#i get nauseous looking at lamps for too long
amartianonmars · 1 year
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I would like to contribute to the ‘Spock is a cat propaganda’
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nymphea0 · 2 months
Until Death My Love
Part 3.
Yandere Husband X Wife Reader
Warning : violence, gore , mention of corpses, blood , guns and ciggarette.
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Very long story, might have bad grammar,correct me if there are any mistakes in the words in the story I wrote.I hope you all enjoys my story . Last Chapter will came out, so stay always love.- Neva 🦋🦋
Word Count Around : 1593 Word
Story Part 1 : Until Death My Love
Story Part 2 : Until Death My Love
Still at basement you only with yourself choose something that might make yourself regret.
However, your heart and mind are at odds which ends up you standing in front of the white door.
Swallowing your saliva roughly, you open the door slowly, the door opens and creates a sound that really disturbs your soul.
A foul odor can be smelled in your breath, this smell you are not sure what smell is even more smelly than a dead animal?.
The room was dimly lit yellow, when you entered the room, the walls of the room were decorated with many photos of yourself, from photos of yourself at school, at your house before you married Alex, and photos of yourself sleeping.
You were very shocked to see what you had just seen, covering your mouth and walking backwards only to feel a collision with an object hanging from the ceiling of the house platform.
Turning your body, you screamed softly looking in disbelief, falling slowly and retreating in fear behind the table that you accidentally hit.
There were 2 familiar faces that you often met, 1 was the gardener who always greeted you in the morning when you walked leisurely to breathe the fresh morning air.
The man, hanging upside down with a lot of blood dripping on his body, with his mouth agape and eyes bulging with wide fear.
You always believed that the garden man quit his job because he wanted to get married as Alex told you, only to see the man already died miserably there.
Then there was another man whose condition was even worse than the garden man, he was the driver who always took you to and from wherever you went somewhere.
You always knew that this man tried to flirt with you every time you went out, until because you couldn't stand it, you told Alex about your worries, Alex only responded with a smile and patted your head gently and said he would transfer the driver to another job.
You always believed Alex's words, but you didn't know that .... the man didn't change jobs but died.
Because you couldn't stand what you saw anymore, you ran out of the room, closed the door roughly, ran with all your soul while carrying the broom that you always held.
You even almost fell when climbing the stairs, when you reached the surface, you closed the wooden door roughly and put the carpet in the opposite direction.
With a strong push while trying to catch your breath, you close the bookshelf, and miraculously, the previously bent lamp returns to its original position.
Bringing the cleaning tools, you unlocked Alex's room, then you went out and ran fast towards your room leaving the cleaning tools in the hallway outside Alex's office.
Opening the door roughly, you entered your room and Alex's, there you saw your maid, Roana cleaning the bedroom window.
With a gasp you fell to your knees on the floor, Roana who was shocked stopped cleaning the window and approached you and asked if you were okay?
You who were too scared and nauseous just ignored it and Roana who was silent as if the woman knew what had just happened to you.
"Lady , did ... did you see that room?"
Very quickly you looked at Roana while glaring in surprise, while the woman, she just sighed and spoke tremblingly.
"Lady, you have to get away from Mr. Alex, he will kill you once he finds out that you entered the room."
With a slow shudder you just shook your head not sure about the plan.
Roana just took you to sit on the nearest chair and said something you never knew.
Roana said that Alex, the man you love, your husband, is a mafia from the underworld mafia association, a very scary power under Alex's leadership.
At first you tried to deny it but Roana said that this was the truth, Alex your husband, is a Mafia from the biggest mafia family in the underworld, the Hungry Lion, Arceint.
Roana tremblingly said that anyone who dares to enter Alex's secret room, whoever it is even including his wife, namely you, will die at his hands.
Roana only thought that you had read the important documents stored there, Roana didn't know that you saw something even worse than a document.
Panickingly you asked what you should do. Roana only said you have to leave this residence, just take important things like money and identity cards, leave your cellphone and clothes.
That night, exactly the 2nd day has arrived after Alex went on his business trip for 5 days, you went away from the residence where you made love with Alex for 2 years.
Accompanied by Roana, the woman sympathized with you, married to a mafia who faked his identity and was not allowed to work and do this and that seemed to be just a display wife, Roana felt that your life was very sad and she tried to help you leave.
"Lady, promise me you won't look back okay? You have to live happily".
That night by taking a taxi you left your house and Alex.
But unfortunately you didn't know that, that night was the last time you saw Roana alive.
The best quality leather shoes had just come out and touched the row of steps of a private jet.
Alexandrovic reigent had just arrived at the airport, the man couldn't wait to meet his wife again, his wife who was so cute, weak and also he loved very much was waiting for him at home.
Alex couldn't wait to kiss you, hug you and eat you until you couldn't think anymore and only thought about him and him alone.
Humming softly, he entered the black sedan and drove towards the house.
With the sight of a large pitch black gate decorated with a lion statue on each gate, the black sedan entered the residence.
Coming out with a happy look, Alex walked with steady steps where all the servants and guards bowed respectfully at Alex's return from his work.
This was beyond expectations, they thought that Alex would return on the 5th day, but not even the 5th day Alex had returned.
Entering the house, Alex realized your absence. Walking slowly towards the room, while smiling a little, thinking that you were his little wife was sleeping, only to see that it was empty.
Searching all over the house, Alex still couldn't find you.
There was only 1 room that he hadn't explored, his study, entering his study, the place was clean and tidy, Alex guessed that you cleaned the room.
With steady steps, Alex looked around and towards the bookshelf hoping to find you there, but unfortunately not.
Until something made Alex stop walking, a purple flower hair clip plated with gold fell right between the basement doors that he hid from you.
Kneeling slowly and picking up the hair clip, very quickly, Alex pulled the lever that was disguised as a light and roughly opened the cupboard shelf only to find a black carpet that was used to cover the wooden door on the floor in an upside down position.
With a stifled annoyance Alex could tell that you had seen the room that was the ground, including the white door.
With quick steps alex shouted angrily and called all the servants and also the house guards
"I pay you to work serving and prevent my wife from knowing about that room"
With his hand pointing up alex fired a gun in the air making the servants scared and the guards could only be silent.
"But look at what you all did, you are incompetent and unable to protect my wife by letting her leave this residence ?!"
"Do you still want to live?"
With great anger alex fired his shot towards one of the guards who bowed towards him, the poor man fell to the floor covered in blood.
"Come forward .... I know that one of you is helping my wife, come forward or I will speed up your deaths"
With the gun pointed at all of them, the servants panicked as did the guards.
Roana who felt this was her fault for asking you to leave the residence could only surrender and move forward.
Only to get a kick in the stomach.
"You, a country woman, dare to make my precious thing disappear? I think you really want to die, right? Then I will make your dream come true"
That night, the reigent residence was accompanied by the sound of thunder and thundering rain, decorating the atmosphere of the house with the screams of a woman begging for mercy and also the sound of a gun.
That night was a night of hell for Roana, the servant who always faithfully served you.
A tall man with black hair standing in his room study, facing out the large French window, accompanied by the sound of thunder and rain.
Alex, the man smoked nicotine in a peaceful state, but with a different heart.
With a soft voice and his crazy psychotic smile, Alex spoke
"Run my dear, run, hide, don't stop hiding, until when I catch you, don't expect to ask for forgiveness from me, my dear wife, because I, Alexandrovic Reigent Arceint will never let go of what is already mine"
Accompanied by the sound of thunder, Alex laughed psychotically with his hand holding a cigar. While imagining what punishment would be suitable for his little wife who was busy running away from her husband.
©️Nymphea0 2024 , OG story . Project Dark Romance Story 1.
*Source image: pinterest
Please dont steal my work, or use without my permissions , Always be good people Dear. Much love , Neva🦋🦋.
@snowflakes666 @elleflying07 @cannyyyyy @f1sheeee
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the sickfic to end all sickfics
i will never get tired of a boy going to bed feeling funny and waking up in the middle of the night feverish and horrifically sick.
he tries to brush off his sour stomach and tiredness and lack of appetite. after all, he’s been working long hours and eating the wrong things. a good night’s sleep is all he needs. he hardly touches his dinner and is in bed by 7:30.
he falls asleep quickly next to you, but his temperature rises and leaves him with feverish, confused dreams. you’re awoken by him mumbling deliriously, and when you ask him what’s the matter he starts muttering incoherent sentences that don’t seem to connect or conclude. you switch on a bedside lamp, and examine the pallor of his sweat-slicked face while using your palm to feel his forehead. he’s absolutely burning hot. his eyes, heavylidded, flutter.
“i don’t feel good” he manages to tell you through dry lips. his breaths come shallow and out of his mouth. you feel so sorry for him but can’t help but find him irresistible in such a weak state. you ask him where he isn’t feeling good, brushing back his bangs.
“stomach” is all he says. you probe further and ask him what kind of stomach ache it is, and with a heavy swallow he says “nauseous” and that “everything is spinning.” you lie there with him until his saliva is too much for his own mouth, and you have to help him to the bathroom. you stay by his side until he thinks he’s done.
the next morning doesn’t fare much better. he got sick a couple more times in the night, and is still running a fever. he mumbles incoherent thoughts about having to call into work sick, so worried about having to take a sick day, about how much he’ll be missing at work. he tosses layers of blankets to the floor and removes his pajamas, complaining about how hot it is. within fifteen minutes he is shivering and you have to help him put his pajamas back on.
he goes a couple hours without throwing up, and you suggest crackers. he manages to keep those down, and before long he agrees to a can of chicken soup. when you come to place the tray over his lap, he is lying there staring off into space looking so miserable and pale. you hope the soup will give a little color to his face.
he slurps the soup down to its bottom. you’re glad to see him eating, and after he’s done you take the bowl to wash. as you’re doing the dishes, you hear him coughing. you think he might be trying to clear his throat.
you hear him start to retch.
you leave the sink and come back into the bedroom. his head is hung over a trash can. he looks up.
“im sorry,” he mutters. “im so sorry. i didn’t mean to.”
this sight absolutely breaks your heart. in this woozy state he feels the need to apologize, worried about upsetting or offending you for throwing up the soup you made. you rub circles on his back and hush him as he apologizes again and again and again. after he’s done you tuck him back up, kissing his burning forehead. you sit at his bedside to play with his hair and make him sleepy. he goes in and out of sleep, and senses when you’re not there. when he wakes he weakly cries out for you, begging for you to make it all better. all you can do is pet his hair and shush him, hoping it’ll all be over soon.
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months
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Chapter 9: Why Are You Here?
Hoz’s horse did well taking the three to Castle town in a short time, and before Kori knew it, they were at the gates. Colin hopped off and helped the other two down, and he led Penelope through the empty town. She was still fidgety over what happened in Faron woods, and Colin was clearly struggling to keep her under control. Meanwhile, Kori stuck to Rela’s side, staring at the ground, struggling to comprehend what had all happened. It was dark, and Kori was exhausted, but he had to drag his feet wherever Colin was going.Finally, he was able to drag Penelope to an empty stable, putting her in a stall and turning away with a huff. His brows were furrowed, he had bags under his eyes, and he overall looked distressed.
“Hopefully they won’t mind that I’m leaving her here,” he muttered, while Kori and Rela only stared. He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh, staring back at them. They continued to stare, waiting for him to do something. Colin sighed again and glanced at the castle, his hand repeatedly going through his hair. Kori looked in his direction and spotted the large building. He’s rarely been to Castle town, and he’s never noticed the giant castle in the town. He wondered if a princess lived there.
“Well, I should go try to talk to the queen, huh?” He muttered, and he glanced back at the kids. “But you two should go to pa and Link, find a place to stay. If they’re still here.”
“My papa is here?” Kori asked, an ache for his father forming in his chest. Colin shrugged.
“Best case scenario, they are. They won’t be happy to see us… but we need to talk to them,” he turned to the castle. “But I need to deliver a message to the queen, as soon as possible.”
Rela walked up to Colin and leaned against him. “I’m tired, big brother.”
Colin sighed and patted his sister’s back. “I know, Rela.” He gave the castle one more look, then sighed, disappointed. “Let’s head to the bar. I’m sure pa and Link are there.”
Kori and Rela followed Colin as they walked through the empty town. Doors and windows were boarded up, lights were off leaving the town dark, and it was eerily quiet. Colin seemed to notice it too, looking around nervously as if something were to pop out and attack them. The group walked past a large fountain that filled the empty silence with its water, and they walked through an alleyway with many shops lined up and closed down. The darkness was getting to be too much for Kori, and he felt his throat tighten as tears once again threatened to escape him. What if that black beast was here? If it was, how would he be able to spot it? He remembered it being so dark it seemed to absorb all light; if it were here, it would’ve blended in with the black surroundings so much it’d be practically invisible. A chill ran up Kori’s spine as they walked, and he found himself staring too long at a black void in a corner. He shuddered as memories of the terrible monster flooded in from the sight of the pitch blackness—the way it snarled at him, the way it chased after him, the way it held the soldiers in its terrible grip. He whimpered again. Was Hoz ok? Did that monster hurt him? Or…. kill him? The thought of the monster devouring Hoz made him grow nauseous, and he felt himself beginning to shake, his stomach sinking further and further to his feet. He wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, he wanted his papa here to protect him, he wanted to be back at home with his family and his toys. The fear caused him to hug himself and he shuffled his feet, trying to keep the tears from forming. Colin moved slowly as well, clearly tense with the darkness and silence. They passed by a dark alleyway, and Kori made the mistake in looking down it. It was just a void of blackness, with nothing to be seen, yet black shapes that represented the silhouettes of the homes and lamps swirled into the shape of the monster from Faron the longer he stared, and though Kori knew it couldn’t be it, he froze in fear. He heard his uncle and aunt move further away from him, but he couldn’t follow them, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t think.
He suddenly saw the silhouettes begin to move, and he felt faint. It wasn’t a trick, it wasn’t him thinking too hard—it was here, the monster was here. He whimpered again, staring wide-eyed at the darkness in front of him, wanting to disappear, to hide.
Hide. Hide. He needed to hide. He needed to hide but how? Where? Where?
Kori felt himself move; he felt himself move to somewhere he could hide. He felt himself fall through the ground, and he was curled up in a ball, staring up at the sky. Something wasn’t right.
Kori flinched at the booming voice, and he strained his head to see. His whole body shifted up and saw what the shadows were from before. Three Hylian guards marched towards Colin and Rela, who looked terrified.
“What are you two doing out?” One of them asked, one hand on his hip and the other holding a spear. “We’re on high alert! No one is allowed out during the night!”
“S-sorry!” Colin began to stammer, holding Rela close. “I was sent by captain Hoz to deliver a message to queen Zelda—”
“Quiet you!” The guard snapped, he walked closer to Colin, looking up at him with a disgusted look on his face. “Psh, just a bunch of Ordonians. You don’t belong here, kid.”
Colin huffed and straightened his back, staring down at the guard. “I was sent here to deliver a message on Hoz’s behalf! He’s in danger, and this is vital for the queen to know!” Colin turned to Rela and gestured to her. “I just need to get to my pa so my sister and my nephew can get rest, but I…” Colin trailed off as he searched the alley-way, and his fair skin turned paler as his eyes widened with realization. “Kori… oh no… Kori!” Colin began to frantically search around him, with Rela following his lead. The guards glanced at each other and shook their heads in disbelief.
“Kid, you need to head inside–”
“No! Not without my nephew! He was right here!” Colin cried, and Kori frowned. He was right in front of him, wasn’t he? He waved his hand in an attempt to catch Colin’s attention, but even when his uncle looked right at him, he seemingly didn’t notice him. Kori frowned again, feeling his throat begin to tickle with his voice trying to call out for Colin, but he didn’t find it. He only remained silent. Why couldn’t he see him? Kori looked down at himself and gasped at the strange and new sight. His normal pale blue and black skin was replaced by a translucent, black shadow. It was spread across the floor and the ground thanks to the hint of moonlight, and it connected to the other shadows also being cast by the moon. Kori… was a shadow. No, he was inside a shadow. He was hiding behind it as if he were hiding behind one of the boxes in the shops. So that’s why Colin couldn’t see him…
Colin was having a meltdown at this point, desperately trying to spot Kori, but the young twilian couldn’t figure out how to step out of the shadows. How could he? How did he even step inside the shadows in the first place?
“Alright, listen kid, we can take you to the castle where you can get help… or something,” one of the soldiers offered, clearly growing worried over him.
“No, no no no I have to find my nephew!” Colin shouted, sobbing at this point. The tough soldier also began to grow worried and he rested a hand on Colin’s shoulder.
“Easy now, let’s just…. Get you kids inside, alright?” The soldiers began to lead the two down the alleyway towards the castle despite Colin’s protests. Kori attempted to step out of the shadows as they passed by, but instead he slipped into one of the soldier’s shadows. He wanted to let Colin know he was alright, but he couldn’t find his voice, and he didn’t know how to reveal himself. He was stuck, and he began to panic. What if he was like this forever, never to see his family ever again because he couldn’t escape the shadows?
The group made it to the castle, one of the soldiers giving the others orders, and they along with his aunt and uncle walked away, with Kori staying with the remaining soldier. The soldier huffed and marched through the castle, passing by many pillars, paintings, and tapestries that caught Kori’s eyes. He only saw the ceiling and the walls, but they were huge. His entire house could probably fit in here. The soldier reached a door and gave it a knock, entering inside when he heard a muffled “come in”.
“King Edmund,” the soldier greeted, bowing towards a desk. Kori attempted to step outside the shadow again, but he once again slipped into a different one, remaining hidden. He was able to get a better view, however; being in a shadow on the wall, he spotted a tall and thin man with unruly red hair, hunched over papers. His curly mustache shifted as he pursed his lips, and he glanced up at the soldier.
“What is it?”
“We just found these two hysterical kids outside in Castle town. My soldiers are taking them to the maids to be taken care of.”
The man stared for a long moment, his thin eyebrows practically resting on his eyes. He sighed and nodded. “Very well, I’ll take care of them in the morning. Thank you.”
The soldier bowed and left the room, and the man sighed, resting his head in his hands. “Labryn… these blasted Hylians,” he mumbled as he rubbed his face. He glanced out the window, the dark sky beginning to lighten with the sunrise. The night had already passed? But Kori didn’t even get to sleep! He huffed and decided to try stepping out of the shadows again, imagining them as a box he was stepping out of. He nearly lost his balance as he left the wall, and he looked down himself. To his relief, he was back to normal, but he realized how trapped he was. He was in a messy room with papers scattered everywhere, different trinkets and clocks decorating the walls and the desk, and the man seemed to have not noticed him as he stared at the paper.
“An all-nighter,” he mumbled again, sniffing as he straightened his back. “Great…”
Kori stepped closer to him, fear taking hold of his throat once again. He didn’t know if he should say something, or if he should run to the door, or if he should go back inside a shadow. But he was once again frozen with fear. The man sniffed again and glanced over at Kori. He looked away but did a double take, flinching when he comprehended another person’s presence. The man yelped as he toppled out of his chair, and Kori jumped back, pressing himself against the wall. The man scrambled to his feet, his green eyes wide as he stared at him.
“Holy sh—wha—what are you doing here? Who are you? What are you? Good goddesses, you gave me a heart attack!” He yelled, holding his chest as he breathed heavily. Kori couldn’t hold it in anymore, and the tears began pouring once again. The man’s fearful and angry expression quickly melted away into a concerned and guilty one. “Oh… no no no, don’t cry, I’m sorry for yelling,” the man’s harsh voice softened as he raised his hands defensively. Kori continued to sob uncontrollably, the stress from the past day finally getting to him. The man got on his knees and rested his hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I won’t hurt you.”
Kori sniffled and finally took in a shaky breath. The man’s voice and demeanor reminded him of his papa, and his lower lip jutted out in a pout. His heart ached for his parents.
“Shhh, it’s ok. I’m sorry I frightened you. I was just… uh… frightened myself,” the man said with a light chuckle. Kori sniffed again and stared at the ground. “What are you doing here, little one?”
