#i got the lines completely redone AS SOON as i moved in and still?!?! fuck gas. all my homies hate gas.
kinaesthetiqueer · 6 months
hey uh. gonna delay this week's chapter to sometime between wednesday and sunday because there are
☣️two gas leaks☠️
in my house and i am stressed.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Lost Boys (1/8)
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Word count ; 4.1k
*Dedicated to @that-girl-who-writes-sometimes. Kill me. You’ll see why.
“Isn’t this totally tubular?” Ruby exclaimed as we finally arrived at the pier.
“It would be if we weren’t totally exhausted,” I groaned. “It’s been a busy goddamn day. How are you still so energetic? It’s not everyday we move across California, move into our new apartment, clean and cook and unpack, and submit resumes for part time jobs, you know.”
Ruby nudged me with an eager grin. “Exactly. And this is the best place to veg out.”
I hummed in amusement. We walked along the crowded pier. It was a Saturday and we’d just moved into an apartment for the summer because college just finished up. We had to move quick, though. And somehow, after a tiring day, this is what Ruby wanted to do instead of pass the fuck out for the night.
She was my best friend. But she was a total opposite. And I was certain she’d be the death of me, or vice versa.
Ruby was trotting alongside of me as we weaved through the various families and couples. I took a moment to glance her over. She recently had her perm redone and her long, black hair bobbed with each step. Sher was curvaceous and chubby, and she completely owned it. She had equally dark eyes and had lovely caramel skin - you wouldn’t guess that she was Mexican, though, because she’d lived in America her entire life and her accent was nonexistent. She didn’t speak Spanish fluently, either. She somehow fell into the bellbottom team pants and was otherwise wearing a crop top with a yellow and black zigzag pattern.
“Oh, look!” she exuberantly stated, pointing through the crowd to some of the rides, although she accidentally hit some dude walking past. “Oh - sorry! But look, Y/n. We have some leftovers tickets. Can’t we go on some of the rides?”
“All right. That one?” I agreed, motioning to the contraption that shot us into the air and then shot us back down. 
She paled, glaring at me. “Hell no. You know how terrified I am of heights.”
“It would be nice to conquer your fear.”
“Not today, Satan.”
“Fine. So which one?”
She didn’t answer, instead wrapping her hand around my wrist and pulling me toward the theme park section of the pier, away from the stores. We ended up pushing ourself through a crowd on ten-year-olds as we saddled up into line. And finally, now that we were in line, I realized that we herein line for the merry-go-round.
“You want to spend our remaining tickets on a kid’s ride? Live a little, Rube. We can at least go in the haunted house,” I teased, rolling my eyes playfully.
“You said you were tired.”
“Yeah, so what?”
“So we can go on something cute and slow so you can fall right asleep,” she argued.
I quirked a brow in amusement. “What I’m hearing is that you’re too scared to go on any of the adult rides.”
“Precisely! You understand me, Y/n,” she giggled.
The merry-go-round pulled to a stop. The conductor checked over the ride quickly as all the kids and parents filed out via the other line. Finally, the gate started, and we were allowed in. The admission was fast, even though a few tweens cut in line. Ruby almost got mad, but I reigned her back in. Those kids probably had curfew soon, anyways.
We entered the ride. I hopped on my own horse. Ruby did have a point. I was rather relaxed to lean my head against the metal bar. Ruby was on the one beside me, a foot or so in between us. Ruby looked excited. I sent her a tired smile. Even in my drowsiness, I was happy if Ruby was.
She let out a boisterous holler and pumped her hand into the air as the ride finally started. Everyone around us was chattering, and she sent me a cheeky grin as she shouted,” Fuck yes!”
Ah. She earned several glares from parents, while their children looked confused and asked what ‘fuck’ meant.Ruby giggled innocently. I couldn’t help but laugh.
I leaned my head against it. Instead of staring at Ruby, my attention went past to the pier around us. We were in the center, so people crowded us from every angle. We continued turned, and I couldn’t help but zone in on certain people. There was a hippy and his girlfriend smoking a cigarette. Two children were running away from their parents, much to their dismay. There was an angry, shouting security guard.
I sat up as, suddenly blocking my view of the security guard, a group of boys hopped the rails of the ride. It was an eclectic friend group. The leader had spiked white hair and a trench coat. Another had curly blonde hair and an elfish face, wearing a torn teeshirt. Another was blonde and was sticking to the curly-haired boy’s side, both of them displaying almost brother-like mischievousness. And the last… had gorgeous, long back hair and coffee skin. He had a leather jacket and teeshirt on and was clearly the quiet one of the group, since the securit guard was mostly chasing the other three.
Everyone hollered and gasped as, in a line, the guys hopped onto the merry-go-round. They all were grinning ear for ear. The leader was in front, pushing past the people. Some kids were shoved right off their seats and started bawling their eyes out.
I could tell with one glance that Ruby was enamored. She always had a thing for the bad boys, and her gaze was glued right on the obvious leader. 
“You stupid kids, get back here!” the guard bellowed, having finally gotten his large, short body over the fence. The conductor still didn’t stop the ride, leaving the man to circle the ride in anticipation. “I thought I told you not to come back!”
Ruby, with a grin, waved to the leader as he came shoving past. He sent her a daring smirk, even sending a wink toward her. My view was quickly blocked from the scene, though, as the curly-haired guy swerved next to me, sloppily blowing me a kiss.
“Hey there, angel face!” he shouted over the crowd.
May jaw dropped and I was about to reply, but he was shoved forward again. The merry-go-round kept spinning, and I felt myself just as drawn to the group. More so than anything, though, when the dark horse of the group came sliding past. We made but brief eye contact, but boy, was he cute. It wasn’t much, but it made my heart skip a beat.
Ruby and I simultaneously watched as the men hopped off, almost getting caught by the guard. However, they pushed him away and hopped the metal fence again, leaving security in the dust. I could almost differentiate their howling laughter amongst the hoard.
I blinked, realizing the ride had come to a stop. My legs felt like jelly as I hopped off. Ruby was still staring into the crowd, trying to pick up the bad boy strangers. And although I also appreciated their sexiness, I wasn’t looking for a summer fling like she was.
“Did you see them?” she squealed, maintaining a death grip on my wrist as we exited the ride. “We definitely picked the right ride.”
“It was kind of impossible to miss them,” I giggled. “Don’t tell me you want to try and find them.”
“I wasn’t going to tell you. I was just planning on dragging you along.”
We went through the crowd, her original idea of exploring more of the rides and games abandoned. We somehow ended up returning the way we came, and the crowd was more dispersed. The stores were beginning to shut down, too. The only one on the pier that wasn’t shrouded in darkness was the video store and the comic book store - of which I sent a resume to both.
Ruby, finally exhausted and discouraged, slowed our urgent pace. I took control, tugging her lightly so that we were leaning against the rail and looking out toward the ocean. The moon sparkled against the opal waters. The reflection shifted constantly in a pattern.
I crossed my arms and leaned against it. “You know, when it’s not crowded with people and it’s not blisteringly hot, this town is pretty. But only this spot specifically.”
Ruby laughed, leaning against the rail as well. “We have to go skinny-dipping here sometime. What else is the ocean made for, if not for that?”
“I was trying to create a moment and instead you bring up skinny-dipping.”
“You know you love me for it.”
“That would be correct. Totally.”
Silence fell over us. I occasionally peered over my shoulder at the passing people. We were close to the back ‘entrance’, where we’d snuck in originally. The front was crowded with parked cars and drunkards. We were almost at the end of the pier, where the bridge connected to a grassy. hill. Laying on the ground nearby, though, were four consecutive, sleek motorcycles.
“Hey. Do you think one of those belongs to your soulmate?” I snickered, motioning to the pile.
She gasped quietly. “Oh my god! You just might be right for once in your life. There’s four of them, too. Thank god you stopped us here. They could return any second now.”
“That is, if Larry the security guard doesn’t catch up to them first.”
“There’s a fat chance of that happened. Ha! Get that? Because he’s fat?”
“Wow, what a clever joke,” I mused sarcastically. 
“I know it is because I said it.”
Just as we were turning back toward the ocean, something caught my eye. Or more like someone.  I immediately nudged Ruby, and she couldn’t help but giggle ecstatically. Walking across the pier in our direction was the group fo guys from earlier. My eyes couldn’t help but linger on the eye candy of the group, though.
The group had clearly noticed us. My mouth twitched into a smile, and my heart immediately started beating faster. Ruby squeezed my lower arm once before standing straight, beaming at the boys.
“Hey, there. I’m David,” the leader greeted charismatically, and the other followed in suit. “What are you girls up to?”
The elfish one from earlier stupid away and immediately leaned against the rail, clicking his tongue and sending me a wink. I grinned back at him before returning my attention the leader. Ruby might as well had had heart eyes. That’s how obsessed she was with the man already.
“David, huh? I’m Ruby and she’s Y/n. We, uh… were just taking a walk.”
Davidi hummed, nodding. My eyes returned to my personal favorite, and it pleased me that we were making steady eye contact, even though he was nervous. He was clutching his leather jacket tightly.
“Is that so…? Well, if you’re interested, you can come join us on a drive instead.”
That was exactly what Ruby was hoping for. “Oh, that sounds perfect! Right, Y/n?”
I was. Broken out of my stupor and I felt my cheeks redden in realization that the attention was on me. I was still alert and it wasn’t a good idea to go off with a group of suspicious strangers, but… fuck it. 
“Uh, yeah. That sounds cool.”
David smirked and the guys cheered happily. While David quickly wrapped his arm around Ruby’s shoulders, the curly-haired man did the same. I let it happen, since it didn’t seem threatening, and in fact, he seemed quite friendly. As we walked toward the motorcycles, only vaguely aware of the other conversations going on, I inquired politely,” And you are?”
“Marko. My other pals are Paul and Dwayne, but you can just forget about them, angel face.”
I snorted incredulously. “Keep trying, elf boy. I’m sure it’ll get you places.”
I heard Paul and Dwayne laugh at his expense, while Marko sent me a glower. He let go of me for the sake of pulling his motorcycle off the ground, but that was enough for Paul to swoop in beside me. He lowered close but not close enough to be uncomfortable. 
“Hey, wanna ride with me?”
I smirked, taking a glance at Ruby, who was already saddling up with David. I nodded, taking a step away from Marko, who sent a curse flying Paul’s way. Paul picked up his motorcycle and I awkwardly slung myself onto it. My hands immediately found themselves wrapping around his waist tightly. I’d only been on a motorcycle a few times, and each was as terrifying as the last.
“Hold on tight, spider monkey.”
My breath caught in my throat as the motorcycles zoomed up the hill. They ended up continuing across the hills, higher and higher. However, with the elevation change, came more and more blinding fog. I clung to Paul with every fiber of my being, and over the sounds of the speeding engines, I heard cheers and hollers of adrenaline, including Ruby’s. 
I clutched my hands, my hair whipping in the wind. It was almost frightening how fast they were going. Even the headlights didn’t penetrate the fog. Whenever I opened my eyes, I found that tears sprouted to them from the force, and I ended up burying my face in Paul’s neck.
It was cold.
When I looked up one last time, a scream bubbled in my throat as a cliff edge showed up. I was too frozen in fear to release it, though, and that was the right decision. Because, just as the front wheel penetrated the edge, he swerved and hit the breaks.
My hair was messier than usual and I finally released the man. I shakily got off, but akin to the merry-go-round, I found myself with jelly legs. I couldn’t see the others yet, but I could hear the clearly now that the motorcycles were abandoned on the ground.
I exhaled sharply, and Paul snickered. “We got ya good, huh?”
“I’ll say,” I grumbled, still shivering. It was the middle of summer, but after that ride, I had chills rolling down my back.
Marko emerged from the fog, tossing his arm around my shoulder. I hugged myself as the two boys escorted me around the cliff. I was starting to get a little worried, but my gut wasn’t screaming to run away just yet. I couldn’t help it. I was intrigued.
We came up to a rocky path that led down the cliff. It wound around the side, and as we drew closer to the ocean, I noticed a light amidst the fog. At the base of the ocean was a cave entrance. 
How odd.
“Holy shit, this is so cool!” Ruby fangirled. 
I shrugged free of the two boys and stood next to her. David had an arm around her shoulder, wearing a knowing smirk. I finally took the chance to take in my surroundings.
Inside the cave was an entire house, pretty much. There were many glittering antiques lying around. Stalactites were on the rocky ceiling. There were various large rugs and dressers. Somehow, there was a mini fridge against the wall. A torn up couch was also agains the wall, and other chairs were strewn about. There were lamps and candles everywhere, and I noticed that to the right, there was nothing but darkness, supposedly where the cave grew deeper.
“This is the den. Make yourselves at home, girls,” David insisted, detaching from Ruby’s side.
I glanced around. Paul and Marko walked around me and dived toward the couch, but their eyes immediately returned to me when they’d settled. Dwayne, of whom was impossible not to stare at with how gorgeous his hair was, went and leaned against a far wall. He wasn’t looking at me. But then, his eyes flitted toward me. HE almost seemed shy and looked away immediately.
“Y/n!” Marko called, patting an open spot between the two. I strained a smile. The atmosphere of the place… had changed. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something was sketchy. I mean, what run-of-the-mill men had a cave of their own?
I plopped between them, and it wasn’t a moment too soon because Marko was quick to wrap his arm around my neck and pull me to him. He was grinning ear from ear, although there was something meticulous in his sparkling eyes. I noticed how cold he was, too.
I heard two glasses clink. Ruby held two wine glasses while David finally stood straight, shutting the mini fridge and holding up a clear bottle of swirling maroon liquid. There was something dangerous in his eyes. I didn’t like where this was going. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to tag along, although I wouldn’t dream of abandoning Ruby.
“How about it, girls? Care to show us what you got?” David requested, swinging the bottle. 
