#i got flu and covid shots on wednesday
barlowstreet · 8 months
Having a rough reaction to the booster I got last night. Any fics you're planning on releasing soon or snippets?
Ironically I am also feeling shitty today from my covid booster on Wednesday XD
I am working on this fic that is currently called "sick baby" which is literally just... Ellie gets sick, Joel takes care of her. I just wanted to write something mushy XD
Here's a snippet:
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Also I reblogged an ask game about WIPs the other day if anyone wants to play some more XD
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skvaderarts · 3 months
Caught the Flu so this chapter will be a little late because I'm basically constantly sleeping lol.
So I caught the flu! Who's shocked? Not me. Not at this point lol!
Pretty sure it's the flu because I NEVER catch a cold and haven't had my flu shot yet this year due to other procedures that were going on and it certainly feels like the flu. It's not COVID though so I'll take it because I don't want that ever, especially with my chronic asthma. Probably got it from all the doctor's office visits I had in the last 2 weeks about my surgery. Still waiting on a date for that, but it's looking like the end of next month at the latest so far so there will be some updates between then and now. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be updating the next chapter on Friday since I should feel better by then. I tried writing, but I just couldn't this week because I felt like crap smh. I'd post on Wednesday, but I have a doctor's appointment (yes, another one!!) with my Hematologist on the 19th so that would be squeezing hard for time, especially with my cold. So I ABSOLUTELY WILL SEE YOU ON FRIDAY THE 22ND OF MARCH. UGH! This year, man... It's been unbelievably crazy, and we haven't even made it to APRIL yet?! *Cries*
Hopefully, you are all doing well! And if you need anything, I'll still be checking comments here, on Discord, on the Discord server, and my Tumblr account. See you all in a few days! I hope you're all having a good week! Thanks for your patience. If you want to chat, please feel free to reach out wherever you like. You aren't bothering me! Links are in my bio! Bye bye!
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friendlyloner · 7 months
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I'm trying to do more frequent WIP Wednesday posts both here and on my Instagram in particular for this project because I'm stitching it up in a slightly new to me way that's meant to help keep the confetti and crosshatching from looking bunchy. It's working beautifully so far and has the fun effect of watching the whole piece build up slowly row by row like the world's slowest timelapse and I want to document it. This is almost the widest and most densely complex as the pattern gets so I'm looking forward to getting through this section.
Since I'm hoping to be back to work soon I went out and got my flu and Covid shots on Friday in the expectation that the number of people I'm exposed to is going to suddenly increase. Knocked me on my ass for a good few days, what an unpleasant experience. That's pretty much been the extent of my week, now that I'm feeling better I'm in a big push to get my place more settled in and cleaned up because my parents are coming over on Sunday to see our house for the first time ever and I think this may actually be only the second or third time we've hosted them in my entire adult life so. Mildly stressed.
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itsbeenclaireified · 2 years
My siblings in Christ, please get your Covid booster but also…here is my story.
I got mine Monday morning at 8 am and at 11:30 pm I woke up with the worst body aches of my life, radiating heat, but also violently shivering. My body hurt so much I also couldn’t tell if I had to pee or if my pelvis just ached, but also I was moaning and knew I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep with some pain relief. I limped to the bathroom, took some Advil, and took my temp…it was 101.7. I don’t remember the last time my temp was over 100. I basically lay awake until the Advil kicked in, and then passed out. In the morning I felt simultaneously much better and also like I had been hit by a truck. I checked my Fitbit and my heart rate that night never dropped below 80. Wild wild wild. Wednesday was like 80% recovered and now it’s Thursday and I feel normal again. Was this because I also got the flu shot at the same time? Mayhaps. But also damn am I glad I’m a little more protected again. Like if my body did THAT with a VACCINE?? Good lord the actual infection would be too much.
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Here’s a picture of Trixie after she nursed me to health in the morning after.
