#i has to get more Maddox out there because I’ve seen none
sapphirebluejewel · 2 years
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vanserraseris · 3 years
END OF PART V - This part sort of just gives a little insight into the Vanserra family dynamics, and they’re kind of a mess. The brothers probably aren’t as shit as they are supposed to be, though, but they’re still pretty bad. There are a few mentions of child abuse, Beron is literally the worst. It got a little longer than I’d first planned, but I hope you enjoy it (and big thanks to everyone who is reading)!!!
ahhhh i love it sm. love the brothers. fuck beron
Prince of Ashes. Part V.
Eris’s eyes snapped open, the incessant banging coming from the front of his cottage startling him out of a dreamless sleep. Despite having just woken up, Eris’s movements as he reached for the dagger he always kept on his nightstand were quick, controlled. Even in the dark of the room, Eris could see that there were no intruders. Not many people knew of his personal cottage, but that didn’t mean Eris never worried about being killed in his sleep while there.
“What is that?” Eris had nearly forgotten about Lucien. His youngest brother seemed to have fallen asleep curled up on the large cushioned chair by the stone fireplace again instead of going to the smaller room he’d claimed as his own. Eris didn’t know why, but when he took Lucien to his cottage, Lucien often preferred sleeping on one of the chairs in Eris’s bedroom. Lucien’s red hair was a mess and his shirt was wrinkled as he sat up, rubbing at his eyes with the heels of his palms.
Eris grabbed the pair of old brown boots he had by the foot of his bed, wondering who in the hells was capable of getting past the wards he’d had Lagos put around his personal home. “Don’t worry, it’s just the door,” Eris answered, irritation lacing each word in the hopes that Lucien wouldn’t think anything was amiss. 
Lucien didn’t seem worried in the slightest as he yawned before he asked, “Is Micah back? He left a bunch of scrolls on the table.”
“Micah has a key.” All three of his friends had a key, and the only other person he could think of that would be coming to see him so late at night was Rufus, but Rufus could easily winnow through the wards. 
Eris snarled softly when he saw the wrinkles on his own shirt, briefly considering whether or not he should just put another one on, but decided not to when the banging started once more.
It was probably Beron. Eris figured he had absolutely nothing to worry about, his father was most likely just angry with him, and that was nothing new. Or perhaps Beron had come for Lucien. Eris ran a hand through his hair, his other hand still clutching his dagger as he tried to decide if it was Lucien his father wanted, what he might do. With a few large steps, Eris made his way across the room. He crouched down in front of Lucien’s chair, holding the dagger out to him, “Take this.”
Lucien straightened, suddenly looking a lot more troubled, but he didn’t reach out to take the dagger. “What’s happening?” 
“Nothing,” Eris desperately hoped it was nothing. “Rufus probably just got drunk and forgot how to winnow again.” 
“Eris,” russett eyes wide, Lucien grabbed onto the loose sleeve of Eris’s shirt, “Where are you going?”
“To open the door,” Eris flashed his brother a small smile, hoping that it would be enough to convince him that everything was alright. “Take this and stay here.” Lucien knew how to use a blade, most Autumn court children did. 
Lucien was just a little older than half a decade, but despite his age, he knew all too well how dangerous the Autumn Court was, how cutthroat. Lucien took a deep breath, eyes now on the dagger in Eris’s outstretched hand.
The hilt of the dagger was ornate, golden, and fashioned to look like the head of a snake, green jewels that acted as the snake’s eyes glittered brightly as Lucien curled his small fingers around the weapon. Eris brought his now empty hand up to ruffle Lucien’s hair, “I’ll be back,” he promised. 
Lucien nodded once, pulling his knees up to his chest, a look of pure determination on his young features as he watched Eris stand to his full height.
Eris regretted that he’d left all of his hounds at the kennel in the Forest House I’m his rush to leave. He’d have preferred at least Enya, his oldest hound and the alpha of the pack, to have watched over Lucien. Eris no longer had a weapon, but his magic would most likely be enough, so with one final glance at Lucien, Eris tore out of the room. As Eris walked with fast steps down the hall, the bronze sconces that lined the walls flared to life behind him.
The banging on the door hadn’t gotten any louder or any more frantic, and as Eris approached it, he lifted his nose in the air, taking a deep breath. The familiar scent of red apples lingered in the small foyer - not father - but it did nothing to ease Eris’s worries. His features schooled into a practiced look of irritation, Eris pulled the latch on the door, unlocking it before he yanked it open, “Cato.”
His brother smiled. To anyone else, it might have looked sincere, “Eris.” When Eris didn’t move to the side, Cato made a face that looked genuinely confused, his brows raising in a look of mock puzzlement, “Not going to invite me in?” 
Eris didn’t move, he was taller than Cato, and while they were both lean, Eris’s shoulders were broader. He effectively blocked the entrance to his home as he asked, “Why are you here, Cato?”
His younger brother frowned, “Can’t I come say hello to my older brother?” He tilted his head a fraction, russett eyes widening slightly. “I only have one, you know.” Perhaps that was why Cato and Eris never really got along. Eris was the only obstacle to Cato’s place as High Lord, and they had never spent much time together while Cato was growing up - Eris had been sent to a war camp right after he’d been born.
They had almost no relationship, and yet, they still managed to fight over the smallest of things. Eris supposed that their non-existent brotherly bond meant that there would be no regret for Cato when he would inevitably end Eris’s life. Sending Eris away had been smart on Beron’s part, he’d practically ensured that his two eldest sons were always at each other’s throats. 
Eris growled, “No. No, you cannot come say hello, especially not at the crack of dawn.”
“Did I wake little Lucien?” Cato’s voice dripped with such a convincing act of concern. Even Eris could admit that Cato was the best fucking courtier in all of Prythian, a snake in the grass in every sense. 
“You woke me,” Eris spat. 
Cato was no longer acting the part of the concerned younger brother as he practically shoved past Eris, “Don’t worry, I’m not here to cause any trouble.”
Eris bit the inside of his cheek so hard he drew blood. Slowly, Eris shut the door, mumbling a frustrated, “I doubt it,” under his breath. 
When Eris finally turned to face Cato, he looked closely at his greatest rival. Not a single one of Cato’s deadly throwing knives was in sight, but that didn’t mean none were there. Cato’s eyes looked tired - troubled - and if Eris didn’t know any better, he'd have guessed that he looked a bit nervous.
He was holding himself up a little too straight, the sleeve of his shirt sloppily peaked out of his jacket, and a muscle in his jaw was working. Wonderful, Eris thought, Cato had finally decided to kill him. Eris took a breath, controlling his flames, getting ready for a fight. 
“I know you favour the runt, Eris.” 
Eris blinked. His brows furrowing slightly as he shook his head, “Cato—”
Cato raised a hand, “I don’t know why, but father’s given us orders to make his life as miserable as possible - probably to piss you off as much as because he’s just a horrible old bastard - and I’m not going to go against a direct order from the High Lord.” 
Eris froze, “And you’ve come to tell me this because?” 
Cato flashed him an adder’s grin, “I’m in a benevolent mood.”
Eris eyed him. Eris didn’t know if Cato had ever done him any favours, at least not in the last century. He sometimes wondered if Cato and him could have been close, knowing very well that it was much too late now. The resentment Cato had for his only older brother had been ingrained in his very young and impressionable mind by their father. Eris would be lying if he said he didn’t resent Cato as well.
Cato’s grin, faltered, turned into a frown, a seemingly real and true emotion Eris didn’t think he’d ever seen on his younger brother’s face. “It is an act I’ve done in good faith,” Cato wasn’t meeting Eris’s gaze, “Owain, Maddox, and Priam got the lecture, too.” Cato tugged on the cuff of his jacket sleeve, “I’m sure Rufus would have gotten the lecture if he’d been at the house, waste of father’s breath if you ask me - he only ever listens to you.”
Cato had gone out of his way to warn Eris, and while Eris was grateful, he couldn’t very well let almost all of his brothers turn on Lucien just because Beron had ordered it. “I’m going to say it once, Cato, don’t you dare lay a hand on him.” 
Cato huffed a laugh, flames in his eyes, “I don’t follow your orders, brother, and if you're asking me, I’d say the little runt would benefit from having the rest of us beat on him as well.”
Eris wasn’t usually one for any sort of physical violence, but he was blinded by rage as he lunged at Cato, grabbing him roughly by the collar and shoving him back up against the wall. Eris snarled, teeth bared, “Don’t touch him.” 
“I wasn’t being entirely serious,” Cato rolled his eyes, “But it’s fucking nice to know your weakness, Eris.”
Of course Cato would use their youngest brother against him. “I think all of us would benefit if I cut out that silver tongue.” Eris didn’t mean it, but it worked in Eris’s favour if Cato feared him just a bit. 
Cato grinned again. “I’d be very careful, Eris, I’m not in the mood to gut you tonight, ” Eris hadn’t felt the point of the knife pressed up against his side until Cato applied just a little more pressure, “I’d hate to get blood all over my good jacket, but I’ll do it if I have to.”
Eris snarled, pressing Cato harder up against the wall, “You always manage to make my blood fucking boil, you know.” 
“The feeling is mutual.” Eris thought he felt Cato’s knife cut through his shirt.
With one final growl, Eris loosened his hold on Cato’s jacket. He took a few small steps back, running a hand through his long hair.
Cato adjusted his jacket with one hand, in the other, he twirled the knife between his fingers, the simple silver blade flashing. “Be honest with me, Eris, just this once.” Eris would have asked him what the hell he was talking about, but Cato didn’t wait for a response before he asked, “What’s so very special about Lucien?” 
Eris couldn’t actually tell him about the oath he’d taken, wouldn’t risk Cato using that against him, so he simply sneered, “Absolutely nothing.”
Cato scoffed, “I know you dislike it when precious little Lucien gets a beating, but I think you’re overreacting. Father’s hands aren’t as painful as the whips he was using on us at Lucien’s age.” 
Eris set his jaw, opting to give his brother some of the honesty he’d asked for. “I want to protect him from that - maybe then he won’t end up like the rest of us.” Eris made a vague gesture with his hand.
There seemed to be a sort of understanding between the both of them when Cato met his eyes once more, a strange sort of openness that Eris couldn’t really read. Cato sounded a bit defeated as he spoke, “You cannot protect him forever.” 
Eris knew he couldn’t, the vow he’d taken haunted him some nights, but that didn’t mean he wanted Cato to point it out. “I can try,” Eris snapped.
“I appreciate the honesty, truly, but let me tell you something, brother. Your efforts will have been for nothing if the outcome is no good.” Cato shook his head, “I reckon no one - not mother, not Rufus, definitely not Lucien - no one will remember that you tried.” His lip curled over his teeth at the last word like he was disgusted by it. “Father’s got it out for little Lucien, I don’t know why, so try and protect him if you must, but when it all goes to shit, just remember I warned you.”
Eris couldn’t even begin to guess why their father was acting this way so suddenly, but he dipped his chin at his brother. “Thank you, Cato,” Eris said with as much sincerity as he was able. Eris wasn’t very used to thanking anyone, and he didn’t think that Cato was very used to hearing any thanks, either. Eris could practically hear his father’s voice, see the sneer on Beron’s face, as he’d hissed at a young Eris that sons of Autumn never gave thanks.
Cauldron boil me, Eris thought, he was going fucking soft. 
Cato’s russett eyes widened at the words before his genuine look of surprise was replaced by a scowl, the masks were back, it seemed. “You won’t be thanking me when I steal your crown, brother.” 
“If you are feeling benevolent when you decide to kill me,” Cato flinched, but Eris continued, choosing to ignore it, “Do me a favour and make it quick.” The silence that dragged between them as they stared at each other was uncomfortable.
They looked so alike, very much like their mother. Long red hair, sharp cheekbones, elegant brows, the only difference was the russet colour of Cato’s eyes and the much softer lines of his face. 
With a shake of his head, Cato moved past Eris, ensuring that their shoulders hit. He threw open the door, the heat of the room leaving as he stood in the doorway for a moment, as though he wanted to say something.
Cato stepped over the threshold of the door, the first few rays of the sun peaking over the horizon. “And not like you asked for my advice,” Cato picked at a thread on the sleeve of his shirt, turning to face Eris once more, “But you should stop spoiling the little runt, you’ll make him as useless as Rufus. And father is growing impatient with you and I’d rather not be dragged out of my duties to watch your flogging.”
