#i guess i'll call this jason al ghul au?
lost-batarang · 1 year
Mother, Mother (3500k Characters)
Talia gently held Jason as he woke from the Lazarus pit, covered in bruises, cuts, and with a horrendous scar; Jason tried to opens his eyes, and saw Talia holding him. He could barely speak, let alone walk; "T..Talia..?...That..yo..you..Jo...ker....he.." Jason tried to speak, before violently coughing, rolling out of Talia's grip and lying on the cold, wet floor of Gotham's sewers. "I....B...ru...ce...he..." Jason tried to bring himself together, but to no avail; he was dead for quite some time, and the Lazarus pit may not have been able to cure all his wounds; and post-resurrection headaches is something both Talia and Ra's experienced often. "N...ee....d..s..a..ve...Br...u....ce.." Jason continued in a raspy and hoarse voice, trying to drag himself across the sewers, but barely moving his arms an inch. Blood and Lazarus water ran down his face, and then, he realized; Joker had left him with a scar. A large chunk of the left side of his face was crushed and torn apart by the crowbar, leaving an almost entirely visible skull, scraps of torn skin, and mushy flesh stuck to it; excluding the many metal splinters stuck inside it. Jason's eye on that side of his face was long gone, too, and his teeth were anything but intact. Talia quickly made her way over to Jason, and placed his hand on his chest. "Shh. The Lazarus pits have not healed you fully...scars remain, and your head must be pounding. You won't be able to move so quickly- your body is barely adjusted to the pit, so I wouldn't recommend trying unless you want to be writhing in pain after trying to move your ankle." Talia spoke in a soft yet stern voice. "T...a..lia..?..N..o..w..hy..." Jason tried to speak, but he was barely understandable. "Shh. You have suffered grievous injuries, and you need to rest, Jason. You were- you are, one of Bruce's sons, and now you are one of mine aswell. I need you to stay alive." Talia responded, but soon after Jason completely blacked out. What felt like a second later, Jason awoke inside a small room, laying on a finely crafted wooden bed with the softest silk sheets he had ever felt, and he could barely feel.- He was, however, starting to regain movement and speech. He would have to certainly talk slower to be understandable, but he could move his arms slightly now and turn his head. He looked down and saw that he was not dressed in his Robin costume, and it was clear this wasn't the manor or the sewers; all his memories were a haze, especially his death, but he saw that he was wearing a set of red robes commonly worn by high-ranking league of assassins members.- Minus the red coloration. Talia entered the room, "I always knew red was your favorite color. That old Robin costume won't be doing you any good- trust me. It's....damaged at the moment. And far from anywhere we could enter, certainly. " Talia spoke in an almost joking voice. "Why...why'd..you..save..me....I...I...died.." Jason replied in a withering voice. "Because, Jason. You're family. Bruce's family, and now mine. You're an Al-Ghul now, and you will be treated and trained as one. Speaking of training, it begins tomorrow, at dawn. Do not be late, for you should be able to walk by then. I'll have escorts to show you to the training room tomorrow, but it's the courtyard outside this temple. Oh, and don't fight them. It wouldn't end well for you, nor them. For now, rest, Jason. There's much ahead of us." Talia said to him confidently. Jason was still confused, but there wasn't much he could do. He could only sleep and see what's next.
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