#i got a table at MCM Comic Con London this may
nopoodles · 6 months
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Guess that cosplay!
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moodypidge · 1 year
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So I got into MCM Comic Con.
I have no idea how this happened. I applied entirely on a whim thinking there was absolutely no chance but that I wanted to show willing. I may have screamed and peed a little. A lot. It was a lot. The screaming is now no longer external but that doesn’t mean it’s stopped. That is also a lot.
Holy moly, hhuuuuUUUHHH
So unless I’m able to squeeze into some other event in the meantime, my next confirmed event is MCM Comic Con London at the end of October! Following that, I have a table at Newcastle Comic Con and once again the kind folk at Sunnycon are welcoming us back in 2024. I’m so glad that I’m getting into more conventions! It’s one of my favourite parts of running Moodypidge and I want to attend as many as I’m able to.
But London first though… I’m so excited and I feel so lucky but it is also extremely terrifying for a home bird like myself hhhhhhh okay gotta get back to my breathing exercises right okay
*starts hyperventilating*
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snackyboy · 5 years
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I finally got round to adding popplio to this set haha! Prints will be available from my table at MCM Comic Con in London 24-26th May :)
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phantom-soldat · 5 years
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Meeting Sebastian Stan. 
This is not an opportunity I ever expected to have, at least not anytime soon. When he was first announced to be a guest at MCM Comic Con (London, May 2019) I had a bunch of people tagging me in the announcement post. Sebastian is an actor that means a lot to me - He’s caring and has struggled with a lot of the same things that I struggle with; from anxiety to depression, and generally being a bit lost in the world. We’ve all seen the posts of him commenting on fan’s posts, giving them advice while simultaneously putting more positivity and support into the world. For this reason, and more, he is incredibly inspiring and important to me. I aspire to be as supportive, caring, loving, goofy and giving as this man. 
So, when he was announced, I knew I had to meet him. For me, it wasn’t an option: I had to. It was simply too important for me not to. 
One thing I had wanted to do before I met him was get a tattoo of the Winter Soldier, however, due to money issues and time, etc, I had never had the opportunity to get one before comic con. Until comic-con. Another opportunity came up when MCM announced that they were having tattoo artists at the convention, and so I booked in with a lovely lady by the name of Laura, from Empire INK in Edinburgh. Thankfully, I managed to save up enough money for the tattoo - Through both selling possessions and saving up money from my day-job. 
She was absolutely lovely and great with communicating the design I had in mind. I wanted something to match the other tattoos on the opposite arm; a portrait, with his signature at the bottom (on my opposite arm I have a Hela portrait). The Bucky tattoo would be on my left inner forearm, covering self-harm scars with something - someone/a character - that means so much to me. Bucky, much like myself, has been through a lot of mental issues. He’s lost, finding his way, but despite all of the issues he’s had? He’s made it through it all, he’s continued fighting despite all of the challenges he’s faced... and that’s something I can remind myself: I can fight and get through the challenges I face. I will survive, and have survived. The significance of this tattoo, and getting Sebastian to sign it, was and is extremely important to me. 
Which leads to the first picture. 
First picture.  So, on the first day of comic-con (the Friday) Sebastian wasn't there. This was the day I booked in for a full-day session for my tattoo. Laura, my artist, was absolutely ecstatic as she’s also a fan of the guy, and was super pumped to find out that Sebastian would be seeing her work. The session lasted for, roughly, seven hours with only one five-minute break for both my artist and I to have something to eat. During the course of the tattoo, the MCM staff came up to view the process of the tattoo; the security were very excited about it, and got the media team to come down to the section of the hall where all of the tattoo artists were. It was all very exciting, talking to them was lovely - They were all so supportive, kind and frequently returned throughout the course of the day to see the process. Alas, the media team turned up and took a few photos: One of which winded up on the MCM social media sites: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Both Laura and I freaked out, it was getting a lot of attention. 
Second/third picture.  Saturday came around fairly quickly. This was the day where I would try to get my autograph - The day I HAD to get it, as to not disturb the healing process of my tattoo. I was dressed as Wakanda Bucky that day, deciding to cosplay something more comfortable due to both the pain from my arm, the hot weather, and the fact that I couldn’t restrict my arm in tight costumes. 