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lasatgirl60 · 1 year
Caught the flu on Wednesday, and it has made me very sick!  Between body aches, chills, fever of over 103, sore throat and cough, I feel like I went ten rounds with a Bantha!  Today the fever is finally gone and other than feeling very tired and weak, I think I’m on the mend!  This is the first time I’ve had the flu or a cold in three years!  I think that’s why I got so sick!  Haven’t done much all week except lay in bed and watch DVD’s, mostly of the The Three Stooges.  These guys always make me feel better.  Watched them a lot while I was going through chemo treatments.  Have lost weight since I had some stomach problems too besides the cough and sore throat.  In the area of Washington State where I live, the flu is very bad right now and I’m surprised that I didn’t end up in the hospital, but I think the covid booster shot I got last month warded off the worst of the symptoms.  Hope to feel better in a few days to a week as I’ve missed out on some Christmas get-togethers already. A few days ago I would’ve loved someone furry like Zeb to cuddle up to despite his musky scent.  I think he’d be great to cuddle up to on a snowy night when one has the flu.   
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3008
i'm very tired.
i need sleep very badly.
i got my test done for cybersecurity, which wasn't really much of a test since it was 10 questions, untimed, and open-everything. and you could take it twice. first shot got a 90, second got 100.
i was working on the paper to go with it but i got so far and i blabbed about so many things and none of it helped. so i copied it and put it elsewhere and grabbed a different topic. which then didn't go great, which is why i quit and am in bed now.
earlier today, when i woke up, i stayed in bed for another like two hours, eventually got showered and dressed and changed and went out with my mom to find decorations and stuff for the house. my knee hurt.
we stopped for lunch at wendy's and went home. i sent my résumé to my friend to look at so she has that. and then i went out again before i could take my shoes off. went to trade caffeine for bows with joel, saw him briefly and said "die less" to his mom who's got covid again. went to the mall and got sanitizer, popcorn, butterscotch beer, snacks, and tutti frutti before heading to longhorn, picking up dinner while suffering with no cell service, and heading home. which took me to where i started off.
i wish i could've stayed with joel longer and had more interaction with him other than "here, take these." i want to see him and i wanna cuddle with him and hang out with him and that's all.
waaah :c
also i scheduled my covid booster and flu shot for wednesday. i'm gonna be out of it on thursday. prepared for it? no way. but i'll have gotten it done and that makes me feel better.
and now i'm ready to sleep for a million years.
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shadowredfeline · 2 years
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Here's something a little random that happen recently Today. Well, I wanted to go somewhere fun with my sisters, but things have to change for Next Wednesday. So for Breakfast I got something really new and got this Bagel breakfast Sandwich which it's really good which had Sausage, Bacon and eggs and it's delicious. So when I finished playing Mario Kart Tour and in the middle of playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, my mom told me that she is heading out to get a COVID Shot. Normally I wanted to go and get a flu shot, but we'll see what happens Next Wednesday. But my mom and my sister went with me for to the Grocery Store's Pharmacy section to get a COVID Shot. Afterwards we shopped around and picked up Ice Cream and and other stuff and went out and then went to Target for something my mom is picking up. Cause normally when she notice my other sister went out with her friend to Dunkin donuts while she was studying with her, my sister told me we got Starbucks and I got a frappuccino and she got a pumpkin spice Latte which are really good! And ever since it was raining, I decided I take time off from Golfing since they cancelled it due to adverse weather condition. Which now I be glad I can relax and do something different or do something a little casual.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Wow I bet that was a really fun time. Maybe I might take Lisa and the Rabbits and the Speedsters and maybe we'll do something really fun. Especially during the Autumn times since we're now heading to Autumn Now.
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: Sure, I would do something really fun together. Especially if we like to get something good. And we should also take our kids for a COVID Shot too since they are due for one.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Good idea. Same goes for you.
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: mmhmm.
Debby 😺📱🖥️: Yeah since I went with him to get one too, I hope your brother and sister will get one too.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Great idea, Mom. 👍
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: At least this day is fine even though it is raining today.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: mmhmm. At least we can relax and enjoy the sound of the rain too.
Lisa 😺❤️⚡: Yeah. ^^
People I tagged @bryan360 @murumokirby360 and @alexander1301
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spaciousreasoning · 7 months
A Week in Our Lives
There was a little something every day this week that said to me, "You ought to write about this for the blog." And, of course, every day I never got around to it, and now it's been an entire week since the last entry. Chronicling my meager existence is not nearly as easy or interesting as it once was.
For one thing, they started working on paving our section of the parking area here in the community. The other two-thirds were done already, and now it's our turn to park out on the street and make our way back and forth from home to the car.
