#i had some leftover butter so obviously i decided to bake a cake
dirtwatching · 11 months
i am overcome by a creeping sense of weltschmerz, a melancholia that has been hovering the whole day but only now decided to make itself seen.
and i want this feeling to go away, want distraction, want input but have to admit that in this phase i am not equipped to take in anything
i would like to continue listening to my audiobook but only for the momentaufnahme, i dont want the story to progress, i want to stop the plot and just take in that brief, borrowed bliss
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abednadirsgf · 2 years
midnight icecream together!!! they're all in their pjs (troy and abed got annie a set of pjs for their first christmas/notchristmas/notpresent/hanukkah/holidayday/gift not gift that matched theirs but in purple :)) they eat icecream with sprinkles, with chocolate syrup, with marshmallows, with chopped nuts on top, with multiple flakes, with m&ms - the whole shebang. they might have some inspector spacetime in the background whilst they talk and giggle and make funny faces at each other. they leave the dishes in the sink for later that morning and probably end up sleeping and cuddling together on cushions or on the sofa for the rest of the night.
annie has lots of pillows and bears and plushies etc, a whole collection. so, troy and abed decide to get her a new plush every birthday/not Christmas Christmas holiday day or just when they see one that looks cool and so her whole bed is just filled with different animals or weirdly shaped cushions they found in charity shops or drugstores or furniture stores or ebay or something lol (they make sure they clean them beforehand obviously so they smell of nice lavender fabric conditioner) and annie allows them to name some of them too ;)
Annie listens to Mitski, she a mitski gal like me, and she tends to listen to 'bury me at make out creek' or 'lush' albums when she's sad or feels overwhelmed with emotions or feeling insecure :// so when Troy hears the familiar sound of Francis Forever through her door when he goes to ask if she wants takeout tonight, he knocks on the door before entering and seeing her on her bed with a tear stricken face :( he gives her a big big hug, turns the music off and just holds her and tells her the things that happened in his day, like how he saw a cat with one eye outside the apartment building and tried to feed it the leftover chips he had at lunch but it might have scratched him and the cut on his hand don't look so good and then annie bursts into laughter and slaps troy's chest calling him an idiot and fixes up his hand so it doesn't get infected
abed and annie watch the xfiles together, they go through s1-s9 and even dress up as fox mulder and dana scully respectively for one Halloween!!! they watch the movies together and think up of their own conspiracies about the show or real life government. and it's partially what pushed Annie to pursue forensics and the fbi further and Abed 100% backed her and encouraged her (also got her to promise to give him a special fbi hq tour and may or may not write his own spin off special episode take on Annie working at the fbi hehe and also makes sure she reports back all the tales she has for script inspo) when the latter seasons of 10&11 come out whilst they're apart, they Skype each other and do watch parties and britta might pitch in too.
Abed loves his buttered noodles and Troy loves eating pizza all the time and as much as Annie loves takeout and easy eating, she knows its not healthy to have it all the time (and its expensive!!!) so they have a day of the week (I'm feeling Thursday) when they cook a proper homecooked meal together like lasagna or chili con carne and save leftovers for lunch the next day too. Annie also makes sure they eat some fruit so sometimes when they study she makes them all fruit cups and adds a little bit of sprinkled sugar ontop of strawberries ;)
Troy loves to bake. he loves it. he loves making a mess of flour and sugar and having his friends and family tasting his creations. he learnt a lot from Shirley and makes a realllll good pumpkin pie for thanksgiving every year. he loves making apple crumble bc of the texture and he loves decorating cakes and cupcakes (though he does like drawing dicks with icing and makes jokes whenever someone eats one lol) and although he doesn't celebrate birthdays, he still makes abed and annie a cake and he gets them to decorate it with him so it has a some of the flair of the not birthday person. I feel like baking is one of his love languages and he just loves to feed his family the delicious treats and gets super happy when they like them or bake with him :)))
obviously movie nights!! binging tv show nights!! movie marathons!! popcorn galore!! they all know each others comfort movie/show and just watch and cuddle on the sofa when they need it
pillow and blanket forts <33 they might have little studies sessions in them or troy and abed just go to Annie's room and sit in her bed on the many pillows she has hehe
they just love each other and are always there for each other <3 I love them and they're my fave trio <3
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squeakpip · 5 months
hello there!! how's your week been? any projects, playlists, books, recipes, etc that strike your fancy to ramble about?
i've been sick this week but i am slowly overthrowing the goop that has taken over my body. putting this together has been a nice distraction, so it got super long
just before i got sick, i put a (mostly) handspun cardigan to block. the spinning of this was a tiny bit of a spite project, based on how frequently people talk about "muddy" colors in handspun in a disparaging way. as a brown lover, i took offense and decided to make a rainbow-but-brown cardigan incorporating every technique i could think of that people tell new spinners not to use because it will muddy their yarn. the last two pics gives a vague sense of how much optical color mixing you get from afar vs. up close, but the effect works better irl.
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(fiber is all corriedale from Hello Yarn's fiber club)
i used 8+ years old leftover brown cascade eco for the cuffs, hem, pocket trim, and double-knit buttonband. this bit me in the ass, because i ran out with about 6" of band to go, and obviously couldn't get a dyelot match. thankfully, it was the button side of the band so the lighter bit will be mostly hidden, but i am pissed that i had to buy another 250g skein of yarn for a project where i was using up leftovers. also my button order got canceled so i need to source new ones. perhaps this project is slightly cursed. but i'll stash it away until autumn and it'll feel like i get a new sweater, just like i imagined, that i didn't even have to knit.
currently working on two different spins, both for scarves.
on my spinolution wheel i have a brown-green-blue-white gradient destined to be woven, although i haven't been able to find the right weft yet. (fingering weight, plied, primarily nonsuperwash wool, pale pink that leans coral/orange...) i may end up dyeing it myself if i haven't found the right yarn by the time i get to weaving it.
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i'm also spindling the finest yarn i possibly can, for some sort of garter stitch lace shawl situation. the fiber is a decently textured batt that includes silk nepps, so it will be gently tweedy. everyone who sees it says the fiber looks like bacon, but it's based on the dyer's cat, Mungo.
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before i got sick, my goal was to warp my loom for floral overshot kitchen towels, which is what everyone in my family will be getting as a winter holiday gift. maybe next week when i am more confident in my ability to count.
here's what's been stuck in my head lately for each language i speak. apparently i'm stuck in the 90's and very much the bug, not the windshield this week
my go-to tea for the past 6 months has been a 50/50 mix of adagio's hazelnut and this baked apple tea. this started as an attempt to make the most autumnal tea possible (and tone down the cinnamon of the baked apple), but i recently committed to it enough to pre-mix a whole tin of it instead of just blending it in the infuser. i take it with homemade vanilla syrup and milk.
any day that i'm not eating çilbir i'm thinking about when i can have it again
i'm also obsessed with claire saffitz's gooey butter cake recipe (if you have ever wanted to just eat cake batter, this is the cake for you).
i have recently perfected my pretentious grilled cheese game with
some type of fruit preserve (i've used earl grey and apple jelly, apple butter, marmalade)
one slice of american cheese for melt
one slice of trader joe's scotch bonnet cheddar for heat
thick cut ham
homemade pickled red onions
serve with sliced cucumber or tomato sprinkled with cavender's seasoning, and/or apple slices, preferably arranged in a silly design so you feel like your adult self (sandwich) is reaching through time to shake your toddler self's (sides) hand
i've also been making what can only be described as a vaguely korean crunchwrap, which started as a fridge clean-out meal and has taken on a life of its own
trader joe's frozen bulgogi beef
egg scrambled over the reheated beef
matchstick carrots or cucumber
pimento cheese spread
green onion
tortilla chips for crunch (optional, i rarely have chips around)
wrapped in a flour tortilla, griddled until golden
Other Things I've Been Enjoying Lately
my new haircut and color (lime green! i've never dyed my hair before! i'm such a brave little cartoon character now!)
modded minecraft. i'm splitting my time between vault hunters (i am so so bad at it), my own whimsical but slightly dark fantasy 1.20.1 pack, and my gritty 32x conquest+ pack inspired by https://www.youtube.com/@lowresbones's the hammer series
daydreaming about an unfaithful recreation of my favorite summer drink from a closed cafe. their thing was orange juice, soda water, and jasmine syrup. i made jasmine syrup last summer and it turned out weirdly grassy and gross, so i'm going to try lavender or rosemary instead.
speaking of rosemary, i also have the stuff to make brown butter rosemary rice krispie treats! can't wait until i have the energy to both make and eat food that's interesting again. herby sweet treats my beloved <333
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hqmillioncorn · 6 months
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and go again.
hi diary it’s me! butter! today me and pancake went shopping and we ran into those adventures everyones talking about! i guess they stopped a monster! that's so cool! we didn't get to talk to them a lot because we needed to get home before mom and dad so we could bake them a cake but they seemed nice. oh, there was one who was kinda mean but maybe she was just having a bad day. or maybe it's because I tripped her and she fell :( I should apologize when I see her again. hopefully we meet again soon. (Excerpt from Butter Moontide's Diary)
Lalapril 4/9: Emotion with @windupnamazu's Butter, Pancake and Cinnamon.
even the most powerful of starsingers need a little rest after opening up a portal to another world for so long.
Good Morning Butter! 
Or afternoon, or night! Depending on when you wake up from your little nap!  
I have my suspicions I’m going to be a little busy with going out and explaining to whoever asks about what happened back there. 
I made you and Pancake some cookies and sandwiches to eat together! Feel free to use my leftover ingredients to make some more if you wish to! I also left plenty of sliced fruits! Get lots of rest and remember that we all love you. We would do anything for the two of you. And Cinnamon too of course. As long as she watches the language. 
             -Love Lunya
Butter closed his diary, he really couldn’t believe just how many people knew about its existence at this point.
He could still remember when he had first decided to write down his thoughts on it so many years ago. It started as a way for him to write down the things he wanted to do that day, then before he knew it he was writing almost all of his thoughts and memories on it. 
Thanks to it he could see what he had been doing the day that Pancake learned to skip rocks on water, the time Cinnamon got stuck on a tree and the day they all made the decision to move into the mansion with Lunya and the others.
Back then Butter had no idea it was going to be one of the most important decisions of his life.
Not only his life, but Pancake’s too. Even Cinnamon’s.
Butter looked at the note in his hand. It looked like Lunya had written it in a bit of a hurry. Despite that, she still managed to write down a message for him and Pancake. He knew that whatever his parents had done probably had important people in Gridania asking way too many questions about what really happened. 
Questions that Lunya assured them she would take care of. Butter couldn’t thank her enough, for this and for everything she and Sirius had done for them. How would he ever thank them? 
It was just one of the many things that Butter would have to deal with later. 
Right now his problem, for lack of a better word, was that he was completely stuck. 