Eris nodded once absently, his mind reeling, but nothing except irritation showed on his face. Perhaps Beron had learned in truth that Lucien was not his son. Perhaps Beron was no longer questioning the blood that ran through Lucien’s veins. Perhaps Eris would not be able to protect him, and Eris would rather tear out his own throat than let Beron harm his youngest brother. He’d made a vow, after all - he found he had to remind himself that was the only reason why.
Before he winnowed away, Cato called back to his older brother, “Be careful, Eris.” It could have been a warning or a threat, but Eris was choosing to believe that Cato might have actually been a bit worried for his well being. 
Eris shut the door, turning and leaning against it with his eyes closed. He slowly slid to the floor, breathing in through his nose, wrapping his hands around his knees. He hadn’t felt this helpless since he was a child.
Eris felt dizzy as he thought about how he would have to find a way to get his father to pay even less attention to Lucien, and he wasn’t entirely sure how to go about it. He was also trying not to think too much about Cato. Cato had fucking warned him. The brother who he competed against, constantly fought with, never trusted - had warned him. Cato was young and ruthless and cruel, just as Eris was, and Eris knew they were more alike than they were different.
They were two-sides of the same tarnished coin. Eris took another breath, he didn’t like thinking about his brothers too much, it made his chest ache. Eris thumped his head a couple times on the door behind him. Perhaps if he hit it a little harder he’d knock some sense into himself. Eris could feel flames dancing on the tips of his fingers. He’d gotten much too emotional, all his actions driven by that stupid oath, and he’d lost his edge. 
Eris opened his eyes at the sound of Lucien’s worried voice. He was sure he hadn’t managed to control his magic, and he knew that there were wild flames flaring in his eyes. Eris was almost certain Lucien would flinch away from him, away from that all-too familiar and dangerous fire, a fire that reminded most people of his father. “I thought I told you to stay put.” 
Lucien was no longer holding the dagger Eris had given him, but he took a small step towards where Eris sat. “Are you alright?”
In the light, Eris could clearly see just how terrible Lucien looked after Beron’s beating. It had taken all of Eris’s strength not to go after his father, and just like a coward, he’d done nothing but winnow Lucien away from that cauldron-damned house. Eris hadn’t been there to see Lucien’s punishment - he didn’t even know what Lucien might have been punished for - but Beron’s marks were all over his little brother.
Eris could barely look at the black eye, at the split skin near Lucien’s eyebrow, at the dark bruise on his cheekbone. Eris knew there were more bruises he couldn’t see. 
“I’m fine.” Eris lied, willing the flames in his eyes to vanish. 
Lucien took a few more small, slow steps towards Eris, like he was approaching a wounded animal. It must have been a shock for Lucien to see Eris in this way, but Eris was tired, and he didn’t think he had it in him to act alright even for Lucien’s sake.
Lucien sat right next to Eris, leaning up against the door, mirroring the way Eris was sitting. Eris knew he should perhaps be offering Lucien words of comfort, but he didn’t know what to say. 
Lucien was the first to break the silence. “It’s light.” 
“What?” Eris turned his head to face Lucien, confused. 
Lucien looked up at him with a small smile, “What can fill a room, but takes up no space. Your riddle.” 
Eris raised an auburn brow, “I’m going to have to start giving you harder ones.”
“I’ll solve those ones, too.” 
Eris felt the corner of his mouth tilt up just a fraction, “I bet you will.” 
Lucien turned away from Eris, moving so that he was leaning up against Eris’s side. “Don’t worry too much about whatever’s bothering you,” Lucien muttered, “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” 
Eris took comfort in knowing that at least Lucien believed in him, and he figured that Lucien was probably right 
Eris would figure something out, he always did.
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HSMTMTS 3x2: The stakes have never been higher
I’ve been semi-off the grid for the past week or so, and will be even more off-the-grid for another, so I’m now so late to this episode, but from what I’ve been glimpsing during my very brief online presence, it seems quite a bit more promising than the first one. I just hope I’m not disappointed again. I’m putting off re-packing my suitcase for this. But, the thing is, waiting extra long to get here has sort of made me care more about the show again, so I suppose there’s that. Let’s dive in at last and see what this one’s got to offer.
‘Disney+’s Frozen: the Musical: the Series’? This season is entirely too meta and I love that! Also, EJ, they would totally call it that. I mean, they sort of already did once, not that you’d know… and now I sort of want season four to be about the characters becoming aware they’re, well, characters in a tv show… that would be something for real. And I’m only half-joking here.
Also, can we acknowledge how wholesome Portwell are being here? Love that for them. I refuse to take any part in any ship wars, besides, if you recall, I didn’t really see Portwell coming until halfway into season 2 (oblivious much?), but like, they’re the real deal. If we can’t have Redlyn or Seblos this season, at least there’s still them.
Idk why, but Maddox is just bothering me entirely too much. Which is a shame because I wanted to like her. But then again, I wanted to like ‘Napoleon over here’ (yes, I’m still calling him that, it’s now become part of honouring Big Red who first called him that) and then he severely disappointed me, so… I suppose the lesson which can be learnt here is ‘never get attached to a new character before you’ve seen them actually in the show’ or something…
I said it once before and I’ll say it again (and I’ll probably say it at least once an episode if things keep going in the same direction they are now) — Carlos is entirely too relatable this season. Not that he wasn’t before, but, come on, Broadway-diva-in-the-making Carlos Rodriguez in a summer camp setting? Hits different.
I am so intrigued by Jet though… like, I want to know more about him, and I want it now. Just give it to me already…
Kourtney without her phone is reminding me a lot of me in my last year of high school when I had to cut off flour and sugar from my diet in order to get into my prom dress… would not recommend. But yeah, I was fully just scenting bread whenever I went even where there was definitely none, and can I just say I feel for Kourt here…
Ashlyn saying Gina’s brought 1.0 to camp… sort of true, and it’s not like a little bit of that is a bad thing at all, or like she means it in a bad way. Like, come on, these two are sisters. They love each other. But Gina 2.5 is a Gina I’m liking a lot. And this season’s soundtrack is really pulling out all the stoppers, isn’t it? I feel like no matter how the other aspects of the show may get, the music is still going to be the best part of it all, and that’s saying a lot.
Ricky ‘rewinding’ himself was so funny and adorable and, like, embracing the obvious awkwardness of the moment… love that for him honestly. I feel like he’s on a good path this season and I’ll be back to liking him full time, not just occasionally.
‘Friends? Enemies? Lovers? *looks at camera*’ Ricky is fully giving bi energy here and I can’t say I (and about a few thousands more people on here) didn’t call it ages ago. Now can we please just make it happen?
Ok but Ricky and Gina at the sight of EJ and Val hugging reminded me a lot, for whatever reason, of Angelica and Laurens at the Hamilton wedding. I said what I said. Just… idk. That was the vibe I got for some reason.
And… suddenly I want to see tiny Val and EJ together in The Sound of Music… I love that show and I love the thought of these two as tiny little kids, being the best of friends and whatnot… just… add that to the list of scenes I’ll never see except for in my imagination, ok.
Ok but Maddox is just really getting on my nerves right now… it’s one thing being used to do things by yourself, but it’s another to rudely refuse any sort of help. What scares me the most about her, however, is that I feel like I’m seeing quite a bit of myself in her and I’m just not liking that at all. Like, I want to like her, and then I don’t, and then it’s because she reminds me of the side of me I’m still learning to love… an acquired taste, alright. Is it possible to be terribly annoyed by a character and still relate to them way too much? Because that’s where I’m at with Maddox right now.
‘… you’re not even friends. You’re the competition’… Now why would Gina say that… to her fans, too? Like, she might have gone through some stuff and learnt a few lessons along the way, but they’ve not been through what she’s been through. What if they mess things up royally because of her words of advice? But hey, that’s a solid reminder that Gina is still just a kid, too, and she’s got a lot to learn yet.
EJ embracing his inner Miss Jenn is… well, something I didn’t know I was supposed to expect, but then, is it a season of HSMTMTS if the director doesn’t circle everyone up and sing a song from the show they’re doing in the highest pitch they’re capable of? Or… or if Ricky doesn’t show up late with a bang? I think Carlos put it best here, in another one of his highly-quotable one-liners: ‘Now that’s tradition!’ Enough said.
I was going to comment on individual performances during this audtition montage, but… how could I single anyone out? Everybody is just lovely and, like, I came prepared with a cast list but I don’t know anymore… except… Alex and Emmy are 100% young Elsa and Anna and you can’t convince me otherwise.
One thing other than the music which I’m loving about this season is definitely the guest stars. I mean, Jesse Tyler Ferguson as Nini’s donor wasn’t something I wanted or expected or anything, but now that I’ve got it, I’m just curious to see the dynamics. And the contractually obligated awkwardness is there, but it’s sort of a positive, embraced awkwardness. I said last time that I didn’t care much about Nini’s story this season and that was because I thought they’d be basically just replicating Olivia’s own, but it seems I’ve underestimated this show’s potential in terms of storylines. I like this much more than a 100% focus on her music or whatever. That might be a bit of a controversial opinion, but it’s my opinion and I’ll stand by it until I don’t believe in it anymore… if that ever happens.
So… let me get this straight (or, like, as straight as possible when there are exclusively queer people involved) — Marvin and Nini’s mums were in a band together? Well, then, you can say it runs in the family, indeed. See, now that makes any music-related Nini storyline that much more interesting to me.
Pls… Jet arriving an hour late to the auditions and everyone just supporting him, no questions asked (shout-out to Ricky and Ashlyn especially)? I’m not crying, you’re crying! And I love his vocals, too. But in a show like this, that was a given.
‘He’s like a little Ricky’. Couldn’t have said it better myself. And… proud big brother (?) Ricky is my new favourite Ricky.
I love it so much when songs tie so inseparably into the context of their scene in the show… and You Never Know has definitely got that going for it. I mean, the first verse mirroring what Marvin told Nini, and then the title being the same as The University Clowns’ one big hit… I love that for it. And the music in this season continues to be top-notch.
Pls Ashlyn’s got a BATB rose? Love that so much!! It’s just a nice detail, you know. Also, it makes me wonder if maybe Big Red gave it to her?
Has… has Gina defending Maddox got to do anything with the fact that, out of all three Wildcat girls, she’s the only one Maddox hasn’t been vaguely rude to yet? And what… what was Maddox up to in the dark? I need details and I need them now. And I want to know what it is in the cast list that Carlos refuses to let happen… I suppose I’ll have to spend another week barely-online, waiting to find out… I sort of like it how life is making me more interested in HSMTMTS by taking it away from me for the 2nd week in a row. But I hope this next one will be the last one like this.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Chapter Six: She’s Perving Again Guys - Lola
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Falling For Red Masterlist
This Months Writing
Days off didn’t exist when your job was taking out the scum of the earth. I was lucky to have gotten the two days that I had. So when I was rudely woken up by a text from my boss I sighed. All I wanted to do was sleep, as Axel had kept me up for most of the night but no there were people to take out.
It had also been a couple of days since I nearly killed Jacob, Blade had been keeping his distance from me as well which sucked, but I knew he didn’t want to be pissing me off again. But by doing this he had pushed me closer to Axel.
The house was quiet, the boys were still asleep apart from Phoenix, which wasn’t a surprise.
“You are up early Red” he said pouring her a coffee as I yawned, sleepily rubbing my eyes walking into the kitchen.
“Gotta go to the agency, Daz has a case for me” I nodded, still half asleep. “But I really want to sleep”
“I don’t get why he always wants you in so early in the morning” Nix laughed as he placed the mug of freshly brewed coffee in front of me.
“Because he hates me Nix” I said taking a sip “He loves to see me suffer, and knows full well I am not a morning person”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Nix laughed.
“Oh trust me he does” I nodded “I don’t think he is over me being able to take his son down”
“Yeah that will make a man hate you” He laughed. “What time do you have to go in?”
“Urm in about an hour” I nodded “So make me breakfast”
“What am I? Your slave” Nix gasped.
“Yeah” I grinned resting my head on my fists giving him the puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, pancakes coming right up, good job I love you” he winked. “Now what’s going on in that precious head of yours?”
“What makes you think there’s things going on?” I asked, as I made my way to the back door, sparking a cigarette up, it was too early for Maddox to go off on one for me smoking in the house.
