#i had to put eris to sleep on monday
theoriginalspike · 2 years
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pets should live forever
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shadowwalkingwitch · 25 days
Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night 
*Disclaimer: Much of the information below has been gathered from other sources and witches. Some of this information (especially concerning the Umbra) comes from my direct experience and contact with Nyx* 
Who is Nyx?: She is one of the protogenoi, primordial gods/goddesses that emerged from the Void of Chaos at the dawn of creation. She was born of Chaos (who is seen as the first deity) and became the goddess of night. She is most commonly seen as a beautiful woman dressed in black and surrounded by mist. She has also been depicted with large, black, feathered wings. She has had many children with her brother and consort Erebus (primordial god of darkness) as well as children without the help of any other. She is immensely powerful and fiercely protective of what is hers. Her child Hypnos put Zeus to sleep on Hera’s orders and when he awoke he was so enraged he chased Hypnos across the world trying to slay him with lightning. Hypnos fled to his mother Nyx and not only did Zeus fear her enough to stop she made him apologize to Hypnos. 
The Umbra: I have learned through my craft and through my contact with Nyx that the Umbra was created by Nyx with assistance from her consort Erebus. She wanted a place where her children could be safe as well as a place for all of those in the world that are outcast, lost, and in need of safety. She gathered a portion of the night and its darkness and separated it from our world. That is why the Umbra is considered a mirror world to our own. The shadowy reflection of this plane. She created Umbra Guardians (hooded and cloaked beings with red or silver eyes) to protect the Umbra and to guide those who are lost and outcast to her. Through the centuries the Umbra grew and expanded and became the home of other dark gods and goddesses. 
Children: As stated Nyx has many children and they are: 
Aether: Light 
Hemera: Day 
Hypnos: Sleep 
Thanatos: Peaceful Death 
Eris: Strife 
Geras: Old Age 
Keres: Destruction 
Moros: Doom 
Nemesis: Retribution 
the Moirai: Fates 
the Keres: The Hounds of Hades 
the Oneiroi: gods of dreams 
Associations of Nyx: Obtained from this website 
Element:  Water 
Planet:  Moon 
Colors:  Black and Silver 
Symbol:  Stars on a black veil 
Animals: Bat and Owl 
Day of the Week:  Monday 
Time of Year:  Strongest around Yule. 
My relationship with Nyx: Nyx came to me when I was very young although I didn’t know until much later that it was her. She left an Umbra Guardian to protect and guide me through my life. He has stayed with me and helped me to connect with the Umbra and has guided me back to Nyx. I commune with her when I meditate in the darkness at night. Have you ever sat in a very dark room in complete silence and heard music? That’s Nyx. She has come to me during my sleepless nights to ease my turbulent thoughts.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Canadian hospitals, strapped for staff, strain with sick children (Reuters) Canadian hospitals are straining to care for an influx of sick children, many with respiratory illnesses, in the midst of staffing constraints and as a shortage of children’s over-the-counter medication sends more kids to hospital. Hospitals across the country are reassigning staff to pediatric care and putting children in other parts of hospitals, from post-partum to adult wards, to grapple with the increased volume of young patients. Hospitals in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, have been told to increase their pediatric capacity by at least 50%, hospital spokespersons said. “Words like ‘crisis,’ ‘historic,’ ‘unprecedented’ have almost gone from signal to noise,” said Ronald Cohn, chief executive officer of The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, the largest children’s health centre in Canada.
Lake-effect storm dumps several feet in NY; more expected (AP) A massive storm dumped several feet of snow in the areas ringing Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, causing at least three deaths, forcing an NFL game to be moved and creating gridlock as tractor-trailers detoured onto smaller roads to avoid a closure of part of Interstate 90 in western New York. The lake-effect storm had produced more than 6 feet of snow in some areas by Saturday morning. The Buffalo metro area was hit particularly hard, with some areas south of the city bearing the brunt. The front had begun to move northward from Buffalo by Saturday, but forecasts called for more snow as Monday approached. According to the National Weather Service, the suburb of Orchard Park, home to the NFL’s Buffalo Bills, reported 77 inches (196 centimeters) by early Saturday. About 80 miles (129 kilometers) northeast of the city, the town of Natural Bridge, near the Fort Drum Army base, reported just under 6 feet. The inundation forced the National Football League to move Sunday’s game between the Bills and Cleveland Browns to Detroit.
U.K. nurses, struggling to pay bills, say strike is for future of health care (Washington Post) Leena Myllynen so often struggled to pay her rent and other bills when she worked as a nurse at a British hospital that she considered leaving the profession altogether. Between a pandemic that left hospitals short-staffed and record inflation that slashed the value of her salary, “I was completely exhausted and just demoralized,” she told The Washington Post. “I was never, ever able to make it through to payday, even when I worked extra hours,” the 32-year-old nurse said. That is why she left Britain’s taxpayer-funded National Health Service—a cherished British institution and one of the world’s largest employers. It is also why, she says, many nurses across Britain voted this month to strike for the first time in the 106-year history of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), the country’s largest nursing union. The strike is expected before the end of the year. The unprecedented pressures for funding in the NHS after the pandemic has affected access to health care even for some medical workers. When Myllynen’s partner, an NHS doctor, experienced severe pneumonia and blood clotting, they went from one emergency room to another looking for a hospital bed, she said. “He ended up sleeping on the floor [of an emergency room] for 12 hours” because of the lack of beds, she recalled.
High energy prices lead to coal revival in Czech Republic (AP) In this part of northeastern Czech Republic, huge piles of coal are stacked up ready to sell to eager buyers and smoke belches from coal-fired plants that are ramping up instead of winding down. Ostrava has been working for decades to end its legacy as the most polluted area of the country, transitioning from an industrial working-class stronghold to a modern city with tourist sights. But Russia’s war in Ukraine has triggered an energy crisis in Europe that as paved the way for coal’s comeback, endangering climate goals and threatening health from increased pollution. Households and businesses are turning to the fuel once considered obsolete as they seek a cheaper option than natural gas, whose prices have surged as Russia slashed supplies to Europe. Demand for brown coal—the cheapest and most energy inefficient form—used by Czech households jumped by almost 35% in the first nine months of 2022 over a year earlier.
‘We survived’: Kherson comes alive after Russian withdrawal (AP) A week since the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson was liberated, residents can’t escape reminders of the terrifying eight months they spent under Russian occupation: missing people, mines everywhere, closed shops and restaurants, a scarcity of electricity and water—and explosions day and night as Russian and Ukrainian forces battle just across the Dnieper River. Despite these hardships, Kherson residents are expressing a mix of relief, optimism, and even joy—not least because of their regained freedom to express themselves at all. “Even breathing became easier. Everything is different now,” said Olena Smoliana, a pharmacist whose eyes shone with happiness as she recalled the day Ukrainian soldiers entered the city. Kherson’s population has dwindled to around 80,000 from its prewar level near 300,000, but the city is slowly coming alive.
Digging in for winter (NYT) Kyiv had its first snowfall yesterday, signaling a new phase as the war heads into winter. A slow grind on the battlefield appears likely in the next few months, analysts say. “I think that most likely you are going to see major offensives slow down,” said Michael Kofman, the research program director for Russia studies at CNA research group. The Russian military will use the coming months to try to reconstitute its forces and build up its artillery in the hope of going on the offensive in the spring, Kofman said on the “War on the Rocks” podcast. Ukraine’s strategy will be to disrupt Russia’s plan and “not give them a break” so that its forces will retain the initiative and restart the offensive after February, he added. By then, the war will be entering its second year.
Iranian Protesters Attack Khomeini’s Childhood Home as Unrest Spreads (NYT) Three months into a nationwide uprising, Iranian protesters have turned their fury against the founder of the Islamic revolution and of the country’s theocracy, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Protesters set ablaze the museum of childhood home of Mr. Khomeini, who died in 1989, in his hometown, Khomein, on Thursday night, videos showed. Crowds of men smashed and stomped on a street sign bearing his name in the town of Khash, according to a video posted online. And parts of the Shia theology center where Mr. Khomeini nurtured the seeds of the revolution, in the city of Qom, were shown to be attacked and set on fire. Despite a lethal crackdown and mass arrests by the authorities, Iranian demonstrators have maintained intense protests against the country’s theocratic rulers and domineering security forces for months now, in a movement that has cut across ethnic, class and political differences. Women, in particular, have been at the forefront of the protests since their start in September, set off by the death of Mahsa Amini, 22, while she was in the custody of the country’s morality police after supposed violations of Islamic dress restrictions. In recent days, work stoppages and strikes have also become more widespread, in a sign of intensifying pressure on the government. In more than a dozen major cities, including the capital, Tehran, commerce came to a near halt on Friday for a fourth consecutive day, with shops shuttered and the traditional bazaars, the heart of trade, closed. Many Iranians joined the boycott this week by not shopping.
As China eases coronavirus restrictions, confusion and angst follow (Washington Post) Lockdown arrived in Shijiazhuang with little warning this month. At the time, the northern Chinese city had only a handful of covid cases. Then 12 days later—just as abruptly, even as infections continued to rise—the restrictions were lifted. The sudden reversal left residents unsure how to react. Some celebrated the reopening of bars, restaurants and movie theaters. Others vowed to remain home and stockpiled traditional flu medicine. The reaction to China’s most significant easing of coronavirus controls has been a jumble of conflicted priorities and public sentiment since Beijing announced the changes a week ago. City governments are facing renewed demands that they not respond in ways that disrupt daily life. At the same time, months of official warnings about disastrous consequences should the virus run wild have many people fearful of the country’s soaring case numbers. No deaths have been reported in the most recent outbreak, but the contrast to months of near-zero infections remains shocking.
An Island Nation Adapts to a Changing Climate (NYT) From the time she was a young bride, all Taliasoa Vaolina knew was planting beans and corn to feed her family in their village in Madagascar. But three years ago, the worst drought in a generation set in. Soon her crops had shriveled, her family was starving, and she had to find a new way to survive. Madagascar, the world’s fourth-poorest country, has in the last three years been strangled by drought and battered by successive cyclones and tropical storms that have only become more powerful in a changing climate. Ms. Vaolina trudged with her nine children 20 miles to the town of Ambovombe-Androy, where she now washes baskets of laundry in the morning and uses the profits to buy the sweet potatoes that she fries and sells in the afternoon, in a bustling market. To make extra money, she dispatches her grandchildren to help shoppers carry their goods home. “I don’t have any business skills, but life brought me here,” said Ms. Vaolina, a 64-year-old widow, sitting near her new home—a domed tent made of empty rice sacks—in a camp for climate refugees.
The Earth now weighs 6 ronnagrams. What does that mean? (Washington Post) The Earth can now be said to weigh about six ronnagrams, instead of 6,000 yottagrams. Jupiter can be described as having a mass of about 1.9 quettagrams, instead of just 1.9 million yottagrams. And an electron’s weight is one rontogram, or 0.001 yoctograms. The ability to more succinctly describe the weight of our planet and the particles of our visible world comes after a meeting of scientists and officials in the outskirts of Paris that ended Friday. Participants at the 27th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures agreed to introduce the ronna, quetta, ronto and quecto as prefixes for the International System of Units, which is better known as the metric system. Ronna refers to the use of 27 zeros after a first digit—or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000—and quetta means there are 30 zeros. Ronto is the inverse of ronna, making it 0.000000000000000000000000001, while quecto is the inverse of quetta. The newest members of this prefix club join the more familiar kilo (1,000), mega (1,000,000), milli (0.001) and micro (0.000001). The latest additions were “driven by the growing requirements of data science and digital storage, which is already using prefixes at the top of the existing range,” Britain’s National Physical Laboratory said in a statement. All the data in the world will total about 175 zettabytes (21 zeros), or about 0.175 yottabytes, by 2025, predicts market intelligence company IDC.
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justalittletomato · 4 years
Monday Night Ramble ( Fragments twin Au). Sad thought when Maul returns to Dathomir after Malachor without Cress. The older Zabrak has to be subdued by Aster and Iris along with Ares putting him in a chokehold. A broken bond and months of losing his sanity have come to this.
A broken bond and months of living off of scraps, he’s raving and rambling and begging for his son to come back and that he needs to leave! He has to destroy it! The Empire is why his son has left! The sith have again taken something from him! (He refuses to accept that he is also to blame for this, hiding the truth for so long and unable to leave the past behind)
What’s worse is he only has moments of clarity, brief ones. Everyone is checking on him, he seems a bit more consious at times. He mistakes Ares for Savage...the boy just sighs and plays along, “Sleep brother it will be better tomorrow.” He goes to cry about it after. Eris won’t go in. Aster is often reading stories to Maul with little Danica at her side, who will place plush toys by Maul’s head. Maul asks Aster if her brother is training outside, Aster replies with maybe. Angel is watching over Starlight as she talks to Maul and strokes his hand as he rests.
It’s Feral who has banned himself from visiting, he had sat down and held Maul’s hand. His Uncle gasped and looked at Feral...in the dark Feral looks very similar to Cress. “YOU CAME BACK!” Feral isn’t sure how to respond, “ CRESS YOU CAME BACK!”
I’m not....Feral whispers.
“ I’ve missed you.” Maul whispers, “I thought I’d never see you again.” He’s delirious again and holding Feral close, “his son” is home!
Feral can’t bear to tell him, “ yeah. I’m back..Father.” The word is heavy on his tongue but he pushes through “ I’m home. Now it’s late so go to sleep.”
Maul hugs him tighter, “ you’re not leaving again are you?”
“ No I’ll be here. Just go to bed, here you can hold my hand.”
Maul does so, his son is home! They will talk in the morning...his Cress is home.
Feral has not stepped into the room since.
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Part 25
(Misaki Kneeled in front of his parents grave, tightly holding Usagi's hand, even though his tie had just been fixed before they left they house, it was somehow already crooked. He had no idea what to say, should he start by apologizing that he hadn't been to visit in the last fourteen years? Or introduce Usagi first like it's just a normal conversation.)
Misaki: (lets out a long sigh, Usagi Squeezing his hand for encouragement). Uh, hey mom, dad. This feels weird, I know I never really came to visit, mostly because for the longest time I thought your death was my fault, a-a-and I know that sounds dumb but it's true, so I never came, I'm here today because I lot is happening. I'm graduating!, I'm also getting married, to this guy. He's the love of my life, if you guys we're alive I'd think you'd love him. (He smiled gently at Usagi), His name is Akihiko Usami, but I call him Usagi. He's amazing, the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so lucky to have him, I want you to meet him.
