#i gotta sort them out before anything else 🤣
crabbng · 3 months
I have some questions!
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?" like do you look at a reference of it (i mean, how else are you gonna draw it) but like im talking complex things cause i was trying to draw like market stalls and i just had no clue how to draw it while looking at, it doesn't have to be perfect i just couldn't do it so i gave it up. And when you draw it do you usually have an idea in your head how it's gonna be facing which direction or do you just draw the characters then the item they are interacting with or the item/object first?
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen? i think hair changes are gonna happen with the outfit sometimes but i really love outfit changes and you do those i was wondering what you think is best time? cause i've seen you have outfit changes in a day pass in the story and new outfit but i've also seen you change outfits when new arks happen so i was wondering when do you think are the best times for that?
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that? cause if they interact meaningfully and it's even the slightest bit gay material im jumping at the chance to tell you if you meant that im partly joking but if you had a way for them to make up can you just tell me so i wont be stuck wondering? this comic was 3 years ago i feel old but i was just wondering
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?"
i draw it badly 🤣 but really, the answer is just practice. if it looks weird, draw it again. look at it and think 'well why is this going wrong, what looks weird' and then grab a new piece of paper and start completely over. try it from another point of view.
if it's a market stall that isn't integral to the story, just a background piece, i'm not going to care much about it, because the reader probably won't either. as long as its not bad enough to actually draw the eye there, i call it good. done is better than perfect, as they say.
2nd part of that question: i do have an idea in my head of how i want the panels to look. if that's not working though, i change it.
i usually place my characters first. unless its an establishing shot where the background is the most important thing, or far away shot, then characters may go in afterwards. i guess if the panel is mostly background, background first. if the panel is mostly character, character first. that's how i generally do it. just try and do it in the way that makes it easiest. if it's not working out one way, try the other.
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen?
depends on the situation the character is in. chaar wears her uniform most of the time, so she doesn't get many changes. most everyone else would have access to other clothing, so it feels weird for me to not have them change. when hana and bon are on the run, they don't have extra clothes, so they don't change (except when bon gets hana a new outfit). tera wouldn't have wanted to be nude in the forest, so she just stays in her outfit, and kiigari doesn't care.
so my answer is, if they would have access to clothing and a reason to change (i.e. new day), there's no reason for me not to change their outfit. BUT! that's just me. it's also completely valid to just never change your characters clothes so they have a distinct Look.
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that?
no :) i mostly said that because i doubted it would happen (i still do). you can tell me if they ever reunite, but no, i don't plan to make any more krbk comics. i don't know how they make up, i would have to see how the story pans out.
hope that answers your questions! i rarely think too hard about my actual process, but i hope you can get something out of what i could sort out.
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lordoftherazzles · 2 years
How about two of my faves?
Teacup-Ori and Vampire!AU Bilbo? 🤣
Oh my god thank you!! This was a lot of fun and very weird!! And the best part about it is that my word block decided not to be a bitch and let me whip this out really fast!!
Thank you, my friend. I hope this lives up to your expectations!!!
What character(s) from my different fics do you want to see interact?? Let me know and I’ll do a small thing!!
Dragonhearted Ori + Where The Shadows Lie Bilbo under the cut!
“I fucking hate him.”
This was the last time that Bilbo ever listened to Frerin on anything.
“Put on the pretty necklace, Bilbo, I’m sure Thorin will maul you afterward,” Bilbo griped low to himself as a low-hanging gem sat around his neck, jingling slightly against the chain that held it. “Bloody cursed thing.” It’s not that Bilbo wanted to gain Thorin’s attention, but going through a few old Durin belongings…well…it had been fun! And the pretty multicolored gem had caught Bilbo’s eye. There was a lesson to be learned here–vampires were awful creatures, most of them cursed by some tragic backstory, but Frerin was the worst of the worst.
Sometimes when Bilbo blinked, he could still hear his cackling in the background.
Bilbo had passed out upon putting on that dreadful charm and when his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him, at first he had thought it a simple dream. Something stupid from watching and reading too many fantasy pieces, but the longer he wandered in these vast dark halls of stone, the more real it became. For instance, he’d pricked the tip of his finger against some metal and that didn’t wake him up. It was felt, and it stung. Shouldn’t the vampires have come rushing like that Twilight movie? Papercuts and stuff.
“Mister Bilbo!” 
A soft, and somewhat familiar voice called, practically echoing through one of many halls that looked exactly the same as the last. It sounded a lot like Ori, which would be a rather pleasant sight considering he was one of few who didn’t grate against Bilbo’s skin like a bad rash.
“Mister Bilbo, there you are! His Majesty has been looking for you–”
Though as Bilbo looked for the source of that voice, his eyes drifted down so far that his glasses nearly slipped off the bridge of his nose. Bilbo’s lips pursed tightly, keeping some sort of loud exclamation sealed away behind them as he stared towards a teacup that looked…like it had some Ori features to it. Was it a complaint or a laugh wanting to crawl up his throat right now? This was starting to look like some straight-up Disney bullshit. Maybe it WAS a dream? Pricked fingers could be explained later, he supposed.