Then the rain came, and now the period for completing the paving has been extended another half a week. We may wind up filling only two water bottles at once again, so we don't have to lug them from the street. There's also been even more rain last night, so the paving might have to be extended again. Given the holiday coming up this next week, we could be looking another whole week before the project is complete.
On Tuesday I got my annual wellness check, as required by Medicare. There was a lot less to it than I might have thought. But I did get the wax build-ups in both ears cleared out and finished up with a flu shot. We did get our latest COVID booster a week ago, so that arm was not sore any longer, and the flu shot was barely noticeable.
Unlike some people we know, we have opted not to get more than one shot at a time. So we still have... oh, two or three more at least, including the RSV. Highly recommended for those of us over 60, doubly so by those who have already had a bout of it.
Another requirement based on my age and my diabetic condition is a scan of my abdomen in search of possible aneurysms. That's coming up the Monday after Thanksgiving and requires an eight-hour period of fasting. Since my appointment is at 10:15, I guess that means I can keep eating until 2:15 a.m.
Though I have managed to reduce my after-dinner snacking. Which briefly produced better sleep patterns. Then over the past few nights there has been very little sleep at all. Lots of tossing and turning accompanied by various body pains. Just something else that age brings.
The rest of that post-holiday week also includes a haircut and a dental appointment, and on that Wednesday, Nancy heads off to Eugene for a week to begin hunting for a place to live, with help from her daughter, granddaughter and sister. It will be another week of daily recovery meetings to keep me from going stir crazy.
It will still be too early to discuss moving with my hairdresser, but the next dental appointment will likely be six months away, which will almost certainly put us in Eugene. A new dentist is only one of several searches we'll be engaging in after the move.
Before then, however, there's plenty more to do in preparation. Not to mention today's barbecue being hosted by the Tuesday evening men's recovery group. Not the only thing going on in Tucson today.
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indigo474 · 10 months
I had a fun time with Marci. We did not make it to the club- we went for a walk and our night of dancing did not happen and i am OK with that. I like Marci and feel safe around her- which is weird because we are so very different. She's lived so much more life than me and its nice to have someone who gives good advice and support.. she has her opinions- strong ones. I think she feels safe with me too.. its a nice friendship and i get Mom vibes from her- today at breakfast we started talking about covid.. I know her political stance- she has never once asked mine and for that i am glad. she has a jacked up shoulder and i suggested it was from the covid shot- she insists its from actual covid. i dont see how. it would make more sense to believe her shoulder problem was from having an experimental liquid injected into her arm than from her having a virus but what do i know? so she keeps saying how many shots did we get.. WE- her and I- how many shots did WE get. I havent had any- and i could have said so, but people get weird and i really feel the only reason i didnt get any shots was because i dont watch tv and i had no fucking idea what was going on in the world during covid- i honestly think had Mads and i been watching tv we would have gotten the shots.. i didnt want to defend my ignorance- of course now, im glad to not have gotten the shot and im glad Mads didnt get the shot.. anyway i took a guess and said 4 shots- i was correct. she says when i turn 50 i have to get a bunch of shots.. i will get a flu shot before i turn 60. maybe at 60 i'll start getting shots. we had a nice time- sitting by the pool and going out to eat and the spa-- the spa was wonderful and i really should start get massages. so wonderful. i liked the facial but did not think it was worth $200. i got the magic milk facial.
i'm going to give up drinking alcohol. i think i should. i really do not like the way it makes me feel- i dont "really" drink- but i do and i think its time to say good bye to it.. and i feel a certain way about this. i'm not sure why. Maybe because it's a social thing- not hat i am social.. but on the few times i am invited out it is usually for a drink. people get weird when they hear someone doesnt drink- i dont even know why i feel like i need to not drink. something is telling me to give it up for good. it's weird and yeah.. i guess i don't drink.
I saw James this week. my back was bothering me again on wednesday when i saw him.. i got my period on thursday.. by friday morning i was having a full blown period. to the point i had to buy tampons. so maybe that was the cause of my back issues. he worked me real hard on upper body on tuesday but went easy wed for lower body.. he changed everything up. totally different routine.. i have no idea what he has me doing. front loaded squats.. i have no idea what anything else is called.. hopefully i'll get to do a full lower body routine this week.. dead lifts.. i think that is what i had to skip because of my back. he says i'll get use to it. i was telling him how i want to start hitting the gym in the morning before work but i am unable to get myself out of bed. i'm up.. i just cant get out of bed. he suggested i maybe start by maybe going for a walk.he asked me if i liked donuts.. i love donuts.. he told me to treat myself to a donut IF i go for a walk in the morning. i told him i could actually walk to dunking donuts.. i'm going to try.. although i'm not sure how starting my day with a donut is going to make me feel. a donut just might be what i need to get me out of bed in the am.