Earlier he had decided to spend his morning with Babycorn in the room she was recovering in. He was worried about her and wanted to see how she was doing. Obviously Cherrypit was in the room already. He was sitting on Babycorn’s bed, coloring in a picture he had drawn. When he first walked in, Butter noticed that he was still talking to Babycorn like she was still awake. It didn’t look like Cherrypit had even noticed him coming in.
An armchair was already in the room so Butter decided to sit there for the time being. When he sat down Cherrypit finally noticed him, he gave Butter a wave with a red crayon in his hand then went back to drawing. 
It wasn’t long before Pancake and Cinnamon joined Butter. By now Cherrypit had fallen fast asleep. It was early in the morning so it wasn’t a surprise. Pancake decided to grab an extra blanket and cover Cherrypit up. She even grabbed one for herself since it was a little chilly. 
“When do you think Babycorns gonna wake up?” Pancake asked. She had decided to sit on the armrest of the chair. Even though Butter had offered her the seat.
“Not sure.”
“I hope it’s soon.” 
It turned out that Cherrypit wasn’t the only one in the room that was tired. It didn’t take long until Butter, Pancake and Cinnamon had all fallen fast asleep.
…And then when Butter woke up  he realized that he was in a very precarious position. 
Pancake was hugging him tightly and Cinnamon was sleeping on top of his fluffy, spiky head. 
But what was really weird was that his diary was on his lap, almost like someone had placed it there. Then when Butter read the purple note sticking out from the margins of his diary, everything fell into place. 
Not only that but he noticed that there was a basket of cookies and sandwiches placed on the small table next to him. The cookies were all in the shape of various little flowers. They were all covered in different colored frosting. 
Lunya must have known that frosted cookies were one of his and Pancake’s favorite. 
‘I think Cinnamon taught me how to make this kind of cookie…?’ At one point it was all a baby Pancake would eat. It was hard to get her to eat anything else because of that. She would cry and cry and beg Butter for more of them that he would just eventually just give in and bake her some more. ‘I wonder if she remembers any of that?’ Butter tried to look up at Pancake but her head was still resting on his own.
He didn't dare move an ilm, at the risk of waking her up. 
At some point Cinnamon had decided enough was enough and had warned Pancake that if she kept eating cookies she would turn into a cookie herself and that Butter would eat her. 
Butter assured Pancake he would never do anything like that but after Pancake had cried her eyes out she promised that she would only treat cookies as a ‘sometimes’ food, as Cinnamon called it. 
'I think Cinnamon only wanted more of the cookies to herself…’ Butter wouldn’t have put it past her. He only remembered being mad at Cinnamon back then for making Pancake cry, but in retrospect it was probably a good thing that she stopped Pancake from eating too many sweets. 
Too much of a good thing can very quickly turn into a bad thing. Like a really bad tummy ache!
…But right now Butter really wanted to reach over and grab one of those cookies. They looked really yummy. Right now though, Pancake was grabbing onto him like someone would grab onto a big stuffed animal, which meant his hands were tied, so to speak.
Alongside the cookies was a basket of sandwiches. The sandwiches looked to be different types, Butter could see exactly one peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Pancake and Cinnamon would probably play a game to see which one of them got that one. 
Butter sunk into the seat a bit in an attempt to get more comfortable. Hopefully it wasn’t too comfy, he didn’t actually want to fall asleep again.
There was nothing more he could do but wait for Pancake to wake up and then she would probably wake up Cinnamon right after. Until then Butter decided to re-read the note Lunya had left for them. There was some relief in his heart to know, really know, that he and Pancake were actually wanted by someone near and dear to them. 
He had accepted it by now. Well sorta. A part of him was probably never going to really come to terms with it.
But Butter understood that what his parents decided to do ultimately had nothing to do with them. There was nothing that he or Pancake could have done to change their parents minds, he would know, he tried.
Cremia and Scotch had made their bed, so now they had to lie in it. Whatever happened next was up to his parents. None of it would have anything to do with them.
And that was that! 
Butter sighed, he opened his diary again and flipped through the pages. He stumbled on the note that Babycorn had written for him when they left Old Sharlayan for the first time. There was something about the way she wrote to him despite not being confident about her own writing had made Butter’s heart flutter back then.
All of a sudden, Butter felt something land on his lap. “Ah?” He lifted up his diary to see what was up, only to be met with Cherrypit’s empty gaze. “Oh! G-Good morning Cherry!” When had he woken up? Butter hadn’t even noticed! It wouldn’t have even been the first time. 
Cherrypit stared up at him and then at the diary Butter was holding. He slowly began to raise his red crayon in the air. 
“Cherry. No.” 
Cherrypit nodded, a playful smile crossing his face.
“...Okay fine, just one page.” There was no way Butter was strong enough to resist. He was still a little worried that Cherrypit would somehow be able to read all of the entries in his diary that were about fantasizing his perfect fairy-tale wedding with Babycorn. But, he had to keep reminding himself that Cherrypit was a baby and couldn’t read. 
Butter watched as Cherrypit began to draw a picture in his diary. At first Butter had no idea what Cherrypit was drawing, It sort of looked like a spiky hedgehog to him at first. Then Cherrypit put his crayon down, turned the diary around and pointed right at him. He was so excited about what he made he couldn’t sit still. 
Butter looked it over. He could tell instantly that Cherrypit had drawn him, a long sword in his hand and a star over his head. “Butts saved Bebe!” He smiled wide, “Thank you! Thank you!” Cherrypit hugged Butter as much as he could without stretching his arms out.
Babycorn always told him to go easy on the hugs around their friends, so that’s what he did!
Butter felt his eyes start to water. “T-Thanks Cherrypit!” he sniffled, “Lots of other people helped so remember to thank them t-too!” 
Cherrypit gave him a thumbs-up. “You got it!” It sounded like he was imitating someone when he said that. He must have heard someone say it before and thought it sounded cool. 
One thing was for sure, Butter was happy. Happier than he had been in weeks. Once his arms were free from Pancake’s grip he was going to make sure to write down all the most wonderful things he could in it. He needed to write more good memories with the people he loved to outweigh all the bad memories he had written regarding his parents. 
Once everything had settled down he would take Pancake somewhere fun! They would bake cookies together, bake cakes, make whatever she wanted to make! Go wherever they wanted to go! All together!
Maybe he would even tell Babycorn how he felt about her…
While on a date! Maybe somewhere with tasty food! 
Butter could still remember the last thing Babycorn had said to him that night. 
‘I want to go home with you.'
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Cinnamon scratched her head in frustration. “No faaiiiir! That was rigged! Rigged!!!!!” She slowly descended onto a bouquet of fresh flowers. They were soft enough for her to lean back and lie down on them.
Cinnamon figured she might as well since there was nothing better for her to do anyway. “I don’t think it's entirely fair for me to go after the baby in this game!” How was she supposed to know what the last letter in ‘Abbanagagabaowaabaeei’ was? Unfair is what it was! 
Butter laughed, “Cinnamon I already told you! There’s no winning or losing in this game!” If there were, then Cherrypit would have been out of the game over an hour ago. He didn’t really understand that you were supposed to say a word that started with the same letter that the last word ended with. 
Cinnamon pouted, “Then what’s the point of winning if there’s no rules! Don’t you think so Babycorn?” 
Babycorn remained silent, her glowing eyes looking downward.
“...I really was hoping that would get her to say something.” 
Cinnamon looked dejected. She wasn't the first to talk to Babycorn hoping for a response from her but a part of her hoped she would be the last to. “Whose turn was it next?” Cinnamon said in an attempt to change the subject. 
Butter gave Cinnamon an understanding smile. He knew that she was just trying to help in her own way and even if it hadn’t worked, he knew it was a step in the right direction.
Maybe Babycorn had heard them.?
He hoped he did. 
Pancake waved her hand in the air. “It’s my turn next!” She sang. She bounced Cherrypit on her lap, he laughed and mimicked her every move. Cherrypit raised his hand in the air and waved it around. When Pancake noticed Cherrypit staring towards his sister she tickled his cheek, just in case he was getting sad again.
“Don’t worry! She’s gonna wake up soon! I promise!” 
Cherrypit let out a squeal. He grabbed Pancake’s hand and gently bit down on it. “Pnapapnabmapanww!” He mumbled. 
“Cherrypit!” Pancake took her hand out of Cherrypit’s mouth and wiggled her finger back and forth. “Don’t do that! You don’t know where I’ve been!” 
“Panka in here!” He moved his hands all over to show that he was talking about the room they’d been in all morning. 
“That’s true…” Pancake forgot that Cherrypit was smarter than he looked. “Right! Okay here’s my word!” She closed her eyes, thinking long and hard over Cherrypit’s last word. Until she got it! “Eureka!” Her eyes twinkled with delight, “My word is Water!” 
Cherrypit clapped and cheered, “Panka win! Yay! Panka! Wins!” 
Cinnamon’s voice instantly rang out. “Aww what?! Home come Butter gets an easy word like water?! This is rigged I'm telling you!!”
Of course Pancake had no idea what Cinnamon was saying but from how red her glow was becoming it was clear she wasn’t very happy about something. 
It was Butter’s turn now but he hadn’t been listening. Almost all of his attention was being drawn into looking to see if Babycorn was reacting to anything. Despite all the talking and laughing near her, Babycorn looked the same as she had yesterday and the day before.
Completely still.
Butter desperately hoped she would wake up soon. Babycorn would wake up and laugh just like she used to. Talk like she used to, eat every tasty snack like she used to, fill every room with light just like she used to.
Butter grabbed the edge of his coat and crumpled it up. He really just missed Babycorn. He wished with all of his heart that she would be okay. 
“Butter? It’s your turn!” 
Butter looked over to Pancake, he could tell she was a little worried. “It’s okay you don’t have to play if you don’t want to.” she assured him.
“No it’s okay! I was just thinking of a word!” He successfully lied. In his defense, Butter had been listening carefully to Pancake and Cherrypit’s conversation, so he knew exactly what word Pancake had said. Butter raised his hand to his chin in thought, “Hmm…Let’s see…” There were so many words he could choose from it was hard to just pick one. 
“How about reunion?” 
Pancake feigned a gasp, “Woah what a big word! I'm surprised you know it!” She looked down and moved Cherrypit’s arms forward and backwards. “Don’t you think so Cherry?”
“Big! Big!” He giggled. 
Butter would have laughed along with him , but something stopped him. 
The sound of a voice, repeating the same word he had just said. 
He turned his head to look, and saw something that took his breath away.
Babycorn was awake. 
Her eyes were wide open as she stood on top of the bed. Her legs were shaking as she tried to keep herself standing.
Nobody knew how to react. There was a sense of relief and happiness at seeing Babycorn move but it had happened so suddenly, No one was prepared for it.
No one, but Babycorn. A smile crossed her face, becoming wider and wider. She took in a shaky breath as tears pooled up at the corners of her eyes. 
