#i git two ancestor skins now
luminescenc1e · 8 months
@mugglebrn continued from here.
She is so oblivious that it might just be the thing that fully drives him insane. Finch-Fletchley was looking at her like he couldn’t wait to get his little grubby hands on her body like he had any right to think of her, and he could imagine what he was thinking, or touching her. And she had no idea, that much became obvious rather quickly. Whether she was too nice or too naive, Draco did not know. But, he had half a mind to walk over to where they had sat and pummel that little git to the ground. That would get him expelled, even hexing him, or at least doing so in public would get him expelled, so he sat at his table on the other side of the library, staring daggers, and Hermione was none the wiser.
He’d get Finch-Fletchley later, maybe he gets into an accident sneaking around the corridors after curfew, Draco would think of something. But that is for later, now, he stalks after her, and it takes her too long to notice him. But he has to remind her, he does not share. Whatever this was that they had, he didn’t care to put a name to it, but he would not allow anyone else to touch her, not while she gets so deliciously wet when he gets her hands on her skin. One hand is in her hair, tight and pulling her back, allowing him to decide where he wants his mouth to land, biting, kissing, licking.
And his other one is in her knickers, two fingers curving upward, hitting just the right spot for her to let these little moans and breaths out. The ring on his right hand, with the Malfoy crest, coated in her juices. If any of his ancestors knew that he was pressed up against a muggle-born with two of his fingers in her tight wet cunt, they’d combust in their graves. He is already hard as he presses against her, but this is more to remind her that shouldn’t waste her time around just anyone.
“ So wet, you like it when I’m rough with you, don’t you Granger? ” He doesn’t change his pace but moves his thumb to make almost gentle circling motions around her clit, giving just a little bit of pressure, making sure he prolongs her gasping for breath, clinging to him until he makes her cum. Of course, she’d enjoy being fingered in the library, what a little swot, he thinks with a smile as he deepens the kiss before pulling away, eyes trained on her face.
“ I’m far too kind, I shouldn’t let you cum. But I do enjoy these little noises you make, I wonder what kind of noises you’ll make when I fuck you. ” It became obvious early on that she enjoys it when he talks dirty, Hermione Granger likes hearing him say filthy things, especially things he wants to do to her, he can feel her clenching around his fingers when he does, which makes his cock ache against his trousers. “ Is that what you want, or maybe since we wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, maybe I should make sure your mouth is full, huh? Would you like that? ”
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abcdemyz-fr · 6 years
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Bitch dafuq
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fanficfreekmcu · 4 years
Flòraidh, The Witch’s Apprentice (47)
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“Finna!” Gita threw her weapons down and pulled her into her arms. “I’m so glad to see you again!”
“You too, Git!”
“Odin’s beard!” Nina followed. “I thought for sure we’d lost you! You’ve been gone so long!”
“I’m too tough to let an old crone get me!” she patted her back.
“Ladies! Please, we do have a purpose for this meeting!” Sif yelled over their joyful conversations.
Finna nodded and took her seat at the north end of the table as Sif took hers at the South. Their three captains sat at either side and the food and drink were promptly served.
“So… fill me in. Who has taken over for me while I was indisposed?” Finna threw an olive into her mouth.
“I have,” Sif looked down at her. “I took on the entire Regiment in your absence.”
“I expected no less,” she smiled and nodded in gratitude.
“We’ve continued on as you began, Princess, ridding each village of marauders and placing an Angel Stone in the center well,” Hilde informed her.
“The stone doesn’t work without the spell,” Finna informed them.
“There’s a witch in the ranks, one of my maidens. She’s performed the spell and it seems to have held,” Sif smirked.
“I’d like to meet her,” Finna grinned excitedly.
“I’ll send for her,” she pointed to one of the maidens who stood watch and sent her off.
The two commanders immediately went into the meeting, briefing their soldiers on their plan of attack for the morning, finishing up just as the young, blonde girl arrived at the table.
“You summoned me, Lady Sif?” she bowed.