“You are forgetting how long I’ve known you now kiddo” Nix smiled “you get more snappy when you have things buzzing around your head”
“Fine” I huffed, there was no point lying to Nix, he always saw right through it. “It’s just Blade, ever since you guys got home he is acting weird”
“You have been spending a lot of time with Ax” Nix nodded as he poured the pancake batter into the pan.
“Can you blame me?” I sighed “I’ve not seen you guys for months, whereas I was with Blade every single day. I just feel like I’m walking on eggshells around Blade and I fucking hate it”
“Have you tried talking to Blade about it?”
“Me talking about my feelings” I laughed “you have better chance of getting blood out of stone”
“But you talk to me about your feelings,” he smiled.
“Yeah well you are different, you are my teddy bear and you actually know when I’m bullshitting you so” I shrugged, tossing my cigarette butt into the bucket by the doorstep.
“Just talk to him kiddo” Nix smiled as he played up breakfast.
“Meh will think about it” I shrugged, pouring us both a fresh coffee. “Maybe I just need to decide who I want more I guess but then that decision would be impossible”
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“Why does it smell like burnt flesh in here?” I laughed scrunching my nose up as I walked into the house.
“Maddox tried cooking” Blade laughed as he ran down stairs.
“How many times Mad?” I smirked “We like this house so stay out of the kitchen and leave the cooking to the people that don’t burn pop tarts”
I can’t leave these children alone for a couple out hours without them trying to burn the goddamn house down!
“Urgh fine” Maddox huffed “But don’t moan when these lot don’t want to cook and I am starving”
“Dude you are always hungry” Axel glared before smiling at me. “You got a good case Princess?”
“Not quite sure to be honest” I shrugged, I was confused about my new case to say the least “It’s not a case that is the agency’s its for someone else but they requested Red”
“How do they even know about us?” Nix asked “The agency is meant to be secret”
“Beats me” I shrugged, grabbing the laptop flopping onto the sofa, throwing my legs over Maddox. “I don’t think the person that requested Red is necessarily above board which makes sense that they know about the Agency.”
“Something doesn’t add up” Axel said “just be careful princess”
“Always” I smiled, not taking my eyes off the screen.
I was determined to find out who the hell this Grayson Knox was. Luckily for us we had access to databases that civilians wouldn’t, which made my job slightly easier. Yes I was meeting this guy tomorrow morning but it would be nice to have some knowledge on him seen as he had heard of Red. And I wasn’t going to walk into his office completely blind. That would just be stupid.
After half an hour of scrolling and searching, I finally struck gold. I had managed to find an old facebook page of his, along with an instagram page and the companies website.
“I thought you were researching?” Maddox asked, resting his head on my shoulder.
“I am” I said, not looking away from the screen. I was currently scrolling through some photos of this guy.
Well hello there Mr Knox, if only you weren’t making me feel something is wrong I’d do you.
“Sure looks like it Angel” Maddox smirked “hey guys she’s perving again, over this Knox guy”
Instantly Blade and Axel were hovering over the laptop.
“Damn are you two keeping something from us?” I smirked looking up at them.
“Just need to see if he is hotter than me Princess” Axel said tapping my head.
“Guys I am working a case for this dude, I am not going to fuck him” I laughed. Not whilst I’m working for him at least. I have morals thank you.
“Yeah and she can’t exactly have three guys on the go can she?” Blade huffed.
Excuse me prick?!?
He still wasn’t over the fact Axel was back and I had kinda thrown him to the side. Even though he knew the incident with Jacob would be playing a major part.
“What happens if i want to have three guys on the go aye, None of you fuckers could stop me” I said raising my brow at Blade “My biggest concern is why someone that owns and investment and stock company needs someone like me, something isn’t right”
@chibsytelford @everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713 @little-diable @band--psycho @mrsmarvelous1995 @pancakeisreading
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atinytokki · 3 years
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Chapter 8: The Black Crow
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A blurry light illuminated the darkness from the central table, accompanied by the blurry sounds of two separated groups catching each other up on the events of the past months.
The five had decided to spend the night in their new lodgings, a large but comfortable space that could sleep all seven officers if it needed to, and Mingi was slowly draining his bottle while he sat with the others to deliberate their course of action.
“....and so the mermaids sped us here, to Geobugi, where thankfully we caught you in time,” San finished explaining. “Although, I suppose the destination is the same. Haemin territory.”
Hums of acknowledgement echoed around the table before Yunho spoke up. “We ourselves only recently arrived, but I think it’s relevant to let you know the situation here. Pirates are united again, and they want to join the war. Our rescue mission looks to them like an opportunity to justify their involvement.”
San and Jongho glanced at each other but didn’t rush to give their opinions. After a moment, Seonghwa’s quiet voice filled the space.
“Hongjoong told us to stay away from all this. He told Wooyoung and Yeosang to stay away. Do we really think they’ll want to be rescued from a conflict they’ve been dragged into only to turn around and start the fight again?”
“I understand that, hyung, I do,” San broke in, a cloud drawn over his face as he spoke urgently. “But I’ve been running away all this time and I’m so, so sick of it. I know you came out here in your princely attire to join the battle and I respect that you may have changed your mind, but you haven’t seen the enemy like I have.”
Jongho nodded. “I wish to fight as well. Haemin won’t stop taking innocent lives once we rescue Yeosang and Wooyoung from the Crow.”
Yunho sighed and took a swig of his own bottle before turning to Mingi. “Well, Quartermaster, what do you think?”
Mingi startled. What did he think? 
He thought all of this felt wrong. He could hear the familiar tune of their crew happily dancing and singing a drinking song in the next lodging house over, and he could feel the ocean breeze gently caressing his face, and he could sense the eyes of his friends on him, looking to him for his answer, but he was drunk and dizzy and wanted more than anything to just turn back time.
Whether to stay safely tucked away or whether to risk their lives and fight didn’t seem like his decision to make.
“I say we wait to see what Yeosang and Wooyoung have to say about it,” he settled on, downing his drink and tossing the bottle in the bin. “There’s no use trying to make up our minds now.”
A knock sounded at the door before anyone could debate him.
“Medical visit!” Maddox’s voice sounded from the wooden porch, and when the rest looked to him, Mingi stood and opened it for the fellow quartermaster.
Namji stood there next to him, arms full of supplies and hair pulled back by a whale bone shard, and glanced around the room until she spied Jongho sitting on one of the sofas off to the side, his injured leg propped up on the arm.
“Two have come, two more remain to be saved?” She asked as she entered the room and set down her things.
Seonghwa opened his mouth to correct her but, faltering, settled on answering “Yes.”
“Excuse me, but I hardly think this is necessary,” San butted in, crossing his arms and taking up residence next to Jongho on the sofa. “I’ve already looked at his wound and treated it.”
The woman blinked and suddenly went beet red. “Choi San?” She asked hesitantly, reaching out a hand to be shaken when he confirmed. “I remember you from your past visits. I doubt you remember me though, you were in quite a hurry.”
He squinted at her until the memory resurfaced. “The apothecary shop?”
“Yes!” Namji beamed and nodded, going about removing Jongho’s bandage while she explained. “I still work there but I’m the surgeon for the Stardust now— or at least I will be when we finally set sail as a crew.”
“Setting sail as a crew?” Mingi questioned Maddox, eyebrow raised and a smile playing on his face. “Without Eden?”
“Oh, no, we’ll pick him up from the Mystic’s Island, next order of business.”
“And if he doesn’t want to come?” Yunho scoffed. He couldn’t imagine Eden rejoining the action after the devastating injury he had sustained.
“He will,” Maddox assured them. “By now if he’s with her, he knows the situation. You told me yourself a few nights ago how much of the war she had foreseen. The time for waiting around has come and gone. And the men will be happy to have their captain among them again.”
Mingi’s shoulders fell in defeat and he accidentally made eye contact with Seonghwa.
It was too bad they didn’t have that option themselves.
San and Namji were still arguing, pleasantries out of the way.
“But if it’s infected and the blood rushes to his head then—”
“But see, there is no open wound, so he’s in no danger of that.”
“Will one of you just get me walking again?” Jongho interjected with a tired grumble. 
It took some effort for both surgeons to agree on a course of action and work together, and as they settled down and treated their patient, Mingi wandered to the balcony and gazed out at the lights of Geobugi.
Even the pirate islands close by to the east were somewhat visible, just as lively in the night as in the day. Dots of light decorated the shoreline, their golden rays bouncing off the moving water, making them appear to be floating on a bed of stars.
In the centre of the town, a tree stood tall. The leaves were few and far between but light decorated its branches, so full of candles that from far away it looked like it was on fire.
“What is that?” He muttered to himself, not expecting an answer and startling when Maddox came up behind him and answered solemnly.
“Geobugi has no graveyard. That tree is the next closest thing. Although I have to say, I haven’t known it to be so illuminated with funeral candles since Eden’s presumed death.”
While Mingi pondered the fact that it was apparently a funeral ritual for Hongjoong, Seonghwa spoke up from his own quiet musings.
“Eden had a funeral? We didn’t see this tree when we came here to pick up our crew. Hongjoong never mentioned it.”
“No, I don’t imagine he would’ve,” Maddox sighed, and Mingi understood why. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to see what was going on down there, even as the sound of singing drifted up enticingly from the tree gathering to their lodgings.
He followed Maddox down the suspended bridges to the town centre anyway, with Seonghwa, Yunho, and San in tow. Namji remained with Jongho to set him up with all the medicines he’d need for the next few days while the others slipped away.
Just as he’d suspected, pirates surrounded the tree with candles in their hands and music on their lips. They were singing, but it was more a dirge than a shanty, murmurs occasionally interrupting the tune as they left their lights in the tree and returned to their ships.
Mingi noticed none of their own crew was there to honour the dead, and he wasn’t surprised.
“It’s upsetting to see all this... grief. I’m not accustomed to the sight of it from older pirates,” he admitted, voice choked up slightly, though he told himself it was from the smoke.
“Grief is a sign of love,” Maddox finally answered, gazing at the spectacle himself with the twinkling sparks reflecting off of the moisture in his own eyes. “And love amongst a crew is a strength, not a weakness. The many outcasts here know that bond well, we’re all outcasts together.”
Even though most of the pirates here didn’t even know Hongjoong. And if they did, it was as a rival, not a captain.
“Goodbye, Pirate King,” came a whisper from beside them, and Mingi jumped again before turning to find the source. A woman with her hair newly bleached and chopped short stood next to their small group, nursing a candle of her own and surveying the stars. “I’m sorry for slapping you that time, and you’re forgiven for stealing half my weapons supply.”
Mingi couldn’t help but chuckle. He recognised her, although he couldn’t remember where from.
“Aewol of the Lioness?” Yunho supplied, and she turned to him and nodded, a couple of intricate plaits bouncing in her hair as she did. “If anything, I expected you fellow pirates to resent him,” he admitted, and it was exactly the thought on Mingi’s mind.
“Well, his criminal activity was a bother sometimes but actually worked in our favour,” Aewol explained. “And I don’t just mean that because he kept the Navy occupied with their obsession with the ATEEZ, he really inspired others to keep this legacy going. We have a rebuilt pirate haven after all, and more islands joining the pact than ever before.”
“Hear, hear!” Another pirate cheered before rounding the tree and approaching. This man was tall and looked ten or fifteen years older than them. “There was a time we put up the white flag when we saw the ATEEZ on the horizon.”
“Really?” Aewol snorted out a laugh.
“Really! I’m older than you new pirates, my crew was tired, but we had supplies cordoned off just in case— a tax to the Pirate King, the crew called it— but he sailed right by, never stole it.”
Seonghwa’s brows were drawn together, and he couldn’t help but grit out bitterly, “He was our captain. You never even met him, how can you mourn him?”
Another young pirate with his hair pulled back into a ponytail spoke up from the other side of the tree, guarding his flame as he walked over to join them.
“Because he was more than your captain,” he tried to explain. “We never met him, but he represented us all in a sense.”
Mingi surveyed the faces of strangers around him and couldn’t help but sigh. “I’m not sure how he’d feel if he was aware that people thought of him that way.”
“Well, you knew him,” the younger pirate pointed out with a shrug before setting his candle on one of the lower branches. “Tell us about the Pirate King.”
Suddenly all attention was on Mingi and he didn’t know what to do.