Usagi: Um hi, I don't know how to introduce myself, should I say Usagi? (He ducked his head), No that sounds weird, I'm Usami. Misaki says he's the best thing that's ever happened to him, but truthfully, he saved me, I would not be this person without him. Before we met I was kinda an awful person, I never let anyone in, I was a mess, I almost died a few times, I never ate properly, I never really opened myself up to anyone, I had al these walls up, then Misaki came and I was this a different person. (he chuckled softly), Some might say softer. Misaki is the only person I've truly felt combatable with, he's my soulmate and best friend, the best person you could ever ask for, he's doing okay, he's happy, I'm so grateful for him.
Misaki: (softly), Usagi... (He wrapped his arms around the older man, leaning into him), I love you.
Usagi: I love you too. Thank you for bringing me here.
Misaki: Thank you for coming.
Usagi: You're parents would be so proud of you.
Misaki: How do you know?
Usagi: Because I'm so proud of you, how could they not be.
Misaki: Thank you.
(They stayed there for a while, in a silent embrace paying their respects, Misaki was happy he decied to come, he needed it. He was so grateful to have this man in his life, and really needed the support today.)
Monday March 16, 2020... six days before graduation.
(Misaki woke up feeling beside him, the space was empty, he was confused, usually this early in the morning Usagi would still be asleep, he rubbed his eyes, blinked a few times then gave his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light, turning his head towards the alarm clock he realized it was only eight am, yeah Usagi should definitely still be asleep).
Misaki: Usagi?! (He called loudly, his voice was groggy from just waking up)
Usagi: Good morning, (He smirked entering the room with a tray of breakfast consisting of coffee, eggs, hash browns, and bacon).
Misaki: (Smirks): What's all this?
Usagi: (Sitting on the bed carefully placing the tray between them, he hands Misaki the cup of coffee and places a kiss on his cheek). I made you breakfast.
Misaki: You didn't have to do that. (He takes a sip of coffee, the warmth wakes up his body, he smirks, taking Usagi's hand), You're amazing.
Usagi: I know it's not a trinational bra-
Misaki: Stop it, I love it. (He smiles, taking a bit of everything), It's great.
Usagi: I'm glad you think so.
Misaki: So why are you up so early?
Usagi: A man can't wake up early to make breakfast for his fiancé?
Misaki: (Smirks, giving him a knowing look).
Usagi: Um, Isaka called last night after you went to sleep-
Misaki: How rude, Doesn't he know not to call in the middle of the night?
Usagi: I agree, but he's my boss.
Misaki: He's your friend, and as your friend he should know not too.
Usagi: He wanted to talk to you, but I told him you were asleep.
Misaki: Why does he want to talk to me?
Usagi: He wants to have a meeting with you today about us, and you being my assistant.
Misaki: Um, why now? I'm not starting until like the begging of may.
Usagi: I don't know, but he want's to meet at noon, so eat up.
Misaki: I'm supposed to tell you to do that. You're still recovering you know.
Usagi: So, feed me.
Misaki: (Smirks, feeds Usagi a piece of bacon, the older boy takes his hand lacing his fingers through his, pulling him into a kiss, knocking the food on the bed). Usagi!
Usagi: We can clean it up. (He pulls Misaki on top of him, running his hands through his hair, they kiss passionately), Hey, (he pulls away breathing heard, pushing hair out of Misaki's face, (wanna take this to the shower?
Misaki: I don't know Usagi... (He trailed off, he Missed having Usagi inside off him, he missed being inside of Usagi, but they only had six more days till they could have sex again, surely they could wait it out right?)
Usagi: I know we have six more days till we can have sex again but.. I can help you shower right? (He grinned kissing Misaki's neck, the younger boy moaned.)
Misaki: Um, do you really think it's a good idea to show up to a meeting with love bites on my neck?
Usagi: That's okay, I can put them other places.
Misaki: We can shower together, but maybe nothing that will cause a delay in getting ready?
Usagi: Fine, (He sat, gently pushing Misaki to stand), But you owe me.
Misaki: (Grins leaning down), We have three whole weeks alone once I graduate, that trip you planned, I know where it is by the way, not in Tokyo, we'll have plenty of time to do other things.
Usagi: (Wraps his arms around Misaki's neck), Good, and we are never leaving the bedroom.
Misaki: Okay. (Kisses Usagi, then pulls him up leading him to the bathroom), Now help me wash my hair, I love when you do it.
Usagi: No problem.
(Misaki Stood outside Isaka's door he was nervous, he kept messing with his tie, it was crooked again. Usagi glanced at him, fixed his tie, and his hair).
Usagi: Sweetie, you have to relax, you already have the job, trust me, being my assent will be easier for everyone. (He kissed him softly on his forehead). Just go in, he's expecting you.
Misaki: You should come to, I'm sure he'd loved to see you.
Usagi: I can't help you with this one, he told me I wasn't allowed.
Misaki: (Sighs), Okay. I love you.
Usagi: And I love you. You're amazing, you can do this. I'm going to bug Eri.
Misaki: Leave her Alone.
Usagi: She loves me.
Misaki: Usagi-san!
Usagi: TOO LATE (at the elevator), I'm already here! Good luck! I believe in you!
Isaka: (Opens door): Misaki! (Hugs him tightly), Get in here! Lets talk.
Isaka: You already have the job, this is just a formality. No one wants to be his assistant.
Asahina: No one.
Misaki: (Angry): No one asked you lover boy.
Isaka: Things you can't do in public, Holding hands.
Misaki: What about y'all?
Isaka: You already know about us.
Misaki: When I start the Job, everyone will know the two of us are engaged.
Asahina: Fair point, even so, you can't be all over each other.
Isaka: Keep it professional.
Asahina: To be fair Isaka; If you had it your way, we would be all over each other at work, but you don't so.
Isaka: Anyway, Meetings, he still hates them.
Misaki: I know, but he has to have them, we need to keep them to an hour, book signings and releases should be at least an hour and half not all day events, although if I'm there we can probably get them for two hours, he won't do much more than that, even if I'm with him. Events that have to be longer, he would only do a day long event, no matter what, he hardly wants to be at my graduation, I don't even want to be there.
Isaka: What about b-
Misaki: Book tour? That's a joke.
(Isaka and Asahina glanced at each other, frowning).
Isaka: He wrote four books, we want all of them out at the same time, we figu-
Misaki: Okay, some of those we're written under his pen name you can't-
Isaka: Maybe it's time for him to come clean about that.
Misaki: What?
Isaka: He came out, you guys are going to come out as a couple, I'm sure he'll be fine with it, plus he would probably make more money if people knew the books were about you two.
Misaki: The early ones weren't. He doesn't want my brother finding out about that. (Misaki blushed he was turning beat red, this was not happening).
Isaka: Him, or you? We'll just call him up here and ask... (He picked up the phone, dialing a number).
Eri: So have you guys deiced on a date?
Usagi: No, but Misaki knows how much I love Cherry blossoms so maybe in the spring, but also snow is important to us, so could be in the winter.
Eri: You can't plan that though.
Usagi: Doesn't matter, ever significant event in our lives happened when it was snowing, or snow started. It's fate.
Eri: (Smiles) Like you two.
Usagi: Exactly.
Eri: So d, (Her phone starts ringing) One sec, (She rolls her eyes), Its Isaka, (Picks the phone up), What? he is, we're busy, fine, he'll say no but I'll send him up anyway... Okay, Yeah we can do lunch, the five of us? you ask them. Bye Isaka. (Puts the phone back in the receiver, roiling her eyes), He's a pain in the ass.
Usagi: I know, what did he want?
Eri: He want's to talk to you, I told him you'd say no, but you should go up there anyway.
Usagi: What was his question?
Eri: (Sighing), I'd go find out.
Usagi: Okay. (Stands, leaning down to hug Eri).
Eri: Oh, and we're all having lunch together.
Usagi: Of course we are.
(Misaki taps his fingers in the desk, he can feel himself turning red by the second, when Usagi walks in and sits beside him he freezes, he hasn't felt like this around him in A long time).
Usagi: What's up?
Misaki: (Through gritted teeth), you don't want to know.
Isaka: How do you feel about doing a book tour?
Usagi: (Folds arms, leaning back in seat), I think you already Know the answer to that. What else?
Isaka: You're books about the two of, the ones under your pen name?
Usagi: Yeah, I know the ones? What about them?
Misaki: He want's you to say you're the one who wrote them.
Usagi: No, I can't do that, I don't want anyone to know I wrote the early ones.
Misaki: That's what I said.
Isaka: Like Misaki's brother?
Usagi: I can't ever let him know how I felt about him. If it was know I wrote those books, and thought about that... oh god (Places head in hands), and if I think about doing that stuff with Misaki.
Misaki: (Blushing harder)
Isaka: Wow, I didn't know you could turn that red.
Asahina: That is interesting.
Usagi: I can't do a book tour, two of the three books I wrote are the books about Misaki and I.
Isaka: But the other two aren't.
Misaki: He'll do a two month book tour with his books under his name.
Isaka: I think we can figure out a way to release the books under your pen name without any trouble.
Usagi: The scenes were Eri's ideas, most of them.
Misaki: My brother doesn't read that, but he will if he knows that you wrote them.
Isaka: Maybe we only print the new ones? Wipe the old ones out of exc-
Usagi: I'm telling you no!
Isaka: Some people already know, you kinda let it slip when you came out.
Usagi: I know, but I don't want anyone to know who doesn't already, plus I have the "All names are completely a coincidence"
Misaki: Yeah, right. We are going on tour with his two new books, "Beautifully drawing swords" and "Broken scars".
Isaka: Why are those titles so sad.
Misaki: A lot of his are, do you even read his books?
Usagi: The books aren't sad, "Broken scars" is-
Misaki: It's about two who are broken, they meet by chance after running away from home, fall in love and learn that broken people can heal scars.
Usagi: (Smiles) Yeah, You read the manuscript?
Misaki: Of course I did, Beautifully drawing swords was good too, more of a short story though, I wish it was longer.
Usagi: I wanted it to be, but the more I was writing it, the more I thought it worked better as a short story.
Isaka: What's that one about?
Misaki: A girl who collects swords finds a broken one a thrift shop, and makes it into a new one, she bonds with another girl across the street, and they talk about their sword collection, it's cute.
Isaka: Doesn't sound like something you'd usually write.
Usagi: I know, but I Got inspiration from a picture that Mahiro made, Eri thought it would sell, if she didn't I wouldn't have written it.
Misaki: I think kids will love it, and teens.
Isaka: I like it.
Usagi: You did agree to it.
Isaka: Did I?
Asahina: Yeah you did.
Isaka: Oh, well... it sounds sweet.
Misaki: I'm proud of him.
Isaka: You should be. Misaki, you're going to make a great assistant for him. No one can handle him like you, I mean I guess Eri, but you got him to write four books in two months, and all of them are amazing.
Misaki: (Shrugs), I don't know how.
Usagi: (Wraps his arms around Misaki), Because you're amazing, and I love you.
Misaki: I love you.
Isaka: What do you say we all go get lunch? Anyone up for pizza?
Asahina: Sure, call Eri, lets meet her in the lobby.
Misaki: Thanks for lunch Eri, (He hugged her tightly).
Eri: Anytime, hey so can I come hang out with yall later, Rose is working all week, and it's going to be lonely going home.
Usagi: Sure, but just for a bit, and you can't spend the night.
Isaka: (Laughs), Classic Usagi, not letting anyone in. (Points to Misaki), except Chibi here. (He pulls him into a hug. You're the only one.
Usagi: (Annoyed), Get off him.
Misaki: (Pushes Isaka off), Go hug your boyfriend.
Isaka: How did you do it.
Misaki: Even If I knew, I wouldn't tell you.
Usagi: (Takes Misaki's hand), No one can but him, and if we have kids.
Eri: You would spoil your kids, especially if you had a baby girl, Please have kids now!
Misaki: Can we finish building our house first? and get married?
Eri: (Clears throat), Oh yeah, sure. But after.
Misaki: You'd still want to be our surrogate right? because it might be hard japan stil-
Eri: Misaki, yes and don't worry, Rose said Ren can help, it's going to be okay.
Isaka: speaking of marriage, you guys still can't technically-
Usagi: We Know, Go to work, Asahina, take him upstairs.
Asahina: Got it, (Smirks), Pulling Isaka inside.
Asahina: (whispering) I'm the boss in this relationship.
Isaka: (Blushes).
Usagi: We know we need a Partnership certification.
Misaki: And that it doesn't grant us everything that a marriage would, but It's the best we can do right now.
Eri: When do you guys want to get married?
Misaki: (Grins), Winter, (He takes Usagi's hand), The snow is special to us.
Eri: You should get started now, at least looking at the documents, I heard it can take up to five moths. (Walks towards building). I'll email some information.
Misaki: (Siting on Usagi's lap, they are in his office on the couch, documents for the certificate in front of them. He sighs bowing air out), I didn't think it would be this much, we have to do this much!
Usagi: Yes. It doesn't change your mind, does it?
Misaki: (Turns to look at Usagi), What? Of course not, (He takes Usagi's face, rubbing his thumbs against his soft skin), No, it just means we have to look through all of this carefully, so we only have to do it once. If we start in August, we can have our certificate by December, maybe a little before. We'll also start the movie process by then, if we don't have any problems our house should be ready by the summer right?
Usagi: (He places his hands on Misaki's), Right, and by December we'll be moved in, we wanted to have a ceremony at our house anyway.
Misaki: Exactly It's perfect! (He grinned kissing Usagi hard), Now we need to put this in a safe place.
Usagi: I have just the spot. (He lifted Misaki, placing him beside him, stood up walked over to his desk. Opening a drawer in the bottom of his desk, he pulled out a binder marked wedding. He grinned hoping on the couch handing it to Misaki).
Misaki: Wedding?
Usagi: I've kinda been planning our wedding ever since you proposed.
Misaki: (Grins), Usagi, this is so sweet. (He holds the binder to his chest).
Usagi: Don't you want to look at it?
Misaki: Yeah, but I just remembered, I have to go get my graduation stuff, and the suit.
Usagi: Want me to come?
Misaki: Can you drop me off at the school?
Usagi: Yeah, and I can get our suits.
Misaki: Perfect. When we come we can look at the binder.
Usagi: (Eyes lighting up), Good because I have lots of ideas.
Usagi: I can't believe they had a gown that small, I bet it could fit Suzuki-san. we should test it.
Misaki: No, this, along with our suits stay in the closet until Saturday, then you can give it to Suzuki-san. (He took the suits and the gown from Usagi hanging them in the closet, then took Usagi's hand grinning at him). Okay, so let's look at the binder, you've been grinning about it all day.
Usagi: I'm so excited. (He smirked leading Misaki to the office, once there he placed the smaller man on his lap then opened the binder.) Okay so for us I'm thinking purple and blue wedding suits, purple for me.