“I did,” she wiped her hands on a cloth before rising. “Princess Finna would like to meet you.”
“Oh!” her eyes widened as she turned to bow before her Princess.
“Stop that,” Finna waved at her. “I hear you did a fine job in placing the Angel Stones in my absence?”
“Thank you, my Princess.”
“Flòraidh? Your name is Vanirian?” her eyes glittered green as she looked her over.
“Wh… My great-grandmother was Vanir, on my father’s side.”
“So you are not Vala,” she smiled.
“No,” she looked down.
“I won’t hold that against you,” she laughed. “You’ve not been trained properly as a witch, my dear. You only know what your instincts tell you.”
“My family hasn’t passed down the secrets, no.”
She turned to Sif.
“Take her!” she waved her hand. “As if I’d have a chance if I said no!”
“I’ve always wanted an apprentice,” Finna grinned excitedly. “I do need your permission, however,” she looked down at her young witch. “The magic won’t take if you’re not willing. The Laws of Magic are funny that way.”
“What do I need to do?”
“Repeat after me,” Finna placed her right hand on her head as her eyes glowed bright green and the blue tattooed swirls appeared on her skin. “Is mise Flòraidh. Tha geall air mo shon fhéin dhi’ ionnsaich Dýrfinna.”
“My name is Flora. I pledge myself to the teachings of Dýrfinna,” her eyes widened as she realized that she had understood the foreign language.
Finna stood still and looked up at the sky. Slowly, a blue swirl began to curl itself down Flòraidh’s cheek, but then stopped. “And so it is done,” she grinned before looking down at her student. “As you progress and learn in the old ways, the ancestors will gift you with more of our markings. It denotes rank within our own kind.”
“I’ve never seen yours for more than a few minutes, on the battlefield.”
“You can see them all now, all the time. Right now… no one else but you can.”
She turned to Sif.
“What?” she asked.
“Is your entire body covered?!” Floraidh’s eyes widened.
“Nearly,” she smirked. “I still have a few things myself to learn.”
“Will she have visions?” Sif asked.
“No, she is not Vala. Only the magic can be taught to her.”
“Thank you… my, er… Pr… what should I call you now?”
“Finna,” she nodded to her.
➵➵➵➵➵➵➵❂➵➵➵➵➵➵➵ 48
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lokilickedme · 5 years
So last night the fam and I hit open mic night at the local because
1) husband is a musician and a regular fixture at OMN and it would probably tumble into a chaos of fourteen year olds reading poetry they wrote in english lit and that one guy who plays Naruto on the violin if we didn’t show up,
2) Big wanted to read a passage from Forrest Gump to practice his conversational reading and his spiffy new ability to mimic accents, and
3) Little has been practicing the Thomas The Tank Engine theme on a piano app and holy cow the baby has NAILED IT.
So the show hits its crescendo when Little plays his piano bit and then grabs the microphone and just SCREAMS into it and someone in the audience starts applauding madly and yelling “PLAY SLIPKNOT!!” - 
But I’m not here to tell you that story (mainly because I ended up snatching the mic away from him because I KNEW HE WAS GONNA START CURSING ANY SECOND NOW) - I’m actually here to tell you this one:
There’s this elderly old gentlewoman from the nursing home who shows up at these things faithfully.  If Miss Evie isn’t there, you should probably start checking the obits because she will always be there unless she is deceased, and even then it’s likely she’ll find a ride anyway.
So Miss Evie is this gorgeous old gal with shocking white hair that she wears coiffed up so fancy you’d think she had a stylist following her around.  She wears billowy layers of diaphanous fabrics in lovely bright colors that make her look like a cross between an ancient Fae queen and a friendly witch who mixes love potions for anyone who can prove their intentions are pure.  She has a deep booming voice that perfectly suits old church-choir gospel, which she often graces us with.  Her skin is dark and beautiful and smooth for her years and she loves telling us about her African ancestors who gave it to her.  She’s tall and imposing even bent over with her walking cane and is all of about 80 years old - and her best friend is Miss Kitty, a tiny white lady with a squeaky Brooklyn accent and a huge red hat with feathers that she’s never been seen without.  The pair of them shout encouragement at each other during their monologues, peppering the noise of the cafe with “PREACH IT SISTER!”  and the random “Amen, tell it baby.”