“You look different,” Ori observed with a cautious tone. “What happened to your ears?”
“My ears?! What happened to you!?” He finally squealed, pointing an accusatory finger towards the teacup before crouching down for a better view–and carefully cupping his ears in the process. “My ears are fine…” Rounded off just like everyone else’s. “I’ve gotta be hallucinating…” Bilbo huffed to himself.
“Oh…did Bofur put those funny little herbs into Dori’s tea again? We’ve told him time and time to stop doing that! Even before the dragon’s enchantment took over, it would send our Elvish friends home in such a state of disarray–”
Bilbo’s face went blank with a hand shooting up to rub at his eyes. “What…what are you even talking about? Elves? A dragon’s curse?” No more fantasy novels or movies for a long time after this.
Ori simply stared at Bilbo with a small smile curving onto the porcelain that he was made of. For a teacup, he sure radiated patience at this very moment. “We ought to get you to bed, Thorin would be most displeased to see you in such a state…he’d probably throw Bofur into the fireplace! Follow me, please.”
Why Bilbo complied, he had no idea, but he also had no reason not to aside from the fact that this felt like a bad dream luring him into something worse.
“I never got the chance to ask, but did you enjoy your dance the other night?”
“What dance?” Bilbo didn’t dance, of that he was very certain.
“The one with Thorin? We were all quite curious as to how it would have gone. Are you sure you’re okay? Perhaps we ought to get you checked out for an illness…”
“No, no, it’s fine. Keep telling me about this dance.” A dance with Thorin though, now that sounded intriguing, and perhaps a little tempting. Though Bilbo could hardly imagine the grumpy vampire entertaining him with a dance of any sort.
“Okay,” Ori sounded skeptical but continued to humor an obviously under the weather Bilbo Baggins of Bag End. “Thorin seemed beyond smitten just looking at you, did you notice? It wasn’t the gold coat, but you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him blush so hard between the scales–”
“The ones on his nose in particular.”
This dream-Thorin had scales on his face, an enchanted mountain with a teacup companion…this was some Beauty and The Beast nonsense, wasn’t it? But like…in dragon form. That explained the whole ‘dragon’s enchantment’ thing, didn’t it? Thorin, big broody and grumbly Thorin, as some beast cast away in a castle?
“Yeah, that checks.” Bilbo had seen and heard stranger things before–look at the crew that was currently taking up every inch of space in his Bed and Breakfast! However, this seemed just slightly worse. If only his Thorin could be a little more besotted. Perhaps in due time. 
Bilbo just needed to find the beauty behind the beast, huh? 
The thought had caused Bilbo to stop, a small grin on his face as he was lost in thought as it caught the attention of Ori the teacup.
“Bilbo? Is something the matter?”
“No, not at all. I appreciate your insight into the whole…dance thing. It just reminded me of something I’ve forgotten.”
“What’s that?”
“Something…something about a grumbly royal and a rose…”
This seemed to go well with Ori. “I’ll have Dori set out some proper tea for whenever you decide to retire. Do tell Thorin he can stop his fussing, you’re just fine.”
“Oh, I’ll tell him alright.”
“Goodnight, Mister Bilbo.”
“Thank you Ori and…well, until we meet again, I guess.” Offering the confused teacup a small wave, Bilbo trotted off to at least look like he knew where he was going before he was alone once more. Glancing down towards the gem hanging around his neck, Bilbo let a soft hum of thought buzz between his lips. First and foremost, no one was going to believe this wild ass dream of his, and secondly…did Thorin like roses? Or dancing? Perhaps it was that soft heart of Bilbo’s that was being impacted by a few words from an imaginary dream-teacup Ori. 
But it never hurt to try these things, did it?
After all, Thorin had proven that he wasn’t a total beast all the time. Like the song went: there’s something sweet, and almost kind–and Bilbo was going to find that side of the vampire.
As the amulet was slipped off and Bilbo’s world sank into darkness once more, he was determined to find something there that wasn’t there before.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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Working out, not bulking up...
Aye aye captain. Roger that.
And yes I agree. The only thing I see getting bigger and bigger lately is his butt and I ain't mad at that at all😌
Please maintain that 'submissive gay looking body' so I can keep twerking on my haters
I love when Jimin is on my side🤭
He is not bulking up for shit thank God🤣🤣
A part of me feels though he might be bullshitting us though.
He not messing with us is he?
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I don't know why they feel a need to bait and switch us sometimes. If you want to do sommin do it with your chest. Your whole chest not just half of it.
Don't start with an M and add a J later.
Don't start with fake piercings and make em permanent later.
Don't Get fake tattoos and make them permanent later.
Don't start with 'my health' and then go ' boom, oh but that just came naturally from working out yet that wasn't the goal so...'
It's exhausting really.
A lot of us can't relate with the part of the fandom that that sort of tactic placates.
