#i genuinely think this is a 'don't feed the trolls' situation
chaos-and-recover · 8 months
Hey, c'mere a minute. Listen to me. I know it's been a bit of a day what with the Sleep Token Instagram being wiped clean in the midst of all the doxxing bullshit going on, but I think we're maybe getting a little hysterical. There is so, so much evidence that wiping the Instagram is part of a calculated move to launch a new era, and not a signal that they're walking away. Let's lay it out.
II, III and IV revealed new looks at the Wembley show; Vessel didn't
They posted a link to Ascensionism on YouTube today, and while people are drawing a line between the doxxing and "you make me wish I could disappear" I would like to instead draw your attention to the line "You're gonna watch me ascend"
Sundowning, This Place Will Become Your Tomb and Take Me Back To Eden tell a story. They're a trilogy. The end of Euclid calls back to The Night Does Not Belong to God. It's full circle, end-of-an-era stuff. But if the end of the era was the band itself it would be absolute nonsense to put all that work into designing new aesthetics for 3/4 of the band for ONE SHOW.
The website is still up and the Twitter is still active. It's only Instagram that got cleared out, and even then the saved story highlights are all still there
As has certainly been pointed out by others this is not uncommon. Paramore has done this at leas twice. I feel like Hayley does it semi-regularly on her own account, as well as periodically just leaving social media in general. All members of AFI and their official account changed their profile images to just black ahead of the release of their 2017 album. It's a Thing.
Tour dates!! They still have tour dates. They're going to Australia with Bring Me The Horizon in April (Australia I am SEETHING WITH JEALOUSY). They have Radio City Music Hall, Red Rocks and Sonic Temple
This Tweet:
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This now-deleted post from a radio station in Iowa:
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This also-removed listing on Ticketmaster (screenshot taken today, Jan 16, 2024:
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(The removal of these two items is NOT an indication that they've been cancelled but rather an indication that someone posted them too early)
Yeah, the doxxing sucks. It's got to be stressful for them. But there's also been radio silence from the band and their camp on it and I think that's absolutely the right call -- there are potential legal consequences and it very well could be something lawyers are dealing with. Remember that this is the music BUSINESS and they are not defenseless little meow meows in this. A line has been crossed, boundaries violated, that sucks, that's unforgivable, but I genuinely don't believe we're gonna see the end of the band over it. I mean they are WAY too committed to the bit to let this slow them down.
I think instead we are going to get a tour announcement, and I think we're going to get it as early as this week. Maybe early next week.
We might even get new music or a new reveal from Vessel between now and the Australia dates.
Now let my depressed ass go back to crying to Atlantic on repeat and let's all calm down.
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swarmishstrangers · 2 months
feed us with mspar headcanons 🙏🙏
you get extra purple sprinkles if you do mspar headcanons with marvus
[[ explodes ]]
🍀Has a genuine caffeine addiction, not even playing. It's not so bad where they'll legitimately freak out and turn up the house if they don't get it, but they will get a KILLER, BRAINSPLITTING, headache from caffiene withdrawls + fatigue. Something they want to fix someday! But god...those headaches are hard to get over for them. They're supplier is, of course, Galekh. He really spoils them with the good stuff. He figures, what's the point in drinking coffee if it isn't the good kinds? He doesn't kick up a fuss if they ask him for a bad of whatever coffee grounds, he'd like for them to try. In fact, they bond over it actually.
🍀Kinda not great with comforting..with words! Their friend could have just vented to them about something that leaves them sobbing and Mspar, the fucking dumbass, kinda just there and is like, "Damn..that sucks, I'm sorry." They don't mean to sit around and twiddle their thumbs! Obviously, they try their best to comfort their friend, they just aren't always the most eloquent with their words so sometimes what they say can come out kind of strained and awkward. Much better with comforting people physically with hugs, rubbing their back, or letting them cry into them if needed. They just don't always know when they should deploy it? Cause trolls are so finicky and unpredictable to trying to gauge when it is or isn't okay to just be like, "Bring it in buddy, it's okay.." And go in for a hug or something. They think they're at least pretty good with discerning this for their closer friends.
🍀INCREDIBLY FUCKING LUCKY. Even outside of the initial control of Doc Scratch, and sure in some endings they die or it goes in a way it wasn't, otherwise? They're lucky. While there's definitely some existential stuff going on with them and who they really are, what they would be without their friends, had Doc Scratch not have been controlling them to some extent from afar..would they have ever really have even made any of the friends they did? They still consider it lucky to have even ever had them in their life. Outside of that, holy shit, how they survive some of the situations they do or are able to bounce back as fast as they do can be WILD to both trolls and humans. What they can they say? They just can't stop winning!
