#i get it kinda bc they're a good way to get information on the projects available to you and stuff but blegh
flavia8 1 year
Ugh. Gotta go to the Master's Project Fair.
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chaotic-toby 8 months
I just finishes making two creepypasta OCs and I'm planning on writing a story about them. Well, even though Toby isn't going to be a main character, I still want to include him bc he's my favourite and I relate to him. I'm making this post about his characterization bc I want to get it right, and I hate how some people infantilize him in fics, or write his tics.
Anyways, Toby's characterization!
Now, I am thinking hard about this. So, isn't it canon that Toby continues to age even after his story ends, so I wanna say he's probably around 21-22 ish. He's mature but not completely mature. He has his funny moments. Toby is a proxy who obeys Slenderman's every command. Bc of that, he tends to be serious most of the time, unless he's not actively doing something, then he lets loose and relaxes. I also like to think he can be a smartass when he needs to be. He doesn't take shit from no one. But, if someone is nice, then he'll be nice as well. Toby, when he's working and whatnot, is quiet, barely talking so he can focus, but when he's with any creepypastas he's comfortable with, he can be quite talkative. He has a soft spot for anyone who can't easily defend themselves bc when he was still living with his father, he was in the same boat.
Toby isn't exactly a prankster, but if someone asked him for help with a prank, then he'll gladly help, especially if the victim of the prank is someone he's doesn't like.
Now, I know in recent fics, at least the few I have read, people are writing Toby's tics in a more realistic way, and I'm happy about that. As someone who has tics, I wanna explain how I'll write them. Just a disclaimer, I only have motor tics (I might possibly have chronic tic disorder) so I might not write the vocal tics good. If that's the case, anyone feel free to correct me. Anyways...
Toby's motor tics consist of his nose twitching, head jerking, his eyes looking to the left uncontrollably, which causes intense headaches (I'm projecting). His right shoulder also jerk occasionally but that isn't a very common tic that he has. Another motor tic is that his arms will randomly extend outward, hitting anything in the way (not something that I do but I have seen in a fic I read years ago).
Vocal tics includes clearing his throat, repeating something he heard (in my fic, I really want him to say, "ding dong ditch, you are a bitch" bc my oc will write that (my oc doesn't talk so he writes)), whistling (from what I've seen, is a common vocal tic), and lastly, stuttering. NOW, I'm not talking about constabtly stuttering, no. He only stutters when he's really emotional or stressed or just in a very intense situation.
I'm not gonna go into detail about his relationship with every creepypasta (humanoid creepypastas Ig), but I will briefly mention how close he is to a select few, just the ones that comes to mind rn.
Jeff- Toby doesn't like Jeff bc in my fic, he's kinda an asshole. Though Toby does admire his honesty and how surprisingly trusting he is? Like, if you tell Jeff something, he won't tell a soul. Also surprisingly, he can be quite helpful, which Toby admires as well.
Masky + Hoodie- They're not creepypastas, and in Marble Hornets, are shown to actively go against Slenderman, so I like to think that Toby, who obeys Slenderman, despises them. They would try to get him to see through Slenderman's brainwashing, but he refuses to listen to them (who knows, maybe one day, he will listen and finally break free from Slendy~)
BEN- I like to think of them as friends (not bc they're my two favourites) but because despite BEN's age, he can be quite mature at times? And helps Toby if Toby ever needed information about a target. They play games every now and then.
Sally- Everyone loves Sally. End of discussion.
(I was gonna do more but I don't feel like it bc it involves thinking)
With my OC!
If you're not interested in anything about my OC, feel free to skip this part but I am in love with my OC and have been dying to talk about him!
