#i had to split the video in two bc of tumblr video limits but had no idea where to split it
buried-in-stardust · 1 year
Making a mechanical compass—指南车 (zhi3nan2che1; south-pointing cart), a cart with a figure on top that points south no matter how the cart is turned. Its origins are not very clear, as it has been lost and reinvented many times, but the earliest reliable historical record reports it was invented by Ma Jun (马钧) during the Three Kingdoms period.
Only detailed records of two Song dynasty carts exist, and so it is unknown if the carts of other dynasties used similar mechanisms. Both carts are completely mechanical, and based on the descriptions, seem have the figure connected to the wheels via gears, where two of the gears would lift and lower such that they would not be connected when the cart is moving in a straight line, but would move into working position when the cart was being turned, thus rotating the figure proportionally.
Since only the structure of two carts are known, there is much speculation as to how the inner mechanisms may have worked in the carts when reinvented and in other eras. One popular theory is the use of differential gears, which are what are used in modern cars. OP uses this mechanism in his recreation.
This is part one of a two-part series. Second part here.
[eng by me]
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corbincarroll · 5 years
gif tutorial
alright so i was asked for a tutorial on how i make my gifs, so here it is!! this one will focus mostly on how i make my live game gifs for baseball or hockey. as far as what i use, i use either obs studio or the xbox screenrecord function on my laptop for recording game clips. then i use photoshop, currently ps cc 2017, to actually make my gifs.
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how i made this gif from this gifset. this will be split into parts to make it easier if you only want to know about certain elements of the process!
screen recording:
i’m going to focus on obs studio, as it’s what i use more often, and as far as i know, anyone can download it, but i have no idea what’s up with the xbox software i use, lmao.
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this is what it looks like when i open it. currently, i use the display capture setting as my source, and i will show you how to add that, along with some other settings i use and shortcuts.
alright so at the bottom of the window, there’s the source panel, it looks like this:
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i already have a source added, the display capture. this means that it will record whatever i’m displaying on my screen currently, which is how i like it, as it makes it easy to know what i’m recording. i’ve never messed around with it much, to see what the other options do, because i’m lazy and this does what i need.
to add the source, click on the little plus icon at the bottom of the sources panel. a menu will pop up, and you can select any capture option, and as you can see above, i use display capture.
moving to the right, there’s the audio panel:
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my personal preference is to keep the desktop audio on, and turn the mic/aux audio off. this way if i need the clip later, especially if it’s a video of something especially cute or whatever, i’ll have it and be able to use it. if you have the mic/aux on, it will record whatever sounds you’re making on top of the desktop audio, leading to weird noises mixed in with the video audio.
and finally, moving to the right again, there’s the controls panel:
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this is pretty self explanatory, here is where you can start/stop a recording, access the settings, or exit the program. i don’t use these start/stop buttons, but that’s because of a shortcut i will show in a second.
this is pretty much everything i deal with on the main page. there’s a ton of other options/information/things, but i haven’t messed around with them too much, so i’m not sure what a lot of them do.
next i’ll show the setting i change/use. this is what the setting page looks like when you open it using the button on the control panel:
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now i ignore most of the tabs on the left, because i’m only using obs for screenrecording, and not for livestreaming. i do change things under ‘output’ and ‘hotkeys’.
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here i’ve changed the recording path to go to a specific folder rather than the general one it will send it to. during the hockey season, when i’m possibly making gifs for 3 games at a time i change that folder to one for whatever the date is. during baseball season, i’m less likely to be doing as much so i put it in a general folder that i sort out later.
i don’t remember what the automatic settings are for recording format, but i believe i had to change it to mp4, which is what i need/use for my method of making gifs.
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this is just a little short cut, but i added these hotkeys so i can start and stop recordings without needing to flip to the software, as long as it’s going in the background. i chose this key because it’s one i don’t need in my everyday life, thus minimizing the risk that i’ll ever accidentally record anything i don’t need, which isn’t a big deal, but can be annoying.