Misaki: Of course, it'll bring out your eyes.
Usagi: Something like this. (He pointed to a picture).
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Misaki: That's amazing.
Usagi: And for you, this one.
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Misaki: I love it.
Usagi: And everyone else can wear black or red.
Misaki: Okay, any ideas on cake?
Usagi: Lemon, but I want it on theme, maybe this one?
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Misaki: Maybe.
Usagi: You don't like it?
Misaki: It looks good, but I know we won't have a lot of people, we might need something smaller.
Usagi: Right.
Misaki: Don't say it like that (Kiss cheek), We have time.
Usagi: I know, I just wanted you to like it
Misaki: I do, and honey, we don't have to agree on everything okay?
Usagi: It would just be easer if we did.
Misaki: I know.
Usagi: We agreed on everything for our house easily.
Misaki: But not everything, there was some stuff you thought wouldn't work, and that's fine.
Usagi: I loved must of the stuff, some things I thought didn't work, so we changed them.
Misaki: Right, and it'll be like this planning our wedding.
Usagi: Okay, right. So the ceremony, you want it outdoors?
Misaki: Right.
Usagi: It might be cold though so should the reception be indoors?
Misaki: Maybe, we can look into that the closer we get.
Usagi: Okay.
Misaki: OH, the theme is amazing!
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Usagi: Really?
Misaki: Yeah, I mean we won't need that many seats, but I get the idea.
Usagi: Purple winter wonderland.
Misaki: I Love it. (He turns to face Usagi embracing him), I LOVE YOU, so much!
Usagi: I love you too. (Picks up documents), Now these need to go in.
Misaki: We're getting closer.
Usagi: I know.
Misaki: I can't believe it, we've come so far huh?
Usagi: Yeah. Sure have. (He hugged Misaki tighter taking in his smell, he loved ever single thing about him, he always wanted a person, and now he had one).
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Happy Meet and Greet Monday! For whicher character wants to answer: What do you do when you can't sleep? How does it affect you the next morning? What kinds of things keep you up at night?
Happy Meet and Greet Monday! 
So sorry I’ve been answering asks kinda late, there’s just been a lot happening lately at home and work so as anyone can imagine the stress is real. My dog Max who I’ve had for twelve years just recently passed away and even though I knew he was an older dog and to expect it I wasn’t ready to let him go. . . Then again nobody is ever ready to let go of a loved one no matter the circumstances. So ya, there’s a tiny slice of my life, I try to not put too much of it out there but I wanted to explain my sudden absence.  
Question: What do you do when you can’t sleep?  What kinds of things keep you up at night? How does it affect you the next morning?
Eric: Constantly on guard for something Eric is the lightest sleeper out of everyone in the House of Cards, a feather falling on the carpet could wake him up, and he’s as stiff as a board when he’s sleeping. Not much happens in Eric’s mind when he’s sleeping, a dream hasn’t occurred in his life since he was eight, and he prefers it that way so he takes medicine for what used to be insomnia. “I’ve let go of my dreams and the idea of monsters living underneath the bed. I’m not a child, so why would I need dreams while I sleep?” However, everything isn’t what Eric wants it to be — he’s beginning to learn that being the commander of the House of Cards — and sometimes a vague night terror will send him bolting up in bed drenched in a cold sweat but with no recollection of what he was dreaming about. When things like this disrupt his “usual sleep cycle” he simply finds something to calm his nerves; such things include his boxing hobby or smoking a cigarette in a secluded area where he won’t get caught. These “disturbances” usually don’t affect his mornings as Eric is a natural early bird, but there have been certain cases where he’s remembered fragments of these night terrors and they stick with him for days at a time.  
Valentina: Valentina hasn’t gotten a good sleep since she was twelve and constantly lives on a max of four hours of sleep, anything above that seems suspicious to her or she was probably unconscious from some kind of wound she suffered from. One time she “fell” from a two-story building and suffered a severe concussion and broken arm, she slept for six hours for a week straight. However, when Valentina can’t sleep she spends time cleaning weapons, tending to what little plants she owns at her home, going for a drive around whatever city-state she’s currently in, and planning the next string of “assignments” she’ll do next. She is plagued by constant nightmares and night terrors about certain events in the past she wishes to forget forever. “You can’t outrun the past; it’ll eventually find you, hunt you down and strangle you to death like anything else.” Since she’s been living with these nightmares and night terrors for over fourteen years her mornings aren’t super affected but instead, it’s rather routine to be running on roughly four hours of sleep. Her body has adapted to it by running on a “polyphasic sleep cycle,” meaning Valentina sleeps for thirty minutes every four or five hours for a daily total of only four hours of sleep. “It’s called a micro-nap and yes I’m fine.” 
Xavier: “Get much-needed work done in the workshop.” Xavier’s workshop is a place created out of labor and love, full of his favorite things and stuff he loves to do, it’s his “happy place” as well as “hiding place.” While it’s not as expansive or nice as his actual workshop at his home base in Eshar Xavier has come to love the workshop at Blackwell. Very few things keep Xavier up at night, Valentina says he sleeps like the dead, “Silent and unmoving, you sometimes forget he’s even there.” But what does keep him up are things relatively new to him. Being the youngest out of all of the House of Cards (19) and practically a child compared to the others Xavier has never seen battle or warfare, only on holofilms about the history of the Republic, so new fears about blaster bolts, bombs, and ion blades fill his mind. The nightmares will keep him up all night, so he’ll retreat to his workshop to “get work done” till the sun rises again and there are dark circles under his eyes. 
Eris & Brazen: After certain events in the past the twins never sleep alone; they can always be found curled up beside one another or Eris hogging the whole bed sprawled out like a starfish while Brazen hoards all the blankets. It’s the only way the pair can achieve a somewhat peaceful sleep with as few night terrors as possible, but even if a night terror does strike the other is there to provide comfort. On nights when either Eris is restless or Brazen can’t close his eyes without fear and the night terrors are relentless the twins do something called Mindscape. “It’s like creating a world outside of this one, but everything is different. . . Everything is okay.” It’s an activity only the twins are capable of doing because it requires the special bond that they both have and to be able to meld the mind with another person. A Mindscape will chase off night terrors or other kinds of sleep disturbances (nightmares) and allow the twins to create a space of peace and serenity within their minds. But because Mindscaping takes an extreme amount of energy to do the twins will sleep extremely hard and soundly, meaning they will not want to wake up the next morning without a fight. “Reality sucks to live in sometimes
Adira: “The night is simply a reflection of the day. There is nothing I can do about dreams; I can only change my pattern of life.” Like anyone else, there are nights when sleep is abundant and joyous or there are nights when sleep is absent and hellish. There are many lessons Adira learned from her Sensei Jia Wu but one of the important ones is “Mindfulness through meditation.” “You cannot, per se, tame the mind or tell it how to act. The mind has to come to a natural state of rest all on its own; all we can do is relax and remain present in the world.” Adira knows what troubles her and the grief that clouds her vision sometimes, so on sleepless nights she utilizes this time to reflect on her inner self through meditation instead of unhealthy rumination. 
Dante: “Vodka solves everything.” Dante doesn’t have the healthiest of coping mechanisms when it comes to his insomnia, nightmares, or life’s problems as a whole. He won’t tell anyone or confess to it out loud but Dante has many inner demons to fight and some days it’s too much to handle, so he just disappears down a bottle when he can. In the confines of his quarters Dante will try to tire himself out through exercise in order to find sleep before picking up his flask, but some nights his demons have a stronger hold on him than he can fight off. Being a gladiator in the pits of Ares there is a multitude of things that keep Dante from getting a peaceful sleep, but there are also things long before he was gladiator that keep him up well into the morning and even afraid of falling asleep. “Some wounds run deeper than the flesh and blood of a man; not all scars fade with time.” Dante takes one day at a time and the same goes for his mornings, some mornings are plagued by tiny headaches while others it feels as if his head is about to be split open. But he’s a warrior by trade and he knows he can weather just about any storm or fight. 
Mallory: Normally Mallory doesn’t leave any time for sleep; she’s an extreme night owl, morning bird, and all-around functioning insomniac. “Sleep is an unnecessary requirement to live. I don’t need sleep to live I need entertainment.” Now that she’s confined to Blackwell and its military base along with the rest of the House of Cards she’s left to face herself and the reason as to why she avoids sleep. So Mallory has found multiple ways to sneak out of her quarters and wander the military base the House of Cards is confined in. However, her favorite place to seek solitude in is the kitchen. Mallory is a stress baker and loves to cook, this is knowledge she will take to the grave with her and nobody else will know, so once she found out where the kitchen was and that it wasn’t staffed at certain hours she started going there when she couldn’t sleep. The thing is Mallory doesn’t cook or bake for herself, she makes food for an army but she can’t throw away the leftovers because she considers them labors of love, so from time to time the squad eats food she has made and left in the kitchen for the cooks to serve. The cooking and baking takes her mind off certain things like why she’s with the House of Cards in the first place and the reason for why she’s on the run from certain people of power. Since Mallory is a born night owl, morning bird, and all-around functioning insomniac in the morning it doesn’t look like she’s spent an entire night with only two or three hours of restless sleep, instead, she’s full of energy and ready to kick ass. “Sleep is only a concept; a concept I’ll avoid if I can.” 
Thanks for the ask! Happy Writing! 
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siriuslyparker · 5 years
Reign of Artemis - Chapter 4
Pairing: Prince!Tom Holland x OC
Warnings: none
Words: 3549
A/N: i have no idea how long this series will be, right now it’s planned at 30 parts and about 85k+ words. rip. also parts will be slowly getting longer and longer
series masterlist; masterlist
Aaron had a problem.
He knew that Harrison was coming, but not coming with the prince that  Artemis was aware of. They were to meet with the eldest son, sign the  treaty today and that would be all. But of course, with just how his  week was going, it wasn't going to be that simple. No, it had to make  things more complicated.
When Aaron sent a message to Harrison earlier that week to confirm  meeting with the eldest, Thomas, Harrison wasn't too confident that  Thomas was still coming. And with what happened between him and Artemis  the same day, he wasn't going to tell her that she may no longer be  meeting Thomas. And when the day came to actually meet a prince of  Thule, Aaron forgot all about the slim chance of not meeting Thomas.
He picked up Artemis at her room to escort her down to the meeting  room. Like most days, she was dressed in a nice, black skirt and a  cream-colored sweater and her paint done for a casual day. He could tell  she was annoyed, he only hoped it still wasn't at him, but considering  she wished him a good morning he guessed it was something else.
And when they reached the elevator, she expressed her concerns over  meeting with Thomas, considering he never showed any interest in  politics and she wasn't willing to let the deal her father put her in  charge of fall apart because of him.
"You'll be fine, Artemis. Harrison will probably take charge of most  of the meeting, plus I'll be right there with you," Aaron promised.  Artemis gave him a weak smile, obvious that she didn't find complete  comfort in his words. She had gotten little sleep the night before,  dreams of war and death haunting her every time she tried closing her  eyes.
Her fingers fiddled with her bracelet as they exited the elevator and  walked down the hall to the meeting room. The guards opened the door  and the talking in the room fell quiet. Rounding the corner, Artemis saw  two men standing in front of the table. The blond bowed his head as she  entered, "Your Highness," he said. The man next to him gave her a short  bow of his head, repeating his words. Judging by his darker hair, she  quickly knew this was one of the Holland twins, but not the eldest she  was supposed to meet.
She stopped in front of the two, Aaron pausing next to her, "Your  Highness, Harrison Osterfield of Thule, advisor to the Princes," he  said. Artemis smiled at him, shaking his hand, "And this is Prince  Harry," Harrison introduced. She raised her eyebrows slightly as she  shook his hand, "We were under the impression we were meeting with your  brother," she said.
Harry winced slightly, "Something had come up this morning, so Tom is  unable to meet today," he explained. Artemis glanced at Aaron before he  gave her a slight now. he introduced himself and they made their way to  the table to sit down.
Harrison handed Artemis a tablet as Harry began to speak, "A severe  drought has consumed much of Thule; our rivers have dried up and our  main income of fishing has taken a drastic hit. The cattle and crops  have begun to slowly which has resulted in people getting sick," he  said. On the tablet were pictures, videos, and statistics of what Harry  had just explained.
Artemis gave the tablet to Aaron, noticing Harry out of the corner of  her eye peak at a piece of paper in his lap. "What are you hoping we  can do for you?" she asked, her hands folded on the table in front of  her. Harry glanced at Harrison before sighing, "At this point, anything  you are willing to offer. Food, supplies, enough to help the weak and  get us back on our feet," he answered desperately.  She gave him a soft  smile, "That's easily doable, but if you are willing, I think we can do  more," she said.
Harry shared a confused look with Harrison, "I was under the  impression that we might've not even been given aid, let alone something  special," the later said. "It's new, in its testing era," she started.  Aaron plugged a flash drive into the side consul of the table and a  bright blue and silver hologram shone over the table. Harry looked  through the light with wide eyes at her, "What is this?" he asked. "My  brother, Samuel, has been working with scientists and engineers on this.  As a country depended on water too, they have been working on a system  to reintroduce water into ecosystems," she explained.
With a few taps on the screen of the table, the hologram changed into  a test run of the machine. "It's still in the works, not fully  dependable. But Samuel said if you are willing, to test this on Thule's  rivers. He would start small of course, a creek here or there and move  on," Artemis added. "What does it do exactly?" Harry asked. Artemis  furrowed her eyebrows at the hologram, "That I'm hazy on, you must  forgive me, science wasn't exactly something I was good at," she laughed  lightly.
"I feel that was much better at history than anything," Harrison  joked. Artemis smiled at him before clearing her throat, "From what I  understand it can bring water from deep underground up to the surface to  help circulate the air to bring more rainfall and more water. The  details are in this flash drive that we are more than willing to give to  you," she explained.
Artemis held out her hand for the flash drive and Aaron pulled it out  of the table and handed it over to her. "This would be along with the  food and supplies. Considering this is a prototype we can give you extra  time to speak with whom you must to decide if you will accept this." she  reached across the table to set the silver drive on the table in front  of Harry. "When Tom comes to sign the treaty we will have an answer on  the machine," he said, pocketing the drive.
"We were under the impression that this would be discussed and  finalized today." Aaron leaned forward on the table, his arms crossed.  Harry sighed and looked at Harrison for help. "Us as well, Your  Highness, but King Dominic wishes for Tom to get more involved in  politics. And he wishes this treaty to be the first thing he does,"  Harrison explained.