From the bold flags and bright candles to the tears in their eyes, he could tell these pirates didn’t want to know about Hongjoong as a person, his flaws and his humanity, only his legendary acts and larger-than-life personality traits.
They wanted to hear a thrilling tale in line with their pre-existing notion of him.
It was that daring boldness that made piracy appealing, Mingi realised, not the quiet days of fair weather he cherished with his captain. It was heroes becoming myths that would go down in history, and they might as well have been anonymous.
But Mingi didn’t want to think of Hongjoong that way, so he stood there gaping like a fish while Seonghwa began putting them straight.
“Well, firstly... his name was Hongjoong,” he struggled through his sentences, trying to find a way to do the story justice. “And he... h-he was just a boy from Panhang at first. Like anyone else.”
“We grew up together,” Mingi continued. “Although I did most of the growing.”
Chuckles sounded from the growing crowd and Mingi swallowed his nerves. Hongjoong would have smacked him upside the head for that joke if he were there.
“After his parents drowned and again after Eden was presumed dead, he seemed to know what he wanted. I don’t think he faltered in that for a long time.”
That was just about all Mingi was willing to divulge. It was the origin of their journey as a crew after all, and it brought them up to the present, but everyone was still staring at him as if waiting for something really exciting.
“There are things he went through— things we went through— that I don’t think the world ought to know,” he finally sighed, deciding to let them make their own inferences. “But some of the stories you’ve heard are true.”
“Including the tale of the kraken?” One man shouted from the back.
“Yes, it was Wooyoung’s shot that finished it,” Yunho filled in, only to be overwhelmed by more questions.
“And the fire tornado on the deserted island?” A woman asked closer to Mingi.
“Right, we were all there,” he confirmed. “I jumped into the inferno myself...”
And just like that, all those harebrained escapes and knick of time rescues became epic tales to be circulated around the islands until they no longer bore any resemblance to the truth.
Mingi knew it was bound to happen, but he returned to the lodging house as soon as he could anyway. 
The recognition was good in measure, but something about listening to Hongjoong be discussed in the past tense was grating on his ears.
It had been the final straw when an old sailor announced, “May a westerly breeze blow his spirit over the sea to wait for us at rest in the new world.”
But he knew it didn’t matter what all those pirates thought of him, or even of the ATEEZ. 
Maddox was right about one thing for certain— the bond amongst a crew.
“You think he can see all those lights, wherever he is?” Mingi whispered softly in Jongho’s direction as he slumped on the sofa next to him, nursing his dizzy head and holding the younger boy as tightly as he could while minding his injury.
“I don’t know,” Jongho tutted, but he didn’t pull away from the embrace. “He didn’t bring his spyglass with him.”
“Nothing but blue for miles and miles,” Hongjoong muttered as he stretched his hand out the porthole window again, letting the spray of the waves meet his skin. “And we’re definitely headed south.”
The lack of ice flecking the ocean was already a good sign they had made considerable progress.
“Is the water warmer?” Yeosang asked as he stood and made his way over, wiping the sweat from his face. He was exercising as often as he could, determined to be physically fit for the task should something go wrong during their escape.
For a while he had been hiding muscle under that timid form, and his head was full of combat knowledge, collected quietly until the time came to strike. That moment was approaching with every mile closer to Haemin they travelled.
Hongjoong nodded and drew his arm back in, sinking to the floor impatiently. 
“It shouldn’t be long then, right?” Wooyoung asked, mouth full of the midday meal as he cringed away from the concerned steward who was warning him to slow down.
“I doubt we’re even halfway,” Hongjoong huffed. “The distance between the colonies and even Haemin’s outlying islands is vast.”
Which meant they were sailing half a world away from everything they ever knew and everyone they ever loved.
“Why is it always the three of us?” Wooyoung groaned as he finally passed off his bowl and stretched out on the floor.
The steward rolled his eyes and saw himself out without another word.
Hongjoong stretched out next to Wooyoung on the floor and gave him a pinch to the arm for taking up his space. “We just can’t stay away from each other, I suppose.” It was one constant they were all grateful for.
“Oh, admit it!” Wooyoung laughed gleefully as Yeosang lay down on his other side. “Yeosang and I are your favourite children.”
Hongjoong spluttered but wasn’t given a chance to retort.
“Who cares about his father? That’s you now,” Wooyoung jabbed, and giggles broke out between the three of them.
“That still makes for one dysfunctional family,” Yeosang pointed out, hiding his laugh behind a hand and shoving Wooyoung lightly.
He always knew how to raise their spirits.
“I do hope the rest are safe, especially Seonghwa,” Hongjoong said under his breath when the moment had passed.
Wooyoung and Yeosang glanced at each other. 
“Why Seonghwa? He was fine when I saw him last,” Yeosang responded immediately, heart beginning to pound when he didn’t receive an answer for a moment. What did Hongjoong know that he didn’t?
“Haemin is trying to kill him.”
Oh, just that.
But Seonghwa was likely safe with others, Yeosang knew, so he willed his heartbeat to slow down to a healthy speed and tried to rationalise for Hongjoong’s sake.
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” he muttered. “They tried once in Namhae, with the explosion that ironically nearly killed you. You should’ve seen the amount of security at the palace.”
“But now he’s made himself an easy target,” Hongjoong sighed. “He was here on the Black Crow, planning to fight with the Navy. I have no idea why or where he is now, but I read the intelligence myself. He’s in danger yet again.”
It was another one of those constants, especially now that the older pirate had a crown and a royal title.
But it was of no use that they knew of this supposed assassination plot that Seonghwa himself didn’t.
A familiar knock sounded softly from the door and Byun and Park entered with news.
“Admiral Kim is paying you a visit within the hour,” Byun directed his words at Hongjoong, accompanied with a grimace. “I don’t know why it took him this long, but we had better prepare.”
Yeosang nodded and helped Wooyoung to his feet. They had discussed in advance what to do when this inevitably happened. They couldn’t hide away in the hold forever, at least not in the same room as Kim’s favourite prisoner.
As Lieutenant Park— the officer who was supposed to be on guard— refastened the chains around Hongjoong’s hands, Yeosang and Wooyoung followed Byun out through the cramped deck hallway to the infirmary.
The Black Crow was massive to the extent that a crew member on one deck of the ship would likely never come into contact with a crew member on another. It was certainly capable of hiding two young pirates so long as they disguised as soldiers.
But Yeosang and Wooyoung wanted more than a place to hide, they wanted to be in on the action and that required something more.
“Hang on,” Byun suddenly whispered, stopping in his tracks and causing a small collision behind him.
“What is it?” Wooyoung hissed, already half concealed behind the nearest barrel in case someone was approaching.
“A longboat is missing,” came the reply, barely louder than a breath, no more than a passing thought.
“I didn’t expect to have deserters this early on in the war,” Byun explained as they walked past the empty space where the boat should be and hurried into the infirmary. “Strange that the Admiral hasn’t mentioned anything about it.”
But then, he was clearly busy with other things.
Surgeon Oh rushed them inside and took out a pair of nondescript navy uniforms from the back of one of his cabinets, handing them off to the stowaways.
“This one stinks,” Wooyoung complained, holding his nose and watching with disgust as Yeosang immediately began to change into his own.
“We didn’t exactly have time to order new ones made,” Oh countered with an exasperated sigh. “They’re borrowed from the crew.”
Yeosang buttoned the jacket up to the neck and nodded Wooyoung on.
As reluctant as they were, they were soldiers of necessity. It was the best plan they had.
“Here are the bandages,” Oh continued, carefully applying a few strategic coverings to their faces.
Yeosang’s birthmark was painstakingly obscured this time to avoid a similar incident to the one at the Namhae prison, and hats were shoved on to hide their colourful hair from view.
“If anyone asks, you’re greenies who each received a face full of powder burn in the battle and are lucky to be alive,” Byun supplied as he opened the door for them, knowing it was a common enough occurrence to be believable.
“Lieutenant? Accompany me to the bilge deck,” a call carried across the working crowd and halted them before they could.
It was the Admiral, finally ready to pay his visit, and his voice made Yeosang clench his fist in livid silence. 
“...after you’re finished with those patients. You too, surgeon,” Kim added when he noticed them.
Wooyoung and Yeosang both fixed their eyes on the deck respectfully, faces completely devoid of emotion.
If Yeosang had to speak to the man, he might punch him in the face.
“Of course, sir,” Byun answered swiftly, motioning for Yeosang and Wooyoung to hang back a moment for appearances. It was best if they weren’t seen together with the lieutenant again as low level recruits.
They waited a full thirty seconds after he and the Admiral disappeared into the lower decks before following, pressing against the door to try and hear every word, every movement.
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m here?”
It was Admiral Kim’s voice, that snobbish lilt he liked to tease with, and it didn’t sound like Hongjoong was taking the bait.
There was a brief pause before they heard their captain respond, not a direct answer to the question but a response nonetheless.
“Was the battle to your satisfaction?”
Kim barked out a laugh and the sound of clapping followed. “Yes, you performed beautifully. Excellent results. However, I have a problem.”
Another silence stretched on for a few seconds, long enough that Yeosang began to fear punishment for not answering would follow.
“What is it?” Hongjoong sneered when Kim was likely at his breaking point. He liked to have control of the conversation.
Yeosang leaned forward to peek through the door, still open a crack, risking discovery just to be able to lay eyes on the scene.
“The men are far too taken with you and your charms,” Kim was explaining, as if scolding a young child. “In fact, between here and Haemin, I expect you will have completely seduced them and it will be you, not me, who is in charge of this ship.”
Yeosang wondered what would happen if he and Wooyoung attacked the man from behind while the lieutenants secured the door.
They could dispose of him in a moment or two, but would the rest of the ship consider it a mutiny or a liberation?
“We cannot have that, can we?” Kim nearly growled, toeing the prisoner with his boot to elicit a response.
Hongjoong shook his head stiffly, but his expression didn’t change.
“Indeed,” the Admiral sounded satisfied and turned to the officers standing next to him. “Would you say he is in sufficient health for a visit to the main deck, Oh?”
The surgeon’s eyes flickered between Hongjoong and the Admiral before he uttered an emotionless, “Yessir.”
Kim may have suspected Hongjoong of winning over the crew, but he still had no idea that his own officers had been won over as well.
“Then see it done. The men need to be reminded that Lucky is a prisoner, not a captain.”
Yeosang and Wooyoung made all possible haste to reach the main deck before the men dragged Hongjoong up with them, standing just out of the way a few paces off from each other and peeking over shoulders and around cannons to see what they had no power to stop.
To Yeosang’s surprise, Kim simply had the lieutenants chain Hongjoong to the mainmast and walked away.
There were a few soft murmurs around the deck, but no major outcry, even after the Admiral returned to his cabin.
One at a time, the lieutenants returned to the hold, and one at a time, Yeosang and Wooyoung joined them.
“At least we know the disguises work,” Wooyoung tried to cheer Yeosang up, unwrapping his neck and discarding the unused bandage on the floor. “Now we have to figure out how to communicate with Hongjoong in broad daylight.”
After an hour or two of the Admiral remaining in his quarters while Hongjoong worked himself into as comfortable a position as he could outside, it became apparent that the punishment would continue for longer than they thought.
“It’s raining...” Yeosang noted absently as he noticed Hongjoong wipe his eyes against his shoulder and slump to his knees with a tired sigh. He was hugging the mast with his hands chained in front of him, and by now they were likely stiff and sore, not to mention soaked through.
“He’ll be out there all night most likely,” Byun kept his eyes on his boots as he confessed. “If it goes on too long, Oh can lawfully make a recommendation to move him inside... but such an act may look suspicious.”
“It’s a fine line you’re walking,” Wooyoung snapped, and Yeosang had to hold him back from attacking the guilty lieutenants.
“We all knew the risks, including Lucky,” Park came to Byun’s defense. “If you know anything about Kim, this is the lesser of a multitude of evils.”
Yeosang glanced out at the rain streaming down the window.
Perhaps he didn’t know the Admiral as well as he thought.
When San stumbled back to the lodgings, he didn’t expect to find anyone awake. 
The night was deep and dark, just a few hours off from the first grey hints of dawn and having spent most of the time getting acquainted with the other pirates on the island after their vigil, he was tired and in need of some sleep before they set sail. 
San still couldn’t close his eyes without seeing Hongjoong’s face, but there was no more chance of stalling so he’d have to bear with it for a while.