Before the convention, I had put together a little gift-box for Sebastian to give back to him the love, care and gratitude he gives to his fans. Inside, there was a Winter Soldier book (Civil War) that I had made him; personalised on the inside to, firstly, look like it held Winter Soldier documents which lead on to messages I had collected from fans. All stories about how he had changed their lives for the better, how he had made a positive impact on the world. I included other gifts, too, like a t-shirt (that says ‘Straight Outta Cryo’, much like his ‘Straight Outta Romania’ shirt), some drawings of mine, a Bucky, Nat and Sam tsum-tsum and a little lego figurine of Bucky. 
So, with the box in my arms, I waited for about an hour and a half in the autograph queue. Although I missed his panel, it was worth it, because I knew that if I had attended that I would only spend more time waiting, and less time with my friends later on. 
While waiting in the queue, I was alone and full of anxiety. This was a big moment for me. I’d actually see him. Meet him. Something I’d been waiting for years and years to have the opportunity for. People were trying to snag sneaky pictures of him: going on their friends shoulders just to get a peak of the infamous Seb Stan. 
Eventually, it was my turn to walk up to the table where he was signing. Due to the sheer amount of people that were there, it was very rushed, for they wanted to get through as many people as possible: I knew this going in, and so I’d been going over and over what I’d say to him in my head. With a smile, he greeted me; it was clear that he was tired, having flown in the previous morning and hadn’t stopped working since. Rumour has it he worked through his breaks to continue meeting fans - between the photo-ops, the panels and the signings he must have been really exhausted, with jet-lag on top of that, and so I felt really bad for the guy. 
In brief words I explained my gift to him, and he smiled and let out a laugh upon hearing what the t-shirt said. At the time he didn’t open the box, because it was simply too busy to do so and the convention staff were pushing him to continue  going through as many people as he could. In the panel I had missed, or the panel the next day (I can’t remember which one) I believe he referenced this and said how he wished he could spend more time with us all, and talk to us all properly. I still treasure every second I got to spend with him, though, because as previously stated, it was a moment that is extremely close to heart, and I know a lot of people wouldn’t have had this opportunity (this was also why I gathered fan messages, so that I could give him something from them in-case they never do have this opportunity). 
The convention staff got me to show him what I wanted signed: Most people brought posters, or pop-vinyls, but I showed him my arm and said I’d like my wrist tattooed. He delicately held my hand and arm as he signed it, and then I was on my way once I had thanked him. 
Afterwards, I immediately called up my bestfriend and burst into tears. I had met him. I had thanked him. I had given him a gift and, now, I would have his autograph on me forever, knowing that I have a very personal reminder to myself: I can do this. Whatever ‘this’ is, I can do it. 
Due to the overwhelming emotions I was having, the busy crowds, the heat, and the pain and toll the tattoo session the previous day had caused me, I did have quite a big panic-attack. During this time, I had to go outside and get some fresh air, but my best-friend stayed on the phone with me and calmed me down - I am eternally grateful for his friendship and support, and for moments like these when he helps ground me back to reality. 
This leads on to the next photo; where, once I’d had some fresh air, a drink and some food, I went back inside to get the signature tattooed. Once again, Laura and I freaked out over it, and I told her all about it excitedly as she finished up tattooing the autograph and shading around it. She even went back over the little red star at the top of my wrist, which Seb had signed over. Laura did an amazing job with the tattoo, and worked the signature into it flawlessly. I can’t thank her enough. 
Sunday.  This was the day that my photo-op was booked (that was an entire process of its own. Tickets sold out within 2-3 minutes - I am so, SO thankful that I managed to snag one). Much like the autograph process, the MCM staff were trying to get through as many people as possible, and so the entire thing was very ‘click and go’. Generally, this is the case with photo-ops at conventions - It’s less personal, more of a ‘capture the moment’ type of thing. 
On this day, I was dressed as Black Widow from The Winter Soldier. It wasn’t the best costume I have ever worn, admittedly, but I was excited for my photo-op none the less. My costume broke on the way to the con, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me, and once again I was waiting in a long line for one last moment with Sebastian. 