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this isn’t really a setting change, but this is how i have my filenames formatted, at least until i manually change this if i want to, but i believe its the default and it’s honestly really helpful to keep the videos straight when you’re a disorganized mess like me.
i think that’s everything for the screenrecording part of the process. if you have any questions, just ask!
alright so i use the import frames to layers method to make gifs, it’s just how i learned initially, so i’m pretty stuck in my ways.
opening ps:
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this is what my screen looks like when i open photoshop. i have mine set to the lighter setting bc i like how it looks brighter, but its just a personal preference.
importing clips:
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select import and then video frames to layers. it will open your files.
selecting video:
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alright, so you can see the mess of videos i have, unsorted right now, lmao. anyway navigate to and select the video you want, and hit open.
selecting frames:
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this window will pop up after it loads, and here is where you select the frames you want to include in the gif. in order to do so, you slide the two sliders to frame either side of the clip. as far as the limit to every ___ frames, i try to not use it, or i use every 2 frames, just depending on the clip.
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now i have the clip i want, so i hit ok, and let ps do its thing.
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alright so after the frames are loaded, there’s multiple things i do to prepare my gifs. i have to crop them, remove extra frames (delete with the little trash can at the bottom left), change the time delay, and then do the actual editing of the gif. also, i use the motion preset layout, which can be found on the drop down menu in the top right corner.
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these are the dimensions i use for most of my gifs. i range between 250-300 depending on the video, but 540 is almost always there, due to tumblr’s dimensions for photos/gifs. 268 x 268 is what i use for square gifs.
the cropping button is found on the left side menu, and it looks like that little symbol on the far left of the picture above.
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once i have the area i want selected, i doubleclick and it crops the frames.
time delay:
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to change the time delay, click the little symbol you can kind of see in the photo above, with the four or so lines. it’s above the frames along the bottom of the screen, at the right. when the menu pops up, click select all frames, so you can change the timing for all the frames. once all the frames are selected, click one of the little carrots next to the numbers at the bottom of the frames, as seen in the picture below.
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now you choose the time delay you want. when im not skipping any frames, i  run between 0.05 to 0.06. if i am skipping, it’s between 0.08 to 0.1. just kind of play with it, til you find what works for you.
i always sharpen my gifs, it’s the best way to make your gifs look as nice as possible. to do so i use a sharpening action, found here. there is also a tutorial here for loading and using the action, which is much better than anything i could say, so use that!! i literally ALWAYS use this action/method, i love it so much. also, that blog is a goldmine for gif/edit help.
alright, honestly im not going to be any help here, im so bad at coloring. at this point i have the same kind of things i do depending on where the game im makes gifs for is, since 81 and 41 games(ish) are in the same place for my teams during their seasons and then i just kind of make it up as i go. for actual help, i recommend the blog w the tutorial from above, just looking around there, or messing around in photoshop itself.
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follow these steps to save for tumblr. once the window opens and is ready, change the width to 540 for the best results for tumblr.
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make sure the gif is under 3mb, otherwise tumblr won’t play it and it will look like a photo. then just post! and be happy!! send any questions my way, always happy to help :-)
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sugainmycoffee · 7 years
Yoonmin Fandom Metrics
 Last month a survey was conducted to analyze the metrics of the Yoonmin fandom. Here are some of the responses:
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Of these 903 responses, 826 of them (92%) of the respondents had selected that yoonmin are their only ship, their main ship or one of their main ships. This group is the one that will be focused on for the rest of this analysis. (Also was that one person lost? Did you get home okay?)
Of this focus group who mainly ship yoonmin, the bias distribution was:
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Unsurprisingly, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin, the two individuals responsible for the YOON and the MIN in yoonmin, came out as the top two biases’. 
However, Min Yoongi, with a staggering count of 453 votes (55%) heavily outweighed all the other members, hereby proving that he was in fact not fucking around when he claimed “Sorry mom, your son’s too popular,” in his Mic Drop verse. 
As a follow up to these results, respondents provided their second bias (if any) to help the other members stand a chance against Rap God Min Yoongi. 
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(He still took a whopping 23% of the votes). 
The most interesting part about these graphs is that it alludes to the fact that most yoonmin stans bias Yoongi (not Jimin, although he is obviously second in rank). This is probably due to the fact that of the “popular” bangtan ships, Jimin’s name comes up multiple times. Thus Jimin stans are more evenly split in who they ship Jimin with, but there are not that many “popular” Yoongi ships.