🍀Doesn't like working out tbh, they hate feeling so out of breath, they hate that taste of copper after having been running around for a while, that burning, itching sensation they get that feels like ants under their skin, etc. But catch them dead ever admitting it if it means that they can keep spending time with their more active friends, (Nihkee and Stelsa). Besides, in the end they know it won't kill them...er. Well, at least the jogging won't. Also it keeps those ROCKING legs in shape!!
🍀Did I mention having existential problems? I forgot to add they also deal with depression and dissociation problems smh.
🍦<- Be prepared to give me those sprinkles. Apologies in advance again, gonna try my best to characterize Marvus the best I can?? Aughh. Mspar I feel like, after a while, is one of those few people Marvus can trust to really let loose? Not as though he doesn't, but just like. More. He doesn't feel the need to look as pretty, to let those muscles relax (cause never really is, he's just really good at coming off as though he is lax). This feels GREAT if he was on a tour for weeks and he can just come back and be in the presence of someone who'll let him just chill out for a while. Pad Thai anyone?
🍦His sugar baby, his glucose grub, his uh. Insert other troll term for sugar baby. Jk!! Sort of..Marvus definitely gets them shit, and in return instead of something sexy, he gets their friendship cause DAMN Mspar!!! You pale friendslut!! You give them some cheap food and they're appreciative as fuck. But then again, they never ASK him for anything, they hate feeling like their mooching (even though they totally are and their friends don't gaf).
🍦Marvus sometimes does stretches, yoga poses, or these pretty contortionist poses. Mspar sometimes joins him for the stretches and poses part (hurt their back even TRYING to do the poses he does so effortlessly). While he's doing the more contortionist poses, sometimes Mspar gets stuck to places or tries on some places of his body. Think like..He laying down with his lower/middle back being bent with his long ass lanky legs in the air, then you got Mspar being airplaned by being held up by his feet. Adds a pressure to his body that he tends to like.
🍦OHH and uh, i've got one more for ya. Gonna admit, I don't know too much about chucklevoodoos or powers purplebloods tend to have, but um. Mspar has that ADHDtism, their mind is NEVER quiet. Always thinking, always running, so many thoughts, so many overlapping voices. It can be a real headache when they're just trying to rest but their brain is still active. I imagine on days when they're hanging out with Marvus, he can just..well, it's easy to tell. Cool fingers press to their head, rubbing over warm skin, claws teasing, biting as he scrapes them lightly over their scalp. Maybe he's humming with no real rhythm, but it's pretty all the while. They feel something be pushed, like their mind is being grabbed and like glass, something get's crushed (metaphorically), and when that hand opens it's palm, it's like all the sand in that dome runs out. And for once. They experience quiet.
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rs-hawk · 4 days
wild to me that ppl are saying you're making being native your whole personality and that you're too political but I remember a handful of times you got ppl criticising you for writing monster smut w native mythos and "appropriating" native folklore and you're just like "I'm native tho..." like there's no winning w ppl when your very existence is political. (I'm not native but I'm disabled, queer and fat and have gotten criticised for highlighting my struggles)
Literally like?? That was wild. I got accused of basically not being Indigenous enough because made it too hard to find on my page (even though I had posted about it multiple times and only had at that time like 100 posts) so at least that Anon thought it was more likely I was appropriating myself than being Indigenous, now I'm getting crap for it being what, too obvious?
I agree though. When people consider your very existence political, there's nothing you can do to not be political.
I delete most asks about this kind of thing because I know it's a "Don't feed the trolls" situation, but I get anons all the time complaining about me saying AFAB/AMAB, trans<insert gender>, Cis, fat, how I portray Disabled!Reader in the God x Disabled!Husband series, etc etc. I think some people just like being unhappy because I get primarily overwhelmingly positive feedback and people saying that some of what I write is the most positive portrayals they've seen in a long time. I try my best to pull from my own experiences, and I do listen to criticism. I want my page to be a reprieve for people, and if someone found my work disrespectful in a genuine sense, I would want to know. That's one reason I have my anons on and my inbox and messages are always open. Also why I was very careful about my tagging and trigger warnings with the Raven Mocker piece that started that whole situation because I know many Indigenous people wouldn't want to read it. Like how I block tags relating to Sk1nw4lk3rs or W3nd1g0s because I'd be paranoid the whole time reading it, and I'd personally find it disrespectful.
