#i got tired of sitting around the house and sleeping on and off so i was like
tangledinink · 9 months
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dante-mightdie · 4 months
part 3. of the toxic!simon adventure (contains smut)
alex begins making many more appearances in your life and simon can’t fuckin’ stand it. tells himself that there’s just something off about that guy, doesn’t seem like he could protect you if it came to it. this statement made price let out a scoff in response
“he’s one of the best soldiers i’ve ever worked with, simon. besides, they’re just bein’ friendly with each other.”
“too friendly…” simon mumbles under his breath, narrowing his eyes as he watches you laugh at one of alex’s silly puns
simon spends a lot of time at the Price household. he says it’s because your old man lives closer to base but the truth is he can’t stand being alone in his flat in manchester, haunted and plagued by the chaos he’s seen on the field
he didn’t appreciate how often he was bumping into alex keller when he came to visit. price claiming that alex has to some work to conduct in the UK and offered him a place to stay. nothing to overthink, he says.
except for the fact that you’re both attached at the hip. watching tv together, joining alex on his morning runs, driving you around to help you run your errands. simon watches with a twitch in his eye, a mean feeling bubbling up in his chest as he watches his favourite toy get snatched up by the new kid in the playground
simon is constantly finding opportunities to get in your way, or more specifically, get in Alex’s way. He’ll watch from the kitchen as Alex’s hand twitches to reach out for yours when you’re both watching some show you were both talking about at dinner…
so simon decides he wants to watch that show too, planting himself right beside you, if he was any closer he would be sitting in your lap.
he caught a peek of the two of you stood in the back garden, alex pointing up at the night stars and leaning over to whisper something in your ear, making you giggle
so simon decided he needed to have a cigarette right that second, stalking out into the garden and slamming the door to announce his presence
“not interrupting anythin’, am I?”
you both sheepishly smile and shake your heads, seperating from each other
later on that night when the house is quiet and everyone has headed off to bed, simon finds himself unable to sleep. he thinks about going for a smoke or having another glass of bourbon but instead finds himself with his hand down his sweats, sloppily pumping his cock
in his other meaty hand, he holds his phone. a picture of you clad in some stringy lingerie that you sent to him one late night a few months ago. these pictures were always the product of you having a bad day and then being ignored by simon
crying in your room because he’s an emotionally unavailable prick, telling yourself that you’re over it and you’re gonna ignore him too. and then less than an hour later, your posing for your camera in a desperate attempt to get him to come to your room
well, at least, that’s what you used to do. simon never responded to these pictures. not even a thumbs up. perhaps you got tired of being ignored by him, simon thinks. or maybe you want him to send you a picture this time. or maybe, just fucking maybe, you’re sending these pretty pictures to someone else…
the thought makes simon yank his hand from his trackies with a curse falling from his lips. his cock aching and leaking against the material of his boxers, desperate for release. he snatches his mask from the bedside table and trudges down the hallway, only to stop at the sound of breathy moans coming through the crack of your door
it’s nearly 2AM. why is the light on in your room? why are you awake? simon’s brain runs a mile a minute with thoughts of you. when did he start thinking about you?
he places a hand on your door and slowly pushes it open enough so you can’t see his bulky frame in the dark hallway
and there you are. laying on your back with your forearm over your eyes, loud moans escaping your throat as desperate sobs. for a second, simon’s brain doesn’t even notice there’s another person in your room, too focused on watching your blissed out expression to notice that Alex was on top of you, pushing on your thighs to tuck your knees behind your ears
the slick sounds of your pussy being fucked would probably have been enough to keep simon’s cock hard, but not when he’s watching you fall apart in another man’s arms
he’s got you folded into a mating press, repeatedly slapping his hips into yours. he nearly vomits from rage when he hears you cry out his name
“Alex! fuck, I can’t… ‘s too much…” you whine out, bracing your hands on his shoulders when Alex reaches up to grip the headboard of your bed
“yeah, ya can, sugar. so good for me. such a good fucking girl. all pretty for me, ain’t that right, baby?” he whispers in your ear, but simon heard it. and it makes him fucking rage that this is what has become of him. standing in the pitch black corridor, watching you get fucked by another man like a pervert
but simon isn’t getting off on this. no, how can he enjoy staring at your panties dangling from your ankle knowing he wasn’t the one tugging them off your wet pussy? how can enjoy the sound of your moans when you silence them by pulling on Alex’s dogtags for a kiss?
you look so pretty when you come, simon thinks to himself as you squeal and kick your feet against Alex’s back. so pretty when it’s too much for you…
not that simon would know. he always turned your face away from his when you fucked, putting you on your knees and shoving your face into the mattress.
simon decides it’s too much for him to handle when he hears you begging for Alex to come inside of you. stalks back to his lonely room and unlocks his phone, shoving his hand back into his boxers and loading up a picture of you…
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lovelettersfromluna · 1 month
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Summary: it’s raining. Ellie misses you. Eating you out is her favorite pass time.
an: small smutty drabble heavily influenced by Billie’s song Lunch….yes this is rushed, yes I need this just as badly as you do. Hehe mwah 🤍
Warnings: for the love of god MDNI!!! 18+, SMUT!!! Porn with little plot, oral (obvi) r!receiving, Ellie bites readers thighs/leaves marks, she’s a bit rough, pet names, pls pls lmk if I’ve missed anything!
It was like you were on Ellie’s mind the entire fucking day.
From the moment she woke up in her empty bed, she was angry that you weren’t there, setting quite the tone for the rest of her day.
Usually you’d stay over, spending the entire day with Ellie only to spend the night as well, but you had an essay you needed to finish that you simply could not get done with Ellie around, constantly giving you the perfect excuse to abandon it to give her all of your attention instead.
Now, don’t get her wrong. You were on Ellie’s mind all the time anyways, lingering in the corners during lectures or work, daydreaming about your pretty smile or the way your eyes twinkled whenever you saw her.
But today…god…it was like she had an insatiable hunger for you that had her practically itching to be in your presence again.
So that’s exactly what she did.
The second her shift at work was over, she was storming out of the building to get to her car, so quickly that she hadn’t even noticed the rain pouring down on her, soaking her hair completely. She was far too consumed with thoughts of you, and getting to your house as quickly as possible.
You on the other hand, were consumed with other things. Your eyes were glued to your screen, the soft, warm lighting in your apartment drowning out around you, your eyes only focusing on the bright white light emitting from your laptop. You were so close, and as soon as you were finished you’d be able to get some much needed sleep, your poor back aching from sitting in the same position for so long.
You felt bad that you hadn’t responded to Ellie’s many texts, all of them either checking in on you or asking if she could come over. You had gotten to a point where you had to turn your phone onto do not disturb, knowing all too well that the second she gets pouty in her messages, you’d fold.
Soon enough though, your paper was finished. You sent it in without another glance, far too tired to proofread it, before shutting your laptop, tossing it onto your couch, and pushing yourself off of it to take a much needed shower. You told yourself you’d text your girl when you got out, maybe even call her if she wasn’t too huffy over you not giving her the attention she wanted.
What you don’t know, is that Ellie has perfect timing. And just as you’re laying in your bed, freshly showered and cozy in your favorite pajama set, thinking you’ll get some much needed sleep after a long days work, she’s parking outside your apartment building.
Just as you’re laying down, a soft sigh leaving your lips as you hook your thigh over your favorite pillow, looking out the window as you watched the rain patter softly against the glass, Ellie is jogging up the stairs to your place, tugging off her jacket, pushing her damp hair out of her face, and quickly opening the door to your home with the spare key you’d given her.
You hardly even notice it too, exhaustion quickly taking over your body, your soft blankets wrapping around you perfectly as your heavy eyes begin to close.
Ellie’s kicking off her sneakers in your living room, looking around the place as she hangs up her jacket. She silently curses herself, seeing that you’ve already packed up for the night, a clear sign that you’ve most likely gone to sleep.
It doesn’t stop her from making her way further into your home, crossing over the fuzzy carpet in your living room, her feet padding along the hardwood floor that lead to your bathroom.
You turn slowly when you hear her open up your bedroom door, a soft smile immediately gracing your lips when you catch the glimpse of her standing in your door frame.
“Ellie…” you practically sigh out, sitting up to greet the girl properly.
“Sorry….i didn’t know you were coming” you hum softly, opened arms greeting the girl.
She almost wants to laugh, you’re so sweet and welcoming, the only thing on your mind cuddling with your girlfriend after a long day…
But Ellie has other plans.
Her knees deep into the bed, fists pressing into your mattress as she cages you into her arms, nudging her nose against your neck before she began pressing soft kisses on your throat.
You instantly let her in, tilting your head back and giving her better access to what it was she wanted. It was the little things like this that told you loud and clear what your girlfriend wanted, when she’d walk in without a word, press her hand against the small of your back or pull you closer on her lap…
All of which screamed that she needed you.
Before you can even think further about it all, she’s pushing you back to lay against the bed, her body crawling over your own before she presses her mouth against yours without another thought. The second you moan against her, she’s taking the opportunity to slip her tongue against yours, the two wet muscles rubbing together, making your core tighten all too quickly.
You let out a soft gasp when she finally breaks the kiss, her lips moving down to press against your neck, your jaw, collar bones, any exposed skin that she can possibly get to.
“You didn’t answer my texts” she groans out, words muffled by the sound of your skin against her mouth, broke up by kisses and bites as she began littering your skin with marks of her lips.
You moan softly at this, melting at the way her hands grab you, at the way her teeth sink down into your skin, sure to leave a new set of pretty marks there for her to marvel at when she’s finished with you.
“I was…I told you I had to finish my paper…remember?” You manage to croak out between a plethora of moans and whines, keeping the girl close as she pushes your pajama top up so that it scrunched right about your boobs, leaving your top half bare for her.
She hums softly, momentarily giving either one of your pebbled nipples some much needed attention before she lets them go with a pop, and continues traveling down your body.
Soon she’s managed to haul off your pajama shorts and your panties, and she’s settled between your legs, either of her large hands sinking into your thighs as she pulls you closer to her face, looking awfully similar to a woman readying herself for her meal.
“M’not gonna make you beg, because I need this more than you do….” She hums out softly, and you can practically feel her warm breath fanning onto your sobbing wet core.
“But next time I won’t be so lenient” she finishes before she finally gives in, attaching her lips to your swollen clit and sucking it like she was starved.
You moan loudly, unable to fully comprehend her words, your head falling backwards as your back arches almost painfully, pushing more of your pussy against Ellie’s face.
And she fucking loves it. Moaning loudly as her eyes flutter shut, eyebrows furrowing in pleasure. You’d swear she was the one in your position with the way she was acting. You can feel the vibrations of her moans against your needy cunt, and it makes you moan loudly as your head finally repositions to look down at her.
She looks like a dream, so consumed with you, the pads of her fingers digging into your thighs to keep you close, forbidding you from even thinking of running away from the pleasure she had to give you.
Now, Ellie was not your first girlfriend by all means. You’d had flings and dates in the past, most of them slowly dissolving into nothing at the back of your mind. Sex was all the same with them, mediocre at best. You could recall no one ever really being into head unless it was you doing it, which was fine, you couldn’t complain.
But Ellie? Jesus fucking Christ….Ellie was like something out of an erotic novel.
When she first told you, you assumed it was another fuck-girl move of her to get you where she wanted, fill your head with all talk but when the time came to actually do the deed, it would end just like the others.
Ellie quickly proved you wrong.
The amount of times she’d simply tug your shorts off while you two were watching a movie, or slip under the covers while you were playing video games, you couldn’t even try to count them on all ten fingers and toes.
Ellie simply loved eating her girl out.
More specifically? She loved eating you out.
She was a certified fucking munch. Absolutely smitten with you in every single way possible, and she’d be proud to admit it to anyone that asked.
Quickly enough, you find yourself closing in on that delicious feeling. Your stomach starts to coil, and the grip on Ellie’s hair tightens as you grind on her face shamelessly, your slick almost making it impossible to not slide around and make a mess of Ellie’s face.
“M’gonna…you’re gonna make me cum, El…Ellie I…fuuuuckkkk” you drawl out, riding out your orgasm as you scream your girlfriends name like a mantra.
And her eyes never leave yours, watching as the rain splattered window casts patterns against your skin, your naked body like a fucking painting for her as she makes you come undone on her face.
You gasp out as she slows down, tongue drawing slow, lazy circles against your clit as you stare down at her with hazy, lust filled eyes, naked chest slowly rising and falling as you try to catch your breath.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Ellie…” you pant out, watching her with a sleepy smile.
She smirks, finally pulling away from your swollen pussy, groaning softly as she stares down at the mess she made, the mess you made, fingers ghosting over your over sensitive clit.
You can make out your slick shining on her face in the dim lighting of your room, a sly smirk on her face as she slowly crawls up between your legs, her face inches from yours.
“I just can’t get enough of you, baby…” she hums out softly before she catches your lips in a lazy, sloppy kiss, the two of you moaning at your taste still lingering on her tongue.
And it’s that exact same way that Ellie almost always ensures that both you, and her, sleep very well at night.
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gglitch1dd · 3 months
Ever think about how horny reader is for Deku while she’s pregnant? I’m talking bout a wild beast. Before the pregnancy her sex drive was average but now she just can’t keep her hands to herself.
All she wants to do is have her big husband fuck her while she’s carrying their child, shocking Deku but he indulges her no matter how many rounds she wants and how tired he gets he just wants to spoil his wife during her pregnancy to keep her happy.
A/N: I love love LOVED this prompt. Honey I don't just think this, it lives in my head daily. Please!! I love prompts like this, keep them coming for Izuku (or Eijiro).
I can't help it
Husband Midoriya Izuku X Wifey Reader
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Warning: PREGNANCY, Pregnant reader, breeding kink, hypersexual Y/N, SMUT, Squirting, multiple orgasms.
When you had figured out that you were pregnant, you were the happiest you had ever been in a long time. You and your husband had always wanted a little bundle of joy for yourselves and the fact that it happened for the both of you was a blessing you couldn’t take for granted. It was a magical and beautiful time, and one held in great secrecy too. The both of you didn’t tell the public at all nor did you tell any of your close friends until a good three months into your pregnancy.