So it was to his great surprise that San discovered Seonghwa of all people, lying awake with his crown in his lap, finely crafted jewels catching the light of a single flame quivering atop a candle on the table next to him.
“What does it even mean,” he whispered, glancing up at San. “To be the prince on an island so untouched by royalty?”
There was hurt in his eyes.
San deflated and moved over to his own bed, pulling his boots off while he thought about how to answer. He wasn’t sure he even could.
San had been paddling away from Namhae with the last ounce of strength in his arms before he ever knew Seonghwa had even made contact with the royal family.
He had missed out on so much that seeing the crown gleaming in the boatswain’s hands now was a foreign sight altogether. He had no idea what that reality meant to him, why he couldn’t just leave it behind.
“Hongjoong is the Pirate King here, the crown has no power compared to that,” Seonghwa muttered, setting it on the table next to the candle and trying to settle back comfortably. From a few houses over, wind chimes clinked together gently in the breeze.
“Even if it did, is it something you actually want for yourself— the palace life and everything that goes with it?” San finally asked through the roughness in his throat, fiddling with the edge of his jacket.
“There’s nothing in it for me without the ATEEZ.”
It was reassuring to hear that, and San found himself relaxing before thinking about the future.
“And if the kingdom and these pirate islands can’t peacefully coexist at the end of all this? What then?”
Seonghwa turned to face him and shrugged. “Then I have to give it up. I’m not leaving you to fend for yourself again.”
San bit his shaking bottom lip and crawled into the hammock with Seonghwa, wrapping his arms around him tightly. “At least you have a common goal with your brother, the king. We all want Haemin defeated.”
Seonghwa hummed sleepily, eyes falling shut. He was too tired to argue, even if he wasn’t convinced joining the war was the best option.
San blew out the candle with a quick puff of air and settled in. He breathed Seonghwa in while he held him, and swore under his breath never to take any of their small band for granted again.
He had been adrift for far too long, and when he had Yeosang and Wooyoung safe with him as well, maybe then he’d finally be home.
Sleep came to him speedily, but it was a light sleep.
Something jolted him out of it when it was still dark in their shared room, and San wasn’t sure what it was but he was prepared to ignore it and let his eyes fall shut again until Seonghwa made a noise.
It wasn’t any sort of coherent word, just a mumble that sounded almost like a whimper, so San opened his eyes and turned his head.
An intruder clothed from head to toe in black was crawling in through the window with a sword drawn and pointed toward them.
San jerked up and reached for his gun, suddenly remembering it was still next to his own bed but being cut off by the attacker before he could reach it.
He threw a punch, but the stranger dodged it, and as he stumbled over air his opponent made for Seonghwa, raising the blade to end him in a single stroke.
Thankfully, Seonghwa rolled out of the way and found his own gun, trying to load it in the dark with shaking hands and yelling for help, hoping someone would wake up and come to their aid.
If he wasn’t imagining it all, it seemed like this assassin was here to kill him.
In an instant, Jongho was on the intruder, tackling him from the back and wrestling him to the floor.
Completely by chance, the assassin kicked his injured leg in a lucky shot, causing his knees to buckle and his grip to loosen.
With the growing sound of footsteps, the intruder’s options were dwindling. There was little chance of killing his target now that the entire room had woken up. And it was a room full of experienced pirates, so to pick a fight with all of them at once would be suicide.
“Don’t let him get away!” San yelled, grasping his gun and shoving his feet into his boots while the assassin leapt back out the window and pulled himself on to the roof.
Yunho jumped out after him and San was right on his heels, climbing over the tiled eaves of the lodging house and letting Yunho help pull him up.
The assassin had jumped the distance between their roof and the next one, and was skilfully leaping across them as silent as a shadow, hoping to lose his pursuers in the chaos.
But he had followed them here to a pirate island, a nest of enemies with nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.
“Cut him off at the waterfront?” San suggested, popping up out of a tumble as he moved from a higher building to a lower one.
Yunho grunted his acknowledgement and broke off to the west, sprinting across a roof beam in the direction of the shipyard while San went straight after the assassin and tried to direct his path from behind.
If they were successful, they’d have the intruder trapped between them. Then he could surrender or they could take him by force. San had no preference.
Just when he thought the assassin had started to turn towards the ship masts peeking up in the west, a pair of daggers came flying towards him.
With a yelp, San ducked by slipping into a crack between buildings. Keeping his eyes trained on the escaping assassin, he hauled himself up from the balcony and jumped to the next roof to continue in pursuit.
All this running on unstable ground was tiring, but evoked the memory of his successful rooftop chase on the Fortress island and made him push harder. The terrain wasn’t flat like it had been then and the stranger he was chasing was much more agile, so he had to become light on his own feet and do everything in his power to catch up.
Trying to slow the runner down, he shot a few rounds in the assassin’s general direction. It didn’t succeed in fazing him, but it did cause him to turn west, and a smile began to grow on San’s face.
This was their territory now, not the stranger’s.
Sure enough, just as the assassin reached the last roof before the docks, Yunho emerged from behind a chimney stack and shoved him to the tile.
San met up with him immediately, joining in and helping to restrain the man. The sun was beginning to rise, and in the pale early morning light the stranger wasn’t recognisable, even after Yunho ripped off his mask and looked him in the eyes.
“Who are you?” He growled, shaking the intruder by the shoulders and gripping him tightly to encourage an answer.
The assassin didn’t speak, letting the contempt in his eyes tell the pirates all they needed to know.
San was busy emptying his pockets and lifting any and all weapons from his person, but pressed him into the tile roughly for good measure, trying to get the man to talk.
“Who do you work for?” Yunho’s hands were on the assassin’s arms, restraining them behind his back and pulling the man to his feet. “What is it, you don’t want to squeal?”
San strapped the assortment of weapons to himself and helped escort the prisoner off the roof, liking the craftsmanship of the daggers and considering keeping them.
“That’s alright. He’ll change his mind when we’re done with him.”
Wooyoung couldn’t eat. He was too focused on the door, waiting for it to open for a lieutenant with news.
Yeosang had been coaxing some breakfast into his mouth when it finally did.
Park stuck his head in to announce that they were heading to the shipwreck site of a fellow navy ship to pick up survivors and continue into Haemin, a detour which would delay their arrival and subsequent escape.
“That’s all?” Yeosang scoffed. “You didn’t mention anything about Hongjoong’s health to him?”
“You people are useless,” Wooyoung spat before he got a chance to apologise, shooing the lieutenant out and beginning to pace the room.
It was like all these men knew how to do was hurt people and take lives. None of them had the guts to stand up to Kim and tell him to let Hongjoong go belowdecks again.
“It’s so stuffy, I can’t breathe in this,” Wooyoung whispered as he wiped his sweaty hands on the uniform, undid the clasps to expose his chest and slumped down the hull wall. “How much longer?”
Yeosang sighed and buttoned it up again for him, pulling him to his feet. “Let’s go take a look.”
As always, they had to bandage their faces up and be careful not to raise any suspicion when they were in a public area, but their concern for Hongjoong and his rapidly worsening injuries was too great to simply sit around until he was returned to them.
Wooyoung went to one side of the main deck and Yeosang to the other, communicating with his uncovered eye that Byun happened to be standing just to Wooyoung’s left.
The lieutenant looked to the average sailor like he was simply keeping an eye on the proceedings of the morning, but Wooyoung knew he was watching Hongjoong intently and followed suit.
The prisoner hadn’t woken yet, his arms limp around the mast and legs tucked in underneath him to avoid being rained on.
“He can’t hold his own weight up anymore,” Wooyoung observed under his breath, just loud enough to make Byun flash a glance at him. “Before, he would probably rather lick his own wounds in a corner like an animal than let the navy help him.”
“Dying changes a man,” the lieutenant shot back quietly. “What he saw was an opportunity, and I for one am very glad he took it.”
Surgeon Oh approached and whispered in Byun’s ear just as Wooyoung opened his mouth to retort, and instead of engage in the hushed argument any longer, Byun signalled Lieutenant Park to help him remove Hongjoong from the mast and get him below. It seemed the surgeon had secured Admiral Kim’s permission.
Wooyoung still didn’t think they ever needed it.
He signalled Yeosang to meet him in their bilge deck room again and the two shuffled around anxiously until the lieutenants appeared with Hongjoong, awake now and grateful to be set down on the floor to lie still without being chained.
“Are you alright? Do you need anything?” Yeosang rushed to ask in a low voice.
Even his throat was watery, and Hongjoong coughed up some rain before answering, “I’m fine. It wasn’t even ten lashes.”
Public punishment by cat o’ nine tails was extremely common in the navy, and it was a surprise that Kim hadn’t jumped at the chance to dole out the blows himself.
But it had them wondering why this situation was special. 
Wooyoung’s mouth ran away from him.
“What did you do to make him hate you so much?”
Hongjoong paused where he was pulling off his soaking uniform and replacing it with a dry one and met his gaze.
A cool breeze swept the space in that moment and all of them shivered.
Finally Hongjoong broke the silence and dropped the wet clothes to the floor.
“It’s complicated.”
Yeosang gave Wooyoung a warning glare to let it slide until their captain was dry, fed, and rested, but Hongjoong went on as he buttoned up his new jacket.
“I was different back then, the day we first met face to face. More reckless. And I had no fear of the evil of men, only the unforgiving nature of the wild.”
Wooyoung nodded and scooted over, bringing a blanket with him and wrapping it around the both of them.
“When it was over, I was afraid only of myself,” Hongjoong sighed, before his eyes cleared and he began the story from the beginning.
“At the time, Mingi and I were focused on building the ATEEZ from the small boat I started with to the ship both of you knew when we met. We procured weapons and materials through a variety of means, but inevitably our travels took us to Kon— a paradise for shipbuilders, but also the Navy’s back yard. I was careless in my approach, and I managed to keep Mingi and the ATEEZ safe from discovery, but Kim took me into custody and, well...”
Wooyoung’s eyes were drawn to the faint pink trace of Hongjoong’s pirate brand. The burn couldn’t hide from someone who knew where it was, and the Admiral had referred to it as a souvenir he had gifted himself.
“He remembered my name from the sinking of the Stardust, and the thought that I might continue what Eden had started clearly terrified him,” Hongjoong explained, pulling the blanket tight around him. “I’m sure he had made up his mind to kill me as quickly as the process would allow, but somehow Mingi mustered up the courage and the skill to break me out completely by himself.”
Yeosang chuckled fondly as he joined their huddle and the lieutenants made their way out with the wet clothes. They knew when their presence was no longer required.
“Getting out proved to be more tricky than getting in,” Hongjoong went on. “There was... a guard.”
He exhaled shakily and Wooyoung had a feeling this was where the story went south.
“We didn’t hear him approach, but he yelled out suddenly from behind us and drew his gun,” Hongjoong’s words and the rocking of the ship were the only sounds as Wooyoung and Yeosang held their breath. “So I-I drew mine, and without thinking, fired it. It was just another instinct after surviving alone on that island, I never meant to kill him... but he shot as well, the bullet hit my leg, and while Mingi dragged me away I looked to see what I had done.”
He lowered his head into his hands and didn’t speak for a moment. 
“Admiral Kim had arrived, and he cradled that guard in his arms and cried. He kept saying ‘my son’ over and over again, and from that day on, his hatred for me increased a hundredfold. I don’t think I fully understood until Namhae. Anyone associated with me is nothing more to him than a bug to be crushed.”
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t murder his son in cold blood,” Wooyoung insisted, taking his cold hand and squeezing it. “You said yourself, it was an accident.”
Hongjoong didn’t pull away, so Yeosang leaned over to join in. He could relate personally from his own memories of a steaming gun and a bleeding sorcerer. “The first kill is always the worst.”
But it was so much easier when you didn’t know what the dead left behind. When you couldn’t imagine a devastated wife, or starving children, or… a weeping father.
Their captain simply trained his eyes on the ceiling and shook his head just the same.
“I’m sorry anyway. Because I can live with his voice in my head and Kim chasing me around the globe, but I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you as a result.”
Glancing around the hold, Wooyoung knew they had been very close to that reality several times.
“If we play our cards right, neither of those will be the case,” Yeosang pointed out, sitting back and stretching his muscles.