I knew that he likes Bucky and Natasha’s relationship in the comics, and that he would’ve liked them to be together in the movies. This is a ship that I also sail, along with Stucky, but I thought that being Nat would be a lot better as it’s also something that he enjoys. I actually managed to capture a sneaky video on my phone of me approaching him during the photo-op. They were very strict about no-photos apart from the one you paid for, which I understand, but at the same time, this was too important for me not to try and grab sneaky videos, etc. So I did. Sue me. (Please don’t, I’m going to be a poor student soon). 
As I approached him during the photo-op, he looked a lot less tired, which I was thankful to see. He greeted me with a smile once more, and I showed him my finished tattoo - I kind of stood my ground and spoke to him very briefly before the photo-op was taken. Most people were conveyor belted through their sessions with him, but I was determined to show him the finished product. With a smile and an expression somewhat akin to awe, he said that it was amazing. We soon moved onto talking about what I wanted for the photo-op, and it took a split second for us both to get into position. 
I wanted to look as if we were dancing romantically, as Natasha has a history of ballet. The final photo in the post was my photo-op, and I couldn’t be happier with it. It was a very full-on weekend, but I enjoyed every second of it. 
Thank you MCM for giving me, and others, the opportunity to meet such an amazing man. Thank you Sebastian for flying all the way to London to take the time to meet your fans in England. Thank you Laura, for being an amazing tattoo-artist and for the nerdy talks we had during my tattoo session, and for giving me a piece of work on my art that is very, very treasured to me; and, finally, thank you to all of my friends for supporting and loving me, for continuously encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and to keep on fighting. 
And continue fighting on I will, just like Bucky. 
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amwritingmeta · 5 years
MCM Comic Con London
Heyyyy, my loves!
I went to my first ever Comic Con on Sunday. I know! First ever?? How could this be? What did you make of it? Did you hug a Storm Trooper? Did you get lost in this huge enormous vast building with huge enormous vast rooms filled with huge enormous vast groups of people? Did you pet the TARDIS? Did you meet RAPUNZEL? DID YOU SEE DEADPOOL?? DARTH VADER?? Did you make a friend? Did you dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?? Do tell!!
Alrighty, then! (I’m afraid I’m going to prove a huuuuuge disappointment) (but there’s Misha panel commentary further down m’kay?)
So, here’s what I learned about myself from visiting Comic Con: I like small, intimate spaces with assigned seating.
Yeah. I know. Told you that you’d be disappointed. 
It’s basically why I haven’t been to Comic Con before tbh. I knew I’d enjoy milling about and looking at merchandise and graphic novels and oh the fan art and seeing the TARDIS (I did see her but I did not pet her) and R2D2 (he moved around and talked to people and everything) *feelings* and passing Darth Vader in the hallway (true story) and just being in a space filled with people nerding out together like YES. My heart was very full. 
(oh here it comes)
My nerdy heart is pretty much sequestered by SPN. While I enjoy the original Star Wars very, very much because epic (obviously) and have enjoyed Doctor Who (on and off) and while I’m a big GoT fan (yes I shall remain so thanks to the books never mind what they did on those final two episodes of the show but also do not get me starts on what they fucking even DID) and I fucking love Disney and anime and animation of any kind, and have a huge respect and interest for the artistry of graphic noveling, that’s just not my world. 
(I do want to start reading graphic novels though and I’ve been so close to ordering the BtVS ones but... anyone have solid suggestions or advice on where to start, hit me up in DM) (I’ve read a few where the art has been unspeakably gorgeous and just mh!)
But because I’m not deep in anything even approaching a multi-fandom attitude, they just don’t grab at me, you know?
So though I’m so fucking happy that I went - truly am (and nope I did not dress up and though I know I’d enjoy it because who wouldn’t enjoy dressing up as Kahlan from Legend of the Seeker? End of the day, the dressing up is more fun when going with a group of people...) (anyway) - it’s not quite my cuppa. That being said, if Misha comes again next year *dirty* then I’m there. I mean, it’s one tube ride from my place. How the fuck could I not? 
Okay, before those three sentences make me say things I’ll regret in the morning, let’s talk about The Panel!
I’m actually going to open with something that Misha kind of threw out there in the middle of the panel because it made me so excited: he may direct in S15! Ahahahah yes please! I really hope he gets to!
Now, what else?