Kori’s voice was once again taken away from him. Why couldn’t he speak? The man stared for a long moment, then sighed.
“It’s alright. My name is Edmund. What’s yours?”
Kori bit his lip, staring hard at the ground as he struggled to find his voice. “K—K—K…” He swallowed and let out a breath. “Kori.”
Edmund nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Kori. Why are you here in my office? And Uh… how’d you get in here?”
Kori glanced at the shadows slowly changing with the sunrise. He swallowed again and looked down. “Captain… Hoz… um…” his voice was quiet, and Edmund leaned in.
“Sorry, I don’t have good hearing, what did you say?”
Kori sucked in a breath and tried again. “C-captain Hoz… he… um… my aunt and uncle were uh…. Um…” Kori clamped his mouth shut, his voice leaving him once again. Edmund’s eyes narrowed, and he glanced at the wall.
“Captain Hoz you say? What happened? Where is he?”
Kori looked down, his voice still gone. Edmund watched him for a moment, then he sighed.
“Where’s your aunt and uncle?”
No matter how hard he tried, his voice couldn’t escape him. His eyes started to tear up again and he hugged himself. Edmund sighed and stood up, towering over Kori’s little frame.
“Well, you’re safe now, little one,” he said, patting his head. “Perhaps when you’re able, you can tell me where your aunt and uncle are?”
They were taken by the soldiers, Kori wanted to say. They were the ones the main soldier told you about. Please, they're here, just take me to them.
It was uncomfortably silent as emotions ran rampant through Kori, until a knock came at the door. He and Edmund turned to it as it opened, and to Kori’s surprise, a young girl about his age peeked her head through.
“Father?” She asked, and she froze when she made eye contact with Kori, her gray eyes widening.
“Amber! What in Labryn’s name are you doing up so early?”
Amber shifted, her eyes never leaving Kori’s. “Who is that?” She asked, pointing her finger at him.
Edmund glanced at Kori, his mustache curling up in a smile. “This is Kori, Amber,” he nudged him towards her, and Amber loosened up slightly. She stepped through the door, her hands clasped politely in front of her. She was wearing a simple, pink dress with a little bird plushie in one of her arms. Her head bowed in greeting, her brown curls with hints of red bouncing as her head moved.
“It’s nice to meet you, Kori,” she said, and Kori only stared with his mouth hanging open. Amber glanced up at Edmund, a confused look on her face. Edmund looked down at him and smiled again.
“Amber, my dear, Kori is a little scared right now,” he began to explain, kneeling on the ground to be on Amber and Kori’s level. “He’s separated from his aunt and uncle and could use some comfort. Could you take him to your room?”
Amber blinked. “But what about my studies?”
“Oh, you can miss them for the day. I want you to take care of him for now.”
Amber’s eyes lightened up and she grinned.
“Ok father! Come on!” She grabbed his arm and started to drag him out of the room. Kori looked back at Edmund who had a pleasant smile on his face, his fear for his aunt and uncle leaving him as he was pulled through the castle.
As soon as the two kids disappeared, Edmund collapsed in his chair. Gods above, he was too tired to think clearly. He should’ve taken care of Kori better, like searching for his missing family or something, but he couldn’t think clearly from his late nights. Despite how many times he chastised Zelda for neglecting herself, he was no better than her when it came to neglecting his own needs. He laid there for a moment, his eyes threatening to close shut as the sun beat through his window, feeling like a blanket wrapping around him. A harsh knock on the door shook him out of it, however, and he groaned as he stood up.
The soldier from before was on the other side with an awkward look on his face. “U-uh, your highness, I would’ve waited much longer to come to you for this but…. the kids we brought in last night….”
“Yes yes, I’ll take care of it,” Edmund mumbled, walking past him and marching to the quarters where the homeless and poor took refuge. As he walked, he thought about the little boy that somehow snuck into his office. He wondered how he would find his parents, or his aunt and uncle. Kori was a race that he never recognized; he could’ve been part zora or something, but Edmund figured since Hyrule was filled with all sorts of races, that he was probably a race he simply didn’t know. He hoped that his daughter could coax some information out of him, especially information about Hoz. Zelda sent a mysterious letter to him, telling him that everyone must stay inside at night, and he couldn’t help but wonder if Hoz had something to do with this. As he got closer to the rooms where the two kids were, he heard shouts and spotted a blond human yelling at the maids.
“Let me out! I need to find him!” He yelled, and the maids pushed him back.
“Sir, we cannot let you out until sunrise! That is by order of the queen!”
“The sun is up! You can’t keep us here anymore!”
“Sir, please—” The maids turned to Edmund and quickly bowed, the young human’s eyes widening as he spotted him, shrinking away.
“What’s going on here?” Edmund asked, staring down the young man.
“King Edmund, he was just—”
“I need to find my nephew!” He blurted out, and Edmund frowned, his mind instantly thinking about Kori. But he quickly pushed that out of his mind; this young man looked nothing like Kori.
“Alright, just take a deep breath,” he said, nudging the man back into the room. He spotted a little girl on a bed, glaring at him as he pushed him inside. “Now, what’s your name?”
The young man glanced at the little girl, then back at Edmund. “I—I’m uh… Well I—”
“Your name?” Edmund pressed, his patience growing thin. The boy looked down and took a deep breath.
“Sorry. I’m Colin, and my little sister over there is Rela,” he gestured to the girl on the bed.
Edmund glanced over at Rela who was still glaring. He could certainly see the resemblance. “And where are you two from?” He asked, turning back to Colin. Colin pursed his lips and stared at a corner in the room.
Edmund frowned. “Isn’t that the human village to the south?”
Colin nodded. “Yes.”
“And what are two Ordonians doing here at Castle town in the middle of the night?” He glanced at the window. “Or… in the morning to be more accurate.”
“Well—w-we have to… uh…” Colin sighed. “We need to speak to Queen Zelda. Captain Hoz sent us.”
Edmund’s breath hitched at the mention of Hoz. It was the second time he’s heard his name, so that must mean….
“Is Kori your nephew?” He blurted out, and Colin’s eyes widened.
“You’ve seen Kori? Is he ok? Where is he?” Colin asked, grabbing onto Edmund. The king peeled his grip off of him and he huffed.
“Gods above, you Hylians have no respect for royals!” he grumbled, dusting off his arm. Colin hopped back and bowed apologetically.
“I-I’m sorry, I’ve just been so worried about Kori.”
Edmund’s anger quickly fizzled away and he sighed. If his Amber went missing, or heaven forbid any of his nephews, he’d be desperate as well.
“Kori’s fine. He’s with my daughter. He wasn’t speaking and I hoped that she could help him feel better,” Edmund explained gently, and Colin practically crumpled onto the bed parallel with Rela’s with relief, his hand running through his hair as tears formed in his eyes.
“Thank you Ordona, thank you,” he muttered, rubbing his face tiredly. Edmund looked down and pursed his lips. He should get Kori, but his curiosity on why Hoz sent Ordonians to relay a message in his stead ate at him. Edmund decided to talk to him first, and he sat next to Colin, resting his back against the wall. Colin stiffened and stared at him, his big blue eyes holding a hint of fear.
“Colin, you and Kori both mentioned Hoz,” he started, not turning his head, but his eyes meeting Colin’s. “What happened?”
Colin glanced at Rela for a moment, the gears in his head turning. “I… I need to talk to Queen Zelda—”
“Zelda isn’t here right now,” Edmund cut in. “I’m taking care of things for her right now. So you will tell me what Hoz needed to tell her.”
Colin still seemed hesitant. “And Kori is ok?”
“Of course. My daughter is taking good care of him. I can grab him after you tell me everything.”
Colin’s brows were drawn together, but he finally submitted.
Kori remained silent as he was dragged through the castle with Amber talking excitedly about things he didn’t understand. The castle was huge, much bigger than what he realized, and it made Kori feel much smaller inside it. When they reached Amber’s room, he couldn’t help but gasp at the sheer size of it. Her room seemed to be the same size as Gramma Uli’s house, with a large bed in the middle and a chest right in front of it. A window that practically reached the ceiling led onto a balcony, and there were several doors on each wall; whatever they led to, he had no idea. Amber stopped by the large chest, her hands clutched in front of her.
“It’ll be a while until my maids come by to get me ready, so…” she glanced at the box, then back at Kori. “We can do whatever you’d like.”
Kori stared blankly at her, not daring to move a muscle. Amber’s eyes looked around the room, her lips pursed as she traced the chest, Kori’s eyes following.
“It was Kori, right?” She asked, and he nodded. “I am princess Amber Zelda Hyrule, daughter of Nebula Zelda Hyrule and Edmund James Labrynna. You may call me Amber.”
Kori nodded, barely understanding what she meant.
“How old are you?” She asked, her voice high and sweet, which put Kori more at ease. He shifted slightly and stared at the ground.
“Ten,” he mumbled, and Amber gasped.
“Ten? H-how?”
Kori looked up at her with a confused look.
“You’re so small! You can’t be ten!” She continued, an even more confused look on her face. Kori frowned. He was pretty small but he wasn’t that small. He was much smaller than Rela but that was because she was eleven. Amber seemed to be bigger than Kori as well, so how old was she?
“My birthday was a while ago,” Kori mumbled, his hands waving around. “I’m ten.”
“B-but…” Amber huffed and crossed her arms. “But I’m nine!”
Kori’s eyes widened. He was older than her? He giggled and pointed at her. “I’m older than you!”
Amber glared and turned away with a huff. “How is that even possible? What are you?”
Kori withdrew, his hand returning to his side. “I… I’m a twilian, I guess.
Amber’s anger went away and she tilted her head. “What’s a twilian?”
Kori shrugged. “I guess I’m part Twili and Hylian.”
“What’s a Twili?”
Kori shrugged again. “I dunno, it’s what my mommy is.”
It grew silent between the two, until Amber stepped up to him.
“I’m part human and Hylian,” she said. “So… I know what it’s like to not be something exactly.”
“Human and Hylian… I guess that makes you a humian?” Kori commented, and Amber raised an eyebrow with an amused look.
“Or a Hyman.”
Kori giggled and Amber joined it, and it grew silent again. Kori stared at the large chest, and finally curiosity got the better of him.
“What’s in there?” He asked, walking closer to the chest. Amber hummed and opened it, causing Kori to gasp at the sight. Hundreds, possibly thousands of toys laid before him. He didn’t know it was even possible to have this many!
“These are all my toys,” she explained, reaching in for a doll and grinning at him. Kori continued to stare with wide eyes.
“You have so many!”
Amber giggled. “Yes well… I get a lot of gifts for my birthdays!”
A lot of gifts… Kori would be lucky if he even got one. The amount of toys he could’ve gotten if he’d gotten presents every birthday… Spirits, it sounded incredible!
“That’s amazing! I only have two toys, Billy and Jasper…” Kori said glumly, jealous of Amber’s large inventory.
“Billy and Jasper?”
“My goat stuffie! And my cat stuffie! I got Jasper for my birthday,” he explained, and Amber’s eyes widened as she hugged her bird stuffie closer.
“I love stuffed animals…” she mumbled, her face in her bird’s head. “I never get them though. Everyone believes I’m too old for them.”
“What?!” Too old? Kori was older than her, yet he didn’t feel like he was too old for plushies. He couldn’t imagine not being able to get them! “That’s so sad!”
Amber nodded. “I’m not too old for dolls though,” she muttered, staring at all the many dolls in her chest. She didn’t seem to like them all that much. Rela didn’t like dolls either, and instead opted for toy soldiers and swords. But Kori liked the dolls that could be dressed up, so he grabbed one with a blue dress on. Several dresses missing from dolls laid in the chest and he reached for a small hat and brown shoes. He stared at the doll and put the two accessories on while Amber watched.
“Do you like dolls, Kori?” She asked, her head tilted. Kori giggled nervously and shrugged.
“I’ve never had one. But I like the clothes on them.” He stared at the doll and handed it to Amber who took it hesitantly.
“This hat doesn’t belong to her,” she commented, and Kori shrugged.
“It looks good.”
Amber observed the doll and nodded. “I guess so.”
Kori looked back into the chest and gasped at wooden soldiers on top of different doll dresses. He grabbed one and pulled it out, observing the delicate carvings.
“You have everything!” He exclaimed.
Amber smiled and shrugged.
“If I had this many toys, I would never be bored ever again!” Kori exclaimed.
Amber’s smile faded and she looked down, still hugging her bird. “Toys are great, but they grow tiring when you have no one to play with.”
Kori turned his head at her, his brows drawn together.
“You have no one to play with?”
“I-I… I have my father… he sometimes plays but,” Amber’s expression grew sad. “He’s been pretty busy.”
“What about your mommy?”
Amber looked up at him, her expression growing more sad. “I never see her.”
Kori’s stomach sank a little, and he looked back at the soldier.
“I am happy that my father is here,” she continued, “but… sometimes I…I…”
“You want your mommy too?” Kori finished for her, giving her a knowing look. Amber looked up at him, her brows pinched together. “My mommy is gone all the time too. I don’t know when she will come or how long she’ll stay, but she has other stuff she needs to do at her home.” He sighed and sat down, his back against the chest. “I miss her when she’s not here. I have my papa, but I feel… happier when my mommy and papa are with me.”
Amber joined him on the floor, a look of understanding on her face. “Yeah! My mother has been gone for so long and…” She paused, her eyes staring at the floor distantly. “I just never see her. Sometimes I wonder if she loves me.”
Kori’s heart hurt for her. Though his mommy was gone a lot, she always spent her time with him. He knew for a doubt that she loved him. The thought of not knowing if she really cared for him was almost too painful to think about. He scooted closer to her and put an arm around her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and she leaned into the hug, her bird plushie still in her face as she hugged it close. They stayed there for a short moment before Amber began to stir, and she returned to her chest of toys.
“Anyways… I’m not sure how long you’ll be here but… do you… want to play with me?”
She seemed almost bashful as she asked Kori; her eyes were avoiding his, her voice soft and quiet, and her bird plush still remaining clutched at her chest. Kori smiled and nodded enthusiastically, looking into the chest again.
“What do you want to play?”
“Release the princess you old creep!” Kori shouted while waving the toy soldier around. Amber planted her dress-up doll in front of the soldier, cackling maniacally.
“You’ll never save her!” She shouted back, the toy moving around violently as if she were casting a spell. “I’ll turn you into a spider and you’ll have to be crawling around for the rest of your life!”
“Noooo!” Kori’s toy dodged out of the way in a dramatic fashion, and he began to smack Amber’s toy as if he were fighting her. “Die die die!”
Amber seemed surprised at the sudden violence, but she played into it, making noises of pain as the evil witch died.
“Nooooo! It can’t end like thiiiiiiis!” She wailed, making dramatic dying noises. Kori watched as she put her whole body into it, laying down with the toy and sticking her tongue out. He let out a giggle when she finally went silent, and she looked over at him, a smile on her face. She shot up and pulled out her princess doll, shoving it towards Kori. “My hero! You saved me! Now we can get married!”
Kori’s nose scrunched up. “‘Married?’”
Amber nodded, giving Kori a look as if he was stupid. “Yeah! Every time a knight saves a princess they get married! Obviously.”
“But… they barely know each other!”
“So it’s… it’s… weird.” Kori glanced down at his toy soldier, fiddling with his sword.
“It’s not weird! It’s romantic,” Amber sighed dreamily, her eyes staring at the ceiling with her toy clutched to her chest. Kori stuck his tongue out in disgust and turned away. Amber suddenly snatched his toy soldier out of his hands and pressed the princess and knight together, making kissing noises. Kori squealed and cringed away, giggles escaping him as Amber got louder with the teasing. Soon the two kids burst out laughing and laid out on the floor, holding their tummies as they grew sore from the laughter.
“You’re so weird,” Kori laughed, and Amber grinned widely at him. The two laid there in silence, a few giggles escaping one or the other. Kori sat up and was about to say something, but the silence was interrupted by a knock on the door. Amber scrambled to her feet, with Kori following as the door opened, and Edmund entered, his eyes widening at the room.
“Good gods, what have you two been doing in here?”
Kori glanced around at the room. The two had certainly made a mess with it, with different toys scattered everywhere and blankets being used as forts. He looked at Amber who had a guilty look on her face, and she quickly got to tidying up the toys.
“The princess got kidnapped and Kori had to save her,” she explained simply, throwing one of the dolls into her chest, and Edmund’s face softened.
“Alright. Well I’m glad you two had fun, but the maids will have much work to do,” he turned to Kori and gestured to him to follow with his head. “Come with me, I’m going to take you to your uncle.”
Kori gasped at the mention of Colin, and he walked across the room to where Edmund stood, but he stopped. He turned back to look at Amber, who had a sad look on her face.
“He’s leaving?” She asked in a quiet voice, and Edmund sighed.
“Kori needs to return to his aunt and uncle, my dear. Say goodbye, now.”
Kori glanced up at him and walked over to Amber, pulling her into a hug. She reciprocated immediately, her head falling onto his shoulder.
“I hope I can play with you again,” she said, her voice muffled.
“Me too! You were fun to play with!” Kori gave her one last squeeze and pulled away. Amber’s eyes had grown watery and she sniffed slightly.
“Could we… write to each other?” She asked, and Kori shrugged.
“I don’t know. I don’t know how it works. But I’d like to!”
Amber smiled and put her toy soldier in his hand. “Write to the castle, and I’ll be sure to respond. I’ll… see you later?”
Kori stared at the toy soldier for a moment, and looked up at her with a smile. “Yeah! I hope so.” He began to back up towards Edmund, who watched silently. He waved at Amber as he walked out of the room, and Edmund closed the door behind them. It was silent as Kori followed the man, feeling like a mouse compared to him, and the discomfort to go with it. He already missed Amber as he fiddled with her toy soldier, the silence growing uncomfortable for him. Eventually, Kori heard talking, and he spotted a familiar blond whose eyes lit up when they made eye contact.
“KORI!” Colin shouted, running to him. Kori felt a weight lift off his shoulders as his uncle ran to him, and he quickly melted into his embrace, tears streaming down his face. “Oh thank the spirits,” his uncle mumbled, giving Kori a squeeze. Rela came up behind him and joined in the hug, sighs of relief coming from the family.
“Goddesses, Kori,” Colin started after pulling away. His hands rested on his arms and he looked him over. “What the heck happened? Where were you?”
Kori looked down, not knowing how to explain his situation. “I was… in the shadows?” He answered, shrugging his shoulders. Colin stared for a moment, confusion apparent on his face, but he pulled Kori in, not caring what he meant.
“I’m just glad you’re alright. You had me worried, kid,” he muttered, and Kori smiled.
“I was worried about y’all too,” he replied. Rela stepped up and put her hands on her hips, pointing at herself.
“Well I knew he was going to be ok!” she cut in, giving Kori a proud look. “I taught him how to take care of himself!”
Colin gave Rela an unamused look and stood up. He turned to Edmund who remained silent and bowed.
“Thank you for taking care of him, Your Highness,” he said, and Edmund nodded.
“Of course. It was my pleasure,” he said with a smile. “And thank you for telling me about Hoz. This information is vital to the safety and protection of Hyrule.”
Colin nodded back at him. “Of course. Just… make sure Zelda gets the information, ok?”
“Zelda will get it, I assure you,” Edmund replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice. “Though just because she isn’t here doesn’t mean things won’t get done.”
“R-right, sorry…” Colin turned to Rela and Kori and sighed.
“Do you have a place to stay?” Edmund asked. “If not, you may stay here until it’s safe to travel.”
“No no, we have a place to stay, don’t worry,” Colin assured with a smile. “Thank you though, you’re very kind.”
Edmund glanced between the group and nodded. “Then it’s best for you to leave. I’ll escort you out.”
The king began walking towards the larger doors with the rest following him, and Kori squinted at the sunlight that shone through the frame. Edmund walked them across the courtyard and stopped at the gate, turning to Colin and gesturing to the town with his head.
“I take it, you can make it on your own now?”
“Yes, your highness. Thank you.”