“That’s true, although we have some planning to do thanks to the change in course,” Wooyoung grumbled as he followed suit but saved a teasing smile for Hongjoong, whose eyes were already heavy lidded and fading fast.
“Join us when you’re ready, Captain. I’ve been dying to have you boss me around again.”
Maddox arrived at the lodging house to find the assassin already captive and bound to a chair, the officers of the ATEEZ all wide awake and taking turns intimidating him.
Maddox wondered if they were aware how much they spoke to each other without words.
“There was a distress signal,” he explained when Mingi approached with his eyebrow raised, motioning for the men he’d brought to stand by the door.
“We have everything under control,” Mingi assured him smoothly, and Maddox had figured as much but he had to admit he was curious about what was going on.
“Do you mind if I join you?” He asked cordially, and Mingi gave him a shy smile and a nod.
Seonghwa was seated in front of the intruder, not the slightest bit shaken by the attempt on his life.
He had a hand on the scruff of the man’s neck and wasn’t afraid to get in his face, refusing to allow his eyes to be avoided. Maddox guessed his approach was somewhat tame compared to others.
“Your name,” the prince growled. “That’s all I’m asking for now.”
The assassin held his silence for a few seconds before swallowing, his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously as Seonghwa stared him down.
If he tried to lie, they’d know it instantly. Seonghwa had that look in his eyes, like he was asking a question he already knew the answer to. Like he was simply leading the other through an exercise of asserting dominance, where at the end of it the assassin gave him everything he wanted or had a body part broken courtesy of Jongho.
“Jang, at your service,” the man finally spat, smooth features contorting angrily.
Seonghwa smirked and petted the assassin’s neck almost tenderly. “See?” He cooed, his voice as gentle as if he were speaking to a child. “That wasn’t so hard.”
Noticing Maddox’s presence, Seonghwa beckoned him over to whisper in his ear. “Might we speak privately?”
Maddox nodded and signalled for the men he’d brought to guard the assassin. They didn’t want him slipping away while Jongho had his leg tended to again.
When they were outside with the morning sun on their faces, Seonghwa sighed deeply and turned to face him.
“I’ve seen him before.”
Maddox was confused. “What? Where?”
“It was in the square, the day Hongjoong died,” Seonghwa blinked as if remembering against his will. “He was at the execution... he works for Admiral Kim.”
“And yet he tried to kill you when he knows who you are,” Maddox snorted out a laugh, running a hand through his already disheveled hair.
This was turning out to be more of a headache than he’d thought.
“All along...” Seonghwa muttered bitterly, his eyes fixed on the distant waves beyond the docks. “Kim had been planning to kill me at sea and make it look like an accident, just a tragic casualty of war. It doesn’t surprise me in the least.”
“Then it’s a good thing you left when you did, you might not have had anyone to fall back on,” Maddox couldn’t help but notice, straightening his shoulders and asking the younger man for a course of action. “What do you want to do?”
“Relax your security,” Seonghwa suggested after a moment, pushing back off the railing and facing him.
Maddox’s mouth worked silently as he tried to understand. “But...”
“He can lead us to the Black Crow,” Seonghwa’s jaw was set and he insisted without even consulting the rest of his crew, that was how sure he was they would go along with this ridiculous scheme.
“I’m betting he’ll try to escape to inform the Admiral.”
Maddox sighed and looked down at the docks for any unfamiliar ship. There was a single longboat that looked like the Navy’s, but he wasn’t certain it was enough evidence. “You’re sure he knows where they’re headed now?”
“Kim would want confirmation the job was finished,” Seonghwa reasoned. “He must have told Jang where to meet him.”
Maddox chewed on his lip while he considered it. Their band was travelling south already, but a little more specificity to navigate with would undoubtedly be an asset. It was probably worth a try, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. Not to mention the Stardust’s sailing master Jihan would thank him for it.
“Alright, it’s better than nothing,” he finally agreed, shaking hands with the prince and amicably parting ways. It looked like Eden would have to wait.
He took his extra men with him and returned to the Stardust officers’ quarters. Their master gunner and master-at-arms were already seated by the door, ready to go.
“Soomin, Jonghoon,” he addressed them, searching around for his hat. “Pack your things, we’re headed to Haemin.”
Taglist: @serendipityunho @celestial-yunho @atzjjongbby @89staytinyzen21
A/N: Our journey continues southward! Let me know if you noticed any interesting details or have any predictions for the future, and thanks so much for reading and keeping up with Treasure! It means a lot <3
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S6 Watchthrough Episodes 14-17
Face of the Enemy: Troi has been kidnapped and forced to look/pose as a Romulan officer. Why? The one responsible isn’t saying, but to say that she’s unhappy would be an understatement. As it turns out, Troi was abducted by a part of the resistance from Unification and they need a Starfleet officer in case their current plan goes south. They even mention Spock… IDK if I can see him approving of an abduction but maybe they just forgot to mention that he disapproved that part… then again I guess it makes logical sense. Eh, whatever. So… this is by far the best Troi episode that they’ve done thus far. She was kidnapped yes, but she is NOT playing the damsel-in-distress. She’s not victimized. She’s not sexualized. She’s not forced into a poorly conceived romance or undergoes anything gross/f*cked up. She has to act the part of a cold-hearted authoritarian among a ship of Romulans and she is freakin’ badass. Especially when she decides that she’s had enough going and thoroughly tells off her kidnapper N’Vek and that he will listen to her. 100% perfection. They even managed to make her empathic abilities useful. Did putting her in the uniform cause this? Did they get it out of their systems in Man of the People? IDK but I am all for it! It was also an awesome look into the Romulans and the going-ons on their ship, something we haven’t really gotten since TOS’ Balance of Terror, and all the Romulans are done very well. N’Vek kidnapped Troi but he did it for his cause and is a great morally grey character, and the female Romulan Commander Toreth is an excellent antagonist. Plus it’s nice to see more of the resistance and to see them within the Romulan ranks. It was an excellent episode and I freakin’ loved it~! Thank you show for giving Troi the badass episode that she deserves (even if it was this late in the show's run), now keep it up! 5/5.
Tapestry: Two Q episodes this season? Hell yes~! So… Picard dies. Welp. Q decides to take this to give Picard an offer: go back in time and undo his greatest regret, the incident that caused his artificial heart that he told Wesley about in Samaritan Snare. Back when he was a hot-blooded rebel who got himself into a fight that got him stabbed in the heart. In doing so, he now has a chance to correct all the wrongs and settle all he regrets in his life since that day. So up to this point, Q’s episodes since Q Who, while still entertaining and interesting, had been more light-hearted. Q still came off as an all-powerful being (Deja Q aside which him not being was the plot point), but his antics had been more comedic or light-hearted in comparison. In this episode, he’s acting like a trickster as per usual, but again more with the purpose to teach Picard a lesson. Why isn’t made very clear aside from maybe he just likes Picard (take that however way you’d like), but it’s nice to see this version of Q again while still utterly stealing the show. Picard got to undo the event… but would it have really turned out any better had it not happened? Would not making mistakes, having regrets, and making all the supposed ‘right’ choices when he should have had truly made a better impact in his present? That’s the funny thing about life, it’s easy to look back and go ‘if I had done this one thing differently, it would have been better’ and te desire to correct it is very powerful. But with mistakes comes the ability to learn. To grow. To mature. You’ll always have guilt and regrets, but you have to accept that this is what you chose and go about your life. Picard is a man full of thrown-away opportunities, pain, and so much more… but it also caused him to become a strong leader, intelligent, a risk-taker, and even with all his faults become a better person in his present day. Now obviously he doesn’t actually die, but he sure as Hell learned the lesson. The life he would have lead would have been unsatisfying, his old regrets replaced with new ones, and been unfulfilling for a man like himself. Now he can truly value the one that he has and the people in it. This was a fantastic episode. It’s crazy how Picard went from one of my least favorites to now one of my absolute favorites. His development and growth from a strict, aloof authoritarian to a much more reasonable father-like figure and much more humbled man and the captain has been excellent, and this episode just helps further that. The only real complaint is there’s not much time devoted to showing how his crew ended up without him, but that’s minor and doesn’t take anything away at all. Very well done~! 5/5.
Birthright: Okay, guess we got a second two-parter… and apparently it crosses over with DS9. Didn’t see that coming. But alrighty, I’m game~!
Part One: So the crew is on Deep Space 9 to assist in repairs of some incident involving the Bajorans and the Cardassians that I guess I’ll find out about when I get to the show. While there Worf is approached by an alien who informs him that his dead father? He may not be dead after all, having been kept in a Romulan prison. Worf doesn’t take it well. He ain’t the only one having daddy issues. While working with DS9‘s CMO Dr. Bashir, Data gets knocked out has a vision of Dr. Soong (a much younger one than in Brothers). Normally Data can’t dream so he’s pretty taken aback by this. So as a first part, this was pretty good. It sets up Worf’s plot well with him deciding to break into the Romulan camp to find out the truth and rescue the Klingons there. Data’s plot is overall nice. He’s never dreamed before so him trying to track down why is very understandable, especiallya after Picard suggests that he quit going through facts and try a more creative outlet to get his answers. So what happened? As it turns out Dr. Soong made it so that when Data reached a certain cognitive point, he would obtaint he ability to dream and he made an AI version of himself to talk to him. I guess he would have explained this to him in Brothers had Lore not shown up/had he not died. It was a really touching moment. Soong’s still not exactly the most ideal parent, but his AI copy seemed legit proud of how far Data’s come. Is it out of ego, legit parental pride, or both? That’s up for you to decide. As this is my first look at Bashir… so far I don’t have too manys torng opinions. he seems to act more liek a Science Officer or Engineer han a CMO, but he is cute and so far liekabe. He’s curious about Data, but doesn’t dehumanize him like Maddox in The Measure of a Man did, if anything he notes Data’s more human-like elements like being able to grow hair than any of the nuts and bolts. He seems pretty well liked from what I’ve seen int he fandom, so I’ll see how that holds when I reach DS9 but I like him so far. I do have some issues, but that more impacts the Overall so I’ll save it for there. So we end with Worf discovering his father’s true fate… and he’s informed by the Klingons there that he’s never leaving the camp. Welp. How will Worf get out of this one in Part 2? We shall see. 4/5.
Part Two: So what the heck is going on? Well, Worf’s father is infact dead, but there were captured Klingons. As they weren’t able to die with honor nor could they return home as it would dishonor their families (Klingons prefer death to capture), they chose to remain in the camp and live out the rest of their lives there. So now Worf is among multiple Klingons, the vast majority of which know nothing about their heritage, culture, and customs and had it outright demonized. To them, the lives they have are the norm and they have no desire to change it. Worf may have been out of touch with Klingons due to being raised on Earth, but at least he can explore it and get in touch with it. The ones in the camp? They can’t do that. They’re essentially in a gilded cage. Yeah, there's the argument that they achieved peace between Klingons and Romulans… by imprisoning said Klingons and demonizing their culture to them with the older Klingons allowing it. Though it seems it’s also because of broken spirits and the dishonor they’d have faced otherwise which is worst than death to them. There’s even one girl, Ba’el, who is half Klingon, half-Romulan… and despite what gets said I don’t get the sense that her parents' union was a fully consensual one. This was pretty good. Worf has found a group that like him were out of touch with their heritage, and he is now able to educate them and guide them. With all that’s happened and his struggle to be a true Klingon and find his way, this was really nice to have. He’s still clinging onto his hatred of Romulans and this episode isn’t going to help it dissipate, but at least it was addressed and Ba’el being upset at being judged due to how she was born was very much justified. Heaven knows that the themes here are still very much relevant in today’s time. Worf’s guidance pays off in the end and at last, they can be free. The younger Klingons have a rough road likely ahead of them since we know that Klingon society isn’t exactly the easiest to get through, but at least they have a chance at freedom. It was a very strong Worf episode and it was great to see~. 4/5.