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wamuzimedia · 1 year
Museveni Issues Health Update, Criticises Kenyans Claiming He Is in ICU.
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Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, on Tuesday, June 13, got down on a part of Kenyans he guaranteed proliferated bogus and deceiving covers his wellbeing status. Rumors that Museveni had been admitted to the intensive care unit and was receiving oxygen support irritated him. He along these lines disproved claims that he was fundamentally sick, taking note of that he was recuperating great from Coronavirus 19."I saw about couple of people from, I think, Kenya, saying that I was in ICU. On the off chance that I were in ICU, the public authority would illuminate the country. What can be hidden? Museveni was puzzled. Museveni explained that during the days he was fighting the virus, he never needed intensive care. He made the observation that "I have not been to bed as a sick man in the house here except for sleeping," not to mention being in an ICU or other hospital bed. “Except for Tuesday and Wednesday when there was a mild flu-like fever, I only had some drowsiness on Thursday and mild headache at night,” the President noted regarding his progress. Museveni commented that every one of the side effects had blurred by Friday, June 9, and he depended on doing desk work. A day earlier, Kenyan Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Health Susan Nakhumicha spoke out against reports that Kenya had contracted COVID-19. Contrary to the false reports, Nakhumicha said that surveillance reports indicated that the nation was safe. "From our observation, we don't have an upsurge of Coronavirus yet that we can answer to the nation and advise them to make a remedial move," she expressed. The CS explained that the Coronavirus was not the cause of the rise in flu-like symptoms, but rather the cold season. She suggested that Kenyans get the flu shot, clean themselves, and wear masks. Read the full article
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steamishot · 2 years
a recap of matt’s weeks off:
week in LA
week of recovering/working two extra shifts
COVID week!!!
upcoming - montreal
the last week of matt’s on week was one of the hardest. on top of it being super lonely, i literally worried myself sick about him. we calculated that he worked at least 105 hours in 7 days, which doesn’t include his commute time. this was due to his pregnant coworker calling out and all her work falling on him and J. so, on his first day off on that monday (halloween), it didn’t surprise me that he started feeling unwell. we both thought that it was a cold or exhaustion due to being extremely overworked. 
the day started off well. we walked around cobble hill and picked up our favorite hot chocolate from the chocolate room. it was nice to see kids and their families get dressed up again and go for trick or treating (i don’t think i’ve been out for halloween since pre-pandemic). the VCF meeting for me had a hiccup due to one of the doctors not showing up on time but overall went fine. we had scheduled for matt’s flu shot that evening to meet a mandatory deadline of vaccination by the next day. however, when we went to the CVS, they had issues verifying his benefits. after over an hour, they could not administer his shot. we had to schedule an appointment with a different CVS for 8pm. anyway, matt definitely started to feel sick after the CVS stuff and getting his flu shot administered. 
on tuesday, i had booked a little getaway for us at the rockaway beach hotel using my capital one travel credit. matt was pretty sick by this point but we made our way out there. thankfully the commute was just over an hour and pretty straightforward to get to. it was both of our first times at rockaway beach. our hotel room was small but had a nice balcony and the beach vibes were really nice. i continued to WFH there while matt napped - definitely nicer to recover by the beach with sun than in a downtown studio without. we were able to take a nice walk to the beach (the beach itself was closed off but we snuck in and it was super secluded), use their private sauna and ate at their restaurant. we watched an hour or so of TV before matt had to call it a night. that night, i started feeling a sore throat myself. my first feelings were honestly anger. anger that matt had to work so much to the point where he’s sick on his week off. on top of that, he got me sick too! 