Edmund nodded one last time and watched as Colin, Rela, and Kori crossed the gate, but he stopped them before the gate door closed.
“Hold on,” he called out, and Kori turned around. “Kori, you’re from Ordon, right?”
Kori glanced at Colin who looked confused, and he nodded. Edmund smiled and glanced back at the castle.
“I’m just making sure. Thank you… for playing with my daughter. I’m sure she had fun.”
Kori’s eyes widened and he grinned. “Yeah, I had fun too!”
Edmund chuckled slightly and bowed his head before finally leaving the gate, it shutting closed behind him. Colin turned to Kori with an eyebrow raised.
“Spirits, did you play with the princess, Kori?” He asked, and Kori frowned.
“No, I just played with a nice girl,” he explained simply.
“Kori, you do know that we talked to King Edmund. His daughter is the princess. You played with her!”
Kori paused. Amber was the princess? He knew Edmund was the king, but he didn’t even think about Amber being a princess. Was that why she had so many toys and such a big room? But… she seemed like a normal girl, not at all like how he expected a princess to act. Colin burst out laughing and ruffled his hair, turning to the town.
“You made friends with the princess of all people, kid. That’s somethin’ not even your pa could do.”
Kori followed, his hand holding onto Rela’s. He didn’t know why that was such a big deal, but he figured it was just adult things that he’d understand when he got older. The town was drastically different from how it was last night when the group finally reached it. People were running into each other, zipping from place to place, chatting at the fountain, and listening to singers by the front gates. It was less scary than before, and Kori grew fascinated at all the different characters running past him. Some ignored the little boy, others gave him weird looks, but overall, they minded their own business as he, his aunt and uncle walked through the crowd. Rela’s hand tightened around Kori’s and he moved closer to her, hugging Amber’s toy soldier to his chest. He still didn’t understand why she had given it to him, but he knew he had to ask his papa if he could see her again. Kori didn’t have many friends besides Rela; it would be nice to have one closer to his age who liked to play with the toys the way he wanted to. As the group wandered through the town, all he could think about was the game he and Amber played, and how much fun he had. Rela was great and all, but she was older than Kori, and a lot more rough. She preferred to play with swords and pretended to kill monsters. Plus, being his aunt, it also felt less like a friendship since she was family. Though, the way she protectively kept him close as they walked through the town, he was grateful Rela was there for him like a friend. Regardless, Kori longed for a friend outside of his family, one who he could play fun games with. Just like Amber…
The three finally reached a staircase that led into an empty area of the town, and Colin confidently went down the stairs, marching straight towards a door. Colin reached for the handle but paused, staring at it for a long moment.
“What is it?” Rela asked after a while of staring. Colin sighed and looked at her and Kori.
“It’s nothin’, I just… Pa is gonna kill us, that’s all,” he muttered, and he finally opened the door. Kori’s eyes slammed shut at the sudden stench inside. He didn’t know what he was smelling, but his fingers squeezed his nostrils shut, his eyes watering from the awful smell. His ears drooped as well, the loud shouts and laughter of drunk men assaulting his long ears. He huddled closer to Rela, staring at the sweaty men drinking a foaming liquid that poured out of their mouths. This place was awful! As Kori looked around, he spotted a group of people across the room, and he quickly recognized his grandpa standing at a table. His brows were pinched together as he stared at the table, but his blue eyes glanced up to see the group of kids walking towards him. His serious expression turned to horror, and Kori saw his own papa turn around to see him. Tears escaped from Kori and he broke away from Rela, sprinting across the room to his papa. His papa was out of his chair, a confused expression on his face, and Kori rammed into his chest, wrapping his little arms around him as he sobbed into his shirt. He quickly reciprocated, rubbing his back as he cried.
“Kori, what the heck are you doing here?” His papa asked in his gentle voice, which made Kori cry harder. Spirits above, he missed him so much. He missed him so much and he didn’t want to let him go. Kori heard talking from his uncle and grandpa, but he didn’t listen as he clung on desperately to his father. His worries melted away, and all that was there for Kori was him and his papa.
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Don't Speak 17
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: Are we ready to hate Andy some more? It seems to be a pattern around here.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me &lt;3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Your head swells, throbbing even in the silence. You can hear Andy once in a while, distant and vague, moving around the floor below. You hug your stomach as it caves in on itself. You know you’re hungry but the thought of food just makes you nauseous. You stay hidden, behind your eyelids, beneath the blankets, and wallow in hellish agony.
The pain dulls as you hear the window rattle. You dare to glance past your lashes and see a few droplets along the glass, the sky dark and swarthy with clouds. The glare of streetlights glints off the pelleting rain as it speckles the window.
Some pressure lets off but not enough. You roll over and sink down again. You long for sleep, you crave it. Those long, deep sleeps that make the hours disappear, that skew days, and help forget your life. That heavy void next to death.
You hover between the guest room and your unconscious. Like a pendulum you swing between what’s real and the doubts that paint dire visions on your eyelids. Amber’s pleas at the library, her accusations, her disappointment. You almost want to believe she’s telling the truth. That maybe you are wrong.
Even if you are, it’s too late. That futility drags you further down the pit. You fall onto your back and drape your arm over your face. You whimper as your whole body aches.
“Dove,” Andy’s voice startles you.
You let your arm slip down to your chest as you see his shadow in the doorway. He fills it easily, appearing even bigger as the light behind from the hallway limns his silhouette. He steps over the threshold and closes the door. You whimper as you lose him in the dark. You can’t tell if this is a nightmare or not.
He finds his way to the small lamp on the bedside table, a loud click before it blooms to life. You groan again as he looks down at you. His hands go to his hips as you shield yours over your eyes. Even the soft yellow haze is too much for you.
You shut your eyes and feel the bed shift. He sits on the edge and you wince as he touches your arm. He is as hot as fire. You want him to go. You want to be alone. The only person who’s ever seen you like this is Amber, you don’t want him to know how truly pathetic you are.
“Hey,” he coos softly, “you alright?”
Your mouth is dry. Your throat too. You have to peel your tongue back to make it work and swallow deeply, trying to wet it. Your voice crackles as you force it out, “sleepy. My head hurts.”
“Aw, honey,” he touches your forehead. His warmth is almost soothing as he covers your skin with his palm. The scent of his cologne whispers up your nose. “How about I get you some tea? You should have something to drink at least.”
“I’m… just going to sleep,” you wilt as you try to turn your face away from him. He is too strong. “I’m okay…”
“Honey,” he girds as he brings his hand down your cheek and strokes it, “you haven’t been eating. I’m not stupid. Have some tea, that’s the least you can do.”
“Andy…” you squeak and reach up to touch the back of his hand, only to recoil shyly as you feel the thick veins along the back of it, “I’ll eat tomorrow.”
“Dove, you’re going to sit up,” he insists, trailing his hand down your neck, a shiver crawling over you as his other brushes up your arm.
When he has you firmly by the shoulders, he sits you up. You whimper as the stabbing pain it sends up your spine to the base of your skull. Your head lolls forward and you hold it, whining at the thrumming agony.
“Andy… please,” you croak, “I need to sleep.”
“No, you need to take care of yourself,” he retorts, leaning in to fix the pillows behind you. He stacks them up and props you back against them, “alright, you stay like that,” he folds the blanket to your waist, “and I’ll go make you some tea.”
“It hurts,” you keep your head in your hand, “I told you…”
“Look, Amber let you be like this, because that meant she could control you,” he rests his hand on your leg. You twitch and keep your face hidden as you peek past your palm, staring at his fingers. On you. Touching you. “You’re not going to fall back into old habits, right, honey?”
He finally moves his hand away from your lap and pulls yours from your face, “you’re going to be better, I know it. You know, I’m just helping you. I’m helping break the patterns she made.” He gives a stern frown, “she conditioned you to be like this, you are not this.”
“Please,” you yank your hand down and clasp both over your chest, “I’m tired… I feel sick.”
“You aren’t sick. You’ve been starving yourself,” he accuses, “you’re lucky I didn’t make you sit at that table and clear a plate. What I am going to do is watch you drink the tea I make you. All of it.”
He stands and heaves darkly. You move your arms to hug yourself and hang your head. You’re ashamed. Amber was never like this, she was always subtle, she never accused you. But maybe that’s the problem. Maybe he’s right. She only enabled your helplessness.
You sniff, “thank you, Andy.”
He hums, gristly like a growl, and touches your hair, “I’m only trying to help, dove.”
“I know,” you squeak and keep your eyes down, ashamed.
He turns stiffly on his heel. You wait as he leaves, almost reluctantly, and shudder as another tide of pain flows through you. You ache to the bone, your insides feel as if they’re peeling away, and your head is pounding like a drum.
You let your head fall back against the pillows as you slouch into them. You don’t have the strength to sit up. Your arms slip down and your hands lay lazily on your lap.
You listen to the small clinks and creaks from below. The house muffles a lot of sound, you might even assume the little noises were nothing more than the natural settling of the house. Andy’s footsteps aren’t clear until they’re down the hall and you brace yourself for his arrival.
He comes into the room with a steaming cup. You notice the gray dove painted on the porcelain, a string of leaves framing it. He lowers himself to the edge of the bed again and takes your hand. He puts the cup in your hand, weaving your fingers through the handle before cautiously letting go.
You bring the rim near your nose and inhale. You blow away the steam but it rises quickly again. You feel the heat roiling off of it. You lower it to rest in your lap and raise your drooping eyes to Andy. He’s watching you intently.
“I’m sorry,” you utter.
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, “I’m worried. I wanna make sure you’re okay. You being sorry means I’m angry. I’m not.”
You gulp down your words. He sure sounds angry. You look back at the amber coloured tea. It smells slightly gingery but you’re not sure of the flavour.
“Promise, I’ll drink it.”
“Like I said, I’m not going until you do,” he says.
“It’s really hot.”
“So wait for it to cool down,” he instructs as if you’re a child. “I don’t mind waiting.”
You languish in the ensuing silence. Your eyes are drawn to the subtle twiddle of his fingers, how he runs his thumb up the side of his index. You only notice then that he’s changed. He’s in a pair of gray sweats and a dark blue tee. He must be on his way to bed. That thought makes you feel worse; you’re keeping him awake.
You raise the cup and blow on it again. You brave the scald of the tea and take a big gulp. You force it down as the heat rolls over you. It is soothing if not a bit stringent.
“Good,” he says as he turns his head, “is it okay?”
“Mhhm,” you nod, not able to muster the fib out loud. The flavour tugs at your cheeks and clings to your tongue.
“Dove,” he softens his tone, “I’m sorry if I come across angry, it’s not what I mean, you know? I always had that problem. My worry translates to something else. I could never be angry with you, but I’m scared.”
“Scared?” You lean the cup on your chest, cradling it with both hands.
“Yeah, I’m scared for you,” he says as if it’s obvious, “seeing you the way you’ve been, I want you to be healthy. I want you to be happy.”
Your eyes sting and you lower your lashes. You’re embarrassed. Despite all your effort, he saw through you.
“Tomorrow’s a new day, huh? You’ll get up and have breakfast with me, and we’ll start again,” he puts his hand on your knee, squeezing through the blankets, “I’m here for you, honey. We’re in this together.”
You stare into the tea. His words make your heart race. Together? His touch adds to the fluttering. His thumb moves, back and forth, and you repress a shudder. You never noticed before how often he touches you. You’re not used to it.
“Okay…” you resign to the depths of the tea, “I’ll try.”
You don’t get out of bed the next day. You can’t. You hug a pillow over your head, your tears staining the bedsheet as they slip out unbidden. You feel that hollowness, the sort in which you feel like everything inside you is just draining out of you.
When Andy comes down the hall, you hear him. You listen to the bathroom door click and the subsequent flush of the toilet. There’s some time before he emerges again and he continues to the stairs. You exhale, thinking he might have forgotten your empty promise.
No. He returns. He steps echoing and sonorous in your mind as he comes back upstairs. He taps on your door. You don’t move. He knocks louder and calls your name. You can’t.
He opens the door, “dove,” he says.
You stay still, arm hooked over the pillow you keep over your head. You sense him get near but don’t react as you feel him grip your shoulder. He shakes you but you don’t respond. It’s as if he exists on the other side of a wall. 
“Dove, come on, I’m gonna get breakfast ready,” his voice sounds miles away despite his proximity, “you like pancakes?”
Your stomach growls loudly. You let it constrict but don’t move. You feel a tug on the pillow and grasp it tighter. Can’t he take a hint? Go away. Leave me alone.
He grabs the pillow with both hands and rips it away. You cry out and hide beneath your bent arm. He sighs as he tosses the pillow onto the floor.
“Why are you doing this?” He rasps.
You don’t know what to say. You don’t know how to explain it. You are not doing this, but you can’t stop it. You can’t do anything, that’s the problem.
“You have a lot to do. Work on your resume? Do some painting?” He says it as if it should be encouraging, as if it isn’t oppressive and crushing. “Spend some time with me, dove.” He bends over you, rubbing your shoulder, “you’re okay. Let me take care of you, honey.”
You sniffle and remain shielded behind your arm. You feel the tension change in his touch as he grips you firmly. He puts a knee on the bed, leaning on it.
“Don’t ignore me,” his voice takes on an edge that chills you. 
You suck back your tears and shake your head, speaking into the mattress, “please, go… leave me alone–”
“Honey, don’t speak to me like that,” he warns, “I’m being nice and very patient. You’ll feel better once you eat but you need to get up and get dressed.”
You tremble in a surge of dread and guilt. He’s figuring it out. You’re useless, you’re nothing. 
You wriggle free of his hand and roll onto your back. You push yourself up, dizzy and wobbling as you can barely keep yourself upright. You look at him through the dim shadow of the drawn curtains.
“Please, I can’t–”
“Stop saying that,” he hisses, “you can. Why are you being like this?”
“Andy,” you whimper.
“Is this because of her? Because your sister? You know she was only ever using her and you’re what? Crying over her? I’m trying to help you move on. To help you grow. She never wanted that for you–”
“No, no! Be quiet. Don’t say that,” you cover your ears, “please, stop–”
He goes to say something but thinks better of it. You watch how his jaw squares and ticks, “but it’s the truth. You were just a toy for her. She could play with her doll and make herself feel more human.”
“Please,” you beg, panic swirling in your chest, “please, that’s not true.”
“You know it is, that’s why you’re here. That’s why you left her. Dove, you did that, not me.”
“Please, please, please,” you hunch over your knees, hugging them as you rock, “stop it. Stop.”
“I’m not going to stop telling the truth,” he sneers, “but you’re going to stop acting like a child. You’re going to get out of bed and come eat–”
He grabs your wrist and tugs it away from your legs. You feel a sudden bloom, a frantic sort of sensation, fear that drowns you to the point of gasping. You lash out with your other hand, hitting his wrist as you free your other arm. He grunts as you fall back against the mattress.
“What– why would you do that?” He growls.
“You were hurting me.”
“I’m helping you,” he insists, “you are being a brat.”
“I’m not. I told you to leave me–”
“You’re in my house, this is my bed, my room, my kindness that you are living on,” he barks over you. You wince and reel from the sheer volume, the furious tone of his voice, “the least you can do is get dressed and come eat breakfast with me.”
You clutch your cheeks and pout at him, “why are you yelling?”
He sighs and his eyes flicker. You shrink down as you stare up at him. He crosses his arms, then pulls them apart. He brings his hands up to his face and combs his fingers through his beard.
“I don’t like to yell,” his voice cracks, “I don’t yell, dove.” He turns away, “I’ve never… I’m sorry.” He strides away, still holding one side of his head, “not until you.”
He staggers, as if he can barely keep his balance, and leaves the door open in his stead. You stare after him and it all sinks in. It’s all your fault. He’s right. You’re a child, a brat, and you pushed him over the edge. He’s done all this for you and all you can do is lay in bed and mope.
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wjhik · 1 year
Our Son (Jude Bellingham)
A/N: another short one Y/N's POV:
This pregnancy has been really hard on me. It's a saying in my family that the girls take your beauty while the boys take your energy. Now, that is quite stereotypical. But I do find it to be the case. My first pregnancy with my daughter, I gained a bunch of weight. My second pregnancy, now, the energy is sucked out of me.
Jude hasn't been able to be around as much this pregnancy. It's been hard doing this alone. Well, I'm not alone, but it feels like that sometimes. Our daughter has been helping me a lot, even though she is little. Whenever I feel nauseous, she brings me a puke bag. Or, when I'm hungry, she'll bring me my snacks. She really is a blessing, but at the same time she still a kid. She needs to be looked after as well.
She's been very hyper all day and so has the baby. He's been kicking at me all day. My back is in pain and my feet are swollen. Riley has been trying to help me as much as she can, but it's not really helping. Sometimes her help does more harm than good. I appreciate her nonetheless.
Riley and I are sitting on the couch. It's been the first time all day that we've been able to relax. She has some very high-pitched irritating show on, and I'm ordering some things off Amazon. We've been out running errands all day. It's good to be home. As I'm scrolling through Amazon, I see a text. "Hey, baby. Leaving the training grounds now. See you soon. I love you" I quickly reply. "See you, baby. I love you too" I cannot wait for Jude to be home.
I hear the sound of keys rattling, followed by the door opening. Riley runs to the front door where her father stands. She lets out an excited squeal and runs into his arms. Jude picks her up and peppers her face with kisses. I would go up to him as well, but I don't think I can stand up on my own. It's hard being eight months pregnant. Jude walks up to me and leans down to kiss me. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" He asks me. "It was all right. Long, but all right. I returned that faulty stroller we got and a bunch of other errands as well." I expect him to be happy, but when I look at his face, he's upset. "Baby. I told you I would do all that. You shouldn't have been walking that much."He tells me as he sits down next to me. " I know, but it needed to get done. You've been so busy lately, so I thought I should do it. The babies coming way too soon to still be picking out strollers." I explain to him, a slight tinge of irritation in my voice. I don't mean to be irritated, but I can't help it. I have a baby growing inside me.
"Daddy, can you read me a bedtime story?" Riley ask her father as he tucks her in. "Sure, baby." Neither Jude nor Riley realize that I am watching them. Riley looks so snuggly in bed. Jude sitting on a rocking chair next to her. He picks up a book from the shelf and starts reading. "Once upon a time, there was a big bear. This bear was known amongst his friends to be a hungry hungry bear."
"The end." Jude looks down to see his daughter fast asleep. He gets up from his place on his rocking chair and puts the book away. He stands up and walks towards her bed, where he leans above her and kisses her forehead. "I love you, my princess."
I quickly scurry into our bedroom before he can find me watching him. I get into bed and turn on the TV in our room. Jude goes into our shared bathroom and does his nightly routine. He comes out of the bathroom and gets into bed with me. He rests on his side, propped up by his elbow. "I know you had a long day, love. Why don't you get some rest?" He asks me, running his hand through my hair. I simply not at him and he picks up the remote from my side of the bed and turn off the TV. He turns off his side lamp and the room is now in complete darkness. He allows me to snuggle into him as much as I can, which is not much due to the size of my stomach.
I'm about to fall asleep. This is so comforting. Jude has his hand on my stomach and he's rubbing it. He spends at least 30 minutes a day talking to my stomach at night. He tells his son how excited he is to meet him. How perfect he's sure he'll be, and how we have the perfect name for him, and how he hopes he'll like it. I couldn't ask for a better person to have my children with.
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
DM for requests
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Why Didn’t You Tell Me? Chapter 5: Natasha Raven Sixx
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Words: 705
warnings: *fluff* *angst* *pregnancy* *mentions of sex* *cussing*
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It's been a few days since you got emotional in front of everyone in the hallway of the rehab. You are in the doctor's office with Nikki. Dr.Kelly is explaining how long your stay is.
“Y/N it looks like you're staying for about 2 months. It can vary from how everything goes.” She explains.
“60 days is a lot, can't you cut it short?” Nikki asks.
“Like I said it can vary so if she does good with everything we will cut the stay to a month.” Dr.Kelly says to Nikki.