Ruby sat on the ground in front of the living room table. She set the glasses done, giggling gleefully. I tried getting her attention, praying she was sane enough to realize the dangerous situation we’d just walked into.
“I think I’ll pass,” I spoke up suddenly.
David, who had already started pouring into a second one, froze. Everyone’s attention shifted to me and I noticed the strain in everyone’s grin. Ruby just looked confused, tilting her head.Even Marko and Paul had a displeased glare.
“What? Don’t you trust us?” Marko asked, although there was a snide undertone. I felt him tense, and shivers rolled down my spine.
“Well, seeing as you’re all strangers, no. I don’t trust any of you in the slightest,”  I tittered.
I felt Paul’s hand slide across my upper back. His cold fingers tickled me through my teeshirt, and I was beginning to wish I’d come up with some lie. David wasn’t giving up though, instead convincing my friend. He leered over her, winking.
“Your friend thinks we’re bad guys,” he chuckled. “But you know better, don’t you, Ruby? You’re no coward.”
She maintained eye contact for a moment before looking back at David. It was as though she physically melted from his seductive stare. 
“Oh, fuck it. It’s summer.”
The boys cheered, minus Dwayne. I glanced at him, only to see that he was watching me intently. Even when I stared back and he visibly shrunk away, he tilted his head at me and his mouth twitched. Even in this uncertain situation, I couldn’t help but drool over the mysterious man.
I observed Ruby downing the glass without stopping. Once she sucked in the last drop, she smashed the glass back onto the table proudly, beaming. “Damn, that tasted good. It just be expensive.”
“Let’s just say that it’s hard to get,” Paul stated. 
All of the boys roared in laughter, while me and Ruby were left to question what the hell they were on about. Something about his statement rubbed me the wrong way. I went to sit up and free myself from the two mens’ invasive arms, but Marko almost seemed to have claws as he held me with them.
“Would you look at that,” David mused in mock awe. “You sure you don’t want to try, Y/n? It’s of the divine quality. Not even a sip?”
Once again, everyone was staring at me with such a predatory gaze. I found myself looking at Dwayne, and he had a thin frown. My heart was beating, half because I was in the presence of the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen, and otherwise because I was scared shitless but these strangers.
I shook my head, gulping. “I have work tomorrow. I shouldn’t be drinking.”
“One sip isn’t going to get you drunk, angel face.”
“God, fuck you guys,” Ruby suddenly groaned irritably. “Let my girl be. I need her sober so that we can actually get home.”
“Marko, Paul, can’t you two see you’re making her uncomfortable?”
All eyes went to Dwayne, who’d spoken for the first time. Even his friends were caught off guard, reinforcing the idea that he was generally silent. However, Marko grinned, nuzzling the side of my head with his knuckles.
“If she was, she’d say something. Don’t tell her you’re after my new girl?” Paul flirted jokingly.
“She doesn’t need to say anything. She’s actively trying to get away.”
Dwayne’s voice was deep and his composure was serious and tense. I could tell something was amiss, but maybe Dwayne wasn’t as okay with it as the rest of his friends. Or, maybe, he felt the same chemistry I did with him. I sent him a grateful smile, and he finally looked away. I could’ve sworn I saw his cheeks darken.
David laughed slowly, somehow standing near the fridge again. “Looks like Dwayne has a crush on our new friend. Would you look at that.”
I finally mustered the courage to clear my throat and wrench myself free from Paul and Marko. There was something so sinister about their presences now, even though earlier they exude friendliness and the auras of eager puppy dogs. Marko more so than Paul. And yet, Marko seemed far more dangerous than his friend.
Dwayne clammed up after that.  I ended up sitting on the rug next to Ruby. She was grinning lazily, her head tilting all over the place. I only went to parties with her a few times, but I always thought she held her liquor better than that. Her fingers ghosted over the handle of the other wine glass.
“You, uh, boys don’t plan on drinking this, r-r-right?” 
“You sure you don’t want to have some, Y/n?” Marko perked up.
David waved his hand dismissively. “Calm yourselves, boys. She can try it next time when we’re deemed ‘trustworthy’.”
The guys cackled, and I swerved my head to look at Dwayne when he let out a low chuckle. I guess he did enjoy their presence. And here I thought he hated his friends or was blackmailed into hanging out with them. He watched me with intrigue. Even in the shadows, I could tell he was blushing.
Ruby, in the meantime, downed the rest of the wine. The men didn’t even stop her when she reached for the entire wine bottle and took continuous swigs. From my experience, alcohol never tasted good. There was always a bitterness to it that Ruby made sure to tell me about. But she looks like she was enjoying the beverage.
“We’ve never seen you girls at the pier before,” Paul engaged in conversation. “Are you two new in town? It’s a small place, what, with all the murders and missing people.”
Shivers rolled down my spine, but Ruby beat me to it. “The fuck…? What do ya’s mean, missing?”
“You two didn’t know?” David snickered haughtily. “Santa Carla is the order capital of the world.”
Ruby gasped in fear, suddenly clutching at my arm. “Oh…! Who… who fucking… kills people?”
“Usually murderers,” I quipped in discomfort.
I twas like we were being held under a microscope. The boys all watched me carefully, laughing exuberantly as per usual. I didn’t like how predatory their eyes were. It made me squirm in place. However, Dwayne’s chuckles didn’t sound quite as dangerous and threatening as the others.
“We’ve got a comedian in the house, I see,” David proclaimed. “You know, I’m starting to like you, Y/n,”
“Even if you are a prude,” Marko added, which earned him a glare from me.
I didn’t like that they liked me. I didn’t like much of what was going on. I watched as David opened the mini fridge again. However, Paul started up again,” You two didn’t answer the question.”
Ruby stare at me expectantly. “W - well, uh, we just moved here for the summer. We’re waiting for college to start again and figured we’d find some part-time job. We rented one of those run down but homely houses.”
“Where?” Paul continued to prod.
“It’s on ‘one of your beeswax’ avenue.”
Ruby giggled and piped up,” It’s actually on Drivel drive! The small white house —“
I clicked my tongue and smacked the side of her head. She mewled in mock pain, but the guys once again howled in laughter. I wasn’t sure what was amusing, but I sure as hell didn’t want to find out. It was then that I realized David was hovering behind me. He loomed over and placed a plastic box in front of me. It was some Chinese take-out with chopsticks stuck to the side of the box.
“You girls must be hungry. How about some chow mien?” David offered.
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Fully Completely 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), violence, mutual irritation.
This is dark!Loki x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s a new face in Birch and he’s come to haunt your door.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, and Little Bones
Note: Here’s part two and things are getting aggressive fast.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 2: Either it'll move me
Usually your work kept you busy and if you were busy, you were content. Not that day. Not since that man ruined your lunch. You were so worked up that when you got back to the garage, you didn’t even finish your sandwich. You barely got anything done as what you did had to be redone in your distraction.
The night was little better as you planned to get the car done so the next time Loki bothered you, you could tell him to fuck off. If his headlight did come in before he left town, you’d send it down to Carl’s to have the work done. You would take the cost from what Bucky gave you to cover your time.
You were on your second coffee by the time you headed down to the garage, your apartment conveniently above as your existence was relegated to that single lot in Birch. At the bottom step you paused as you sipped from the travel mug and listened to the unexpected noise from behind the black door.
You locked all the doors at night, even that between the entryway and the garage that you kept propped open during the day. You stepped closer and tested the handle and bent to examine the lock. You glanced over at the painted front door and found that both had been picked.
Your fingers tightened on the mug. The last person to break into your garage, well, they weren’t around to bother you anymore after Jerome found out. You swung the door open and hauled the hot coffee across the garage towards the only sign of movement.
Loki sidestepped the splash, a few drops along his dark jacket, and continued to tighten and untighten the wrench. He looked at you nonchalantly and his mouth slanted. He shook his head as he let the tool hang perilously from his hand.
“Is this how you treat all your customers? This ungainly assault,” he peered down at the overturned cup beside his car.
“What the fuck are you doing in my garage?” you huffed as you marched over to him and reached for the wrench.
He gripped it tighter as you tried to snatch it from him and held you close as he sneered down at you.
“Two days,” he said “correct?”
“Tomorrow by my count,” you rebuked and pulled harder on the wrench, “not that it gives you any right to break into my garage and touch my stuff.” He let you yank the metal free of your grasp and you pointed it at his chin, “so leave or this time I won’t miss.”
He chuckled, barely bothered by the tool pointed at him as his green eyes sparkled, “your count is incorrect. I might be early but your work is due this evening so I will wait.”
“Not here,” you waved the wrench at him and grabbed his arm, “so get out and come back later then.”
His hand covered yours and he pried your fingers from him. He twisted your hand back and you gasped and swung the wrench with your other. You hit his shoulder as he raised his arm in defense and grunted at the sharp impact. He let you go and you swung again. He dodged and shoved you away from him.
“Do not presume to put your hands on me,” he warned, “you know who my brother is, that I associate with your cute local chapter--”
“I’m not one of them and I don’t report to them,” you snarled, “so get out now or you won’t be associating with anyone.”
“Mouthy little bitch,” he slithered, “you touch me again, or even attempt it--”
“I said get out,” you hit the hood of his car and left a dent, “It’ll be another day at least.”
His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. He fixed his jacket and sighed. He raised his chin and stiffly strode across the garage and through the black door. You followed feet behind him and made sure he continued outside. You cranked the lock behind him and listened to his footsteps crunch through the snow.
You might not report to Bucky and his goons but he was going to keep the rabble in line.
It was just after noon but you knew Bucky would already be at The Asp. You ventured down the street in your heavy boots, your jacket flapping open in the wind as you were set on your destination and the conversation that awaited you. You nodded at the man who leaned a few feet from the door and sucked on a cigarette.
You entered and shook the snow off your lined denim jacket and kicked off your boots. You looked around at the mostly empty bar. You rarely went there as it was more trouble than you needed. The men were drunk and dirty and like many places in Birch, you just didn’t fit. You didn’t want to fit.
Bucky sat at his usual table, a woman you recognized beside him. She had been a year or two ahead of you in school and a couple behind Bucky himself. You knew she was his new girl but she never really looked happy about it. Knowing him, it didn’t surprise you. He always wanted more than he got.
You crossed to him and stood in front of the round table as his right-hand thug watched you curiously. You raised a brow at Steve and focused on the boss.
“We need to talk,” you said plainly.
“We do?” he asked genuinely confused, “I owe you something?”
“You do and you don’t. I’m not here about money,” you replied, “but it’s important.”
“Alright,” he pointed to the chair in front of you and gestured to his companions, planting a kiss on the woman’s lips before she stood, her lips slightly curled at the corner, and left you. He shifted in his chair as they went and nodded when he was ready, “sorry, if I knew you were on your way, I would’ve kept her in the back.”
You scoffed and shook your head. He was always obtusely arrogant. “I stopped fucking you, Buck, I don’t care who you’re with now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” he inhaled and placed his hand against the table, “so what is it?”
“This guy, Loki,” you began, “brought his car to me two nights ago.”
“Mhmm, I sent him down. I know I should come down myself but--”
“Please, you hate going down there,” you waved his words away, “it’s not about the car, it’s about him.”
“What about him?”
“He broke into my shop this morning. There was… well, I got a few licks in and for the sake of you I’ve held back but you need to keep him away from me. I’ll fix his car but I’m not dealing with him anymore. He’s a pompous asshole who thinks he can just do whatever he wants.” You stopped yourself, usually not one to go on at length, “he’s your… associate, as he would say it, so he can deal with you, not me.”
He considered you and pulled his hand back to scratch the stubble along his jaw. His blue eyes were intrigued if not surprised.
“He… coming onto you?” he asked.
“No,” you blinked at him dully, “no, he’s just annoying me. You promised me the shop would be my space. He picked my locks, Buck, so you let him know what’s what.”
“He’s new in town,” Bucky sighed, “but I’ll talk to him.”
“You better,” you stood, “because I don’t care about whatever business you got going on, the next time, I’m gonna pop his eye out with a--”
“Don’t be dramatic,” he snipped, “I’ll take care of him, alright?”
“You better,” you said as you backed away, “or you can find someone else to fix up your bikes.”
“Really? You know it won’t come to that,” he sat forward in irritation, “go, he won’t bother you.”
The next day you looked over the front of the car. Aside from the cracked headlight, it was as good as new. You rolled up the garage door and took the keys from the hook. You drove the car out and steered it along the snowy street and parked just outside The Asp. You got out and headed inside to hand off the keys to Bucky with a promise that you would take care of the light when it came in as long as he kept Loki away.
You returned to the garage to close the door and checked the time. You were overdue for lunch and hadn’t been back to The Chipped Saucer since that eventful day. You were hungry and too lazy to climb up to your apartment and dig through your fridge. 
You crossed the street and entered the diner as Kimmie looked up from the harlequin novel she hid behind as she stood by the till. She marked her page and closed it before she grabbed the carafe from the machine and crossed to your table. She poured you a mug and confirmed your usual order.
There were a few of the older residents enjoying pie and coffee at the other tables but the snow still kept many in their own houses. You might try the strawberry rhubarb before you went. You didn’t indulge in sweets often but it smelled good.
Kimmie brought your sandwich and as you finished the first triangle, you were disturbed by the last voice you wanted to hear. You didn’t look back as the door chimed behind the new patron and you continued chewing as you once more reviewed the newsletter. 
To your chagrin but not unexpectedly, the figure appeared at your table side. You bit into the next portion of your club sandwich and ignored him.
“Hello, darling,” Loki sat across from you as he had days before, “I saw that you attended to my vehicle at last. Fine work, I must say. I do hope the headlight arrives soon.”
You said nothing and kept eating as you looked out the window and slid the newsletter aside with your other hand. You took the last gulp of your coffee and swallowed. You raised your cup and looked around, “‘scuse me,” you called out, “when you have a second.”
He laughed to himself and you felt his gaze on you. You pushed aside your uneaten crust and went about your meal as if he wasn’t there. When Kimmie refilled your coffee, he ordered a tea and a bowl of the daily soup. 