Honestly, once you got past the morning sickness and feeling rather icky, you were pretty excited. You enjoyed watching your body slowly start to change. Izuku also found it ever so irresistible. You often found him putting a hand to your tummy, especially when you started to notice a little baby bump. From the moment he knew you were pregnant, he couldn’t sleep without you in his arms. He just had to know that you were safe and so was the little sprout in your womb. He would whisper and talk to the baby even before it could kick and respond back to his voice.
You couldn’t count how many times you had woken up from having drifted off before him to Izuku whispering everything he couldn’t wait to experience, all pointed towards your tummy.
It was fascinating watching and experiencing pregnancy before your eyes. You watched as your breasts grew, as you seemed to rounded up a bit, however the scariest thing was how your sex drive changed.
It was like someone had flipped a switch.
Almost completely overnight, you found yourself unexplainably horny. And it really took you by surprise when you were sitting in bed, Izuku just having come back off a shift that ended late. He put a hand to the back of his neck, a deep groan stumbling out of him as he slowly began to peel his hero uniform off of his body. At the sight of rippling muscles, his large scarred back and a groan stumbling out of his mouth, you were hit with a clench that took even you by surprise.
At first you tried to ignore it. And you really did. You were a real trooper trying to hide it as long as you did but you couldn’t stop yourself.
You just felt so needy. You wanted your husband and you wanted your husband to bend you over every surface of your house and take you like an animal. It made you feel so bad to objectify him in such a way, but every time you saw his body, heard his voice, smelt his scent… it was as if you were some crazed beast that couldn’t live without him.
You also missed him so much. It was almost like you couldn’t bare to be apart from him. Getting some anxiety watching him leave every morning and having to just sit at home and bake like an oven. It felt rather claustrophobic considering that the both of you didn’t want any of the public or the media to get wind of your pregnancy, so it meant no more spontaneous shopping trips or jogs around the neighbourhood.
However, you barely felt trapped in because half the time you were busy rubbing your sex trying to get off. Closer towards your fifth month of pregnancy, you couldn’t help it. Not even if you tried. It was like an intense cycle. You would wake up in Izuku’s arms and then feel the need for him to love on you, then you’d watch him leave and spend the rest of the day hold up in bed watching TV or trying to get off. It was like you couldn’t stop yourself. Even when you tried getting any work done, whether it be chores or any of your online work for the Deku Foundation, you often couldn’t stop the building ache between your legs.
Honestly, you were shocked that you held it together as long as you did. Until one fateful evening, Izuku and you were watching a movie together cuddled up in bed, but you couldn’t help but keep rubbing your thighs together. You glanced over at Izuku who had a large arm draped over your shoulder as his eyes stayed on the screen. He smelt like his fresh soap but also like a new fresh book and a hint of his cologne that never really went away.
He smelt so good.
And his calloused fingers drew circles on your skin, figureless shapes that traced on your skin patterns that didn’t make sense. Such big hands with such a large warm body and arm that kept you snuggled up to him. His body was warmer, often warmer than yours and it made you feel so tiny even now with a sizeable pregnancy bump. It didn’t help that his green curls were brushed slightly back but were that dark mop of green hair that brushed against his forehead. A strong yet soft face with freckles that littered his entire body, but warm green jade eyes that could stare right into your soul.
He looked so good.
You often couldn’t believe it. That this man, this adonis of a man, was your husband. That he made you Mrs Midoriya and slid a ring on your finger. Even more so that he was the man that impregnated you.
You drew in a breath.
Izuku turned to look down at you with a slight tilt of his head. An innocent look on his face as he seemed blissfully unaware of your lustful thoughts towards him. “Are you okay honey?” He asked softly, the sound of the movie playing in the background. You weren’t even sure what had happened after the first ten minutes.
You nodded your head as you forced a smile on your face. “Yah. I’m alright.”
He smiled, so glad that you were okay.
You weren’t. You wanted to climb him like the tree he was and jump on his cock till the sun rose.
“That’s good.” He squeezed you closer to him briefly, placing a kiss on your forehead before focusing back forward.
Your hands rested on your bump as you tried to focus on the movie rather unsuccessfully. This was the man who had placed the child inside you. The fact that you were carrying someone that you both created was enough to make a shiver run down your spine. You felt so happy to know that you were pregnant but now… now you felt another feeling you had never felt before.
You were Mrs Midoriya, wife of Midoriya Izuku who was the Number One ProHero of Japan, the symbol of Justice and Peace. You were his wife and you were carrying his child. His son. Inside of you was something so uniquely crafted that it would only ever exist once.
And you had managed to take his seed like the good wife that you were and plant it in your womb.
Izuku perked up. He had noticed that your breathing had turned heavy as he watched you. Your eyes were facing forward but they were totally glazed over. You were not paying attention at all. Your hands gripped your bump almost possessively as you sat silently at his side. Izuku sat up a bit, the movie long forgotten by the both of you as his eyebrows furrowed. Your whole pregnancy had been without fault but Izuku always had, in the back of his mind, fears that were enough to choke him.
“Honey?” You didn’t answer. “Honey?” You didn’t answer again. Now that really got Izuku concerned. He put both hands on your shoulders and shook you gently. “Y/N.” The stern tone of his voice took you by surprise as you turned to look at him. “What’s wrong?” He asked seriously.
You hesitated but you smiled with a breathy half heartedly laugh. “I’m fine, Izu. Just-”
“No, you’re not. You’ve been spacing out the entire movie.” He told you, half surprising you with how observant he was of your behaviours. His eyes held so much concern as he looked down at you. Green emerald eyes flicked down to your stomach briefly before putting a large hand on top of your bump. “Is it the baby?” His large warm hand just brushing against your clothed stomach made you release a soft moan as your eyes fluttered. “Sweetheart?”
You couldn’t hold back anymore. Either you were going to sneak your hand between your thighs for the fifth time today or you were going to jump him till you couldn’t see straight. “Izu…” Your voice was faint and almost sounded like you were exhausted.
“Yah.” He asked concerned for you, sitting up.
“I need you.”
“What do you need? Is it a craving? If so, I can go get it. Whatever it is.” He answered fast without hesitation as he turned to grab his phone, about to check whatever convenience store was still open at this time.
You grabbed his arm, instantly telling him to stop what he was doing. He froze as he turned to you. “No, Izuku, you don’t understand.” You told him, as you finally looked him dead in the eyes. For the first time since knowing you, Izuku saw something in your eyes he had never seen before. “I need you. I need you inside me, right now. I… I can’t think straight right now, all I know is that if I don’t have your dick inside me in the next three minutes, I think I’ll go crazy.”
To say Izuku was shocked would be an understatement. His face went red in surprise, you having genuinely caught him off guard for the first time in a long while. He had read that some pregnant woman could get hypersexual and others would lack the need for sexual encounters at all.
Hearing you so bluntly and so seriously say that you wanted him to fuck you was… well it was arousing to say the least. Izuku was pretty sure he was already half hard just by the second sentence.
He opened his mouth to speak, still absolutely shocked that this was actually happening.
“Izuku, may I use you?”
Without hesitation your husband answered. “Yes-”
A kiss went to his lips promptly shutting him up as you pulled him down to kiss you. A stuttered breath left your mouth as you immediately grabbed his cock over his sweatpants. A surprised gasp left his throat but you didn’t even register it as you let out a groan at the feeling of him. You hastily rushed to crawl over and hover over him. You pulled up the maternity sleepwear short gown to reveal that you were absolutely bare underneath, with not a single piece of underwear in sight. You were dripping wet. Slick lined the slit of your pussy and was even evident on the inside of your thighs. Izuku’s eyes widened as he watched you lift yourself up as you moved your hand down to stroke him up and down, aligning the pink tip of his cock to the entrance of your cunt.
It was only then that Izuku realised that you hadn’t stretched yourself out yet. “Y/N. Y/n wait-” A groan stumbled out of his lips as he felt your smouldering warm pussy stretch around him.
A loud moan stumbled out of your throat as you faced up to the ceiling, your eyes closing in pure pleasure. He felt so good. Considering that you had been knuckles deep inside of yourself for nearly a quarter of the day, you didn’t need the stretch. Despite being married for two years, you couldn’t deny that taking Izuku’s cock had never felt this good- and you loved your intimate times with your husband.
You let out a shaky breath as you slowly started to sink down, your thighs burning at you having to support your weight. Slowly you sank down further and further down his cock. The feeling of him going deeper and deeper inside you making you even more wet.
Finally you sank down, taking most of him inside you. Suddenly you felt your thighs quivering as you let out a deep moan. You hastly put a hand down against his chest, trying to hold you up, but Izuku quickly moved his hands to your hips holding you up like it was the easiest thing in the world.
Finally your high passed making you let out a heavy sigh as you tried to catch your breath.
“My love… did you just cum from taking my cock?” Izuku asked surprised as he looked up at you.
You gave him a meaningless glare but nodded your head. You tried to look down to look at your cunt, however soon found it impossible due to your stomach being in the way.
Izuku felt you tighten around his cock again. You didn’t waste a second as you moved up and then down. You were slow as you held onto his shoulder and one was placed down against the bed as you tried lifting you up and down his cock. You let out heavy breaths as you began to ride him, slowly trying to pick up past.
Instinctively, Izuku held you up and started doing most of the work for you. He slid down the rest of the way, down onto the bed, still holding you up on his cock. He fucked up into you making you moan as you started to roll your hips.
“Yes. Just like that Izu. Just like that.” You encouraged as you moved up and down his cock. Moans and whines were tumbling out of your throat without hinderance. You felt so much better now that you had him inside you, pushing against your walls and stretching you to the limit as he fucked into you. But despite feeling better, you also felt so much more in need for him now that you had him. “Yes! Fuck!” You cried out as you felt Izuku find a spot inside you before continuing to hit there.
You increased your speed as you hopped up and down. Whines escaped your lips for everytime your ass hit against his pelvis. You moved your dress up and off of your body, not even wanting the useless thing anymore. You had long foregone underwear nowadays, and no one could really blame you.
Izuku let out a deep groan as he felt you tighten around him again but this time your body locked and tensed as you came again. A cry came out of your lips as your cunt massaged his cock as you tried to milk him for all that he was worth. You felt so good.
Izuku let out a low growl as he lifted you up and off his cock, before pushing you down against the bed, swapping places with you. He spread your legs easily finding the perfect spot between them before sliding back in.
A groan came out of the both of you but a chuckle stumbled out of Izuku’s lips. He started to thrust in slowly, holding onto your thighs securely as to use them for an advantage. “You’ve been touching yourself haven’t you?” he asked amusedly. “Is that why you could take me so easly? It’s the only explanation considering that you weren’t wearing any panties, my love.”
You whined as you nodded your head. You lay back feeling helpless but so very aroused as you kept your legs nice and widely spread for your husband. “Yah. I couldn’t help it. I really couldn’t help it. I-” Every thrust felt deeper than the last making you gasp as you felt a particular one make you lose the ability to retain your breath. “Ah, right there. Right there Izuku!” You cried out.
“There?” He asked snapping his hips forward again, causing your back to arch with a high pitched squeal. A grin went to his face as he gripped your thigh tighter, planting one hand down onto the sheets underneath you before absolutely ploughing into you.
“YES!” You shouted loudly, uncaring of how slutty you sounded right now. Your voice was debauched and sounded nothing like you and yet it was. “Yes!” You let out gasping as you raised your hands to squeeze your tits. “Harder Izu! Harder! I need you deeper.” You urged as you tried moving your hips to taking more of him.
Your husband let out a low grunt, now too focused in pleasing you to formulate much words. He increased his pace, pushing your thighs further forward. Your cunt was creaming around his cock, squeezing him as you came undone around him.
“FUCKING-” This one took you by complete surprise as you could barely breathe. You were shaking in ecstasy, your eyes rolled back as you floated in pure mind numbing bliss for two long seconds. Unbeknownst to you, slick splashed against Izuku’s pelvis, wetting his cock as you had squirted around him. You finally gasped as you took in oxygen. “Oh my God! Oh my-” Words stopped formulating as you were being fucked through a mind shattering orgasm. Your eyes stayed rolled to the heavens as you let your husband pound into you till he felt like it. You couldn’t speak as you felt yourself mindless towards the pleasure, chasing it and pursuing it.
Izuku moaned carelessly as he fucked into you harder. You were so beautiful right now. Spread out in front of him, legs spread, eyes rolled back and your body limp to nothing but his actions. Your body jostled with every thrust, your tits hypnotising him but Izuku couldn’t help himself as he put a hand down to your baby bump. The cause of this whole situation. To think that you would find carrying his baby so arousing- carrying his baby.
“Fuck, your amazing. Your everything. Such a good fucking girl.” He praised as he could feel that he was reaching his limit. “All of this is just for you, baby. I’m all yours.” He reminded you.
You were aching for him to cum inside you, to have him remind you who you belonged to. To have his seed deep inside you. You wondered if this was the position that you got pregnant in.  
Your thighs shook as a hum went through your body.
“Shit. I’m gonna cum.” Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed as he held you safely. “I’m- I’m gonna-” Without a moments of hesitation, a deep groan left Izuku’s throat as he spilled inside you. Spurts of hot thick ropes of cum inside you that made you just relax, your muscles tired as you sunk into the bed. For the first time in weeks feeling fool satisfied.
Your husband let out heavy breaths as he stayed inside you, noticing how content you were there. You let out a hum as you moved a hand to rest over your bump with a sigh. You nodded your head as you looked up at him. “That… that was…”
“Fucking insane.” That made you giggle, causing you to tighten around his cock. He let out a hiss but loved the overstimulation of it all.
You giggled as you looked up at him with love brimming in your gaze, highly appreciating this. That did quickly change as you began to shuffle just a few seconds later, moving your hips as you slipped a hand past to fiddle with your clit. You bit your bottom lip as you clenched around his cock, looking up at him. “Do you mind Izu?” Your husband looked at you surprised at the question. “I can’t help it.”
He had just unlocked a monster that he wouldn’t be able to escape from till the moment your son was born. He wondered if he was brave enough to face it.
Considering that you had been walking around the home without panties for what could be more than a week…
He was more than willing to accept the challenge.
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 3 months
He's been at Steve's house a week before he manages to gather up the courage to ask.
He shuffles into the living room, Steve's old slippers on his feet, Steve's old pajamas hanging off him. He'd lost weight in the hospital. And hadn't gained much back yet, still in too much pain to really have an appetite. But this, it needed doing. He needed it done.