It was getting harder for her to keep her balance but Babycorn didn’t care. She took a step forward and tripped but before anyone could ask if she was okay, Babycorn jumped off the bed with her arms held out.  
“I’m okay! I’m okay!” 
It sounded like she was shouting in disbelief. Almost as if she couldn’t believe she had made it out alive. 
Butter noticed in an instant.
Babycorn was speaking. Her voice no longer echoed inside his head. 
As Babycorn fell towards the ground Butter felt his legs start to move.
He took a step forward, then another one and another. Before he knew it, he was holding his arms out ready to catch her. There was no way he was ever going to let anything happen to Babycorn as long as he could. 
Time felt like it was slowing down to a crawl. Babycorn’s eyes met with Butter’s. Her eyes were shining with tears building up in her eyes. Her long hair was messy from her having spent so much time sleeping. 
Her heart started beating faster and faster the closer she got to him. She reached out her hands towards him. ‘Catch me! Catch me and don’t let me go!’ Who had said that? 
Butter caught her. He spun her around as he cried out in happiness. He set her down on solid ground and hugged her tightly. “Babycorn! I’m so glad…” He was desperate to tell Babycorn just how much he missed her, how happy he was to see her alive and well. But no words would come out.
All Butter could do was cry onto her shoulder. 
Babycorn hugged him right back, not wanting to let him go. 
There was something so nice about seeing Butter again. Even after everything that had happened he and Pancake still looked the same. They were here and Butter had actually missed her?
That meant that he wasn’t upset with her for what had happened to his parents. Babycorn couldn’t even imagine how much they had gone through.
There was also something about Butter that was making her entire face warm up and her eyes swirl. “H-Hi?! Butts?!” She was overjoyed to see him but why in the world was she feeling this way?! 
Babycorn felt something land on her head. “Wah?” She looked up and saw Cherrypit staring right back at her. “Bebe! Bebe!” He was smiling wide, looking happier than he had looked in days.
He snuggled his face into his sister’s hair, repeating her name over and over. “No go again! No, no going!” He berated her. That was enough worrying for his big sister for once lifetime, thank you very much.
“I'll try my best…” Babycorn showed Butter an awkward smile. 
He laughed, letting out a wet sniffle. Words were still failing him. He was overcome with emotions.
“What Butter means is that we’ll all do our best!” Pancake ran up to Babycorn and hugged her too. “That’s enough of being sad for me!! It’s tiring, I'll have you know!” Pancake was so happy, happy that everything was okay. 
No one was hurt and everything was going to be okay! Her parents hadn’t taken everything away!
Babycorn took her hand and ruffled Pancake’s hair around. Something that had been much easier to do back when Pancake was younger.
Time just flew by…
Babycorn could still remember the day she first met them all. Who would have guessed that her tripping on her face into the dirt would one day lead to all of this?
Babycorn stood as tall as she could and whispered to Butter in a hushed tone. “I’m glad you didn’t go away…” 
Butter smiled, whispering back. “Me too…” 
Cinnamon flew over them in silence. Someone should probably let the others know that Babycorn was awake but Cinnamon figured that it was nice to let everyone here have a moment of quiet for now.
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missguomeiyun · 5 years
Homecookings [Feb ed.]
Like I said at the beginning of the yr, one of my goals is to experiment with food more.. . It is more challenging than it sounds when it comes to the physicality of it.
* Shift work makes it hard. My breakfast-lunch-dinner (3 meals) become 5-6 sometimes & the times are obviously around the clock so occasionally I ask myself “what should I eat now?” It’s not so much I have ‘nothing’ to eat or I have too many options, but rather, I gotta decide for my next meal(s). Should I bring this work? Would this taste ok after x hrs & reheated up in a microwave? Etc.. .
* I am an anti of meal-prepping. I’m glad it works for ppl (favourable or not) but it’s not for me. Some of the things I make are spicy to the point where my family can’t handle it, & a good proportion of these dishes are difficult to make in small, individual portions, which means I end up eating it for several meals consecutively. In turn, I’m meal-prepping without having an intention to.
* Not having a “free” kitchen makes it spatially limiting to cook. My parents do majority of the cooking & since we eat together, there’s simply no room for me to do my thing. 
All in all, I hope to cook more but it’s hard to, therefore I treasure each opportunity & make the most out of each use of the kitchen/meal : )
Which brings me to. .. the content of this post. Instead of doing individual posts for random things I make (unless it’s deserving of having its own dedicated post), I’ll just write a summary post at the end of each month, sharing these random acts of experimenting! **Note: some aren’t experimental in nature as I’m familiar with/have made it before on another occasion.
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^ Mexican rice & meatballs with some homemade cranberry sauce over a bed of iceberg lettuce (topped with some shredded mozza). Inspired by taco salads~ I just used the Sidekick Mexican rice that can be done up in 10mins or so. While that’s cooking, I prep my lettuce and cook the meatballs on the side. The whole thing took about 20mins to make
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^ Bokchoy + seaweed miso soup // deluxe ddeokbokki. My “deluxe ddeokbokki” basically contains several street food items: dumplings, fish cake, rice cakes, & kim-mari (which are deep fried seaweed rolls with glass noodles inside). I added a bit of each, & cooked it with kimchi, chicken broth, & the fire chicken instant noodle sauce that’s too hot to handle on its own. Oh! & I also added some dried seaweed shreds in just ‘cuz!
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^ A closer look at the deluxe ddeokbokki. SO GOOOOOOD!
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^ Beef-wrapped enoki mushrooms, with bulgogi sauce & fried garlic flakes on top. I had this same thing for dimsum when I was in Richmond, B.C. last February. Except the bundles were steamed in the bamboo steamers & the sauce was different (but same idea!). I pan-fried these. I would’ve wished the beef to be smokier; but with enoki mushrooms emitting moisture, it’s hard to get that crisp appearance. Room for improvement for the next time :P
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^ Baked beefsteak tomato with shredded mozza + honey-infused balsamic vinegar. I baked this in my toaster oven till the cheese melted, then sprinkled some more cheese before serving. I like having that difference in cheese texture. One thing to improve on for the next one: need to cut thicker pieces of tomato.
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^ Chicken + eggplant in red Thai curry with tartar-coated toasted bread. This red curry has been in the fridge for who knows how long... that its original jar/contained was tossed & the sauce/paste was actually in a small glass tupperware container. Anyway, it was spicy! The zestiness of the tartar sauce kinda took away from of the spiciness so it was nice!
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^ Avocado toast with ramen noodle snack! Had some leftover spicy rice cake-flavoured noodle snack, so I sprinkled some on top.
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^ Fusion kimchi fried rice with soup (cabbage, tofu, & chicken breast in Knorr chicken broth). It’s “fusion” bcos I (first) used some butter to toss up some frozen meatballs, & then I added the rice + kimchi + egg in.
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^ White beech mushrooms tossed in lemon pepper + truffle oil on buttered toast. Had an abundance of these mushrooms & I was trying a new way of eating them. Usually it’s very unexciting & used in a stirfry or a mushrooms-only stirfry in oyster sauce or something. But this was not bad!
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^ Parmesan spaghetti with (pre-seared) garlic beef. The sauce was made from parmesan powder, milk, butter, fresh ground black pepper, & a little bit of salt. Rather than a “cream”, it was drier & I was gladly able to control the flavour of it. I sprinkled a bunch of dried oregano on top, which gave the pasta a slightly bitter taste to contrast with the saltiness.
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^ Lettuce wrap meal for one :D used iceberg lettuce; beef was just lightly seasoned with salt & pepper; kimchi; & rice noodles + white beech mushrooms in a spicy soup. The soup consisted of: gochujang (for the sweetness, mainly), soy sauce (for savoury flavour), & a bit of fire chicken sauce (trust me! A bit is enough!!).
Hopefully I’ll still be blogging at the next leap year :)
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schoenetorten · 5 years
Game of Thrones Cake
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This Iron Throne cake was for my former neighbour's birthday
Actually, it should be called "Murphy's Cake", though. I've never had so much go wrong with a cake. ^^
It started out with the fondant. I wanted to use selfmade Marshmallow fondant (MMF) because it tastes slightly better than most bought fondant, and it's not that hard to make. So I did. Melted the marshmallows, kneaded in the powdered sugar, all fine. Then I wanted to color it grey, so I added some SugarFlair intense black and at the same time kneaded in some leftover black fondant from December - and suddenly the fondant became completely brittle and unelastic! I kneaded some more and heated it a bit, but to no avail. I had to throw the whole batch away. :-(
So I decided to go for store-bought fondant, after all. But that came with another set of problems later...
Normally, my approach for cakes to be served on Saturday is baking the cake on Wednesday, preparing the filling and buttercream or ganache on Thursday, and assembling and decorating the cake on Friday night. (In a case like this, I would ideally even have assembled it on Thursday, to have Friday wholly for decorating.) This time, though, we made plans for Thursday night and I kinda forgot that this would interfere with the cake schedule. So I had to make the filling (Creme patissiere) and buttercream (SMBC) on Friday, which delayed everything quite a bit.
When I finally had all my components, it turned out that I had much less buttercream than planned. I had prepared one batch and meant to combine it with the half batch of leftover buttercream from the freezer. Sadly, now that it was thawed I tasted it and realized it had gone bad in the meantime. :-( So I had to make do with the new batch. (I did not have more butter to make more buttercream, and it was almost 10 P.M. at this point.) Fortunately, it turned out to be barely enough, since I didn't need extra sharp edges etc. for this cake. Whew!
At least, I had enough cake, since I had made a DIN A4 sized high square cake (the so-called wonder cake dough, which is more stable then my usual sponge cake but less dense than pound cake). So I assembled, stacked and filled the main cake (which is the base of the throne). At least that part went according to plan! 
Then I attached the back of the throne, which I had planned to be a solid sheet of cake, with 4 long wooden spikes inserted to mount it on top of the base. That worked, too. Long enough for me to take a proud photo. Then it broke off, breaking the back in two and tearing down the side of the base with it! Gah!
So I had to do some quick rethinking (after halfway saving the broken cake). Obviously, cake was too heavy to be used as the back of the throne. So I decided to go for an inedible back instead. I took a thick cakeboard, cut it to the right shape, and covered that with fondant (using some of the gone-bad buttercream to attach the fondant, since this part was inedible, anyway) and turned the base around to use the opposite (unbroken) side as the back now. The good part about this approach was that the back could be delivered separately and wouldn't have to be chilled, so the cake would take much less space in the fridge. Also, covering the back and the base separately with fondant was actually easier. 