"So, he was originally supposed to come to sign, was told to stay  back to have someone else to discuss it and then for him to come again  to sign it?" Artemis questioned.
With a weak, shy smile from Harry, Artemis sat back in her chair with  a huff and looked at Aaron. "Is that going to be a problem?" Harry  asked quickly. Aaron leaned over to Artemis to speak quietly to her,  "Your mother and sister return Friday, that dinner can be held for both  of them, their arrival and the union between the countries. The signing  pushed to Monday morning," he whispered. She nods, "Will have to,  nothing could happen this weekend," she mumbles.
Aaron sat up straight and looked to the Thule boys, "Tom can come  Thursday, a dinner will be held for the union between our countries and  the arrival of Princess Eden and Her Grace Eris, and the treaty will be  signed Monday," Aaron informed them. With a shared look between Harry  and Harrison, Harry frowned slightly, "And the weekend, what will Tom do  then?"  he asked.
Artemis gives a slight shrug, "I'm sure we can work something out,  Baltia does have a rich culture and beautiful grounds," she said. "And  with that rich culture, would you be able to make of basic lists of dos  and don't s to be followed?" Harrison chuckled.
She has heard of the lifestyle that Harry's eldest brother held,  while she tried not to judge as she too had fallen into media traps  before, she did have some worries. If Tom was truly anywhere near like  the media had portrayed him, this Bachelor Prince, then she was in for  one hell of a weekend. And with signing off this treaty with her own  name, she didn't want anything to go wrong. The council was reluctant in  giving her permission to sign off on it and the last thing she wanted  was some partying prince to ruin her future.
Aaron agreed to send Harrison some notes on what is to be expected of  Tom on Friday at the dinner, which Harrison and Harry thanked him  several times. And with that, they wrapped up the meeting. Harry made  sure to thank Artemis for allowing this treaty to come through and  allowing her and her father to help them. Artemis waved him off and told  him how happy she was to be able to give help to anyone that needed it.  
Harrison noted how humble she was, not easily taking any compliment  that he or Harry have her. He couldn't help but think how much Tom  needed that in his life and that hopefully, his friend could learn a  thing or two from the princess when he was here over the weekend. He  waited for Artemis to rise before thanking her once more with a shake of  her hand before she was led out of the room by Aaron.
It wasn't hard for Harrison to tell that the two held a closer  relationship, they worked well together from the little time Harrison  was with them today. And from Aaron's hand on her back and the way he  brushed it against her arm, Harrison almost questioned if they held more  of a working relationship and perhaps a more personal one. But he was  quick to throw that idea out of his head as it was none of his business  and knew nothing about them.
Instead, he looked over to Harry, who had a relieved look on his  face. "Thank God for that," he mumbled. Harrison agreed and collected  his things, knowing that he would be back in the same palace in a matter  of days.
When Artemis and Aaron reached her room, she went to sit down at the  bench at the end of her bed to take off her heels, frowning at the  blister on her toe. "Tom's the Bachelor Prince, right?" she questioned.  Aaron glanced at her as he put his phone on the charger at her desk,  "Last I've heard he was in Cape Town with a girl he met at a bar with  the previous night," he scoffed.
Artemis sighed and took her earrings out, "I don't feel too  comfortable having him sign off on this," she mumbled. "I assume they  will send someone with him, to overlook everything," Aaron reassured.  Artemis gave him a frown as she walked over to her jewelry counter,  setting the earrings on the counter. "I just want this to go perfectly  since I"m signing it. I want the council to see that I'll be a good  queen," she said softly.
Aaron sighed, "And you will Artemis, who are you isn't defined on  what they think of you," he said. She looks back at him through the  mirror and shrugs before taking out the pins in her hair. Aaron pushed  off the desk and walked over to her, his hands resting on her waist.  "You will be a good queen Artemis, the best Baltia has ever seen. And if  the council can't see that yet, then they're idiotic," he pushed. He  squeezed her sides gently and pressed a short kiss to her shoulder,  "You're a damn good princess and woman and you'll make an even better  queen," he whispered.
She looked down at her hands and nodded. "The signing will go  through, smooth as ever. I'll make sure of it, all I want you to worry  about is what you're wearing to the dinner on Friday," he said. She  looked back up at him through the mirror and smiled, "You know that gets  chosen for me," she laughed. "How about your hair? Crown, rings," he  listed.
His hands move up to her hair, parting it to give her pigtails, "I  think this will really impress you mother no?" he joked. "How about  this?" he twirled it to a large, messy bun on the top of her head. "Or  this?" he dropped the hair to block her face, a laugh falling from her  lips. She turned around to face him and he fixes her hair again to fall  against her back and out of her face.
"I'll speak with your father about the treaty, take a bath and try to  relax?" he questioned. Artemis snorted and rested her hands on his  chest, "And how am I suppose to relax in knowing my mother and sister  are coming Thursday?" she questioned. Aaron rested his hand against her  neck and raised his eyebrow, "For one, stop thinking," he laughed. "Read  a book, catch up on that show you've been talking about," he suggested.
"I'll try," she sighed dramatically and kissed her cheek.
Whatever had happened during that morning seemed to be forgotten, at  least in some moments it has. Aaron had been hesitant in touching her at  all, too scared that Artemis would flinch at him again or give him that  look of fear and confusion like before. There was a graze of hand here  or there, maybe a comforting hand on her back on her's on his arm. But  as Artemis stroked his cheek softly with her thumb, they seemed back to  normal. Some kind of normal.
She gave him a soft smile before ducking under his arms and  disappearing into her bathroom. She didn't start moving to make her bath  until she heard Aaron's steps and her bedroom door close behind him.  Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, she began her bath  by turning on the water. As the water started to fill the large tub and  she adjusted the temperature, she stripped down from the rest of her  jewelry, setting it on the vanity, and her clothes left in a pile on the  ground.
As if on autopilot, she poured in some bubbles and oils into the  water before waiting a moment or two and stepped into the tub. She  cupped water in her hands to rise the paint off her face, hoping that  she wouldn't have to go anywhere for the rest of the day and stay in her  room to relax. When the water reached a high enough point, she turned  it off and sank slowly into the water, her nose hovering over the  bubbles.
She didn't want to think much of the treaty, nor that everything  could be ruined if the Thule prince acted any certain way. She didn't  want to think of him any certain way, knowing well enough the media  jumps at the opportunity to ruin the image of Royalty, in any country or  any kind of celebrity. But she also knew that eight times out of ten,  in her own experience, there was always some truth to the story.
Like when she had just turned twenty-one and went out for her  birthday to a club in town with a bunch of her "noble friends". Yes, she  did have maybe a few too many to drink, but she didn't kiss that man  willing nor did she ask him to touch her any certain way. But according  to the media, she had asked him to come back to the palace with her to  have a good time. When in reality, Aaron had pulled the man and arrested  him for sexual harassment and then Artemis went back to the palace with  Aaron's jacket around her shoulders and an empty stomach.
So, Artemis didn't want to judge the prince on what the media said  about him. Did he really take a girl he just met at a bar to Cape Cod?  Maybe, maybe she has been someone he knew privately and ran into, maybe  he had been seeing her out of the public eye and wanted a weekend  getaway and just wasn't as slick as to hide her from cameras.
Either way, she forced herself not to think about it. Instead, she  focused on the golden white ceiling of her bathroom. She wondered  different things, what were her Gods like now, did they like how Earth  was, did they enjoy the technology that has advanced or was it nothing  compared to Olympus? Did she waste four years of her life on worthless  degrees in school? What color did she want her reign, blue, silver,  green?
After some consideration, she believed the Gods didn't like Earth,  liked the technological advances but liked Olympus's magic more, she  didn't waste four years on two majors and minors, and she had no idea  what she wasn't her reign color to be, but knew she didn't want green.
Her eyes flickered to the faucet the dripped slightly and with a  slight frown on her lips, she poked it with her big toe. Which resulted  in a slight flinch of the icy cold water and then a deeper frown. Here  she was taking advantage of her access her had to water as not only a  Royal but of someone of privilege in the world. Thule struggled with  little to no water in their country, desperate to make something  worked.
It wasn't until she watched the drip of the water she truly realized  how desperate they had to be to ask the country that was known for not  making new allies or really offering assistance. But then she told  herself that they were helping, her father agreed to help the smaller  country because she convinced him to. Perhaps it was a selfish  thing to think of, that the country was getting help because something  she did but she didn't care. She was helping someone because of  something she did and it didn't matter what the council said or did.
As Aaron said, she was a damn good princess and person and she'll be  an even better queen. Because she won't have any limitations as queen as  she does now. And she couldn't wait for the day to come that she can  sit on the stone throne in the Royal Garden, take her vows, and then get  to help everyone she could.
Too engrossed with her thoughts, she hadn't heard Aaron knock on the  door or enter the bathroom. "That look of deep thought on your face is  the exact opposite of the relaxation I said you should do," he said. She  looks over at him with an innocent smile, "If it helps I wasn't  thinking of the treaty?" he questioned. He crossed his arms and sat back  against the vanity, "Yeah, and what were you thinking about?" he asked.
She sat up in the tub, leaning forward against the side, resting her  arms along the rim. "Well, I decided not to judge Tom because the media  is a bitch," she started. "Fair," he agreed. "I didn't waste four years  of my life at University and I don't want my reign color to be green,"  she continued. "Little more random, but again, fair," he said more  confused. "I also believe that the Gods don't like how Earth is  currently and that they like our technological advances but prefer the  magic Olympus has to offer," she said.
Aaron raised his eyebrows at her, "Your mind really jumped everywhere  didn't it?" he questioned. "Oh, yes, I forgot to grab my tablet so she  went crazy." Artemis tapped her finger against her temple with a smile.  "To be fair, I'd take Olympus over Earth any day," he stated. "I'd think  you're crazy not to?" Artemis snorted.
She lifted bubbles in her hand and blew them over the tub. Aaron  chuckled and shakes his head, "Everything is set for Monday," he said.  She looks over at him, "So easily?" she asked. "I guess King Dominic  sent a message to your father during the meeting and they talked? He  seemed like he knew of the problem already and said he'll have Orion  schedule everything for Monday," he explained. "What's going on  tomorrow?" she asked.
Artemis slide further into the water to wet her hair and reached for  her shampoo against the wall. "Breakfast with the council and visiting  the home for LGBT you founded last year," he listed. She frowned as she  shampooed her hair, "Joy, which direction do you think the council will  go this time? Uneducated woman or an unfit, non-man?" she questioned.
Aaron hummed, "Perhaps differently this time, maybe they'll question  being single or maybe even your private life?" he teased. Artemis  snorted as she rinsed out her hair, "I'd like to see them try," she  mumbled. Aaron noticed she still looked stressed as she continued  bathing, "Whatever happens, you're not alone in there okay?" he  promised. With a shy nod from her, he walked over to place a small kiss  on her forehead.
"Do you need anything else until dinner?" he asked.
"I don't think so," she answered.
"Okay, I get need to do a few things for the Guardsmen. If you need anything just call."
"I know."
tags: @loxbbg @elioelioeli0 @emilyt0314 @spidey-pal
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kumeko · 6 years
of fate and choices
A/N: written for the BigThreesome Zine.
Summary: The mark on her neck was no stronger than the tattoo on her thigh. The choice was all theirs, was always theirs.
 Mirio liked mornings the best. He’d wake up in a mess of limbs, with Nejire spread out all over the bed and Tamaki curled up in a small ball. Her hair spooled all over them, a blanket, while Mirio’s hand kept Tamaki from falling off the edge of the bed. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he curled his arms around both of them for a quick hug before leaping off the bed.
“Mornin’?” Groggily, Tamaki sat up. Swaying slightly, he stared at Mirio for a long moment before falling back onto the bed. Nejire didn’t react, sleeping like the dead as usual.
“Morning!” With a broad grin, Mirio pecked his husband’s forehead before getting ready for work. His spouses didn’t have to leave yet, but he still had to drop Eri off at pre-school. And make breakfast.  And pack her lunch.
And maybe he should have set his alarm a little earlier, he was going to be late at this rate.
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” he chanted as he tossed on his clothes. They were a little loose and it was only the infinite belts he wore that kept them from slipping right back off him. Nejire liked to open the buckles one by one and see just how many it’d take before he was naked.
But that was a thought for neither here nor there and Mirio was definitely going to be late.
“Nejire…made lunch,” Tamaki muttered, his voice thick with sleep. He was staring up at the ceiling, a hand covering his eyes. It was still too bright for him.
“Really?” Mirio stared at Nejire in surprise.  She was already taking over the space he had left, her limbs sprawled ungracefully over the vast majority of the bed.
“I supervised.” Tamaki rubbed his eyes slowly. “It’s edible. I made sure she didn’t use anything too strange.”
Which was a little sad, because Mirio did like the strange new combinations Nejire always found. However, it was probably better if Eri didn’t suddenly realize she hated the taste of eggplant, plum, and acai stir fry. Even if they all followed the purple colour scheme.
“I love you.” Mirio pecked both of them once more before running off to wake up Eri.
Yeah, Mirio liked mornings the best.
“Is that your soulmate’s symbol?” Ochako leaned closer to see symbol on Nejire’s shoulder. “A sun? How cute!”
“It is, right? It totally is!” The weather had picked up recently and Nejire had started sporting less and less fabric as each day passed by. Unfortunately, Tamaki stopped her from going any further than a tank top and shorts. Still, there was always tomorrow. One of these days, he’d slip up. Besides, it was her fashion line! What did it matter if she wore almost nothing? It was hot!
“What’s your symbol?” The new temp was curious. Nejire liked that about her. Well, she liked a lot of things about Ochako but curiosity was at the very top of the list.
“A tornado!” Nejire grinned. When they first met and her symbol had etched itself on Mirio’s wrist, he didn’t really believe it was hers. Apparently she had seemed too thin, too small for something so disastrous. “A big one.”
“Ahaha, I can see that.” Ochako chuckled, nodding her head. Another thing she liked about the newbie—she realized instantly that a tornado was the perfect fit.
“Oh, wait, wait!” Halting immediately, Nejire pulled up the left side of her shorts slightly. “Look at this one too.”
“Huh?” Perplexed, Ochako stared at the fluffy cloud on her thigh. “A tattoo?”
“It’s for my other soulmate.” The second Tamaki had said yes, she had gone to the closest tattoo parlor. “Isn’t it pretty?”
Ochako’s confusion didn’t clear but Nejire paid her no mind. Summer was great, she could show off both symbols so easily now. Maybe she’d wear shorter shorts tomorrow. She could even pick out the ones Tamaki liked—there was no way he could object then.
The restaurant’s bathroom was empty when Tamaki entered it. Approaching the sink, he splashed the cool water on his face. Despite how long he had been working here, he had yet to get used to the kitchen’s heat.