I'm happy with what I write and glad other people enjoy it. If others don't just because they don't like it or me, I want them to block me. I want everyone on my page to be happy and enjoy my work. If they don't like me or my work, they shouldn't be here.
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Genuinely worried, not a troll ask. Is TNR bad in all situations? I’m in an extremely rural area and have been working to TNR the local cat colony for about six years now. Most are feral, so it literally is ‘trap’ in that TNR and then handle the trap with puncture proof gloves, etc. I’ve managed to bring their numbers down from the mid twenties to about eight with only one litter born this spring, that I managed to catch and get to a shelter three hours away before they were too feral to handle.
Basically if I didn’t do TNR here, we’d just have a ton of feral cats and no birds at all? There are no resources. I’ve been trying for years to find someone willing to work with this area and we’re too far out in a zone with no resources in the one county shelter.
Hey there anon! I don't know if TNR is bad in all situations, I can just speak to what I've heard/read about and how it personally makes me feel. I'm glad that the method worked for you in your area and you were able to get that last litter to a good home! Regardless of my own feelings I'm glad it worked for you.
Below the cut are my thoughts on TNR. I don't mean it personally anon, I think that your care for the cats in your area is very honourable even if I don't quite agree with TNR as a whole. This is more of an explanation as to how TNR makes me feel than anything else.
Environmentally, you're still reintroducing the cats back into the ecosystem (just neutered). If TNR works exactly as it's supposed to and the cats don't die prematurely that's still years to potentially over a decade of dead birds killed by cats. There have also been studies shown that TNR doesn't always work as successfully as in your situation. People often see feeding stations as a safe place to dump unwanted pets, or else other intact strays can move in to fill in the gaps of deceased TNR colony members. [1] [2] [3]
My biggest concern with TNR though is the welfare of the cats. To use your colony as an example, in the course of six years you lost 15-20 cats. Some friendly kittens might have been adopted out, but what happened to the other ones that weren't adoptable? We keep our pet cats indoors to keep them safe from harm, but there's no way to keep ferals safe from disease, parasites, injuries, traffic, weather, or wildlife. Without an owner they're left wandering out there without vet care after being hit by a car, or getting frostbite, an infection, illness, etc. When they do die stray cats usually die pretty gruesome deaths, and personally I'm uncomfortable condemning a cat to that by rereleasing them with TNR. Even if TNR was a 100% effective way to minimize cat populations to me it seems kind of... cruel.
My sort-of jab at the author of that book was related to my feelings on those cats. Alley Cat Allies and other TNR groups often argue that if a cat is a part of a TNR colony it shouldn't be adopted out. TNR groups often advocate for these "community cats" to be left alone. Here's a screenshot from Alley Cat Allies in an article titled "5 Ways to Advocate for Cats in your Community":
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Knowing that these cats can be injured/killed so easily and painfully and that they're being denied a safe, happy, and healthy life with a human owner just doesn't sit right with me. Not every TNR group advocates for this kind of practice, but it's enough of a pattern that I'm wary of them. It seems like the author of that book thinks it's better for your cat to be "happy and free" outdoors rather than inside.
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thdramas2 · 2 months
Im not involved in any of the drama, if you are genuinely sheller then i will say i do empathise with you to an extent and i do think its extreme for people to stalk your socials to harass you.. gotta remember though you potentially could have ruin so many peoples lives. Money is scarce these days, things are getting a lot more expensive. It wasnt just $15 (which to me is difference of eating lunch or having to go hungry), as you said its $5k.. 5,000 dollars. People will be keeping an eye on you because what you did was potentially life ruining to most artists. People don't want to get hurt.
Also complaining about PSA's being made for you ban evading.. you're not denying the ban evading and anyone who does something and gets banned gets PSA's made about them especially when they make new accounts. Isn't that breaking the sites rules by making new accounts after a ban? I know its against the rules to block evade.
What you did was extreme and as a result people will react more extreme. Just log off for a year or 2 and start fresh, People want a reaction and some want you to react badly so they can hold it against you. Is it horrible? Yes but also what you did was again potentially life ruining.