A little more detail on the focus group and how they came to stan bts and ship yoonmin is summarized in the following graphs.
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BTS’ popularity has grown exponentially, with the greatest increase seen from 2014-2015 due to the release of their HYYH series. A parallel trend was observed in this analysis with the growth of the Yoonmin Fandom.
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The next part of the survey focused on “Secondary Fan Creations” as Mr. Bang likes to call them. This includes but is not limited to: fan art, fan fiction, photo edits, video edits, blog posts, memes and so forth.
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The results show that 99% of us are on Tumblr for the right reasons.
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In terms of creating fan content, 31% of the respondents bless us on the daily with their contributions to the fandom. (Amen.) The rest of the majority enjoys and wishes to contribute to doing the lord’s work. 2% of the respondents who consider yoonmin their main or only ship do not create or want to create fan content because they think it is wrong (and that’s okay - to each their own). 
The next question was the most revealing and one of the most important to this analysis. Of the 861 responses, 640 voted that the reason they ship yoonmin is due to their relationship / interactions themselves. Only 2-4% of the respondents said they shipped yoonmin because of how they look together/aesthetics, fan content, external influences, or the availability of yoonmin materials in the fandom itself. This outright disproves the common (and tired) anti-yoonmin stan (and “rare pair” stan) claims that yoonmin is usually shipped for these reasons.  
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Of the 30 respondents that chose “other” their reasons often eluded to specifics moments / interactions by yoonmin. Some of the more notable mentions are:
“They look like they understand each other’s struggles.“
“Their real and supportive friendship, they know each other's limits and share their vulnerabilities, so soft for each other, involve each other in the most intimate parts of their life.”
“Everything?? Idk they just vibe with me best, they're lovely and sift but also savage and have a really fun dynamic that i enjoy best.. they calm me when I’m upset as well which is like surprising bc I don’t calm down easily. +their soft moments like the earlier answer.” 
“Because Yoongi is so whipped for Jimin and they look at each other like they have galaxies in their eyes“ 
“They look like they are real / they act like they are married / they honestly seem like they’re in love.” 
“the way they are with each other in general. platonic or not, they love each other, care for each other a lot and it's nice to see. “
“From what I saw, it felt very real. Like yeah, I could get that super unbreakable bond with all of the BTS ships but for some reason, Yoonmin just stuck out for me and it felt really genuine and not just for fanservice.“ 
“Just...everything” (Many of you said this or voted for multiple categories from the above so everything x 10)
“You Know” (thank you Anonymous, I do know :’). 
There were so many other great ones yoonmin is such a soft ship with even softER STANS istg but I won’t post them all here but you can see them in this supporting post.
It is commonly believed that ALL yoonmin stans only ship them because of the “typical” subby bottom jimin/ dom top yoongi stereotype. The data below proves this is untrue - as 34% of respondents don’t care at all or like all dynamics equally, and 18% prefer a more balanced switch relationship dynamic. Combined, the votes for these categories make up over 50% of the responses, signifying that, no, not all yoonmin stans, in fact not even the majority of yoonmin stans, ship them for this reason. 
It should be noted though that, of the 48% of fans who expressed a preference for a specific relationship dynamic, 5% preferred top jimin and 43% preferred top yoongi (so yeah, top yoongi is more popular, but only to the minority group of the stans who actually have a specific dynamic preference).
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Similar results were observed for which dynamics yoonmin stans feel are most realistic.
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Special thanks to my partner in research @syubd​ ♡ who organized and compiled the below lists of fandom faves.
Note, I have removed the “N/A” and “All” from the rank to more accurately reflect individual favourites. Furthermore, I have removed myself from the rank to eliminate an obvious bias as it is my survey most of the people who took it would be my followers (but thank you to all the people who chose me as their fave!)