"Steve?" He asks, throat clicking, voice scratchy from underuse. Steve looks away from the tv immediately, hits the mute button, eyes wide and on Eddie.
"Hey. You okay?" He asks, turning his whole body on the couch, towards Eddie, giving him his full attention.
Eddie just nods. Slowly. His eyes going unfocused, staring at the floor.
"Eddie?" And Steve's in front of him now, he hadn't even heard him get up.
"Hmm?" He hums in his throat, eyes still feeling foggy.
"Did you need something?" Steve asks, Eddie's eyes focus, the concern in Steve's voice bring him back into his body. He looks at Steve, nods, says,
"I need you to cut my hair." His lip trembles, he digs his teeth in.
"You... what?" Steve's confused. Rightfully so. Eddie swallows around the fire in his throat, tries to explain it to Steve. This thing he can barley figure out himself. Has a half formed idea at best. He wipes at his nose with the back of his hand, Steve steps a little closer.
"It's just- it keeps- I keep laying on it. And it... pulls. And I'm sleeping and it pulls and I wake up and I can't breathe and it's-" he inhales, sharp and shakey and then Steve is there, his hands on Eddie's shoulders.
"Okay. It's okay. I'll do it. Whatever you want Ed's." He pulls Eddie upstairs, into his bathroom. Stands with him in front of the mirror, scissors in hand.
"Where do you want it?" Steve asks, his eyes meeting Eddie's in the mirror. Eddie takes a deep breath, brings his hand up, winces at the pull on his ribs but keeps going.
"Above my shoulders. But like... I wanna still be able to tuck it behind my ears?" He's not sure why it comes out as a question, but Steve just nods, Eddie sees his lips twitch into the start of a smile before dropping again. He reach up, drags his fingers genlty through Eddie hair.
His stomach sinks, his hair is gross. He hasn't washed it in days. Too tired. Too much pain. Too much effort.
"Sorry my hair's gross." He mumbles, lips barley moving.
"It's not. It's fine." Steve assures him, his voice soft, sections out a small lock of hair, he looks at Eddie in the mirror again.
"You're sure about this?" He asks, he looks sad. Eddie hates it. But also doesn't. Because it means Steve sees him, understands him, and how important his hair is to him.
But it doesn't matter right now. That his hair is a peice of him, a peice of the Eddie he'd built to keep himself safe. A peice of his armor.
"I'm sure. Please." He isn't begging, exactly, but his hands fist in his pajama pants, and it feels like it anyway.
"I'm gonna go just above your shoulder at first okay? And then if you want more off we can do that." Steve waits for Eddie to agree and then starts cutting.
Eddie closes his eyes when the scissors sink through his hair. Keeps them closed as Steve works. He stops a few cuts in and tells Eddie to wait there. Eddie sits on the toilet seat as he waits for Steve to come back.
He brings a radio with him, clicks in one of the tapes Eddie made him, and gets back to work. Eddie's eyes stay closed. He finds himself smiling as he listens to Steve hum behind him. Scrunches his nose when Steve full on sings a few times.
Not because he's bad. He's got a really nice voice actually. Eddie loves listening to him sing. But if he didn't scrunch his face he might to do something else instead, something stupid, with Steve so close.
It only takes a couple songs before Steve's hands are on his shoulders, gentle, reassuring, an anchor.
"Okay. It's done. Or at least. Might be. I can take more off if you need me too." His voice is soft in Eddie's ear, Eddie can feel the heat of his chest on his back he's so close.
He opens his eyes and feels his heart flutter in his chest. His head swimming a little. His hair hadn't been this short since junior year. He can see Steve watching him in the mirror.
"Good?" He asks, dragging his lip into his mouth and letting it go again.
"I think so." Eddie says, feeling a bit dazzed, a bit dizzy. And then Steve fucking reaches up with both hands, tucks Eddie's hair behind his ears genlty, his fingers moving down his neck to rest back on his shoulders.
"I could take another inch. It'd still fit behind your ears." Steve's eyes are moving over his head, like he's doing some complex math equation. Eddie wants to cry. His chest tight.
"Okay. Take it." He says, Steve's eyes move to his in their reflections again.
"Yeah?" Steve asks, reaching up and smoothing his hand over Eddie's hair. Eddie nods.
"Yeah. One more inch." He breathes the words out, like he just needs them gone, out of his mouth. Steve smiles at him, untucks his hair from his ears and starts cutting again.
Eddie watches him this time. Watches the way his tongue sticks out as he concentrates, measuring Eddie's hair between his fingers before he cuts. His tongue peaking out between his lips, brow furrowed in concentration.
Eddie watches him and tries to convince himself he actually wanted it shorter. And maybe he did. But he knows too, that he didn't want Steve to stop touching him. Steve's eyes meet his in the mirror and he smiles again. Eddie looks away. His cheeks burning.
"Okay. You're done Munson." His voice is teasing, it makes Eddie's stomach flutter.
"Thanks. Harrington." He teases back. Too soft. He knows. But he can't help it. His voice is stuck in his throat. Steve snorts as Eddie turns, takes a step toward the door.
"Actually. Can I-" Steve stops, his hand curling around Eddie's bicep, stopping him there. Eddie looks at him. Waiting.
"Can I wash your hair for you?" Steve asks, his voice quiet, Eddie barely hears it over the radio.
"My...?" Is Eddie's articulate reply.
"Please? It'll make you feel better. I- I think." Steve stammers a bit, always so endearing when he does that. Eddie loves when he's flustered.
"I uh... yeah okay. If you want." Eddie shrugs, tries to act normal. Like any of this is normal. And Steve fucking beams at him, that beautiful smile on full display.
"Okay cool. Just uh... here you can sit here while I get this cleaned up and get a towel and I'll be right back." He's talking fast, his hands flailing and jumping around as he talks. Eddie just nods, smiling at him as he watches him toss Eddie's chopped hair into the trash. Watches him take a lock of it and tie it in a knot, tells Eddie he'll put it somewhere safe. So they'll know when it's fully grown out again.
Steve wipes up the counter and disappears, comes back with two towels a few seconds later. Instructs Eddie to sit on the floor. He sets a towel down for him to sit on and lays the other over the side of the tub.
Eddie lets Steve guide him. His hands gentle as he lowers Eddie's head back over the tub, asks if he's comfortable, Eddie hums an affirmation. Steve makes sure the water is warm, not too hot, because Eddie doesn't like hot water. He gets it perfect. And then starts pouring water onto Eddie's hair.
Eddie's not sure where he got the cup. Or if it was already there for some reason. He means to ask but Steve's fingers sink into his hair and his brain short circuits. The shampoo smells amazing. Minty. It tingles against his scalp in the best way as Steve's fingers move in slow circles.
Eddie's eyes fall closed. He's sure he makes some obscene noise but Steve is kind enough not to comment. His fingers working magic in Eddie's hair. He rinses with warm water, the contrast from the cool minty feeling making Eddie shiver.
He hears Steve laugh a quiet laugh as he does and smiles himself. He hears another bottle pop open and closed and then Steve's fingers are back. Working the conditioner into his hair slowly, massaging it into his scalp as well. His hands moving slowly, with a purpose, for what feels like hours. He pulls back eventually, fingers dragging slowly through Eddie's hair as he goes.
"I'm gonna let that sit for about two minutes and then we'll rinse okay? You doin okay? Not in pain are you?" Steve all but whispers in Eddie's ear. The radio is still playing in the background. But Eddie couldn't tell you a single fucking song that had played since Steve started touching him.
"I'm good. Kinda tired. But that might just be your magic fingers." He peaks one eye open, watches as Steve laughs, shakes his head. He closes his eye again and laughs too. Only it wasn't a joke. Not really. Steve's fingers were magic. Just like the rest of him.
Steve hums along to Queen's Radio Ga Ga as they wait, Eddie tapping out the beat on his thigh as Steve hums and sways. The song ends and Steve scoots closer.
"Ready?" He asks, turning the water back on.
"As I'll ever be." Eddie deadpans, scooting back a bit from where he'd slid down.
"You're not gonna try and put products in my hair and blow dry it are you?" Eddie asks as Steve starts pouring water over him, fingers moving quicker now, moving his hair around to get it clean, he snorts again.
"No. Just wanted to get you clean." He says, pouring one last cup of water over his hair and turning the tap off. He grabs at each side of the towel under Eddie's neck and lifts, pulling Eddie up and wrapping his hair in one smooth motion. Eddie's eyes land on him and he can't help it.
"So my hair was gross. I knew it." He sighs, watches Steve's nose crinkle.
"It really wasn't that bad. But you thought it was. So i figured this would help." Steve shrugged, like it was nothing. Eddie bit his lip as Steve patted and scrunched his hair in the towel, being careful not to pull.
He claps his hands down on his thighs and helps Eddie get back on his feet. Pulls him genlty to stand in front of the mirror again and smiles soflty when Eddie takes the towel off his head and drags his own fingers through his hair.
It's short, leveled at his chin, a little above when he tucks it behind his ears. And he feels... better. Lighter. He shoves his hands up into the back of it, taking a deep breathe when his fingers drag over his neck, it makes him shiver.
"Fuck. I'm gonna be cold now." He mutters, chuckling in his throat, he hadn't thought about that.
"I'll keep you warm." Steve's voice is soft, when he speaks. The tape in the deck clicks and goes quiet as they stare at each other in the mirror.
"I just wanted you to feel better. But I'll gladly keep you warm too. Whatever you need Eddie. I- I mean I'm here. For you. Not goin anywhere." He shrugs after he mumbles through his little confession, his eyes on the floor when he turns to Eddie.
"I feel better." Eddie whispers, bites his lip and decides to be brave.
He steps forward, into Steve's space, Steve lifts his head, hazel eyes darting around Eddie's face. Eddie hears his breath stutter when he leans closer, presses his lips to Steve's cheek, firm.
Wanting no doubt in Steve's mind that Eddie means this. Means to kiss him. Means to pull him into a tight hug after. Means to hum happily into Steve's neck when Steve pulls him close, arms wrapping around Eddie's skinny frame and holding him tight.
"I'm not going anywhere either." Eddie breathes into his shoulder, presses another kiss there, into his shirt, like a promise. Steve squeezes him tighter, Eddie thinks he might be crying. His chest fluttering against Eddie's as he breathes shakily.
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Eddie asks, lets Steve pull away a bit so he can see him. Eddie was right, there are tears in his eyes, but he's smiling as he looks at Eddie.
"Yeah. Course you can. You can sleep there every night if you want. Forever." Steve says, nuzzles into Eddie touch as he wipes tears away from his flushed cheeks.
"Forever huh?" Eddie teases, kissing acoss Steve's cheeks genlty as he laughs, it's wet, and wobbly, and Eddie is so fucking in love with him already.
"Yeah. Forever. Or however long you want me I guess." He shrugs again, dismissive, as if he really thinks Eddie would ever give him up.
"Forever sounds good to me. Not fucking letting you go now I've got you." Eddie whispers, his hands holding Steve's face, Steve's hands on his wrists, holding him too.
"You're gonna keep me forever?" Steve asks, his lip trembling as he looks at Eddie with hope in his teary eyes.
"Forever and ever, if I can." Eddie nods, and it seems to break Steve. He sighs, grabs at Eddie's pajama shirt and tugs him forward. Their lips crash together, a little rough at first, their teeth clicking until Steve seems to calm and slow down. His lips move genlty against Eddie's, soft and slow, and when he pulls back he's smiling again, his crooked little half smile that Eddie loves so much.
Steve scrunches his hair a few more times and then drags Eddie upstairs, gets them both comfy in his bed. And he holds Eddie as they fall alseep, pressing kisses into his hair and against his temple before sleep takes him.
Eddie wakes up warm. Drapped across Steve's chest as the sun hits them. He feels lips press into his hair, smiles when Steve makes exaggerated kissy noises. But he keeps his eyes closed, nuzzles deeper into Steve as he feels his fingers press into his hair.
Eddie hums as they drag through a few times, nimbly untangling rats or snags as they move. He sinks deeper into Steve, his heart fluttering as Steve's hand moves through his hair genlty, scratching at his scalp as he goes, before settling against the back of his neck, his thumb moving in slow cirles against the newly exposed skin.
Eddie whimpers into Steve's chest and snuggles closer, Steve keeping him warm, just like he promised. Eddie couldn't wait to spend forever with him.
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prettyfastcars · 6 months
As sweet as blood-red jam | Mob!Lando
Summary: Lando could be many things given the nature of his job. Mean, commandeering, a control freak. But when he came home to you and the kids, he was the sweetest man you’d ever met. Your marriage to him was arranged of course, because that’s how things worked in the world you were both from. But love eventually grew between the two of you, and it did not stop growing. 
Themes: dad!Lando, fluff, smut, arranged marriage, domestic!mob!Lando, mild mommy/daddy kink (nicknames only), praise kink, housewife!reader, breeding kink
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“They’re sleeping.” 
He announced cheerfully, shutting the door behind him as he walked into your library where you had been reading in silence for the past half an hour. 
You were a stay-at-home mom so the twins, your son and daughter, were under your care all day. And so Lando insisted that you get the evening off the moment he got home. He read to them and tucked them in for the night each night. It was part of his routine and he loved it. 
You placed your wine glass down and picked up the drink you made for him, handing it to him as he came over to sit down next to you on the large sofa. 
His eyes lit up at the sight of the well-deserved drink. “Oh you’re perfect, baby.” He kissed your forehead before getting comfortable next to you, sighing as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes for a brief moment. 
“They’ve been running around all day, they went to see the horses,” You said, thinking about how energetic your kids had been during the day, “I thought they would pass out after dinner but they wanted to wait for daddy.” 
Your husband smiled, looking a little tired as he took a sip of his drink. You caressed his cheek with a gentle hand as he turned to give you a soft look with those gorgeous eyes of his. 
He looked more relaxed and comfortable like this, wearing nothing but dark sweatpants. As opposed to the authoritative figure he is during the day in his expensive, dark suits. Him in casual clothing like this made you realise that he was in fact just a young man, barely 25, who shouldered a lot of weight alone. 
Responsibilities, expectations, risks, reputation, legacy, and now his own family. You’d come a long way, the two of you. Only a couple years ago you were just strangers being introduced at a gala. And now you were young parents. 