His bangs were dripping when he looked up in the mirror. They were starting to get long—he’d have to get Nejire to cut them later.  As he pushed them to the side, the cloud on his neck caught his eye. It was still there then. Good.  Tracing the pattern with his finger, he sighed with relief.
He could still stay with them, then.
“Mirio!” Deku waved as Mirio slid into the fire station.
Panting, he looked up at the clock—7:59. Puffed up with pride, he high-fived his partner. “Made it!”
“Good thing too, Yagi was already preparing your punishment.” Deku gestured behind him, to the office where Fire Chief Yagi was watching them with a slightly disappointed expression.  “I’m glad you got here on time!”
“I couldn’t keep setting a bad example for you!” Mirio frowned as they headed to the change rooms.  Unbuttoning his shirt, he nodded sagely to himself. “Just like Yagi, I have to give you an ideal to reach for.”
Deku blinked before settling into an easy smile. “You do that enough at work anyways!” Opening his locker, he stared down at Mirio’s wrists for a moment before biting his lip. “Could I ask you something?”
Ah, that question. It had been a few months since they had become partners—the longest anyone had waited before asking. “Go ahead.”
“…How did you know?”
Surprised, Mirio stared at his junior. “Huh?”
Deku flushed a deep red, his fingers pushing against one another as he clarified his question. “You have two soulmates, right? How…how did you know?”
Not the question he had been expecting, but Deku was always full of surprises. Proudly, Mirio showed the tornado and cloud imprinted on his wrists. “With Nejire, we happened to be in the same classroom and we just…clicked? It was almost instantaneous but she’s never had patience anyways.” Mirio chuckled, remembering how quickly his wife had searched the room for him.
“I see…” Deku had a little notebook out, his pen already scribbling away. Mirio snorted—even now, his junior was so serious. “I hear it burns a little when it changes.”
“Yeah, just a little.” Fondly, he traced the cloud he got after seeing Nejire’s. “Tamaki…he took a little longer but there was never any other choice.”
“Never?” Deku looked up at those words.
Mirio repeated firmly, “Never.”
“Do you think I’ll have to wait long?” Deku stared at the palm of his hand, at the rabbit etched on his skin. “I keep looking but it never changes.”
“Hmm…well, sometimes people never find their soulmates. It’s a huge world, right?” Mirio gestured at the wall, in the direction of Yagi’s office. “Chief never found his but he’s still happy with his husband.”
“That’s true…there are cases like that.” Deku took a deep breath before lifting his head.  A determined look in his eyes, he quickly returned to changing. “Thanks!”
Tamaki’s hands hovered hesitantly over her spaghetti straps. Nejire could feel the warmth radiating from his palms, see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. His throat had been dry all evening, ever since he spotted her and Mirio coming down the stairs. Even drinking three glasses of water at dinner had done nothing to quench his thirst.
His fingers trembled. Staring up into his eyes, she saw age-old fear and doubt cloud his sight. Swiftly, she reached up and cupped his cheeks, pulling his face down for a kiss.
“Hey, listen to me.” Pulling away slightly, she pressed her forehead to his. Sometimes, touching Tamaki was touching glass; she was afraid he’d shatter. Mirio was better at handling him than she was. Her touch had always been too abrasive, leaving behind bruises and wounds whether she meant it or not.
But Tamaki was important and for Tamaki, she would try. Keeping her voice soft, she continued. “I chose you.”
“Wha—“ Tamaki tried to step back but she kept her grip firm. “It’s not…it’s not that.”
Nejire wasn’t going to play the game, not today. “I chose you. I still choose you, choose this. So does Mirio.”
If there was one thing she had never understood, it was this need to follow soulmates. To be bound to them. If Mirio hadn’t been her match, she still would have picked him. If someone else had been her soulmate, she still might have rejected him. The mark on her neck was no stronger than the tattoo on her thigh.  If only Tamaki could see that, could understand that. The choice was all theirs, was always theirs.
“Hey, hey listen.” She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of him breathing. His heart was faster than a rabbit’s, she was certain of it. Opening her eyes, she stared right into his. “I love you. We love you. Did you hear that? Did you?”
His ears went red and had this been any other time, she would have bitten them. She still might, after all of this. Tamaki froze at this confession, his hands resting on top of hers instead of pushing her away.
“I love you,” she repeated. Even though he didn’t respond, his fingers didn’t shake this time as he reached for her shoulders.
“Mama?” Eri poked her head into the bedroom, clutching a stuffed unicorn tightly. Tamaki looked up from the book he was reading and Nejire put down her Switch. “Daddy?”
“Another nightmare?” Tamaki asked, closing his book.
“Yeah…Papa’s sleeping?” Eri  shuffled nervously at the foot of the bed, looking down the entire time. “I...”
Nejire was already patting the space between her and Mirio.  Tamaki watched in horror as she started to roll him towards the edge of the bed to make more room. “Want me to fight your closet?”
Eri’s eyes were round as saucers as she considered it. Clambering up onto the bed, she snuggled next to Nejire and nodded rapidly. “Please!”
“Alright! Mama’s going to be a monster hunter tomorrow!”
“And they all lived happily ever after.” Tamaki glanced over at his adoptive daughter. She looked so much like her father, even when she was asleep. Quickly, he removed the finger puppets they had all made one rainy afternoon, setting them back into Eri’s playbox.
After kissing Eri’s forehead, he quietly closed the door and returned to his—to their room. The lights were low, with Nejire and Mirio curled up to each other, fast asleep. They had left space between them, space for him.
They always left space for him. The extra toothbrush when he first started dating, the mug in the cabinet, the drawer they cleaned just for him. Tamaki’s right hand curled around his neck, covering the cloud.
Even if he met his soulmate tomorrow, there was nowhere else he wanted to be.  This was home, they were home. Crawling into bed, he pecked both of them lightly. “Me too,” he mumbled, remembering Nejire’s words the other day. “Me too.”
Her eyes snapped open, arms already pulling him down before he could retreat. “I heard that!” she half sang, her voice thick with sleep. “I heard that!”
If there was one saving grace, it was that Mirio hadn’t heard it. Yet. Nejire would definitely tell him tomorrow.
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lunafaerywitch-blog · 5 years
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Nyx is the Greek Goddess of Night. She is its personification, and therefore, can be represented by a veil of dark mists although she is more often than not depicted as a beautiful woman clothed in dark robes, wearing a long veil on which shine the stars. Another one of Her representations in ancient arts would be a winged goddess.
She rides a chariot pulled by two to four horses as She covers the light sky with Her darkness and leaves the stars in Her trail. Two of Her sons accompany Her on Her journey: Hypnos (God of Sleep) and Thanatos (God of Death).
Daughter of Chaos, She is older than Her sister the Earth Gaia, as She was one of the first born elemental gods and goddesses who ruled over confusion in the void of emptiness.
She married Her younger brother Erebus, with whom she conceived Aether (God of Light) and Hemera (Goddess of the Day). Then later, on Her own: Moros (Doom), Ker (Destruction), Thanatos, Hypnos, Momus (Blame), Oizys (Distress), the Hesperides, the Moirai (Fates), Nemesis (Divine Retribution), Apate (Deceit), Philotes (Friendship), Geras (Old Age) and Eris (Strife).
As we can see, Nyx was the mother of many children, for whom She cared deeply and fiercely. During the day, She nurtured them in their home, located in Tartarus, in the depths of Hades' Underworld.
When the evening starts, She leaves Her house, as Hemera enters it, to start Her journey and grant the world some rest after the day.
Nyx is like every other goddess, either helpful or harmful to mankind, although She is a bit more extreme. Indeed, She can bring either sleep or death depending on the situation.
But in the dark of the Night, many frightful and inexplicable things can happen; hence, why She has also been attributed the power over illness, suffering, dreams, misfortunes, quarrels, war and murder.
Knowing that, we can understand that the people most devoted to Her were thieves and fugitives as well as lovers.
Nyx is also the supreme ruler of prophetic power. According to Greek traveler and geographer Pausaias, She had an oracle on the Acropolis in Megara.
But still, She was rarely the focus of cults. If you were looking for Her, you could see Her lurking in the background of other cults. Thus, there was a statue called Nyx in the temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The Spartans also had a cult of Sleep and Death, conceived as twins.
So, when She is not forgotten, Nyx is seen as a malevolent being. But if we choose to look past this, we most certainly can recognize Her power and Her sense of motherhood. A good example of that can be found in the Iliad. During the Trojan War, Hera asked Hypnos to put Zeus to sleep while She led his son Heracles to his death. When he awoke, Zeus was driven mad by the loss of his son and threatened to unleash his wrath on Hypnos. But the God of Sleep fled to his mother's home where Zeus dared not touch him in fear of angering Nyx. Hypnos caused trouble for Zeus a few more times after this incident, but always scurried right back to his powerful mother afterwards.
The way Zeus feared Nyx as She was older and more powerful than he may remind us of how the Patriarchy feared the ancient Goddess.
Nyx is there to remind us of the immense power that lies within us. She teaches us not to be afraid of it, but to embrace it and to use it to protect those we care for. It is only when we stop being afraid of the darkness that we can see the truth, as it is often hidden.
Nyx also reminds us that life is not always bright. It has its share of good and bad, and we must seek balance.
Nyx is most frequently associated with the Moon so the day of the week associated with Her is Monday.
Her colors are black and silver. Her symbols are stars on a black veil and a crescent moon.
Animals protected by Her are bats and owls, as well as other feared animals associated with the night such as black cats.
During the year, Her presence is predominant around Yule, when the nights are the longest.
Finally, stones associated with Her are agates, which protect against bad dreams and stress, and most importantly moonstones. Their power is naturally the strongest when it is a full moon. They are believed to be a reflection of their owner and can help women align themselves with the universe and find their path.
Since there aren't really any rituals to honor Nyx, I wrote one for this project.
This ritual is meant to help you grow more confident as you embrace Nyx, ask Her to help you to see what's hidden, and to not fear the unknown.
It should be performed on a Full Moon, preferably outside or by a window, just before going to bed. Being able to gaze at the stars would help a lot, but if they are not visible you can always imagine them.
Surround yourself with white or silvery candles to represent the stars that follow Nyx in Her path.
For offerings to Nyx, consider flowers that only bloom in the night such as four o'clock flowers, as well as dark fruits such as blackberries, blueberries or plums.
Use white sage to purify your sacred space. You can also use lavender to call on to Nyx's child Eros (God of Love) for positive energy and is always a plus when performing this ritual. Also, Eros’ presence will shield you from Nyx's other children who may have a more negative impact.
Before starting your ritual, place a veil on your head, as Nyx is associated with the Veil of the Night.
To cast your circle, your hands are perfectly fine, but if using a wooden wand, ebony would be a good choice (Although be mindful that this is a powerful type of wood and should be used carefully.)
Kneel on or in front of a piece of black cloth on which you will place two moonstones to represent and show respect to Nyx's sons Hypnos and Thanatos who always accompany Her.
When inviting Nyx to join you, you can chant Lord Byron's poem She Walks in Beauty.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
When praying to Nyx, hold the moonstones in your hands and humbly ask for Her guidance and Her strength, speak with your heart, trust Her with your fears and hopes. These are your only guidelines.
Lift the veil after your prayer or poem is complete and while you are thanking Nyx for listening. Rise as the veil falls to symbolize your new confidence and resolve. (Be mindful of the candles! You want to make sure you have enough room to move freely and prevent the veil from catching fire. If you do not have enough room, remove the veil carefully and set it aside.)
After you have thanked Nyx and Her children by kissing the two moonstones, open your circle by extinguishing the candles.
Leave the fruit and flowers outside your window if possible and put the moonstones under your pillow or bed. Nyx may share some of Her wisdom with you through a dream.
Remember to release the energy raised during the ritual. You might want to do that by sending it out to the rest of the world or to some people who might need a blessing during the night.
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jfastereft · 5 years
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"A TRINITY OF EASTER BONNETS* - FOR THE NEWLY RESURRECTED!?"  Easter Sunday: April 21, 2019 [Monday!   in Australia!!]
 "NO, IT'S NOT!" a poem  a.k.a.: "You Mean It's NOT Halloween?  Oh, That's Why!"
 "'No, it's-NOT-Halloween!-It's-EASTER!!'    "Oh, sorry, that-must-be-why,
There-hasn't-been much spooky-candy  in-The-Store, as-I've-wandered-by,
And Dracula's teeth (generally-a-good-seller) are-half-price-off-on sale,
While little Bunny-People-are-out, wig-gl-ing their tail[s]!
And The Zombie Crawl's unusual, for it's-being done with a cross!
Dang! I-really-missed-it-this-year! But it's-not a total loss!?
 Yet, it-explains-a-lot, for, in October, when-I-really-thought-it-was-Easter,
I got no eggs-and-one-girl-was-annoyed, when-I-taped-a-tail-on-her-keister,
But, eventually, she-dressed as a bunny      and shook it pretty well!
Dang it!  Yeah!  I-wonder - if I will go to H - L L -
For mixing-up these holidays, in such an-unrighteous-fashion!
I've missed the candy, and now my dandy     costume     I-can't-cash-in!!
 So, I-better-get-t'-thinkin'-'bout going to Church, [early] Sunday morning,
When Jesus was tri-um-phant, as-a-vampire, without warning!
'CAUSE YOU-ONLY-LIVE          FOREVER!           So-try-and-be-nice!
 THEY-say HE-had-some-candy though, when-he-came-out-from-The-Tomb,
But no one would approach-eth Him!  We're-so-cautious-from-the-womb,
Afraid that we might just-get-"bit," turned-into-Deathless-" Folk!"
They-all-thought-The-Resurrection [Thing]      must-be a-media-joke!
 Y'-know, just like Mich[ael] Jackson,     That Guy could really sing!
And-a-a-rou-ound-Hal-lo-ween,    He-was-The-Trick-or-Treatin'-King!**
 fin   <3
* - or is that Sonnets?
** - King-Of-The-Chew, The Candy Chew, with-Chocolate-Mashes-and-lic-or-ice;
And He was real great at parties!  One word, Sweetheart: "FOOT-FE-TISH!"
  "THE WAY!" a poem, a.k.a.: "Party Hardy If You Want Your Lordy, Lordy To Wakey-Wakey!"  
 HE's risen!!   Dang, He's UP AGAIN,
Walking here, amongst all men!
'Tis-no "party trick," for The Son's Arisen!
The rock is rolled! It's-a-ROCK-&-ROLL-vision!
As Jesus Christ (That Guy's Alive),
As He steps from the tomb, He "takes a dive,"
In-the-flowers       over there,
And-when-He-looks-up,       there's HER stare!!