N/A - 260 votes
All YM Blogs - 107 votes
@yoonminist​ - 182 votes
@yoonmin​ - 97 votes
@foolsyoongi​ - 64 votes
@yoonminficrec​ - 48 votes
@parkjizzmin​ - 41 votes
@softeyoongi​ - 37 votes
@jimiyoong​ - 27 votes
@yoonminedit​ / @yoonminfiction​ - 25 votes (tied)
@mintysugasweet​ - 22 votes
@yoonminnet​ - 19 votes
Other - 217 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! The real winner is “N/A” and “All YM Blogs” so tbh if you run a ym blog, don’t be discouraged, you all out here being amazing and we appreciate it!
N/A - 474 votes
All YM Artists - 107 votes
@knart95​ - 144 votes
@artofennun​ - 52 votes
@yuniizu​ - 42 votes
@kkumri​ - 30 votes
@finny-red​ - 22 votes
@NanoNoonie - 19 votes
@askjeon​ / @min_x_minmin - 14 votes
@kharys​ - 10 votes
@colorcalamity​ - 8 votes
@thaidesu - 7 votes
Other - 109 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! Special shout out to literally all fan artists that share their talent with us on the daily. You make this fandom what it is!!
N/A - 342 votes
All YM Authors - 122 votes
@MissterMaia - 161 votes
@Sharleena - 71 votes
@sugamins/BabyLove - 70 votes
@mintsoda - 43 votes
@PrettyBoyKiller - 35 votes
@springrain21 - 29 votes
@momora - 28 votes
@staticscreen- 22 votes
@jflawless - 19 votes
@Elemir - 16 votes
Other - 475 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! LOOK AT THE DAMN OTHERS LIST. SO MANY GOOD AUTHORS TO CHECK OUT!
N/A - 9 votes
All -  23 votes
Spring Day - 41 votes
Intro: Serendipity - 24 votes
Tomorrow / Blood Sweat & Tears - 20 votes
Autumn Leaves / Save Me / Mic Drop 16 votes
Young Forever - 13 votes
Rain / I Need U - 11 votes
Pied Piper - 10 votes
Let Me Know / Baepsae - 9 votes
Lie / Sea - 8 votes
Love Is Not Over / House Of Cards / BTS Cypher 4 - 7 votes
Others - 140 votes
Comments: This category was added to the survery much later and therefore did not have as many responses as the others above. Nonetheless, there’s seems to a correlation between who you ship (yoonmin) and fave BTS song. Many of the songs on this list have “yoonmin parts in the MV/Choreo” like Spring Day and BST, or are song’s where the two have particularly shined and / or produced. (They might also just be on this list because they’re lit songs in which case truuuu I agree). 
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Overall, there were ym stans from 74 countries and/or regions that participated in this survey. The below countries were home to 10 or more respondents:
USA - 292 respondents
Germany - 44 respondents
Canada - 33 respondents
UK - 29 respondents
Brazil - 26 respondents
Australia - 24 respondents
Philippines - 24 respondents
England - 20 respondents
Indonesia - 20 respondents
Mexico - 20 respondents
France - 18 respondents
Portugal - 18 respondents
Italy - 14 respondents
Singapore -12 respondents
Sweden - 12 respondents
Turkey - 10 respondents
In addition 15 respondents declared “N/A” to opt out from providing their location information. 
Other - 195 respondents (Click To See Complete List of Respondent Countries)
Argentina - 5 Armenia - 1 Austria - 7 Bahrain - 1 Belarus - 1 Belgium - 2 Chile - 9 China - 2 Colombia - 5 Costa Rica - 3 Croatia - 5 Czech Republic - 5 Denmark - 5 Ecuador - 1 Estonia - 6 Finland - 9 Great Britain - 1 Greece - 6 Guatemala - 4 Hong Kong - 2 Hungary - 5 India - 8 Ireland - 7 Israel - 1 Jamaica - 1 Japan - 1 Kuwait - 1 Lithuania - 1 Macedonia - 1 Malaysia - 9 Maldives - 1 Malta - 1 Morocco - 2 Nepal - 2 Netherlands - 4 New Zealand - 5 Northern Ireland - 1 Norway - 3 Pakistan - 2 Palestine - 4 Peru - 1 Poland - 8 Romania - 6 Russia - 1 Saudi Arabia - 2 Scotland - 2 Serbia - 2 Slovakia - 5 Slovenia - 1 South Africa - 3 South Korea - 1 Southeast Asia - 1 Spain - 9 Switzerland - 4 Thailand - 3 Trinidad and Tobago - 2 Ukraine - 2 Vietnam - 2
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newl0ndonfire · 7 years
in regards to the mcr jacket post, not everyone has the materials or money to make their own jacket. I mean people do make them I've seen it but that's not something a lot of people can do. Calling someone an "uncreative liar that bitches" is pretty rotten.