Now, how is Toby around my OC? My OC is named Noah, and he doesn't talk, like at all. He has the ability to, but refuses to ever speak bc of his speech impediment: rhotacism. When he wants to talk to someone, he writes what he has to say on a notepad. Since he's quiet and minds his business, Toby is fine around him, but there's a part of Noah that unnerves him. It feels like Noah isn't just Noah, like there's another part of him that's more... evil. As a killer himself, Toby isn't scared of Noah, far from it. Noah is probably one of the most pacifistic creepypastas in the entire mansion. He never actually kills anyone, he just somehow makes people so angry that they start attacking each other. Toby is just a bit... curious about him. But they rarely see each other since Noah is either always in his room or disappeared somewhere, and Toby is mainly in the woods. Whenever they do see each other or hang out, it's always a calm experience. It mainly involves Toby talking about something with Noah writing back his responses. Not like Noah doesn't take the lead in conversations at times. When he gets excited about something, he hastily writes it down, which makes it difficult to read, but Toby doesn't care. Honestly, at times, Noah feels like a younger brother he never had. If Noah ever needed help, Toby would probably help.
(Gah, now all I can think about is Toby being an overprotective brother figure <33 especially since Noah never had any siblings. Also, this went off the rails a bit. I just really like my OC and Toby <33)
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myth-carver 2 years
Rambly ass liveblogging impressions of Legend of Vox Machina ep 1 Japanese dub by a pro translator
I am literally just copypasting all the stuff I wrote in Discord lol...
so I started ep 1 in Japanese and my first impression is... the person they got to play Vex sounds startlingly like Laura holy shit 馃槀
the writing in the first couple minutes was ok, they preserved some of the jokes fairly well but ofc some things just don't translate very well
the opening with the LotR type dudes was still pretty funny but the names of the merc groups I didn't feel like they completely succeeded in keeping the joke there, unsurprising since that would be a hard reference to translate
oh I turned on the Japanese subtitles and they're a straight translation of the English rather than being CC of the Japanese dub, damn. I mean that's great for Japanese viewers that want the closest-to-the-original experience that they can get but less helpful for yours truly lmao
writing this down for my own notes/amusement...
Personal pronouns and grammar:
Vax: ore. so far he's bog standard modern Japanese male like you'd hear as the main character of basically anything anywhere lol.
Vex: watashi, speaks kinda femme with ~wa on the ends of her sentences
Pike: watashi or atashi, probably watashi, will listen for another one. grammar is pretty bog standard modern Japanese girl style but it's funny to hear her use ~deshou bc I'd picture her being the type not to break out desu/masu with her friends personally
Keyleth: watashi, so far bog standard modern Japanese female, she feels a little less formal than I would expect
Percy: ore. he's a lot more informal/less old timey-sounding in Japanese than he usually is in English, but tbh there's not a good way to translate the way he talks that wouldn't also make him sound like kind of a weirdo/imply unintended stuff so it's probably for the best
Scanlan: ok he first used boku when seducing the tavern keeper's daughter but when he's alone with VM he uses ore. Boku has got more of a like softer nonthreatening image to it and musical artists often use 'kimi' and 'boku' for their 'you' and 'me' in song lyrics, so I could see him using it on purpose to try to project that 'romantic lead' kind of image lmao. Ore is more what you expect to hear a typical young guy use, it's kind of macho.
Grog: ore, not much to say here, he's exactly what you'd expect a big macho bruiser dude to sound like. He doesn't quite have Travis's funny sideways way of phrasing things unfortunately, it's more standard Japanese. They did not use any dialect or anything to sub for the accent but that sort of thing is hard to translate.
oh my god I got to Scanlan's bedroom scene 馃槀
they don't really translate the joke in the song alas, like I think it's still a funny scene without it but
"My lady's rose I will pluck/My love it's time for us to (fuck)" got turned into "Kimi no hanabira wa / Mou boku no mono sa" meaning "Your petals now belong to me" or "your petals are now mine" they didn't try to put in a pun here but they did keep the meter and rhyme lmao
amusingly when Percy asks Scanlan to put on some pants, they kept that exact line in Japanese, but "pantsu" in Japanese means specifically underwear so Japanese Percy is asking something a little different 馃槀
Japanese Scanlan is very polite to the tavern keeper. 馃槀
I feel like the dub writing is pretty sharp. I haven't checked out the more direct translation in the subtitles yet but they gave the dub script to a competent dialogue writer. the gang is as funny to listen to bantering with each other in Japanese as I would expect Vox Machina ought to be.