You barely withheld your grimace as you watched Babs across the street by her bakery. She dusted snow off the open sign before she retreated back inside.
“I’m pleasantly surprised by the food here,” he mused as he stirred a plume of milk into his tea.
“Can’t you take a hint?” you snapped, “I don’t want you near me.”
“Believe me, at first, the feeling was mutual, darling,” he said.
“I told you not to call me that,” you frowned at him directly and he smirked.
“I like the way it makes your eyes go,” he taunted, “admittedly, that first meeting I would’ve liked nothing other than to never encounter you again but the more I poke and prod you, the more intrigued I am.”
“If you don’t stop--”
“You’ll go back to Barnes, hmm?” he intoned, “yes, he did speak with me but I might enlighten you on one fact. The man requires my business more than a mechanic, especially as there seems to be healthy competition in town.”
“You have your car, you’ll have the headlight done, and you can be on your way out of town,” you growled, “and you can be far away from me. Whatever stupid game you’re playing at, I’m not biting. I meant it when I said I won’t miss--”
“Darling, this is not an invitation,” his eyes strayed from your face for just a moment and he considered the buttons of your flannel shirt, “a man like me doesn’t ask, he expects.”
Your eyes rolled so hard it hurt. You pushed your plate away and pulled out your wallet. You left your tab on the table and stood. You shrugged into your jacket and glanced out the window at the white main street.
“Whatever you expect, it’s not going to happen,” you rebuffed, “but I told you what you can expect if you come around me again.”
You left as you had days before and stormed across the street without looking. You dodged out of the way of a slow rolling Ford as it honked and you waved them off. You stomped up to the front of your shop and realised too late you were being followed.
You spun around at the door to face Loki as he slid to a stop. He grabbed your arm and drew you back from the painted wood. You hit his chest and he barely flinched as he flicked your chin with his finger.
“Oh, darling, let’s not drag this out, I do love that temper--”
“Get off--” you pushed him and he nearly slipped and took you down with him as his leather soles held no traction on the frozen ground.
He threw you back and you hit the corner of the doorframe and gasped out as it forced the air from you. 
“I promise you, it won’t last. I will damp out that flame and bask in the smoke,” he neared again and you kicked out. He fell to his knees as the force of it had you on your ass. 
You crawled away from the wall as he tried to stand and you grabbed onto his leg and pulled him back down. He slid back to his kneeS and gripped the collar of your coat. You hooked your arm around his neck and he jabbed your stomach, not as hard as he could, but a warning.
You brought your other arm up as you struggled to get a foothold and you managed to push you both back. You fell in tandem into the snow, your arms locked as he forced his fingers under them to keep them from snaking tighter. He was strong and you knew you could only do so much. You had to keep him on the ground.
He elbowed your ribs and you released him sharply. You rolled away from him as you panted and scrambled on your hands and knees. The frigid snow seeped through your jeans and burned your palms. You heard him behind you and you turned as you climbed to your feet unsteadily.
He was half-keeled as he got his feet set and his dark hair hung over his forehead as he glared through the strands. He stood straight and pushed back the mess of tangles and you faced him, ready for another brawl.
“Oh, this will be fun, darling,” he brushed the powder from his suit and his cheek twitched, “You needn’t worry about Barnes, you should be more worried about me.”
He puffed out a breath and spun swiftly, nearly slipping again on the icy walk. He headed back down to the street and you saw the tension between his shoulders as he pulled his jacket straight. He hurried across the road and you turned back to the garage.
It was a brief retreat, a chance to plot, you knew that much. You only had to outlast him and if you were anything, it was stubborn.
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jamiethetrans · 3 years
Old Habits Die Hard - Ch 4
Rita Calhoun x Transgender Reader 
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You sat by the bar with a glass of bourbon in front of you. After the interrogation, all you wanted was a big glass of bourbon and some fries. Coming out to the squad like that was not your original plan. Actually coming out hadn’t been on the list at all.
But you did it if it meant a victim got justice. “Is this seat taken?”, a soft voice asked, breaking you from your thoughts and you turned to see Rita standing next to you, the empty seat right in front of her.
“Well I’ve said no to everyone who’ve come over here”, you said and she raised an eyebrow.
“If they’re not my type, then why even bother”, you said and nodded around. Rita looked around as well, noticing all the high end women and men. She even noticed the rings on a few of them.
“Well. Am I your type enough to earn that seat?”, she asked turning back to you and you met her eyes, a smirk on your face.
“Darling you own that seat”
She chuckled and sat down next to you, earning glances from a few people in the bar. “What you did today was brave”, she started out and you chuckled looking down at your glass.
“Yeah… sorry for ruining your case”
Rita chuckled and ordered before turning to you. “It’s fine. Weather I lose or not, it’s still money in the bank for me”
You nodded and took a sip of your drink. “So. How does a pretty woman like you become a defense attorney?”
Rita smiled and received her drink, thanking the bartender. “I always knew I wanted to work with the law. I worked hard every day to get where I am. I wasn’t into parties or boys for that matter. I just wanted my grades to be spot on so I could get into Harvard”
“Harvard. Rafael went to Harvard didn’t he?”, you asked, although you knew the answer to that.
“He did yes. We were the same year. Graduated together and everything”
You nodded as you watched her take a sip. You bit your lower lip and moved your seat closer to her. “Want another drink?”, you asked as you noticed there was almost nothing left in her glass and she turned to you, noticing how close you were.
“How can I say no?”
You smirked and ordered two more drinks. You fell into a comfortable conversation, using the next few hours to talk about anything and everything. Really getting to know each other.
When it reached midnight you stood from your seat and put down a twenty dollar bill. “Do you need me to call you a cap?”, you asked and she furrowed her eyebrows as she stood from her seat as well.
“You don’t need one yourself?”
“I live two blocks from here. An easy walk home. Good for fresh air”
She nodded with a smile and you walked outside. The moment you were outside, she turned to you and smiled. “I had a great time. You’re an amazing guy”
You smiled and stepped closer. “You’re not too bad yourself”
She smiled and you leaned down, kissing her cheek. You pulled back, but stopped as you felt her hand on your cheek and you looked into her eyes, seeing the lust. You leaned down and this time your lips met in a soft kiss.
Her lips were so soft against your own. They fit perfectly against each other like it was meant to be.
“Maybe we should just save the money and you come and stay at my place”, you whispered against her lips.
She smiled and nodded before kissing you again.
You were barely through the front door before she attacked you with kisses. You shut the door behind you and walked closer to your bedroom. You opened her shirt and felt your mouth watering at the sight of her body.
“You’re gorgeous”, you whispered and she kissed you deeper making you moan into the kiss.
You reached the bedroom and you gently pushed her down onto the bed. She kept sitting up and helped you taking off your shirt. Her hands immediately traced over your body, her fingers quickly finding the scars on your chest. She froze looking at them, feeling the soft redone, yet perfect skin beneath her fingertips.
“What?”, you asked innocently and she looked up and met your eyes.
“You’re absolutely divine darling”
You leaned down kissing her again and took off your belt. You pushed your pants down and threw them away. “Lay down”, you whispered against her lips and she nodded and did as she was told.
You helped her with her pencil skirt and took it off. Your mouth watered at the sight and you couldn’t stop yourself from immediately kissing her neck and biting down. She hissed and you pulled back, meeting her eyes. “Sorry if you’re not into that, I just–“
“Don’t apologize darling. I love getting bitten”, she whispered and you nodded. You kept continuing to nip and bite her neck but before you could even begin to suck, she pulled you back. “Though I would appreciate if you held back with the marking. Hickey’s aren’t exactly welcome in the court room”
You chuckled and kissed her softly. “I’ll try and behave”
She smiled and brought you back for another kiss. This time it was soft and tender and you wondered how it would be to wake up to this every day. Probably amazing you figured.
Rita noticed you were thinking away from the kiss and she pulled back and noticed how far away your eyes were. “Y/n?” You shook your head gently and met her soft eyes. “Where did you go?”
You swallowed and felt yourself hesitate. This was too early. How could you feel like this already? “I…”
“Look if this isn’t what you had expected, I can leave, I–“
“What? No no”, you quickly stopped her and she sighed. “I just… you’re so beautiful. And my mind just went completely overboard”
Rita nodded and you sighed. “I’m normally never this… awkward…”, you tried to explain but Rita just smiled.
“It’s okay. Tell me”
You sighed and placed your head next to hers, your face in the mattress. She stroked the back of your head softly, her fingertips going through your hair making you moan. “You like that?”, she whispered and you nodded.
Rita smiled and she was starting to realize that you weren’t as cocky and flirtatious on the inside as you looked to be. You were soft and insecure, and up until today in the interrogation room, she wouldn’t have expected nor understood why.
“You want to continue or get some sleep?”
You pulled back and looked into her eyes. And right there she could see the lust return. “I wanna feel you around me”, you whispered and she smiled. You leaned down and kissed her softly and she brought her hands to your boxers, gently pulling them down.
You understood the indication and pulled back fully, taking them off before getting back onto the bed. “Very nice”, she said and you furrowed your eyebrows for a moment before looking down at your member.
She shook her head and held out her hand. She stood from the bed and pulled you closer. “You’re the most handsome guy I’ve ever laid my eyes on”
You smiled and leaned down kissing her softly. You helped her out of her panties and you looked down her body. “God your body is incredible”
“So are yours”
You smiled and pushed her gently down. You brought your hand to her clit and immediately felt the wetness. “God you’re so fucking wet”
You gently pushed a finger inside and you immediately moaned out at the warmth. You pushed in and out of her, earning several moans from her. “More”, she husked and you were happy to oblige. Two more fingers entered her and she moaned right out into the bedroom.
“I want you”, Rita whispered and you nodded and lined yourself up to her entrance. You pushed gently into her heat making you both moan out. You moved in a slow pace at first, finding the rhythm quickly before you sped up.
“Fuck you feel so good”, you whispered and leaned down, kissing her softly. She immediately kissed you back, pulling you closer. She brought her hands to your back and nails scratched your back as you hit her the right spot.
You moaned at her husked voice, feeling yourself reaching your climax soon. You brought your fingers to her clit and worked her up. “Cum for me”, you husked and she immediately came hard, yourself not far behind as her walls clenched around you.
You pulled out and laid down next to her, relaxing as you both came down from your high. “That was amazing”, she said and you turned to her with a smile.
She nodded and brought her hand to your cheek. You understood invitation and rolled over so you were on top of her again. You immediately leaned down and kissed her deeply.
Suddenly both of your phones went off and you groaned laying back down next to her. Rita chuckled and took both phones, giving you yours. You gave her a smile in thanking before you both answered your phones.
“What happened?”, you asked the moment you came in and everyone turned to you.
“Yvonne has pulled her statement back. She doesn’t want to press charges”, Rollins said and you frowned at her.
“What? We had him! He confessed!”
“I know but now it’s all off the charge”
Olivia heard the yelling and walked out of her office. “What’s going on?”
You immediately turned to her, speaking before you thought a second about it. “You let her drop the charges?!”
Olivia sighed and could see the anger in your eyes. “Y/L/N I–“
“Why?! We had him I… I got it under control I–“
“There was nothing I could do Y/N”, she stopped you and you groaned.
“I told him everything for that confession, I told you everything! And you threw it away like it was nothing!”, you yelled and Olivia knew she had to stop you before you said something you’d regret.
“No! I did not tell everyone that my father raped me just so that man could walk!”
Silence filled the squad room and you sighed feeling your strength leaving your body. You leaned on the desk as you felt yourself getting dizzy.
You barely heard your Captain’s voice before everything went black.
Olivia and Rollins waited in the waiting room at mercy hospital. Rollins was sitting in one of the chairs while Olivia was walking back and forward.
“Liv, Rollins!”
They both turned to see Fin and Kat coming towards them. “What the hell happened?”, Kat asked and Liv walked over to them.
“We told him about Yvonne recanting and he lost it”, Rollins explained from her seat and the others furrowed their eyebrows turning to Liv.
“Y/L/N got angry and yelled about revealing his secret for nothing and he passed out”
Kat sighed and brought her hands to her forehead. “Have you heard anything?”
Liv shook her head looking away and Kat nodded. Fin walked over to Rollins and sat down in the chair next to her.
“What happened?!”, an angry voice yelled all do the sudden and they all turned to see Barba running inside.
“No. I need to know what happened”
“He collapsed. He passed out in the squad room” Rafael sighed and looked towards the doors to the hallway.
“What’s with the two of you? Why are you so worried about him?”, Rollins asked and everyone turned to Barba. The man sighed and looked at her.
“When Y/N was at the academy, when he was still female, we met at a bar. Had a one night stand”
They all widened their eyes except for Liv who of course knew and Rollins turned to her Captain. “You knew about this?” She nodded and Rollins nodded turning back to Barba. “You love him”
Kat and Fin turned to Barba as well and Liv looked at Rollins. He sighed and turned back to the doors, hopelessly wishing for you to go through them like nothing happened. After a few minutes Liv convinced Barba to sit and get some coffee. An hour passed and the doors to the waiting room opened. “Liv! How is he?”, a voice spoke and they all turned to see Rita walk in.
“Counselor?” The woman turned to Fin and sighed before turning to Barba. “What happened?” Olivia stood from her seat.
“He passed out in the squad room, we haven’t heard anything”
“How? What’s his condition?”
At that they all stood still, looking at each other and Rita raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know why he passed out?” They all shook their heads and Rita was stunned.
“Didn’t know you knew him counselor?”, Kat asked standing from her seat as well. The woman turned to the detective and sighed. “I have spoken with him a few times but we’ve become close”
Barba eyed her for a moment, noticing the look in her eyes. “Oh my god”, he said out loud and everyone turned to him. “You’ve slept together”
It was more of a statement than a question and Rita, despite her own efforts, knew she couldn’t keep it from him. He simply knew her too well.