After you attend group therapy with your assigned group you return to your room with Nikki laying in bed.
“Nikki I want to fuck” You whine.
“Babe, I don't think about how far along you are right now.” Nikki says
“Yeah. I don't want to hurt her more than I already have.” You say looking at your protruding belly.
“So how did group therapy go?” Nikki asks while repositioning himself so he is sitting up on the bed..
“It went well. I feel a lot of progress.” You tell him.
“I can feel the withdrawals sometimes. I have really bad headaches and start to tremble but that should be fine after a while.” You say quietly.
“I've been craving a lot of things but feel too nauseous to eat them. I really want peanut butter and oreos” You tell Nikki.
“Let me go grab the oreos and peanut butter” Nikki goes and grabs you the oreos and peanut butter.
He watches you scarf them down.
“How long has it been since you had your last meal?” Nikki asks, concerned.
“Around 3 hours ago” You say after finishing your snack.
“Nikki I'm exhausted all I want to do is sleep all day long” You say to Nikki.
“Yeah that happens a lot when you're this pregnant” Nikki says softly.
You take off your jeans that still fit you and your shirt. You put on your nightgown in front of Nikki.
“It's so cold Nikki.” You say as you get into bed with him.
Nikki grabs you and snuggles you under the blanket so you get warm and comfy.
“It's toasty now” You chuckle. 
“I love when all three of us are together” Nikki says to you while resting his chin on your head.
“I love it too” You look into his eyes and smile.
“In only a month we get to go home. She's going to be born in 3 months, Nikki” you say.
“We should pick out a name right now” Nikki says to you.
“What names do you like Nikki?” You ask.
“I have a list of names. I like the name Raven and Natasha” 
“I love the name Natasha” You say smiling.
“We can use raven as her middle name.” You say to Nikki.
“Natasha Raven Sixx. I love it honey. We have to tell her that you named her when she's a bit older” You say to Nikki.
“Woah!. Nikki I just felt a flutter. I think it was her moving” You say excited.
“Are you sure she's moving?” Nikki asks, trying not to get his hopes up.
“Yes!. She just moved again” You say grinning.
“Can I feel?” Nikki asks you.
You put his hand on the spot where your daughter moved. “Did you feel that?” You ask.
“Yeah. I did” Nikki says.
“I can't wait until we finally get out of here!. After we leave we should go shopping for her. We have nothing for her yet.” You say to Nikki
“I love that idea honey” Nikki says chuckling.
You drift off to sleep in Nikkis arms. Nikki is awake watching you. He gently puts you on your side of the bed trying not to wake you up. He smiles and pets your hair. He leans down to your belly. 
“Hi Natasha Raven I love you.” He says to your belly warmly. 
He goes back up to you.
“And I love you Y/N” He says before giving you a small peck on the cheek.
He shuts off the lamp on his side and falls asleep cuddling you. You feel safe and warm. You can smell his scent and that gives you a lot of comfort. 
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racinginchid3nt · 1 year
I’d Probably Still Adore You | Part Thirteen
Y/N x Lance Stroll, Y/N Best Friend x Pierre Gasly
In which a night at the club and a game of never have I ever turns into something new
Inspired by 505 - Arctic Monkeys
Warnings: cyber bullying
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Fernando answered the phone almost immediately.
“Hey man, where did you go?” He asked jokingly.
“Hey, sorry. I’m on a plane to Barcelona right now. I know it’s a long shot but I need your help.”
Fernando has taken Lance under his wing during his time at Aston Martin. He had certainly been a questionable driver in the past, but his support for Lance and mentorship had been much appreciated.
“What do you need?” Seriousness seeping into his tone.
Lane explained the backstory, spilling everything that had happened from Spa to the gala to the media shitstorm and the assault. He talked about how he could get ahold of you, and how he was on a flight right now to track her down, but that he didn’t know her address. Pleading with man to see if there was any strings he could pull with friends in his home country, if he could somehow find out the address Lance would owe him for life.
“Ok. I’ll see what I can do. And Lance?”
“Yes?” He replied.
“You don’t owe me for this. Trying to be a good person should never be tied to strings.” He stated before hanging up the phone.
Lance scrolled through social media, looking for every bit of information he could find. Every gossip article, wag account, and f1 page we’re talking about it. Time seemed to move in slow motion as he read the comments from fans and critics alike. While people were certainly commenting on how he and Carlos were trying to screw over Lando, the vast majority were negative about Y/N. Lance had tried to stay away from the negative fan comments throughout his career, but he knew people could be cutthroat. These comments were the standard jabs that the drivers got about nepotism, paid seats, being crash prone, etc. These were personal attacks about her appearance, sexual history, even threats. Reading some of what people were saying made him nauseous.
After an hour a text came through with an address from Nando. Pulling it up on a map he realized it was one of the Barcelona suburbs. He had guessed right about which airport to fly into.
A few minutes later another text came through from Nando, this time with instructions about how someone would meet him at the airport with a car. He had never been more thankful for the older driver than he was in that moment.
A knock sounded on your door at 8 pm. You hadn’t told anyone you were leaving the race, nor did you know who would be here at this time. Creeping towards your window you peeled back the blinds, seeing a figure waiting at your stoop. The sun had set earlier, clocking the person in too much darkness to distinguish.
Another knock sounded. You grabbed a shoe from near your door, hiding your hand behind your back you prepared in case you needed to hit someone. Not your best weapon, but your brain was too scrambled right now to think of something better.
Unlocking the deadbolt, you left the chain attached, cracking the door. The person standing on your doorstep was the last person you’d expected.
“Lance what are you doing here?”
“Can I come in?”
You paused, unsure of how to respond. Your suitcase still sat in your living room, unpacked. An empty bottle of wine on your coffee table next to your couch. The apartment looked as disjointed and chaotic as you felt just then.
“Please Y/N.” He said.
You caved, undoing the door chain and letting him into the space. He set down his backpack before turning to face you.
“What do you want? Why are you here?” You asked.
“Are you okay?” He asked nervously.
You stared at him in silence. Sitting down on your couch you winced, flicking on the lamp. Staring at him you said nothing.
“That was probably a dumb question. Fuck. I’m sorry.”
As he turned to look at you, he inhaled.
“Yeah fuck.” You replied.
“I saw what happened. I’m so sorry. I turn my phone off on race day, but as soon as I heard I tried calling. None of them went through and the front desk said you checked out early.”
“Yeah.” You weren’t sure what more to say. How do you even respond to that.
“I can’t believe the attacked you. How bad is it?” He asked, reaching for you.
Leaning back you stared at him.
“I’ve definitely felt better.”
“What did the doctors say?” He questioned.
You continued to sit in silence, fiddling with the pajama pants you had on.
“Y/N. What did the doctor say?” He repeated.
“I didn’t go Lance. I don’t exactly want to be wandering around alone right now…” You trailed off.
His mind ran, questioning why you wouldn’t have gone to the hospital. Why security at the hotel hadn’t called for medics yesterday.
“You were bleeding.” He responded.
“Yeah. I dropped my wine and cut myself.”
“Where?” He asked.
A sigh escaped your mouth, wondering how you had ended up here.
He approached slowly, reaching for the cuff of your pajama pants when you flinched back. The idea of anyone touching you had your heart rate spiking.
He stared at you, before trying again. Whispering reassurances under his breath, you caved. You didn’t have any fight left in you to tell him no right then.
Sliding the pant leg up he saw a small bruise on your left leg, but nothing serious. It was when he moved your right pant leg that he saw it. A purple bruise about the size of his hand was on your shin, from the kick. Further down was a large bandage, disappearing under the edge of your sock. Lifting your foot he peeled off your sock, before gently lifting the edge of the bandaid. An angry cut stared back at him, wrapping across your ankle and to the top of your foot before ending near your arch, about 8 centimeters in length, blood slowly pooled out of it with the bandages pressure removed. He inhaled sharply.
After replacing the bandage he reached for the edge of your shirt, before slowly sliding it up your rib cage. Four large purple bruises covered your sides, the result of the elbows and hits people at thrown in the crowded mess.
His expression grew harsh.
“Fuck. Y/N you need to go to the hospital. I think that cut might need stitches and the bruises on your ribs look bad.”
“Lance I really would prefer that you don’t lecture me right now. I’ll go in a few days if they’re still bad okay?”
He stared into your eyes before walking back to the door. Picking up his backpack he unzipped it, pulling out a hoodie and slinging the bag over his shoulder. He reached down and grabbed your sandals, blood still on the right one from last night. He slid them onto your feet, before pulling the hoodie over your head.
You went limp, letting him take care of you. He held out his hand, pulling you to a stand.
“We’re going to the hospital.”
Standing up, a wince rolled through you at the weight you put on your foot. Before you had time to move he was bending down and lifting you into the air. Balancing you he reached for the keys on your entry table, locking the door behind himself as he carried you out to a waiting black car.
Gently setting you back down, he pulled the seatbelt across you and buckled it. Moving to the driver side, he sat down and turned on the car before pulling away from your street.
The ride to the hospital was silent, the radio turned off. Your phone had died hours ago, but the occasional buzz from his broke up the silence every few minutes. Keeping his eyes on the road, hands clenching the wheel tightly, he followed the gps to the nearby 24 hour clinic.
Settling her back into the car two hours later, Lance tried not to jostle her. After five stitches, X-rays of her shin and ribs, and a diagnosis of one broken rib and two bruised, the doctors had given her pain medication, before she had fallen asleep waiting for the nurse to bring the crutches.
He was seething. Five fucking stitches and a broken rib all because she had talked to him and hugged Carlos after going to the gala with Lando. His anger simmered under the surface as he drove back to her apartment.
Flicking on the lights he opened doors until he found her bedroom, laying her down gently and plugging in her phone. Pulling the blankets over her, be closed the door and returned to the living room.
He knew texts had been coming in since he had run out of the press area. He was sure his PR agent was trying to play damage control. He was sure Mike had reached out too, letting him know that he should be expecting a fine from the FIA for skipping out early.
Right then he didn’t want to talk to anyone. Calling the only person who might be able to calm him down, he rang his sister.
“Lance? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you! Would it kill you to answer your phone! I saw the post race interview. There’s photos of you all over Twitter running through the paddock like a mad man. Dad said you took off in the jet? Where are you?”
“YOU’RE IN BARCELONA!” She yelled.
“You need to explain. Start from the top.” She said.
Exhaling you’re mind raced.
You heard her call Scotty in.
“You’re on speaker Lance.”
And then he repeated everything. Relaying the whole story from top to bottom, meeting, hooking up (with less details), the gala, the post race interviews, how he ended up in Barcelona, the stitches and broken rib.
“Lance.” Said Scotty.
“Yeah man?”
“Lance this isn’t your fault.” He replied.
“I mean it sort of is. If I hadn’t ever pulled her aside at the gala that photo wouldn’t have leaked and..”
“Lance!” His sister cut off.
“It’s not your fault.” She repeated.
He sighed into the phone. How had the weekend gone to shit so quickly?
“Lance can you hear us?” She called.
“Yeah, I can hear you.” He replied.
“Where are you now?”
“I’m sitting on her couch.”
“Ok. Are you staying there?” She asked.
“Of course I’m fucking staying here.” He snapped.
“Ok. Do you care about her?“ She asked gently.
Confusion clouded his mind. Did he care about her? Sure they’d hooked up, and he had been a little jealous that she had gone to the gala with Norris. But they hadn’t gone out on a date, never had any real deep conversations.
“Honestly Chloe, I’m not sure. I don’t know. All I know is she deserves to have someone watching out for her right now. She shouldn’t be alone.”
“Ok. Can you keep us updated please? Let us know if we can help at all. And maybe call Mom and Dad?”
He sighed, his form of agreement. Ending the phone call, he settled into the couch and pulled out his phone to start responding to everyone else he had put off.
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therexasher · 4 months
Sleep Deprived
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Paring: Colby Brock x reader
Summary: You wake up from a hellish nightmare, seeking comfort, you go to Colby's room, you never knew what could have awaited you on the other side.
cw: uhhh, what do i put here?
word count: 835
requests???: yes/no
author's note: take this as an apology for my absence. yes, i'm currently in my Sam and Colby phase right now, so enjoy.🤭
Your eyes slowly flutter open, you groan, forcing yourself to sit up in your bed, but once your eyes start to adjust, you look around the room, the walls are painted a bloody red, dripping down from the ceiling, this is not your room. In fact, this isn't even your house.
You let out a muffled gasp, too shocked to say anything else. The room feels like it's moving along waves, making your stomach feel nauseous, you see the bedroom door in front of you, the golden brown coating, now being replaced by the blood. You can't stand this anymore, you need to get out. Fast.
You quickly stand on your two feet, almost slipping from the red substance. You walk slowly to the door, being aware of caution as you proceed. You place your palm on the door, the other on the door knob, you take a deep breath before you slowly open the door, you look out, it's nothing but a long dark corridor. But a spotlight in the middle of the room, you squint your eyes to see farther, there, you can see someone standing there, you can't tell who, but you know someone is there. You swallow hard, the blood sticking to your feet, as you force yourself to move. You walk through the door and into the corridor, you make your way over to the person, taking slow steps as you do so, a few steps in, and you stand only a few inches away from the person, you can see who it is, Colby.
Your eyes dwell with tears as you see a knife in the Colby's hand, he stares at you, an angry expression plastered on his face, it takes you by surprise, seeing as Colby is rarely ever angry, you take a few steps back, scared of what he's going to do with the knife,
"Colby, put the knife down," you say in a soft voice, almost like a whisper, you gesture with your hands that you are not a threat, "it's okay, it's just me Colby, you're fine." He continues to just stare at you, then, he slowly raises the knife, high into the air, and with one quick motion, he stabs it directly into his stomach,
"Colby no! Colby!" You scream, your eyes painted with red, you faint.
You wake up in your bed with a gasp, touching your head, it feels like you've been shot in the stomach, that was all a dream? You think to yourself, It all felt so real, or was it real? Colby... You stare at your door for a quick second, before getting up and rushing out of the room, you storm down the hallway, bursting into Colby's room, without bothering to knock. You see him laying down, he's fast asleep, his soft snoring, followed by his TV lowly playing sleep music, the cloud lamp on his desk is lit up beside him, he looks so peaceful, but you can't go back to sleep, not after that nightmare, and sure as hell not alone, your only option is to sleep here, with Colby.
You take a deep breath in, waking someone up from their sleep has been a fear of yours, ever since you were little, you shake Colby by the legs, only a little, he groans, but doesn't wake up, you shake him again, this time a little more, he groans louder, his eyes fluttering open, he sees you, only wearing a hoodie and some shorts,
"What? What are you doing here?" He says in a sleepy voice, its deep and gruff, and to be honest, it kind of turns you on.
"Sorry to wake you," you immediately apologize, you feel horrible waking the poor boy, he doesn't even look fully away, his eyes are still squinted, half asleep, "can I maybe... sleep in here? I'm sorry, I know this is an odd request. I just, I had a horrible dream, about you, I don't really want to talk about it." You take a few steps back, slamming your eyes shut, images of your hellish dream flashing in your face. Then, while your eyes are still closed, you feel a warm hand pull you into the bed, you let out a gasp, now wrapped into the arms of Colby,
"Shhh, it's okay now, you're safe, i'm here, just relax," his voice is soft and tender, he begins to soothingly stroke your hair, placing small kisses on the top of you head, you feel your body instantly relax, his warm embrace makes you feel better.
"The dream it... it..."
"Shhh, you don't have to talk about it,"
"No, you don't understand, you stabbed yourself Colby... with a knife. It was the most awful thing I'd seen in my life." You stiff a sob as you cling yourself into Colby's arms, he strokes your back, whispering sweet nothings into your ears,
"Thank you, Colby."
"Of course, anytime." is the last thing you hear, before falling asleep into a deep slumber.
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mrk236547789 · 5 months
the Unbreakable Love (Part 3)
Finally, they reach the seedy motel where they plan to spend the night. The neon sign flickers overhead, casting an eerie glow over the tired-looking building. James hands the cashier their money and they're given a key to a small, but clean room. They step inside, closing the door behind them.
The room is dimly lit by a single lamp on the nightstand. A worn-out bed dominates the space, the sheets barely hanging on for dear life. Against one wall is a small dresser with a TV perched atop it. The air smells of stale cigarettes and cheap perfume.
Mark takes a deep breath, still reeling from everything that's happened. He turns to face James, who has already begun unbuttoning his shirt. Mark started to get hot just watching him. He helps James pull his shirt off, revealing his toned chest and defined abs. His breath hitches as he traces his fingers over James' skin, feeling the heat radiating off of him. Causing Mark to get nauseous and throw up.
James looks at him with concern, quickly moving to grab some toilet paper and clean him up. "I'm sorry, are you feeling okay?" He asks, his voice laced with worry.
Mark nods, wiping his mouth. "I'm… just a little queasy. I'll be fine." He lies, not wanting to ruin the mood they'd just created. But the truth is, he feels like he might throw up again. "Maybe we should just… lay down for a while?" He suggests, moving over to the bed and sitting down on the edge.
James nods, understanding Mark's reluctance to talk about how he's feeling. He helps him get comfortable on the bed, then climbs in beside him, pulling the covers over them both. The mattress is soft beneath their bodies, and the sheets are warm against their skin. For a moment, they're both quiet, just enjoying the closeness and the comfort.
But as they lie there, the tension between them begins to grow. Mark can feel James' heart racing beneath his hand, and he knows that his own heart isn't faring much better. They're both so scared, but they're also so in love. They've never felt this way about anyone before, and the thought of losing each other now, in this new and terrifying world, is almost too much to bear.
"I love you, you know," Mark whispers, his voice barely audible even to his own ears. "I don't care what happens, as long as we're together."
James nods, his heart racing as he listens to the words escape Mark's lips. He's never felt this way about anyone before, this certainty, this knowledge that this is where he's supposed to be. "I love you too, Mark. And I'm not going anywhere. No matter what."
They lie there in the darkness, their bodies pressed together, their hearts beating in unison. The world outside seems to fade away, leaving them in their own little bubble of safety and comfort. And for a moment, it feels like they can forget everything that's happened. They can pretend that they're just two people in love, starting out on a new adventure together.
But as the minutes tick by, the reality of their situation begins to creep back in. They know that they can't stay here forever. They have to find a way to survive in this new world, and they can't do it alone. They need each other more than anything.
Mark turns to face James, his expression serious. "We need to figure something out. We can't just hide here forever."
James nods in agreement. "I know. But I'm not sure what our options are. We can't just go back to our old lives, can we?"
Mark shakes his head. "No, I don't think we can. But there has to be something we can do. We find a way to make it on our own. Maybe you could start a business." He says, his voice full of hope. "You're good with people, and you're smart. You could do anything you put your mind to."
James smiles at this, feeling a little more confident. "Maybe you're right. I mean, we can't just sit here and wait for someone to rescue us. We have to take matters into our own hands." He pauses, considering his options. "I'll start thinking about what I can do. In the meantime, you should focus on staying safe. Our child my priority, you know that."
Mark nods, his heart swelling with love for both James and their unborn child. He presses himself closer to James, feeling a sense of reassurance and protection from his strength. "I know. And I'll do everything I can to keep us safe. We'll make this work, babe. I promise."
They lie there in silence for a moment, lost in their own thoughts, but always aware of the other's presence. Finally, Mark speaks up again, his voice barely a whisper. "Do you ever wonder what it'll be like? To be parents together?"
James' heart swells at the thought. "I think about it all the time. I know it's going to be hard, but I can't imagine doing it with anyone else. I just hope we can give our kid a good life, you know?"
Mark nods, his fingers tracing patterns on James' chest. "I know we can. No matter what, we'll find a way. We'll make it work, together. We always have."
The words hang in the air between them, heavy with emotion. They both know that the world they once knew is gone, that nothing will ever be the same again. But somehow, it doesn't seem to matter as much now. They have each other, and that's all that really matters.