wednesday was okay for me, but i started feeling crappy on thursday. “what do you think we have?” i asked matt. he assumed it was the flu. i decided to take a covid test because i had planned to call off work but wanted to let my supervisor know with accuracy what i was dealing with haha. we found out right before my team meeting that we’re both covid positive. strangely, we were almost excited to say that we finally got covid once. i ended up waiting until after my two meetings that day before calling out. tried to get my work done for that day, but my brain was already in a fog and not registering a lot of stuff. friday i called off sick. monday i resumed. tuesday i called out half day. 
i was battling with the idea of calling out sick while already working from home and the guilt of feeling like i’m not working hard enough. i already sneak out from work regularly due to its flexible nature so i felt bad that i had to call out for a few days on top of doing that (my little secret). but whatever, i have over 300 hours of sick hours accrued and i have never lied or called out more than one consecutive day of sick. 
matt started his night shifts this past monday, while i continued to recover at home. this past week was definitely the ONLY time that we were both on the same dead/exhausted energy levels for the entire week. it takes me being really sick to have insight into how matt felt during residency or how he feels after working very long hours. i would be pushy about needing to go out, or not staying at home all the time, but this past week i was content with being indoors and relaxing and watching TV LOL. 
due to hearing anecdotally of how family/friends recovered quickly and how many experienced just mild symptoms, i thought we would be in similar situations. i had underestimated the time it would take for me to heal. i was sleeping a lot, and taking meds every night. i applied my trusty thai oil to help with congestion. there was one night that i started freaking out. being alone at night didn’t help either. i was still feeling crappy, and before sleeping, i had anxious thoughts about “what if i’m in the percentage that’ll need to be hospitalized; what if i die in my sleep tonight; what if i’m one of the ones that will get worse”. my hypochondriac ass was legitimately worried and i had to get a text confirmation from dr. matt that i will not die from covid lol. 
anyway, its now saturday and i’m feeling better. i finally left my apartment for the first time since this past sunday and it feels weird to see people again. i still haven’t exerted myself physically past a “stretch” type of workout and am scared to overexert myself too soon. i felt sad because i’m pretty sure i caught covid from hot yoga. or it may be that matt caught it from work even though he hasn’t these past 3 years. matt thinks that we had the flu-rona. our hypothesis is i was a carrier of covid from hot yoga, he had a weakened immune system and had the cold/flu, i transferred the covid to him and he got sick, then i got sick from him. i feel apprehensive about going to hot yoga again if it means i’m risking the both of us to get sick :/ but we do have the antibodies now to fight it off! 
my accounting program restarted on nov 1. i went through half of the material for the employment law class, which is one of the easier ones, but took a break because of covid. 
the second time around of night shifts is better for matt! at least we’re on the path of improving. we got better at regulating his sleep (made him drink meds the first couple nights, got him better earplugs and eyemask). we watch ramy over dinner before sending him off to work and it puts him in a better mood. i decided not to cook at all to not make any additional noise and we’ve just been ordering food. 
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fruityfourgalore · 2 years
i got the flu shot in one arm and my covid booster in the other and now all of me is feeling the side effects at 1am on a wednesday
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katal0gue · 2 years
I broke my glasses that i got at CVS optical which is closed and destroyed their records apparently so I am going to an appointment today to get my new prescription and then tomorrow im getting the flu and covid shot shot shot shot shot shots (every bo day) and wednesday i sheepishly return to therapy and hope my therapist isnt mad at me and thursday i do Nothin' maybe go the library and Friday i go celebrate Garrett's birthday if im not too menstrual to live.
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tearsinthemist · 2 years
I got mine with yearly flu shot last Wednesday. They didn't cause me any ill effects. My temperature never went up and my arms weren't sore.
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donaldmc79 · 2 years
Program: 4 Weeks for Every Body
Week: 2 : Day 1
Workout: Pull
Yesterday I could bot get out of bed because I got little to no sleep. My arm was sore from the covid booster and flu shot and I wasn't feeling q00%. No big deal it will just be my rest day as opposed to Wednesday. I did not want to wake up this morning, I slept HARD last night. It felt good and I got a lot of rest I needed. I didn't lay there for too long after the alarm though. I was able to get up and do the workout. Not really a fan of this one. I don't really like moves that have tons of other stuff to it. I want to do like one move at a time not two or three. I understand the benefit I just don't like UT. That's OK though you don't have to like everything you just have to do it. It's only 4 weeks. Let's go!
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let's play a fun game of stomach bug, flu, covid, or just celiac and my period fucking with me
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