ironically in some ways it's easier to listen to than the original cast bc they're just actors doing a job and less self conscious about the fact that they're Acting as their D&D characters lmao
it's not quite the first time the CR gang ever got into a recording booth as Vox Machina but almost lol
lmaoooooo when Keyleth's like "Vex and Vax only care about themselves" Japanese Vex and Vax are like "we'll fucking kill you"
boo when Scanlan's like "I want to bed everyone in the realm" they translated it as "I want to bed every girl in the realm"
not surprised though sigh
they translated the "drain the basilisk" joke pretty directly but Japanese viewers if they're into this kind of cartoon do probably know what a basilisk is so
...ok I really like Scanlan's actor
when he gets on a roll he resembles Sam kinda like 3/4ths of the way lmao and he can do the falsetto shriek thing
and I do feel like he captures the spirit of the original performance pretty well, even thinking about the original tabletop performance
oof they tried on the "introducing Vox Machina" song but that one was a lot rougher than the previous song 馃槀 I imagine adapting all these songs was probably pretty hard to pull off
oh my god I can't decide if Kima sounds so off bc they're having her use really polite grammar since she's talking to Uriel or if they really just gave her Generic Girl Femme Grammar, god I hope it's the first one
but she used "kashira" ffs
that's like something you expect to hear out of the mouth of the main character's sweet middle aged anime mom who's gonna die in the 2nd scene lmao
....lmao Pike's dubious blessing is funnier in Japanese tbh
I felt like Ashley didn't quite know what to do with the scene in the original version, or maybe the dialogue was just a little off idk? but Japanese Pike flubs it up a little bit and is like "I'm sure everything'll be, uh, super awesome!" that kind of mood 馃槀
it's the same idea as the original ofc but maybe a little better executed
I'm ngl obviously nothing can beat the original Critical Role cast when it comes to the actual voices, but I kind of like the dialogue writing better in Japanese 馃槀
I think so far my only real gripe with the dub is they should've used Keyleth's speaking style for Pike and Pike's speaking style for Keyleth lmao. neither of them sounds totally off, it's not super bad or anything, but Pike sounds a smidgen more goody two shoes than she should and Keyleth sounds a smidgen less goody two shoes than she should
I'm sure that just comes down to, y'know, the person doing this adaptation is only working off these episodes to interpret who these characters are as people
one thing that is interesting to me is Japanese Percy and Vax are very very close in speaking style
it feels like Vax leans sliiiightly more toward "nice approachable guy in his 20s" and Percy is slightly more clipped/businesslike, but very slight differences at best
ok that's the end of ep 1, I'll probably finish watching the dub later
it is still so surreal to me that you can now watch Vox Machina speaking like 9 different languages 馃槀
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8uggestionamplifie6 3 years
I've been thinking. Would Anakin and Padme actually be good parents?????
Like, think about this realistically.
Anakin already has a kark ton of problems. For one, he does NOT know how to love unpossessively. Two, he is already super controlling and kinda toxic(?).
If he leaves the Jedi Order to be with Padme and the twins, he would never learn the difference between attachment and love.
(And yes there is a freaking difference. Love is when you care about someone to the point where you want them to be happy, even if it's not with you. Attachment is when you 'love' someone so much that you can't stand the thought of that person being with someone else that isn't you. There is a very clear difference. Even George Lucas said it in a few interviews.)
Like, I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan tried to teach Anakin the difference, but Anakin just never understood it or didn't want to accept it. Anakin wasn't raised in the Temple. He wasn't taught Jedi beliefs and the difference between love and attachment on a daily basis by the creche masters. Instead, he had been freed from slavery, separated from his mother, Qui-Gon got killed, and he experienced a MASSIVE culture shock once he was accepted into the Temple, and he had been paired with an (although good) unwilling master AKA Obi-Wan who only accepted Anakin as his student because of Qui-Gon's final words.
Yes, I know, they do eventually develop an actual strong relationship, but the main reason Obi-Wan fought for Anakin to become his padawan in the first place was because of Qui-Gon. The only reason why Anakin was even accepted into the Order was because of Qui-Gon and later, Obi-Wan's insistence to keep his promise to Qui-Gon.