And by the look she gave him, and not answering back immediately was a dead giveaway. “Oh my god”, Barba mumbled and looked away.
Rollins frowned at the two of them. “So you’ve both slept with Y/N?”
The two counselors looked at her and the blonde stared for a moment before nodding in amusement. “Amazingly done”
Liv shook her head with a smile while Kat smiled and Fin smirked at her. The two counselors rolled their eyes and both looked at the door.
You opened your eyes carefully and immediately closed them again as you got blinded by the light. You could hear the beeping sound from the monitor and looked up to see the lines go up and down in time with your heart beat.
Sighing you turned the other way and immediately discovered Rita sitting in the chair next to the bed. You made a sound and she instantly looked up from her magazine, meeting your eyes. “Y/N”
You loved how soft she sounded in her whisper. You hadn’t known her long, but you knew it was rare. A tone she only used for people she truly cared about.
“Hey”, she whispered and put the magazine aside to caress your forehead softly. You tried to speak but immediately felt the tube that went through your throat and probably down to your stomach. “Don’t try to talk, you need to relax”, she whispered and kissed your forehead softly.
You sighed and felt yourself drift off again, Rita’s face the last thing you saw. Rita sighed and watched you sleep for a few minutes as she caressed your face softly.
The door opened calmly and she turned only halfway, knowing who it was. “How is he?”, Barba asked and Rita looked up meeting his eyes as he walked over to the other side of the bed, walking into her eyesight.
“He just woke actually. And fell asleep again right before you walked in”
Barba felt himself relax at that and looked down at you. He turned to Rita and noticed how she touched you. How she caressed your face with such carefulness. With love.
“How was it?”, he asked and she couldn’t help but smirk.
“You seriously asking me how the sex with Y/N was? Shouldn’t you already know the answer to that?”
Barba chuckled and looked down at you. “I only slept with him when he was female. I don’t know how he is with a penis between his legs”
Rita nodded in touché and turned to you. “All I’m gonna say is that he knows what he’s doing”
“That good?”
Rita gave him a smirk before turning back to you. Right then a doctor came in and looked at them. “Hello. Are you the next of kins for Y/N Y/L/N?”
At that Barba actually froze. He hadn’t seen you in so long, he didn’t know who you had put as emergency contact. “Uhm… doesn’t the papers say?”
“Yes it says Brian Y/L/N. I just presumed it was you”
Barba froze even further and Rita turned to him. “Who’s Brian?”, she asked and Barba was quick to answer that for her.
“His father”
Rita froze as well and immediately stood from her seat. “You will not call this man, you hear me?”
The doctor instantly nodded in frightens and Rita turned it Barba who knew what she was thinking. “You go and find the file with next of kins and you will come back here immediately, understood?”
He nodded and practically ran from the room. Rita turned to Barba and he sighed. “He can’t know Y/N is here”
“I know”
They stood in silence once more and Barba used the opportunity to lean down and kiss your forehead gently. A few moments later the doctor came back and Rita immediately took the file. “Rita”
The woman ignored her friends attempt to stop her and she looked through the file. It was only your fathers name on it and she sighed.
“It only says Brian Y/L/N”
“What? Not his mother or sister?”, Barba asked and walked over, looking into it.
“Hey, uh…”, the doctor started and they both turned to him, making him swallow hard. “I-I don’t think you’re allowed to-to look in that”
They both stared at him and he swallowed a huge lump. “We know how the law works doctor, we’re both lawyers here. But this next of kin is wrong”, Barba stated walking closer and doctor felt himself walking backwards until he hit a wall. “This man shouldn’t be allowed as a next of kin”
The doctor nodded without a word and Barba nodded in satisfaction. “Who’s listed as his emergency contact?”, he asked and the doctor pointed at the file in Rita’s hands.
He immediately turned to her and she looked up from the file. “His emergency contact. It’s you”
You walked into the bar with a big smile on your face, your friend’s hand in your own. “God there’re so many people tonight”, your friend said and you turned to her.
“Good. More people to choose from”
She laughed and you found some seats at the bar. You looked around the bar, trying to see if there were any men or woman who stood out. Your eyes landed on a group of older men in a booth. They were all wearing nice suits and you couldn’t help finding them intriguing. “What can I give you ladies?”, the bartender came and asked, bringing you back from you own head and you turned to your friend.
“Two tequila shots”, she said and you grinned at her. Tequila was your to go to and it was always your starter drinks on your night outs. You got the shots and cheered before swallowing it down. Your friend looked around and stopped short as she noticed the looks you were given.
“Oh oh, guy nine o’clock”, she said and you knew it meant your three o’clock and turned to see a man from the group you had first noticed, staring back at you. You smiled at him before turning back to your friend.
“Oh my god”
“I know”, you said and laughed before ordering some drinks.
“Alright. What’s the bet tonight? Twenty? Fifty?”
You hummed as you looked around and you noticed the looks you and your friend were given. “Fifty”, you said and pulled out your purse, placing fifty on the bar. You friend did the same and you smirked and turned to the bartender.
“Hey handsome. We have a bet going on and we need to be our witness”
The bartender chuckled and nodded. “Alright”
“You keep onto these hundred dollars. And the first of us to come up to the bar with a man in our hands, gets all of it”
The bartender laughed and you both grinned at him. He nodded taking the two fifty’s and put them in his blazer pocket. “Here”, he said and gave you both another shot of tequila. “On the house. Good luck”
Your friend walked away and you stood by the bar as you watched the table where the men in suits sat. You met the eyes of the man from before and suddenly he stood from his seat. He brought his drink with and walked over to you.
“Hello”, he said and you gave him a smile. “Hi”
He noticed your drink and smirked. “Bourbon?”
“Very nice eyesight”, you said with a smirk and he smirked back. He looked up and down your body and you felt yourself blush.
“You’re gorgeous”, he whispered and you smirked.
“Not so bad yourself mister”
He smirked for a moment before extending his hand “Rafael Barba”
You took the hand into your own and could immediately feel how soft it was. You couldn’t want to have that hand touch you in other places. “Y/F/N Y/L/N”
image When you woke again you were alone in the room and you sighed. You had hoped Rita would still be there, but you figured why would she? You had sex once and that was it. Nothing else.
You looked around the room and noticed a coat hanging on one of the chairs by the table in the room. You tried to see if you recognized the coat but you couldn’t. You sighed and looked around to see if you could see some other things.
Suddenly the door opened and Olivia stepped in. “Hey”
You sighed and felt your heart beat at the smile she gave you. She walked over to you and squeezed your hand. “How are you feeling?”
You nodded letting her know you were good and she nodded in acceptance. The door opened again and this time the others walked in. Kat came over and stood on the other side of the bed. “How you feeling?”
You gave her the same answer and she smiled. They all stood and told you what had happened the last few days you’ve been out and you were glad to hear that Carter had been charged with attempted rape when he had tried to rape Yvonne again. She had recorded the attack and given it to Rollins. Carter got life imprisonment.
“I’ll call Barba”, Olivia said and squeezed your shoulder before walking out of the room. It didn’t take long for you to pass out again and the others sighed and watched you sleep for a few moments before retreating.
“I’m gonna go meet Carisi for dinner. See you later”, Rollins said and walked out of the room.
The others left soon after and the room was quiet once more.
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toothpastecanyon · 3 years
Noie's Friends, Chapter 3
A collection of oneshots about Noie's years at college.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
“Hmm… what should I have today? What, should, I, have?”
Tapping on the counter. Noie stretched her shoulders a bit, and tapped the register to stop it going to sleep.
“Huh. You know, I just don’t know any of these teas.” The man scratched his stubble. “You guys sell an awful lot of them, don’t you?”
“Yes. We’re a tea shop, sir.”
“Oooh, sir. I don’t get sir’ed very often…” he peered at her name tag. “Naomi. Oh, that’s a pretty name. Where’s it from?”
She shrugged.
“You don’t know? Oh, I know where my name comes from, John’s a good English name, you know? There was a King John once. In fact, how’s about I write it down on this napkin…”
Noie found herself glancing over his shoulder. If only she could tell him there was a line.
“You can call me up anytime, little lady.” He passed it to her with a wink. “Anyway, where was I… Oh, do you guys have Dr Salt? I think I’ll take that over your weird teas.”
“Okay, we’ve got them in the back.” Noie stepped away. “They’re kind of expensive here, though.”
“Aw, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Hey, don’t forget my napkin!”
Noie headed to the back, which was a small tiled room with an asphyxiatingly-strong stench of various spices. Even after a week she still hadn’t gotten used to it; her eyes watered a tiny bit as she headed to the tiny soda fridge in the corner of the room.
“Somebody wants another soda?” A voice - Sara stepped out from behind a column of spices. “They know there’s a restaurant right next to us, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t think he’s here for a drink.” She tossed the napkin at her. “Check out what he passed me.”
Noie opened the fridge and picked a soda out. She heard a sniggering from behind her.
“Why did he…” Sara snorted. “Why did he write ‘King John winky face’ on it?”
“Oh my god, did he? I didn’t even look at it.”
“Yeah, look at it there. He sounds like a real catch.” She shook her head. “You want me to go out there? I can always chase off a creepy guy.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Thanks, though.” Noie heard the front door jingle. “Oh, sweet, new people!”
“Now you can tell him there’s a line.”
“Hah! Did you read my mind?” She winked at Sara as she opened the door. “Seeya.”
Noie recognised the group strolling into the shop - and especially the woman in pyjamas making hre way to the counter. “Bea! Isn’t it Magic 101 for Gus and Mina right now? I thought you guys were coming after that.”
“Hey,” The man glanced between them. “About my order-”
“What, you dreading us?” Bea winked at her. “Nah, there was - heh - a little accident in the labs.”
“Is everyone okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.” She stabbed a thumb back at Gus, who seemed to be missing his eyebrows. “You should get the story from ol’ fire fingers over there. I hear primary sources make the most engaging narratives.”
The man cleared his throat. “Excuse me-”
“Oh, I’ll ring your soda up for you, it’s five dollars.” Noie grinned at Bea. “Did he blow himself-”
“Five dollars?!”
“I’m not saying nothing! You’ll have to-”
“Excuse me kid, I’m still ordering!” The man shoved Bea a little back. “Hey, what’s the big idea? I could go down to the gas station and get this for a fifth of what I’m paying here! What kind of stupid fucking-”
Bea tapped his shoulder, and he stopped midsentence with a choking gasp. He grabbed his throat gasping for air, eyes bugging out, and started coughing up leaves and loose soil. She pushed him aside, and leaned an elbow on the counter.
“Okay, so what’ll we have today?” Bea slid the soda away. “Obviously not that - jeez, five dollars? Does anyone actually buy those?” A pause. “What?”
Noie was leaning over the counter with wide eyes. The man was on his hands and knees, making shallow gagging sounds. “Uh, Bea? Is he gonna be alright?!”
“Hmm? Oh, sorry about the mess. Shouldn’t have done that spell indoors.” She snapped her fingers, and everything dissolved into air. The man gave a gasp of relief, and curled up into a shuddering foetal position. “Now I’m the bad customer, right? There you go.”
“But is he gonna be okay?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s an old elven children’s prank. I don’t know why he’s being such a baby about it.” She nudged his leg. “Come on, man. I’ve seen elflings half your age take this better than you. Stop crying.”
As Noie watched, Sara came out of the back. She saw her peeking around the corner- as soon as she caught sight of Bea and the others, she came wandering out.
“Oh, hey guys! Hi Bea!”
“How’s it hanging.”
“You’re here early, right? Why do I feel like- oh my stars, Gus, your eyebrows! Your hair!”
Laughter erupted across the table, and Gus went red. Bea chuckled.
“Yeah, tell her the whole thing, dude!” Bea turned back to Noie. “Eh, I think we’ll all just have our usual. You know what that is, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” Noie turned towards the brewing machines. “Alright, gimme a second…”
She got out a pot, and from behind her she heard the ongoing conversation.
“So what happened, dude? Did you blow yourself up?”
“I didn’t blow myself up-“
“Yeah, cause it was a candle spell.” There was a chuckle from Bea. “First time I’ve ever heard of a human hurting themselves on one of those.”
“No, no, okay, so I had my hands like this, okay! I was rubbing my forehead from all the Latin, and then suddenly my head feels really warm and Mina starts screaming that my hair’s on fire.”
“Your hair was on fire, dude. It looked like a campfire up there for a second.”
“Yeah, and then Mr Jasko grabbed me and basically threw me into the lab shower. How often does that water get cleaned, do you think? It smelled really bad.”
Noie poured the tea, and turned around as it brewed. She saw Gus rubbing at his eyebrows; Jess was patting his shoulder.
“Ughhhh… I look like a damn thumb.”
“No you don’t, dude. You still have… some of your hair.”
“Oh yeah, that’s great, that’s great. Some of my hair.” He ran a hand through it. “Shit, and I have a date this Friday! Do you think it’ll grow back by then?”
“I can grow things.” Bea gave a smile. “Hair is kinda like moss, right?”
“Oh no, you are not touching my hair, Bea. I know you too well.”
“Yeah, you do. But really, that sucks, man. I’m sorry for you.”
“Maybe I’ll just wear a hat,” Noie heard as she placed all the mugs onto a tray. “Hats are cool right? He’ll think it’s cool, right?”
Noie walked over. “I’m sure it’ll go fine, dude.” She carefully placed the tea right next to Gus’ book. “At least you gotta get a good grade on the fire spell thing, right?”
“Well, I didn’t exactly light a candle, did I.” He flipped his textbook to a certain page, and picked up his tea. “The lab’s probably gonna be redone anyway. I gotta study up for it.”
“Heh, don’t go saying it out loud again-”
“No. No, I won’t, Mina.”
Noie started going around the table, but Sara suddenly noticed her and jumped up. “Oh my gosh! Noie, I should’ve been helping! Let me do that!”