Sadly, this is where I discovered that the fondant I had bought (the only one available at our local super market) is apparently a really bad type - it is very dense and unelastic, so while it wasn't exactly brittle, I needed lots and lots of force to knead it and roll it out, and it took forever. *sigh* Also, I didn't buy enough. I estimated I'd need about 800 g, and bought another 200 for safety. Nope, not nearly enough for the amount of swords I had meant to add to the back of the throne... Should have planned for at least 1400 g. On the plus side, fewer swords on the back meant less weight on the back, so at least this made it less likely that the cake would crumble again.
To make the swords, I had two approaches: I had bought a mold for different swords and daggers etc., but these were relatively small (and making each one takes quite some time, of course), so I used these as ornaments. For the majority of the cake, I just cut stripes of fondant and then made swords out of that. (I had finally decided to buy a fondant ribbon cutter (which I had been wanting for a while). Turned out, though, that it wasn't much use - it didn't cut through (probably due to the dense fondant), and there only a few separators of the right width included. So in the end, I just used a big knife.)
Then, I painted everything with silver luster dust dissolved in clear alcohol. By the time I was done, it was half past 1 in the morning. ^_^
So yeah, this is the cake where, for once, basically everything went wrong. I have never had nearly so many things go wrong with a cake! 
But it was also tons of fun, and such a great challenge! And I'm proud of how it turned out, and of how I managed to handle the problems that came up. And the recipients were pleased as usual, so yay!
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365-money-diary · 4 years
DAYS 15-21
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8:40 AM - Wake up feeling sore AF. I should’ve stretched after playing, but I obviously didn’t. I also feel like my stomach didn’t eat itself from the inside out while I was sleeping so that’s nice too. Make a chemex and get to work.
10:00 AM - eat plant yogurt.
11:00 AM - eat a few carrots and a clementine.
12:30 PM - make a greek salad for lunch with a La Croix - this is the last of the salad ingredients until Thursday essentially. Shed a singular tear.
3:00 PM - I am a tiny bit hungry. Eat a piece of rye toast.
4:14 PM - I wanted to start working out 45 minutes ago ugh. OK here we go. The hour goes by a lot faster than I expected which is nice. Rinse off and cook an early dinner – Reubens and potatoes.
8:00 PM - I wanted to drink alcohol but I’m too full from dinner to even enjoy it. Heat up chamomile tea instead. I want to work on my blog but K wants to hang instead and I’m in no position to deny the closeness. We play some Mario Kart, watch 30 for 30 about BC and the mob, and turn in early.
8:30 AM - Make chemex and eat a clementine. My sister (S) asked me and my brother (B) to listen to a 20 minute session on the app Mined about codependency. I take a stab at it and get some good notes. 
10:00 AM - Landscaper is going to show up any second so I move my car and pick up dog poop. Text with S more about my cousin’s virtual baby shower tomorrow and go in on some cute stuff from PBKids. Total is $64.05 and she venmos me $32. $32.05
11:15 AM - I actually have a lot of stuff I need to do this weekend though right now I’m too annoyed at my neighbor to focus. Long story short – he has been wanting our dead grapefruit tree for like 6 months and keeps asking if he can cut it down. I said sure. But then he asked our landscaper to do it for him? It’s weird. I mostly don’t care because it’s gone, but the nerve he had to insert himself is wild. $120
12:00 PM - Make Tofu tacos for breakfast and make a to-do list of stuff I want to accomplish today. (post cauliflower leek soup, put away records, barre throw away things my mom has forced me to take out of her house over the years, wipe doors)
6:00 PM - Eat 2 rice cakes. I only manage to get the cauliflower leek soup up, put away the records, and throw away the stuff mom gave me. I think today ended up being a little bit overwhelming emotionally with the landscaper plus the codependency session so I’m kind of burnt. 
7:00 PM - Make pad thai for dinner. Can’t stop snacking on Swedish fish. Drink an old fashioned while K and I watch Night Stalker. Realize part way through that the reason I keep eating Swedish Fish is because something feels off. I fall asleep around 11:30 knowing it’s my blood pressure and that if it doesn’t fix over night I’ll get right to it in the morning.
8:00 AM - Wake up feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus. Ugh. I’ve been struggling with an iron deficiency for a while and have it mostly fixed but I still have occasional days where my blood pressure really gives me issues. 
9:00 AM - Peel myself out of bed and drink some soy sauce. Sounds disgusting but sodium is the only thing that truly helps AND it works fast. Drink a chemex and a boat load of water. Work on posting the cauliflower leek soup
10:00 AM - S calls and I take a walk to chat. I’m still feeling really down from the blood pressure but I know walking will help. It’s actually really nice to get outside. I should do this again later tonight.
11:00 AM - More soy sauce, more water, more coffee. Have a good direction for where I want to go today. Just taking it one task at a time based on how I feel and granting myself the grace.
12:30 PM - Feel good enough to start moving which is great because once I can get over the initial fog with this blood pressure stuff, moving is what keeps me feeling better. Wipe down the doors and then attend a virtual baby shower for my cousin E. 
3:00 PM - Make broccoli fried rice for lunch. I prefer the cauliflower but the store was out of it. I feel like this broccoli stuff would taste great with some kind of cilantro hummus situation but that’ll be for another day I suppose.
3:30 PM - Back to cleaning! The bathrooms are always terrible and today is no exception. It’s always hard to tell if I even make progress because everything is white and the grout is stained orange. Give up after an hour and a half.
6:30 PM - Tag team folding a couple loads of laundry with K while we watch NBA. This week ends bittersweet for my fantasy team. He beat me in one but I’m in first place in the other. Officially 3-1 and 4-0.
8:00 PM - Eat leftover pad thai for dinner.
8:30 AM - Wake up feeling like I was hit by a smartcar, so a little better! Today is MLK day and I’m grateful for the extra day off. Make a Chemex, drink some soy sauce, and watch an episode of The Challenge. Pure barre charge comes thru. $15
9:30 AM - Get started on dusting the entire house. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done this due to lack of Swiffer 360 dusters. It takes forever but honestly our house hasn’t looked this good in years. Swap out the lightbulbs in the bathrooms and the bedroom, shower, and eat a plant yogurt.
11:30 AM - Have a sibling zoom call with S&B I walk while we chat and it’s honestly really nice to get outside. 
1:30 PM - Start shooting my recipe for lasagna rollups. Eat a cup of cauliflower leek soup and a few pretzel rods while I cook. It takes a while but I think they turn out great.
4:00 PM - Eat a lasagna roll and watch an episode of The Challenge. I haven’t worked out in 400 years (read: yesterday and the day before.) and it’s low key killing me, so I suit up and do the thing.
6:00 PM - That was mildly painful. Low cal burn, couldn’t focus to save my life - new moves so lots of pausing during transitions. Oh well. At least I did it.
7:00 PM - Eat two more lasagna rolls for dinner. K and I watch Terrorism Close Calls and I drink a vodka + vanilla seltzer + orange peel.
8:30 AM - It’s appraisal day. Ugh. So excited to get this over with. Make a chemex and open my work stuff. I have a lot to do but have a feeling I won’t be able to concentrate very well until after the appraisal is over. On a nice note - I am feeling leaps and bounds better from yesterday and the day before. 
10:00 AM - Eat a plant yogurt and finish out the rest of my coffee. Meet with my teammates about an outstanding task and then do the random stuff around the house to prep for my appointment.
12:00 PM - Here goes nothing! K and I leave the house with KP and walk her around the block a few times until the appraisal is done. As much as I feel like my anxiety should be gone, it’s not. I think particularly because today is really busy with work. K and I hang out outside on our laptops for a bit to let the house air out before going back inside.
1:00 PM - Eat broccoli fried rice for lunch with a Polar seltzer. Snack on a pretzel rod and some Swedish Fish while it heats.
3:00 PM - Eat the last of the cauliflower leek soup and a few carrots.
5:30 PM - Make a nuun and do a barre live stream. My focus today is so much better but my cal burn is abysmal again. Rinse off and heat up lasagna rolls for dinner. Snack on Swedish Fish while they heat. I really wish I had wine right now because I can feel my body could use the extra help blood pressure-wise but I won’t get my alcohol delivery until Thursday. Sigh.
8:00 PM - Idk whats up but my body is asking for more food so I eat tortilla crumbs and salsa and some dark chocolate. Make vegan ham brine for seitan. Realize I’m out of liquid smoke and buy a 6 pack from Amazon. $15.37
9:30 PM - It’s official, this iron thing is killing me. Ugh. Now I know. I’ll be more conscientious of my supplements, I promise! Finish editing photos of Thousand Island Dressing, watch The Challenge and call it a day.
8:30 AM - Still feeling off from iron. This is seriously the worst it’s been in MONTHS. Worst part - it takes 4 weeks for you to produce new blood cells so I can only assume this will happen again since there was a substantial gap in my supplementing.
9:00 AM - Make a chemex, prep the seitan ham dough and bake. I chat with Google support for an account I’m having problems with. The person’s name is Swastika. Feels like a bad omen for inauguration day. Eat 2 clementines and pretzel rod.
12:20 PM - Starving. Decide on Lasagna roll ups for lunch with a Polar. 
2:00 PM - Finish my work for the day. I have on my list of things to do that I want to test this orange spice bread for the blog.
3:00 PM - Spice bread in the oven. Do a round of dishes to prep for tonight’s grocery run. It doesn’t come out great and I eat two slices.
5:15 PM - Do a barre live stream and it goes really well. Super focused, super strong, super sweaty. One more class to go for the challenge this month! Rinse off and continue prepping the kitchen and do the final bake on the ham. 
7:05 PM - Ensue grocery madness. Incoming of onions, bananas, lemons, limes, bell peppers, cucumbers, cheese, cheeze, tortilla chips, tomatoes, dark chocolate, green beans, broccoli, jalapeños, low carb tortillas, bread, oranges, potatoes, cilantro, chickpeas, romaine, celery, clementines, spring mix, frozen burritos, apples, oat milk, tofu, soyrizo, brussels sprouts, eggs, grapes, frozen peas, vegan sour cream, taco seasoning, tomato paste, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, corn, black beans, avocados, mushrooms, snap peas, pineapple, vegan mayo, carrots, rice noodles, seltzer, beets, cauliflower, parsley, pumpkin seeds, thyme, plant yogurt, garlic, riced broccoli, white rice, gf pretzels, micro arugula, & black olives. $327.69
8:15 PM It takes over an hour, but everything is washed and put away! Make air fried broccoli with miso butter and veggie sandwiches for dinner. 
9:00 PM - Make a crappy drink with flavored vodka. The only thing I have in my house is shooters left over from my sister’s bachelorette party. She’s now divorced if that gives you any idea of how long this stuff has been sitting around. More alcohol comes tomorrow at least! Eat a few Swedish fish.
9:30 PM - Play Mario Kart, watch The Challenge, and call it a night.
8:30 AM - Chemex and work. Alcohol is coming sometime this AM from my friend J who has a wholesale hookup. Much like everything else in the pandemic, I just buy in bulk. It’s easier that way!