Anyways while i genuinely empathise with you i dont have sympathy for you and this whole situation on both sides (you and the people keeping an eye on you) reeks of a lolcow in the making. Be cautious and if you really are doing better and changing please don't continue feeding the trolls. (Also its only been 5 months, i still remember someone being a bit of an asshole in passing from 8 years ago. The Internet as a whole may be quick to move on and forget, but not everyone forgets. Theres always people who will remember you)
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justlarkin · 2 years
Hey, I could really use your advice! I have a friend who plays Housamo as well, but she is a girl. And she is being a bit bullied into stopping playing the game because she is a girl. I don't know why are they so against that. I don't have a problem.
In general, the best you can do in these situations is block and ignore those people. Not exactly sage advice and a "duh, obviously" thing to say, but that's just how it is. You can't give attention to people like that or they'll keep going ("don't feed the trolls" and such). Your friend should just ignore them and keep doing what she enjoys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
There's nothing wrong with women playing Housamo. Your friend can play whatever she wants, it's her decision. The only people who actually get upset over women playing this game are losers and misogynists who think being gay gives them a pass for hating women. Nobody whose opinion genuinely matters actually cares if women play lol.
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gameside · 10 months
Why the hell did they think I was a troll?? Was that a democrat or republican, Because I can't tell but it could very well be either because both sides have some crazy fucking people. I don't even think what I want is that insane, But then again I haven't posted here since my mother finally stopped basically feeding me 24/7 insane propaganda like 'snake people' and shit.
I'm not even against abortion 100%, I just don't think the procedure should be a fucking thing outside of medical reasons!!! Medical reasons being the mother would die from the birth and a pill wouldn't take care of it. Abortion pills work for 15 weeks, AKA 3.5 fucking months!! Thats enough, Isn't it?? I can understand case by case using the procedure if pills aren't working, But gosh!
I'm not giving cops money and cheering them on in the streets, But I'm also not gonna tell them to fucking die!! Saying all cops are bad because there are a few that's corrupted is crazy! I've had cops save my life, I've had them traumatize me as well. Yes, Some are absolutely fucking insane and not ready to be a cop! We don't need to abolish police, (though I would REALLY prefer the alternative of ELECTING A SHERRIF and letting them have a DEPUTY and that be it, The Deputy giving others training to be public servant ect ect or whatever happens with deputies) We just need to give all police officers the same training military gets so they don't accidentally shoot, So they're ready for situations that would require being calm even if they're at gunpoint!! Give them a fucking mental evaluation!!
And don't get me fucking STARTED on school shootings. It could ALL be PREVENTED by giving teachers guns inside of a safe, In every classroom. Mental evaluations every WEEK for the teachers. School shootings are so common now, But when my dad was a kid they had shit like archery practice and he told me that in his entire time there no accidents happened!!! It got banned after some parents complained it 'could be dangerous.' Schools need way more fucking funding and put TRUSTED people as teachers. We need to give our schools the help we can since the fucking government isnt.
And I'm gay, You all know my fucking stance on that. I think being trans is a REAL thing that happens! I think some people would GENUINELY be happier as the other gender, But I think letting children, Who're EASILY INFLUENCED by EVERYTHING!!! I thought I was a fucking zombie because I loved zombie movies!! If I could've chosen I would've LOVED to be PERMANENTLY DISFIGURED to LOOK LIKE A ZOMBIE!! And I would've fucking regretted it later. My entire life I've gone by so many different names. 'Zack' in kindergarten through 2nd grade, And then in 3rd I tried to get everyone to call me 'Rose' And then, In 7th grade, For a while, I used my real name. Then in 9th I told people I was trans and to call me Mark. It's since been changed again, But I don't wanna give out my age, Grade or new name people could identify me irl with. I am biologically a woman (and don't plan on changing that, I just like guy names) and so many times in the past I would have JUMPED at the chance to do hormone therapy, WHICH MULTIPLE PEOPLE WHO'VE GONE ON SAY IS NOT REVERSABLE LIKE THEY SAY, Or to completely transition. The reason so many trans people kill themselves isn't from bullying, It's because so many people make a mistake and rush to cut it off or stitch it on and then realize they'll never be the same, Or they realize that it hurts horribly every day and theres no going back to how they used to be, Or they realize they weren't trans in the first place. Some people just like people someone else online, Being different characters, Or like being boys online and a girl in real life. That isn't them being trans, Its just liking a persona. I probably worded this one weirdly I'll just take asks about it and clarify anything that may have came off wrong
I am autistic and have ADHD, BPD and possibly schizophrenia, So I'm not ableist.
My older sister, Whom I grew up with and love dearly, Is black. I do not find my race superior to any others, So I'm not a racist.
My dad is the most important person in my life, And I want to be just like him, No daddy issues.