“Oh, it’s fine-”
She took the tray. “No, no, you made it, I’ll do the rest. Bea, were you paying?”
“Yeah, it’s my turn.” Bea turned around, digging in her pockets. There seemed to be a lull in conversation as everyone set up their books and magi-orbs; Noie found herself standing awkwardly behind Gus, looking down at his textbook.
Huh. She’d never actually looked inside a magic textbook before; it looked a lot like any other, with dense pages of information cut up by a few diagrams and headings - here, the headings seemed to be the spell incantations themselves, judging by the fact that they were in latin. There was one incantation next to a drawing of someone lighting a candle with their finger; that was probably the one Gus messed up on.
She frowned. How do you even pronounce Latin? She tried sounding it out in her head, flam-mul-a ex stud-
There was a shout. The next thing Noie knew she was on the floor, her hands twisted behind her back. She opened her mouth, but-
“D’arvit!” Bea’s voice was right next to her ear, louder and sterner than she’d ever heard. “The hell are you playing at, Naomi!”
“Don’t let me ever see you trying that shit again! You know better!”
Noie blinked; she could hardly form words. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! What did I do?”
“You don’t know?!” A pause. “You don’t know?”
“No!” Noie tried to move her arm, but it wouldn’t budge. “Agh, ugh, I think you’re twisting my wrist!”
There was a moment of silence, and then Bea let go of her completely. She pulled Noie up, and there was something strange in her eyes as she patted her down. She felt along Noie’s wrist, and Noie couldn’t help but notice the whole table had turned around to stare at them.
Noie shivered at that… shivered. She felt strangely cold, strangely drained. She opened her mouth, but nothing really came out.
Mina was the first one to speak. “Uh, Bea,” she started. “What was that about? What happened?”
Bea’s eyes flitted up to her, and then traced across the whole group. She let go of Noie’s arm, and after a moment, Noie could see her stretch a big smile across her face.
“What was that?” Bea asked, and then gave Noie a light shove. “Pranked! It was a prank! You should’ve seen your face, Silver!”
She gave a great laugh, but Noie could still see that glint in her eyes. She didn’t laugh back; no one did.
“Eh? Prank? Nobody up for some good ol’ horsing around?”
“Seriously? That, uh, wasn’t very funny, Bea.” Sara walked over to Noie. “I think you really freaked her out. You freaked me out.”
“Yeah, me too.” Gus frowned at her. “You really shouldn’t tackle someone like that. That hurts.”
“I see your point, I see your point.” Bea raised her hands. “Guess I don’t know my own strength. I won’t do it again… unless, like, hypothetically, you were standing next to some kind of bomb and I had to tackle you to save your life-”
“Dude. Just apologise.”
“Alright, I was getting to it!” She looked at Noie, and held out her hand. “Hey. I’m sorry I freaked you out.”
Noie glanced down at her hand. She gingerly took it. “Uh, no problem, Bea-”
We need to talk.
She froze at a clear voice in her head - Bea’s voice. Still smiling, the elf nodded once, and let go.
“Alright, glad we reached an understanding.” She dusted her hands off. “Now, what was I doing? Oh right, paying for junk! Sara, get over here!”
Sara put a hand on Noie’s shoulder - it was strangely warm, or maybe Noie was strangely cold. “Are you gonna be okay?” She asked. “You’re shivering.”
“Me? Um,” Noie gulped. “Y-yeah, I’ll be, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“You should go stand out in the sun for a bit. I’ll cover for you.”
“Yeah, that… that sounds good. Thanks.”
Sara gave her a quick smile, a squeeze, and then headed off. Noie watched her go, then looked towards the front doors. She stumbled as she made her way over, and struggled a little to open them.
She stepped out into the sun, into the harsh rays beating down on her face, her shirt, her soul…
And still she shivered a little.
She needed… she needed to sit down. Wow.
The little study session ended much sooner than usual - only a little after the end of Noie’s shift. It was a bit awkward the whole time, with Gus touching his hair and Sara shooting daggers into the back of Bea’s head. For Noie it still felt like an eternity; she’d managed to warm up, but there was still a strange weakness in her knees, a sluggishness in her mind that was hard to shake.
It was strange. The looks Bea kept shooting her didn’t help either. What was going on?
“I think I’ll be heading out,” Gus said, closing his textbook. “Gonna go hat shopping.”
“Oh, if you’re heading out, I might too.”
“Yeah, it’s getting late.”
As everyone started packing up, Noie felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey,” Sara spoke quietly. “You, uh, want a ride home?”
Noie glanced over at Bea, who was ostensibly cleaning her magi-orb; somehow Noie still felt watched.
“Uh,” she started. “That’s okay, thank you. I think I’m gonna walk home - uh, with Bea.”
Sara frowned. “You sure?”
“Don’t worry,” Bea spoke without looking up. “I won’t tackle her again, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Noie gave a nervous laugh. “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s fine, Sara. Thanks.”
Sara didn’t look entirely convinced, but she hugged her goodbye and left the shop. The rest of the group filtered out shortly after, leaving only the two of them, sitting across from each other.
Bea didn’t immediately talk. Noie tapped her fingers a little on the desk; she made a face, and then opened her mouth.
Bea stood up. “Walk with me, will you?”
“Just follow me.” She reached out an arm. “Take my hand.”
“I wanna show you something.” She flashed a smile. “You’ll like it, I promise. Trust me on this, Silver.”
Noie hesitated… but after a moment, she did take her hand. Bea gently pulled her upright, and led her out the door. Immediately they turned into a back alley, and Noie frowned.
“Uh, where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
“Why are you being so weird about this?” She stumbled as they made their way down the edge of a parking lot. “What happened back there? And, uh, not to be rude, but did you do something to me? I feel kinda weird after you tackled me back there.”
“Hmm?” Bea suddenly turned and lead them through a dead bush. “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. It’ll go back to normal in the next few days.”
A twig slapped her in the face. “What? What’ll go back to normal?”
“Your, uh, magic.”
“Magic? What?” Noie could hardly see her through the greenery now. “Okay, where are we going, seriously? There’s got to be an easier way to-“
She stumbled out of the bushes, and blinked hard. Her eyes went wide.
They were inside the biggest forest Noie had ever seen in her life. Old growth trees with trunks wider than a car towered way overhead, up into a canopy of leaves that caught all but little flickers of sunlight. Beneath her feet was suddenly ferns and mulch, and all around her were animal sounds - caws, chirps, cheeps, foliage cracking, woodpeckers hammering. This was… Noie looked to Bea, and found her grinning back.
“This…” she managed. “This isn’t Arizona.”
“Sure it is! Also it isn’t. Don’t worry about it.”
“Did you teleport us?”
“No, no.” Bea let go of her hand. “This is, uh… well, there isn’t really an English word for it - let’s call it the Elfscape!” She snorted. “Stars, the Elders can never catch me calling it that.”
“Elfscape? Like the Mindscape-”
“It’s complicated, it’s, uh… well, kinda, but it’s more physical than the Mindscape. Or maybe it’s the Earth’s Mindscape?” She shrugged. “Look, it’s complicated even for elves, I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“Oh, okay?”
“Also, uh, if you see anything between the trees, try not to stare at them.”
“What?” Noie followed her gaze, and saw a shadowy figure far in the distance. There was something eerily… angry, there - she could feel it like a pit in her stomach. She looked back at Bea. “Uh, what’s that?”
“Another elf. They’re probably fine - they just get a bit touchy about outsiders coming here.” Bea gave a laugh. “I’m gonna get an earful about it when I next visit for sure.”
Noie frowned. “Then, uh, why’d you bring me here?”
“Because you are gonna test something for me real quick.”
“Test something?”
“Yeah!” Bea touched her hand, and gently lifted it up. “Alright, that goes - yeah, there. And point for me; any finger’s fine. Yeah, that looks good!”
Noie found herself pointing straight forwards. She raised an eyebrow at Bea. “Uh, okay?”
“Now, I want you to say flammula ex studio.” A small flame appeared on Bea’s thumb; she winked when Noie’s eyes went wide. “Can you do that?”
“Are you trying to get me to do magic? I don’t think I can do that kinda stuff; don’t you have to really practice for it? And-“
“Just! Just indulge me for a second, Silver.” Bea stepped back. “Try it. Please?”
Noie made a face at her, then turned to look forwards again. She felt a little ridiculous standing here like this, but Bea shot her another smile and she sighed.
“Okay… fine. Fine. What do I have to say again?”
“Flammula ex studio. Whenever you’re ready.”
Noie grimaced. “Okay, here goes nothing. Flammula ex studio.”
She’d hardly finished the incantation when she felt a rush of heat. One moment she was standing there, the next all she could see was a great ball of fire coming out of her fingertip.
“Wha- oh, shit!” Noie jumped back and instinctively tried to shake it off. “Bea! Bea! Help, I’m on fire! I’m on-”
With a chuckle, Bea walked over and put a hand over the flames. They seemed to extinguish it, and Noie was left standing there, eyes wide, heart thudding in her chest. Distantly she could hear Bea laughing.
“Now that is what you call no flow control!” Bea patted her shoulder. “You really haven’t done magic before, huh? Wow!”
Noie gulped, and tried to steady her breathing. She forced herself to meet Bea’s eyes, and opened her mouth. “W-w-what was that? Why did th-that happen?”
“Why’d you think? Magic!”
“You better believe it! Seems like you’ve got a bit more juice in your tank than the average human! A lot more juice, but of course,” Bea winked at her. “I already knew that.”
Noie blinked. “You did?”
“Course I did! Magic’s not subtle, Silver. It’s written all over you!” She patted her shoulder. “Honestly, the only thing I’m surprised by is that you didn’t know. Don’t human schools have those little magic exams in elementary school these days?”
“Magic exams?” Noie frowned. “I don’t remember those… but I was exempt from magic stuff as a kid. Dipper has magic sensitivity, so he-” She glanced at Bea. “Oh. That was, uh, his cover when we were growing up.”
“Huh, not a bad cover.” She rubbed her chin. “Well, that definitely clears it up, but that’s still nuts to me that you didn’t know. I guess that’s just me talking, though; I dunno what I’d do without magic.”
Noie laughed a bit at that, but the sound faded away quickly. She found herself looking down at her hands, rubbing her fingers. They still felt warm, and she frowned.
“You said…” Noie clasped her hands against her chest. “You said I had more magic than most humans.”
“I did.” She chuckled. “Gus’d have a way worse day if he could do what you can.”
“But - how? Is it just… random chance? Do you know?”
“Do you know?”
Bea had that strange shine in her eyes again. Noie hesitated as she stepped a little closer.
“I’m asking you seriously.” Bea was studying her face; after a moment, she looked away. “You know, it’s a common joke that humans suck at magic, but you know why they do?”
“Cause of the Transcendence. Or at least, all that time leading up to the Transcendence, living in a world without magic. Y’know, elves were in their forests, mermaids were in the seas, all your city preters kept themselves under wraps.” Bea touched a budding leaf, and watched it open. “Magic follows magic, and for thousands of years, you guys just weren’t having much sent your way. Now you’re playing catch up.”
She looked at Noie with a knowing smile.
“So that leaves us two possibilities,” she said, and pushed off the tree. “Either you’re just a real lucky human - and that happens! - oooor, someone in your family was a little more in touch with their magic, if you know what I mean.”
“More in touch-” Noie started, and then she stopped dead. Oh.
Oh, she knew exactly where she got this from.
“Anyway, you don’t have to say anything. Just telling you what might be going on” She passed by Noie. “You wanna head home? I’m thinking I should probably take you back to your brother before he thinks I trapped you in an alternate dimension or something.”
“But- what do I do?”
Bea raised her eyebrows. “Do about what?”
“I-I nearly burned everyone back at the tea shop without even realising!” Noie stammered over her words. “What if that happens again? I was lucky you were there - I don’t know how to control that on my own!”
“Hey, don’t panic. Panic makes magic explode, I’ve heard.”
“Wh- that’s not funny, Bea!”
“I know, I know.” She chuckled to herself. “Couldn’t help myself, but, uh, if you’re asking for serious advice, I guess you could just make sure you never read anything that sounds like a spell again. Oh, also, since you don’t have to speak it out loud, try not to think too hard about that spell I taught you, flammula ex studio.” She gave a sly grin. “Yeah, don’t even think about flammula ex studio, don’t even think the words flammula ex studio, don’t-”
“Please stop.”
“Okay, or what you could do - and I think this is better - you could maybe learn some basic flow control so you stop going full blast on every random spell you see. It’s not hard to learn, I bet I could give you a handle on it in a couple hours.”
Noie just stared at her. Stared, as she reached out a hand.
“C’mon, Silver. Let’s get you home.”
After a moment, Noie took a deep breath, in, and out. She swallowed, and then she took Bea’s hand. Bea smiled, and then took them through a bush; they made their way through the greenery, through cool leaves brushing past her face, and then came out in the garden bordering Noie’s dorm. She looked behind her, and saw not a forest but a shrub and the corner of a building. There was a chuckle from Bea.
“Yeah, don’t tell the others about that little trick. They’ll be asking me for shortcuts until the end of time.”
“Hah, yeah-”
“Wait.” Bea held up a hand. “Do you hear that?”
A shout. Someone was stomping over to them - someone with a suit, glowing eyes, and a shadow that sported wings. Noie blinked.
“You’re okay!” Dipper hugged her tight, then turned to Bea. “Okay, where’d you take her?”
“Back to her dorm, of course.”
“Don’t play games with me, mortal.” He stabbed a finger at her. “I just spent the past hour tearing through pocket dimensions to see where the hell my sister went. Where’d you take her?”
Noie patted his shoulder. “Dipper…”
“Nah, it’s okay, it’s a fair question.” Bea brushed his finger away. “It’s just a little hangout place for elves, it was totally fine.” She chuckled. “I’m glad that’s the part you noticed - you know, not the part where I totally broke her arm a tiny bit. I thought I was a dead girl walking there.”