As the night wears on, they drift in and out of fitful sleep, their bodies pressed tightly together. The soft whisper of James' breath against Mark's neck, the steady rhythm of their hearts. In the darkness, it's easy to pretend that nothing has changed. That the world outside doesn't exist.
But when the first rays of dawn peek through the curtains, the harsh reality comes crashing back in. They have to face the fact that they can't hide here forever. They have to find a way to survive in this new world, and they can't do it alone.
As they lie together, James finally voices what they've both been thinking. "Okay, so we need to figure something out.
Mark nods in agreement. "We do. Maybe we should start by talking about our options. What can we do to make sure we're safe and taken care of?"
James takes a deep breath, his hand moving to rub circles on Mark's back. "Well, I've been thinking about starting my own business. You know, something that would let me work at an office, maybe from home. That way, I could still make a living and be close by if you need me."
Mark nods in agreement. "That sounds like a good idea. Maybe you could start a consulting business or something. You could help other people in similar situations, you know? I could help too, if you need me to. Maybe we could even start something together, like a family business."
James smiles at the thought. "That could work. I could use your organizational skills, and we could split the workload. It might not be the worst idea." He pauses, considering the possibilities. "We could even ask the others in the group for their input. Maybe someone has an idea that we haven't thought of."
Mark nods in agreement. "Yeah, that's a good idea. We should start planning something soon. We don't have much time to waste." He glances around the room, taking in their sparse belongings. "We should probably talk to the others today. See what they think."
James sits up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Okay, let's do it. We'll meet at the community center this afternoon, and we can all discuss our options." He reaches for his phone, checking the time. "In the meantime, why don't you take a shower and get ready? I'll make us some breakfast."
Mark nods, already beginning to feel more energized. He stands up looks in the mirror at his 3 month pregnant belly and thinks for a moment. He could start applying for jobs, but with the way things are now, who knows how long it would take to find one. He doesn't want to risk being turned away because of his pregnancy. He's grateful that James has the idea of starting their own business. It's a good plan, one that they could make work.
As he takes his shower, he thinks about all the people in the group and what skills they might have. Maybe someone could help with the business side of things, someone else could handle the marketing. They could all pitch in and make it work.
After drying off, he gets dressed in comfortable clothes and goes downstairs to find James in the kitchen. The aroma of eggs and bacon fills the air, and he can already feel his stomach growling in anticipation. They eat in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts about their future.
As they finish up, Mark stands and begins to clear the dishes from the table. On second thought I am not feeling good at all" he says as he places his hand on his forehead. He sits back down at the table, leaning against James. "Maybe it's just a cold or something. I don't know." He looks at James with worry in his eyes.
James puts his arm around Mark and gives him a reassuring squeeze. "Maybe. Or maybe it's just nerves about everything. We've got a lot going on right now. If you feel sick, we should probably reschedule the meeting. We don't want anyone else getting sick."
Mark leans into James, feeling the warmth of his body and the strength of his arm. "NO you go. I don't want you to get sick too. I'm sure they'll understand. I just need to rest up a bit more and then I'll be fine." He yawns, his eyes heavy with fatigue. "Maybe I'll take a nap before you leave. That should help."
James nods, kissing the top of Mark's head. "Okay. I'll leave you to it. Just call if you need anything, okay?" He gathers his things and stands, stretching his arms over his head. "I'll see you later, partner." He winks, giving Mark a reassuring smile before heading out the door.
As the door closes, Mark leans back against the couch, eyes still closed. The apartment feels eerily quiet without James there. He wiggles deeper into the cushions and lets out a long sigh, already feeling himself drifting off to sleep. The warmth of the blanket and the rhythmic sound of his breathing soon lull him into a deep slumber.
A few hours later, he wakes up with a start, disoriented and groggy. The sunlight streaming through the window tells him that he must have slept for a while. He stretches and yawns, feeling a bit better. Maybe it was just a brief nap that he needed to recharge his batteries. He stands up, walks over to the window, and looks out, taking in the view of the city below. The sky is a brilliant blue, and the buildings seem to stretch on forever.
He thinks about James and their plans for the future. They've come up with a solid plan, and they have the support of their group. There's no reason why they shouldn't be able to make it work. He has faith in them all. With determination and hard work, they can build something great together.
Looking around the apartment, Mark realizes he should probably tidy up a bit before James gets back. He starts by straightening the living room, picking up magazines and putting them on the coffee table. Then he moves to the kitchen, wiping down the counters and putting dishes in the dishwasher. The apartment feels much cleaner and more welcoming now.
As he's finishing up in the kitchen, he hears a key in the lock and James returns. He walks in with a smile, but it fades as he sees the look on Mark's face. "What's wrong?" he asks, instantly concerned.
Mark takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "I think I'm really coming down with something. My head is pounding, and my throat feels like sandpaper. I just don't think I'm going to be able to make it to the meeting tonight."
James frowns, looking concerned. "Are you sure you don't just want me to stay with you? Maybe we could just reschedule the meeting?"
Mark shakes his head, feeling guilty about letting James down. "No, no, it's not that. I just don't want to make anyone else sick. You should go. I'll be fine here by myself. Maybe I can even catch up on some rest."
James hesitates for a moment, then nods reluctantly. "Okay, if you're sure. But call me if you need anything, okay? And if you still feel bad in the morning, we'll reschedule the meeting for tomorrow night."
Mark nods, forcing a reassuring smile. "I do need something actually. Can you bring me some pickles? And maybe some ginger ale?"
James raises an eyebrow at the request, but chuckles nonetheless. "You got it, partner. Anything else?"
Mark shakes his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No, that's good. Thanks, James. I appreciate it." He walks James to the door and gives him a hug, squeezing him tightly. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."
As James leaves, Mark closes the door and returns to the couch, curling up under the blanket once more. The apartment feels empty without James' presence, but he's grateful for the peace and quiet. He turns on the television, flipping through the channels, but soon finds himself growing tired again. With a sigh, he decides to take a nap.
A couple of hours pass, and Mark awakens to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Groggily, he pulls himself out of bed and staggers over to the door. Through the peephole, he sees a familiar face James. he wearing a concerned expression, and he can tell that something's wrong.
Mark opens the door, still yawning. "Hey, James. What's up? You didn't have to come back so soon, you know."
James steps inside and closes the door behind him. There's a seriousness to his expression that Mark hasn't seen before. "Mark, I'm sorry to tell you this, but…" He trails off, taking a deep breath before continuing. "The meeting was canceled. The client's been having some financial issues and had to pull out of the deal."
Mark feels a sharp pain in his chest as he hears this news. He sits down heavily on the couch, struggling to process what James has just said. "Oh…I see…" he manages to say after a moment. "Well, at least they were upfront about it. I mean, we could always try to re-pitch the project to them later, right?"
James shakes his head. "I'm afraid not, Mark. They've already got someone else in mind. They just wanted to let us know as soon as possible so we didn't waste any more time preparing."
Mark feels a heavy weight settle in his stomach. He'd been so sure they had the client locked down. "I… I don't understand. What am I supposed to do now how can we provide for an unborn child without that money?" he asks, his voice cracking with emotion.
James takes a seat beside him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know this is tough, Mark, but we'll figure something out together. We'll find another client, or maybe we can downsize for a while. We'll get through this." He pauses, then adds, "And if you need to talk about anything else… you know where to find me."
Mark nods, wiping away a tear. "Thanks, James. I appreciate it." He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "I guess… I'll finding a job. Something that pays well enough to support us both. And maybe in the meantime, I could try to find some freelance work or something."
James squeezes his shoulder. "Absolutely. Not your 6 months pregnant your not getting' a job that requires lifting heavy things. And you know I'll help you find whatever you need, Mark. We'll get through this together." He pauses, then adds with a small smile, "You know, you could always be a sex star. You've got the body for it, and I'd happily manage your career."
Mark chuckles, despite himself. "Ok I will do it. I will be a sex star. You know, it's not that bad of an idea. I mean, I'm confident in my body and I have always been comfortable with my sexuality. And with you by my side, I feel like I could really make a name for myself in that industry." He pauses, considering the possibilities. "And who knows? Maybe this could be a new beginning for us. A chance to start over and build something together, you know?"
James' expression softens, and he places a reassuring hand on Mark's knee. "Of course, I'm here for you no matter what you decide. But if you do choose this path, I promise to make sure you're well taken care of, and that your career flourishes. I'll be your biggest fan, your best friend, and your greatest supporter."
Mark feels a renewed sense of determination wash over him as he looks into James' eyes. "Okay," he says finally. "JAMES MARRY ME, you. Let's do this. Together."
James' face breaks into a beaming smile, and he leans in to kiss Mark passionately. "You had me at 'yes'," he whispers against Mark's lips, before pulling back with a grin. "But seriously, I couldn't be happier to marry you and help you start this new chapter in your life. I love you, and I'm so proud of you for being strong and resilient. Together, we can conquer anything."
The weight that had been pressing down on Mark's chest for the past few days begins to lift as he returns James' kiss, feeling a newfound sense of purpose and determination welling up inside him. They spend the rest of the evening planning their future together, discussing everything from the logistics of starting a new business to the details of their upcoming wedding.
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sickly-qt · 1 year
Finn Sick at Night
Woah! I said I would put out a fic and I actually did it? Never thought I would see it happen. Anyway, this is the first fic i was able to get together, so bear with me if it’s a bit rough. I’m still getting back into the swing of things. 
I hope you guys enjoy some sick Finn :)
“Hello?” Finn said groggily, rubbing his eyes as he lifted his head from his pillow..
“Hey,” Drew replied, “You’re coming over tonight right?” Finn could hear the sizzle of food frying in a pan on the other end of the phone.
He stared at the clock on his bedside table waiting for his eyes to adjust. 5:27. Shit, he had overslept. 
“Uh, yeah. I’m sorry, I got out of work a little late. Give me like 15 minutes and I'll be right over.” Finn sat up in bed and ran his hand through his hair.
There was a pause and Finn waited to see if Drew had picked up on his white lie. 
“Okay, take your time. I’m making dinner, it should be ready when you get here.”
“That sounds really good, Love. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I love you.”
“I love you too, babes. I’ll see you soon.” Drew hung up and Finn sighed, rubbing his eyes. 
He had left work early after he had bolted out of a meeting to stare into the toilet for a solid 10 minutes, waiting for the reappearance of his meager breakfast that would never actually come. After getting home he had promptly passed out and nearly slept through his plans with Drew. 
He was feeling a bit better, less nauseous and more worn out and a little cold.
Finn pushed himself out of bed and got dressed, planning on telling Drew that he had changed before he left work and headed out for Drew’s.
“Hey, Sweets. There’s food on the stove if you’re hungry.” Drew said over the back of the couch when Finn let himself into her apartment. 
“I’m not.” He mumbled, slowly kicking off his shoes and peeling off his jacket. “I’m honestly just really tired, baby. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, you should at least eat a little bit though.” She said, getting up to put her bowl in the sink. She gave him a weird look when she walked past him. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“Yeah, my stomach has just been giving me some issues today…” 
Drew frowned at him and walked over to him, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead.
“You’re a little warm, but I don’t think you have a fever. Do you think you’ve caught something?”
“I don’t know, love. I just want to lay down.” Finn almost whined.
“Okay, let’s lay down then.” Drew led him over to the couch and sat with her feet propped on the coffee table and Finn spread out with his head on her lap. It didn’t take long for him to doze off.
He must’ve been sleeping for awhile when Drew finally woke him up to go to bed. The living room was dark, save for the lamp that was left on. 
Finn was basically a zombie as he walked to the room and laid down in bed, passing right back out as soon as he hit the mattress, he didn’t even feel Drew get into bed beside him. 
When he woke up next, it was still dark. The glowing numbers on the alarm clock showing 4:17 am. He could hear Drew breathing next to him, sound asleep. He felt much worse than when he had fallen asleep, the feeling of nausea returning. He felt sick. Finn sighed and sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Drew stirred for a second before rolling over and falling back asleep. 
His body felt heavy and it took effort for him to move, but he could tell that he was going to vomit. 
“Fuck.” He whispered to himself as he got up and made his way to the bathroom down the hall. He paced for a minute before finally settling on the floor, staring into the toilet. It was painfully quiet, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. After a couple moments he retched, which seemed to echo throughout the quiet apartment. Nothing came up beside saliva, but he gagged again and a small mouthful of the pasta he ate for lunch came back up. A couple seconds passed before he retched once more, a slightly larger mouthful of his stomach contents splashed into the toilet. 
He coughed and cursed to himself when he heard Drew’s light footsteps come down the hall.
“Babes?” She said quietly as pushed the door open, her voice was scratchy from sleep and her hair was a mess as she staggered into the bathroom. 
Finn didn’t get a chance to answer before he leaned back over the toilet, burping up another mouthful of sick. 
Drew blinked slowly as what was happening slowly seeped into her sleep fogged brain. 
“Okay, it’s okay. You’re okay.” She said, clearly still half asleep. She squeezed his shoulder and rubbed her other hand across his back. Drew left for a moment before coming back and setting a cup of water on the floor by his knee. She sat cross legged behind Finn resting her forehead against his back as she ran her hand up and down his spine. 
“How long have you been in here?” Drew asked, her head still resting against his back.
“15 minutes?” He said quietly, his voice scratchy from vomiting. “You can go back to bed, babe. You’re clearly exhausted.” 
“No, I’m okay.” She mumbled, “You said your stomach was bothering you but were you nauseous earlier?”
“Not when I got here, but I left work early because I barely kept my breakfast down.” A burp rumbled up from his chest but all that came up was spit.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Drew asked, lifting her head and kissing his shoulder.
“Because I thought it was just something I ate.” Finn reached up and flushed the toilet before pushing himself up from the floor, Drew following suit behind him. 
“Okay well, go lay down I just have to pee and then I’ll be in in a minute.” Drew mumbled and watched as Finn rinsed out his mouth before shuffling out of the bathroom. Drew closed the door behind him and braced herself against the sink, sighing. She felt sick, which was different for her, she didn’t get sympathy sickness. Even so, she was beginning to get used to this feeling, nagging nausea that would hit her at seemingly random times of day. She waited and when she realized that nothing was going to happen she shut off the light and returned to the bedroom where her red-headed boy was sprawled across the bed on top of the blankets. He was already fast asleep, exhausted from work and having been sick. Drew sighed, grabbing a blanket from the chair in the corner and draping it over Finn before crawling back in bed herself. She laid in bed staring at the ceiling listening to Finn’s slow and steady breaths, the only sound other than the single thought floating around in her head.
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Chapter Five: The Rejection
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Summary: Eddie takes care of you after you wake up hungover, Peter makes a surprise visit, and your dad yells at you. But your about to see your favorite band play!
Pairing: Rockstar/Bar Owner!Eddie Munson x Baker!Reader
Words: 7.3K
Warnings: Probably an overuse of pet names, Y/N used, alcohol, cussing, controlling parents, very very slight dom/sub dynamic. Mostly Eddie giving little orders that makes the reader blush. If I missed anything please let me know!
A/N: Here we go with chapter five! It took me so long to get it done cause life got weird but it's all good now! Please enjoy and let me know what you think! Comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! <3
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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Your head was pounding. The light was just too fucking bright and your brain was trying to implode. Rolling over in bed you glared at the sun peaking through the curtains shining right into your eyes from the window sitting directly over the bed. That is not where the window in your room is supposed to be. Wiping around your eyes you winced at the black smudges that now painted the skin of your hand from the makeup you forgot to take off last night. Sitting up on your elbow you look around the room slowly, it was a small guest room with the bed in the middle of the wall, a nightstand right next to it that held a lamp, and a dresser on the opposite wall. This was not your room. Slowly, your memory started to come back to you in little flashes of images. That’s right you got drunk at Hellfire last night and Eddie put you to bed. You think you might have flashed him at one point. Rolling over in the bed with a groan you sighed into the pillow letting the clean laundry smell invade your senses. Opening your eyes slightly you noticed the two little white pills and the half full glass of water on the nightstand, sitting up again you grabbed the pills and popped them in your mouth before chugging the rest of the water in the glass.
All you wanted to do was lay back down but the call of the bathroom was too great and you got out of bed carefully trying not to jostle your nauseous stomach as you moved towards the bathroom. Once your business is done you look in the mirror and make a face at your smeared and quite terrifying make up. Looking around you grab a hand towel and the soap and start washing, scrubbing away the layers of war paint until your skin is red but clean. Brushing your tongue over your teeth you made a face at the gross feeling now completely focused on the taste in your mouth. Maybe Eddie had an extra tooth brush he would let you use. If not, you were sure Steve had one you could steal. Fixing your hair enough to call it decent you walk out of the bathroom and unlock the door that leads to the hallway. Opening the door you closed your eyes as your head pulsed in time with your heartbeat. 
“Sneaking out again?” 
Looking up towards the voice you leaned on the doorway heavily as you noticed Eddie leaning against his own door frame with a mug of steaming coffee in his grip. He was far too hot for his own good, standing there looking so damn attractive in an oversized distressed black sweater and green plaid pajama pants. “No. At least not yet.”
“You feeling okay?” He asked, cocking his head to the side with a smirk before he stood up straight, disappearing for a moment to place the mug on the side table by his bed before he walked down the hallway to you, his hand pushing through your hair and then down to cup your cheek. You really liked when he touched you. “Did you take the pills?”
“Mhm,” You nodded slightly, your eyes closing at the cool feeling of his hand on your face, sighing as you pressed your cheek into his palm. “What time is it?”
Glancing down at his watch he smiled a bit. “It's almost eleven. Everyone is still asleep I think. Want some breakfast?” 
The idea of food just sounded so gross right now. Shaking your head slightly, still mindful of your pounding head, you mumbled to him. “I don't think my stomach can handle food right now.” 
Eddie moved his hand from your cheek smiling at you when you blinked your blurry eyes open and took your hand into his bigger one gently. “Can you at least try some toast and coffee for me? It’ll help I promise.”
With a small groan you nod letting him walk you down the hallway a few steps to his studio and you brushed your tongue over your teeth again as you go. Grimacing, you looked up at him. “Do you have an extra toothbrush I could use?”
Chuckling, he nodded. “Yeah, sweetheart. I’ll grab you one."
“Thanks Eddie.” You sigh and follow him into his room, closing the door behind you both, and to the bathroom like a little kid. His hand never left yours until he had to dig in a drawer full of travel size shampoos and conditioners and soaps and everything really. Soon he pulled free a toothbrush still in its plastic and cardboard container from the store. “Did you rob the storage room in a hotel?”
“If they didn’t want you to take them, they wouldn’t leave them in the rooms.” He smiled as he held up the toothbrush for you. “Here you go. Plus they're good for day trips. One thing I’ve learned over the years of touring is even a tiny bottle of shampoo is better than nothing.”
“Thank you.” Taking the toothbrush with a small grin thrown at him. You struggled to open it for a moment before the back of its cardboard prison cracked and you let out an excited AHA a little too loudly. Wincing you looked at him as he chuckled again. 
“I’ll go make you some toast. Toothpaste is on the counter.” Eddie said, rubbing your arm as he left you in the bathroom to start on some food for you. 
You took your time brushing your teeth making sure all you tasted was mint and not whatever the shots were you drank last night. Spitting the foam out into the sink you swish water in your mouth and clean the toothbrush, shaking the extra water off before setting it aside and moving back into the small kitchen area of the studio. The smell of bacon and eggs cooking filled the air.
Eddie turned, placing a mug on the small dining table he had in the kitchen with four chairs circling it. It was amazing how much stuff he could fit in the small studio and yet it didn’t feel cramped at all. “Milk and sugar?”
“Please.” You nodded as you looked around his home. You took your time this round taking in things you had missed on New Year's day when you woke up and quickly snuck out. Crossing your arms over your chest you smiled at the acoustic guitar in the corner, you could finally read the white words painted on it, ‘THIS MACHINE SLAYS DRAGONS’. Glancing up around again you found some awards sitting on the small bookshelf in his living room space. “So how many Grammys you got over there?”