 With His face all dirty - and stinky too,
She sees Him there, &-says: "What-did-you-do,
With-My-Lord,     you garden-er?!"
And Jesus sees [that] He-can-fool-her?
 "Well, yes!" He lies; "I'm-the-land-scrape-designer,
But I did see Your Lord, OFF his recliner,
Walking-over-there - and-saying GOOD BYE!"
(But This Girl can-see The Glint in His eye!!)
 Since-Jesus-is-a-lousy-liar, She knew it was Him!
"Oh, Lord, [you're] such a kidder!"  and, although-proper-&-prim,
She-made-a-run-for-Him, and-He-said: "HOLD ON!
You've-got-[on]-your-"Sunday-Best," and-I'm-covered-with-lawn!
So, don't touch me now; I'll clean up pretty soon,
 "Well-NOW, take you time, Lord!  Everyone's mostly in jail!
They were celebrating YOUR WAKE!  I-will go-get bail!"
 Anyway!  That girl wasn't actually MARY!  Her-name was: Dory,*
(I just thought you-might be interested in getting The True[r] Story!)
 Anyway, eventually, Jesus DID "clean up" and He did realize,
WHY HE AROSE!!!   This-here's a big surprise!
You-see, it was REALLY because of the drunken orgy wake,
Because they all were drinking - and SHOUTING, for Goodness' sake,
And Jesus, dead and sleeping, must-have-heard-something-like this:
"A WAKE!  A WAKE!" and-it-must-have-filled-Him-with-[such]-bliss,
To-know-{that}-everyone-wanted-Him-to-wake-up, come-out-[of]-The-Tomb-&-party!
Strange, but true:     IF YOU-HAVE-A-WAKE, BE REAL HARDY,
For your exuberance can be infectious - and even wake The Dead!!!
And I got this from A REAL GOOD SOURCE!  It's-what-an-"ancient-text"-said!
 [And I've ALSO got some REAL-QUALITY, residential property, a-Florida-estate,
Nestled in some once-wet-land, and the-scenery is GREAT!
We can ALL live there, praising The Lord each day,
And PARTY HARDY, Lordy, Lordy!   It-is: THE JESUS WAY!         :) - Hooray!  OK?
 fin <3
* - Keep on swimmin'!
  "NO APOLOGIES NECESSARY!"  a poem   Easter Sunday!!
 That's right! Complainers love-to-complain, and-coughers-love-to-cough!
Another-Easter-Time-arrives where JESUS-WOULD-LOVE TO-GET-OFF,
Being-hung-UP-on-that-pole [AGAIN!] spending (I imagine) too-much time,
Suffering      and bleeding,         so churches-can-celebrate-and-pine,          
And think-about-and-focus-on           Their-Crucified-Lord, again,
Crying into their "GIVING cups," lamenting all their sin!
 We-are-the-soldiers, as before,    pulling-the-garment-of-The-Lord,
And we PLAY FOR IT - and laugh and sing, and hope we can afford,
A-lot-of-drinks, at-our-favorite-pubs, when we exchange THE garment;
Let's take our helmets from-these-spears - and plunge-[them]-into-this-varmit!
 With swords and shields and spears -        Let's have a bloody, good time,
And, if we're lucky, at the local bars,   we'll-commit-a-little-crime!
Some rapes and mutilations! Perhaps, a-young-girl-can-be-"groomed!"
I just-love-another-Sweet, Sweet Easter,   especially-as-HE-lies-"entombed!"
 And, then, after all the rapes and murders, we'll [REALLY]-celebrate-The-Season!
SUNDAY MORNING SURFACES! and things are calm!  The reason?
Every-one's passed-out or dead, but few of them are "giving!"  
And here comes Jesus, out-of-The-Tomb, Yes, sir!  He's really LIVING,
The-Good-Life, and-a-once again, He greets His friend named "Mary,
and He says (for-the-2000th-time), "I beg you, Friends; don't tarry!
This is IT!  Welcome, Everyone!  to-a GLORIOUS, BRAND NEW DAY!
Where NOW there is no need to suffer!  You-don't-have-to any-more!"
He tells all this - to-the Disciples,    but Satan      will just snore,
Knowing that he's surely got - [another] 3 hundred, sixty five,
Days-to-convince EVERYONE(?) that-ANOTHER-Easter's-not-no-"jive,"
That-is THE WAY! The-Way-Of-The-World,    Of-This World of HIS:
"[Let's] just-keep-re-enacting  the-same-old    [liturgical]-Show-Biz!!!"
Until THE BLOODY END OF TIME - or-until someone gets wise,
Declaring-this,   that: "Heavenly existence       is HERE, before our eyes!"
 We need-not keep a-spinning - the same old Ritual Wheel,
For Jesus has declared [triumphant?]  His-ancient "Brave New Deal!"
We just need     to accept it,    and stop-all-this   being fooled,
BUT!!  We-DO love celebration SO MUCH     - and of-being-RULED,
By systems-of-government, and-medicine - and, of course, pompous-religion!
And-haven't-we-been-"pigeons," My Friends!  PIGEONS!? long enough?
Turning-over ALL our lives     to Demons, who-love-to "bluff,"
And say [that] They're "in charge - and they've got a REAL GOOD plan,
IT'S: THE SACRED! Yes, THE-sacred-STATUS QUO,   for-ev-ery  girl and man!
And - Let's just keep-on going -             down the same old road!"
 Will-we-always-bow-to-temptation?                You-know, we're often told:
"That PROS-PER-ITY (whatever THAT is)     is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!" Why-don't-we-stop and look-'round-there,     but NOT as some, poor mourner!
 Yet [everyone's-shouting] "No!    (pause) There-must-be-more-we-must-DO!"
 No, NOTHING MORE! just-NO-APOLOGIES, for-liking-to-EAT-&-S - R - W!*
 So, anyway!  Happy Easter AGAIN!  It's almost 6 A. M.!
Which is - time-to-eat-and-get-dressed-up - and-to-practice-another-AMEN!
And-when-you-go-to-church-and-sit-in-your-P'EW, counting-blessings in your life,
Remember, that   each-GOOD-Nazi         sat-with-his-good wife,
And they would sit there and worship -     for as many Easter morns,
As The World would allow!         While angels blew their horns!!    
 YET, HERE, DEAR FRIENDS, I DON'T SUGGEST - that-you-skip-Church-today,
But-you-should-know, It's-a-social-convenience!  So weigh what they-all-say!
TAKE GOOD ADVICE - and apply it,         with-what "free will" you got,
But don't buy in - to politics!   For LOVE's what Jesus sought!          :) - Happy Easter!
 fin  <3
 * - Of course, now-The-Bible    don't say much -   'bout Jesus and the ladies,
But-He-ate-a-lot, for-THEY-called-Him-"A-Glutton," &-He-surely-did-like-babies!!
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fgffbfghtr · 3 years
To be sure, Tom was in a state of insurrection for conscience’ sake
To be sure, Tom was in a state of insurrection for conscience’ sake. Others placed bricks and tires blocking off a section of the street that ran past the building. It is going to be fun to see if the XXX2 builds upon the AJ2 and transforms into a major performance vehicle on the court.. I'm a long time amateur astronomer and member of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). Because you're so absorbed in your assumed victory that . It looked as if it would fit me now.. Their holds were packed with trade Mens JORDAN Hoodie goods, wines and silks and spices, rare woods and rarer scents, but the ships themselves were the true prize. If I am lucky, it might crack his skull. And when he walked away I followed him quietly, because I had made up my mind beforehand that I’d find out where grandfather lived and tell mother. Beyond the weirwood, Glover opened a rusted iron gate and paused to light a torch. I want all the leading men in the Shieldhall when the evening watch begins. He heard one of the women suck in her breath. George Bullerjahn how to collect samples for water quality testing and about leon papucs győr University research into the toxic algae that often invades Lake Erie and Sandusky Bay.. A living soul longs for something sweet in life, and she consented, though I was so poor biciclete rusesti vechi I had nothing to tempt a cat with. "The entry of the C Series into our fleet is expected to yield significant cost savings. The occasion is the organization's annual National Philanthropy Day celebration at the Beverly Hilton. “Here is Khrazz. “He was a tiger. Rising senior Aaron Maher rotated every play with Winfree last season but like Winfree is also a key player on the baseball team.. nike air max thea atomic pink Khal Drogo had been her sun-and-stars, but he had been dead so long that Daenerys had almost forgotten how it felt to love and be loved. One little word had been uttered between us already, and I heard at last Natasha, with her little head drooping, and her lips half parted, whisper “Yes.” But the parents knew of it later on. Only the brightest stars were visible, all to the west. (6 mm) narrower than the width of your foot when you are standing.. I spent joyful time with my family.. Beneath her veils, the Green Grace sighed. "We have made great strides over the last two seasons with a total rebuild of the program," Akashian said. She was born in Fond du Lac on April 13, 1926, the daughter of Clarence and Lorraine (nee Linde) duci alkalmi ruha Coon. Having done the best they could with these hastily organised rituals, Caitrona and Samus set about consolidating two families into one. Pompeii pizza will be available all day and during the concert. Passengers of cancelled flights wait in Hamad International Airport (HIA) in Doha, Qatar, Monday, June 5, 2017. My brothers and sisters were bid off one by one, while my mother, holding my hand, looked on in an agony of grief, the cause of which I but ill understood at first, but which dawned on my mind with dreadful clearness as the sale proceeded. “These are not raiders, out to steal zattini promoção de botas a wife and some plunder. After Wharton, Alexander graduated from Harvard Law School in 1923. His mother was very anxious to go with them, and take the whole family; but her husband persuaded her to wait until the next ship sailed, when he thought he should be able to go too. He closed his fist around it, spun, dashed its contents into the face of the charging dwarf girl, then threw himself to one side to bokacsizma bakancs avoid her knife. Then, after the museum closed the night before the event, the performers spent about four hours working out logistics of where to stand and where to stay hidden (beforehand), which is kind of hard to do when you wearing a military uniform, Taylor said.. That hour is over. Unlike other automakers, which save the fancy tech for Europe, Mercedes will give us all most of the goodies. Runkle, 85NEW LONDON Patricia Ann Runkle, 85, of New London passed away peacefully on July 20, 2016, at Stein Hospice Care Center in Sandusky. In the previous ten years (possibly more) the club had not been victorious at King's Park, and the last time the hosts had been successful against their opponents six years ago on the Broughton High School pitch.. Armani invited Liam Payne of One Direction to see his preview show; Ferragamo seated Italian rapper Ghali in its front row; Fendi hosted actor Tommy Dorfman; and Dolce Gabbana put no fewer than 106 style setters from around the globe on their runway.. Marshall’s Rep., 368. His sleeping pelts and woolen smallclothes, his sheepskin boots and fur-lined gloves, his store of mead and hoarded food, gioco cubo di rubik amazon the hanks of hair he took from the women he bedded, even the golden arm rings evro kalkulator Mance had given him, all lost and left behind. I used to be 350 pounds, . "We'd do anything to save money while we built our house," says Phyl. Before going to hike, check if the weather is fine. Moderate force is superadded only to make the others effectual. He bowed on the same spot where Stalwart Shield had lain in death not long before. And how could she have run away? There was only one gateway to the buildings; she must have slipped by us when I was talking to my old friend. Your lordship lost a son at the Red Wedding. She liked the feel of his smooth, soft skin beneath her fingers. I not going to be Jane the Virgin forever. Grace settling for $8 million, with no admission of wrongdoing. It's time to bail out Main Street, not Wall Street. She once belonged to a Mr. The location is the 21st opening of a new Sears Hometown Store this year and the 31st opening of a new store across all of Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores formats. Why should he? Dead dolce gabanna adidași bărbații men do not shit. I think he can be a major impact for us right away. Each took a knee before the king.. Reek listened to the vanes turning on the old windmill as they rode beneath the gatehouse into a grassy courtyard where stableboys ran out to take their horses. He also played for the Dayton Warbirds of the National Indoor Football League (NIFL) where he rushed for 263 yards in a single game.. I see, my friends, you want to know where I’ve been for the last five days — that’s what I want to tell you, but you won’t let me. Emily told her that, if she wished to have them stay, she must go and ask her father. Tout cela est li aux revenus que nos gouvernements et nos municipalits se doivent de recueillir pour assurer l'ensemble des services la population, a dclar Lopold Turgeon, prsident directeur gnral du CQCD.. “Bah,” the pirate prince replied, “he will kill you with these honors, old friend. “Just … just be Arya, be his wife. Mary Women Soccer Michael Barbato Mount Mercy Univ. His late wife came from central Louisiana. The air smelled of roasting meat, and he saw one man skinning a dog for his stewpot.. After Mr. Delphi announced a $28 million investment and Chrysler has promised more than $300 million to retool one of its transmission plants.. It was the third she had had since their separation. I saw tape recently of Jim Brown on a quick trap play.
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veryfineday · 3 years
Saturday 23 April 1825
6 5/60
10 3/4
.. [Anne’s period] 
From 7 3/4 to 10 10/60 wrote the few last lines of the 1st end, the whole of the 2nd a great deal under the seal, all very small and close, and crossed the 1st page of my letter (began on wednesday part written on Thursday and finished this morning) to ‘madame madame Barlow, Quai Voltaire no.15, Paris’, all which read over, wafered, and directed, and gave for George to take to the post-office –
I have had no time to make extracts but it is very affectionate  say she will perhaps ssee me again before the all off[er]ed two years are expired write as if having no wish but to make her my wife §§  yet say she knows ‘the hard necessity of circumstance that clings around me now’ bid her do what is best for her own interest and for Janes §  for her sake I can forget to be selfish nay more than this abhor thought bid her ‘not sacrifice a certain good for the upncertain prospect of making happy one whose affections she had gained forever but whose hopes of happiness had waked not from their sleep of years till roused by you to live and tremble once again’ § – all this brought on by my saying I had been taken by surprise altogether tho I ought not to have been by the reappearance of her ‘old beau’ that is Mr William Bell §  said I had not the same feeling of repugnance towards him as Mr Hancock between whom to again use her aunts words il nya pas de choix  in point of gentility Mrs H[ancock] nothing beyond her bright grates in bread street but bade her not atten[d] to me but make other inquiries  said I did not mean to reflect on her taste she had seen Mr H[ancock] ‘in ignorance and at Place Vendome two reasons taken conjointly quite enough to excuse the whole thing’ –
she would not ruin me in postage – if her letters cost no more than now and she write regularly every fortnight of her life, they would only cost 47 shillings and 8 d.pence a year  a sum far greater than which I should save by the habits of economy her regard had taught me – why did she not marK the little volumes?  § Rousseaus Nouvelle Heloise  she herself was the only one to whom I would give  did she think I could now make such presents to others perhaps she would soon become what she was pleased to call ‘more rational’ without much effort  ‘you have taught me much untaught before and surely I must strangely learn that hardest science  to forget [wh]ere I can associate another with those sentiments which you have chastened and refined  there is a little sacred record in my memory that would star t up into life against me’ were I to give these too interesting volume to any other than herself – had before all this bidden her not tell me any more of her being an injury to my future prospects etc. etc. §  they we were good enough to content me I wanted nothing more than I was likely to have ‘save that most difficult to gain of all possesions a heart in unison with my own’ –
§ alluding to madame G-[Galvani] ‘They are who thinK but little or tomorrow or of yesterday – are they the happier? I doubt it much – Then are, too, who have no faith in worlds to come; who have no stay for thought to rest upon, and, with whom, it would ‘destroy their paradise’ – when ‘we go hence, and are no more seen, who ever much remembers us, save that lonely one within whose heart our shrine was raised?’ 