“You did what?!”
“You broke my arm?”
“See? She didn’t even notice before I healed it, it was fine.”
Noie watched Dipper make several attempts to speak. He clenched his clawed fists - and then, with some effort, unclenched them, and pinched his forehead.
“You… make it very hard for me to like you, you know?”
“Aww, I try.” Bea winked at Noie. “Anyway, I oughtta be heating out.” She took a step away, and then clicked her fingers. “Oh, you know who else could totally help you with magic? Demon boy over here’s pretty good at it, I’ve heard.”
“Magic?” Dipper looked over at her. “You want to learn that? I could definitely help.”
Noie stared back.
“You knew I could do magic too?”
“Yeah?” Dipper frowned at her. “I could always tell, why?”
There came a chuckle from Bea as she walked away. “Yeah, you two have fun now! Bye!”
“So, you had a bit of a day.”
“Tell me about it.” Noie unlocked her dorm’s door and collapsed into bed. “I can’t believe you knew this whole time. You didn’t think to mention it?”
“I mean, no!” Dipper closed the door; immediately he shed his human form, and floated close to her. “I’m sorry, I just - I didn’t think you were that into magic!”
“Yeah, and why wasn’t I into magic when I was a kid again?” She huffed as his face dropped. “No, that’s not a- you don’t have to feel bad about it, but that’s just the truth. I didn’t know about this because of your magic sensitivity.”
“Yeah…” Dipper looked down. “No, you’re right, you’re right.”
Silence hung there for a second. Noie rolled her eyes, and pulled him into bed.
“Hey yourself.” She hugged him close. “Stop looking so sad; seriously, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m not really ‘into’ magic anyway; I was only annoyed because I’m not ‘into’ accidentally blowing myself up if I read some Latin.”
Dipper snorted at that, and she smiled. Stared up at the ceiling.
“Yeah…” she said. “It’s not important to me, you know? It’s not something I grew up with, or even knew that much about. Even if I had found out earlier… how much would it really matter, you know?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” Noie looked at him. “I know where it came from, you know?”
“From where?”
“You don’t know?”
Dipper stared blankly.
“From Pinni, of course.” Noie made a face. “From… my mother.”
“Your mother?” He sat up. “Oh, right, I remember now! She was a selkie, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I see that now. I totally forgot you’re a half-selkie-”
“I’m not a half-selkie, you can’t be half selkie.” Noie cut in, and then stopped herself. “Sorry, it’s just- it's a hereditary enchantment, not a separate species. And I'm long past the age when they were supposed to do the skin thing and everything, so I'm not a selkie, I'm fully human."
Dipper was looking at her askance; suddenly Noie heard how that came off. Her cheeks flushed.
"Not that it'd be bad if I was! I'm not, like, ashamed of it or anything, but it doesn't affect me all that much!” She gave a shrug. “Seriously, I live in a desert. I've never been to the ocean in my life - heck, I don't even know how to swim. Why would I go around telling people 'ooh, did you know I'm half selkie?' That'd be so obnoxious."
Dipper didn’t say anything to that. She rose to her feet.
“It’s just - what do I know about any of this, right? What do I know about magic, about selkies - fuck, what do I even know about my own mom?” She gestured at him. “At least Leon left videos, right! At least you and David met him, right! But who the fuck is Pinni? All I ever got was, I dunno, she’s nice? She’s shy?” An angry shrug. “Apparently she came from the ocean, whatever the fuck that means, so it sounds like I’d have a hell of a time tracking down any family on that side!”
“It’s just - I’m fine that I never met these people, okay? They’re literally strangers to me, I don’t know why people expect me to feel devastated about them or something.” She stared at her hands. “I guess I just… that everything could’ve been so different, you know?”
A pause. Dipper said nothing, and she sighed.
“I could’ve known about magic. I could’ve actually met my parents. I could’ve been a fucking selkie - how weird is that?”
She chuckled, but then she looked back at Dipper. He had tears in his eyes, and she watched him hang his head.
“You could’ve,” he said, softly. “I’m sorry, Noie. If it weren’t for me, you could’ve had so, so much better-”
Dipper glanced up sharply. She ran back to his side.
“Dipper, that’s - that’s not what I mean!” She put a hand on his shoulder. “You know, I think about how stuff could’ve been, a-and it scares me! I don’t want that!”
“What do you mean? You deserved so much better, you deserved to know your parents-”
“And if I had them, I would never have had you!” Noie snapped. She put her arms around him. “I don’t care if it would’ve been better. I don’t want to imagine myself in a timeline where you aren’t my brother, okay?”
Dipper hugged her back - lightly for a moment, but then he squeezed.
“And there’s… it feels like if just one thing had changed, I would never have known you at all, and I hate that… you know?”
There was a thick chuckle. “Oh, you might have known me. You’re still a Mizar, after all.”
“But you wouldn’t have been my brother.” Noie hugged him tighter. “And I’m so glad you are. I’m so glad. I love you, Dipper.”
She heard him say something like “I love you too”, but it was too shakey to make out, and when he buried his face in her shoulder, she felt wet tears on her shirt. She smiled at that, at his wings enveloping her, and just held him for a long, long time.
It was a warm kind of quiet. Neither of them quite let go, but eventually Noie shifted her leg, and Dipper pulled back a little to wipe his eyes. They looked at each other, and laughed a little.
“We’re a pair, aren’t we?” She said, and Dipper gave a chuckle.
“We are, we are…” He cleared his throat. “So, uh, I take it you aren’t up for magic lessons?”
“Huh? Oh, no…. Bea was right, I probably should learn the basics.” She brushed some hair out of her eyes. “You know, just so I don’t go blowing myself up accidentally.”
“After that… I dunno, maybe it’ll be fun? We’ll see how it goes.”
“I liked learning magic.” Dipper said. “Of course, my magic’s kind of… different from yours, but I think you’ll like it.”
“What, I won’t be making demon deals? Darn.”
“Oh, very funny.”
“I’m hilarious,” Noie said, and lay back down in her bed. Looked out her window, at the setting sun. After a moment, Dipper laid down next to her, and that warm silence descended on both of them again.
Words were needed no more. They held each other like that as Noie’s eyes drooped, as she drifted peacefully to sleep in her brother’s arms.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
House of M au - Redone (part 2)
N/A: Let´s continue this au. I think.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @tieflingteeth @muninandhugin
The Red Guard is a conception as old as Genosha itself-which is a bit ironic as Genosha is not as older as some people seem to consider- and Raven Darkholme is one of the few people that know how old Genosha truly is. Raven Darkholme is a shapeshifter and installs the idea of never asking a shapeshifter her/his age is a taboo that shouldn´t be disclosed.
Kurt Wagner Darkholme is one of few people to know sure secret and promises to take to his grave-an inside joke among son and mother-although, right now, his mind is far too focused on recent events to care for jokes.
Passing through some of his co-workers. Kurt slams the door to his mother´s office and is a pair of golden eyes look out, somehow bored at this entrance- Kurt has the mind to use his tail to close the door- and crosses his arms as he is ready to drop the bomb. "Who is Kitty Pryde?"
Raven Darkholme couldn´t be more bored with this question if she wanted. "Hi, son! how are you, son? Me? I´m fine, thanks for asking" her tone is dry as her eyes are back to the papers. You see, the Red Guards are all about action and it´s also involved in lots of paperwork.
Kurt doesn´t look too chastised at this. "I´m talking about Juggernaut´s accident...by the way, will Marko Kurt" and he looks deadpan by the fact a criminal shares the same name as him. "will be put in maximum security?"
Now, Raven shows her teeth. Is a fitting metaphor for the fearsome leader of the Red Guard. "Actually, Marko is powerless without his magic helmet...he´ll put in the common criminal cellar, along with the other common criminals" and her smile looks more devious. "As we´d inform him how his precious helmet is being melted...no more magic helmet" and Kurt arch his eyebrows at this.
"And it is?"
"Oh, Kurt...does it really matters?"
And this debate-and any moral implication- is deemed over. Well, Kurt Wagner disagrees. "mother, please" he pleads now and is unwavering sincere. "In the Juggernaut case...a woman, a civilian as far I can tell" and Kurt is showing such suspicious on his face is almost comic. Almost. "and she faces Juggernaut on her own and even had the nerve to ask for one of my swords ..." Kurt states. Raven is bored again.
"Kurt, if I were to give a fuck to every lady you meet that do anything to jump into your bed...I would be like this" and her face twist to an old crone with white hair and bad teeth. Kurt is not amused. "So, I do not see the big picture only you see"
"She stands Juggernaut...how many people can do that and be still alive?" and Kurt grins as Raven is no longer bored. "My point is, what if she´s from the Project X?" and now Raven is giving him her sole attention.
"Kurt, we dismantled that program way before you were even born. Way before Rogue was even born..." Raven commence. "Logan James Howlett is one of the last candidates...and he´s spending his life as a rich playboy...if, and I want to be clear here on the if, IF this woman is from the project X...why she would content herself in being a history teacher?" and Raven feels she struck a nerve on Kurt.
"Look, I´d not know. OK? Logan is a special case on its own. Maybe she wanted to have some normalcy...my point is: I need your permission to access the big data. I need to know more about this woman, if she´s part of the program X...we need to know...what if she gets some power up? Laura suffered that and if we´re not there...things would have turned grimly for everyone" Kurt concludes somewhat smugly. His reason has some base.
Raven rests her face on the palms of her hands. "Denial!" and it shocks her son´s to the very core. "I´ll not authorize privacy invasion for a flimsy excuse, yes, she may be from the program X, but, let´s be honest...there like 1% or less of a chance of being true...son, hear me out" now Raven is pleading. As a mother. Never as a leader. "the program was closed years ago. This Kitty Pryde is not from the Program X...but, if you feel there´s something wrong about her...you don´t need to use our data" she stops and looks at her only son.
"You´re Kurt Wagner" she starts in a sing-song tone. And Kurt starts to use the name Mom as a warning. "The heartthrob of Genosha...what lady would refuse such the Amazing Nightcrawler!" and she has a wide grin on her face and Kurt is completely bemused.
"Thanks, that´s useless"
"Anytime, son"
The Sunshine School is not one of the elite- even if the name gives this impression- and it includes many professionals that are doing their best for the future generation of Genosha. There´re a majority of mutant teachers- a rule Magneto created in his first year and is hard to ignore it- however, there´re some humans working in the school as well.
Right now, Jono Starmore is teaching the kids about telepathy. Of course, as the man is mute. His entire class is in silence- if one is to look from outside, it sure paints an odd picture- as the teaching carries on.
Jubilation Lee is watching the class- Telepathy 101- from afar and is not thinking the scene is too strange. She watches as Jono being still and showing little changes in his expression and makes the mistake of making a soft sigh. A mistake the other teachers caught on pretty quick.
"Oh, someone is in love!" Bobby teased. And Monet-who is doing her nails- didn´t need to look up to Jubilation or Bobby to see what´s the image is being folded. "Jubilee is so obvious. Too obvious...is pathetic and adorable at the same time" and Jubilee remembers she promised to the principal she wouldn´t kill Monet- she made a promise and she is trying to uphold. She´s trying- even if the temptation is strong.
"I´m not sure what you guys are talking about...I´m just happy we have a telepath that has some morals....unlike your old buddy, Emma...how is she, Monet?" Jubilee hissed as Monet looks unimpressed.
"Still being the White Bitch we know. We love and we hate" Monet summarizes the situation in one line. "And you? Done pinning over a silent boy?"
Kitty pipes in. Her coffee is not that great, but, will keep her awake until she has time to take a nice nap. "Hey, leave her alone. If she has a crush" Jubilee vehemently denies even if she´s blushing. "let her deal with that. Teasing will not help our dear friend who is crushing someone"
"Et Tu, Kitty?"
And there´s an easy feeling among them. Bad coffee is more agreeable if you have a good company. It even helps to forget problems in the past.
Jubilee changes the subject quickly. "So, Kitty...how was facing Juggernaut?" and people forget about Jubilee´s crush-for now- as they bomb Kitty with questions.
"Uhm...it was ok...I meet Nightcrawler...also I saw Rogue punching Juggernaut"
"Rogue?! She´s the coolest!" they all agreed. _______________________________________________________________________________________
"I mean, you saw Rogue!" Bobby is walking with Kitty as they´re responsible to clean the small festival their class made. Bobby is almost jumping like a little boy who got a present way earlier. "How is she?" and Kitty almost laughs.
"No one going to ask if I´m alright?" inquires poorly faking being angry. Kitty is not a great actress.
"Are you Kitty Pryde, right?" is all Bobby can respond. They pick the trash-the students abused in ribbons and glitter for their small festival- and are moving outside to throw away in the correct garbage can. "I can totally believe you punch God in the face...you and Monet have that bitch energy"
"I´ll not take offended because I know you and Monet. So, instead, I´ll say ...thank you"
"But aside seeing Rogue in all her awesomeness. You meet Nightcrawler...is he as handsome as the photos promise?" only Bobby to make this question. No, actually, many people would make this question.
Kitty mulls for a minute. Oh, many ladies would say how handsome he is. Kitty? She has to think about it. "He has golden eyes..."
"Man...you see Rogue and Nightcrawler and didn´t get an autograph?"
"Nah...Rogue was too busy and Nightcrawler was working...plus, my students record the whole exchange" Kitty promises to show the videos if Bobby truly wants to see. Kitty didn´t even need to ask. However, as they´re about to return to the school. Something happens. Rather...someone happens.
"KATYA!" his Russian voice is too familiar to Kitty and it can´t be no one else but Piotr Rasputin. "Are you cheating me with this man?" and Bobby is really confused.
"I´m gay buddy, and even if I wasn´t...she doesn´t seem to want to see you" and this was the wrong thing to say as Piotr is furious and is marching like a bull without thinking twice.