10:30 AM - Eat a slice of orange spice bread for breakfast. It’s definitely growing on me but I think I need to adjust a few things before shooting/posting. J drops off my booze order. I got 2 crates of wine (24 bottles total), a bottle of bourbon, rye, mezcal, rum, and st. germaine. She says it was $400 but I pay her more. $450
11:00 AM - Start prepping chile de arbol salsa & stuff for this week’s salad - spring mix, roasted tofu with taco seasoning, avo, chipotle ranch dressing, cilantro, green onion, black beans, tomatoes and corn. YUM. Eat salad with a La Croix. 
3:00 PM - I get the appraisal back! My house came in at $390k. (I bought it for $245k) OMG! Eat a celebratory slice of orange bread.
6:45 PM - Finish class 15/15 for the barre challenge. 11 more months to go. hah! Rinse off, roast potatoes for veggie sandwiches. Pour a celebratory glass of wine. 
8:30 PM - Pour another half glass. What a week! End up going on a walk with K & KP which was really nice. I need to get out more. This weekend I will. Stay tuned. ~*~*~
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average-fanfics · 7 years
Wizardess Heart Modern Au
So this was greatly inspired by Rayheart on tumblr, with her modern AU. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to write it. This is still Gedonelune but given a modern world instead. I am basing this off of both my high school in Australia and what my friend's high school is like for her in America. Also, Wienfix is mentioned in Sigurd's route (but I found it on tumblr). I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AMERICAN FOOTBALL, SORRRRYYYYY….
“So Liz, you going to attend the football match tonight?” Liz turned to her left to face her best friend, Amelia. They were walking together on the way to their next class, which was an elective, and the only class they have together.
“Of course! I love to cheer on the football team, especially Klaus, Serge, Vincent, Guy, and Glenn!” Liz enjoys cheering on her friends every week, either it is a home game or an away game.
“You should consider the cheerleading squad, Liz,” Amelia suggested, combing her fingers through her orange hair, trying to catch knots that didn’t leave that morning with her hairbrush.
“I don’t know… plus I have to wear those suggestive outfits, and guys already hit on me left to right.” Liz explained her reason to not join. SHe would love to cheer for her guys and be a part of a team, but with boys around the school constantly flirting with her, she doesn’t want the extra attention.
“I understand your reasoning, but in most stories, the cheerleading squad girls are the most popular girls on campus! Think of that, popular!” Amelia’s grin was spread across her face, popularity looking good to her.
“I don’t need to be popular when I have friends that care about me.”
They stopped in their tracks as Amelia gives her a big hug. “This is why we all love you, Liz.”
“All I need is my friend’s love.” Liz hugged her back before the pair started walking again to their class.
Liz had spent years of her life alone, after her and her parents were involved in a freak car accident. When Liz was only 13, they were on a trip to the neighboring continent, Wienfix, when unfortunately, a drunk man speeding in the opposite direction collided with their car. The car was severely damaged in the front, killing both of Liz’s parents. She survived in the back seat and had to live with her aunt and cousin for 4 years till she was 17. She now lives in an apartment by herself, earning her wages by working at the local cat cafe.
The first period passed as normal, as did the next 3 periods until lunch. She had cooking during the 4th period, meaning payday. This was another way to earn money. She would cook and end up selling the food at lunchtime, she didn’t ask for this, but she needs any extra money to continue living alone.
“So today I made some Yo-Yos. They are an Australian biscuit, which is also called Melting Moments. They have a cream filling and are extremely sugary, with lots of butter as well. Unhealthy but delicious.” Liz explained the contents of the biscuit.
“They look delicious, Liz.” Elias was the first person to comment on her food. Having a sweet tooth, and instantly bought some before they were gone, Klaus not too far behind.
“Just what I need before practice. Be better if I had tea with me.” Klaus bought some before more guys started to show.
“You should try some coffee, Klaus. I bet these are amazing with coffee.” Sigurd butted in. Klaus instantly scrunched his face, disgusted by even the mention of coffee.
“Keep that coffee far away from me, also Serge gave me his money to buy some for him since he is already down at the pitch. He said he needed a lot of whatever you baked.” He gave extra money to Liz to buy some for Serge.
“Tell Serge I said hi, and you're welcome for baking these.” Liz smiled, knowing how happy Serge would be for these sweets.
“Will do.” And with that, Klaus was off.
“Can’t believe he won’t try coffee… Maybe I should swap his tea for coffee sometime.” Sigurd walked off after purchasing a couple of Yo-Yos. You could tell by the concentrated look on his face, he was figuring out a way to make Klaus drink coffee.
Lunch rolled past quickly, with all her sweets being sold before halfway through lunch. Yukiya had popped in to buy 1, while other’s like Luca and Joel, bought a handful, not letting the ‘beautiful’ food go to waste.
For the rest of lunch, she sat down on the grass field, overlooking the football and the football team practicing, with Amelia. They gossiped, well, Amelia gossiped, about what was going on through school. A secret relationship was revealed when they told their friends they were dating, and one girl accidentally told another girl. That other girl had a habit of not keeping things secret, and by the end of the day, Amelia was sure the whole year level would know this. And by the end of the week, the whole school would know. That was the way it worked here at Gedonelune High School. Something couldn’t remain a secret for long.
The day quickly ended, with Liz walking side by side with Amelia, on the way to the cat cafe to attend work. The bonus of working there, you get to hang around cats. When Amelia and Liz arrived, they changed into their uniform, a simple white shirt and black skirt with an apron. It had only been 5 mins until Elias walked through the door with a book in hand, and sat in his regular corner seat.
Liz walked up to him, with a notepad to take down orders in hand, and tapped his shoulder to get him out of his book. “So what would you like today, Elias? The normal chocolate and caramel slice with hot chocolate, or would you maybe want to try our new triple chocolate cake?”
“I would like the normal hot chocolate, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 marshmallows, and I would like to try the new chocolate cake please.” Elias smiled as a tabby cat came over and sat on his lap. “Hello, Mr. Fluffy, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He talked to the cat, which was named Mr. Fluffy because of his large fluffy fur.
Liz walked back up to the counter and told Liz his order. “I swear, he orders diabetes every day.” Amelia laughed.
“Klaus isn’t any better. They both live off sugar, which apparently they and their older brother got from their father.” Liz laughed along as they both prepared his order. Liz working on the hot chocolate and Amelia cut a slice of cake for him. When both were finished, Liz walked back over to him with a plate in hand, and he instantly started eating.
After eating, Elias complimented her on the food. “Thank you, Liz, I deeply enjoyed the cake and hot chocolate.” He gave his fan-killing smile to Liz, which could melt anyone’s heart. “The cat’s are just an added bonus, as I mostly come here to see you- I mean eat your food! You did say you cook some of the food here, right!” He was blushing from head to toe, causing Liz to blush as well.
Liz gave a slight thank you, as she walked away to the counter, Amelia watching the exchange from her position with the widest grin on her face. “You two are soooo adorable together!” She squealed at Liz, getting excited. “I hope you two date someday!” This caused Liz to blush even more.
The next couple of hours continued, with Elias leaving not too long after the embarrassing conversation. He normally stays for longer, but the girls guess he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but either could Liz. However, the shift continued with nothing of the sort happening again, just serving customers.
Amelia and Liz made plans that Amelia would drop Liz off at her place, as usual, but pick her up later to attend the football match. This prevented Liz from happening to walk to the school grounds at dark, even if the school is in walking distance.
An hour later, they were both at the school football field, cheering on their fellow friends. Sitting with them on the bleachers was Elias, Yukiya, Azusa, Joel, and Leon. Not too far was Cerim, Leslie, Sigurd and Mel, and Luca sitting amongst the girls, obviously with his new girlfriend, which would not last too long. God knows how many girlfriends he has had, although Amelia might actually know since she stays a top of gossip.
The game was off to a good start, with Guy being the fastest runner, scoring a goal. This continued on, with their team winning. With a combination of Glenn’s strength, Guy’s speed, their teammates, which includes Serge and Vincent, and Klaus’ leadership as captain, they were sure to win.
It was halftime break, and Amelia used this to talk to the guys sitting with her and Liz. “So Yukiya, take anymore stray cat’s home again?”
Yukiya moved his head so he was facing Amelia. “I found a stray cat on the way back home after school, but after mum’s last warning about bringing home another animal, I could only give him some leftover lunch and make a little shelter out of nearby boxes and containers.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet…” Amelia cooed.
“I could maybe take that cat home, could you show me where it is if it is still there?” Leon asked Yukiya, who was sitting next to him.
“Sure. Let’s just hope the cat is still there.”
“I love cats,” Elias joined the conversation. “but unfortunately, Klaus is allergic to cat hair so I’m not allowed to bring any home.”
“That’s a shame,” Yukiya responded.
The game then continued, with their school still in the lead. The other team was gaining up, causing a tie. Both teams were desperate to win this match, which would lead them to the finals. They had little time left and wanted to try every strategy to win. They decided on Guy going in for the final goal, and fortunately, he did it. He managed to score a goal before the end of the game, meaning that they won!
Everyone from Gedonelune High School ran down to the pitch to congratulate them on the win. Liz headed down as well, but not running like everyone else. She headed to where Klaus and Serge were crowded.
“Hello Klaus, Serge. Great job on winning tonight!” She smiled up at them as she felt happy for their win.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without those delicious treats at lunch!” Serge hugged her, his way of saying thank you.
“Serge, I wouldn’t mind a hug normally, but you’re sweaty.” Liz pointed out. He immediately let go, now aware of how terrible he must smell.
“Those treats were delicious, Liz, and I do believe they helped us today.” Klaus butted in, obviously not happy that Serge was close to Liz.
The crowd eventually faded, and Liz was dropped off at her apartment by Amelia. She quickly changed into her pajamas, taking out her twin pig-tails held together by pink ribbon. She flopped onto her bed quite dramatically, as she felt exhausted from today’s events. She had a quick scroll through social media before falling fast asleep, dreaming about the events of the day. Selling food, the football match, and don’t forget about Elias’ blushing. That was the most awkward of today's events. She dreamed of something happening between the two, a romance.
She was happy in her dreamland until she woke up.
Word count: 1885
Yeah, so that is it. Will Liz end up with someone, since 15 guys like her? That scene with Elias though, our adorable tsundere is all grown up! If I continue this, it might have one feature guy per chapter, I don’t know. Again, thanks to Rayheart for her amazing modern AU that prompted me to write this!
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bethanlovesfood · 5 years
Sun, Bread, Cake, Run, Leftovers, Clapping and Chatting.
We’re being spoilt rotten by the weather. It’s been gorgeous again!
Started the day with a loaf of bread. Sooooo tasty. Had to test a bit, straight from the oven. 🍞
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A cake was requested today, so I decided to use my trusy Victoria sandwich recipe. This recipe isn’t mine, it’s the same as every recipe I’ve seen.