(Also? Really Qui-Gon? You had nothing to say to your Padawan who was basically your son? Even when you appeared in the Clone Wars, you hardly even cared about Obi-Wan, you just obsessing over Anakin. Like, I get that he's the 'Chosen One' or whatever, but I don't care. You don't treat your apprentice/son like that. And then you had the audacity to force a guilty and crying Obi-Wan who was holding your dying body to promise to train Anakin Skywalker, who Obi-Wan didn't even like for that matter? Like? Bish, you ungrateful nerfherder.)
As I said, Anakin doesn't understand how to love like securely and non-possessively. He was probably taught it by Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi, but that information clearly went through one ear and straight out the other.
Maybe Anakin would be a good parent for the first few years of Leia and Luke's lives, but the moment puberty hits? BAM! Helicopter parent right there!
This mainly concerns Leia because in Anakin's mind, she's a girl, she's not a trained force-sensitive, so she can't protect herself, and she's HIS daughter, she shouldn't do this or that, she can't have this or that. She can't have male friends, she can't hang out with any guys, etc. Because Anakin doesn't want Leia to not spend time with him or not be there constantly. He's controlling and he wants to control her life. Like I said, she is HIS daughter, not her own person (scroll all the way to the bottom for an explanation). He'd likely refuse to let Leia go to any parties, talk to any boys, or even have a basic social life.
Things might be a little different for Luke. Anakin might not be as controlling but will still be controlling to some degree.
Moreover, Padme would NOT reign him in or even stop him. She's already shown in AOTC and ROTS that she is perfectly willing to make excuses for any and all of Anakin's bad terrible decisions even though the evidence is right there in front of her face.
Like, she seriously tryna make me believe that killing a ton of innocent people in the Tusken village is good? Sure, maybe SOME of them might have deserved it, but all of them? No, they didn't, especially not the poor innocent kids. Like, Padme, is you good in thy head or not? You ain't see no red flags?馃毄馃毄馃毄 anybody?
Also, in ROTS, she knows that Anakin is fully capable and willing to kill innocent people if he believes someone he loves is in danger/dead, but when Obi-Wan tells her what Anakin did in the Temple to the Younglings, she tryna act all slick like, "I don't be knowing what you talkin about", even though she clearly does. She seen Anakin confess what he did to the Tuskens and now she tryna lie? And on her death bed, she tryna convince me and Obi-Wan that Darth Vader is still good, like, did the dude NOT just strangle you and kill a bunch of innocent people?
I may be dumb, but I'm not THAT dumb, okay? I understand what murder is. Anakin just straight up shanked all of the Jedi in the Temple with the 501st.
Like, bruh, I get you smart and all, Padme, and you a senator and all, but I don't know if have any more brain cells than I do money when it comes to Anakin. And I have 0 dollars right now.
So, like, no, I don't think Padme would stop Anakin in the slightest. She'd probably make more excuses for him, like "that's how he shows his love for you" or "just get over it, Leia" or even "he's your father, let him do what he wants".
In short, the freaking helicopter parenting would continue and Luke and Leia are gonna be trapped because they ain't no trained Jedi. They can't do shit and they are still minors.
Leia/Luke might even run away from home or even Fall (*extreme case**very extreme and unlikely but still possible*) 'cause they are force-sensitive y'know.
Freaking Court might even get involved. Some lawyers might also be called up. Luke and Leia better make sure to dial the numbers of some therapists for their parents, too, and also maybe a mind healer. Neither of your parents are straight in their heads.
Anyways, none of yall gotta agree with me 'cause this is just my opinion, but at least look at it from my point of view first before you hate on me in the comments. Like, I really hope that Anakin and Padme would be good parents but I just don't see it working out (????).
I hghly recommend this fanfic for any interested reader. It explains the problems of helicopter parenting from Anakin very nicely, so please read it. Also, please read some of the comments.
There's more!!! 猬囷笍猬囷笍猬囷笍
Let me share something:
"A desperate parent hovers; a good parent guides."
Every parent needs to learn to let go of their kids eventually. The kids are going to leave the nest sooner or later and the parent needs to understand this.
Maybe, during the first 15 years or so, the parent can hover, but once that kid starts wanting to be independent, you gotta start giving that kid some space.