You still remember the night you met him for the first time. How gently he held your hand and danced with you. How your engagement was announced only a few months after and the wedding happened quicker than you thought. 
You always thought that you would forever be strangers living under the same roof. Especially given his reputation of being a workaholic which made him such an influential figure in his line of work. 
But Lando proved you wrong. He actually took the time to get to know you early on in your marriage, he cared, he listened. He was good to you. Then a year later, you had the twins and Lando had been perfect. Perfect partner, perfect dad. 
“What are you thinking about, mama?” He asked softly, his hand leisurely caressing your exposed thigh. That golden chain on his neck shining in the dimmed lights of the library. No shirt so you shamelessly ogled his defined abs and muscles. He let you, with a smirk on his handsome face. 
You put the book aside and leaned a little closer to him, cupping his rough chin in your hand. He’d been growing facial hair lately and you liked it. “You work too hard,�� You said softly. 
He smiled, leaning into the warmth of your hand as he said, “Just wanna give you and the kids everything you want and need. You deserve it.” 
He had given you everything. Houses, cars, chauffeurs, chefs, private planes, private trainers, cards with no spending limits, vacations. You and the kids were well taken care of. 
You sighed, sliding over and ending up perfectly on his lap. Lando finished his drink, placed the glass aside and grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer. “But we have everything we could ever want or need.” You suggested, “Take a day off. Or two. I’m taking the kids shopping tomorrow, come spend the day with us.” 
Lando gave you a faint smile, “Can’t right now, baby. Some important shipments are about to come in. I can’t afford a day off until it gets here.” 
You rolled your eyes, making him chuckle and pull you closer. “But I barely see you.” You murmured. “The last time we had a date night was like, weeks ago.” 
Your face got really hot just thinking about it. Not just the date, but what happened after in the car on the way home… 
Lando smirked, surely also thinking about the same thing, grabbing you by the hips and gently moving you on his lap, rubbing you against his growing erection. You hissed in pleasure as he did. The soft, silky night dress you were wearing bunched up around your upper thighs, allowing you to feel everything. The shape of him, the warmth. 
“If you wanted a lovesick romeo who writes you love notes every morning then you shouldn’t have agreed to marry a man like me.” He taunted, teasing you and pinching your thigh. 
You reached out and grabbed his gold chain, tugging on it playfully, knowing how much he liked it when you did. “Unfortunately I like my men a little more corrupted,” You whispered, “Bonus points if they work all the time and don’t have time for me.” You sassed. 
Lando chuckled, leaning in to kiss along your jaw. “Aww, what is it?” He cooed, “You miss daddy? Hmm? Does mommy need some extra love from daddy tonight?” 
You nodded. 
“Come here, baby,” He pressed his mouth to yours as his hands caressed your inner thighs. He kissed you like he was starving, while your hands reached down in between your bodies and eagerly lowered his sweatpants to free his cock. 
You whimpered into the kiss, against his lips as you wrapped your hand around him, stroking his hard cock, making him groan into the kiss before he pulled away and said, “Daddy missed you too.” He murmured, looking down to watch how your hand touched him just how he liked it. “Fuck,” He sighed, “That feels good, baby…” 
His praise gave you enough confidence to stroke him harder, making him groan and moan. You loved the sounds he made. And you wanted to keep hearing those moans so you carefully lifted your lower body off his, pulled your underwear to the side and slowly lowered yourself down on his cock, earning louder moans out of his sinful mouth as you sank down on him. 
You were wet enough for his cock to slide in, but your body still resisted just a little bit, enough for him to have to thrust up the tiniest bit to fully fill you up. You cried out as he did. 
His soft lips parted just a little, and you couldn’t resist leaning in and sliding your tongue into his mouth. You whimpered against his lips, stroking the top of his mouth as you lifted up and sank back down on his cock, making him growl into the messy kiss. 
“That’s it, baby… fuck yourself on daddy’s cock…” Lando’s hands rubbed up and down your thighs again as he gently thrust his hips up each time, setting a pace that had you both moaning and wanting more of each other. 
Your fingers slid into his hair, scratching his scalp and down his neck as the tip of his cock reached sensitive places inside you. 
Lando chuckled when he felt you clench around him. “We’re not using protection again, mama…” He spoke against your open mouth, breathless as you were, “You’re gonna give me another kid, huh?” He sounded cocky as he said it, like it filled him with pride. “Gonna let me fill you up again till you walk around all nice and swollen with my baby in you, hmm?” 
You whined, feeling him stretch you out each time you moved up and down his cock. “Lando… please,” You gasped as his hand slipped between the two of you and found your clit, he rubbed it lazily. 
“Answer me,” He demanded, “You’re gonna carry another one for me?” His voice sent chills down your back. 
“Yes,” You whimpered, moving faster, impaling yourself down on his cock and whimpering shamelessly as you felt him filling you up completely each time, feeling him reach deeper into you with each thrust. Your lips brushed against his each time you moved up and down his cock, feeling him stretch you out as you stared into his ridiculously pretty eyes. You couldn’t help but speak the thoughts of your lust-drunk mind, “I want you to fill me up again,” You mumbled, feeling yourself getting high up there gradually. 
Lando laughed, also lust-drunk, “I can’t wait…” He said, “Can’t wait to come home and find you dripping wet for me.” His voice gave away that he was thinking back to how needy you were for him all throughout your previous pregnancy. 
You whimpered, thinking about it as well. Some evenings he’d come home and you dragged him to the bedroom immediately. Some days you even called him and asked him if he could come home for an hour or two. Lando happily agreed each time of course. 
“Remember how sensitive you’d get? How needy?” He teased, holding you close. “How you almost cried each time I made you come?” He smirked, male pride all over his face. “Some of the best months of my life those were.” 
You whined, “Please…” You stared into his pretty eyes. 
“Come for me.” He growled in that cold, menacing, erotic voice. “Come for daddy…” 
And you did. Whimpering, squirming and whining. You didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, and Lando kept thrusting his hips up into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came hard, feeling your walls squeezing and clenching around him.
Lando came right after you, moaning and spilling inside of you, filling you up as you trembled and squirmed on his lap. You leaned forward, pushing your face into his neck to catch your breath while he held you against him, kissing the side of your face softly. 
“You okay, baby?” He asked after a few minutes of you two just cuddling there on the sofa. 
You nodded, “Mhmm, don’t wanna get up.” You murmured, sighing in bliss as you snuggled into his warm chest. 
He chuckled, “Okay.” He kissed the stop of your head. “I love you,” He whispered.
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evie-sturns · 4 months
ɢᴇᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ - ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ꜱᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ
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summary: you're spending the weekend at the sturniolos house, you've never had feeling for matt, but this weekend has been different, he just looks too good, the sexual frustration builds up to the point where you just have to get yourself off, but matt walks in on you..
Warnings: swearing, smut, f!masturbation, caught gettin freaky w yourself, fingering, p in v.
i'm spending the weekend with my best friends, the sturniolos. i've never had any feelings for them, but this past week matt has been looking.. different. he's recently got more tattoos, his facial hair has grown out slightly, giving him a subtle moustache. matt's been wearing different earrings, longer ones, i've never thought about him this way, it weirds me out, but i can't help myself. i've had no privacy for the past 3 days though, constantly with a triplet. i've wanted to touch myself, but i physically cant.
i open the trash can, throwing in me, matt, nick and chris's empty solo cups, which were filled with rootbeer.
"im so fucking tired what time is it." chris yawns, standing up from the dining table.
"1:30am." nick mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
"okay guys, i'm going to bed yeah? gotta be up early for the beach tomorrow" chris says, doing stupid claps with a wide grin on his face.
i scoff, waving him goodbye as he disappears upstairs. nick runs over to me, giving me a quick hug "i'm gonna sleep too, love ya y/n, see you in the morning."
me and matt stand in the kitchen, i lean on the countertop slightly, scrolling on our phones. his face is lit by his screen, highlighting his features. i don't even notice the fact i'm squeezing my thighs together until he looks up at me.
"you okay, mrs. staring problem" he jokes, giving me a smile. my cheeks flush, i uncross my thighs and wipe my face quickly. "sorry." i say, quickly.
"i'm gonna go watch a movie okay? my rooms always open." i say, giving matt a hug.
i get butterflies, why the fuck did i get butterflies?
i feel a heat grow between my legs, i run upstairs, going into the spare room which im staying in for the next few days. i lock the door behind me,
atleast i think i do.
i flop down on the bed, my hand reaches under my waistband, tracing soft circles over my fabric of my panties. "fuck." i whisper before shimmying my shorts and panties down in one motion to my ankles.
im left with my bottom half revealed on the bed, i use one finger to trace my clit in circles. i squirm on the bed, restraining my moans. after a few minutes i plunge two fingers into my hole, pumping in and out.
my mind subconsciously flicks to matt, his tattoos, which crawl up his arms, his hair, his hands, i wonder what they would look like around my neck-
the door opens, my eyes bulge open, me and matt make direct eye contact, i instantly yank up my shorts,
"get out please!" i say, my voice shaking, as i sit up quickly
"oh fuck im so sorry!" he yells slamming the door shut, his face pale.
i fall back on the bed, covering my face with a long groan.
is the only thing i feel, my heart pounds as i bring my knees to my chest.
after 10 minutes, i hear a quiet knock on the door, i sit up off the bed, walking towards the door and opening it.
im met with matts guilty face, his cheeks are flushed, a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead.
he opens his mouth, nothing comes out execpt for a small noise. he clears his throat "sorry."
"i uh, sorry um, i really shouldve knocked." he says fidgeting with his hand. i stay silent, my cheeks cherry red. "i swear i didn't see much." he assures, i look up at him, raising an eyebrow in a 'really?' way. he stares at me "maybe thats a lie, but i swear ill blank it out of my mind!" he says, his voice frantic.
"its fine matt, i shouldve locked the door okay? lets go watch a movie in your room." i say, giving matt a warm smile. he nods, walking towards his room.
i follow close behind him as he jumps into bed, laying an arms out, i jump in beside him, cuddling close into his side.
my heart beats again, when im nervous words just come out.
"i was thinking about you when i was touching myself." i blurt out, slamming a hand over my mouth. the room goes silent. im frozen in shock.
"what?" he says in confusion.
"not true." i mumble out. my hand glued to my mouth.
matt tenses up under me. "y/n.. you have to tell me right now what your were thinking about.." he says, calmer than expected/
i stay silent.
"y/n." hes cut off by my voice.
"you it was you, i don't know!" i say, my voice trembling from embarrassment.
"what about me?" matt teases, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly
"tattoos, hair, hands" my mouth is moving faster than my brain.
"is that so now?" he says, looking down at me.
i nod quickly, matt sits up on his knees before hovering over me. i look up at him, my eyes submissive.
he smashes his lips into mine, holding the back of my head. "matt" i whine into his mouth. "i know, i know." he says, pulling my shorts down. "can i?" he says, toying with the waistband of my panties.
"please." i beg, lifing my hips up to help him. he leans down and whispers into my hair.
"whats gonna happen is you're gonna ride me, and you arent going to make a single noise, nick and chris are right next door."
i nod, flipping us over, straddling his thighs with my bare lower half.
he pulls down his sweatpants, his large erection springing out. "you ready?" he says, tearing open a condom with his teeth and rolling it on him. "i really like you.." i whisper, hovering above his tip. "you need help sweatheart?" matt speaks, holding my ass.
i didn't, i just wanted to feel his hands on me.
"yes,- yeah please.."
he lowers me down onto him, halfway down. suddenly he drops me, my ass colliding with his thighs, i let out a gasp as he smiles, he lifts me back up to his tip, before dropping me again.
i let out a shaky moan, matt holds a hand over my mouth. "can't stay quiet can you baby?" he teases, lifting me up and down.
i squeeze my eyes shut, pushing myself up and down with my hands on his collar bones. i let out muffled whimpers, his hand clamped onto my lips.
"so good princess." he praises, lifting me up and down faster.
"you're clenching, gonna cum for me?"
i nod frantically,
"go on." he says, i instantly comply, orgasming on his length.
he groans before pulling out of me, his cum spilling into his condom. i instantly collapse on his chest. matt whispers praises in my ear.
i place a long kiss on his neck.
"pretty glad i didn't lock the door." i say in between breaths
had a shitty day today so i wrote matt smut LMAO
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kemistre · 1 year
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εïз┊𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 — feat. sano 'manjiro' mikey, ryuguji 'draken' ken, mitsuya takashi, baji keisuke, matsuno chifuyu, hanagaki takemichi, kisaki tetta
synopsis. how the the toman boys react when you fall asleep on them
— content warnings. draken picks up the reader, slight spoilers?, kisaki — word count. 1, 185
εïз┊author's note. hehe i haven't read/watched tokrev in so long!!! i kinda miss all these boys i'm not going to lie! chifuyu and draken are still my favs <//3
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εïз┊s. manjiro
he was sitting on the couch, relaxing with takemichi, draken, and you, along with a few other of takemichi’s buddies who were playing some sort of card game on the floor. you sat next to mikey, the exhaustion of your day finally settling in. the dark bags under your eyes grew more prominent as you leaned to the side, your head hitting a certain someone’s shoulder. his eyes were immediately on you, scanning over your tired figure, searching for anything that could be wrong. but once he’d concluded there was nothing wrong with you except how tired you were, he shoved you off his shoulder, making you open your eyes that had just closed moments before. everyone in the room was shocked, especially draken who looked like he was oh so close to punching his best friend. though he’d calmed down when mikey decided to lay on your lap instead, instantly falling into his own slumber as you rolled your eyes, laying your head against the arm rest of the couch falling asleep with your boyfriend in your arms.
εïз┊r. ken
he sat in front of the meeting place of toman, glancing around, remembering everything that had happened with the small, confined area. you were right next to him, sitting in silence and just reminiscing about the past. thinking about everything made your head spin, so much had happened at this tiny area, but it impacted every single person in toman greatly. you hadn’t noticed how much you had been swaying, moving around trying to keep yourself awake, but draken sure did. “hey,” hearing his voice after so much silence made you flinch, though you slowly locked eyes with him. “you alright?” you hummed, you voice hoarse with the exhaustion of your day. “m’ just fine, ken.” but no matter how many times you could’ve said it, he just did not believe you, and so, he stood upon his feet and leaned down, picking you up in his arms as he sighed. “you need sleep y/n.” he spoke, walking away from where you’d just been sitting for so long. he figured he’d take you to whoever’s house was closed, just to get you into a bed and resting as soon as possible.