It’s all around a beautiful thing to be privy to.
Miss Evie once sang us an ancient Celtic spiritual, which none of knew was actually a thing until she read us the research paper she’d written on it and then sang us the song she’d found.  It was incredible, her big heavy voice belting out those oddly delicate words that nobody knew the meaning of.  She followed it up with an old African song of faith that her research revealed mirrored the Celtic song she’d just sung, then shared with us her theories about ancient African and Celt civilizations being linked through traveling shamans who carried their native songs back and forth between the two.
Once she read us an old newspaper article from the 1950′s about nuclear energy.
Another time, I swear to god, this awesome lady just sat down at the mic and closed her eyes and started humming.  And every last one of us looked at each other for a second, wondering if maybe Miss Evie was starting to lose herself to the ravages of her age...but it only took a minute for us all to just close our eyes and listen.  Even if it was an unsettling glimpse into something nobody wanted to consider, there was a beauty to it that made us all stay silent until she was done.
Last night Miss Evie insisted on being last on the performance schedule, and by the time her turn came around I had a massive headache that had been building all day.  Little was losing his damn mind, bored with his dominoes and tired of sitting.  Husband was ready to go.  But I insisted on staying, because it was Miss Evie, and she always showed respect for everyone else on the roster even when they straight up sucked.  So we stayed.
And that old gal got up there and took her seat at the mic and pulled out a book.  Did she have some new bit of obscure yet fascinating research to enlighten us with?  An interesting factoid from another era that bore some kind of terrifying relevance to current time?  A lovely old poem by a long-dead bard whose works she’d recently unearthed in some dusty old bookshop?  Something deep and profound and lifechanging?
We all waited to see what she was going to grace us with this time.
She looked up at the audience, smiled that wide toothy smile of hers, and announced -
“I’ve discovered romance novels!”
She then proceeded to read us fifteen pages from an early ‘80′s Nora Roberts softcore trashy historical about some troublesome chick named Sophie trying to set up her best bud with a rich husband while falling for a Duke or some stuffy old git herself in the process.
And every last one of us stayed till she closed the book and said thank you, bending over with a worrisome groan to pick up her cane and hobble offstage.
It might not have been high art, but it was Miss Evie through and through.  Always different, always surprising, always not even remotely what anyone was expecting.  I couldn’t tell you what the red haired kid with the ukelele sang, or which Bach Concerto my husband played on his guitar, but I’ll be damned if I’ll ever forget that this ancient descendant of African queens with white hair and a walking cane read us a romance novel with the same breathless excitement of a teenage girl first discovering YA vampire porn.
Life’s a trip, you guys.  Appreciate every inch of the road as you go.
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Total Drama Smash Bros: Episode 2, Part 2 Something Fishy This Way Comes...
*Wario wanders around a dark and fog-filled campground by a lake, looking in vain for the tell-tale signs of the Camp in question, unfortunately it seems like he's in the wrong place*
Wario: Welp, that's it, I'm lost. Sakurai damn it! What's a guy got to do to steal a measley twenty-million around here!?
*An unknown 1st Person POV shot begins tracking Wario through the abandoned campground while breathing heavilly*
Wario: Dammit Ganondorf! You couldn't of hidden your summer camp of torture somewhere more accessible?! And what's this shit about not inviting me to help in your revenge fetish story?! And what the hell is up with this place?! Camp Crystal Lake?! What kind of bullshit name for a camp is that?! You might as well name it Camp Super Happy and be done with it! Why I outghta-
*Wario is interrupted from his rant by the 1st Person POV approaching behind him. Wario turns to see a massive mountain of a man in ragged clothes wearing a hockey mask and wielding a machete.*
Wario: Oh, hey there buddy. You okay? You're breathing kind of heavy. You need a cough drop or something?
