my own insecurities, I am going to be fairly selective on interactions. If your blog is a side blog, please link it to me! I should have PMs open for everyone, but if not, please tell me.
🍔  Starter Calls and Opens are, well, open to everyone. Sometimes can get burnt out on making detailed starters and won’t finish the call. That being said, I may be selective sometimes on who I make a starter for first, though that doesn’t mean I’m picking favorites, I just may have the idea for theirs in my head first.
🍔  Memes and asks are open for everyone. I do not need to follow you for you to interact me, though I probably will start following you if you do interact, so don’t be shy!
-I just want you to know that I can be selective and if I feel our muses aren’t going to work well (that doesn’t mean they’ll need to get along, mind you) , I may not respond. I apologize in advance for that
🍔  I am OC Friendly. However, I do need an about and rules page in order to follow or interact. I’m still rather selective with OCs just as I am with Canon characters.
                        ~Nsfw and Ships~
♥  This blog is multiship. All ships and interactions are AU from one another unless previously discussed.
♥  NSFW will most often be under readmore! If we rp and it turns to NSFW
-This includes super gorey (though I’m not to good at writing that, sorry) or sexual acts.
-I may have young followers and I will do my best to remember to put NSFW under a readmore, however I am mostly on mobile and may forget. If I do, please message me and I shall remedy the issue.
♥  NSFW will happen on occasion. Let me get this out in the open: I am 21, HOWEVER, I will NOT smut with anyone under the age of 18.
♥  Smut must be discussed by muns and progress to that point.
🍔   Pre-established relationships must be discussed. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind pre-established relationships! I prefer them sometimes because of how bad I am with greeting threads and there’s always the option of flashback greetings if we wanted. That being said, we NEED to talk about it first before just assuming that i’ll be okay with it.
🍔  Please don’t pester me about replying. I’m currently looking for work and am mostly on mobile, so I may have not seen it. I will try to make a post when I’m active so you can talk to me if need be. If it’s been nearly a week or more, however, please message me! I may have lost it at that point or just haven’t realized it was my turn!
🍔   I will not interact with personal blogs through rps, sorry. You’re welcome to send asks and chat with me, but I won’t run an extensive rp with a personal blog.
If you’ve made it to the end, first of all, congrats! Secondly, please send me “Can I get fuckin’ uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh…”
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