Overall: Okay, so overall… it’s pretty uneasy. The Worf parts are good.. As I said, it was nice to see him in a position to give guidance to a group even more out of touch than he is. It was very wel done. The issues are mainly with Part One. We have this plot where they go to DS9… and we are barely there. We have Dr. Bashir… and only him. None of the other characters. We don't even see O’Brien despite him having transferred to DS9 at this point. Maybe the actors were busy sot they could only pick one but it kinda makes doing a crossover cheap. Bashir doesn’t even get a lot to do, you could write him out and very little would change. On the upside this means that viewers who haven’t watched DS9 won’t be confused nor would DS9 be required viewing, but it also kind of defeats the purpose of bringing DS9 in. It’s essentially just window dressing. Data’s plot, while nice, is completely dropped in Part Two. It feels like they were required to do a two-parter, didn’t have enough of the Worf plot to fill it out, and came up with the Data dream plot and using DS9 to fill it out. The crew also don’t really do anything in either part. As such, aside from getting Worf into the place he needs to be, Part One feels irrelevant. As such, I can’t give it a perfect rating. It was still good, but as a two-parter Part One bogs it down, but still allows for Part Two to happen. Overall, pretty good. 4/5.
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headfulloffantasies · 5 years
Star Trek fic (Alternate Original Series. Word count: 1794)
5+1 misuses of the ship wide communication on the USS Enterprise
“What could go wrong?”
As if summoned by the cursed phrase on the captain’s lips, the shadow of Bones appeared on the bridge. 
He jabbed a finger at Kirk. “You are staying here. You will not being going down there.” The finger jabbed at the lush green planet on the display.
“Why not?” A yeoman with a death wish might have described the captain’s tone as whining.
“Because all the green stuff down there is Feleran rose. You are allergic to Feleran rose.”
“Fine,” Kirk agreed.
Several hours after the landing party came back, Kirk slunk into the med bay. 
“Bones? I got a rash.”
Bones refused to turn around. He stared into the depths of his PADD. “Where?”
“My hands… and back… and ribs.”
“You itchy?”
“How’re your eyes and throat?”
“Normal, I guess.”
Bones finally looked up. “Fine. Sit. I will take a look.”
He scraped at Jim’s red raw hands and took the sample over to the computer.
Bones glared at the results. He went deadly still. “Jim. This is Feleran rose.”
He turned around. Jim had vanished. 
Bones calmly pressed the button on the wall to open a ship wide communication. The button screeched with disuse.
“Jim Kirk if I find out you stepped one foot on that planet I will throw you into a supernova myself.”
There was a party in engineering. The unlucky crew who were scheduled to duty and the unfortunate who had been duped into covering shifts were miserably serving their time. 
On the bridge, Ensign Kelly had the con. She was slouched almost to the floor in the captain’s seat, glaring out into open space. If she ever got her hands on Yeoman Slater she was going to launch him into the void for tricking her into this post.
The ship wide communicator chirped. Kelly jerked to attention. Music and laughter filtered over the speakers.
“Hellloooo Enterprise!” A very drunk voice sang. “This is Lieutenant Luis. I am hereby announcing my romantic engagement to Lieutenant Nelson. Aaaaaand, I am cordially inviting the whole crew to our wedding at the next space dock!”
A loud cheer echoed through the comm. 
“Alright,” a grumpy voice interrupted. “You’ve had enough. We’re all very happy-,”
Ensign Maddox had been attacked on the surface of a planet. Four hours after being returned to the Enterprise, Bones was finally satisfied with Maddox’s stable condition. The young ensign was awake, but heavily sedated. He would be counting his own fingers for a few hours. 
Bones leaned his head in his hands with the door to his office shut. The kid was so young. Freckled green skinned, red haired little child. They got younger every day. Bones was already planning the booze he’d be drinking to stave off the nightmares of blood on freckled skin.
The ship wide communicator chirped. Bones jumped. 
Heavy breathing rasped on the comm. “This is Ensign Maddox. I am officially resigning my commission on the basis of I want to live to forty! Y’all can keep risking your lives for whatever it is we’re doing out here in the black. Give me a space suit, I’m jumping ship.”
Bones scrambled out of his office. Maddox was leaning half on the wall, still slurring into the communicator. “Starfleet can kiss my space rocks. I’m going to be a farmer.”
Maddox screamed when he saw Bones coming. He scrambled closer to the wall and thus the communicator.
“Help! Help! I’m being attacked!”
“I’m not attacking you, idiot. You’re under the influence of heavy meds. Get your butt back in bed.”
“Oppression!” Maddox yelled into the wall. His feet windmilled.
Bones grabbed his arm before he fell. Into the communicator he said “Can I get a security detail to watch Ensign Maddox while he sleeps off his drugs, please?”
“Oppression!” Maddox shrieked in Bones’ ear. 
“Hurry it up before I go deaf. McCoy out.”
Replicator 3 was out to get her, Kelly decided. Every time she asked for the spaghetti and garlic toast, replicator 3 used too much garlic. The other replicators didn’t treat her like this.
The ship wide comm chirped. Chatter in the cafeteria slammed to a halt.
“I don’t know, Spock,” the captain’s voice said. “Lately I just want to punch Pike in the face.”
Kelly’s cheeks burned. This was obviously not a conversation the captain meant to broadcast. All around the cafeteria, giggles were being stifled in hands and leering grins were exchanged.
“I was under the impression your relationship with the Admiral was on pleasant terms,” Commander Spock answered.
“It is,” a sigh crackled static shipwide. “It’s just that sometimes he still treats me like a kid. Like I’m still that guy who joined Starfleet on a dare.”
“I don’t mean to misunderstand you, Jim, but you are that person.”
“I know.” Something shuffled, like the captain was rearranging himself. “But I’m more than that now. I’ve earned more respect that that. But sometimes, just for a second, I can see Pike comparing me to my father’s ghost.”
A bang echoed over the speakers. Doctor McCoy’s voice suddenly cut in. “Hey idiot. Pick up your bleeding comm. You’re broadcasting your sob story to the entire ship.”
The captain cursed. “Spock, why didn’t you say anythi-,”
Kelly bit her tongue to keep the giggles in. She looked up and caught Yeoman Tar’s eye. They both lost it.
Kelly was enjoying some peace and quiet in her quarters when the ship wide comm chirped. She set down the book she was reading on her PADD. 
“-For the fourth time. Is this thing on?” The Scottish melody of the Chief Engineer floated through the ship. “Attention Enterprise. We are experiencing communication errors throughout the ship. Please be advised that faults are causing ship wide communication failures and, er, not failures.” There was a pregnant pause. “The comms may start broadcasting without warning, so, ah, watch what you say, yeah?” The message ended. 
Almost immediately, a ship wide comm chirped. “Ever seen a binary nebula? Most beautiful thing in the whole universe if you ask me. There’s one out by Scorpio IV that’s all red and purple. It looks like a rose opening up. I always thought it would be a real romantic spot-,”
Kelly groaned into her PADD. It was never a dull day on the Enterprise.
Kelly was in the cafeteria cursing Replicator 3 when the next comm flub happened.
“-nothing more than a sprain, Ensign.” Nurse Chapel’s voice flooded the ship. “You’re lucky it wasn’t worse. We have safety protocols for a reason-,” the broadcast ended. 
Kelly exchanged a glance with Lieutenant Nelson. 
“At least it wasn’t personal medical information,” he said.
“It’s just freaky, though. It’s like there are no private conversations today,” Kelly poked at her replicated yogurt with too many chunks. “I feel like I can’t talk to anyone.” She was interrupted by another ship wide comm.
“If you ever need help with this stuff, I’m always willing to show you again-,” A female voice crackled.
Kelly waved her hands. “Like that! That was a private, essential conversation and now the whole ship is going to gossip about it.”
It went like that all day. The ship became haunted. It was eerily quiet in the halls, and in common areas, where no one wanted their private conversations to suddenly become public. Ghostly voices floated through the ship, the echoes of people who were not there.  
Kelly ground her teeth through her bridge shift as she was forced to listen to someone in engineering detail the entire plot of the book Kelly had only just started. If she wasn’t on duty, she would have stuffed her fingers in her ears and sang ‘lalalalala’ until it was over. 
Captain Kirk consulted with Commander Spock and Lieutenant Uhura at her station. Kelly couldn’t hear them over the villain ruining her book, but she noticed Kirk was pushing a lot of buttons and Uhura was letting him. The ship wide broadcast suddenly changed from the engineer’s voice to Kirk’s.
“If anyone besides Scotty can fix this, it’s you.”
“Then let me do it,” Uhura said. Kelly watched her lips move with the broadcast as she swatted the captain’s hands away from her controls. 
“Captain-,” Spock started.
Kirk interrupted, “I’m just trying to help. What if you feed the broadcast back into a single location?” Clearly none of the team had noticed their bridge crew was tipping their heads towards their conversation.
“I tried that,” Uhura fumed. “The only place the system will let me isolate the broadcast to is the bridge.”
Spock tried again to get Kirk’s attention. “Captain,-”
“Hang on Spock.” Kirk addressed Uhura. “So isolate to the bridge. Is that so bad?”
“Do you want to listen to the crew chatter all day while you’re supposed to be commanding a starship?”
Kirk shrugged. “It’s more entertaining than plotting a course to the middle of nowhere.”
Ensign Wells stifled a laugh. Commander Spock locked eyes on him. The Vulcan eyebrow went up. 
“Captain, I believe this conversation is no longer private.”
Kirk straightened up, his shoulders rigid. “Whoops.” 
The whole bridge burst out in muted giggles. 
Kirk turned around and faced his crew with a fake smile plastered on his pretty face. “Ok folks, show’s over. Back to your stations.”
Apparently the isolation of the broadcasts to the bridge had only been a temporary patch. In the middle of Kelly’s sleep shift, she jolted awake to a loud chorus of punk music blaring throughout the ship. Kelly groaned and stuffed her head under her pillow.
A door slammed somewhere near the location of the song. “Gary! Everyone can hear your horrible taste in music!”
It was going to be a long night. 
“Good morning Enterprise,” Scotty’s whimsical accent interrupted Kelly’s breakfast again. “You will all be glad to know that the ship’s communications system has been fixed. The technology responsible has been tried and executed for its crimes. Scotty out.”
“Good morning Enterprise,” The captain’s voice echoed throughout the ship. “I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the fact that today is day 1000 of our 5 year mission. We’ve loved and lost over that time. We’ve discovered things no one has ever imagined before. We’ve paved the way for new adventures, new loves and new losses. I’d like to have a moment of silence for those who haven’t made it this far.” 
“Thank you. And now I’d like to play for you a classic Earth song that I think perfectly encapsulates the journey we are on.”
A woman’s sang along to a pumping beat. “I’m all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble-,“ the song abruptly cut out.
“Scotty! I thought you said you fixed it!”
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flauntpage · 6 years
Do the Eagles Need to Get Younger? An Investigation…
Do the Eagles need to get younger?
I’ve seen this topic floating around on social media, which I think is just a byproduct of the Eagles bringing back 32 year old DeSean Jackson and 37 year old Jason Peters for the 2019 season and perhaps beyond.
Tack on the extensions for 31 year old Jason Kelce, 30 year old Brandon Graham, and the one-year deal for 31 year old Andrew Sendejo, and the intensity of that “narrative” amplifies.
Is Howie Roseman putting too much trust in guys who are getting up there in age?
My gut tells me no, I don’t think so, since the Super Bowl winning team got contributions from 32 year old Chris Long, 31 year old LeGarrette Blount, and 30 year old Malcolm Jenkins.
But I thought it might be a good idea to go down the list and see who exactly Howie is targeting, then determine if we can draw any conclusions. I cobbled together free agents, trades, and players who were extended while still under contract (like Isaac Seumalo, but not Rodney McLeod, since he didn’t get additional years, just a re-work.) I did not include fringe guys who bounced to and from the practice squad, or who never had much of a chance to make the roster in the first place.
I also didn’t include the draft, or undrafted free agent rookies, because obviously all of those former college players are bringing up your bottom end age number. You’re naturally getting younger through the draft, which adds balance to your free agent pursuits and probably justifies the targeting of affordable veterans on shorter deals, which has been the Eagles’ strategy for some time now.
This exercise identifies the player, his age, and how they were acquired:
2019 free agents, extensions, trades
(T) Jason Peters: 37 (one-year re-negotiation)
(WR) DeSean Jackson: 32 (three-year deal)
(G) Isaac Seumalo: 25 (extended before hitting final year of rookie contract)
(CB) Ronald Darby: 25 (one-year deal)
(C) Jason Kelce: 31 (three-year extension)
(DE) Brandon Graham: 30 (three-year extension)
(LB/ST) L.J. Fort: 29 (three-year deal)
(S) Andrew Sendejo: 31 (one-year deal)
(DT) Malik Jackson: 29 (three-year deal)
(K) Jake Elliott: 24 (one-year deal)
(LS) Rick Lovato: 26 (one-year deal)
(LB) Paul Worrilow: 28 (one-year deal)
That’s where we’re at right now. Peters is back for another year, DeSean returns on a three-year deal, and you’ve got the extensions for Kelce, Graham, and Seumalo. Malik Jackson replaces Haloti Ngata and/or Tim Jernigan on the defensive line and you’ve got Darby and Worrilow back on one-year deals as they come off of injury.