considering how people on tumblr often call others far worse for far less, thank you for calling me rotten.
to make your own killjoy jacket you can do one of the following examples:
-get a favorite jacket (any material, it literally doesn’t matter what it’s made of) and wear it till it’s hella comfortable but not super worn out (ex: wear 90% of school days and weekends but not while doing extreme sports). tip: washing fabric often makes it softer.
-rip up old graphic tshirts (not old as in 1 year old but like “oh wow i’ve had this for 8 years and it hasn’t fit in at least 5″) and sew/safety pin/paper clip them together. optional: also draw on it with sharpies.
-learn how to sew to later attach stuff on a jacket/tshirt/bag/whatever
-get some paint (non-washable), sharpies (or other permanent markers), and/or vinegar+koolaid (literally any color/flavor) and dye/draw on/paint on a jacket/tshirt/bag/etc (best if you research to see what works best with whatever fabric[s] you're using, research can be done in a library).
making a battlejacket/remaking your clothes (fuck upcycling)/etc. sounds a lot harder than it is. i’m currently in the middle of two (2) jackets and constantly running into “what if i don’t like this in a year” “what if i’m not doing this right” “what if x band is problematic in y way” and major depressive episodes but it’s not as hard as it sounds. there are instructions online if you want to replicate one of the Four’s jackets (either from cosplayers who do this kind of stuff all the time and probably some that a MCR fan made to recreate them at a lower price) and have the resources/time to do so.
yes calling people uncreative liars who just bitch is rude and i apologize.
however, i find that a lot of people (especially those who are into alternative music and/or MCR)
tend to praise someone doing something because of who the person is while loudly complaining when someone who they don’t like or isn’t famous and/or a celebrity does the same thing/a similar thing/as much as they can to the same thing because of who that person is. (ex. an art reposter [as in, they post someone else’s art to their blog or social without credit and/or permission] posts someone’s art/gifset/etc and gets 5k+ notes which are 90% praise while the original poster gets ~500 notes and hate bc they aren’t as popular and people are convinced they copied it from the reposter)
OR they go on and on and on about how cool x thing is (for example, the Four’s jackets in danger days) and how they wish they could have a similar/the same thing while not doing anything to acquire or attempt to replicate the thing. that is their own fault because they’re limiting themselves while not doing anything to get said thing/change something and complaining when they don’t get the thing/the thing is not done.
OR they would like to be a highly creative/artistic person but are in fact entirely lacking in originality and have the personality of a piece of incredibly dry bread, thus rendering them incapable of doing so because they lack the ability(ies) to do so.
the people who act as i described above also lie about doing the things i mention because they don’t want to accept it and frankly i have no sympathy. they’re not creative. they lie to themselves that they are. they bitch about how they can’t do (thing) when in reality no one else is stopping them.
people still sell the jackets on ebay. people make replicas. what i’m finding for the original price of the official killjoys jackets is $89.99-$99.99 USD. someone can likely get the same (or an incredibly similar) jacket for that price or less. the originals were made by an Oscar-winning costume designer, which makes the jackets more expensive than necessary.
also: i acknowledge you did not mention this in your message. the original post says that “there are so many killjoys such as [OP] who dont [sic] have the jackets because they joined the fandom after the split” that’s their own issue. i don’t believe that danger days was the success it was hoped for (i’ve heard that there was supposed to be a third music video [bulletproof heart? my memory is shit] but since dd wasn’t as well-recieved as tbp it was scrapped but i do not have a link on hand to that) so why would warner bros (a shitty company considering how they take advantage of MCR’s legacy for money [literally the black parade/living with ghosts]) choose to rerelease merch for it when tbp is more well known and better liked to the majority of people?