“Just one.” He chuckled as he placed a small pitcher of milk and the sugar bowl with a spoon on the table as the toast popped in the toaster. “Come sit.”
A small thrill hit your chest when he gave the tiny order. It has you nodding as you move back into the kitchen and took a seat pulling the mug closer to you so you could doctor your coffee how you like it. Soon a plate of buttered toast slides in front of you and you look up at Eddie with a smile as he turns away again to dump the pan of food onto another plate before he grabs a fork and his own mug of coffee. Sitting down at the table across from you he moved around the items on the table until everything was in a good position, the milk and sugar bowl to the side so he can easily see your plate and mug and you can see his. There's easily enough for at least two people on his plate. Taking a sip of your coffee you glance up at him through your lashes. “Do you often feed hungover people breakfast?”
“Only the ones I like.” He said with a grin as he moved some eggs around his plate before taking a bite. “Eat your toast.”
Another thrill flashed through you as a light heat simmered under your skin. The idea of someone bossing you around like this, taking care of you, taking a dominant role over you was kind of a secret dream of yours. To do the type of things you only read about in those ‘dirty smut books’ your father hated so much. Picking up a piece of toast you took a bite, letting the buttery bread hit your tongue before you chewed slowly. “Are you always this bossy outside of bed?”
Eddie looked up at you with his mug in his hand and a cheeky smile on his lips. He didn’t miss the flustered look on your face. “When I need to be.”
“Is that often?” 
“Not recently.” His head cocked to the side, did you need someone to boss you around? He would gladly volunteer. He hasn’t had a sub in ages. “Why?”
“Just… curious…” 
Eddie nodded at your answer as the two of you ate in silence for a while and when Eddie sneakily slipped strips of bacon onto your plate you pretended not to notice and ate them anyway to which he smiled into his mug as he drank his coffee. He was proud of himself, you could tell. 
Soon the pills, food, and coffee in your stomach did their job and you can honestly say you are starting to feel a little better. Not much but better than when you woke up. Your headache had definitely chilled out a bit but the nausea was still kickin. Taking a deep breath you close your eyes and lean back in the chair trying to get your stomach to settle but you open them again when Eddie’s chair scrapes on the tile floor watching him as he takes both of the empty plates and heads towards the sink. Getting up you follow behind him a few steps. “I can wash those. You made breakfast.”
“You’re a guest.” He said looking over his shoulder at you. “Guests don’t wash dishes.”
“What about friends?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest stubbornly. “Can your friends wash dishes?”
Eddie turned so you were facing each other. Narrowing his eyes at you slightly before he nodded. “Friends have been known to wash dishes.” 
“Aren’t we friends Eddie?”
He knew exactly what you were doing and he paused before he nodded with a sighed chuckle throwing up his hands in surrender. “Yeah… We’re friends sweetheart.”
You smile as you push him to the side gently so you could take over the job of washing up. “I got this.”
Grinning and shaking his head, he moved so he could grab the pan from the stove, leaving the mugs on the dining table for more coffee, setting the dirty pan to the side of the sink so you could wash it when you were ready. Crossing his arms over his chest he leaned his hip against the counter as he watched you. Biting his lip he brought one hand up to grab a chuck of his hair and brought it to his lips to hide his smile. “Can I ask you something?”
“Hmm?” You asked.
To be blunt or to dance around the subject? Eddie bit his lip as he watched you. Sure, he’s only been around you two times but you’ve hung out for hours in those two times and he’s a trained dom he can see submissives from a mile away and he’s noticed little things about you. Your bashful look when he told you to come sit at the table and when he told you to eat your toast, how you explained the difference in giving and taking consent, Lizzy’s collar didn’t even make you flinch, and when you saw those cuffs on New Years Eve you weren’t scared. You only wanted him to be rough with you. Shaking his head slightly to himself he decided to wait. So instead he just said, “You work today?” 
“Nope,” You shook your head and looked over your shoulder at him as you scrubbed the pan. “We are closed on Sundays.”
“What do you even do anyway?” He asked, moving to grab both of your mugs and heading to the coffee pot. He silently asked if you wanted more coffee by holding your mug up and smiled when you nodded. 
“I’m a baker.” You smile as you set the now clean dishes on the dish rack and grab a paper towel to dry your hands off. 
“Making cookies and shit?” He smiled as he brought your now full mug over to you. 
“Mhm,” You nod, taking your mug from him before moving to the table again so you can add more milk and sugar. “Cookies, cakes, all kinds of things.”
Eddie followed you and sat down again with his own refilled mug of coffee in hand. Leaning on the table top he smiled at you and watched as you made your coffee how you wanted it. “So, how long have you been baking?”
“A few years.” You shrugged with a grin. 
The two of you spent the next few hours together in his studio chatting, laughing, and just hanging out. After a little while you decided it was time to head home cause even though the shop was closed you still had things you had to get done in your little office. Bills to pay, stock to order, that kind of thing. 
As you slipped from the room you had slept in, now wearing the same red dress and heels you wore last night, the sound of a guitar greeted you. The clothes you borrowed and a piece of paper were clenched in your hands. Following the music back towards Eddie's room you decide then and there that you weren't going to give the clothes back just yet. You were going to wash them for him since he was nice enough to loan you clothes twice now. Plus it gave you a reason to return other than just to drink cause you had a bad night.
Knocking on Eddie's open door you smiled as he looked up from his seat on the arm of his living room chair, the guitar in his hands. “Heading out sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I got some things to take care of.” Walking back into his room you swayed your hips a bit watching as his eyes trailed down to watch your movement. “Thank you for letting me crash, and for letting me borrow clothes, and for making breakfast.” 
“Yeah of course.” He nodded as he let the guitar lean against the wall as he stood up. Holding his hand out he looked at the clothes on your grip. “I can take those.” 
“Hmm… No,” You said, putting them behind your back. Instead you held out your hand with the strip of paper in it. “I wore them and I’ll wash them. You can take this though.” 
Lifting his hand he took the paper from you and unfolded it, a smile came to his lips when he saw those seven little digits. He now officially had your phone number. “You made a mistake giving me this.. I'm never going to leave you alone now.” 
“Who says I want you to leave me alone?” You say taking a step closer so you were almost chest to chest with him. “You're fun to be around and you make me laugh.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
Nodding you lifted up onto your tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek but at the last minute he turned and caught your lips with his. Both of you chuckled as you pulled apart. “That was sneaky Mr. Munson.”
“Couldn't help it.” Eddie smirked, pushing some of your hair from your face. “You are very kissable. I should know.”
Rolling your eyes a little you pushed him back a step or two with a smile before turning around and heading towards the door. “Bye Eddie.”
Laughing, Eddie followed you towards the door, his hands landing on your waist, “I’ll walk you out.”
Laughing you both walked down the hallway giving a little knock to Steve’s still closed door as a goodbye and down the stairs you and Eddie went. He made a stop at the bar to grab your purse and jacket, helping you into your coat. He smiled at you as you sling your purse over your shoulder, placing his hand on the small of your back before escorting you to the door. “So are we going to see you around anytime soon or am I going to have to call you everyday until you come back?”
Laughing, you shook your head. “I will have to see what my schedule looks like. Baked goods are in very high demand, you know.”
“I bet,” He smiled, “Don’t stay away too long. For Steve of course, he likes having his cousin around.”
“Oh of course. And what about you?” You said, cocking your head to the side as you held his clothes to your chest. “Do you like having Steve’s cousin around?”
“Uh, yeah. I do,” Nodding he leaned down close to you, his lips just over yours. “I really do.”
“Good. Cause I like being around.” You smiled as you leaned up pressing your lips to his in a goodbye kiss. Pulling away you found the door knob and pulled the door open. “I’ll talk to you later Eddie.”
“Make sure to drink lots of water today. Drive safe.” He said as he grabbed the door and leaned on it. “I’ll see you later.”
Giving a small wave you walked out onto the porch and down the stairs into the parking lot towards your car. Eddie stood at the door watching until your car was out of the lot and back on the road towards Hawkins. Slapping the door a little he bit his bottom lip to try and hide his smile. Man, he liked you. 
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Sunday went by quickly, so did Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and the next thing you knew it was Thursday. You were a little surprised you hadn’t heard from Eddie but as a rockstar you were sure he was busy doing rockstar slash bar owner things. But today was a new day, the morning and afternoon had just flown by filled with customers and now it was the early evening. You smiled as you handed a bag full of goodies to one of your regular customers. “Here’s your order. Have a good night. I’ll see you next week.”
“Thank you Dear,” The old lady said as she took the bag from your hand. “Have a good night!”
The two of you waved at one another and you smiled as the door closed behind her. Turning around you started to clean the coffee machine on the back counter, glancing up for a moment when Tiffany came out from the kitchen with a small tray of sweets in her hands to refill the empty spaces in the display cases. “Oh can you also grab some of the Earl Grey macarons?”
“Yeah no problem,” She nodded as she opened the back of one of the display cabinets. You heard her fiddling around before all the sounds stopped.“Uh, there's a guy outside looking at the shop very confused. Or disgusted. I can’t tell.”
“What?” Looking over the shoulder you tried to see who it was. Dark hair, pressed suit, tall frame. Peter. Ducking under the counter quickly you looked up at Tiffany as he started to walk towards the shop. “Shit.”
“Is that Eddie?” Tiffany asked, looking down at you.
“No,” You shook your head. “Shh. Don’t acknowledge me.”
“Who is that?” 
“I’ll tell you later.” You hissed at her as the bell rang over the door.
“Why don’t you tell me no- Hi! How can I help you?” Tiffany asked cheerfully as she leaned on the counter. 
“Uh hi,” Peter greeted as he smiled at Tiffany. “Is Y/N in?”
“Y/N?” Tiffany asked, blinking her eyes at him trying not to look down. She jumped slightly when you pinched her on the leg. “Nope, nope. Sorry, you just missed her.”
“Are you sure?” Peter questioned as he looked towards the door that leads to the kitchen. “I could have sworn I saw her in here a minute ago.”
“Yeah,” Tiffany huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. “She had to run out for a bit." 
“Oh do you mind if I wait for her?” 
“Uhhhh..no?” Your friend said as she glanced down for a moment to look at your pleading face. “But I don’t know how long she’ll be gone.”
“That’s fine. I don’t have anything to do tonight.”
Pushing your face into your hands you clenched your teeth to keep from groaning. 
Nodding Tiffany glanced down again. Maybe if she could get him to sit down you could scurry into the kitchen. “Can I get you anything while you wait? Our coffee’s pretty good and the pastries are fresh.”
“Just a coffee please.” Peter said as he took a step closer, making you push your back up against the cabinet next to the cash register. “How much?” 
“Two sixty-five.” Tiffany smiled as she rang him up. Turning she moved to the coffee machine you were cleaning and started on his coffee. “Room for cream?”
“Just black.” Peter said as he leaned on the counter. 
“Why don’t you have a seat? I’ll bring it out to you.” Tiffany suggested as she looked over her shoulder at him. 
You heard Peter move away from the counter and then the scrape of a chair. This was possibly the worst game of hide and seek you had ever played. It was all hide. No seeking involved. Looking up you watched as Tiffany moved around you carefully so as to not give you away and when she moved around the counter she waved her hand behind her towards the kitchen. Keeping in your low squat position you inched your way towards the kitchen peaking around the counter when it opened up to see that Tiffany had completely blocked Peter's view with her body and as quietly as possible you hurried into the back only standing up to your full height when you hit your office. 
Ada looked up at you with a look of confusion, a frosting bag in her hands. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not proud of it but I’m hiding.” You mutter.
“I’ll be right back. Just give a shout if you need anything.” Tiffany said and soon she was walking into the kitchen looking at you with the same amount of confusion that Ada was. Gesturing you into your office Ada followed, the ever curious cat that she was, putting her hands on her hips Tiffany waited for you to explain. “What the hell was that? Who is that guy?”
“His name is Peter Malloy. He’s the son of my fathers new business partner. I went on a date with him on Saturday and he was awful. I don’t want to see him again.” You explained as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Well it looks like he’s going to be sticking around so unfortunately you are going to have to say something to him.” Tiffany said as she looked between you and Ada. “He doesn't look like he’s going to give up anytime soon.”
“Maybe let him down easy?” Ada suggested as she gave you a small smile. 
“I don’t think easy is going to happen. He’s… how do I say this… An asshole.”
“What happened?”
Groaning you started to pace around the small office taking two or three steps before turning around. “The date was terrible. He was rude to the wait staff, he ordered for me without asking what I wanted, he told me how unhappy I would be without a husband and child, and he kissed me without my consent. That's the gist of it.” 
“Okay ew.” Ada said, making a face. 
“Can't you just tell him to go away?” You pleaded to Tiffany but she just shook her head. 
“You have to go tell him that you aren't interested.” She said putting on her mommy voice. “Time to fly baby bird.” 
“You're a horrible friend and a cruel mother.” 
“Then it's a good thing you're not my kid.” She smiled and pushed you towards the door. “Go on.” 
Groaning again you rolled your eyes and took a deep breath before heading out of your office, through the kitchen, and into the shop. “Peter. I hope you weren’t waiting long.” 
“Oh Y/N!” He smiled as he stood up from the small table leaving the paper cup his coffee came in on the top of it. “You look lovely.” 
“Thank you.” You forced a smile knowing you looked pretty boring in your jeans and t-shirt. “How can I help you?”
“Well I was wondering if you were available anytime this weekend for another date.. Maybe tomorrow night? We had such a good time on Saturday. I was hoping you would agree to maybe a movie and dinner.”
Your eyes narrowed a bit as you shook your head. “Look Peter… you're a… good guy. But I just don't think we would be good together. We want different things and you deserve someone that will be what you want in a girlfriend and wife but… that’s not me. I'm sorry but it would be unfair to string you along anymore.” 
“So… you're breaking up with me?” He asked incredulously. A look of what you can only call shock on his face. Has this man ever been rejected?
“We went on one date. I would hardly call this breaking up when we weren't officially dating. But yeah. I guess I am.” 
“You've hardly given me a chance. Given us a chance.”
“It's just not going to work out Peter. This relationship won’t be rewarding for either of us. I'm sorry.” 
“You're making a mistake.” He muttered through clenched teeth. 
“I don’t think I am.” You said, shaking your head a bit as you watched him clench his fist at his side as he took a step towards you and then shook his head quickly moving to the front door in moments he was out of the shop and slamming the door closed behind him. The sound of glass shattering made you jump as you looked at the old door, he had slammed it so hard that the window inside of it had broken completely. 
Tiffany and Ada ran from the kitchen. Tiffany looked worried. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You frowned moving closer to the door. “Our door’s not though.” 
“What a dick…” Ada said as she walked around the counter.
“I’ll get the broom.” Tiffany said as she moved back into the kitchen.
Sighing you put your hand to your forehead before turning to look at Ada. “I’m going to go to the hardware store. Get some wood to block the hole. Maybe some screws and a drill.”
“I’ll watch the front to let any customers know we are closed until the glass is cleaned up.” 
“Thanks Ada.” You said as you moved back towards the counter before heading into the kitchen passing Tiffany on the way. "I’ll be right back.”
Running upstairs you toss your apron on the couch before you grab your purse and head back downstairs sighing again as you leave through the kitchen door into the back parking lot. Fuck you Peter Malloy.
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It took you longer than you would like to admit to get that piece of wood up to cover the broken glass of your shop's front door. You had to temporarily move the open and closed sign to the window by the door but thankfully the girls were able to clean up the glass and keep the shop open and no business was lost tonight. Placing the box of screws and your new drill onto the small coffee table in your apartment you laid down on your couch and sighed. Today had definitely not gone how you had wanted it too. You certainly hadn’t expected to see Peter so soon, you thought maybe he would call and you can ignore it. Closing your eyes you were almost asleep when your house phone rang, the shrill bell sounded insanely loud in the quiet apartment.
Jumping slightly you took a moment to catch your breath before you got up and moved to the phone. Picking it up you leaned against the wall putting the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“What the hell did you say to Peter?”
“Hi Dad..” You say sarcastically. “I’m great, how are you?”
“Y/N, be serious.” 
“I am being serious. The least you can do is at least pretend to be interested in how I’m doing. But since you are more interested in everything Peter, I told him I didn’t want a relationship with him.”
“I told you to play nice with him. To give him whatever he wants!”
“I did play nice with him!” You snapped. “He was rude and chauvinistic and we have absolutely nothing in common! I don’t see a point in going on dates with someone when we don’t have the same wants!”
“Do you not understand how important the Malloys are to my business?! If the Malloy’s aren’t happy… they pull their funding. If they pull their funding… I’m not happy!”
“I don’t see how it’s my job to keep them happy when I don’t have anything to do with your business. I went on a date with him and we wouldn’t be good for each other. I can’t be what he wants and he’s not what I want. I’m sorry but keep me out of your bullshit.”
“Don’t you dare speak to me that way…” Your father seethed through the phone at you. You could only imagine how red his face is at this moment. “I didn’t raise you to be so disrespectful.” 
You rolled your eyes into your empty apartment. You barely raised me at all. “I’m sorry. It’s just not what I want.”
“I don’t care what you want! If you aren't going to help me then you're useless to me! You will do whatever it takes to make Peter happy!” Your father snapped. “Now fix this!”
The dial tone beeps in your ear as you blinked, bringing your phone from your ear to look at it blankly before putting it back on the dock. Taking a deep breath you pushed away from the wall wiping your hand down your face as you tried not to let your fathers words get to you. He’s always been like this. You felt restless now, your hands shaking slightly. Looking at your clock you nodded to yourself a moment before grabbing your phone again and dialing a number you know by heart. You didn’t like calling your mom when your dad upset you cause it upsets her but you just needed someone friendly to talk to. After three rings her soothing voice picked up and that caused tears to well in your eyes. “Hi Mom…”
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You feel a little better now that you’ve talked to your mom. She listened intently as you explained the Peter situation and let you vent about your dad. She stayed on the phone with you while you made your dinner, a quick and easy meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup. It was something your mom always made when you were little and feeling down or sick and right now sitting at your tiny kitchen island you were definitely still feeling down. 
Finishing the last bites of your food you quickly wash the dishes before heading into your room to sleep this night off but as you enter your room you look at your dresser to see the now clean shirt and sleep pants that Eddie let you borrow. A thought popped into your head, you had to give those back eventually. Why not tonight when you need to get away from your thoughts.
‘Maybe I should bring some treats...’ You thought as you stepped into your bathroom washing your face clean of the tear tracks before reapplying a little bit of makeup, only enough to let you not look like a corpse. Back in your room you pull a hoodie over your top before sitting on your bed to slip on your converse. Once you felt ready you stood up, moving to your dresser so you could grab your wallet and keys from your purse and the clothes before you walked out of your room. Leaving one light on in the living room so you don’t return to a pitch black apartment, you flip the lock before shutting the door behind you and head down stairs.
Shoving your wallet into your back pocket you drop your keys and the clothes on the island before you head into the front of the shop, grabbing a large box in the shop's signature lavender color, Sugar Cloud was printed on top in a shiny gold. You smiled a little as you wandered back into the kitchen grabbing a plastic bag as you went and opened the fridge pulling out a few different treats that you offer. All the leftovers that could be saved had been put away to be sold at a discounted price for being a day old. Cupcakes, lemon squares, strawberry shortcake, brownies, and macarons were all placed neatly into the box. Closing the top you placed it carefully into the bag with Eddie’s clothes on top and smiled at it. 
“Time to go.” You muttered to yourself as you grabbed your keys from the counter and left the building locking up before making your way to your car.
It didn’t take you long to get to the bar and as you pulled into the parking lot you saw that it was oddly busy for a Thursday night. Pulling into the first spot you found thankfully at the front you stayed in your car for a moment allowing the bass from the music inside to bump through your chest before you stepped out of your car, onto the sidewalk, and then onto the patio. From the windows you could see many bodies huddled around tables, laughing, enjoying drinks, listening to the live band that was playing. You could just barely see the curly headed man you had been thinking about for days. His hair had been pulled back into a low bun, a few strands framing his face, as he leaned on the bar to listen to something the girl in front of him had said. He was behind the bar tonight so you were sure it was a drink order. Just looking at him made your stomach flutter. He was so hot.