ThanKs for her present of the Environs of Paris – I should con it over and plan some litt[l]e excursions for us  concluded my letter with bidding her tell me everything and ‘remember it is the gentle beam of affection not the meridian blaze of intellect that makes happy the heart of your affectionately attached AL’ –
vide last wednesday page 285. no observation made on mrs. B-’s[Barlow’s] letter because I had not time – 3 pp.pages long ends, and a great deal under the seal, all very small and close – § very very affectionate ‘a diversity of objects and scenery saved you from the intense misery I have suffered’ and she goes on to describe feelings much more intense than I had ever dreampt of her experiencing for me it ended in her being ill and having a great deal of fever for which Mrs Guantlet made her take calomel etc. § ‘I became so ill I had so much fever that I composed letters in my brain to your uncle telling him that your return alone could save my child from being an orphan’ – ‘so thin am I that my rings are laid aside I kept losing them every moment’ – about the going to Edmonto[n] etc. she says ‘I know not how to express all my obligation none but yourself could have acted as you describe the invention and decision was unique and the desc[r]iption capital’ –
§ Mr William Bell her ‘old beau’ had called and sat two hours with her making it evident he would offer if he thought he had the smallest chance of being accepted § ‘when I saw him..... I asked myself is that the man who caused much a sensation in our families how altered how changed in every respect’ – ‘would that I had but one day more of your dear societyelf in this ssalon I have so many things unsaid which perhaps we may never meet with op[p]ortunity to express but to tell you truly I must have many days of your society to induce me to undergo the agonized feelings I endured the days which followed your departure I thought I was near my end not that I fear death but on my childs account not that I love you less  but that I feel satisfied you would be decidedly better provided for without the burden of my acquaintance which can only prove disadvantageous and imprudent in being encouraged I must stop op my pen for I know non [not] what my light head would scribble on to say the best thing I could do with this sheet would be to consign it to the flame my next I trust will be more rational god bless and prese[r]ve you you know all I would say adieu CMB’ thus ends the third page –
Her aunt writes that mr. de Lancey speaKs highly of me – Jane has got the SKetch booK with ‘which is extremely well bound – I never saw Jane so delighted with anything’ § – of madame G-Galvani ‘I do not Know anyone who only thinKs of the present so much as our friend – all her actions, even in respect to economy, portray the same character’.... my letter sent off from London on the monday reached mrs. B-Barlow the Thursday following (the 14th April) – and was charged 24 sols – written on my very thin French paper and wafered –
 §§ in my answer when on the subject  vide line 12 from the bottom of the last page slightly alluded to our connection none could possibly understand it but herself  said I still sighed § after happiness gone by with a sigh more deep and long than she might think ‘in the midst of occupation when the strong voice of duty and necessity call on our attention the mind may be diverted for a while but tis the hour of rest when we retire into ourselves tis then when wh fancy brings to mind what absence takes away and thought of happiness gone by disorders all the heart’ said my own room was perhaps the worst place in which to calculate my loss – in an earlier part of my letter had hoped that at all rates she would not be disappointed in me as a friend §  would have nothing to regret but my misfortune (this hard necessity of circumstance that brings around me now) nothing to reproach but my loving her too well  this would be my only fault towards her which I hoped she would forgive ‘and even its very faultiness may wear away with time for time may come when my regard maybe your own without another voice to claim it maybe your own as well from duty as from inclination §§ – in another part speaking of my regard for her calling for no sacri fice on my part my prospect were good enough  [?] and alluding to her thinking of Janes interest  ‘even pride forbids that all the sacrifice should be on one side’ meaning hers § adding ‘if you were as ssingle as I am  I should expect the same sacrifices from you I would in such a case make myself’ - 
Breakfast at 10 1/4 – came upstairs at 11 1/4 – had just written the part of my journal of today on the last page when (at 12 1/2) Cordingley said Dr. Kenny and mr. Sunderland were come (to my aunt) went down – went into the drawing room, where they were with my aunt, for 10 minutes – then waited their going, and followed them into the front stable – spoke to them for a minute or 2 – Dr. K-[Kenny] thinKs my aunt in a very weaK, suffering state – a very delicate subject to deal with – this catching – convulsive motion of the diaphragm which has come on so much within these last few days, the worst symptom – I see he thinKs her constitution much broKen –
she had a warm bath last night, and is to have one again tonight about 98º Fahrenheit – after coming up to bed last night, went down to see how Cordingley had ordered the bath – found the tub 3/2 to two thirds full of water at 170º - staid 25 minutes till Cordingley had put in cold water that reduced it to about 100, or a few degrees more – my aunt too was sitting by the lower Kitchen fire waiting all this time – very bad management – and the tub placed just under the oat bread racK
staid talKing to my uncle and aunt, and did not come upstairs till 1 3/4 – then wrote the whole of the last page which tooK me till 3 – from 3 1/4 to 5 1/4 wrote 3 pp.[pages] and the ends (tolerably close) to mrs. N-[Norcliffe] to go tomor[row] – easy chit-chat, in answer to mrs. N-’s[Norcliffe’s] letter on wednesday 3 pp.[pages] (quite full) the ends, and a good deal under the seal –
a very Kind letter – I had no time to make any observation on it on wednesday – anxious to Know that M-[Mariana] did not visit colonel BerKeley – ‘why introduce her to him at all – old as Jam, I would not be introduced to him’... § a man whose character is so despicable and well Known, that it did not want the addition of his treacherous conduct to miss Foote, to make him as I believe he is, most generally despised .... it is not the 1st trait of treachery to a female’... together with what I copied from M-’s[Mariana’s] letter in my last to mrs. N-[Norcliffe] and the remainder I have copied in this, conclude the L-s[Lawtons] did not visit him, but left mrs. N-[Norcliffe] to form her own conclusions –
§ on her 1st page mrs. N-[Norcliffe] writes ‘you and I suit very well; and, should I live and have my health next year, at this time, should much enjoy a sejour of a month in our capital (London) with you’ – answer after mentioning my uncle and aunt’s health, and saying Dr. Kenny had been here this morning to see the latter – ‘should they be well enough for me to leave them, next year, and this time, nothing would delight me so much, as a month with you in that 1st of cities, London – at all rates, I hope and trust, no flaw in your own health wil be the preventative’ –
Have asKed mrs. N-[Norcliffe] if she Knows anything of mrs. Middleton, daughter of sir William Grace, wife of Mr. Middleton of IlKley – mother of mr. Peter m-[Middleton] of StocKhill-parK who married Miss [Stourton] – wrote the above of this page read over and folded and directed my letter to mrs. N-[Norcliffe], and had just done at 6 –
Great deal of rain last night – rained from the time of my getting up, more or less, till about 3 p.m. – about 8 a.m. sent John Booth to desire nothing to be done at the foot path – no stones to be led, for fear of cutting Thomas Pearson’s field – Dinner at 6 1/2 – Did nothing in the evening – Fair this evening (vide the 4th line above)  Barometer 3 1/4 degree below changeable Fahrenheit 44º at 9 p.m. at which hour came up to bed – Reading volume 1 Rousseau’s confession and looKing at the map of England and that of France, for about an hour – E [2 dots inside] O [1 dot inside] – my cousin came just before getting into bed
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gwydionmisha · 7 years
My lungs started to show signs of worsening over the weekend.  Monday was a special kind of terrible as I only got three hours of sleep before the phone woke me and I couldn't fall back asleep, and so I lost the other three hours I might have had and went out to forage exhausted.  The winds were high enough that the second I hit the highway from the on ramp i knew freeway travel was a mistake.  My crutch wrack went walkabout in October and there is no chance of salvaging similar until spring.  I got my lung med which I was nearly out of, the second most important, and v ery much a thing I need to function after last spring's damage.  I hit the library, put the monthly pittance down on a certain bill to stay out of collections, and picked up my korn loafs.  Things were not good physically, but manageable.  We got the forage inside minutes before drizzle turned into pissing down sideways.  
Today I was scheduled shot sleeped again for Fix It at the library.  Things are officially not manageable.  I do not like to appear in public when it's this bad, plus I'd messed up my meds schedule Sunday and my body is til trying to recover.  If I did not go, I'd have to wait for December.  I forced myself out, much to Tavy's disapproval, braved twilight rush hour in high winds and... the PNW really needs 40 words for rain.  This was the rain that is too steady for a drizzle, but no inconvenience and not apt to do dampen the surface of a cloth coat, but too chilly for a hoadie. People were driving the way they do in a high damp wind with dark closing fast, so always an adventure.  I was exactly on time, parked and had actually lifted the cursed TV, when I realized I HAD NOT UNPLUGGED and BROUGHT THE DvD player.  I had to wast gas on driving all the way back, now through dark, damp, angry, high wind rush hour, which is an experience i normally go lengths to avoid.  The spare is entangled in what looks like permanent possibly carnal embrace with a VCR and the cable box, so I took the bedroom one, which I hate to do as it is fragile and if something unseats I have to completely disassemble and reassemble it, but it had the virtue of already having a DvD in it and it's easy to separate from the TV.  I needn't have gone back for it, as the nice man who I wish would let me give him a manicure who designed one of the chips in the TV had bought and experimented with a $1 VCR entirely for my benefit yesterday and was reay with connectors and everything.  They'd also saved the remote I'd abandoned last week accidentally.  There was a lamp ahead of me and the precocious young electronics enthusiast with his Daddy this time.  From what I saw the Dad is as A+ parenting wise as his Mom in a way especially good for a kid that bright and curious.  I was resigned to a long wait, but the lamp was done in two pages and we worked on the TV extensively, me holding it up and together for testing.  Apparently, the audio was dead now too.  Meanwhile my physical condition is visibly deteriorating and I haven't energy to be charming as it's all going in to the effort not to throw up and or, collapse into a weeping ball under the table, as amoung other things it was increasingly clear I should have taken a rantie on top of my main anti-nausea dose which WAS NOT WORKING FAST ENOUGH.  I am firmly of the opinion that nausea is worse than pain as horrible as the pain can get sometimes.  The TV is toast.  I am furious that Visio charge $350.00 for a TV that only lasts 11 months with a one year warranty they refused to honor, prefering to ignore us until the time ran out.  I suppose it is second hand dying behemoths from here on out.  If I had money for a TV, I'd buy working fish lights with it, as the last twenty light is half dead of a bad fan and is a time share between two tanks as it is.  I can't even afford a replacement bulb for the secondary light.  I am too tired to dispose of the thing.  I am also fairly sure I may be legitimate sick after all as sine I got home my ability to regulate body temperature went highwire, and the symptom list is long and diverse enough to suggest it's not just chronic assholery ganging up on me.  It is a very lucky thing I picked up the quick protein Monday, as it is warm, filling, very little standing, and very easy on the stomache.
I am likely going to suck for the next few days and will likely be cranky, for which I apologize.  Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day, Thursday I am scheduled for afternoon Game of Bones.  If I have dropped the ball on something, remind me Friday. I refuse to promise anything else to anyone esides bare minimum until my body is under better control.
I would like to thank whoever sent me the interesting looking book of essays on early modern Women.  It was kind.
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allaboutparanormal · 7 years
Card Reading for Monday 12th February 2018
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The High Priestess Of Spirit- Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle 
I'm NYX, Goddess of Night and You've chosen this symbol to help guide you on this journey to find answers to your question.
Consider that there's an invisible spirit within all living things.
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William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) - La Nuit (1883)
Goddess Nyx was a primeval goddess and the symbol of the night. Nyx was immortal because she was sent to earth by the gods. She was the goddess who could tame the gods and the humans.
Nyx was born out of Chaos and was the sister of Erebus, who embodied the dark silence and had fifteen dark children, among them sweet Hypnos (the sleep) and Thanatos (the death).
She produced Aether (Aether, Light) and Hemera (Day). Alone she spawned a brood of dark spirits including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.
Nyx was an ancient deity usually envisaged as the very substance of the night--a veil of dark mists drawn across the sky to obscure the light of Aither, the shining blue of the heavens. Her opposite number was Hemera (Day) who scattered the mists of night at dawn.
In ancient art Nyx was depicted as a either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with an aureole of dark mists.
Nyx resided in a gloomy house located in Tartarus, in the depths of Hades' Underworld. Nyx was sharing her residence with her daughter Hemera, the embodiment of the Day, without the two of them ever meeting each other at home.
Nyx used to reside in her home all day long, taking care of her dark spirited children. But when the evening set in, Nyx was leaving her home to set off for her nightly journey. On her way she met Hemera, the Day, who was returning home from her daily trip and they were greeting each other peacefully.
Her main myth is still minor. Hera asked Hypnos to put Zeus to sleep so Hera could work behind his back. When Zeus found out he was outraged he chased Hypnos around the world with thunder. He would have driven Hypnos into the sea if he hadn't ran to Nyx. She made Zeus say he was sorry and stop chasing her son.
Nyx gives birth to Aether (Brightness) and Hemera (Day) Later, on her own, Nyx gives birth to Moros (Doom, Destiny), Keres (Destruction, Death), Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), the Oneiroi (Dreams), Momus (Blame), Oizys (Pain, Distress), the Hesperides, the Moirai (Fates), the Keres, Nemesis (Indignation, Retribution), Apate (Deceit), Philotes (Friendship), Geras (Old Age), and Eris (Strife) In his description of Tartarus, Hesiod locates there the home of Nyx, and the homes of her children Hypnos and Thanatos. Hesiod says further that Nyx's daughter Hemera (Day) left Tartarus just as Nyx (Night) entered it; continuing cyclically, when Hemera returned, Nyx left
 This mirrors the portrayal of Ratri (night) in the Rigveda, where she works in close cooperation but also tension with her sister Ushas (dawn).