180g caster sugar
180g softened butter
3 eggs
180g self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pre-heat oven time gas mark 4 or equivalent. Prepare two 20cm cake tins.
Beat the sugar and butter until soft and fluffy and not too grainy.
I add one egg at a time and whisk with my electric hand whisk. With the final egg, add the vanilla.
Fold in the flour slowly, until completely combined.
Spoon equally into the tins and bake for 25 minutes, until beginning to colour and a sharp knife tip comes out clean.
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Normally we’d have raspberry jam, but we had more strawberry jam left, so we used that. Also, I made a cream cheese filling with some cream cheese spread and icing sugar.
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It’s scrummy, if I do say so myself. 🍰
With the sun beating down, I decided to venture out for my daily ration of exercise. Ran 10k around Bethesda. So fortunate to have such amazing surroundings to take our daily exercise. It makes such a difference knowing you can walk from the house to a mountain or river. We could walk to the sea for a picnic too.
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On my return, I found a dazed honey bee by our door. Quick bit of sugar water prepared and he drank away.
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He then went for a nap under the spoon to recover from his inevitable hangover.
While doing a food stocktake, I found a frozen portion of bolognese. Not enough for two, so I added half a tin of chopped tomatoes, a handful of olives, leftover mozzarella and did a pan of mushrooms (not for me 🤢). Absolutely scrummy with jacket potatoes.
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Finally, it was AMAZING to be a part of the NHS applause. Even in our little village, it was a great sound with a few whoops and fireworks thrown in. Great opportunity to have a natter with our next door neighbour (far enough apart obviously).
So many positives today. 😊 Really enjoying updating our kitchen blackboard everyday. It takes my mind off the shitty bits. 😊
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 years
The Best Slice
So, since this flash fiction piece has already been rejected by publishers a couple times, I decided to just publish it myself - both because I’d really like some feedback on it and because I’m just really proud of it. So, hope you guys enjoy and, if you have any comments or constructive criticism, I’d love to hear it! ^v^
Of all of our natural resources that could have been used up, I never expected pumpkin to be the one that did. But it did, and right in the middle of September too. Talk about bad timing. 
Pumpkins were still being harvested at the time, but the seeds that were being grown to replace them just stopped sprouting. No matter where or how they were planted, pumpkins just weren’t growing anymore. None of the botanists or farmers could explain why, and that just made the frenzy to get pumpkins all the more chaotic. 
Prices for pumpkin products skyrocketed, but no one cared, not when these were possibly the last pumpkins ever! Starbucks practically had several riots on their hands when they started running out of pumpkin spice lattes. By mid-october, pumpkin products had all but completely disappeared. Pumpkin cakes, pudding, donuts, soup - all gone. Even pumpkin-scented candles were bought by the dozens! The only pumpkin things still around were the pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies. However, those didn’t last too long. Most people wouldn’t buy cookies if they felt like the cookies were mocking them.
Obviously Jack-o-lanterns were few and far between that year. Some were put out early and rotted well before Halloween, while others were saved and left uncarved for as long as possible. Needless to say, this fun (yet sort of macabre when you really think about it) tradition was quickly put to rest. Thanksgiving was even more awkward, with an obvious pie-shaped empty space left on most dinner tables. As the world moved on from fall to Christmas, botanists still tried to figure out what was wrong with the seeds they had left, hoping to have pumpkins back on the shelves by next fall. Farmers on the other hand roasted the seeds, knowing that it was the closest thing people would have to tasting pumpkin again. Those guys definitely made a killing.
Unfortunately, nothing seemed to work, and the first pumpkin-free fall came and went. Everything else was the same, but the empty feeling of knowing something was missing was still there. 
...However, as the years went on, this empty feeling faded and things more or less fell into place. Summer’s apple and cherry pies stuck around longer while Winter’s peppermint products snuck into the later half of autumn. Jack-o-lantern were replaced by paper lanterns, and most chefs have found replacement vegetables like sweet potato and squash that they’re more than happy to work with. We’ve adapted, we’ll tell ourselves. We can live without one orange vegetable, it wasn’t that even that great! We’ve moved on from that overhyped orange plant, and the joys of fall can stand tall without it! This is our way of thinking, not wanting to cling to the past - and like most, I’ve accepted it.
And yet… Despite this, my eyes still refuse to leave the box of pumpkin bread mix that my girlfriend is holding, as if blinking would somehow make it disappear forever. “I- H-How?! Where did you even get this?” I ask her.
She continues to grin at me. “Take a guess!”
I smirk. “Did you win it from a witch? It is witch season, after all, and you could totally take on a witch. Or maybe you stole it from some food museum archive and now you’re just trying to frame me.”
Mina holds the box to her chest, slightly crushing the smiling baker boy on the front with her thumb while she holds her other hand to her forehead, striking a dramatic pose. “Curses, you’ve foiled my plans! Damn you and your clever, beautiful mind!” We both fall into a fit of laughter at that, and once we settle down she informs me that she simply found it for sale on Ebay. “With the whole pumpkin craze dead and buried, I guess they were tired of hoarding it and just figured they should just take whatever they can get. And, well…” Her smile softens as she brushes a strand of hair away from her face. “Pumpkin bread was always your favorite, right? And yeah, I know this probably doesn’t have that much real pumpkin in it anyway and is pretty old so who knows how good it’s going to taste but-”
I stop her with a quick kiss and tight hug, ignoring the corners of the box that are poking into my chest. “Trust me, it’s perfect,” I tell her, our foreheads touching. “Wanna help me make it?” She simply kisses me back.
We start the oven, and the old mix is quickly poured into a bowl. Once we’ve gotten out the ingredients, we roll up our sweater sleeves and get to work. I take on the task of measuring the milk and cooking oil while Mina volunteers to crack the eggs. An old Halloween station plays in the background, and we pause our baking just long to sing and dance along to “Monster Mash”. Soon enough, the ingredients are mixed - with very little splashback from the old hand-mixer my mom gave me, thankfully - poured into a pan and placed in the oven. We continue to dance and sing and talk as the bread rises, and before the timer rings, Mina finds an old pair of candles from storage and lights them, placing them on the coffee table. Cranberry scented so, probably from Christmas.
Once it’s out, we discuss saving a few slices but ultimately decide against it, both of us acknowledging that mushy microwaved leftovers weren’t worth having. So we slice up the bread, each of us getting several slices on our plate. 
The scent fills the whole apartment, warming us up more than any fireplace or sweater could. I add a dollop of butter to mine, watching it melt and soak into the bread as we head into the living room. We sit down on the couch just as “Autumn Leaves” comes on over the radio. With my head near my girlfriend’s shoulder, I take a bite.
It’s the best pumpkin bread I’ve ever eaten.
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omnomwithrob · 6 years
Jesus is not your caterer.
Saturday, April 14th was a big day in Rosie’s little life - she was getting baptized! Her original baptism was scheduled for a weekend in February (we Catholics get right to it) - however, I was plagued by a nasty case of hives, and Chicago was plagued by a blizzard. The good Lord seemed to feel this was not the right time for Rose’s baptism. But save a flat tire for my best friend Celeste (Rosie’s godmother) that kept her from completing the trip, our rescheduled ceremony at our local parish went off without a hitch.
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Following the ceremony, Rob and I were delighted to host our parents, my brother and his little family, and Rose’s godfather and his wife for a casual lunchtime reception at our place. When deciding what to serve for this meal, I knew it would probably take me about a week to break up the cooking and cleaning - baby Rose would surely (and did) provide a fair amount of interference with my usual rate of productivity. To make things a bit easier on myself, I decided that for the main course, we would order fried chicken from our favorite spot, Honey Butter Fried Chicken. Not only would it be easy, I knew it would be amazing and a real Chicago treat for our guests who had traveled so far for this event. I called a few days in advance to give HBFC a heads up and then placed the order when we were leaving the church. Rob and our parents picked it up on their way home, and the whole arrangement was seamless.
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Along with the chicken came a whole bunch of little cornbread muffins (and obviously loads of honey butter), but I took over from there with some make-ahead side dishes. First up was deviled eggs, which seemed like an appropriate bite to accompany fried chicken. The night before the baptism, I covered six eggs in a saucepan with cold water and then brought the water to a rolling boil. Then, I covered the eggs and removed them from the heat for eight minutes (that’s what my mom always used to do, but I think a few minutes longer might be better for me). After the eggs had cooled, (my mother-in-law and) I peeled the eggs, and then I halved them and removed the yolks to a bowl. I then combined the cooked yolks with a little mayonnaise (less is more), mustard, white vinegar, salt and pepper, and a little sugar. I refilled the egg whites with the filling, and sprinkled paprika and dried parsley on top (another Mom move). It’s a very simple version of deviled eggs, and I’ve always liked it just as well, if not better, than fancier versions.
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I also pre-made some cheesy potatoes and coleslaw. We typically make cheesy potatoes for holidays in my family, and fittingly, you can find the recipe in this post from Christmas. This was actually my first time making them myself, and even after preparing them the day before, I think they came out just as well as they do when my folks make them back home.
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I have to confess: my favorite coleslaw on earth comes from KFC. I even entertained the idea of going to KFC to pick up some coleslaw, but I had trouble reconciling serving another non-homemade dish to our guests. Usually I am very, very wary of copycat recipes I find online, but I decided to give this KFC Coleslaw recipe from Gonna Want Seconds a try. Of note, the recipe mentioned that it serves 4 as a side; I was expecting 12, so I tripled it. It made ENTIRELY TOO MUCH COLESLAW. But it was really good, so I didn’t mind having leftovers for days. 
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They say never to make a recipe for the first time when you’re entertaining, but I was so glad I made this coleslaw! It really did taste so much like KFC’s coleslaw and was a great addition to our spread of fried chicken and tried-and-true sides. I will say, it made waaaaay too much dressing - you could probably do half of the amount it makes. But, on the bright side, the dressing was delicious. I think the secret is the little bit of sugar that goes in it - and speaking of sugar...
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It might not have been so bad to bake a cake myself - it’s kind of the ultimate make-ahead dish. But again, in the name of taking it easy on myself, I had Rob pick up some of our beloved Stan’s Donuts earlier that morning. I thought all-white would look nice for a baptism celebration, so I ordered a mix of vanilla glazed and coconut cake - both were fantastic, as usual!
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This was such a happy day for us. Not only was our little girl baptized, it also felt good to really entertain for the first time since Rose was born. It was an entirely new challenge to get the condo in entertaining-shape, decorate it, and cook, all while attending to a four month-old pretty much on my own (poor Rob has been completely slammed with freelance work on nights and weekends). I was also kind of proud of myself for acknowledging my limitations and making good decisions about which dishes to order rather than make myself. The fried chicken and donuts were both fantastic, and I would highly recommend both Honey Butter Fried Chicken and Stan’s for entertaining. Plus, my make-ahead sides were low-stress and really delicious. Aside from the Celeste’s unfortunate absence, I wouldn’t have changed a thing about this special day for our little family. You know, it occurred to me that on April 14th of last year, we learned we were going to have a baby. Exactly one year later, we were watching that baby get baptized in a church we love and with such close family and friends present - with no blizzard, and no hives :)  It all felt meant to be.