εïз┊m. takashi
he leaned against his elbows that stretched behind him as he lay in the grass, you snuggling close to him for the warmth he radiated. the nighttime had been cold, the breeze making it that much worse as you lay under the moon, gazing up at the twinkling spots in the sky. this was truly the first time the two of you could relax together in so long, and it was nice, refreshing almost. he smiled, just knowing he was finally enjoying his alone time with you, and as he went to say something to you, he’d realized that your eyes were not only shut, but you were shivering. so, without another thought, he did his best to take his jacket off without you waking up, or being distrubed whatsoever. a gentle kiss was placed on your head as he finally got the jacket comfortably on you, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer than before. “sweet dreams my love.”
εïз┊b. keisuke
he let his head hang from where he sat on the recently rained out concrete, his hands behind him the only thing holding him up. he sighed, watching the grey clouds roll by, completely covering any blue that had once taken over the sky. it might’ve been that he had simply spaced out, not realizing you had approached him in any way. so, when you laid your head on his shoulder, he flinched, ready to fight. though, upon seeing it was you, he just froze, not knowing how to react. he had finally relaxed into you after you had taken his hand into your own, letting him know you were there, guiding him along as you’d always done. his tense shoulders had relaxed, giving you a much comfortable surface to rest your head upon. 
εïз┊m. chifuyu
he sighed, the long day he had hovering over his head as a rain cloud would on a rainy day. he was tired, exhausted if you will. he hadn’t felt like this in a long time, so tired and broken. his eyes seemed to lose their shine he had just recently gotten back, but now, as he sat near the gravestone as his former comrade, that emotionless looking boy he used to be grew on him once again. but he didn’t have the motivation to fix it, or change. at least, that was the case until you took a seat right by his side, leaning your head against his shoulder. his heart seemingly skipped a beat, his eyes widened in a state of shock from you and your presence alone. he felt at ease, though the bags under his eyes didn’t go away just that easily. he had decided, that maybe just one more time, he could get comfortable. comfortable enough to trust someone again, and that someone was you. he leaned into you as you wrapped your arms around him, his eyes glossing over and him hugging you tightly in return. “thank you..” was all he could mumble out without the tears flowing down his cheeks. 
εïз┊h. takemichi
he could only stutter when you laid your head on his chest, closing your eyes in the process. no words actually came out of his mouth either, just mouth movements of absolute shock and embarrassment. he was blushing, and blushing hard. his entire face was engulfed in a deep red, from his chin to the tips of his ears. “y-y/n..?” but by the time he even spoke a word, you were already fast asleep on his chest. the more he took the time to breathe, calm down a bit, he realized just how warm you were against him. maybe just in general, you were warm, sweet, kind in your own way. he smiled, his blush turning into one simply dusting his cheeks in pink as he positioned himself to get more comfortable on the couch where now the two of you laid.
εïз┊k. tetta
he stared intently at your approaching figure as you sat on the couch beside him, you weight immediately shifting onto his shoulder. he tsked, trying to shake you off. it got to a point where he was so close to just pushing you off of him, wanting to be left alone as soon as possible, but as his hand neared your face, he couldn’t help it when every movement in his body stopped, his eyebrows furrowing. his tenseness became relaxed as his hand lowered. he slowly brushed a strand of hair hanging down across your face to the side, letting him fully see your peaceful expression. for some reason, it made him wish he could, for once, have a night of peaceful sleep as you are now. he wanted to not have any worries, though he knew that was simply impossible. but for the time, it wouldn’t hurt anyone to let you stay as you were for just a few more minutes.
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taglist :: there's none at the moment but just send me a message to my inbox if you wanna be tagged :3
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4K notes · View notes
rayaswrittings · 5 months
Face toward the sunset
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Summary: You and your boyfriend had just gotten back from his celebration, drunk and tired—but one thing you knew about Colby, was that he could never keep his hands off you when he was intoxicated.
Warning(s): Drunk!Colby, Mature language, Degradation, switch!dom!Colby, F!ngering, unprotected p in v, breeding kink, praise kink, male!recieving, bruising and marking, the whole nine really.
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It felt like you had been carrying thousand pound rocks on your back as you carried your drunken boyfriend through the house. You couldn’t see much and you were only trying to get back to your shared room. Colby was heavy on his feet due to his drowsiness and of course was much more heavy then you.
Colby always got drunk but never blacked out, although Tonight was the celebration for his and Sam’s youtube anniversary and he only let loose this one time. You had a few drinks yourself but you knew he’d end up like this so you paced yourself while he downed drinks like they were plain water.
You had just barely made it once you reached the entrance to your living room and practically pushed Colby onto your couch with a huff. He was laughing but you of course were not, being as you just carried him across the lawn. You made your way over to where you kept the food you had stored and pulled a few things out of the pantry, things that would make him some what full to hopefully sober him up a little.
You of course, wanted to go to sleep but Colby was never that easy when he was drunk. He’s far too touchy for you to even close your eyes without him doing something to wake you up. You poured juice into a small cup and set it on the end table, along with the fruits you were cutting for him to eat, but like always, that wouldn’t last long.
His giant arms snaked around your small frame from behind you and his warm body pressed up against yours, you could already feel the growing erection under his leather pants. He didn’t say anything, only leaning his head down to place sweet kisses to your neck as you continued to cut fruit.
“Go sit down, baby. I’m making you some food” Your free hand reaches back to touch his head but he only hums in response, continuing his movements from before. “Colby, please just eat this for me?” You turn to him once your finished and he’s already looking at you with those half lidded eyes, making your stomach explode with butterflies like you hadn’t seen it before. “Please?”
A smirk pulls at his lips as he walks toward you, pulling your body against his and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. His touch was hungry against your skin, fingertips hard against your waist to hold you steady. You gave into him for a small second before pulling away, placing your finger over his lips.
“Eat this and you can get all the kisses you want, Okay?” He huffs but takes the plate from you, sitting down on the chair you had just added to your home. You walk over to where you put your basket of clothes by your laundry room, opening it to pull out a new top to fall asleep in since the one you had on was barely a shirt and quite uncomfortable.
You unclip the straps of the top you had on and let it fall to the ground, working to strap on the new and looser one you pulled out from the basket. After changing your top, you looked for a pair of shorts to slip into that also was loose, your tired eyes becoming far too lidded to think about anything other then sleep.
Just before you could slip into a new pair, the hungry hands your boyfriend possessed pulled you back, turning your body to face him all in under a second. You gasped at the sudden movement, realizing he had pulled you onto his lap while he sat in the chair. “Colbs, I barely have clothes o-“ Once again, he cut you off with a passionate kiss to your lips, wrapping his hand gently around your throat.
Of course you gave in under his grasp like you always did, his lips tasted of the fruit you had given him before and it only drew you more in then you had been already.
But as soon as you felt his tongue slip past your lips, you quickly pulled away.
“Not tonight, colb. Your drunk” You try to reason but he isn’t listening. The two of you had already talked about things like this and while you knew sober him wouldn’t care if you had sex, you still didn’t know if you were completely sure about that. “Let’s just go to sleep-“
“You said as many kisses as I want, didn’t you?” He raises an eyebrow while mocking your words, reaching up to stroke your hair with his gentle fingertips. “Looked so beautiful tonight, can’t believe your all mine” His strong arms pull you close to him so his face stuffed between the crook of your neck, taking in your sweet smell through his nose.
Your cheeks grow hot as you watch his face nuzzling against your body like a cat would do to its owner. You giggled at his movements but he didn’t care, only continuing his actions from before. Your hands combed his messy hair with care, twisting it around your fingers as you hug his head close to you. Colby was always touchy when he was drunk. He needed to be under your skin, only able to smell your scent as he slept.
“Colby!” Your body jolts at the sudden sensation between your legs, his hand that was once laid on your back, was pressed against your cunt. “Colbs, I don’t need-“ His lips are practically attacking your neck with the most passionate and wet kisses you could imagine, a sigh leaving your mouth as you felt the pleasure fill areas you shouldn’t have. When Colby was drunk, he gets extremely horny and practically will eat you alive if you don’t give yourself to him. For some reason your boyfriends hormones are much worse when he’s intoxicated.
He didn’t even need you to please him, he only ever wanted to please you. It was weird because you’d think it was the other way around but not with him. His thumb was pressing against your clit with care, rubbing circles to it while his tongue glides against your skin. His lips brush your ear softly before taking its lobe between his teeth, gently pulling it with a chuckle. “So easy, My love” Your ears flick at his hot breath against you, watching as he pulled his fingers back up between your faces to show you the mess you left covering them.
You watch as he slips his fingers into his mouth one at a time, cleaning them from your sweet slick. His free arm snakes around your waist swiftly, and his face leans up to meet your own in a sweet kiss, leaning his large body against your own to guide you to lay on your back to which you quickly oblige.
“Good girl” He praises with a smirk, trailing kisses down your neck till he got to your bra. “Let’s get this out of the way, yeah?” You hum, pushing his hair out of his face as he unclips the piece of clothing, eyes gluing to your chest. “You are so breathtakingly beautiful, baby. So beautiful” A small laugh leaves your mouth as your cheeks flush at his repeated and slurred soft words and a moan coaxes your throat as he swirls his tongue around your hardened nipple, kneading the other one between his fingers.
When you and Colby first started dating, you were so insecure about your body for months but now? You didn’t have time to be insecure because he quite literally worshiped your body. He’d place kisses on every spot you hated, and remind you constantly throughout the days how beautiful you looked, especially when you woke up in the morning. He made sure to remind you hourly.
“Always getting what you want, huh?” You huff as he pulls away from your chest with a chuckle, and moving down your bare body. His big hands cup under your thighs and push your legs apart, bending your knees back so your heels were laying against his shoulders. His eyes were strained to yours as his thumb circled your clit, watching your face twist in pleasure. It was a guilty pleasure of yours, honestly. Colby went down on you almost everytime you had been stressed or angry, and you love every second his mouth is attached to your forbidden area. He knew your body inside and out, and it was practically impossible for him to contain himself.
A small but quiet gasp catches in your throat abruptly and you let your head quickly fall back, Colby’s eyes still set on you while he sunk his middle finger inside you with ease. “Thought you didn’t need it?” He teases but your too in awe to care, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Stop being a tease, Colby” you tell him seriously, a smirk pulling at his lips once his name left your mouth. His face lowered toward your center, curling his finger against the soft walls of your insides as the tip of his tongue touched your clit gently. “Come on, Colbs” Your hand is already on its way to his head before you could realize, and you let your fingers roam his soft hair.
He didn’t know if it was just the alcohol or something but you looked so pretty in this light. Of course you always did, but something about tonight was different. You were impatient and whining like a brat but he loved it, he loved making you suffer knowing he was going to make up for it by the end of the night with you under him, begging for more of him.
You let out a semi loud moan once his lips closed around your clit, another one of his fingers slipping into you unannounced. “Fuck” Random curse words were leaving your mouth just to help silence your horribly loud moans, holding your boyfriend’s head close to your body as he devoured every last bit of you. To say you were in love with him was an understatement.
His long fingers were just enough to brush your cervix and Colby always took advantage of that, gently pushing you over the edge till you had been trembling under him. He sucked harshly against your clit as your heels dug against his shoulders, choked out moans escaping past your lips.
Your sweet sounds were music to his ears and he couldn’t help but grind himself against the couch under him, his free hand palming his still growing erection. Your hips wind against his face without your control but he doesn’t mind it, it only made him harder watching you struggle the way you were.
“Baby… Colby please” You beg, almost screaming if he didn’t get you there soon. He never stopped the degrading movement he had against your cunt, letting you do the rest in connecting the two of you.
Your pleasure fills his own body hot and fast, and Colby found himself palming himself harder then before, speeding up his movements against you. He wanted to take his time but you both knew drunken sex was a fast experience out of pure lust, you wouldn’t even know you were done till you laid atop his chest at the end of the night.
“Colby…!” His name rolls off your tongue with ease since you don’t hold back, fingers clasping around his hair as your back pushed off the couch, crying out to your overstimulated clit while you continued to release against him. Colby was flush against you, not pulling away until he was sure he had enough of your sweet taste.
Finally, he lifts his head and pulls his fingers from you, watching as your release drip down them with a chuckle. “Your bad, baby” Your able to see his full face now and you can’t help but giggle, watching closely as he hovered back over you.
“you look good with a beard” You tease, wiping off the remaining release on his chin and around his mouth. You lean up to his lips, brushing them against your own. You could feel his heart beating out of his chest as you move to his ear, letting your hand travel down between the two of you. His eyes widened once your hand wrapped around his painfully hard cock, practically holding back a whimper that threatened in the back of his throat. “Aw, baby… your practically suffering” You could feel the small beads of pre that left his tip urgently, placing soft kisses against his jaw. “However you want it, Mr. Brock”
His eyebrows raise at that name and he almost instantly pulls your face in front of his own, capturing your soft lips in a rough and wet kiss. Your free hand untied his pants before traveling up his back, leaving light scratches against his pale skin. “Want you to ride me” He confesses against your lips and you couldn’t help but smirk, pushing against his stomach gently.
“The balcony” you mumble and his eyes fill with complete love as he lifts you up in his arms, carrying you out of your house and to the big ledge that was connected to your room. You even had a whole bed out there for when the two of you fell asleep watching the sunset. Plus, who wouldn’t want to make love while watching the sunset? Thank god your house was in the darker part, away from everyone else’s.
You watch as Colby sits on the bed you had out there and your eyes catch a glimpse of the beautiful contrasted sunset, a smile appearing on your lips. Colby’s eyes were burning holes against your body, mesmerized in how perfectly your shape shadowed from the sun in front of you. It captured every curve, every freckle that was slowly becoming more visible against your skin, he could fall in love with you time and time again if he kept looking at you like this.
Your attention is fully turned to your boyfriends body, eyes taking in the beautiful man in front of you. His legs were slightly open and his cock sat pretty against his stomach, the sun capturing the shapes of his abs perfectly. His arms laid calm next to his body but you could tell he was getting impatient, shifting every so often which made you giggle under your breath.
You let your knees softly hit the ground before crawling towards him, running your fingernails gently across his thighs till you were sitting right in front of his erection. It was clear he wanted to jump straight into sex and as much as you did too, you wanted to take care of him first, even the playing field a little bit.