Mommy issues though, You got me there haha
I don't hate men, In fact so many times here I've stuck up for them. Equal rights, Equal fights. Equal rights ALSO means whatever a WOMAN does, It's okay for a MAN to do. Single fathers shouldnt get suspicious or dirty looks just for fucking existing with their child.
I don't hate women, I love women (literally I'm a lesbian). I think equal pay is fair if both genders are doing the same amount of work, So like. Basically I think more jobs should be 'You get paid per amount of work' and not 'fuck you guys even if he sleeps all day and does none of the work we pay him twice as much because he's been here long >:('
I have bitches, Usually a new one every week honestly (I start relationships fast, I'm 'pretty' for societies standards so it's easy to get more girls), But I'm settling down for now and I'm actually happy
I don't know why I'm still writing literally nobody asked okay bye
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simmonsized · 2 years
Bro and mom traveling together!!! We have some brain strand connection or some shit because I entertain that idea a lot. I love putting them into situations where they just have to be stuck together, gets a good laugh out of me.
I would ask more about that but hmm, maybe after this hc stuff (or really anything, I don’t mind if it’s another meta tangent) I wanted to ask about old lady English and Poppop? I think they’re pretty neat. Ushsjsk or maybe I should finish the strilonde guardians with Alpha Rose? I like her a lot too hmmm.
You can choose, I’m incompetent when it comes to choice.
Bro and Mom! you know i love talking about bro and mom now hahaha you're kinda pandering to my specific talking point interests lol!
Tbh I probably don't have as much fun stuff to say about Doc English and Poppop without talking about canon stuff! I think they, like Nanna and Grandpa, were given a really raw fucking deal, and that it definitely helped shape them into the kind of people they are BUT they are also old and that scares me LOL i mean it's still fun I just don't have to dig quite as deep to extract personality traits from them, since John and Jade are my secret darlings <3
BUT i can definitely warble about Alpha Rose Lalonde forever (cw again, for alcoholism)
it's no secret to the fandom, and to rng readers, that our other "Mom Lalonde" is an alcoholic. it breaks my heart that roxy really thought that drinking was a feasible way to get closer to her, and it makes me sad even typing it out
I do not think that she left the alcohol there in a malicious way, I think she genuinely just. Did not think about Roxy in that moment. She had a booze stash, it belonged to her, and she didn't (as funny as this is, for a person with pretty impeccable foresight) even consider the repercussions of leaving an eventual-teenager alone with a lifetime supply of the stuff
Alpha Rose didn't start drinking til adulthood, mostly after the age of 20
She learned to drive from John Crocker, which basically led to her just paying for driving school instead. Because yikes.
She is John's favorite even though she would never ever tell Dave this because it would devastate him
Dave Strider is (was) her only friend <3
I like to headcanon that she was actually connected more closely with her aspect, in part because she's Rose, and Seers are like that (Alternian Kankri remembered a gentler way of life for the trolls I think??) And in part because of Rose's accidental trip and fall into the favor of the horrorterrors
I just remember Calliope saying she could black out news feeds and shit and that feels very grimdark to me! Fun!
She took up knitting at 14, when John Crocker got her needles for her birthday (he doesn't know why, either, it just felt right)
Much like the beta guardians, they were 13 the first time they met Poppop and Grandma
Rose tends to be more pessimistic towards new people, but she has great faith in Dave, even though she knows that he will turn himself inside out without some kind of outside force to stop him
Being alone for a long time does this to you
She actually did not like Bro at all when they met, because she did not trust him, and because
She is very careful with Dave's heart, even if she's not like that with her own
She could see a lot of her bad traits in Bro, things that made her an excellent face for a rebellion, but made for a bad parent
She's more aware of Dave's flaws than he , most days
While the worlds did get smashed together, most of her dayware was absorbed by Momlonde's closet, so she really does just be wearing formal wear every day until she finally has access to clothes
Most of the time she can be found sporting Momlonde's pajamas
Very unlike aDave and Bro to start, she and Mom get along quite well. I'm sure Bro has nothing to do with this.
I think Mom really needed some kind of adult presence she could lean on, once the Daves showed up in New York, and while Rose is not exactly equipped to handle children, at least she had someone to talk to now!