Sighing, you looked around the porch not ready to go in just yet and noticed the chairs sitting against the wall with a small table between them, a half filled ashtray sitting on top. Pulling your hoodie closer around you, you took a seat in one of the chairs and curled up as best you could, lifting your jean covered legs up to hug them to your chest. Leaning your head on your knees you looked up at the sky that wasn’t covered with the awning and watched as the stars twinkled. Taking a deep breath for the first time in what felt like hours you closed your eyes. It was strange how just sitting out here listening to the loud music from inside the bar made you feel better than wallowing in the apartment above your bakery. 
You weren't sure how long you were sitting out there in the cold but the sound of the door opening next to you startled you out of your trance. Placing your feet down on the wooden porch you pushed your hands into the pockets of your hoodie as you blinked. A wisp of smoke from a cigarette blew your way thanks to the soft breeze and you watched as Eddie walked forward to lean against a post holding the awning up, his leather jacket blocking him from the cold.
“Not going to come in and say hi?” When you didn’t say anything he looked up at you, the worry in his eyes shining through. “You okay sweetheart?”
“How’d you know I was here?”
“I saw you through the window.” He gestured towards the glass next to you. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“My dad took the time out of his busy schedule to call and yell at me tonight because I told Peter I wasn’t interested in dating him.” You sighed as you leaned back against the chair, a distraught look on your face. “It's not the first time he's yelled at me but he's never been this cruel about it.”
Eddie shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, the cigarette now hanging from his lips. He felt completely lost on what to say to make you feel better. He didn't like this feeling.
"It's now somehow my responsibility to keep his business partners happy. I don't even have anything to do with his business. He called me useless and demanded I fix it. That I do whatever it takes to make Peter happy but I don't… I don't want…" Taking a deep breath you looked up to keep from crying again. “I’m sorry I keep dumping all my shit on you. It’s not your job to make me feel better.”
“I really don’t mind helping you forget the bad things.” Walking over to you Eddie put his cigarette out in the ashtray and went down on one knee in front of you. He held his ring clad hand out for you to grab and when you did he gave it a little squeeze. "You're not useless sweetheart. You've done nothing wrong. You went on a date, you guys didn't mesh, you declined anymore dates. That's not unreasonable."
“Tell that to my dad.” 
“Where is he? I'll yell at him for you.” Eddie proclaimed as he looked around before looking at you again with a little smile when you giggled. 
“I think I’d lose my shit if he was here.” You sniffed as you played with his fingers. God, he had such big hands.
“I’d be here to help you sweetheart.” Eddie grinned watching you poke and pull at his fingers. "But it sounds like you need a drink. Come on, let's get you out of the cold."
You smiled a little up at him a moment before you let him lift you from the chair, leading you towards the door that he started to open. “Oh! I almost forgot!” You said taking your hand from him before walking back to your car to grab the bag from the passenger seat. “I brought your clothes back. I washed them so they don’t smell like vodka and bacon anymore.”
Eddie laughed as he watched you walk back to him. “You really didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.” You said handing him the bag pushing your hands in your pockets again. 
“This is a pretty heavy bag for just clothes.” He smirked, weighing the bag in his grip as he looked up at you.
Shrugging you looked down, kicking your converse against the wood of the porch. “I might have also brought some treats for everyone as a thank you, since you guys helped make me forget about that shitty date.”
“And we’d do it again.” Eddie smiled, holding his hand out for you again. Giving your hand a squeeze as you placed your smaller one in his grip. “Now it’s a little busier tonight, just to warn you it’s kinda loud in there. But you came on a good night.”
“Why?” You asked as you walked towards the door together, opening it for him since his hands were full. 
"You'll see." He gave you a cheeky smile as he looked down at you. Smiling a little back at him you let him lead you through the now open door.
The music was much louder now and Eddie leaned towards your ear as he walked you through the crowded lower floor towards the bar. The live band made it hard to hear him unless he was this close. “I'm going to put these in the back. Take a seat at the bar, order whatever you want. Have you eaten yet?”
“Yeah, I ate before I got here.” You nodded, giving his hand a tight squeeze just cause you felt like it. “It wasn’t just a salad this time!”
“Good girl.” He smiled at you, pointing to an empty seat at the bar ushering you towards it and making sure you are seated before going around the counter and leaning towards Robin to point you out whispering something in her ear. Nodding, the girl smiled before coming up to you. 
“Hey! You’re back! What can I get you?” She said placing a napkin in front of you before leaning on the counter so she could hear you over the band.
Grabbing your wallet out of your pocket you smiled at her raising your voice to be heard. "Hey! A vodka cranberry please!"
“No problem. Also Eddie said you weren't to pay for anything so put the wallet away.” Robin said as she turned to make your drink. 
You sat blinking for a moment before you turned to glare at Eddie as he came back from the kitchen a few moments later. Not once has he let you pay for your drinks. He chuckled when he saw the look on your face, giving you a wink before the baby faced young man from New Years came up to him. He leaned in to hear what he had to say and nodded as he pointed him towards the stage speaking to him over the music and together the two were off.
Your attention was turned back to Robin as you gave her a little smile when she placed your drink in front of you. "Thank you!"
"You're welcome!" She said, leaning her arms on the bar. "So how’ve you been?"
You took a sip of your cocktail before licking your lips. “I could be better but being out of my house will definitely help. How about you?” 
“Good, good!” Robin smiled as she looked at you before pointing over towards Steve who was trying to smooth talk some blonde. “Just watching your cousin fail at flirting.”
You laughed as you looked over at where she pointed. “He’s so bad at it. I don’t get it! It’s like once he graduated high school he lost all his game.”
“He’s such a dingus. It’s really sad!” 
You nodded in agreement as you looked over towards the stage where Eddie had made his way over to talk to Jeff and the rest of the band. Seems that Gareth and Brandon had returned some time in the last few days from their trips. The whole band was here. “What’s happening tonight? Why are you guys so busy?”
“It’s open mic night so lots of people come to hear the bands or to play. It's a big deal here!” Robin said as she scrubbed a glass down with a towel. 
You nodded your head watching as the young man Eddie was talking to earlier walked up to the stage talking to the band that just finished their set to the loud cheers of everyone in the room. Shaking hands along the way to the mic he stopped and looked out over the chattering crowd. “Alright, alright, everyone shut up! Let's give it up for that last band. It was their first open mic night here with us at Hellfire!” A loud round of applause sounded for the band who smiled and waved on their way to the bar. “Up next we have the band you all came to see. You know ‘em, you love ‘em, they own the bar so you better cheer for ‘em. CORRODED COFFIN!”
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Tag List:
@eddiesprincess86 @haylaansmi
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tounderstandthesoul · 2 months
Chapter 3: The Feeling to Starve
Anything to Survive Nothing More
Feelings come... Heavy emotions (depressions) are coming for Angel... Well i don't know if this chapter needs a viewer discretion but it will be a little 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲. ---
Angel Pov:
It's dark... far too dark... to think that children used to play here...cruel.Children... right here in these colourful halls and rooms, in some of them a lamp is still lit.
I have to be quiet, after all I'm in a smaller form than usual, a toddler. If I made my legs bigger it would be better because of the bigger steps...but they would also be louder. Louder footsteps here in the neighbourhood of the founder's office... Apart from this Mother toy, would be dangerous.
Finally the sensor corridor here, the employees always used their Grabpack to close the game station, so I'm sure I've already covered a lot of ground. At least that's what my feet say, they feel like they're about to fall off, damn.... Why does everything always hurt so much?
Hang on... does my hand even work on the sensors? no, I have to try it and if not I have to cross this metal sheet somehow, is there any other way? I have to think while I'm doing this, I look at the pipes on the left and right... then I realise how high this room goes???.
I wish I'd been here more often...instead of Playcare, where only the children come without their parents. But 'do I even have parents?' I can hardly remember anything other than all the tests here and the hour... that brought all this here in the first place. The Hour of Joy I don't even want to think about the Entire Death... and the all the blood...
I feel slightly nauseous already, 'no I have to keep going' It's like a reflex with my ability I stretch my arm out like it's a couple of metres long and just mentally imagine it. I don't need to close my eyes like in one of those fairy tales Miss Delight used to read to us. I know that I can do this, and at that very moment my arm flies forwards and stretches out many metres, and I reach the sensor perfectly with my hand. It's cold
I just hope it works, and I hear the slightest vibration, The sensor.
A small bar on the screen fills slowly but steadily with a red colour until it reaches the end and a loud beep sounds. oh no that was loud... too loud.
Someone... no something must have heard it. I have to hurry from now on, the gate is up and I can now see through, a huge room, lots of games, slides and everything I could ever have hoped for to the left and right. 'Is that an information sign at the front?' I walk a little forwards and only then do I notice it... The huge clock hanging above the tracks at the end of the room.
"I need to know-" My stomach lets out a very loud growl, No not now, damn that hurts. I can still stand but hobble on in the direction of the giant Podest, there are pictures all over the sides, some with a few words but interestingly some with some text. I try to read something on a picture on a pillar... but at that moment I collapse on the floor The pain.
It hurts much more than it did a few hours ago, and I remember the words of the scientists "No!, he doesn't have to eat anything, remember?!, Patchface here won't get anything until he shows us if it works with his body!" I try not to get too worked up as I climb a few small stairs and finally arrive at the front of the platform. Three levers? I knew I wouldn't be able to ride the train... but I never thought there would be some kind of code.
Wait where is the Train?
But I don't have much time to think about it anyway, because I feel something coming up my throat and instinctively kneel on the floor… to throw up away from me...'just stomach fluids'. I can't even remember the last time I ate something... Apart from a few fingers of myself. But I also see a little blood in my vomit, slowly running down the bright blue stairs of the podest. Disgusting
“im hungry….” I stretch my arm subconciusly against the panel as I kneel on the floor. 'wait a minute...' something is crawling up ahead, as if I had new energy I stand up and stare at a swing in the right corner...not far away from me.
A small animal, about the size of my hand, 'just lying there on the floor?'
"Is it... dead?" Without much thinking, I simply move towards the small animal. Not thinking anything… anything at all.
Third person Pov:
Angel walks slowly and carefully towards the small animal, kneeling down to take a closer look... It has just died.
But that doesn't seem to interest him... He desperately wraps both hands around the little animal and bites its head off. Without resistance or anything else, he stuffs it into his scarred mouth and tears it to pieces with his teeth. The bones slowly crack together in his mouth and he doesn't seem to notice that a little blood is flowing out of the corner of his mouth, he is completely mentally focussed on Surviving.
That's why it was necessary to devour this little lost Rat. He slowly begins to swallow the rat's mangled flesh, but then he opens his mouth and spits out something else, the rat's tail. He coughs twice and quickly turns his head to check the game station, there is still no toy in sight.
Anything to survive.... Right?
He stands up slowly and walks back over to the platform and takes a closer look at the tracks that come on after the train. He glances briefly at the dark corridor that follows the tracks and immediately runs back to the platform.
But just then he Collapses on the ground. Tears, blood and every possible bodily fluid is just leaving him. He vomits on the floor repeatedly, crying and pissing himself at the same time. The crying gets stronger. He has a mental as well as a physical breakdown. He lies on the floor for a few minutes... crying.
But then, out of nowhere, he gets up and catches himself for a moment. The crying stops and he wipes his tears with his arm, which is already smeared with blood.
Then he turns to the train and walks off... A short jump down onto the tracks and he is now on his way to his only destination that could still give him the chance to live.
Angel Pov:
I can't take any more of this... All this pain, the Hunger and the fact that if a toy found me, I'd probably be some kind of food source for the rest of my rotten life. The pain while having my limbs cut off... no... teared off would be unimaginable with these Monsters.
No... I must go on... I must survive.
Im on my way:     Playcare
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Jay ~ CYOA Pirate Edition :D
YAYAYAY :)) I've had this in the works for 3 weeks now. So so excited to get feedback, please leave suggestions, comments, etc.
TW: Not much it's mostly intro, threatening, overheating, stress position?, nauseous from sea sickness
Jay’s laugh rang through the streets as he ran, feeling as if the wind powered each of his steps, feeling the world beckon him further down to the sea. To safety. 
He grabbed onto a lamp pole to swing himself, propelling down an alleyway. He tried to sneak a glance behind him but in doing so ran straight into a poor, unsuspecting woman. His eyes widened in alarm as the food in her basket flew everywhere. He bent down at once, trying to pick it everything up for her before she became angry. But it was too late, she was already yelling and admonishing him for going so fast and being so careless! 
“I’m so sorry madam.” He sped off again as the men caught up, turning the corner. “It won’t happen again!” He tossed the words over his shoulder. 
He ran down where the cobblestone turned to dirt, and from there he ran up to the wooden sturdy docks where crates were always being loaded and unloaded. He dove behind a bunch of chests that were all piled up. Looking around carefully before seeing an empty barrel tilted on its side. Grinning before diving inside, pushing his back into the darkness. It was heavy and didn’t shift from his movements. 
He heard the man that was on his heels running up right near the barrel before stopping. Puffing quietly. “Where did you go…” He grunted, kicking at some chests. 
“Hey.” A low growl came from further off. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
“Some street thief just ran down to the docks. We were thinking maybe he- whoa! Hey!”
“Don’t touch my things. For all I know you’re a thief too.” 
“I am part of the King’s Royal Guard.” 
“Leave my things alone.”
“You are under no authority-” His voice suddenly dropped and when he spoke again his voice was laced with fear and wariness. “Of course… I can give you a pardon…” 
“Get out of here.” Jay listened as the guard ran back from the way they came. He let out a soft breath. Wondering who had so much authority to stop someone from the Guard. “Cane, Benjamin! What are ye doin’?! Get these blasted crates on the boat, now!” 
“Yes, captain!” 
It took much too long for Jay to process that people were headed his way. And by the time he tried getting out, it was too late, the boxes hiding him were taken away and he was left without anything to block himself if he tried to escape. A man lifted the barrel upright and clothes and boots were thrown inside and on top of him. The last bit of light disappeared as the man took a thin piece of wood and nailed it on top. 
Jay meant to say something. He really did, but his chest filled with a sense of dread. He pushed the clothes down as he tried sitting up before the barrel was lifted sideways and he fell over. He was lifted off the ground and with each step further away from the land, his thoughts spiraled more. If he said something now they’d kill him, wouldn’t they? If the captain put his hands on someone from the royal army, why wouldn’t they slit his throat just for fun?
Darius kept his face neutral as he walked into the captain’s office. “Yes Sir. Is something wrong?”
“What took so long this time?” 
“Hm?” Darius tilted his head, striding over to the cabinet that was full of rum. Getting out a bottle and a couple of glasses. 
“We were here for three extra damn days. What took so blasted long?!”
“You need a drink.”
“What. Took. So. Long.”
“Oh well, you know capt’n. Just some of the men looking for some companionship.” His voice dripped with honey as he set the glasses on the table, ready to pour the first one. The captain snatched the bottle from him, taking a swig from it directly as Darius watched. A smile danced from his lips. “Was I taking too long Sir?”
“Shut up. I hate this damn city. I had to deal with that stupid Guard all week. And one idiot was snooping around our things this morning. A guard. Claiming he was looking for some thief. I know he wasn’t. Likely sent from the King, getting suspicious of us again. I know we shouldn’t have stayed so long.”
Darius cut in. “But can you blame the men? They just wanted a little fun-”
“YES, I CAN!” He yelled, slamming the bottle down on the table. “I can do whatever the hell I want!”
He stared at him indifferently. “Careful captain. You might break the glass.” 
“Pour me a bloody drink.” He grumbled as he sat back in the chair, kicking his legs up on the desk as he watched Darius calmly pour two drinks, handing him one of the glasses. He took a slow sip, staring out the window as they slowly moved away from the docks. “Blundering idiots. They see a woman and they lose all sensibility. You need to take more responsibility for them.” 
“Perhaps. Or you can do your job better.” Darius snipped. 
His eyes snapped over at him. “You need to get your mouth under control.” 
“Or what?” He knew those words were wrong the moment his mouth opened, he should have stopped himself but he couldn’t. It’d be the death of him one day.
The captain stood, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him close. “Or maybe I should tie you to the shrouds and flog you myself. Fix up your attitude Ree, do you understand me?” 
He took a breath, not daring to show an ounce of fear. “Yes, Sir.”
He pushed him back. Growling while grabbing the bottle again, despite his glass not being empty yet. “I want you to take inventory.”
“Someone did on shore, Sir.” He spoke slowly. 
“I know someone did. I want you to take inventory now. I want the report before you go to sleep.” 
“Sir, that could take hours…” He tried to reason.
“I understand that. I think you need to learn some manners though, perhaps you should take on some real responsibility.”
He gritted his teeth. “Yes. Captain. I’ll do as you ask.”
“Damn right ye will.” He finished the bottle. “You’re dismissed.” He carelessly waved him out of the room. 
He sighed while going out, getting a couple of men to help him as he recorded all of the information. Taking crates down and opening them. Moving on to chests. Then the barrels. Most were empty, though a couple had nailed lids on, they’d have to take them off to open them up. Getting them till there was one left. “What’s in this one?”
“Just some extra clothes.”
He sighed. “Go ahead and open it.”
Two of the three nails had been pried off before a yelling voice interrupted the men's work. “YOU IDIOT!”  
“At least I’m not a goddam coward!”
Darius frowned while looking over as the two of them pulled out swords. Running over to break up the two men without getting nicked by the sharp edges.
The two men helping him left the barrel, running over along with half the crew, excited to see a duel commence.
By the time Darius had split the two up the final barrel wasn’t a concern anymore. “You said clothes?”
“Yes Sir.”
“That’s all I need to know. He doesn’t need to find out.” He sighed while writing it down.
Jay let out a breath of relief. He had no clue what he would have done if he had gotten caught. The boat was beginning to sway. He felt sick. Heat building up inside. Being constantly shifted up against the sides and walls of the barrels. Trying to avoid feeling nauseous, closing his eyes as voices surrounded him at all times.
He was getting further from shore each minute. Maybe if he escaped at night when they were all asleep he could jump off the boat and swim back to shore. 
He quietly rubbed the necklace he had in his pocket. He closed his eyes, trying to rest. 
When he woke up he was hot, nearly sweating, but it was quiet. He counted to 60 once. Twice. Three, four, five, six times. He didn’t hear anyone. Any footsteps. 
This was his chance.
He had to escape now. 
He pushed at the lid and managed to pry it open.
He sat up and stood shocked as the wind bit at his skin. His legs tingled alive and he had to wait for a couple of minutes for his body to stop seizing in pain. His skin was burning to the touch and yet the cool sensation of the wind made him feel sick all over again. He looked around but there was no one in sight.
He stood and carefully climbed up and out of the barrel. The boat lurched, and so did his stomach. “Nnh.” He held his head. He fished the necklace out of his pocket, glad to see it was still there. He went to one of the boat’s railings, looking out. He frowned before running across the ship, it was a lot bigger than he thought. He looked that way, but nothing. No lights anywhere.  
He looked around as his brain began speeding up and he went into a panic. His hand worked around the necklace, fidgeting nervously. Where was he… how was he supposed to get home? He bit his lip before going back to the barrel. The boat jumped with a wave and he tripped over a box and fell, hitting his head. “Ow.” He mumbled, moving to get up before feeling a heavy boot land on his back, pinning him there. “Oh no-” He whispered, barely making a sound. 
Darius tilted his head thoughtfully as he stared down at the boy. 
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prairiesongserial · 11 months
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Friday lay in bed with Cody, both of them dressed in the new traveling clothes that Sacha had given them. Both of them stared up at the ceiling, elbows touching. Sacha had gone to great expense just to fuck them over with that letter of introduction–Friday kept coming back to that. And whether it had been intentional or not. It was a waste of her energy, trying to figure it out, but it was better than thinking about Val.