“Your evil” His head is spinning from his drunken state and he’s becoming desperate as your grab hold of his length, stroking it ever so slowly with your eyes examining its every vein and shade of white. A lot of woman wouldn’t be so obsessed with this part of their men but not you. Colby’s body was your fortress, one only you could open and make your own.
“Such a pretty cock, baby” The words are hushed into a whisper but his ears fall back and so does his head, butterflies filling his stomach. He wasn’t the only one with a praise kink. His tip was a shade lighter then the rest of his length but wasn’t light, and the width it portrayed made it hard for you to close your small hand around it. “Just hold on a little longer, handsome. Gonna make you feel so good”
His eyes squeeze shut once he feels your tongue glide against his tip, collecting the pre that was still escaping from him. Your tongue is exploring every inch on his length in under a minute, and you can clearly see he was barely holding on above you. His moans were hoarse and grunted, trying his hardest to conceal himself since you had been basically outside.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna come if you don’t—shit!” His body jerks and your eyes meet his, watching his reaction as his balls meet your palm, his cock still buried deep in your mouth like you had something to prove. You knew he wasn’t going to last and that’s exactly what you wanted, you wanted him to feel what you did. “You know I won’t beg you, Y/N but-“
His words only make you speed up your movements, chasing after his high. You could feel him pulsing in your mouth, and his hand reached down to hold the side of your head, more of in a comforting way then pushing you down. He was far too drunk to even argue with you, he just wanted to be inside you now.
And soon enough, he came undone with the loudest whimpers you had ever heard him let out, painting your tongue with the hot spurts of his release. His chest heaved horribly as you pulled away from his length with a pop, his eyes retracing back to your own watching you swallow its remains.
His cock was still painfully hard but you didn’t waste any time on that, moving up on the bed so you’d hover over him, allowing him to capture your lips against his. “Such a perfect little slut for me” He hums, noticing a small bit of his release was still on your cheek. He wipes it with his thumb, sinking it past your lips with a chuckle.
Colby’s large hands slowly slip over your bare hips, waiting for you to sink down on him. His head was between your neck now, attacking it with wet hickeys you knew would leave a mark the next day, a moan slipping from your mouth as his fingers tighten around your skin.
“Come on, pretty girl. I’ve got you” He reassures, taking one side of your butt in his hand, squeezing the pillowed skin as your hands find his shoulders for balance, his tip pressing against your very wet slit. You hold his head against you, letting out a shaky breath as you sunk down on him with ease, that familiar full feeling you were so fond of. Your boyfriend hums in approval and in full pleasure, messaging your skin gently till your body met his and you were fully sat on his lap.
His tip was already brushed against your cervix without even moving, and your walls couldn’t help but clamp over him every other minute. “Oh my god, Colby” you pull his hair back as you lift your hips with the help of his hands, watching his eyes fall onto your own.
“That’s it, just like that” Your bodies become so close once you start, faces barely even an inch apart but you didn’t kiss, you wanted him to watch you. He reached undeniable heights inside you, bruising up your skin just to help you move your hips. “My good girl—fuck, you do it so good”
Soon your movements sped up quickly, and holding onto his shoulders didn’t help at all, you had to place both hands on the wall behind him just to gain stability. Your boyfriend watches you in awe, as if it was his first time seeing you this way. Your hips grind against him the way he loved while your head fell back into the air, the both of you becoming slightly sweaty already.
Drunk sex always felt way too good but usually it was faster and much sweatier, this felt far too different. Even if your hips moved fast against his, it still felt like everything had been in slow motion. The way his hands held your delicate body in his embrace as he thrust his hips up to meet your own, how his lips parted in anticipation to kiss yours, Colby was so hungry for you—his body, was hungry for you.
“Gonna come, Pretty girl?” As if your whimper wasn’t enough to confirm his question, the way your hips moved way faster against his with your walls effortlessly clenching around him was definitely enough. Your body was calling for release and he could see that, coaching you through it with the simplest of words.
His hand leaves your hip and attaches itself around your neck, pulling you down to his face so your lips would crash into each others. His tongue instantly slipped into your mouth through your moans, holding your hips down so he could hit your deepest areas. Your high was approaching fast and he could feel it corrupting you, sitting up with you in his arms so you were literally sitting in his lap.
Your arms wrap around his neck and you can’t help but pull away from your boyfriend, throwing your head back as you rode him faster then before, nails digging against the skin on his chest. “Colb- fuck!” Your whimpers and moans are only motivating him more, the friction between the two of you was almost unbearable.
His large hand cups the side of your face and all that can be heard is the sound of skin slapping against another, your moans echoing the forest like a mockingjay’s song. “Come for me, dirty girl. Talk to me, Baby” His voice is husky against your ear and it makes your body completely feral, leaning your sweaty forehead against your boyfriends when you feel the pit grow in your stomach.
“Oh, Colbs” You moan breathlessly against his face, pushing his hair away from his eyes to look at him. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I-“ He ceases your rambling with a sweet kiss to your lips, reaching down to rub your clit between the two of your bodies.
“I love you far more, My good girl” He hums against you and watches as your eyes roll back, you were so close—just barely tipped over the edge. “Now come for me so I can turn you over and fuck you like you’ve been wanting for the past week” With only a few last circles against your clit and strokes to your dripping cunt, you came undone harshly against his body, gripping onto his shoulders as you let out the most beautiful cries he’d ever heard.
Your body shutters against his and all that could be heard now was the breathing between you two, his hands reaching up to caress your face gently. “Fucking hell, what alcohol did we drink” He chuckles, kissing the tip of your nose.
Both of your eyes traveled down between the two of you, noticing the puddle of liquid you had left on your boyfriend’s abdomen. You always got so embarrassed but he found it so attractive, he wanted you to give him that validation.
“Hands and knees, Face toward the sunset” You slowly remove yourself from your boyfriend, turning your semi-weak body toward the orange sunset, doing exactly as he requested. You had no idea how you were so worn out but the feeling of his hands against your back were enough to bring you back to reality. “That’s it. M’gonna sort you out baby, don’t worry” His voice is low behind you as he pushes his length against your slick, coating it in more of you.
“Your teasing…” you push back against him eagerly, earning a small chuckle from his lips as he leaned down, hovering his body over your own. His hands lingered over your body as he placed soft kisses along your shoulder before moving to your ear, taking it between his teeth. His body was so warm against yours and you could feel yourself getting hot all over again, leaning into his touch.
“If you don’t like my teasing, why are you moaning?” He questions cockily in your ear and you roll your eyes, pushing your arms out in front of you so your back was fully arched for him. The boy chuckled, pulling your hair away from your now fully exposed neck so he could access it, his free hand reaching down to line himself up with your slit. “Keep doing that, and you’ll wake up pregnant” You hum against the bed with a smile, Oh how much you wanted that.
“What if i wanted that?” His large hand clamps over your mouth as he continued to place kisses along your body, ignoring what you had just said. You were both drunk but he was sober enough to know this was just your alcohol talking.
“Ask me when your sober, My love” Some of his words are slurred but he speaks all the truth, removing his hand from your mouth and to your neck, tilting your head till he could kiss your lips.
Your breath is taken from you when you feel him slip into you all at once, and you quickly pull away from him with a gasp and your fingers squeezing the cloth under you. “Your so… fuck—your annoying!” He chuckles, reaching down to pull your hips closer to his own, already stroking you at a steady pace.
Your body moves with every slow and passionate thrust, and a soft moan comes out with it. Colby is loving above you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear with that husked accent of his. “I’ve been thinking about this all. Fucking. Week” His breath his hot against your neck as he speaks, you could feel the sweat between you two and the heat you both shared against your connected bodies.
Usually, the two of you would have a date night on Tuesday’s every week but this week was so hectic you didn’t have any time to do so. You and Colby would spend the night just holding each other, loving each other. Without date night, you two didn’t have any time to yourselves other then when you’d go to bed.
“Then why are you going easy on me? You know I love it when your rough” You know your words will tease him in a way he’d give in and that’s exactly why you said it. Usually the two of you would make love during sex, but you were so tired of that now. You wanted him to treat you like you were some random girl—a slut. “Lost your touch, pretty boy?”
“Lost my touch? What are you saying, Y/N” You could tell his words were with content and not worry, and you knew now that you had him right where you wanted him. “Are you saying I can’t fulfill your needs?” You giggle and push yourself into him even more, earning a small groan from his lips. “Dirty girl, you are playing a dangerous game”
“You know what I want, Colbs. So give it to me” His hand is clasp around your neck, tilting your head back till you could look at him with those big doe eyes you loved to tease him with. “That’s all you want, right? To please me?” Your eyelashes bat at him without your control, watching as his eyes slowly turned into voids. You had him now.
He didn’t even have to speak, only staring into your eyes as he pulled out of you, pushing back in with force and intent. Your eyes roll back and your body jerks up with every thrust he sends you, ten times harder them before. Your hands reach back to hold onto him but it only pisses him off, grabbing your wrists to cling together in front of you. His body was practically inside your own, laying on top of you while pinning your hands.
Your moans were much, much louder now and you couldn’t control them. He was hitting every little area in your body, one’s you didn’t even know you had. His cock wasn’t just kissing your sweet spot, it felt like it was the easiest spot for him to access and everytime he’d hit it, your body would shake under his. “This is what you wanted, right? Me to fuck you like your some whore? Ha. Can’t believe you said I lost my touch” He chuckled in your ear, biting the soft skin of your shoulder. You were begging now, so fucking desperate for him.
“Yes! Fuck, this is what I wanted. Wanted you to fuck me how you used to!” How he used to? Great mother you should’ve never said that.
“How I used to?” Of course your words make him rethink and come back ten times harder, lifting his torso from you to pull your hands behind your back, earning the loudest whimper from you. “That’s okay, my love. I’ll give everything to you now, and don’t even think about coming till I say so” there he was, your teenage fever.
It looked inhumane the way he was treating your body. From the way his hips snapped into yours, to how he held your hands right behind your back, and how he pushed your face into the bed to muffle your very loud moans. But it all felt way too good, this is exactly what you wanted and you knew he was the only man who could fulfill it. You never wanted him to stop.
“Right there! Right fucking—oh my god” You were so close to your edge it was torture. You were practically begging him to let you come before you had to, you knew you couldn’t hold it much longer. “Colby, I can’t… I’m— fuck!”
“You better hold it” He threatens, pushing your arch deeper. You let out a cry and his boyfriend reaction was more then enough to slow down, reaching down to your neck to pull you up against his body. Your head fell lazily against his chest but your reassuring eyes told him everything he needed to know. “Safe word, pretty girl?” You shook your head and grabbed his, pulling his face against yours in a rough kiss. He wasn’t hurting you, he could never hurt you.
“I need it, Colbs. Please just give it to me” From the second his teeth sunk into the delicate skin of your neck, to when he started to send slow strokes to your body, you felt yourself lose control and the only thing keeping you up was his hand wrapped around your stomach. You couldn’t take it, the pleasure was far too much.
He can feel your undeniable orgasm approaching and so was his, and at this point he couldn’t hold back anymore. His teeth remove from your skin, tongue swiping over any blood that escaped from your neck with his heavy breath beside you. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. Fuck, m’gonna come… want you to come with me. Can you do that for me?” You nod desperately, moving your hips against his to meet his rough strokes. “Touch yourself”
Your limp body is heavy in his arms as you reach down, rubbing circles against your clit at the same speed of his thrusts. Your moans and begs only grew louder, and Colby was on his very edge. “Doing so good for me—Come, pretty girl. I’m right behind you!” His coaching words make you cry aloud, holding onto his body for support as you felt your orgasm slowly tipping over its end, rubbing your clit. faster to chase that high. “Just one more, baby. Need you to come so I can fill this pretty cunt nice and full just like you wanted”
“Colb—fuck, fuck fuck! I’m… Mmph! I’m coming!” He continues to coach you to it, and with one last snap of his hips and circle to your clit, you felt your body release it’s everything onto his. He shushes your loud scream while silencing his own grunts, fingers digging into your hips to pull you close, painting your gummy walls with his white, hot release.
All that was heard was your heavy breathing and the sounds of birds chirping in the air, and you soon found yourself collapsed next to each other on the bed. Your chests were heaving horribly, and the sweat that drip from your foreheads were now everywhere. You were so tired.
Colby turned to look at you, smirk pulling at his lips at the sight of all the marks and bruises he had put on your body—ones you enjoyed having to cover because he gave them.
“Watch the sunset with me?” Your eyebrows raise slightly and his face softens, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. Ending the night like this was perfect. It was almost as if you had just gotten back from date night. He leans down gently to place his lips against your own, relishing in the taste of your sweet lips.
He lays back and places one of his arms above his forehead while opening his other for you, watching you with a smile as you cuddle your naked body over his. Your head is nuzzled between his neck and your legs are shuffled with his own, the light of the sunset reflecting off your skin. Colby grabbed the blanket from behind you and pulled it over you both, laying his large arm over you once you were comfortable.
“I’m still so fucking drunk” He sighs making you laugh while you drew imaginary shapes along his chest, leaning your head up to kiss his jaw. “We can sleep now” You roll your eyes with another laugh, imagining what it would’ve been like had you actually went to sleep when you told him to earlier.
“I love you, Pretty boy” You hum, hugging his torso. He looks down at your already relaxed body, leaning his face down to kiss your head.
“I love you way more, My beautiful girl”
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marlenesluv · 5 months
lando + babysitting his drunk girlfriend
note: i love this sm. as someone that is usually the one babysitting my friends, this would melt my heart if someone did that for me fr, and lando would 100% be the one. also feel free to send headcannon ideas! :)
type: headcannon
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۵ about every few weeks or so, you went out with the other wags to go clubbing without your boyfriends. yes, you loved your boyfriends, but they loomed and interfered quite a bit.
۵ so going out as a group was easier, not to mention that you all wanted to gossip.
۵ you told lando you were going with charlotte, isa, lily, carmen, kika, kelly, and laila. which was a bigger group than normal. usually it was just you, charlotte, isa, and kika, but everyone else was free!
۵ like always, you sent lando the location of the club, and turning on live location as well, just in case.
۵ while you were out with your girls, getting absolutely shitfaced, lando was at home watching friends reruns to try to ease his mind.