Elliott and Lovato are specialist no-brainer signings, so I wouldn’t even really count them into this exercise. For our purposes, let’s go with with offensive players, defensive players, and other special teamers.
Average age of extended/traded for/free agent players thus far (no Elliott or Lovato):
29.7 years.
That seems high, but there will be more additions. Right now, this list includes five guys who are age 30 or older.
2018 free agents, extensions, trades
(LB) Nigel Bradham: 29 (signed five-year contract extension)
(S) Corey Graham: 33 (returned on one-year deal)
(RB) Darren Sproles: 35 (returned on one-year deal)
(LB) *Corey Nelson: 25 (signed one-year deal, released before season)
(DT) Haloti Ngata: 34 (one-year deal)
(WR) Mike Wallace: 32 (one-year deal)
(LB) Paul Worrilow: 27 (one-year deal)
(TE) Richard Rodgers: 26 (one-year deal)
(WR) Markus Wheaton: 27 (one-year deal)
(CB) Cre’Von LeBlanc: 24 (claimed off waivers)
(TE) Josh Perkins 24 (two-year deal)
(QB) *Joe Callahan: 24 (two-year deal)
(RB) *Matt Jones: 25 (two-year deal)
(LB) LaRoy Reynolds: 27 (one-year deal)
(WR) DeAndre Carter: 25 (one-year deal)
(WR) Kamar Aiken: 29 (one-year deal)
(QB) *Christian Hackenberg: 23 (one-year deal)
(DE/DT) Michael Bennett: 32 (Seattle trade)
(CB) *Daryl Worley: 23 (Carolina trade)
(WR) Golden Tate: 30 (Detroit trade)
(WR) Jordan Matthews: 26 (one-year free agent deal)
I put asterisks next to some of the more notable players who did not make the 53-man roster. Of those guys, Worley and Nelson were the only two that were expected to be on the squad, and maybe Jones as well. Nelson disappointed in training camp and Worley had the legal troubles. They were 25 and 23 years old, respectively.
You see a slew of one-year deals on here though, so even though the Eagles brought in a lot of guys who were in their late twenties and early thirties, none were given contracts that would constrict the salary cap moving forward. Bradham’s contract, which was justified, takes him to age 34. Tate was a free agent on an expiring contract and the Eagles ended up swinging Bennett to New England. Corey Graham returned on a one-year deal to add secondary depth and is now a free agent.
Average age of extended/traded for/free agent players:
27.6, if you include LeBlanc as a free agent, who was claimed off waivers and became a starter in the secondary.
That’s not bad at all.
Average age of Eagles’ final 53-man roster, plus IR list:
26.4 years
The oldest players on the 2018 roster were Peters, Sproles, Ngata, and Bennett, while the youngest was Josh Sweat, at age 21. The Birds had five 22 year olds in Avonte Maddox, Chandon Sullivan, Sidney Jones, Derek Barnett, and Josh Adams.
2017 free agents, extensions, trades
(QB) Nick Foles: 28 (two-year deal)
(CB) Patrick Robinson: 29 (one-year deal)
(WR) Alshon Jeffery: 27 (one-year deal, later extended)
(DE) Chris Long: 32 (two-year deal)
(RB) LeGarrette Blount: 31 (one-year deal)
(T) Jason Peters: 35 (one-year contract extension)
(CB) Dexter McDougle: 26 (Jets trade)
(G) Stefen Wisniewski: 28 (three-year deal)
(WR) Torrey Smith: 28 (three-year deal)
(RB/KR) Kenjon Barner: 27 (one-year deal)
(LB/ST) Bryan Braman: 30 (one-year deal)
(TE) Trey Burton: 26 (one-year RFA tender)
(LB) Najee Goode: 28 (RFA, one-year deal)
(CB) Jaylen Watkins: 25 (RFA, one-year deal)
(G) Chance Warmack: 26 (one-year deal)
(QB) *Matt McGloin: 27 (one-year deal)
(DT) Tim Jernigan: 25 (Baltimore draft day trade)
(CB) Ronald Darby: 23 (Jordan Matthews/Buffalo trade)
(RB) Jay Ajayi: 24 (Dolphins trade)
They got three Super Bowl contributors age 25 and younger via trade, two which were made before the season and one in the middle of the season. Alshon came in on a one-year “prove it” deal and was later extended. Torrey Smith and Stef Wisniewski got three-year deals that would have carried them to age 31.
Otherwise, the pattern was the same – short deals for free agent veterans, three or four trades, and then a smattering of smaller transactions.
Average age of extended/traded for/free agent players:
27.6 – the exact same average number of the players they targeted in this fashion in 2018.
Average age of Eagles’ final 53-man roster, plus IR list:
26.6 years, just 0.2 different from the Eagles’ 2018 roster.
The oldest players on the roster again were Peters, Sproles, 37 year old Donnie Jones in his final year, and 32 year old Will Beatty, who didn’t play a single snap. The youngest rostered players were Sidney Jones and Derek Barnett at age 21.
If you go through the Eagles roster as it stands right now, Peters, Jaccson, Sendejo, and Kelce are four of the five oldest guys on the squad. If Chris Long returns, he’s the 5th. Beyond them, it’s Malcolm Jenkins, Brandon Graham, and Alshon Jeffery.
It’s a little on the high end, but the Eagles are not an NFL outlier. Jimmy Kempski over at Philly Voice looks into the average age of each roster at the beginning of the season, when the 53-man cutdown takes place, and the Eagles actually had the 11th youngest squad in 2018, an average age of 25.7 when the season began. That spiked by 0.7 as roster moves were made throughout the year.
In 2017, the Eagles averaged 26.4 at the 53-man cutdown, which was 23rd in the league, so a big difference there, but also predicated on the moves made by other teams. They also won the Super Bowl, so yeah.
It should also be noted that the #1 youngest team in the NFL last year was the Browns, at 25.2, while the #32 team was the Raiders, at 27.4. It doesn’t seem like much of a difference between ceiling and floor, and it’s not, but as Jimmy explains in his story, that’s an average gap of 2 years for each of the 53 players, which extrapolates to more than 100 combined years of experience that you’re missing out on, shared throughout the entirety of the team. Something to think about there.
The Eagles have seven draft picks this year, which should result in 5-7 young players, depending on how they want to use those assets. Last year, they only drafted five players, compared to eight in the previous year. This will help swing the age balance down to that average of 26, where they’ve been for the last few seasons.
In conclusion, yeah, it does seem like the Eagles are targeting some older guys this offseason, but the pendulum will swing them back towards where they typically are in the age department.
(If I missed any roster moves, let me know and I’ll add them in)
The post Do the Eagles Need to Get Younger? An Investigation… appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Do the Eagles Need to Get Younger? An Investigation… published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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SHARED is a dark MFM menage romance, a story co-written with two of my favorite author friends, the awesomely talented Willow Winters and Lauren Landish. We thoroughly enjoyed writing it, and I hope you will ♡❤♡ LOVE it when you read it while it's 99c or Free with KU at http://amzn.to/2kU63Xb♡❤♡ Check out the Cover, Blurb and the Free Prologue below.  ♡❤♡ SHARED ♡❤♡ A 99c/KU New Release!  Grab this Hot NEW 99c/KU Release Now!  Here's the Blurb! And the Free Prologue is below. ♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡ We're dead for touching her. But I don't want to stop. Damon and I know first hand how cruel and unforgiving the world can be. We grew up relying on each other just to survive. Since then, we do everything together, from fighting to sharing women. Until Bianca. Our honey bee. We’ve been tasked with keeping her safe. Our job is simple: don’t let anyone touch her. It should be easy, but she’s untouchable and we’ve both craved her for years. Her lust-filled gazes and soft, kissable lips beg us to take her.  She knows this is wrong. All three of us do. But the forbidden is too tempting to refuse. She brings out a different side of me I’ve never felt before. Jealousy. I see it in her eyes that she wants us both.  Together we can overwhelm her with pleasure that she’s never imagined.  But I want those sweet moans all to myself. I don’t want to share her. Not anymore. *Author's Note: Shared is a MFM full-length ménage romance that is all about the woman. There are no M/M scenes. This story is all about TWO hot, bad boys who fall for the same woman... Grab SHARED for 99c or Free with Kindle Unlimited!   Free Prologue ♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡ Maddox The bedroom is dark with the curtains closed, only the dim light of the moon shines through the sheer curtains. But I can still see what matters as I stalk across the room, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. My eyes have already adjusted to the darkness.  Bianca’s soft moans fill the quiet air. They’re almost whimpers, pleas for pleasure. I live for that sound. I want more, I want to be the one forcing those soft sighs from her lips.  I don’t know when it happened, but the beast in me has calmed.  It’s because of her, I know it is. She brings out a different side of me, but I can feel it slipping when Damon’s with her. I can feel it clawing at me to rip him away from her.  I wrap my fingers around the bedpost, my eyes on them, watching how he kisses her neck and she arches it back, exposing more of her soft, sensitive skin to him. She knows this is wrong. We all do. But the forbidden is too tempting to refuse.  She closes her eyes, a soft gasp escaping her lips as his thumb travels over her hardened nipple, down to the curve of her waist. I don’t usually watch, I’m not a patient man, but seeing her in complete and utter rapture, enjoying Damon’s touch is something I’ve never seen before. Not from so far away. I’ve never admired her like this before.  She holds my attention and makes me want things no one else has. She also brings out my jealousy. My dick hardens and my blood heats as her fingers spear through his hair and he leaves opened mouthed kisses down her body, slowly crawling lower and lower. I've never had to deal with jealousy when it's come to Damon; we've always shared... everything. We’ve always shared women, but none of them were like her.  Our honey bee.  I’m not the only one that’s changed. There’s a different side to him too, a more aggressive side. He may think that he’s hiding it well, but I see it all too clearly. My grip tightens on the wooden post as the bed creaks and Damon crawls between her legs. He doesn’t look back over his shoulder. He doesn’t take his eyes away from her.  Neither of them sees me.  It seems as though everything is slowing down around me and I’m getting a better look at the life I’m leading and where I’m going to end up.  My honey bee spreads her gorgeous legs wider for him, her heels digging into the mattress as she bends her knees and scoots her hips closer to him.  He groans, loving how she wants him.  My heart stutters in my chest. I thought she wanted me too. I’ve seen the same lust shining in her eyes when she looks at me when I take her. I’m sure of it. I know she wants me.  My heart races as I move forward, my knee sinking into the mattress as I crawl to her, finally getting Bianca’s attention. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip, her chest rising with a heavy breath. She’s yet to have us both at the same time, and that changes tonight.  I won’t stay away and give Damon a chance to steal her from me. I don’t know where I stand with Bianca on my own; I don’t know where I stand with him either, but I’m going to take what I want.  I close my eyes with sweet satisfaction she reaches out for me, her soft fingers drifting easily down my chest, running through the small spatter of chest hair. Her touch almost tickles, but it’s too seductive. A spark of electricity ignites my body.  I don’t have to look at Damon to know that he’s staring at me. I can feel the heat in his eyes, the same jealousy and uncertainty that I feel. Nothing will ever be the same between us. My eyes focus on her gorgeous chocolate eyes with flecks of gold, reflecting the dark desire that crackles between us. But her eyes flicker to his, and then back to mine.  My blood courses with adrenaline, fueling me to possess her. I hate that I’m sharing her, just as much as he is. It never used to be this way. But with her, I’m playing a different game.  For now, while we’re stuck here in our safe house, paid to protect her and keep her safe, I’ll play along. I’ll continue to do what I've done for years and share her with my best friend. Her soft lips press against mine, her right hand spearing through my hair, twisting and pulling gently as her tongue slides across mine with swift strokes.  But as soon as she’s safe, as soon as the danger is gone, I’m taking her.  I can’t share her. Not anymore. End of Prologue ♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡ Get SHARED Now! 
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