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bokubutts · 7 years
I’m doing this because half of my break is over, and I’m doing this w/out proofreading bc I’m about to get shit-faced in a few hours. For the most part, I’m still on board with this original train of thought (see http://bokubutts.tumblr.com/post/139333690934/theory-time), but here are some more thoughts (post season 4) mostly inspired by a few Reddit threads I couldn’t help but agree with. Apologies in advance for the poor articulation, I’m thinking much faster than I can type.
There are still many unprecedented things in the world of Remnant like the magic behind the Branwen twins shapeshifting into birds or the prowess that comes with each fairytale (maidens, silver-eyed warriors, the two brothers). But what I want to focus on are the more convoluted things like whether Ruby’s semblance is speed or “bursting into rose petals,” Raven being able to rip portals through the fabric of space, and the importance of Yang’s flames which’ll bring me to my main point later.
Ruby’s semblance was originally posted as speed on the official RWBY wikia, but Qrow mentions “bursting into rose petals.” This has left a lot of people confused. My guess is that there has to be more to this semblance thing.
Qrow’s semblance of misfortune has been confirmed, but I’m sure there’s more to it than that and the animagus bonus. I’m re-raising the split-second shot in his fight vs. Winter in season 3 (which I’m so so happy I wasn’t the only one that noticed) when Winter strikes him in the face and he strikes back even harder with a glint in his eye. If you’ve read the Reddit threads, most speculate it’s his experience as a hunter, but I’m thinking it’s a Branwen thing as seen with Yang, but not (yet?) seen with Raven. Anyway, I refuse to overlook it.
Another widespread fan-theory is that Raven's semblance is being able to predict the future. She told Qrow “Beacon would fall and it did. Ozpin would fail and he has.” There are three possible limits/catches to her prophecy. 1) They come to her at random, which most people believe. But wouldn’t it be interesting if 2) they came easier to her depending on who she prioritizes. I hoped this to be true when she was willing to come out when Yang needed some serious saving, because how else would she be able to know when she’s in grave danger if she’s never present? I thought this until it was thwarted by the fact that she didn’t show that time Yang nearly got herself and Ruby killed AND when she had to go out of her way to ask Qrow if “Salem has it.” So we’re back to 1) or 3) it’s blocked out by something purposefully negating it. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’m thinking of Alice from Twilight and how the wolves presence somehow interfered with her foresight. Other than that we know she can shape shift into (shocker!) a raven, and have seen her open portals on two occasions. Many are assuming that the shapeshifting and the portal thing are tribe-related, but you don’t have to necessarily disagree when I propose The Point™ later.
The least-flawed ordeal I came across in the RWBY tag is the theory that in the far (or near) future, Yang will be able to shape shift into not just any bird, but a phoenix. Given all the folklore of phoenixes, it all makes way too much sense. But pushing that aside, the main in-story selling point that makes me think it’ll come true is the fact that her mother and uncle can canonically shape shift into birds. But another significant telling that I overlooked at first which should be considered are her flames.
Keeping in mind one of RWBY’s first World of Remnant videos where “semblances are a manifestation of one’s aura,” what if most (if not all) semblances are hereditary in some way but presents differently in individual’s aura? I’m getting at the Schnee’s who use glyphs. Both Winter and Weiss were able to use them, but Weiss happened to have a harder time summoning. What if that had to do with her aura? What if her forte lies in another area of glyphs. Though this might not be fair to equate with the Branwens; I might have this all mixed up since each of them are under different conditions, but what if shapeshifting and/or “getting stronger with each hit" is a shared Branwen trait, but each of them has their own originality to it (Qrow with his misfortune, Yang with her flames, Raven with the portals/prophecy)?
If this is true what if both Ruby’s and Summer’s semblances are “bursting into rose petals,” but Ruby’s is accompanied with speed and Summer had some other insane wild card up her sleeve (don’t even get me started on this, it deserves an entire post by itself).
Other thoughts/assumptions/headcannons I’ve collected from reading the tags/randomly just thought of.