You might imagine but they really both like wizards :)
The thing she was picking up from the pharmacy was Naltrexone
Quite frankly she probably shouldn't have been driving either but here we are
The kids winning the game released her from her obligation to the horrorterrors
She doesn't really know how to talk to Roxy, at least not in a super open way, but Roxy is pretty capable of taking the reins here, and I think it makes Rose sad, to see how much heavy lifting maturity wise her daughter has to do for her
Luckily for her however her daughter is Roxy
Mom is also Roxy
I definitely see her as more similar to Bro in terms of like, how she sees the players' place in the game, and their duty to the timeline. She understands (or understood, before) how necessary what they were doing was, and I don't think she would have given up, not even if Dave begged her to
She does in fact have a pretty solid handle on alpha Dave, as unfortunate for him as that is, and she is pretty much the only reason he never gave up, at all
Whether this is a positive or a negative thing is all contextual of course
She and Dave are kinda weird, I guess
She has absolutely also been a black cat for Halloween
She also went to college
Keg Stand Champion
Now trying her absolute best to be in recovery ofc
I don't think she makes a habit of lying for many reasons, but she is not above pushing Dave (yikes) if it will (did) benefit the rebellion long term
She likes to get her wait and hates losing
Yes even if it's petty
She is secretly thrilled that she makes the Striders uncomfortable
Okay so it's not a secret
She never bothered to learn how to cook and had an assistant who would bring her groceries lol
God remember how ubeyeats doesn't exist in 2012 that's fucked up
She is ambidextrous
The only reason she and Dave did not have a fallout over the house in Rainbow Falls is because Dave was busy chasing after John Crocker like a lost puppy
Her favorite color is green
She has always wanted to do karaoke, but I don't think she would actually be willing to participate, if it came down to it
Rose used to smoke, too, but she gave it up in the first timeline, when she saw how much of a nightmare Dave was becoming
Once again circling back to the Bro thing I think they are more similar than either of them would like to be (much like little Rose) and I think that makes every single convo I have to write between them a nightmare
She, unlike Dave, likes being the tallest person in the room, and wears heels in purpose
She and Rose have never been alone in a room together
On purpose
John Crocker used to take her hobby boat racing when she was younger
She used to let Dave paint her nails. No, he was not good at it.
She kept the original knitting needles John gave her until she died
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Please do yourself a favor and stop believing in Jikook. You shippers always claim how superior you are to the cult which could have been true in the past but now y’all are showing the same kind of delusional behavior they had. When will you realize that Jungkook and Jimin and Taehyung are all just friends and all the shit they do is to entertain shippers? They know the derangement of their fandom and they profited off of it multiple times. Just look at how all three of them behave, one month is vmin the following one is jikook and the next one is taekook, just to stay relevant up until these grown men start serving the military or find a real spouse. I don’t even wanna call it fanservice because it’s rooted in queer baiting which is much more problematic. Imagine still thinking Jikook’s over-the-top interactions are genuine stolen moments when first they are aware they are being recorded, and secondly ..wow! Bold boyfriends on camera but not one single interaction after promotions are over, huh? Stop feeding into these CLOWNS’ trickery at your big age and start spending your time with something more productive, lying to yourself is not good for your mental health. And this is not directed at you only former peppertaemint, but to all Jikookers out there who keep on relying on old moments to keep their faith alive, y’all know it to be true. This is a wake up call, from the bottom of my heart. Ive been there too, and luckily got out of it before I turned into one of those delulus beyond help. In the meantime Taehyung has just replied on weverse mentioning Jungkook like why do I keep being proven right at this point it’s just so obvious how they’re all feeding into this fanservice stuff, just to sway away the attention from the real scandals like joanna, mijoo, this poor girl nain (free her from groomerkook) and others coming soon. This is not the first time it happened in KPOP and it won’t be the last.
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Oh, hi little troll. Are you ok? You took the time to send me such a long elaborated ask. I bet you felt good after you pressed send. For what, I'm not sure, but you do you. I don't understand though why you're calling me such names when you're the one obsessed with me and my friend who doesn't even have a blog now. Are you sad because she left? Or not, because you think we are the same person and now you're coming into my inbox? Who is delusional now, huh?
You must have not read my blog, otherwise you wouldn't sent an ask about jikook and those men's personal lives. You got the wrong blog buddy. But I guess everyone else is a clown, the BTS members are clowns and you're right in this entire situation because you focus on ''real scandals''. I'm glad you got out, but it seems you don't feel any better because you are full of resentment and frustrations. Seek help and maybe don't come into people's inboxes. Also, don't give anyone unsolicited advice about what's good for their mental health and how they should do something more productive. Take a look in the mirror first. A little bit of self awareness makes a great difference.
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