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Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle- The High Priestess of Spirit
Seven means, "You're on the right path, keep going forward in the direction you're heading." In Angel Numbers, you may see 777 frequently, because the more 7's you see, the more encouragement you are receiving. The angels are cheering you on by showering you with 7's, and they're supporting you all the way.
This card is telling us that everything is connected to each other. We often ask questions about our path there are times we are unsure whether we are taking the right or the wrong path,
So this card is reminding us that answers to our questions can come in different shapes and forms, may not always be what we are asking, hoping for. 
It just tells us to be open to any kind of answer, so we need to learn to read the signs and symbols.
Sometimes the answer will be on a car plate, eg whenever I tease my husband about how his brothers partners put them on leash, that they literally look like they have blinkers covering their eyes, we used to see a black Porsche that had a plate number is literally " MR. OBEY", the answer could some in songs,  in a newspaper article, street sign , or in a song, music video, or even in a movie etc.
We need to be open...
We need to be acceptant.
We need to be observant, so that we can break the code we received to be able to fully understand the angelic messages.
Sources :
Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology (Mythology (Berkeley Heights, N.J.)
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology
The Everything Classical Mythology Book: Greek and Roman Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters from Ares to ZeusGreek and Roman Mythology A to Z
Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology (Facts on File Library of Religion and Mythology)
Gods and Heroes: An Introduction to Greek Mythology
Deck Used Here
of the House of Night Oracle
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Difficult choices and the aftermath
Even when I feel completely convinced that I did the right thing, Evan’s text message tirade last night really got to me. Add to that my IBS flare up, Mike’s snoring, Rocky ending, and my lack of rest day this week with PMS and I feel shaken and miserable. I want to go home and go back to bed, but I took Monday off so I can’t. I woke up to snoring and when I got out of bed I felt dizzy and just off. I went to boxing anyway because I needed to hit something after Evan’s tirade last night. He apparently decided after dropping Wilson off that it was the time to text me incessantly about how I completely gave up on us and didn’t try and everything we could have done to make things better. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell him I felt no chemistry and can’t give him what he needs - he just responds that it was different when I first moved back, but then I stopped trying. That’s not true. I tried and nothing worked, so I tried to figure out solutions in therapy and, near the end, talking to friends. I offered websites and going to a sex therapist and to try and teach him. I asked what would work better to teach him and he gave me nothing. I offered couples counseling and he wouldn’t give me any input about who to see. I tried to explain my frustrations and to figure out ways to make things better and he didn’t give me any response. I can see why he feels the way he does, but I know I didn’t just give up on us. When I said I wanted a break, I was in the process of coming to terms with the feeling that it was over. I’d been asking for changes since I moved, and he didn’t offer to do anything in terms of the house until I told him I was moving out. I had posters and boxes on the floor two months after moving in. The bedroom never got painted. I never got a fire pit. He didn’t give me the romance I asked for. The further he felt me slipping away from him, the more emotionally abusive he became. Was I perfect while things were falling apart? Not at all. I should have been there for him while he was in Pittsburgh, but the infestation and Wilson being sick made it hard to think about anything else. I was bitter and angry that he didn’t seem to appreciate that I left my family and a life behind to be part of his again. He became less open to being around my friends and was more withdrawn when they were around. He did take me for granted a lot of the time. Yes, he took a personal day to spend time with me, but it was the first time in the history of our relationship that I felt like I mattered more to him than work. There was also the day Nana Kay died when he offered to take off, but those are the only times. He stopped appreciating everything I did around the house and for Wilson that made his life easier - he always had clean scrubs, Wilson was fed and given affection and attention, his house stayed clean, the bed was made, the driveway was empty if he drove, the light was on when he came home in the dark. I got none of those things unless I nagged for them. 
He said I didn’t try, but I spent months in therapy saying “I love him, but...” There were so many things I ruminated on in therapy and tried to find ways to fix, but you can’t manufacture chemistry. I didn’t want him at all. I loved him, but I didn’t want him, and the more I tried to force it, the more upset I got about it. I was open about my frustrations and what I wanted to see change, but things remained the same. Once I decided to move out, he was ready to offer some changes, and even then he didn’t follow through on a lot of them. When I wanted a break he was willing to think about things we could do to make things better, but I wasn’t worth thinking about that much until then. So when I told him I can’t do this anymore, he felt like I gave up, when in reality I’d been the one doing most of the work and putting in the effort for months and feeling like he wasn’t trying or giving me anything to work with. He didn’t try until I told him I needed space to figure out if I was willing to keep trying with no avail. I should be the one who is going on tirades and is bitter and angry about the months where the effort waned and I was trying so hard to find ways to overlook my frustrations to make it work. He tried to find solutions for one week and suddenly I’m the horrible one because my months of effort don’t matter. His point of view is not the only one that matters. I feel badly because I spent months coming to the decision to end the relationship and I didn’t want to hurt him again. I feel badly that he’s hurting, and I’m able to see why, so I feel awful. If I didn’t have the IBS flare and lack of sleep I may not feel so bad today. 
The bottom line is I gave up my home and a life to try again. I made the effort in my individual therapy to find ways to get past my issues in the relationship because I love and care for Evan so much and I desperately wanted it to work. By July, I no longer had a partner; I had someone who wanted to take his time off in Florida, where I wasn’t welcome, and left me to care for his house. I communicated that I felt single and was struggling with his work schedule, and he maintained the status quo until the one day he took off. As per usual, it wasn’t until he was presented with an ultimatum and he felt he was losing control when he offered to make some of the changes I’d been asking for. The relationship deteriorated back to the way it felt at the end of our marriage, and after trying so hard and being so frustrated and unhappy for so long, I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. There wasn’t enough good left to make it worth it. So yes, I did give up, and not until I had given it months of significant effort, time, and change. He gave it a few weeks when I first came to Erie, then again when I made changes he didn’t like at the end. He may never see my side of things, but I can take comfort in knowing that I gave it everything I had, and I walked away knowing there are things he can’t give me that I need, and vice versa. I wanted it to be right, but it wasn’t, and there’s nothing I can do to change that. A relationship without attraction, chemistry, and physicality is not something I’m willing to keep working for. If I’m going to be in a relationship, I need a partner and some fire to it. I need someone who makes me happy more than they make me sad, scared, and frustrated. I need to be my full self. 
Rocky is over and I’m both sad and okay with that. I’ll miss it, but it was exhausting. It changed me and it changed my life for the better. I found the part of me I had been missing since I left Chicago, and I feel whole again. I don’t have to repress a part of myself in a relationship anymore, and I remember how good it feels to let that part of me out. I feel more confident and worthy of love. I shouldn’t need a show to feel that way if I’m in a loving, committed relationship. The retirement planning rep from VALIC made me feel better than Evan had for months. I loved being in Rocky. I loved playing Janet Weiss, spending time with the cast, and enjoying audience accolades. I loved partying again like an idiot college kid and just living it up and having an amazing time. I realize that lifestyle is not sustainable in my thirties, nor do I want it to be. I need some of that every once in a while, but not every weekend like it was through October. I adore the people and am hopeful I won’t lose the closeness, particularly with Adele and Aimee. It was the experience of a lifetime, and the timing was so perfect with everything else I had going on. It made me see just how much my relationship was beating me down since I had so many people around me to build me up again. Even if the sexual issues hadn’t been present in the relationship, Evan really did emotionally beat me down. I know how awful I felt when I was with him for so many reasons and how trapped I felt. Now, I feel released. Even though Rocky is over, I hope I will carry the confidence and joy the experience gave me for a long time. 
Evan needs his space to vent and tell me how awful I am, and I get that. What I need to do is remind myself of how much effort and sacrifice I put into the relationship before coming to the difficult, well thought-out conclusion that I could not maintain it anymore and be happy. That’s the bottom line. 
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addictionstories · 2 years
Naomi was at a hotel on Erie Boulevard a few days later. I headed over after work and pulled up to the Econo Lodge sometime around 2:00 am.  Inside were Naomi and Alex, Chastity and her boyfriend and a friend of his I hadn’t met before. Everyone was stretched out and relaxing. The lights were low and the tv was on. No one bothered to introduce me when I walked in.  I took a chair in the corner.
The guy next to me nodded hello. He had a shaved head and manic demeanor but seemed friendly. I sat there for a while and didn’t say anything.
“I don’t get into needles. Never got into needles,” the guy said, shaking his head, blinking wildly.
“Yeah, me either,” I said with a nervous chuckle.
“So, what do you get into?”
“I have a few drinks once in a while. But I don’t do any drugs.  I don’t even smoke pot anymore. I had to quit.  It gives me the worst panic attacks.”
He looked right at me, seeming stunned.  “ You don’t do drugs at all?  Then what are you doing here?”
“Well, I’m a friend of Naomi’s. She going to rehab in a few weeks and I’m helping her with some things until then.”
“Where’s she going?”
“Here in town?”
He shook his head. “It’s not going to work. You really have to go to a place that’s out of town to have any chance of success. You can’t do it where you live. All your drug friends are here, all your drug connections.  I used to work at a rehab center when I lived in Arizona. I’ve seen it a lot. People get out and they just go right back.”
What he said made me worry. I’d heard that before. Maybe Naomi can be the exception. She seemed like she wanted it, I thought. I chatted more with the guy, and then went to the bathroom.  The bathroom sink was covered with syringes. There were used towels on the floor, some with blood stains.
When I came out everyone was taking about “the show.”
“Yeah, we wanna see the show!” Chastity’s boyfriend said, as she rubbed his shoulders.
The show, I thought. What was the show?  My first thought was that it might be some kind of a lesbian sex show that Naomi and Chastity were going to put on. I glanced over at Naomi. She was fumbling with a dozen glow sticks scattered across the floor in the corner of the room. She picked out two, bending them into pretzel like shapes. The rehab guy dialed up some EDM type music on his phone. Alex turned off the tv. Naomi launched into some kind of psychedelic belly dance, twirling the glow sticks, gyrating and spinning her body quickly but gracefully.  Everyone watched transfixed as fluorescent yellow and green swirls of light, streaked through the air. Naomi moved around the room, dancing on the bed, and on the chairs. It went on for fifteen minutes.  When it was over, I stepped outside to get some air.
Things were winding down when I came back in. Chastity and the guys were leaving. Naomi, Alex and I watched tv and chatted.  I put my head down on one of the beds and before I knew it, I was asleep. I woke up a few hours later. Naomi and Alex had brought back a tray of food from the complimentary breakfast. I got up, stretched out and grabbed a blueberry muffin.
“Oh man, I’m exhausted,” I said. “You were up the whole time?”
She nodded. “What do you have going on today?” Naomi asked.
“I’ve got go home and get a little more sleep. Then I have to get ready my gig tonight. But it’s an easy one. Only a few hours. Right here in town.”
“It’s been over a week now since you called the rehab place, right?”
“Keep an eye on your phone. Maybe they’ll get back to you today. I should probably take off.  I’ll text you in little bit.”
“Hey,” she said, as I was walking to the door. “We’re supposed to check out of here at noon, but I really don’t want to go back to the house on the Northside. “Would you maybe be able to help me out with the room for a few days? It’s not really expensive. It would just be for the weekend. If a bed hasn’t opened up by Monday, I’m just going to go back to my parent’s house.”
I thought about it for a minute. I definitely didn’t want her going back to that awful house. God knows what could happen there. And it seemed like it was only a matter of time until something did. At least this neighborhood was safe. We were in Dewitt, the suburbs. I wouldn’t have to worry about her nearly as much out here.
“Sure, I can do that, “I said.
“Thank you so much!”
We went down to the lobby together.  I charged the room on my credit card and the middle aged Indian man behind the counter gave me an extra key.
Naomi walked me to my car. “Just come back later when you’re done. You can stay here as much as you want to the next few days.”
We hugged. “See you tonight,” I said and headed back home.
I stopped back that evening before my gig. I knocked when I got there even though I had a key, not wanting to just barge in. Naomi cracked the door and I walked in. The dresser/tv stand was a cornucopia of gas station snack food--Doritos, little powered donuts, Sunchips, various gummy snacks.
I eyed the food and raised my eyebrows.
“Help yourself,” she said.
I grabbed a box of bugles and sat down on the bed. Alex was watching TV.  
So what are you guys up to?
“We’re just kind of chilling ,” Alex said.
I glanced over at the night stand. It was covered with drug accessories, needles, a spoon, cotton swabs.
After a few minutes of conversation, Alex took a needle, went to the corner of the room and put it in his arm. He did it so fast that I barely noticed. He had a glazed, giddy look in his eyes afterwards, but seemed lucid. A few minutes later Naomi sat down in a chair by the table and injected herself. She seemed to have a harder time, searching for a vein, digging in her arm with the needle. I sat on the bed the whole time, talking and watchin tv. I didn’t stare, but I didn’t look away either. Was I really hanging out with heroin addicts? It wasn’t like the movies. The both looked like they were functioning perfectly. I wondered how often I had unknowingly interacted with opiate users...in restaurants, at the car wash, in the supermarket. It was probably happening all the time.
Naomi and Alex started talking about the rehab center she was going to and some of their past experiences with treatment.  “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s it like? What does it feel like? I would never do heroin, but I just want to try to understand it if I could. People say it’s like having an orgasm. Is that really true?”
Alex chuckled. “No, it’s not really like that. It’s just this warm rush that takes away all your stress and concerns away.  Think of it this way. If you had a brand new Mercedes, you could see the thing being smashed right in front of you and you wouldn’t even care.”
Naomi chimed in. “It just gives me energy and confidence. For you, it would make you feel like the best musician in every band that you’re in.”
“I already feel that way,” I said jokingly.
We all took a ride to Burger King to get some food. Naomi’s friend Casey stopped over when we got back.
“I’ve got to run to my gig. I’ll stop back tonight,” I said.
I gave Naomi a hug and left.
I checked my voicemail after my gig and there was a frantic message from Alex. Naomi had gotten arrested at the hotel. Oh my god, I thought. She called me an hour later crying. What the hell happened?”
“I had a warrant for a possession charge. I have no idea how they found me. Can you call my mom and tell her?”
“Of course.”
“Where are you?”
“At the Oswego County Jail.”
And you have to go back to the hotel and pick up my stuff, okay. My bag with my clothes and my two jackets.”
“I definitely will..”
“Look, I’ll call you again when I can. I love you.”
I called her mother immediately, explaining what had happened.. In a weird way I was relieved. I told her mother I thought this was the kind of wake up call that would force her to get clean.  But her mom was skeptical. “I really don’t know if this is going to be enough,” she said.
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