Just another reason as to why Tai threw dirty looks at Qrow: He thinks he’s manipulative which he didn’t deny when he “used Ruby as bait.” Tai found out Qrow purposefully left kid Yang a hint to finding her mother to lure Raven out which led her and Ruby to an abandoned shed and nearly had them killed. 
This is assuming he knew about Raven’s rule about her saving her once since Yang’s birth, which also leads me to believe when Qrow was hallucinating and groaning “she’s not coming back, Tai,” he was referring to Summer not Raven.
Keep in mind that Raven’s outfit is exactly the same at Beacon and when she returns to her tribe and RT said colors are important in this series. Qrow and Raven were barbaric when they were first admitted to Beacon. They get lumped together with Summer and Tai. Summer is a kind spirit who tries to warm up to a closed-off Raven, she even tries mimicking her color scheme (key=black skirt). Tai is jealous is Qrow because he naturally gives off the bad-boy vibe and draws all the ladies attention, so he tries to make him look bad by tricking him into thinking the quilt was a part of the uniform. Qrow actually thinks Tai is the cool one and wants in. Tai lets him in (both of them wear similar shirts in a similar way) under the condition that he gave him pointers on how to get at his sister. Raven wanted to/didn’t know how to respond, so she finally asks Summer for help. 
TEAM STRQ didn’t have (as much) bad blood and was totally functional at some point making them the best team Beacon’s ever had.
I brought up earlier that Ruby’s getup (red cape and crosses) is all too similar to Qrow’s but we can’t be sure if this is because she was inspired to look like her teacher or, like father-like daughter, they share the same “crummy" fashion sense.
Let’s assume EVERYTHING I’ve presented above, even with bad blood given Raven’s “faults.” She’s out and about with her tribe, completely avoidant of all the baby-daddy drama, Ruby is born but she’s willing to come through for Yang. She still low-key cares about everyone on STRQ to some extent. This is where I jump back on the second possbility that Raven sees visions based on those she "prioritizes.” She sees a vision involving Summer and makes an exception to warn her. From what we know, Summer was super mom. When we look back on the lyrics to Red like Roses parts I + II, she didn’t plan on leaving but she knew it was something she had to do. But one day, “she went on a mission and never came back.” For whatever shitstorm Raven told her was coming, Summer went on that suicide mission. I’d like to think she had a choice… or the relic for (as Qrow quoted)  “the most important gift" of choice.
The lyric “so baby please don’t do what I did” also leads me to think Summer’s major character flaw was that she thought by handling it on her own and sacrificing herself, everything would be solved. There wouldn’t be a world to save, and her daughter wouldn’t have to follow in her footsteps. And I’m afraid Ruby has huge potential to fall down that same path. She’s already been set apart from her age group when she got accepted to Beacon two years early, she was set apart from her team when Oobleck handed her the answer to what it meant to be a huntress while her teammates had to figure it out for themselves, and even though she joined JNPR, she was the only member of RWBY to remain active after the fall of Beacon. 
Angst headcannon: (an affectionate) Qrow finds out too little too late, brainlessly rushes to the scene and unintentionally kills her due to his misfortune. 
Another world of remnant video noted that people tried fusing dust with their bodies. Well what about fusing with grim? (I’m looking at the humanoid grim we know as Salem)
Someone made a video a while back somehow connecting Into the Woods to RWBY. He basically theorized that a character representing the color gold/Rumpelstiltskin would become an important key to the story, but would run away from the huge responsibility he was tasked with before Oscar was even introduced. I think that Oscar is this Rumpelstiltskin. 
I think the King of Vale and The Wizard might be the same person, but there’s a good chance he’s not.
I also think both Oscar and Jaune are somehow linked to this King/Wizard (tons of evidence on tumblr) and will both become love interests for Ruby
Pretty sure Glinda Goodwitch and James Ironwood were/are/will be romantically involved somehow
Something about Glinda and Salem are too alike. Their demeanor is similar, they’re both references to witches and important to Ozpin in some way. 
I’m a firm believer that Adam is another silver-eyed warrior. He took down that grim effortlessly and Monty did say he and Ruby were connected in some way. 
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