Like a bird, they gotta spread their wings and they can't do that if they stay cooped up in the nest for the rest of their lives. No baby bird is gonna fly immediately after they gain their wings and feathers. They gotta stretch them out first, do a few practice runs, and then they'll finally know how to fly.
Same thing for your kids. If they want independence but you know that they can't handle it yet, just give it to them. They gotta learn somehow. They gotta practice. And you just gotta be there to catch them if they fall.
You can stop hovering and instead start guiding. Because your son/daughter isn't just YOUR child anymore鈥攖hey're becoming their own person and you need to realize and accept that. They're becoming an adult and your equal, so you gotta stop treating them like they're just your kid. Bc they're both your kid and their own person and you gotta realize that.
You can't keep your kids in the nest forever. Sooner or later, they're gonna rebel against your hovering and they'll cut you out of their lives bc you're being a toxic influence on them and they know it. Then, despite all your desperate hovering to keep your kids safe and in the nest, YOU are going to be the reason why your kids don't want you in their lives anymore.
You just gotta let go.
Yes, you can hover like a desperate parent for the first ten and a half years of your kids' lives, but eventually you're gonna have to stop doing that. Because they aren't dumb ten year olds anymore that need your constant hovering. Now they're teens and now they're adults who are experiencing the real world.
And the only thing you can do is accept that your kid has grown up. Or they will grow up. Or they are growing up.
You just need to cross the line from hovering to guiding.
You gotta let go of the bike sometime and let your kid ride on their own without the training wheels.
You just gotta cross that line. Maybe it'll be a little hard, but when was parenting ever easy? I know that it'll hurt to have to let your kids go, but you just gotta trust them.
You have already spent the last nearly two decades loving them, caring for them, and teaching them all you know. You just have to hope that they'll keep your lessons and teachings close to their hearts and that they'll listen to the occasional advice or two.
You just gotta trust your kid and your parenting skills, and cross that line.
Your son/daughter has become their own person. And the only thing you can do is be there for them, be ready to support them, be ready to give some of your wisdom, and trust that they'll succeed.
For helicopter parents, however, they never cross that line between hovering and guiding, and I'm not sure Anakin would be able to either.
#star wars#sw anakin#anakin skywalker#padme lives au#padme amidala#leia skywalker#luke skywalker#Im not sure if anakin and padme would be good parents#like its possible but realistically? I dont think theyd be good parents#like anakin will probably be kicked out of the order (because he married a senator AS A JEDI and didn鈥檛 think to leave)#he just ruined the Order's stance on remaining neutral bc now people are gonna ask if they were neutral to naboo#the political ramifications for it is insane so check out my account bc i got a post about it#anakin would likely never learn how to love UNpossessivly and become a helicopter parent#and padme wouldnt stop him because . she already make a shit ton of excuses for him in aotc when anakin#murks innocent CHILDREN and she's like <; he JUST MURDERED PEOPLE AND ITS OK????#padme is an enabler for the most part and i know she would not stop anakin if he became a helicopter parent when she already doesn't care#leia and luke would grow up in such a toxic environment#yes you dont have to agree but just think about it logically#anakin already don't know how to love securely/unpossessively and if he leaves the Order#he still aint gonna learn and padme aint gonna reign him in#i feel so bad for luke and leia. at least in OT they had good parents#Bail is Best Dad^tm#Obi-Wan you gotta sue this couple and take them kids away. You Bail and Breha can keep'em. Y'all better at being parents#which is weird cause none ya got kids but thats okay luke and leia can be your kids#obi wan kenobi
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ashiemochi 3 years
Hellooo <33 I was kinda busy these last few days so I didn't have time to comment sooner on the last two chapters but since I'm on Christmas break now I have pleeenty of time!!