Bobby´s ice is strong, sadly, for once...Piotr´s stubbornness is beyond any logic and the ice is the first victim. Kitty touches Bobby making him and her unchangeable. And she quickly phases him down as Piotr is not thinking clearly.
"So...that´s your ex?"
"That´s my biggest mistake!"
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Kurt is more than aware of his effects on women. He´s acutely aware how some ladies do eye him different-his big sister often jokes she can go anywhere with him without a lady trying to flirt with him- accordingly, follow his mother´s suggestion wouldn´t be an impossible choice, however, Kurt is trying not to be a manslut-there´re limits he needs to respect and he needs and wants the ladies to respect his own limits- Kurt wants to know more about this history teacher.
Arriving in her school wouldn´t be too stalkerish-Oh, he sure hopes not- as he wants to inform her about the Juggernaut's case-nothing fair in this scenario and certainly not problematic on his part- as soon Kurt arrives in the school...he sees a man cover in metal slamming his fist on the ground shouting the word "Katya" like a lunatic.
And Kurt has to rescue whoever this Katya is. Fighting a man with metal skin is a tricky situation- Rogue would punch his face and be done. Oh, how he sometimes envy her super-strength- But thanks to his swords and his teleportations prowess. The lunatic was defeated.
And a woman phased in with another man. Kitty Pryde looks at the unconscious Piotr Rasputin and back to Kurt. "He´s not dead...he´s drowsy...is he your husband?" Kurt asked not sure what to ask. He saw this behavior with abusive husbands in the past.
Kitty frowns. "No, thank god...what will happen with him?"
Kurt looks at her. She looks shaken-rightfully so- and at the same time, her eyes hold a fury-direct to Piotr. Not Kurt, an important detail to notice- and then looks at her companion. "If you press charge...he´ll be arrested and won´t be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again"
Kitty is looking at Bobby as if asking his opinion. "That lunatic almost killed us...yes, let´s press charge..."
Kitty looks ashamed. "I should have press charges way back" she mutters and looks way different from the first time Kurt saw it- Kurt won´t lie and say he has any sympathize for Piotr- "I´ll press charges as well" _____________________________________________________________________________________
Queen Wanda is not exactly happy to know her sons- her precious boys- were almost kidnapped and it was thanks to the wannabe kidnapper´s stupidity that this grim scenario didn´t happen. In fact, she´s happy it wasn't her kids or even an innocent kid.
However, she´s the Queen. And a Queen shouldn´t let this incident goes by without taking some action. So, Pietro and Lorna are discussing what could lead Juggernaut, of all people, to try to kidnap the princes of Genosha.
"Juggernaut is strong and dumb...so, he wouldn´t come with this idea alone...or would he?" Wanda begins.
"He´s not a mutant, right? Are we sure this isn´t just a case of Mutant envy? Look, you´re really, really powerful and some humans seem to think you can give and take powers" Lorna adds to the conversation.
"Are we sure this has nothing to do with our father?" Pietro asked and Wanda sighs as she knows where this will go. Lorna and Pietro have different views in regards to Magneto.
"Pietro, the man is not even here...why he would do this with his own grandchildren?"
"Why he would try to kill his own kids?"
"Enough!" Wanda cuts them before the argument gets uglies. "Pietro, Magneto is not here...and Lorna, Magneto will forever be a bad memory for us, please, respect this"
"Look...what if Wakanda influenced Juggernaut?" Pietro pipes in and Lorna seems to take this idea.
"Yeah, Genosha and Wakanda aren´t allies nor enemies...and again, Wanda, you´re so powerful...people are bound to want some leverage against you"
Wanda frowns at such words.
"Let´s look at this way, maybe this is an isolated case...and we´ll not have to worry, but, if not...we can be ready to do whatever it can to protect Genosha and our family" Pietro promised and Wanda agrees.
"Revanche aka Kwanon is having a chat with Juggernaut...soon we´ll know what this man wanted...worry before time never helps anyone, sister" Lorna concludes softly and Wanda nods. She hopes this is an isolated case.
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Burned Part 15
Summary:  Alfie Solomons is in need of a secretary. Tommy Shelby mentions a young woman in need of employment. From there the two step into a dangerous dance together.
Part 15: Serious discussions are had. 
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         Alfie had some experience with caring for children. He helped his mother as best he could with his younger brother. But he was a bad influence on Adam and it showed early on. His mother urged her youngest to pursue a more respectable life so she didn't have two sons stuck in a cycle of crime. Perle encouraged Adam to focus on education and was extremely proud when he joined the military. Alfie didn’t do anything to pressure his brother into the life he led. If anything, he agreed with his mother and steered Adam away from a life of crime. The last thing he wanted was to have his baby brother’s blood on his hands. His mother would never forgive him.
           Adam Solomons was a family man. He loved his wife and son. He also loved his country and proudly marched off to war. His body was never recovered from Gallipoli. Alfie promised to look after Rose but she was distrustful of the gangster who was making his way through the ranks of the underworld. When he returned from the war, he had no family left aside from his nephew and sister-in-law. Rose, overwhelmed with grief and her reckless seventeen-year-old, took off. Goliath was dropped off on Alfie without any notice.
           He didn’t raise the boy though and couldn't teach him anything of much use. He was already too set in his ways.
           Alfie had been around Ollie’s children before. They all pounced on him the second he walked through the door screeching about lord knows what. They called him Uncle Fie and the oldest boy said he wanted to be a boxer, always trying to get Alfie to fight him. Aside from a tousle of the hair and the occasional piggyback ride, he was uneasy around them. Children were so fragile and vulnerable. He was accustomed to men who could survive a severe beating and get right back to it. Ollie’s wife would smack him if Alfie so much as uttered one swear around the kids. But Alfie saw the pride on his assistant’s face when his children were around. Ollie lived for them and he spoke so fondly about them. It made him wonder what it was like to be a father, lighting up at every mention of his pride and joy. To boast about their achievements and how they made him smile. To see Louise pregnant and thrilled to be a mother. It was tempting.
           Inglewood needed work before they could have any function, especially their wedding. But Louise was thrilled to take on the project. She talked endlessly about the memories she had in each room. How she bruised her knee sliding down the banister, the first pony her father bought her, the stories her mother would tell her at night, and the chocolate cake made for her birthday each year. She wanted to bring those memories back to life as best she could by reviving Inglewood. Improvements and cleaning were left to staff that Alfie hired after a strict vetting process. But Louise wanted to be involved because she felt protective over her home.
           Alfie had never seen her so interested in anything. She paid attention to the restoration process and even began gardening once the overgrown yard was cleared. He could fondly remember one of the early days they were there. Louise had gone out into the warm sunshine, clad in pants and one of his old shirts. She wasn’t afraid to get dirty in the soil and eagerly showed Alfie what she’d planted by the end of the day.
           She was happy and that made him as happy as could be.
           One week, Alfie returned back to Inglewood from Camden Town. Louise had stayed, working from the office that had just been redone and furnished along with a portrait of her father proudly hanging by his original desk.
           Alfie stepped out of the car and noticed a few kids bicycling down the driveway. There were three of them, a boy around fourteen, a girl about nine, and another boy that couldn’t be more than seven. They were dressed well, albeit most likely their play clothes, and he could guess they were from around the area.
           When they saw Alfie, they screeched to a halt.
           “Sorry, sir.” The oldest apologized. “This home’s usually empty so we ride up the drive and back.” He explained. The boy was the complete opposite of how Alfie was at the same age. Clean-cut, well mannered, and cautious.
           “S’alright.” Alfie didn’t see the harm with the kids riding their bikes up the way.
           “Are you moving in here?” The girl asked. Her blonde hair in a short bob with a silver clip parting her bangs to the side. “We live down that way.” She pointed past the front lawn of Inglewood where a foot-high stonewall divided the land.
           “Erm, yes, just doing a few renovations.” He nodded and felt out of his comfort zone. He had enough sense not to act the part of the big scary gangster boss in front of children. So that just left him as plain old Alfie.
           As if hearing his silent pleas for help, Louise stepped outside. “Alfie?” She had heard the car pull up and expected him to rush inside to embrace her. “Oh, hello.” She smiled when she saw the children.
           “Do you have any kids our age?” The youngest boy asked hopefully. “I’m seven ‘n a half.” He beamed proudly.
           “I’m afraid we don’t have any children, darling. We’ve only just got married.” It was a lie simply to throw a veil over the situation. Despite the distance between neighbors, word traveled fast in upscale country settings. None of the fashionable ladies of the manors would want to hear that Louise and Alfie weren’t married but still living together. It was the 1920’s but some people were still stuck in the past.
           The little boy pouted. “That’s okay.” Even though he was disappointed, he managed to keep the politeness instilled in them by their nanny.
           The eldest leaned forward, resting his forearms on the handlebars of his bike. “Mum will want to have you ‘round for tea.” He told Louise.
           “That would be lovely. Alfie and I will come and visit once we’re all settled.”
           Alfie furrowed his brow. Afternoon tea in Surrey was not on his to-do list. He cleared his throat and nodded. Whatever Louise wanted and whatever would make her happiest. “Yeah, we’ll pop on by soon. And don’t worry ‘bout us, you can ride your bikes wherever. We don’t mind, yeah?” He looked to Louise who was smiling.
           “Of course not.” She agreed.
           “Thank you!” The littlest shouted a bit louder than necessary and rode off. His sister followed, the wheels kicking up bits of gravel as they went.
           The other boy lingered, glancing at Alfie for a moment. “Well, thank you. Have a good day.” He nodded and went to catch up to his siblings.
           “So sweet,” Louise said softly and linked arms with Alfie to walk inside.
           “Yeah, proper posh kids, aren’t they? You like that when you were that age?” He wondered.
           “Well…I suppose.” She shrugged and led him into the office. “Wasn’t much else to do around here besides spending time outside and with friends.”
           He sat down on one of the couches near the unlit fireplace. Louise happily sat beside him, tucking her feet under her. “Were a lot of things to do in Camden growing up.” He chuckled. “Bad things, yeah, but things all the same. Was probably robbing people at his age.”
           Louise wrapped an arm around his shoulders and snuggled close to his side. “I think we might have gotten along. I got bored easily here.”
           “And you would be the beautiful posh girl that I would do anything to win over.” He nearly laughed at how sappy he was being.
           She watched the lines around his eyes wrinkle in happiness. Her fingers grazed over the nape of his neck, dancing along the edge of his hairline. “You wouldn’t have to try very hard.”
           He chuckled and stretched his legs out in front of him. “Well, m’fraid I won’t be a very good socialite.” It meant to come off as humorous but he couldn’t ignore the passing look the neighbor’s son had given him. Alfie knew he didn’t fit into that society and part of him was perfectly okay with that. But the other part was guilty about not giving Louise everything she wanted.
           “Alfie.” She sighed and turned his cheek so he was looking at her. “I don’t want you to change just because we have this home now. Where we are or who we’re around doesn’t matter. I just want you to always be my Alfie. And I never wanted to be a socialite and I sure as hell don’t want to be one now.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “All I want is to have a life with you.”
           “Lou…” He rested a hand over hers. His blue eyes shining with adoration and a bit of relief. “I don’t want you to ever change either.” He agreed softly.
           She smiled and touched her forehead to his. “I love you.”
           “I love you too.” He closed his eyes for a moment and let his thumb graze over the sapphire embedded in her ring. “D’you want kids?” He asked before he really thought about what conversation he was possibly opening up.
           Louise drew back in surprise. “I-well I suppose we haven’t talked about it.” She agreed without outright answering him. She wasn’t in the mood to strike up a heated debate over the issue. Especially when they weren’t even married yet.
           “I think we should.”
           The admission came out fast and for a moment, Louise thought she hadn’t heard him right. “Well, I…yes I agree.”
           They let the words sit in the air between them. They were thrilled that they were on the same page but both very worried in their unique way. The decision seemed much larger than anything else in their lives.
           “I just know you’d be a good mum, s’all.” He shrugged sheepishly and looked down at her hand still resting in his. “Like to have kids of me own.”
           “I think you’d be a wonderful father, Alfie.” Louise murmured truthfully. “You might not think so but I know how much love you’re capable of having.”
           “I could protect you both.” He vowed. “Would fucking never let anything harm you. I’ve made mistakes that put you in danger but I-”
           She pressed a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to explain yourself to me. I know you could take care of us, I trust you. You’ve earned my trust and I know we’ll be able to keep that as we create a life together.” Her voice was breathless with excitement. It was surreal to imagine Inglewood full of life again. Not the hollow, stone building that had been drained of the love it once held. But a child, maybe even more than one, running around the home and playing in the yard. A little boy or girl with Alfie’s beautiful blue eyes. She could easily picture the smile on her fiancée’s face as he picked up a little child that so closely resembled him.
           It nearly brought tears to Louise’s eyes. “I can’t wait for forever with you.” She whispered and took his face in her hands to kiss him.
           Alfie wrapped his arms around her, letting her take his breath away like she had done many times before.
           Alfie stayed the night in Inglewood. Louise fell right to sleep but he was restless. The silence of the countryside was bothering him and his own thoughts were much too loud.
           So, he decided to take a lap around the home just to clear his head. He cursed the draft in the large halls and crossed his arms over his chest. The stairs creaked under him as he made his way downstairs. He passed through the foyer and wove through the parlor, the dining room, the front hall, and to the office.
           The large portrait of Mr. Barnes startled Alfie for a moment as he passed by the doors. He paused and decided to go in.
           Henry Barnes was a younger man when the portrait was painted. He had only just met his wife-to-be, but he was still the son of a wealthy aristocrat. He stood tall and proud like in the foyer portrait with his wife, Lily. His gentle eyes appeared to be looking down right at Alfie.
           The gangster faced the painting and took a deep breath. He felt like a Christian going into confession. “I know that…” He sighed as he realized he was talking out loud to a piece of canvas. Nevertheless, he continued on. “Maybe m’not the best for her. Could be better men out there, right, that she could be with. All I know is I would do anything to keep her safe and happy. Would fucking die for her in a heartbeat if I had to.”