۵ lando knew you needed to go out with your friends without him, and he was fine with that, he just wanted you to be safe, and when you’re drunk?… you never know.
۵ after about five shots and four martinis, you knew you were drunk, too drunk to drive, and so was everyone else.
۵ at around 3am, kika called pierre and he came and picked her up, along with charlotte since he had been hanging out with charles.
۵ at 3:30am, lily threw up once in the bathroom as you called alex, “hey! alexxxx!!!!” you spoke, holding lilys hair back for her.
۵ alex knew from your voice that you were calling because lily was too drunk to uber, he didn’t think that was safe. so he came and got her.
۵ kelly and laila left before at 1:30am, claiming they had work in the morning. so all that remained was you, isa, and carmen.
۵ lando had been pacing around the living room as oscar loaded up another game of call of duty, trying to get landos mind to ease up.
۵ finally, lando just left oscar at his house, grabbing his keys, a hoodie for you, some comfy uggs, and driving to the club to get you.
۵ after about twenty minutes of him resisting your attempts to get him to stay and drink, you were sat in the passenger seat of his mclaren as he drove home, his hoodie on you and your uggs now on, a nice change from the four inch heels you had on.
۵ oscar had left earlier, knowing that lando would just want to be alone with you and take care of you.
۵ when you arrived to the house, lando opened your door for you, helping you to the front door and taking you shoes off for you and helping you sit down on the couch.
۵ at first, you’re very drunk, slurring words and giggling, but once you calm down, you’re just tired, and you want your boyfriend.
۵ constant sweet guidance:
۵ “sit down, sweetheart. i’ll get you a water.”
۵ “take these advil for me, hm? can you do that? there you go, thank you, love.” and gives you a little forehead kiss as he goes and makes you toast.
۵ and when you need to throw up, lando is pattering his feet right behind you on the way to the bathroom.
۵ he holds your hair back in a make-shift ponytail, rubbing your back and whispering to you to try and soothe you.
۵ after that, he gets you more advil and puts it by the bed in case you need some when you wake up, as well as new ice water in your water bottle.
۵ he makes sure that you eat, even if it’s just dry cereal or some cheese cubes. the last thing he wants is you with an empty stomach and having the potential of being sick again :(
۵ when he crawls into bed, he turns your favorite show on as you cuddle into his side, playing with his hoodie strings as his hands comb through your hair.
۵ “how are you feeling, pretty girl?” lando would ask, looking down at you as you shrug, “m’ok. thank you for taking care of me lan.”
۵ lando would smile, “i love taking care of you, now let’s go to sleep. wake me up if you need anything, okay?” you nod
۵ ‘i love you’s are exchanged as you both fall asleep.
۵ all and all, lando is the most sweet, endearing, and protective bf, especially when you’re drunk. he just wants you to be safe, and make sure you are comfortable.
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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faraway-archive · 6 months
Sleeping n' Fucking
Yan(ish)!Nerd x GN reader
Tw: cnc/dubcon, somnophilia, semi-degrading
AN; didn't proof read/edit and please welcome my nerd OC <3
˚₊‧꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ ‧₊
Your teacher has decided to do a partner project right before the school semester ends. Fortunately for you, you got a partner who you sorta know. You have seen him a couple of times outside of the classroom, but never really talked to him a lot. So you went and sat next to him.
"Hey, your name is Luka right?" "Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you. Do you want to meet at my house to work on our project together?" "Yeah sure, that works." "Alright. See you then." "See you."
As soon as you finish the conversation, the class has ended and everyone left. Luka slowly followed you from behind. Avoiding your line of sight, he made sure that you made it safely to your next class. Classes went by and you were finally able to meet up with Luka again at the end of the day.
"Hey, hop into my car I'll drive us to my house." "Alright."
Once you arrive at his house, you follow him to his room and sit down on his bed. Looking around at the posters and decorations. While you were looking Luka left to make some snacks and tea. Of course, he added something to make you sleepy and drowsy. He is giggling inside as he anxiously mixes the drink and carefully brings it up back into his room.
"Hey, sorry for taking so long, here is your drink and some snacks." "Oh! Thanks."
You take the drink and slowly sip it. Luka sits next to you and pulls up the project requirements. Both of you threw ideas at each other to see what the project could be about to make sure it fit the criteria. After both of you agree on what to do, you start to feel sleepy and drowsy. Of course, Luka takes notice and his dick starts to harden. The more you fight to stay away the more obvious his bulge is. He carefully guides you to his pillow and watches you fall asleep as he turns his back to you, trying to pretend to work on the project. As he glances back at you after a couple of minutes, you have fully fallen asleep and groans as he watches you. Looking so peaceful and innocent. He feels slightly bad but he's tired of watching guys flirting and or talking to you so that guilt quickly washes away. Carefully taking off your clothes, giving petals of kisses as he removes each piece of clothing. Sighing at the beauty of your body. His dick keeps twitching and he finally undresses himself.
He aligns himself in front of your entrance and rubs his pre-cum all over your hole. Sighing and biting his lip as he slowly enters your hole. Holy shit it feels so good to him as your hole clenches onto his dick. Giving you kisses as he keeps slowly thrusting back and forth. It feels so good seeing how weak you are underneath him. After thrusting slowly he picks up the pace and starts going ham. Groaning as he hears you softly whimpering and moaning as he abuses your poor little hole.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. You like that huh? Being unable to defend yourself as I take your hole and training it to only love my cock, and only my cock. God, I love seeing you hopeless as I ram my cock into you. Oh, how I love seeing you and admiring you from afar. You have no idea how much I wanted you to myself. How I want you to whimper and moan for me, begging how good my cock is. God, I wish you were awake right now but I can't risk you screaming at me. Not yet at least. You will be with me. You will be mine."
He grabs your waist and slams you into him as he cums into your hole. Panting as he dumps his load into you and slowly pulls it out, watching his cum come out and puts on your undergarment. Taking his cock and carefully puts it into your mouth. Taking your head and slowly rock back and forth as you 'suck' his dick. Once he feels satisfied he cleans himself up and dresses you back to normal. Sighing at your beautiful and wrecked body wishing you were his.
AN; sorry that this ending was shitty </3
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gjsatorus · 9 months
welcome home ✩
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summary: you come home to satoru taking care of you
— fem reader, fluff, established relationship, there’s one suggestive joke, not proofread
note: this week has genuinely been so tiring for me i need someone like satoru rn AND chap 237 was like a slap in the face i just can’t, SPOILERS there was no signs of gojo at all and megumi is gone. like i’m hoping that gojo shows up in 238 next week 😞🤍 but what abt gumi.
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tired. beyond exhausted, you unlock the front door to your house. barely being able to take your shoes off without falling face first onto the floor, but you managed. then there was a voice that made you perk up slightly, it was no other than your love, gojo satoru.
“welcome home love!” he was smiling ear to ear, giving you a kiss on your lips before leaning in to hug you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you buried your face into his neck. he notices your tired form, frowning a bit, you looked like you were ready to fall asleep on him, “toru.. so sleepy,” you mumbled out.
“i got ya, i’ll take care of you tonight sweetheart,” the white haired man chuckled feeling your grasp on him weaken due to the sleepiness. he picks you up, his arm under your legs and the other supporting your back as he walks into the bathroom. gojo places you on the sink counter while getting the bathtub filled up with water.
“toru..?” you open one eye watching him get your bath ready. “hm?” he answers before walking back to you, holding your hands in his. “can you join me please darling?” you squeeze his hands and he squeezes back in return. “of course,” the blue eyed smiles before taking off your shirt then your pants and the rest of your undergarments.
you place one foot into the bath feeling the temperature before completely sitting down in the tub. the water was warm, it smells like lavender, you were about to doze off before you feel him sit behind you. “my baby’s sleepy today hm?” gojo snickering at how fast you leaned against his chest, he grabs a bottle of shampoo and begins scrubbing your scalp with it.
“so tired toru.. been a long day,” you sigh at the feeling of his fingers massaging your head, hearing a small “mmm” from the man behind you. “how’s your day handsome?” you ask and he giggles at the nickname, “same old, same old. the higher ups wanted me to do something, but i wasn’t really that interested,” gojo explains while rinsing your hair. “you’re gonna kill them some day,” you chuckle as you closed your eyes.
it was silent, but the comfortable type of silence. you could hear the splashing of the water whenever satoru moves, he then gets the bottle of conditioner and applies it on the bottom half of your hair. “you wanna just sleep and cuddle after this, pretty?” gojo asks, spreading the body wash on your shoulders and the rest of your body as he waits for the conditioner.
“please,” you mumbled out again, feeling him rinse your body and the conditioner out of your hair. then you opened your eyes when you realize something, “how about you toru? want me to wash your hair too?” his eyes widen before softening a little, “if you want baby,” satoru grins. you turn around, facing him as you get the bottle of shampoo.
he kisses your nose once you looked back at him, you start scrubbing his scalp. “my toru’s so cute, so lucky to have you,” you say, giving him a peck on his cheek while rinsing the shampoo out of his hair thoroughly. “i’m the lucky one,” he opens his eyes and watched you spread the body wash on him just like how he did with you. “toru, i’m the lucky one,” you roll your eyes teasingly while rinsing him.
“alright we’re done,” you stood up from the bathtub and immediately started to shiver before sitting back down, the coldness did slightly wake you up. “i’ll go first and help you out sweetheart,” he began drying himself as you close your eyes. once you open them again, he was holding the towel ready for you, getting up from the tub and quickly wrapping yourself around it.
his towel was wrapped around his waist while his white hair was still wet, water droplets fall onto his skin. “like what you see?” gojo smirks catching you stare at him before walking away. changing into more comfortable pajamas, you begin blow drying your hair, feeling a pair of arms wrap around you again.
“help me please baby,” he points to his wet hair then at the blow dryer in your hands. you smile gently before drying his hair too, it was soft and smooth. after that was done, he quickly pulls you onto the bed making you yelp in surprise. your head gently pressed onto his chest, hearing his heart beat as his arms wrap around you, nuzzling closer to him.
you start feeling drowsy again at the warm feeling, “toru before i fall asleep, i love you and thank you for tonight,” you kissed the back of his hand before falling asleep. gojo looks at you with adoration, “goodnight to you too baby, love you more,” he gave your forehead a kiss and began falling asleep as well.
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
He doesn’t talk to the Munsons much. (Doesn’t talk to anyone, really, aside from his mom and Robin and that one older woman who keeps renting and returning Gone With The Wind as an excuse to leave her house.) He keeps his head down and his nose clean, doesn’t care to make friends with the neighbors; just wants to get by.
One day Eddie approaches their door, waving a gas bill that got mixed up in their mail, and Steve greets him pleasantly enough.
“Stab anyone today?”
“Eat glass, Harrington.”
So it goes.
Steve watches the world pass and the weather turn, lets the hours bleed into weeks and squeezes his eyes shut against the flashbacks when they threaten to overwhelm.
Things with his mom are weird.
They don’t really speak, preferring to shrug their way past each other with careful, tight-lipped nods, and his mom takes these pills the doctor gave her that keep her perfectly pleasant and calm. Silent. Physically present but not really here.
And he can’t imagine how it feels to be her: Florence Harrington, ripped from the comforts of the upper crust and left to rot in a tin can seven miles across town. She spends most of her time letting out weary little sighs as she swans from room to room, drifting like a shade on the banks of the River Styx. (He can make that reference now because Robin won’t shut up about mythology. “It’s so gay, Steve. The Greeks were literally so gay.”)
Shit’s weird with the kids, too. He still drives them around — lets them loiter at Family Video when it’s slow; hangs around when they need a ride to the arcade or the movies or the skating rink; and he’s still on the hook for ‘ice cream. for. life,’ so…
It’s just not the same.
Like. Not to be dramatic, but who the fuck is Steve Harrington without the house and the pool and the free-for-all fridge? Just some kid with a car and a bat and a punchable face. And he can barely afford to keep the car now, anyway, so pretty soon they won’t need him for that, either. They’ll learn to drive; they’ll get their own jobs. Maybe Lucas builds enough muscle to take over as the party tank.
Maybe it’s better if he shelfs himself now before they realize he’s become obsolete.
“Oh, my god, you’re being pathetic,” he groans to himself. His voice is muffled where he’s lying face down on the couch. Ridiculous behavior, because everything is fine; Steve is fine. In the grand scheme of things where there are monsters and melted corpses and all kinds of crazy, horrible shit?
He’s being obnoxious. It’s a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon with just the right Autumn breeze going — gentle but cool; long sleeve polo weather; his favorite kind — and he’s sitting inside throwing himself a pity party.
Fucking absurd.
…Five more minutes.
Just five more minutes, then he’s getting off this couch.
He gets to a minute and a half when he hears the crunch of tires against the gravel, the clanging of a little bell from the handlebar of a bike, and then:
And that’ll be Dustin, trying to bang the door off the hinges and piss off the whole park at the same time. Kid’s nothing if not a multitasker. Steve lets another aggrieved groan loose into the couch cushion.
His mom’s out with the car; the lights are all off. Maybe he can just play dead ‘til Dustin leaves? He loves the kid, he really does, but his left ear is full of static, and he just wants to fucking sleep. Or sulk. Or both.
Jeeeeesus Christ. “Okay, chill,” Steve grumbles as he hauls himself upright and throws open the front door. His limbs feel like lead; there’s drool on his chin. “Wake the whole goddamn neighborhood, why don’t you?”
“It’s two in the afternoon.”
“Yeah, and half the people here work nights.”
“Oh-kayy,” Dustin drags out the word, “but you don’t.”
Ugh. Whatever. He’s not gonna be shamed by a toothless teenager for his depressing loser tendencies. “Did you need something?”
Steve scratches at his belly hair through his shirt, feels a muscle twinge in his shoulder and send a spark of nerve pain skittering up to the base of his skull.
Dustin either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that Steve’s body is falling apart where he stands, because he just rolls his eyes and says, “Uh, yeah. I need to know why you’re avoiding everyone? Mom’s tried to invite you to dinner six times now.”
“I was working.”
“All six times?” Dustin glares. Steve feels a little pinned by it, feels guilt seeping through the cracks as he fidgets with his bad ear. This kid’s gonna be the scariest lawyer some day. “She’s worried.”