Let's start with chapter 49, I loooved how leon was flirting with so ah during such a situation djsjsj they're so cute together!!! Really glad she found the code (just at the right time 馃憖) and that frederic appearance!!! Man that's a trap if I know one. (I want to fight him)
And so ah being hurt :( I wanna protect her fr . Thankfully she had leon and chris with her!! And then leon in the underground lab!! It reminds me sooo much of re2 again djsjsj
Onto chapter 50!! First off finn :((((( this is so sad </3 and the conversation between chris and piers like the lady in red hello!!!! Come out already 馃憖 馃憖
And the note about project pansy I'm going CRAZYYY like wtf if frederic was in front of me I would actually fight him 馃槶 so he injected her with pansy!!! I'm so mad at the way he was talking about how it worked in his favour that so ah had an anxiety disorder since it heightened pansy's effects like you can see that he never cared about her and this is so heartbreaking for her?? How can he be so heartless??
And so ah has anaemia, idk why I didn't think about it but it makes sense?? BUT THAT G VIRUS THING DAMN I wasn't expecting it tbh. So correct me if I'm wrong but basically the g-virus stays and evolves in her body like the plagas did in re4 right?? I can't believe he would USE HER just for his goddamn virus like!!! She was a kid!!! (Tho I was right she was actually experimented on djsjsj)
I feel leon so much eh I'm so mad too 馃槶 and that little flashback when so ah was a kid with frederic :( I wanna hug her so bad ugh and when he called her my little pansy!!!! Come her dude I'm ready to FIGHT
That leads me to a question (maybe I missed something or I don't remember) but shouldn't her parents have noticed? Like they're scientists so shouldn't they have noticed that frederic did something to her??
Tho the fact that she was injected with the virus explains why she heels super fast and she woke up not turned!
She's so courageous jdjsj I'm so proud of her <333 the way she's ready to go back to fight and how everyone supports her and helps her get ready!! And piers coming with her!!! And the way he was trying to convince her he was going for chris and not bc she told him he could come djsjsj he's so cuteee
Sorry if some parts of this ask don't make sense I'm kinda tired tbh 馃槶 but I really wanted to leave a comment to share my thoughts, those two chapters were really good and I enjoyed reading them a lot!!<3
omg hi i missed you, i was literally waiting to hear your thoughts on it!馃槶 So happy you finally got your Christmas break though!! rest up as much as possible and spend time with your family 馃挄
I wanted to throw in a lil light-hearted moment between our couple before I make So Ah suffer just for funsies, also Frederic being up there is super sus,,,,,,,, as if he ordered smth to happen,,,,,,, and then,,,,, so ah,,,,,,,,,,,,馃憖馃憖
again, finn :((((( also lady in red is gonna make her appearance v soon and from chapter 52 or 53 and onwards, you're gonna HATE frederic even more <3
Onto the anaemia thing!! Don't believe it too much 馃憖 Frederic is v cunning. As far as the notes are informing us, our man injected So Ah with the enhancer that had hints of the g-virus whilst he worked on PANSY before putting the pansy sample in (the pansy sample should be revealed later on about what it consists of-) ((spoiler,notreallyspoiler,alert: it involves the g-virus that he was ordered to save and the plaga)) so yeh. our man is FUCKED up.
oKIE the question, there's an important moment in chapterrrr 53 (I THINK??) where everything will be explained. The reason why the parents "neglected" so ah, why she never really pursued medical studies, and how she was involved in the whole virus thing.
I'm sorry if reading notes is getting boring馃槶 I basically imagined the outbreak as some sort of a resident evil game and how there'd be notes here and there-
I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapters <3 I wish we saw a bit more of Piers before Capcom decided to yeet him out馃槶馃槶
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on tomorrow's chapter馃挄
link to fic!馃挄
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hologramcowboy 2 years
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Anon, whilst I agree with most of the things you said, when it comes to the roles Jensen was up for, we can only disprove that by checking the manager or agent's submission sheets (if his agencies got him the audition) or by checking in with the castings directors who were handling those project at the time Francine Maisler for 50 Shades (Sam Taylor-Johnson was the director for this movie) and Sarah Halley Finn for Captain America. I highly doubt Jensen doesn't know that making up rumors about about roles he is up for can negatively impact his image. I don't think he would ever do that as it is a huge mistake since people can easily check the verity of such claims by contacting the linked professionals. But you are 100% right in saying that he drops those names and stories because it puts him on a certain path, he is branding himself all the time but just all over the place. As for that blog, can you kindly specify which blog you are referring to? A lot of blogs/articles (some pr fluff) report a lot of things without actually considering the whole picture. They all fantasize about Jensen being a certain way when it takes two minutes to look at his actions and see what his choices actually reflect. But I get that for some people it will always be easier to objectify and idealize instead of actually love someone where they are and how they are especially when people don't fit the box. Also, people have a really weird definition of reserved, as you noted. Fully agree, he would greatly benefit by honing in on his brand.