           Henry didn’t move. The placid expression on his face remained just like it had for decades.
           Alfie ran a hand through his hair and nodded absent-mindedly. “Never loved anyone like I love her.” He mumbled. “Fucking hurts me chest when I think ‘bout it sometimes. Yeah, dunno if I’m enough. Or if I’ll ever be.” He swallowed hard and took a few steps back. “Fucking talking to myself.” It was enough to get the words out of his head though, and he felt a bit lighter as he left the office. No matter what insecurities he might have, he knew for damn sure he was going to marry the love of his life.
           While London was swarming with whispers of Alfie’s marriage, Camden Town had its own take on the matter. Simply put, Alfie was Jewish through and through. He was raised that way and despite his criminal activity, he would stay that way. Louise was not Jewish. Baptized in the Church of England, she had lost most faith in God. As far as Jewish law was concerned, they would not be allowed to wed.
           Ever since he hit puberty, Perle would say Alfie needed to find a nice Jewish woman to marry. He never did, most fathers didn’t want their respectable daughters around the hellish Solomons boy. That didn’t bother him because he wasn’t interested in settling down. As a young man, he was more interested in laying out his empire.
           Now that he had, Alfie only had eyes for one woman. Jewish law wouldn’t’ stop him. He tended to disregard all laws except his own.
           Ollie and Alfie were inspecting areas of the bakery, making sure everything was running smoothly.
           “Ollie, mate, can I ask you something?”
           “Of course, sir.” The curly-haired man nodded. He looked up from his checklist.
           “You said you and Shayna went to temple in Hampstead? What’s the rabbi’s name?”
           Despite years working for him, Ollie was never able to guess what his boss was about to say. But they normally didn’t talk about religion. Alfie celebrated holidays typically with friends of his late mother or Ollie’s family. Camden embraced him because he gave to the Jewish community. Men tipped their hats and greeted him politely. Grandmothers often scolded him, saying he looked thin and promised to bring him heaps of food.
           But they all knew what he did and how it conflicted with their shared beliefs. A busy man, Alfie attended temple when he had the chance. He sat in the back, a silent and domineering figure.
           “Rabbi Mayer?”
           “Right, you know him well?” Alfie continued to be cryptic.
           “I suppose.” Ollie shrugged. “He married Shayna and me.” He reminded his boss who had been present.
           “Thought so.” He scratched at his beard. “You think he’d be willing to overlook a few things?”
           Well, Ollie had been asked stranger things before. “Like what?”
           “Small bits ‘n bobs. Louise’s religion mostly.” He answered casually.
           Rose had told her husband about what the other Camden women were gossiping about. How was Alfie, a Jewish gangster going to marry someone of a different faith? Certainly, no rabbi would conduct the ceremony. So would he neglect Jewish tradition? That was simply unheard of.
           “And what if they have children?” Shayna had asked, throwing her hands up in disbelief. “It’s in his family. His brother did the same thing! He had some legal ceremony and never taught his son properly. Look at Goliath now.”
           Ollie could understand his wife’s opinion. The community struggled to keep their traditions and identity. But he also knew Alfie would do as he wished. Hence, why he was asking for a rabbi who would break the rules.
           “Sir, I’m not sure-”
           “Look, I fucking know.” Alfie cut him off. “Not s’posed to do this but I ain’t going back on what I said. I’m marrying her.” His tone was firm and unyielding.
           “Sir, even if he does marry you, everyone will know.” His assistant pointed out.
           He grimaced. “Fucking gossips.” He grumbled under his breath. “Fuck it. You go to the rabbi, yeah, and let him name his price. If not, I’ll do it me own way.”
           Louise was back in Camden that same night. She was getting dressed for bed when Alfie arrived home. He entered the room with a smile.
           “Love that color on you.” He admired the indigo nightgown she was wearing. It was one of many that Alfie had shipped in from Paris.
           Louise smiled. “You say that no matter what I’m wearing.” She sat at the vanity to carefully undo the pins from her hair.
           “Well, then.” He chuckled and stood behind her to rest his hands on her shoulders. “Maybe that’s ‘cause you’re beautiful in everything.” He murmured. “Also beautiful with nothing on too.” He touched his lips to her neck.
           Louise rested a hand over his. She nuzzled his cheek lovingly. “How was your day?”
           “Fine, nothing to write home ‘bout.” Alfie shrugged. He drew away and sat on the bed to remove his boots. Cyril curled up by his feet begging for a pat. He obliged, scratching behind the bullmastiff’s ears.
           “Evelyn was talking to me about the wedding.” She informed him.
           “Telling me about Jewish traditions.” Louise turned on the vanity seat to face him. “We can’t be married by a rabbi, can we?” Guilt hinted at her features.
           “Well…” Alfie rubbed the back of his neck. “Not too sure yet.” He admitted.
           She played with her engagement ring, circling the band around her finger. “Maybe I could convert, that way we won’t be breaking tradition. I don’t want people looking at you badly because you’re marrying me.”
           Alfie frowned. “Lou, we just discussed this. I ain’t gonna make you change who you are for me.” He held his arms out for her.
           She gladly curled up on his lap. His arms cradling her close and keeping her safe. She rested her cheek on his shoulder.
           “I’m marrying you whether anyone likes it or not, yeah?” He kissed her hair. “Our wedding, our relationships, s’none of anyone else’s fucking business. If you want Jewish traditions then we’ll do them. Don’t fucking care if a rabbi’s there or not. Only care that you are.”
           Louise frowned and chewed on her lower lip. “But your family…” Alfie came from hardship. Most of his family had been killed because of their religion. Perle had fought against all odds to deliver her sons to safety and provide for them. She raised them in a Jewish community to keep the culture alive even if they weren’t in their homeland.
           “Lou, me mum only wanted me to be happy.” He assured her softly. “She probably would give me hell for it but at the end of the day, yeah, you make me smile. Not a lot of people can do that.”
           She gently touched the corner of his mouth. “I want you to be happy.” Her eyes locked on his. “Whatever makes you happiest.”
           Alfie could appreciate where he’d come from. He couldn’t neglect his past and what it took for him to get to the place he was. But of all the ways he had sinned, he decided that marrying Louise would be the least damning. “You make me the happiest.” He murmured and traced his thumb over her cheek. Her skin was warm, a faint blush forming under his touch. He briefly thought back to his monologue in front of her father’s portrait. “D’you ever get that feeling when your chest, right, when you love someone? S’like…” He scrunched up his nose in thought.
           “It’s some sort of ache?” She suggested because she knew exactly what he was talking about. Her hand pressed to his chest, right above his heart. “It hurts because you had no idea you had the capacity to love someone so much.”
           He nodded and let out a small laugh of fright. “Fucking afraid m’gonna wake up tomorrow and you’ll just be a dream.”
           “One day you’re going to wake up in Inglewood, next to your wife.” She lovingly rubbed circles over his shoulders and the back of his neck where he held all his stress. His tense muscles started to relax after a bit of coaxing. “Your son or daughter will run into the room to wake you up and beg for you to come and play with them.”
           He closed his eyes for a moment to picture the scene she was painting for him. “Sounds too good to be true.”
           “It isn’t. Because you deserve peace and happiness, Alfie Solomons.”
           He opened his eyes to find her looking earnestly at him. He tilted his head to the side and grumbled in protest. But he couldn’t argue with her. She held firm to her beliefs. “And that’s why no one can say anything ‘bout us getting married. ‘Cause you’re fucking perfect, ain’t ya? I’m going to marry you and our wedding, yeah, we’re doing it our way.”
           She cuddled close to him. “Don’t tempt me with a good time, Captain Solomons.” She teased softly and tucked into the crook of his neck.
           He chuckled and rested back into the pillows. “Go to sleep, love, we’ve got lots to do tomorrow.”
           Evelyn was thrilled. Life seemed to be going so well for her and everyone she loved. Alfie and Louise were getting married, it was about time, and they had given her a hefty raise to come work at Inglewood every other week. She adored being in the countryside but she could still go back to Camden to see Ishmael. The young man's face always lit up when she came back. He'd tell her how much he missed her and asked when they could see each other again. Things just seemed to be going so well. She was completely oblivious to the threat that Alfie and Louise were well aware of.
         That weekend, Evelyn was accompanying Louise to try on her wedding dress one last time and make sure everything fit. They were only going down the street, but Alfie insisted Ishmael and another young man go with them along with Cyril.
           “We’re not going downtown, we’re going to Nessa’s.” Louise told her fiancee, as he was busy sorting through shipment papers.
           “I know, I put a call into her this morning.” He didn’t look up from his work, his blue eyes peering from behind his glasses at Ollie’s slanted handwriting.
           “So I don’t need Ishmael and Nathan to come with us.” She said and knelt down to clip the leather lead to Cyril’s collar. Of course, she wouldn’t argue against taking him along. The mastiff’s tail wagged wildly, thumping against Alfie’s desk.
           “I’ll just be a block away, Evelyn and I don’t need to be escorted.” She argued and stood up.
           Alfie paused and dropped his papers to the side and opened the top left drawer. He pulled out a telegram and handed it to her without a word.
           Uneasy, Louise took the paper from his hand and unfolded it.
Dear Mr. Solomons,
I hope to hear from you. I will be arriving in London soon. Mr. Shelby and his family have been notified.
Luca Changretta
           She swallowed and absent-mindedly folded the telegram back to its original form. Her hands trembled. “What does he mean by notified?”
           Alfie’s jaw was tight from the worry he was attempting to conceal. He reached for his empty revolver and spun the barrel a few times to keep his hands occupied. At that point, he wanted to get rid of Luca himself just so the man didn’t interfere with his life. The gangster would be damned if that Italian did anything to disrupt his wedding plans. “I contacted Tommy, they’ve all received black hands in the mail.”
           “I’m not sure I know what that means.” Of course, she could guess it was nothing friendly. Cyril sensed her anxiety and pressed against her leg and nosed at her hand. She stroked his ears a few times to try and calm herself.
           “Death threat. Changretta’s marked them as dead, all of them.” He rubbed his eyes and placed his gun down. “Lou, m’not sure what he’ll do to get me involved.” He admitted wearily. The telegram had only arrived that morning but it had already drained him of his energy. “The Shelbys are fucking scattered ‘bout and aren’t speaking to each other like fucking children.” He sighed. “I need to play me cards right.”
           Louise wasn’t sure she liked where his line of thinking was going. “You better not be thinking about helping him.” She whispered.
           He put a hand over his mouth and averted his eyes. A clear sign of deception. “Didn’t say that, did I?” He muttered.
           “You were thinking it.” She accused. “Alfie, just try and stay out of it. You don’t have to team up with the Shelbys but you can’t help to kill them!” Her hand was wrapped tightly around Cyril’s lead as she tried to steer clear of an argument with him. She couldn’t risk getting into a fight a week away from their wedding.
           “Lou, I told you it weren’t that simple.” He stood up and walked around his desk to stand in front of her. He slipped the paper out of her hand. “Yeah?”
           Louise pressed her tongue to her cheek and exhaled steadily. “What are you planning to do?” It was the same question she asked months earlier when Luca sent the first telegram. But things had advanced even though Alfie had been static.
           “Wait.” He replied. “My focus is on our wedding. Changretta ain’t here yet so there’s no need to fret. The Shelbys will get their act together once they realize what they’re fucking up against. Whatever comes our way, yeah, we’ll handle it.” He lifted her chin gently.
           “I’m worried that your judgment may be clouded if Luca threatens us.” She admitted.
           A stormy look dashed across his eyes. “Sabini would be wise to inform them of the consequences.” His voice was low with anger. Even the thought of Luca going after Louise made his blood boil.
           She sighed and touched his cheek to distract him from his obvious displeasure. “I may be naïve to a situation like this. But I urge you to talk to me about it so you don’t make any unnecessary sacrifices.”
           Alfie had a feeling that she didn’t know how much he’d be willing to sacrifice if he was forced between a rock and a hard place. “There’s a Yiddish saying, right, ‘for a little love, you pay all your life’. I can leave this be.” He gestured to the telegram still in his hand. “You’ll go back to Inglewood tonight and get ready for the wedding.”
           Indeed they had spoken about traditions and which ones Alfie wished to respect. When Louise got word of her fiancee trying to bribe Rabbi Mayer, she had to step in and stop him from extorting a man of God. After the weekend, Louise would leave Alfie behind in Camden Town and they would be apart for a week for Kabbalat Panim. Now that she knew about Luca’s message, she was hesitant to leave just in case Alfie decided to make a move without telling her.
           “And what will you do?” She inquired.
           “Nothing.” He tossed the telegram onto his desk. “Just keep listening for news and stay neutral. Focus is on you, love.” He promised softly. “We’ll get married and be off to Paris ‘fore you know it.”
           “What about the Shelbys?”
           “Not much I can do, can I? Fucking got themselves in this mess.” He shrugged. “Tommy clearly has a plan, don’t he?”
           She nodded slowly. There was a knock on the door and Evelyn’s voice piped up from the other side. “Louise, are you almost ready?”
           “I’ll see you tonight ‘fore you leave.” Alfie kissed her forehead. “Try not to worry too much ‘bout all this. Nothing will happen until I decide what to do.” Of course, he couldn’t promise that. He had no control over what Luca did once he crossed the Pond. He could show up at the bakery door the same day he arrived with a proposition for Alfie. And he sure as hell didn’t have any clue what Tommy was planning. To say Alfie wasn’t worried about his wedding day being ruined would be a lie. He was desperate to make Louise happy and if his dealings interfered with that, he would be upset with the perpetrators, of course, but he’d also be upset with himself. She deserved a quiet life in Surrey with her husband. But with the danger looming, Alfie could only hope that they would have an interrupted wedding. After that, he could handle the chaos. He could take care of what he needed to and take care of whoever was in his way. Whether it was Luca Changretta or Tommy Shelby.
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