*The man does not respond, merely continues breathing heavily and glaring at Wario*
Wario: Hey, buddy! I'm talkin' to ya! *More silence* Look buddy, you're kind of violating Wairo's personal space, so I'm gonna have to ask you to back off.
*The man does not respond, merely lifting up his mask and allowing Wario to see his face before replacing it*
Wario: Woah! Buddy, that's one hell of a condition! I've got some skin cream in my bag, here let me get it for ya. *The masked man raises his machete as Wario fishes through his pack.*
------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
Back at the Fishing Grounds
*The boats have shoved off and the teams have departed. Some are doing well! Others are doing... not so well.*
(Erdrick and Robyn's boat)
Erdrick: I got one! We're eating good tonight!*Begins reeling in his line*
Robyn: Wow. That was fast.
Erdrick: Almost here... almost here...! *he reels it in revealing it to be... an old boot* Aw, tartar sauce. *he glumly throws the boot into the boat*
(Roy and Samus' boat)
Samus: Jeez, how do you use this thing? It's so primitive!
Roy: Well, how do you usually go fishing?
Samus: I get on a aqua terrain suit, load up my spear-gun, and take the offensive. None of this waiting around crap.
Roy: Right, future, forgot. *sighs* Here, let me show you.
Samus: Right. So, where's the prime interface so I can load up the targeting system?
*Roy facepalms*
(Link and Bonny Janet)
Link: *staring at the water thoughtfully, surveying the whole area*
Bonny Janet: Oi! Elfy! Ya goona let ma in oon tha' big secret?
Link: Just determining the best place to fish. Have to take into account water currents, sunshine, and a whole bunch of other- fuck it. *Link jumps into the water and reemerges a minute later with a Spotted buck-Salmon clenched between his jaws*
Bonny Janet: BLOODY HELL! Do ya always fish like thaat?
Link, spitting the fish into the boat: My ancestors used fishing rods, but Mipha taught me to fish like a Zora. Lots more efficient.
Bonny Janet thinks for a moment before an evil grin comes over her face: Oi. Ya think ya could get moore tha' way? We git moore, oone fer each oof our team... an' wee've goot a good chance o' winnin'!
Link, pulling himself into the boat: Huh. Good idea Bonny.
*The two look over to see Marth struggling to thread a fishing line through a hook and Joker shooting into the water with his gun, trying to hit one of the fish.*
Bonny Janet: Oi! Princey! Witch-son! *Bonny throws the fish Link caught at their boat, smacking Marth in the face, knocking him down*
Joker, picking up the fish from an unconscious Marth: Thanks Bonny!
*Link and Bonny Janet give a thumbs up which Peach sees and grows frustrated*
Peach: This is bad. Link and the imp working together?! This is seriously bad news.
(With Erdrick and Robyn again)
Erdrick: Ooh! Ooh! I know I got one this time!
*Erdrick reels in his catch only to be another boot.*
Erdrick: Gods dammit!  *tosses it beside the other boot*
(With Lucina and Dark Pit)
*The two are sitting in silence together*
Lucina: Hey, DP, you want some? *holds up a bag of chocolate covered peanuts*
Dark Pit: Sure, hand 'em over.
*Lucina gives DP some*
Dark Pit: I appreciate Lucina. She's knows that sometimes people just don't want to talk.
*Lucina suddenly gets a bite on her line*
Lucina: Shit! It's a big one! *Lucina does her best to reel in the catch. Dark Pit comes up behind her and helps her haul up on the line* Almost! There!
*The catch finally breeches the surface and they see that they have hooked a massive shark. All three simply stare at each other for a long moment before Dark Pit slowly reaches forward and cuts the line. The shark disappears beneath the waves and Lucina slowly puts down her line, curling into a ball*
(With Peach, Zelda, and Pit's boat)
*Peach, Zelda, and Pit have carefully followed Link and Bonny Janet as they've fished up a small pile of their prey to distribute to their team.*
Peach: Okay Zelda, now's your chance. Drive the wedge! Drive it!