Clarification for anon: Jensen said he never auditioned for Captain America and said a producer recommended he audition for Christian Grey. No director came to his home. This was circulated by AA's a few years ago but they're false. But I agree that he brings them up bc being associated with big roles is good for his name (how many articles has he been in re: Captain America) HARD agree about him talking about Affleck. That " We call each other Benny A. and Jenny A." story was so cringey to me.
Thank you, anon! If I remember correctly Danneel even denied the 50 shades rumor on Twitter back in September 2012.
He states the Executive Producer went to his house. That would be Jeb Brody or Marcus Viscidi, I think they were executive producers on that one. The story sounds kinda weird, I don't think he thought through before saying it out loud, I'm not saying it's not possible, it's just weird. The"rumors" he referred to I am not sure why he is even bringing up, if he would have been in the run for something his agent or manager would have let him know without a doubt and if they thought someone was interested in him they would have reached out to pitch him first and foremost and then they would have gotten back to him with accurate info. So "rumors" are only for fans, actors don't play the guessing game because their teams keep them informed and when required reach out to get more information, pitch the client or negotiate depending on the stage the casting process is in. He's just bringing up the rumors to feed the flames but that is a part of his job. Judging by his comments he seems like he has very little grasp on the industry and that seems odd. I hope he gets some much needed clarity, it would help him to make more informed choices in the future.
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A whole thing about Nina
So when I started this little brain project (little lmao) there were some characters I knew I had to do decent rehauls of be happy with them, examples being Nina, Natalie, Jeff- yaknow the Infamously Shitty characters. No offense to those that do like them I do to! And that's why I want them to be better written and more fun to think about! Anyways this one's about Nina.
Before getting her shit rocked, Nina was a teen with a significant interest in true crime and serial killers, specifically the psychology behind them. Why they do it, how their brains works, treatment and rehabilitation methods, blah blah blah all that stuff weird teen girls are into. And she had a v high interest in Jeff Woods bc this young adult just went fucking nuts and is by all accounts physically unstoppable, he's an extremely interesting case and she fantasized about all the questions she'd ask him if she had the opportunity.
And then she got her opportunity. When Jeff swung by her house she distracted him from killing her with questions and friendly conversation, and it worked! He's a bit of a narcissist he's lonely this girl just started asking him about himself like he's not covered in her family's blood and planning to do her in to. Jeff felt like he owed the kid some answers. So for about an hour or so they just kinda shoot the shit, talk like they've been friends forever and it's really nice on both sides bc Jeff hadn't felt normal in forever and Nina didn't have alot of friends.
Unfortunately good things like that can't last, and once Jeff got bored he decided to wrap things up. Nina started freaking out obviously, and Jeff tried to calm her down and be nice in his own fucked up way bc like she did good by him she was nice, he doesn't want her to die ugly crying nobody wants to die ugly crying. But she wouldn't so he got frustrated and just slit her throat quick and easy, then Chelsea Smile'd her to make sure she'd be buried with a smile and got the fuck outta dodge.
Nina managed to survive because Jeff's stupid and can't do his only thing right, and after a lot of hospital time and therapy Nina was released to try and reintergreate into normal life with some housing assistance and the info for a support group. Said support group is where she met Jane, and they hit it off real quick, eventually letting Nina move in with Jane.
Together they work as a vigilante duo with Nina doing research and predictive tracking and Jane picking the targets and taking them out, they're thick as thieves and trust each other nearly entirely. Nearly. Secretly Nina's is hiding information from Jane regarding Jeff in the hopes that she can find him first and try to help him or get him to turn himself in. She sees someone desperate and scared in him and wants to try and do something other than gut him, which Jane would very much not approve of. But she's not letting that stop her, for better or worse.