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averagefanfics · 4 years
So this was greatly inspired by Rayheart on tumblr, with her modern AU. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to write it. This is still Gedonelune but given a modern world instead. I am basing this off of both my high school in Australia and what my friend's high school is like for her in America. Also, Wienfix is mentioned in Sigurd's route (but I found it on tumblr). I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AMERICAN FOOTBALL, SORRRRYYYYY….
“So Liz, you going to attend the football match tonight?” Liz turned to her left to face her best friend, Amelia. They were walking together on the way to their next class, which was an elective, and the only class they have together.
“Of course! I love to cheer on the football team, especially Klaus, Serge, Vincent, Guy, and Glenn!” Liz enjoys cheering on her friends every week, either it is a home game or an away game.
“You should consider the cheerleading squad, Liz,” Amelia suggested, combing her fingers through her orange hair, trying to catch knots that didn’t leave that morning with her hairbrush.
“I don’t know… plus I have to wear those suggestive outfits, and guys already hit on me left to right.” Liz explained her reason to not join. SHe would love to cheer for her guys and be a part of a team, but with boys around the school constantly flirting with her, she doesn’t want the extra attention.
“I understand your reasoning, but in most stories, the cheerleading squad girls are the most popular girls on campus! Think of that, popular!” Amelia’s grin was spread across her face, popularity looking good to her.
“I don’t need to be popular when I have friends that care about me.”
They stopped in their tracks as Amelia gives her a big hug. “This is why we all love you, Liz.”
“All I need is my friend’s love.” Liz hugged her back before the pair started walking again to their class.
Liz had spent years of her life alone, after her and her parents were involved in a freak car accident. When Liz was only 13, they were on a trip to the neighboring continent, Wienfix, when unfortunately, a drunk man speeding in the opposite direction collided with their car. The car was severely damaged in the front, killing both of Liz’s parents. She survived in the back seat and had to live with her aunt and cousin for 4 years till she was 17. She now lives in an apartment by herself, earning her wages by working at the local cat cafe.
The first period passed as normal, as did the next 3 periods until lunch. She had cooking during the 4th period, meaning payday. This was another way to earn money. She would cook and end up selling the food at lunchtime, she didn’t ask for this, but she needs any extra money to continue living alone.
“So today I made some Yo-Yos. They are an Australian biscuit, which is also called Melting Moments. They have a cream filling and are extremely sugary, with lots of butter as well. Unhealthy but delicious.” Liz explained the contents of the biscuit.
“They look delicious, Liz.” Elias was the first person to comment on her food. Having a sweet tooth, and instantly bought some before they were gone, Klaus not too far behind.
“Just what I need before practice. Be better if I had tea with me.” Klaus bought some before more guys started to show.
“You should try some coffee, Klaus. I bet these are amazing with coffee.” Sigurd butted in. Klaus instantly scrunched his face, disgusted by even the mention of coffee.
“Keep that coffee far away from me, also Serge gave me his money to buy some for him since he is already down at the pitch. He said he needed a lot of whatever you baked.” He gave extra money to Liz to buy some for Serge.
“Tell Serge I said hi, and you're welcome for baking these.” Liz smiled, knowing how happy Serge would be for these sweets.
“Will do.” And with that, Klaus was off.
“Can’t believe he won’t try coffee… Maybe I should swap his tea for coffee sometime.” Sigurd walked off after purchasing a couple of Yo-Yos. You could tell by the concentrated look on his face, he was figuring out a way to make Klaus drink coffee.
Lunch rolled past quickly, with all her sweets being sold before halfway through lunch. Yukiya had popped in to buy 1, while other’s like Luca and Joel, bought a handful, not letting the ‘beautiful’ food go to waste.
For the rest of lunch, she sat down on the grass field, overlooking the football and the football team practicing, with Amelia. They gossiped, well, Amelia gossiped, about what was going on through school. A secret relationship was revealed when they told their friends they were dating, and one girl accidentally told another girl. That other girl had a habit of not keeping things secret, and by the end of the day, Amelia was sure the whole year level would know this. And by the end of the week, the whole school would know. That was the way it worked here at Gedonelune High School. Something couldn’t remain a secret for long.
The day quickly ended, with Liz walking side by side with Amelia, on the way to the cat cafe to attend work. The bonus of working there, you get to hang around cats. When Amelia and Liz arrived, they changed into their uniform, a simple white shirt and black skirt with an apron. It had only been 5 mins until Elias walked through the door with a book in hand, and sat in his regular corner seat.
Liz walked up to him, with a notepad to take down orders in hand, and tapped his shoulder to get him out of his book. “So what would you like today, Elias? The normal chocolate and caramel slice with hot chocolate, or would you maybe want to try our new triple chocolate cake?”
“I would like the normal hot chocolate, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 marshmallows, and I would like to try the new chocolate cake please.” Elias smiled as a tabby cat came over and sat on his lap. “Hello, Mr. Fluffy, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He talked to the cat, which was named Mr. Fluffy because of his large fluffy fur.
Liz walked back up to the counter and told Liz his order. “I swear, he orders diabetes every day.” Amelia laughed.
“Klaus isn’t any better. They both live off sugar, which apparently they and their older brother got from their father.” Liz laughed along as they both prepared his order. Liz working on the hot chocolate and Amelia cut a slice of cake for him. When both were finished, Liz walked back over to him with a plate in hand, and he instantly started eating.
After eating, Elias complimented her on the food. “Thank you, Liz, I deeply enjoyed the cake and hot chocolate.” He gave his fan-killing smile to Liz, which could melt anyone’s heart. “The cat’s are just an added bonus, as I mostly come here to see you- I mean eat your food! You did say you cook some of the food here, right!” He was blushing from head to toe, causing Liz to blush as well.
Liz gave a slight thank you, as she walked away to the counter, Amelia watching the exchange from her position with the widest grin on her face. “You two are soooo adorable together!” She squealed at Liz, getting excited. “I hope you two date someday!” This caused Liz to blush even more.
The next couple of hours continued, with Elias leaving not too long after the embarrassing conversation. He normally stays for longer, but the girls guess he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but either could Liz. However, the shift continued with nothing of the sort happening again, just serving customers.
Amelia and Liz made plans that Amelia would drop Liz off at her place, as usual, but pick her up later to attend the football match. This prevented Liz from happening to walk to the school grounds at dark, even if the school is in walking distance.
An hour later, they were both at the school football field, cheering on their fellow friends. Sitting with them on the bleachers was Elias, Yukiya, Azusa, Joel, and Leon. Not too far was Cerim, Leslie, Sigurd and Mel, and Luca sitting amongst the girls, obviously with his new girlfriend, which would not last too long. God knows how many girlfriends he has had, although Amelia might actually know since she stays a top of gossip.
The game was off to a good start, with Guy being the fastest runner, scoring a goal. This continued on, with their team winning. With a combination of Glenn’s strength, Guy’s speed, their teammates, which includes Serge and Vincent, and Klaus’ leadership as captain, they were sure to win.
It was halftime break, and Amelia used this to talk to the guys sitting with her and Liz. “So Yukiya, take anymore stray cat’s home again?”
Yukiya moved his head so he was facing Amelia. “I found a stray cat on the way back home after school, but after mum’s last warning about bringing home another animal, I could only give him some leftover lunch and make a little shelter out of nearby boxes and containers.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet…” Amelia cooed.
“I could maybe take that cat home, could you show me where it is if it is still there?” Leon asked Yukiya, who was sitting next to him.
“Sure. Let’s just hope the cat is still there.”
“I love cats,” Elias joined the conversation. “but unfortunately, Klaus is allergic to cat hair so I’m not allowed to bring any home.”
“That’s a shame,” Yukiya responded.
The game then continued, with their school still in the lead. The other team was gaining up, causing a tie. Both teams were desperate to win this match, which would lead them to the finals. They had little time left and wanted to try every strategy to win. They decided on Guy going in for the final goal, and fortunately, he did it. He managed to score a goal before the end of the game, meaning that they won!
Everyone from Gedonelune High School ran down to the pitch to congratulate them on the win. Liz headed down as well, but not running like everyone else. She headed to where Klaus and Serge were crowded.
“Hello Klaus, Serge. Great job on winning tonight!” She smiled up at them as she felt happy for their win.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without those delicious treats at lunch!” Serge hugged her, his way of saying thank you.
“Serge, I wouldn’t mind a hug normally, but you’re sweaty.” Liz pointed out. He immediately let go, now aware of how terrible he must smell.
“Those treats were delicious, Liz, and I do believe they helped us today.” Klaus butted in, obviously not happy that Serge was close to Liz.
The crowd eventually faded, and Liz was dropped off at her apartment by Amelia. She quickly changed into her pajamas, taking out her twin pig-tails held together by pink ribbon. She flopped onto her bed quite dramatically, as she felt exhausted from today’s events. She had a quick scroll through social media before falling fast asleep, dreaming about the events of the day. Selling food, the football match, and don’t forget about Elias’ blushing. That was the most awkward of today's events. She dreamed of something happening between the two, a romance.
She was happy in her dreamland until she woke up.
Word count: 1885
Yeah, so that is it. Will Liz end up with someone, since 15 guys like her? That scene with Elias though, our adorable tsundere is all grown up! If I continue this, it might have one feature guy per chapter, I don’t know. Again, thanks to Rayheart for her amazing modern AU that prompted me to write this!
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runfront3-blog · 5 years
A Simple Apple Cake
We are on the verge of starting a new year and I’ve realized that of all things I have made and shared here, apple cake is perhaps the most important. There was this Southern apple cake. And these apple cider cakes. And this apple and honey cake I made for one of our very earliest Pairings Boxes (a recipe I snagged/adapted from my mom). Her cake was eggy, not buttery. This cake is the opposite. Not eggy, buttery. Moist. A word one of my best friends despises but one that is perfectly apropos here.
Apple cake feels like the end and the beginning. It’s the sort of thing that you can devour straight from the oven, warm and topped with a scoop of ice cream. But it’s also equally delicious after it’s sat in a tupperware for a few days. The discovery of leftover cake on a Tuesday afternoon is something special, right?
Sometimes I feel like I’ve gotten rusty at this this. Old school blogging. I feel like there’s more intimate, honest sharing happening over on Instagram, but call me old fashioned. I still love blogging. Frankly, my cooking these days looks a lot less impressive than it used to. There’s a lot of rice. A LOT OF RICE. And a lot of beans. Also, a lot of chicken noodle soup. But occasionally, there are gnocchi. And homemade pasta. And cookies. Always cookies. And cake!