Highlights for me were:
Him talking about the fandom in his warmest tones, which is something he does on the regular, but he spoke of the positivity of the intensity of our community and how he thinks it’s been really cool to be a part of it and to do charitable work together (hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours and millions of dollars into worthy causes over the years, so kudos, guys, kudos) It’s a wonderful, surreal phenomenon. *his words* *and so very true* (and we all know this is how he feels, but it’s always lovely for him to restate it)
Ruth sending a video message and prompting Misha to talk about when Amara carved the I Am Coming message into Cas’ chest (and Misha thinking Lucifer carved the message and promptly dismissing us correcting him) *snortlaugh* Has everyone heard this story? Because I actually hadn’t. That Misha was making corresponding noises and facial expression to really convey the message and the only thing was that the top brass at the CW were conducting their yearly set visit and were, in fact, standing at the monitor watching him. *MCM audience laugh track* *aw Misha*
Talking about how close the cast is and how much they enjoy JiB, and how they laugh themselves into shape in the Green Room every year. Admittedly the six pack is a lie, but the aching stomach muscles are a truth. *not jealous because the rest of us are having Just As Much Fun In Our Corner* >.>
When asked what he’ll miss most about the show: the fun they have on set and the people, including the crew, since they all know each other so well and have grown up together. But also he’ll miss the Supernatural community. He knows it won’t go away immediately, but, as these things go, it will dwindle. He’ll miss the fire and intensity that is there when the show is on the air. 
Which is fair, because there will be a dropping off, there will be a slowing down, it’s inevitable, but I honestly can’t see this family ever just dispersing entirely. And I almost wanted to get up there and suggest to him that they consider keeping the JiB torch burning, because giving this community of ours a few set points of warmth each year where people (if they so choose) get to interact with them while also getting to reunite with people we don’t otherwise get to see often and to have those points of warmth to aim for and gather around is a sure-fire way to keep the flame alive. Right? I’m not expecting them to continue doing the con circuit because omfg no, but to have one or two points a year...
Misha trying to do a Scottish accent makes him sound like a leprechaun with a lisp. *ehehe*
Misha telling us that the writers gave them the option to draw out the story for another two-three seasons, or land it in one kick-ass final season, and they all chose one kick-ass final season, which makes me so happy for them, that they get to finish strong and on their terms. It’s so well-deserved.
(I think I’m just going through the panel moment-by-moment at this point) (the panel was apparently the highlight)
Him talking about The Adventurous Eaters Club - the cookbook he’s writing with Vicki that I cannot wait to read, tbh, because I do believe kids often say no at the dinner table because they’re trying to stay in control of the situation, rather than them not really wanting to eat, and as a grown-up, recognising this and relenting control and allowing them free reign to be a part of building their dinner from the ground up and getting them excited about food and understanding the process of actually creating a meal is so damn healthy. Well, if that’s the objective of the cookbook! Just what I’m taking from the premise, but, hands against heart, I adore them both.
Talking about his favourite vehicles for Cas and saying that he’d love for Cas to get a smart car and squeeze Sam into the passenger seat and omfg PLEASE yes. *the imagery is so  e n t i c i n g*
Going full-meta and talking about Cas’ travails going to get the fruit of life without his wings in S13, looking up a flight on Expedia, sitting squished into the middle seat, saying no thank you to food, getting through customs with that bag of fruit, probably getting held up. (quite impressive actually because this happened more than a season ago and clearly he’s given the story gap some thought) (and he remembers) (astonishing) 
*^^^ sarcasm, guys* *sarcasm* :)
If Cas gets to be happy, he will die (my addition: unless he’s, you know, human) :P
Cas’ wings are rainbow (and I’m immediately thinking of them almost like peacock *shhhh don’t even start* feathers that shift tone in the light so that they shimmer rather than are divided up into single colour feathers in a rainbow pattern) (wow I took that seriously af) (but mh gorgeous wings!)
Maison is a goddamn rockstar. *not literally but internally* :)
Okay, so that’s the panel done. And dusted. *sparkly*
And then I met up with a friend of a friend who I’d actually met briefly at JiB - her name is Katie - and I stood in line with her as she waited for Misha autos and I met the loveliest Scottish bloke named Oliver, mostly because I desperately needed to charge my mobile and just said out loud “Does anyone have a mobile charger” and the blessed man turned around and said “Yes, I have one”, so he lent me his mobile charger and was gushing over his photo-op with Misha (it really is the most adorable photo ever) and Oliver was entirely flustered with happiness and just *my heart strings* and then he fucked off and didn’t come back for his charger! 