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countthelions 2 years
HI hello I have seen you mention your dragon au multiple times and I am Super curious about it, if you have any info about it you'd be willing to give out. Like, what's the basic premise? Do some characters transform into dragons or is it a different take or or or 馃憖馃憖
I /just/ figured out a scene at the beginning I was worried on so I'm really hoping I'll be able to post things for it soon ;; I haven't been posting it yet bc I've got a horrible track record of not finishing things once my brain thinks I've gotten a good reaction for it, and sucking away the rest of the inspiration before I can finish. So I'm hoping!! to get at least 75% written or at least have most of the gaps /known/ so I can't be stopped by bad brain habits [that I'm carefully unpicking too!! Growth!! Slowly,,]
Dragon Au is a undertale au that spawned from my friend Dino going, "what would Grillby and Gaster be in a dnd au" and it was like he unlocked a flood gate, it was,,,, every day for a week I had a new thing to share with my friends, spurred on by little nudges and prompts along the way. By the time I dumped it all into a gdoc it was 16 pages long, truly truly,truly, dragon au my beloved!!
Its evolved a bit sense that original discussion so here it is now!!
Here, the monsters won the war. They got to keep the land that was being fought over and the humans had to go somewhere else, where? Shrugs, they ain't important here, the Great War was a long, long time ago, taught in out of date history books and not really on anyone's mind. Gaster, the oldest monster in the kingdom, wasn't even a part of it, that's how long ago it was.
But there's still relics from that time, like the concept of dragons - not monster-kind ones!! Something the humans could do, somehow. The details are a bit lost in time but they're not the key part here (not yet at least.)
There's a dragon that's terrorizing the countryside, on its way to the Capitol, and Gaster, as a scholar and consultant to the Royal family, is asked to go stop it. He knows dragons the best, perhaps even knows about the war best too!! since he studied what firsthand accounts and information he could find to use the technology and magic that was lost in the Great War to build the CORE. Monsterkind is slowly thriving into an age of light and comfort now, most of them at least. Those in the Capitol for sure.
But the CORE project has been over for mmm, longer than Gaster wants to think about [maybe 30-40 years? Whereas the project itself took closer to 100, a legacy project for sure], nothing to focus his entire soul into now. He teaches at the University, he meets with Toriel for tea, he walks the castle grounds with Asgore and he,,, well, alright maybe he wishes for a bit more excitement so when he gets then summons letter during class, it's not that hard for his students to convince him to accept it.
A dnd party can't be one person though so as Gaster begins his travels, he ends up in Snowdin, where a curious sight greets him. A fire elemental, a rare monster known best for fighting in the Great War, whose continued existence was scattered knowledge at best. So he goes to chat with apparently this living relic and the town folk are like, oh Grillby doesn't talk, but you can talk at him and he'll get you just fine.
Gaster - oldest monster in the kingdom who has seen quite a lot of communication methods - is like, well that's bullshit and signs. And oh how Grillby lights up!!!! Oh!!! It's been a long while Grillby has gotten to talk with people and signs back. So they get to talking and Grillby asks why someone of Gaster's status would be out here - spotting the royal symbol and knowing everything Gaster is wearing is very, very expensive fabrics - and Gaster tells him he's going after the dragon.
Which worries Grillby a little bit. All alone? By yourself? He's kinda clocked Gaster as a bit of a tourist, who is probably in over his head, and something about the dragon is turning over old, old, old memories about how bad it is to face a dragon alone - so he asks to go with. He has combat experience and could offer protection. Surprised but delighted, Gaster accepts and we get our dnd party!
There's a lot of good learning alone the way - Gaster stretching his proverbial muscles again, finding a new spark of life, and Grillby opens up, finding a purpose that isn't tied to a routine from a war long long over. They get hurt, they cry, they laugh and they may fall a little bit in love by the end of it as they unfold everything about this mystery together.
To end this ramble, we also get the dragon's perspective, opening our story with its reawakening. Because it's pov is very necessary for this venture too!!
Gosh!! Thank you for asking anon, lots of words for you <3
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