Cody, she was pretty sure, wasn’t thinking at all. She’d told him her plan several times, Cody fighting for understanding from the very distant place his mind had gone. Eventually he had nodded and agreed: whatever you think is best.
Cody breathed deeply beside her–if not for the steady hammer of his heart, she could have mistaken him for asleep. Almost time. She wanted to wait at least until midnight. She imagined the rescue team–fuck the rescue team–had spent the rest of the afternoon testing the stability of the cave-in before finally taking a delicate, hesitant approach–digging Val and John out one rock at a time, more curious to see if they were still alive than moved by any urgency. Friday grit her teeth.
Cody’s hand found hers, and she gripped it back, hard.
“How’s that head?” she asked him. Cody was lightly concussed from the fall after Officer Liang had tased him. A doctor had come to the room to check him out after.
“Fine,” he said. “Hurts.”
It was like lying next to John. Friday rolled her eyes fondly and gave his hand another hard squeeze.
“Ready?” she said. It wasn’t as late as she had wanted, but she couldn’t wait any longer.
Cody nodded in the dark.
It wasn’t hard to get her hands on a map of the city once they were out of the palace. Friday broke into a shuttered newsstand and got herself an entire book of maps. She flipped through under a street lamp, shaking a few bits of glass from her coat sleeve.
After a minute to orient herself, Cody standing silently at her side, Friday started walking. The entrances to the subway weren’t marked on the map, but she was able to find the cross-street where they’d been separated from John and Val. If the subway had been laid out on a grid, it wouldn’t be hard to find another way down.
Friday walked fast. It would be a long, cold walk before they reached their starting point.
When she and Cody had arrived back at the palace, Officer Liang had put them in a guest room to wait for news about their friends. She hadn’t warned them–maybe hadn’t known–that the Queen would come in person to talk to them.
Friday had been sitting on the floor, too tired to clean up and get changed, with her back braced against the bed. Cody had been in worse shape. He was conscious, but sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, bent double with his hands over the back of his head. He kept threatening to throw up.
The Queen entered without knocking. She was dressed in a pink pantsuit and heels, silver jewelry jangling at her wrists.
“My guard says John Graves and Valerie Lecter are unaccounted for,” she had said–no greeting. She was clearly livid. “The explosives were tampered with and detonated prematurely–how curious. And now two French spies are running loose under my city.”
That was an interesting way to say that the bag holding volatile explosives had been hit by a train. But Friday and Cody hadn’t shared that detail, and no matter how bad it looked, she wasn’t giving the Queen any information. Cody must have agreed–that, or he was too nauseous to speak.
“I am not pleased,” the Queen snapped. “Mr. Graves and Mr. Lecter must have understood that the two of you are my collateral when they left you behind. Until they return–or are brought back–the two of you will be staying where I can see you.”
So the Queen thought that John and Val had met up with the faction that had kidnapped the princes–the regent’s supporters. Conspiracy made more sense than random tragedy. Friday also would have liked to believe that John and Val had blown the explosives and escaped into the Underground as an act of political espionage.
So they’d waited, and were left alone for the most part. Shortly after Cody was seen by the doctor, one of the palace guard had come to deliver dinner; Friday had stolen his keys. They’d washed up and changed clothes. And kept waiting.
Friday held her map up under the next street light. This was where they’d resurfaced, she and Officer Liang carrying Cody between them. Their best bet was to head east, keeping their eyes peeled for another train station.
Friday looked up from the map and nearly jumped out of her skin. The Queen was standing stock-still against the nearest brick building. She was barely caught in the light of the street lamp, staring placidly at Friday and waiting to be noticed.
“What?” Cody said. His eyes followed hers, but he didn’t have the same reaction. He stepped closer. A second later, Friday realized that what she was looking at was a life-sized poster plastered onto the brick.
“Stand together for a safer England,” Cody said flatly. “Queen Georgiana Victoria is here to help.”
Friday realized what had been bothering her–what didn’t make sense. There had been a regent and a couple of kid princes. Where the hell had they come up with a queen?
Cody returned to Friday’s side, then shrugged. They walked east. More life-sized posters of the Queen were glued up on nearly every wall, but she and Cody didn’t stop to read them. They did walk a little faster.
It wasn’t long until they found another entrance down into the subway. They climbed down a quiet, dark set of stairs that seemed to go on forever. At the bottom, Friday set down her bag and dug through for her flashlight. There was a steady dripping sound, and then the sound of footsteps.
Before Friday got her flashlight up, she found herself illuminated in a beam of light. Officer Liang was staring her down, flashlight in one hand, taser in the other.
“I fucking knew it,” Officer Liang said. “What part of ‘wait for the rescue team’ did you not understand?”
Officer Liang’s gaze slid over Friday’s shoulder, and her expression changed.
“You can come with us, then,” Cody said, voice hard. “We could use more hands. You can drop that.”
“Please lower your weapon,” Officer Liang said, swallowing.
“No,” Cody said.
A beat of silence passed, interrupted only by the sound of dripping.
“He will shoot you,” Friday said. “We’re both a little upset that you tased him earlier.”
Still, silence. Officer Liang blinked rapidly, clearly nervous.
“No one knows you’re here, right?” Cody said. “Your shift would have ended hours ago.”
For a second, Friday was sure that Cody was going to shoot Officer Liang. She could feel his intent to kill her the way an animal’s instincts told it a predator was nearby. Then the tension broke. Officer Liang handed her taser to Friday, handle first, and Friday took it. Cody holstered his gun–John’s gun.
Officer Liang crossed her arms over her chest, looking small.
“Let’s go,” Cody said.
Friday let him take the lead, handing him the flashlight from her bag. To her surprise, Officer Liang trailed after them. Apparently if she couldn’t arrest them, she was at least determined to tail them and make her report to the Queen. Gutsy. Especially if she really thought Friday and Cody could be colluding with kidnappers or terrorists.
Cody led them to the cave-in at a fast pace. Friday took a deep breath as his flashlight moved over the wall of rock and gravel and–from this side of the cave-in–twisted metal. The train had been destroyed in the explosion, reduced to nothing but scorched parts.
The second thing Friday noticed was that there was no sign of a rescue team ever having approached the site–at least not from this side. No scaffolding or supports, no tools, no sign of progress. Friday looked at Officer Liang out of the corner of her eye. Her mouth hung slightly open.
“Is that a train?” she mouthed. She reached for the portable phone on her belt. Friday snatched it without any resistance.
Cody was pacing in front of the wreckage. He’d extend a hand sometimes toward a sheet of metal, as if to look underneath it, but stop himself at the last second.
The beam of his flashlight glanced off something on the wall. Friday took Officer Liang’s flashlight before she could protest and went to get a better look.
It was graffiti. Friday ran the light up and down the wall–it was completely covered in spray-painted words, pictures, and symbols. It was like they were in a different subway tunnel. On the other side of the cave-in, there hadn’t been anything like this.
Officer Liang also seemed interested. She gave a low whistle.
“What’s any of this mean?” Friday asked her. She spared a glance to Cody. He had stopped pacing, but he hadn’t started digging. Also thinking, like her, that if John and Val had been caught in that rubble, they were already dead.
Officer Liang had started to answer Friday’s question–the faction that had kidnapped the princes was anti-Monarchy, which was why they had thrown their support behind the regent when he had attempted to assassinate the princes and had finished the job themselves.
“You think the princes are dead?” Friday said. She turned, bringing the light to the opposite wall of the tunnel, where there was more of the same style of graffiti. Something metal on the tracks caught the light for a second, and Friday thought she knew what it was. Blood pounded in her ears as she attempted to keep the beam of the flashlight steady on the wall. She wanted to make sure, but she didn’t want to draw too much attention from Officer Liang.
“They’ve been missing for a while now,” Officer Liang said hesitantly. “They wouldn’t keep them alive.”
Friday barely heard her. Not Our Queen was painted large over ten or twelve feet of the wall. The writing was stylized in a way that made it hard for Friday to read. Similar messages covered the surrounding wall:
Where’d you come from, Georgiana?
Fuck your throne.
And… Friday squinted. She stepped closer. There was spray-painted writing, a long phrase written much smaller than the other messages so that it would fit.
Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
Friday sounded out the phrase, confused when it didn’t come together into words she recognized. It hadn’t been stylized like the other graffiti. A less-experienced hand had clearly been trying very hard to make each letter legible, though still the paint had dripped and bled. It was the most recent message on this wall, Friday realized, seeing how it overlapped on top of all the surrounding tags and slogans.
Responde mihi. Answer me. She knew that. She read it all again. She turned her flashlight off so that Officer Liang wouldn’t see the shaking beam of light. Or the expression on her face.
She could hear it in Val’s voice, the disturbing chant that was part of the Good Friday service. She couldn’t have said exactly what this part meant, but now that she knew what she was looking at, she could hear the rhythm of it in her head. Responde mihi.
Why this message? Val had to know she didn’t know Latin. She wouldn’t understand. Tears of relief threatened to spill over even as her mind raced, reading the message over and over. He knew she wouldn’t understand, so maybe the meaning didn’t matter. What mattered was what she did understand. 
It was a Catholic thing. It was only said for Good Friday–she almost laughed through her tears. For her, it was a message for her. Thanks, Val, she got it. 
And he wanted an answer. An answer to what? Maybe not an answer to a question, but a response, something that Friday had to do. She shuffled back to the center of the tracks and turned the flashlight back on, slowly raising it back to the wall, as if she’d intended to get another look from a few feet back. Really, she was scanning the ground–there. The glimmer of metal, not scorched and black, but shiny. Friday’s heart beat a little faster.
A sound of distress drew her attention back to the rubble. Cody was holding something. Officer Liang hurried to his side, and Friday took the opportunity to snatch up what she had seen on the tracks. She closed her fist around it, sand and gravel leaking out of her fingers.
She approached Cody, joining Officer Liang. He’d found a boot with the laces slashed, rather than untied. He stood there, holding it, staring at Friday for an explanation.
“Is that John’s?” she asked.
Cody nodded, his mouth twisted.
She took it from him, not wanting to look, but knowing that it would decide whether John had also survived. She grit her teeth and looked inside the boot. It was empty. She dropped it and grasped Cody into a hug.
“He’s alive,” she whispered into the crook of his neck. “Act sad.”
Beside them, keeping some distance, Officer Liang looked disturbed. Like she wanted to offer condolences but knew they wouldn’t be welcome. Friday squeezed Cody tighter into the hug, the ring clutched in her fist held tightly enough to make a circular indent in her palm.
“Really?” Cody said, crying.
“Shh,” Friday said, but she nodded, rubbing the sides of their heads together.
As the three of them walked back the way they’d come, Friday’s flashlight grazed floor-to-ceiling letters spray-painted in black. They were so large that Friday had to hold the letters in her mind as they progressed, gradually putting the words together.
She reached into her pocket to touch the ring she’d picked up from the middle of the tracks. The ring Val had believed she would find. Responde mihi–answer me–bring it back to me?
The full meaning of Val’s message fell into place, answering a question she hadn’t thought to ask. 
Why leave her a coded message unless something was keeping Val and John from communicating clearly? The Good Friday service, and this part in particular, was all about Christ’s betrayal–it was basically a big “What the hell did I ever do to you?”
Either Val hadn’t been in a position to send her a message freely, or he hadn’t thought it was safe for Friday to receive it.
Either way, Friday understood loud and clear: Watch your back.
21.7 || epilogue 21
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mads-weasley · 3 years
Winter at the Winters'
Dick Winters x Reader
A/N: This is part of@hbowardaily's 2021 Secret Santa!!! I hope you enjoy it@multifandomlover01! Merry Christmas!!
Summary: Years after returning from the war, (y/n) and Dick Winters spend some time with their small family.
Warnings: mentions of slight angst, EXTREME fluff; like tooth rotting fluffiness, and mentions of sickness
(y/n) - your name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
(y/e/c) - your eye color
(y/h/c) - your hair color
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As the snow fell down in Hershey, Pennsylvania, on a cold December morning, Dick and (y/n) were snuggled up beneath the covers, but he was the only one sleeping. Winter was both their favorite time of the year, but it did bring some unwanted memories of Bastogne, especially when temperatures dropped drastically or it snowed. Around this time, the couple had some trouble sleeping. Whether it was a nightmare, a cold draft that made them think they were still in the Ardennes, or just replaying memories in their mind, they struggled.
This particular morning, (y/n) was the one struggling. She lied awake in the secure arms of her husband, thinking back to the horrid conditions they lived in at Bastogne over the December of 1944. It didn't help that she felt nauseous, too. A sniffle escaped her lips, and she prayed that the sleeping man beside her didn't hear it. To her dismay, he did.
His arms moved from around her as he sat up on his elbows, a sleepy, but concerned look painting his face. She sat up in response, quickly wiping a tear that leaked from her eye.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked groggily as he wiped the sleepiness from his own eyes.
She didn't respond immediately, thinking of what to say. "Bastogne, the cold, the war. All of it."
Sighing softly, he reached to the nightstand and turned on a lamp. He knew exactly what she meant. His wife wasn't the only one who still suffered from the war. Nix had told him about some of his flashbacks and painful memories, and Dick suffered from his own as well.
Seeing her suffer broke his heart. She had been a medic, so she saw a lot more death, blood, and gore than the average soldier.
"Come here," he whispered, pulling her into his arms. She laid her head on his chest, bringing in a shaky breath. Her eyes fluttered shut when he started running his fingers through her (y/h/c) hair. Sleep welcomed her quickly, but before she could drift away, the light flicked off as she heard a gently voice.
"You're safe. I love you, (y/n/n)."
(Y/n) is awoken by something, or more like someone, lifting up her eyelids.
"Mommy. Mommy. Wake up. Wake up. It's snowing!" her three year old son whispers before jumping up on top of her. Groaning, she gently moves him in the middle of the bed between her and Dick. Her husband's soothing voice almost lulled her back to sleep.
"Richie, let your mother sleep, buddy."
"Daddy, I want to play in the snow!"
Sighing, Dick gets out of bed and helps Richie slide off the bed and onto the floor.
"Alright. Let's go play. Go get your coat."
The smile that crossed the toddler's face was nothing short of precious. Immediately, he ran out of the room to get dressed. (Y/n) felt soft lips softly kiss her forehead and she sighed in content.
"Get some sleep."
"Love you." She slurred, falling back asleep.
Not long after falling back asleep, (y/n) was awoken by the feeling of nausea once again. Just making it to the bathroom, she threw up into the toilet. When she was done, she brushed her teeth to get rid of the taste of bile in her mouth. She had just recently found out she was pregnant, and was waiting for the right moment to tell her husband.
She was snatched from her thoughts by squeals of delight coming from outside her window, so she walked over to it to watch. Richie threw a snowball at Dick, who fell to the ground laughing as the toddler ran and jumped on him. Smiling to herself, (y/n) decided to join her boys outside in the snow. Pulling on her snow gear, she thanked God for the commodity that they didn't have during the war. She couldn't find her coat, so she went over to her husband's side of their closet and stole one of his. It was very big on her, but she loved that. It made her feel all nice and cozy wearing his clothes.
By the time she got outside, the boys were in the backyard laying on the ground making snow angels. She laughed to herself when she saw the size difference in her husband's tall, lanky frame compared to that of their tiny three year old's. Deciding to just watch them for a minute, she leaned up against the side of the house where they couldn't see her as they talked away. She couldn't hear them, so she never would have guessed their conversation was about her.
"Daddy, why does mama hate the cold?"
The question caught Dick off guard. He knew why his wife hated the cold, but how could her explain all the terrible reasons why to a three year old. He wouldn't. He didn't like to lie, but he didn't know what else to do.
"She doesn't hate the cold."
"Uh huh. She does." He said, nodding his head with raised eyebrows.
"What makes you say that, Rich?"
"She doesn't come play outside." the toddler stated, his voice lowering before continuing. "And she cries."
Dick's heart seemed to crack softly at his son's reasoning. (Y/n) did get upset about things, but she always tried to hide it from Richie. She never wanted him to think anything was wrong. Dick sighed, finally giving in. He decided to tell him a tiny part of the truth.
"Your mother doesn't hate the cold. It makes her think of bad memories." Dick said softly, sitting up on his elbows as Richie mirrored his actions.
A confused expression painted the boy's face. "What bad memories?"
"Remember how I've told you that mommy and daddy went far away to stop bad people?"
He nodded animatedly.
"Those memories."
Richie seemed to understand. Well, as much as a 3 year old can understand. Not 30 seconds later, he was back to his rambunctious self, jumping on his father, laughing. Seeing this from around the corner, (y/n) pushed off the wall to join her family. Running over to them, she gently flopped on top of her husband, getting a hearty laugh from him, and a "Mommy!" from her son.
Richie had his father's auburn hair and freckles. Being in the cold for so long, they now also shared rosy cheeks and a bright red nose. The only trait the little boy got from (y/n) was her (y/e/c) eyes. She wondered if their new child would have more of her features or if they would look like another carbon-copy of Dick. They had always wanted a girl and a boy, but would gladly accept whatever God blessed them with. She knew her son would be so excited to find out that he was going to get a sibling.
Richie's scarf on the snow stole her attention. Picking it up, she gently tucked his scarf around his neck and into his coat.
"You're freezing, baby!"
"I'm fine mama!" He said with a toothy grin.
"Alright. Do you want to build a snowman?"
His little eyes lit up as he jumped to his feet, running towards the door. He yelled over his shoulder. "I'll go get the carrot!"
Dick, who was watching the whole interaction with literal heart eyes, put his arm around (y/n) and gently pulled her next to him as they laid in the snow. He leaned over, giving her a kiss on the temple. The sweet smile she gave him in response warmed his whole body.
He motioned where Richie had disappeared around the corner, "Can you believe him? He's getting so big. Before we know it, he's not going to be a little boy anymore."
This was her chance to tell him, and she wasn't going to miss it for the world.
"Good thing we've got another one coming then, huh?"
He chuckled, breathily responding, "Yeah."
A smile grew on (Y/n) Winters' face as she was waiting for the gears to finish turning in her husband's head. About five seconds later, he sat up off the snow, looking down at her with furrowed brows as she lay below him.
"Wait, what? Are you-" He looked down at her stomach with wide eyes.
"Yep. Found out last week. Little Richie's getting a sibling."
Dick felt the air leave his lungs. He tried to say something, anything, but the words were not coming out. What were words? How do you speak? He forgot how to perform basic functions. It felt as if his body went into shock. Maybe it did. The only thing that was running through his mind was how happy he was. Their small family would be expanding in a few short months.
In an instant, he had moved one of his hands onto the snowy ground next to her head to brace himself as he pressed his lips to hers. His other hand rested on her jaw while hers wrapped around his neck. Pulling apart, they both sat up, wrapping the other in a bone-crushing hug.
Nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck, Dick murmured, "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
The couple fully parted at the voice of their son. "I've got the carrot!!"
With teary eyes, they welcomed their three year old with welcome arms into a 'family hug,' as he called it. Richie looked up at his parents with a concerned face.
"What's wrong, mommy?"
"Nothing, baby. These are happy tears."
Dick smiled and gently squeezed his wife's arm, nodding. "We have something to tell you, Rich."
His eyes widened. "Are we getting a puppy!?"
The pair just laughed at the little boy in front of them.
"No, buddy." (Y/n) chuckled.
"You're getting a new brother or sister!"
They could tell the little gears in his mind were turning just like his father's had minutes before. After a few seconds, his hands flew to his mother's stomach. Dick's eyes about bugged out of his head.
"Richard! Be gentle."
"Sorry," he muttered before getting excited again, "There's a baby in there?"
Richie hopped up eagerly, running for the house once again, yelling, "I'm getting a carrot for a snowbaby!!"
Dick gave his loving wife a hug as they watched their son disappear around the corner yet again. He gently placed his hands on her stomach that would grow in the next few months.
"Just wait til' I tell Nix!"
They knew that from then on, the Winters family would never be the same. It also marked the time that winter became Richie Winters' favorite time of the year.
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