He just disappeared! Without as much as a by-your-leave!
So we waited. And waited. It was terrible. Having to stand there. Not knowing. Okay, kidding, but we did wait and wait and tried to look for him, but he just didn’t come back.
But just now, ten minutes ago, he followed me on Twitter!! I just accosted him going OMG IT IS YOU IS IT NOT! Do I have your charger?? And it is he and now I don’t have to have a guilty conscience anymore, though I did ease it by thinking that he was the one who literally effed the fuck off and didn’t return. Anyway. What drama, huh? Guess that’s Comic Con, for you. And I got to add the resolution! *sweet*
It was a grand old indoor day and then we went down to the river for food and lots of alcoholic really-really-tasty beverages and good company. 
The End.
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adamburt1984 · 5 years
My 7 Conventions Experience
Been to 7 convestions all this year. First cons give good experiences but two almost changed it as had bad experinces.
1. Manchester MCM Comic Con
 It’s not my first but second con after my first con, went to this. It was my first big con as my first was small con. It alot to take at first cos so many people compare to my first con. But had great time there and bought alot of things. But had some bad bits, after a girl took a photo of me and a cosplayer she been looking at my review file on my tablet after taking photo and give me a weird look when I say thanks as her, I was feeling abit bothered. Had trouble with my tablet when taking photo as to use my camera, when I took photo of a cosplayer had to use my camera I apologies with problem with my tablet camera, happen twice but when I try for a selfie with a cosplayer her boyfriend drag her away, I was little pizzle. Was nerves when asking cosplayers. But had good time and good experince. There cosplayers I met never forget.
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2. Leeds Comic Con Unlashed
Like to go to Convestion at my hometown and finally there is, not as big as MCM and Flim & Comic Con but great experince. Bought a good mask. Met some great cosplayers. Stayed til end at Cosplayers competiton.
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3. Sheffield Flim and Comic Con
Memory at that con, photo sitting on Back to the Future Car and meeting a 7th Doctor (Doctor Who). Bought interest stuffs there. Problem I had is missed out on taken photos of few cosplayers two of the reason is again my tablet won’t come out when taken photos and when I got my bad check before coming to con I’m not allowed to bring my 1/2 litre Dr Pepper, was upset about that. But apart from that I enjoyed myself, did met some good cosplayers.
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4. London MCM Comic Con
Even having problem with money, it won’t stop me from going and had some. Give another reason to visit London again. As for Con, met many great Cons and bought few good stuffs. But unable to met some cosplayers I want to met.
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5. Anime Yorkshire
A lefeat I got from my local comic book store, and it had Hatsune Miku on it that made me want to go. It was my First. Cosplayers I met that never forget. But left after just one hour and regret it. But it a good experince.
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6. Birmingham MCM Comic Con
Well after met some cosplayers include Hatsune Miku cosplayer & had little chat with her which was memorable. I didn’t really enjoy much cos it was so big and may people coming in, unable to ask Boba Fett for a photo and can’t find three cosplayers I want to met. Got knackered and frustrated walking about and looking for three cosplayers I want to met. To made think about cons and cosplayers negetve feeling. But will go to another cons in future.
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7. Sheffield Anime & Gaming Con
This Con I didn’t enjoy much and worst con I visit, unable to met any cosplayers. A table keep having sold out on most things and woman look unfriendly, I was upset when she was say words Sold out why would display when sold out, big con in MCM don’t have that problem, she just set up her tablet she had most things sold out. And when buying a T-Shirt I had to try them on. Bought somethings but didn’t hang out much. Got free T-shirt but no free name badge even sure I replyed for it but say on paper I didn’t. Something going on. All bad experince give this con worst ever, gald next con after this in Leeds didn’ have this problem. Been ask for ID before entering what happen if I didn’t have it.
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si3art · 6 years
Do you plan on visiting any cons in the UK anytime?