*Zelda looks reluctnant but nods*
Peach: And Pit. I need you to sneak over and steal all those fish while they're distracted!
Peach: I hated to drive Zelda and Pit like that, but I need this prize money! Bowser's conctant kidnapping of me, destroying my kingdom over and over, and the subsequent repairs and reparations have left the royal coffers practically empty! The Mushroom Kingdom needs the financial boost.
Pit: I'm not sure I like how Peach is running this alliance. I want to win too, but Link and Bonny seem to be finally making friends. I know I'm not very smart, that's why I let Peach and Zelda call most of the shots... but I don't know about this.
Zelda: Oh, Link! You're real good at this!
Link: Thanks Zelda! It's good to know we're still friends even though we're on different teams
Zelda, looking even more guilty now, continues: You probably could have caught more if Bonny had contributed more.
Bonny Janet: Oi! Where do ya get oof ya pastel pint! Ah've helped more than ye've helped yer team!
Link: Hey! Lay off Zelda! She's not used to doing stuff like this.
Bonny Janet: Ooo ya! She joost sits in 'er castle 'an let's folk like ye do all the werk! Didn' know ye were soocha  doormat Elfy!
Link: Zelda's done lots to help Hyrule! And I'm not a doormat.
Bonny Janet: Soonds lake soomethin' a doormat would say!
*As they argue neither notice Pit surfacing from the water beside their boat*
Red: Hey!
*Bonny and Link turn to see that Red and Leaf have come up near them*
Leaf: Both of you, cut it out! You're on the same team! You can tear each other apart AFTER we win. You're teammates aren't you? Act like it!
*Both Link and Bonny shift uncomfortably*
Bonny: Aye. Ah' suppose ah' woos a wee bit harsh.
Link: And I think I spoke rashly.
Bonny: Aye... peace? *she offers her hand*
Link: Yeah, pea- HEY!
*Both turn and see Pit swimming away with their catch*
Link: Dammit!
Red: Sorry guys.
Bonny Janet: Oi! Elfy! Can ye catch more?!
Link, frowning: I don't know... maybe?
*Peach, meanwhile, grabs her team's bucket of bait, a load of chum, and hurls it into the water around Link and Bonny's boat*
Link: Oooh, that's not good.
*Instantly over a dozen sharks surface around them with evil grins on their faces*
(With Erdrick and Robyn)
Erdrick: Oh boy! Finally!
Robyn: If it's another damn boot.
Erdrick: No way! It's way too big to be a boot! *Begins to reel it in* We're... guaranteed... to win! *Erdrick hauls up his catch... only to find it a massive crate full of boots*
Robyn: I don't know why I expected any different.
*A massive whistle suddenly sounds out and they all turn to see Ganondorf on the shore*
Ganondorf: And that's it kiddies! Time's up!
Corrine: Time's up! But you- You- uggh. I'm not even going to bother.
Ganondorf: Good call! Now haul in and let's see what you've caught!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
*The Campers are all assembled. The Koopas all hold fish distributed to them by Peach's team's ill gotten gains. Link and Bonny, bruised and beaten from their shark attack, glare at the three offenders. Pit and Zelda look down guiltily.*
Ganondorf: What a fishing trip that was! Way better than I thought it was gonna be.
Red: Yeah. *Glaring daggers at Peach and company* A lot more theivery than I expected too.
Ganondorf: True, but not against the rules. *Ganondorf takes in the teams* Now, only Marth and Joker managed to bring in a fish... but it's the biggest one! Goombas take this one!
*There's a bit of shocked silence before the Goombas start cheering and the Koopas look on in shock and anger*
Peach: But! B-but-
Ganondorf: If you'll recall, I said only that the team “with the biggest fish wins”. Not how many. Quality over quantity.
Bonny Janet: Boo yeah!
Link: Hell yeah! *the two high five each other*
Ganondorf: That mean that the Goombas will have the advantage in part two of today's challenge. We'll be right back with the exciting conclusion of Episode 2... of Total, Drama, Smash Bros!
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