We is grown.
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If you wanna bulk up bulk up. If you want a tattoo get a tattoo. If you want to pierce your lips pierce it.
You don't owe anyone an explanation and you don't need an excuse for any of it.
For sometime, he's definitely been complaining and expressing dissatisfaction with his body- since somewhere last year... But then again when is he not ever?
I wonder why he didn't talk about this whole health thingy/posture thingy all those times.
Is it a concern he's developed after the fact?
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"My body isn't looking as good as before" he says while watching his old debut videos.
'Jimin, I told you your for was great back then." Jk says to him as if to mean he's always questioned his body and how he looks.
Free us Jimin.
I just hope he realizes we are in a midst of a global body positivity and body acceptance wave and we are all trying to battle the status quo and what has become normalized as accepted universal body standards.
And that that too is an extension of their love yourself UNICEF campaigns and agenda. They gotta walk the talk.
I don't know what he means by his posture isn't great from too much sitting. Is he talking bout like a hunchback or back pains??🤔
Either is worrying and I agree he must take care of it. Hit the spa, get some hot stones, aromatherapy massage, give yourself a Royal treatment like the king you are- or you can hit the gym at 3am and sweat it out. That works too chilee.
And he's getting his teeth 'fixed too??'
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What's wrong with his teeth. And where is this coming from 😭😭😭😭
These people have too much free time on their hands is what it izzzzz.
From sleeping all day to 20hrs a day- let me not hear any one of em say they are too busy to come see Army🤺
Jokes aside, I don't see anything wrong with him wanting to look his best. Plus, I keep saying this, we all deal with body dysmorphia to certain degrees and there's always gonna be something we aren't totally ok with or satisfied with in one way or the other.
For me, it's always going to be my flactuating body weight. Or my mismatched kangaroos on my chest- ok that's a lie I love my tiddies. It's my best feature.
But if I thought losing weight or having a symmetrical chest was tied to my femininity and self worth and invested capital into fixing it then that would be worrying and toxic af imo.
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There's just too much vanity in this world for me. Bodies are meant to do what bodies do- host your soul or brain. It's a vessel nothing more.
There's nothing wrong with it unless it can't host you. If you are sick, obese, or dying because of your body then by all means FIX IT so it functions properly. Everything else is a construct and it's not real.
Jimin's case is...
His body has become commodified by virtue of his work as an idol and there's always going to be pressure for him to look good, dance well, sing well and have mass appeal.
That muddies the situation.
What may be considered ethical for him as an idol may not be ethical and or healthy for the lay man even- not to mention inaccessible.
It's ironic this whole love your self campaign and ambassadorial work they do. If their prescription of self love is not accessible to us- is it self love or work life??
I think they can participate in the conversation if they focus on the very thing that makes their situation different from the lay man and what their version of self love is.
Fixing his teeth don't make him look more pretty it makes him more commercially viable because beauty is a commodity.
He's going to earn money and generate wealth from that investment in his looks and appearance. Perhaps you should invest in what makes you more money too- if making money is a personal value. If that money making machine is your beauty then cool definitely invest in it.
I personally don't care much for the privileges of beauty unless it impacts my quality of life. My skin color and my looks is not central to my job at the moment and so I don't stress over that. For now. Lol.
It's the diminishing returns on beauty investments for me. Lmho.
In the past, I've always been able to relate with BTS in that way. Not because their struggles are similar to mine but because it rendered them human like the rest of us.
Poor people have struggles. Rich people have struggles. Idols have struggles and us mundanes have our own struggles too.
Idols have their own struggles.
And yes he has a track record cough cough.
And like the members say, one minute he says the gym is not for him, the next he a gym guru- it's all so fascinating and frankly I'm just tired at this point.
You do you brother Jimin.
Just lemme know where you do your nails and your night time skin care routine. Also if you wanna do a clothing line or jewelry curation or start a pinterest... just saying.
Anywho chilee, I'm minding my own business and loving myself the best way I can. Jungkook can stress over him for the rest of the week. I'm taking a break.
I'm just gonna say though, we don't stan toxic masculinity in this household no matter the justification for it and we shall call it out if we catch a whiff of it as and when😌
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Tough love. Get used to it.
We are fighting the stigma. FIGHT IT.
I think I love him either way as long as it's authentically him.
One of the perks of being androgynous. You get to serve all kinds of looks and energies.
If he's taking care of himself I don't see anything wrong with that. We all should take care of ourselves and love ourselves.
Taking care of your body and health is a form of self love too.
I respect him for that and I sure hope he is not using a legitimate excuse to cover up his shenanigans cos that would make me very mad.
I have a problem with idols and celebrities packaging and promoting their way of life as ideal to us regular jugulars or assuming their way of living is the standard we should all live by. WRONG. FIGHT THE STIGMA. FIGHT IT.
Whatever happened to "Do not try this at home?"
They should bring that back.
Anywho, it's Jungkook's birthday.
I'll be on Twitter.
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