I’d love to! ;;;
But! There are a lot of “buts”…. Main one ofc that traveling and hotels cost a small fortune, my merch suitcase doesn’t fit into the plane flight weight limit and depending on the con, the table/con fees are…. well a lot higher… 
Actually considered going to MCM London Comic Con one and applied there, everything was peachy until I got the table fee invoice that was what…. around ~450£ with all additional fees…. Idk, do other UK artists seriously earn so much that the table price is worth it?? …it wasn’t even a good table spot and to compete with another ~1000 vendors/artists all looking to make a profit… on top of that now add traveling, hotel, food….printing…. currency exchange haha. Calculated all costs back then and it came to around ~1200… well…uhh… I mean… I have only once reached such a number in sales at a con. Also there is absolutely no point for me to invest so much into traveling only to barely break even. Bad business? ^^; 
…So yeah…. I’d love to branch out more and I may table at some kind of UK artist alley within a 100 years hahaha
But! For the time being, if we can’t meet in person at a con, I do have my con merch up on my storenvy, the shop is open at the moment! :’3
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wonchopanimation · 6 years
2018 Round-up
In a few words: Awesomeness in a scary world.
Last year’s goals: *Make that trip to Japan happen. Just a case of figuring out the best time to do it. Heck yeah, I did. Went in May and it was great. *Maybe make an effort to actually learn Japanese properly while I’m at it? Heck no, I didn’t. But I managed to bullshit my way through Japan decently enough. *Go to at least one international internet/nerd convention (Comic Con, VidCon, AX, etc?) (probably not E3 again, given that I’m not really a queue for AAA titles kinda guy). Nah. Though I guess the Japan trip was international enough. *Try and get a table going at one of these UK conventions. Tom says there’ll be a Crash Zoom table at the next MCM, but that’s a phrase I’ve heard before… Headed up a Crash Zoom table at both London MCM Expos this year. Aiming to do those (and maybe more?) in 2019 too. Good Stuff: *Going to Japan and living the dream of watching Kamen Rider on a Sunday morning on a Japanese TV. *Managed to complete Crash Zoom: Firing Squad, get involved with two (or is that three) asdfmovie projects, one of which got mad views later on in the year, and started work on that new Kickstarted Crash Zoom season. *Getting to go to some cool expos, conventions, and shindigs with internet friends. *A lot less dental crap to deal with since last year. Bad Stuff: *One of my Nans passed away. *Less work than last year. Mainly my lack of communication skills to blame. *The first few days of the Japan trip being hindered by Dio Brando Rhea. *Everything in politics threatening to make my entrire career null and void. *Still haven’t painted my room yet. Peeps of the Year: *TomSka, for not only giving me work but also making a determined effort to be friends with a horny git like me. *Charlie, who puts up with me the many times I come to crash round Tom’s place. *Jake aka 10,000 Hawks for helping out at the Crash Zoom table and generally being a cool, if freakishly tall, dude. *My fam for pushing me to go for that Japan trip. *Ellen, again, for inviting me to her b’day bash and always being fun to bump into. Stuff of the Year: Games: Wandersong, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, Celeste, Spider-Man, Super Smash Bros. Utlimate, Yakuza Kiwami (it was on PS+) Movies: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Incredibles 2, Infinity War, Batman Ninja Anime: A Place Further Than the Universe, Bloom Into You, Zombie Land Saga, Pop Team Epic, SSSS.Gridman, Slow Start, TV: Hilda, OKKO, Steven Universe, She-Ra Goals for 2018: *Paint my god damn room. *Move closer to London where all the peeps at. Ideally after I’ve accomplished painting my god damn room. *Take another international trip somewhere. Ideally with friends. *Maybe accept the fact no one on Tumblr reads these round-up blogs...
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teahermitcomics · 7 years
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Here’s a handy map of where you can find me and a bunch of other LGBT+ comickers/merch at this weekends MCM London Comic Con! I’m on table CM9. It’s dangerously close to Travelling Man (The stall I usually spend most of my fun money on at cons, hahaha).
Please be aware of two unusual changes to this years con:
1) Due to the recent attack in Manchester, security has been increased. This is a good, practical measure, but this may mean you need to plan for a longer queuing time. You might also want to leave any replica weapons at home, if they form part of your cosplay.
2) Custom House tube station is closed, so you’ll either want to get off just before and walk up the main road to Excel, or get off just after at Prince Regent, which puts you at a different entrance to Excel (more advisable if you’ve got lots of luggage).
Hope to see lots of you there this weekend! Come and say hello~
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