Guilt squeezes hard behind his ribs; he knows Dustin uses his mom as a mouthpiece for the feelings he can’t express. “I’m fine,” he sighs, letting his eyes and voice go soft. “Honest.”
Dustin holds firm, gaze fierce and fists clenched. “Bullshit,” he insists.
“Man, don’t—”
“Bull. Shit.”
Suddenly, their impromptu interrogation gets interrupted by a crashing drum fill, a shriek of electric guitar as Munson’s van squeals into the lot. He’s blasting some melodramatic metal shit about wizards or whatever; Steve doesn’t know. He only knows that the skitter of nerve pain he felt is ramping up to a fullblown migraine now because this guy has to listen to his racket at full fucking volume, apparently, and isn’t this all just “fucking great.”
part 5
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coco-loco-nut · 12 days
Favorite Uncle
pairing: Lando x Goddaughter Reader
summary: you adore your godfather and the chat adores you
a/n: I know this is a short blurb, but it is so wholesome. Thanks for the req for a Lucky Charm part two 🥹
no part 3
part one masterlist
You ran into the house as fast as your little legs could take you. You had just been out at the park with your mom and when you got back you saw a familiar car in the driveway. You followed the sound of your dad’s voice to his gaming room, and despite you not being allowed in there, your godfather was far too important for rules.
“Uncle Lanwo!” you squeal, running in and attacking Lando with hugs. Max looks at you in disbelief, you ALWAYS come to your father first.
“Hi munchkin,” Lando picks you up and hugs you tight as Max pauses the game. Lando doesn’t let you go, enjoying your tiny hands trying to tightly squeeze him.
“I watched you race yesterday, you were really fast!” you say, not letting go yet.
“Mate, not cool. That’s my daughter,” Max deadpans.
“She’s my goddaughter, you muppet,” Lando points out, holding back a joke about killing Max so he could keep you. He would say it if they weren’t in the middle of a stream.
“Y/n/n, where’s my hug?” Max pouts. You look over at him with wide eyes.
“Uncle Lanwo is more important,” you huff, wiggling around so you can sit on Lando’s lap and play with his curls. Lando sits there with a grin on his face, gently holding you so you don’t fall as your little hands pull at his hair. Sure it hurts a little, but he cherishes the moment while it lasts.
“Chat, can you believe this?!” Max asks the camera, watching as the chat blows up saying how adorable you are with Lando and how good Lando is with you. “Is no one on my side?” Max says, exasperated.
“Nope, tough luck, sweetheart. Come on, baby girl, let’s leave your uncle and dad to their games,” Pietra gently picks you up off of Lando’s lap, aware of the game they are playing - one that is certainly not little eyes friendly. You are sad, but it’s your mom so you guess it’s ok.
“Bye Uncle Lanwo, bye Daddy,” you wave your tiny hand at them. “Can I have a snack please, Mommy?” you ask your mom as she walks out of the room.
“Ha! She said bye to me first, I’m the favorite,” Lando grins.
“She won’t go to sleep unless I read to her first,” Max says, ending the argument. He notices Lando doesn’t seem into the game as much anymore. “You want to go play with her, don’t you?” Max sighs, looking at his best friend.
“Yeah, but you do too,” Lando says, seeing Max glance at the door.
“Well, that’s all for today, Chat. Bye,” Max ends the stream, practically racing Lando to the kitchen. You lavish in all the attention.
“Max, go start dinner,” Pietra tells her husband, it’s his turn to cook. She notices your tired eyes, you did miss your nap. You fight the tiredness, wanting to stay up to play with your godfather.
“Do you wanna watch Sleeping Beauty?” Lando asks, also picking up on your exhaustion.
“Okay!” you drop the Barbie in your hand, climbing onto the couch.
“Go help Max or take a nap, I’ve got her,” Lando says as Pietra starts the movie. Lando lays on the couch, letting you lay on his chest. You don’t make it past the opening scene, and Lando drifts off a few minutes later.
That’s how Max finds you once he puts the lasagna in the oven. That’s your current favorite dinner even if you can’t pronounce it. Max takes a picture to post to his Instagram later.
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maxfewtrell chat, is this real 😐
pietra.pilao they didn’t even last 10 minutes into the movie
user1 and it’s all too much for little Lando Norris
pietra.pilao @/user1 21 years old. He just needs a little bit of sleep
user1 I live for Uncle Lando and Y/n
landonorris real ones know how tiring Barbies is
pietra.pilao she wants her pillow back
landonorris @/pietra.pilao tell her i’m coming right back after the race 🥺
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caotictimmy · 7 months
SO UHH HI MUNCHIES..THIS IS MY FIRST SMUT SO IM KINDA BLUE BALLING IT, but I’ve read so much smut I think I can do it. You can criticize since I always want to be better! Also this is in 2 person pov also it stirred away from the movie,(he just keeps working shifts that’s ir)
My atties @ilovetoomanymen @valez123
Some basic stuff - body worship, cunnilingus, loser mike/hj, Mike is a whimper confirmed, afab reader
“I’m sorry I don’t have the money, could I pay for it in a….different way.”
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You were a babysitter for Abby, you understood how hard it was for her brother, and you loved the little girl to bits. She was shy and such a creative girl, and she loved you to for being so patience with her and just generally caring for her. So that’s why you were ok with getting payed very little.You always asked if you could help Michael with anything else, but he would always say no. You respected his wishes mostly, leavening a 20 around the house if Abby needed or wanted something.
You had a good job so you were taken care of, you always made sure they were ok, even if Michael told you they were. You knew it was hard for him. How couldn’t it be? He was a guy just barely scraping by while taking care of his sisters, and now’s he’s having to take night shifts, being away from Abby so long and not getting good sleep, so when he asked you to watch Abby at night while he was at work, you didn’t mind when he was working so hard, and it just ment that your job was easier.
This was about the 2 week into his night shift job, you were asleep on the couch, soon you heard a jingle of keys and the door quietly opening and shutting. You groggily looked up checking the time, it was around 3:26 am.“Mike..?what are you doing here..it’s only 3”, you tiredly say wiping your eyes, slowly pushing yourself to sit up.”Oh. One of the animatronics were malfunctioning and kept messing with the power, so I decided to come home,and I was a little hungry anyways.” He says as he shuffles his vest off, putting it on the table. You slowly get up still a bit tired. Walking to get your bag that he put his vest by. Slowly packing up you heard him pipe up.
“Hey uhm, listen.. it’s been getting harder so-“ you swiftly cut him off, ”Listen I understand, you don’t have to pay me, I know you work hard to provide.“ He looked at you with wide eyes, “and mike you don’t have to do any-“, “I never said I wasn’t gonna do something.”, he said while looking at you. “W-what?” You looked back at him bewildered. What did he just say? He took a couple steps in front of you, sinking to his knees In front of you, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer, he slowly looks up at you, “I’m sorry I don’t have the money, could I pay for it in a….different way.”, he asked, he sounded desperate almost pleading with you. And how could you say no, he was on his knees begging to have you, you wanted him.
You quickly nod, brain not nearly processing what’s happening as fast as it needs to. Just as he was about to start taking off your pants, you quickly stated,”I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be doing this in the kitchen”, “Oh- yeah, that would be a bad idea.”, he got up, grabbing your hand and walking to his bedroom quickly, the moment both of you get in his room, he slams his lips against yours, you felt like you were dreaming, and you didn’t wanna stop, every kiss he stole from you felt like you were on cloud 9.
“Mike..we have to keep it down, Abby’s in bed”, you said in between kisses.”I know, I know.” He quickly locks the door, ushering back to you, as you guys fumble on the bed, you felt hot, like fire was spread through out your body,in a blink of a eye he was already removing your shirt and bra. After he got done you whent to take his shirt off, “nuh uh. This is my payment to you.”,he says. As he gets to his knees in front of you. God the way he looks at you from between your legs, looking so focused in between while shuffling you pants down. And he was finally down to the last article of clothing, he both wanted to savor and devour you at the same time, and he decided to pick the latter.
He slowly slipped the last piece of clothing. You thought he was gonna take it slow, well. No, he roughly grabs your hips shoving his face in for his meal, he ate, he ate like a mad, taking long fast drags from his tongue against you cunt,”oh god..mike~”. Flicking your clit when the tip of his tongue gets to it, he couldn’t get enough of you,”more,please more” he whimpers out in between your legs. Your mind was fuzzy and you could barely think, all you could really think about is mike and his godly skill with his tongue.
He groans out in satisfaction. He kept licking, drenching your pussy In his saliva, god he was so messy, “g-god so good” he groaned, he was so messy, saliva and slick drenching his face, and you loved it, you had to bite down on your hand to keep quite soon though he wanted more,he needed more as he slowly got rougher, soon he was stuffing your cunty with his fingers while he suckles on your clit, he ramens two fingers into not relenting on, soon you can feel the coiling in your stomach, you grab his hair roughly, tugging to let him know your were close.
Soon the coiling in your stomach snapped, mike slowly guided you through it, you breathed out a breath you didn’t know you kept in, Mike lapped at the juices on his fingers,soon you felt overwhelmed. As mike started to kitten lick your Pussy not seeming to stop.”mike no,no more”, you breathed out, “please one more just one more right, you can do it right? please just one more, I want more no, I need it please god just one more.” He whimpered out pleading, pleading and begging, you nod. He kept licking, starting to get rougher with the licks soon it was all to much for you again. And soon you were cumming on his tongue once again.
Mike slowly got up, knees slightly wobbling from being on the ground, he slowly wiped the back of his hand against his mouth,”I uh..did you like it?”, “mike if I ever hear those words come out of your mouth again, after you gave me the best head in my life.”, he chuckles embarrassingly “well let’s get you cleaned up.”
“So are we gonna discuss what happened last night?”, “what do you mean Abby” mike stated confused, “you weren’t very slick last night so, when am I gonna be a auntie?” Mike started back at her stunned,” ABBY W-WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT” mike rushed our embarrassingly, “geez are you gonna answer the question or not?”
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sturniolothinkr · 1 month
sleepy ⋆ matt sturniolo
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summary: you’re drained after work, seeking to cuddle matt. instead, you mistake chris for him.
contains: fluff, a bit of jealous!matt, best friend!chris, light cursing, use of y/n.
word count: 968
a/n: based off the ask i sent to @dazednmatthews a while ago :) im sorry if its not good, im still nervous about writing on here 😭
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the day felt never ending. you were on your feet the entire day, having to do more than usual at work due to the amount of call outs that happened.
you were exhausted, and feeling very drained overall. you promised matt you would go over there to hang out when you were off, and all you wanted to do was take a hot shower then take a nap with him.
as soon as you made it to your boyfriend’s house after work, you let yourself in and headed straight for his shower before anything else.
the hot water felt soothing against your sore muscles, your eyes shutting as you grew more and more tired. you did your best to hurry up with your shower, washing your hair and body quickly and rinsing yourself off. the sooner you got out, the sooner you could sleep.
once you were done, you shut off the shower and stepped out. you dried yourself off, before hurrying into matt’s room with the towel wrapped around you.
a frown made its way onto your face when you took notice that matt wasn’t in his room like you thought he would be. you figured he was in the living room, so you shrugged it off as you dressed yourself in a pair of shorts and one of his shirts.
as soon as you were done, you tossed the used towel into his laundry basket before you left his room. you rubbed your eyes tiredly as you walked to the living room, hearing the tv playing an episode of spongebob.
there was a sleepy smile on your face as you spotted who you thought was your boyfriend sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. you plopped down next to him, immediately curling up beside him and resting your head on his shoulder as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
“uh..” chris began, looking away from his phone to look at you then around the room in confusion. “y/n? what are you doing?” he added, his eyebrows furrowing as he was processing what was going on.
you reached a hand up and put your finger to his lips, “sh. tired.” you mumbled, dropping your hand as you let your eyes finally fall shut.
chris let out a quiet laugh, wondering if you knew it was him and didn’t care or if you were just so tired that you thought he was matt. either way, he found it funny and he felt too bad to reject your sleepy state.
he could tell you were very clearly exhausted and must’ve had a long day, so he was letting it slide.
“love you, matt.” you mumbled, your hand holding his arm now.
chris held back the loud laugh that threatened to escape, pressing his lips together as he used his free hand to pat your head. “yup. love you too, y/n.” he replied, knowing matt was going to be so confused when he came back from the store.
it didn’t take long for you to completely fall asleep, your weight leaning into chris as he returned to his scrolling on his phone. he lowered the volume on both the tv and his phone, as a way to not disturb you, remaining unmoving so you could continue to rest peacefully.
about twenty minutes went by, when he heard the garage door opening and the sound of matt’s car pulling in. chris held back his laugh as he imagined the look on his brother’s face, seeing his girlfriend cuddling him instead as she slept soundly.
the sound of matt and nick bickering was heard once they entered the house, footsteps making their way up the stairs.
“no, i’m just saying that-“ matt cut himself off when he rounded the corner and caught view of you and chris together on the couch.
matt stopped in his steps, taking in the sight with an eyebrow raised and the grocery bags hanging from his hands.
“alright, so i must be seeing things cause what the fuck?” he finally spoke up, as chris began to laugh.
your boyfriend set down the groceries as he made his way toward the couch, taking in the view of you cuddling up to his brother with his arm locked in your grip and your head resting on his shoulder. your lips were slightly parted, and it was obvious you were deep in sleep.
“listen, okay, she’s so tired that she thought i was you. i didn’t want to move her or some shit! look at her, she’s so peaceful.” chris began to defend himself, trying to keep his voice a bit quiet.
matt shook his head, while nick laughed from behind him.
“oh, this is so good.” nick said, giggling as he pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a few pictures.
matt huffed and made his way around the couch to sit down on the other side of you. his hands were on you in seconds, protectively pulling you into his side instead.
a noise of complaint left your lips, a sleepy mumble of “fuck off” coming from you as your comfortable position was being moved by your boyfriend.
that only made chris laugh harder, as he threw his head back against the couch cushion and clapped his hands together.
your boyfriend hushed you, wrapping his arm comfortably around you. “sorry, baby. i’m here.” he whispered, feeling your body relax as you heard his voice in your half asleep state.
you mumbled something he couldn’t pick up, easily falling back asleep as matt glared at chris who kept bragging about you cuddling him.
“yeah, yeah. enjoy it while you had it. that was the first and final time.” matt stated, his hand gently playing with your hair while a scowl was on his face.
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