Let’s get back to the cake. I’m more than enamored with Yotam Ottolenghi’s latest cookbook, Simple. I have made this rice noodle salad and red lentil and coconut soup FIVE TIMES in the last two months. I made a batch of soup for 3 different friends who had recently had babies, and obviously tripled the recipe for us, too. Our kids might pick out the bits of diced tomatoes, but they gobble up those lentils and that coconut curry broth. Our family rule is “you try things once.” We never have to ask when it comes to dessert, though. We all have a sweet tooth.
The apple cake in his book is called, simply, “Spiced Apple Cake.”
Funny how so many delicious things hide behind humble names. The first time I made the recipe, I immediately swapped in some almond flour. The second time I made it, I stuck closer to the original recipe. The third time, I decided to go buck wild with adaptations and the end result, I must say, is pretty darn good. It was healthier ( ish).
I think it earns the title of the title Apple Cake Number 4.
Apple Cake adapted generously from Ottolenghi Simple
1 cup of unsalted butter at room temperature, cut into cubes 3/4 cup of sugar 3 large eggs, whisked with a fork 2 teaspoons of real vanilla extract 2 cups + 2 tablespoons of whole wheat pastry flour 1 tablespoon of baking powder 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt 3/4 cup of whole milk Greek yogurt
For the apple topping: 4 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and sliced into thin wedges 2/3 cup of brown sugar 1 teaspoon of all spice*
vanilla bean ice cream, for serving
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9 inch round cake pan with a removable bottom and line it with parchment paper. 2. Add the butter and sugar to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Beat until light and fluffy. 3. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the eggs and vanilla, whisking until they’re incorporated. 4. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt. Add 1/3 of the the dried mixture to the bowl. Beat until incorporated. Add 1/3 of the yogurt. Beat until incorporated. Continue adding the dried mixture and yogurt, alternating, until your batter is just mixed. 5. Combine the apple slices with the sugar and all spice in a medium bowl. Toss to coat the apples. 6. Pour the batter into the cake pan, flattening the top. Arrange the apple slices on top. 7. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake for about 65 minutes, or until the top looks golden brown and firm. 8. Remove from the oven and let rest for about 30 minutes before removing from the pan. 9. Serve the cake warm, with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
*This happens to be this month’s Premium Ingredient featured in our Pairings Box 😉 You’ll have some extra…use it to make this cake!
Source: https://www.turntablekitchen.com/recipes/simple-apple-cake/
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brushdish47-blog · 5 years
A Simple Apple Cake
We are on the verge of starting a new year and I’ve realized that of all things I have made and shared here, apple cake is perhaps the most important. There was this Southern apple cake. And these apple cider cakes. And this apple and honey cake I made for one of our very earliest Pairings Boxes (a recipe I snagged/adapted from my mom). Her cake was eggy, not buttery. This cake is the opposite. Not eggy, buttery. Moist. A word one of my best friends despises but one that is perfectly apropos here.
Apple cake feels like the end and the beginning. It’s the sort of thing that you can devour straight from the oven, warm and topped with a scoop of ice cream. But it’s also equally delicious after it’s sat in a tupperware for a few days. The discovery of leftover cake on a Tuesday afternoon is something special, right?
Sometimes I feel like I’ve gotten rusty at this this. Old school blogging. I feel like there’s more intimate, honest sharing happening over on Instagram, but call me old fashioned. I still love blogging. Frankly, my cooking these days looks a lot less impressive than it used to. There’s a lot of rice. A LOT OF RICE. And a lot of beans. Also, a lot of chicken noodle soup. But occasionally, there are gnocchi. And homemade pasta. And cookies. Always cookies. And cake!
Let’s get back to the cake. I’m more than enamored with Yotam Ottolenghi’s latest cookbook, Simple. I have made this rice noodle salad and red lentil and coconut soup FIVE TIMES in the last two months. I made a batch of soup for 3 different friends who had recently had babies, and obviously tripled the recipe for us, too. Our kids might pick out the bits of diced tomatoes, but they gobble up those lentils and that coconut curry broth. Our family rule is “you try things once.” We never have to ask when it comes to dessert, though. We all have a sweet tooth.
The apple cake in his book is called, simply, “Spiced Apple Cake.”
Funny how so many delicious things hide behind humble names. The first time I made the recipe, I immediately swapped in some almond flour. The second time I made it, I stuck closer to the original recipe. The third time, I decided to go buck wild with adaptations and the end result, I must say, is pretty darn good. It was healthier ( ish).
I think it earns the title of the title Apple Cake Number 4.
Apple Cake adapted generously from Ottolenghi Simple
1 cup of unsalted butter at room temperature, cut into cubes 3/4 cup of sugar 3 large eggs, whisked with a fork 2 teaspoons of real vanilla extract 2 cups + 2 tablespoons of whole wheat pastry flour 1 tablespoon of baking powder 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt 3/4 cup of whole milk Greek yogurt
For the apple topping: 4 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and sliced into thin wedges 2/3 cup of brown sugar 1 teaspoon of all spice*
vanilla bean ice cream, for serving
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9 inch round cake pan with a removable bottom and line it with parchment paper. 2. Add the butter and sugar to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Beat until light and fluffy. 3. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the eggs and vanilla, whisking until they’re incorporated. 4. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt. Add 1/3 of the the dried mixture to the bowl. Beat until incorporated. Add 1/3 of the yogurt. Beat until incorporated. Continue adding the dried mixture and yogurt, alternating, until your batter is just mixed. 5. Combine the apple slices with the sugar and all spice in a medium bowl. Toss to coat the apples. 6. Pour the batter into the cake pan, flattening the top. Arrange the apple slices on top. 7. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake for about 65 minutes, or until the top looks golden brown and firm. 8. Remove from the oven and let rest for about 30 minutes before removing from the pan. 9. Serve the cake warm, with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
*This happens to be this month’s Premium Ingredient featured in our Pairings Box 😉 You’ll have some extra…use it to make this cake!
Source: https://www.turntablekitchen.com/recipes/simple-apple-cake/
0 notes
Drinking My Brains
Drinking My Brains
There are Contract-free Bell telephones can be utilized on your present Bell Mobility account with out altering your plan or including a contract. Immediately there are obviously incredibly good brands and names all through the world, however London still appears to draw the easiest in high-quality design innovation. Who cares, it nonetheless sucks. Bazaar. A more community pushed strategy where the neighborhood is who manage its personal stores (repositories). Be taught more about Reducing Belly Fat and see where you fit into the equation. Gooey, gratifying, and fit to feed a crowd, it is a must-make for large dinner parties — for further ease make it ahead of time and reheat it — or to keep on hand for leftovers throughout the week. Whereas butter isn't on my listing of "reasonably priced groceries", going to Cinnabons definitely isn't on my record of low-cost ways to feed my household! In truth for 2008 they were ranked quantity two along with being ranked the third fastest growing franchise and the number one world franchise going. The Cheese Ravioli is definitely one in all Olive Backyard's most tasty dishes.
Wendy’s in Winchester wrote: “best chicken strips in town” on their sign. They’re located across the street from Bojangles. pic.twitter.com/Pw1xno0bnT
— Zach. (@MrZachWright) October 22, 2017
I went on a date final night and the man meekly shared that he was once The overall Manager FOR THE Times Square OLIVE Backyard. In late 2008, when things started slowing down all through the economic system, all of us within the restaurant business may sense that, sure, things have been starting to vary, but we went through an preliminary interval of disbelief,” Shumsky says. This analysis report on the medical units industry analyzes this market based mostly on its market segments and main geographies. Boston, MA 02109-9998, USA get instructions Quincy Market is also referred to as Faneuil Hall Marketplace. As long as the employees get used to the system quick and be taught to pour beer with consistency, I do not see many issues. Traditional”. And what do I get? The shopper services department is accessible at 1-800-562-7837. You possibly can name and discuss to the company’s representatives about your restaurant-related issues. For the price though, the Starbucks Sirena espresso maker will not be with out issues. You may paste coconut coir (middle fibrous a part of the coconut) on the roof of the hut, to offer it an actual look, and paint the remainder of the hut.
You might should be affected person utilizing the canine and know methods to work with the collar that types a part of the bundle. Stuffed Mushrooms - Make these tender and tasty mushrooms at home using ingredients you’ll most likely have already got. Of late, the FDA and the Customs and Border Patrol Service (CBP) have grow to be increasingly agile, good, refined and demanding in relation to the submission of information and adherence to government procedures from importing corporations. Most salads that contain mushrooms have chopped button mushrooms in them. Then we are able to transfer forward and take higher care of our Deaf communities with out compromising our culture and language. World CIO: As IBM Accelerates Analytics Business, Can Anyone Sustain? Buyers may be attempting to establish quantity traits over time. I hope you'll use the following tips the next time your loved ones puts together a pizza evening.
Along one wall are the registers, salad bar, pasta bar, and pizza bar. One guest has been my buddy for sixty years. Six years. Marsilion replaced tents with buildings, wooden walls with stone ones. Purchase sobranie cigarettes birmingham giving the brands horsebit quantity. Each once in a while, maybe three or 4 occasions per yr, I see an item at TJ's that appears fabulous, that appears like it was created only for me. Keya absolutely refuses to let me go away wherever even close to hungry, and so out got here dessert offerings like the aforementioned Strawberry & Cream Shortcake and a Chocolate Lava Cake. In terms of teamwork, positions like servers are required to assist each other out all through the day. Take a look at the saucy adverts! Writer: Sybil Shearin "Be careful for spiders and snakes!" Mr. Wells known as out from the again door resulting in the garage.
That is what is going to make or break an excellent pizza. You're solely restricted to your imagination when deciding what to place on your pizza. CICI'S PIZZA in BROADLANDS, VA is a enterprise listed within the categories Pizza Restaurant, Full-Service Restaurants, Pizza Eating places and Restaurants. While presently over valued that just seems to be part of its historical past. It usually tastes okay but the worst a part of it is the kale. Below the Bosphorus Bridge is the Beylerbeyi Palace which will be the final part of the tour. The Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL present how far Google has come within the hardware stakes since final yr. Next up is WATAMI's Rooster Cutlet with Scrambled Egg Sauce (P325.00). guntersville waffle house We had some cocktail sauce with the shrimp, spicy honey mustard and horseradish sauce with the chicken. The Grilled Hen Sandwich with out the baked beans aspect accommodates 420 calories, four g of total fat, 1.5 g of saturated fats, 1,575 mg of sodium, fifty one g of carbohydrates and forty five g of protein. see on wikipedia Aspect notice: Every part I mentioned above is totally false and the opposite of how I really feel. Should you love Tequila, this is a vacation spot spot for you, though you may also be happy with their cocktails, milkshakes and beer listing.
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